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ASTASHENKO, A.l.; LIDUR, P.S.; MAKIVYIN, L.G. Thunderatorm activity in Len:Lnl:7,rad Province in 1961. Trudy GGO no.146:3-9 163. (MIRA 17:2) ASTASHENKOY A.I.; MAKHOTKIN, L.G. Location of near lightning dincharges. Trudy GGO no.146-. 10-16 163. (MIRA 17:2) ACCESSION NR: AT4:011509 S/2631/63/000/146/0010/0016 ~AUTHOR: Astashenko, A. L; Makhotldn, L, G,* _*__'_~ in'__ ITLE: Direction-Mi of neir lightning tascharges T SOURCE: Leningrad. Glwrn. geoftz. observatariya. Tru4y*, no. 1460 1963. Atmoaf-Druoye elektrichestvo, 10-16 TOPIC TAGS: lightning, lightning discharge, near lightning dfachirge, lightnills direction dete4tion, lightning detection, loop antenna, moteorology, atmospheric electricity ABSTRACT: The aut.Ors considered data roga:rding the need for the selection of speciAl circuitry for a near-adischarge (to 200 k3n) dire ation-finder (DF), and showed that these data were not supported by the results of the testing of a unidirectional direction-finder using loop antennas (also roferred -to as "frame" or "'coil" antennas). Conventional type direction- finders preserve unidirectivity and, in the laajDrity of cases, have practically accepULble errors even at the very smallest distances (to :1. 0 km. During the last war, in the UV.., due to pL lack of special D:F equipment, ;kn atterqpt vras made to use standaro nav~gatlonal DF units operating on short w6es forDFling atmosp~herLcs; the atiempt was unsuccessfri as aoonse- quence of the propciption peculiarities of short waves which made it impossible, to encompass Cord 1/3 ACCESSION NR: A,ra11509 a sufficiently large ir~a and because'.of tRe MO. level'of nterfereribe from r,wRo 4tificial I staLons. While the Iletworkof cathode Dkclquipment~roodes observations"over a rai-Lus of ~'p to several thol,ind. kilometers :: prictical requii0mehts call for obserftdons of near dis6harges with lesis.,sensitive equip;,ent' rasMting ii'the;llevying of differe~i requirements on these "local" DFV .#ts, otl2er ":me~ekj varying the i~reshold of sensitivity. Tho au0ors point out tbat~ requirements for a~curacjy im 4im,4% dbtermination ap limite6 by the'angular dimenslofi~. of the lightni4- *Vigation D'F e Vipment permitis alimuth deter- qu Wratic arroi of 10-2 ~. In this 0 -that mbiation with a me an~ , " ;,, ,2hnection, the authores claim the solution of the problem posed requires, in the majority of cases,. an 2equracy only in the lorder of severia i4egrees, but thatf wAil a placing z;o excess demands on azimuth doter- mination accuracy, care must be taken to avoid any ambiguity in bearingreadtags, fo:r otherwise lhe.valuia of the local DF installation is reduced. The authors i.*efqr to the work of Q. G. Ster& a:ad 4. "N. Doyle (Location of near lightning dideharges. Recent a4vimces in atmospheric electxiciiy. Proceed. of th(i Sacond confarence on atmospheric elec Jcity. charac- Ed.,, by L. G. Smith 'Loadon, Pergamon Press, 1058),in 4 discussion of fhe.gcineral~'. teristics o~ different iantenna. systems and;the results ~f tepts of a directiou-finder using an Adcock antenna. 'M(k ponclude this disouggLori with the statement that, althwi;,p errors of Ca rd, 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AT-10:115DS S/2531/63/000/146/0003/0009 AUTHOR: Astashenko A. L; Ly*dzar, P. S.; MakhoUdn, L. G. TITLE: Thunderstorm ketIvity In the Leningrad region In 1061 SOURCE: Loningrad., Glavn. geofiz. 6baervatorlya. Trudy*, no. 146, 1963. Atr~osfernoyo elektrichastvo, 3-9 TOPIC TAGS: thunderstorm activity, thunderstorm, thunderstorm recorder, atmospheirle electricity, meteorology ABSTRACT: Summarized in this article are the results of observations conducted in the summer of 1961 by ineans of a unidirectional dfirection-finder and a complex of thunderstorrri recorders. Charactcristic pocullarities in the distribution of storms are noted fuld charts, obtained by various methods, are compiled. :1n the summer of 1961, at the radio-gonlornet-. rical point at Voyeykt)vo, observations were made of thunderstorms within a radius of up to 200 Ian with the help of a unidirectional cathode direction-finder and a set of monotype Lhun.- derstorm discharge counters of various sensitivity. For purposes of an approximate deter.- mination of the distance to the storm, the authors used an empirically found dependence of atmospherics (in amplitudo) on tlia remotenesi3 of the source of;discharges. The storm-, recorder complex consisted of five inBtrumeniz, with their sensitivity levels so selected: Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4011508 that Instrument No. 5 was activated at storms distant to 200 km, No. 4 - to 150 krn, No. 3 - to 1100 km, No. 2 - to 50 km and No. 1 - to 1.5 km. A total of 6, 000 readings were made during the daytime (from 090D to 2100 h.) in a period embracing almost the entire storm period. The charts presented In this article viere then compiled on the basIF of a statistical processing of the Information derived from tIW.3c readings. The authors note, however, Uiat charts obtained as a result of the standardized processing of information derived from obser- vations by radar or atmospherics may differ frDM one another if there Is a variation in tho probability of a transition of licavy-rain clouda Into thunderstorm clouds as a function of local conditions. As Indicated in one of the latest (at the time of the article's writing) recommendations of the World Meteorological Organization, thunderstorms and heavy showers cannot be distingul shed on the basis of radar observations.. After M1 experimental chart of thunderstorm activity had been compiled, observational data were collected for the 1961 sununer season and a calculation was made of the sum duration of daytime thunder- storme In hours (from 10 Jim* through the endof August). Thanks to the availability of it rather closely-knit network. (more than 40 stations), these data made It possible to complis a separate chart for storm duration which was combined with a chart drawn up according to observations of atmospherics at one point. Olher charts were also compiled In a similax Card 2/3 ASTASHEMO Frequency distribution of thunlerstonas in 1"onix, I.-a.