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ACCESSION NR: AI-401.1)063 Inumber of neutrons captured by the boron after scattering in the hydrogen. Since the scattering sections of the neutrons by the hydrogen and carbon nuclei are large In comparison vilt'h the capture sections, and the capture section of the boron, nuclei Is great In comparison with the scattering c.ection, It may be assumed that the hydrogen and carbon nuclei only scatter the neUtrons, while the boron nuclei only absorb them. At: the time, scattering and absorption by the oxygen nuclei may be disregarded, sincet thet full'section of the oxygon Is small in comparison with the sections of hydrogen, carbon and boron. in both sections of the paper, the authors discuss tile ppssible use of electronic computers In carrying out the calculations by the.formulas derived. -"The authors express thanks to V. N. Ignaten- ko for carrying out the calculailons". has4.' 9 figurer, and 17 formulas.!, ASSOCIATION: None summo: J4Auq63 DATC.ACQ: 27Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: UP I Cord 4/4 777-77 7_771 NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 005 -O11 ACCESSION NR# AR4036004; -1/0284/U/000/003/0012/0011 ~SOURCEs Ref. Zh. Yadorjiy*ye reaktory*o OtdtllnM vyipusk, Abs. 3*60.61. AUTHORs- Avaysv# Ve Sol V"111yovj 0o Ael Veselkino A.o ?*I Yegorays YU6 A9.1 iZhirnov, A* Do; luchoryapv# Ve Aes Orlow, Yuo Vol Pwwvp Yes Aes Pawwatlyelwo YU. V. ;TITLEs Shielding properties of certain t"es of oonwete !CITED SON& 8b. Vopr, fis. sashohity* reaktorov.-M., Go'sitaxisdat, 1983, 103-1081. :TOPIC TAGS& radiation, concrete, neutrons gams. radiation, shielding, shield, :radiation shieldingg radiation shield# cement ~TRANSLATIONt Investigations that were oonduoted show)d that heavy concrete gives ,more effective proteotion against neutrons and gwma-radiation. The addition of ~magnesium to the oon*rste sonewhat increases the shielding properties as compared :to oonorete of Fortliwad oement in the saw density. The introduction of Boron oom-: I ; I !pounds into the oonairete greatly reduces the flow of therna wAxonso 'DATE ACQs l7AprG4 SUB COM MP ENCLs 00 Card 1/1 ACCESSION. NR: AT4019067 s/oOOO/63/000/000/0312/0318 AUTHOR:' Avayev, V. N.; Yegorov,.Yu. A.; Orlov, Yu. V. TITLE: Gamma pair spectrometer SOURCE: Yoprosy* fIzIkI zashchit$0 reaktorov; sl>ornik statey (Problems In physics of reactor*shiciding; collection of articles). Koscow,.Gosatomizdat, 1963, 312-318 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear rejactor,*reactor shielding, radiation dosimetry, slectrometer,1 Gamma spectrometer, Garima pair spectrometer, scintillation pair spectrometer, electron Position pair, annihilation radiation ABSTRACT: The authors describera scintillation,-type gamma-pair spectrometer which is being successfully used to measure the defor~nation of the Y-spectra of a- nuclear reactor In the shielding In the region of Y-quanta energies greater than 1.5 Mev and for the study of capture Y-radiation. When the energy of the gamma- quanta Is absorbed by the material of the scintl I lator, annihilation Y-radiation Is generated as a result of the formation of the electron - position pair, result- Ing In.two y-quanta, each with an energy of 0.51 Mev. If the dimensions of the scintillator are small, the annihilation V-quanta leave It. In the scintillator, meanwhile, erjergy E y a 111 - 1.02 Mev Is absorbed. This circumstance makes 'it Card 1/5 ACCESSION NR: ATW19067 possible to construct a scintillation pair spectrometer which will compare favor- ably with.spectrometers of other types. The spectrometer circuit Is so designed that only the amptitude of those pulses is measured which are caused by the ab- sorption of V-qtjanta energy resulting from the process of pair formation. For this purpose, the spectrometer sensor Includes, in addition to the scintillator radiated by the r-quanta stream of-the source, two supplementary scintillators to record the annihilation )P-quanta, Further theoretical considerations are explaining ed In the article. The advantages of a scintillation gamma pair spectrometer dis- tinguish it favorably from ar-spectrometers of other types and particularly from sing le-scl ntl I lator spectrometers, even If Xhe scintillator is large In size. The~ll difficulties generally encountered in deciphering the results of measurements of complex oy-spectra by means of a spectrometer with a scintillator are discussed in some detail. The point Is emphasized that the pair spectrometer Is practically Insensitive to-fast neutrons. This Important advantage of the scintillation pair I spectrometer Is particulairly valuabI6, If the spectrometer is employed to measure Y-spectra in the presence of a.neutron background - for example, In nuclear reactors. Two defects are also rientioned: 1) the efficiency of the spectrometer Is not great, but In ordar of magnitude lies between the efficiency of a single- scintillator spectromettir and a Compton spectromuter; 2) the electronic cIrcu.Itry Is extremely complex. A block diagram of the scintillation gamma pair spf Card 2/5 '-ACCESSION NR: AT4019o67 meter discussed in this article may be seen in the Enclosure. The principle of operation Is explained thoroughly In the article. As a centra? sensor, a spectrometric photomultiplier, type FEU-42, has been used, mounted on which there crystal, 40 mm In both diameter and height. in the Is a spectrometric Nal(TI) supplementary sensors, type FEU-43 photomu)tlp)lers, with CsJ(TI) crystals, 60 mm In diameter and 30 mm In height, have been used. The amplitude analyzer em- ployed Is a 100-channel analyzer, type Al-100-1 , whi le standard singl~-channel analyzers.' type AADO-I, have been.p)aced In the corstrol channel of the spectro- meter for sampling pulses of specific amplitude. 4(esults of various tests 8on- ducted with the spectrometer are presented and evaluated in the text. In parti- cular, a test of the sensitivity of the gamma pair spectrometer to neutrons showedi the following: 1) in the energy region of Y-quanta approximately less than 2.5 Mev, some distortion of the gamma-spectrum Is possible (however, not more than 10%) which can be eliminated by means of additional measurements with a 100-mm thick bismuth filter; 2) if the ratio of neutron and gamma-quanta streams Is approximately equal to unity, practically no distortions of the gamma-spectrum are observed; 3) In the case of a gamma-quanta energy value above 2.5 Rev, dis tortions of the "-spectrum by the neutron background are likewise not observed. Y A formula Is given for the computation of the efficiency of the spectrometer -for a quantitative estimate of the ratios In the gamma-spectrum. Orig. art. has: ACCESSION NA: AT4019067 ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: i4Au963 SUB CODE: NP. 4/5 Card CATE ACQ-. 