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32082 s/181/0/003/012/017/028 Thermomagnetic effects in B104/B102 ASSOCIATION; Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors of the AS USSR , Leningrad) Institut fiziki AN Az. SSR Baku (Institute of Physics of the AS Azerbaydzhanskitya SSR, Baku) SUBMITTED: February 18., 1961 (initially), July 10, 1961 (after revisicn) Carcl 3/3 8/2,53/621/ 000/00,3/004/010 1042/1242 AUTHOR Asicorov, B.M. T 11.1"LE Quantim mechanicnl expression of tho energy flo%v density PERIODICAL: AkRdanilya aaxil( Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR. Izveitlya, Seriya' fiziko-matermtiche6kikh I tekhnichEmkikh nauk'.no.3, 1962, 77-80 TEXT: Energy flow density in the pure V state It; determined from the energy donsity expression for the same 'state, with the aid of the Schroodinger eqliation. For the general case the enarg-.y density ,iven by U , EY, I '-t' - YH*Y Tho hami:ftonian H f3 assumed independent of times The liamilton'ian operntorzi, pertinent cvlculations, and the final expressions for ,energy flow density are grivan for the cases of a free particle, a particle In a scalar potential field, and an electron In electro- magnetic fields. Card 1/1 3B918 S/181/62/004/o06/029/051 B104/B112 AUTHOFISs Ansellm, A. I., and Askerov, B. M. TITM Longitudinal thermomagnetio effect in semiconductors situated in a strong longitudinal Maj;netio field PERIODICAL: Fizika tvbrdogo tela, v- 4p no. 6, 1962, 1573 1577 TEXT: An investigation is made of the longitudinal therviomagnetio effect in semiconductors situated in a quantiting magnetic field and poesessing only a single band. The change of the thermo.-amf in the x-rajr quantum limit is obtained; -T, a (H) E-- k 0 Card, I S/'181/62/604/006/029/051 Longitudinal thermomagnetic... B104/Bi-12 k T is the reduced chemical potential, and t is the where z 1z z Permi'surface energy at absolute zero in the absence of a magnetic field. It is shown that the change b4- 4.(H) -OL(O) in the x-ray quantum limit is determined by the changes of the relaxation time and of I . fte relaxation time in the cases of scattering by acoustic' phonoris and ionized impurities is discussed. The following formulas are obtained for the 4lootronio part of thermal coriducti7ityt W T vve =a(H)-~ 1" 1111/1' Vr 1 (2-3)9. e2 AW JH)= 7 -"-- ( - \ V. 27 (UP411. (2-4)t M k7hT) cc XvIt (x)'dx (X) exp (X Card 2/3 S/161/62/004,/006/029/051 Longitudinal. thermomagnetic... B1 Q4/3112 where C; (19) is the electrical conductivity in the x-ray quantum limits ASSOCIATIONs Institut pbluprovodnikov AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors AS USSR, Leningrad)., Institut fiziki AN Az. SSR Baku (Institute of Physice AS AzSSR, Be SUBMITTEDt February 2, 1962 AESKEROV, B.M. Quantura-mechanical expression of the density of an energy flux. Izv. AN Azerb.SSR.Ser. fiz.-mat. i tekh.nauk 110.3:77-80 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Quantum theory) (Dynamics of a particle) AN99LIM, A.I.; ASKEROV, B.M. Longitudinal thermomagnatic effects in semiconductors in a high longitudinal magnetic field. Fiz. tver. tela. 4 no.6s!573-1575 Je 162. (MIRA 16.5) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad i Inatitut fiziki AN AzSSR, J3&ku. (Thermomagnetism) (Semiconductors) (Quantlam theory) AM4016859 BOOK EXPLOITATION,,: S/ As kerov, 3.1 M. ,I.Theory of transfer phenomena in semiconduciors (Teoriya yavleniy perenosa~v poluprovodnikakh) Baku, Izd-vo AN Azi-MR, 63. 0123 p. illus.,. biblio. Errata slip inserted~ ~1800 copies printed. At head of title: Akademiya nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR. Institut fiziki.. TOPIC TAGS: transport phenomena, transport phenomcina in semicon- ductor, gatlv'anomagnetic-'-effects, transport'equation, kinetic equa- tion, equilibrium carriers in semiconductor, equilibrium carriers in metal, relaxation time, thermal emf, Thomson effect, Peltier d effect, intrinsic conductivity, intrinsic conductivity, chemical il potential, quantizing magnetic field PURPOSE-AND COVERAGE: The book contains a review of the theory of kinetic effects in semiconductors, their dependence the magnetic on :)Card 1/~ l-AM4016859 field, the scattering mechanism, degree of degeneracy of carrier currents, and other transport phenomena in semiconductors. A quadratic and isotropic dependence of the energy on the.wave vector is considered (the scalar effective mass approximation) but the results a,re really generalized to'include semiconductors of the n-Ge type. The influence of dragging of carriers by phonons on the kinetic effects is not considered. The book is aimed at senior stu-.j dents of physics departments of universities and scientific workers in the field of semiconductor physics. The author -thanks Professor A. 1. Ansel'm and corresponding member AN AzerbSSR I?rofessor G. B. Abdullayev, at whose initiative this book was written. Heis also' ;rjrateful to Professor A~ I. Ansellm, Professor G. B,. Abdullayev, and lecturer Yu. M. Seidov for useful remarks and advice. TABLE OF WNTENTS [abridged) s Introduction 3 Card AM4016859 :;Ch. I. -Equilibrium carriers in semiconductors and metals 6 ~'Ch. II. Kinetic equat;1on and relaxation time 22 :Ch. III.