-I Province in 1962% Trady GGO no.lY!s68-0 "64 GRA 1738) Ya. Ye.; NABOYCHENKO K. V.; ASDISEENKCIV, !T. MMiAYWV) 1. N., Kl1RYUTl1N,, A. A. "Invest igatior. into critical heat fluxes in a channel of annular cros,, -sect ion with forced mction of acetone subcooled below the saturation tenperature." paper submitted for 2nd All-Union Conf on Heat & Mass Transfer, Minsk, 4-12 ma~~ 1964. Moscow Engineering & Physical Inst. DENISOV, N.N., polkovnik; ASTASHENKOVI,,F.T., inah.-mayor; KADER, Ya.M., reel.; SLEPTSOVA, Ye.N., tektn. red. [Atomic energy] Atomnaia energiia; sbornik statei. ?Ibakva, Votin.izd-vo M-va oborony Soiuza SSR, 1954. 52 p. (MIRA 161g) (Atomic energy) ASTASELWIKOY, P.T., in-:,hen&r-tuLyor; OLMIKIN. V.S., akademik, gf)neral- '~~RtVi*""tghenei~-no-tekhnichaskoy iiluzhby, redaktor; XOKR,, TaX, reclak,w; FRODDY, S.P., dotsent; general-mayor, inzhenerno-tekh- niehecki5y aluzhby, konsulltanl:; JUZAKOVA, V.Te., takhniCheSkiy redakto:~ [Electricity o-a airplanes] Elt)ktrichestvo na samolete. Pod red. V.S.Kulobakina. Hoskva, Voen. izd..-vo Hinisterstva oborciny SSSR, 1955. 124 P. (:KIR& 8:7) 1:Airplanee--Electric equipment) "'M I't. Col.) 011d I': (IM 11 . IY 3 V , P M "Problems Ln the Use of Atomic ErierjZr," Military PublishLng House of the Ministry of Defense, Moscow, 1955. 320 nafes,, The book ia a collection of articleiri on atomic enerey :)ublished in the Red Star betveen June 1954 and April 1955. These artioles are devoted to problems in the use of ir atomic e nerMr, defen:,,e against ato,,,.iie attaoks and foreign. data cDncerning offensive atomic warfare. D 31961.8, 13 Sep 55 ASTASHSYKoV,p., Inshener r A~omjc power indultry. Tekh-mol,23 no-9:23-28 S155. (MLHA 8:12) (Atom!lc power induntrv) ininEAR TEMOLCO MID APPLICATIONS: 11, DMUSIMY v "Book Review: Atomic Industry," by P. ~P- Astachankov. Voyenizdat, 1956, 24o Pages, illustrations r.7y --u.-,Iefj . The author acqoaints the reader with the ntture of atamic energy) fission energy, nuclear fuel, the n7acl-= fusion reaction) and thermonu- clear reactions. The b-,)ok tel3s in ~Iptail about the prospects of ap- plying atomic energy for humen needs, the resources of atomic fuel, its processing, problems of protection against radiation, and the manu- facture of tbermonuclear fu,~I. Sepa:-ate ch-apterc. of thAe book a,-)-e de- voted to the atordic induetvj of the U.S. and Great brttain. The au- thor pays particv.1ar attention to thf~ prospects for development of atomic-power engineering, types of pover reactors, nuclear electric stations, an%-*[ nuclear engines. The 'xok contains many photographs, diagrams, and dravrings. Card: 1/1 MOSKOVSKIY. V.P., general-imayor, rocbl ktorl-&STASHINK07, P.T., inzhener- podpol.kovnik, redaktor; WAR "i'd , Ya.H., re i;k't8VfttI!8IIIS, N.V., takhnicheakiy rG~.aktor (ProblAme of atomic energy utIlization; manual -1 Problemy ispolizo- vaniiii ato:mnoi eLergii; abornik statei. Izd. 2- oe. ispr. i dop. Moakva, Voon. izd.-vo H-va obox. SSSR, 1956. 623 p. (MI&A 10:4) (Itomic we,rfare) (At,ntio power industry) (Radio8ativity-Safety measures) Subject USSR/Aeronautics - airiation abroad Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 22/23 Author Title : Periodical : Abstract : Astashenkov, P. A., Hng,-U.Col. Aircraft with atomic propulsion Vest. vozd. flota, 4, 89-94, Ap 1956 AID P - 4633 The author, on the b;3sis of foreign literature, mainly British and American, reviews the possibilities for the construction of atoml.c propulsion aircraft. Five sketches, 1 graph. Institution : None Submitted : No date AID P - 41,11 Subject USSR/Aeronautics - Aircraft (Tu--104 Card 1/1 Pub. 58 - 6/14 Author Astashenkov P., ancl V. Zhukov Title A High Altitude and High Speed Jet Periodical Kryl. rod., 6, 10-11, Je 1956 Abstract History of the con,,itruction and test.13 of the jet liner Tu-104 narral;ed in a popular form. The range of the liner is inl1icated, and plans for equipping the civil aviation with more jet aircraft-mentioned. N'o factual data of interest. 2 photos. Inetitution None Submitted N*o date AUMOR%. Astasbeakov., P. T., Rag. Lt. CaL. 86-9-21/36. TIME: 7he Founder of the Modern Rocket Dynamics (Osnovopolo%bmik oovremei3noy rake+Wdini6miki) PEMDIGAL: Vestxdk Vozdxxshnogo Flota, 1951', Nr 9, pp. 61-67 (USSIO ABSUMT.- 7he article, written on the octasion of the 100th ann'LvvrBary of tbe birth of K. E.,Tbiolokvskiy, g.ves a short biography of the eminent Itiesian scientist,, and outline(; his most important scientific achieve- ments, Such, according to the author of the article Lt. Col, Astas`hen~ov, are: (a) Tsiolko,;skiyls ana:Lysis of the theoretical aspect of' the: problem of the f1ight of lighter-than-timi -air rigid air- abips (t2e mekin subject of Tsi)31covskiyls work in the years 1885 to 1892,% Tsiolkovskiy is said t:) have been the first ti) consider that eonstant the 3-ift Df MU lighter-tban-the-ILix airship requd.res that the volum of Us ship vary. He is also said to haNe been the first to offer a scitatific basis for designing a dirigible with a nital envelope (b) Tsi,olkoviskiyfs contributtou to the stdy of' tie conditions of flight, oT the lighter-than-the-eAr airships (Tsiolkovskiyls artic,3-- "Airp],ane or Bird-Like Flying - Aviation -- Webine"P I'Aeroplm ili ptita!.-podobnaya - aviatsionnik)ni - letatell- naya mehins"O was published In 1894). Tsiolkovskiy is credited vith Card 1/5 having conceived the idea of tL cantilever monoplane with thick wings The Founder of the Modern Rocket Dynamics (Gont.) 86-9-21/.