27Feb&4 NO REF SOV: 006 ENCL; 01 OTHER:, 001 kassiam as AT4019C67 RNCLOSU" 0) G K M E,) 2= ~ L L C D F 0 D L N fig. 1. Block diagram of the r-pair spectromoter: A - central sensor of the spectrometer; 8 and C - suppleivientary lateral sensors; D - cathode followers; E - single-channel amplitude anailyzerso,'F - linear pulse amplifier; G - shaping blacks; N and L - delay lines; I and J ; coincidence circuits; K - electronic key; M - discriminator-limiter; 100-channel amp) I tude analyzer Caid Sts L 1159-661 ---EWT(M)/1;P11(n),-2/VWA.(h) ACCESSION NR: AT5023145~-. UR/2892/65/000/604/0015/0030 AUTHOR: Any togorm Yu A. TITLE: d for inclasurein*ent of neutron mctra in the epithei-mal ener Metho gy re., gion vsing resonance indicators SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhewrrio-fizi AuNt.-Yoorosy dozimetrii i zash- chity ot izlucheniy, no., 4, IC165, 15-30 TOPIC TAGS. neutron:spectrum, nuclear reiionance, radiation dosimet ry, cobalt, aluminum, tungsten,indium, gold ABSTRACT; In the, pre'seni, vrork, 13 indicators were selected making possible a calculation of the c6ntz-',1buti.o'ii of the l/v neutvon spectra in the energy interval from 0. 46 electron volts to 5 thousand electron volts. There is considered the e lermtni unlinown spectra by' comparison with the! I JE spectrum. possibility of d 1. a9 The absolute r~alues of, the neutron flux are fa-und by measuremento with gold indicators who'set activity is determined absoltately. The article gives a mathema4 tical Oescription of a method for measuring the neutron spectrum, taking into .1159-66 ACCESSION NR: AT5023:145 account the 1/v contrlbudon.~ It, is claimed that the method is simpler than the three indicator method, 6nd that'Wean be employed in biological shielding studies Characteristics of the indicators used are given in tabular f6rm. Experimental results show that, foi- indicat.ors, made of cobult, aluminum, tungsten, indium, and gold, the- contributions of se condary resonances to total activity are small. - For all other indicators, the contributions are considerable and must be taken into account, in calculations. 'Determinations of the form of a unknDwn spectrum from measurements of the activity of resonanee indicators is carried out by the method of successive apliroximations. Experiments were also made on applying the method of resonance indicators to determi-Iie the neutron spectrum in strongly absorbing media. Valueii obtained for the neu-tron flux are stated to be in good agreement with calculateStvalues. The described method for determination of the form of the spectrum of epithe*rmal neutrons iis claimed to be applicable over the- eInergy interval from 0. 413 eleb-tron volts to 6 thousand electron volt s (when the flux with E=O. 46 electron volta In the spectrum being investigated 'is 30-40 times less than In -the I/E spectrum) and in the interval from 1. 46 O-ectron volts to 6' thousand electron- volts (19rhen -the flux with E ='L, 46 electron volts and the I/E -cord 213 7-7 C7 WAW L-01 ITITLE: On the~forri of tbel*.spectrum of tioderated neutronst in ab- Isorbing media SOURCE: Atomnatya einergiyd' V., 18,- no. 6), 1965o 584-58B netutron opee t'rum, neutron iinergy distribution, nuclear ITOPXG TAGS: fission,nuclear reactor moderator, neutron absorption IABSTRACT: An approxir.:mte method is concidered for solving the kinetic equation for art infinite homogeneous medium with uniformly distributed 66~11ces, With I corist-and 2 9-1/2 (1: -- scattering cross section, X -- capture cross scctlon~ H energy-1. A simple analytic expres- 0 IsIon for determining the f6rm of the spectrum Is derived on the basis lof this solution of.the kinetic equation.and Is compared with experl- Imental. data. The expetrimental data consisted of the determination of [Car,d. 1/2 L 2282-66 ACGESSION NFIs AP50169261 C the spectral distribution:~of neutrons In a,water-water rdsearoh re- actor, with the form of tile neutron the energy region from 0.46 eV to 6 )KeN'meaisured by means',of resonant'indicators. The. theoretical re sults-viere~41so compared with experimental, data on the spectral distributions ih;:iron and in al mixture of 4ron with poly- ethylene And boron to well as in a tfii)ijture of graphite with.boron and a mixture of irbr~ with boron oarbi6e. In all cases the otationary form of the spectriim:a8reed within the limits of.experimental erron with the tbeoretipal ~resui:lts.' AThe author thanks Yu. Apt--- Yegorov for help with the-workiAC Yei.,Neteoha A..:V. Nikitin t-tha 7xii _v. Urlov for a useful. discuiss:CO-nTraiR :kt:l. ~' vas ey and 0. G.,JkIseM7V help during the experimarits.9- Orig. a;:ot .has*. I figure and 17' formulas. I ASSOOIATIO14: None 'fty64 BNOL: 00 - COM NP SUBMITTED: 1. SUB NR REF SM 002 OTHERS C63 Card 2/2 V_ v :/03,t/60/016/04/40/046 010 W" K.A.1antlool, V.A.. 3) Ostapaboako, T FCKMV-,,~t-, 41 I'_,ZjY ~VV, 5) "X121-61U, JRs-=k. T.F.. t.gifta, . . M TIT111 less In Met PERIODICALI tavolskays 10or.torlys, 1960, Tol- 26. 20. 4. pp. 504-)06 TKXT: 1) The author reports on the deTolopient of X-ray apporMus ter measuring w:ld:jdtdt:IC a. The apparatus (Fig.. 0" I ,is, as transformer, X-roy tobe (t, sts.14 for it. letter, 6 'hoalo;r,gd., houls actor vilirMing "d rotating 1b; P.M. W.A., and P. . be 1:, so ll:b roost to d9sigetas the books f &4:1riptiom of the apparatus to given, 2) The author se, &t..h .. I (ric.)& taking hosag..p%. of ....... cry I-rlos 94.0ft. Th. spe.1"Oft hick ~s fixed 1.7 a tol fj:.QsA -Uoh has the shale f opposite Arabla.dean spirole. Cox rot:t shifts the specimen It :11k2s, share a - angle car& 112 of specimen vertical to the looldout X-ray. Th. authors dsoorike Can an- 19b. (Fig.) far X-ray structural Th. tub. at Zolo. three opening. far the X-ray. and ... for' an*# ribTeb, a*)"1;r has a titanium sirrore the construction of vkJoh Is 44&o am r krietly Assorlhos, a staple device (?If, phologroph) tot lowering the ehashor of the UP-7Z gta Th* authors do6orvas a start* apparatus ter sampling too usdor reduced pressure. The apparatus (71 6.- of ;-.ter. "A . ,.e.- P.