- Thermoelectric phenomena (Thomson and Peltier offect) 45 'Ch. IV. Galvanomagnetic and thermomaqnetic effectv in samiconduc- tors 52 ';Ch. V. Kinetic effects,in quant.,zing'magnetic field - - 99 :Appendices - 116. Literature - 119 'SUB.CODE: PH SUBMITTED: 27Jun63 UR REP SM: 056 :OTHER: 052 DATE ACQ: 20Dec63 - ----- ----- 6rivs r' f 6:0 j4 0 0- ME .4SO fol ,'partipul rod xoposed byre* c .-involvemj--l ~pAwai- and --A22 601:4960) ... ....... Y -,Fly t t y a Xle a], I t at, ~JC lw. a# 13 -ASSOC I TIONj 00 t; 00 06 A,ai V- ' IM ifj 0; elr:.-Oum~- AMK,;:t~01; 7 NA' Dc-)~(nvinirig thij uppro;-riuto dogree of iardenirg for sucltsr rods. I re'ft. 01-0r. llo.5:14-19 165, (MIRA -1&0 '!JtA nt,,flyanogo ~r-j, si I nu,3 troyarAya. 490 L 24231..66 tVWT(1)/EWT (h)- LiP(c) JDj((1G/AT_ ACO NR: Ap6olW8 SOURCE CODE: pj0386/66/Oo3/Ooq/0350/039~ :,d AUMOR: Asker P. M.;~Qaszhimzade, r. M. ORG: In.-titute of Hwai6s, Adacermr ~of Sciencei; AzerbEd-than SSR (Institut fi2;iki Akademii :nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy, SSR),. TITLE. Contribution to': the,,quantum theom of olectric c6iiduct at LseeLqo~"u tors witli nonstandard band SOURCE allnoy i teor uskoy fizi1tt- Pis"ma v redakt iyu Zhurnal eksperiment eti6 Prilozherilye, Y. .3,. no. 9.9 1966j,. 350-354 J.- TOPIC TAdS: indium compoundp antimonidep elecl wic conduotivityp semiconductor can-' ductivity.. semiconductor band structure,, line f plitt ingrp Pagnetoresistance c arrW. densityp election tr pectrum, spin orbit coupliq: ABSTRACT-.' The theory developed by Adams and. Holstein Pli Phys. Chem. Solids v. ID 254; 1959) is generalized to include the case cf an iscitrcpic but, nionstandard ban d' (such as,the conduction ivthors also discu band of Lz0b~_IrAs, etc.). 7hel V sis the Nu levo.3 influence'of spin splitting ofNhe lim a on thet oficillations of the trww,.~ verse magnetoresistance in n-Xn8b. Theolve tle equation of motion for the densi,~ ty matrix by the method of Adams and Holsteinp ?the amtters' deteratine the electron, spectrum in crossed electric and maignetic fields vith a3l,awance for the, interactitw,' J_ 'Card 1/2 -7 7-!'!.t-~ L 24231-46 AGO NR: Ai?,W14608 0 between t$e conduction band and, the valence.baud. The reiltults of the calculatiolis show tbat,tbe off-diagonal component of the ellictric coniiiietivity tenvor is deter-_ mined, as,in the case of the standard band, by.the conduction eltictron,density; Abe nonstandard effect enters tbe:diagonal cortonent oza~ ,r through the energy con.. servationAn the scattering process# The eleetton spectrtm is then used to inter-, pret the 'Shubnikov--de Haas oscillations for &-nonstandardiband and it in shown that,. unlike esirlicr interpretations by Lo Gurevich and Al. L. Eftos (ZbWF v. 43, 561, 1962)p the preuent results yield &: g-factoi which not vary str9ngly with' the densit-j, ard tbe reason for Gurevich and I~ros* misinterpretation of the re- sults,is that they use a formula w1hich does not apply in this case. It is shown that the procedure can yield correct values of -the g factor and also the value of the spin arbit splittingp which hitherto has not been determined for InSb by a direct method. Orig. art. has:- 9-forwaaa. ~--SUB ~~CODZ:-,,~ -Stwu Z14 2/ ACC NRs AP5024756 SOURIX COM 1;1.'/0030/1;5/011/002/0719/0722 AUTHOR: 14skerov., B. M.; Gaakhinzade$ F..M.- AQ ORG- Institute of Ehysicas Ac!gM of Sciences of the Azttr~vdzh n SSR-1. U 0 TITLE; Damping of the electron spectrum and magnatoopticail effects In semiconductors SOURCE: Physica status s6i"dio v. Us no. 2, 1955, 729-722 TOPIC TAGSs electron holes semiconductor bond structure, s"tooptic effect, crystal Imperfections electron interaction, phonon, electron npectrum ABSTRACT: A convenient method of deterodning tM oseillatitm maximum In uagnet6opti 4s to find the form of the peaks of va:Aous inter6and offects by ME;= Ing- the interaiftion of electrons with lattice imperfitctions, dtt4ictly into the electron spectrum *en calculating polarization operator 11(m), The a4worption coustant k and the angle cof rarsday rotation (0) are related to 264 by lian (0)) i 2 a Is 5461) - In I I*$) ddl air 4 113 L 130005-~% ACC NR, APS024756 considered under qortain restrictions and evaluited at the quantun limit. The absorp-i tion constant k as a function of H has a pronoui-ited miniami at n 1--wo --gonnepted with a singularity In the density of electron states for polar nemico9duciors"in a strong magnetic field. Orig. art. has: 15 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATM 2IJul65/ ORIO, REN 00V OTH REr: on WCd _i~k_,_A ii-7 0-0 the' spectrum within the linear approximation. The solution of the equation of motion for the density matrix shows that the