~16 conceived by Tsiolkovskiy. Man-,Uoned arat - the ao-called "Tsiolkovskiyls hypothesis*,, Ahich is wordad as followst "The rolative velocity of the ajioctsd particles is conistant*- - Tsiolkovskiyls formula for co:iputing the velocity of a rocket (V) at a given momento The formula is quoted thus: MO V = 2,3 Vr :Lg 7-9 where Jk% -the actual mass of the rocket at a given moment 19 - the initial mass of -',,he rocket Vr - the constant velocit.,,r of the particles ejected through the nozzle; - and the "Tsiolkovskiyls theor5m", which readas "If the mass of the rocket., plus the mass of the explosive enclosed within the device., in- creases in a geometric progresolon., the velocity of the rocket ino-oeases in anarithmetical progression,." The theorem is offered by Lt. Ccl. Astashenkov as permitting to assert that *the most advantageous way of' increasing the velocity of a rocket is not to augment the rala- tive c:uantity of the reserve oJ! fuel carried by the racket,, but to ac- celerzite the relative velocity of the particles ejected through the nozzlo.11 Second I ., Lt. Col. Ast,:,shenkov outlines briefly sone of Tsiollcovskly's practical ideas in the rocket technology, viz.s - the idaa of equipping the rookets with curved spray nozzles; Card 3/5 - the idea of building "trains of rockets". Lt.Col,kstashenkov notos that the f"-21/36 The Founder 6f the Modorn Rocket Dynamics (Conte) In the last paragraphs of his article, Lt. Col. Astashonkov oxalts the role of the Communist party in helping TsAolkovskiy in his work.9 Mel cites aome other scientists whoije new ideas in the field of rocketry the party had supported and imp~lementedi - Yu. V. Kondratyulc,, vbo "reoomnended the use of ozone a;i oxidizer., instead of oxygen,, and mig- gested to add metals to the fuel"; - V. Ps Glushko,, who "worlaid an -the problen of liquid-f-ael rocket e:igines., and has built Vae firat models of suda engines"; - A. F. Tsand,!.r,, who "conceived the idea of vBing the metal parts of the rocket for :Uicreasing the efficiency of the fuel, the idea of a compound rocket (komblnirovannaya raketa), etc.8; F. A. Tsarder is called Tsiolko,rskiyIwIin=Gdiate followerffl; -- M. K. Tikt,onravov, who *built a series of rockets and launched them successPullyft. The author noteo also the works of V. P. Gluiihko, S. P. Norcilev, Ya. A. Pobeelonoutsev, and L. S. Dushkin on Uquid-fael rocket aftgines. Speaking c,f tho practical Soviet achievements in launoblag modem planes, Lt. Col. Astaphenkov names A., N. Tupolev's airships Tu-104 and Tu-110., and the recently built "Uhraina" and "Mosk-NaO, "Still more remarkable will be the gigantic airplone., Tihich has alzeady been given the name of 'Rossiya , The airplane will be propelled by four turboprop engLnesew 2 ph.;os (of K, E. Talolkovakiy). AVAIIABLE: Libraij, off Congress Card 5/5 Modern Warfare GER/5679 sonalities are mentioned. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 5 Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion Weapons 7 Atomic Weapon Carriers 2 2 Protection of Armed Forces Against Atomic Weapons 1-:3 Guided Projectiles, Their Composition and Methods of Operation 4:6 Automatic Control of Guided Missiles 5 6 Card 2/7 86-58-4-26/27 AUTHOR: _A,,,, P,.. T., Engr-Lt Col, TITLE: Atomic Wewpons (Atamnoye oruzhiye) PERIODICAL: Vestnik: vo-zdushnogo flota, 1958, Nr 4, pp 90-92 (USSR) ABSTRAM: The British booklet "Atomic Wealen!, published by the 'British Minist37 of Interior and 4-ransIx-ted into the Russian language in 1957, is reviewed by the author of this article. AVAILABLE: Libxsrr of Congress 1. Stomic warfare 2. Radiological warfare agents Card 1/1 ASTAMMY90Y. Patir Timofeyevich; VRUBLIVSKIT, A.V., inzh.-podpolkovnik, r -iiR - - rd. -,-S i; iP -A-,--Te-.N.-, VRAdio olectronice in missile guidance] Radioelektronika v upravlonii snariadami. Moekv,%, Voen.izd-vo K-ve obor.SSSR, 1-66 p. (HIRA 13:3) (Guidance systeins (Flight)) (Guided missiles-314Datronic equipment) ASTASHENKOV, P. New acbievement of aircraft builders. Kryl.rod. 11 no.9:16 '59. (MIRA 13:9) (Jet transports) PHM I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/386o Astashenkov, Petr 12imofeyevich ---------- Radioelektranika v upravlenii snaryadam!L (Radio Electronics for Guided Missiles) Moscow, Vbyen. 'Lzd-vo M-va obor. SSSH, 1960. 166 p. No. of copies printed not given.. Ed.- A. V. Vruble-vskiy, Engineer, Uewtenant-Colonel; TL-ch. Ed.: V. N. Sleptsova. PUMSE: This book is for the general n-ader who is interested in guided miasiles. COVERAGE: The bocilk describes)in popula:r form)the extensive use of radio elec- . tronicsiri gulded missiles. The authi;r discusses special structural and operational features of 1paidance systems such as self-contained, command, beamrider, and homing systeme; possibilities of app:lication of radio electronics in rocket testing; and. probable countermeasure ii and problems of radio electronic inter- ception of preaetnt-day missiles. A1:1 data concerning specific guidance i;ystems, rad!,o eleictivnic devices, their operation and design, trends in their de,rel(T- ment, radio countermeasures, and rocket interception problems, have been gathered from fDreign sources. No personalities an.- mentioned. There wre J12 references: 2 Soviet, 39 English, and 1 German. Card 1/4 Radio Electronics for Guided (cont. SOV/386o TABO OF COTPBhZ?S.* C4. 1. Guided Idissilee: A New Kind of Voapon 3 1. General information on ivdio electronic devices for guided missiles r,; 2. Homing on the target by means of radio electronic and automatic devi(,-es S Ch. 11. Airmatic Mechanisms Which Cow~:rol Missiles 1~s 1. Stellar i%utomatic mechanisms e 21~ 2. Automatic star-tracking telescopes for missiles 30 3. Inertial systems 35 Ch. Ill. HLdio Electron-1c Devices for CDmmELnd Control System 313 1. Basil,. elements of command control system 39 2. QperLtional. cycle of command signals 4-D 3. Control of missile flight IxLth by radio commands 46 4. Gu:Lcl?Lnee checking 50 5. Television transmitter for a remote-controlled bomb 51 6. Autawttic remote-control systems 58 Ch. IV. Bei%m-M&r Guidance System 618 Ch. V. R&d1rl-T[av4LFvLtion Techniques fox, Rocket Missiles 76 Card 2/ 4 Radio Electn)nics for Guided (Cont. ) SOV/3860 1. TVperloollc xudio-mxvi6ation systan 2. Circu:Lar radio-navigation system for guided missiles Ch. VI. Tarjjet HoDdng Systems 1. Heat I,Inftared) t&rget orientation 2. Radar target orientation, Radio direction-finder target orientation 4. Acoustic Urget orientation 5. Combired gaidance control systems I Ch. VIL Coiftacitlxiss Detonators Ch. VIII. Radia lChectronics and the De-ve-lopment of New Guided Rockets I. New electronic :instruments and automatic devices for guiding systems 2. TIelemetering systp-,ns for testing pdded missiles 3. DetermiwLtlon o:r mtseile flightpeth by means of electronic devices Card 3/4 106 Eli 83 89 99 110 :L:L4 U6 117 :111?1 :1:21 .131 U6 PHASE I BOOX EXPLOITATION CZECH/5879 Moskovskiy, V. P., Major General, and P. T. Astavsenkov, Engi- neer, Lieutenant Colonel Soudob 'a' vo ~Ienk;36' technika (New DE~velopznentx it) Military Tech- .