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R 6~6 low. w z 7 e4#fflAtlg~ 4; 0 0 6 /rz 0 t* m 0 G GRINSiFTEM, I.M.; 'MIEUSKAYA, O.V.; RABINA, O.M. Rotary absorber for Producing concentrated hydrochloric acid. Gid.,j*L'iz.i lesokhim.prom. 13 no.6:12-13 160. WRA 13:9) 1. Nauchno-Issledovatellskiy inatitut Cidroliznoy i sullfitno- spirtovoy promyshlennosti. (lansk--Hydrochloric acid) (Absorption) RABINA., O.P., dotsent Effect of peripheral purulent processes on cholestrids in the blood and cholesterol in the bile. Uch. zap. Stavr. gos. med. inst. 12:186-187 163. (KCRA 17t9) 1. Kafedra b-iokhimii (zav. dotsent L.K. orIkov) i kafedra, normallnoy fiziologii (zav. zasluzhtnnyyqeyatell nauki, prof. V.G. Budylin) Stavropollskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo inatituta. BABINA T.V- -assistent Catalase activity of the brain in animals during the action of stimulating and somnifacient agents. Trudy 11:114- 117 160. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Iz kafedry blokhimii (zav. kafedroy prof. O.S.Manoylova) Kuybyshevskogo meditsinskogo inst-ituta. (CATALASE) (BRAIN) (AUTONOMIC DRUGS) V. Ye. ,,j~~B~INA9_ Work with young specialists. Med. prom. 14 no.5:52-53 YT 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Mediko-instrumeAtallnyy savod "Krasnogvardeyets". (DRUG'INDUSTRY-VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE) BABIN., A.A.; BABINA, Ye.A. Kolpashevo-Bakchar region of the Wqat Siberian iron-ore basin. Mat.po geol. ?Ap..-qib.niz. no.31131-151 162. (MM l6tl2) *4- -)- - - GORDON, Yu.N.; BABTYkp Te.K. ------ Efficient use of.antibiotics in a district bospital. Vrach. delo no. 3:132-133 Mr 161. (MIM 14:4) 1, Bollnitsa No. I TSentrallnogo rayona g. Odessy, (ANTIBIOTICS) PON014UWP V.A., inzh.; OLESOV, A.M.., inzh.; BOINCHUK,VA'Ll~~. RK-60 trench cutting machine. Trakt.i sellkhovnwh. 31 no.9: 28-29 S 161. (14ML 14:10) (Excavating machinery) 68926 ?900 gov/81-6o-1-1964 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1960, Nr 1, P 307 (USSR) AUTHORS: Mazelev, L.Y ., Bab er B.N., Ivashko, L.I. VP TI=: The Synthesis of the Composition of Primer &amels with a Lowered Content of Boron Oxide PERIODICAL- Byul. tekhn.-ekon. inform. Sovnarkhoz BSSR, 1958, Nr 2 - 3, pp 72 - 76 ABSTRACT, In the boron primer Nr 215 of the following composition (in weight S102 44.8, Al~% 8.3, 18.0, Na2O 21.4, caF2 6.2, NiO 0.7, B203 CaO 0.6 the subs tution of B203 by BaD was carried out at 3 weight % intervals. BaO was introduced in the form of BaS04, at the same time 2 moles of carbon per 1 mole of BaS04 was added as reducing agent. The melting was carried out under reducing conditions at 1,250 - 1,2700C, the primers obtained were ground with the boron-free primer Nr 27 in the ratio Nr 215 : Nr 27 = 40 : 60, with additions of 5% clay, 0.2% NaNO . 1% MgCO Card 1/2 and 5% quartz sand. In the tests the primers, in which up to T2% of 132~3 68926 SOV/81-60-1-1964 The Synthesis of the Composition of Primer Enamels With a Lowered Content of Boron Oxide were substituted by-BaO, showed a satisfactory coating quality, a good adhesion to the metal, and a sufficient mechanical resistance. The burning temperature was 8500C. In the case of applying titanium white enamel on these primers no defects were observed. M. Serebryakova Card 2/2 t-A Hydtageologic coaditions of the millpfal spltr4ll of the Truskswets region, A. V Ajwk. Zappki, K 'vil, Ilf-fliat-tyl I WW'vr'-f, r," 7. \14. ';'~ I 41""~* No. L" il~') C111-11" i'llaiv- '.( the ,plillit %1'alvib air rriwival. M. 11-0, BABIRTS,, A. YE. Babipetp, A. Ye. "Provinces of mineral waters of Transcarpathia," Geol. zhurnal, Vol. IX, Issue 3, 1948~ p. 57-64 - In Ukrainian language - Resume in Russian - Bibliog: 5 items SO: U-3264, 10 April 1953, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, no. 3. 