nonparabolitj enters into the dissipa- tive current only through the energy conservation law or.:I;he scattering process. The general equation for the electrical conductvity tenso:7 is applied for degenerate semiconductors; Shubnikov-de-Haas oscillatiou condition,-~ are obtained, in con- sideration of *spin splitting of the Landau leveli;. The positions of the oscillation. maxima are calculated. Inelastic electron scEttering by optical phonons is analyzed. The conditions for magnetophon reconance arc derived for semicon- ductors with nonstandard energy bands. It is ahown that: all the maxima of the Gurevich-Firsov oscillations, except-the first one, have! 1he natural width. Orijr. art. has: 46 formulau and 1 table. [Based on iuthors' ab,3tract) SUB CODE; 20/SUBM DATE: 07Sep66/ORIG REF: 007/OTH REF: 005/ rd 2/2 CC NRt 56 EWT(d)/EWP(l) IJP(c) BB/GG AP6012425 SOURCE CODE: Ult/'0406/65/001/004/0049/0054 AUTHOR: Askerov, Ch. 1. ORG: None TITLE: Synthesis of circuits on one- and two-`.xes~iold elements 1&(,/ SOURCE- Problemy peredachl Informatsit, v. 1, nc.. 4, 1965, 49-54 TOPIC TAGS: logic element, logic circuit, computer component ABSTRACT: One- and two-threshold elements (OE tind TE) havo higher functional potentials than conventional "AND," "OR, " and "NOT" element,3, consequently, circuits based on OE and TE contain a smaller number of elements. A development o:`methods of synthesis of circuits based on such elements is, therefore, Important. A large numter of articles has been devoted to the problem of synthesis of circuits based on threshold elements, for the synthesis of circuits based on two-threshold elements, however, there it; only one method (P. Ercoli, L. Mercurio. Threshold logic with one,;)r more than one threshold. Inform. Process. , 1962, Amsterdam, N. Holland Publ. Co., 1963, 741-746) which is not at all effective. The present article proposes methods for the synthesis of circuits containing both OE and TE. These methods in some cases produce more efficient results than those obtained by other methods. The methods proposed make it possible to roidize the arbitrary Boolean UDC: 62-.r07 -66 _A6C NR, AP6032519 -SO-UR--'.E-C-O-DE:--U~R-/-0-41-3-/66-/oo-o-/~l-7i669'W-/-(569-4 INVENTOR: Askerov, Ch. I.; Kovachich, Yu. V.; Semenkov-_". ORG: none TITLE: Integrator unit for a serial digital differential analyzer?/Class 42, No. 185566 (announced by the I.nstitute of Autonation and Telemech!1nics (Technica] CybernetigS1'.AN_SSSR Institut avtomatiki i telemekhanik.!(tekhnicheskoy kibernetiki) AN SSSR)j SOURCE: Izobreten4ya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, t ovarnyye znaki, no. 17, 1966, 9h TOPIC TAGS: digital differential analyzer, dieital integrator ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for an integrator unit for a serial acting digital differential analyzer. The unit consists of a delay line for incre- ment storage, an increment counter, a shift re6ister, adders, gates, an inhibit cir- cuit, and an'operation command block (see Fig. 1). The delay line output is connecte to one input of gate (4) whose other input is tLed with the operation command block output. The output of this gate is applied to the shift register. The outputs from the shift register stages are applied to the corresponding increment counter stages through gates (5) which are also connected to a control unit. The outputs of the in- crement counter stages are grouped and applied to an INHIBIT gate (7) whose second UDC: 681.142.07 ALIYEV, G.M.; ASKEROV, Ch.M.; KERIMOV, I,G. E-ffect of a sulfur admixture on the electric proper-ties of selen- ium. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser.fiz.-niat. i tekh.nauk no.5:45-49 161. (MIRA 15:2) (Selenivm_-Electri., properti-es) (Sulfur) ACESMON MR: AP4027708 8/03314:11/W/000/0078/0078 A:ftHOR: -Barkinkhoyev, Xh. G.; Ask~rov,,Ch. IL;AByii. 0t W TME: The.offect of a mercury admixture im Ow electric pri)perties of selenium SOURCE: AN, AzerbSSlt. Izvestiya. Serki-a Its. -niateirt. i teklm. nauk, no. G,. 1.963, 73"78 'VOPIC TAGS- mercury. merc.iry vapor, selenium, electric conductivity, dif- fusion -Factor, componerst suspension,. molybiftnum am;ule, thermoolectromokive forc'i~s doner level, acceptor level A13STRACT: The' investigation into the effect of mercury impurities ion the efer"! tric pAapertles of selenium was prompted by the contradicto - opini6no on 1% * 11 416 oubjecr pubL-shed in literature. The sampleis involvedin the. lost were molrb. ... den 'utp ampules with selenium and mercury. . Following- a special treatminfi'i-he sarnpW-s *ere grystallized at 210C for 26 hours. 