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IACCESSION, NRI 14 W`~ JJP(C)~~:, CCEMION NR., so 6161, /6'. UR/616 ~d 610 64/o69A/o6 99 4'. re 13,~G W, Vant r f'46 PurT Y% 440T iv :Anal, eacti,06--or- Aii OPS i Of e*Iectroft.hol6 L~: 0." n6 4,' 'C:~69149% "BOURGEr,; kido' e ka 1 .01 ektr TAGSr-seTrAc* ~-L- L semicondii,66~r~'theo tive': Pri Over' 0 ..A~BSTRACT-::-:-A~6-tiv*6-'aiid'-"c-ic, tibw-e s-Ajujfcti ins which-way-st fz:om:the presenco,of a~:ceptor-type d0jeV, 1,-v6Iajn. the ppk6e -charge layer.1 to_ rnul 'I controllabl heoi tically investtgated~!- 4~(6Y:Zeecribihg-t ie 0- semi-, for conductor capacitance (which is due to relaxation of ttm deop-level charge under arnAll-signal, con-11.11ons) is: d-evelopedi 17: It is -shown (fb i,-mda 11) that when a back-m ward: diode- hab indtidtive Impedance I MOO bas wide r c artain conditions, air S-tyj~o falling..tffl' char acterl sticil its hiawever# the dioile has capacitive A 7 kVkXIYANTS,,G,,M.; RAKIIIM(JV, A.U. Calculation of the volt-ampere ebarazteristios of long di(xlees Isy, AN Uz.SSR. Ser. fiz.-ms.t. nauk 9 no.504-62 165. (KIRA ].8:11) 1, Tashkentgkiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lenina. Submitted June 10,, 1964. AVARIYAMYS.1 G.M. - p f norQMR-triCal p-n jim'iOrl-3* Contribution to the thaory c, - L, Radiotetl~, -- " 493 JO i cleldrim. " Pg 16" (MIRA 18:C) 1. Tat3*h!,zmtnlcAy groijudanit-vannyy v,.nivi.,r.-- lt,~t im. V.I.lArira. -y 'W" M~x F, al 24 NR' APSOZZ436 SOURCE CODE: UR/0109/65/010/009/1700/1706 C i AUTHOR: Avaklyants, G. M. Dmitriyenko, I L.; Murygin, V. L ORG-. none TITLE: Properties of "long". diodes SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronikair v.- 10, no. 9. 1965, 1700-1706 TOPIC TAGS,~ semiconductor -Aiode, junction d1iode ;~ABSTRACT: An analysis is offered ofa now t1teoretical model of Ithe "long" diode which consists of a two-layer structure vrith one injection junction, the iiiode base being located next to the back contact, the rate of surface recombina- tion is assumed to be constantil By setting up, solving, and analyising a differential equation describing. the processes Jin the "long" diode, this formula for its I-V characteristic is.derived: V v Zspd/3up, where d is the back-contact coordinate. This formula and other relations :Indicate the possibility of two types Card 1/2 1JDC: 621.38Z.29.001.5 rA 4 ~WA, Fff" TI L 8244-66 :'ACCNR: AP5022436 of I-V characteristics in 'qong"~ diodes: (1) Thl, characteristic starts with an Ohm' a -law's egment, then aj W VO segment follows, then V a const, and fiaal~y, J - Vs; (2) The Ohm's-law segment, then a seginent obeying the above I-V characteristic formula, and finally. j P-- V 8. OrIg. art. has: 59 formulas. SUB CODE: 09.~' SUBM DATE: 13Dec63 ORIG REF. 006 OTH REF: 001 1; ~Card 2/2 L 8?8o-66 EEC(k)-2,IEWA(h)/I,;WT(I)/EWT(N)/ /EWP(b)/EWP(0 IJP(c) JD T~ ?. - I. ACC NR: APS027626 SOURCE COIDE: UR/0loq/6s/oio/oil/Z037/Z0 5 AUTHOR: -Avak'Xants, -G. M.; Atakulovs B. Ali; Dmitriyanko, 1. L.,*~ Mur gin, V. 1. - T-ti-iifiiW$-1(.-A. ORG*. none TITLE: Problem of thelorward branch of. the current-voltage charaicteristic of gold -doped -base silicon:diodes eqj SOURCE: Radiotekhnikii i elektronika, v. 10, no. 11, 1965, 2037-2045 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor diode, sillco~dlode, current voltage characteristic 'ABSTRACT: The results of experiments with (SO,- 30 0-kohm-cmi) Si-diodes doped by Au (0.1% Sb admixture) are reported; in some cases, the n# _layer was obtained. ,by phosphorus diffusion. Six varieties of experimental I-V characteristics had a segment of negative resistance followed by a segment of independent I/V relation'. Card 1 /2 UDC: 621.3'82.2:546.28 L 878o-66 ACC NR: APS027626 Ithe latter segment occupies a large current interval and starts from 1. 5-7 v. As ,neither M. A. Lumpert's theory (Phys. Rev., 1962, 125, 126) nor R. Hall a :theory (Proc. IRE, 1952, 40, 1512) can explain suich a shape of the I-V character-' the authora offer a new theory based on the kinetics of carrier transitions near deep levels and on the formation of space cha,rges in the dielectric -like semi- conductor material. They also offer an em irical formula which describes both p mechanisms behind the above I-V characteristic. Additional experiments with the diodes at -59-24- --4+49C corroborated the. new theory: the negativo -resistance isegment vanished at higher temperatures. '!E. G.; e jarried out the lifetime Imeasurements. 11 Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 12 formulas. ',,SUB CODE: 09 SUBAUDATE: 053un64 ORIG REF: 001 OTH KEF: 003 jW L~a~d A_IZ_ 0, _-MINUMN I L Z794-66 EWTW/EWP(-0/wP(b) IJP(c) JD ACC NR*. APSOZ7631 SOURCE CODE: Ulk/0109/65/010/Olli'ZO74/2077 AUTHOR: AvaklyAnts, G.11 M., Allmova, L. I., Mulygin. V. �kripni ov, ORG: none TITLE: Selective, properties of silicon diodes with gold-doped ba SOURCE- Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 10. no. 11, 1965, 2074-207'r A TOPIC TAGS: silicon diode, semiconductor diode IABSTRACT: Results are reported'of an experimental investigation of an Au- 'doped-base silicon diode M,sed an a parallel oscillatory circuit thanks t-D the 11s.11ing-off branch of its I-V characleristic (N. Holonyak, Proc. IRE, 1962, so. 12, 2421). Biased to tho negative- resistance regiort, thadiode behaved like a high-Q oe-cillatory circuiti biased to the edge of the. positive -re si stance region, it Ciri 11Z UDC:,: 621.38Z*Z:546.28%6Zl. -66 7 794 ACC NR: AP5027631. exhibited the characteristics of it low-0 oscillatory circuit. In addif4on to'the fundamental resonance curve, a,~number of resonance peaks at varip'Us multiple e j frequencies were obsezY d; higi,ier applied voltages resulted in dist6rted '(asymmetrical) resonalace curvfIs. A compound peaked high-0 resonance curve was exhibited by some specimens. As a rule, the resonance frequency increased with the bias.:current. As a par'ametric amplififir the silicon chode developedIa voltage gain of 15 -25. 