-P. A she. I I , 6 he av,b., the t-v-lr lavestigatit4t roatificalics, processes .1:9 of L:,-,Lry oysta.s I" she "It., . of bA*b occurs. Th. .040 of operation of the used a at* 6 figure a aadA r: r# : described ty sees@ of a diagras (fig.). That$ t:ol:.l 1330CUTIONs 6) l4singradoitty gondarstv9sayy oalworelfwt (Lentograd Itato valversity) card 1/~ AVAYEVA.. A. F - Dissertationt "Agricultural Bconony of New Zealanda" Cand Geog Scis Leningrad State Pedagogical Inst., lmiAgrad,, 19539 (ReferativrWy Zhurmal--Geologiya/ Geograftya., Moscow, Ang 54) SO: SUM 393, 28 Feb 1955 AVAYEVA, S. M. -155T41- ftotein syathe$ic~ Dee 49 Abumin. Synthesis' IlThe Problem of 'Synthesig of Protein," S. M. Ava- yeva, 10 pp "Priroda" No 22 ..Presents general-summary of work done in the syn- thesis of protein. Refers to work done-by E. Fisher (German), and.Zelinskiy ard V. S,. Sadikov ..(Russian:). Amply illustrated with complex chemi- -cal forimilas depicting some simpler aspects of protein iquthesiln. A L lu S S IR S 6 "."d ruwaall 91 mill U(jk$JYM, r4f1f.-MMOV. (XdSV4Mf#1.' tvik, 288- 9 No hit O x 1 N V. . . tt. UMOROJOW o. , $ 0 , d(hp-CjNC Irv i In t r. e (90950).-Treatmcn g ti 129% H 1 l ea ng m e I . 11 ) II'COClSmvr7O% ilrehi urki ( t -tVAM I i 1.71) j~' hipporic scul wi I I nil. t on a ter im=rnl o- Piro in Tn. 93'. Sit liarly~ I gave,00% 24f~ - id_ -W' o 5 1o i 112 H tin 2 ki 3 7 W) -avuo a o , xe n r P dialtrollipporica6l will 15int, Aci ea . . 7 g. . g Ons above VA444 4elw M-Xpfilro4p !caRkJ ~ - i drQ#.m.AO tolO41in ' i Wit tuns ow heawd 8vtli MOM llhenyl-~:op;olojie is 83% hydrolvi M CO 6i vield-k MC)Ae. 2-~ t ed atter 30 pilp, in aq. ' eI at roontteuip.;. the 24j)-ni - whil hydrol the iM in 2Z min A i nplienyl) ana loj Is 100 td h d id i 100 an e ; x r s .. e l y ;V 'bydrdLylreilcl lut ahwit 1.26 hr. Sthiiiii; I g. Itr;dhippune -ii 42 h dd I n vt 1. nil. IIxtI n 2 C. A*10 aml 0, 0 r-MIOAC 2 i his. jtiqVe 83%, in, !~N., slawlyttrolyzed undti~ the above conditims. St - was ob ned W-75% in, 2,19' (demrap ~), whosL half-life In aq. AleIC'O:is C3 his. O-Phenyl-6-om izolone and Bill gave not y al zod under above cmidit in., loV. which Is 6ns When th i l . 74"hydri , r ) le (-rkhoyt) Is mated wIth DA . e m xel (I there is Slowly (k)(t1w.4 14~ 23 ; S jukilar eaction In Ac 0-Ns a We 50 l l RC11 14" ve r . i . g 2- S Ve ,1 lydne ivith l lie 111 I h 1 gave 61 45-o w-o 2 oue n rs. n) g , p , * 140-1 * Al o til lycolic acid In Shnilnr yl W obtaine . . as . ' 0 g ~" ICO-I# I" d~ arid I M & . . , serine wt~ 2-phen),145-ouxolone )'Ohi hi i d 2 i u n c ac m. gave d an -phrmyl-l-bentyl- ppur Idim-54 4ozolone. 4tating 2.1 g. 1; p-nitrolaippura(e With .0.0 C. N 40,k~ and 4 nil. AcqO 1.5 1 im at 110' gonve P-Or N(!JI.C %lz. st)"ing 3.5-dialts)Wlippuric acid (I X.) with I Acto. 0.3 g NaOAc and 2. nil. MezCO pve 3,5- d1_I.1..tmh I ricnid, Kowlapoff "M V AVAYEVA, S. M. AVAYEVA, S. M. - "SiMthesis't Properties) anc., Reciprocal Conveillions of N-Peptides, 0-Ileptides., and 0, N-2crine. Peptides." Sub 28 Ilov 52,, Moscow Order of' Lenin State U imeni. M. V. Lomonosov. (j.,i.asertation for the Degree of Candfdate in Chemical Sciences). SO: Vechernaya Mosk-va Januairy-December 1952 BOTVINIK' m. P1. .AVAYEVA, S,, M. MISTRMOV, X. A. , Amino Acids "Synthesis and Reactions of H-B,minoacyl Derivatives of Nthanolftmi%es." DOU. AN, SSSR 82, No 5, 1952 Laboratorlya Xhimit Bellm Aftd. H. D. Zelinskop) Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Univertiltata Im. M. V. Lomonosova Reed. 26 Nov 19-51 SO: Monthly kal oLhastAn AccSigigne. library of Congress, Lij),X 1952, UNCL It raw of Maqlarnwe"I deviva#7" of WWO (o. T51114v ";~M, NI. 14.4 %'ivllk alifli. 4, Marva. ,.Inli S.S.R. 04, WS1 Y 'As by PlArMAIN and rMl. trypsin of the following it. PePtW- 'was studied by followins the,farial" W pil (with pctWdk-adjustmeutalplibya,ldii.etNaOll). Thro-b- itirateii imm: Ar.VIICit(CillilklOlICit.Cit(clNII)Nil- COCIAL11111,A)MIAC. (1) (in. 1l2,v11fvj((71,P& i- OW14CIANUMPPOW1 (11) (on. 371 *); o- C.11.1 t I P Ir NcifictAcift C11(C0$Pr)NllCWC1fjN(CU NeW.-O (Ill I ~ ill. 171*); h sN11CJVft CIA C11.01(CI)OU INIRAWk (IV) (in. (VI (in. 152';1. The 0-peptitics W scrititt (1, 11) am readily ekaved at. the emer link with the ralvit of Cleavage W the enzyntes bring about equal. The resul% iriven graplik-ally, intfil-ate imonse40%cleuvagrin the lst;tr. Thecleavalreof ,hew licaducts by alkali is acvvirruted ty a rise in p1l; thus it is dmvtd 5% in 311) min. &I pit 8 anil 25% in but flo min. -at pig 10. IV. V. Ill. and El eskr of lwasoyiserime are un- chantrect 1&3 his. by either the enzyme-a or alkali. Therit- XylllV4a cleave twily the ester link belwet" the HO irtimp tJ mvine and under coollitkins of exWence of Itte COM Stwup ill the byllMNY111111110 Wild. 06. NI. Ktv~ouimlfl - 4 AW IMAM J "4 Ow " k4tl - le i Oil 0, i t re r i s. H 4 Ale t~ li OC 1 -AJaxii e 6 lim saw;-aftitj -K . I .R (J Wti 1 IcH CITA P cl vjl, Pn " . m- i . r X. ;jMJA6 . .4. up in zb!~XtOH - 64prod, im if, eA v l ' ' ~ " : $01n. to Owl" d xanu, 1011-3 I u-fbr p ojijli~,7. N. 0 tr), 01. rn.. 170 r th l lM O a f% r. e tipja O tow 1 j tmiitcd i~ ith jjjN'JIj+j fjf%j_,li_~j%'.eL_057C;jV'qj,~j may? 61, Oro 0,24 111DINIXII(MIJ Q) irlb lwpbwvlo ~ ib dri-i've d) in: 4:11c) xtv& 4 1;6 im 0 1~ 4 Ph3)?T,-. 3~ Q~ ft, It . , , . ft and the ms 77. _ 016, If ,Dl tjj~ t I _5,: IQ tea ,t to, W ta 'e ~.JV4 g;: v-411, - on Ar1TVc% mtrg~ c"Are. 1~ l I k ~ Ix q.3 br.-~ will) Ii In Ai6ttiai: i%'( TO T 01moi e clacrat In 11 Jul. diomt. w" %dded 0.92 T. zetint LytPr tcstr~I[Ct, t-),rn 2 ml. Pbl-TEts, and tht mjTj. vfts dill. aftei 6(1 mn. witli ligrOnt )k1dizz 1.27~ g~ (72%) .04&W IfIrcy4f,ml i4p.Er -r1e7, m. 197' , sfMILIT-fy was P=- 54% 'N't ciw; cry-stab from MoH. M.P.,201 liver. TbIlatte"( g.) krPt!I dors in Ilrom 5.4 PhCHSCHI Iffifis)COSHI ta is Mi. CJ]'CL VM3, added slOwrb- tO 3-2 g. scrine Mt r2ter-IICI and 3.46 mL Me,"a in 15m1. C0170b, the mlyt. stkrrd I hr.,sbxkol wltb2oml, 140, 10 VW ty "(3, and nPb with to rA, lip tht U)w evapd. in vacuo, mW the raMI)t tAkm,tjp't4 Stwot and dild. wl th MO. 6vinit 63% JVJk-fm&Q&Um."I.. Wn- 7- 7% Mutt -4 MIV, Slul~ tm!)V-7~' TF-R, Mh h1ba KT)inn, ZZ4:. ~~',N -FJYI et. - CA, 49, 1: r5-Ni; Elliott, C.A. 46, Uk-Rig mt uj~illtw pCill 'Iescol.Ag. oth"s -WAII.SoU or 11C1 i-l alc or thoviov. ravc thu 6-011rqu ~'dtiri6s, of abilint, twptik) ~i WhOl Ill w4. 'lictlima J'ayi- 01'~ 1114-A rollilni-, untla (it wlwfl. JICI thorv fqq--'-o~ 115 Oke Islace a ulk-ratimi. ktf the jlepti~lc uniun frot.i. N to 19, ~mft the N-)jq;t-3v% of ~,-tlou aire hydrolytol morc rapiely :111311 ajwptiolt:~-. 'rT%%l11'lvllt witil K'S04 gave 2 rkuctioll!' .1 i1ratiml 411 the In-ptille ~illli fr~lnl N, to 0 1110 L4 fllejwptwe-~ Hu:3611rWrist Q71M~ 1.4-o-llr t,,Ivr :1 iniq Niiih Iry lill. A)CII g~jvc (Ill d.i1n. WWI ralo N-(bmo)1Pj var, in. 1. ~, the 8alltl product forwil if s0c'~ 57" .. WIL., by dro 11cl Ili ay ajxall~. Ifeafing tho,produrt lim io 'iii. dilmooe All, vivir the Ntarting lilatc;Ld, Ift, viiih '130ch at 0' piv. - a I't(Atict W~ m. l3r Oll 2511-ITAilIg CVDIVed Rlh ME1 gave Aj;Cl lq,t. with AgNO,, In-atell will) 11,0 it gave (lie likitial amitiv. I takoi tip in .!bbt AcOll nnil ilild. w0i 11:0 gave N-(Bcmtj,,1,5h,-n:r?