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.j YEPISKOPOSIAN, M. AY[tAPWTAN-,, G Using The acidic method for producing selenium and tellurium of anode etlime at the Alverdi Copper Chomical Works. Prom.Arm. 4 no.20:":2--36 0 161. (MIRA 14:11) Alaverdi-Tellurium--14ets2lurgy) Ala"rdi,--Selenium--Mi)tallurgy-) ~ `i ADONT3p G.T.; AYRAPEIIAINg G.A.; AUDZHIMAN9 G.D.,* GiVAB11-YAN, K.A. Inve3tigation of the stability of the Ilranscaucasian Electric Power System in conjunction with the introduction of Mingechaur-Atarbelcyan intarEyt;t-Dm electric Ix)wox- transmission. Izv. AN AM*SSR.Ser*tekh9 nauk 13 no.6tl9-38 160. (MI FUI 14-- 3) 1. Institut elektroteklmik-i AN Armyanskoy SSIR. (Ti,iinscaucasia-:[nterconnected electrio utility syatoms) 0 AYRAITTY N G. 1. one methof for increaving thei accuracy of the calculation of a.c. networks using analog computers. Izv. AN Arm. WP. Ser. tekh. nauk 18 ro.101-72 165. (MIRA 18:7) AYRAPENANY G.A, Equativne of a Oynchronlo generator-tith dwnping stages for calcultiting the electromechanical transitionei in power systems. Izv. All Arm. SSR. Ser. tekh. nauk 17 no.6717-.22 164. (MIRA 180) 1. ATMVIIE. AYRAPkITAN, G.A. Some problems of nonsycbronous aut)matic reclosures of intersystat electric lines. Izv. AN Ari. SSR. Ser. tekh. nauk 16 nc,.6:23-30 163. (MA 16::2) 1. Institut energetiki AN Armyansk,)y SSR. --AYRkPL?YAN, G.A. Some problems of novaynchronous autcmatic-realosures In inter- oor~neoted power traxismiosion lines cf unifted elaotric, power syetemis. Izv. AN Arst. SSR. Ser. tekt.. nauk 17 no,ltl7-.22 164 (MIU 1793) 1. Institut energetiki AN ArmSSR. ATHAPSTYAN, G.Te. ff- ... J, - .1 . . Resaltv of using drilling mud In riptary drilling of.-artesian velle in porous rook. Razved. I oldi. nedr. 2C ne.6:33-57 N-D 154. (MMA, 9:2) (Artesian wells) (Baring) IAN unh: VOEDVIZHBNSKIY, B.I.. redak-tor: MANOVA, re&aktor 12 iTretva; POPOV, N.D.. tekhnicheakiy redaktor. [Uperl,ence in drilling for water] Dpyt burenila skvashin nn vodu. Moskva,, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.i%d-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr, 1957. 116 p. (MIRA 10:11) (Boring) AY2APATYAN, O.Y., insh. "' Uoing cored gravel filtors, Tranop, titroi, 7 in,o,12.,26-27 D '57. (Artesian welle) (Filters and filtration) (MIRA 1112) AYROMAN =*A 0010 Cance:mIng the artiale.of P.IA. Ayrr),rand I.B. Dallian "Using spp?A9& geoph;rvics in drilling for water by the rotarv drilling method." Ran- ved, :1 okh. nedr 23 no.4-62-64 Ap 1,57. (Nnu lirl) 1. Trost "Traneyodstroy." (DOrIvg) (Water Underground) (Avrar, P. IA. )(~Plan, LBO AIRAPETYAN, G. M. Using gravel in filling wells drilled by the percuosion method. Transp.Btroi. 9 na.7:38-40 J1 159. (14IRA 12.-.12) 1. Glavnyy In2hener burovogo ucl~autlm No.1 Transvodutroya. (Artesian wells) (FilterE and filtration) AYROSMN, 0. 2. Gravel f ills for rotary-drilled wells. Trantip. stroi. 10 no.9:32- 33 5 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Gl.%Ynn inzhener burovogo uchaelka No.1 Tramevodstro7a. (Filters and filtration) (Arthesian wells) AYRAPETYANJ, G. E.,, inzh. Using clay muds in rotary drilling for water. Transp.stroi. 13 n--.90E~-39 S 163o (MLRA 16:12) Illylk], `-Il V110.1 , fol. ;11. , inzh. 1 4:1 'Ot- ` Wi ~;iI4, u ' f rO.M sof t chalk hor 1 Trvje, 4. 0 J.~ no,!,-. 2C-28 ' Ja 163' ~'Hllttl 18:2) SOV/ 137-58-9- 18774 Translation from: Re ferativnyy zhurnal, Metallurg4;ya, 1958, Nr 9, p 89 (USSR) AUTHOR* TITLE: Development of a Process for Extracting Copper and Molyb- denum From the Oxidized Ores of thu Kadzharan Deposit (Raz- rabotka tekhnologii isrvlecheniya medik molibdona iz okislennykh rud kadxharanskogo mestorozhdeniya) PERIODICAL: Izv. AN ArmSSR. Ser. geol. i geogr. n., 1957, Vol 10, Nr 5-6, pp 95-99 ABSTRACT: Investigationa are conducted of a combined-process flow sheet involving hydrometallurgy and flotation. The con-iminuted ore is treated with H-)S04. The pulp 'is filtered and washed with water. 'Multi-stage precipitation of s-ilfides from the filtrate is performed with the aid of Na2S, the precipitate containing Cu and traces of Mo. After sulfate treatment the ore is subjected to sulfidatiDn with NaZS and then to flotation in a,:cordance with the conditions existing at the plant. The resultant product issub- jected to secondary cleaning. The concentrate has the following Jo zontents: Cu 14.5, Mo 0. 52, and Co 0. 1. 9 117o of the Co and 707o of the Mo are extracted. The Mo and Go are s-eparated from the 0. B. Card 1 /1 Cu by hydrometallurgical mAthuds. 1. Ores--Oxidation 2.-Ores--Flotation AYRAFMAN, G.111. Pinceru for holding small objects. Lab.delo 11 (i.e.91 no.11 54:55 Ja 163. 04IRA 16: 5) 1. Voymno-med its ineikaya ordena lanina akadeniya imeni S.M. )~irova. (FORCEPS) AXD Nr. 996-7 24 June RADIOPF~OTECTP ~N 0* TMWOC~rTES IN RAIrS WITH INDOLE DERIVA- TIVES (USSR) 'G. M Radloblologlyl, v. 3. no. 2. 1963,.~262-264.; etyan, S/205/63/003J'002/017/024 'Young rats weighilig A to 12-0 g wtore decapitat6d, and,their thymuses re rpoved aii4 placed In a Rinoyer. F;c)lul:inn (D11 7. 0? and furtl.,ier processed... 'Pin tbymus suspensiori contai.ned 200 cells. per 0. 1 ihms. Indole preparations dere added to the thymus suspensions in test tubes so thai; each test tube c~ntainedl: 0. 2 ml of solIution with a concentration of 1:4000 or 1:40, 000. 71he control samples contained Ringer solutton Instead of the amine prep- a;,ation. The testtubes were irradiated with NOO r from an PYM-3 ap- paratus (15 ma. 181) kv; filter, 0. 