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.'-30VII 35-59-1-21/241 Second Research-Production Conference on Buili-,ip Weldint; With Vibro-Arc nical Instituter which exarained physicall character of the optimal limits. Candidate of T~,~--hnical. Sciences V.B. Shlyapin (TsNII for railroad transportation) lec- tured on the automatic build-up welding with a vibro electrode under a layer of powder whIch 6ui~rantees thin layers of high quality without pcrc-:,. and rracks, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docen' . K.V. Florov and Engineer N.S. Demidovich (Dnepropetrovsk Institute for Mining Industry imen! Artem ; dealt with problems of' vibro--aro welding of worn-out; parts o.f machines used in the coal mining iniuctry an". with the mechanical proceosint; of layer3 of the build-up weld. Enginecr Yc6t.. Obruchnikov (Moscow Inutitute for Miecha- nization and Electrification of Al;ricultiiro) spoke on the chances of using mechanicR! 1,-,ercivloive ~;enerators for build-up welding of thin layersz. Fngineer V.A. Bnutina (ChPI) reported about the work which was car- ried out by the welling deptirtment and the rar repair shops In testing and projectint-, vibro"O" Card 3/6 hends. Candidate r)'~ Trchincal, 3cJcn-(-;, Second Research-Produe t 1 oil Confereri~,,(-, on Bu-,N-un IN: 1,h Vibro-Arc Docent, A.A. Opir idonov devoted '.-i 1 spoi_,ch- cs o m C- new construction-, of beuts which wer!-_~ the Department fo.,- ir. ti-~e Urn] Poly*,e,.h- nical Tnstitu.--~. an-~, *o oone t,?F4. re^,uit-, vibre arc welding, on earbon. d_-oxideL,. Can,.!"i~itt, cf T-toh-nl-- cnl ScienCes, N.T. Dolluenko r!~-Porte.J atour stud,,e,.,, -.c explore and inLroduce e1ertro. Ili! 011 car parts, of crank ari mul., ti-electrode build-up weldinC. AvBc ?Ioh- beyn lectured on the production of automatic mach,.nes for build-up weldin- -.-vith vorcu3siv,- arc -,n The Ord- zhonikidze works inoOhelva~4nsk. Ar-,m- ,-Ypericnces applying vibro.-arc weld'vig wer- report-M in the lec- tures of the enrineersYe-.,1,., Bnnlrirl ILA* Kama- lov (Chelyabavtoremzavod), V,T. Gololobova ZjJntouc- 4;ovddy,'.',etnllurg,ic Institute ime.all stallp, A".'_ katashryy (Muri:innsk 3hip Rej,aii- (Chl'l)t V.T. Gorbatyuk (1n1-ti+ku*,,, 'Navril Lng.1ler-ra Card 4/6 in 0.19 ssa Kipnio (Tcchn;,-al of' Second Research-Production Conference on Bui._'d-up 'Welding 'With Vibro-Arc the Kaliningrad economic Oistri~J)~ rrid P.T. Dvnirp~-hc.- skiy (TsBTI in the Kruonoyorozl- The3e leotures .,how, Quit. vibro-are wt,!itinj~ 1o -,uecoss- fully used in repairing parto in motal-ciitting machines, of cars, of metallurgic, energetic, and other equipment of ship enGineu. The conference adopted a resolution calling for a. further perfection of build-up welding with vibro-arc. It was found necessary to continue the research studying I , the 1,tyer of the. build-up weld, the wearing reolstance of the welded ptirtz,,, the devc- lopment of effective methodo to provent, cracks. It was also thought to be Important tc 3tudy flie limits and technology of build-up weldint, with alternating current and the build-up welding of n1loyed steels; cast-iron, and non-forrour, vietril-n, The resolution al-. so points to the necessity of putting grent emphasis on the development of research into build-up welding with a vibro electrode under a powder layer Pnd with shielding gases; nl8o vit-is Ithe of d('v('- Card 5/6 loping methodn to alloy the build-op lr!~;,r OU-flng the V/1 '49 Second Research -Productlon Con.ferenc(~ on BuIl Vibro-Arc welding. A'atomatic anJ. L;emi-mjtcm.,iti-- bij-1.1,i-up %vellers ar,? to bc f-Jr'~ber de,,clopcd fuid Fpeoial attentior, is givt~n to machines w.,.rej :)f b-4fr dia.- meter, btind electrc(le,,,, and ASSOCIATION: Chelydjinalraya 6blmstmpq& zektsiym nvark-t (M-0-.1yabt-&r. GVJLst Welding Card 6/6 - -- - - - RAUHI - O.A# p k(Lud.-- -takhn-. ut-Ic -RIMEOV -I a Slut " 0 v IP A.S.-- Ots.; 0111 TOY, Y.M., inzh. Stability of welding del-)rmations. (Sbor st.] CHIPI no.16:5-13 159. (MM 22:9) (Welding-Teettag) (Strains and stresses) -----PAM1#-OeAe I kande- -tekhnauuk ---- -- , - g~~ 0 Method of meamaring the range of electrode weaving In automstio weaving-aro hard facing* [Sbor. at.] CnP1 no.16i45-50 159. (KIU 1219) (Hard facing-Testing) (Slectric- welding-Testing) -----QAIAKTIONOV-A-TejDZNISOV, TUA-j-XW'rMV, 0-T.1-HASLOV, -MIJj )IIKOMP- I.P.; P;~UVIX, I.T.; KOCHEVA , G.N.; iGIMOVp A.Pq TEL Og N.M.; RAUKOV, M.I.; SPWHKOV, V.T.; STKPANOTV B.T.9 SWANOVt V*V61 kand, takhn. nauk; SHEMMOVp B.Ts.; YMSHBVp G.P.; IWIKOV# K.A.9 dots., retsen ontl BAKSHI O.A., dotseq retseezentl BZMKrNq P*Not dotses retsen:Outj P11MW I.R.9dots.9 retsentzent; RUDAKOVq A.S.# dots,, reteensentl FIZHB=p N*Bef inshot retsen- zent; IHRUSTALIT9 L&Taof Osh,p reteententl KRlUTIKHOVSKIrl V.G.p insh.9 red. BOBROTI Ye.Ieg kands takhn. naukp red. DUGINAp N.A.9 takhn. red. [Welding bandbook] Spravoohnik raboahogo-evarshchika. Pod red. V.V*Stepanova. Moskyap goa. nauchno-tekhnizd-vo mehinostroit. lit"ryp 1960, 640 p, (Welding) (MIRA 14:6) 82583 /jD ?/670 s/148/6o/boo/oo6/oo8/bio AUTHORSt Povolotakir, D. Ya., Bakshi, 0. TITLE: On the Effect of Internal Stress On Flake Formation in Steel' PMIODICAL: Izvestiya vye3hikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Chemaya metallurgiya, 1960, No. 6, pp. 124-130 TEXT: It was established by previous Investigations that'the hydrogen content in steel had a primary effect on flake formation. The effect of Internal stress was considered to be secondary. The latest studies proved, however, that both the hydrogen content and the internal stress might be factors leading to the formation offLakes. There are few data available on changes in the internal stress of shaped rolled or forged steel work, resulting from heat treatment, p"~enting flake formation. Investigations were carried out into the effect of a special heat treatment on the magnitude and way of the distribution of intemal. streso of the I order. Moreover, an attempt was made to determine stress of the 11 order by X-ray structural analysis. Tests were performed with 18YM18KWT) steel containing 0.22% C, 0.9% Mn, 0.23% 31, 1.07% Cr