1949) BABINATSI, A.Te. ___ K.I. Makovis erroneous assertions on problems in the bydrogeol*gy of Black Sea lowland. Visnyk AN URSR 24 no.10:63-65 0 '52. (MLRA 9:9) (Black Sea,:, redoxi-Water, Under round) BABINETS, A.Ye. - " Genetic types of fissure waters of tbn Ukrainian crystalline abield. Dop. AN URSR no.5:489-491 '56. Mu 10: 2) 1. Institut goologichnikh nauk Akademii nauk URSR. Predstavlano akademikom Akademii nauk USSR I.P.-Semenanko. (Ukraine--Water. Underground) em6fg- Ih "llic Thwijfal' vaters, tit, Abb- southe ~n JLE' I Wbinets anti N i bi ing idC S 6 .. , - . r . l arpt 6v f the V!Ioj_-s RiidI6. Grol. -Akad, . 21-9k!956)()Ill~~' )~-Specirclin analyses of tile princilal iiiijitmi tile Transcarpitinn southein Slope vbowed Iltut the largest mo. If cleinimts Present tmce *mts. were lzuud to exist ill mtbuitated water.; ill of tbe5t waters mnl it. 11kost Id. tbem Sr, Ni. F, B. and j milled B: 1. Cu, Pb, and Al fre(taently, although only in d d V f oun , an , osmill bmm~-Cffiud I rctiumily `ttlineiaSred NaCim:oag wam, are Im in tbt - highly ' . Most of th~ microc-lemenu, vure t .4 mlcroXi;~t content rocki 'tmced -to the -sedlinimliaTy or ignwus silmounding Tbil IllIsh 1 6nttnt I& ivttribit~%41 i o their --deposition frota m wattr 'Truwtrlint! tockg at the tiabonated watitr *.urcu %V~ra I.Vtipved, W, A Vaurnbus --j 1 J BABINNSI, A.Ye,. . ...... WAA-:,&a3 ~ First m"eting on geotbanaal research in tha M.B.A. Geol. zhur. 16 no.2:89-92 156. (nm 9: 9) (Springs) I.Giochomietry)' (3arth-It-j"f~,rual structiirel rs. On hiethod of blasting irl ecnetracting water GUMY wells. ~-ed b7 U.N. Svtvm, A-3. Babinets]. RatuA izobT*prsMM,#,,vIroI-, '56. (KI2.p- 10:51 -~ W arl ~ A. T (i. %T"Mor kott-~rmlou reaullaritles in the Ukrainian -Im Evith awwas" in agilghl Dop. " MR no. 1: 46-40 157. (ju-41A 10:4) 1. Institt-A geologlahnikh nank AN UM. Predstaviv akadealk AN MW V. G,* Bon~arohuk. (Ukraine-larth temperaturi) AUTHOR: Babynet3, A.Ye. 21-4-14/24 TITJ44s On Peculiarities of the Water-Exchange in the Rooks of the Plain Part of the Ukrainian and Moldavian SSR (Pro osoblyvoati vodoobminu v porodakh platformennoi chastyny Ukrains1koi i Moldavalkoi RSR) PERIODICALt Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrainalkoi RSR, 1957, #4, PP 375-378 (USSR) A~STRACT; The areas of the most active water-exohange with a deep fresh water zone are concentrated around the Ukrainian crystalline shield and along the Voronezh crystalline massif. A deep zone of fresh waters is formed also in the n 'orthern Poleseye regions of the Ukrainian SSR, owing to the favorable geologic conditions and very humid climate of the forest zone, The area of the sharp dipping eastern slope of the Ukrainian- shield and the Voronezh massif is characterived throughout its largerpart by deep zones of fresh waters (up to 700 m). In the central part of the Dnepr-Donets depression there are Card 1/3 some zones of local water-exohange and a rising movement of -4-14/24 3. 2 TITLEs On Peculiarities of the Water-Exchange in the Rocks of the Plain Part of the Ukrainian and Moldavian SSR (Pro osoblyvosti vodoobminu v porodakh platformennoi chastyny Ukra-4*-nsIkoi i Moldavalkoi RSR) mineralized waters within the salt-plug structure% The western and southern submergences of the shidd are distin- guished by a broad and large strip, with a water-exohange in the sedimentary rocks reaching the surface of the foundation, The fresh water zone in the arsa of the western submergence is 800 to 900 m and that of the southern one is 200 m. The Galits- Volynsk and Black Sea area cavities have fresh water zones of small capacity (100 to 200 m). The areas of metamorphosed waters in the sedimentary rook de- posits, found among the freshening zones of underground waterst maintain favorable conditions for the preservation of possible accumulations of oil. The article contains 1 map. There are 4 references all Slavio. Card 2/3 BABInTS, A.Te, , -, 11-11.