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~ Ji A ~ ~O)A ll -16flumird of 166 fiam tin thi *09iiIT"a I A L j)iIT'71Q Vol x1t I l "C' r ' l. -J Nil p1q). frerOWN; 0 fit, orair ) in, rd,41 tit 'i, i!N t - (o) d(Nikkitlig: fatioirs" ljlnjvln~ I o, au nits (4- Mra. I., I ' icuf ' 131 1~)41 UFAllpIll clot lmf vtr Umlity a. 111NOL14 i3lMltAti11j:: 1111d 16 - 1l ik- it t ,v t r orvilc piclix .1 Itor "I'll froillf Vol, 0 lisixt ,is, N! " '41C d1t Of dOWIt', lunt. of '14441! ~11443 1 " I F ~!d . t now Nuid, r:.'e, (4 olkid. proiltet alul to- o t flttx Woo. i1ll1114v1wv,J( ing, %v%tes, 'Ac. Thr Itigh.41111i %wish(mn 111%1xickilig I x 1 111111. 3-mc%1gKd T.11ir. 1~ (d. pirv. ~ NvIllim, Ow $Owroit trus %I W& imiliall vhv Irillic., (T 1119 e tr li If sim, lortall .1 It? )5 1 alli. 01C olf. ft-vivelless d m&A' r,iieutmg ',,# oll,to h v-1-1 by ciu., wbill: d 0 xv6ookufly atrangvd, hj~s ito effict ki 1 V usicon w 1 4 ve plc lig. but thit4thiralt 1 wvk~xl Itto ht-14,111 Ilim,frimsc formail I ) lot ICO fill. Ivid-i tit rul%ml b( "bOxhl ortlitif, 0 it lbul"llk-itt p Kit" IW.10- i- 3A'70. 1*110160111 W101111-j4-111011tio, %V0`Ck'd1 [WXjtIOil 10 tilt ctolultill~ of i lrrifl d1ziiiii. vidwil Ipy 3-olpitl q iralit I ait too . pril(tical ell wt 111"s colusw 0rkvdvvmts%. Ctillinill w50 with the wol i to'- -1 dMertitt %lildit. (bulivi it, -dk W-n-INtlizi lie; CCj,_bcjjv"k,, )Qiowr,1fuiW nitltv. An crult4atiou fif cxAutllu effCccivencps ju t 1 1!. 4 dkik-MIC111 %ilx)n the to opit. and bilt6l M. (4 imi o limil. Thmosio.0 Tj : tilcouttkat, Ideal stf.rcs) is dMerisLA juccordillop; w Mth Iwo ut Ille Tv_rW ,,m; cj,jtjjt~)Tjq Ivittl Ij"r 1,10~ IIASLYANSKIY, G.N.; POTAFOVA., A.A.; AVTIONOMOVAP..N.Kh.-; SHOLUKOVSKly" YS.E. Synthesis of etbyl benzene by catalytic refin-ming of.Mrrow gascaine fractions. I;eftekhimiia 1 no.21lV-194 Mr-~Ap 161. (MIRA 15t2) 1. Vaescp%Rry nauchno-issledovatel'skiy inatitut neftakhimi.. ohesldkh proUessov, g. Lenin2r . Vnzene) (Gasoline) MASLYANSKIY, G.N.; RABYNOVICH, G.L.; AVTONQKQVA.,-ML Regeneration of a nichl-chromia catalyst in toluene demethylation. Neftakhimiia 3 no.1:9"6* J&-F 163. (MIRA 16:2) 1, Vsoooyuzn3rr nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut neftekhimicheakikh protsessov, (Toluone) (mathyl group) (Nickel catalyiits) vagor-VrIstermil puncture In childnon. Pedistrils 39 no~6127-29 j-D 156. (NLRA 10:2) 1. In Mwbyshevolcogo-oblostnogo naudhno-i **144ova tell skogo Instituta okhrany materiustwo I detetva (dir. - doktor meditsinskilch not* prof, V.A.Losilskays, nauchW rukoyoditell -- kondidat maditsinakikh nauk doteent O.A.Filins) (FUNOMIS, atrenum, In ald1d. (Rue)) (STAREM. puncture In child. (Rum)) Al-TSEN S B - KRA!IKINA, N.A. - P Detection of 0-antibodies by mans of the passive hemagglu- tination test in thq diagnosis of typhoid fever in children. Trudy TSI11 80;136-138 165. (MIRA 18:11) AVT,',T,N, S.B. Characterl3tict if clinical. co;irse of typtioll 17,~.--ier and pnrAty-phoid 13 in chillron. TrOy TSIIJ 68tI62-16,6 164. (MURA 1815) son 00 008 00 4c go 00 00 it W W Vv 0 V III f 0 0 oil 00 1)**** A_j~ fillfil 11 is 31 RaNil hip millool 42'a 41 11~6 -A__L_A_A_J -A- t It ~Vjo A -J--d 1015 ..v I .004. I "A CW "...-Y of 11 1 )J; tk k.) 4~ d. (*. A. U Ltkvsltl 11111610 $4l# afto 064 Lu!av~ low voktrv u 5 it go is 0841110.1 an Ts a IP to 0 1w $I K a x a of x n"a Iu a v a I w IN 4 -29 :_ ~646-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0000 0 d4 4,00600666609ON 1 0 000 0 411 0.0 0o : : : " 0 " 000 300 all Fee 480 MOO goo moo woo bet be* Woo low AUTHCR. Av tainv, Y~-!- 64-1-16/19 TI TLE: Branoh Conf orenoe of ftftws. In Ud Carbide 3h&utry (Otraolovoye ooveshchaniye rabotnikov karbidnoy promyohlennosti) PERIODICAL: Khiminheskaya Promyshlennostl$ 1c,'58, Nr 1, PP- 55-55 (U3311) ABSTRACT: The conference was held in Deconter, 1957, in Temir-Tau by tho Ministry for Chemical Indt.stry, as well by the couno:.l for eeonomy of the economic district and by the plantii for synthetic rubber, Karaganda. 13 reports were held and criticized. By the considerable increase of the calcium carbide production an autonation, mechanization, and improlrement of the workine conditions becomes necessary. A parl;ly automatic plant for the electrodes was conatructod in tho works imeni S. M. Kirov, Everan, as well as an automatic reu-ulation of the oapac4ty of the oluctrio furnaces. Quost:.ons of eoonomics, of raw metterial aturint; and suppl.,i were discussed as well as technological shortcominrs in the produotion. Health-protective measurements by puritying of wa;ite Cases were suGeosted. The laboratory controls are- Card 1/2 critioized as well as the researoh works of the works Branch Conforenoe of Waftm in the COWN IndustrY 64-1-16/19 Karaganda and Erevan, and a contrDl Of the calcium carbide is demanded for all works. The working out of a detailod progran for the further davelopmeat of the carbide induatry is plaaned. AVAILABLE; Librarj of Coneress 1. CaLclum carbide-Production 2. Chemical industr7-USSR Card 2/2 50) AUTHOR: Avtsin, I. To. SOV/64-59-4-24/27 TITLE3 Conference of Workers of the Nitroden Industry (Sovoshotaniye .-abotnikov azotnoy promyshlonnosti) PELIODICALs Khimicheitkaya protayshlennost't 1959P V-~ 4, P 08 (USSR) AB3TRACTt From Apr:.l 6 to 1111959 a branch conUerance of the workers of the nitropn industry took place tt Stal.inogorsk, wbich was convoked by the fi)llowing institutions. Gosudarstvennyy homitet Sovotu Ministro-r SSSR po khimii (State Comnittee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for C.