and 0.1% Ti. Blanks were rolled from annealed blooms and subjeoted to heat treatment and air cooling. Other blanks were air cooled directly after rolling without undergoing an Card 1/2 82583 W148,/6o/ow/oo6/oo8/oio On the Effect of Internal Stress on Flake Formation in Steel Intermediate heat treatment. The hydrogen content was determined by a method y, and V, P. Isayev. Int%mal. developed by A. N. Morozov, D. Xa, Povolotski, stress was determined by N. V. Kalakutskiy's and N. N. Davidenko's methods. Linear measurements were made with a general-purpose microscope. The following results have been obtainedi there were no flakes observed in blanks subjected to heat treatment after rolling. Tho absence of flakes was not due to the elimination of hydrogen but to the. effect- of a decrease in the internal stress. Tensile stress was not able to cause flake formation but created favorab16 conditions for this process. Thermal treatment of flake-sensitiv6 steels caused considerable reduction of tensile stress; this is qpe of the main causes for the absence of flakes in steel work after annealing. The determination of stress of the 11 order performed by X-ray structural analysis showed consid- erable changes in tangential and radial stress. The values obtained are not reliable, although the presence of internal stress of the II order in blanks which were air coolad after rolling, Is beyond any, doubt. Stress, caused by the presence of hydrogen in steel, combined with Internal stress, resulting from cooling and deformation, cause the formation of flakes. There are 2 sets of microphotos, 2 graphs and 8 references: 7 Soviet and 1 English. Card 2/3 82583 s/148/6o/ooo/oo6/oo8/oio On the Effect of Internal Stress on Flake Formation in Steel AW)CIATION: Chelyabinskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute) SuEMr=1 September 18, 1959 Card 3/3 BAKSHI"okar--AlaaAmirOdWU-JLMWI,OVO S.I.0 k&W.tekhz.aauk,, retsonsent; DUOINA9 N.A.j (Stresces and warpage in welding] Napriazhaniia i koroblenie pri ovarke,. Moskva, Masbgims 1963., 69 p. (Nauabno-pcpAiarmia bibliotaka raboohogo-syarshchika,, n0-4). (MIRA l5s4) (Welding-Defectis) (Themal stresses) kand.tekhn,naukj SOLOVSKOYO V.M.p insh. Research in the - fiold. of. mechanization of welding carried out by the ChelyabinskAssearch Institute on Technological Proceaues in the Manufacture of Machinery, Svar, proizv. no,,10:17-21 0 1619 (MIRA 14:9) (Welding-FiquiMent, and supplies) IDID 1511, 27934 3/135/61/000/010/003/00& A006/A 10 1 AUTHORS- Bakahl, 0. A., Candidate of Technical Scinnc,?-~, Solovskoy, 11, M., 'b~ne-er- ~TITLE Ach.evements of Chelyabinsk NlITEKhMASh In the fiold of me~h&nlzlng the welding practice PURIODIC,AL. Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 10, 1961, 20 ,EX'--. Together with the Plant Imeni S. Ordzhonikidze, the Soient1fic Researcb Institute of Machinebuilding Technology of the Chelyabinsk Sovnarkhoz (N71TEKhMASh) has investigated and accomplished the method of pulsation-arc (vibration arc) building-up and welding with the use of kqPIA -5 (KUMA-5) auto- matin ma:,blnes and a modernized mandrel. Metals 0.6 - 2.0 mm thick were welded by this method In a cooling liquid jet, under flux, and in oarbon dioxide. As a result of the study it was found that; 1) hot roll*ed and cold rolled low carbon 4teels, 0.6 - 2.0 mm thick, oan be welded by the pulsation are process without. suoply of liquid using (Sv-08) wire up to 2.0 mm in diameter; 2) Pulsation arc welding of thin low carbon steel produces slight deformations of the welded part, a reduced area of heat-affected zone and seams with a 0.6 - 2 mm log, at Card 1/2 2793h S/1135/61/000/010/0(~3/008 Achievements of Chelyabinsk NIITEKWSh ... A006/AIOL relatively high welding speed. The pulsation are welding machine ta simpln in operation. 3) The vibration of the welding wire tip at 100 cycles frequnncy and at a constant feed rate, &33ures satisfactory excitatioz. of the irc w~l .,table burming; thq mcatal 1-4 transferred by small po-ntions 4) Sa~.Iqfactory fo-mation of the weld joint Is obtained at 100 iTL/h weidl-g !:pt-od for 0.6 - 2.0 mm thick metal. 5) The low Youage generator Is r~t~ommended as a power s),ipply scur,,~e. An reactan.- 4 in the form of d thrott le wl th sec t ional wind ire,6o:.r~c- we3dtnA c1rcu!t. Thero is I figure. Card 2/2 S/125/62/000/007/005/012 D040/D113 ~VTVOZ: Dal and Klykov, N.A. 71'AL.'.: Invcstigatioi of temperature fields and residual stresses when arc wel,lin~; a bole in flat steel shects p-,., UODICU: Avtovatiches-Itaya svarka, no. 7, 19G2, 31-35 T:;G: TI-o ~Qscrib-.d cxrzrimonts confimed the feasibility of theoretically cal- cujatinL residual stresses in steel sheets arou.nd holes filled by are,welding. ii.c calculation method, previously suggested by Bakshi and based on the theoreti- ':'~l asslu".ption that the linear heat source is imobile, is explained, and the em- perin,,ental to,-liniques described. The vaterial used was 8 mm thick 500 x 100 run shects of annea-Icd low-carbon stee14 with one drilled hole of 6 rmi diam in the c~=er. The holes were filled by automatic arc welding with an irawbile welder Constant. The mean and a time relay ensuring that the time of arc burning was 1wat quantity introduced into the sheet at given conditions was measured*, and the liberating arc energy oscillographed; the tenperaturo in spots at different'dis- tances from the hole was measured by thermocouples. The distribution of radial Card 1/2 S/125/62/000/007/CV5/012 D040/D113 lnyo.stigation of temperature ......... ,.nd Lan-ential residual stresses was measured by applying radial contracting .rorces ~o the contour of the hole, and verified using an electric resistance Strain age. Fort-mlas of the theory of elasticity were employed. The obtained data arc related to the thermic cycles in different points an the shect. The distribution of residual stresses and plastic deformtions are presented in graphs and closely coincide with the theoretical values. There.are 5 figures. ,~sso~;IATIONS: Cliclyabinskiy politelchnicheskiy institut (Chelyabinsk Polytecluiie 111stitute) (O.A. Bakshi); Nauchno-is sledovatel