- rhl~j nine M. W.1,; Ow salm, milotallev felf"JA hi irva, 6;ll With SOCII at 00" rcl, ill ,0103) ht- waW tvilli.. JY7 M011-110 (it'70', or dry AlOiallo-ACI hi rf~m twip. Tk~ rate of hydrolysis of Sm lttidti~ qa-i4rllle %lith acetylphetlyl-Liallyl, j) AllAbri AID I '4 \ I rLnd- - M d antivc rid:-5 was -w-Aaiwct3'&t4 shown. I 7 ptit bW Nk' ri-D.-bextrwk tOi?1n1j ve a %hut emit I OU03 N-bw- )4 w0y)-pomoc ts N-b v VI-DL-t a4mm. and ;net y1un) N4--nz6y1-O-bmzoy jolexy"Dyl-vt, thr Ine." iv- belmlyl tun, '11rcota 110~ N-bvwo tj mA N4,6t%)y1,04A:urtsy1vMy1- bzt, wyber- W 1.~.A 48, 136281, 5 1. -!V41k ine (4.7 &,) Itit d7y dioxant tmted w~'.jh the ITC) ss 'I of 2- prc;yd. Irtwu 4.8 g. I rntoyl- val!iie, burred, ~;ept oventight, and bmte-d 8 lim. a t"* ric) 50d 5" 41UKT34=13 I- N-&-nw>4sCri W, nt. I M- ( jiq. ' ffic i). " W'ly 2-;iNM>loxA2o1Inone HCJ sai gayt 82.37S m. 101-1Z* (a V . M l U d U 0 0) w e, - -mui ts wem vate , is of vwJocs =qw.. up to U% and ktpt J-24 hk2., y eldiril PPt3 of stni&3 of berivtTlplienylalantne, benzoyl -aline, - k d W h 1 - an e Ste. uOt. t Ong MiMrish beltil 0-bt;WY pFw hen la 45~b JV-b un !val 1 zo l - - cn ctxoy y p y y X-beitoylt] iumh 4. the rLm Idt of 0-berizoylphertyialu yl-N- Mine, and tl~c Rt ester of btumaylphenylalanirit (1), rtsp. The w1da t I the =idea It= the Irt m peptidta ~ isted dbove derzlitv rapidly witj reduction of ilit concs, ul NH,QV(, wh It the iiraidt f; :im the hippuryl drri-.. 13 sab. stanuaity uicepend v of X)LOH conca. The ammalt:Jy- si5 of I wait eTY Jow undtr thm conditions- Htatinj )-.hipp ury)-N k)envo Osetinev itb 8-27 males WNCH.U 1,Rt " N-77 5-16 It-3. pvc up to 921/a ppi of the sait of ti t 2 Iornpoi ents, it. IM *, when tht reaction ww~ -un in Lq- Mc: tipts it aq: M-_.CO Su rt only tars; emitEing the wil- a~L N KEW" -AhJRWL~ -R&3U MZ& A MEW WWW 34 -7 Yi- 4,Z 7-. V7, Ic i7 Imil ".-COX 1, C-fle pi 97' I 1, 7, ..... ............. WE NITI~ 16 Mm- AUTHORS: Botvinik, M. M., Avayeva, S. M. 30Y/ 79-28-6-21/63 TITLE: On the, Fermentative Synthesis of N-Peptides of Orthopeptides of P..Clxyamino Acids (0 fermentativnom sinteze N.-peptidov ix o-peptidov P.-oksiaminokislot) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimli~ 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 6, pp. 1534-1539 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the investigation of the olutracteristio features of N-Yep- tides of serine and threonine the authors showed that (Ref 1) they are not only capable of an inter- but also of a mutual molecular regrouping (see schente 1). In the conversion of the O-peptides of the N-benzoyl serine and threonine with ammonia the reaction takes place immediately, however, the process with the asters of the amino acids and peptides takes place slowly also at higher temperatureq and in a small yield. The reaction in the presence of chemotrypBine, however, takes easily place un&Bx- the final fo:.-mation of peptide derivatives cof the L-series. It may be assuned that a reaction in which the 0--peptides of the P.-oxyamino acids occur as transporting media of the amirto acid radicalfi, in the fermentative synthesis Card 1/3 of the peptides is of inter,-~st as the possibility of similar SOY/79.-,28-6-21/63 On the Fermentative Synthesis of N.-Peptides of Ortho).-leptides of' P-Oxy- -amino Acids processes in nature exists. In the prei:ent paper the inves- tigations in this direotion are extendel to a number of other compounds* The authors usad: X-beazoyl-O-benzoylphenyl- alanyl serineT N-benzoy1-O-benz:)ylglyc:L serine and N-benzoyl- .-O-benzaylphenylalanyl threonino. The e-hyl esters of gly- oine, phenylalan:Lne, glyoylglyc4-'ne and ieucylglycine served as acceptors of the acylamino acid radi.~-als. All initial products were raceming In all cases opt:.oally active peptides were obtained. The results are given LA a table and differ fr9m thotie described in other publioati;:.ns. The experiments were carried out with eaters of the amino acids in which P-oxyamito acids occurred as alcohol radicals, as the com- pounds tu be investigated are closer to the natural ones. Theesters used were those of the benzoyl derivatives, not of the amino aaidit themselves, which limLts the reaction at; the stage ef the dipeptides. The reactions took place within shorter time with a smaller percentage and a smaller an.our.,t of ferment. There axe I fiRure, I table, and 8 ref- erencesp 5 of whioh are Soviet. Card 2/3 sov/ 79-28-6-21/63 On the Fermentative Synthesis of N-Peptideti of Orthopeptides of P-Oxy- a.mino Aoids ASSOCIATION: Hoskovskiy got)udarstvennyy ur.,,iversitet (Moscow state University) SUBMITTED: May 3s 1957 1. Peptides-Synthesis Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Botvinik, M. M., Avayeva, S. M. SOV/ 79-28-6-21/63 . .......... TITLE: Cn the Formentative Synthesis of N-Peptides of Orthopeptides of D-Oxyamino Acids (0 fermentativnom sinteze N-peptidov iz o-peptidov 0-oksiaminokislot", PMIODICAL- Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1958, Vol. 28, Xr 6, pp 1934-1539 (IBSR) ABSTRACT: In the investigation of the characteristic features of V-pep- tides of serine and threonine the authors showed that (Ref 1) they are not only capable of an Inter- but also of a mutual molecular regrouping tsee scheme 1),, In the conversion of the 0-peptides of the N-benzoyl nerine and threonine with ammonia the reaction takes place immediately, however, the process with the esters of the andno acids and peptides takes place slowly also at higher teppetrature, and in a small yield. The reaotion in the presence of chemotrypsine, however, takes easily place under the final fornation of peptide derivatives of the L-series. It may be assumed that a reaction in which the O-peptides of theli-oxyamino acids occur as transporting media of! the amino acid radicals in the fermentative synthesis Card 113 of the peptides is of interest a;3 the possibility of similar SOV/79-28-.6,21/63 On the Fermentative Synthesis of N-Peptides of Ort'hopvptides of .14-Oxy- amino Acids processes in nature exists. In the present paper the inves- tigations in this direction arat extenderl to a number of other com-Dounds. The authors used: N-~enzoyl-O-benzoylphenyl- alanyl serine, -V-benzoyl-0-benzoylClycy' serine and 14-benzoyl- -O-benzoylphenylalanyl threonine. The ithyl