~d. Praha, Na Series: nology)"2d ~ Xe vc,jkeo, 1961. 385 P. Kni*~nlce modernf vojenskd tec~.niky, sv. 9.) 10,000 copies printed. Adaptation cf Novoye v voyennoy, tekhnike; abornik. Mospow, Voyenlzdat' 1958. Resp. Ed.-. Karel Zelenf; Tecb.Ej: BlankaJiraskova. PURPOSE: This book Is intended for military personnel. C*OVERAGE: Ttie book, adapted frou a Russian edition, deals pri.. marily wi,th modern military Tanteriel used by Western armed forces. Discussed are tanks, infantiT arbillery, antitank missiles, motorized artille:my, mine throwers, ballistic C ard 1/* AL'PTA5HENKOV , P. T. "Electricity fol- Airplanes and Rockets", Edited by Acade.-dcian Major General B., C. Kulebakina of the Technical Engineer Service, Militibiry Publishing House, Ifiristry of Central USSR, Moscow, 1961 . ,-,AKAPHHNKOV ~i!t-.,~jimofeyevichp zhwiia:Livt)* TOROPOV, L.p red.; NUOINp Yu,,, j_ _ takhn. -!a( . (Flight to raw developments] Polet v novoe. Floskva Goo. izd-vo Polit. lit-ry, 1961. 45 P, (MIRA 14:9) C~a-rochkin, Semen Aleksoymvich, 1900-1960) (Airp~~as-De sign arul CDnstruction) ASTASHENEOV, 11, , imhonor-poIkovnik lrr~ ilith the aid of invisible raya. Starsh.-serzh. no.8:26 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:10) (.Infra-red rays-IlUlitary applications) ASTASHENKOV, P.,, in;~h. Into the road to the stars. Yxyl, rod. 13 no,3114-15 Mr 162, I (MIRA 1815) ASTASIIF,NKOVP. Pj. !j l:a2h.-polkovnikj 7TEFILOVp V.F.p Icapitan 2 ranga, lrf660: CRAPAYETA, -F- R.I.# tekba. red., [Mill' tar .7 engineer is an eviriptic teacber]Voennyi inzhener - aktiimyJ, vos-pitatelf; aborn:Lk statei i ochorkov. NoBkwa, Voen- izdai*.,, 3.962. 126 p. (MilLttry engineers) (MIRA 15:10) ASTASHENROV, Pet:r Tiv~ofeyevich; IAAIVEIJ;,I,'A) A.V.j red,,; VLASOVA, R.A., - -1- - -- - - -.-- - t6k!'n". ro . [Atomic power, industry]Atonnalit promy3hlennost'. I-oskva Closatomi!isdat, 1962. 211 p. (MJJIA 15:8~ (Aiximic power industry) ASTASHENKO, Petr Timofe evich; ANDEEYENKO, Z.D., red.; VIASOVA, . . , teldin. red. [Aomic r,,Ldio engineering) Aton naia radiotekhnika. Moskva, Gc,, 1962. 88 p. (K[RA 16: 1) (~~anlxan theory) (Masere) (Microwaves) ASTAS-HENKOV,,Petr Tbaofeyovich, Insh.-jolkomik; KADER, Ya.M., red.; ZUDINA., M.P., tekhn. red, (What is blonic,s] Chto takov bionika. Mookya, Voen.12d- vo M-va ob.)r.S53R, 1963. 79 p. (HIRA 16:8) (BiDnico) (Radar) ASTASHENKOV, Petr Timofoyevich, ' inzh.-polkovnik; TOLUBKO, V.1%, KAEFR, Yti.M.p red. (Soviat rocket troopal Sovotsk`Le raketnye voiska, Moakval Voenizdat, 19&.'.. 231 P. (MIRA 1812) 1. Perv-yy zamestitall Glavnokoian(hiyushchego Ritkat,-Vmi voyakami strateigiohaskogo nazziachoniya (for Tolubko). L 477. the: d blp'x :z aTdth. Avilition, - -An Tho~aubhbr gave grOX r"tru6tim shp-di* thi vho: hmv,~j j,)ck.e. The bq*N~ tAlls f and, Of 4"he high hiw~t acqualnt srs i ~1~. ~6~id rocl~tv; "I'*ntWn 0 pf:C~i' 0~ pot. pf r 4.!vucfA*-n th of' i5rprownll 'li ei -,L~ d0v ~.D aucacm(O illtsrestbd~ in Of al,,W forcoas TABM? 0V c 4bri dewlciiowt of i udhy~;:Iwl' Lucca$ b0. 6d miisi -taw i k ; id sr 'Immar ~kdt,-~ioll wv wd reqUrc~mu mfbi~ 0 ' SUB (:ODE:, 000 ASTASHENKOVA, K.Yu. Changes in. the ixtsal metaboltvm processes in an extremity during its experimental replantatio.,,i~ Khirurgiia 41 no.4:103-109 Ap 165-, (MIRA 18:5) 1. Ikiboratoriya po peresadke organov i tkaney A1414 SSSR, Moskva. ASTASIM IIIKOVA, K. Yu - Bioche,;dca'L indices in the mus,Ae tissue of dog's extremity before and -Collowing its resection in autotranspIrntation. Trady 1-go ';TMI 42-129-134 165. ChangE:S in some biochemical in-Hees of the blood in dogs follouring -the replantation of en extremity. Ibid.:1422-147 (MITRU~ 19:2) 1. laboratoriya. po peresadke organov i tluaney A1,14 SSSF.,,. KRAVETS.. G., inzh.; MEKHANICH, V.; AgrASHEV, A.; GUCHINSKIY, A., mokhanik Pneumatic convoying of Wsisto at the Orenburg Flonr Mill No.l. Muk... elov,, prom. 28 no.8t25 Ag 162. (MIRA 1712) 1. Dranbw7gskaya maltnitsa No.l. Vj I~Al /? To 616 / 0 0 /7' ASTASHEV, Anatoliy Grigorlyerich; PARIWV, S.A., reteenzent; BEX&TOTA, redat-tor,; 11'rINA, N.M., telrhnichealcly radaktor (Design and servicing spinning machines of the cotton industry] Ustroistvo L obalushivaaie pri.wlillnvkh manhin khlopebatobumazhuot promyehlenUDOti. lzd. 2-e, dop. I perer. Moskva. Goo. nauchno- tekhn. izd-ro Hinleterstva provkrahlennykh tovarov shirokogo potre- bleniia SSSIR, 1954. 167 P. (HLRA 7:11) (Spianing machinery) ASTASHEV, A.G. Modernizaticit-i of equipment is a matter of griat national. signifi- cance. Taket.prom. 16 no.5:4-8 I~y 156. (KM 9:8) 1. Zamestitell machallnika Tekbaicheakogo upravleniya Ministerstva tekstillaoy promyshlennosti SSSI. (TextLIe machinery) ASTASI*:V, A.G.;; GOLUBSY. N,yk. " Conferenco of textile workers frm countries in the socinlirt camp. Takst.prowi. 17 no.6-14-16 ja 157, (MLRA 10:7) (Cotton mvinufacturs) AS L.GO:IIJBEV, N.M. 11~- '*Vor a further imDrovement of ma,:!hinery and technology of cotton wenving. Vekst. orom. 18 -ao.I:"i2-36 Hr '58. (MIRA 11:3) (C otton weaving) ZOWTIM, Nikolay Ilfich; IMMILOV, 0,,rigorly Andreyevich; AS!ASMURT. A.G-_,_ retsenzent; KCPSISVICH, S.A,, r-etsenzent; IMMMNA, T.F., red.: MLTMMV, L.Ta., [Machinery for combing ootton] Chesallnye mashiny dlia khlopka, Hoskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.isid-ro lit-ry po legkoi promyahl., 1959. 147 P,, (Cotton maahlnery) (MIRA 13:3) ASTASIM", A.G., lin;'.b. I"'" " 6~1 'firpannion !)f tbe cotton Industry in 1959 - 1965. Tokatprom. 19 no.4:4-q Ap 159. (Cotton rannfacture) (MnU, 2:6) A&TASH!',V,-AnataLi,v-faigWMLyieb-L GONCHVIOV, A.V., retsenzent; KOPELZTCCII., Ye.I., red.; TRISHINA, L.A., tekhn. red. (Arrangemunt and maintenance or cotton spinnimg machines] Ustroistvo i obsluzhivanie khlDpkopriadillnykh mashin. Mo- skva, Pj)wekhizdat, 1962. 21C p. (MIR& 16:6) (Spinning machinery) hi-,CEIA, 1",-, inzh., MA'"YOVA-TITOVA 'K.ftranslator); ASTASHEV, A.G., nauchn. red.; CHUGRETEVA, V.P., red. (Nonwoven textilo materials. Tranglated from the Cze.-hj Nc- tkaryq tehstillnye materialy. Moskva, I-.d-vci 'Tof,,kala in- diisti-iia," 19(4. 