I sic iy i proyelano- tehlinologicheskiy institut avtomatitatsii imekhanizatsii mashino- stroyeniya (Scientific Research and Design and.Planning Technologi- cal Institute for the Automation and Mechanization of Machinebuild- ing) (N.A. Klykov) SUID11ITT'n, July 31, 1961 Card 21/2 BAKSHIL 0 A kand.takhn.nauk; SHRONj R.Z., inzh. Strength during the static tension of v*14 joints vith a soft padding. Svar.proizv. no.5t6_10 Vq 162. (MIRA 15s12) 1. NIMMUSh Chelyabinskogo soveta, narodnogo khozyaystva. (Welding-Testing) - - -BAKSHI- O.K----ka-ndtjkIjj~~SOWV5KOY N.M., -i--n-z-h-. - - 0 Welding innovator's day in Chelyabinsk. Svar.proizv. no.741 JI 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Chelyabinsk-Welding-Technologica1 innovations) BAKSHI O.A. kand.tekhn.nauk; SIIATOV, A.A., inch, University on theoretical problems on welding in Chelyabinsk, staffed with volunteers. Svar. proisv, no.8t46 Ag 162 jMRA 15111) (Chol,yabinek-Welding-Study and teaohing) N BkLZHI, M.F.; HEREZKIN, P.N.; GOLIDSHTEIN, Ya.Ye.; GALTEIRIN, Ye.B.; YEDLICHKO, V.V.; KERAS, A.F.; LEKUS, I.D.; POTEKUSHIN, N.V.; POZDNYSHEVP V.M.; SUBBOTIN, N.A.; SAVINTSEV, R.I.; TAFAfOVSKIY, V.M,j SHEREMETIYEV, A.D.; B&LSIU., O.A.,_,,_knnd. tekhn. nauk,, retsenzentl BONDIN, Ye.A., inzh., retsenzent; BOYKO, F.I., inzh., retsenzent; VASIN, Yu.P., inzh., retsenzent; LAZAREV, A.A., inzh., reteenzentj SORDKIN, A.I., inzh., retsenzent; KONIKOV, Arkadiy Sergeyevich, dote., red.; DUG1NA, N.A., tekhn. red. [Economy of metals in the machinery industry]Ekonomiia metallov v mashinostroenii. ( W]M.F.Balzhi i dr. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 235 P. (MIRA 16:2) (Machinery-Design and construction) (Metals, Substitutes for) 5/032/63/029/002/027/028 B101[3166 1UTHORS: Bakehip 0. A.j Kullnevich, B. 0.t and Ovohinnikov, V. V. TITLE: Bending tests on samples with large cross sections PERIODICALi Znvodakaya laboratoriyal Y. 299 no. 2, 1963, 240 TEXTt A 500 t hydraulic press (Fig.) was adapted for bending tests of welds: having a cross section of 120-120 mm and a length of 800 mm. The supports (2) are fastened to frame (1). The left support carries the croeshead (3) the hydraulic cylinder (4) of internal diameter 450 mm and the ram (5) with length of path 400 mm, rate of feed 20 mm/min. crosshead (6) is fastened to the right support. (3) and (6) are connected by bare and fas- tened by pins (8). Knife-edge (10) which loads the sample is mounted on ram (5) for the bending test of sample (9) and the supporting plate (11) and baffl (12) were mounted on (6). 'The measuring device consists of the channel b: am (13) and the rod (14) whose movement is transmitted by the thread (15), over the system of pulleys (16) to the graduated drum (17)9 the thread being stretched by the weight (18). There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATIONs Chelyabinakiy politekhnicheakly institut (Chelyabinsk Poly- Card 1/3 technic Ins titute S/032/63/029/002/027/028 Bending tests on samples with... B101/BI86 Fig. Schematical drawing of the press with equipment for the bending test. Legends (a) unit "Atli (b) unit HO. Card 2/3 Sending t9sts'on somplea with,.. S/032/63/029/002/027/028 BIOI/Bi86 0) ~) op lit- Card 3/3 SHROK, R.Z., inth.; BAKSHI, O.A., kand.takhn.nauk -Evaluating the strength of welded joints with a soft interlayer. Svar. proisv. no.*9all-14 S 162. (MMk 15:12) 1. NIPTIAMMh Cholyabinskogo ooveta n&rodnogo khosyayotva (for Shron), 2, Chelyabinakiy politekhnichookiy institut (for Bakshi). (Welding-"Tooting) (Strains and stresses) DAKSHI 0 A k&nd.tekhn.nmfK; MOMOSHNOV, A.N., inzh. :=:4~ ResIstanoe of welded joints with n soft heat zone to impaot tension. Svar. proizv. no.90-10 S 163. (MIRA 16slo) 1. ChoVabinskiy politokhnichu,-Aly Institilt., OKMLOMP N.C.; 11WHIP O.A.j SHRON, R.Z. Effect of the mechanical dissimilarity of weldments on their efficiency. Trudy ITI no.229t5-15 163. (MIRA 170) BAKSHI, O.A., kand. tekhn. nauk Effect of the heterogenAity of the mechanical properties of welded joints on their efficiency under torsion. Svar. proitv. no.8:3-7 Ag 164. (MIRA 17t9) 1. Chelyabinakiy politakhnickeekiy inatitut. HAKSHIP O.Aq MONOSHKOVj AA, Use of the "force - time" oacillogran in determining the erfeot of deformation due to impact, Zav. lab. 30 no.9tI122-1123 164, (KIRA 1813) 1, Chelyabinskiy, politakhnichookiy institut. VAAKz;Hl, C.A., kand. teklin. nauk; -1- " , ; -.-, ~- 1 . ~ " k", I i ". v ". - y Deformation of butt welds under pulsation stress ftT~)Plicatlcn. I Svar. proizv. no.1:10-13 Ja 14. (I-,JRA 18:3) 1. ChalyabinBkiy politeklinicheskiy Institut. POVOLOTSKiyt D.Ya.; HAM !A.~ P,ydrogen britlu*?rv~at of mtetel. Izv,v-.vfs*uchs.,b*zav,,; chernometo 8 to.6:54-.59 165* (MIRA IM) 1. Ghi~lyablnskly Inmtitixt. BAMIJI, O.A.; KACHANOV, -L.M. - Stressed state of a plastic interlayer In axisymmetric deformation. Izv. AN SSSR. Mekh, no*W34~137 Mr-AP 165. (MI* 18t6) I ~i 0t9kI I I 1* 11:1 Ilk j j I, YK-Y) T I '~ IG 1.1 1nzh. prof~ertivl:i of deposit.,)d auntenitic metal and thoir anisotropy. pi-vIzve 121:5-7 1) 161, (MIRA 18:9~" 1. Cholyabinskly polttekhritchnskly Institut (for Bakshl). 'I 1. hauchno-issledvvat,31skly I pro~cktno-tekhnolcg1ch9skiy In,,-.t1t,ut avtomatizatsli L mekh,.inIzatsii nviahine-troyantya Yuzhno- Urall6kogo soveta wrodnop khozynystva (for Kuporshlyak-Yunefo- v 101) " - BAKSHIv O.A., kand. tekhn. nauk Efficiency of welded joints with a soft interlayer under the effect of torsion. Svar. proizv. no.51l-4 )tr ,64. (MMA 18:11) 1. Cbelyabinakiy politekhnicheakiy inatitut. BAKSHly O.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent) KLYKOVA, C.I., 'Inzh. Investigating volume trio welding stresses In butt welds of thlok parts with various geometry of edge dresning. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.1 washinostr. no.5t187-194 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1, Chelyabinshy politekhnicheskiy Institut. I k . , i * y , ~. ~' . p " ; . . , , 1j. r , , 1 . , . ; , , , , , ., , . , ; , : 1 I I . . ! ~ I - , , . . S 11 rt~ :I,-. t i; t-f r-,,, ~ )~-, r, i :,ft L i :,, 17,1 ~ - r ~ t t , ,,: j,:z *.,; , -j . I e I , ~ ft, . Jo'nts under Jm- 1";,tct *"(,I-.