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,BABICIERV, V.Z.,, GONGWqOV, I S. The status of producing radiators from aluminum and itsprospectF. Avt. i trakt.prom no.11:37--39 N 056. (PURA 10:1) 1. Motskovskiy avtozavod imeni Likhachavet, Nauchno-issl6Aovntal'BkIy institut Avtomobillnoy pronyettlennosti. (Automobiles-Radintors) . B-ABICHEV, V-1ndimIrZakharovich; KkTVI,'YYV. A.1., kand.takhn.nauk, retRenzant; SITATEV, A.A.. knnd.tnkhn.nauk, red.; IVAITOVA, N.A., rad.izd-va; UVAROVA, A.F., [Production of automobile radiators] Proizvodstyo sytomobil'nVkh radiatorov. Monkva, GoR. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo~ maahinostroit. lit-ry, 1958. 223 P. WIRA 11:12) (Automobiles--Radiators) LAM)NOZISKIY, Anatoliy Vladimtrovich. KHRYAPIN. VIndimir Yomollyanovich..- SHPAGIN. A.I., kand. tekhn. nguk. retsenzent.; DUBINSEIYj S.A.,r*tnement; ._:PAD, rateenzent,: CFMVIOV, A.N., red.; XURDOVA, Toole, red. izd-va,; KATIASNY, A.I., tekhnt red. [Soldering and solders] Patanis i pripoi. Moskva, Goa. nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry chernoi i tovetnoi metallurgit. 1958. 229 p. (MERA 11:11) (Solder and soldering) AUT,iOR: Babichev, V,L, TITLE: Influence of the Technology of Prcldu,~Ilion on the duality- ol" Radiators (Vliyaniye tokhtiolot;ii pruizvcdL;tv,L nu kachertvc radiatorov) PERIODICAL: Avtomobillnaya PromyshlennosV, 1956, Nr 3, pp 57-36 (U-JSR) An'TRACT: Bad quality in radiatoro is often the re:3ult of faulty noloey. The heat emission is f-reatly influenced by the quality of the soldering of the cooling plates or the wtiter pipes. Incorrect soldering reduces the heat emission by 15 - 40% depending on the air speed. The principal reuscn for bad soldering is that the perimeturs of the holes in thv plates fo not cor;espond to the perimetera of the pipe ,3ec- tionsc Figure 1 shows the several pos,7ibilities of clearance formation in the radiator. ThE ~:learances eitier are 111'ille-" by solder or remain open, 1n the last case, betheen the coolint; plate and the pipe an air layer fcr~:.s w;-.ich impele-, the heat emission. It is demonotrate,1 that I;ii ai,- lzyer of 0.1 mm reduces heat emission ty ti.-.xz Oxilles of copper and solder form an additional layer Anich offers re- uistance to heat emission, For a g-ool solderinj~ of the cool- Card 1/5 ing plates, the thicknovj of the solder shoul,] be 10 - 11) 113- 5J- '1' -116.1/1(.- Influence of the Technology of Production on the quality of Radiators microns, Any surpluses are to be blown away by tin air jet The capillarity of the solder is also important, Mostly tile following solder types are u3ed: FOS 40, POS 30, arid ros !8, During the manufacture of radiators, zinc and copper accu;:,u- late in the solder, reducing its capillarity. An ad-nixture of 0.659 Cu and 0-15~ Zn is admissible, The application of solders with low tin content also reduces tile heat emis3icn of the radiators~ The use of tile solder type POS 4-6 in the automobile "Moskvich" led to a reduction of 16 - 20P" in the heat emission of the radiator, compared to automobile3 soldered with POS 30: The avsembiinC of radiators by hand causes also a decrease in heat emission, Tile aasembly of radiators should be mechanized. Paintin& of the radiator also reduces its heat emisoion, The thermal re3istance of a paint layer of 0.05 mm is nearly 30.5 times greater than that of a brass pipe with a wull 0,13 mm thick Corrosion in the radiator is often due to remnants of zinc and copper chloride, hydrochloric acid, etc applied during 3oldering. It is recommended to wash tile radiator in a 3 - 5;'v - *olu- Card 213 tion of soda ash and latex, in boilin6 ';,ater to remove settl- 113-50-3-11/16 Influence of the Technology of Production on the 14uality of Radiators ings,. The use of brass type L62, leads also to corrosion, becuase it is subjected to de-zincing. Types L68 or L90 are recommended,. There are 7 figures and 6 references, 4 of which are Soviet and 2 English. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy avtozavod imeni Likhachava (Moscow Automobile Plant imeni Likhachev) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 1. Automotive radistors-Produotion 12(2) SCV/113-5q,-5-13/21 AUTHOR: Babichev, V.Z. TITLE: The Influence of Technological Factors on the Heat Loss and the Aerodynamic Resistance of a Radiator PERIODICAL: Avtomobillnaya promyshlennost', 1959, Nr 5, pp 32 - 35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The heat loss and the aerodynamic resistance are the basic factors determining the quality of an automo- bile radiator. Most deficiencies of radiators are caused by applying improper manufacturing technolo- gies which do not provide the magnitude and direc- tion of heat currents as called for by the design. The author investigated standard radiators of the! ZIL-150 with the various most frequently found de- fects. The investigation was conducted in a wind tunnel. A test arrangement was used which permitted the isolation of each defect for establishing the influence of each factor on the basic radiator pa- Card 1/4 rameters. All experiments were conducted with one SOV/113-59--5--13/21 The Influence of Technological Factors on the Heat Loss and the Aerodynamic Resistance of a Radiator and the same radiat-or for obtaining inore accurate results, excluding differeiices in the manufacture. In connection with a future change in the manufac- ture of tube block radiators, where corrugated me- tal bands are wound around the radiator tubes, such radiators were also investigated. The present ZIL-1502 standard radiator is made of brass and has 14.28 m cooling surface., The future type is made of copper and has 19./P m- cooling surface. The ribbing factors are 3.1 and 9.67, respectively. The test results are shown in five graphs, Figures 2 to 6. Proper soldering of the radiator ribs is an im- portant factor, especially for radiators with a high ribbing factor. The author mentions the ex- perience obtained with other Soviet automobile ra diators and those of imported vehicles (Internati- onal, Dodge), where improper soldering is found. Card 2/4 very often. In a standard ZIL-150 radiator, about SOV/113-59-5-13/21 The Influence of Technological Factors on the Heat Loss and the Aerodynamic Resistance of a Radiator 92-93% of the tube perimeter is covered by the soldering process, provided the tubes are of good quality. This area is reduced to 70'io' if there are single bends in the tubes and to 48-50% in case of double bends. For radiators with corrugated ribs wound around the basic tube, the area of effective soldering is 82.5% of the tube perimeter. Indi- cating mathematical relations between the aforemen- tioned percentages and the heat loss is impossible. The aerodynamic resistalice does not change, regard- less of whether the tubes are soldered or not. Care- less handling of finished radiators causes bending of ribs on both sides of the radiators. The aero- dynamic resistance of a radiator with bent ribs in- creases considerably and causes