243 p. (MIRA 17-.7) ASTASIM.. Gennadi,.L-Kuz!nicjj; TURGUINOV,*Dadakhan Turgunovich; HATVIYENKO, NiJcolay AjidnDyevich; rARASOV, V!,ktor Pavlovich; PONCKLM, V.S., inzh., retsonzent; IMELEVA, N.P., inzh., red.; VOROIVIKOVA, L.F., tekhn. red. [Eliminating the malfVnetioning of the TCV3 diesel sirItching locor,otivo] Ustranenio noispravriostei manevrovogo tel;Lovoza M-13. Moskvaj Vses.izdatellsko-poligr. ob"edinenie E-va Putei soobshcheniii.1, 1961, 45 P. (MBLA 15:2) (Diosal loconotiveB-Hfintenance and repair) AUTHORSs Samunkovich, S. A. , Astachev, N. 11. 57-28-4-6/39 The Sublimation of Tellurl TITLE: ium Vozgonka tellura) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 4, PP. 725-731 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors investigate the method of preliminary purification of tellurium previous to the zonal melting, computed on a puri- fication-output of 013-0,1 kg/hour or 1,5 to 2,5 kg per sublimation. The comparison of various purification methods leads to the conclusion that in the modern development of the vaciram engineering the sublimation offers considera7ble ad- vantages as a means to proliminary purification. This method can easily be employed in laboratories as well as in industry. It ia suffi.-iently simple and productive. In the case of the telluriui:t purification the sublimation is very expedient because cif -the relatively low boiling point and the consider- able differonce between the tellurium-vapor pressure and that of it;;3 ftLndamental admixt-uxes (Cu, Fe, Pb, Ag and Sb) which very concidorably influence the properties of tellurium as a semicondixtor. It is shown that by a correct solution with Card 1/3 regard to the apparatus the velocity of the process in the The Sublimation o:f Te.1lurium 57..213-4-6/39 sublimation cannot only be reduced but also increased. As in the aublimation the substance is a solid body, the possibil- ity exiats to increase the surface by means of the production of i3pecial castings with a trapezoid cross section. This posi3ibility was utilized. here. The technical powdery tellurium of the Pyshma Factory (160 km crow's flight east Of Sverdlovskv rev:'Lewerlo remark) was subjected to purification here. Its chenical composition was;i 98,5-99,0% Te, about 0,05% Se, about 0,1~9' Pb:, 0,04-0,05% S, 0,,05-0,o6,,101 si, 0,18-0,25% R20 10-15% tel*.urium oxides. The sublimation was performed in 2ey apparatus ,the desoription of which. was given in reference 4. Tellurium was oncci and twice sublinated. The sublimation took place at 370-380`C. The duration of the experiment was 2 to 4 hours. The experiments showed that by means of a repeated sublimation Of I;ell%Lrium of the first type (from Soviet factories) it is posaible to obtain a product with traces of admixtures4n the spectral. analysis. The fundamental admixtures (Cu, :Pb, Ag, Al, Si, Na iLnd Fe) are concentrated in the residue. It remains un- determined where sulfur, selenium and oxygen, which could not be analyzed in it spectral way are concentrated. There axe 'I figure, 2 tables, and 4 references, 3 of which Card 2/3 are Soviet. The Sublination of Tellurium ASSOCIATION: Instittil poluprovodnikov AN SSSR Leningrad (Leningrad Institute for Semiconductors _)AS USSR) SUBMITTED:: October 19, 1957 57-.28-4-6/39 C ard. 3/ 3 GOBI'llsilTyi V.S,;_ AST:~.ISEEY. Tochnologic,ld teqtJng of Lhe Ilum.-in1wn ccntrifugal 'IT -In-; Inj machine for cottono Nluuch.-ias. trudy TSNIKIIBI ;e.L. 1161' g. t 47-56 164. 18-.8) ASTASHEV, V.G., ijizh.; SHEVE1XV, L..S., :Inzh.; STEPANOV, V.S., inzh.; 0,,A., :Lnzh. Standard equipaent for the centralized automated chemical stations of the finishing shopis in knit goods factories. Nauch.-issl.trudy VNIITP no.4:13-37 163. (MIRA 1734) ASTASHEV, V.G.,, irtzh.; POMAZOVA, V.S., ~~uzh. Vaeuum system %,T',.nger for the wringing of knit fabrics With the contimious mothod. Naueh.-insl.~,.rudy VNIITP :no.4:37-59 #63, (14IRA 17:4) all oes god 13 00 060 o**, 1. M=. It sum, p RL IL I Ill.. P. T. u OR Av so ni; IV a W ft, 4re-s"s 1. UT 0 0 0 0 fb 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0." : : ml,p a : 4; 0 4 id -J4 00 4010 coo coo :00: -1 Iwo* a I - ts 0 v IN ine 00000000410000 0 0 0 ill 0 OA laid licilmd A a -1 A x- A , -4 " - " 0 " ! ! 8 44 so 00 00 00 00 60 06 00 00 16 0 00 00 0 4 111.111 11 AftA A a WO a tkit ofl-tas 00,46. '140.141.11, 00 -** Interrilladois betwelm thio volumes of substances In free and sollysted litate 1. 1. ZAA.v,kil, A. A Ama,h, %a surid 1. A. Sallov, 7ram.,. Im,t. it'. 8 S. R.) 1. 47 ill IWO). 'I'llu 141,11wil lwl%mil (11, Villio, all I Xmillm ill 11101101% $lilt , N .111w 4111111'.1141". W.1mitIv. milt ill IA mild the ill, PA1114- CAIMI-k Ill fill' -11111 Otdir 1- 414111-1 Alld 9 a of 1411 LIPGKAL OTIMAILlit ASIRKATIOM ilu. 11181". U W-W-0) is t a ew o At a 1 or to is it m mi at a a OVT44 . -.,-0 00. ; 0 0., ;, "'o -.0, 0 0 0.6 4 0 0 0 o a 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 04 : : 00 i1po 00 041 00 0 0i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ill 90 0 0 0 * 4 a # 0 e 0 0 0 6 4 ;-09 ~ o 0 0 0 .00 woo goo 00 too 0 '00 t; oo~ 1900 p00, 9 o O'V 0 0 41 00 00 Ar 00 W 00 1 6 1 1 to It U Ii m Is it 1? 111 TM rMOCT f Ill it jj U m 0 k U upts 41 WAS 40,110 A 10, A lptlos! of anation of "liatil, ther . ' a ge, ,,to l Y. A.. A, P .) 10. (13-04-1(lin Firvneit ;L%l)0m ).-Oxidatiort o' N:a.S with the 4) of the air I, IK-st In dil. .Ans. Jncjm,,, o( the runt. 4 air im-inij ibrouxis the valln.. tilor and Imip. inerraw the t, lovilymid tile lictmitaVot oikiaiion. 1:0,0.-7110 &W CUSO, caralv:r the i-,tkat. The midatitm of N&,S procceth to thiomilfate anti 1,artitilly to ollite. and that at PA)" still cn dil. milo. parmilly to millate. lose '11tv Issic of due raw,t for tile purification of tile almm, watcl I %irlded good ormult, Art inviraw of ivnils. of mlin. lit. '11AWS tile vrimit) 4 Ali Jlj,LI,,aW "( 11'r a* 0 CO, guilt. (at It%-. lv'hwily) 1ructs 1'. ptio-lically a ".11114,1v l,-Jt~jjCAti,ffl of tile iitlott-e VLUICf. Ali int-traw of like gk% -hzity lealls tit a dects-ati. id 111t. degree Ill Purification Lit 0 told the pestvatagr ,r ulili,-Ation it( C(),. I'll, mitlation 1. not oloc,v"I in the putil-t-o it( litairi ivith 0,00 it i. 1--ol t 0- we wa,ir "Alorr I% :lilt jolilitill.0 fill I'ItlitoWit. I'lit. 1111r.gliq Inuilik.a 800 A ArtIAttIONSI-CAL I III!I.AIM Ct-AMPKATOOM lilt U 0 AV 0 Ali; It X It I OT a IV it 0 of on 11:11 Kills 0 0 9 0 0 0 it well tro 0 to 0 Ban A An I 1 0 bit a a I I W IN 0 a 4 1 0 0, 6 0 0 0 0 0 FamlMOMMMMI! 