--,If,r,.. :"V'i'. ~l ~, 1 t ~5. k1 18:8) 1. J-polit-~.Itllolh".-'Llkiy im-t"t7it. ACC-NT706007918 UR/0125/66/000/002/0020/0024 AUMORt._ Bakshi, 0. A.; Shron, K. Z. ORG: (BakshLJ Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute (Chelyabinskiy politekhnich skiy 11--Union Heat Engineering. Instill ins t I tu t) Shron I Eas:tern A f f I I [a to of- tute (Vostochnyy filial Vsesoyu%nogo teplote heskogo institutA) Whn TITM Brittle fral;~~f wQld*d0J'.,.'-a SOURCS: Avtomaticheskayll evarka, no. 2, 1966, 20-24 TOPIC TAGS: material fracture, brittleness, yield strength, weld evaluation ABSTRACT: The effect of weld sectors with lower yield strength on the character of fracture of welded joints Is examined. Such sectors are present in Teany welds due to the nonuniformity of their mechanical properties and they are more plastic than the other weld Interlayers and, since, as a rule, plastic metal subjected to uniform tensile stresses undergoes brittle fracture, these sectors may, if sufficiently thin, be a factor in the brittle fractu-:e of welded joints. Thu greatest danner of brittle fracture along a sector of this kind arises when the operating conditions of the welded joint are such that It is exposed to tensile or bending stresses, The danger of brittle fracture along the more plastic weld sector increases with decrease in the relative thickness of the sector; this Indicates a gradual ductile-to-brittle tran- 1/2 UDCt 621.791.05.004.74 _4~ ACC NRi AP6007918 sition of the character of fracture of this sector. Thus, the most dangerous from the standpoint of brittle fracture -- is the case where the difference between the yield points of the metal of the more plastic sector and the other sectors of the weld to large and the stress-strain diagram of the metal of the plastic sector approximates the diagram of an ideally plastic metal. Plastic deformation (work htrd- ening) is one way of relieving the stressed state and thus reducing this danger. In cases of intricately shaped welds, such as X-welds, the most dangerous -- from the standpoint of the formation of a brittle crack -- is the weld root. in such cases an increase in weld-root clearance may be recommended in order to reduce the danger of brittle fracture. Yet another vA)or means of increasing the reliability of perform- ance of welded joint* with a relatively narrow softer sector is the build-up with a watal having a high ductility nargin (e.g. austenitic. metal); this applies only to the spots most susceptible to brittle cracking (e.g. weld root),.vith the other parts of the weld being built-up with lose ductile uetal. Orig. art. has; 5 figure** SUB COM 11, 13/ SM DAM 26Dec64/ MIC REP: 013/ OTH RU: 001 ACC T ARG035108 0' ",E- MI "W- 7it-,61000100011:01311',013 r AUTHOR: Bakahl, 0. A. TITLE: The state of stress of r-oft intorla."ra in welds during elongation and compression SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abs. OE131 REFSOURCE: Tr. Chelyab. politekhn. in-ta, vyp. 33, 19G5, 5-26 TOPIC TAGS: elongation, weld, stress ABSTRACT: The author compares variations for solving problems related to the state ofstress of soft interlayers during stretching (compression) under conditions of axisymmetric and plane deformation. Appropriate areas for using various solutions are established. The effect is analyzed of the type of deformation and the relative thickness of the interlayer on its state stress and load capacity. V. Fomenko. [Translation of abstract] MIl SUB CODE: 11, 13/ Ca,d I UDC: 621. 791. 001:539. 4. 014. 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1k 1* 0 * " " a a 6 *Flo IL t- L A 4~lqj 4 #;Rif of 00 00 f . . I A. Ao I. &oobsb"-a 00 8k 1"I* oe, meets 00 it fie 00 '01 00, 0 00,0 WJM - ~-- 1-00 well -00 lot .00 Wee fee see see 400 too ,of 00 so****,* 0000 0 01.41100 0 0 010 9 a 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 HATMIV, V.A.;GROMXIY, Ta.B.;BAKSHIO ReAs Improving Individual el-ek9ft"p-Mr-Prodaoing stations. Gas. pros. no.6:11-15 Js 156o (XLRA 9tl2) (Gas prodacers) BAKSHI# R.A,j KANTUSH07v S,A* Control of deposition in ciroulating vater supply systems for gas purification* Stall 23 [i.e. 24) no.4:378-379 Ap 164, (MIRA 170) 1, Yuvenergmetallurgprom. 5(4) AUTHORSt Bakshi, Tu. V., Gel'bahteynp A* TPV SOV/2G-126-2-24/64 '-TfMffn-, W.-f-. TITLE: The Equilibrium of the Synthesis of Ethyl Alcohol (Ravnoveniye sinteza etilovogo spirta) PEMODICALt Doklady Akademii.nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 29 PP 314-317 (U33R) ABSTRAM The degree& of transformation attainable in the hydration of ethylene in the gaseous phase depend on the equilibrium (ga,sj+R?Q(gas):Cj~M(g&s). The gases participating in this 0 4 equilibrium must never be-considered to be perfect in the oaao of the industrial realization of this ronotion. For this and.othor reasons the authors carried out an experimental investigation of the above-mentioned equilibrium, and the results obtained by these investigations are discussed in the present paper. The investigatictis were carried out in a proton reactor made of stainless steel. 11he catalyst in this case was silica-gel (%40% R 3M 4 of the weight of the catalyst), Carrying out these experiments is described. The equilibrium was attained from two sides, and results were found to be in practical. agreement, The experimenUl results &re shown by Gard 1/3 a rather voluminous table. The velocities referred to the volume The Equilibrium of the Synthesis of Myl Alcohol MV/20-126-2-24/64 were calculated as the ratio between the ethylene yields per hour (00,1 atm) and the volume of the catalyzer layer. The averap values of Kp7- PC'04~'P determined by means of experiments carried out with mixtures of alcohol and water are also shown by a table. In this connection it holds that PCj15 -P"C"H5M (P - total pressure, N carmolar fraction, of, C-M-M). In the CO 5 Z__~P_ case of alight deviations-from the perfect statel the equation RT of state of a gas mi*xture may be used& Vzi~~+B. Here V denotes the molar volume of the mixture, cuid B - the secoyid virial coefficiar.