~Charactsri sties of geothermal conditions and causes of anomlis.- In the occurrence of heat in ~he plAtfors region of the Ukrainian S.S.R. and the Reldaylan S,S.R. Geol. shur. 17 no.1:15-28 157. (Ukraine-Parth temperature) (HLRL 10:4) (Moldavia-larth temperature) BABINETS, A.Ye. [Baltinetol. A.IE.] _ - - Regularity in the distribution of underground water in the platform part of the Ukraine and Moldavia. Geol. zhur. 17 no-3:29-39 '57. (MIRA 11:2) (Ukraine--W;Lter, Underground) (Moldavia--Water, Underground) 20-2-47/60 AUTHOR.- Ye. TITLE: On Some Peculiar Features of the Formation of Literstitial Water of the Ukrainian Crystalline Shield (Ob osobennostyakb formirovaniya treshchinnykh vod Ukrainskogo krisballicheskogo shchita) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol. 114, Nr 29 PP-404-406 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Ukrainian Shield has an extensively developed and partly sufficiently thick sedimantary shell. Nevertheless, almost everywhere a water exchange with the surface takes place. For that reason, the composition of the waters circulating in the weathered fissures of the massive rocks reflect main- ly the peculiar features of the geological and climatic zones in which the Shield is located. The northern part of the Shield, just about to the southern boundary of the forest- -steppe zone, is under the influence of the very humid cli- mate of Pelestye and under the influence of the alternating Card 1/4 humid climate of the forest-steppe. Here we find in the zone Inst. Geological Nauk(Sci.) Academy Sci UkSSR. 20-2-47/60 On Some Peculiar Features of the Formation of W&rstitial Water of' the Vkrainian Crystalline Shield of the weathered fissures sweet hydrocarbonato waters, weak- ly mineralized (UP to 0-5 9/1) in Poleyse and moderatelv mineralized (0.6 - 1.0 g1l) in the forest-step;t,. In these waters of the northern part there are contained 2 - 6 % of dissolved gases. The gas contains nitrogen (70 - 80 %), accompanied by CO (8 - 20 %) and oxygen (3 - 18 %-~ Al- though the CO parily also enters with the infl.1tra" pre- ci-pitation waier, its main source are the biogenouo proces- ses. As result of the dissolution of the rooks, IV-he mineral contents of the underground waters is determi-ed. byveakly carbonic waters. The southern part of the adieLs. la situated in a semidry climate and therefore is characterized by mi- neralized (UP to 5 9/1) waters, mainly sulphate waters. These sulr~hate waters are produced under thp ipfluence of the contivantal impregnation with salt oi _ie 2uxface sedi- ments. Here the water contains 2-5 - 4 4, of dissloved gass8t 80 90 % nitro-~en, 8 - 10 % oxygen, aad usually 2 CC,2 In additlan, wa also have methane it; that part of the Shield which borders the Azov Sea. It appears that also anaerobic biochemical processes are -respoiisibla for this Card 2/1' phenomenon. Particular, conditions p-nevail in the zone of 20-2-47/60 On Some Peculiar Features of the Formation of Interstitial Waters of ths Ukrainian Crystalline 'S'hield ASSOCIATIONt Institute for GeologicalSGienceep AS Ukriainiat SSR (Institut geologicheskikh nauk Akademii. nauk USSR) PRESENTED: June 235 1950', by D. S.. Korzhinski~, Member of the Academy SUBIJITTEDt June 21, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 I BABINETS. -Andrey YMtjk.Uy-ey-tq_h [Babyne t a I , A. IE. J; RODI ONOV, S,P. , red. ; SHMIMN, I.F., ied.; MATVIYCHUK, 0.0., [Nineral springs of the Soviet Ukraine] Dzherela minerallnykh vod Radianalkoi Ukrainy. Xyiv, Vyd-vo Akad.rauk URSR, 1958. 