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5011/76-33-1-7/45 Reaction Kinetics of PeroxideB 1-n Solutions-II. Reaction Kinetics of Benzoyl Peroxide With Di-phenylamine 1.) the read-tidn between .(I) an~. .'(11) 'is a chain re6ction pro- ceeding via fret? diphenyl nitrcgen and.1benzoate radicals, 2).the beginning of "he chain formation is tased on an . elemeritary reaction between the molecules of (1) and (II); 3) the reaction becomes more ccmplioated as the formation velocity of the benzoate radioals.incrounes. It is stated that, in contratit to the strongly alkaline aliphatic secondary amines, the weakly alkaline (II) splits the (1) homolytically at the peroxide bindings. There are 7 figures, 4 tables, and 7 references, 5 -of.which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Yerevanskiy gosudarstvennyy univernitet (Yerevan State University). SUBMITTED: May 28, '1957 Card 3/3 ale tv Im I a KARATAYEV, V.M.; KURYAYTSM', N.T., doktor khimichaskikh a" ~k. G. - 46. Mectropolishing of magnetic soft-alloy- tapes ucing alternating current. Vast. mash. 36 no.8:67-68 '56. (MMA 9:10) (Poliehlr4;, Xectrolytic) 5W AUTHORS: Gorbachev, S. V., Atanasyanta, A. G. SOV/153-583-3-21-/~O TITLE; Effect of the Concentration of the Electrolyte on th-e Cathodic and Anodic Pol.~rization of Zinc and Cadmium (Vliyaniye kontsentratsii elelctrolita na ka-todnuyu i anodnuyu polyarizatsiyu tsinka i kudmf.ya) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyoEihikh uchebniykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimichec- kaya tekhnolo6;iya, 1959, Nr 3, pp 121 - 4129 (USSR) ABSTR.M: The electrode Drocesses differ from ordinary hetero- geneous chemical processes in the fact th-1 't their activation is not only caused by molecular collisions due to thermal. motion but alsz) by mean-- of the ener~;y of the el~,ctric field. In thiz; respect the concepts taken from the usual chemical kinetics proved to be .Insufficient as they do not t~'-e into account the specific charactor of electro--hemical reactions. A survey of pvtblications (by f--,, not complete, as the authors believe) is given (Refo 1-16). The velocity of the anodic dissolution of a mztal ~-s not ~Ilowed Card 1/4 to depend on the ion concertr-..-tion of this metal in Effect of the Concentration of the Electrolyte or t'~,e SOV/1 Ir3- 5-C-3-2 10 Cathodic ard Anodic Polarization of Zinc ard Cadmiwi the solution, and in no way can depend on the reture of the anion, startin.- from kinetic rules (Refs 8,9). Nevertheless, there exists such a dependence (Refs 10-12). It may be seen from the survey of literature mentioned that no definite character of the dependence can be found in the experimental results although the velocity of the cathodic and anodic processes depends on the concentration of the substances. In spite of the 8-reat importarce of this problem there are no systematic investi.-ations mentioned in publications dealing with this problem. The authors investigated the dependence of' the current density on the concentration at certain polarization potentials for the electrodeposition and the *electro- lytio solution of zinc cadmium in the oolu.tions of their salts. Their sulfates within a wide concentration range from 2.,jo-3m to 2M were used for this purpose. The polarization was investiG:ated by :nean,-, of the Card 2/4 compensation method and Vagrt.myanls method. It was Effect of the Concentration of the Electrolyte on the SOV/153-58-3-21/~"O Cathodic and Anofic Polarization of Zinc anti Cadmium found that the character of the rules (independent of the method of investigation) is maintained for zinc as well as for cadmium. The velocity of the cathodic and anodic processes for zinc and cadmium increases monotonously with the increasing concentration of the electrolyte at a constant polarization potential between 20 and 80 0, and is proportional to the con- centration with one fractional exponent. The experiments on the electrolysis where convection currents near the electrodes were suppressed, showed that the character of the dependence of the velocit.,,r of the electrode processes on the concentration romains the same as under the conditions of a natural con- vection. Professor A.T.Vagramyan made the rapid measurements in his laboratory possible. A.P.Popkov took part in the measurements and their evaluation. There are 10 figures, 1 table and 17 referencest, 9 of Card 3/4 which are Soviet. Effect of the Concentratiom of the Electrolyte on the SOV/153-58-3-21/3P Cathodic and Anodic Polarization of Zino anel Cadmium ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy k'himiko-tekbnologioheskiy iolstitut imeni D.I.Mendeleylava (Moscow Institute of C*hemioal Technology imeni D.I.Memdoleyev~Kafedra J.'izicheskoy khimii (Chair of Physical Chemistry) SUBkITTED: October 4t 1951' Card 4/4 AUTHORS: Gorbachev, S. V., Ate-nasyants, A. G. SOV/1554-58-3-7/52 