1: A transistor circuit, in 'which the re s6nant. silicon diode. was connected in lieu Of the coliector load, could be operated an awamplifter from!, a 9-12-v supply-voltage source. Orig. art. lute: 7 figures. SUB CODE. 019 SUAM DATEI; 05jun64 ORI TH, REF: 001 0 REF: 004/0 nw Card Z/Z L 101391-66 ACC NR: AP502607 SIOURCE CODE: UR/0109/65/010/01.0/1880/1886 "I UTHOR !A -M. I ORG: none TITLE.* Characteiristice of thick-base diodes ISOURCE: RiidlotekhniVa i ale)ttronika, vno. lot 1965, IE180-1886 10, TOPIC TAGS: thick base diodey', semiconductor- diode ABSTRACT: The charActeristi6.s of thick-base.forward-biased. diodes are theoretically anallrzed.,' This model to consider,ead; one n-p Junction and one n-e junction; the base thicitnese considerably exceeds the hole diffudon. length., most carriers drift in the current field. Both donorand acceptor impurities are assumed to be presentIn the base, the latter's imergy (deep) level being situated i:near the center of the forbidden band. The diod!e base Is compensated by a .Cord 1/2 UDC; 6ZI.382.233.001.24 MENEM L 10391-66 'ACC NR: AP5026907' sufficient concentration of the deep levels. The pitseage of current Is accom-, .,:panied bya decompensation change in the carrier transition to deeper levels, i 1formation and subeequent depletfion of space charge. These phenomena account Ifor negative S-type characteristics (having a~ pot-at of zero differential res.istance)-~ In four analyzed mechanisms of the negative characteristic, the minority-carrier lifetime does not increase with the current. Thts theoretical vertical segment of the diode I-V charucteristic, wbich follows the negative segment, is claimed to be! Jn "qualitative agrr-~ement" with experimental- data, (N. Holonyalt, Proc. IRE, 11962, 50, 12, Z443). Orig. arti' has: 69 formulas. ;SUB CODE: 09 SUBMI)XTE: '3lJan64 i owa Ran 002 OTH ]REP: 003 .)W Card'2 2, IIYLILIAIPi-~'R ; ~')AY% Ap L.T. F Kre.f(i -1 E, 14'. 1 , -.' IS) KR j t'j I J hiA ~ I" T, -.FkPAS, 11.1L, 7 1 1 -1 S,Aleat'-NV F;.-opGrtiq& ct td:*40-5 Uith S- :1 aleklacm. 10 N 165. (WrIA L 7793-66 :FWT(m)/PWP(i)/2!WP(b) TJP(c) JD SOURCE CODES: UR/0109/6510101011/2077/2081 ACC NR: AP5027632i AUTHOR: Avak' 0, G. W; Zuyev. A. V. IMurygin, V. I.; yanti "*" - P.., Tserfas, R. A. Skripnikov, ltu.' gi!=" Ni ORG: none -doped TZ TLE: Amplifying and oscillating propertieto of allicon diodes with jEld .base VOURCE: Radiatekludka i eloildronika, -v.. 10ii no. 11, 1965, 2077-2081 ;TOPIC TAGS: silicon diode,- sen)i/conductor iflode ~'.ABSTRACT% The reisults of in experimental investigation ofthe operation of a sillicon diode as, avvIltage avoplifier and as am. oscillator are reported. A siTapI amp#fier circuit consisting cof a capacitor in aeries with the diode developed a voltage gain of 18-Z1) and a liower gain. of 200-300, its resonance frequency and Card 112 UDC: (iZI*382.2:546.28:ii2l.37S+621.373 L 7793-66 ACC NIL: APS027632 -the bias current; its maximum sensitivity we s 5 - 10 passband depended on L mV, and in Some specimeno, 200-300 mv. The nofise in such a circuit was incoherent, stnusoidalo and had a maximuni coinciding with the resonant ifrequency. As an oscillator, the silicone cliodii developed a practically sinusoldal' wave shape; both its frequency'and gmplitude dt~panded largely on tIm bias curreat and external capacita -nee. Orig. art. has: 7 figures. SUB CODE: 09 SUBIA DATE: 051un64 ORIG REF: 004 10THREF: 001 UW 1 Card2 _L O~~70 EW C11 AU- NKs Mtuquoo ___S_6iji6E CODE; UR/0431/66/001/002,10105/QLIO AUMOR: Avaklyanta, G. M.; Kaniyazov, Sh. ORG: Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics (Institut radiofiziki i elektroniki) UTLE: Gen2ration of electric oscillationE. n semiconductors during the transmission of direct current SOLTICE: AN AmSSR. Izvestiya. Fizika, v. 1, no. 2, 1966, 105-110 TOPIC TAGS: electromagnetic wave generation, electric theory, circuit theory, semi- conductor theory TRACT: The paper contains a theoretical analysis of the generation of oscillations a circuit containing a long diode with impurity atoms in the base which pro~_'uce p levels in the forbidden band. A circuit consisting of a diode in series with a acitor is considered and expressions are derived. for the resonance and generation quencies. It is shown that gentaration of electrical oscillations takes place only er definite conditions. The proposed method of analysis may be used to determine possibilities for generation of oscillations in any circuit containing a diode. K. art. has: 24 formulas. CODE: 091 SUBM DATE: OlNov65/ ORIG REF; 001 T h- SC' 2 i~6 _Tr';'~A_P_ ~6_287�~)9 SOURCE CODE: UR/0431/66/m/002/0095/01011 NRs A AUTHOR: Ava A!Za,,tt!,_G. M.; Kaniyazov Sh. ORG: Institute of Radiop rsics and Elcctronics (Institut radiofiziki i elektroniki) TITLE: Theory of dynamic characteristics of long diodes SOURCE: Ail ArmSSR. Izvestlya. Flzi'kri, v. 1, no. 2, 1966, 95-10 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor diode, forbidden bend, circuit theory ABSTRACT: The authors study the dynamic propertieE; of a semiconductor element made in the form of a diode with double injection where the base contains impurity atoms which produce deep levels in the forbidden band. Singularities in the dynamic charac- teristics of this type of element are studied for the case of an alternating signal and where the diode is biased in the forward direction with a constant current result- ing from constant biasing voltage. Expressions are derived for the differential imped- ance with a weak alternating signal and it is shown that the reactance is inductive. The properties of a circuit containing a diode in parallel with a capacitor are ana- lyzed and the voltage and power amplification characteristics of this type of diode are discussed. Orig. art. has: 23 formulas. SUB CODE: 09, 20/ SUBM, DATE: OlNov65/ ORIG REF: 001 _-ACC N'- AP6035095 SOURCE--CODE: - Ult/U431/66/001/004/024810258 AUTHOR: Avaklyants, G. M. ORG: Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, AN, ArmSSR (Institut