7he fileeftAc -conductivity Vid: the i,jO Oillectromotive forcewere thm measwod-brths. *o1hpensation' i~ithod. i and th-a graphs were plotted-owthe basis ot Vo-meati voluve of several ftiagure- Cwd Ace FSSION NR: AP4027708 me A. The same samples were used for mcasuring the thermoelectromotive faitce In relation to coppermithin an B-10 degree gradient and 20-200 C temper- s~qi-e range. The. experimental data reveal that the sm;W concentrations of merctiry atoms In the selenium tend to reduce its electrical conductivity. This caO Oe explained by the assumption that the niercury altoms In the selenium pro- duce donor levels which increase with increasing impurities, Intensifying theirY cornpeneation of the seleniam acceptor le le. Such an effect of the -impurities V I prior to the full compensation of the seleni ni acceptor I'Levels, should lead to a reduced electric conductivity. Mie increasing temperature relationship of.the: concentration and the reduced mobility of the current cezrior In selenium are natural from the point of view of the band theory. P41 Wie data published in. literature indicate that the mobility increasev and t.~e owcentration of the cur!., tent carriero in selenium decreases with tentperatUre., Buil this problem. on "the vihole, its still not very clear* Orig., art. hai: 6 ftuva ASSOCIATIOV: AN. AserbSSR SUBMI'VEM"00 DATE AM 17JkPrG4 EXCLI 00 SUB dollat Pat No RZIP ;OW: 00-6 07MMt go 2/ 2 Cmd. ASXEROV, Gh.~.; ALIYII'V, G.M.; AI,21UNDOVA, Y.G. Heat conductivity, density, and nicrohardne-lis of the system selenium- sulphur. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh.. i mat. nauk no.1:83-89 164. (MIRA 17:9) iMUCESSION M AP4028423 syb181/64/006/004/1018/1022 'ADTHORS- Abdullayev, G; B.; Aliyevp G. M.; Bariinkhoyev, 11. Larionkind, L. S. TITLE-. Electrical properties of crybtalline and liquid eDlenium after deoVgenation: ;SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 61 no- 4Y 196~, 1018-1022' 'TOPIC TAGS: electric conductivity, selenium, deoxygenaticno thermoolectromotivo .force$ solid liquid study 'ABSTRACT: -The authors measure'd-tho electrical conductivity mid the thermoeleotro- ,motive force of three Bamples'of Be in the tempeiiature in!-,erval 293-773K. The jBamples-were characterized by the following impurity concentrations: 10-3%, 10-4 ~61 :and 10-' for the three samples, respectively. Measurampats were made'on all three !samples before deoxygenatlon (ordinary Be) and on samples 1 and 3 after deoxygena" i.tion. Different jumps in conductivity were observed duri-ag fusion of all three :samples of ordinary Se. The activation energy of electrical conductivity was found Ito be 2.05 ev for liquid Be of this type. In the solid phase, the thermoelootrcl- ;,motive force of sample I ordinarySe declined with increase in temperature. D=ing i bard 1/2 L - 04 2-71, DIVECAR ACC_1qF1_iA0239' )Fcpowf - QV23_j/6,4/666/066/60K/,D6 AUTHORt fikhundovap 3* 0,; Askerov, Ch, H.; Allyi)vp G. M.; Abbasov, R. Go 1_5" ORGt none, lei TITLE: EfTeot of Bulfur~lhlorlno and qysprosiwt impuritims on the olectrioal con- duotivit of hexagoni~[_&~d li-qu-iTselenium- SOURCE$ AzerbSSR. Izv. Bar fiz-tekhn I matem ng' no* 6, 196.59 69-74 TOPIC TAG_Ss su ch;Q ine, dysprosium, semicc,nductor conductivity, selenium.'., ABSTRACTI In order to clarify the influoncu of JmpuritioB on the formation of ourront and the jwnp in the oloctrical conductivity 0~ of selenium on Mm!e!ltin rthe effect of 39 Cl a d 'Dy ithe a' of selenium of brands E~ ard D4 (responctiN,ely 99.999 and 99-999NIX'reo) n the hexagonal modification and in the liqidd state including the melting range as studied., Fig. I shows the curve of a va. the concentration of impu- itios. It is seen that Dy Increases 6 by a factor of 10p and that the higher the con- centration of Cl, the, more slow3,v of reaches a max1mum, Thiv indicates that Dy iApuri- ties can be studied in the production of selenium rectifierv and can be used to re- place the volatile M, impurities, C1 strongly inoreases of In B4. selenium, whereas S strongly decreases it. A study of the temperatura dependence of 6 showed that d in the solid state and its jump on melting change s0stantially-with the impurity concen- trations. Cl acts like oxygens creating acceptor levels irt Sol, and thus incroaaes Card 1/2 SHAMSIYEVj, A.A.; ASKEROV.. F.A.; ISMAILVII A.M. Strength of oome Azerbaijan roehs under wilaxial expamion and contraction. Azerb. neft. I:hoz. 39 no.12:17-1.8 D 160. (MIRI, A: 9) (Azerbaijan-Roc):s-Teating) FARAIIZHEV, T.G.; j~SKEROV_t_F.A. Plasticity of clay rocks. Azerb. reft. khoz. 40 no.6t17-18 Je 61. 04IRA 14:8) (Clay) S11,01171TEV, A.--. Eff-~~:t of tsmperatum or, the mclainIcil prqlxl~-ties of C,).ay rocks. Iz.r.AN Pzarb.SSR. '65. (KRA 1878) ME,KHTIYEV, M.A.; GAUZER, Ye.G.; ASKEROV, F,-B. FunctAonal state of the thyroi 1313ji,nd In sheo~ tel3ted by the accumulation of radioiodine (I ). Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 21. no.2:55-58 165. (MIRA 18:5) .1 ASKKROV, F.G. Pipe anygdales in the Eocene effusives of ibe Kazakh trougb (Lesser Caucasus). Jzv. AN Azert. SSR, Ser. geol.-geog, nauk no.2:60-62 165. (MILRA 180) RUMYANTSEV, I.N. , ppdpolkovnik meditsinakoir sluzhby; RAGIROV, K-S- , starshiy leytenant moditsi koy sluzhby; ASIZAM) G.A..) starsidy loytenant moditainskoy sluly. Use of petroleum turpentine in fly control. Voen.