65 P. (MIRA 12:4) l.'Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Rodionov). (Ukrainq-4ftneral waters) 'AUTHOR: Babiriets, A.Ya., SOV/21-58-11-22/28 TITLE: The Investigation of Pore Solutions of iirgjillaceous Yeso- cenozoic Rocks of the Plateau Regions of the Ukraine (Issle- dovaniye por,)vykh rastvorov,glinistykh purod Me.zokaynozoya platformennykh rayonov Ukrainy) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrainalkoi RSR, Nr 11, pp 1246-1250 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author studied pore solutions of Mesocenozoic argilla- ceous rocks from the central regions of the Dnepr-Donets depression and eastern regions of the! Black Sea plateau area. The pore solutions were extracted by mt-ans of compression devices designed by P.A. Kryukov fkef "I under a pressure of from 2,000 to 3,000 kg per sq em. As a result of this study the characteristic profiles of their salt composition were established. Great mobili'.y of solution is observed in the case of Na, Cal Mg, Sr, jig; a lesser mobility in the case of Al, Si, Ti, Ni, Cu, Fe, and very weak in the case of Pb, Co, V. Zx and Zn. The solutions isolated in the pro- cess of lithification are of great significance for the form- ation of mineral concentrations in the earth's crust and for the feeding of underground waters of the deep parts of the Card 1/2 cross section. TTT 1 [R-~'hyrlot,, 1 .1 . Ii., I rs f~ t er: s t i (~ c 7-- of E!lc?l? 4-31' tj If) Sf_Q I tj)W,jrj~ R-,l r - ~ r-- . - . . - no. (Rnrij.Lnr WINETS, A.Ye. [Babynets'. A.U.] - Con,ce"rn.Ing the coming congress of geologists of the Carpatho- Balkan Association. Geol.zhur. 18 no.4:126 158. MU 12:1) (Europe. Bastern--Geology) BABINNTS,..,A.Te; [Babyneto'. A.IE.J.- ZVOL'SKIT9 S.T. [Zvol)okyi, A.IE-1 Determination of the moisture content and compactness of Bolls by mmms of radioactive isotopes. Geol.zhur. 18 no.5:12-22 1580 (14IRA 12: 1) (Soils-Analyste) (Radioisotopes) BABINETS', A~Te. [Babynete'. A.IBI,kand.geol.-min.nauk V.-.. . Sessi~-n of the International Carpatho-Balkan Association of Geologists. Visnyk AN URSR 29 no.12:63-67 D '58. (MIRA 12:1) (lurope. Flastern-Geology) BABII%ETS,,,A.Te. (Bnbynets'. A.IX.I. kand.geologo-mineral.nauk.; ",-- ifaMO)UNO I.P., red.izd-va; MIL'CIMM, I.D., [Problems in studying underground waters of the Ukrainian S.S.R.] rytannis vvvehennis pidsomykh vod Ukrainslkoi RSR. Kyiv. 1959. 162 p. (NIU 13:5) 1. Jkademiya nauk USSR, Klyev. Inatitut geologichaskikh nauk. (Ukraine-Water, Underground) T:-j li j::V M If it A jai V Sum.- R-0 seqsii 2 A I ilk a 3(0) AUTHOR: Babineta, A. Ye., Candidate of Geological- SOV/3o-59-1-16/57 -VEn--eralogical Sciences TITLE; Congress of-Geologists of the Carpathians and Balkans (S"yezd geologov karpatskikh i balkanskikh stran) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Nr 1, PP 85 - 89 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The 4th Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Association took place in Kiyev and Lvov on September 16-29, 1958, 250 delegates taking part. Members of the Association are Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Rumania, the USSR, Czechoslovakia and Jugoslavia. The reports discussed tectonics of the Carpathians and their mutual relationship with the Balkanides, the stratigraphy and paleo- geography of the Carpathians, vulcanicity in the Carpathiansv and the formation of different mineral resources in them. 0. S. Vyalov, on behalf of the organizing committee of the