~hemistry'), TeK profsoyuza rabochilch neftyanoy i khimicheakoy prDMY8h1O11:1OSti (COntral COMMittef) Of the Trade Union of the Workers in V:ic retroloum- and Chomioal Industry), Toentrallnoye pravleniye VKhO imo Dole Mendeloyeva (Central Administration of the VXhO imoni Do I. Mondeleyev)rand Sovet ne.rodnogo lhozyaystve, Tul'skogo ekonomichookogo rayons, (Counoi'. of the National Economy of the Tula Economic ltayira)- The tasks which were set to the nitrogen industry by the resolutlons of the XXI Conj:-,reas of the CPSS within the framo- work of. the Seven-year Plan were d.iacuaned. 400 porooniq toolt Card 1/2 part in the Conference, 40 lecturei wero delivered. Th-V director Conference of the Workers of the Nitrogen Industry SOV/64-59-4-24/2'r Upravleni~o po percirabotko prirodnego gaza i azota(Administration of the Processing of Natural Gas and Nitrogen) Vo Go OvcharerUo pointed out that further development of the nitrof;en ind.ustry rill be based on ga,scous raw materials. The director of the GIAP N. A. Simulin in his lecture explained the research ivork necessary Cor further development of the nitrogen industry. It was mentioned that on the initiative of the Tullakiy aovnarkbo:r, (Tula Sovii-irkhoz) ard Stalinogorskiy 1,.himkombinat (Stalinago.rsk Chemical Kombinat) under participation of the GIAP the converal,an of the Sta:*inoGorsk Chemical Kombinat from carbon monoxide pa to natural gait could be finisted 13 mc,ntYebeforo the deadline. The airector of the urea-department of' the Lisichnnskiy khimichaskJy kombinat (Lisichansk Chenical. Kombinat) V*F, Ukhan(v in his lecture recommended the competition entitled "Factory of Communitit Work". The delegates of the (.onforence decided to introduce a holiday in the month of May which should be called "Day of Cliemists". Card 2/2 BLASYAK, Ye,; IAYDLERI K,; PAVLI:KOVv'i[IYI S.1 SOBOIZ'SKIY, Ta.1 S013OIZV- SM , L.j POLYLKOV, W.N. [translator]; AVTSIR,-I.Xa., red.j BENIXOVSKIY, S.V.,, red.j KOGAN, Me, iekhna red* [Tachnoiogy aviazamogo Mook7a, Goo. (Ammonla) or fixed nitrogen; synthetic amonia] Tekhnologiia aw)ta; BintaticheBkii a=iak. By E.Blasia.k i dr. ntuohno-tekhn, izd-vo khlm. lit-ry, 1961. 263 p. (KMA 14: 10) (Nitrogen oompounda) Y0.1 J3WXYAK, Y --JrtL,,rj; ; I 1-D, rc .1. 1 S.V. , r, Ii,u V-V. lycolillolory or rixod nitrogonj cyntlotic r-'Xillift) Uvlazarmocc azotAl aintAlctnnhi, r-r-nink. ry yovk-vc, Gone rnutbno-Wrlm. i-.d-o kh1m. lit-7, 263 P. inmk )-610) (AZ monla) (Nitrogert cor.1-0m),b) UYUNGERp A.S.; SIIIED1114, Ya.Y.; I Y r O'd --,) ~.t -., I . [Unita for t1w, a9paratim of cuko-oven 1,ba by tl,.o doop freezing methd] AgregaLy rtudelentla kokacvio~!o ga-ta rae- todOM glubokoi-C) okEle-hionilti. 1-'w;;,.kva, I, h i ml, 1, n ,0 113 p. l7s.-Ic.) AVTStNA-CMWOM=lX,'jt.S.; OULI&YXVA, N.I.; MIMICO, ZJP. Symetrio tooth extraction in the troatment of cortain foyme of malocclusion* 81!omatologiia no.1:55-!;& J&-P 1,55. KRA 80) 1. Is kafedry ortopedichezkoy stomatologii (sikv. prof, V,Yu* rmrlyandakiy) Kiskovskogo meditsinsb)go stomatologichaskogo in- etttuta (dir. doteent (MMOCCUISION, therapy. tooth extraction, symetria) (TOTH ]L,"MCTION, in various diseftess, malocolusion, symetric extraction) imispl, -.1., T. 11"istoratholorX of Uhito '-Rcola Zhur. Mfikcrobiol., -73pidemiol., i I.-m-itnobi-I., Jo. 1-2, 1U1, Chair Pathological Anatomy, Ist 36scov Order of' Lenin Med. Inst., Consultant-lecturor, PathoLo o-anatcomicnl Section, "-lonccw Clinical Irit. of Contagious Diseases, (-194.1..-5. "Pathologle Anatomy of Tabercular Meningitis Casm Treated With Streptosqcin According to L. S. Shtern's Method," A. P.Iktoyn, Docent, and T. Yo. Iranovskaya, lab of Path Anat of Children's DissmM, Aced Ned Sci USSR and Path Anst Dept, Moscow Clinical Children's Imp, 9*-pp *N6rropatol i Pai"Ints Tol Zyno No 3 First of two articles. Devoted to general of grisen and &egener- ation of meninges. Data based on stady of 50 114/49%7 )ky/Jun 48 (Contd) sectioned cases of taber=lar meningitis treated vith streptocycin according to Academician SkLtasu2s method. Dravlngp and photo-L-p-phs. 24/49%7 ~/Medlclme - 116MInges, Taberauloffle Pfty/jus 40 MedIcIne - Streptomycin *PathologLc Anatomy of Tubercular Meningitis Cases ftvated With Streptomycia According to L. S. Shtern's Method," A. P. Aytoyn.. Docent, and T. Yo. Ivanorskaya, lab of Path Anat of ChIldren0s Diseas Aced Ned Sci TIM and Path Anat Dept, Moscow Clinleal ChIldren0s Hoop, 6 pp *Nwrropatol i Palk-blat" Vol XTI:E, No 3 Second of tvo articles. Devoted to vascular in- faction and encephalomalaoia. Concludes that these tabercalar meningitis cases treateA with strepto- UWjkadicine - &nInges, Tuberculosis Mqy/Jan 48 (Contd) n7din irAicated that perforating brambes of in- ternal carotid artery supplying basal jpnglLon was Wected. 114/149T,68 UW/Mbdulms - TyPhUM JUVARS 49 Pathology *MW 11story of Pathoanatcale Study of 1-thems- tons Typhus, - A. P. ATtsyn, Lab of Pathoanat in Children's Diseases, I~ust of Norma and Path *CThI Moscow, 6j pp "Arkh Patola No 4 FrIzolpal microscopic findings of typhus, ex- antbimatcru.s ta in the brain, :vere dis- Cove"d by Prof L. T. Popov In 1875, thus preoed- Ing American and Germin a-zle-m-ti-ete. Ee=e.* grUMM"ousta should be o&11&4 nPopov Xodulei'O In dowstle textbooks an patbomataq and infectious 1/50T% UJPB/XedLicim - TYphW (ContdL) Jul/Ana 49 a. Chief , Lab of Pathomat In C hildroWs Diseases: M. A. Sk'vortsov, Active Mem, Acad Ust Sci M491; Dir, List of 3102ma and. Pith MCrj*L-- A-mad A. T- Abriknww. Aw-A W&A R~4 =Mz I- - - r, 'j ~ 1 * . ; ); , IlRoviow .