-med. zhur. 4o.71?'6-77 Jl '61. QUM 15: 1) (FLIES-EXTEMINATION) (TUId;'hNTINL,;) SHAJOITAKHTINSKIY, G.B.; GUSEYN7ADE, S.M.; KHALILOV, O.S.; ASKEROV G.R. ," -.-, Production of pure vanadium pentoxide from f1w3hing fluids of alkali metal sulfates. Azerb. khim., zhur. no.:1:140-173 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Institut khimii AN AzerSSR. MSR / General and Specialized Z00109Ys Insects- INLr=Vul Insects P and Acarida. Posts of the Technl~ml, Oil) Mlicinal and Essential-Oil Cultures. Abs Jour : Rof Zhm, - Biol.) No 18, 1,558, ITo. 81.~-994 Aixthor --Askarov,_G. Ya.; Ismaylov, M. G. Inat :The Azerb-&Yd*U= ~cientifi, Research Cotton Growing Institute Title :Pinching of the Cotton Plant in the Struggle Against I the Yallaw Ibth Orig Pub :Byul. muchno-tekhn. info:m- Azorb. n.-i. in-ta khlopkovodetva, 1957, Fo 2) !?-20 Abstract :The pinchinG (P) of the cotton plant in Nakhichrvaj-, in accordance with agrimiltixal prInciples, occurs Trom 15 July to 15 August. Di experimo,.,~;Fj, conducted in IQr'II ,~ I frola 300 model plants, d-aring the IJ (Pinching of the top part.9), there were collectel 20 eggs or, 16 July; 0 ard. 1/3 ISACHKIN, B.Ya. (Penza); MALININ, V.V. (Liningrad); BOGDAN91, I.M.; F.V. obshchestvennyy metodint; ASKEROV SLNNOVSKAYA), 9 --_.''? K. (Baku) Draft proizram for -mathematics in gi-ades 9 to 11 of evening (istaggered) secondary schools of goneral eduzation. Hat. v sl*ole no.3:57-59 My~_Je 163. (MIRA 16: 7) 1. Inspektor po shkolam rabochey m,)Iodezhi Kilininskogo rayona Moskvy (for Bogdanov). (Mathematics-Study anil teaching) Al".UXT 1, q , A.14,,; M.A~ . oil PffeO, of LE6 stnictimil paramete::-s of roiller 'nit on tncAr affJ-,-Jency. Mash. i nef ~;. obur. 5 164'. 1%.1) 1. M~ishlnostroiteitnyy zavod Jm, SHERSTNEV, N.M.; PROTASOV, G.N.; ASKEROV# A.A. Possibility of using weighting agerits. Azerb. neft. khoz. 40 no.6:14-16 Je 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Oil well drilling fl:'k W"S"" I KASUM-ZADEp D.S.; YADULLAYEV, N.N.; SHERSTHEV, N.M.; LSKEROV, K.A. DASHDAMIROV, F.A.; BAGIRYANTS, R..S. Analysis of the performance of raducad-diametter bits and the effectiveness of their use in the area of the, Darwin-More Shoal. Azerb.neft.khoz. 40 no.12:23-26 D 161. (MIRA 15:8) (Apsheron Archipelogo-Oil wall drillixg, Submarine) NUITIN, V.S.1 SHARUTIN, A.S.; YESIMAN, E.I.; ASKMOT, K.A. Qualitative c~aracteriatics of drilling fluidis used for drilling wells in absorption horizons. Azerb. neft. kha. 41 no.9:16-19 S 162. (MIRA, 16:6) (Oil well drilling fluids) KARPEINKO, M.M.; SHARUTIN, A,S.~ ASKEROV, K.A,, Turbodrilling and dr.111ldng Ir the Karadag oil -Cield. Slor. nauoh,tskh. Azerb. inst. nauch.-tekh. inform. Ser. Neft. prom. no.(X.-2c?--36 163, (MMA 18 s 9) DZWLLILOV., N.M.; ASKEROV, X.A.; GADZHIYEV, N.A.; GARICHKIN, V.V.; KAGRPJIANOV, I.M. , Wear of tricone bits in turbodril:Ang in f;he Zyrya area. Azerb. neft. khoz. 42-no.ltl8-20 Ja 163, (MIRA 16:10) (Apsheron Peninsula--Oil well drilling-Djuipment and supplies) (Mechanical wearl ASKFFOV, K.M. Stiidyin.- the effective method,, of usint: tile ori-andc fort.1lizers of i)etrolmim origin for tomatces and Trut- Insi. pd,-hv. . _ i agrokhiir,. Ali Azerb.SSR 22:83-92 16"... (1-111:A 18: 31) ASKEROVY K.M. 49AAMPMOMMKo.~ Efficient methods of the applicati)n of organi.c fertilizers of petroleum origin to tomatoes in tho basic rogotable-producing regions of the Azerbaijan S.S.R. .':'.zv. AN,k7,(qi-b. SSR. Ser. biol. i med. nauk no.3:73-78 163. (MRA 16:6) (Azerbai j an-Vege table s-Fei -tili zer 9 and manw-es) Asp:EROV, K.m. --q- I EffJoient iric-thods Cf tile aj_,pjjCa4L:on of o-I'ranic fertilizers derivod from potroleum by--pror.-mc!t:i fca, inr,-rease of cabbago yields. Izv. AN Azorb. S)SR. qcr. Blo"~ . i vm(l. nank no.2:79-8,/ 1634 (!-'hUi .17:5) ,V9hEi-14OV, h. Z. Aul,er(-.,v, K. Z. - "The Problem of Feedinf-, SilkwDms VarLoua Sea5onn of the fear. 11 Hin Higher Education 'U"S 7R. Azert)a.,l(L Inan ~ lltural Inst. Kirovabad., 1.9-%, (Dissemation for the Degree of' Canaidate .Ln ALrricultural Sciences). So: KnLzhna~a LctoaLL, No. 10, 19,1~j, -p-, 1-lu-127 Analysis of the mechani m of increased reB.Lqtar--,,-e of animals to microbes producing gas gangrene in case of traumatic muscle injuries.* Dokl. AN SSSR 136 no. 3:727-7R9 Ja 161. -(MMA 14:2) 1, Institut, normallnoy i patologicheskoy fiziologii AN SSSR. Predstavleno aka6mikom V.N. Chernigovskim. '(WOUNDS) (CLOSTRIrIL% SEPTICUM) (PILiGOC'CTQSIS) ASIaUIOVv M.A. MLtotic activity of cells as an indicator of the begim-ag of dofense and reparatnry processes in anaerobic wound infectims. Dokle AN SSSR 136 no*4:986-988 F v61. (MIRA 14--l) I., lustitut normallnoy i patolc~gicbeskoy 'Alziclogii Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR. PrAe-+avlAnn aked-amikom V.P. Chernigovskim. ~Woljms) (CELL DIVISION (B'.I:OlA)GY)) (INTECTION) OSTR)rf, D.Ya.; wSKEROV, 111.A. Nervaus sti-,11,,ttdons and the general adaptation syndrome in the of the increase of the resistan~.c~ of the or- ganism- ziorm. i pat. finiol. PWN MSR 6t136-139 162. (MIRA 17.