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r7 3OV-125-58-10-10/12 AUTHORSt Livshits, L.S., and Bakhrakh, L.1'. TITLEt On the Relation Between the Hardness and the Microstruct- ure of the Fusion of Austenitic Joint in Perlite Steel and the Chemical Composition of the Steel and Neld Joints (0 svyazi mezhdu tv~rdostlyu I mikroatrukturoy splavleniya austenitnykh shvov na perlitnykh stalyakh i khimicheakim sostavom stali i shvov) PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, 1950, Vr 10, pp 81 - 85 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Problems relating to the transition of carbon in the fusion zone in solid condition, and the passage of metals in vari- ous structure classes are discussed. The microatructure and microhardness of the fusion zone in commerially pure iron (about 0.035 C), carbon steel (up to 2ep C), and "12Yh5M" elteel. (up to 0.15-,- C, 5 - 6 ~k, Cr, 0.45 - 0.65 go) were Investigated. It was proved that hardness and atructurp of the fusion zone In austenitic.seamB on per- lite steel cnn be controlled in a larCe range by changing the chrome and nickel content in the seams and the carbide forming (.1cments In the base metal, It is concluded that Card 112 hqrdnean and probably also brittlenece in the f"Usion zone jOV-125,-58-10-10/12 On the Relation Between the Hardne3a and the 11"icrostructure of the Fusion of Austenitic Joints in Perlite Steel and the Cher"icnl Composition of the Steel nnd ',7eld Joints are reduced by a smaller carbon content In "he steel and chromium content in the austenitic seamt as woll as by an incroased content of nickel in the seam, and of ele- ments forming in the bnne r.etal stabler carbides than chromium. To reduce hardness and improve homogeneity in the fusion zonep the use of 1118 Cr-8 Ni" electrodes, which do not contain niobium, titanium, molybdenum and tungsten, is recommended for welding steel alloyed with molybdenum, tungsten and vanadium (separately or in combination) in quantities ensuring binding of the carbon into carbide. There are 5 microphotos, I graph and 7 references, 3 of which are Soviet and 4 EnClloh. SUBMITTEDt January 6, 1958 1. Steel alloys--Are welding 2. Are welding--Metallurgical effects Card 2/2 3. Steel--Chemical properties 4. Welds--Chemical propertiea 60V/135-59-1-6/18 AUTHORS: Livshits; L.S., Candidate of Technical Sciennci, and Bakhrakh, L.P., Engineer TITLE: The Radiogra-p=-U-1_~vestigation of Niobiuvi Distri- bution in Stainless Steel (Radiograficheskoye issledovaniye raspredeleniya niobiya v nerzhave- yushchey staii) PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1959, Nr 1, pp 20-22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In connection with intereryatalline corrosion in the use of 1118-9 Till and"18-9 Nbll stainless steels, it was assumed that the stabilizing effect of Nb and Ti depends on their condition in the alloy and that satisfactory corrosion resistance is obtained if Nb (or Ti) is present in the form of carbide, binding the contained carbon. Information is given on the effect of heating conditions for '118-911 grade stainless steel containing Nb, on the Card 1/3 formation and dissolving of Nb-carWdes, with the SOV/135-59-1-6/18 The Radiographic Investigation of Niobium Distribution in Stain- less Steel use of an Nb-95 radioactive isotope. The tests led to the following conclusions: to ensure intercrystalline corrosion resiStance in heating up to temperatures of 550 - 650 C, the use of stainless steel with a higher Nb content Nb 10 - 13 is recommended. In hardening stainless osteel with a reduced Nb content, heating over 1200 C mbst be avoided. In the case of heating up to 1300 C, zones adjacent to the weld are less resistant to corrosion than remote portions. Best results in raising corrosion resis 8ance can be obtained, by heating up to 850 - 900 C for 3 hours, ensuring a satisfactory Nb carbide formation. Maximum Card 2/3i temperatures for steels containing Ti are lower SOV/135-59-1-6/18 The Radiographic Investigation of Niobium Distribution in Stain- less Steel than for Nb-containing steels. There are 5 microphotos, 1 table and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: MIST Card 3/3 AUTHORS. TIM: S/ 19WROO/006/002VOO7 Aoo4/A io4 Bakhrakh, L. P., and Livahits, L. S. BCH-5 QSN-5) eleetrodes :or welding non-revolvable joints of Xl8ql2M2T (Khl6Nl2M2r) Steel Pipes PERIODICAL: Byulleten' tekhniko-ekonomicheakoy informataii, no. 6, 1961, 23-24 TW: The VSN-5 electrodes were developed in 1960 by the Vaesoyuznyy nauch- no-lasledovateliskiy institut stroitel'stva truboprovodov (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for the Construction of Pipelines) (see also By,-Ileten' tekh- niko-ekonomicheskoy informataii, 1961, no. 2, 23). The electrode has a %~V. 04xiftlm~*(,Sv. 04Khl8NllK3) steel core and a coating consisting of 40 parts marble, 40 pa. a feldspar, 3 parts ferromanganeae, 3 parts titanium dioxide, 3 parts ferrosilicon, 8 parts ferrocolumbium, 2 parts ferromolybdenum, 1 part aluminum, and 30-32 parts water glass. The VSN-5 electrode makes it possible to obtain a built-up metal of the following composition: C to 0.13 Ni . . . . 10 - 12 S1 0'.5 - 0.8 Nb . . . 0.9 - 1.2 Mn . . . . 0.5 - 1.5 Mo . . . 2.3 - 2.6 Cr . . . . 17 - 19 3 and P , not more than 0.035 Card 1/2 24243 S/193/61/000/006/003/007 BC 4-5 (VSN-5) electrodes ... A004/A104 The welded joints have the following mechanical properties: temporary tensile strength ~ 60 Wmm2, relative elongat'8 n ~ 24%, Impact strength > 7 WOm2 bending angle of the welded joinN. 50 . The joints are resistant to general and Intergranular corrosion in various chemical media, which was proved by tests being carried out in different organic acids and in a solution of copper sulfate and sulfuric acid. The specimens werg tested under laboratory condit ;ons after the welding, after hagdening at 1,050 C, stabilizing annealing0at 850 and pro- voking heating at 650 C. Heating the specimens to 650 and 850 C led to the formation of cracks,1which are not of corrosion origin but the result of rapid embrittlement of the steel caused, obviously, by heating In the dangerous temperature range of 650-850 C. Therefore the seiice temperature for parts welded with VSN-5 electrodes should not exceed 350 C. Card 2/2 LIVSHITS, Lev Sormonovich, kand. taklin. nauk. triniria'Li uchantvet- Btarahiy nouclinyy notr.; PANICH, S.I.,, inzb.; aepq MIRKUMLLI, E,G.9 Inzh.j KAVKOVA, V.jred', (Role of alloyed steel corposition on the consorvntion of structural homogeneity, and the properties of welded joints during heat tim]lloll sostava legi~rovwuXykh stalei v nokhranonil strukturnoi odnorodnooti i svolstv svarrWkh soedinonii pri dli- tol'iVkh rabochikh nagrevakh. Hoskva,, VIIIIST Glav(;aza SSSR. Re- daktsionno-izd. otdol, 1962. 