5 Cu; dosage, 80 r1min). After exposure the test tubes wero~ suspended in a.Varburg appiratus and incubated for eight holuirs at 37* C (shaken 130 to 100 times per min): an eosin solution 11:1000) vras added., the mixture, was- shaken two -minutes, and the number Card 1/2 ---------- Nr- 996-7 -24 Mme RADIOMOWTION OF TjjYNDCMS Iff RATS~~:[Contldj 8/205/153/003/002/017/D24 of stainea 11~;d-u_n'staini~d lymphocytes - (iounted (200 vells per sample). The protective~cction of 5-4nethoxytryptamine (an effecitive radloprotector), 6-methoxytryptarnine la weak radlopro.tector), and 6-3-indolylbutylamine. (no radiopr6tective pr.bperties) were studied in the experimerrts. 5-Mothoxy- tryptaminft and 6 -mettioxytryptamine: exerted a radi oprotective effect on thymocytes in rats wh,Dn used In -concentrations of 1A000 (85. 1,1o and 88. 87a, respectively,, against 1153. Wo In the controls) and IAO, 000 (75.'4'~ and 73. 5% r,.gainst 66. 4, and 67. A. in the controls),. while 6-3-indolylbutylamine showed no protective effect in it concentration of 1-4000 (17. 514 against; 67,,,91a in the J controls) bocause of itts toxicity. In a concentration' of 1:40. 000 it had about the same effect as the other indole derivatives (60.1616 against 66, 7114 in the controls). The rather1slight radioprotective effect bf the inddlylalkylamInes apparently.d"s not dej~end on the chemical structure of the preparations. it may be aasumed thal~ the different action of these preparatibno In v I uq, and their iditil-ntical effei:t in vitro.are brought abott by the manner in which they are distributed In the organism of"the irradiated animals., It Is also probable that the mechtknism of the radioprotective,itction of the preparations is different In VIVO alid In vitro. [SGM Car4 2/2 vim AYRIX~-TYAN G H , UP.REHCHENKO, P.G. - ~: I Some cfarricteristit-s of the rudllopro--,eitive propertler, Cf the monosod!un salt of* acid. Radiebioluglia 4 no.2,259-~65 164. (MIRA 18:3) AY',Vii:~,-i'TYANj G.Y, )solaticin of mo2yl\.!:-,.um nPipowndi t!:,nn acil so*alllt:~,Ins oontain!ng irm and oalcium. Tnr. AN nauki 16 no-61:581-587 t6l. (141RA 17W I. Naik~itno-leslcdor!itell.,~'n-ly p i'.8"Itut Soveta narodnogo kh4:'Zy'b7StVa ZHF,REBCHENKC, J1,G.;._AX~AMTYAN, G.M.; KIZASNYYJI, I.G.; SHEVCHENKO, A.N. Effect of radioprotective. preparation-, on neutral red distribution and hemoglobin content in the organs cf mice and rats. Radiobiologiia 4 no.1:3.36-143 164. (MIRA 17W INFORM ACCESSION bR: AF402797117 S/0205/64/oo4A02/0259/6265 AUTHOR: A,yrapoty,!p,' G. M,; Zherebehonko, P, G. of TITIS: Ceirtain charaotoris los of radioproteotive properties acid monoood1um salt SOURCE: Radiobijlogiyap v, 4, no. 2, 196~., 259-265 TOPIC TAGS,: bota-aminoothylthiophosphoric acid monosodium salt,, .radioprotectivo aotion,, mercapto group, eystamino, Taercamine, X-irradiation, gare4a-irradiation, oral adnd.nistration,, subcutaneous administrctionj, intramusouli3a, admit.-istrationq combined radioprotoo- ~tivo offeet., 5--motoxytryptamine :ABSTRACT: This study investigates only those characteristics of i bet a-Luninciethylth!Lophosphor ic acid monosodium salt which can be compared with the oharaoteriatios of other morcaptoamines. White mice, white rats,, and dogs were used to test the efficacy of.this preparation aftinistered orallyp suboutaneousl7,p intramuscularly,, and intraiseritone4lly at different times before irradiation, Mice and rats were 'X-i=-adiated (RUM--3 unit, 180 kv,, 15 ma# focal length Cardl/3 ACCESSION NR-9 AFJJ027977 ~5 em) with singlo 700-900-r dosesp and dogs were ganna-irradiated (EGO-2 unit., 260-280 r/iin) with single 3G0 r-doses. Preparation OffiCACY Was determined by survival of rats and mice at the end of' ~O ';days and of dogs at the end of 45 days. Additional experiments w~ra :conducted to determino the combined radiorrotective effect of bet a-aminoethylthiophosphor ic aci(-l monosodium salt and 5-motoxytrypt- amine admJ6~nistored to mice in a 900-r dose at different time Isequences before irradiation. Rosults show that beta-aminoothylthio- lphosphoric. acid monosodium salt is an effective radioprotective :administered oral%yo suboutanooiisly,, intramuscularly,$ or intraperiton- ,oally. Also, in the oase-of subcutaneous and intramuscular use.. it :does not cause inPlammatory and necrotic reactionsjad cystamine and ;AD- : T do. It is superior to cystamine in radioprotootive action when , h .acministered orallys and it is twice as effective as the mercapto ,groups whon admin!'.stered in doses of the same quantity. In co:.nbina- .tion with 5-metoxytryptamine, its radl..oprotective. action is most effective-whan~it is administered first, "The authors express their sincero gratitude to Academician *I. L. Knunyanets Doctor of Chemical: Sciences', 0. V KLVdy*sheva,, Candidate of' Chemic'al Sciences, M G'- :Linlkova, and Lso to Z. V. Benevolenskayo for-the'.preparations-,"' :Orig. art has: 6 tables. Crd ACCESSION-HR: AP~027977 ASSOCIATION: None Ilmar63' PATE AOQ: 28.lpx,64 ENCL; 00 !SUB CODE: AM No np sov: 006. -.OTHER:' 010 Card 3/3 KAYSKJEY, I.M., professor; AYRMTIYAN, G.Pe The problem of longevity. Blol. Y sbkole no.5:83-89 3-0 157. (MLRA lOt9) 1. Institut skaWrimintallnoy biolqgii Akadexii maditainakikh nauk SSSR. - (Longavily) AYRAPETIYAN, G.P. Comparative studies on the antigenic properties of certain mouse tumors followinr their inoculntJon In pure strains [with summary in English). Biulokep.biols' I. med. 44 