-1) 1. laboratcriya nervnoy trofiki (zav. - dolcto:,.- ,ied. nauk 0. Ya. (X3tryy) Instituta normallnoy i patolog".cheskoy f:Lzio- logii AM14 SSSR, /;~ Ahz "-'0 A", 1~?7 6:-, Subject : USSR/Mining AID P - 2094 Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - T-/24 Authors i Askerov. M.-Q., Shafiyev, B. N., Malcushkin, A. G. and ~ "T5 -p -o-v-a -,-- W. --V7 Title Ways of improving well cementing i,,,,i major overhauls Periodical: Neft. khoz., V-33, no.4, 35-39, Ap 1955 Abstract Dependent upon the condition of the well whose walls have been damaged and require tighte~ning and sealing of the damaged places, different amounts of cement are necessary. The coefficient of absorbing capacity,, the coefficient of permeability, the kird and size of fissures and the amount and of the water flow into the well will determine the amcunt of cement mixture to be pumped, the pressures to be applied, and aliso the cementing methods to be used. Charts, diagrams. Institution: None Submitted : No date ASKFMV, M.G.; KMSEWN. A.G.; POPOVA, N.V. - Discharge pressure in the case of insulating: wells age,inst extraneous waters. Azarb.neft.khos. 35 no.8:23-25 Ag 156. OQU 9tlo) (Oil well cementing) I ASKEROV, M.G.; HAKUSHKIN, A.G.; POPOVA, N.V. 11 *feet of the elasticity of fluids and the pr&tuctioxt string ia major well repairs. Neft.khon. 35 no.2!40-4,2 7 '57. (MMA 10:3) Oil wells-Iquipment and supplies-Repairirg) AsKgRoy, mj.; BARKRUDAROV, A.I.; MATVEYEV, V.I., r-Ddaktor. [,Safe working conditions in oil industrie:s; yr..-actice of tbp First Industry of the Trust "Artemneft'" in com'batin,:, indmatrial traumaj Zia bazopasnulu rabotu iml neftianykh promy;slakh~; opyt bor'by a proix- vadetvennym travmatismom na 1-om promyele tres-~& Artemneft'. Baku, GoG.n&uc-hno-tskhn.izd-vo neftianoi i gorno-top%ivnoi lit-ry, Aser- baidzhanskoe otd-nis, 1953. 18 P, (KMA 8:4) (Petroleum industry-Safet3r measures) ASKKWV, M.K. Moina, rectiroutris LeydIg as livet food. for stuggeome. Uch. sap. AGU no-7:59-63 '55. (MLRA 9.112) (Water fleas) (Sturgotons) (Fishes--Food) ASIMIOV, H.K. ina rectirostris Laydig an live food for young sturgeons n ArarbaiJani with summary in Ibissian]. Izv.All Azeirb.SSR no.1:127-139 Ja 157. (MLU 10:5) (Kura Valley--Water fleas) (stuigeons) ASIMMV, M.K. Year-mind. raising of water fleas. Uch.zap.,kGU rn.5:73-83 ' 58. (MIR& 12:1'i (Water fleas) ASHEROV, M.K. Prospects for a mass reproduction of Moini macrocopa Straus as food for the young sturgeon and salmon familie;3. Uch. zap. AGU. Biol. ser. no.3:19-32 159. (MIRA 15'-5) (BRANCHIDPODA) (STURMIONS) (.13AU1014) Biological control of pilyllopods i, thp , hatcheries. Vop. ekol. 5?9 ;62. 1. Azerbaydzhanskr--ya .JaLK)rritC-I-iyR, Baku. (Branchl-opoAa. - F i C I CA I (Sturgtic"13 (MURA lt-(A ASKEROVp M.M. The IMSh-16-25 wrench for rod joints-of a:11 olzes. hash. i neft. obor. no.6slO 163. (MIRA 1718) 1. Azerbaydzhanakiy nauchno-isoledovatelIBIly institut neftyanogo mashinostroyeniyal g. Baku. ASKEROV~ M.M. Light 4VP-50 swivel for washing sand plugs. Mash. i neft. obor, no.71 7-8 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatel't;kiy i proyektnyy institut neftyanogo mashinostroyeniya. MUIST.&An'V, M.N.; ASKUOV, M.Tu. 11,01 AS~Wll 1.1, Uwaring the oost of offshore drilling [in Azerbaijani with simm'ry in Russian]. Azerb.neft.khoz. 37 no.8:4"j'-46 Ag 158. (MMA 11:11.) (Neftyanys Kamni region--Oil well drilling, Submarin) AELMOV. M.Yu.; GASAFOV, A.B. , _" '11-- , " ~ - Technical and economic effectiveness of dr13ling small-diameter wells (in Azarbaijani with summarv in Russian]. Azerb.ueft.ktoz. 38 no.1:47-48 Ja 159. (MMA 12:4) (Oil well drilling) ASKIROV, M.Yu.; GASAITOV, A.B. Means for reducing the cost of oil and gas wtill drilling. Aterb. neft. khoz. 38 no.8-.47-48 Ag 159. 04IRA 13tl) (Oil well drilling-Costs) 44'.. ASKEROV, M.Tu. Analyzing economic indices inconnection with slim wall &-illing Lin Azerbaijani with summary in Russianj. Axvrb.neft.kboz- 39 110.9:46-47 S160. (HIRA 13: 10) (Oil well drilling) UMWqj S,G,,j SEDIDV, V,A.j ASKEROV, M.Yu. Reoulto of field toots of the performanoo o.~! brikke plilla7m of draw works, Muh, i naft. obor. no.8sl2-16 165. (MrIA '.~819) 1. IINIIPTneftemash. -Iii -'ra n1, vrcc-, --Olt ACCESSION NR: AP4025104 8/0021.)