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V. A.; B-4Bh K.U'L.UN,- LIN, N.J._- GORYACHEV, B.G. Shie:Ldizig properties or wire grids at microwave frequ5ncies. Radiotelch. i elektron. 9 no.9:.1723-1724 S 164- (MIRA 17glD) 1. MKIN) N. N. 2. USSR (600j) 4. Horses 7, Horse breeding section of the wKrasnyi Oktiabr'" Collective Farm. Konevodstvo Z3 no. 1 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ApAl .1953, Uncl. BABKIN, N.N., inzh. Some investigations of the coefficient of fan regulation C fro Izvev7soucbebozave; gortzhure no.1:69-,82 160. (MIRA. 13:6) 1. Leningradskiy ordena Lenina i ordens. Tradovogo Krasnogo Zaameni gornyy institut imeni G.V.Plekhanova. Retomandovana kafedror rudnichnoy ventil7ataii. (Mine ventilation) --BABKIII, N.H., inzh. Fffect of external leakage on air feed to mines and ',the specific power consumption. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. Do.q: 67-74 16o. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Leningradskiy ordene Lenina i ordena Trudovogo Kj~asnogo Znamani gornyy inatitut im. G.V. Plekhanova. Rekokend. kafedroy rudnichnoy ventilyateii i tekniki bezopasnosti. (Mine ventilation) ---BABKIN N., inzh. ,_jj~ 397aluating the economy of the ventilation of an operating mine. Izv. vys. ncheb. zave; gor. zhur. noolo:67-72 16o. (mm 13:n) 1. Leningradskiy ordena lienina i ordena Trudovogo Mrasnogo Zuameni gortyy institut imeni, G.V.Plekhanova. Rekomendovana kafedroy rudnichnoy ventilntsii i tekhniki bezopannoati Leningradskogo gornogo instituta. (Mine ventilation--Costs) BABKIN, N. N., Pand Tech Sci -- "Comparison between planned and ;actua/11' ~aram~eters of coal mines for the purpose 9f Ap- improving the quality of planning." Dnepropetrovsk, 1961. (Min of Higher and Sec Spec Ed UkSSR. Dnepropetrovsk Order of Labor Red Banner Min Inst im Artem).(KL, B-61, 241) - 199 - BABKIN, N.N.; GREBENSHCHIKOV L.S.- MALIN, N.I.; PROKHOROVA, T.I.; - Yu.A.; iLBAWV' P.A. - 9 Overall dust removal from the atmosphere of the Berezovskiy Mine. Gor. zhur. no.5t6l-63 I~r 164. (MIRA 17-t6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-:~ssledovateltskiy gornometallurgicheskiy institut tsvetnykh metallov (for Babkin, Grebenshchikov, Zhalin, Prokhorova). 2. Berezovskiy rudnik, KazSSR (for Lyapunov, Lobazov). ACC NR. AP6029062 SOURCE CODE INVENTOR: Razumovskiy, A. F.; Babkin, N. V. LTR/04l3/6'/ooo/ol4/oioo/olol, ORG: None TITLE: An ultrasonic inspection head with depth scanning of the focal spot. Class 42. No. i84ooo SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 14, 1966, loo-lol TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic inspection, piezoelectric transducer ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces an ultrasonic inspection head i1th depth scanning of the focal spot. The unit may be used in the contact or imme, ien modification. The instrument contains a focusing piezoelectric element and a h~-,low reflecting mirror which may be set at any angle to the surface in contact with 1.1e article being inspected. 'The focusing piezoelectric element-emitter may be moved parallel to the plane in contact with the article for scanning of the focal spot with respect to depth. Card 1/2 ACC NRi AP6029062 - 1-piezoelectric element; 2---article I SUB CODE: 13AII/SUBM DATE: 30ju165 , i r I % F i t ! I I Card 2/2 :-I I FMASS I BOOK EXPWrTATION SOV/3528 nascow. Dom nsuchno-talchnichaskor p'ropagandy Primenenlye ulltrazvuka v promyshlennosti; abornik statey (In dustrial Us* of Ultrasound; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Xuhgiz, 1959. 301 P. 8,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencyt Obshchest" pa rasprostrananiyu pZ"Itlahallkikh L nauchnykh Sclanly RSFSR. ad (Title page): V.1F. Nozdray, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical iei.ences, Professor; Md. (Inside back): G.F. Kochetova, Engineer, Tee . Ed.: V.D. ElIkird; Managing Ed. for Literature an Machinery and Instrument Manufacturing (Kelaingiz): N.V. Pokrc~ekly, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book to intended for engineers and technicians engaged in the application of ultrasonics In machlnory canufacturs and In other branches of indastry. COVERAGEt This Is a collection of papers road at the first all- Union conference on the use of ultrasonics In industry. Attention Is focused mainly n the description of ultrasbrild equipmen and r on the Lwo of ultrasound for the machining of hard rAterials and for flaw detection. The effect of ultrasound on matal-cryst&lla- tion processes Is &180 d1licussed. No pers~nallties am mentioned. References accompany_mAny of the papers. idtsygorod3kIj,,_Yu_I., Engineer; and K.c. K Eiul, Candidate of falifiaLcal sciences. ultrasonic Equipiint for ls4LL3trlal Applica- 64 tions --dZididate of T ihalcal Sale Docent. Design tion or Vibrato;: far Ultras.ancle";.0-ning 77 BuIrchOYA. 1.N., Candidate or Technical Sciences; jv,I, urviSh, --C&FAIdate-or-T~chnIc&l Sciences; land Ya.P. Sellaskly, Clandidato Of Technical Sciences . MAZAa c AllaYa-f-or VIYFL-3-6nic Applica- tions 91 KAkarov L.O.. Engineer. Methods or making DeBign,calculation, _r`yr~-Y~Yia L"Ponential Vltr4L3OnIc Concentrators 102 ly&zln&l X'P' Use of Ftrrites as Vltl'&Bonlc-Wave Radiators 115 SecomikOv, Yu-B., -EnZl"er. Method of Transforming Input Real@- tsnCi"-Of A T--Bir Radlat.;r 125 31rotyuk. M~G., Englneer. KAtching a Generator of Electric _'Usaillatione, With a quartr F-diator Dirwatay Utth the Generator Circuit _5.N_1 .