TITLE: The 'Effect of the Concentration on the Telocity of the Electro- lytic Precipitation and Dissolution of Zinc and Cadmium in Sulfate Solutions of These Metals (Vliyaniye kontsentrataii na skorost I e1 ektroosazhdeniya j 614ktrbi~"t7dreniya teinim I kadmiya Y rentym-ekh m1fixtay etikh metallov) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly, Khimiya i khimicheakaya tekhnologiya, 1958P Nr 3t PP- 430 - 434 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The cathodic and anodic polarization of zinc and cadmium were investigated over a wide range of concentrations of the corresponding su-1fates by means of the compensation method and the method suggested by Vagramyan. On this occasion it was found that the cathodic and anodic polarizations decrease with increasing concentration. Furthermore, the authors investigated the velocity of the separation and dissolution of zinc and cadmium in relation to the concentration of the single "neutral" SELltS (the sulfates) of the corresponding metals. The investigations were carried out at a constant polarization potentia.1 within the temperature Card 1/3 interval of 2o0 - 800; they Showed that the velocity of the The Effect of the Concentration on the Velocity of SOVIi56 -58-3-7'/52 the Electrolytic Precipitation and Dissolution of Zinc anJ Cadmium in Sulfate Solutions of These Metals two mentioned processes increases monotonously with the increasing concentration of the solution, viz., nroportional to the concentration of the dissolved salt. The experimental results obtained are given in diagrams. They show: the influence of the concentration of ZnSO 4 (Diagram 1) and CdSO4 (Diagram 2) on the cathodic and anodic polarizations of zinc and cadinium at 200; the dependence of the velocity of the dissolution and separation of zinc (Diagram 3) and cadmium (Diagrain 4) on the concentration of ZnSO4 and CdSO4 at polarization potentials of 40 mV, 123 mV, 200 mV and 360 mV. I = k-C" (6T = const, T = const) holds for the reaction velocity, where I denotes the reaction velocity (current density), C the concentration of the (reacting) initial substances,,a T the polarization potential, T the temperature, k the (velocity) constant (dependent on temperature), n the order of reaction. The n-values fo:r zinc and cadmium sulfate solutions are given Card 2/3 in a table. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 20 references, 12 of which are Soviet. The Effect of tte Concentration on the Velocity of SOV/ 156-58-3-7/52 the Electrolyl,io Precipitation and Dissolution of Zinc and Cadmium in Sulfate Solutions of These Metals ASSOCIATION: Kafedre .'izicheskoy khimii Mo8kovskogo khimiko- tekhnologiezieskogo instituta im.D.I.Mendeleyeva (Chair of Physical Chemistry of the Moscow Chemical and Technological Institute im.D.I.Mendeleyev) SUBMITTED: December 14, 1957 Card 3/3 ATAXASYANTSP A. G.., Candidate of Chem Sai (dies) -- "The effect of the osoen- tration of salts of zinc and cadmium on the rate of electroprecipitation and electrosolution of these metals". Moscow,, 1959. 12 pp (Min Higher Educ USSR., Moscow Order of Lenin Chem-Tech Inst im D. Is Mendeleyev), 150 copies (EL, No 22p 1959P 109) GORBACHEV, S. V. , . ATARLSYANTSI- A. G. Activation energy iZL the kinetics of electrode processes in the olectrolyele of ZnS0 4 and CdS04. Trudy NMI ito.26;57-68 139- (MIRA 13:9) (Zinc sulfatc) (Cadmium sulfate) (Electrolysis) - - ------ -- - --- - ATANABYANTS. - ; GORBACHEV, S. V. -AIG!t Iffect of the concentration of complox zinc salts on the kinetics of electrode processes taking place diiring the deposition and solution of zinc. Trudy XKHTI no-26:69-76 '59* (MIRA 13:9) (Zinc salts) (Blectrodes, Zinc) ATANASYANTS,, A.G. Theirmodynamic parametors of the oxidation of potassium ferrocyanide to potassium ferrioywkide in a reversible galvanic cell. Zhur. fiz. khim. 37 no.120654-2656 D f63. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Hookovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut Mrasnoy i molochnoy promyshlennosti. W-6 V )AMV VI~A( ii L 2620-66 EPAOJ)-~~/W(M)01P~(fy V "V*P(t A k b P ' ACCESSIOb t AP501136, 60~/0236/0~39'. UR/03(,Sj?6S/001/ , 620.1S1.6 J 621. 35 7.1., AUTHOR: Atanasysint's, A.' G.;: IzmayIiWV. 73- A V Balwhov, A.' A.1 Savellyeva . V, Ni TITLX: Deposition of metallic platillnRA 'MIdq : id products of titanium and- its loys T- : SOURCE: Zashchit V".:v t1-0 toetallo 1~ 29 19659 238-239 IOPIC -STAGS: titil iium alloy,,titanio metal deposit.lon, nickel platirgo copper plating electroVi ating ABSTRACT,.. A techi CoVMM -f6i jique re ded , aration of high quility c' r platings pre oppe on welded articiet Of titanium or itii i alloys is disiribed in detail.' It'consists: of the following i :: 1. mech n a ical stops Ided removal of the sinter Only for gas we samples); 2. degri l lasing with org~~Ic',~,solvents; 3~ etching at 7t)OC for up: to 30 min. in a solution conf 0-60-, 4 p- aining (vol. U: t~,Jnc. RF-5 co cone, f12804-35 i and H2 per plating at W . t,for 2 min at a c%irrent-density of 1-2. A/100 cmt in a solution. -containi wo 0 :CUSDOH20~-25 C,inc.: H' -aM, ani cone. TV 50:, up tocomplete -2S04 -Card 1/2 ATANASZOV. Gjrorgy, dr. 10,11rulus of the Ceclis,-causing i1sue. MW. salmeseit 8 no.6: 3894-3fY# Di6 55. 