56 p. (KIRA 15M) 1. VsosoyuM-y nauchno-isoledovatellskiy inatitut po stroitell- stvu magistrallrqkh truboprovodov (for Bakhrakhp T'anich~ Grinbergp Kurk=ell.'), (Stool-Welding) (Votals, Effect of temperature on) 43275 3/842/62/000/000/006/006 E191/E435 AUTHORS: Livahits, L.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Bakhrakh, L.P., Engineer TITLE: The welding of alloy steel production plant pipework SOURCEi Primeneniye avarki v stroitellfiykh konstruktxiyakh. Vaea. konfor. Po prim. 9varki v stroi. konstr., 1961. Moscow, Goastroyizdat, 1962. 344-350 TEXTz The main tasks in the welding of alloy steel pipes are enumerated. In manual arc welding, the development of now electrode material is reported with which certain alloy steals can be welded without subsequent heat treAtment. The welding of pearlitit stools with auatenitic electrodes is discussed generally. The presence of elements more.similar to carbon than chromium is needed. This condition is fulfilled in steels with a high molybdenum content. Automatic and semi-automatic welding in discussed and recommendations for the necessary fluxes are given. There are 2 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: MIST Card I/X 111882 S11351W000101110011006 A006/A10I AIM10tri: Tdvnhits, L. S., Candidate of Technical Sciencesi Ba Tg_khJj.,_P., Engineer TAITM'- Problems in the weleling of steels of different structural classes PI-MODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo,-no. 11, 1962, 8 - 10 TEXT: The authors investigated structural heterogeneity in the fusion zone Of all3tenitic steel with steels of other structural classes. Table 2 shows the results of measuring the size of the decarbonization zone in non-alloyed steel, adjacent in the fusion zone to high-alloyed Welds. These data make it possible to estimate the intensity of carbon transfer at 7000C. The structural haterogeneityin the fusion zone of' the investig*ated. steels may be caused by ~the mixing of dissimilar metals, the formation of intermediate martensite alloys In the weld, and carbon transfer from the ferrite-perlite steel into the austenite 3teel. If the content of carbon In the base and weld metals is low and if the carbon is not transferred during heating, the formation of martensite interlayers In the weld near the fusion line is not dangerous. The carbon transfer during Card 114,2- S/135/62/000/011/001/006 Problems in the welding of... Aoo6/AlOl heating of such welds entailn carbonization of the martensite zone, sharp in- crease in hardness and brittlenes3 so that the weld joints are not suitable for operation. Carbon transfer from perlite into austenite steel during heating is predetermined by the appearance o' the gradient of' its concentration in the for- Mte And nustenite solution near the Ifusion line. The C concentration of non - alloyed steel, subjected to wal%Arv, Is 0.02% at 7000C. Knowing this value and using the data given in table 2, the carbon concentration in high-alloy welds at the oame temperature can be calculated by a method developed by L. S. Livshits, which is based on the regularities resulting from the second law of diffusion. The calculation shows that at 7000C about 0.01455% C is dissolved in the auste- nite of Cr-Ni steels Kh18N8 and IW5N,220 and in the ferrite of Kh13 Cr-stecl and that about 0-0172&,Z C is contained in the solid solution of alloy Kh15N60. Col- culation of the alloying of steels to be welded, by a method in which extended heating would not cause carbon transfer into the austenite metal, is recommended. There are 2 tables and 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: VNIIST Card 214.2 LIVSHITS, Lev Somenovich. Prinimal uchastiy*-1AYdUW,..j~.P,, inzh.; ALUSUEV, 'fe.K.9 inzh., nauchrqy red.; PEREVALYUK, M.V., red. izd-va; SH9VCHENKO, T.N., tekhn. red. (Welding steel alloys in assembly work in construction]Svarka legirovann,ykh stalei na montazhrqkh rabotakh v stroitel'stve. Moskvap Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 191 p. (MIRA 15tl2) (Steel alloys-Wolding) (Building, Iron and steel) LIVSHITS, Ley Semenovich, kand. tekhn. nauki BAKHWH, Lidiy!~__ PetrQ3%a, insh,; RAGAZINA, M.F., Insh., ved. red.; SHTERLING, red.1 SONDKINA, T.M.0 tekhn. red. [Welding of 11578 W SI579 steel structureo)Svarka konstruktail is stalel EI578 i EI579. Moskva.. Filial Vass. in-ta, nauchn. i tekhn. informataii, 1958. 9 p. Peredovoi nauchno-tekhn i ro isvodatvennyi opyt. Tom 12o No-M-58-281/24) (HIRX i60T (Steel, Heat-resistant--Welding) UMITS. L.8., ksnd.tekbn.n&ukj,BUMMs 14&~, Inuh. Welding steels of dissimilar otructural groups. Drar.proisro no*110-10 N *62o (MIRA l5sl2) 1. Viesoyusnyy nauabno-isoledovateltakiy inatitut tvardykb splavoye (fteel--Metanographr) (Steel-Welding) S/125/63/000/003/011/012 A0061AI01 AVMDRS g Livshits, L. S., Bakhrakh, L. P. TITLE: Radiographical investigation of carbon migration in the fusion zone PMODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya avarka, no. 3, 1963, 90 - 93 TM(T: The process of carbon transfer beyond the fusion zone of the weld mid base metal., depends considerably upon the peculiarities in Vie carbonized zone and higher alloyed steel. -Bxperiments were carried out to atudy more pre- citi~ the regillarittes In tho formWl;ion o~.' a carbonized zone ane. its nature. V,etal, contoining radioactive carbon, was %aided upon various steel grades. Wo eaces are investigated% 1) the weld anc baGe metal are differently alloyed pearlite class steels; 2) the weld vid the base metal are of different struc- tural classe3, i.e. pearlite and austenite. The radioactive isotope was intro- duced into electrode rods which were used to produce three layers of 12X5 M steel (0 - 15% C); 1 X 18H9 (M'AiO steel (0. 