esters of gly- cine , phenylalanine, glycylgylcine and Leucylglycine servod as acceptors of the acylamino acid radi.;als. All initial products were racemic. In all cases op-.Ically active peptides were obtained. The results are given :L,1. a table and differ from those described in other publicatii;ns. The experiments were carried out with estern of the amijo acids in which 0-oxyandno acids occurred as alcohol ra(icals, as t.he com- pounds to be investigated are closer to the natural ones. The esters used were those of thig benzo;j derivatives, not of the amino acids themselves, which Lbi-Its the reaction at the stage of the dipeptides. The reE!itions took place within shorter time with a smallor perctatage and a smaller aMDunt of ferment. There are I figure, I table, and 8 ref- Card 2/3 erences, 5 of which are Soviet. SOV/79-28-6-21/63 On the Fermentative Synthesis of N-Peptides of Ortl:opeptides of,-R-Oxy- amino Acids ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvenn universitet "I (Moscow State University~ SUBMITTE); Wy 3p 1957 1., Peptides--Synthesis Card 313 AVAYSVA. S.M.; BOTTINIX, M,M.; XQU-MURZA, S.N. 3noymittic mynthesis of bonscyl-phenylalanine peptides through serino and threonine 06-paptides. 5 no.21102- 106 Mr-Ap '59. (KIR& 1~:15) 1. Thai "N.D.Zelinaklyl laboratory for Protein Chemistry. Moscow State Univerivity. synthesia of benzoya-phenylalanine peptides with merino & threonine 0~-peptides (Run)) (MMYLUAKINE, awle) (AXINO Ac'ns, Banie) BOT71111K. N.M.; AVAYZVA, S.M.; KOKSMOTA, L.M.; OL&MIIIA, V.A. Lability of tho 0-poptide bord in 0-dipeptidyl derivatives of serim and Arcolic auld. Zhu. ob. khtm- 30 no.12:3883-3890 i) 16o. . . 1 (MIRA 13:i2) it. I. Moskovskiy jpaudaretvannyy univeraltet. (Glycolic acid) (Serino) --- AVAYEVA,, S.M.0; DMINIrl, N.M.; SYROWATNIKOVJi, I.F. Synthesle of substituted diseryl pyrophosphates. Zhur.ob.khime 33 na.24709-710 F 161.1. (MIM 16t2) ('Serine) (Pyrophosphates) -;i~l . A, 4 LVAYEVk)-S. M.; BOTTMIK, M. M.; SYROWATNIKOV, I. F. "Serylpyrophosphates ani serylpbosphates.~ 0 report submitted for 7th European Peptide SYmP, Budapest) 3-8 sep 64. 0 MAMA, S. M.; BOTITINIK, M. M.; SYRO1,YATNIKOVA, 1. F. ~'-j ~ ", , -- -," Seryl phosphates and pyrophosphates. Van 1. Synthenis of ? P -di(benzyl ester of N-carbobenzoxyseryl)-P r-dibenzylpyrophosphate and F P-di(methylamide of N-berj,-,oyls,-Iryl4,-P P-dibenzy1pyrophosphate. 9, ~ Je 164. (MIFJi 17:7) ,.ui,. ob. Kidm. 34 no.6:1749-1754 AVAYEVA~ S. M,.; BXVINIK,.M. M.; VAFiNA, 14. G.; MATYAM, L. F. Saryl phosphates and pyrophosphates. Part 2: Behavior of bis (wthy.l. ester of N-car6s~su ,*zoxy-oryl )-phenyl phosphate in IlBr solution in organic solvebts. Mar. ob. Khim. 34 no.6.1754-1?57 Je 164. (MIAA 17;7) 'I KARA-M','R7,A, S. N., ffA-XEv;,,, , 1. . BOTVINIK . M. 14; .1 S. M.; NIKITIN, V. Ya. InfriLred spectroscope study of the mechanism underlying the formation of p-nitrophenyl esters of benzoyl amino acids and acyl peptides by the carbodiimide method. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 1:88-91, my 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Moolcovskiy gosudarstvannyy univeristef. Predstavleno skademikon A. N. Neemeyanovym. STEPANOV, T.M.; VAKIlrTOVA, E,A.; YEGOROV, TS.A.1 AVAYEVA, S.M. ~, peptide fragirent of pepsin. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no,4%759 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Institut khimil prJ.rodnvkh soyedinedy AN SSSR. r 2 Aw 1. S: .. ACC NR, AP601,6874- SOURCE CODE: UR/0189/65/0(4 AUTHOR: S IW- B6tvinikj,'M- M.; Syromvatrikova, No F.: Grigorovich,, V. 1. ORG: Dspar!tttent of ftanic Chemistry,,: Moscow State! University (Kafsi!6~a ~~64r`ganicheskoy khimii Moskovskogo goisudarstviennogo'universiteta) TITLE-. Seryl-phoslphates -arid pyrophosphs~tes SOURCE: Moscow. 'Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya II* Khimiya, no. 3P 1965, 78-82 ~.TOPIC TAGS: orgmAc 6ynthetic pro pess,, seririe, polMptide, hydorlysiB. organi g-,lycylseryl.) of p1p2_0!L Yjzy1 estpr-carbobenzq~cyj p p2-di~eniylpyro:ohosphato and stixly of 'its hydroli-sis are described..' !continuation of Vrevious Investigations,. this paper reported the synthesiol ;of a now compound'whicth ine-orporatc!s apVrophosphate group and a dipaptide:': rbob glycylseeine was ,of serine. The benzyj. ester of N-ca en soxy gether with NaI in abalolutti'lacatonel-io re~nove one benzyl group. Since the monosodium.salt'a the beassyl.-estei of N-carbobenio)Wlglycvl-o-(*Qeinzyl-t- phospho)-corins fo oluble in'acetone and does.,not precipitati med, is ijuite 8 in the reaction rrdLxturvp the reaction was continued somewhat longer than ;usual*. Upon boiling of tho reaction mixture for foor hourep the yield of ithe sodium salt oj! the beivyl ester; of N-;carb6bon%o4g1yqy1-0-(bwuW1- ,-phoapho)-serine vnw' 85%o ~The pk-opeKi6s of the compound were studied"in-o' .cluiling its lVrdrolysis at 1210 in neutral and in weakly alkaline media at 'pil 6.8 and So!;# *Lth the tormation of the bonvVl sabor.of N-carbdbenzd)W1-!! glycyl-o-(benziylpliospho)-tieiiine. Orig, art. has., 1. figure and 1 tablO. 0 PAS SUB CODE' 07 DAIS.: 22Ju164 ORIG REF:,: 003 OTH REF: 002, Card 1A ACC Nr%i AP7003669 SO'LT,%C!-" COD'-,: U.,Z/Ou 5 0 (),"15 10 S-, N -Murz 1 3, !~i.; lotvin, 14. 11 0:121: Mosem; Stat3 University im. M.N. imi"reroitet) TITII-a-': Synthesis of o-p3,r~:)-,oliorplio-D,L-5cr,-nc ancl SOU.,CE: Zhurnal obshchey Rh:~mii v. 36, no. 8.1 19614~'.t ~509-1510 TOPIC TAGS: organic synt1ictic process, phosphorylet.ion, py;Vidine, ell. romat- ography j%3SW,v1Cr,-': 'No rnethods of syTthosizin- sexylpL.-opho I u 3-phat~Zg_~krcra doveloped: carbodiimide and acid chlorid-o -.ret'.-.ods. In both cases bon4i estors of ~1 y- and N-carbcb(.,nzo;,-yg1ycyl-O-1bc carbobenzox- nzy1phospho-D,L-serine vmrc tho -D reaction was conducted in starting- materials. In tho c;xbodiimide method k1h acetone au room temperature, uith a fivefold excess of '.he dibonzy1phosphoric acid and a tenfold excess of N,,N'--:icyclohe;.~Icarbodi-*.,,r-*.de. In the acid 4- C.C .chloride method, phosphorylation, was carried out at -hOo, viuh a sixfold ~ coss of dibenzyl chlorophosphlato in acetone in the prosence of an an-ount of pyridine 'equi-molar to the chloropbosphate. Ion-cxchange chromatography on tho resin 'Dowex 1 x 2 was used to separate the reaction products. The yields of the serine pyrophosphates war-o._40!:50% in the carbodiimido-mothod and 60-70,'-' in the acid ch1oride,method.