1.'4 fls6iabathelyt Korh6s 11. as. 'Ubee'seti Oqst&Xy&Mk kosl-. Fdwvon: Tibbeds. S&fid0*"dr',- (INT&TIM OBSTWCTIOR. atiol. pathogen. '-*61*iAti~-6f bi6im 4M i1eidit diag. &'aurg. (Elun)) GjU,.I-,.,Urj : Yugoslavia T 0--talsory : Human and Animal Physiology, Thermoregulation Abs. j~:;,xr. Ref Zhur - Biologiya, Vo, 2, 1959, No. 7869 AID ng t Sk C "I ic II - LF S t, T.". jyO P r2 Faculty The Mechanium of Bradycardia in Hypothermia. Orl,~ Pub. Godishen zb. bried. fak. Skopje, 1956, 3, 55--66 1. 1 no abstract 0~,~rd: 1/1 KAZANSKIY, V.L.; AI-AkkWICH,-.Xqkj!!j VOLKOVA, ;3.A.; BOUVIROV, I.V.; LAEUKOYAN, P.N.; ZHADANOVSKlY, N,V.; FUIEWNOV, V.P. Utte of the hexane fraation from the central gaE-fractionation plant (TSGFU) as raw material in the catalytic reforming systems. Kbim. i tekh. topl. A masel 10 no.10:i':)-7 0 16!1. (MIRA 18;10) 1,, Cosudarstvennyy neuchno-issledovat,31'skiy institut neftyanoy promyshlennosti, Kuybyshev, i Novokuy'byshevskiy- neftepererabaty- vE6yuehchiy zavod. ATANIAXOV, 1. "Peconditioning of Skoda cylinder blocks." p. 23 (Ratsionalizatsiia, Vol. '7, no. 11, Oct. 3.957, SofiLa, Bulgaria.) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 6, June 1958. BUXAT, N.; XAMMIN, L.; ATAIIAZEVICH, V. * TAXIMOVICH, V. INitting suggestiow of efficiency prdwoters Inf;v practice,at grain vwoiving stations of' Kazakhstan, Muke-elevo p-ome 24 no,7:26-30,- J1 '5 8. (MIRA 11:10) l.KustaAaynkoye oblAuitnoye upravleniye khlebopr oduldoy (for all exIoopt T&kimovIch).-2!.Midsterstvo kbloboprodultov Xazakhskor SSR (for Yakiimovich). (Knakhetan-ftaLin-lbindling machinery) ATAIIAZVICN, T.. lush. Increasing the productivity of grain dryers. Mak.-elev. prom, 25 UO-11:13-14 9 1159, OWPA 13:3) 1. Kustanayskoye upravlenLys Waboproduktov., (Grain-Arying) KOMYSHNIK, L., Jazh.; ROTBUL, N., inzh.; ATANAZICVIC,H.,,- _.T., inzh. Mechanized demountable granary. Mak.-elev.prow. 26 np.1;23-24 Ja '60. (MIU 13:6) (Granaries) (Baildinp , Prefabricated) ATAIWEVICH, V., inzh. ZSPZh-8 grain dryers in continuous grain-receiving and, processing lines in Kustanay Provinab. Muk.-el0v. prom. 26 no.9:4 3 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Kustana7skoye upravleniye khleboproduktov. (lustanay Province-C.-ain -4kying) KOKYMMIK, Lp inzb.; ATANAZIMCGH, V.. in2b. Grain dz7ere heated by liquid fuels. Mak.-weleve pron. 26 no. i2a4-i6 v 6o. (MMA 13:12) 1, Nustanayokoye upravlonlye kbloboprod,2ktov. (Graft-Drying) PLATONOV, P.) doktor tekhn.nauk; ATANAZEVICH, V., aspirant Investigating the operating efficiency of grain dryers of pulsating action. Muk.-slev. prom. 29 no.6:14-15 A 163. (MIRA 16:7) l.. Odesskiy tekhnolog.14eskiy institut, in. M.V.'Lmonosova. (Grain-Drying) ATMAMLO terina I!Wlpv -, Y-AKUSHKV, Aleksey Potrovich: DYRB, . I , jM, Vaoilly Grigok jWich,, PUTOERIN, N.I., prof., doktor khimiohosklkh nauk, nauchnvy red,; IIMOPOLISKAYA, N.Je., red..; YAGMIKINA,, Te.A., [what is produced from petroleum and Mial Ghto poluchaiut Is nefti I gaza. Xuibyshav, Kuibyshevskoe knishnoe izd-iro, 1958. 28 . I (KIRA 1203 (Petroleum chemicals) (Gas, Natural) YASTREBDV, G.I.; ATANAUVICH Ye.I.; lYv-VLL*V, V.K. Starting and operating a unit for distLIling falty acids. Neftepere i neftekbim. no.6.,Z7-31 163 (MIRA 17e7) 1. Novokuyb7sbevskiy neftepererabatywjushchly %avol i Kuy- byshevskiy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy Institut n-aftyanoy pro- myshlonnosti. ATANEUSHTM, .1. 3. ATANMS[M.11, A. S. --"On the Historico-genetic Clavsl float I on of the Soil in U,3",R," Min Agricu-Iture 1131M, Georm ,ian Order of labor Red Banner Agricultural Institute. Publishl!ng Denartment of t),f- laordan Apricultuml Institute, Tbilisi, 1956. (Dissertation for*the Degree o-'"ictor of Agricultural Sciences) SO: Knizhn L-,12pip' No 41, October 1956, Moscow E.V. Fuw~tl-orfil state, of 'I.hc cEmtrtl, nervous system in patients with stomanh and duodenum ulcorz and its changes retnilUng from treatment in the lilkani -SanO/Drium... Soob. AN G-uz. SSR 29 no.].-4:)5-.'.-Oo Ji, 162. (.M!Rk 18-- 5) 1. Fanatoriya "1,ikFr'L", Borzhomi. Suhnitted May 20,, 1961. ABUTRA6, m1pe cer A"Afi A, bidii lp .e. neth h#'-::A ~j n_u d ^HP were.- db r 1~-iandAhp;ji~iildniii c .,lie: vidende lbhgeo~lstttt V~e~cfdJzf -tb-6 M--0-t0-- -1)f the - hl vitient'g- xt ili--""the litbm"b-,~iijftd- li4elt"'t" i )Dtuv _0 -t~etq- t e:-,f rat- 11) ibilh ~i -Iixp( bad--'beezi'~eor 'c0 Pat en S.-I"Ofteir, 9 wiry were. z-biiht-ativil :)rtant :roli 71 ~ I - - _-- -- -, . . -. wn8t efie-d-An SULTANOV, Azall Dzbafarovicb; PUSTOVALOV, L.V.,, p:,.