radiofiziki i clektroniki AN ArmSSR) TITLE : Transmission of current through semiconductors with impurities or defects producing deep acceptor-type levels SOURCE: ANArmSSR. Izvestiya. Fizika, v. 1, no. 4, 1966, 248-258 TOPICTAGS: semiconductor device, electric current, impuritylevel, semiconductivity ABSTRACT: A theoretical analysis is given of the passage of a current through semiconductors containing impurities or defects, which produce deep acceptor-type levels. A series of initial equations are preseryted, the volt-ampere characteristic at high temperatures is calculated, and the influence of deep levels not filled before hole injection on the passage of the current is discussed. In conclusion, laws governing the transmission of current through deep level semiconductors are presented. Orig. art. has: 3 filpreB, and 42 formulas. , JGC] SUB CODE: 09,20/SUBM DATE: O5Jan66/ORIG REF: 002/OTH REF: 002/ PAKHMANP T.A., kand. ekonom., nauk; MEZHOVA, R.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; OLEYNIK, O.A., inzh,; YUDINA, N.V.; BERNGARD, K.A., doktor tekhn. nauk" prof.; FROLOV, I.A., Jrzh.; TIKHONCHUK, Yu.N., kand. ekon. nauk; Prinimali uchELStiye: Ay~ ~YANTS,_2,.M., inzh.; SHCHERBINA, R.M.P inzh.; PETROVIL, V.L., red. (Organization of tho railroad transportation of petroleum and chemical liquid cargo.] Organizatsiia zheleznodorozhnykh pere- vozok neftianykh i khimicheskikh nal.ivnykh gruzov. Moskva, Trans~t, port, 1964. 119 p. (Trudy Vsesoiuzncigo nauchno-issledovatellskogo Instituta zheleznodorozhnogo transparta no.279). (MIRA 17:22) KMAZA V, A.; AVAKYANTS. S. .11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Behavior of the cobalt electrode in al)vtline solutions. Trudy Inst.Xhim., Akad.11auk Usbak.S.S.R.,Inet, Khim., Obahchaya i Be- org. Xhim. No.2, 164-76 149. (MLRA 5.12) (CA 47 no.170355 133) l.Akad. Nauk Uzbek. S.S.R. .A AVAKIJANTS, Bergey Davidovich, a-saistent Calculation of e characteristics ol.' a three-phase series inverter. IzvXs,ucheb.zsv.; elektromakh. 5 no.3,:91-911 162. (KIPA', 15t2) 1. Kafedra tooreticbeek:Lkh,,oanov elelctrotekhniki Leidngradskogo elektrotekbnicheskogo institatao (MeAAc curreat converters) AVAKIYA WS 0 S.D., aspirant --- - 6 a'ract-e'ristioB of a three-phase 'bridge inverter with series capacitances. Izv. ISTI no.47059-369 162. (MMA 16:12) I MURTAZAYEV. A.M.; AVAKYAWS. S.G. E(ydrogen and oxygen overvoltage Ou Gulf ur-COntaining nickel. Uzb. khim. zhur. no.4:21-24 158. (MIRA 11:12) l.Tashkentski3r farmtoevticheakiy institut. (Overvoltage) (Nickel plating) AVAI'MuNTS, S.P.; Bf,'LOUSOVA, I.b. -- --- , --, -.- ------ -- 1~,oa fructofuranojidase activJtv in rontinimus wire. champagnization. Pri'kl. biobhix,. 1 3 Yjo,~,-57-6.5 Ja-F ft5. (MIRA 18:5) 3. Voesoyuzt%yy zaochnyy ~rstitut I-J-Tlichevoy promyslilennosti, Moskva. ine -.;4 Enzymatic- trari.,fornatim", In c,.r.~mpapne of P- frue tof LjLrj,.jfj os ida,*. Doklm All :'~,.~R 11:6 (141,RA 18:30 Soin)iT,twd Jai I RATIAN1, G.V.,-_AVATl ALI,,-.. q , _ Number of activ steen formation centers and critiep'l therrin]. loads in ti ebulition ' soine organic li:juids in a large volium'. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 3? no.3:653-660 I/Ir 165. (MIRAM: 5) 1. Gruzinakiy institut energetiki Imeni Didebulidze, Tb-'Llisi. Submitte- Ort,ber 2, 1964. AVALIALA, R. Sh. "The Biology and Economic Importance of the Fox (-Vulpes Vulpes Alphere.1cyi Sat.) in the Transcaucasian Steppe." Cand Biol Sci Inst of Zoology, Acad 3ci Georgian SSR9 Tbilisi, 1954. (RZhBio1, Vo 7, Dec 54~ Survey of Scion'.'ific anti Technical Dissertations Deferded at USSR UL.jier Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sm. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 AVALIANI A.Sho Electrolysis of organotitanium compow0s. Trudy Inst.prilcl. khim.i. alektrokhim.IN Gruz SSR 3s67-72 162. (MIU 16s1) I (Titanium organic c;mpoufids) (Electrolysis) T 160AM-At ---awMrtM1 lip (C I - JOG ACC NR, AP5()26765 9: UR/0286/(;5/000/017/OD70/00TO INVENTOR: Dashniani,,- fi,~_&; Avaliftni. A. Sh. ORO: none TITM: Method of obtaininC, borjAes of metals. Class 40, No'.: 174370 SOURCE. Byulletent izobreteniy,1 tovarnykh znaiov, no. IT, 1965, 70 TOPIC TAGS: boride, metal) &"JAj0,"A*4-- Synthesis, electrolysis ABSTRACT: This Author Certificlite introduces a mpthod of.syn'thesizing metal borides, by electrolysis of aboron-contiining, sed sa3t'bath vith a giraphitle anode and a metailic cathode at 1000C,' To *implify.the process and increase the yield, the Balt biLth consists.of a mixture or. barium chloride, barium oxideand.boron oxide and.elec- trolysis .Is performed.vith a cu: I~rent at "ich't ,iie. counter electromotIve.Iforce does not exceed 0.8-1 V. A ViLriant'of the aboire method is presented in iihich the propor- tion of barium-oxide to boron aidde is 1-05~- 'it the quantity f barium oxide does an a hot exceed-30- of barium- chlori-de. SljB,CO,DE: .07 -19De -- J1 SUM DATE:' c62/ ATD PRESS. 'C -ord RATIAM, kand,tekhn.nauk; AVALIANI, D.I., insh. Hea exchange, ..,Ain the boiling of Freons-12'and Freon-22. Khol.tekhe 40 no.l.-,40- 7'J&-F 163.- (MIRA 1633) la Institut onergetiki'AN Grazinskoy SSR.. (Beat-Transmission) (Freons) IVIAMAIII) U A Marganets (Manganese) Moskva, Gosgeolizda~-;, 1953. 133 p. Diagrs., Tables (Ocherka Mestorozlideniy Pri Poiskakh I Razvedkakli, vyi). 14) N/5 732-11 .A9 ATALUNI. G.A i Mineralogy of Chinturs carbonate manganese ores. Geol.sbor. (Kavk.] no.1:24-11 159. (MIR& 13.1) (Chistura region (GenrCi&)--C&rbouatsz (Mineralogy)) (Chiatura region (Georgia) -Havammes ores) HFJWISHVILI, U.S., glavnyy red.; AVALIANISA., red.; RAMD2z, I.V.' red.; DCLIJMIDZE. L.D., red.; KAKABA , N.A., red.; KOX&TIAIII, G.A., red.; TVALCIMMIDZE, G.A., red.; THGONIDZE, G.I., red.; FOKIN, A.M., red.; FILATOV, S.S., red.; EDMASHVILI, V.Ya., red.; BEM.'ZOVSKATA, L.L. red.izd-va; IVANOVA, A.G., [Yearbook of the Caucasus Institute of Raw Minerals for 19573 Eshegodni): Kavkazskogo institute ninerallnogo syrlia za 1957 god. Moskvao Gos.nsuchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. I okhrane nedr, 195S). 