-,.JPRS: ','18;970f SIM CODE: 07 / SUBM DATE. 27,Tan66; / ORIG REF: 003 OT11 RLY: 002 Card 1/1 jb UDC: t 547-466 ties - Diffraction 1 Jan 52 Problem ~Spatial Problem of Diffraction of Monochromatic Electromagnetic Waves," D. Z. Avazashvili, Tbilisi Inst of Railroad Transport Engineers imeni Lenin "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol 82, No 1, pp 29-32 Establishes the existence theorem for the complete soln of the spatial problem'of diffraction, by constructing the integral eqs for the electromag- netic field's vector and scalar potentials, and not for its ccmponents, as V. D. Kupradze did. 230T73 Avazashvili states he has already demonstrated uniqueness theorem for the spatial problem of diffraction (cf. "Trudy Tbilisi Matemat Inst" 2, 143, 41.0937)- Submitted by Acad V. A. Fok 3 Nov 51- to 23 COM- 7 3 --AVAZAShIVILI, D. Z*- Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equationt (1672) Soobshch. AN Gruz. M, Vol 14, No 6. 1953, pp 321-328 Ay"ashvill. D. &. "Spatial Problem of'.Diffraction for Electromagnetic Vibrations" Works out a solution of the problem of determining an electromagnetic field in a stra'. tified medium with ragular surfaces an boundaries. Proves an existence theorem. The uniqueness theorem had been proved in an earlier article (Tr. Thilisakogo mat. in-ta, Vol 8, 1940, pp 109-:134). SO: RefsratIvny7 Zbxtraal--4Katem&tika,, No 1$ Jan 54; SO: (W-30785, 28 July 1954) SOV/58-59-9-20955 Translation from: ReferatIvnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 9, p 218 (USSR) AUTHOR: Avazashvili D Z TITLE: The Problem of the Diffraction of Elect~romagnetic Oscillations in a Multiply Connected Region PERIODICAL: 3b. tr. Thilissk. in-ta inzh. zh.-d. transp., 1956, Nr 29, pp 63 - 70 ABSTRACT: The author gives a general mathematical, proof of the existence of a solution to the problem of the diffraction of electromagnetic oscillations In a three-dimensional space for a multiply connected region. He assumes that 'the field sources are situated outzide of closed non-intersecting regular surfaces. He shows that the sclution of Maxwell's equations with the appropriate boundary conditions is equivalent to a solution of a system of integral equations with respect to vector and scalar potentials. A solutIon of the latter type is always possible. A.A. Fedorov Card 1/1 V MBJECT U S114/9AMMATI AUTHOR AVAZASCHWILI TITLE The PERIODICAL Doklady CS/D1 f f e rent i al equations CARD 1 / 1PG - D.Z. problem of diffraction in a multiply connected domain. Akad.Nauk 110.L 889-892 (15M) reviewed 5/1957 800 The author considers the problem of diffraction of electromagnetic oscillations in the infinite three-dimensional space with the electromagnetic constants IE oft%op (50 under the assumption that in this space there exist n non-intersecting domains which are bounded by regular closed surfaces and in which the elect-Tomagnetio constants have the values Ej,tj, 'j. Here it is assumed ro - )Aj w ... orn- 1 and in the sou-ce of oscillation E - F-00 G__ 6'0 The existence of the solution is proved The paper joins earlier investigations of the author (Doklady Akad.Nauk 82L 1 69r2)) where the case n - I was treated. Tblisi, INSTITUTION: Engineering Institute of the railroad transport organization. FA AVAZASHV:ELI, D., Z. Doe Phys-Math Sci (diss) "The Problem of Diffraction of Eleetromagnetic Oscillations." Tbilisi,, 1957. 14 pp 22 cm. (Tbilisl Mathematical Inst im A. M. Razmadze, Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR), 100 copies (KL, 27-57, 1o4) LW 26626 1 0 (7 S/04 6o/000/002/003/009 9 C111 222 YC , Avazashvilip DA. TITLEs On the second boundary problem of the electrodynamios PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Matamatika, no. 21 1960, 107 abstraot 1736. (Tr. Tbiliask. in-ta inzh. zh.-do tran P&P .19 57) 121 vyp 31# 5 TEM The author investigates the existence of the G0lUti'Dn of the second boundary problem of the electrodynamics for regions T bounded * b closed Lyapunov surfaoes. In the case of the uter rpion the problem consists in the determination of two vectors and satisfying t a h rolff- CS + Ci. 41c dlvj), p (p_-Tn-Q TOIE dlvH=O, Hj-f Ila S. C d 115- &r 26626 L 60/000/002/003/009 S~04 71? on theseoond boundar.y problem C 11 222 C Y lAr lk'O ikM H 4e - C o (r Tr dE -Ab E ef VO W,% Tr- - IkE - elklo (r-1), 2 4, 4 IL t7li, where k 2 �.t, iven continuous tan Im k> 0 ential f 'j g , I g 2 component of H on S j given density---of-the field sources being 45 sufficiently often continuously differentiable in'T. The uniquenetis of the solution of the problem I was proved in an earlier paper. In the investigatiorr-of -the- existence -the author considers two 0 cases. 1. The normal component R of the vector on S is equal to zero. Then the n so anthor puts % r r ik- ik (e as + dt' 2i- r r 0 ! 5 Card 2/5 26626 S/04 60/000/002/003/009 On the second boundary problem C111YC222 where n inner normal, F - roti , and he obtains the integral equation - /(A, (P) + K(P,N)~v(N)dS (P) (2) where K(P'R) eikr (P,N) 2U -~n r(P'N) tf (P) - f(;*) - -1 F(N) e ikr(P,1f) d 1; 0 r(P,N,~' ' It is proved that (2) has a unique solution for an arbitrary right side* 2. The normal component H n of H on S is not equal to zero. Then the author putoo I D ~eik r) d a + I eikr -V Hn(x) Tn- ~ -r 0 ~H(N) r d (3) T Card 3/6' 266e46 B/044/60/000/002/003/009 On the second boundary problem ... C111/C222 and for Hn he obtains the integral equation - Hn (P) + K(P,N) ~t(N)dS - 41(P) (4) where 1 rd (e ikr (P,N) K(P,N) -4n, -r( "r i"') eikr (P,N) dV F(N (P) 2 r(P,N) It is proved that (4) has a unique solution for an arbitrary right side if k2 is no characteristic number of the following inner boundary value problem t 4 H + k'" - 0 in T+ ~ (b, - o on S Card 4/5- 26626 S/04#60/000/002/003/009 On the second boundary problem ... C111/C222 here ~ t is the tangential component of the ve ctor d W/dn In the cases I and 2, the inner boundary value problem of the type (I) leads to integral equations of the type (2) and (4). Reviewer's remark s The case 2 is treated imcorreotly by the author. The formulas of Stretton - Chu show that the ma,netic field in an arbitrary region T in general cannot be represented by a sum (3) of a volume integral and a surface integral containing only the normal component of F1 - LAbstracter's note s Complete translation Card 5/5 S/044/62/000/007/041/100 C111/C222 AUTHORt Avazashvili, D.Z. TITLE: of oscillatory vector potentials PERIODICAL: Refera-civnyy,zhurnall Matematika, no- 7, 1962, 67, abstract 7B325- ("Tr. Gruz. politekhn. in-t", 1961, no. 6, (77), 29-34) TEEM The author invest-igates-the, wave-potential of a simple layer with vector-valued-densi.ty which-has-the direction of the normal of the supportingsurface,-.and the vectorial