1 ORF-09mal c 0 0 0 0 0 0 - WWI 100 iww~ If 6 0 O'll to 0 0 0 04 0 0 0 6. P 0 10 11 u it 14 is M 17 to to 111 21 D a N 11 h V .1 x lit Civil$ The of nVitt diuMe by sylldins. V. , l S Ind C" (U J r . . . . . t)stu Ov l No 3 1'(11, C.1 1'Nll.(1)ub-bI'up 119 40) 17 04' go , . ill rit)"TO of i a Iran , milt coutic. 0-7% S(h 1 wt SKh alltwr 40. bit at * th Fit.,, '11,11fic whrrituttrellian t th I 0 : tit I Id i(ISK.A.Sov ills. ( all 10 ill the * n o rali'is 2:1, 1 1a I 9w be uavd. Aix)ve K2 I Su 1.~ lamins A .8. Rate of abuorptho Is rapid occurs In bow 00 sold increases with gas gwell. ThcPrCl-DCCOlC(hh&I'nO 00 on So, abstoIliticort. bit even small amts. of S(h de- l 00 ctrator The ItInt. of,,A), shaximil, since they ftxIii a nKne - A).txvuf%lcxn tit withl. DtPooption tit 03 41,1 1 V. hl. mm. preant x i = --o0 1 zoo 41 j., t:o 0 IF ATIO rz, t3o 0 &IS ILA IC N I-IIAL,U*GKAL 1.111111AURI CLASS ~_Iikl u AV to 1 1 a Ito 0 14 9 1 t " k it M 9 As a 3 1 l JD n a 94 , aV, 1, ta it it a t[ . 1 o e o t 0 0 00 0 to 9 go 009 0,41 0 9~9 0 0 40 0 o goolool 0 0 0 0 0 Co 0 0 90 00 0 to 0 go 0o0 o,j4l g0-@ 0 0 0 0 41 0 of 0 09000 0 VAN"" r1to U4, IM Wt of oft., Is NO.-at w a 0 .10 Im 4 ~%O Arld i�1 OW of 83*11641f gin for -3N.7 . Funbtr detue. CkI It" d ads. got 11410420)J6 !~ 4mcw.. all'., a -v6 I bwforms, ~1%%D)41 It .1 riss - 3%1.0 hew.1, Imiq 0 atV Oftaum (be ciftwopet, Oe" 36) -OtA I M's, - -617.31 kw. WilhOwiprevimilyWeli.1oftit iiddm.u16J1jO *$)to WW Ms * * (OW) +4 112 (it") C(Sims)-lUbtil basedomUwcaknii.of A. U nWI.,9 bt ci foc.11.11 14 my so ion RU )jj'04' Iii AM* - 177 Irtal. ffe&~X,`Ily the a dIML; d, 11tv K41 "it and the aft"m 100' tk k =1 "Mel It! ioviioi jWIn(I1jOMC6 N 3D.? k9ki., am by Ow 64"Ve cd Kepuetinshl C-A - 1 "42 Put) the zzmz;; fm ,$ 01 Ims(IIJO)f) * 0 is 1. A. jiZJvj.A1r.,1 untin var agrgement witit Ow - 1 4 by 11.4- V? 1".. 11mus lb mV fg- rweAwok txwQ4 an I It 410 low ta, of If ina"T rv, A. Pill. .nemj~rpemis!ry of cumplex coppoutid; -with --iltamLar- K. II. Vatsiniii skit andA. A. As ;ImievLn-~ ... .. c ,1, 20, -.*19-4 .~)).-Caloflmvtri- Mel'i~arvloellts at. 25* gF.Ve for the limtn of (tie rcadivill ol tit! comptex with I NIICIthe followltig valocs (tit - Wd ecdcl.- 1C.43: Wd C1111114-1 39-2, 1 Nj unilciti-1170 MOO; INIi, 111ri ;i7.114; INicuAls 354) kt-A.'mole. Floin 11A rvd.~, (Crym.) + 6110,111). - Itl 1 4 ;'iq. I Ult III , *.nq. + -1-2x-.tkq. + Qi. and'Actils, of (lie ,iteats cl soln,, -lie heats of fornutiou (A fl tv (pinpirt: sall!; iii die FtatidmA nate %%ere rated. to: IC41 iii,!U, HS.8, JOI 1-19A1, [Ni tii,102 I&M, INlivi,113r, 149.0, (Nli NI en. E3.5 kcal./owle. Tht: of 11NAlIg of ell bytht ga,t-11141ovi'll joli Nil'. (k,fmitt tit! h,m III, hifticr 1; M file crylt. Volpivt S.I;tn, 11"11-11,IX, (clyst.) - INICII'l- (Ilancolo) + !.!X- ~glsvvos) -- U, W11,ti V i-; calvd. by Kapustliskil's equatiost (C.A. 38, 'W051). vidl (Ike flivroto- cheol. radii of all complex ivits JINI cn,j 2.7 A. This gi -cs for III, Ni'* 393, Zn- 372, Co" 372, Fel " 3421, C14 ' 323 kcal./toolv. The oi&r tA the lont~; of Wilding of 3 tit by these hits is the same as thatof tIm lic Its of bindiog of 6 101t; th,~ I.,ttt(-r arc lowei by .1-13 ~cai. From the dBerenct! of tli-t beats of fomation of the inivd. and thp bydrateI1 salts, the heats- of hydtatioo an baled. to [Ni 10.3, iNicn*1Br%.21h0 &0. 'MetiIJISM110 M, Tit,! abs,vi-vial iticrcjtr of the licats of tiy5ration ficto Illu lodidt to ille Chloride Call In t:Nplailm-11 4". D-111:fl,ig livilration of tile anion rathu 1.11311 tile cati"I . N, T YATS1MIASKIY. K.B., ASTASMVA, A.A. ... 1-1-1-1-I....","..'.", - Slightly anluble complex co,4,ounds of thiourea and their use in analysia. J. Anal. Chom. 'U.S.S.R. 7, 451-9 152 [En,-,,l. translation]. (CA 117 no.19:9B49 '53) USSRICbemistry - Cadmium and Lead Feb 52 Compounds "Entropy Changes During Formation of Complex Halides in Aqueous Solutions," K. B. Yatsimixskiy, A. A. tat tas-Ij va, ivanovo Chem-Technol Inst "Zhur Fiz Khim" Vol XXVI, No 2, pp 239-243 :alcd entropy changes occurring during formation of 9=a halide and cyanide complexes as vell as std entrvpies for 21 complex ions and mols in aq sola (2 tables). Detd heats of mixing of Cd(N03)2 and Pb(N03)2 soIns vith KI solns. On the basis of exptl data, caled heat effects of formation of ions adll~ , PbI4 1 Cd13 in aq soln as well as contin- &out entropy chan s. Shaved that published re- sults an heats of formation of CdC12 and PbI4 are cf ecametion. 211T49 E- C/) -4 USSR /ChemiStr--- - CadUiUM, PalladiUM, Oct 53 and Bismuth Compounds "Thermochemistry of Complex Thiourea Compounds in Aquccouuz 001-Ut"LoDr,", A A SL Aj L- Astasheva, Ivanovo Chem-Tecbnol Inst Zhur Fiz Xhim, Vol 27, No 10, pp 1539-44. Detd the heat of mixing of solns of the salts Agxc~, Hg(NO )2, Cd(N03)2, CdBr21 CdI2j, Pd(NO )2,v BBI(W-311-3, Q CuCNS vith thiourea solns of di4- ferenf Eoncnr,. Detd the changes of enthalpy 272T12 and entropy in connection with the formation of , Cd2+, and Fb '+ with complex ions from Ag4, Cu+ thiourea. Estim ,ited the con.stant of in-rtsMl itY K of [Hg(tbioureaj 1 t to be 1.1 X 10-33) on the basis of thermochemical data. 272T3.2 USSR/ AzialyticaJ. Chemistry - Gemeral Qnstiona G-1 Abs Jour : Roferat Zhur - Xhimiyaj, 1,qo 4. 1957., 11981 Author : Yet5inlrskiy K.B.,_A2WjWva A.A. Title : UE~e fo Solutions oT Thiourea in Volumetric Analysis (%iocarbamidometry) Orig Pub : 2h. analit. Mimli, 1956, 11, No 4, 442-W) Abstract : Tc 10-25 ml 0.025-0.2 M !iolution of thiourea (I) is added anindicator (15-20 drop:3 of satureted solution of diphe- nylcarloazide (II) in alcohol or 10 drops of an analogDus so- Iv.tion of , -nitroso- ,,~.