-i uchastii: ---Mjj9.t9YAH ,sotrudnik; KORNIWVA, A.S.,sotrudni1r; XMKAYA, G.V., sotrudnik-, RAVINIL, B.M,aotrudnik; MENZILEYSTA, 'H.A,.sotrudnAk; PAPIMVA. M.K,aotrudnik; RYLINK, Tu.V., [Producing formation of the Apaberon Peninsula) Sovot po isuchadiu proizvoditelInykh ail. Azarbaidzhan8kaia neftianitia ekapeditaiia. Litolngila produktivnoi tolahchi Apsheronskogo polaostrova. 14oakva, 19511. 140 P. (NIPIA 11:12) 1. kkademlya nauk SSSR..Sovat po, lzueheniyu proizvod-Itelonykh, ail. Azerbaidzhanskaya nefty,anaya eknpeditaira. 2. Chlem.-korreepondent AN SSSR (forPustovalov). 3. Litologichaskays. laboratoriya Insti- tutit genlogii AN Azarbaydzbanskoy SSR (for Atanenyan, Kornilova. Kerokaya, Ravina, Menzeleyeva, Papkava) (Apsheron PenIneula-Petrology) SHOYM,?, PeA.; SHALINIM.. Sh.Hho;,ATANESYAN, G.Z. Studying the saline o(oposition of the liquid phaBe cif bottom oedinentse Trudy AWII DN no.10:212-219 160. (.MIRA 14:4) (Deep-sea depDOitS) ATANESYAN,-K. 1uproving the ft)rm of economic work,. Fin.SSSR 21 no-5:61-66 jjr 16o. (MIRA 13:7) (Industrial management) (Finance) 0 Moses,,ran, Z. G. arid ATANL5YANj 5. S. I----------------- Atanesyan, S. S.- "Contr~ist mammograplky in cert;Ain t.,,,pes of vi;urviary gLand dise;~ses,ll Mpo-Tt7-,-I~rudy III Zakavkavsk. sl'yezda kldrlirgov, Yerevan, MF (oil cover: U49), P. 113-122 SG: U-5240, 17 Dec. 53, (Letopis lZhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 25, 1949)- XfAnMAN, S. S. Atancsyan~ S. S. :'Cancer and precaricer twaors of thob iummary r1and 1)ased on the firAinps of the Inrtitute of Roentrenology ani Oncolokr," (Report), Truly '..II Zakavkazsk. s"yezda khirurgov, Yerevan, 1948 (on cover: 190), P- 155-:-59 SG: U-5240, 17 Dec- 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykii Statey, No. 215, 190). ATA!r--.'5Yt-"I S. S. 30558 Rak nizhnyy i vyalzh-oy -,ikv I:o.matyerialam ,)-.nrurp,,i.chyesko.y kl:L-i:Uci yobi7evansko,--ro myeditsinskogo instituta. Trudy YohxTevansk. M.YeD. :1 INT-TA, VYP. -5, 1949, s. 102-C6. SID: LETOPISI 1-10. ATA N E /1 N USSR/Organic Chemifitry - Synthetic Organic Chemistry, E-2 Ab8t Jourralu Reftwat Zhur - Kbimiya,, No 19, 1956) 61492 Author.- Atanesyan, Ye. N., Maniaryan, G. A. Ins,"tution z None Title: Preparative Proof of tAe Formation of r1pheny1ni-broisamine in the Reaction Medium Bejazoyl Peroxide-Diphenylami-nei-,Nitrogen Oxide Original Periodical: Nau,-.h. tr. Yerevansk. un-ta, 1956, 53) 105-110 Abstract: To :prove the formation of diphenylnitrcisamine (I) according to the rea,,.tion- (c6H8)2N * NO --* (C6~()2NNO on absorption of NO by-a solu- tion of (C6H5 00)2 (11) and ( 6~5)2NH (III) (Referat Zhur - Khimiya, 19515, 251) 1 was synthesized from III and HNO~2(NaHQ,, + HU). On completion of the absorption of NO by it mixture of II and III., the sol,rent (acetone, benzene or other) is driven off Jji a current of K,.~ and I is isolated. Both samples of I have identical properties (color, formation with. solution of BiC12 in acetone of black cryntals, vhich give a blue coloration with concentrated HC1 and Card 1/2 USSR/Orvinic Chemia--.ry - Synthetic Organic Chemistry, 13-2 AbBt Joixrmal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 61492 AbBtracti a pink coloration in boiling water). Starting materials and posal.ble intermediate products of the roActioD do noT. give blue coloration with concentrated HC1. Card 2/2 Ta X~2 P7 USSR/Physical Chemistry - Kinetics. Combustion. &Plos:Lves. Topot:bamistry. Catalysis, B-9 Abst Journal: Refemt Zhur - Maimiya, No 11 1957P 423 Author: Atanes;yan., Ye., and Sarkisyan, A. Institution: Terevan University Titlet InvestLgation of the Electrical Conductiv.*Lty of the Syntem Diethyl Amine4enzoic Acid in Organic Solvents Original Periodical: Nauch. tr. Erevansk. un-ta, 1956., Vol 53, 111-126 (krmtnian summary) Abstract: In order to clatify the effect of various solvents on the reaction .betwew benzoyl peroxide with diethyl am:bje (0. A. Chaltykyan and co- workera, Dokl. AN Arm. SBR) 1952, Vol 15, No 1 and No 2)., the neutral- ization of diethyl amine by benzoic acid ims investlgwted by the con- ductomt)tric method at 200 in acetone solution as vell as in a mixture of acw;one., ether,, and becozene (ethertbenzene = 1:1). The neutraliza- tion ritaction is accompanied by partial combination of the dietbyl amine, with the solvent (a.^.etme)j hence the titratiDn curves are non- reversible. Card 1/1 USSR/Medicine,- Modification of Micro- Nov -53*- organisms; Dysentery "The Effect of the Intestinal Microflora of Dysentery Patients on the Biological Properties of bysenzerybaciiii.,:: L. T. Karayeva, N. L. Atan:L 1-1 Z-! ashvili, 'Ibilissi last of Microbiol, Epidemiol., and Bacteriophage, Kin Health USSR Zhur Mikro. E-Pid. I Immun. No 11. 