/641"155i'OO3jtO499,10502 AUTHORS: Askerovo N. G.; Kreyn, S. G.; Laptev, G, I* TITLE: One class of riot self-adjoint boundary value problems SOURCE: All SSSR. Doklady*., v. 155, no. 3, 1964, 499-502 TOPIC TAGS: boundary value problem, differential equation, mathematical physics, differential operator, Hilbert space, scalar productp linear operator, Rigsz theorem ABSTRACT: A number of problems in mathemal~ical physics ciim be reduced to homogeneous boundary value problems with one and the same parameter h in the differential equations and boundary condi- tions. In spite of the fact that with every fixed A,, the differ- ential operator and boundary conditions ar(~ self-adjoint, tle problem is very often not self-adjoint; thc apactrum cart be imag- inary. The article is a general examinaticri of one class of these problems. Suppose a linear operator A with an ever 'here donse domain of definition D(A) is given in a separable Hilbert space H with a scalar product Also suppose that two lin ar opera- L lc'~rs T and 11 , mapping D (A I into aome other eeparabla. Hilbtrt, apace ACCESSION NR: AP4025104 H, with scalar product are defined on D(A). The, operators A T and I" have the following properties: totality of the elements o~ DIA) satisfying the conditionsTv - 0 and n -- 0, dense in H; the restriction Ao of the operator A to the set of all elements of D(A), for which TV = Ov is a self-adjoint, positively define6 operator having a completely continuols recLprocal; and the opera- tor Z- inaps D (A ) into a set, dense in H , a-id in thus as completely continuous as Ue operator from the spa;e H'V,,int;o the space Hie The lGreen formix1a, (,Au,v) = A(u, v.) - (Tu,-rv)* where A(upir) is a bilinedr function suc~h tlm6t A(u,u) ;PO, ist valid. For each W4 Hl thera exists a unique elementio-ek which satisfies the identity (A-01tv, A-011) for any zt-D(Aofi. The equation I-XP1+'Q1' iwas examiined generally -'in the Hilbert space R. Here,, P in ;positive I -and Q are non-negative completely continuous opel-,latore in H. It can 2/,4-? ACCESSION EIRt AP4025104 be immediately verified that equation (3) ia equivalent to the system of equationis P"'BP'1-g+P"-B(~'*- ir, ITL Q%ap"'q + (I - (PB(h h g. H B ..(I+ P.+ Q)-'. W441"d _g All eigenvalues of equation (3) have a non-regative real part. If the condition 4 1 P 11 Q j< 1, is fulfilled, then all the eigenvalues are real. Starting with some number-, all eigen values of the problem Ay Xy, XTy - crT'-j are real. If the condition I re. 12, I < 00, 00'. Pn < is fulfilled, then the system ~tks)j of generalized and adjoint solu- tions of tho problem Ay - ;Nyj XTy -rTy is repeatedly complete. This becomeo valid if the coefficient cr is substitutod by a restrk;ed negrativD operator in Hl. Orig. art. has: 3-1 equations. A~~ROY~_-R.A. Innervation of the trachea and bronchi in mts. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 19 n0-3:75-79 163. (MIRA 17.8) 1, Azerbaydzhanskiy meditsinskly inotitut imerli, lbirimanovet. Prefttavleno akademikom AN AzSSR F.A. Molikovym. USSR Human and knimal Miorphology. Nor-,rous Systw-,1, S-2 Peripheral Nervous System. itbs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 3.4, 2.958, 64771. Author : abdul ayev, M.S6 ; "'skerov, R. jL. Inst : Not given. Litlo : On the Question of the Nerva Porta-_ c-f the 'Yuscles of the Eye ball, Orig Pub: iizerb. Tibb Zh,, 1957, No At, 15-18 ("sorb.) 65-69. .,abstract: There is a direct relationship between the density of the small. trunks of the nerves;3and the s4zo of the individual muscles of tho eyeball; the largur the muscle, the thicker its innorvatinE nerve. The nerves approach all the muscles of thb*oyeball., with the exception of tho inferior obliquus of the musclep at a very sharp. angle, i.e., nearly parallel to the musclo fasciclos; while to tho Card 1/2 A.SKEROV 1: -t- -R. ~ -.- Structure and distribution of the nervous apparatus in the liuman trachea and bronchi. Izv.AN Azerb.SSR.Ser.biol.i med.nauk no.6;109-114 162. (MIRA 15:12) (BRONCHI-INNERVATION) (TRACHEA-INNERITATION) A rare ca.-2 oll accc-sncry rona- 78-&l 162. 1. 1" normn-I Ilicy all-ac'mil nauki, prolf. K.A. Bal tilt i ~qb.f yi-v) maditsinsizorm instituta (-'ftor p-of. B.-A. MOROV, MAMPUZADE, R.N. Some upper Cretaceous sea urchins from tho IeoEor Caucasus. Dolcl.Aff Azerb.SSR 15 no.1:45-49 159. 1 (MIRA 12:3) 1. Institut aologli AN AzerSSR. Mdzhachsy Valley--Sea urchins, Fossil) ASKEROVP R,B. Stratigraphic distribution of U per Jum3s~ic brachiopods in the Lesser Caucasus (Azerbaijan Dokl. All Aierb. SSR 18 Z no.12:la-43 162. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Institut geologii AN AzerSSR. PredstavIeno akademikom AN AzerSSR M.M. Aliyevym. MELIKOV, OJ%, ASIT-MoV, 81-rat'graphy of the dlstr4bu-.j,,, sediMPnts Of the Lesser Ccluc'aslI3 Azarb, SSR 19 no,12g.19-43 '6 3 .I C! f ~t ~K' h inn , t Seli In tnr- Lr,~~c-r "'rutaceOU3 (Azeroa!-jar,. Dokl . ~lll Pr ("-i rm ;, N' ASKEROV, S.G. Principle possibilities for increasing drilling rates In the Shirvan Steppe. Aserbe neft, khoz. 39 mo-7:46-48 J1 160. (Ml%k 13 810) (X~ira Lowland--Oil well drMing) J~5KEROVI T.M. Use of the "Ural-111 electronic digital computer in solvink a problem concerning the supply of rwiterial and technical resources within the system of the National Econonq Council of the Azerbaijan S.S.R. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR.Ser-, f.Lz.