54 p.. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Tiflis. Kovkasakiy institut minerallnogo syrlya. (Caucaime-Kines and mineral resources) UI AVALIANI, G.A. 711 Genetic types of manganese deposits In the Caucasus and their regionalization. Trudy GPI [Gruz.] no.201-94 16). (MIRA 17:9) BETEKHTIN, A.G., glav. red. Ideceased]; 4~ALIANI,_G.A.,, red.; IRAUN, G.A,, red.; GUDZHEDZIIIAllf"-V".I-." DZIDZIGURI, A.A., red.; DOLIDZE, D.P., red. KERBSELIDZEt K.G., red. [Chiatura manganese deposit] Chlaturskoe mestorozhdenie margantsa. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nedra." 1964. 243 p. (MIRA 17;6) 1. Georgia. Geologicheskoye upravlaniye. 4L AVALIANI, G.V6, inzhener; MMNEGOVSXATA, VA, inthener. . ....I Increasing the efficiency of grinding lean coal in a resoluter pulverizer. Blek.sta.27 no.6:50-51 Js 156. (MLRJL 9:9) (Pulverizers) IT A - ' 1~ 7 00 A k A J B oT ur AjA . Sulpbwk AdL M. JL 1twenberg-K-L-AwskimL wvd F. 0 1 Jh4la-liAmIrvaii Sauk S.S.S.R., 106, 4.(3),I33-13%(RuwUn) -, smICvMj4. 00 Sri. V.N.S.S., 19X INA). 4.(3).135-139 ((k-r=n)).--Chrnmiutn s omium h l di k b h f .3 g l c r in o erma a1wra libus 15 W-K tup obtaitti.1 y t ee I 09 il .N.oulphuriv sit a vaeuum I I x 10" mm:) d"ve In a fvw omtuxis in 0-5 4 -00 000 aritt providmi that they ha" not been expowd to Or air, but aftcr tvittavt -it). air become pamive and do not diesolve evea after 12 lirs, panivefibus age y dispersion of chromium in a vacuum on a ffurfstv brat4A re &Ion obtained b OOU i 21w'C. sixi they rannot be activated. None of the films dimulwo its : wee o-M)IN-vu)pburjO arld-N. A. wee *go see use A I A - t L A SCIALLONGICAt L111WW1 CLAIWICA100 ------ ---- NBC" "111111' MIS U 49 to AS jt ; U. 0 of 41 00 0 0 To' 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 a 0 0 004)000 0 ~salk'-s 2 0 3-t-ILO 0 * 0 0 00 0 wo 0 0 0 0 0 0 g 0 0 46 v 41 #j are r. L-1 -4 --4, -A- L .1 A .- 9 Vi 11 X. I-L-AA 16 OC SO U4-2 i An- TA~-- -2-6tc-~m-, 0., 'J.D I'l W ti SW*tkm al dwoushm in Wourk "id. m. USOIS and F. S. Vurkovaulys. ftwd. Sa. For counpWWOU W" tb2 rate of soln. a Wasnive WAQ in i tM 141111- PrOP"fift of thia films at Wnrar- dppos,lpd yby tbcmJ CVNPG- ill VWW am StUdiel. Cr �hns 2.5-6-, alp 1Wd We INPWb SW- In OA and 2 N HAD, at 16- and 10 OAO1 X add. bt U exposed to ak - it d, ."led 00 & 1131116" heated t0 2D0' tht films am tendered sad an IRAOI. in 2 N acki, I'lie maWwr Cr used fez V41a IdwM0UOn is A110 Practleally Insol. in 2 V add. ago 00 a '11. swukksa Od im "d Okktl Is ~WWk add. M. A. zoo 3109mb"Ir "d K- K. Avalidod. Jbid. 17-9-W.-Fe 000 W-5 di-lvT ralskily in 2-0.01 N HvSO.. and are not read. Go 0 004, "-1 Passive by air. In OMI V add. dow jWn. and rust coo forTnallanowur. MaaslveFefuO,Sor2.VarWjjlnjw. 00 '11clow 30'. N1 Mots 12-IM mp thh-k dissolve slowly 00 00 nUAor2JV~c1dand are inag. ino.i Sarid. II.A.B. 9966 0 C. Z see Eozg: zoo 0 Ai We* 0 a -3 a v U a I Is to It to a K K a 9 Q Of a ft it V KID a 1 114 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 o 0 o o v 0 0 0 0 o o o ooooloo6ooeopoT.900-0ooooojoooooooooooooooo 0 V lip i i 000000000 6! - a A 1. 4- J-JL-U_fi_x_. J--L. JL, A- ar4 A 1-L m-A elp 4 so 00 0000000000006iiiis all Vu *0 lee 00 ftm" ft AdAt. IOL-Diesdadn d bm mA NA" IN Odplowlt; AmWL 34. A. Bombers and K. (hokWi -172 (in )it 31 1 PL rod, A ka"iflys"k 8JI.B., 11"k 4. K 171 V-Ift (IADkWi) AmL Sol. V-H-8-8.. IOX IN-8.1 4. (4). 1 M-190 (in Oem&n)).- Sm almo Md. Ak. IM. 16 M. Um ad nickel fibus obtairied by ostbade g in mts* dimcbmt readily in dilate sulphurio wid whedw tmied %pasom to air m Aer mpasum for I hr. IU nickel filums dW"rr = mom sk-Irly tilan The ires film. smid -all thas aeb attacked ky acid 74 mom dilute then about 0-11Y.-N. A. A #.I L A WiLLUICKAL LIVIDOIT441 Cl.SVVIfKAlW" U a LT so 4 ;V am I 0 111 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 Vo 0 0 111 9 0 0 0 to * 0 9 0 9 0 Ant sarwo losimm 5 a a 3 9 V 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40, 0 0 to 0 0 9 0 6 0 0 0 9 0 * 0 0 a 0 a -00 see 40 Coo Coo No* We 9 we 40 Coo see lee U** 0 e 0 ID a I a .6 db l~"I-At'.1i'tt~li!A~lf,,.~M4,ii~~,i-.iij- -- - 11wWwwo Owosso*** e 0 0 0 0 V-0 a Z it q ;,A -A-A-a AI--m a P 4v 41 u a 46 *-a* A-# mg L I peop4*914% 00A 0 0 09 001 .00 .00 -00 :0 U. DAM.- Sjbjj K. r,- AVAUANI.,. .00 if d, goo kill Ind- -'14 Fe. whethw p- -Tb4 No' 44 in, Zee VVI., 61). to I, w wt, dim-Aed rsPWY 00 vim*!OXFUW .I:: 0ljv.11^' reladv4dy Slowly pimultd~meottdy- aba NJ im ",,dXj, 12-11emptbirk,di Wit at An be 31 "NY 8bmjY in Ly- and W-HISO R. C. Id. jn 04AV. 10' fill voo .4 $411063. A* cmv a" . . I X11 I a* ..J led, ;a 814!u star I 1 9 Al a 3 8 v 0 0 11 ~0*00- 10.6 0-0 1 4 1 6 1 1 9 of Rl 11 11 u n, is IFull~ x v a is '.4 b Is a .0 w it v 1) w is is 1, u -_.1 -_-l oo A A, P 9 A I I V. - VIA_ I-. AA. SO (t X U 6 -.,- 1 0 .1 7L to fit -1. 4.t- o4pl. f 00 00 Kinetics of catillytif defempoollian of atumotlia. .&S, of if 1. A. Witivinan and K V AvaUKH /Irr, sit,$. phyllk 00 0 compst.of Nits in the prt-nrv of Fir Alm.-K,oratithm at -00 00 :4691 57,11'andinifial I," -um of IN) 111111. tri-mill(41 if] it it vfn - .40 I'll kid 4"InAlioll it,, A klat .00 it It. let" Iffi. The vatur of hill k vativii filifil (G.46 it, 11) .1 1 Ji ; Ole lueoll Valor ,I 114,4.1frigr fit 414-livnilml h- C011,11tol'. III(Im IN - lv-11~ "%,.I how W X int-twin t 4'. .4 ZJ, 2a 17 airdi-m- -1 0 00 b0 9 Its It 7 l"?, at, I it ew 1--fir 0 0 0' 0 0 F-i * 0,00 0041 0 0 00 0 0 0 ig 41 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 4p 0 0 0 0091 _Jw w w w w W 0 0 0 C * ; ; 04 1 a# A.-I. A,_ JL_& its A I ,r I _; li~ -'-; . -_ V rMIMS ANO 000#901.11 '.tP6 -00 o: A .00 ON -00 :0 Ir 00 2 "O0 .00 40 a -00 Dos Cbkd& D"Mulawasel by Mercurms Isait. K~ vs. see l1w, ChernfeW Age, Y. M, Apr. 20, 1947, p. 18. '3 Translated from Z'4vodskaya Lalwraforiyg, v. 12, no. :: 11 4 1 6, p. J7p_jg3. 