Congress, roported on questions of tectonics of the Soviet East Carpathians. M. Magel reported on tectonic investigations in the Central West Carpathians by Qzechoslovak geologists. The Hungarian and Rumanian investigntors F. Sentesh, M. Blyakhu, Card 1/3 1. Dumitresku, 1. Motyash, D. Patrulis reported on the structure Congress of Geologists of the Carpathians and Balkans S-VV/30-59-1-16/57 of the South Carpathians. The Bulgarian scientist Ye. Bonchev .outlined the miitual relationship between Carpathians and Balkan'ides. The Polish ~reeearchers - G. dvidzi~ski supported the hypothesis on the deposit striicture of the West Carpathians. V. I. Slavin, M. Filipesku (Rumania), Lt. Ksiqz*kieviez f,Polnnd) and the Czechoslovak researchers - A. Matejkti, J.' Senes' reported on questions of stratigraphy and paleogeography. The Soviet 3~esearcherd - (N, B. Vassoyevich, 0. S. Vya.lov) F_ssupe that the formation of flysch deposits in the Carpathians is associated with the most mobile zones of the earth's crust. N. B. Vassoyevich proved in the district of Staryy Sambor the impossibility of a formation of flysch layers in the Soviet East Carpathians. Reports by E. Kardosh-Sadetskiy (Huno.ry), D. Dzhushko (Rumania) and the Soviet investigators Ye. K. Laza- renko considered questions of vulcanicity and conditions of formation of ore deposits. The Congress emphasized the necessity of carrying on common investigations in different branches of geology. For a coordination of these investigations, per- manent commissions were constituted: for to-,tonics, strati- graphy, paleogeography and paleontology; magmatism and petrology, Card 213 geochemistry and mineralogy, hydrogeology and for tectonic zrap3. . Congress of Geologists of the Carpathians and Balkans SOV/30-59-1-16/57 The 5th Congress of the AsBociation is anticipated for 1961 in Ruman-Aa. Card 3/3 BABUMS A A.INJ, kand.geol.-Tmin.naiik- Hot springa. Mauka i zb7ttla 9 no.6.'21'--Te, 159. (WRA 12:8) (Ul-craine-Springs) BADINTEI ", A. Peculiarities of the hydro.,,eocbemistry of the subterranuan waters with slu-:gish circulation in the southwestern part of the Russian Platform. p. 113. ANALEIE 1101,11NO-SOVIETICE. SERIA GEOLOGIE-3aEOGRAYIE. Bucuresti., Rumania Vol. 12, no. 2, Apr./June 1959. Yonthly List of East European Accessions (ELIAI) LG, Vol. 9, no. 1, January 1960. Uncl. BABIRETS', A.Ye,, Dabynetsl, A.IAJ Fourth meeting of geologists of the Carputho-BalkELn Association. Geol.zhur. 19 no.1:111-114 '59. (MIRA 32:2) (Europe, Naotern-Geology-Congresnes) BABINETS, As Ye., Jaind, geol. -mineral. nauk ,,eologistg from the Carpathian and count7 ies. Congrees of p Ve6t.KN SM 29 no.1:85-89 Ja '59. (OrU 121,4) (Europe, lastern--Geologists--Congresser..I ijk-31NETS, Atje. [BOFw-tp~8, A..TE.1; ZVOLISKIY, S.T. [ZMVsIkvJ S.T.] of the utilization :1 tr&,~:! neutrons and gbm-v.- rayr -;,Z the study of.' so'&'& moisture and dorqfty. Geol. Lhur. 20 wl, 4:45-53 160. (MW 1-4:10 (Soil phynics' (TvLee el4mantq" (Gama rayp) N E- TS, PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATIOI,' SCjll/,5r 92 Vse3oyuznoyc soveahchanlye po vnedrenivu radioakt!vnykh Azotcpov i kh izlucheniy v narodnom kI-D2y,1ystVe SSSR. Riga, 1060. yaderny, Radioaktivnyyo izotopy i yadernyye izluchenlya v narAnc,.4 Ichozyaystve SSSR; trudy Vsesoyuznogo soveshchanlya 12 - 16 aprelya 1960 s. g. Riga, v 4 tomalch. t. 4: ' Polski, razvcWta i razrabotka polezznykh idlcopayemykh (Radioactive I Isotopes and Nuclear Radiation in the National Economy of the ITSSR- Tran- sactions o- the Symponium Hold in Riga, April 12 - 16 !960. in 4 volumes. v 4: Prospecting,3urveying, and YlInIn or Mla-" eral Depoalt;~ Moszow, Gostoptekhizdat, 1961, 28 P. 3,;:14,- copies printr!,:!. Sponsoring Arancy: Gozudarstvennyy nauchno-tekhnIcheBkiy.komItet Soveta YV_niatrov ESSR. Gosudarstvarmyy komitet Soveta:Jellnistrov SSSR po isl;al-zovanlyu atomnoy energli Eds' I i!: tl,~- page): N. A. Petrov, L. 1. Pet;renkc;, and P. S. Savitskly; ;d. .