-Engineer. 229 .1~, Characterilitics of tile Ultrasonic Machin- In& of Metals . 110; P13ALrevOklY, M.K., Candidate Of Technical Science.. --1_A.A_._ -XIE- i is J39're EXPi Ace Gained at the Lenlngrad3kly MttAll-cheskly Zavod (Leningrad M~tal-Pxroducts Plant) In the UltM3cn--c Drilling Of 1101ell in Quartz Plates 146 ~D!yAchlAXg-Epye- Doctor Or Technical Scl,,nceg, Professor; Xu.- 41. milrokhi. Enstneer; and V.Q. Aver-yanovr_ Soce Pmblem3 in th,l _U1_t7x""_0nrC__Mchlnjn of Kate-,rrAn--__ 149 Teumin, I. -I., Candidate of pnyalcal and maz!~.=atjcal Sciences. Erfic, ar Elastic Vibrations On tile Cry5tatllzatlon and procen.inA Pr-r-rtlar of Jtl2c,-e 163 Bagd&3&roy, Candidate of Chemical Sc, ances. Effect of Ultrazonic fibratLons on the Process of 175 Jgnr-Dj,0S;-Candld&tv or Technical Scler. ell. UltrAzonic tact 164 Yermolp_%,_X~X, Engineer. Ultrasonic Instru,,tnts 0--Teloped by TMi5aSh for the Measurement of Thickness al,d Product Control 211 .agb",Ova H.P,.,,Candldate or Technical Sclene~j. Ultr"onle Dl- tection of-)riaws in massive Wallis 223 -7 T~AQ=X~X,%-UltrllsOnic InSPectiOn of Case r~,pth In Electrically Fardened Steel Producta 240 Babk1n N V Engineer. Design Of Piezoelectric Tra_nsducerp for Detectors 253 POPOVA, N.M.; PLATONOVA,.A.F.; BABKIN, N.V.; GOLODAYEV, B.G. Isolation of carbides by anodic disqolution of steel with the use of superposed alternating current. Zav.lab. 27 no..10:1190-1192 161. (MIRA 3J,:.10) (Carbides). (Steel) (Electrochemistry) Von, M.I.; IIABKIII, II.Ya. Effect of fractured structurfn on the morphology in the Sofiyev*ra sectar of !I, - I,ikitovka mercury Donets Basin. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; -,eol. i razv. JO '58- (Donets Baoin-Ore a.3posits) of are bodies deposit in the 1 no.6:122 WIBA 13:0 F,'BKLN , P.F. Reasons for the raised level of Ucrund waters In pcpulalued places. Trudy VSEGD4GEO no.10:191-193 164. Om:~:,% 1. Vol-gogradskaya opolmevaya stantslyu. BABKIN, P.S. ,~,-_ Jaw-rotating reflex of the head in infants. Zh. nevropat. psikhiat., Moskva 53 no.9:692-696 SeDt 1953. (GIXL 25:4) 1. Department of Nervous Diseases of Krasnoyarsk Medical Instituto. BA13KIN, P.S. Physiological nasolabial reflex In childLren. Pediatriia no.5: 64-65 S-0 154. (MM 7:12) 1. rz kafefty nernWkh bolezney ( R.A.Shakhnovich) Krasnoyarskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (MIFISX, nasolabial, labial protrusion response to nasal percussion in'child.) (NOSE, pbvsiology, nasolabial reflex In to'naBal percussion) (LIPS, pbysiolog3rl nasolabial reflex in to nasal percussion) child., labial protrusion response child., labial protrusion response 10 , M 1, 71 ili, F. J. BADKIN, P. S.: "The dynamics of certain reflexes in the fnee and reflexes of herd movement in nursing children." ~eningrnd--Strte Orde-r-of-Le-nin-Inst for the Advp-nced Trninin-r of Physicians imeni S. M. Kirov. Krnsnod.,~rsk, 1956. (Disserttiticn for the Degree of Candidrte in Medical Science.) Knizhnaya letopis', No. 30, 1956. Moscow. EXCEITC~TA 1'--.-DTC;'j '-';ez7 Vol. 11/ 10 PCdA-IntriC3 C-,- 5-f 2591. BABKIN P.S. OA reflex manifest in babies during the first months of life (Russian text) 2-NEVROPAT.PSUMIAT. (Mosk.) 1956, 56/1(22-25)Ulus. 1 If we move the arms of newborn babies sideways, upwards or downwards. most of them respond to these movements by opening their mouths simultaneously. The movements of arms reflexly induce the dropping of the lower jaw. From 260 babies only 4 failed to react in this way. The renex is more pronounced in prematurely born babies Ahan in those born at term and becomes extinct in the first few molths of their lives. It was not discovered in any of 117 babies that .-crc*under e=mina- tion at the age of 3 to 12 months. Following the same principle new reactions very similar to this one come into existence. Hddl1k - Brno (VIII. 2. 7) AT V BABXIN, P.S. Median facial reflex in newborn Infants. Zhur.nevr. I psikh- 57 W-1: 30-33 '57- (MIRA 10:3) 1. Kafedra nervVkh bolezney (zav. - prof. R.A.Shakhnovich) I kafedra normalOney fiziologit (zav. - prof. A.T.Pshonik) Krasnoyarskogo aeditainskogo institute. (Rmnu median facial In young inf.) USSR / Human and -Animal Physiolo$y. Growth Physiology. T Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 15., 1958., No - 69734 Author -BLbk1ar4,3-v- inst :494-SAMOR Title �ooting Beflex : The Physiologic Rostellar 7 Phenomenon in Children Orig Pub :Zh. Nevropat. i Paikhiatrii, 1957, Vol 57, No 7., 86o-B& Abstract :Studies were made of 498 children ranging in age from birth to fourteen days (lM of them were studied several times during the first year of life). In the first 15 days, the reflex was clearly demonstrated. By the end of the third month the reflex had disappeared in the majority of children, and had disappeared in all by the end of the fourth month. Only In the fifth month was this reflex of clinical diagnostic importance, indicating a weakening of cortice.1 influence on the reflex apparatus of the trunk Card 1/2 KAi2r- DiJA NO,~MANoy 11ROF, /,q yp~tl~C, BABKIN, P.S. , 04 Some reflex phenomena in nursing infants in the light of teaching on dominance [with summary In English]. PediAtriia 36 no.6:8-10 Ja 158 (MIRA 11:6) 1. In kafedry normalluoy fitiologii (sav. - prof. A.T. Pshonik) Irasnoyarakogo meditsinakogo institute (dir. - P.G. Podzolkov). (RUMM. dominant, In nursing Inf. (Run)) (IMPART dominant reflexes in nursing inf. (Rua)) Early postnatal establishment of reflex activity in man. Fiziol% zhur. 44 no.10:922-927 0 158 (KIRA 12:1) 1. From the Medical Institute. Krasnodar. (RMW.M. determe of reflex activity in new born inf.' (Rua)) (WANTS, (NMCRF), physiol. determ of reflex activity (Rua)) BAUXV W.s,nauk, Palm reflex in human outogenesis, Vop.okh.mat.i det. 5 no.4: 64-66 ii-Ag 160. (MM 13:7) 1. Iz kafedry nervnfth bolezney (zav. - dotsent L.M. Shendero- vich) Kraenoyariskogo moditeinakogo instituta (dlr. - doteent P.G. Podsolkov, nauchnyy kousuiltant - daystvitollnyy chlen. 