noollt85-92 N157 (MIRA 11:11) 1; Is ltboratorii n--infek-tsionnoy immunologii. (zav. - prof* I-N' Mayskiy) i laboratorii biologii antigenov (zrx. k, K.M. Kapichnikov) InRtituba eksperimentallno7'biologii (dire' - prof* I.H. Hityakiy) AMR SSSR, Mosk7a. PredBtnvlena deystvitellnym chlenom AMR SSISR N.W. Zhukovvm-Verezhnikovyme (NEOPLASMS. immunoloa antigenic properties of mouse tumors after transpl. in pure strains (Rua)) AYWRTIYAN, G.P. Antibody formation in rabbits during Brown-Pearce tumor growth. Biul.okep.biol. t nod. 48 no.7:7ij-80 Jl '59. (MIRA 12: 10) 1. Iz laboratorii noinfektsionnoy 1~mmunologii (rav. - prof. I.N.Nayekiy) Instituta eksperimental'noy biologii (dir. - prof.I.N.Itayakiy) AMN SSbR, Moskva. Predstavlena deyetvitelinym ohlenom AHN SSSR H-X-Zhiikovym-Verei,.hnikovym). (CARCINOMA - immwiology) (ANTIBODIES) AYRAPETIYLN*.G.P. Reaottrity of rabbits with implanted.Brown-Pearce tumors and vac- binated with Ilve antit=oz~ vacoinef. Biul. ekop. Mol i med. 50 no.l2t69-72 D 160. (KM 14ti) 1. Iz laboratorii neinfektsionnoy izm=ologii (3av. - prof. 1.N. Mayskiy~ Instituta AsperimentO'Inoy biologii kdir. prof. I.N. Mayskiy AMN SSSRI Mo6kva. Predstairlena doyetvitellnym eldenom. AMN SSSR N N. Zhukovym-Verezhnikovyzi. I RHOPIS) (VAGGINIS) AYRAPETIYAN, G.P. Change in the biological propertics of three transplanted tumors simultaneously inoculated during passages through'one inbred animal. Biul.eksp.biol.i med. 53 no.6:63-65 Je 162. (MIRA 1511O) 1. 1z laboratorii neinfektsionnoy immunologii (zav. - prof. I.N.Mayskiy) Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii (dir. - ppof. I.N.Mayskiy) AMN SSSR, ~bskva. Pr(idstaviena deystvitelInym chlenom AMN aSSR N.N.Zhukovym-Vervzhnikovym. (TUKIRS) MAYSK.IY, I.N.; AYRAPETIYAN,, G.P. International Cancer Research Congreeii. Biol. v shkole 80-82 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Institut eksperimentallncry biologil AMN SSSR. (NCOLOGY-CONGRESS9S) MAYSKIY, I.N.; ATWET.IXAN,,-G.P.; KOZLOVA, N.A.; HILOVSKIY, m.N.; SUVOFOVA, G.V.; SUKHORUKIKH, s.v.; KHIJNDANOVA, L.L. (Moskva) Therapeutic and cytotoxic action o," antibodiee and their role in the pathogenesis of cancer,. Ursp. sovr. biol. 55 no.2: 219-238 163. (MIRA 17t8) EMMAN, ?.A&, starshiy naualmyy sotrudnil; MARTIROBYAN, G.*.[.,- AYWMAR. L. A.- Pneumoretroperit~)neum in tumors of the abdominal cavity Vop, rent.i onk. 6%85-94 161. WRA l6v2) (ABDOW.-TUMCRS) (MMOPERITonrum, ARTIFICIAL) AMIFETYAN,, L.N. , inzh. Pneumatic proportioning of reagents. Energetik 9 no.4:16- 17 Ag 1161. (MIFA 34:8) Chemical tests and reagents) eumatic machinerr) M --AIRM ISTM - L-. Phoophitte drum-mixer with a filter. Energetik 10 no,11:21-22 N 162. (MIM 15:12) (Feed-water purification) SARWMAKYAN~ T.O., prof.; MINASYAN, A.O., kand.medamuk; SARKISYAR., ro.Kh., kand.ned.nauk; MIRZAAVAKW, G.L.; TATKAU), I.V.; AYRAPEVAK, L.N. Stomatib, cancer as per data of Erevan clinicis emd the Institute of Hoentilenolomv and Oncology of the A-.ademy of S-iienpea of the Armenian S.SA for 1949-1957. Voporgnt.i ordc. 6t221-231 163,o (MIRA l6s2) (ERIVAN-STOMAGH- -CANCER' I DA111Y.F1,YAN, GJ., kUndo LA. YM:U~!; fii,l~' j N'. In *.ht -u,,~ of i'l,",''% 17,-,-C'4, !,fmt. I wk. li", 411111 i , a,al D.01YELYAN, E.Ye,; WRAKYAN, M.Ye.; AYRAPFTYAN, M.A. Occupational skin aspergillosis. Vest. deime i vens 38 n094:83- 85 Ap 164, (MIRA 18W 1. Kafedra kozhnykh i venericheskikh boleznoy (zav. - dotsent G G.D,Ter--Grigoryan) Yerevanskogo meditsins)ogo institute i Institut gigi-.yeny truda i professional' nykk zabolevamiy (dir. R.A. Aydinyan) Miaistetstva zdravookhreneniya Armyanskoy SSR. L Ll 71~i FSP%1_11 ACC NR. AR'008636 ~tl~~ SOURCE CODE: UR/0397/6.5/000/019/0043/0043 AUTHOR: Babays i, ~e A. kyrapetyan, M. A. TITLE: Occupational skin injuries of workevs engagod in flotation of ooppor-molybdenum ores SOURCE: Ref'. zb.1'1armakoLogiya. ToksikoloE7iya, Abs. 19-54-323 REF SOURCE: Sb. Flaterialy 2-,,L Itog. nauchn. konferentsii in-ta gigiy~ truda I i):rofzaboleva iv. 1)0svTas11an, vopr. E-1glyrn7y7ruda prorpatol., 1963. Yere-van, -1,97 , 73-75 TOPIC TAGS: industrial mcidicine, dermatoloey, skin physiology, copper, molybdenum ABSTRACT: 170 workars, of a.copper-molybdenum flotation plant were examined. Various -,.hangezi of the skin and its appondages were noted in 66 cases. Most of,the patients (52) suffered loss of' hair and 42 patients had dry cracked r.-kir. Dystrophic change of nails and nail bed was found in 14 casas, teleangiectasiawas found in 35 cases and injury of the sebaceovs follicle apparatus was found in 19 cases. 7 persons suffered from eczema, 18 persons had dermatitis, and 3 persons bad toxicoderma. S. K. ZTrarislation of abstraog. SUB CODE: 06 Card 1/1 11b UDC: 615.92 AYM.WYAN,, M.Mi., Mladehiy nauchnyy sotruidnik m4nicia and panctural diaposis of the tumoral procoooesof lymph nodes VDP.ri)nt.i onk. 6&n9-286 161. WRA 16t2) (PUN TUP ; M (MEDICIN]K)) (LYMPHATICS--TLIMCRS) Ank!!~.&J~ja, mladshiy nau.obnyy sotrudaLk Tuo caaes of oancer of the wwotid body. onk. 6: 321-323 161. (UWIID BODY.-CANMM) (MM 16a2) AYRAFETUNp M.I(b,, mlsdshiy nauohnyy sotruftik Some Pmotional, c anges in the liver in &auto and subaoute oases of radiation sickness. Vop. rediobiol. (AN Am. SSRI 3/1,t261-268 163. (MIRA 17s6) AYRAFEITAN, M.Kh. Surgical treatment of local forms of lrmphogrsinu-Ioma Los is. Zhur. eksp. i klin., med. 2 no.6t89-94 162. (IMIRA 18s10) 1. Khlrurgichaskoye otdoleniye Instituta rentgenologil i onkologii Arp~M. AYRAPMAN~ M.. XII. .. ~. 