00.3 Addition of mercurous iodate to a ckloride wlu- flon gives sciuble Iodate equivalent to the chloride 00 43 Originally present. After filtration tie Iodate in P. see 00. solution is determined .1timetrical(V by Millins of goo sodium thioltulphate. 004 too 001 900 goo wo woo 8 Ube via., Kit a" at! 4114411c"t I), All OW a". its W KID It I U AR I S 0 A Is IPI 9 a 4 1 1 0 U AT 10 Is It 0 ~0* U .0 A" - 44, iv; 0011 TOO-00 9 0 0 9 010 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111, AVA11AN19 K.'re. '--"""~Noto"Liation of chlorides by mercury-iodate in some biological materials Cia Georgian with summary in, lbassian]. Trudy Inet. khim. AN Ortxz. SSR 13:55-60 157. (XXRA 11:4) (Mercury Iodates) (Chlorides) AVALIANI, L. V., Cand of Med S,ci -- (dies) "Data on the i3tudy of the efficacy of intramarrow blood transfusion and the expediency of using anesthetic andother therapeutic liquids." Tbilisi, 1957, 22 pp (Tbilisi State Medical Institute), 200 copies (KL, 32-57, 96) ,. AVAILJIANIP R.Sh. IV Recent data on the rodent fauna of I.dzbaria. Zool. zhur. 40 no. 2:293 F 161, (MIRA 14:V 1. Department of Znology, State Museum of Georgia (Tbilisi)". (Aftharia-Field m!,ce) AVALIANI, R.Sh. . Materials on a study of the distribution of some bate In Georgia. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 30 no.103-54 JE, 163. (MMA Vil) 1. Gosudarstvennyy :muzey Gruzii imeni akademika S.N. Dzhanashia AN Grazinsko'y SSR, Tbilisi. Predstavleno chlenom-korrespondentom Akademii L.P. Kalandadze. AVALIANIO R.Sh. '- -1-1--, History of the study of mammls In Gocrgia. Soob. AN Sru7.. SSR 39 no.1:251---156 .11 165. (MIRA 18: 10) ATALIANI~ Sh.I.; NOZADZI, D.I. Stimulating students$ work in Seognipb), lessons. Geog. v ahkole 23 no. 6:46-50 N-D l6o. (MMA 13:11) 1. Kataiaakly Institut usovershenstirovantya uchiteley (for Avaliant), 2, 17-ya shkola g0lutaisi (for Nozadre). .(Gecgraphy--Study an,I teaching) AVALIMI, T., master-vzryvnik Skill plus friendphip. Sov. shakht. 12 no.6:12 Jej 163. (MRA 16s9) 1. Shakhta im*ni Vakbrushava, g. Kiselevsk Kemerovskoy obl., neshtatnyy korrespondent "Sovetskogo shakhtera". (Kuznetsk Basin--Coal miners) AVALIANIv T., prokhodohik Knowledge. Sov.uhakilt. 13 no.2:40-41 F 164. (MIRA 170) 1. Shakhta imeni VaUxuahava.. g. Kisalevsk, Xemerovskoy obl. SUV/81-59-16_5a-;~,- Translation from: lieferati-vnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, 'Ir 16, p 44 (USSR) AUTHORS: Avaliani, T.N., Monastyrskiy~ V.N., Krasn:.-'anokaya, G.G. P TITLE: The-Effect of the Composition of the Admix1oure Taiatim-339 on t~ Its Properties 01 PERIODICAM Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-t po pererabotke nefti i gaza i polucheniyu iskusstv. zhidk. topliva, 1958, Nr 7, pp 297-302 ABSTRACT: The effect of the components of the admixture tsiatirA-339 on its operation properties has been studied. The prosence of alkyl- phenol (AP) and a considerable, quaiitity (,,.,,25V,,) of sulfur-contai- ning AP in the admixture has practically no positive effect on the properties of oils from sulfurous petroleum. Oil with an admixture without,oil-diluent (spindle oil) has the best indices. The admixture tsiatim-339 witt 100~a substitution of the hydroxyl hydrogen by barium (tsiatim-339P) improves the detergent proper- ties of the oil AS-9-5 to 1.5-2 points accoiding to the PZV me- 04.rd Card 1/2 thod and reduces the corrosivity to 4.8 g/M . For improving 82512' s/o65/60/000/008/-004/007 A57 6 too o E030/'E412 AUTHORSt Avaliani, T.K. and Monastyrski,, V.N. TITLE: __S_y_nt_1;esis and Techniques for n. -eparing Basic Additivek\ Components with a Sulphonate Base PERIODICALt Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv I masel, 1960,, No.8' pp.29-33 TEXT: Details are given of two methods for synthesizing high base number additives. In the first, to aqueous phenol and an oil- soluble sulphonic acid is added calcium oxide; the minture is agitated, a stream of C02 pansed through and the water and phenol distilled off, the end-product being homogenized in a centrifuge. In the second, to an oilt oil-soluble sulphonic acid, and calcium oxide, is added a "promoter" which may be a phenol, naphtholo nitro compound, or sulphonic, acid. The additiires\\work by oxidizing corrosive materials while the resulting oxidation products are held in suspension by the surface-active agents. Between. 3-5 and 5 times the stoichiometric metallic content can be obtained by these methods. The base oil has a kinematic viscosity around 6 to 8 cs at 100 pour point around -15% and flash-point It is obtained from the residues from the (closed) around 21 -C. Card 1/2 8251LP s/o6V6o/ooo/oo8/004/007 E030/E412 Synthesis and Techniques for Preparing Basic Additive Components with a Sulphonate Base desulphurization of oils, particularly whito oils. Sulphonation is carried out with oleum and for these maximum basicities, 10 to 80% of oleum should be used and the process carried out between 10 and 700C. Base numbers up to 18.2% have been obtained, with up to 23% free S03, There are 1 figure, 3 tables and 6 references: I Sovie~ and 5 English. ASSOCIATIONi* VNII NP Card 2/2 39832 S/081/62/000/011/039/057 E202/E192 AUTHORSi Monastyrskiyj V.N., Ptashinskiy, I.A., Goysa, Ye.I., and Avaliani, T.K- TITLE: Laboratory method of assensing the dispersing properties of additives in lubricating oilf, PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Khl.miya, no.11, 1962,,520, abstract 13. M 215. (Novosti neft. i gaz. tokhn. Neftepererabotka i neftekhimiya, no.3, 1961, 12-16). TEXT: A laboratory method of assessment of dispersing properties of additives in oils is developed, employing electro- photocolorimeter. Essentially the methodcomprises centeifuging of the mixture of additives in tolviene with lamp*black, followed by photometric determination of the fall in the transparency coefficient of the centrifuged solution without lamp black (the so-called index of dispersion). By means of this index it ig possible to evaluato the dispersion properties of the additive. The method in sufficiently accurate. Discrepancies between the parallel determinations of the dispersive index do not exceed 1 1.5% of the mean value.of the compared results. Card 1/3 Laboratory method of assessing ... S/oft/62/000/011/039/057 E202/E192 out only in concentrations corresponding to the maximum of their dispersion indices. The method may also be used to assesit the duration of effectiveness of the dispersing properties of oils containing additives, under their working conditions. [Absitractors note: Complete translation.] 