'AMN SSSR prof. SAW. Paridenkov). (it S) .a asymmetry of no.9:1126-11.30 nerynykh bolezney (zav. - pr :ogo,meditsinakogo instituta. (P,qLEKFS) BABKIN, P. S.. kand.-,~ved. nauk Digital flexor r'e-- ei-x'ei,in the hands in buman development. Pediatriia no.11:22-24 161. (MIM 14:12) 1. Iz kafedry nervnykh bolezney (zav. - dotsent L. M. Shenderovich) Kraanoyarskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - dotsent P. G. Podzolkov, nauchnyy konsul'tant - deystvitelInyy chlen AM SSSR prof. S. N. Davidenkov) (PMI=) (FINGERS) RA B, P.S.; TOPOL'YAV, S.I. (Krasno-yarak) Family with bemigigantiom associated with external ophthalmo-- plegia and dental anomaly., 39 no,2tl4l-145 7161, (MIRA 1413) I* Iz kafedr7 nervnykh bolezney (zav. - dotsent L.M. Shendera7ich) Krasno.varskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - dotsent P.G. PDdzolkov). '(DEFORMITIES) ( EM-PARALYSIS) (TEETH-ABKORMITIM AKD DEFORMITIES) BABM 0 P.S., Age related dynamics of KUppel-Weil. and Wartenberg reflexes under conditions in man. Zhur. nevr. i paikh. 61 no.6:815-8 161. 1TM~~ .15:2) 1. Wedra, nervnykh bolezney (zav. - dotsent L.M.Shenderovich) lQrasnoyarskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Nauchnyy konsul'tant - prof. S.N.Davidenkov. (CHILDRL-N-AGING) (RIYL MIS) BABKIN, P.S. Clinical significance of the hand and mouth reflex. Vop. okh. mat. i det. 7 no.1:53-56 Ja 1624 (MRA 15:3) 1. Iz kafedry nervnykh bolezney (zav. - doktor med.nauk L.M. Shenderovich) Krasnoya:rskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - dotsent P.G. Podzolkov). (REFIEXES) (I M NTS (NEWBORN)) BABKlai, Cutaneomascular and tendon reflexes in monkeys. Fiziol zhur. 48 no-1:31-38 Ja"62. (KRA -15:2) 1. From the Department of Nervous Diseases, Medical Institute, Krasnoyarsk ~RSFIBXES) (MUSGUZ) 4TElwUls) loOPATIN, A.N.,- LIVOV, D.K.; BABKIN,P-S. I Case of recurrent tick-borne"lhoephalitis. Vop.vifts. 7 no.6:741 N-D 162. KRA 1624) 1. Krasnodarskiy maditainskiy institut. (ENCEPHALITIS) BABKIN, P. S. Lw-- If Variyanty propriotseptivnykh i eksterotseptivnykh refleksov v norme cheloveka po dannym issledovantykh i raznoyaytsevykh bliznetsov." report submitted for 7th Intl Cong, Anthropological &- Ethnological Sciences, Moscow, 3-10 Aug 04. PARKIN) P.V. Supergene mercury mineralo in the Ghukchi National Area. Zap*Vsea. min.ob-va 90 no.3:299-301 161. (KLU 14:10) (Chukchi National Area-Mercury ores) -BABKIN.,--P-.V.;IKOPYTIN,. V.I. Geological and mineralogical characteristics of mercury deposits in the Chukchi National Area. Sov- geol- 4 no.8:109-113 Ag 161. (KM 16:7) 1. Severo-Vostochnoye geologicheskoye upravleniye. (Chukel-d National Area-Mercury ores) BABKINP P. V. - Nateria'IB on the or7stallography of cinnabar of the Koryak Range, Zap, Vses, min, ob-va 91 no.32337-342 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Koryak Range-Cinnabar crystals) BABKIN., P.V.; DRADKINV I-Ye. Structural and morphological types of mercury deposits in the northeastern U.S.S.R. Sov. geol. 7 no.ltll3-119 Ja 164. (MIRA 17t6) 1. Severo-Vostochnoye geologicheHkoye upravloniye. RA13KIN, P.V. Grystal morphology of cinnabar from ore manifestations in the -northeastern U.S.3.Re Zap* Vises. mine ob-m 93 no,4099-410 t64 (MIRA 18&1) BABKIN2 R. L. Engrg "Equa3izing the Salt Concentrations in Stasm Boiler Water.," Elek. stanep No.5, 1949. K Ii4 IN 1628. RATUMALIZATUM OF BuAM F&B syj,1141 IN M'X. pclbla 31-C7, zi.L.kLa 14kon. Topliva (Nel P-con.) Apr. 1952, 34-35). A antlarnctory solutiun has been found In Soviet -lower stations to the difficul- ties cau,,etj with chemicully truitted wetter owing to tie high do-ands "ift- of 3ectionis) boilers in rek-,-%rd to water quality wid of turbines Jn rvard to ate;&.. The method used for two years on i plant M13i3ting of 3 drum Ind 3 secLional boll"ra iamploys lrrci-.ular dititrib.,-tion of* nurified water '%long, the bollur 4n, i)iartiAl atiettoiiAlizition v the feted 141.1). (L) BABKIN, R. L. "Improved Method of Feeding the Steam Boilers at the State Regional Elect,.-ic Power Plant,tl Za Ekon Top., 91 No.4, 1952 BABKIN, R. L. Filters and Filtration Use of the two-stage cationizing method for increasing the exchange capacity in installations with preparatory liming. Za ekon. top. 9 no. 7, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress. November 1952. Unclassified. U &SR : Ilev, t~i6l6vwg snotbW for dottmiD1141 vxnej~ d) scived In w.WW. 1: R.~L. Mabicin. -EIrk. Mcnbii.25. No. 1. an thermetion between Itucoludip,carmIne and dissolved 0.. 