-If !,. V. Irrmwalovto 13,,-,nk, Hapa!olon leu:,tr Da-vnori~Jon (Psoutlosclero-is, 'Jilson's Diso-.:30,11 Sov. lbd.,, No. 4, 1949. ' 1 d Z V Flu 1 . . an , All VaIk(Iin,k.iya P N Lux trev~. A. 11. AvIviyo, A. U. AtIa" it Ill kaicva I 11 1"O V ' , . y kayn, 11. . 0. 014.1y A. M. CoMo (1) th; locl) mid vx1l'uill (11) (houl tile Oymi'll ale Ilit-tcli'-Mll and tmoml-'Ulic agaimt tile tuinl0c, - IQ6111~ 01111'Itl kt~V (.1111CUS. ~kg.k;115t J.)JAMid 4I)s4l1hry. I dijilitill I i1.1. uts] 61,11H. stlaillbWA IqA"X~lcq. and ~itiat,s Like wmit of tnLx-jrid,,sk Infcown ifit Iviliti. mice .1hoi given by -nuuth or millimom,i I'ly trwhi4barmil-'ithe IvIllal thec Air diplitheri:1 tuxill. TIRMOLIMA, Z.V.; AVTO11, A.P.; B.V=INA. U.K.; GUSLDVA, A.M. Uperimental study of Soviet Okampolon" in hematt)genic tuberculosis In animals and an attumpt to use this preparation i:i practice. Trudy AM SSSR 22:21-25 152. (MLEA 6:6) (Tuberacilosis) (Antibiotics) xtrsptrz,~ wbes ceinbined ~vilh whto aiiil. A &wkh A. k', Art~-yij, - 7 D. V. R iivkh. H. K. Bet r2ijk0l, It. N. Litrorcra, awl A. Guslovs j I*rxdy A Wd. Mod, Ndak S.S.1 R., A ati6wiki i Ah Pritwncx4 21, No, 1, 374(XIM2).-The tlaetajwut~, action ig streptaffi)-rin. 6 enhanced whitl mnibinr-d %viW cillip, penicillin and otinestin, or with PAS (p-amimp ! :VY16:arld)~ The list td (it% gs actifiF as i-vartgists pennii; the use of ainaller dws of streptomycin (14M unit-t fimra4f 0 20(Xi). Thty also trip to fivm-~mm ilie rcisumce of dybcuxt ry and typhoiod Nirilli in Lhe ectim o( *treptomycin. (;,x)d I tsuttv weft oblwved in expli. trtalment A hmsto. ipmus.T11 In wh1w 16m. A. S. Mit.kir6. IfT "'N. I,, 1 01, f, ~* Po Dissertationt "Pathological AnatopW of T~nffius," Dr Med Sci, Itcad Mod Sci USSR, 15 Jun 5L. (Vochernyaya Mos~va, Eloscow, 7 Jun 54) SOt SW 318, 23 Doc. 1954 USSH]Me'dicine Typhoid Card 1/1 Pub. 148 - 1/23 FD - 5 3 8 Author Yermol'yem, Z.V., Avtsyn, A.P., Semich, A.I., and Berezina, Ye.K. Title An inveatigatioa of the chemotherapeutic characteristics of biomycin inExperimental -typhoid fever cases Periodical Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immun., 6, 3-6, Juri 54 Abstract White mice were experimentally enfected with typhoid pneumonia. They were treated per os with various dones of a vater suspension of biomycin. The biomycin hal a definite antibiotic effect on the treated animals. It brought about a decrease in the neverity e6nd distribution of patho- morphological changes occuring in the lungs of the mice) and suppressed the reproduction of the typhoid bacilli. Iti; action, however, was not complete since the typhoid microorganisms could still be cultured from the treated animals' organs even aflitr 30-40 days. The results of the experiments are presented on two charts. No references are cited. Institution Division of Ex;erimental Therapy (Head- Prof. Z.V.Yermollyeva), All- Union Scientifia-Research Institute of Antiblotics(Director - Cand Tech Sci A. G. Baychikov) Submitted 10 May 1953 AVTSTN, A.P.; BXRXZINA,I'e.l. Changes in the lathoawtomical picture of Infectious diseases In connection wl,th the use of antibiotics. 19 no.9: 3-11 S '55. (KLRA 8:12) (INYSTIONA, therapy antibiotics, morpbol.changes) (ANTIBIOTICS, ther. use Infect. dia.morphol.changes) V DVIZHKOV, P.P. otvate-)vamyy radaktor; AVTIIYN A.P., redektor; VINOGRADOVA, T.F., redaktor; DXROACHRY, 1.8.j iidlii 11c toLr-,-1ffV=VA, G.D., rodaktor,- PALMS. L.O. redaktor; RAPOPM. Ya.4*0 redalctor; SM)LITAKMOT, A.T., redaktor; UGRYUMOV, B.P., red.0:tor; SHTIMN. R.D.. redaktor; KOKAROYAO Z*N.j radaktor-, ZAIMROVA. A.1., talhaichaskiy radaktor (Proceedings of the All-Union Conference of Poithoanatomists. Lenin- grad, July 4-9. 1954] Trudy Teasoluznoy konferentaii patologo- anstomov 4-9 tiulia 1954 1:. Leningrad. Moskva,, Gos. Izd-ro mad. lit-ry, 1956. 411 p. (MLRA 10:3) I* Yeasoyusnaya toaferentelys pptologoonstomov. Leningrad. 1954. (ANATOKT, FATHOM ICA Ir-~-40SGR1SSJCS) AVTSYN A, P. and BMEZINA, Ye. K. "Changes in the Path6Logic and Anatomical Pioture of Infectious Diseases in Connection With the Use of kitibioticallp A report presented at the First All- Union Conference Devoted to -,he Clinical-Experimental Study of Antibiotics, Hoscow,, 25-27 1pril 1955, Antibiotiki, No 1. 1956 LAZARIVA, U.N.,; MTROVA. M.A.,; AVTSTN, A.P.,; BNENDIA, Ye.K., -, SIMICH, A.I..; RrKALIVA. L.L.,; GIAGOVSX&YA,R.S. Sodium salt of blomycin. Antibiotiki, MoBkva 9t no.2:3-6 Mar-Apr 56 (MLRA 9:3) 1. Otdol eksperVuentallnoy tempii (zav.-chlon-korraspondent MW SSSR prof. Z,V. Yomollyeva) Yeasoyuznogo nauchno-iosledovat(ill- skogo instituta antibiotikov. (CHURTICSIACYCLINE sodiw3 salt, phumacol.) USSIVGenerul Division. HistA)ry. Classics. Person2el. A-2 Abs Jours Bef. Zhur. BiologU&,, No 4p 1958P 1418"). of Weetious ChilAhood ViseaAes" (1921,;) wA "PttholoGLeLl Ania- toW of the Most 34ortant Childhood W.eftses 1933). ALich an references for ewxy Soviet infectionistp pedialrician., and pathologoenatomist. The works of Skyo3tsoy on Ibe morphology of rheumatism in children and on the niftre of imbilical sep- sis have great priatical and scientific meanin& as do a number of his other manious works devoted to questions of child patho- logy. Card 2/2 11=13IN) A.P. (Dr. of Med. Scl .); BMIZINA, Ye. K. (Cand. c):' Mcd. SC:*L. %/ " Changes in the Patholcgical Picture of Contagious D'.seascs in Connection With Adminiotmtion of Antibiotics," P- 393 Ministry of Health IISM Proceedings of the Second t.11-Union Conference on Antibiotics, 31 May - 0 June 1957. p. 405, Moscow, Medgiz, 1957. EXCIliPTA 111-THICA Soc 5 Tol.U/? 