-f" this volume: 14. A. Speranskiy; Scientific ed.: M. A. Speranskiy; Executive Eds.: N. N. Kuzlmina and A. 0. lonelt, Card 1/119 Radioactive Isotopes and Nucl--:ar (Cont.) SrjV/5592 Tech. Ed.: A. S. Foloa-irva. PURPOSE : The book 13 Interded for engineer2 and t,~chnAc.,ana dealing with the problems Involved in the applAcatico of radioactive JEotopes and nuclear radiation. COWMAGE; This collection of 39 articles is Vol. It of tKe Yrana-r- lAa-,3 of the till-Union Conrerence of tho introduction of 1!aJio- active inotopen and Nuclear Reactionn In t~L, National 17.~-:~ncny of the USSR. The Conference was called bv t-h-, Gou~2arr-tvtnnyy nauchno-t ekhrucheskly k o ni i t e t S o v c t M i n j s t r o v SS3F. (Sta t-e Scion tific-Tcc hnical Committee of the Coun-il rv~ of the USSR), Academy of S-Ac-noes USSR,-Goopian S""R ~Statlr ?1.ann!nr' Committee of the Couna-41 of DaniAters of the U,2-M), nyy koudzet Scveta Kinistrov SSSR po avtomatizzat,,111' 11 Ptroyeniyu (State Committee of the Council of Mnist.-r5 of the USSR for Autoration avid Machine Building),and the Ccuri~11 of Fliniaters of the Latvian SSR. The report3 In this Publication'deal with the advantages, prospects, and Card 2/50 Radiodetive laotopea and Nuclear (Cont.) SO-V/5592 development of radioactive methods used in prospecting, zur- veying, and mining of ores, Individual reports presc-nt the rezu2ts of the latest scientific reDearch on the development and it,.provc-ment of the theory, methodology, and technolomr of radiometric investigations. Application or radloactIve methoda in the field of engineering geology, hydrology, and the con- trol of ore enrichment procesues is analyzed. No personalities are nention:d. There are no references. TABLE OV CONTENTS: klekseyev, F. A. Present State and Nture Frospeats of Applying the Methods of Nuclear Geophyulc3 In Fro3pecting, Surveyino, ard Mining; of Minerala Bulashevich, Yu. F., G. M. 'Voskoboynikov, and L. V. Nuzyuki.n. Neutron and Gamma-Ray Logging at Ore and Coal Deposits -,q Gordeyev, Yu. I., A. A. Mkher,and D. 14. Srebrodollskiy. Tbe Card Radioactive 1cotopea and Nuclear (Cont.) SOV/5592 and luotopea for the Exploration of 011-Bearin_r, Regiona In the ChTASSR (Chechun-inzuah ASSR) and Stavropollskly Kray 210 Shapiro, D. A. Application of Radioactive Radiation and Isotopes for the Exploration of Oil Wells In Tatariyrk 219 Blankov, Yo. B., and T. 14. Blanicova. Use of the 2,xthcd of In- duced Activity for Controlling the Flooding of Oil Fields in Tatariya 22E Dvorkin, 1. L., B. 1.11. Orlinskly, and A. N. Flokhotnikov. of the Anomaloua Neutron Para~neter3 of Chlorine Nuclei to Co.)- trol the Flooding of Oil Fle2da 237 Babine', k~'e and S. T. Zvo,llskiy. Results of Uolng the - hod of S--attcrod Neutrons and Gamma Radiation in Studying TZFt Rock 4',oisturp, and Density 246 Sokolov, 1. Yu., V. A. - Polyakov, and V. V. Do3hnikov. Appli- caticn of Radioac',1ve Indicators in Studying the Concentration Card 4AM BABINETS, A. Ye. D~!' Geol-Min Sci - (dics) "characteristics of the spreading and conditions of the formation of underground waters in the regions of the South-Western part of the Russian Platform." Llvov, 1961. 33 PP; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Spec- ialist Education Ukrainian SSR, L'vov State Univ imeni Ivan Franko); 200 copies; price not given; list of author's works on pp 32-33 (22 entries); (KL, 7-61 sup, 224) BABINETS. Audrey XevtU-hiyevich; ZVOLISKIY, Stanislav Timofeyevich; BURKSER, Ye.s-,,- ~ivv.