'The leuim compd. is ptzpd., w needed, by reducing a weakly ounnonlaral solo. 10.2N) of indipcirmine writh Zu amalpm. A giyen amt. of 6e Jeuci~ comptlAs added to the water sample; the contents art mixed and compand with standards. The methw Is inert to. temp., nitrites, nittates, faillates, chlo-, fides, phenO, Ve, Zn, NH3, and small aints. of Na sMte. vAth a Na Sulfite concu. of several tens of tbtm b a tmdaal fading of c%~)orztiM but this don not affect the detn. it the interv 0, between fixation a-0 and comparbani - wM standards does not exceed I hr;- The deita. 13 affeckd t by Cu ions, but their Muence can be overvonle conapletely , if the amranulacul sola. of indigocarmint 1. of se~rntttt WI/100 tal. of 501n. 1) standard smtm am gh-cn. Kaynicb _N R1. USSR/chetileal Technology - Cheritcal Products and Their Application. Witer treatment. Sewage water. Abs Jour Referat Mur - Khlniya, No It, 1957, 12737 Author Babkin R.L. Title Some Speci?ic Featuresof Combined H-Na Cathionite Treatment VOL,-'Llo Orig Pub Elektr. stantsii, 1955TNo 81 15-18 Abstract With an industrial water-treati-aent unit operating accor- ding to the scheme: combined H-i;a cathionite treatment (I-st stage), Na-cathionite treatment (2-nd stage), de- carbonization; observations were conducted of the chan- ges in the quality of the filtrate following both stages of cathionite treatment. The initial water had a hard- ness of 4.0-6,0, total, an alkalinity 3.5-5.5 mg-equiva- lent/liter, dry residue 300-500.),x g/liter. It was noted that filters of combined H-Na cathionite treatment A3 not yield fil-k-ates of a constant quality; hardness Card 1/2 - 16o - USSR/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and 'Their Application. Water treatnent: Sewage watei-. Abs Jour Referat Zhur - KhiLliya, No 4, 1957, 12737 fluctuated frou 20 to 200 #.% g-equivalent/liter, alkali- nity from 0.3 to 3,5 mg-equivalent/liter. Filters of the second stage produced a buffer effect both as concerns hardness ( which was loitered to 2-5 _pg-equivalent,lliter), and allmlinity imintained at a level of 1.--9-2.0 mg-equi- valent /liter). Output curves are included which Mus- trate the operation as 1-st and 2-n:I stage filters. Card 2/2 - 161 - PC 4 USSR/Analytical Chemistry Analysis of Inorganic Substances G-2 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur XhlMiya, No 2, 1957, 090 Author : 12khjnL.~., Yepeykira, K,P. Title ; Rapid Determination of Nitrates in Boiler Water VoL-14 Orig Pub : Energetik, 1956,7210 8, 13-14 Abstract : The method which the authors recommend as a rapid method is based on the popsibility of a direct titration of P03 with a solwltion of indigocarmine (1) in a strongiy acid medium. Into a 100 ml flask are placed 10 ml of the water being investigated, 10 rd concenrrated 11,)SO), (SP. Gr. 1.84) are rapLdly added and the ho-%, solution is titrated irunediaLel;y with a solution of I to a dirtor- green coloration. 'T3 Prcpare the tiLr,,xt'fng soltition of I, a veighed. sample of finely coimiinuted I is placed Into a 'oorcelain dish, caref~zlly noistened with concen- trated 'H 2S04 (6-8 ra 1!2S01, per I U, I), heated vith Card 1/2 - Si - USSR/Analytical Chemistry Anal.'sis of InorLanic Substances G-2 Abs Jour Referat Zhur KhImiya, Vo 2, 1957, 4790 occasional stirring on a water bath until completely dissolved, diliitod to -the predetermined volume, allowed to stand for 5-6 (lays, filtered, and the titer of this solution is then deLerimined by usin.- a standard solution of FU403or Na"103' Since the Win reaction is accompanied by secondary processe6 it is necessary to adhere strictly to the set conditions of titration. Card 2/2 - 38 - - WKIN, R.L., inshener. M.-OMMONOW~ Indigo carmine mothod for the determination of diesolved,.6sygen in water. Blek.sts-27 no.2:61 7 #56. (MLRA 9:6) (Indigo carmine) (Oxygen-AnalysiS) (Water-Analysis) 'Rapid de-Tti-niinantin at ni*,Tairii m t~o~lt- wvv, uL %tarid~!-,jizeJ ag-,jn-,t N~N~ 1A 7 1 7 0." CqLLI: ~'TrvspondinK appiox. to 0.5- I.t) 1.1 For the prepn. (If I 5~An- cauti 1-M.) ix-et U~ I uh -cd. H----0., 3--8 ml. acid per g. of 1. . Beat the mixt. on the H20 bath, "" frepttent stirring, to complete soln. Dil. cautiously vvith H-0 to -a known N-01. Mtel 5-9- davN fAit? tht %f& 2n8 d~t the titei against maadara N,N'-)~ :.r K.'~(% scin. samples confg.-: IOD-500 mg./I. NaINZO~ use standard NaNC), soln, contg. Z-A The I st-Am. k"ps its biter 5-6 miantlas without -stora$e precautwas. Ten sairiples contg. 220-164 mg.A. '.N'.q'\O, were analyzed by the sullophenol and by the I inelbod. If the sulfophtnol Tir-,tift~ are oht rebtive cfror Al mod ,T_4=tafti water BABKIN, R.L., inzh.; YEPRYKINA, K.F., Inzh. Determining microquantities of silicon and phOBphorus in condensate. Blek.sta. 29 no.6:34-37 Je 158. (MIRA 1-1:9) (Silicon-Analy'siB) (Phosphorus-Analysis) (Steam--Analysis) SOV/~)6-59-8-2/27 AUTHORS: Babkin, R.L., Engineer, Yakimets, Ya.M.,. Caadidaz~e of -7-5-ca-1-c-a7i-S-ciences TITLE. Methods of Determining Small Quantities of Oxygen Dissolved in Water PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika 1959, Nr 6, pp 6-9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article is a general review of methods of determining small quantities cf oxygen in water, with particular reference to publ'i;ations in the English and German languages. Iodol?..'.