a decrease in the heat losses amounting to 7-110%. The author states that this defect may be easily repaired prior to Card 3/4 installing the radiator. Painting of radiator cores SOV/113-59-5-13/21 The Influence of Technological Factors on the Heat Loss and the Aerodynamic Resistance of a Radiator was also investigated. The author recommends using no paint at all, or painting in an electrostatic field, since in the latter case, the paint will not penetrate intc the interior of the core and the heat loss will be reduced to only 2-3%. Using the conventional spray-painting method will cause a more considerable heat loss reduction, since the paint functions as an insulating material. In case radiator tubes are leaking, these tubes are usually blocked, reducing the heat losses. Blocking of radiator tubes should be used only in inevitable cases, and when the number of blocked tubes is rather small. There is 1 diagram, 6 graphs and 4 Soviet references. Card 4/4 BABIGHEV, Ye.A. New stratigraphic data on fresh-water continental Meeozoic sodimente of the upper Amur Valley, Isv. vys. ucheb. zav.-, geol, i razved- 3 no. 10:34-37 0 160. (HMA 13:12) 1. Itookovskiy CosudaretvenW univergitet imeni N.Y. Lomonosovao (Amtxr Valley--Geology, Stratigraphic) BABICHF-V, Ye. A.; MAZIROV I CH, 0, A.; MIN FTV IN, 0,V.,; Kiff GC, i iio I Age of jasper-alliceous sedimcnta in the oouth#-T~ pnrt. of tn~! Kokeohetav Upland (northern Kazakhstan). Blul. R)T,'. Otd. goo]. 40 no.4:46-57 Ji-Ag 165. (mim 1P,9) _BABICHEV Ye *A BU11YOVA, N.N.; GOLODKOVSKAYA, G.A.; DOBHUSKINA, I.A.: KAG ER, M.N.; KONOPLEVA, V.I.; KRASILOVA, N.S.; LEONOV, G.P.; MURZAYEVA, V.E., PODRABINEK, R.A., PRYAKHIN, A.I.; RYZHCV, B.V.; SERGEYEV, Ye.M.; FEDCROV, T.O.~, FIDELLI, I.F., EPSHTEYN, G.M.(deceased]; SHCHEKHUIIA, I.I., red.;.GEORGIYEVA, G.I., tekhn. red. [Geology and engineering geology of the upper Amur Valley)Oeo- logicheskoe stroenie i inzhenerno-geologicheskaia kharakte- ristika doliny Verkhnego Amura. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ., 1962. 317 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Amur Valley~-Geology) (Amur Valley-Engineering geology) f 111 n J~ T"'vUl h IN. ; '~j ) . . ~~' !~L - Ye . N . '.-tfater dyna.-,ics in the Kerch Strait, ;;br,):-. rah. G.W.~ no.2: 11 ~, 4 3164. (MIRA 18;2) BA-BICUCV. Z-V-. Inzh. Whommm" Fkaftmomm~ Ot Vibrated brick panels for walls of Industrial buildings. Prom. strol. 38 no.11s26-30 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Factories--Deeign and construction) (Building, Brick) BABICHEV, Zinoviy Vasillyevich, inzh.; KOKOREV, Sergey Ivanovich, inzh.; ANTONOVA, N.N., inzh., red. [Manufacturing and using reinforced cellular concrete panels for walls of industrial buildings; based on materials of the Scientific Research Institute of the Construction Industry of Bashkiria] Izgotovlenie i primenenie arropenobetonnykh panelei dlia sten promyshlenrykh zdanii; po materialam BashNIIStroia. Moskva,, Gosstroiizdat, 1963. 20 p. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Akadendya stroitel'stva. i arkhitektury SSSH. Nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut organizatsii, mokhhnizatsii i tekh- nicheskey pomoshchi stroitel'stvu. 2. Rukovoditell laboratori- yey krupnopanellrykh konstruktsiy Bashkirskogo nauchno-issledo- vatel'skogo instituta, po stroitel'stvu(for Babichev). 