~ed.; SHTULIMAN, IjF., red.izd-va; YEFIMVA, M.T., [investigation of the com actness and moisture content of soils by means of radioactiom Issledovanie plotnosti i vlazhnosti gruntov medodami radioaktivnyll-h izluchenii. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad.naWk Ultrainskoi SSR, 1961. 139 p. (Akademiia nawk URSR, Kiev, Instytut geologichnykh nauk. Trudy. Seriia gidrogeologii -I inzhenernoi geologii, no.6.). (MIRA 15:5) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Burkser). (RadioactiTI'ty) (Soil research) BABINETS, Andrey Yevtikhkygyj&,-h; BURKSER, Ye.S., otv. red.; YXLINIK, IIOZENTSVEYG, Ye.N., tekhn. red. [Underground Waters in -the southwestern part of the Russian Platform; distribution and conditions of formation) Podze=We vod,v iugo-zapada Russkoi platforn7; rasprost-ranenie i usloviia formirovaniia. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad. nauk USSR, 1961. 377 p. WIRA .15:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk USSR'(for Burkger). (Ukraine-Water, Undbrground) (Moldavia-Water, Underground) BARjNB%S,_A_X4,, otv. red.; VARAVA, K.N., red., I-ESTATS, I.A., red.; POPOV, V.S.) red.; RUDUKO, F.A., red.; ULASOVICH, N.Y., red.; FALOVSKIY~ A.A., red.; TSAPRIKO, I.I., red.; MELINIK, A.F.', red.; LISOVETS, A.M., tekhn. red. [Transactions of the Ist Ukrainian J~rdrogeological Conference] Tru- dy Ukrainskogo gidrogeologicheskogo soveshchaniia. 1st. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad. nauk USSR. Vol.l. (Ilydrogeology] Voprosy gidrogeolo- gii. 1961. 463 p. (MIRA .15:4) 1. Ukrainskoye gidrogeologicheskoye goveshchaniye. lst. 2. In- stitut geologicbesliikh nauk Akademii nauk USSR (for Babinets, Varava, Falovskiy, TSapenko). 3. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy uni- versitet im. T.G.Shevehenko (for Rudenko). (Ukraine-Water, Underground) - -;L BABINETS, A. E.4 SVOLSKIYj S. T., and LYALKO, V. I. ""A study of underground water resources in and regions using radioactive isotopes and electric modelling" report to be subraitted for the Uaited W,,tima Co,,Afemuce on the Application of Science and Tedbaology for the Benefit of te Less Developed Areas - Genevap Switzerland, 4-Po reb 63- BABI Andrey Yevtikhiyevi,-h;.,frORDIYENKO, Yevgeniya Yemellyanovna; DENI9OVA-,'-Ve-Fa--IBm-iLnovna; TITOVA, N.M.,, red.; KOMOIFSKAYA, - A.R., tekhn. red. (Therapeutic mineral waters a9d health resorts of the Ukraine) Lechebnye mineralinys vody i ~urorty Ukrainy. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad. nauk USSR, 1963. 164 P. (HIRA 160) (UKRAINF,--HEALTH RESORTS, WATERING PLACES, ETC.) KOSTYANOY, Mikhail Grigorlyevich; BABINETS,.A.Ye., doktor gecl.-mineral.nauk,; LYALIKO, V.I., redi-zd-va; BEREZOVSKAYA, D.N., [Characteristics of clay rocks in the regiom of the Kanev dislocations from the viewpoint of engineering geology] Inzhenerno-geologicheskie osobennosti glinistykh porod raiona Kanevskikh dislokatsii. Kiev,9 Izd-vo Akad. nauk USSRY 1963. -173 p. (Akademiia nauk URSR. Kiev. Insty-tut geologichnykh nauk. [Trudy]. Seriia gidro .geologii J- inzhenernoi geologii noao)~ -(MIPA 16:10) TKACHENKO, KUZIMA DEMIYAbTOVICH; BABINETS, A.Ye., ot' [Moisture balance in the zone of aeration; according to materials from observations of the "Feofanila" Ilydrogeo'Lcgical Station,] Balans vlagi v zone aerataii; po materialam nabliudenii gidz-p- geologicheskoi stantsii "Feofaniia.11 Kiev, Naukova dumka,,- 1965. 