6 _- AUrrent goiters "I .021-N5 16"T al=lat.hig twmcroto d!seases. Vop rent. i onk. NMA 1797) A YRAr*'F-f A N I1 0 M, ~ r ... Ftd;ild Method of instv-11inir a grnval f.'l'er. Tranqp. stroi. 15 11 F 165. (MR, A 18, 3) I I A'IROSEGIMIKO, V.I.; SMIUMINSKAYAP Z.M.; 3AVRYA, N.A.; I I.. I AYRAPETYAN, M.T.; AbDULAYEVA, G.A.; TIMMINA, " A.A.. Cutu",ysts for oxidation proceases of natural gas tX) fcrm fDroildehyde and methanol. Zhur.prikl.khim. 38 no.3:643- 6 (~9 Mr 16 5. O-ORA 1g: Il) 1. Siknitted Febr. 27, 1963. ATILUTUAN, N. A. 410 Armenian S.S.R. Prom.koop. no.1:17-1.8 Ja '37. (MLRA lo: 4) 1. Prodsodatell prayleniya Armpromeoveta. (Armenia- -Gooperat I-re socloties) AYllAPZTTAH N 44 Some tasks of producers' cooperatives of Armenia. From. koop. 12 no.8:32 Ag '58. (MIRA 11:9) 1,.Predeedatell prarleniya Armpromeoveta (Yerevan'). (Armenia-Cooperative tocletles) I AYRAPETYAN,, R. A - New articles nanufooturad by the artole of Armenia. Prom.koop. 13 no.9:25 s 159. (MIRA 13tl) 1. Predeadatall pravlaniya Armpromeoveta, g.Tfirevan. (Armenia-Manufacturas) AMPETYAN, R., starshiy leytenant Result, of collectiTe work. (Chemical warefare-SiLfety measuresl I Voen.vent. 41 no.10:100-102 0 161. (MIRA 15:2) AYRAPETYAN,, R.I. Spontaneous disintegration of bladiler ealculi. Urologiia 28 no.5v62-64 S-0163 (MIRA 1724) 1, lit urologloh"coy kliniki ( zav. - prof, A* Ta. Abramyau) Moskcvakogo oblastnoga nauchac-las'.edovateltskogo klinicheskotp InstItuta. GAMBARYAN, L. S.; GEZALYAN, L. SO GARIBYAN, A. A.; AYRAPETW, S. A. Role of the cortical section of the vestibular analysor in the meehaideme of statokinntic coordination. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 15 no.4:59-65 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:7) L fttiologichaskaye, laboratoriya Nauchno-issledo-vatellskogo inisti-Luta akusherstva i ginekologil Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya AxT.,33mnskoy SSR i fiziologichaskaya gruppa Sektora radiobiologii AN Arayanskoy SSR. (LABYRINTH (W.) 7- ACC NRt SOURCE CODEt UrVOW166100101110073100" INVENTORSt Zavlin,, P, M.; Ayrapetyan,, S. G. .......... ORG.- none TIT~E: A mothod for obtaining pol"hosphonates, Class 39# No. 182328 Lrannoundod br, LoAngrad Eloctrotownical Institute of Communications im. Professor M. A$ Bonch- Br evich (Loningradakiy elektrotekh-nichaskiy institut avyazi)_7 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, prorqahlennyyo obraztay, tovarnyye znaki, no.'11p 1966, 73 TOPIC TAGSi phosphorus compound, ester, ethyl, phosphinic acid ABSTRACTt This Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining polyphosphonates by homopolycondont-vation of heated aminoethyl esters of phoophinicaoidso To en3Arge the assortment of p)lyphosphonates vith self-extinguishing propertlesp N- P -by- droxyothyl P-aninoethyl ester of P-eUoretWA-phevylphoephynic aoid ~4-e usod. SUB GODE% 07/ SM DMa Mpr65 A ----UDot 6".67~1 1, 2algi-66 EwpAj)/ZW(m)/hM0(x)~6/T M014 AP6012109 SOURCE CCDE: UR/0413/66/000/007/0015/00,15 INVENTOR: SqYajgrski3:. Lagunova. V. N. ORG: none X'ITLH: preparative method for a pjjoqR1j ~-~Class 129 qi~us--tor.jaininR polyester No. 180193,,- w SOURCE: '-zobreteiiiy~a, promyshlennyyc obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki~ no. 7, 1966, 15 TOPIC TAGS- poly-pster, phosphorus containing polyester, fire resistant material K-3STRACT: An Author Certificate has been issucd for a preparative method for a phosphorus-contairking polyester, involving the thermal homopolycondensation of a phenylphosphonic ester, viz., N-phenyl-2-aminoothyl [(2-chloroet.hyl)phenyllphosphona ISM) SUB CODE 511/ SUBM DATE; 19.FunO4/ A TD PRESS, Card litl It DONTISOV, K.M.; POLYAKOV, G.C.; AYRAPETYAN, ~.M. Method :ror estimating fluid overflow when the well column is not airtigh-t. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; neft' i gaz 6 no.11%51-56 163. (KRA 17t9) 1. Gromienskiy neftyanoy institut. n I s::ert-it, I:.,:i: Swl 'DiLi'lri; .. W ra,i-*,r. I 30: 2 3 A-ULMTYAN, inzh. Geomeixio investigation of anaglyphic projections. Sbor. nauch. trud. 1~-Pl no. 20tl6l-167 159. (MIRA 14:5) (Geometry,, Projective) AMMZX% TA.. inzhener. V 4"Mkt Hodographs of reflootod waves from cylin,irloal surfaces of seDara- tion of a constant curvature. Trudy Almil.neft.prom. no.1:165-176 154. (Hodograph)(Yaves )(Plrospactin&--Go-)phy;s ical (MLU S;z) mathob) kZ210DIUL; r-od..Iy. I kort.r-fly., 19CC. Yc. S. pp. T2-77 TZXT-. Proa SLAY 10-14. 19" the t-t.y. or"i"'" h,l 1:.11 -11% iictj the Id.-d 11 1' -k SIMI .1. m or -I ~ ~t-cc - ~;v 1-7 In" I!Tv*f-ltl~l Ca" A-~ r~ at the rogravi2otriche'skoazy;m7zabo At -II S5a (Lbor.t-7 Car ysics of the EA r 64 h j 14.r A c.r I. ~Ie re ,::t,. ... t.. mtf- c :r t :*arch c.nt.ra, testinT =4 ""o- -1 , . a- the f ...... .52), -blrskoye c-44-1.1ty. , 3IZk of t- C.rd 1/6 -11-ov.kQj A 13 U551) Lk 4:zii uk.Ck-alm~.k~y. L2.'v.yds-.:X 7 --H' A. a' or the A am Lit ... ky.. -d ,ys:hmg. I 4r.4.:Cc..p.t h.---Y. 3:;,a of !!--,her end Sp .1 S4 ;khr.W odr 33-"21 (111al.try of Geoloa "d Ilan of oso-se), Looltot sta,ndartav, aor I itzerit mykh ;rlbor~ ;rL Z~vvte glal vtr.v S322 (Ca-ltt-- a. S-"A.rd., 1! .... r... end 1: ... Ql"C lujtruments of the Council a.- =clt ZZA). !1:1 VTS. :-darstwomrj., eta in E-it.1 Sam li. tr. SSSR (Stote Cocelt..: OA A'4ltC=tlO, U&Chln* C0MS%mCtICA of the CQacil .1, llai-t- MR) AS oe, I ~f the Xeka-kly rkh*x ( Sa~rkb- h. (.,=--zzrmd 2otcork--2) that 2 : ..d~.. Crzo-lz.trlz z;;=..t=.. w .... t. -~ -s-t;--ozk~y 70 Ict-. 