12% C) and X 15H 6o (M15N60) alloy (0.12% 0) on Arimoo-lron '0,(4,&,' c), The distribution of C in the fusion zone ax-A the adjacent areas was studod by radiographical analysis of the Cand 1/3 S/125/63/000/003/011/012 Radlographidal- investigation- of... A006/A101 specimens in initial state and after hcatin5 at 7000C during 13 hours. Speoi- mens with built-up 1Kh18Nq steel and Kh15H6O alloy were investigated after heating at 900 and 1,0500C for 2 hours. It was found that the Introduction of alloying, carbide-forming components, to the built-up material caused the migration of C from one to another section of the joint, due to the different C concentration 1r, the solid solution. The addition of carbide-forming compo- nents to a section where the carbcn diffuses, increases sharply its 0-concen- tration. The carbon, migrating beyond the Vusion zone, Is bound into carbides until a-11 the components, able of carbide formation, have been bound into car- bides. Then the C content in the solution increases slightly. The total C concentration is higher in alloyed than in non-allovW steel. The degree of carbonization will be the higher the clooor the alliying component is to carbon and the hirher the C content In the carbides. In t1io second series of tests it was found that the intensity of C migration is determined by the rradient of its concentration in a solid solution. C concentration in MN9 steel, heated to 7000C, is below 0.02% and lower than in & nickel-base alloy. In heating to 9W 0 C the solid solution of avate-nito steel contains up to 0.05% C, and in heating to 1,0500C It contains 0.)2% C. "I"no fact that all the carbon (about Card 2/3 S/125/63/000/003/011/012 Radiographical Investigation of... A006/A1O1 0.3%) of non-alloyed steel is in the solid solution, brings about the active nigration of C from the carbon to the Cr-Ni steel. The C content in a Mil%o solid solution will be lower than in Kh192N9 steel. The reduced C concentration In solid solution.". of Khl&lg and M%19.160 steel, is maintained during the process, due to a high chromium content. 'Shore tire 4 figures, Card 3/3 ; IVSJUIS, doitor t(-Pm. aauk- II,',KHFAN'H, I-F , Technological characteri!ttic3 of electrAc arc, weldIng of dissiml-lar steels. Vest. maBhinoslx. 1.5 no.?- 'A- 62 J) 165. (MIFJ, Iq.10, BAKHFAKH, LX- MU/Slectromles - MRgmrom in 59 "Theory of the Multilep'sat *Petron," L. 1. B&M. rakh *Zbur Tekh Pis" Vol XXII, No 6, pp 1008-1015 'The multimegment upstron was investigated by T. IrAlinin sad I. Vasserma'o (cf. "Is Ak lauk SISSR ftr, 71010, 103, 1946). Author analyzes process of pbsee focusing of an electron been and attoMto to apply results obtained to clarification of processes of sustained oscillations of multiosguent maetro. Is- debted to P. V. Golubkoy and B. N. Zaaoroskov. Re- ceivod.93 Jul 500 BAKHRAKII, M.G. (Kuybyahev) Asymptotic stability of the solutions to certain differential equations with retarded arguments. Izv, vys,, ucheb,, sav.; mat no.4tl5-19 163. (MIRA 16s10) -A A F -. 4 r, -. ?~ ~ I . R. Assembling and inter-changeability In aeroplane construction. Moskva, Oboroneiz, Glav. red. avi;itsionnol lit-ry, 1946. 81 p. (50-18991) TL67l.l.B3 BOYTSOV, V.V.; BAKHRAKH, N.M., rodaktor; ZUBAKIN, I.M., takhaicheekly redaktor [Standardized appliances for assembling airplane units] Norma- lizovanzWe prispoooblenila dlia aborki agregatov samoletas Moskva, GosAzd-vo oboronnoi promrshlannosti, 1955. 234 . (Airplane--Design md construction) (MLRA 8:10T a it a a 4 4 W 0 I - .9 ~ 1.0 0"t0 MOM$- r7 I I DOMW A& 0. No. 4. W 1"; cusda & hoha* ". tv.-CmCla cm be Onpd. ekbw Id pwfvo". by sdac Im d CHC16 (dwmlvvd It 9-3 "b. WON) With -9. P 'a ma am Em or with w% AcOH ajw so, the ftw. W& b b to 00 * W-A 41411011 W*4k 066 Of The warr of P110c WbWr4 by the win of CMW% H III t IkVA 80%. nM Uft**jWy 0". ftM. V q -botsom &A - 1111mad by a 1* -00 fee 004 1 40 0 f 4 l 1 1 I* ^ N 60 "' see so* balli ym Is s b a dirk bq*A owle. M tow-mad.$ the ftftfm n 0 01 n, 1 AO (d. I W5 IO W % W ;iNTRIM, 1 , vjw*Ilw~hwIOsIftw4lF to, t1w wd to WQ is On" ~La- 0 - " polum 0 ING1 this mw d" mat If* AD' b see lose VIA. Odw with NOON own. Ow W"b . w am dk m s n4*wtka W 1 be. 01cit rwqwm abM I ba. R A I b dFhId- Owl thit KIP rVaPd, The Smt, Of NaM vad O M N wom N"W the& Clio". me 111101 of !%, ablat 90% of the CH CI A l P e so 4 abo"Ad 1w show M. of that tbpwv*Uy i V* teem bl- -011 the t cbW O b O i W . P. . O v" twT op fe o e w wA p m M f j hum aw t 111 110-16, 34 % 00 11011140 fee woo we* We, 0 Ti- --,a im a a a I w 61 s 6 31 a v - 2 ; 41 009 0 0 41 0 0 0000 00 . . K , - Tt. -and-SMOVAYSKIYY- Ye. "Mounting, Adjuatment~ and Regulation of Fuel Pumps for Diesel ErV,,ines, " 291dooodc# Tekhsovety MM, 13,, No.230 1952 BAMKHS To. mOontrol-Adjustment Testing of Fuel Pwmps," Tekheov. M., 13, No*29-30, 1952 'o 0 S 0 0 0 ; 0 # * 6 4 0 savowwwww*44, -t ILI I . . - I . - . ? . - I ; i ~ p , *00 *:** We 0 1 0 Al goo 0 0 0 411 - ""4 * 0 * # 6 * 0 # a 0 9 9 9 a WI nreFr " I I .11 - 0 . 1 1 4 i t t # i. V 44 4 9 T 1L11 1 0 . . - w A, _1 **A it N IA Oftlat. ago Ale god *0 004 A- V- MW T. 0 got, 345.2"(190).-SH. C. A. J4.7M-. *04 T. If. Mn&cVjergw goo goo lie 0 &IS. LA SIVA L use I low O"Ov two 19 1 e 0 0 0 6 e 0 # VAMINOVA, U.K.,; KCHTORINA, A.A..; BAKIRM. YO.B. Characteristics of the polysaccharide fraction of Pastexxrell& tularensis. Zhur. m1kroblol. epid. i immun. 27 no.2%8-13 7 156 (an 9:5) 1. 1z Inatituta w1kroblologil i epidamlologii Yu.V. SSSR Mikrob. (PASTILMILIA TUIAMSIS, vietab. polyeaccharide containing fraction. characteristics) KOZAKIVICH. V.P.t DMARnSKIY, I.V.: BAKHMH, Ye.l.;,PASTUKHOV, B.N.. red.; XARON, I.I., red.; ZUTVA, NOX09- takhn',red, [Poisons used to control hosts and carriers of highly dangerous Infections] IAdy, primnisemys Me borlby s khranitaliami L parenoschikani osobo opesnykh Infektati. Pod red. B.N.Postukhovs. Koskya. Gosolsd-vo modolit-ry 1958. 155 . (MIRA 13:4) (ROUMICI12S) tINSICTICINJ MMIDOV, Z.M., professor: BAKHMI. H. . . u MWARM" The fate of patients after appendicular abscess with limited peritonitis. VastAhir. 76 no-70-134-135 Ag 155.(MLRA 8:10) 1. Is kafedry obahchey khirurgil (sav.-prof. Z.H.Hamedoy) Iserbaydzhanakogo neditsinskogo Instituta (APP M ICITIS, compl. abscess & peritonitis. Indic. for sarg.) (ABSCXSS appendix with peritonitis, indic. for surgo) (MITONITIS, etio. & ps4h6gsn. abscess of appendix, indic. for surgt) Una - k 110 wam"W-44~-. Effect of lA growth-promoting substanoopf petroleum origin on the development and yield of the Yetchlibe. Dokl. AN Aserb.SSR 13 no.3:321-324 157. (XXHA 10;7) 1. Institut %*uledeliya Akademli nauk AssrUtydshanskay SSR. Pred- stavlano &I--idemikou Akadeall nauk Aserbaydshanskoy SSR.A. I. Xarayevym. (Yetabling) (Orowth promoting substances) (Petroleum Induetry-By-producte) )',,,-ZR, A.Ya., Inaliener; Mluilvu. I..Ye., inthener. Vachininp. thn frnmar. )f Indtiction motors of a standArd series on prouvod vachins too)-c. Vert.;Ie),trovrom. 27 no.9:4i-4,4 .,- 156. (Iluu, 10:9) 1. Gipr9pnergoDrom. Olectric nmhinery Industry) (Hachine toole) A A Agregatirovanis I vz&imozamenIaemu,,A' v samolotostroanii. Moskva, Oborongizq Glav. red. aviatsionnoi lit-ry, 1946. 81 p., illus. Title tr. i Assembling and interchangeability in aircraft production TL671. 