'Card 3/3 20326 EpF(C)/EV1T(m AFFTC/APGC Pj-4 _10/11NI/Di C SION NR: AT3001982- 812~&64/61/000/000/0145/0152. /17 AUTHORS: MonastyiskLy, V., Ni. Avaliant, T. K. TITLE: Additive -production technology. Methods for the preparation of high_&art AuUonates. SOURCE: Prisadki k maitlam I Itoplivarn, trudynauchno-takhnichookogo* __sove9hcha,niYA._M!?js vv,.. oii-st-o-*t-ek,fi,fz-4a-t-"-19-6-1~-1-45:;152.----'--'----*- TOPIC TAGS: lubricant, lubricalion, additive, aith, sulfonate, promotor, phenol,' -sulfoac1d, sulfonation, P14S, PM5 Ya ABSTRACT: The fundamental ahn of the work described In the paper is the devell opment of a process technology for the so-called high:!p~sh.addltivellor additive conA- ponents based on low-solubility petroleurn sulfoacids. whLch_`diffiY-fiom ordinary sulfonates by the amount of metal that exceeds thit stoichiometric quantity by a multiple factor. Two fundamental schemes for th 'a preparation of high-ash sulfo- ,nate (MPS) from crude oWwLth the aid of phenol as a promotor were developed*at the VNIf -NP./ (1) The iulfonated oil, which contains the low-solubility sulfoacids, is treated with aqueous phenol for the segregatio)i of the low-solubility sulfoacids..- (2) The oil containhig the low-solubility sulfoacid.9 is treated directly with CaO, [Card 1 /,A I L 20326-,63 J-~~-C-E-SSION NR: AT300118Z until the acid reaction ceases. Than phenol water and - In the prejoeke of excess CaO - COZ Is Fassed through the oil. ,rho product Is centrifuged. Thai two processes are described In detail. Operational tests were made on the DK-Z 1 iapparatus to determine the operational properties of oil AS-9; 5 of the NKZ with,04 additive. The stability of the base oil AS-9, 5 to iiharpl " iniproved upon the y Pddition of PMS. whereas the neutral sulfonate does not improve this property, Short-term tests on GAZ-51 and D-35 engines sh,'wed the great effectiveness of additive PMS regardless of the initial raw malerials employed. The synthesis and fundamen?al process technology developed for the preparation of the highly I effective component or additive that comprises the high-ash sulfonat6 (PMS)'with a' metal content that is 3.5 to 5 times the stoichiometric amount'and'in whichphenol. is used as a selective solvent and reaction promotor, was elaborated. The raw , materials comprised distillate olls. from S-contal~lng crudes with varying degree of viscosity and neutral sulfonation products obtained in the production of white. I at'the Plant imeni Mendeley joil by S-free crude The superlor qualities of the 1 PMS additives obtained as compared with the previously obtained neutral sulfonate,--. !additives are shown by the NAMI method (determination of precipitatioia formation and viscosity upon oxidation). Orig. art. contains I fig. and 5 tables. IlCard Z/~Q L 20632-66 EWT(m)/r DJ ACC NR, AP6oll22O T SOURCE CODE: uR/0411/66/ooo/oo6/0057/005T INVENTOR: Blagovidov, I. F.; Druzhinina, A. V.; ~bnastyrskiy, V._N.; Puchkov, . G.; Deryabjn A. A.* Borovaya, M. S.; Filippov,,I.,Fi valiani-,,T. '~, ~js.Lavskiy, Yu.S.,' zu;w~~ S - T- K -Tarmanyan, G. S.; W19"61I.; Dt My Chikov, 0. P.; Kuliyev, A. M.;i Suleymanova, F. G.; 7.aynaloya, G. A.; S.adyWh-ov, K. 1. ORG: none TITLE: Preparative method for ircitar oils. Class 23, No. 179868 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyahlennr e obraztey, tovarnyye znaki, no. 6, 1966, 57 TOPIC TAGS: lubricating oil, lu'bricant additive ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a preparative method for motor oils,involving the introduction of additiveall To Impart the required service proper- ties, the additives used are an slk_y1p_We_no1,-f3rma1dehy,1e condensation product (3-15%), a sulfonate additive (1-6%), an additivit based on xanthates or dithio- phosphates (0.5-1%), organocilicon additive (0-003-0-005%) (the additives are no further identified in the source]. SUB CODE: 11/ SUBM j*72: oaugQj ATD Ppms- W 5/799/62/06b/003/00ji-/008 T-t 'Yu. N,j -,Glukhoy Yu N., PprokhoV, N. A AUTHORS: Ay-aliani Yd;~ Y4'. i ~,Jkleks6yeV Tant. v7 d-I --..-.TIT LE: The, arithmetic equi;ment -of- a- s pec ialLa-ed,machine. ut -ronnykh_upravl)'ayushchikh _rqj%,sh' SOURCE:--- -Akademlya -nauk, ZSSV*_ Instit -elekt. r Tvifrovaya toikhnika i vychislitellny-fe:ustroystva. ho. 3.i 19.6Z. 14-23. parall- TEXT: The:'paper d ribesi in- arithmetic equipment (AE) of them' elltype, e sc a ~'*hich operates with.22-digit biniLry -number s:wit:,,t a fixed dec imal. point and w ich q~t Performs' addition, subtractions ~rhultiplication, diiiision, extraction of the s tare ti root, matching,: shiftingi~ and transposition of nuMbera, - An~ acceleration in ie multi plicational operatio4s is. achieved by. the aco.-timulation of the partialpro~ucts without transitional carry-overs:.-. The system of the elements and the design prin- ciples of the AE are briefly, exarn'ined. The systerr.i of elements comprises a static triggers a potential-impt I~Ise gatt, and logic -diode .6ircuits. All, of the elementsare. made -up of semiconductci:r_devici~ ps-.The network of the'AE,:Is presented in skeletal . form, which corriprises the various equipments Ihat serve to perforra the elern .entary- ,,operations in each regisi,iorp and, the equipments that receive numbers from other .~_.partial parts of the rnachine~ _The operational all' drithms ol" addition;- subtraction g -A r el I A .-The arithmetic e44ipmenii-6i~i-4io6,tialized.rhachirie..~ ~.S/7.79/16Z'/000/003-/QOZ,/008--.