1- 1. D la a.- : ZtM'.!-.. I Al M t.% -.1 - sitalk. blo-l I" Eytf rl-c- Witt ! I- mica j- il. tht r ... I PI.Id of th. C.rd 2/6 Third Irlifict. "t Y.r.-,.kly p.k. At*.t -Th* 7 RM-1-T.-I.E.Rf R H... ACCsle-lzom a tm* 2oi.1 of !~IVMI .3 L-In,-W. X. Y-. Z'.-Yf-T. *;.k. siball t1c. -310.r F to. --~. 't. .1. -~L-j t.,t r -rim. R-rdlag lmveanl~l- t.. ead b-z I.. ---t,blll; ........ r- z;;zH)) t~.t Y-id or b"* 7h.ary of to* of ravine-ors-, A. t g,.r: 1.lrorAbl. rr". .1 f~r , zzzz Z.. (Llvovakly politektrichA tL~;. 1. Y1.1117 kly i..tltu A- I.. -- (P.r..k y C*rryy ~Ivvrsit.- (Lon Afradskil aosularstva"ri Cord 316 Cbxo.i.l. SIN616olooolo 1/0 o I Son/3051 ='pty to. ~ 4, -,h nk"r- of 7,-, nInc f ~ZI-14w on rY "4N ZZ- L tarot I" r,. Lll-k S~n tIr %he tartN C.-..t in the int.,c-te. iccrd-c t Zt- of the "P~~ t h. ?r ;:T ca. 81, "$t ,= , , '-'=, , p by be Cot :r. c:..r I Ito2- t96~ ... of t~v Zork- f L -d Th. --Yl~. 5-1c. of t- 1;1.-,Y. c2r-1. -1'. f.kt.,-y ad Ip". ~zp. ("In A~-.or. ..f 1 R-ur- of - .. c.4 c :1.f r. '. My. -.5a) ... hell in Artl=ovsx. ~.horc the t%:4 ~f the tapographla-g-datic sm.1 w-r-ying wzrk in the organ-41 t`e nd -be or ... c-A 416 t-o:-,7 or he C..aldtr.tly lhe .. t .,v,. y f. . ere P~tnt,3 11 Ing drawbacks th .St... 1'. and tb. "'Ic .6- applied are are ;hq.,,lj,p.d;w-th b-",.tjnn. the .cr. he ~C. c.l. are -t by 1, f-I-t t-,jtIc.I dl"Ctld., -d -t.r-A.1 -;;ly, by a la:k of' itAtl. dir*ation tna 6001 ocl11 *kAr-.r ..1!r ---5p of -.o'oa and -rervation of 11. r-1 I- ..... .f 'na C=- r. C-1-.In ;r - : thl. For the of o. .., k... the ZZ-* t ~4 ...... For for the tscr.=e* of .;.r *nc* bo.rd of t--. ;,..,nt ..k.d A.. I'... for to .. ann _j c-o:.t. ric 1r 1.1 the ..r-rj Card Of t b- .1-71L. wt-,- . of d d.r or" -ol.ti-ets f t- 21at j'ar j. Co~g,_ of tk~ il f t an A r--- tf t- C~d 6J6 L0220 S/169/62/000/007/046/149 D228/D307 a , T* M. AUTHORS: Mininzon,, G. M., Davydov, M. S. and A ry TITLE: Portable 118fl-1 (GVP-1) gravimeter-altimeter PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Ge,)fizika, no. 7, 1962, 26, ab- .3tract 7A172 (V ob. Sostoyaniye i perapektivy razvi-- tiya-geofiz. metodov poilikov i razvedki polezn. iuko- I)ayemykh, M., Gostoptekhi.zdat, 1961, 4131419) TEXT: A portable GVP-1 6ravimeter-altimeter has been developed. It consists of two resilience systems: one compensated barometri- cally and the other with an A,~ioieased barometric factor. The instru- ment's design is based on a system of astatic siring weights in which the leire.r is suspended on horizontally placed helioal cylili- drical springs of the alloy Hqj XT (N41 KhT). The device is ther- mostatically controlled at a temperature that iis selected in accor- dance with the maximum temperature of the area In which it is be- ing used (30, 3,5, or 450). A bimetallic compensator is mounted on the indtrument; by means of this it is possible to cool the tempe- Card 1/2 MM/Midicine - Vaccination Jun "'56 Bacteria, "Vaccination of Cattle, Goats, and Sheep Against Pasteurellosis," V. G. Ayrapetyan, Cand Vet Sci, Armenian Sri Res Vet Inst, 3 PP "Veterinariya" No 6 Tabulates and discusses data compiled from tests on intramuscular and subcutaneous, single and double injections of formol vaccine to obtain iumunity from pasteurallozis avnong subject wi- male. immunity from single injection is quite veak but double injection provides minimum 161265, Vaccination (Contd) Jun 50 6-month immunity in sheep and about 6-month imffunity in cattle. Includes three tables of data. 161T65 AYIZAPI,*TYANI. V, AYRAPETYAN. 1'. Asia'Ue fowl plague and Vne me&aures of the iiight against it. YErev in. tAkipetrat) 1,952. 1~0 pages. Price 50 kopek's. 2;W) copies. In Armenian. SOi Vaterinariya; 30; (1); January 1953; Uncl. TABCON AYRAPMAN, Vazgen Grigorlyevich (Inst of Animal Husbandry of the Ministry of Agriculture Ar6SR), Academic degree of Doctor of Veterinarl-Sciences, based on his defenne., 1 July 1954, in the Gotuicil, ol'All-Union Inst of Experimental Veterinary Medicine, of his dissertation entitled: "Plague of hogs under the conditions ol mountain hog breeding and its specific prophylaxis." Academic degree and/or titlet Doctor of Sciences SO: Decisions of VAK, List no. 18, 10 Sep 55, Byulleten' MVO SSR, No. 17, Sep 56, Moscow, pp 9-16, Uncl. JPRS/NY-4135 AYUP,CTUN, V.G. ................ M"- .. Directed variability of bacteri& of the Pastj-urella group. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 19 no-1:23-27 154. (MIPA 8:7) 1, Armyanskiy nauchno-lealodovateliskly veterinarrW institut. Predotavlano M.A. Ter-Karapetynnam. (1hatawralla) ~ -kC-A \N - -~ I t. P q , , 7 i--,t (,,' USSR / Virology. Human and Animal Viruses. E-3 AbS Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol , No 10) IS156, 43069. Author Ayra etyan _ pelyan V 0 n. Inst No g en. Title Erythrocyte-Crystal-Viole:t-Glycerine (ECVG) Vaccine Against Bog Cholera. Orig Pub: Tr. Arm, n.