--ric methods are first discussed, and development has fo-l-Lowed the lines of refining Winilers method by improving the sampling procedure and the methods of introducing reagents as well as devising ways of avoiding the influence of other ions. Many of the improvements to Winkler's method are concerned with determination of the endpoint, and reference is made to the development of electrometric methods. However. the various methods of avoiding error in the determination of the iodine formed Card 1/3 do not reduce the errors that result from iodine formation SOV/96-59-8-2/27 Methods of Determining Small Quantities of oxygen Dissolved in Water in quantities not equivalent to the-oxygen content. The many corrections, and the difficulty of excluding various factors that influence the accuracy at very low concentra- tions, render the Winkler method unsuitable for the deter- mination of oxygen in the feed water of modern steam boilers. In recent years, a great deal of work has been published on electro-chemical methods ihiich do not involve the introduction of reagents into the samples. In most of these methods one of two electrodes is depolarised by the oxygen dissolved in the water. establishing a potential difference proportional to the oxygen concentration. These methods are sub-divided into those in which an external voltage is applied to the electrodes and those in which the voltage is developed as a result of differences between the electrodes. A general review of the two types of method Is given. Difficulties in the use of electro-chemical methods have been pointed out in Germany. The basic apparatus is expensive and requires a Sood deal of auxiliary equipment to ensure that various factors are stabilised. The authors have studied instruments based on the principle of the Card 2/3 galvanic cell with electrodes of different materials, and SOV/96-59-8-2/27 Methods of Determining Small quantities of Oxygen Dissolved in Water whilst satisfactory results were obtained with relatively high oxygen and salt concentrations, good repeatability has not yet been obtained in determining oxygen in condensate at concentrations of up to 0.05 mg 02/litre. A good deal of work has been done on the indigo-carmine method first developed in 1925 by Efimov. Recent developments in this method are referred to and its advantages are explained. At present it is the method most commonly used in Soviet Power Stations to determine oxygen content. If colorimetric methods are used to determine the oxygen, the presence of materials that make the oxidation products red will sub- stantially impair with the sensitivity of the method. In this respect not all of the indigo-carmine produced by different Soviet factories is equally satisfactory.. There are 36 references, 10 of which are Soviet.. 14 English, 11 German and 1 French. ASSOCIATIOM:Vostochnyy filial VTI i Ural'skiy Politekhnicheskiy Institut (The Eastern Branch of the All-Union Thermo- Technical Institute and The Ural Polytechnical Institute) Card 3/3 T 5(3)9 8(6) 90 371./ 9-_ - 59-9-06/33 AUTHOR: Mendeleyev, G.A. and Pabkin, R.T., Engineers TITLE: Reducing the Carbon Dioxide Content in the Distillate "if an Evaporator Plant PERIODICAL:' Energetik, 1959, Nr 9, Pp 11-13 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An increased carbon dioxide content in the distillate of evaporator plants will gradually destroy the hou- sing and the tubes of the secondary and tertiary steam coolers. It will also reduce the pF value of the boiler feed water. When analyzing the function of an evaporator plant based on its test results, it is found that the principle reason for increased carbon dioxide content in the distillate of the evaporator is the inefficient design of the secondary and tertiary steam coolers (Figure 1,a) the improper exhaust of uncondensed gases, the presence of large unventilated heater volumes with great partial carbon dioxide pres- Card 1/4 sure. The secondary steam, entering the condenser SCII/9 : - 5 9--9- 6/3 3 Reducing the Carbon Dioxide Content in the Distillate of an Eva- porator Plant from -the evaporator, contain carbon dioxide, whose partial pressure is mensured in fractions of mm mer- cury column. The condensate obtained from such steam, obviously, will contain insignificant amounts of dis- solved carbon dioxide. Rowever, wilen the steam. moves along the cooler, and during the condensation of the basic amount of steam, the partial carbon dioxide pressure will gradually rise, and eventually it will reach rather considerable magnitudes. This carbon dio- xide c9ncentration determines on a whole the degree of carbon dioxide saturation of the distillate, Du- ring the normal operption of the cooler, the dissol- ving of carbon dioxide and the mechanical extraction of carbon-dioxide-steam concentrate proceed simul- taneously, changing regularly with changes of load and condensate volume in the condensate collector, Under certain conditions, for example during tests, the car- bon dioxide content of the condensate, which rips Card 2/4 normally 40 mg,.!