1776. THE PATHOLOGICAL ANVromy op BOTULISM (Russian tc xt) - A v 19 y n A. P, . Popova L. M. andBodnarovskaya 1. E. ViasovIlatho'-Anal. _rnst. ,Moscow.- VOPH. PATOG. 1. PATOL. ANAT. *INFEKTS. BOLEZN. (Moskva) 1957 (278-289) Illus. 8 The results of a detailed histopaViological examination of the organs of a man who died on the 5th day of the illness, are reported. The findings were as follows: (1) vascular changes in the form of capillary stasis and smal). haemorrhages (noted mainly In the lower parts of the train stem), haemolysts, a marked perivascular oedema. haemolytic Imbibition and dystrophic processes !in the vascular walls; (2) changes in the nervous parenchyma in all sections with very considerable le- sions of the nervous fibres oC the 3rd pair ot! cranial nerves and of the trunKs of the vagi ond sympathetic nerves; (3) infiltrative -proliferative processes, most manifest In the gasserlan, genictilate and intervertebral 1:anglia, combined with in- filtration of the trunks of the ocutomotor. vague and, in less degre(l, of the facial nerves,- the infiltrates were of a lymphocytti.- and histlocylAc character. Similar processes were detected also in the visceral organs. The authors t-mphasize the importance of the lesions of the nerve roots and ganglia. Uranovii - Moscow (S) EXCWr_TA..__71,Mi TCk--Scjc 1-.13 PithcY1i)-,,w Jidy 53 UT 1781. WrRACELLULAR STIUCTURKS RESEMBLING I1ICKI-r:rsIA Olt VIRAL INCLUSGS IN HAEMORRIIAGIC FEVER OF THE F, As-r Tyn 4 (SO-CALLED '11AENIOLIMAGIC NEPHROSO-NEPI-IRITIS') (Hussian text) A v t s y n A. 11. - ARKH. PATOL. 1957, 19/11 (9-14) lllu.-;. 8 ThinR an autt%pn"" of a ',18-year-old man who die I from epidemic haemorr- hagic fever; the infection was presumably acquired in Tunpue on the Black Sea coast. The gross findings shooved the characteristic widespread haemorrhages. hepatomegaly and splenomegaly. Material fixed In neutral formalth, Zenker's and Bouln's fluids was stained- according to Glemea-flomr.,ttovski and by a modirie*d carbol-fuchoin method. Fine1j granular azurophilic Intracellulat.- Inclusions were noted In the anterior lobe in tie hypophyals, In the hepatic cells,, In the tubular epithelium of the kidneys, In the conjunctival cells and In heart -MuRcle fibres. Theaq inclusions resembled i Ickettaine but could not be positively Identifted, In addition, larger fuchainophille cytoplasmic inclusions, probably resulting from ab- normal cell metabolium, were noted in both lobes of Ilia hypoph:yais and in the he- patic cells. Similar fucheinophilic incluMons in hepatic cells wore also seen in a number of control cases who had died from other discases. h, (V qnrbRrn. Mic J) _ ~ 50)_ AVTM AsPag BEMIM, Te*Xes PETROVA, M.As Pathohistological nnalysis of the effect of nationoxanthin on 1hrlichla ca!!cinomA in white mice (with summary in I lishl Antibiotild I no*106-45 Ja-F'58, 111URA 1115) 1. Otdal ekiperimentRllnoy terapii Veesoytisnogo nnwhno-IssledovAtell skogo instititta antiblottkove (Gr?OTOXIC DRUGB. effecto. aotinoxRnthine on exper. 2hrlich nArainome In whitto mice, histopathol. (Rue)) (AMBIOTICS, effects. same) AM-M, A.P,-, BMUDIA, Ye.K. Phthoanittomical changee In infecticras diseaves and their relation to untibiotico: exparimental morphological datm. Antibiotiki 3 no.5:67-71 3-0 158. (MIRL 12:11) 1. Otdal eksperimentalluoy terapti (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AM S3121 prof Z.V.Yormol'yeva) Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-iosledovatell- skogo instituta antibiotikov. (AbTIBIOTICS. off. on exper. Infect., hi8topa",hol. aspecte (Rua)) KRATEVSKIY, N.A., prof., AVTSTN. A P prof, Third Internntional ConfTaes of Clinicnl Patholoff. Vent ANN SSSR 13 no.52591.0 158 WRA l116) (BRUSSBIB--PAIIHOIA)GT--CONGIMSSMS) AVTSYN2 A. P.2 BEHEZINAI IE. K. "Changes in the pathologicoanatomical picture in mperimental infections in COMODtion with the use of antiblotics.-I report sbtm&tted at the 13th All-Union Congrtee of YWEAcnistej Bpi demiologi fits and Infectionista, 1959, AVTS 6-AUMOV, II.F.; VJTIIIG, A.I. Horphological changes in white mice f'ollowing Miyanawanella ornithoals IntoXication, Vop.virus, 4 no-31289-293 Hv-Je 159. (MM 12:8) 1. Inatitut po Isuchantyu poliomiyalita i patologounatomiche- ekoye ot(leleniye Klinicheakoy infektalonnoy bollnitay No.l. (ORNITHOSIS, exper. patholo reactiona to toxic doaaa of Hi wanella ornithosis in white nice (.Rua)r AVTSYN, A*Pot Prof. Obskva) Relationship between regional and 9~OP,raPhiC!al Patholog7. Arkh.pat. 21 no.2:3-18 159. (MIRA 12:12) (VIrAL STATISTICS orbidity in Russia, geogra;h1c regional & national : mpects (Ran)) WD)GRAPHY. geographic &BPOCtO Df morbiditv in Rassis (Rue)) UGRYUMOV, V.M.; AVTSYN, k.P.; V1101ERT, T.M.; ZETOV, Yit.V.,- IVANOV-DYATIW, F.G.; Severe experimental injury of the cranium and brain and problems in ita treatment. Vop.neirokhir. 24 no.4:1-5 JOA9 60. (B,UIN--WOUNDS AND INJURIES) iMIRA 13i12) AVTSYNp A.P.; SHIBAYEVI.9 S.M. Sexual differences in nuclear structurev: in benign tumore, Zhure -zerv. paikh. 