-4 which depends upon the state of -the mixturo: B*FTBijNiN~. T~e quantities Bij'211 A are functions of T. For the "activity coeffittent" ~z f, it holds that ln 2B -B P Ath B With Card 2/3 NiP V i"!?ih - The Equilibrium of the Synth--ais of Sthyl Alcohol Savl2o-i26-2-24164 I n tic (where ~. denote the stoichiometric coefficimits) there follows 1n Kr% 2 !F liti- Brr if P. The quantity I 1~- Yi Bi - r- F.Y. . IRT RT is a function of the state and of temperatu", tuid in the case of K1120 T being given, depends only on the ratio . In Kr rxst C2N depend linearly on P4 The calculations carried out in aocordrance with the methods discussed in the present paper show satisfactory agreement with the oxperiment, espeoi&lly at high temperaturea. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 23 referencea, 8 of which axe Boviete ASSMIATION: Vauchno-isaledovatellskly Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physico-Chemical Scientific Reaearoh Institute imeni. L. Ya. Karpov) PPMIWTEDt Janu&ry 26, 1959 by S. S. Redvedevq Academician SUMaTTLEDt Janu&ry 24, 1959 Card 3/3 5/020/60/132/01/41/064 B004/BO07 AUTHORSt Bakshl Yu. 114, Gollbahtsyn, A. I., Temkin, M. I. TITLEt Additional Data on the Equilibrium of the Synthesis of Ethyl Alcohol PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 132, No. 1, pp. 157-159 TEXTs In Hof. I the authors published the data on the equilibrium of the reaction (1) 0 2U4 gas + a20. gas -02E 5OK gas at pressures of up to 81 atm. They found the linear dependence of log K p on total pressure, extrapolated log K p for P - 0, and obtained equation (2)t log X f 0 2093/T - 6.304- In the present paper they report on the dependence of the logarithm of the coefficient K-r on P. (K r - *rc2a5 OH1rC2H4JrH20 1 T - activity coefficient). The data is given, in table 1. I?urther, equation (5) was derived, from the dependence K. W Kf/K,,. Table 2 compares the values of Xp calculated from this equation with the experimentally determined values. The degree of equilibrium oL of the conversion of ethylene into alcohol, Card 112 Additional Data on the Equilibrium of the Synthesis S/020,/60/132/01/41/064 of Ethyl Alcohol % B0041BOO7 determined according to equation (6) with N8 2015C2H4 0 1 is given in table 3, and in table 4 CE is given for 2900for a different ratio between water and ethylene. Calculation of the heat effect of ieaction (1) givesniE a -5263 cal at 3000 and 80 atm, whereas 6HO a -9370 cal. This dependence of 6H on P must be taken into account for technical calculations. There are 4 tables and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-khimicheskiy Institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Institute of - Physical Chemistry iment. L. Yq,._Kargov) PRESEPTEDi December 30, 1959, by S. S. Medvedev, Academician SUBMITTEDi December 30, 1959 Card 2/2 MIS? 3/020/60/132/02/39/067 S7 U.2: 0 0 B004/ZO07 1UTHORSt Gollbahteyn, 1. I.t Bakehi, Tu. V., Temkin, H. I. TITLEa The Kinetics of the Hydration of ALhXlens\in the Vapor Phase on a Phosphoric Acid Catalyst PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 132, No. 2, PP- 384-387 TEM The authors investigated the industrially Utili2ed reaction C 2H4(gas) + + H 20(gas) m 02 H5OB (gas) (I). As catalyst, phosphoric acid applied to silica gel wds used. The authors proceeded from the umption that the reaction develops in a way similar to the previously (;:;. 1) investigated hydration of 02 H29 and that only its reversibility must be taken into account. Scheme (2) is written down for reaction (1), and it is found that the transformation of the H+ + 1-complex H 2 CfCH2 into the oarbonium ion R 3C-C H 2 is the stage that limits the reaction rate. From scheme (2) equation (3) in derived for the direct reaction, Card 1/3 The Kinetics of the Hydration of Ethylene in the 5/020/60/132/02/39/067 Vapor Phase on a Phosphoric Acid Catalyst B004/BO07 after which equation (4) is obtained with some simplifiostiont v1 M k1h 0PC 2H4 (vi - rate of direct reaction$ k I - reaction constant, ho W acidity of R 3PO 4' P0 H 0 partial ethylene pressure). In a similar manner, equation (5) is obtained for the rate of reversible reduction, equation (7) is derived for the total reaction, and finally equation (9) is written down for the constant k of the total reaction. Table I gives the experimental data for absolute pressures P between 36 and 81 atmos and a reaction temperature of 2900C. The values of k remain constant within the limits of experimental errors. The low degree of dependence of the alcohol yield upon P.2 0 proves the zeroth order of the reaction with respect to water, which does not participate in the limiting stage of the reaction. For technical purposes the reaction rate is represented as an explicit function of PH20 * For the reaction constant kO one findes k' a kP112 (15). The values of k' given in Table I are approximatively constant. B20 Card 2/3 The Kinetics of the Hydration of Ethylene in the S/020J60/132/02/39/067 Vapor Phase on a Phosphorio Aoid Catalyst B004/BO07 For the temperatures of 270, 2900 310p and 330 0C as well as PH20 = 30 atmos, the average valuen of k and k' are given In Table 2. As in the adsor tion of C'2H4and C3H 6in ROO 4 4ef. 9), and in the hydiation of C 2 92 (Ref. 15 also in this case the transformation of the x-complex into the carbonium ion is the limiting stage. There are 2 tables and 9 references, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Fisichesko-khimioheskiy institut im. L. Ta. Karpovs, (Institute of P~yaicql Ghemistry imeni L. Y&. Karpo ) PRESENTEDi December 30t 1959t by V. A. Kargint Academician SUBMITTEDs December 21, 1959 Card 3/3 GFI,'V-'-'IiTI,AN I A.1 .; SIROYEVA, ; RJLIKOVA, N.V. ; ) YU.M.; LAI'l U) S , V. L. Mechanism of the catalytic reactions in the partial cx1dation and oxidative amonolysia of propylene In the presence of MOO,3--BI203- NeftekbimiJu 5 jio-3:118-125 Ja-F 165. (MBA 16:5) 1. Nauchno-iosledovutel'ski7 fizik,.)