1. B3 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, LibrLry Of Cunjrej3, 1955 PHASE I BOOK M(PLOITATION 160 Boyteov, V.V. Normalizovann*e prisposobleniya dlya aborki agregatov samoleta (Standardized Devices for Assembling Aircraft) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1955, 234 p. Number of copies printed not given. Ed.: Bakhrakh, N.M.; Tech. Ed-t Zudakin, I.M. PURPOSE: The book is intended basically for designers of assembling equipment in the aircraft construction industry,,.but it may be helpful also to workers in other !branohes of machine building; it may also serve as a manual In training speolalists. COVERAOEt The book describes standardized assemblies and devices for assembling aircraft, methods of design and oalculationj and special technological processes in mounting assembling devices. The author states that this book is the first work dealing with standardization of assembling equipment. He thanks A.A. Teelibeyev, V*P- Shatin, U.I. Oovberg, B.A. Khropik and others who assisted him in the development of design standardization; he expresses his special Card 1/5 Standardized Devices for Assembling Aircraft 16o gratitude to V.I. Tikhonov for valuable help In preparing the materials of the book. There are 5 Soviet references. TABLE OF CONTENTSt Preface 3 PART I. EQUIPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY FOR AIRCRAFT ASSEMBLY Ch. 1. Technology and Equipment for Assembling Aircraft 5 1. Basic assemblies and Jo4nts of aircraft 5 2. Brief data on technological processes in assembly operations 9 3. Instruments and equipment for assembly operations 16 Ch. 2. Technological Requirements and Purpose of Assembly Devices. 21 Card 2/5 Standardized Devices for Assembling Aircraft 160 Ch. 3. Technical and Economic Value of Standardizing Assembling Devices 26 1. Basic aspects 2. Technical and economic effectiveness of standardizing assembly equipment 31 PART IX. PRELr14INARY DESIGN OF ASSEMBLY DEVICES Ch. 4. Des W of Assembly Devices 37 1. Elements and standard joints of the basic structure of assembly devices 7 2. Clamps and positioning devices 93 3. Standard designs of assembly devices 80 4. Classification of assembly devices 92 Ch. 5. Auxiliary Equipment of Assembly Devices 102 1. Work areas 102 Card 3/5 Standardized Devices for Assembling Aircraft 16o 2. Pneumatic equipment 109, 3. Electrical equipment 112 Ch. 6. Methods of Designing Assembly Devices 115 1. Basic materials 2. Sequence of design 3. Selection of basic axes 119 Ch. 7. Rigidity Calculations 124 1. Distribution of applied loads 124 2. Rigidity calculation for beams and columns 127 3. Computation diagrams for normal beams and columns 130 4. Calculation examples for assembly devices ~136 5- Conclusions 161 PART III. MOUNTING ASSEMBLY DEVICES Ch. 8. Basic Concepts for the Special Technology of Mounting Assembly Devices 163 Card 4/5 Standardized Devices for Assembling Aircraft 160 1. Special technological processes 163 2. Special equipment for mounting assembly devices 166 3. Controlling devices with precision optical instruments 177 Ch. 9. Interrelation of Assembly Devices 187 Ch. 10. Operation of Assembly Devices 194 Appendixes 1-29 Rigidity calculation tables and diagrams for assembly devices 197 30 Form for specifications of an assembly device 228 31 Grading of rolled steel. Recommended terminology 232 Bibliography 233 AVAILABLE; Library of Congress I"/kov Card 5/5 7-29-58 o T C:;-1. I,Zzh6 G_,o"'iz1c'4,D.'x5o Uoda. V111 razd--l MAroty i rotul'ttity ~-Altbmly chirot I d-Azt-nniya polyvicoy clor-.Ak at,%tc!;f (rrolinina-Y D-Am oi! Vmrlationo crA Iluations of the, rrrthlo Poleal CoUcated k.-ticItc. Va. 1) jlonc", jzd-yo A.11 00-111, 1950. 97 'P. Urratm allp incorted. 1,003 copice printed. MU',"Xi 1,11a coll,,ctlon of eirticlon ia int-mbd for rLgtrom--.!r8, (~v0r_%ycicidtd, Lna ot'..-r ccVzitints concorc.A with tho pz%ablcna of latltu~(., Yarlatlona ft1A th.-z r.J.-Xatlon of the Eva-th's r-31ca. I ol' the Collection contairm preliminm7 remits of Intitudm ob~or,%-Lior,3 tma 1957.5 thrcv~ji 1959.0 r.1da ckt I(T; atationa Ifi tb* V_M incluain.- nov atstiono In 01te:Am. Part 11 conolato of articles d,:cri'o1rj now inutrur-mts, obcervatlon%l proLw= end ty-thois, and pro- o: procavaing tho IntiVub obrorvatlonal datm. Vith tbo 1wCar m4--%vr of statioDa an& tho uce of nov instm-nts It is anticipated that the final wiU proyida a mDre caVreb7nolvo study of anoz&li6s and Instrumental r-All of IAUU140 V'rintiona (Cont.) C-7/571t 2 Ictitudo obron-ationu t';--!' L-11 I In' P).Isiblo pmvic Inly. FO Nr- cc;'," ItICA &M m~ntloiicd. Cn:;Iinh nbjtr.,-,cto ma i%-.f4-,mncac follow each articls. VZ71~: 0*.~ cl'....,.-."~S: 5. V., L. D. ro3tiwi, r-A 11. R. Lo:, -rvatic.),i nt C~i ",In Astro%,~,,Acml CQ;n,~rvuc-ry of tbT Acckdczq Zenith-Telencopo) r, 0.-nrolvitk, c-A 0. V. o: INIcAC-~,dra at V;i :Ioltava Craviritrical of tl;i! Ulzraininn Acad~.:q or ScUnces (Zclra rc-,-ov, -14. A. O'szorvatiom of Dr17,%t t2nith Strxa at tha roltayu Viacmatory of th3 V-,zranlrz Acadczq of Sciences (Zzira Zovith-Toloccolo) 13 Card 2/5 lal~a of L-ttitulc V8-rlati(';',3 (Co;'t.) CLV/5742 V . 1. , tvia 1. F. ror1rat. i r.~ ',%-, ~ I r %ti,)n cf llttll-.,~w V"LrIntlonn r.-C -a ramunl With TV0 Z--~'At-% '~--lcclcopem 34 e, A. ::. VlvlI.-.-3Awllrj RoollItts of Cc- ~ irlrr-, of Lli-i Kitab Lmtit%:,A~ Aation lhwina Cut Nviol 1957-5- 43 r., o. It. 71'.'A~OVA, V. V. "":,ztc-r%ov, nnA Yu. r. rro-'Li. 7, .Ito or Prozoncina Cbr,~i-vation3 With th-i Y-7acicri Zm1th r-~Jrz 1953 47 I., V. A. m-r-av. u.-A 1*-thod of llmcoair4 z,lth Nbo Jr-'T) Ob:;crc~loao 56 N N., nrd M. X. ratter. Mat of Str-ra on the rulkow aFc-tcrlth Tubo (lZT) Pm,,ra:z 63 --azli2wkly, A. A., and Ye. P. FoCarov. On tLo Quoution of LyauatlrL5 tzo Accuracy of Latitude Observations 75 AUTHOR: Vakhrnkh, j. M. T I TLE t Theolw- ~OTHYPIrmjrfn,~,rs r) r i, 'I ~ a r; 3 Pa r. (Teoriya giPvrPov--rkhr4o.,,1--y rvklidovn prostranstva) PERTODICALt Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Fi7iko-matemntichoakiye nauki, 1958, Nr 3, pp, 14-17 (USSR) ABSTRAM As a generalized Euclidean space It n the author denotOA a real affine n-dimencional space in which the scalar product of two vector" is defined with the aid of a bilinAar funntion %f(xy)t f(xy)jff xy(xy j yx), T(xx)> 0 for every x 0. Lot F be a hypersurface in the 11 1 7 ~11 OU 1z z7 n Zu i are linearly independent). Let g ij be the measuring tenser; p be a unit vector perpendicular to all vectors of "lie tang(!nting planel b,j - bj, be the second funiamental -on:nr of t*r,+i hyper- plane. In contradintin~,~tion to the iilinl F 43 not determined except of motioni ~y th(~ g, qulhor int-roduenq still the magnit!Oos 7,P - %P4 hon Card 1/2 Theory of Itypersurfaces of the aonoraliz-d Euclidoan Spacp Theoreat If botween the point3 of two hyp-rsiirfn-.