'OD 3-1- 3. Dysentery patients were found to eliminate baclill similar to those of the Sonne type together with typical Flexner bacilli. When dysentery strains 273239 i of the W and z types were cultivated In'Asheshor tubes together with B. coli or B. pareLcOli NIGZ; Mviants resembling the Sonne type were obtaimid. These variants were agglutinated by sera of the Z and W types. After 1-5 mos of storage in the lab,.they were no longer agglutinated bY tYpe J specific Z and W sera, but becaln identical with 27=9 CHkRYYEW, 0.-; ATANIUZOVAp K.S. Rare case of iniraginstion of the vermiform pr+-6siv and of riart of the imll of the ceemi lato the asoepdinig aolonvil '?,(b,.-4v. T~rik. 1, no.5j42 S-0 160. (MIU .13.-.12) 16 la Maryyakoy oblaalw6y bolluitoy )A Kh.3h. Un- dov). (INTWT,,!~-,~.UGMMONI (A;VEND4- (=Taff)) GHARYYEV, 0.; ATANIYAZOVA, K.S. Case of constriction of the appendix, the loop of i;]-..e small intestine and the omentum -in femorzLI hernia. Zdrav. Turk. 5 v.o.6:25-26 11-D 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Iz Maryyokoy oblaotnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach Kh.Sh. Dzhammiedov) . (WMIIA) (IJIMTINES-DISEASIZ) (MIE NTUM-DISEMES) ATANOCKOVIC, D. Dr.; LEBIDA, D. Dr. The problem of analgetic activity of vitamin K, Lijuc.vjes. 77 no-3-4:190-198 Rar-Apr '55. 1. Is Instituta sa' farmakologiju -Madicinskog fukulttita u Skoplju. (VITAMIN K. anesthesia & analgesia exper.(Ser)) (ANALGESICS, ' vitamin K, expor.(Ser)) At Lass d-r st.asistent pri propedevtAbirurgAliniku. DINIMT. ATAWOLP &w M Kt; ot Instituta, po patologichna fiviologila. Iffect of novocaine lumbar block iu urlaw7, excretion of 3,7-keto- steroid; preliminary co dcation. Izv.medAnst.,SoJ'I& 11-12: 255-264 1955. 1. Prope4evtichna khtrurgichna klinika (dir.:prof. G.Upitanov) i Institut po patologichna fisiologiia (dir.:4ots.S. Pimarev) pri Visehila moditsinski Institut V. Chervankov-Softia. (PROCAINS. effects on urinary 17-kettooterods, lumber block) (URIM, 174cotooteroido,* off. of procalme lumbar block) (STMIDS. in urine, of procalue lumbar block) (ANISTMIA, RICGIO16L. lumbar procaine block. off. on urinary 17-Imtosterolds) a R&SUFF,; ATANDSOVA, D. doictor. Colmiderations on juvenile chlorosia with report of a caso. Izv. .med.ins-t.,Sofia 11-12:813-1317 1955. 1. Katedra po fakaltetaka imtrashna klinike, (zav.:prof. M. Raehev) pri visahlia maditsinski institut I.F.Pavlov-Plovdiv.. (ANMIA, chlorosis, case report) IUIALIFIN~ F.N.;IATA.170V I p N. A. Increasing the heat-GxChull(le Capacity CP the cooling, ccils of the return water-SUpply system of petralown refirwrien. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' .". gaz 8 no.2-117-119 161,. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Kuybyshevskiy inzhenerno-stroitellnyy institiii.. < ATANOV, V.V* Aualysis of the Imediate results of extrapleural paeumolysis Pat.,Iclin.1 terap.tub, n0-81331-332 158. (MIRA 13;7) 1. Iz khirurgiaheakogo otdolaniya (rukevoditell .- F.Te. Kullchinekiy) udeaskogo nanehno-JesladavatitlisbDgo insti- tuta tubarkulaza. (LUNGS-COMANA) ALEKSEYFV, K.A.~ ATANOV, Yu.A.; BUROVA, 11.1 Nev uetbod for arti-fic-Il.a.l. aging of mangani.n. mancmeb-:,. 1~%~, -!.nst. Komotand.mer 4 Jzm.prl.b. no.75:44m-4.6 164. (MIFtA j8al) 1. Vsesoyuznyy imuchno-issledovatellskiy inst.1tut PzJko-takhn-.~- cheskikh i radi.,Aeklmicheskilh lzmerenly., ATANOV, Yu.A.; BOFCUNOVP V.A.; RAZZUMIKHIN, V.N,. Measuring the compressibility of liquidE by tb-9 ftethot~ of ax- ballow.-ealed piezometer at pressures up to 10,GD) kgl'11=2. Trudy `nst.Kom.stard.mer i izm.prib. no.75:143-1.5D '6i, (MIRA 18cl) 1. Vsosoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskly institut T'i%lkc-tekhni.- . cheskikh i radiotakhnidheskikh izmereniy. L 10779-67' 2-6a M ,jl)/EVYT( ')/EWP(j) Nx AV/00350 Yu. A., All-Union Institute of Physico-Tachnical and Radio Xoasurements, I'loscow (VG-osoyu nyy institut fiziko-tokhnicheakikh V RApproximato Equation of State for Uquids at High Rro3sures"_ ,,bscow, ALu ~h4ii, Vol 40, No. 6, Jun 66, pp 1216 ,T91, _1Z19 ABSTRACT: Treatment of oxpor:biental data on 16 liquida indicated Viat the consk-,ant B :Ln P. G Tait's empirical equalLion for the isotheniial wirpressi- I I S?c )ility of liquids ~cf. R. E. Gibson J Amer 56, 4, 1934; '196f/'c- 'Dadt&~Izes the Inner R. Grinell, J. 34, 217~,, 4' molecular px:=,surT.`o? thb substance wid is an exponential of the temperature. It was established that tlio rolation a 1z B c0 cxis-;s 0 between the constants A and B of Tait's equation, whe:~oj () -ion of state of liquids at high pressures Is proposed. ,,An appro>dmee equat ,7he constants of -,:his equation for II liquids (CS , MoOH, PrOH:, bew,0110, acotono, Pha-,. n-hoptane, EtI, di-Et ethor)'Lvo boon doiwmincd and are listed. . Orig art. hast 11 formulas ArA 3 tablov LYPRs: 38,96z7 TOPIC TAGS: fluid mschanics, function SUB CODE: 20 / SUBM DATE: 16Jan65 / ORIG RE F t 003 / cri-H RE r. : oo8 ATANOY Significance of allerfi7, in the pathogenesis of uplmdicitia; Werimental study. Eldrurgiia 39 no.91:104-107 V63 (MIRA 170) 1. Tz kafedry obahebey khirurgii ( zav. - Prof. V.A. Ivanov) II Moskovskogo gosudarstvamogo medits3nskogo irs,~ituta imeni Pirogova. ATANOV, Yu.P. lw- Effect cf preliminary introduction of penicillin on t:,,be ccur-se of experimental appendicitis. Report No. 2. Khirurgiia 40 no.2.