--~'~-~ 6thods'-in-the .and divi s-ion,. and- the tec6, ical- m, -desigh of the logical ci~rcu its which-- 'help to realize the algorithms, are similar to those, employed in som.4i existing com- puters, for example, the M-44: Thus, for exanAple.: the adding e1quipn-ient of the AE differs in its logic structure:fron': that employed !'n-the M-2 in chine Only by the a content of cyclic carry-over ~circ. it from the hig1'er digit to the lower digit - While the operation of Algebraic; matchihg exhibits certziin. peculiaritien dep6ndent on,the character of the problemi to be solved, there is nathing interesting from the point of view of engineering Ir~ this. operation- the saMe circuits as those utilized in addi- tion and subtra,*ction are timployed ' The operation, of shifting is also Of no additional ....Anterest, since, it emplo0_th6_sa)ne_,shifting circtiftry. employed in maltiplication and division., In the multfiplkation the- partial-, products remainimmobile, -w-her-eas lo obtain,. in such pro- the multiplicand1s shifted toAhe-right. It can be chown that 1. cedures Ian ac .cI-.u:racy of -n6_less than-a unit,ofAhe -'.lowest digit,for 22-digit.initial figr ures, y-to-I vd-3--a4lditi'onal-digits-ii:L.-the-AE prAorAo rc)unding__off..____.______.__. -At-is-neceeisar ia Extraction of tho square root1ollbiws almost, precisely the same method as that em- -intc ployed in high-school lonj~-h ~nd NVork, that is' with division of the number ~ pairs I ..-and- all-the -c-the r---. of -digits, -extraction -of-.th6.-tjcluari~.'r-oot-of-the-Iiigli,eist-digital-pair subsequent steps- required by.the'~2-~-trectatigle4.cijtn'.6mall-scluai~e method-$ uhtil.the---- remainder is eitlaer zero-,:or smaller than the xeq.Ared accuracy residual. The; dura-;:,-..x tion of the extraction of the squaiie, root amounts -jo I IZ cadencee or 317 ji se~. Carci Z/3 The arithmetic equipmento- specialized machire. /779/6Z/0001/ 003 /Oqj/ 008 If e. o is-t b ~ob-~ained-yws a.-minus--iiign,- the -the. nurnber--of-.which-th~~-sqikare-r ot o- e and1he- ope] i- to',-i halt iption of t4, the digits go to zero rition comes The descr* AE elements comprises the statiii trigger, the logical itiode Meme' and ~ the poteY I impulseL gate, schematic dircuitslor all of which~are shown. Ablock, diagram'As: shown for a basic (k-th) diait of V~e_AE.- The AE'de;~scribed:contiini.;.~p~ioxir%i~tely 1,000 semiconduc'to bes an A.0-00'-semiconda,.-tor, -diodes -a 11~~`of- ic ope te r trios' h- rA h in regimes in which-current inten,titiess tvoltagest: and powers do not exceed t~e ilystem ensures Maintenance of OL11 imiconductor rated values. A special g9oling devices at room temperature, The-circuits ernpli:qed ensure maintenance of a stable operation. of the AE under power- supply-voltage fluctuations ot + 10% from ~-s provided by a.400-cps nominal The electrical power supply of tae' values. rotary generator ~through*:rectifie-.'rs assembled in.a 6-p se ciro_%iit. The'total power re ire e s of tho AE is. *pproximately 0 4 kw.!V- The AE q4 pa nt js ctirrently in experimental ope.ratiori. vi~ri4ie 54ijures and'3"references (2. Rus:siian-la; guage.._~i,; Boviet.and.the:32.nilisli-iari"guag*'e AI.A.Robinson,- ~Multiplication inAe-Manche University high-Opeed Aigfital ~com'puter. Electrovic, Engrg, v. 2 5, no.299j $53).---- 'Card 3/3~ AVALISEff ILI, Ak. Intermodal constancy of types of fli-alied oat. ftips isele po poik- bol. ust. 1:1199-207 1.58 (XIRA 13912) (Attiiude (PsycholojW)) I KHODZHAVA, Z. I.; *6wmwh"- Essence of the so-calLed Onev fact" tit the psychologyof attitude@ Trudy Inst. poikholo AN Gruxe SSR 12:3.79-196 160. (MIRA 13:3.1) (Attitude (ftycholog7)) AVALISHVILI, A.M. 1---j, Illusional action of set fixated for magnitude equalization. Eksp.issl.po psikhol.ust. 2t45-56 163. (MIRA 16:12) A GUDZHMZBIANI, B.I.; MUMMA$ B.K.; PETROVSM', G.P.; KOVISTIANIt G.A.; A2KAYPARASHVILI, M.V..; AVALISHVILI, E.YeJdeceasedl; le.IRZIASWILI, T.M.; SkC-H-R!~V, V.I.,,; ARGHVADZE, Sh.R.0 red.; BOGOINU130VA, L.'I.,, red.; VALITS, LE., red.; TAVADZE, F.N.j, red.; YABLOKOV, V.S., red.; PEVZNER, O.Ye., red.izd-va; MAKUNIYe.V.0 teikhn. red. [Coal atlas of the Caucasus] Atlas uglei Kavkaza. By B.I.Gudzhadzhiani i dr. Moskvap Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1961. 167 p. (MIRA 14:12) I., Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Tiflis. Sovet po ismcheniyu proiz--;~ voditelInykh ail. (Caucaaus-Coal geology) Country - USSR E Category: Virology. Bacterial Viruses (Phnges) Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 23, 1958, No 103499 Autb or Chanishvili, T-G.; Moypariani, A.-N.; Avallshvili, G.I. Inst Title Study of the Process of Dactoricpha(,tia under Aeration Conditions. Firat Report OriG Pifa: Sb- Bahteriofaglya- Tbilisi, Grutzraedgiz, 1957, 261-263'. Abstract: Cultures of Flexner dysentery bticteria ruirl paratypboid Dreslav. bacteria we"c Lrown in five-liter flasI.-%.s containing thre-e li-tors of fish bouillon or of Hettinger's tiedium, *'-'IirouGh vhi(-h air was insufflated for one or two hours a:,d then f.'Ive cubic cc--,'4A;:eters of the cox-respondinG p'iaGa inoculated. The rrcatcst Card 1/2 AVALISHVILIp 1. (TbLlisi) The copper disb. ~bst,prom.i khud.prozys. 3 no.7:35 Jl 162. OUIUI 15 - 8) (TbUisi.- -Enamel and enamieling) -, : ~1!, AVALISHVILI, L. Ye. "Ozeyen Nonsteady-State 3cundary Value Problem." G:ind Phys-Lath Sci, Tbilisi Mathematics Inst, Tbilisi, 1954- (RZMIekJj', Feb '.-,5) SO: Sum. No. 631, 26 hug 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educat;i.onal Institutions (14) AVALISHVILI. L.Ye. mmmmovffmwmi~v , ciiienos nonstokifonary lowdary veaue problems. Soob.Al Gmz.SSR 17 fio.6:4~9-494 156. (km 9:10) 1. Tbilimakiy gosudnrs'kvenW universitat iment Stalina. Prtdotav- lono Omdemikom R.I. Wiekheliahvilie (rlut'd mitchartics) (Soundm7* layer) AVALISHVILI, L.Te. Particular solutions of linearized oquations of planar unsteady movement of a viscous liquid, Soob.AN Gruz.SSR 24 no.4:391-394 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Tbilisskiy goaudmrstvennoy im. Stalina. Fredstavleno akademikom N.I.Mmakhe'lishvili. (4drolynamice) 37613 Aq, q,?I)o S/044j62/000/004/062/099 0111/0333 AUTHOR: -.