-I, in-ta zhivotnuvodstva I veterinarli, 19569 1, 5-Z4. Abstract- The ECVG vaccine Is prepered from distilled water- lysed erythrocytes, previously Isolated from serum of pregnant sows, from w1hich blood was taken on the 7-8 day after Infection by cholera, To 80 parts of lysed erythrocytes ZO parts of steffle, chemi- cally pure, neutral glycerine are added, and to 100 parts of this mixture 5 parts of a 1% sterile solu- tion of crystal-violet. ECVG vaccine is used once Card 1/2 8 USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals. Diseases Caused by Bacteria and Fungi R-1 Abs Jour t Ref Zhur - Biol., No 71 1958, No 31085 Author : Ayrapetyan, V.G., Khachatryan AA.V. r'__ Inst Title : On the Diagnosis of Experimental Tularemia of Sheep Intra Vitam. Orie; Pub: Veterinariya, 1956, No 4, 34-38 Abstract : Experiments showed that the mechinical application of the methods of intravital diagnosis of tularemia in man, to farm animals, is unfounded. The aggliitination titer of the Sheep serum increased sharply during the first days following in- fection with tularemia, and attalned up to 1:1,600 elimina- tion of the bacteria of tularemia (BT) from the organism of sheep,the agglutin&tion titer of serum decreasee, beginning -with 15th-30th day following the infection. The titer over 1: 200 with stmultaneous rapid onae". (0-5 min.) o*f blood-drop agglutination reaction points ou-~ the presence of BT in the organism. The combination of bo,*,h techniques for effecting Card. 1/2 Disuasos Causod :R- I b,lr Vlruscs S-~.nrl Rickottsi,-e. Joiir Ref Zhur-Biol., '11:0 209 19,50,7 92699 Author A.Yrnpojt.,sran, V, Gr Khaihalk;i:ynn, A. B. -k- ~,, Rosoarch Institout- . f,,)-l 1~niiaal -.Husbanda~y irid VAcrinary Scic-nc,c. Titlo ConcQntratcd Erythrocybo-Glycorin Vaccino foil Dit*tacutamous V,~.o,-inat-ion of Ar,:-iiastl; Plaguo. -Drig P-iib:Byul. nauchw-tckhn. t.,fforni. An-J... n.-i. in-IV.-i zhtvctnovod.,;tvci 1 vct~.r~naril, 1.91!"71 NO 19 52..5'j Abstract ; Tho vaccim, is pr~.~par.A frorr, Via blood cry- throcytos of ardmals hwink;% pl;igro, vi.-U-hou"", pr,;Iirqin,iry lysis in dLstillca viater. Thu : 1/3 14 of Farm Wl-suasoz: C.,,.usod by Viruscs :,.rCt R.-Lckuttjirto. .kbs Jo,2r R,~f Zhur--B~c.~.q Po 20. 195ur", ~) 26) 9 9 in a dos-ago of 3 mil.AlAtors, -- I, Y,',, d 3/3 15 EXCERF?A MEDICA See 4 Vol 12/2 Yod. Micro. Feb 59 519a. DURATION OF PRESERVATION 01' INFECTIVE AGENT OF TULARAE- MIA IN FROZEN CARCASSES (Rus.flan text) -,.A r a etyan V. G. . Khachaturyan A. B. and Po voyan A1t-i1PWYX?t0V-.MD.I IMMUNOBIOL. 1957. 6 (21-25) Titlos Sheep were infected a. c. with Bact. tularer so. Twelve hr. after Injection the tem- erature rose to 42*C. : on the 2nd-3rd day the superficial lymph nodes enlarged. n the 10th day thm symptoms disappeared, Sheep were destroyed on the 7th, 12th, g 13th. 30th day anfi 2, 3. 4 and 5 months after infection and blood, lymph nodes, liver, spleen lung, kidney, muscle and skir were injected a. c. into white mice. Every carcas was separately preserved m a cold-storage. Onco In 15 days sam- ples were tak:n from carcasses and Injeced into mice. it was ectablished that on the 7th day after infection nearly all organs of the sheep were infectious, but sub- sequently the bacteria disappeared. In thu frozen carcasses Bact. tularense were foand In muscles for 60-75 days, In the oi!gans up to 120 days and In the skin for 15 days. Chakhava - Moscow (IN', 17) AYRAFETIANO V.G.- KBACHATELYAN, A.B. Spreading of the lularemia microbe in the organlem of the shoop. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. i sellkhoz. nauki 10 no,.10:99-102 C 157. (MIRA 10-12) 1, Inatitut zhivotnovodetva i vebertnar:U Ministerety-1 891,81cog; khosyaystva ArmSSR. (Shecip-Diseases and pests) (TuLLremia) A.:UiPATYAU, V.G.,- KHAGHATR7jilt, A.B.; W-GOSYAR. A.A. -"w 111"M Na. ~F~olongod survival f,,-' ?aateurella tulBronsio In frozon carcass. Zhur-nikrobiol.apV. I iinun- 28 no-6:21-2.5 Je 157. (~!IRA 10:10) 1. Is Armyansk"o naitc)iao-lss ledove tell skop) veterint-rnogo survival in frozer meet Obis)) (NUT, mti~ro~,ioloa, Posteurello tularentis. survival after freetirp (Ras)~ AIRWXT,TAN,...Vazgen Grigorlyevich. doktor veterin.nBuk- TROITSKIT, G.9 '.. otv.rod.; KANIMTAN, A., Ukhn.rod. I) (Rog cholera and its specific prevenbion~ Chums svinei i se spetsifichasksla profilaktika. Izd.Z., dop. Xrevan, Izd-vo glav.upr.B8l'kTA02.nauki MMh ArmoSM, 1959. 265 P. (MIRA 13:11) (Hog cholera) A)MAPETYAN, V.G., doktor vaterinarnykb natxk;~ GAZARYAN, V.S., doktor ~veterihkrnykh nauk; GRIGORYAN, G.A,, kand.vaterinarnylh nauk; MOUKONYANO M.M., kand.vaterinarnykh nauk Basic work results of the Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine in the control of the communicable and infes,*,ation diseases of farm aninals In Arzm)nia. Trudy Arm. nauch,,-issl. inst.zhiv. i vat. 4%211-231 160. (MIRA 150) (Armenia-Veterhary roadicine) AYRAPETYAN V.G. doktor veterinarnykh nauk; KHACHAI'RYAN, A.B., k&nd.- - J, Veter narnykh nauk; MARTIROSYAN, G.G., stay-iyhiy laborant Studying viruis vaccine against chic'cen cholora from B1 strain for mass immunization of chicken. Trudy Arn. nauch.-issl. inst.- zhiv. i vat. 4:239-245 160. (MMA 15:511 (Chicken cholera) (Immunity) AYFAP47,YA V.G., prof.; KHACHATRYAN, A.B.,, kand. vetarin. nauk; ---1 ,_N,-. Al"im, i)by 91 G.K., kand. veterin. nauk Charaoteristics of the virus of hog Oolera grown in tissue cultures. Veterinari!a 40 no.10-.29--3A) 0163. (MIRA 17-5) 1. Armyanskiy nauchno-issledovatellsk-Ly institut zhivotnovodstva i veterinarii. AYWIETfA%i, Va:zgen Grigorlyevich "Noteis on the inutatuion of hog cholera virua.m repoirt to be -ubndtted at tba 17th World VaterLnary, Congress,, Hauvrez,,, West GexmvWs, 14-21 Aug 63. ARAPETY1,14, V.~~., KILACHATHM, A.D.; PU-MSYAN, A.,',.. Biological prope.