-'78-80 F '64. (KMA 17:7) 1, Kafedra obshchoy kh1rurgli (zav. - prof. V.A. Ivanov) lechabnogo fakullteta 11 Mookovskogo gosudarstvennogo imedi- tsinalcogo instituta Imoni N.I. Pirogova. IVANOV, V.A., and asophugus. CoNe. ral-d. 28 165. ~I-LTRA 18::1.0) 1. Kafedrki csbsl,.cl:ay llh-,,'urgil (zav. - L fakul. I te ta 11 MvsRo ,, 6 r) -ab J i ts Inic, kc ~g c') n st ut ar -.t- nN.I.N.rogova. USSR/Hunan and Animal Phyisiology. Nerve and Muscle Physiology. T-9 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 12, 1958, 55958. Author : AIF._ova.- Xv--X - Inst : Daghestan Institute of Medicine. Title : Spontane Contractions of the Uterua in Repeated Fxperinents on Terale Rabbits. Orig Pub: E--b. nauchn. tr. Dagest. med. in-t.., 1956, 6, ~rj-48. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 ATANISIU, c .o- TECTIOLOGY PERJODICAL: RF,75TA TRAFSPROTORTLOR, Vol. 5, ~.o. 11, Nair. 1958 ATANASTIU, C. Soil road faun(ittions. stiLbilizetd with cemmit. P. 508 Monthly List-, of East Euopean Accessions (FKA:')- LC Vol. 11, no. 4 A-ril 195-?, Unclasa ATANSOV, 1k. On tlirombo-elastograpIXF and its diagnootic value. Suvr. med. 3.2 no.9: IZ-1-121 161. (BLOOD COAGULATION) BOZADZHIYj-sVA, Ye.; ATAFSOV, IL, Adrenogenital syndrcmel. Urologiia no.5*.58 161. (MIRA 14:3.1) 1. Iz kafedry vnutrem.07 meditsiny (zav. - prof, A. Pukhlev) i kafedry khirurgii s urologiyey (zav. - profb G. Popov) Sofiyskogo vysshego meditsinskogo instituta. (HUMAPHRODITISH) (ADIRMUL GLODS.-DISLUES) TsrpzmAlv M. N.; ATAPl*A, M. 1q. Testing of Itgnonulfoi.mic acids formed during wilfits cooking-~ in the presence of condensed 3-ignin, T)rudy VNILB no.47:50-63' Ift. (MIRAL 16: 1- (joignimUonic acids) ATAPINA,-R., master, delegat XIII s"yezda profeissionalInyich soyuzov SSSR (Saratov); UGLYANETS, A. Search for potentials in the working area. Sov. profsoiuzy 19 no. 19:6-8 0 163. (MIRA 16: 11) 1. Predsedatell zavodskogo komitsta 3-go podshipnilcovolTo zavoda, Saratov (for 111glyanets). ATAROVI M.S.; BERNSHTEYN, A.B.; BUNIN, N.N.; VOLINOV, I.I.; GINZBURG, V.A; DMM=, N.F.; IVIEV, N.I.; IMZHCWIICII, Yu.B.; LIMI-SEDOY, M.Z.,- MAYZELI, B.N.j RDTENBERG, G.I.; TYAGUNOVA, Z.I,,,, red.; PLAKSRE, L.Yu,,-, takhn, redo (Concise Italian-Rusoian polytecbnic dictionary) Kraikdi italliansko- rusalci polite~Ycheakii slovarl. Moskrap nauchno- takhri.slovarei izmatgizap 1961, 378:p (MIM 24-.12) (Italian lan-mage-Dictionaries-Rus s ion) ~Tecbnology-Dictionariaa) AV~IRCVP T. S. Atarov. T. '~. and Che.-keslyan, C. Ye. "The work of the womentV dispensarias Ln Rostov-on-Don in the fight against gmnorrhea during 1943-461, ('Autbclrzl sumary of the Paper), Sbornik nauch. trudov (Rost. obl. nauch.-issled. nhushersko-ginekol. in-t), Issue 8, 19411, P. 56-60. So-. U-3261, 10 April (Letcpis lZhurnal Inykh Stgtey:, lio. 12, 1949). A-TIIII.KV I T. S. Atarov, T. S. and Dozhko, V. P. "The fight against the spread ef syphilis in Rostov-on-Don during 1944-4711 (Authors' sumirnry of the paper), Sbornih nauch. tr,adcv (Rost. obl. nauch. -issled. akusherskoginekol. in-t), Issuo 8, 1948, p. 219. So: U-3-461, 10 April 1953 (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 12, 1949). ATAIWT, T.S., kandidat zieditsinckikh nauk, sas,-,.dzh~nnyy vrach HOSR. Method of liquidation of venereal diseases in the Soviet Union. Test. ven.1 dorm, no*5:3*6 8-0 153- (MU 6:12) (Venereal d1seRses) .ATAROV, T.S.,, zaaluzhennyy vrach RSFSR (Rolitov-na-Donu) First rears of the control of venereal diseases in the Sovet Union. Vest.darm. i van- 31 no-5:42-46 S-0 '57. (MIRA 10:12) (VENBRIAL DISEASES, prev. and control. in Russia) ATAROV, Tigran Semenovich,, zacluzhennyy vrach RSM; ROZI?NM, K.A., red.; ZAKIIAROVIt, A.I.. J[Problema of sexual hygiene] Voprosy, -golovogo, vospitaniia. IAoskva, Gos.iza-vo tod.lit-ry, 1959. 105 p. (KIU 12:12) " (MIES3, SIMIL) ATARDV9 T.,S,, kand.meditsinskikh naukq zaaluzhannyy vraoh RSISR (Rostov- "---rg;ZI_ionu) h-oblems In the organl2ation of dermall.ovenereologioal care. Sov. gilrety.3p nqv:63-65 ,6p, (MIRA 13:8) (DERMAT)LOGY) (VENBMUi DISSALS3) ,AT --!-A~,,.-) (Rostov-na-Donu:l Form of stitting organizational problems. Concorninr,, a reco . e ation m nd for avoiding repoatod Wassermann tosts in prol.mancy. Vestedom.i ven, no.8:56-59 161. (MIRA 15:5) (PREGNANCY) (symnis.-DIAGNOSIS- -WASSEM41M REACTION) ATAROV~ kandmed.nauk 11radioation of fooi of infection io a deciding factor in control- lirig dermatmyoosia; result of work of the Rostov Province Darmato- I?srjereological Clinic, Vestdermoi van* 35 nc..ltW~P-66 Ja 161. (MRA 103) (ROSTOV PROVINCE--DEEKATOMYCOSIS) ATAROV, T. S., kand. med. naiuk, saoluzhannyY vrach RSJ?SR Methods and practice of dispensary treatment of skin diseases; Ow.wwk experience of dermatological institutions in Rostov Province. Vest. dam. i von. 36 no.7-4 55-57 JI "62. (MIRA 15:7) (SKIN-DESEASES) . (ROSTOV PROVINGE--HOSPITAIS-OUTPAUENT SERVICES) ATAROV, V. T. PA 243T18 UNII/Dwicine A41,ib.