-,z F,F" 7~f H a one-to-one rt-lation can bo P.llatlizhrti ard thr ~ a 7, tion can be carried out, to thoit, 'he name values in the initial point-% and tho j-,, n ~Ln all corresponding points, thcn F ani 74' coincidence by a motion of tho It n' The theorem given necc3sary lind ;1,iffici(n! coni;.~ion:-. gijo b ij and ?, nre the meniuring 4..hs~ nnc-nrl fnntrimt~ntal tensor and covector of a surfacc in tho 11, The third theorem containn thc~ vnmi~ stisA rt i on -,s t 1., or- T, under changed assumptions. There are 2 Soviet referon%,-q. ASSOCIATIONtYaroslavokiy pedngogl~-heskiy institut imen,' (Yaroslavl, Pedagogical Institute 1mcni K.DXL;hin~ikiy) SUBIAITTEDi April 18, 1958 Card 212 Theor7 of byper-surfacee In generalixed Buclidean "ce with one singular direction, Nauchodoklevyeashkoly; fise-mate nauki no*3:3-6 159. (KIRL l3s6) 1e Smoleaskiy goeudaretvanqy podagogicheekly I uchitellekly Institut imeni KarlA Marks&& (surfaces) 114 AIDTHORt Bakhra SOV/140-58-6-2/27 TITLEt Some Questions of Geometry of the n-Limensional Generalized Euclidean Space (Nekotoryye vopro:~ geometrii n-mernogo obob- shchennogo yovklidova prostranstv PERIOLICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh 2avedeniy.Matematika, 1958, Nr 6, PP 7-16 (usn) ABSTRACTa A generalized n-dimensional Euclidean space H n is a real oriented affine n-dimensional space in which the scalar product xy of the vectors );. and y is defined with the aid of a generally not symmetric bilinear function %p(xy)t xy r-,f(xy), where%p(xx)> 0 for every x ~ 0. Generally xy j yx. The author proves the existence of right-normalized bases which then are fundamental for the further investigations. The function %fis decomposed into a symmetric and a skew-symmetric part (tp.(xy) and %?_(xy)). By the relation 17_(xy) - ? +(zAy) a skew-symmetric linear operator is introduced which is essential for the further considerations. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the isomorphism of two H n are given. Certain affine point transformations are denoted as Card 1/2 motions in the Hn' The kind of possible motions depends on the Some questions- of Geometry of the n-LimensiQnal SOV/140-58-6-2/27 Generalized Euclidean Space structure of the operator A in the induced Euclidean space. Finally the author formulates without proof some theorems on the curves in the Hn- There are 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet, and I German. ASSOCIATIONtYaroalavokiy pedagogicheskiy institut imeni K.D.Ushinakogo (Yaroslavl' Pedagogical Institute imeni X.D.Ushinakiy) SUBMITTEDt December 4. 1957 Card 212 -65923 jb"5 too S/140/60/000/003/002/011 C111/C222 AUTHOR: Bakhrakh, S.M. lb TITLEt The Theory of Hypersurfaces of the Generalized Euclidean Space and Generalized Riemannian Spaces of First Class 1W PERIODICALt Izvestiya vysshikh1uchebnykh zavedeniy. Matematika, 1960, Nr-3, PP-54-61 TEXT: In (Ref.7,8) the author developed a general theory of generalized Euclidean spates 9n . In the present paper, at first the moot essential results of (Ref.7,8) are repeated and then it is shown that, for certain modifications of the arrangements, one obtains the same or analogous resul tex Then the generalized n.-dimensional Riemannian space Wn is introduced as an n-dimensional manifold, on which the field of a generally not symmetrical tensor g,, is given, where (27) gij xixj;)".o for every veolor xi different from zero. Lot gil be th; symmetrical and g U be the skew-symmetrical part of gij. Card 0 85923 S/l4y6O/OOO/OO3/CO2/011 C111 C222 The Theory of Hypersurfaces of the Generalized Euclidean Space and Generalized Riemannian Spaces of First Class Lot 5jkip be the: tensor of curvature. Theorem IM In order that the generalized Riemannian space with the tensor gij is a generalized Euclidean space it in necessary and sufficient that (28) 9ijkp 0 (29) gijjk 9i %Jlk " 0 In is of first class if In an Hn+1 there exists a hypersurface the measure tensor of which is identical with the tensor gi4 of Wn. Then gi, in called a tensor of first class. Theorem M In order that a In with 9ijkp - 0 is of first class it is necessary and sufficient that gijlk " 0' Theorem Vt In order that a In with 3ijkp a k(g g -g g ), where k;*O, is .U ~2 ik ju a space of first class, it is necessary and sufficient that Card 2/3 85923 S/140J60/000/003/002/011 C111/C222 The Theory of Hypersurfaces of the Generalized Euclidean Space and Generalized Riemannian Spaces of First Class (50) 9ijjk - n1l (91k6is111501 - gik9jelieg). Theorems VI and VII give sufficient conditions that a tensor 91j ~ 9ji is of first claas. The author mentiona A.P.Norden and thanks I.M,,Lopshits. There are 8 referencest 6 Soviet, 1 Imerican and 1 Swedish. LAbstracter's notes (Ref.7) concerns a paper of the author in Izve %a,, vysahikh uohobnykh savedeniy. Matematika, 1958, Wo.6, pp.7-161 (R9;.8 a paper of the author in Nauchnyye doklady vyeehey ehkoly. Miko-matemati- cheakiye nauki, 1958, 5, pP.14-173 ASSOCIATION: Smolenskiy pedagogichaskiy institut imeni K.Markea (emolensk Pedagogical Institute imeni X.Marks) SUBMITTEDi July 21, 1958 Card 3/3 BAKHRAKHj So Mel CAND PHY8-MATH S019 c' Lizzo EuCLIDIAN SPACe. Moscow@ 1961o m Ve Is LININ)o (KLq 2-619 198)o is GEOMETRY OF QENCRA- (Moscow STATE PED INST -3- BAKMMp S.M. Theory of surfaces in generalized Euclidian space. Uch. sap. XbN gose pod. inst, no.34:7-16 16o, (MIRA 15:9) (Surfaces) BAKHRAKH, S.M. Theory of the bypermurfaces of a generalized Euclidean "ca. Uch. zap. Smol. goo. ped. inat. No.lOtl6-22 162. (MIRA 17sl) BAKHRWI S.M. (Yoskva) Conformal Euclidean generalized Riemann spaces. lzv.vys, ucheb,zav,; mat, no.6t23-26 165. (MULk 19t1) 1. Submitted June 4, 1964. ACCESSION NR: AT4040507 S/0000/0/000/000/0031/0052 AU7110R.- Bakhrakh. V. P.; Roginsidy, B. Ya. TITLE: Optimality criteria and approximation methods for spacing a fleot along a short 1 coast SOURCE- Konforentslya. po voprosam primeneniya matematild v sotsialisticheakoy ekonomike. lot, Leningrad, 1961. Matematiko-ekonomichesidys problemy* (Problems in mathematical economics); trudy* konferentsii. Itd-vo LeniW. univ., 1963, 31-62 TOPIC TAGS: mathematical economics, economics, linear approximation, optimization, linear programming, linear function, approximation method, approximation calculation,, ship, transportation, water traffic, marine transport ABSTRACT: Tbo continuous increr-so in the marine freight turnover rate, the develop- i ment of ports, and the Increase in the number of transport ships have seriously complicated the solution of many planning and dispatching problems and have made necessary an exact mathematical formulation of the problem. Hence, the use of mathematics and elel:tronlc computing machines in the planrdng of marine transport has become a noc-assity. Finding the boot transportation system and spacing the ships in a suitable line occupies a central place in the planning work of a marine flooL The problem of spacing the ships can perhaps Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4040607 only be solved on the basis of mathomatical methods of optimization. 