-naphthol (III)), the mixture is dilutel ta'100-150 m3. and titrated vith a solution of Re:(NO ) . On addition ol' IE the solution acquires, at the trans?tion point, a blue*-'.violet coloration, while on addi- tion of III it changes color from yellowish-green to yel-lo- wish-orange. Mean quadratii: deviation is of 0.2-0.3% with II, and 0.1-0.2% vith III. 3ack titration is also possible, althouoi it is more appropriate, in the determiantion of Rg, Card 1/2 -------- -------------- -------- --------------- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------- ------------ USSR/ Analytic&L Chtwistry - General Qaestions G-1 Abs Jour Refere4t Zhur - Xhimiya, Wo 4, 1957, 11-981 to add. a predetermined excess of I, and to titrate it the. roafter vith a �OlutiQn of 3g(NO A pH v4ue of 2 is op. timal. Ag+., Cd 372- N12- Pbz-, Zn:21., , Mn ", Mg-, Nfftl C113 COO,) SO42-, NO; and 110~- do not interfere. I is used also in the deterirdnation ot' Cd. To 20 ml of Cd-salt under StudY (0-01-0-05 11) are added 20 ml 0.25 M solution of I~ 30-40 ml of saturated solution of picric acid, and the V61u- '-ae Is brouhgt up I-,o 100 n1. After 15-20 minutes it is fil. tered through a cb-y filter Eaid an aliquot portion (20 ml) is titrated with 0.25-0-05 M solution of Hg(N03) using II as indicator. Mec.n quadutic deviation 0.23%. 9went limit of determination 9z; . 10- sl. Determination is interfered with bw H9, Bi, Ag: Cu) TL and large amounts of Fb. A 1000. fold excess of Zn does not decrease the accuracy, but de- lays substantially separation of precipitate. Card 2/2 ACCMUCK MRs AP40XO62 AVnft3l wwwwato. V.1 LOGOTO P. TITLEs The gnthesio sal Urrestiodim Gt:P0lY0lMbMtU bV tU lntWf&Gild polycondeswelion methade 5. Iffeat of the imust wA oanoentcatlan of sodium: bydroxide on the ocuce* of lie IntiwteolAl polpmdumtIon of 2t2l-bls-4- (bydroxM*w%rl) pMkne cmd I*osVmo ;SOURCE: Vy**ok=ol#4iralyiutWlye imWoHnez4vto "we 69 no. 3t 19649 463-469 .!TOPIC TAGSs polyosVbmstep dibgP*vgrdiphetqULksneq 2j2l-bis-(4-bYdrco7*ezW1) i propane, phoagensp lpilyeiAer, sodium b7droxide p, polyoondamtionp IntertaoUa ipolycondenwtiou# agmai *&sop argmia phasep phenoodde iong 1ABSTRACTs FAluizw1similar amotmta af 2g2l-bie-(,j-lqdroVphwWJL:l propme (EPP) and ~phoagqne (in 0.01 loo rals/liter amcentrati(moi were subjeoted to interfacial polycondensation in Agie lires(mce a an equLzoliinular swunt a. sodim bydroxiae in the aqueous pbase, Volpiers of low Wleftler volght (2009~-W*) vero obtainodg irrespective of the antue of the.arlpaic -,qbLs(iq iftile the &d4lition of & 100-360% excess soUvxi bWdra3dUle cimsfid wA Jztw*"o In the nolecuUkr w4d&t of the pe2yamlf Card 7. ACCESSION 21Rt AP41) ig the magnitude of which varied-with the wlywit. Thus, at 0.1 sole/liter 'moentra. tione of the reaeUng coupcuenteg an orfpwio phase of carbon tetrachloride yieldibd a polycarbcaste with a molocular weight of 61$ 000p as against a imaxism of only OW from an n-hoptace Itase end 10 004) and T 800 from benzene and methylene- chloride plaseep rvapectively,. The yield ~T polycarbonates increasid with- higher concentrations of codiun lUdmide, reaching In carbon tetrachloridet and n-haptatte i phases a maximum oc-inot-aing wJLI& maximum wlticular weightp deolining thereafter. In benzene and metkyleneohloride phases# on The other handp -the yield continued to climb long after tbe maxisma awlecular woitftt had been reachm-d. It was also fowd that the degree of phoe1pne bgdrolysis itioressed with higher concentrations of sodium hydroxide azid that It depended on. the nature of the organic phasee A 10-:!DA excess phoagene over th;o equiawlecular rctlo proved bonsfioijtl in schieving optilial yields and molecular we.ighte of the polpiers. While further additiou of phosgois continued to incressis. tJ!to yield of the polyoarbonatev its molecubw weight deolinedo, An excess of HPP aver the epdnolecular ratio with phosgene Red to similair resullise The authors ocnolvAs Vult a. large ezoess of *Alm b7dreadde is requir" for optilual, remats In Us EPP_~pho*pm intwephase poIrmbdessation. remaisics. Orig. art. hwi s 4 obarts anI I tabloo :ASSOCUTIONs Moakwrok4l, I&Mtat Sao Do L NwAsl4revs, 20 ASTASHWA, T.N,; SCIO4014OV, Sl-.M.j MAR.MIN, B., red. [Towiuts nBw z-Ulions of caraid food productp) Za novye mUllcW banok konservov, Mibanbap Tadzhikkosizdat 1962. 26 p. (MIAA 17:31~ I .1 1 GOKCIUMNKO~ IN, lvkhnicheskiy inspo.ktA)r; SOLOVIYEV, L., LEKONT, G.j SERWA, I.; GOLUB', T..; MUMIEV,-L.; PEKISIEV, V.; ANILSIMOVp P.1, ASTA4c;HEVA, V.- DC811CHATOV, V.; SERGEYEV, V.; YUOZAPAVICHnS, L. 'l-Jumpaviciust L.Ij MISHUMS, M.; VOROVITSOV, N.; BOCHKAREV, G. Readers' aonference by cormspondence. Okhr. truda i sots. strakh. 5 no.5:31-32 t4y 162. (HIRA 15:5) 1. Ti)khwLoheskJye inopekta..-a Omskogq oblastnogo soveta profooymov (for Soloviyov,, 14kont, S.erova, Golub', Medvedev). 2. Tokhnicheskiy inapektorxespub~ikanskogo soveta profsoyuzov, Turlmtonska,ya S~R (for Pekishev). 3, Zaveduyushchiy otdelom sotaiiLlInago, atrakhovaniya'Ty4menskogo oblastnogo soveta profools- ionallnykh boyuzov (for DoshAatov). 5. Zavoduyushchiy yuridicheskoy konsulltatsiy(i,y.krkhangol'Jkogo soveta professional'- nyk4 soyuzov (for Ser&yev). 6.`Zaveduyushcrhiy otdolom okhrany truda Litovskago. respublikwiBkDgo doveta professionalinykh soyuzov (for Yuo* pavichyus). 7. 2;av,-aduyushchiy yuridicheskoy, konsull- za". Udaiyay Lugansk6go oblastnogo soveta professi.onallnykh soyuzov (for ]Aishwis). 8. Zav6du3,Lwhchiy otdelom sotsiallnogo strakhDvanLya Smolenskogo obla.9tnogo soveta professionallnykh soyuzo,;r (f(:cr Vorontsov). 9, .?redsedatell kontissii okhrany truda Sarnaullskogo motornoao &avoda (for BoclAcarev). (Industrial hygione-Periodi-.ale) V A. - I ~L' 1-1 1--*~--.' --.- "Shortenini3 of the Agiiig Process and Dip.rwing the Qualit:r of Table 1.1ines Ior the Use of Dehydrogenase." Cand Biol Sci, Cherno,ritsy State U, Ch-rnavi+m-1. 1955. (KIJ, V. 16, Apr 55) SO: Sum. No. 704, 2 Nov 55 - Survey of Scicnt:~fi,,. and Teelmical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (16). ASTASHl!VAj_ZLl~,Lt-ma.todivt Exhibition cr the TAubovl Li brigade, Inform,biul,VDM no,1113.4 N 164, (MIRA l8t2) 1, Favillon "?elaledsliyall na l'ytttavke dostizherdy narodnogo khomys tva SSSR, ASTASHIIVA, Z. A. t Slnrve7 of palse crops and legmiAnous forage plants. Zemledelle 6 no-12:83-84 D 158. (MIRA,11*12) (For", plants) (Legumes) KUZHETSOV., N.A.; X.)TASBEVA, Z_..A,,, metoaist; SMIRNOVA, V.Ya., metodist In the "Agvicult~rell Pavilion. Zemledelie 24. no.7:74 1`6 n 162. ()~~l :12) 1. Direktor pavillona "ZemlodoliyeQ na Vystavke dostizheniy narodnogo khozyaystva (for Kunnetsov). (Moo cow--Agrfc~1txu*e-Exhibitions) ASTASHEVSKAYA. T.S. CiLlculating optimal parmiters of a magnetoelectric moment converter. Izv. v:,,s. ucheb. zav.; prib. 8 no.303-41 165. (MIRA 18111) 1. Mos'liovskiy aviatsionnn, Institut. ASTASHEVSKAYA, Tamra Stopanomi, aspi-,-antlca L%f tornue tnansduears V-,tb simmilar cYAngo of thair detilgrn paramtA!,rs,, Izv.vys.uoheb.zav.; elektrowkb. 