~ Jan "The Action of Volatile Fhytoncides on Fhatographic Emulsions," Cand Biol Sci M. B. RaZUMDvich, V. T. Atarov, Brest State Pedagogic and Tea,.hers' Inst.imeni. A. S. Pushkin "Prirada" Vol 42, No 1, pp 95,96 Detection of volatile phytoncides by means of pro- tozoal dough, as augibasted by B. P. Tokin, is. n:-)t always reliable. Hovdver, volatile p]Wtoncides ex-- ert a noticeable effe(A on photograph~Lc plates and paper, so that this me -thod can be used for establish- ing the presence of phytoncides. Testscftbe method vere cexried out with onions, garlic, aid bitd'-,.herry. 243T18 BORTSOVA, M.P.; GAM&TUROVA, P.B.; POPLAVSKAYA, A.V.; SHIICHK(),o N.P.; PAVWV, G.D.; PDDIWVA, A.T.; IOVA, S.I.; AILESAIIVIDVA, R.P.-, _AT-ALTJ]M~A.G~; VOWBITEVA, Ye.I.j GANIURTS, E.K.; GILM. , D.Ta.; FARSHINA. M.A.; FILIKA, R.A.; CHUVAVrAYHVA, Ta.S. Solecting demulsifiers for crude olbi processed in Groznyi refineries. Trudy GrozNll no.4-.17-26 159. NIRA 12:9) 1.,Groznenskiy ne'ftyallor nauchno-isaleaovatellskiy illatitut (GrozNII) (for Favlov, Podumovsk, Lova). (Grcanyi-Petroleum-Refining) ABRAIrffAN, A,A.; ATABLIANt S.M.,; BALYANO ~!.A. Microdetermination of halides in orGavic compowids. Report ,'.'o.2: Newmethod for the simItanaous microdeterminat.'Ion of' clilorine and milf1v in organio compounds containing Cp 111, 01 Cl, S, and Ct li~ Ot N, Cl, S. Izv. AN Am. SSR. Khim. nauk-i 13 n0-5:343-346 160. (IMIA 14:2) 1. Institut organicheskoy Idiimii PJJ AvZSPL. (Chlorine-Lnalysi.s) . (Sulftir.-Analysis) S/1 71/61,/014,/005/001/001 i;142/E48.5 AUTHORS.* Abramyan, A.A., TITLE A new simplified method for the micro and semi-mitro determinatlon of silica in organic compoixads PERIODICAL; ikkademiya nauk Armyanskoy SSR. Izvestiya. KhimicheskAye naaki, v,14, noo5, 1961, 441-1143 TEXT% Very few investigations have been carried out in the field of micro and semi-micro analysis of organosilicon compounds. Based on their previous publications (Ref,4: Izv. ArmSSR, KhN, v-12, 1959, '541; v.14, 1961, 35; v.14, L96o, 343) the authors describe a new and simple method,ln which the organic compounds were subjectod:to decomposition by using potassium permanganate in sealed glass tubes-at 400 tc),5000'C for I hour. During this process the nilica is quantitatively converted to SiO2. - The amount of silica is determinedbya. gravimetric inethod with an accuracy of + o.ol to o.,s6%. The method was-used fox analysing alkoxyalkyl- ;Znd alkoxyar!*rl-organosilicOlIL compounds but it could also be applied for the determination of silica in other Drganosilicon compound's. There are 1 table and!4 Saviet-bloc references. Card'1/2 S/171i'61/014/005/001/001 A now simplified method ... E142/R485 ASSOCIATION; Institut organichookoy khimij. AN ArmSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry AS Armyanskaya SSR) SUBMITTED., February 9, 1961 Card 2/2 ABRAMYAN, A.A.; ATASHYANp S.M. New halogen absorber in the simultaneow microdeternination of carb)n, hydrogen, and halogen* Izv*AN Arm*SSR--.MiI""ki 14 no-4.-401-402 161. (MIRA 14'.10) 1. Institut organichemkoy khimnii AN Arinyanskoy SSR. (Carbon-Analysts) (Hydrogen-Amilysis) (Halogens) ABIUMN, A.A.3 ATASHUN,.S!11. Nmw #Asorbent of halogais-inthe simdtikneous mic rod ttermination of cdrbon, hydrogenp and balogens. Izv.AN Arm.SSR.n;J.m.nauki 15 no.6t5;d-525 162. (IORA 16s2) 1, Institut organichoskoy khimii AN Argranskoy SSR. (OrgaM6 coupounds) (Halogms) (carbon--AnalyaiB) (Hydrogen.-Aneklyria) A!U~L~ULN XJ.; VLASOVA, R.N.; DAVYDOVA. Te.A.,- DANILENE), I.S.; DZIOV, V.A.; DUBROVIN, A.P.; YBYANOVA, L.Y.; KARFRINO, L.Y.; KUPIKOV, L.N.; EDTRELIV, S.V.; LUKILWOV. N.I.; MEL41KOV, N.V., prof., obahchiy red.; MOTTCHAN, A.A.; NENTINOV, A.M.; POGOSTANTS, T.K.; SIMIZ. M.D.; SKOBW, G.I.; .13WBODCHIKOV, P.I.; SMIRN011, VA.; SUSHCHENKO, A.A.; SOKOWVSKIT, N.M.; TRETITAKOV, E.M.: FISH, Te.A.: TSOT, A.G.-, TSTPKIN, V.S.; CHMMVSKOT, P.A.; CHIZHIKOV, V.T.; ZHUKOV, V.V.. red.izd-va; KOROVENIKOVA, Z.L.,; PROZOROVSKATA, V.L., [Prospects for the opi-pit mining of coal is the U.,S.S.R.,6 studies and analysis of mining and geological conditionts and technical and economic Indices for (;pen-pit mining of coal deposits] Perspektivy otkrytol dobycht UglilL V SSSR; Iseledovania i analiz gornogeologi- cheakikh uslovii I telchniko-ekenomicheskikh pokazatelei otkrytoi razrabotki ugollnykh riastorozhdenii. Pod obahchei r9d. N.V.Mall- RikDVa. Moskva, Ugletokhizdat, 1958. 553 P. (14IR& 11:12) 1. 'Fs99ny-uzwqy teentrIL11W goqudaratvennyy proynktgry inst!itllt "Tsentrogiprosbakht." 