71o present paper to devoted to several of those problems. An walysis of the use of approximation. mothods for arranging a fleet showed that the most expedient moans suggested for practical use are the method of maximal differences and the index method. However, it is still necessary to give a detailed development of all sides and all aspects of the application of these mothods. Iliere is no doubt that approximation methods are applicable to the operation of a marine transport fleet. However, tho use oi approximation methods also causes serious problems. the solution of which requires the help of the economist and the mathematician. First of all, the model of the arrangement of the fleet does not take into account many factors, including even some that are essential. Among these factors are the initial ar- rangement of the ships and the influence of complex kinds of transport. 7bus, the basic problem consists of improving the model of the fleet arrangement. 'Me authors conclude that it will be necossary to pay attention to many practical problems in addition to the theoretical questions in the use of approximation methods. 7bose methods do. however, facilitato the solution of the defined problems and are important factors for improving the practical operation of a naval fleet. Orig. art. has; 16 formulas and 9 tabloo, ASSOCIATION- none CoM 2/3 ACCES&ON NR-. AT4040507.----- SUBMTTED: 310ot63 DATE ACQ: 12Jun64 ENCL: 00 1, SUB CODE: MA, GO NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 001 !Card ~-~~Ta~ Method for, the preparation of aystine, Isy,Irk.gosecauche- leal.protivochun,inat. 18tl25-126 158. (NMA 13t?) (CYSTI") BAMUUMO Ya*L, Significance of protein diets in frActuree (with summery in Snplishl.' VOP,Pite 17 no*6:16-21 F-D 158. (mrRA 12:2) 1. Is blokhimichookoy laboratorli (sav. Ta.L. BakhrAkh) i otdolenlys traventologit (sav. - dotti. U.N. Rodin) Saratovskogo nauchno-leale- d0vatellakogo institute traymatologit i ortopedii. (FRACTUM . therapy, high protein diets (Rue)) (PROTEMS, ther. use, fraote, in high-protein diets (Rue)) (DMS, in var. die. high-protein diet in fract. (Rue)) BAZIIMUYA, Z.V.; BAKHRM, Ya.L. Influence of proteins in food on tho processes of regeneration in bone fritoturese Vop. pit. 20 no.6:33-37 N-D 161. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Is Irkutskogo nauohno-isoledovatollskogo inatituta travmata46gii i ortopodii. (PRMSINS-PHYSIOLOMCAL EFFECT) (FRACTURES) I BAKHRAKH, Ye.E.1 YEGOROVAP- V.D.; DENISOVA, Ye.P. Distribution of protein and polyearpharide in the cello of the plague microbe grolwn at 28 - 370, Zhur. mikrobiol., opid. i imun. 41 no.lOil35-139 164. (MIRA 180) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-lealedovateliskiy Institut ~Mikrob". I BAMMMM, Ye. IL: KMOBIDTA, -Ye, 1. 1 MALILUTA, A.Y. - --- Chesteal nature and serological proportion of the speolflo PoIrsaacharlde-oontaluing fraotion of the plague vicrobs. 18t127-133 158. (MMA 13M (POLYSACCRaMN) (PASTEMnU PASTIS) BAKHRAKU,, Ye.E.; YEGOROVA, V.D.1 F11,11POV, A.F. Effect of the toomperature reglmpn on 'Ye chpml,~Ill (". .,. "..,4 pInRUO microbe. Zhur. mikroblol., epid. I immun. 40 N 1"3,. '. M I RA :i '.,: ,I 1. Iz VaesoyuzncNj,,o nauctai(--Itisledovate:ilakt,,go in.Oltutli "W'xr-b'p - -- BAUEAKHO- U.N.;- WDEDOTMAL~I.-Ke -- Isolation of the polywobarlde fmotion from the plague microbe. Isy. last. 18t135-138 158. (MIRA 13M (POLTUCC"IMS) (PASHUnLLA P2STIS) KOROBKOVA, Ye.j.; PAVLOVA, L.P. LAOYJU"H.* XOOEO Intradermal &Uorgic reaction as an indication of imminity to plaguee Zhurs mikrobiol.p epid. i immun. 32 no.9:37-42 S 161. OUR& 1592) 1. Iz Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledo-vatellskogo protivochumnogo instituta, mikrobi4ogii Y o-Vostoka SSSR (OMikrob"). (PLAGUE) 11MUN1TY) BAKINMI1, PAVANKOV, A.B.;- MARTENS , L.A.; LAUr-FR,- VJI.; SOKOLOVAt N.M.; ODIfKIiOVAj Z.A.1 FlLIPPOVA, N.Ye. Cultivation or tho plaguo microbe on modia of acid casein hydrolycate domineralized using an.ion-exchange. rooin. Zhur.mikrobiol., opid. i immun, 33 no.315I---55 Mr 162. (MI RA 15: 2) 1. 1z Goeudarstvonnogo nambno-issledovatol'skogo instit-a" mikrobiologii i spidemiologii Yugo-Vostoka SSSR "Mikrob". (PASTEURELIA FESTIS) (CASEIII) (IOTI UCHANGE R-SINS) MA4=V. Z.H., professor; BAKHRAMI. M. The fate of patients after appandicular abscess with limited peritonitis. VastAhir. 76 no.?tl34-135 Ag '55.(KLRA 8:10) 1. Is kafedry obahch6.v khirdrgit (say.-prof. Z.H.Hamedoy) Iserbaydzhanskogo zeditsinskogo Instituta (APP M ICITIS. compl. abscess & peritonitis. Indic. for surg.) (ABSCBSS appendix with peritonitis, Indic. for surg.) (PIRITIONITIS, stio. & pa$hbgan. abscess of appendix, indic. for surg.) MAMEDOV, Z.1-11., prof.; BAKHRAMI, assistent Yunctional indices of the thyroid gland In the immediate and late postoperative periods. Azerb. md. ~hur. no.6tl3-19 Je 162. (MIRA DO) 1. 1z kafedry obshchey khtrurgil (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AN AzSSR, zasluzhennyy deyatel I nauki prcC A.M. Mamedov) Azer- bnyzhanskogo gosudarstvetinogo moditsinskqgo instituta imeni N. Hari0anova (rektor - zusluz~ennyy deyttell nauki, l1rof. B. A, Eyvazov), Materials from oxaminatiops and a study of thyroid gLuA funotion in fooi of endenia goiter (Nukhat K&Mip Zakatalyp wd Belom 'Aserb. mod. shur. uo*6137-a Je 160 (MIR& 141 (AZERUIJAN-GOITiR) Bkydffm I P-- m P-me Functiorml atate of the thyroid gland in the light of late post- operative results. Pric':L,endon. i gom. 6 no.605-80 160. (MIRA 14:2) (THVIOID GLAND-ZURGERY) !4' ACA 4/t, us_m/cultiva- ~C(I -mants-- 'Foader 11. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 4, 1958, 15692 Autlior : A,D. BnkJirawv Tnat Of Growth Substances Coming from Petroleum Title a E~Ffect ~ on Vatchling Develormcnt and Yields. (Vliyaniye rostovocp vashchestva nertyanoGo proiekhozh- deniya na razvitiyo i uro2liay chiny). Orij; Pub : DokI~ M AzSSR, 1957, 13, Vo 3, 321-324. Abstract : Experinents on the effect of GTowth substances obtainc-I from petroleum on the devolopmnt and yield of vetchlinr, woro mda under ficiA test conditions at the Kukharchay- skaya Zonal Experimental Station in 1956* The vatcliling scods were soaked for 3 hours in 0-05% and 0-005% aqucou3 solutions of grcnfth substance) and the control in water. The GTowth substance isolatc(I from petroleum had a favo- rable effect on the clevelopmant and yield of vetchling Card I'_/2 USSR/Cultivatc-d Plants Fodder. M. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Bioio,, No 4, 1958, 15692 r,reen stuff. The shoc)tinC:, buddinG and flowerina of the votchlinG treateA( with the 6Towth substance took place earlier than in the control. The ve(;atativ6 period from sovin(; to flowerin- in the control lasted 43 days., on plots with seces treatoci with a 0.05% solu- tion of the growth substance it was 36 days, und with the 0o005% solution 33 Oays. The ~Xeen stuff yield in the control was 104.3 centners -.ier hectare and in the varia- tions with Growth substanco 122.0 and 172.0 centuers per hectare* Card 2/2 DAYdiiiTOV, A.B., Cand Ak-,r Sci-(dica) Ilbspande"a of' pauture prodmoti J. ZIA;4, -4 NtA,c 1%,f vity o f OMwjq"r harb:%coour, ,nd benn fodaor-crops -an *hw ip p A a" of t6we o1' utilipiation for Croon fuddor." Bakup Publinhinig lJouva of tho Aend Soi AzSSR, 111)118. 30 pp (Stnlinf-,rad Arr Irint of the Min of Agr R,,;'FSR) 100 copion (yl,,30-58, 129) BArHRAMOV, A.-D. Iffoot of sowing time on food yields of annual forage crops. Trudy Inst. gen. I eel. AN Aserbe SSR 1:157-162 159. (MIRA 13:3) (Azerbaijan-Grassee) (Seed production) - BArdfik-l0V,- A.B. Effect of irrigation on growths developments mid yields of forage crops. Izv. AN Azerb. 33H. Ser, biol. i med.nauk no.5:(43-48 160. KIM 1419) (AZERBAIJAN-FORAGE PLANTS-11WQATION) - BAKHRAM)V, A.B. Effect of cultivation conditions on the biological and economic characteristics of different varieties of vetoh. Izv.AN Aterb. SSR.Ser.biol.i med.nauk no,3t2l-30 162. (KIRA 15:9) (APSHERON PENINSUIA--VETCH--VARIETIES) BAKMAMDV, A.B. . ............... ..I....., Effect of cultivation conditions on the biological and sconoxio characteristics of sorghum In the Apsheron Peninsula* Trudy In6t.gen.1, seLAN Aserb.SSR W30-138 162. (KMA 1612) (Apsheron Peninsuln-Zorghum) BAKHRAMOV, A.B.; ABAZTAN, A.B. Varietal charaoteriatics of fodder pumpkin. Izv. AN Aserb. SM. Ser. biol. i med,4auk no.3t29-3.1 163. (MIRA l6t6) abfkkh Steppe-Pumpkin-Varieties) BAKHRAMDV, A-M.; YAZDOVSKIY, V-I- animals. llrobl.kosm.biol. ls289-298 162a Hermetic cabin for (WA l5tl2.) (ARTIFIC,kL SkTFLLIM) (SPAGE BIOLOGY-RMEARCH) AUTHORS: Stapolubtsev, S. :!,,ckn%ayu SSR, U Keitlin, L. I., 22970 S1166J611000100210011006 B112/B217 V., Member of th Actidomy of - Sciencez Ablyayev, Sh. A., Bakhramov, F., Yucova, F..*N. TITLE: Study of moleculnr gonversions in a nctural t;aa, produc-1 by hi6h-frequqncy electric diuchur~.;cs PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii naiik UzSSR. Scriya fiziko-matema tic1.--*---*!-., nauki no. 21 10,161., 3-11 TEXT: The.atudy of chemical oonvervions in to continue studies of different radiation effoqto on methane. A high-frequency device of the type ArE-36 (LGE-ZB) via& used for heating the dieleotrion. The experi- mental arrange.ment is schematically represented in Fig. 1: A is a aas tank, B a rheometer, T a diacharl;e tube,P (L) a trap, P a reservoir, 1! a mnnometer, H a bulb,-Wd'Dj-and..D2 are catarrhometers. The reaction products vere analyzed ape ctroBeop'-cally. The IIKC-14 (1K5-14) spectro- graph uBdd has a measuring range of 600-10000 Om- 1. and prisms of LiF,and Card 1/5 22970 B/166/61/000/002/001/006 Study*of molecular converaions in a... B112/B217 KCl.- The gas contained. 98 f, methane. The amount of energy absorbed on pacange through the gaQ discharge tube uas determined from the temperature difference T2 -T, at the ends of the discharge tube. E - 2.6 io'911 C (T -T p 2 1 there M Is the mass of the Sast and Cp the opecific'heat at constant .pressure. Fig, 2 shows the absorption spectrum of the gas. The dashed 'line (1) refers to a cas not subjected to electric discharge, vhilst line (2) referg to* a gas subjected to electric discharge. The effect of electric discharre on the ~:ps reculted in the formation of liquid products which turned out to be derivntivee of alkyl benzenes. The basic products -11-0 formed It's follo%is.: (;H* + CH4 - CH: + CH3 CH: CHi + H2 CH* + e CH: - CH3 + H 4 CH*+ 014 - C2H++H, Card 2/5 3 6 22970 S/166/61/d00/0O2/O0!/1%C6 Study of moleculnr conversions in a ... B112,!B217 .111++*-CH3+CHj a CH + CH - qH2 CH, + Mit -* Cji, CH3 + CH3 - C2H4+ H3. There are 3 figures and 26 references: 8 Soviet-bloc and 18 non-Soviet- bloc. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-t~khnicheskiy institut AN UzSSR (Institute of Physics and Technology, Academy of Sciences Uzbekskaya SSR) SUB11171LED: January 7,.1961 Card 3/5 SURODUBTSEVp S.V.j ABLYAY&Vp Sh.A.j-AARLR ~Wj ~F.; ZIYATDINOV,, Sh.1 KHYTLIN, L.G. Study of molecular transformations in a natural gas caused. byelectrodeleas high-frequency discharges, Part 2,, Effect of certain physical factors and impurities on electric craeking, Izv. AN Us. SSR. Ser. fit.-mt. nauk 6 no.5%58-65 162a (MIRA 15:11) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut AN UzSSR. (Cracking process) AUTHOR$i Starodubtasyt S. Vot Ablyayevo Sh. Ziyatdinovq Sh.# Keytlinj L. 0. 7-T 8/166j62/000/006/006/016, Bioi/BW, A. j BaMrsion-IIA TITLEt Study of molecular conversions in natural gas under the action of electrodeleas high-frequ4noy discharges. III. Effect of the wattage of high-frequency discharges and gas pressure in the discharge tube on eleotrocraoking PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk Usbekskoy SSR, Isvostiya. Beriya fisiko matematiohookikh naukq no. 6t 1962, 53 - 60 TEXT# To clarify the basic mechanism of electrooraokingt methane was cracked at various wattages (20)- 180 w)p.prossures (20 - 60 ma Hg)j and contact times t (0,01 - 2. 4 8.0 1 total cracking and the yields of ethavej- sthylenst acetylene# propanol propylonsp butyleass, and hydrogen was'-deter. mined# Total dracking increased with wattages the rise was gradual.up to, -40 wo i a 0.65 sea# steep between 30 and 100 wo and then gradual again, The steep sootion,of the curve corresponds to the range where a chain mochanism,operates. The threshold limit of.the wattage at which the steep rise sets in decreases with increasing v. The yields of ethane and Card 1/3 3/166j62/000/006/006/016 Study of molecular conversions ... BIOI/Ble6 ethylene fall with increasing wattage for.