~it,may suddenly rise to' 660 mg';" -2 SOV/9.2 -59-91-6/1.) Reducing the Carbon Dioxide Content in the Distillate of an Evapo- rator Plant These assumptions were confirmed by investigationb conducted at VTI by I.Y. Grishuk, V.V, Sheveleva and A.I. Perfilov (Ref 1). The analysis of the work of condenser plants shows that one of the principle rea- .sons, facilitating the enrichment of the turbine con- densate with carbon dioxide, is the extraction of un- condensed gases from the cooler of the evaporator and their appearance at the turbine condenser entrance. There they mix with the steam and increase the par- tial carbon dioxide pressure with a corresponding enrichment of the turbine condensate by carbon dio- xide. By insignificant modifications of a tertiary steam cooler of an evaporator and by some changes in the gas removal (shown in.Pigure 1,b), a considerable (approximately 8-10 times) reduction of the carbon dioxide content was achieved in the distillate of Card 3/4 the evaporator, This, in turn, resulted in a notice- '7"V/9:~ -59-r-P-E/7", Reducing the Carbon Dioxide Content in the Distillate of an EvaT)o-. rator Plant able reduction of the free carbon dioxide in the boiler feed water. There are 2 sets of diagrans and 1 Soviet reference. Card 4/4 BAMR, R.L., inzh.; SINI?SIRA, M.N.,,Inzh. .... ... Simplified water system of condensing electric power Plants. nek. eta. 30 no*201-34 P 159. (MIU 120) (Peed water) (Illectric power plants) BABUIT, R.L., inzb.; YRFBTKINk, K.F., inzh. Determining pH of weakly buffered mediums. Teploonargetike, 7 no.2:66-7o Ir 16o. (MIPIA 13:5) 1. Vostochnyy filial Vsesoyuznogo teplotekhnichaskogo instituts. (HyArogen-ion concentration) B&IMI11, R.L.; MELINIKOV, V.B. Plunger-type colorimeter for studying weakly colored solutions. Zav.lab. 26 no.1:114-116 16o. (MIRA 13:5) 1. YostochWy filial Voesoraznogo toplotekhnichookogo mauchno- isoledovatellskdgo instituta imeni F.E. Dzerzhinskogo. (Colorimeters) in Ol 7ostocmy.., fj.-,.i::I'j j, ELABKIN, R.L., inz.12.; GOLOVKO, R.Ye., imb. Neutralization of acidic regenerated wash-water by a refill filter. Energetik 9 no.4:27-30 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Water-Purification) BABMp R.L., inzh. Remarko on R.N. Akeeltrud and N.S. Litvinova's article "Im oved method . pr for determining the content of carbonic acid." Elek. sta~32 no, 5:91 My 161. - (MIRA 14:5) (Feed water) (Carbonic acid) (Aksallrud, R.N.) (Litvinovat N.S.) BABKIN, II.L.,___inzh.; YEPEYKINA, K.P. Analysis of oxygen dissolved in water. Teploenergetika 9 no.2: 48-54 F '62. (.MIRA 15:2) 1. Vostochnyy filial Vsesoyuznogo teplotekhnicheskogo instituta. (Water--Analysis) (Colorimetry) --- BABKIN, R.L.?inzh. Heater converted for condensing steam with a high carbonic acid concentration. Elak.sta.33 no.1:21-23 Ja 16Z (MIRA 150) (Condensers(Steqo)) BABKINJ, R. Lo Sheathed electrodes sealed in glass. Zav. lab. 28 no.12., 1531-1532 962. (MIRA 16:1) L Vostochnyy filial Vseaoyuznogo teplotekhniohesRogo instituta Im. Dzerzhinskogo. (Electrodes, Platinum) :ffer propA~rtles of c,.ation exchangers and their i; .-.of t~.--Mng te chn.;Infry. Teyloenorgetlka 12 r-o.10-18-22 0 165~ (14'RA 18:10), 1. Vosto(-hnyy filial Vse.-,oyuzr-ogo teplot-ekhrii-chesh-cgo Infititut-a. Chelyabinsk. -66 ACC NR: AP6013593 8OURCE CODE! UR/0096/65/000/010/0018/0022 AUTHOR: Babkin, R. L. (Engineer) 12 oRG: VoFVTI 06 TITLE: pil-buffer properties of cation exchangers and their usage in wa SOURCE: Teploenergetilca, no. 10, 1965, 18-22 TOPIC TAGS: ion exchanger, buffer solution, water supply system ABSTRkCTt Mixturep of cation exchangers in hydrogen and salt form have pH buffer properties, just as do mixtures of acids and their salts. The pH buffer properties of oation exchangers may be used in preparation of water for power installations, though they can be used only with careful theoretical study to predict their behavior under concrete usage conditions. An analysis of the behavior of the cation exchangers In the weak solutions which compose natural water Indicates that the installatinn of a second stage filter before decarbonization in plants using oombined"H, Na cationization is very useful, Filters controlling alkalinity can also be effectively Used in the case of parallel H and Na .cationizatibn. A technological peculiarity of the regulating filter is that It is not subjected to reneneration and works as a eombined H,_ Nag_--Ca-..eat1Qn,exehange fl.1ter.--- t,need n1 be Card 1/2 Mr 161.18301203.6K1.1- L 23203-66 ACC NR: AP6013593 periodically loosenedg usually each 30-50 days, A regulating filter can also greatly improve the quality of water prooessed by an H c t1oh exchange filter. Orig. art, has: 2 figures MA 19 formulas SUB CODE: 13, 07 SUBM DATEs none MIG REF: 007 L 28946-66 EPF(n).~2/EWT(rs)/r/Evip(t)/ETi, ~--ijp(cy ACC Nl~. AP.6013739 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0089/ra6/020/004/0357/0359 AUTHOR: Babkin, R. L.; Kisaieva, L. V# ORG: None "'M Determination of the amount of corrosion-products in the water of nuclear power 'reactors SOURCE: Atomneya energiya, v. 20) no. 4, 1966, 357-359 (TOPIC TAGS: nuclear power reactor, ~water cooled nuclear reactor 'nuclear reactor material, corrosion 1ABSTRACT: The authors describe a quiolc analysis method for measuring Ithe amount of products fornied by the corrosion prDeess in the water lof nuclear.reactors'. The method is based on the complexomotric back Ititration and special preparation of test samples. The slow neutral-' lization of acid samples in titrant is explained and the process of !their treatment and testing is described* The results of the analysii !are expressed in equivalent weight units. The method was first tested'-, UDC: "62lsO39.532.4,545 Card 1/~~ - ----- L 20846-66----, 'jACC NR: AP6013739 on standard metal solutions and then applied to the determination of the amount'of heavy metals in specially prepared mixtures. The weights of metals found in standard solutions are presanted'in a table for Fe, Cu, Ni, Co, Or, Zn, and Mn. The equivalent weights are also tabulated for two Fe-Cu-Ni-Co-Cr mixtures. Finally, two compar- ati've methods were used for analysis of the water taken from two-loop reactors. -The total weights of corrosion products determined by icolorimetrio and complexometric methods are summed up in a table proving the reliability of the complexometric titration method, Orig. att6 has: 3 tables. SUIB CODE: 18 SUDIT DA TS: 2OFeb65 ORIG REF.