-Mr-9 of qo,7,p v!runes cult.1vated Jn tissue culLure, Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 'L7 no.5,.'39-50 Ky 164. (MIRA 17:9) CHOBANYAR, M.S... aspirant;,AYRAPETYAN, V.G., nauchnyy rukovoditel I, prof. Inactivated vaccino against Aujeszk7ls disease from! a virus grown in tissue culture. VeterinariLa 42 no.7:19-20 Jl 165. (14TRA 18:9) 1. Arriyanskiy nauchrio-issledovatel'3kiy institut zhivotnovodstva i vetfirinarii. L 39918-~6 15N1 ( I ) IT JK ACC NRs AP6029376 SOME CODE: UR/0427/66/019/002/()065/0070' ~2 e I AUTHOR::,.AZEapetm,,V. G.; AP n K. e.; k apglyan, Do K. ORG: ]Lrinenian Scientific ch Institute of Animal F'Usbandry and Veterinary Medicip (Armyanskiy nauchno-isaledovateltskiy institut zhivotnovod tva i veterinariii 9 fl, i TME: Electron microscope study of the virus of Aujeszky's disease in tissue culturo( SOURCE,i Biologicheskiy zhurnal Amenii, v. 19, no. 2, 1.966, 65-70 TOPIC TAGS: electron microscopy, virus, rabbit, histology, cytoplasm, virology# animal disease AB3TRA(OT; The aW~hors present data on the ontogenesio of the virus of Aujeszky a i diseaso in a tissue culture of newborn rabbit kidney. The investigation showed that Ue virus of Aujeszkyls disease was riot observed in the course of the first 1 8-9 hours. Then in the nucleus of the cell the first stages of formation of viroplasts or virus "matrix" appear, and ijmatx:ro virus particles in their "crystalline" prickage fom fron them. The virus acquires an extornal lining as it pas:3es through the nuclear membrane. In the cytoplasm mature virus particles are formed which soon leave the cell, destroyir,g it in many places. This entire i proces:3 lasts 16-18 h. Size of mature virus rA.rticles: 150G-1800 4. Orig. art. has: 13 figures. 1JPRS: 36,9:321 003 GTH REF: 004 SUB CG)E: 06 / SUBM DATE: 290ct65 / CRIG FW : W '7 A&P91-YM, Ye. M. "The Soil Cover Characteristic of the Holkhoz inerd Molw~~ in the Village of Solak in the Akhtinsk Region of the Armanian SSR." Cand Agr Sai, Armenian Agricultural Inst, Yarevan, 1953- (RZhBiol, No 6, Nov 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertaltions Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutiona (11) SOt Sum. No-521, 2 Jan 55 Exrla-,TWTA ', FDI(',I'A See 16 Vol 7/7 Ciancer JuIY 59 2511. A study of the antigenic specilcity of tumours ia homograftr. in In1wed mice Studium antigenni specifity Widoril pfLjcjich homotransplantarich na inbrednich linilch m)4I. AjRAt,r.TJANOVA 0. P. Inst.1' p.Biol.,AMNSSSR.,NIo,.L-va Osf. Biol. 1958, 7/4 (292-?96) Tables 2 Prolonged transplantation experiments ct Ehrlich's adenocarcinoma, Crocker's sarcoma and acridine sarcoma in inbred mi ce, revealed antigenic difference between turnour tissue and normal tissues. At the sa,nc time it was found that these 3 genetic- ally different turnours possessed specific antigenic properties as well as common JUIL19c" Klein - Bratislava SOV-26-58-8-40/51 AUTHOR: Ayr ZEUS-t-I.Yanta, A Fokin, I.M. (Town of Tashauz, Turk- Nnian SSR) TlTLE,: The Jerboa of Bobrinskiy in the Kara-Kum (Tushkanchik Bobrin- skogo v Karakumakh) PERIODICAL: Friroda, 1958, Nr 8, p 119 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The jerboa Allactaga bobrijiskii Kolesnikov is one of the rarest rodents of the Soviot Union. It was described first in 1937, and only a small number were known to exist ii, the south and central parts of the Xyzyl-Kum. Privalov,V.N, ob- served that this jerboa li-ies in sandy and sandy-gravelly T,laces, But the animal's ocology still remains largely un- inown. Now the animal was seen far to the west from its assumed sole habitat, viz JIn the Zaunguzskiye Karakumy, There 2 male adult jerboas were oaught in spring and fall 1957,In its habitat, half-bushes, :3uch as Salsola rigida, Anabasis salsa and, in places, Haloxylon aphyllum are growing. The dimensions of the animals agree with those given in avail- able literature- length of the body 119 and 120 -.= of the , tail 164 mm, of the hind foot 58 to 59 mm, of the ear 22 to 24 mm. There are 3 Soviet references. Card 1/11 1. Jerboa--Ecology--USSR 2, Rodezits--U&SR 1, 'A' IOV 0 (1. V. ; MMI "T "MiTzi , A. . ~ 0 Reproductim ind the firct of pootc, lx.,-rr.~v clovelo, nont in the red-bacl:od b7x& vole. Mothrionon-.-a :-hwo. Scla-1). under laboratory a Vest MU no,2101-61 161o - - . I . 34:11) ( -7., ~'. c let , * cc ) Toot IWU 16 161* r ,C -011.13 AYEAPETIUNTS A.B. f'? -_,- Ecology of the flvlng squirrel (Pterampu Volans) in lani Province. Vlost. LGU 18 ~o.21&151-1.55 163 (Mira 2.6 A, y , Statl6ned distributio- Of a,,,.!- the sOuthwestern part~c,,f 1_.n. I - "nsect;l")rOlUf, animals ii'l rit-711c: I 'ovince. If, 7-1,7 164o 7 T" 1~4 rjo.15: ( t. I !I!.. 11 N, AUTHOR: AYRAPETYAN TITLE: -per~-alnlu-~-STI,46-0&t4ron-Rals Alpha Counter Charaoto~ lotion and Operation Mechanism. (Kharaktoristiki i meohnism deystviya ger- maniyeoykh elektronno-dyroohn,rkh allfa-schotnikov, Russian) PERIODICAL. ZhurAal Tekhn.Piz. 1957, Vol '27, Nr 1, pp 95-105 (U B.S.R.) Received: 2 / 1957 Reviewe~: 4 / 1957 ABSTRA,CT: This paper deals with the results of Oe study of counting prop- erties and of the mechanism o:! impulwa-produotion in n-p-a counters. The -wiring circuit of the ODUnter in demonstrated by a drawing. The mode of operatioa of suob a counter does not differ essentially from the mode of operatioa of a photodiode In the case of a "photo-diode-likell )ircuit. The n-p transition in oon- neated in the barred dirootio.a. The a-particle forms electron- hole-oouples in germanium. The unreal carriers (here the holes) diffuse to the n-p transition and are drawn into the p-domain by the field existing in this trtnaition. An additional current . hereby occurs in the exterior circuit and furthermore a voltage