-.Diat. i tekh. nauk no.3:51-57 163. (MIMI 16-11) e cl AI)M.Rovt 11". F. ASKEROV, V, F.; "A change in the kidney functions as a result of hem~,section of the spinal cord in dogs." Second Ilbscow State Vedic~-' Inst. !-mi, 1. V. Stalin. Moicow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degr-j,. ., Candidate in Medical Sgience.) Knizhnkya Letopis' No 32, 1956. Moscow. USSR / Hiunan and Animal Phygiology. Excretion. T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 41386- Author :-Askeroy, V p Inst : Academy Z~Yctt,7-nces AzerbSSR. Title : Changes of Honal Function in Dogis Following Itemi- section of the Spinal Cord, Communication I. The Effect of Unilateral Hemisection of the Spinal Cord at the Level of Its Cervical Segments Upon the Renal Function. Orig Pub: Dokl. AN AzerbSSR 1957, 13P No 1, 53-61. Abstract: Right hemisection of the spinal cord at the level of the fifth cervical segment Vailed to have any effect (during the first week) on diuresis (D) of Card 1/2 USSR / liuman and Animal Physiology. Excretion. T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9) 1958, 41387. Author :-AqIrPrnx.- I - R. Inst :Academy of Sciences AzerbSSR. Title :Changes of the Renal Function in Dogs following Hemisection of the Spinal Cord. Cotiununication 2. The Effect of Repeated Hemisection of the Spinal Cord at the Level of the Cervical Segments on the Renal Function. Orig Pub: Dokl. AN AzerbSSR, 1957, 13, No 21 203-207. Abstract: A second hemisection of the spinal cord on the same is side (first and fifth cervical oegments) in dogs with exteriorized ureters, following the reestablish- Card 1/2 USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Excretion. T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 41387. 0 Abstract: ment of the function of the homolateral kidney, caused only slight changes in thta diuresis and urea concentration of the urine, with rapid return to normal urinary excretion. Card 2/2 76 USSR/Humn and Ank-ul Mysiolo,,,y. Excreti,)n T-7 Abs Jour r1of aur - Biol., No 14, 1.953, No 065,346 Author Askerov V.I? Inst , AzcrbSSI~- Title The Change in Renal Fuic-ti-on Ilesulting from Henisection of the Spinal Cords of DoL5s. Corumulicatio" 3. The Effcc"%~ 11cmisection of the Spinal Cord at th(! Loval of the Cervical Ocj=its on the Excrotiun of -,,i0tionctive Bro-rairic, by the KiLlays 4 Grig Pub D,AJ.. *ai AzerbSSR, 1957, 13, No 3, 333-3-:17 Abstract HeLvIsectim of the spinal corO.G of Oogs (with ureters ex- tori-xized by the Palov-Orbel method) at the level of car- vical. so,-nants 1-5 sharply Oclayea th,~, excretion of radio- active Dr by the Iddmeys. Excretion "by the kidney ips-i'lateral to the operation was especially clelay:,,d, and tl-.c slowin,, of excretion vas mst nnrked with 't"'ranseotims in the re~;i-m of the fifth saLpant. These -Z::.nCin-.,n in(licate the prcscaco of CarO. 1/2 ASKIROV, V.P. Renal function changes caused by hemisection of the spinal cord iG dogm. Report No.1: Effect of unilatereil hemisection of the spinal cor('L at the level of the cervical segmeE,ts on renal function (with sunniary in Bnglish]. Blul.eksp.btol. i vied. 43 no.5:55-61 My 157. (KIRA 10:10) 1. Yz kafedry normal*noy fiziologit (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. X.A.Aatatuyen) II Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo medi- tair.skogo Institute iment I.V.Stalina (dlr. - prof. O.V.Xerbikov). Predotavlena daystvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR prof. V-V.Par1nyn. (KIDNNYS, physiol. eff. of unilateral hemisection of spinal cord at level of cervical segments in dogs (Rua)) (SPINAL CORD, physiol. eff. of unilateral hemisection at level of segments on renal funct. in dogs (Rua)) ASMOV, V.T. '40,19, twe r Effect of spinnl hemisection on renel fmotion. Report No.2: Sequelao of rennl function followirA, cari-ical hemiaection of tho spinal cord. [with summnry in Bngliehle hulokspebiol. i mod. 45 no.308-51 Xr'58 (19IRA 11:5) 1, Is ksfedry normallnoy fitiologii (sav. - pr f. M A A rAtyart) I! Moskovskogo meditsinakogo instituta imeni NT F,rqo;ovf6k (dir. - prof. O.V. Keribikov), PredatFiv1san deystvitellnym chlenom AM 85SR V.N% Chernigovskim. (SPINAL CORD, physioloa. off, of hemi-section on renm:'. funot. (Rus)) (IMMS, physiology, off. of hemi-seotion of spinAl cord. (Rua)) ASKHROVA,R. Now ispocien of Laontodon fron Aznrbat~lan. A~kl.J%N Aziwrb.$SR 15 no.6:526-5213 159. (MIRk 12:9) (AzerbaiJan-Leantodon) ASKEROVA, R. K. "The Caucasian Catnip (Family %Tepet~i L.).," Cand Biol Scis Inst of botany, Acad Sci USSR, Len-Ingrad, 1954- (RZhBiol, No 4, Feb 55) SO: 5um. No. 631, 26 Aug 55-Survey of Sc:!.entific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institu.- uions (14). ASIUMOVA,R.K. 06-,~ M,"w-ql1MV%W " New species of the genus Nepeta L. from Azeeaaljan- Bot-Mat. Gerb. no.16:286-289 154. ()11RA 8.'9) (Aaerbaijan--Nopeta) 'Xim- ~011 - A now species of the genus Crepis L. [ir,Aze:rbaij&nl with summary in Russian]. Dokl.AN Azerb.SM 14 no.11:901.-903 '58. (MIRL 11.-.12) 10 L.,stitut botaniki. AN AzerSM. (Hawk's-beard)