60 noo 4:426-433 160~ (MIRA 14:4) 1. Inatitut neyrokbimrgii Imeni N.N. Burdenko Wir. - Prof. B.G. Yegorov) AMN SSSR, Nauctmo-issledovate-l'skollo laboratoriya (dir. - prof. S.R. Ma,~,dashev) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSRp Moskva. (BRAIN-TUMORS) (SEX) AVTSYN, )W. "Morphological precursors of malignant tumours of the brain." Report submitted to the International Conference on Morphological Precursors of Cancer, Perugia, Italy, 26-30 Jun 61 SIMAREV, Pavel Yevgonlyevich, zaal. deyatell nauki, 1?rof.j AVT5XN,-.A.F~ prof.p otv. red.; SMLU;OV, L*I*p profep red. deceased]; AIEKSAI(DROV- SKAYA, M.M., red, j-TSIVILIKO, V.S., red.; GERGER, E.L., red.; ILID14, L.I., red.; KAUKOVA, P*B.j red.; KUZjiB-LSOVAj V.I., red.; SOKOLOVA,. LEVKOVICHt A.P.* red.; BELICHIKOVA, Yu.S., tel:hn. red. [Selected works] lzbrarmye trudy. Mc,skva# Goa;. izd-vo med. lit-ry Medgiz, 1961. 452 p. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Chlon-korresp)ndent AM SSSR (for Smirnov) (REUROIDGY) AVMYNp A.Pe, prof. ;TSUMHOVA, T.O.p dotserit (Moskva) Pathoanatmica:. characteriatics of influonza in Adults; according to 1959 materita. Arkhopato 23 no#483-11+ 161o (MIRA 14t6) 1. Iz Moakovsk(7 klinichaskoy inf6tsiomnoy bollnitay No.1 (glavny.v vrach - zacluzhennyy vracb RSFSR N.G. Weekyer). (INFUJIKNZA) ,e AVTSYN$ A.F.; SHIBsiYEVA, B.M.; FEMSEM, A.N. Experimental athorosclerosis of dogs In the light of morphological, histochemical, aTd pathophysii1ogical research data. Dokl. AN SSSR 139 n0-3.'717-719 JI 161. (MIRA 14-7) 1. TSentrallnyy Institut usovershenstvivaniya vrachey. Predstavleno Aaclemikom N.N. Anichkovym. (ARTFMOSCLEROSIS), AVTSMI, A.P.; VIKIMT, I.M.; VIKHIMT, A.H.; 1JJKCU1SKrY,, G.I. (Moskva) Some complicatims and the mechanism of their pathogenesis. in controlled hypotension. Irop. neiroklir, 26 nci.6tl9-22 N-D162 (MIRA 1713) neyrokbim.rgii imcmi akadenike NX.Durderlco M24 !MR, laboratorlya patologicheskoy enatmii (rukovoditell I.V. Davydovskiy) I rakulltetskaya khlrurgicheskaya klJnika I Moskovskogo ordena Lenirs. meditainskogo inslituta Jnoni I.M. Sechenovs. ATI'Val, A.P. L=w-mmorpholo(Inal plimumona in t1o courvo of rA ajilgIS a(,'Iitff :bifectlon. Vesin. kad. mai. nauk SWR 18 no,.'7tl3-.18 163 (MIRA 1-70) 1. Institut vioifolof.-Al (:111eloveka MIC SSSR. AVTSYN, A.P.; W*),J((lKWT',I,?) V.N.; I,(OZN?Tl; L."), Thint on problams of regesieration wid c:,~Ll A.P. krtr~ii, VA. Dz)brokhotov, L.D. I.Aamer. P~fill. nw,,k SSSR M rw,7tl)'3-10j "-".A AVTSTNI A.P., prof. Review of the periodical qbditBinakaia geoqrstliae" Sov. mod. 26 no.40.51-152 Ap 163. 1,MIRA 17t2) YABLONOVSKAYA; L.Ya.,, AVr.SYNL-A.,Fo, (McskVa) Malignant glima in rabbits Induced by mathylcholantlirene. Arkh, put. 25 no,,10'28-35 163* (111RA 17:7) 1, lz Instituta ji9yrokhlruvgii imeni 111A. Burdinko AM &SM (direktor - deya%vitellnyy chlen AM14 ':SSH prof. B.G. Yegorov) i Thstituta morfologii choloveka ANN (dirioktor - chlen, korrespondent AM11 SSSR proro A,P* kvtvyn)* I , A. I los kvr AVTSYN I . 0 Biological aspmts in theoretical r,quro-onecIogy. Arkh. pat. nc.12; 3-22 163. (MIRA 17, 11 ) 1, 1z InstitufdL morfologli chelovekit At-IN SSSR (dlr. - chlen-korre3- pondent, AMN SS,;R prof. A.P. Avts.Nr,) i Inotlituta neyroklitrurgi! imen]1 11.11. Burdenko A1,1N SSSR (dir. - deys-vitellny~,, chlen A'14 SSSR J-ref. B.G. Yegorov). AVTSYN, AvPv Topic, probleas and methods of-Sovlo~t geographical pathology# Vest. AMN SSSR 19 no,1233-11 164* (MIRA 18:4) 1. Institut mcrfologii cheloveka AYIN SSSR, Hoskva. AVTSYN, A.P., prof. Otomkva) I ''. - - - qvqte,- ~14-m-ddiomsyeographics- aciences and tho place occupied by geographical pathology within ite Arkh, pat. 26 iiu,80-14 164 (MIRA 18t2) 1. Laboratorilm geograficheakoy patologii ( zav. - chlen-kor- respondent AMN SSSR prof* A.P. Avtoyn) Institute, morfologii cheloveks. AMN 3SSRe AVr,-,YN, A.P. In rsnmorT of Nikolai MikolAevich Arili:hkovo IW5-1965. Afiroda 54 no.2:10) p 165. (MIRA 3,6:.10) I* Chlen-korresrodent M SSSR. 4Vr2_ LEM Ministerstwe awyeale T*Muddmhqo %gmirledyt Novaya apparatuza elaktrosviazi I elektrovitsairi; IxfonsatslawW sbornik. (New Blectro-Camunicatim and Powr Soply lq~dpwnt; Collection of inforsation) Moscov, Sv7WIs4st, 195ge 3.00 Vo (Sertya: Takhnika svMi) 13,300 copies printed* Reap* Edes V*Ao. Idikias; Nds.t Too$* Nowlkwo god Me Hiodreabins; Tech. Ed-; OolPe raLrObIlOvae FURPOBE: This colUctlan at atlojoin lis Intendai for te(ftnima personnel of the Ministky of Contunicablons UNR and its sabordinate telecossmIctation establisbaents-. COVZU=t The arUelos In Vda eallectlon desorl1W varlous nev pieces of Soviet equipisent Used In electrinal 0010MMUILUOD8 93MOtWOo 7have includet broadeaxt studio equlymem., aablle wAUo asipliftere, transforsors, cable racks, conyerters,, rectifters,, and siritchboardUo No personalities are mentloned* Referenco accompsiW the articles 1i; footnotes* Card 1A j New Electro-Comanication (cant.) SOY/AT Aytsyn, N.P. EShch-IOD/I,, DShch-2DO/l, B611eb-40D/1', andIBShch-1M/J Modernized Battery Switchboar4a 73 The'basic operating principle of these viodernized avitchboards raudw the some as in prevIous models, but the arrangamtot of the elements is changed to make the board aoz* flexible vhen a Yoriety of connectiovis is required., The artV.,le describes the basic circuit diagram and *true- turra de~ails'of tho switchboards. Artsynt N*Ps, and G.K. Under (Deceased). ShchovB Switchboard for Motor- Generator' TT Early model sidtobb(lards for motor-generstors an obsolete fros a structural joint of view and. -thus the neir ShOW60.4 model has bimn de- veloped. The article ~riofly describee -the circuLt diagram mind structural details of the switthboard, Aytayn, X.F. and G X. Z under (Deceased) 9 Tlftth-6 DAstributing