-khb4ieLaskiy Institut imen! Karpova, Moskva. GFIODS11TEYN, AJ,; BAKSHI, Yu.M.1 STROYEVA, S.S.1 KUI.IYIOVA, UPIDIS, V.L.; SADOVSX11, A.S. Kinetics and mechanism of oxidative ammonolysia and partial oxidation of propylene on bismuth-molybdenum catalysts. Kin. I kat. 6 no. 6&1025-1032 N-D $65 (MIRA 191l) 1. Fiziko-khimicheakiy Institut iment Karpova. Subuitted July 28, 1964* Di WW _NR-AP602998T INVENTOR: Baksht Yu. V. ORG: none souRcE coDE: uR/o4l3/66/ooo/ol5/ol94/ol95' Z 13 TITLE: Pneumohyqraulic shock absorber. Class 62, No. 184145 SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 194-195 TOPIC TAG3: shock absorber, mechanical shock resistance, hydraulic device, hydraulici ABSTRACT:* An Author Certificate has- been issued for a pneumohydraulic chassis shock absorber consisting of a cylinder (with a plunger, containing calibrated openings for by-passing fluid, and a piston on the end) and a hollow rod. To avoid high chassis stresses when encountering an obstacle, above the'plunger's butt-end piston is a second piston with a smaller diameter than the first one, which interacts with a floating, spring-supported cylinder. This cylinder has calibrated openings in the upper and lower part of its wall, and its upper housing is connected with the plunger's upper housing through a channel in the second piston, which is equipped with an annular valve; the lower housing is connected via an aperture in the aide wull of the plunger with the shock-absorber-rod housing. At the base of the cylinder is a flange into which is fitted an annular spring-supported rest which interacts with the shock absorber's inner rod jut. IKTJ CO;'7: 13/ 25' GV644 N U YAGUDIN, M.; BAKSHI-SARACH, V., atarshiy inzhener Flechanizing manual operations at Zaporozhlye enterprises. Sots. trud 6 no,12:IU-llg D 161. (MMA 14:11) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika proisvodetvanno-takhnicheBkogo otdola Zaporoshoskogo soynarkhosa (for Yagudin). 2, Prolzvodstvenno- tekhnicbeskiy otdol Zaporoxhakogo sovnarkhoza (for Bakehi-Sarach). (Zaporothlys Province-Automation) PISIMAN, I.I.; BAKSJ1I-zAjX, A.A.; GADZHI-ZAEK, Y.S. Comparing catalysts of hydration of ethylene to ethyl alcohol. Aserb. neft. khos. 38 no.2:38-39 7 159. (MIRA 12:5) (Catalysts) (Hydration) DOIM&NO A.I.; LESHCIIINSKIY, L.Z.; FIYASIT-0, V-S-1-4WIT'OV, A'S'; LUXASHOVA, A.N. Pneumatic delivery of specimens of cast ironp steelp and slag to tho chemical laboratory. Metallurg 9 no.10112-13 0 164 (MIRA 18:1) lo Magnitogorakiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat. BAKSKINSKAYA,. R. "e. WSHINSEYA, R. Ye.: "Forensic-medical investigation In cases of strangulation by the hands." Kharlkov Medical Inst. Stalino, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Medical Sciences) Rource: Knizhnga letopis' Mo. 28 1956 Moscow ~~ ZAKHAROVAP O.A.; BkKSHINSKAU R.Te. Cave of multiple aneurysms of the vessels of the base of the brain. Sud.-med.ekspert. 5 n*,4s13-15 O-D 162. (MIRA 15:n) 1. Kafedra patologicheakoy anatomil (say. - prof. Ye.A.Dikehteyn) i kafedra sudebnoy meditsiny (say. - dotsent B.N.Zorin) Donetakogo weditsinskogo instituta. (INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM) fc d n i IMSHOVICHUSs W. C:anugkevi6ius, Z.Ijv prof.; BAKSHIS, I.V. [Bakfiyop I*Tojp ksMamedonsuk Relationship betvaen the Itsenko-Cushing syndrcme and pulmonary cancero Klinemedo 39 no*4198-100 161. (MIRA 14s4) lo It kafedry gospitallnoy terapii (zav. - profs Zolo Yanush- kevichus) Kaunasakogo maditainakogo inatituta. (LUINGS-CUCIR) (CUSMGIS SYNDROM) 1~ I - - , , . . . "The State of Blood Circulation in a Patient with Suppurative Diseases of the Lungs and Pettain Contradictions to Surgical Treatment from the Point of View of the Cardiovascular SystemO j*gjnJk MIIUUU;~ No 91 1955 S 782 Bkxsaxs* V.P. Blood circulation surgary of lung@, in the postoperative period following radical Xhirarglia no.12:21-26 11155. (KLU qt?) 1, Is Wedry 1-y fakulltttskoy torapeytichaskoy klinW (mwh.- prof. V.A*Boyor) i kafedry 2-y fakalltstakoy khirurgichaskoy kliniki (nach,-dastvittl1my chlen ANN SSSR prof. P*A,,KWriyanov) Toyenno- meditainskoy ordens Lenim akademil Imeni S*X*Xirova, (IMMS. surg. postop. blood cire.) (POSTOPBRLTIV39 CM postops blood cin, after lung swg.) (BLOOD CINUIATION postop., in lung surg.) BURLKDVSKrY, v,r,, kandidat meditainakikh nauk (Leningrad, Rotkinskaya ul.. d. 5/7, ky.145); BAKSHIS, T.P. pneum Pericarditte follow n~ onectocW. Vest.khir. 75 no.3:25-30 Ap 155. (MLRA 8:7) 1. Zz 2-y 1?hkul'tetskc7 khtrurgichemkoy kliniki (rvtch.-prof. P.A. Kupriyanov) i I-y falmlItatskey terarnvticheskoy kliniki (nach. prof. T.A.Beyer) Voyanno-meditainakoy ordena Lenina akademii im. B.H.Kirova. (LUNGS. surger7, pneumonoctMv, postop. paricarditis) (PIRICAMITIS, atioloa and pathogenesis, postop. after pneumonectomy) BAKSHIS, V.P. Blood circulation in patients vitb suppurative diseases of the lung@ and some counterindications to surgerr from the point of viev of the cardiovascular system. Vest.khir-76 no.9:49-54 0 155. KRA 9cl) 1. Is 1-Y fftkul'tetskoy terapsytichaskoy kliniki (uch- Prof. V.A.Baiyer) 1 12 2-y fakulltatakoy khtrurgichaskoy kliniki (nub-prof. P.A.Kuypiyanov) Voyenno-meditainskoy ordena Lenin& akademli in. S.M.11rova. (LUNGS, die. suppurative, blood circ. in, counterindic, for surg.) (BLOOD CIRCULATION, in various diel suppurative die. of lungs, counterindic. for surg,) BMHIS. V.P.. kandidat m6dits!nekikh nauk (Leningrad) Blood circulation In remote periods after total or partial prieumonectomye Klin.mod. 34 noollil) -18 N 056. (MLRA 10:2) 1, Is pervoy fakulitstakoy torapavtichaskoy kliniki (nach. - prof. T.A.Bayyar) I is vtoroy fakul'tatakoy khtrurgichaskoy kliniki (nmohe - daystyltelinyy chlan ANN SSSR - prof, P.A.Kupriyanov) Voyeano-naditsinskoy ordsaa lenina skadenii imani 3.M.Xirova. (PNIUNOUMXY, Oompl. cardiovase. disord. In remote postrops periods) (GAIMIOTASCUIAR DISRASIS, atiol* and pathogens pneumoneotony) BALMS. V.P.., nayor neditsinskoy sluchby Treutment of patients with chronic coronary Insufficiency at the (hirsuf Clinical Sanatorium. Voen.-mad.xhur. no-7:39-43 A 159. (HIM 12:11) (CORONARY DISMSES ther) (BAIMOLOGY) _ Problem of hypertrophy of the right heart in patients after pneumo- nectonw. 