-t a const& No G2H6 or 02H 4 is formed at 140 - 150 w. The yield of acetylene Increases with the wattage# passes a maximum at a certain wattage depending on i, and then falls steadily. The maximum C H yield is i1% at 50 w and i a 0.8 sec, and 22.5~ 2 2 at 100 w and i - 0.3 sec. Diacetylene forms 'at low wattages. More and more liquids are formed with increasing wattage, and diacetylene disappears due to formation of cyclohydrocarbons. For propane andpropyleneg there is also a maximum at ;^.- w and -r a C-4 sea which vanishes at high wattages, . probably being shifted toward very short i. The yiel d maxima for C 3Ha and C386 lie in the range where intense decomposition of C 2H6 and C2H4 begins. Butylenes-form only at low wattages, they are no longer detectable at 140 w# The hydrogen yield, however, risee continuously with w and v. The specific. energy oonaumption for a tubr. 2.5 u% in diameter and for -t - 0-3 sea was ,70 w-hr per mole of cracked CH 4, and 260 w-hr per mole.of resulting CA' The corresponding v7alues for a diameter of 9o1 am and i w 0*3 sea w re 65 and 260 wahre Increasing pressure has the same affect as inoreasiz wattage on the cracking and the yield of decomposition products, Experiments with tubes of different diameters d 4owed that total cracking do p-pnde linearly ',.....Card 2/3 3/166/62/000/006/006/016.11 Study of molecular conversions ... B101/B186 on the surfaoe/volume ratio. Total cracking in two tubes of different d. 2 2 in proportional to d2/d itwhich may be explained by the termination on them wallp of the tubes. Furthermorep the yield of the individual products depends on d, and this r*4uires further Investigation. Thor* are 7 fig-, ures and I table. AS SOCIATIONs Fisiko-tokhnioheakiy institut-AN UsSSR (Physicotoohnictl Institute AS UzSSR) SUBMITTEDs July 13P 1962 STARODUBTUVO S.V,; ABLYATEVp Sh,A.) BAKHRAMOV, P.1 ZIYATDINOV~ Sh.1 XKYTLINP L.O. --------- MlecUar transformiations in a natural gas produced by elootrodeless high-frequency dischargea. Isv. AN Us. SSR. $or. fis.-iiat. nauk 6 no,603-60 162, (MMA 16%2) 1. Fisiko-takhatohoskiy institut institut AN UsSSR. (Electric discharges throu h gases) (cracking prooesal STARODUTSUp S.V.1 ABLTArlr, 91I.A.1 BAKHRAMO.V Ir.1 KETT INV YUSOVAP RON* Study of the electroaretking of natumi gas by the method of vibrational spectra. Zav; Ub. 29 no.6:707-708(M#63. IRA 16W L Pisiko-teMniobaskiy inetitut AN UsbSSR. Clasp Natural-AbBorption'spectra) t-aaking process) --SADYKOVP--S*-S#; UMRAMV-;-K-*D*-- --- -- - -- --- - Hov, growing conditions of parent plants affect the inheritance of morphological and economic signs in cotton, Agrobiologiia no.4:505-509 JI-Ag 161. (MIRA 1417) L Institut genetiki L fiziologil rasteniy AN Uzbekskoy SSRt TaO.kent. (Cotton brooding) BAKERAMOV, Kul-daah; RAKWANOVA, It., red. [Sun and the cotton plant] Solntse i khlopchatnik. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 1964. 18 p, (MIRA 1813) ~~-Rhm-jiov, N.R. How the Azerbaijan party organization hue curried out the directives of the 20th Congress of tho CPSU relating to the petroleum Industry. Trudy AzINUTEXHIM no.2ltl24-140 149. %HERA 13:8) (Azerbaijan--Petrolatum industry) s/665/62/001/000/016/033 E028/E185 AUTHORS: Bakhranove A.M*v and yazdovgkiy, V.I. TITLE: A scaled Capsule for housing animals SOURCE: Problemy kosmiche3koy biologii. v.l. Ed. by N.M. Sisakyan. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962. 289-298 TEXT: A sealed cabin for housing animals during space flights is illustrated and described. It consists of a cylindrical capsule 64 cm in diameter and 80 c'm long, made of 2 mm aluminium sheet and provided with a detachable lid containing a plastic inspection port 16 cm in diameter. The capsule resisted excess internal and external pressures up to 1.5 atm without structural damage or leaking, and also temperatures ranging from -40 to +50 C. The capaul* is equipped internally with air conditioners and regenerators, automatic feeding and other apparatus, which are supported upon a metal frame. it was possible to maintain animals in a normal stato of activity in the capsule for 20 days. There aro 6 figures. Card 1/1 BAMPPPYI, Shl- ~ Speciali"tion of yards for the receiving of processed care in section stations vith a longitudinal arrangement, TnAy TASHIIT no,.1809.40 16L (HIRA 1833) V. I Toward Uio rip;tcrioua ",,joho." pauka 1, zjjjr-.zji 28 no. 2:22-25 F 161, 14:--) (""arth-Intornal structiro) BAKHRFVSKIY, V. - I Gitnlovites. On. nat. no.&13-15 Ag 162. (MIRA 1519) (Kamysht,vatka-Agriculture-Study and teaching) oontralling- thc~ flov *f prtroil"ir !--nd lurpy with the use.of it radtolootope. tracers Nvmli. tr-ily ler"INI"E, nc.~1-67-72 16). (Y."Rt- 19t)) t-r till I I I I g . I I k al. 1. - ' lot-, Ilk , ! - r I I 'y vul ok AS 31 a jj go fall: 3 01 elillia-, g1lifln.; 6 z ; fu rR lit jj Ic 3 jig 1 41 j 1. 0 of V1 134 -oh fir lit V-7- 71 --~R/O---/65/006/00~/02~-i/623-- ACC NRi AP50'27043 SOURCE CODE: 120 3 AUTHOR; Bakhromis E S.; ftechkin, Xu, D.; ZaY "u1noy. Kb-; Karlmoyt H. ORG; InatituIS-oryuclear J!hysics. AN UzSSj Tashkent (Institut yadernoy fix"d AN Us R) TIT LE: A simple circuit for the final stage of a high voltage pulse genersigL T SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 6, 1965, 233 TOPIC TAGS: pulse generator* trigger circuit, thyratron, -circuit- dtaign ABSTRACT: Earlier papers described high voltage pulsed generator schemes which contained a separate delayed trigger channel for the cutoff thyratron and a high voltage divider diode in the grid circuit of the basic thyratron. The present authors give a modified scheme for the final stage of such a generator in which the diode in the AI thyratron grid circuit is replaced by an R. (PE-76) 500-ohm resistor. Following a brief description of its operation, the authors note that the circuit has two shortcomings: 1) a change of the power supply voltage alters the, duration of the pulse; and 2) the same happens if the output of the generator is connected to a load which significantly reduces the discharge time constant of tha capacitor. Otherwise, the device can supply pulses 0. 2-10 peso long with amplitudes up to 16ky. Orig. art. has: I figure. UDC; 6210373,433 L dW-,M - - WC NRi AP5027043 119. 1 circuit diagram of the final tage of a high Voltage doe pnerator LITGII-325/16 L2TGII-325/16 SUBCODE: EC/SUBMDATE: OOJul64/ORIGREP. 002 jrn 2/2 m,,Ir.I=v, K, Effect of tile cmditions oC environmunt on the nature of iphoritanco of properties and characters in co tm hybride. Uzb. biol. zhur. 9 no. 6t6l-66 165 19rl) 1, Ihstitut ekaperimantaltnoy b1oloCII rasteniy k.' UzSSR. 'Ar ,)lf fs COS Ai BAKHRUSHIN., A,Hs Motion of a horizontal pendulum. Dokl, AN Tadzh. SSR 6 no.4s 20-22 163, (MIRA 17W 1. Institut, seysmostoykogo stroit^llstva I sey8mologii AN Tadzhikskoy SSR. Predstavleno =21*-korrespondentom AN TndahikskoX SSR O.V.Dobrov4'skTIVwPI