drop at the resistance R. This voltage drop is recorded. Since the unreal carriers occurring momentarily in the n-domain on the occasion of ionization rapidly flow off or recombine as a result of n-p transition, the duration of the signal.ooourring at the resistance R in not long. The following conclusions can be drawn from the investigations Card 1/2 carried out: Germanium n-p transitions of the here described 2L_ . __ Vv"bross THOR: AJEAPS Yj, RYBKIN'S.M. AIUITLE: On the Mechanism of the IzLfluence I Lif;ht on the Strength of Impulses (Russian) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal. Tekhn.Tiz. 1957, Vol 2T, Reoeived: 2 / 1957 PA - 2175 of 1',lu-ination with Visible in C; ,ulphur-Cadmium-a-Counters. Nr 1, pp 106-1112 (U.S.S.R.) Reviewed: 4 / 1957 LBSTRACT: Th.'Ls paper verifies the correctness of the assumption that the in-tensifioation of-impulses in illuminatijn is chiefly oonnected with the Increase of the conduotivit;7 of irystals. The experi- mental problem was reduced to the compavison of the dependence of strength of impulse on the conductivity In the case of an illumination with different (-rivible) wave lengths and heating of the crystal. Furthermore, -these dependencies are oompaxed with expressions found in a previo-is work. The experimental order: The 0d$ crystals were received by crystal- lization from the gaseous phase, a mixture of R2S and cadmium vs,pors. The CdS monoorystals were stuck on to a glass base and then indium electrodes were steamed on in the vacuum. In the proximity of the crystal a tbin copper-conatentan-tliermicouple was stuck on to the glass bass. During measuring the sample wasi in a vacuum chamber the oonalruction of whiolt is discussed herc. The wiring oircuit of the mes.suring device is discussed on the Card 1/2 basis of a drawing. AUTHORS: Ayrape an 9 A- V., Koge.n, A. V., 57-27-7-P9/40 -Rey 0 _. M., Ryvkin, S. Id., Sokolov, 1. A. TITLE: Concerning the Use of Gern,anium n-p-a-Countars at Low Temperatures(Ob ispolIzovanii germaniyevykh n_p-a- schetchikov pri nizkikh temperaturakh). ?ERIODICAL: Zhurnal Toichnicheskoy Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 27, Nr 7, PP- 1599-1600 (USSR) ABSTRACT: With reference to the papcr in Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 1955, Vol. 25, Nr 11 and 1957, Vol. 27, Nr I some preliminary results on the investigation of the counter-properties of germanium n-p-counters at helium temperatures are reported here. The scheme of the device is described. From the table of the comparative character*3tics of the n-p counters at room temperature and at helium temperature is to be seen that at the temperature of liquid hitlium the signal-noise ratio stronf-,ly increases. At helium temperature (as well as at room temperature) the r.-p counters have a L,-ood plateau in the counter-characteristic, as well as a ~;aturntion in the curve of the denendence of the amount of the in-culse on the applied voltaCe. There are 2 fijure-s, 1 table and 2 references, Card 1/2 all of which are Slavic. - Concerning the Use of Germanium n-p-a-il'ounter3 at Lcw 57-27-7-29/40 Temperatuxes M.130CIATION: Physico-Technical Institute AS USSR., Leningyrao (Fiziko-tekhnichuskiy institut All TM, Lenir4--rad) SUBMITTED: January 9, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Radiation counters-Low temperature propeities 2. Germanium- Applications 3. Helim (Liquid)-Applications AY-RAPETYANITS, A.V.. Gand Phys Vath Sci -- (diss) "Study of the calculating Twopertlits of 4+"rmonocrystals ~"d AA..X(X-vv% 4-(~ Z -t-, " , , , , 1A,'.%.1 of ett and t,,ermanium p-r-trantifer-6.11 Len, 19~6, 11 pp (Min of Hig~'.er L-Alication USSR. Len Poly-technic Inst im M.I. Kalinin) '.~;O c pies (KL, 50-56, 119) - 2 - mum - - AMPErYANTS, jk.V.; VOYTF241,0, R.M.; DAVYDC)V, 13.E.; SERE BRYAND.OV, V.So On the -,-so-called "compensation effec--.11 in organic semiconductors. Vysokort,soed. 3 no.lZ:1876 D '61. (MIRA 15:3) (Semiconductors) AYJ!~~I;TYANTSsAj., VOYTEIIKOP R.M.j DAVYDOVI B.E. KRENTSELI B.A. Conluatince mechanism in organic semi-conducUr polymers RepDrt sutmitted for the International Symposium of Maoromoleculrx chemistry Paris, 1.6 July 63 AYRAPETYANTS, Alekumdra Vasillyevna - ROMISETEYN, Leor-id Dav-flovich; . -.-'--- Atbih' ---D.'P.- - "-- j ~ -;h:6GURCIVA, 1. A.# tekhn. Md. .4 (Organic semiconductorsl Organicheiskie Polupil-ovodniki. Le- ningrad, Leningr. dom nauchno-teklin. propagandy, 1963. 32 p. (Serlia "Poluprovodniki I n0.4) (MIRA 16:12) (Semiconductors) STILIMNS, L.S.j doktor fiz.-raat. nauk; ROWSHTall, L.D., kand. fiz.-inat. nauk; MWAA~TS,_A.V.., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk; KARGIII, V.A., akademik; MEME-t- :D.A doktor kl-dm. naul,; TOPCHIYEV, AN., akademik iple.-ea;ed]; DAVYDOV, B.B., kandicl.khim. nauk; GEVSEN, L.V., ral.; MIYESSEROV, K.G. red.; GOLUB', S.P., tokhn. red. [Organic semicondi~ctors] Organichescie poluprovodniki. Flo- skvfi,, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 317 p. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Aktidemiya nauk SSSR. Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza. (Semiconductors) AIBMT VO)rrM(-, R.M.; DAVYDOV, B.H.; KRENTSKLI, B.A. Electric conductance mechanism in organic semiconductor pol7sevs. Do%l. AN $WR 148 no,?%605-608 A 10. (MIRA, l612) 1, lnstit~t neftekbimicheskogo sinte,za AN SSSR i Institdt pobi- provod-nikov AN SSSR. Predstarleno alademikom V.Ae Kar, inyme (Polymers-Blectrie propertiet) (Semiconductoral