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SOV/1 24- 57 - 3- 3432 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 3, p 115 (USSR) AUTHOR: Arzha.nykh, 1. S. TITLE: The Structure of the Displacement Vector in Boundary Problems of the Dynamics of an Elastic Body (Struktura vektora smeshcheniya granichnykh zadach dinamiki uprugogo tela) PERIODICAL: Tr. Sredneaz. un-ta,- 1956, Nr 66, pp 3-20 ABSTRACT: A study is made of the expressions representing the displacement vector of a point of an elastic body which satisfies the dynamic vector equation of Lam6 for arbitrary initial conditions and two kinds of boundary conditions: (a) Whei.-i the displacements hre given for the surface of the body (first pro-blerri),and (b) when the total normal derivative is given for the surface of the body (second problem). Functional equations determining. the displacement vector are drawn up in conformity with these boundary problems. Representations of the displacement vector by wave'functions are studied. In conclusion, integro-differential equations are presented for both the first and the second boundary problem. It is pointed out that by means of a Laplace Card 1/Z tran~.formation the integro-differential equations of the first problem SOV/1 24-57-3-3432 The Structure of the Displacement Vector in Boundary Problems (cont.) are reduced to integral equations. The whole paper is a development of the author's investigations published in publi.cattions issued by the Academy of Sciences, Uzbek SSR, from 1951 to 1954. The paper does not.contain any actual examples illustrating the application of the methoeis proposed by the author. Most Of the intermediate calculations are left out. N. A. Killchevskiy Card 2/2 USSR/7heoretical. Physics - Classical Electrod3naamics. B-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, 8397 Author : Arzhanykh, I.S. Inst Title Field Method in the Theary of Hyperbolic Systems of Differential Equations of HithemiAtical Mysics. Orig Pub t Tr- 3-90 Vses. matem. s"itzda, T.I.M., AN SSSR, 1956, 42 Abstract : Reaume of a lecture. The methodu developed by the author for solving the problem of deteritining the vector from Ito curl and divergence, vhich muke it possible to express ~%e field in term3 of thei boundary values, are used to determine the solutions of the Maxwell, Proch, and other eqLations. The aiv&or studies the properties of the re- oultant retarded potentials and %Tites down the integra- differential equations fcr the boundary problems. A ph)sic&l intezpretation is gIven for singly and doubly retarded potentials. Card 1/1 (IRZJMNyt~H, I S SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1631 AUTHOR ARMUlYCH,I.S. TITLE On the Chalnllke System o' r the Meson Field. PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk, 110, fe,sc-3, 351-354 (1956) Issued: 12 / 1956 The existence of mesons with different inasses, velocities, and charges suggestis the study of a system of equations for the m~?son field. Here two possible varieties of this problem are investigated: 1.) The field has a mass spectrum In the case of one and the same velocity of the mesons,, 2~) Thq field has a velocity spectrum in the case of a give,,1.1 masti of the particles. The mass spec- trum is here characterized by a constant matrix and the field equations are written down according to the PROCA system: 2 ~ 2 div;V __ik _ I,, i + P, , curls_ _k A I - (1/0) a i/et. 1 0 ik k 0 40-J k k+J -cUrlij, --0/031,/at, kol.m 0c/h, i1.)2...., N. 3. Iq in the same way P - P g Oik III Is assumed to chara-aterize the spectrum of ve- looities, and the field is then described by an analogous system of equations. The scalar characteristic of the field is in the first, case given by a system of KLEIN", equations: L\-V, - (1/02) a2~,/at2 2 X__ F and in the second case by aa analogous system: - k 0 k- -I ~4ik_yk ' I y 2 ) I> a - k ri, 2 t2 2 F, k-1 Vfkla 0 Dokl.Akad.Nauk, '110, fasc-3,351-354 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1631 Here the meson f:teld is represented explicitly by the boundary elements on the W basis of the results obtained by I.$.1,RZA11YC11, Dokl.Akad.Nauk.No 4 (1956). At first the system that corresponds to the mass spectrum is investigated and reduced to the onnonio form,, Here two cases must be distinguished: Either all roots of the chal7acteristie polynomial are simple, or there exist also mul- tiple roots. In the first case the sy.,3tem is divided into 11 single PROCA systems, In the degenerated case the ordgine.1 system is divided into p linked systems. Both syntems are explicitly written down, AH p systems of the same type are obtained, it is sufficient to Inventigate one of them. On this occasion a reprenentation of the field is obtained by retarded potentials. The structure of the meson field of the linked system is explicitly written down. Next, the field vrith the velocity spectrum is investigated. Also here the matrix is reduced to tho canonio form. If the orrespondirg polynomial has simple roots, the original system of equations is divided into N systems. In the case of multiple rootii p linked systems are obtained as above. One of them is examined. The structure of the meson field with velocity