volume-wave potential. The rotor and the diverge-rice of'these potentials are calculated. LAbstrAoter's note s Complete translation. Card 1/1 AVAMHVILI., D.Z. (Tbllisi) . A botindary value rzoblem in optics, Iz7v,vya,, ucheb. zav,; mat, no.2.3-3-1 163o (MIRL 16:3) (Optical, Physical) (Boundary value problems) RUSIYA, Zaurj; IGIURTSILAVA, Glgla; SMAKHARADZE, Kukuri; WKAYA, Zurab; MLI,.GMgjj4LjJtTSKHALASHVILI, Favle; SIRADZE, Bando; AVA.W R TAIIJASHVILI, Antor Ses.rch goes on. Sov. profsoiusy 113 no.5:16-18 Mr 162. NRA 15:3) 1. Zavod "Blaktroavtomat", g. Tbilitsi. (Tiflis--Labor and laboring classes) AVAZBAK1MT,A, Maginur Fatkullowna Kazakh State U. - Academic degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences based on tier defense, 6 May 1955, in the Council of the Institute of Phyviology imeni Pavlov Acad Sci USSR, of her dissertation entitled: "Climato-Ph.raiological. Study of Human Beings under Conditions in Kazakhstan and Kirgiziya.11 Academic degree and/or title: Doctor of Sciences SO: Decisions of VAK, List no. 25, 10 Dee 55, Byulleten' MV0,%SR, Unal. JPRS/.qY-548: fA V f~ 27- V)A ~ I Y E V f)l f) - F~ GAUPZO, I.G., GVOIZIDEV, Teij.; D01GUBRIN, I.A.; AGAPOVA, A.I.; SOKOLOYA, I.B.; USIIAKOTA, G.T. JiYAZBUIYNVA, N.Y.; IMSMA, s.r. V.A.Dogell,% O'bituary. Vest.AN KmzakhXSR 11 no.9:89-90 8 155. (XLRA 9:1) (Docell, Valentin Aleksandrovieh. 1882-1955) AVAZBAKIYEIrA. Maganur Patkulovna; GORSIMM, D.S., red.; VELICHKO, "-' -- 0 't [Influence of the climate of Kazakhatan and Kirghizistan on the hwian body] Vlilanie klimata Kasiakhotana i Kirgisii na orgeinism cheloveka. Alma-Ata, 12d-vo Akad.nauk Kazakhakoi* SSR, 15158. 204 p. (MIRA 12:9) (Soviet Central Asia--Kan--Influence of climate) AVAZBAY=A,o M.F. A short study on the effect of mountains and deserts on physiological changets in the organion of man In Kazakhstan. Valt.zap.lazakh. un. 41032-146161, (MIRA 16:6) (KAMBSTAN-MV-DYWOCE CF OULIMTE) AVAZEA ENA, G.I. ~ - I M.F.; DEK Indices of the cardiovascular system and respiration of athletes in high mowit4EdLne, U,,.h.zap. Kazakh. vm. /+1:21+7-160161. (TIEN SHAN-ALTITUDE, nwwun ap,) (MIRA 16:6) (spriRra micnn) AVAZBAK1!TVA M.F., DZILAIITLMJOVA~ R.O.; SKRYNNIKOVA~ Z.A.; S111YAROV. Yu.1. 2-L'--t Effect of muomd&r activity under different climatic conditions on changes in some physiological indiceE: of the haman organism, Uch. zap. Kazakh. un. 41:161-170161. (MIRA ii (XAZAKHSTAN-M-INFLUENCE OF CLIMATE) r Tenokhovich.; NOVIKOVA, M.M., ved. red.; POICSINal cL_ R A.S., tj9kbn. rfjd-.-- [use of orecast reinforced concrete Inliustries) Sbornyi zbelazolhaton v Moskva@ Goo. wiuchao-takhn. izd-vo 1958. 232. P . con8truction) in the petroleum and gas naftlenol i gazovot promyshlennosti. naft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, (MIRA 11:11) (Precast concrete (Industri3l buildiags) * "I .), '. !4V. ;~ - ,~3i . 1%1 1 . I EPSHISYN, A,A,j2VAZHAUSKI[ Yu S., IBRAGIYOVA, Ye.M.; PETROV, Yu~S. Study of wa electric wireless commmication chaanel between the vell botoom and the surface. Mr,.sh. i neft. obor. no.5t 28-3.3 164. (MIRA 17 16) 1. AzNllburneft'. ZINMI, L.A.. 17AZIROBOHOW, Kh. Kh. Lithology of Jurassic sediments in the Yassy Basin (Fergana Range). Uzb. geol. zhur. no.6:32-42 '59- OMM 13:6) 1. Institut geologil t razrabotki neftyanykh i gRzovykh mentorozMeMy All TJzSSR. Masy Valley.-Rocks, Sedimentary) AVAZRHOD,"HATEN, 1h.Rh. Minerogecoliemical characteristics tind conditions governing the formation of oil- and gas-bearing Cretaceous formations in the Gazli region. Naucb. trudy Ta9hGU rio.256 Geol. nauki no.222 I 51-:L 54 '164 (MIRA 18 z2) - AVAZICHODMIUBIT, 101"rh. .." Granulametiny and conditions of the formation of sand rocks t" in Low)r Cx*taceous sediments of the Gazli structure. VO a geolo 17zbo no.3SI14-120 062o (MIRA 16s 6~ f- * (Gazli region-Partioli size determination) AVAZKhODZHAY]a,_pAb',,_ Patrogra hie characteristics of Cr3taceous sedimento in the Gazi-I ift. P u 1 Uzb.geol. zhar. 7 no.1:15-25 163. (MIRA '6:4 1, Inati-tut geologii i razrabotki neftyanykh i gaaozykh mestorozhdoniy Af 'UzSSlA.& ~(Gazli region-Rocks, Sedimentary) AVAZKHODZH,LYEV,, Kh.Yh. PatragTaphic and mineralogical charecterivties of Orw4mmous c2ay roolas of the Gaz2t uplift, Uzb, geol, shur. 7 soW6-82 16Y. (MIRA 17t 8) 1, Institut goologik i razrabotki neftyanykh i gazovykh mistorwhileniy AN UisSSR. AVADIAT0110 Hb.B.; AVAZKHODZRAYEV, Kh.Kh. Organic zatter in Cretaceous deposits of the Gazli uplift. Dokl. AN Uz. SSR 21 no.8:38-41 (KRA 19 - 1) I. In.stitut geologii i razrabotki iieftyanykh i gazovykh mesto- i,ozhd.eniy Gosudarstvennogo geologitheskogo komiteta SSSR. Submitted April 18, 1963. MREZENKCI, G.Z.; AVAZKHODZBAYEV, M.Kh.; GLOYSHEV, D.A. Portable device formeasuring the bLopotentials of plants under field conditions. Uzb. biol. zhur. 8 no.6t66-67 164. (MIRA 18%3) 1. Institut, yaderncy fiziki AN UzSS.I. BEREZENKO, G.Z.; AVAZIMOMMAYE"I", M.M. Role of tanning substances in rendering salts harmless to grapwines. Uzb. biol. zhur. 9 no.2:82-83 165. (14IRA 18: 5) 1. InstAut eksperimentallnoy biologii tekhnicbeskikh i zernovylb kul'tur AN UzSSR. KARIMOVP A.K.; LERZIN, Ye.V.; ~V~M~~V,.,Kh.13. Prospects for finding gas and oil in the Darganata region. Ne-ftegaz. geol. i geofiz. no.4:3-7 164. (KRA 17:6) 1. Instititt geologil i razrabotki'.nfiftyanykh i gazovykh neistoroahcleniy AN UzbekBkoy SSR. AVAZMATOVp Kh.B, Some characteristics of the distribution of disseminated organic matter and bitumen in the Mesozoic of the Bukhara-Milva area. G(jol. nef-ti. i gaza 9 nos8:11-15 Ag 165o OURA 18:8) 1,. Instit-at goologii i razrabotki naftyanykh i gazovykh mOstorozh-Jeniy AN tlzbekakoy SSR. KARIMOV, A.K.; AVAZMATOV, Ki:.P,,; SIMOIIIEPITOI. A.N.; Affiliation of cii], and gas pocla wwl Jls~f~m`riat(-d blhzm--~ns wil-h Mesozoic sedimente in the Kagan rc,-,,.,7on. C(,ol. rief ti i gaza. ? no.8:lC--21 Ag 16~. kMIRA 18:8) 1. Institut geologii i razrabtvk-",- ; gazO-vvk:, mestorozhdeniy AN Uzbekskoy SSR, KARIMV, A.K.; VAZMATOV, Kh.B.; LEBZIN, Yo.V. Luminescence stud-F of bitumens contained In Mesozoic .3edAments in the Hubarek Oil and gas region,. Nefteppz. geol. i geofiz. no.030-35 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Institut geologii i razrabotki nelftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy AN UzSSR. AVAMAT011, 1(h.B.; AVAZKHODZHAYEV, Kh.Kh. Organic matter in Cretaceous deposits of the Gazli uplift. Dokl. AN Uz. SSR 21 no.8:38-41 164. (MIRA 19: 1) L Institut geologii i razrabotki neftyanykh i gazovyl:h mesto- rozhdeniy Gosudarstvennogo geologicheskogo komiteta SSSR. Submitted April 18, 1963. ACC NR: AT7002610 SOURCE CODE; UR -6y 6-6o/66i~3/66~~ V6WCC/0 AVTHORS-- Artykov, T. U.; Avazmukhamedova, K. ORG: none &ITUL: On two methods for solving Helmholtz and Poisdon equations SO1dRCE: AN UzSSR. Institut matematiki. Resheniye uravneniy gidrbtermodinamiki priMenitel 'no k zadacham meteoro-logii (Solution of equations in hydrothemodynamios applied to problems in nieteorol6&) Tashkent, Izr~-vo PAN UzSSR, 1966, 33-39 TOPIC TAGS: Poisson equation, weather forecastirig, approximation, atmospheric geopotential, weather mFp, riatrix element ABST.UCT-.