- 004 OTH REIF: .003 Oard 2/2 __j i IMM -17 W900-0 M~- ~- ffWq ANDR~SOV, P.I., doktor meditainakikh nauk; BABKIN, S.I., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk: BOBRDV. B.S., inzi~,Wner,-MO-KOVA, M.N., vracb. Instruments for applying tobacco bag sutures and methods of use Vest.khir-76 no.8:130-135 S 155. (MLRA 8:11) 1. Is Nauchno-inaledovatellskogo instituta skeperimentalinoy khirargichaskoy appratury i instrumentov( Dir. M.G.Ananlyev) Moskva, 1-81. Fabrichnaya liniya, d. 6. (GASTRDINTESTINAL SYSTEM, Burg. pouch. sutures, instrument for application & method) (SMIMM. pouch sutures in gastrointestinal surg.,instrument for application & method) (SURGEff, OPERATIVE, appratus and instruments instrument for application of pouch sutures in gastro- intestinal surg.) ANDROSOV, P.I.; BABKIN S I - BOBROV, B.S.; LINIKOVA, M.N. -r4~- -~-' x~OW;x Letters to the editor. Yest.khir. 77 no.4:154 Ap 156. MBA 9:8) (SURGICAL INSTRUHNNTS AND APPARATUS) U1.13 The basic nre.-dises and cc,%-,-ic.-.porLr:,- of schrin.. of creatinE, s,,ir;-icLl suturin.-.- equinmentu .... ii kninirf-i-clipskie annaraav i jnstrum(--.A.,.~ i ol)yt -11-h C"el. Enuinment ard Instruients and E.-meric-ce in Their Use) ':0. 1, collection of Papers of th- Scientific Research Inst. "XsColl, 1957 .,or 7-)eriT-,,entp,! SvTjc--l Eminment and Instruments. N f---dern n in er in i Ir! sIiil sur 121 khrar-,~choskig apnm-aay nstru-.,zent,~ i o -:.-t T,rinencn4,,,,-e 31."L .1111.1, Emi-inment and, Ins'Grurv.-~nts anc-' !!~---ncrience in Use) i,.,oscc.w, 195717 A collection of Paners of tile SCIC-1tific for E-"k-nerimpntai Surc~ical Ecuinr,.ent and insl-,-rurlents kand AUROSDV,....;?, doktor meditsinskikh baA; BABKIN idat takhni- cheskikh nauk; 13ILYAKOV. P.D.. kandiM;'meffF9Th--skikh nauk; MMINA. q4- kk)aratus foi mechanical ligation of vessels. lov.khir.arkh, no.l: ~~ Ja_jl. '57. (KLFA 10: 6) i. Adre's &Ttoroy: Hooky&. 1-81, Yabrichnaya linlya, 6, lauchno- i-s's,-Ie-do-y'a-t''ellakiy-institut eksperimentalluoy kbirugicheskoy app&r&- tury i Instrusentov Xinisteretva zdravookhrananiya SSSR. (SURGICAL INSTRUMMS AND APPARATUS) (1IGATURX (SURGJRY)) ,BUMPKIN, S.I.-, BOBROV, B.S. ,kaia*A Nov apparatus for suturing gastric amputation stumps. Ned. prom. no.4:56-58 AP 157. (WJIA 10: 6) 1. Saucbno-looledovatellskiy inetktut eksperimentalluoy khlrurgichesko~ apyaratxiry i initrumentov. (SURGICAL INSTRUKENTS AND APPARATUS) (STONAC,H--SMGJMT) BABKIN, S.I. . "i NO bnical requirements in makizig surgical suturing apparatus. Mod. prom. 11 n0.3:10-13 Mr '57 (XLRA 10;4) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy institut okeperimeutal'noy khirurgichaskoy apparatury i insirumentov. (SURGICAL INSTRUMOTS AND APPAROUS) kand.takhn.nauk; VCLKOV, S.I.. MALOVO A.N., kand.tekhn.nsuk;_,~BA~~ kand.tekhn.nauk; GORODETSKIY, I.Ye., prof., doktor tokhn.nauk; GOROMMIN, A.K., inzh.; DOSCHATOV, V.V., kand.takhn.nauk; ZAMALIN, V.S., inzh.; ISAYEV, A.I., prof., doktor takhn.nauk; NEDROV. S.M.. kanLtekhn.nailk; KARDANTAN. M.Ya., inzh.; PANOMKO, X.P., kand. tekhn.nouk; SH M TEV, D.M., inzh.; STAYXV, K.P., kand.tekhn.nauk: SYROVATCffR1 0, P.V., inzh.; TAURIT, G.E., inzh.; BLOYASHEVA, M.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; KOVAN. V.M., prof., doktor tekim.nauk, glavnyy red.; MARKUS, M.Ye., inzh., red. (deceased]; SOKOLOVA, T.F., takhn.rod. (Manual for mechanical engineers; in two volumes] Spravochnik tekhno- loga mashinostroitelia; v dviikh tomakh. V.H.Kovan. Chleny red.sovets B.S.Balakshin i dr. Moskva, Gos.nouchno-tekhn.izd-vo moshinoBtroit.lit-ry. Vol.2. Pod red. A.N.Kalova. 1959. 584 P. (MIRA 12:11) (Mechanical engineering) 13ABKINp S.I.; ASTAFAIYEV9 G.V.; KRIAZHEVA, Yu.G. Trocar- extract~or forbiopsy of the prostate gland, Urologiia 24 no.6:57-59 "59* (MIRA,13;12) (PROTATE GLWDS--DISUSES) (BIOPSY) BANIN, S.1L,; BALYAXDV, F.D.,; TRUSOV, M.M.; -- -- --, j - "IRSTERWO, A.G. Apparatus for the atomization of therapeutic solutions In the treatmnst of burns. Kbirurgiia 35 no-7.'138-139 J1 '59. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Iz nauchno-iaeledovatellskogo instituta eksperimentallnoy khirur- gicheskoy apparatury I instrumentariya Ministerstva dravookhraneniya SSSR (dlr. - M.G. Ananlyev). (BMS, therapy) GESELEVICH, Anatoliy Mikhaylovich, prof ; GORKIN, Nikolay Solnenovich; ANAWYEVA, M.G., red.; BABKINA S I red.; BLISEYEVA, A.V., red,; GABERLAND, M.I., 'tekhn. redo [Now surgical instruments mid apparatus for cheat surgery; a textbook for physicians and students in medical inBtitutes] Novye khirurgicheskie instrumenty i apparaty dlia grudnoi khirurgii; po- sobie dlia vrachei i studentov meditsinskikh institutov. Moskva1v Medgiz, 1961. 151 P. (MIRA 15%7) (CHEST-S(JRGERY) (SURGICAL INSTRUMTS AND APPARATUS) KALININA, T.V.