2. Chlen-korrespondent Alf SSS:R (for Mall- jkikDV). (Coul mines and mining) ..1 ABRAWAN, A.A,; ATASHYAN, S.M,, I... . .1 '0. Now absirber of halogens (CltBrq and 1) in a joint iniorode- termination of carbong hydrogent and halogens. 12m. AN Arm.SSR. Khim. neuki 18 no.W16-218 065. (IGRA 18311) 1. Institut organichoskoy khimii AN ArmSSR. Sulmritt?d January 5, 1965. nt n o-i~r r, r. orj;;riri~i Q Ir irt-vtu-ai tiev&'! am 1 .3 1- 1 R T~,i -rlv an-I f;kogl, ;,av cv~, . ATAULIAlUiANOV, I.A. ------- COntent of copper Und iron in the org,,Ans of preparit, women and the dynamics of the accumulation of these elements in the organism of the fetuves. Vcp. med. khim. 9 no.E:587--592 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Kafedra fiziolofliJ. i biokhimii cheloveka i zhivotnykh Samarkandskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta ireni A. Navoi. -64 48 /ODO/009 J, k 7.~.6 's, 100 ya iM, z I R;, t le J1W ki td a "MT -.~Mft ps, P"VAT..- 4. -7 aw- iiii. . J5~ 'SQURCET:~-,~Tr V3, CITED TOPM' All, -3 14411hihn C'-LeBtetr'~--~ tying,76 :fi 10 yap, t j V.- - C-autlo I bitdk lito th &- 60. y ph.hMklic estOrs- 'A .6 co t, --tw04 es-41 ~cotton: ac e Fe, en-~ yp $~, . !, - 160 i4 124 3.~ 2- a 4 at" a ii n n a -u ctAb -wltk-lvdine ninhers na urat tila :fr d*-, bj 4 crys i al 1! get ion with urea.-Tha~c6mobsitlo actibnlVas -.'rtnkive nz of Ut xyli ,tbplh)thaTl6,:e-s terl ill by- weighi vas 60.0% f -%tty imids, 15.4% litol wid 24#6T pMhollc - aW%jrdrlde The-phthalic anbyiride and then -the,, X Y xylitol werat md~-cd,- vritb~ btilTr- mgi' dthe', fattt acids after they, had. been hesi ad to 2100'. The temperature itag'' li.hen yaised to 26OG and ke,pt vt this leivieluntit---;,--',~~ 2 L holirb- dtpiodi. bat e Aegree: o rv m a % w4 8/0084% E-1-44,01--~-ttf IBM ntl-eg IAV~ I hi, ff Ott 1-61 14T df i& la; eplj. olliI~-~89,wel All --Op- a -W -vE acids -Asolate Mjjj~~ ~lilbjtajntjjg tfiemi-~ a fds,~'- c 'They riases-~ and :the:kitij '"Uml*'r. of ~-jtlbe-mi tu e of 66M-46i* oi eized -641~ dicie" e8-, .1 Utldthei Ulf luence~ 01~11-k-iadtatta-Aaj-,:, =,effte -an I ~~-IbAiillw~ r6dni d 'cotton. --to -mi -,lot the it til r a MAW Sl- !"PLUS OLL01 11 Llyphthil tilk ii Went tR ATAULLAY N V, Vimiation of the interval between thef flowariz4r, of inale and female imflorescences in cotton. Uzb. biol. zhur. no.3:44-47 159. (MIRA 12: 11) 1,,Pilial InstitUta 2emledeliya Akadeali sell skc.khoz3raystvGnnykh nEluk Uzbekskoy SSR. (Thbakistan-Cotton) (Plants, Flowering-of) _#T_4MJAYRV--v,ir,N*A.#,v.-,k,oLnd. biolog. uauk Summer nowimg of nelf-pollinated lineu of corn ftu Uzbekistan. Ag.robiologila no.4:630-632 R-Ag t59. (MIRA 12:10) I.&I.vutinskV& goeudarstvann selektuionnaya stunteiva, Gallp-Aral, Samarkandsko7 oblasti., (Azbekistan-Corn (Maize)) -,'!. l.".ii ~ ~!~ , 'I , '. . ~ :~ ;: I : -, ; : p . . , c 1 , - .- - ', ii j! . ~-- '.., . . : ABOLINA, G.I., doktor 1~1)ologioheskikh nauk; AI!Mj~~P, N.I.:,-kand. biolog. nabk; KMIMOV, A. .N4 '~. ,, Effect of water balance and fertilization on the pbyniological processes and yield of melons in Uzbekistan. Agrobiolojiia nc.3t437-Ul W-Je 163. (KM 16.-7) 1. Unbekskiy nauchno.-Issledovateltakiy institut ovoshche-bakhahevykh kvIltur i kartofelpt, Tashkent, (Uzbekii3tan-NiBlons-Fertilizers and manures) (Uzbelcistan-Molons'-Water requirements) ATAULLAYEV, N.A. --- Effect of a grovth promoting substance of on the developmentp physiological changes melons in Uzbekistan. Uzb. biol. zhur. 1. Institut ovoshche-bakhahevykh kulltur UzbSSR. -pet-oleum origin and yield of 163. (MIRA 18:11) i kartofelya, ATAULLAUV, V.A.,, kand.biolog. nauk Phot.operiodic developonazit and tho resisi4nee of melons to fusarium wilt,. Agrobiologia no,4:'571-575 Jl-Ag 63. . (X'IRA 16:9) 1. Institut avoshche-'balrhchevykh kA I tw- i kartofe1ya 143-nisterstva sellskogo khozyayatva Wbekskoy SSR, Ta-shkent. ZIA (Uzbekis'til.b;;.RO76-n,-.Si-soase im'dpa6~ retsistAince) (PhotoperiodisEt) i BABADAGLY, V.A.; PEDDETIR, YijX.;.-ATAULLIN,-E.I.. Formation of the sixth Maylisa; northeautern Forgana. Naftegaz. geol. i geoflz. no.8:33-35 164. (1,11RA 17 -.9) 1. Glavnoye upravloniye gazovoy promyshlennostl pri Sove-te MirAstrov SSSR i Sreclpeaziatskiy filial Vsescyu2:nogo nwacbno-issledovatellskogo instituta prirodnogo gaga, BIBADAGLY , V.A.; RAVIKOVICII, Kh.A.; KUDRYASIIOV, Ye.V.; AIAUI,LIIZ Pri.M.,.-inli ucluistiye , GONCHAROV, E.S., I -ff Wd. red. [Lithology, tectonics, and oil and gas potentials of the northeastern margin of the Fergana Depressionj lilologiia, tEiktonika i neftegazonostost' neogenovFkh otloztenii scivero-vostochnogo borta. Fergamskoi depressii. [1~-] V.A. B, badagly i dr. Leningrad, Nedra, 19S4. 181 r. (1,11RA Ifj:3) 1. Vsesovuznyv. nauchne-issledovatellskly institut prlrc)d- n3,kh gazov. Srednea,,,,ia.tskiy filia ATAVIN, A.I,.- SKREBKOV, G.P.p kand.tekhn.nauk Sisiple calculation of presoure in a hydraulic systen -with a compensator. Vest.mashinostr. 42 no.13.-33-36 Ag 162. (MM 15:8) (Hydraulic machinery)