8 no,&.952-953 165, (MIPA 3.8810) 1. Moskaviki!r aviatsicnrrr Innt,itut, ... ASTASHEY KAYA. Tamara Stepanovna, assistentka - S - .- -- - ...", Design of permanent magnets.; elektromekh. i no. 3:295-304 164. (MIRA 17:5) L Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy institut. ASTASIIE'ISKAYA, T.S.p irtzh. ........ Design of a magnatoelectric converter. Priboroatroanis no-3:1-3 Mr 165. (MIRA 1814) ASTASHINA, N.A., tekhnAlc distantaii --l Trains provided with tracks Jn -Dx(.ellent condition. FLA' i put. khoz. 9 no.12:1.7 165. Oa RA 19: 1) 1. Stantsiya Bryansk, Moskovskoy dorogi. A. CITERNMEYADSKNYA) 11. A.; DWMA`NA~ )'o- M..; V. M.: KUPEYAVYSE'VA~ M. V.; ASTASHINA T. "Some data on the inherent ultra-violet fluorescence of mitochonLrla of living cells." report -sub mitt,:-d for 2nd Lit]. Cong, HistochL-inistry 11. Cytochemistry, Frankfurt, 16-21 Aug 64. Lab Microscopy, Inst of Cyi.olog,~', AS USSR, Rcospekt Makslina, Leningrad F-121. CHERNOGRYADSkAYA, N. A.; PILISHCHIK, Ye. M.; S111 DELI , M. S. ; KUFjHYAVTSL-VA, M. V.; ASTASHINA, T. P, - ----- ~- *----- Intrinsic ultraviolet fluorescence of mitochondria. Dok).. AN SSSR 156 no. 1:174-176 My 164. (MIRA .17:5) 1. Ii~gtitut tsitologii AN SSSR. ?redstavleno akademikout k. N.*Tereninym. BLrZEp E.G.; ASTASHINA, T.F. Cbange in blue ard ultraviolet fluorescence of call.9 of ascitic Ehrlicb's carcinoma in the course Df mitosiE6 IzT. AN SSSR. Ser. biol. no.6:935-9j6 N-D 165. (MIRA lEt:ll) 1. Institut tsitologii AN SSSR. ASTA-SH.ll&, V. (LerdnEXad) ConVeyerg pliLgi macharLiZation on ii. Smll scale. Mest.prom.i khud. PrcmYs. 2 no.3.0:14,15 0 14U. (MIRA 14:3-1) 1. Nachal!nilc proizvodstvannc>.takhnir-haskogo otdolen:Lya shveynoy fabriki im. Volodarskogo, g. Leningrad:. (LenL-igrad-Clothing industry-Labor productivity) ASTASHINA, V.V._ Mechanization of' the jtgsemb).~~ I ;;ie for the manufacture of high quality monla trouserg. Shvei, -)rom. nodill-12 Mr-Ap 162. (WRA 15:4) (LenIngra&-Tro-asers) (Amembly-lina mothods) .1 ASTASHINA. V.V. Use of "flizelim" interlining J.ri -.he tailoring cf men's suits and coats, Shvein.prom. no.2128 Mr-Ap 162. (KRA 15t4) (Tailoring) (Textile fabrics) A'5TAS,"KF-V1'L1r4,A- AID F - 897 Subject TisfR/Aeronautics Card 1/1 Pub, 135 - 7/19 Author Astashkevich, A., Major Title Compensation of radio deviation on the ground Periodleal t Vest. vozd. flota, 5, -':~1-34, My 1954 Abstract This is a detailed description of the procedure of com-- pensaticn. Several diagrams explain the text. Institution None Submitted No date ASTASM-'VICII, A., starshty propodavatell Simple mstbod of determining the deviation of a radio compass. Grazlid.av. 16 ixo.1:30-31 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Vyssheye aviataionnoye uchilishc.i.~ Grazhdanakogo vozdushnog:o flota. (Radio compa!3s) ASTASHKETICH A , dotsent Simple radio directicm finding. Av. i kosm. 45 2o-1:73 Ja 163. (MMA 16: 1 (Radio direction fladera) LARIN, Timofey Vssil'yevich; KUPTSOV, I. I., inshener. red-alctor; XHITROV, P.A, takhnicheskiy redqktor. Oncreasing tha wear resistance of bushings and piston ringefor locomotive diasel vagiries.] Povystionle iznoaostolkoeti vtulok i porshchnevykh kolets teplovosnykh diselei. Moskva. Gos.tranap. shel-d-jr.izd-ro, 1957. IV p. (Hoiscow, Vaesoius-qi asnchno- issledovatelltikii institut shelewtodorothnogo transportn. Trady, no. 140). (MMA 10:7) (Piston riW) (Iliatial engines) ASTASMVICH B IL,-.Lnzb. Matbods of Increaning durability of cylinder bunbinge uaod in diouel locomotive ongines. Vost.TSNII W'S 16 no.1:24-27 r '59. (MIRA 12:3) (Ditisel J.ocomot.jvet;) TARIN, T.V., doktor ~-,ekhn.nauk, ASTURMYCH, D.H., Inzh. lengthening the life of diesel locomotive aluminum pistons. Vent.TS)KII )" 19 no.2:5'3-56 160. 01IRA 13:6) (DIBeI 10COT20tIVOS) (Pi3tons) LAPIN, JIOVO; ASI!ASHEITICH. B.M. Friction machLne with a reciprocal motion. Zav.lab. 26 nD.2: 239-241 16o. (14IRA '13:5) (Testing machines) ASTASHUVICH, B.M., inzh.. AVMMMUW~ op" ylinder bushings and piston Increpolng thp wear resistance of c rings ol diosel loo6vtotives.. 'fimt..TSNII WS 19 uo.6 .:3.5-39 '6o. (MIRA. 13:9) Riesel enginee-Cylinders) I .4A 014 ASTASHKEVICH, B. M.9 PALID 'Trcti Sci NCREASN;~k~ WE AR- t-ul" RESISTANCE OF PARTS OF 1). CYLIND17R-PISTON ASSEMBLIES OF*IWS*Gq. LOCO MOT I VE moscowv 1961. (MIN OF RAILWAYS USSR, Moscow INST OF ENOINEERS OF RAILROA9 TRANSPORTXNRM IM 1. V. STAr,114). (KL, 3-619 21,S). 170 KOGAN, Petr Khasketlevirh;~gliSHKEVICJLr-J;"y kand. tekhn.nauk, reitsenzent; BRAYIMI'LlY, N.G.J. ied.; USENKO, L.L., tekhn. red. (ElectrochernicnI methods for pmeDesing the almimm parts of passenger oars; practices of thei our barn of the Kiev Station of' the Southwest Railroad] Hlektrokhimicheslde r-posoby obra- botki a3.i-taniniDvykh detalel pasoarhirskikh viagonov; opyt vagon- ncgo depo stantsii Kiev Ugo-Zapadnoi dorogi. Moskva, Vses. 12,datellsl:o-poligr.ob"elir,enie 11-tra putei soobshcheniiap 1961. 4A. P. (MIRA 15--l) (Itailroads--Cars--Maii:ttDnance and repair) ARUMPOV, Armais Arka(Ilye-vich, inzh.; DD-ROKHIV, Leontiy MMaylovich, kand. takhn. nauk; ASTASHKEVICH, B.M., inzh., retsensent; TROF3YOV, S.L.firiziF.-, L.F., tekhn. red. (Reconditioning of diesel locomitire parts by chromium plating; exporience of tlte Tashkent depot'l Irosstanovlonie detalei teplo- vozov khrom:Lrownian; oprt depo TaAketn. MosWal Transzhel- dor.-'Lzdat, 1962. 54 P.. (MIRA 15: 6) (Diesel locomotives-44aintentuice and repair) (Chromiim platiq3,1 LARIN, T.V.; ABUSHKE'VICII.. B.H. Evaluatirg the wear retaistance of materials on a friction testing machine with reciproce.ting motion. Tren.i izn.mash. no,,15-.114-1)0 162. OCRA 152'4) (Menhanical wear--Testing)