3. Ruko- voditell sektora yacheistykh betonov Bashkirskogo nauchno- issledovatel'skogo institute, po, stroitel'stvu (for Kokorev). BABICMV, Z.V., inzh. Walls of industrial plants from vibrated.brick panels. Trudy BashNIIStroi no.l1167-186 162. (MIRA 170) BAXH, ILA.; BABICHITA, G.G.; 1ARIll, V.A. Radiation oxidation of leuco bases In ketones in the absence of oxygon. Dokl. AN SSSR 134 no.5:1079-1082 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) 6 1. Institut elektrokhimii Akademii. nauk SSSR. Ili-edstavleno akademikom A.N.FrunAtinym. (Dyes and dyvAng) (Oxidation) -~/84 62/000/000/127/129 D444 YD307 AUTHOIW; Bakh, ii. TITLE: DOGQ-MU~LSUring e n 0 r (.7, y SOURCL: Trudy II mii. i-id. 738-740 A., Babicheva, G. G. and Larin, V. C.~ system for small quantities of absorbed Vsesoyuznogo,soveshchaniya po radiatsionnoy khi- by L. j. Polak. Hoscow, Izd-vo ~N S"JjR, 1962, T'SM The auti,oral laboratory has previously studied the effect of radiation on t1w colorless leucuba3es of triplionylmethane dyes in the presence of molucular oxygen; their disadvantage is a ten- dency for coloration to be produced by.auioxidation with molecular oxygen in the absence of radiation. The high molar coefficient of extinction, however, maA'~eu tleL;(-, dyes very suitable for doue mea- surement and the autliors now rOdort la study on the forwition of the dye cry' L3 tU 1 violet by irradiation of ito leucobase in acetone and methylethyl ketone in the abuence of molecular oxygen. The ra- diations studied were x rays, f rays, and alpha particles at tem- Card 1.12 .j//844/162/1000/000/127/129 Doae-meauuring s,~stci:i ... 1)444/D307 peraturei) from -65 to +50 0C. The riethylethyl hotone solution is convenient for mcasurint; dooes up to about 1500 rads. There are 4 figures. iWSOCIATION: Institut elektro;:himii AN "')SSR (Institute Of :~lectro- cheinistry, AS U,;SR) Card 212 RABICID-WAY I.B., assistent X-ray diagnosis of pulmonary agenesis. Vest. rent. i rad. 37 no.1:53-55 Ja-F 162. NIRA 15:3) 1. Iz kafedry rentgenologii i radiologii (zav. - prof. R.Ya. Gasull) i Imfedry patologicheskoy anatomii -(zav. - Prof. I.I. Medvedev) Zaporozhskogo instituts, usovershenstvovaniya vrachey imeni Gorllcogo (rektor - doktor meditsinskikh nauk V.T. Karpukhin). (LlJNGS-,ABN0lU4ITIES AM DEFORMITIM) (DIAGNOSIS, IUMOSCOPIC) VANtCHE'/A, G.V.; BABICHEVA, M.I.; KULkANEN, E.V.; SHIVRIN, O.N. Dependence of microhardness on loading. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 17 no.21 234-236 F 164. (MIRA 17t2) 1. Petrozavodskiy gosudarstvenny universitet. NAYDENOVA, A.B.; KUKHARI M I.I.; BABICHEVA, M.M., ekonomist Let's improve the planning and economic work in telecommunication enterprises. Vest, sviazi 24 no.3:14-15 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika planovo-ekonomicheskogo upravleniya Ministerstva svyazi Litovskoy SSR (for Naydonova). 2. Nachallnik planovo-finansovogo otdela Upetskogo oblastnogo upravleniya svyazi (for Kukharl). 3. Ssaratovskiy gorodskoy radiouzel (for Dabicheva). KALASHNIZOVA, LJI., kand.tekhr-,nauk; BABICHEVA,_~.T., starshiy nuuchnyy sotr4dnik; ZALITSMAN, Sh.m., mliailo .- n-auchnyy sotrudnik Improved production of dried precooked cereals. Trudy VMIKOP w.10:30-41 159. (MIRA 14:8) (Cereals as food) of the irila. lLd vitb his!" "mmidit), '-wicl. of 'I i, If 311L fluil N dr, 01~-~ ,1610 CX Ig 'Wit, ---------- NUOIATIV. H.?.; BABICHUA, 0.1. Vitamin P content of dried dog rose fruit as affected by storage in different containers. Annotation. Trudy YNIVI 5:126-127 154. (ML'RA 9:3) 1. Blokhisicheakaya laboratoriya. (VITAMINS - P)(MATERIA MEDICA, VIGnA IJI - STORAGE) .i TretAWA OqUaWas flow himbalof tali Piodualon