(MoskvajD-315,ul.Chasovaya,d.27/12,pod.l,komn.22);.BABKIN, S.I.; KASULIN., V.S.; ASTAFIYEV., G.V. l4echanical suture for esophago-intestinal (gastric) anastomosis. Klin.khir. no.8:81-82 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut eksperimentallnoy khirur- gicheskoy apparatury i instrumentov. (SUTURES) (ALIMENTARY CANAL--SURGERY) ANTOSHN-A, II.V. ; AST.-.FIYEV, G.V.; _UbKIN, S.I.; ;IPTjjVjj` . 1,F.; BELE141KIY, V.A.; BIIEZIN, I.P.; BOBRC.. B.S.! VOLKOV, A.11-..; GRITS-I"kll,, Yu.Ya.; KUKUSHEIN, L.I.; PERrrELKD;, V.P.; PETITROVA, N.P.; GESELEVICH, A.M., red.; DEKHTIYARI, Ye.G., red. [Eew surgical apparatus and instruments; a practical manual for physicians, students of senior courses at medical insti- tutes and surgical nurses] Vovye khirurgicheskie apparaty i instrwtenty; praktichoskoe rukovodstvo dlia vrachei, studen- tov starshikh kursov meditsinskikh institutov i operatsion- ny1ch sester. Moskva, Meditsina, 1964. 253 p. (AURA 18:3) BLUVSIiTAYII, G.H.; Kill, S.P. (B.Ul'yanovka, Sumakoy obl.) Some data on the incidence of disease in the rural populution as shoim by materials from a foldsher-midwife center. Vrach.delo no.12:1299-1301 D '56. WIM 12:10) (DISMSES-RIWORTING) -BABKIN, V.i BIRYUKOV, A. Seven minutes in the air. Av.i kosm. 46 no.'fl:75-78 Jl 163. (IURA 16:8) (Parachuting) MENCHUK, K.L.j kand.veter. nauk; BABKIN, V.F., veterinarnyy vrach Anaerobic infection in Japmae deer in the Askaniya-Nova Zoological Garden. NaLuch. trud.y "Ask.-Nov." 13:120-122 163. (~UIIA l7t2) BABKIN, V.F.t veterinarnyy vrach; KABLOV, G.A., kand.veter. nauk Yelanocareinoma of OW&I glands-in hybrid ducks. Nauch. trudy "Ask, Nov." 13t123-124 !63'.- (MA 17:2) MOKOFSYEVA, dcktor ;n L ~ ter. n--ukI?A.BKIN V.F,., asp-'--rant I Poialigglutinative character.' n ties of tho infectious lary-ngot.-achel.I.Au vilrus. Vetarinarii-a 42 no.W4-28 Ag 1659 (MIRA 18--11) Is Ukrainskiy nauchno-issladovatellskiy Institut eksperimantallnoy vetarinarli. y0f I By AREV '. 11 Ys I . *~ ek.'!jn . d ot ~ E 4 12, fl, , -1 .!' . ,~, n i-) j , Presmwe dtqtributi,-.n im the rumicr ct a hydr&u2.-!~. toi~qutl c-or- rer-'Ver vith oantrlNgal flow in a timbina, Inv. vp. uah6b. zav.; energ. 8 no.]Aa64-60, N 165. (MIRA 18-~11,) .L. Leringradakly poUtiqkh=*obj-s),,!y inst--'Au~ Lywrnf' Y.J. xa-lilll"I~ 1 Pri-dt,favlem kafe&r,~y g!-Jra~rlA,:;heA!kh mashin. V.C,. B-.'~FiKIN, V.G.: "Methods of ridding the atmosphere in mines of fly-ing dust,and the use of electric filters in mines". Moscow, 1955. Ac.~!d Sci USSR, Inst of I-Lining. (Dissertations fortie Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences). SO: Kgizhnaya letopis' No 45, 5 November 1955- Mioscow- br,Nlb ~ , f-~ I/ N . BAEKIN, V.G. ApIr.oximate determination of the average cross section of the fire drift in underground gasification of coal. Podsem. gas.ugl. rDo4:19-23 '57. (MIRA 11:1) l.Vassoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovritel'skly institut Podsomps. (Coal gasification..Underground) BABKDI, V.G. Ako'!~,t, Brief surveY of the state of und-rpround conl gasificntion Drnctices in Poland. Podlem.-Pz.ugl. no.1:74-?6 158. (MIRA 11:4) (Poland--CoAl gasification, Underf;round) BABKIN, V.G. Investigatin,r, burnt-out areas by core sampling at the pilot *Podzpm.gaz" gae-producer plant No. 3 in the Moscow Basin. Podzemegav, ugle no. 2:21-25 '58. (141RA 11:7) 1. Vaesoyuznvy nauchno-isaledovatellakiy instiiut Podzemgaz. (Moscow Basin--Coal gasification. UiAeTground) 3A.BK.I.N. -.V. G. T Structurn of the burnt-out area and total gasification of tho coal snarl. Podzom.gaz.uj-,l. no.2:22-25 '59. (MIFU, 12:9) 1. VaesoyussMy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy i proyektrjyy institut podzemnoy gazifikatsii ilgley. (Coal gasification, Underground) KAZAK, V.N.; BADKIN, V.G...:_ Comparison of technological a~d surveying data with results of the investigation of burnt-out areas by core sampling. Podzem.gaz.u4gl. no-3:25-30 159. (MIR& 22:12) 1. Yseso3ruznyy nauchno-iasladovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut podzemnoy gasifikataii ugley. (Coal gasification, Underground) 33ABKIN, V. G. Investigating the electrostatic plate filter. Kol7m 21 no.1;22-24 A 159. (MERA 12:6) l.VNIIpodzemgaz. (Dust collectors) (Mine dusts) BABKIN, V.G. Using the method of hydraulic of coal seams for underground F,quipment,* III no.12.. 1960). no.6:131 162. fracturing for the development coal gasification (from "Mining Nauch. trudy VNII Podzemgaza (MIRA 15:11) 1. Glavneyeupravleniye podzemnoy gazifikatsii ugley Ministerstva ugollnoy promyshlennosti SSSR. (United Statoo-Coal gasificationp Underground) 8 16(1),16(2) 05796 AUTHORS: Babkin,V.I., Belyayev,P.P., and Maksimov,Yu.I. SOV/52-4-4-7/13 TITLE: Some Remarks on Goncharov's Paper "From the Domain of Combinatot-icall PERIODICAL: Teoriya veroyatnostey i yeye 5rimeneniya~ 1959, Vol 4, Nr 4, pp 445-450 (USSR ABSTRACT: In the sequence (1) x1fx2`YXN let Xi(i-1,2,..,N) assume either the value A or the value B. According to V.M~Goncharov f-Ref 12 a running series of A-values is denoted as an A-series; the number of appearing A-values is called the length of a series. Let -0 1 (1.1,21 ... 1k-1) be the number of A-aeries of the length i and vk be the number of A-series of the length k and longer in (1) (k;,,-1 given number). Let (1) be a simple homogeneous Markov,chain, where the matrix of the transition probabilities contains no zero elements. It is shown that the random vector (vitV2, ... ts>k) after a corresponding normalization is distributed asymptotically normal for great N. Card 1/2