Board 83. The board serves for comutatkon of plato and filsiment circuits or the equipment at toll centers and repeater stations. The author pre- sents disadvantages of earlIer models of the boards, and the circuit Card 116 1 17 Nov Electra-CammunicatJ on (Coat.) SOV/30T diagrm and stractuxal, detailis of the neir bow-do I Konstantinova, L.S. XWGK-l C=bi 'nod Switchboard 86 The switchboard connects local subscribers among 12ismselves and connects long 4stance lines with local telephone network nubscribers and with those of the automatic telephone system. The ext1cle describes circuit diagrams of various cambinations of conneictions, iitructural details of the components ana tie assemblies as the vhole. Vigdorchik., N.M. DM-4 ))rilling Rig 96. The rig drills, the ht)lev for overhead line poles. The author describes the functional diWa, design,, and operation of the assembly. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress cam T-15-60 I L ~AVTUKH, N. yonpitatell. Constant coutaot with parents. Prof.-tekh. obr. 15 no.Z.-29 1 158. (MIRA llt2) 1. Stroitellnoya shkols N9,2, g.Tahno-Sakliallnek. *-(Home And achool) AVTUKHOV9 1 9 Vot GAND TECH Scit HtvvgTrt*?40N OF "It 89PARATI i~ ll#,*04W~ OF VA POTATO-HARVESTIIIQ MACHIN~. RoSTOV-NA-UONU, '19609 (14104 OF HiOHIER ANO SEC SPEC Eo RSFSR4, Ro$TOV-NA-.DoNU INSTION MACHINE BLOG)t (KLt A 2-619 206). A,VTUKHOV, I.V. Aerodynamic method for separating potatoes from clods and stones. Trakt. i selikhotmash. 30 no.6-22-24 Je 16). (MIRA, 13:11) 1. Kharlkovskiy politelchnicheskiy institut im. Y.I.Ioanina. (Potatoes-Gleaning) AVTUKHOV, I.V. Effoot of air ourront on the performance of the vibrating oieve in neparating olodil frm potatwo. Trakt. I oollYborwish, 31 no* 5t2l-23 14Y 161., WIRLA 1495) 1. Kharlkovskiy po.,itekhnicheskly institut im. V.1. Lanina. (Potatoes-Harveating) KOWISTOV, V.Ye., kard. teklai. nwak., dots,; AVTUKHOV, I.V.. kand. tekhn. nail, dots.; DUNAY, nauk. dots.1 K19APACII, Ye.l., kand. tekhn. na%ik; PESTkYAKOV, A.I,f red. [Agricultural. mcchines ant Implements) Sultskokhozial- styemVe mashlrV i orkidila. (L3y'j V.S.Komarlstoy i dr. Moskva, Kolosp 3964. 4714 p. (M1RA .17:12) * 7 . ~~ ;, , ", "I , - . -,. intmi,a,.-torla I ii)looci transrus if n in oi,Aotr i c. ~.:,! Dyne Colo,' icil I J.'ractice In r~!x)cl; tind lo:-r, cf 7 - Z. .0. 1,01-nitalfilov, !I-10 i o-XiSL - 'H's' .1 An. 11 . no. )1-ki 153. AVTYIMHOVICH, S. F. Avtyukhovich, S. F. "The use of intraorterial blood transfutione In the treatment of acute blood lose ant shock in.clinical and experimental obstetrics." Minak State Medical Inst. Minak, 1955. (Dissertation for the degree of Candidate In Sciences) letopis' so. 21, 1956, Moscou ATUCHXl,AAb"Wxw., WWASOMO-- (Work In geography] GoolTsficheekle raboty. Moskyat Geografg1s, 1954. 471 Pe (XIMA WD) Lax VA I y9listeskel "Usiss lot tho Wr"vf vublifty IA I0kness dUtinf Lfht CoUria, of jh ' 11 Id lass of : de. T4 Mrvit, H.. S;j Avuadillyall. kowl. 11,ld. I vauh Ar t ya". ; L sym*ki 7, NiF 7. 14 4 I(In Atttltnkttl 31-2. in MiA ia)(1954).-Viabilits, ' C4' i"n"' grOV1111 IlAt Ati-'eq`e Of Jig It J* '"I"I'llY (1 : ) t y 111,11j.&AIii jJ111 I tit'! _,j,_&L Whilt Me Tim 1,111flirtit ITINitcr p) vits thilitic pit, or 140-61101ts 11anth L.e tc milt-.0 111111. Oiow IdKli 4,A,dIt,4 iii 11ir i laik; i IvIly of the p!aut clitylkirs, m hicit tend% to itimalt tht. w~ oly c1 Ww-aki;-, loaterials nrtx~ Gary for plant I't GO t vefirtative Sit'4111 jiha~e is UAURI I W *tf traI I ?PIc OR 0 r C'miccl(A it! hetm 1 c I 10,~. the Ii - q Pro r I Y q t ill i bl i I ; t X 1 i , j lp s mi u ,te nutr it i~ o tit ca i , i% 1 i are U l efli ) ll~ rat In t1m. tl-wrs. Puting 6erd i mmation t1 ridt r iflo"lumirriflikh high entymit-1 OivIty VNktti, O ric is t I Ily found a rplatIvely, 16w Icvj f t I hi It t~ $4 Its H. I r0aWtly 1(;,y vi'llbility I vit Is f wdl id l ~ f ervcd In the 4R- ia I a' asc Ani stle y o prtex I , du, v I elvintkv vVivith nTO J ~ 11 116"CrIns or bild. "" f, a". jiulding and f1mv(,j J ig plaaj;, ivith their ~ )I 1~ Anil pretcol)-fic adiii " ~ ka, bl~n ithow I yet 114 fJ,,_ 'i"crimis Ircuts )eAvem t,tbcr ovicalls 4 if the G. M. elo ri-ral, Ith Q,16 li, Iwo i~ Pt 'S.$ eqf 4V# S A G. 0 G It I an. MAthidy Allad R IV MA 19 ~ilrq r Is, timn: ilin "Im Onen Ill 1U Drin. of l L sugar$ slid Cillynix &C Ivity I 'Z n q WhOl %A'& to treikitll 114 0., upptl It-mv ~rv explm tit light I Ir'l tirs. nrd vK14"d t% y the W-t;r kav t likht for,, 'e polmhl Linjihiy (jellith ulls 0.41-twed thel ttkb IcAllu"111j., -e-mlix. The U~rig-cqv)~urc 1 Gi llit pintits 91,j r it pityl.-olitlax t v( mdu6tis 'l)A lth, in I %e b iv di tet-ion it, the ilfitl 1)luills. while tile F'Jnth 1C 4ctivjt~ ~~J;m Irmilliplej Ll 11it'. IItlar"ll.. The _bhott-wit lire 1'~jvt-b AM '111911cf ~ltlld Cutiti'm I pictivitim" alt do Ilry Till'tIq in lt;Kft tileNct. ' iti Ole lbVil, !+A11 It 0~-o ill tilt light 1"ia&v an the up itt caves nt~ Coluit'll tf fluwmil.j of 0 C uppe- butlit aildl -1 litalt tile fi:~ior (it lit lpli; flyal th C fruni On rurt. JeLi o, Ob i, mt (,I~vri tit Im lite mw W.W. 11-11 ." t jlatilat~J :.i ic counLt j~j CTOA~ i Ml~illtrjhle Sligtir" mill fictic 11i'livitv by ill-mrl 0 ~:ci it )hr Art-wil J'Awti we Wt oi l'ct Co, 1~ 1~4 11 rIll t4 'Ftlytill, with )."w o w 1~rj je j,ictiviiy ~'f 11=! It 11 k- c-~Aj i~ l. Ihq prntlic lie; livi Ivil), ill ini,cli iv, ii grtialy tl.c lw%vs ui 1kitch jhhlllt~ I'll, Il5 li~ h in tilt 'o.'O'und PA. buRuSA XA&~ Mvflw~ of Phott-Orlwk ttems on Phyl annual plant I. V. 0. Kazwl Proceamm In rCHOS of it 1, H. S. A"ndlb an. DciWy Aled. Nask firmiyan.; 4 plants R 3;;.