23 no.llt75-79 R 159. (KMA 13:3) 1. In falculitetskoy torapsytichaskoy kliniki (nachallnik - Prof. Y.A, Boyer) I 2-y ftkulitstskay khlrurglchesko~ klinIkI Voyenno- meditsinskoy ordens, Lenin& akadeall imeni S.M. lirova (wwhallnik - daystvitelloyy ohlen ANK SSSR P.A. Kupriyanow). (PUMNICTOMY complications) (MRA INLANIMN? etiology) BAIHSHITAN, TS.A. Combined gas and fuel oil burner for furnaces and boilers. Gas. prom. no.5:24 My 157. (Mlak 10:5) (Burners) ExT" d I 0_~ 3 M,----AP6 ; 3~ SOURCE CODE, _U_R'_/O4__1'3_j66W/OW/0697/M6_ AUTHORSt Bakoheyev, A. I.; Vizunp Yu. I.; Yefimov, I. A.1 Tarasov, L* Go YJ 1 ORGi none TITLEi A magnetic address decoder of a storage device with linear selection. Class 42# No. MOM Cwinounced by Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computational i vychialitellnoy tekhniki AN SSS (Inatitut to SObRCE: Izobroteniyal promyehlennyye obraztayt tovarnyye znaki, no. 0, 1966, 97-98 TOPIC TAGS: computer storage device, magnetic core storage, computer memory, memory address ABSTRACTi This Author Certificate presents a magnetic address decoder of a storage device with linear selection. The decoder includes magnetic coordinate cores and a system of windings (see Fig. 1). The design increases the response time and simpli- fies the matching with semiconductor current ahapora. The coordinate windings are made in the form of matched artifieal delay lines. To provide these delay lines, capacitors are connected between the inductances (formed by the groups of windings of the coordinate cores) and the common busbar. Loads which are equal to the wave impedance of the delay lines are connected to the output of the lines. : 681. WSMANSKAYA. 4.S.; PQ G.G., nauebuo-takhn. rod.j RODOVSKAYA, -9 otv* **Wj;6k; calwovo iu.v.o tekhn, rod, (Use of' plastics and synthetic products in railroad transportation in the U.S.S.R. and in foreign countries; bibliographic index of Soviet and foreign publications) Pri- menenie plastriass i sintotichoskikh rAterialov na zholezno- dorozhnom transporte v SM i za rubezhom; bibliografichookii ukazatolt otechestvennoi i inostrannoi literatury, 1950-1960 99- Moskva,, Vaes. izdatellsko-poligr. ob"odinenie M-va putei soob- shcheniia, 1961. 38 p. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Ruasia (1923- U.S.S.R.) 14inisteretvo putey soobshchoniya. TSentrallnaya nauchno-tekhnichoskaya biblioteka. (Bibliograpby-Railroado-Equipment and uupplies) 'Bibliograpby-Plasties) BAKSIUANSKAYA, H.S.p utv, z& vypusk; DROZDOVAp N.D., tekhn. red. - -[K, - -iroad literature of the U.S.S.R. for 19611 Zheletno- dorozhnain literatura W311t, 1961. Moakvap Tranesheldor- izdat, 1963. 458 p. (MIRk 170) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstyo putey soobshche- niyao MintralInnya nauchno-teklinicheakaya bibliotaka. -BAK8HTV1qKAU,-2.S-.-- RAXHKATULINAI-N-.D.- -hizb -- - hn ---khn - --d 1 .9 # nauc o-t* . re RdDOVSKATA,, M.V., nauchno-bibl. red.; RODOVSKAYA, X.V., otv. za vypuskj USENKO, L.A.,, takhn. red. [Mechanization and automation of operations in locomotive opera- tion# maintenance and repair in the U.S.S.R. and foreign countries; bibliograpby of Soviet literature, 1957-19601 Mekha- nizateiia i avtoratizataiia v lokoznotivnom khosiaistva v SM L za rubeshoml bibliografiobookii ukazatell oteohestvennoi lite- ratury,, 1957-1960 gg. Moskva., Tranazheldroisdat, 1961. 38 p. (MIRA 150) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Minioterstvo, putey soobshchani7a. TSentralinaya nauchno-tokhnichaskaya biblioteka. (Bibliograpby-Locomotiveo-Maintenance and repair) B U ~Ili * 1. ~",: --'KAYA, , , 1-c-, (hit I irt-,A A ttim,vire 4- f *,! 1 196."1 iva.- don-71in,0--l 11 toratm,ci , 1~4f -'. Vovk-vu, Transpor, 19(V.. ), , 'i (mlltA 18:1. hAKSHIPAK;lKlY, E.I,.; NILOVAj 0.1. Feeding habit of young Oncorhynchus gorbueena ind Oncorhynchull keta in the White and Barento Seas, Trudy o.Ul no,9tlO6-111 165, (MIRA 18j12) 1. Polyarnyy nauohno-iseledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut morskogo rybnogo khozyaystys A. oke&noqrafji,, Murman3k. FILONOV, V.A.; BAKSHTAYEVA, I.A. Distribution of radioactive slownts in the formation waters of the Pripet fault, Dokl. AN BSSR 8 no.W20-123 F t64. (MIRA 170) 1, Institut goologichookikh nauk Gosudaretvannogo geologi- cheskogo komitsta SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN BSSR G.V. Bogomolovym. UUTOVKW.-DmitiiiDii-t-riiivi~--h; PRONOV, A.?., kaorLti-o. takhnichoskikh nauk, rat sense at;,,,BAXSHTAYN S.Z. kandilat teI:hntvI.e:,-'r-ikh nauk, retoonsent; SRPICHIULM410 atiwel MW; UMAYUU, O.K., rodektor isdatellstva: ISIMITIMA, P.O., tokhnichaskiy redaktor [Dendritic crystallization] DendritnAta kristallizatelia. Izd. 2-oe, isprA dop. Koskva# Goo, v&uchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry go chernoi i tovetnot wtallurgit, 1957. 125 p, (MMA 10:10) (Solidification) USUTIMS11T, N.A., kWAidat takMicheakikh nanki OOLUB. S.1.: BMH!EXYN. V.H. kWAIdat tokhnicheskikh nauk. 1111%ingtion of scale fonktion In the evaporation of solutions of sodium sulfate. 1[ 6 156. (MM 10t2) 1. Overilovskiy filial Isuchno-issledovatel'skogo instituts. kh1vd- chaskogo mashinostroyentya I VsesoyuzW nauchno-iteledovatellskiy institut lurgit. r6odium sulfateO (Dysporating appliances) 1~ .-I IV~KSOVA, 11. A., and B. 7. STUANENWO, arid Ye. M. AFArAS'YE A "On the chemical nature of a new polyraccliaride" The Chemletry and Matabolim or Carbohydmtes In Animal and PUnt Organt=s- Conference in Yoscov. Janu&rt 26,to January 30 1956. 4) t j t"VI STIPANINIO, B.N., ATAYSIMA, To.M.0 BAIrSOVA, R.A. Chemical nature of eremuran, a now polysaccharide from the roots of Bremurus regelli [with summary in Bnglishl, BiokhImii& 23 no.51713-720 S-0 058 (MIRA llill) 1. Laboratoriya fistologicheakoy khtmit AN SSSR I Mookovskoy farmnt9evtIcheekiy inatitut, Xoakvae (PLANTS, Brevarus regelit, Isolation & chant of polyssacharide eravaran Otus)) (POLTSACMARIDZS, 'a remuran, chow. & Isolation from Irexurus regelli (RUB)) 4N.K., WA T.T., 0 W, Production of crystalline d-mannose from a now raw Material the polyoacoharide eretwah. Biokhimiia 26 no.51855-858 S-0 161. (MW 14:12) 1. Instituto of Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. and the let Medical Institute, Moscow. (ERSIOUN) (MANVOSE) PEI'ROV, K.A.; h-A.; V.; SIN6GLYMNA, "'PlAlift'' 'I.V. Propurties of phosphinic aidd tint,yyIrldes. Part 1: Monoalkyl(aryl) phosphonates. 