* An experimental study of numerical wee.ther forecasting is made. The work was done to reduce the orrors caused by insufficient description of phyl3ical processes! by mathemb6tical equations ahd by calculation errors. The method of pliules is used. The matrix of the.known right sides of the Helmholtz equation aH -0" .9-(H, Affi-p W, is found. Its glements are (H, AH)Ij + dX Then the methoa of straight lines with respect to the variable y is useL The Card 1/2 ACC NR: AT7002810 obtained system of ordinary differential equations for x is put in Canonical form /p + L (A),O;-:- M. The influenoe-funotion atethod is examined. Aworking formula for the Helmholtz and Poisson equations is found as b A 7jj ;j where bi are the weighting factorsand n 45 is the number of points within the selected domain. The Jacobians in this formula are determined. The results obtained show that the Helmbholtz equation gives a better description of the progno3tio fields. Orig. art. haa& .7'formalas, 2 wps, and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 12p 04/ SUBII DATE; 26May66/ ORIG BY2. 005 Cc:rd 2/2 'K L. 00021-66.- J __i5__ _09 kci~SOiFiik-i A, 051 UR/0242/65/000/005/6077foo7 UUTHORt' Avazov, E. Nits; Drb a 1116y ji A. D6 TITLE: Weakening.of rteactionii to:t -Oardtyphoid B vaccine _ypboid SOURCE: Meditsinskiy zburnal,Uzbekistana no. 5, 1965, 77-79 TOPIC TAGS: vaccine,;disease~control ABSTRACT: Pyraminal (0.25 pyr~amidoni 0.03 caffeine, and 0.02 luminal) was adminisom. tered'to children to r6duce the reactions to v3ccination produced by-typhoparaty-t. phoid B vaccine. One group of'. children (378) :teceived a half or whole tablet of pyraminal, depending cym their- age, 4-5 hours after vaccination. Another group (348) served as the control., General and local reac tions were checked 10-12 and 24 hours -ter. The intensity.'' Mp ton 'was much weaker in the e3q)e i la i~f the tie erature react, r men- ital group than in.the ciontrol..T :The total of mi)derate (37.6-38.50 C) and severe (over 38.5"Yreactions was.18,8 and 76.1%; respectively. Twenty-four,hours-after inations eived-pyraminal there was only a moder vacc _Wng thooe whor~e6 ate de6rease.--. in the number.of weak 14eactions (3761-37.50),ithereas the"total moderate and severe reactions werei almost Aentical in both groups, Pyraminal also bad a marked L 00921-66 ACCESSION Ng: AP5018539 nalgesic -effect. Tent6~twelv(i hours.afte va r ccinationi ta 18% of the exp d F t had musele pain, and 221, had pain group had headaches, 9 at the injecti site on as compared witb~89,.18,-and'100%,~respectively, of', the control group.' The effect 'of the drug was somewhat less 24 bOurs after vaccivation.~ Other reactions - malaise , chill, etc. paralleled'the taoirature reaction. Orige art. has., 2 tables , ASSOCIATION, SYrdar ihAaya obl"tnaya,sani~arno-epiaemi0iogi6beskaya stan - -Darya'oblast sanitamriy ideodological' Station) 40 UBMITADr 10M%64::,~ ENCL: 0 C LS, SUB' ODE.' A ~j V., 606 10 NO REF So ',-OTHER., , V.- vl~ i AYUPDV, Arif; AVAZCV, Raklnatulla; KODIROVA, R., red. [DLrge crops in dry farming] LaImIkorlikda mul khosil; Sirdare oblastil Zhizzakh Ishlab zhikarish boshkarmasi- dagi "Udarnik" scvkhozi gallakorltirining tazhribalaridan. Toslikent, Uzdavnashr, 1964. 27 p. (MIRA 17:12) AVAMV T..N.' New data on the hydrogeological oonditions of Gazli struoturese Uzb. geol. zhuro 7 noo4s26-33 1153* (MMA 16t10) L Institut geologii i razrabOOK neftyanykh i glLzovykh mestormhdoniy AN UzSSR. (Gazli region-Water, Underground) AVAZOV, T.N. Certaln data on the hydrogeology of Glazli structures. Neftegaz. gaol. o geofi,.s. no.StU-31 '63. (NIRA 17:3) 1, Institut geologii razrabotki neftyanykh i gazovykh maestoromhdaniy AN Uz:bekakoy SSR, AVAZQv',,J,.N KHEKkOl A.~I.; KHAJDAROV, S. Pbencla in the formtion waters of the Gazli gas and oil field and adjacent areaE;. Dok). AN Uz. 3SR 21 no, 11:46-49 164. (M1RA 18:12) 1. Inatitut pologii i razrabotki nefLyUnykh J gazovykh itesto- rozhdoniy Goaudurstvennogo geologicheskogo komiteta SSSR. Sulwiitted June 21, 1963. MARKMAN, A.L., doktor I:him.riauk;,.AVAZOVA~ M.A... inzh. Oil from the seeds of Haplophyllum perforatum (Ruta perforata). Maol.-zhir.proni. 30 no.2slO-12 F 16/+. (MIRA 170) 1. Institut khAmii isatitellnykh veshchestv AN UzSSR. GLUSHEITKOVA, A.I.; MARKMAN, A.L. ~ ~AZT~j jll~. Seed oil of Haplophyllum versicolo-. Uzb. khim. zhur. 9 no.5: 43-47 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Institut kJiimii-rastitellnykh veshchestv AN TJzSSR. Submitted May 23, 1964. t4 V 13 AT~> K I V, USSR/Chemistry Dyestuffs FD-l6o6 Card 1/1 Pub. 1.09-9/23 Author Yurlyev, Yu.. K. and Avbatskiy, A. V. .- "! ""MM z4 Title Dyestuffs containing the pyrroliline ring Periodical Vest. Ybsk, un..) Ser. fizikomat. i yest. nauk, 9, No 8, 63-69, Dee 1954 Abstract i Prepared. azo dyes containiug the pyrrolidine ring by treating N-phenyl- pyrrolidine with diazonium salts. Also prepared tri-phenylmethane dyes containing the pyrrolidine ring by treating N-phenylpyrrolidine with benzaldehyde and with Michler's ketones. An indamine dye containing the pyrrolldine ring was obtained through the oxidative condensation of 11-phenylpyrrolidine with N-(pare.-aminophenyl)- pyrrolidine. The ab- sorption spectra of pyrrolidine orange and N, 'NI(bis)-tetramethylenein- darAne salts &re further in the long wave region than those of methyl orange and the corresponding Birdshedler's salts. Five references. (all USSR). Equations; graphs. Institution Chair of Organic Chemistry Submitted June 19, 1954 AVCHEVICHP V.- 3: -. "Cawm for MaklM Alb BpoodL Pbotographlo rntersootions or Depth Measuremate. -ts Inzhoner)v Goodazli, Aerorotolp U mod ) Lm va o o In an I i , No. 24.. pp. 'R 195T. kartograf L VF .. AVC3IN, B. , inshenor. ~ - - W" Discountable heavy-duty trailer for moving road machinery. Ayt. tranap. 32 no.1;30 JA 154. (KLRL 7:8) (Automobiles-7railers) AVCHIN B Te.; SMMIOV, 0, B. ------- Mochanized charging of cupolas vith the help of a suspended pushing conveyer, Lit. proizv. no.10:17-20 0 162. (MM 15:10) (Gapols tirnaces) (Cormying machinery)