(P)1'w P I sn'.0q. I= VP M wm anal)-scd,j It wm% 4 nmth, t4e twu IOWA that In, $110".&Y P60ts (1) ttlailon 01 11yrithttle, Octfvfty of furdtaft to is ~Ijr~3qlv activity Tow 11.28. ArA 1 of ~ atalam tivit l d t 0 I l l~ (U oms- m ac C e a z n a p y ) ~ lww = 1k%1wu&hn*<wi!tasVut&sinO. The V IF47071 o IM mg.1g-1hr. and by mts Vi it adsorption of &-;ose was correqbodingly 1 k. and 20M Mg."It./hr. 'nus' lhzht I 16 metAWIVO not lAty In kavet bt~ V% A Smuenbow Ll -I 'Olarttt~ V. 0. Kai* 8 5 AyntulOyan. and G. Gabri9yun. Dakfay 197- 2 ij(I9!ifiXIn Rukiin; Asmettian sum pzr -tvle In VO -11 the labdril p ~ Ing in jr4datens of Lautel and rL -111 the 1mv" ~r was iolroductil after flnging citlicr tbrol thv'Oul ~ the rMts Indittles that 11 can "I"kv from lnw(.f III iPper, ves irk t1 pre.4ence of the tilt ring. We 11 r, -avi%tim thO% Int tr p4r(s III the stem, It the cutt~ L(,rv tmdt It 'ntt M 4bnw-tt Jkl lxhw a liven *.mf. the trawmiq%loti of P front t Iml cri "i, howtvtr, hOkulng that P svt~grutlm% Mqui., forwatibn nt orir. deril~s_ prubably Tht dbtliln 'W31 of p h such that it C-'lfvlatcl~ W allpllok of INt ~lutt 'A Ith the "Intlill ($0 c3rN%lIydMttlli P b lotion of . dirrttly curl. from crac to 06A.4kcil twut. Aectrd Wth moWu of i-abohytimirs, btv~ikully the 94t %*bob) drates. - K(Kolapoff ki M V-v fib Y f) 0 U&M. Asriculture- Plant physiology C&V4 1/1 Pub. 22 - 49/3~ AUtWr~ I Kazaryan, ~* O~, and Avuhd%hyan, E* S. Title Chlorophyll dii~placement in plants Dok. AN SSW 101/1, 181-483, Mar 1, 1955 Astract I InvestiCations Ohow:ed that chloropIV11 accumulates in the phellodem tissue of the -[ant during the winior sLason shiftinr, In the spring from phellodurm 'cells into the leaf proper thus accelerating the greening of the'leaf in spite of the fact that a predcmin,~nt part of the chlorophyll!,forms under light conditions. Six references-..5 U= and 1 German (li,'60-1953). Tables. lnstituti--~n i Aced. of Be., Arta-SM,Botanies Institute Pi-sented by Acodemician A. L. 4ursaiRov, December 22s 1954 WS V 0 f id o . . oll o uc ?f t ' ~ -t IV tum Ity i, f ll.kAVtO (11 POW,-, Imi".. w DK I mdur ing 141)1 l ~ OW,: I (r Ift4!s ate 11cht i" tolal -ararl --------- -- 41. f, KTAZARTAX, V.O.; AVUS)ZHTAN, M. - ...... 0 &~ Change In the rate of movement of radioactive glyclue In plants in relation to saturatinn of phloem cells b.r plastic matter. Dokl. AN Arz.SSR 24 no-31129-134 '57. (MLRA 10:5) 1. Botanichest1y Instit-ttt Akademii muk AMrauskoy SSR, Prodstayleno 0.11h. Duaystranom. ( (Botany--Physioloff) ox: AVUNDZHTAN, 1-.S. P-010 Of ths 1-00t NY*tem of planto on amino acid setabolies during various ItS,9416 of generative development. Izv. All Arm. SSR. Biol. I selkhos, nzukI 11 no-9:3949 S 158. (MIRA 11:12) IsBotanicheelly inatitat AN Aroyanskoy, SSR.. (Rocts (Botany)) (Anino acid metabolism) 4 ? ~ e. XAZARYAN, Y.O.; AYUNWEYAR, B.S.; XARAFZTYAII. K.A. IffeA-of the rootstock on vital proceesee In graft leaves. Dokl. AN Am SM 26 no.2:113-11? '58,, (MIRA 11:5) l.Botnichaskiy institut Akademii nauk Armyanskoy SSR. Predat&vl*no M.A. Ter-FAraletyanom. (Grafting) KAUT?vill. V.O.; ATU11DO11YAN, S*S.; KARAPETYAN. K.A. Changes in the. composition of free amino acids in the leaves of Callistemon Sleciosus in connection with tha alternation of generationa. Iokl. AN Arm. SSR 26 ro..5:309-313 158. (MIRA 11.7) I.Botanichookiy institut AN ArmSSR. Prodsuivleno M.A. Ter-Karapetya- name (Callistemon) (Nnerations, Alternating) (Amino acids) KAZARTAN, V.O.; AVUNMJTAN 1,6. Changes in tb) amino acid composition of leaves at the beginning of the generativii phase in the development of plants. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 27 no.2:125-1:18 158. (KIRA 11:10) l.Botanichesidq? institut AN Armyanekoy SSR. Predetavleno G.Kh. Dwatnom. (Au!.no acid metabolism) (Plants-Betabolism) USSR / Plant Physio:.ogy. Respiration and Metabolism. 1-2 Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biol., No 10, 1958,, No 43714 Author Kyazar.,an, V. O.;_Avundzhym, E~ a. Inst AS Arm,'ISR Title Changem in the Tranalocation Speed or Radioactive Glycine in Mutts in Proportion to Phloem Call Saturation with Plastio: Subetancea. Orig Pub : Dokl. AN AmSSR, 1957, 24p No- 3.- 129-134. Abstract : Alsiko clover was freed of assimilable substances by keepirxg the stere containing inflarescences in the shade while :Irmersing the cut ends in water. The translocation of radLoactive e;lycine (after 5-min. exposure) in the stalks which had. been tranted for 46 hours previously went at the rate of 19.4 cm. per hourp wkIle in those taken imedIxtoly before the experiment at 30.6 cm. per hour when the stalks which had boon drained for 4 whole days were Card V2 KAZARYAN, V.O.-, AVUIM';HTAN, 1.8e; MRAMIAN, X.A. Nature of Ott rejuvenating effect of shaping an trees and shrubs, Dokl.AN Arm.%'SR 26 n9-3'-187-191 '58- (MM UtIO) 1. 'Betanicbeikly Institut AN ArsWansksy SWL, PredstpAylene N.A. Ter-larapetyunem. (Pruning) IVUNDZHYAN, B.S. Cause of the shedding of leaves by plants. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 27 no.3:187-192 158. (MIRA 11:12) 1,Botanichookiy institut AN Armyensko3r SSR, Predstavleno N.A. ?or-Urapetranom. (Defoliation) ATUIMMAN. 3. S. Change@ In the activity of some oxidizing enzyme in buckwheat roots and sap durirt different stages of developmont. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Blol.nauki 12 no-100-14 0 159. (MMA 130) 1. BotanIchestly Institut Akadesil, wuk ArmSSR. (BUCKWIMLT) (011DASIS) MAIM, V.O..- AVUNDZHYAN, I.S,, Char4p,e in tho amino acid composition of leaven of red-leaved parills abowinK signs of abnormal vqgetative d evelopnont of the inflorAecence. Dokl.AN Arm.SSR 28 no.3:133-137 '59. (MIRA 12:7) 1. BotanichaskLy institut AN ArwSSII. Predetavlano almdemikom AN ArMSSR S.Kh,BurWatyano1q. (Amino acids) (Leaves) (Perilia.) IrAZARTA , V.O., A TXMIUN, I.S.j UWITTAN, K.L Tarlation'-In t1m,bound aimino uld content 9f the different organs of the chry'vantheimm at different pbames of devel mont. DokI.AW kru. SSR 21.) no.5t245-250 159o (MIRA 1376 1. Botanicbeekly Inst1twk Akadeull nank Aruyanskoy SM. Predetayleno aladealkom AN Aruyanskoy $SR. 0.1h. Dwvat- yanou. (Autno aolds) ~, AVUPDZHYAN, E.3, Variations in !;he cozipoaition of free amino acids in the rqotB 'and bleeding sap ol' buckwheat during different phases of development. Izv. AN Arm. WR. Biol. nauki 13 no,2t3-16 F 160, (HIRA 13:7) 1. Botanichesk'[y institut kkademii nauk ArmSSR. (AMINO ACID METABOLISM) (ROOTS (BOTANY)) (SAP) I I . V XAZARTAN, V.O.; ASUN=HrAN,- XAWJTrAN, K.A. Changes ir. the types (if carbohydrates in the different organB of plants at different BtALges of dovelopmente Dokl* AN Arm.S,'R 30 no.2tl25-128 l6o. (M:LRA 13:6) 1. Botanichfakiy institut Akademit nauk A:mq&nnkoy SSR Predstavlew akademikom AN Arwyanskoy SSR G*Xh.BmwatyeLnom. (Botanical chemistry) (Carbohydrates) AVVIdMiYANo B.S.; KAROETYANP O.A. Effect of nitrogen combined with phorphorus on changes in the free amino acid &M sugar composition of the tobacco plunt. Izv. A' Am. SSR, Biol. nauki 14 no., 41.7-18 AP 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Botanicheskiy institut AN Armyanskoy SSR. (TOBACCO--FERTILIZEMS AND HANIMS) (IJENO ACIDS) (SUGARS) I between the root :iystem and leaves cccupying ' 'p,-~or.' :~nrsltlonq ~T) Mo planL in ,xdno scid metnbolima. Docl. AN Ar,:i. S~'R 33 161. A31 A:-!,.,yniit:.',cy C55IR C.Rh. (Tobaccc.) (.A,-"ro r~ Ada) AVUNDZHYAN. E.S. -,- ....... Effect of darkness on the w4ount of nicotine alkaloids in tobacco roots and leawis. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 33 no.5:,223-226 161. (MIRA 1512) 1. Botanichesk!,v institut AN Armyanskoy SSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN JxmyanaXoy SSH M.A.Ter-Karapetynom. (Nicotine)(Plants,Efrect of lij#it on)(Tobacco) ANUNDZHUN, E.S. ----------- Separation or nicotinic alkaloids and determination of thoir amount by papor chromatography. Izv,. All Am. SO. Biol. nauki L5 no.2t89--93 162. (MIRA 150) 1. Botanichaskiy inatitut AN Armyawkoy M. (TOBACCCI--AIIALYSIS) (AUMLOIDS) (PAPER CHROMATOGRAPHY) AVUINHYALP X-S- Effoct of water supply on the amount of alkaloids in roots and leaves of tobdeco at various phases of dwolopmont. Izv. M' Am, SSR. Biol. nauki. 15 no.6:6~-75 Je 162. (MIRA 15%6) 1. Botanichcskiy institut AN AManskoy SSR. (MALOIDS) (TOBACCO.-VATER REQUIREWIM3) AVUNDZHYAN, " , '. '11.%--~ -I I - il d1hanges in the imino acid, composition of grkf* plants. Dokl, AN 332 1~2 no,50.209-1211 F 162. (MIRA 15t2) 1. PredstavlanD akademikpm A.L.KuraMv7s, Jaino acid metabolism) ~Clraftiftg) 4AVUNDZHYAN, R.S. Nature of bourit am.1no acids in the Useding sap of buckwWoLt. Fiziol. rant. 9 no.6s730-733 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. id=~Oiy of Plant Siochemistry !azid ~byaiologyj, AgricU11 .IiLatitute or Ministry of AgricUture, of Armenian S.S.R., erevalk. (Amino acids) (Buckwheat) AVUNDZHYAN, E.S. Effect of the source of nitrogen and phosphorus on the alkaloid coMbent of toiaaao. Fiaiol. rast. 10 rio.lill-16 J&-F 163. s, (MIR), 16t5) 1, Laboratorlya Piokhi*Li i fitiologii rdotoniy Inatituta pt semledoliya M~nfaterstvit proisvodstva i sagotovok ael'skokhozyayetvori., nykh prtjduktor AM&nskoy SSR Yore-ran. (Tot toco-ForiAlizora and mnurea:) (k1kaloi4a) AVUNDZIMAN E.S., , ~ . 1 1. - -.- - ~ ~ i.. - "r- Variation in the amino acid composition of the bleeding sap of plant.9 during ontogeny. Fiziol. rast. 121 no.5:930-932 S-0 165. (MI111A 19: 1) 1. Laboratory of Plant Biochemistry and Phyttiology, Armenian Scientific Research AgrIcultural Institute, Yerevan. im))tim/TJ FIIW, (t) /EEG( b -2)'D0 1LAtEWAI (6) -,7 z z j~gLa~n ing. aluiJ AV -tb I? a es menuring 200 x 30 .4 nm werel bled 'i for 5minute stretched 2--3% in 1SWO and then Ao form .d --eylindri 1 A surface vboso ; aratricen vere directed aii~n " La's i _g -wi oriex% ts;~ the brong, 0-of-tbe'' sap rof leeting' plaw 6. - Th slugle crystolp i tions were krofteea ftdil-thise-4i rystal9--by-_-recr-j tanizatiowAi -Usink' i jietI4 e iier, Th -sirqAe ~ 161 planes g.rowtb vas s4b that tbe. unbentz, _:im~zv r,th per the C: wal . rAl 0 n or wis pendicularto cyll 4 Th rya~sl -then beiWl-, furtfier to double it afti oui~atureg t1vals yieldl a bant'arystal ta uhich Oel. t 1 -reflecting plus 0=76~ bme vw I bi4f the cwvature of the iurfane. When.'the r0j~us' of.,curvature of the r04 ma is 60 am, the +ocus proditced_*--V~e- -Is of tht order~of 0#3~,W=A'V~le itid dikf~c4t to grov single,c), 08.15 with yreacrlbed.~irient*40n of~ro~ ing pl fleet aneavAtIls relatively gr~ a large nmber of at a vith-Andm orientatibno t~nd-vubeequexxtiy select tboio s -wrift yrin6i =08 [10Cq to the axis of the cylimlij- Pla or _Out of .20, QaU,* lapproximatel:3~ two or. three -have the re'" 1, quirea: orientation "or, art bot f;gureov I AS=XMONt Yerevwxk! tvcz- univtrsit~t lyerv'van Otate University J. S WS 0.41 I * OP