7hur. ob. kliin,. 35 tio.4.-723-728 Ap 165. (HIRA 18:-3) PETROV, K.A.;-BAK�PV~A, R.A.; MORKHOYAW!, L.V. Properties of phoophinic acid anhydrides. Part 3: Reactions of anhydrides of phosphinic acids with olefin oxides. Zhur. ob. khim. 35 no.4t732-737 Ap 165. (MRA 18:5) L 16ooo-66 ON J)/Z11 T(M) MIAN ACC NR: AT6004037 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0310/0313 AUTHOR: tgtrov, K A.; Baksova, R. A.: Khorkhoyanu, L V.; Rebus, 1. F. 1143 ORO#. None TITLE: Properties of phosphonic nhydrides. Part 2-. Synthesis and properties n & of othylonediphosphonit anhyd ridelj SOURCE: AN SSSR. Otdelsniye obahchey i tekhnicheskoy khimii. Problemy organichisko~go #Gteza (fiobtems in organic synthesis"5. Moscow. Izd-vo Nauka, 1963, 310-313 TOPIC TAGS: organic phosphorus compound, alcohol, phenol 1ABSTRACT: The article,preeents data on the synthesis of athylenediphosphonic an- hydride and on a study of its reaction with monohydric and dihydric alcohols and phenols. The anhydride was obtained in almost quantitative yield in two ways: (1) controlled hydrolysis of ethylenediphosphonyl tetrachloride in chloroform with, prolonged heating nCl2(0)?CH2C'12P(O)CI2 + 2n1120 --+ n(O2PC112CH2ro2) + 4n 11C1 and (2) reaction of the tetrachloride with tetraethyl ethylenediphosphonate taken in equivolar amounts: L 16ooo-66 ACC NR: AT6004037 nCl2PCIIZCH2PCI2 + n(C2H5O)2PCH2CI12P(OC2H5)2 --~'2002PC112CW02) + 4n 11Cl44nC1lj-CH2- 0 0 nediphosphonic anhydride Is apparently a polyowr with the formula and consists of a vitreous hygroscopic a& as P CH2CH2 P'. insoluble in all organic solvents. It reacts 0 n readily with alcohols, glycols, and phe I 0 0 Acid esters of oth4let.adiphosphoni &CL to the obtaGeT in good yields from reactions o an4dride with ethyl, isooctyl, and sac-octyl alcohol and p-nitrophoool at SO- 120C, Reaction of the anhydride with 1,3-propanediol and 1,6-hexanediol produced the heretofore unknown polyphosphonates 0 0 E-O(CH2)x--O-P-CH2CH2. BAXST, A.S. Now design of couplings for air conduits, Der.prom. 7 no.3t28 Mr 138. (MMA llt4) I.TSentrallary nauchDo-Issledovatellskiy institut makhanichookoy obrabotki dereva. (couplings) DOLOOV, A.I.; BkXSTt A.S.-. IPSHTEnT. T.G. Machine tools for mnking doweled doors* Der. prow. 7 no.4:1?-Jg Ap 158. (MIRA 1115) LTSentrallnry nauchno-looledovatellekly Institut makhanicheskojr obrabotki dereva. (Doors) (Woodworking machinery) DOLOOV, A.I.; BAXST. A.5. Now mechanism* for continuous production lines. Der.prou. 9 no.918-9 8 160. (KIRA 1319) 1. Nauchno-tesledowatel'skiy institut, derevoobrabatyvayushchago sashinostroyantya. (Conveying wachinerY) (Tamiturs industry) I=CVSKIY, Nikolay Vasillyevi-chj BISTROV,--G.P., doktor tekhn.nauk,, rat-sen--- zent, BALST A.S.p kand.takhn.naukt retsenzent; KAFUSTIN, I.I., dokto'r feTS-.5M, prof., red.1 GOSPODMtSKAYA, T.N.p red.izd-yaj PARAKMVA# N.L., tekhn. red. [Automation of technological proosesee In woodwork) Avtomatiza- taiia tekhnologicheskikh protsessov v derevoobrabotka. Moskva, Goslesbumizdatj 1961. 397 p. (MIRA W12) (Woodworking machinery) (Automatic control) - - - - -- --- ------ - -- --- - UVAI,Ferenc Wit~ the Csepel metal workers. Sov. prof soiusy 3 no.5:68-70 my 55- (KLRA 8:8) (Cespel, Hunkary-Steel Industry) J~,Kn Gcc~.-.,,-jhy & Gor,leiry Szekc-lyok uzenik.; romninl utinay1c. Kocmtth Eonyvkiado, 1")5-1 47 p. I ;. -1 MontQy List of East Eurorvt,n Accersicris (E~.W, LO. Vcl. ~, 'r - 4, April 1959 ,BAKTAI, Gyorgy Piaturos from the 5th Congress of' the Hungarian Sports Federation for National Defonse. Radiotechnika 13 no.7-. 2 of cover JI 163. BAKTAI, M,; ~TTV,311, I.; KHOUVAT, A. Indications of solar activity In the annual rings of Pinus Tarnociensus of the Miocene. Astron.zhur. 41 no.2s413-414 Hr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Kafedra antronomit iiniversiteta im. Ftvesha, Budnpasht. BAXTAIt Maria; FE-TES, Intvan; HORVATH, Andras Examination of the annual ringe of the Pinuxylon Tarnociencis (Tuzoon) Greguss. Foldt kozl 94 no.3t393-396 JI-S 164. BAKTAI. Brvip I -~T - Ilarbors-ships DECEASED BAKTAY, G.vorgy; jpiKnS7ANF BARAN, Marlap dr. Chemi-try of aerosol preparations. Miagy kem lap 19 ne.9;461,-.1*69 s 164. 1. Cosmetic and Household Chemical Industry Enterprise, Budapest. f -7! Hunga-ry/Chezicsl Tezhnclogv. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Fats and oils. Waxes. Soap. Detergents. Flotation reagents, 1-25 Abst %T7amal: Referat Zhur .. Maimiya, No 2.. 1957, 6378 Author: Baetay.. Gyorgy Inatitutiont None Title: Problems of Vegetable Oil Production Original Fublication: 01%j, azappan, kosmatika.. 1955, 4,, No 14-A Abstra,~t: Discu9sion of the problems the solution of which is needed by the vegetable oil industry in order to improve the technology of oil p=,duction and refinement, production of fatty acids and glycerol. Card 1/1 019trt 413d/4E2c(j) Preparation and separation of chlorinated t n derivatives of high boiling and 0 *'r Bakt ~,oza)Cklgyetr point. Istvin Rusinik, Indre Majr ey (M ton, 1yorgy at Budapest). Magyar Kerni-, Lapja 11p 123-5(1956).-Diotn.--Ty---p-r-o4utto--of the monochlorobanzene 6- manuf. were studied with the purpose of developing a method for the sepn. of 1,2,4-trichlarobenzone (1) for the prepn. or phthalocyanine. The mater 'ial con- tains -59% Cl. It was distd. in vacuo (19 mm. Hg) at 32-800 to obtain the light portion; at the latter temp. p-dicWorobenzene pptd. At 81-1520 the high-boiling porticn was obtained. Both portions were then redistd. at atm. pressure. The light portion contained no It the high-boiling portion contained -60%. As the high-boiling portion represents 26% of the total distillate, it vas attempted to increase I yield by chlorinating the light portion. Fe catalyst was used and the chlorination was conducted at 20-300 until op. gr. reached 1.220 (200) and at 55-650 until it reached 1,335 (500), The I yield can be further increased by continuing the chlorInation until rsac~lng the op. gr. 1.460 (500). 0. J. Irnyei (Retyped clipped abstract)-