~valishvili, L.Yet. TITLEs ~The solution of the instationarY boundary value problem of Oseen for a cylinder PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhuxnal. 1"Latematika, no. 4, 1962, 6o, abstract 4B277. ("Soobshch. AN 19'ruz SSR11., 1961, 26, no. 6, 647-651) TEXT - The author considers the plane instationary bound'ary'value problem of Oseen ; VA V - U 2V ~ 11 1 grad p; U,~, const Dx ~t outside of the cylinder r a with the additional conditions VIt-0 - 0 ; 1.1 1 = U ; V, 0 !r=a With the aid of the Laplace transfor- mation this system is reduced to a Card 1/2 The solution of the instationary ... S/04 621000100410621099 C1 1 1YC333 stationary boundary value problen. The solu-,;ion of the latter is sought by a serien set-up with undetermined coeffiiients. The coefficients are. determined from an infinite system of linea::- algebraic equations which is obtained from the boundary conditions. It is remaeked that the con- vergence of the process can 'be proved just as in H. Paxen, (Nova acta soc. scient. upsaliensis, 1927, vol. extra ordin,)m). FAbstracter's note s Complete translation. Card 2/2 AVALISHVILI, M.G. Functional condition Of adrenal coriex in relation to the treatment of ulcers with some materia medica. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 31 no.1:221-226 .11 163. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Tbilisskiy gosudar:stvennyy meditsirskiy institut. Pred- stavleno akademikom V.S. Asatiani. AVALISMIZ, N. V. Meat Qualities of the Buffalo Common to the Georgian SSR." Cand Agr Sci, Georgian Order o.L^ the Labor Red Banner AgrLcultural Inst, 9 Mar 54 Dissertation (Zarya Vostoka Tbilisi, 21 Fab 54) SO; SUM,186, 19 Aug 1954 V. AV IW kand.idat sell'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk. ,AJL ,,, 6. , - Heat qualities of buffalosm. Mi&s.ind.SSSR 27 no-1:51-52 156. (baffalo) MRA 9:6) INTSEIRV11I. T.P. AVAL Incidence of tertian imla I& with prolonged Incubation in the Adxharsk Republic. Nod. paras. I paras. bole no-3:219-226 Jl-S 154. (MIRA 8:2) 1. Is respiAblikanekoy prativonalyarlynoy stantaii Adzharskoy ASSR, (MIM IA, ' tertian, ILdemiol. In Russia, malaria with prplorged 193 1 incubation AXAT is ig SID ; RAKHLINA, 1I.M. --- i Iffectiveness of oil ol'' chenopodium proanced in the Soviet Union. Mod. paras, i paras. bol. no.4:308-309 O-D 054. (KIRA 812) 1. Is Reepubliiranskoy protivomalyariynoy stanteli AdsharBkoy ISSR (Glavnyy vrach S.D.Ava%ishvili) (ANTRILKINTH GS,, theraipautic use, oil of chenopodium. effeetiveness) - - - - - - - - - - Category: USSR/General Divis~on. WsLory. Classi.cB. Personalitles. A-2 Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol-, wo 6., 25 March, 1957, 21287 Author ; Avalishvili, S.D. Inst : Tiot given Title :History of the Fight a[Ainst Malaria In Aftharian ABSR. Orig Pub: Byul. Ni.-i. in-ta me).yaril i med. parazitol. GnizSSR, 1955, No 1-2, 12-25 Abstract: Data are eiven on the spread of malarial disease and the organization of antizo4larial. service in Aftharian ASSR) beginning in 1878 with the annexation. of Batum to Russia, and also statistics on malarial diseases in the territory of Adzhar,*Lan ASSR frmn the begilming of the 20th Century and up to 1953. The history of the organization.(1912) and the studies of Vic iralarial station in Batum are des- cribed. The basic forms of blood-sucking mosquitoes which are met vitl-L in Adshari.s. are en=erW,;ed- Measures for care 1/2 -I0- MAKHLINAP A.M.j AVALTSHVILI, S.D.; KAMAIDVA, A.G. Testin" of some antibelminth preparations in ascariasis and 9. necatoriasis under aatpatient service conditions. Medoparaze i paraz. bol. :32 no.5t623-62.4 B-0163 (MIRA l6sl2) 2. Iz parazitologicheskogo otdola reapublikanskoy senitarno- epidemiologi3heakoy stantsii. Adzharshoy AM. - 'r 7 - ". L T -! - , -. , , -y' -, , . . . '1 11 . " . I-, 1 1, L - Grad -,tlAd -- i4arkin"s." Cand Tech Sci, G~,~orL;ian polytuclinic Tw-t lv.;~;n`L 3. li. u i'm 54. (Zar.-,ra Vo--,'Lola, Tbilisi, 18 Jan 54) SO: Sum .313, -113 Da3- 1-3:54 240), 24(5) SOV/56-35-5-19/56 AUTHORS: Byakov, V. M., Avalov, R TITLE: The Acceleration of Cosmic Rays in a Fluctuating Magnetic Field (Uskoreniye kosmicheskikh luchey vo fluktulruyushchem magnitunom polel PLRIDDICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1956, Vol 35, Nr 5, pp 1181-1184 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the acceleration of cosmic particles is investigated in magnetic fields which are variable with respect to time. Such fields occur in the turbulent motion of inter- stellar matter as well as in the atmospheric motion of some types of stars. In an ideally conductive magnetized medium (as e.g. in cosmic space) the magnetic lines of force are connected with matter, and density variations simultaneously entail field variations. In interstellar space the hydrodynamic velocities are as EL rule never small compared to the velocity of sound. Velocity fluctuations cause considerable density variations and thus also considerable fluctuations of the magnetic field. For the magnetic field there are two possibilities: either it grows Card 1/3 at the expense of the turbulent motion of the magnetic medium, SOV/56-35-5-19/56 The Acceleration of Cosmic Rays in a Fluctupting Magnetic Field or it'i;3 steady (or quaaisteady). The acceleration of cosmic particl~3s in the former case vas investigated by Logunov and Terletskiy (Ref 1), and their acceleration by magnetohydro- dynamic waves in galactic spiral branches was investigated by Davis ('.Ref 2). In the present paper investigations are based upon-tha latter possibility, and the acceleration of charged particles at the expense of fluctuation variations of the magnetic field are investigatod. First, the order of magnitude of the effect to be expected 4~s estimated. For particles of the charge e and of the momentum p the following applies: 2/1 grad H I and for 11 15~ 10-5 2 20, p