143 p. (Akadem-iia nauk URSR, Kiev. Instytut geologichnftlWinauk (Trudy]. Seriia gidrogeologii i inzhenernoi geologii, no.12) (MIRA 18:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN UkrSM (for Babinets). LYALIKO, Vadim Ivanovich; SHNEYDIMMM, Grigor.'Ly Abra;-.ovic!n; BABRIETS, A.Ye.,, otv. red.; (Formation and prediction of the resources of underground waters in arid regions; experimental studies in the southern Ukraine] Formiro-varde i prognoz resursov pod.. zemnykh vod zasushlivykh raionov; eksperimentallrTe issle- dovanila na primere iuga Ulkrainy. Kiev, NaukoWl dumka, 1965. 186 P. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Clilere-korrespondent AN, Ulx.-',~i (for Babinets). BABINFTS, S. V., Aspirant - "Anelysis of the Cause of Defects in Spun Linen Cloths for the Purpose of 3mprovina Their Qvalit3r.11 Cand Tech Sci, Moscow Textile Inst, 28 Cat 54. ON1, 15 Oct 54.) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defencled at USSR Higher Mucational Institutions (10) SO: Sum. No. 481, 5 M*y 55 SHxVTsoV, D.S.; ZALEIVSKAYA, L.A.; GL&GOLU, G-M-; VOLKOV, V.P.; BABININ, A*U.; SIKOMMO, P.K.;'RENSKIY' N.S. Calcining limestone in, small lumps. SaIth. prom. 31 no.4,.20-24 AP 157. (K= 1o:6) ;..Mentrallnyy nauchno-iseledovatel'okly institut sakharnoy promysh- laymosti (fqr Sheytoo V,ZalevEkaya, dlagoley, and Tolkov). 2. Bobro- vitakiy sakharnvy sayod (for Babinin, Samananko and Renskiy). (Limestone) (Limekilns~ BABININ, B. V. . "Nomogram of Basic Statistical Distributions and Its Application in Some Problems of the Method of Sampling," Inzh. sbor., No.11, 1952 BABIN INA, T. initiative of Lithuanian newera. Prom.koop. 13 no#2:&g P '59. (KIRA 12:4) 1. Starshl;y �nzhener otdela b7tavogo obaluzhivanlya Litpromeoveta, Villnyus. (Lithusni&--Clothing industry) UCHITHL', H., inzh.; IDSHWOVA, H., inzh.; KAPUSMO, V-, inzb.; BABINIX&, T.; GATSKO. V. (g.Kolomna,Moskov9kqy oblasti). Customers pass their judgement. From.koop. 14 no.8:26 Ag 169. (FdRA 130) 1. Otdal bytovogo obolusbivaniya ob1prousoveta, g.Chelyablask (for Uchitell, Loshwwava, Kapupenko). 2. Starshly inshener otdwla bhelu%hi,~anjya Litpronsoveta, g.Villnyus (for Babinina). (Service Industries) KC-C,AN, A.Kn., BABI14KOV-j -- -1~ Experimental Sten031S Of 'Ile thoracir: aorta in rats fric-,'el of cardiac de"ect and hype:-trophy). Pat, fftziol. ~J --ksp, terap. 9 no,2,,,77-79 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18-.5) 1. K,-.t-eci,-a '-,av. - vrof. S.M.Favieiko) 1 Moskovs;xoogo ordena. lar-Ina rnedltsins~.ogo institifta lrr.(,n'- Sechenova. AM MWd *f Use of tho hunkleKesce method for thmacteritim the Costs. 1. 1. Aronu~v IM-1,64-614 Nank S.S.S.R.. OWL Tekk. Nawk IOSI. 311 P.-Thr duotracence colef of benzene rits. of mil varies with the staxe of metatuorl)hosis of the cvml. Thc colorp, for J'tne~ I 'W -VIII are violet. blue-green. v-Dow-gterv. ) - low,yellow-rec" reen, blue-green, anti blue. 1hrlituvr- cence color of a ta rI IxApvT-slrip chrornstogram i, differrut from tha. of the Polo. which pmlumf it, x.-,d 1hum 1wriah, unequivocal typing. Stages 1. It, and VIII clinker mttl~ the others do not. Cyrus Feklmin ~:'ICJV/24-58-12-227/27 AUTHOPS: Ammosov, I.I. Babjn~~. ~Moscow) TITLS Foundations of au IndustrJal-Genetic Classification L .:~f Brown Ooal (0snovy prom;y shlenno --genet iche skoy klassifikatsii buryk-h ugley) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akadeirdi Nauk, OtdeleniZe Tekhniches-kikh Nauk, 1958, N--n 3.2, pp 151-i53 (US R) ABSTRACT: The results are described of petrographic investigations of brown coals from a large number of deposits in various stages of geologicz! development which -an be used as a basis ~_f a classifL:ation system. These i-live st igat ions were supplemented by calculating the content of petrographic, micro.-components in coal of average samples in definite stages of epigenesis and diagenesis of coal on the basis of its reflectivity. Sub-