spectrum is explicitly written down. In the end, a formula for the scalar field is obtained with utilization of the boundary elements. INSTITUTION: Institute for Mathematl-3 and Mechanic "V.I.ROMANOVSKIJ" of the Academy of S~Ienco of the Uzbek SSR SUBJECT USSIL / PHYSICS CARD 1 PA 1792 AUTHOR ARZANYCH, I. S. TITLE The Representation of tho Neson Field by Retarded Potentials. PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Naukp 110, faso.61 953-956 (1956) Issued: 1 / 1957 --,A _91 The aim of this report is the integral representation of the vectors E and H of the electromagnetic, field as well as of the potentials T and A with the hell? of special retarding potentials which oorres-ond to KLEIN's operator P 2_ k2 _ (1/02)a2/at2. Here the method for integral representation, which wal) employed in connection with other operators in the elasticity theory, hydrody- namice, and electrodynamics, was applied. With k a 0 the formulae of MANELLIS electrodynamics result from the formulae mentioned below, and the second group of the formulae for I and H then goes over into KIRCHHOFFtS formulae. In con- nection with the problems under investigation the integrodifferential equationt) of the boundary value problems belonging to ILEINIS equation are constructed. The retardation operator corresponding to the meson field is: 00 J, k (q v(g,t-r/c) r2 v I t) a r(p,q) - k 10 V (q,t 0 dl t The following lemma applies: The field vector lv(q,t), which satisfies the equations ourl v and div 1'- 9 within -the domain Q + S, satisfies also Dokl.Akad.Nauk,110,faso.6,953-956 (19!~6) CARD 2 / 3 PA - 1792 2 2) 2 2 0 the equation 494v(p,t)w(k +(1/0 )a /at )f dQ + V our! P v with (P,t) P'(Sjt)~ dS -f fG(q,,t)j dQ n v and F(pvt) - ~ *"' x f-:"(sjt)j dS (,:I,t) dQ.. The following theorem then applies: The electromagnetic meson field is determined by its limiting elements In the following form: -,!Pf -+ 4 47LE.,P, t). V dS - curl f n x ['E j dS + f In fdiv E 3 dS + 4 --> H H -n- j 'H ~dS - + (1/0)(3/at) n x f'j dS, 49 (PI-o- V 4 curl n x H dS -n* x curl H dS, f f 4) and the potentials are determined by the following formulae: 2 24 1 k div E, k A . (i/c)A / at - curl H. On this occasion the vectors E and H are expressed by the limiting elements for the potentials: Dokl.Akad.Nauk, 110,fase.6,953-956 (19--L) CARD 3 / 3PA 1792 4XE - k n f-dS + (1/0)(a/at) ~ 'n x [cUri AdS - 2 f9 4 n A/at)dS + curl dS ( V + 0/08 at 4 4 x 2 + 1 2 --> 4xH n Vy + (k - ~~) A dS + 0 at 2 +V 4 4 Sourl A I dS -curl x (qcarl AdS There fo owe the proof of this theorem and a conclusion drawn therefrom. A further theorem says that the funotion Ir which satiefiee the equation (,V 2 -k 2_(1/02) 02/at2) V a 0 is represented by its limiting elements in the, form: 4x?(P,t)- �T/anj dS - f [11] dS. The latter formula introduces the potential of a aimpfae layer and of a double layer, which at k - 0 go over into NEWTON'S retarded potential. INSTITUTION: Institute for Mathematics and Mechanics 11V.I.ROX0OVSKIJ11 of the Aoaaemy of Science of the Uzbekian SSR. ARZHANYXH, 1.3. 1 Field of a moving charge. Dokle AN Uz. SSH no-7:5-10 157. (MIRA 11:5) l.Inatitut matematiki i meldianiki AN UzSSR im. V.I. Romanovskogo. Predstavlano akademikom AN 1JzSSR 8 U. Umarovym. (Electric, fieldu3 (Relativity (]Physics)) ARZFIANYKH I"8 h".- - Intririsic fields around moving chargoso Dokl, AN Uz. SBR 11:5-9 157. (MIRA 11:5) 1.Institut matematiki i mekhaniki im. V.I. Romanovskogo AN Uz6- Predsiavlano akad. AN UzSSR SX. Umamrovym. I (Blectric chsrCe and distribution) (Electromagnetic theory) 0 ARZHANYKH, I.S. Vortex-motion equations of paly-tropic gaseb. Trudy Inst. mate, i makh. AN Uz. SSR no,,219.29-~14 157. (MIRA 11:6) (Differential equations. Partial (Vortex motionD ARZHANYXH. I.S. OOW9,f_of the theorem on the universal meaning of contact ,, ~razieformatione, Trudr Inst, mate i makho AN Uze SSR noe2105-39 157. (MIRA llt6) (Transformations (Mathematics)) (Differential equations partial) ARZITAITYKH Wj.-, DOLDINSKIT, G.I.; 3ELITIN. A.I. F A sig:21ficant error in desigme of some pneu-tic cotton harvesters. Izv. AN Uz.SSR.,dc rio.2-.59-62 158. (MIRA 3-1: 9) 1.4stitut matemti)d i makhaniki Ime VJ# Romnovskogo AN UzSSR. (Cotton picking machinery) ,I- -- 0, Rm P.M. -P.. I,as, ... Mathomtleal extension of meebanics. Dokl. AN Uzb, SSR U00:5-3-1 1580 (mm 11W 1. lustitut mtematiki i nekhaniki im. V.I. Romnovskogo AN USSM Predsitavleno WmdemikDm !H U&SSR T.W. lary-ftyasovym. (YAthematical physios) (Mach4nies) ARMAJFMO I.S. Notion equations of the ooleotromagnetio dipole. DDkI. AN Us.= Tko*5:-5-8 158. (xm nt8) 1. Institut matenstild i neldianiki im, V.I. Romanovskogo AN UsSSIR. Predstavleno Wcademikon AN VwSSR S,U. Umarovym. (Zipole moments) ARZHiLNMI, I.S. Characteristica of quantum equations. Dokl.AN Uz.;= n0-915-9 '58,. (KIRA 11:12) le Ihatitut matematiki i makhEkAlki Im. V.I*Romanovskogo, Predstavleno akademikom AN UzSSR TeNelary-liiyarovym. Nuautuzi theorp 16(1),24(5) AUTHORs Arzhanykh,I.S. SOV/166-59--3-8/11 TITLE: Quantum Mechanics as an Analytic Continuation of Classical Mechanics PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii nauk Uzbekakoy SSR, Seriya fiziko- matematicheskikh nauk, 1959, Nr 39 pp 52-64 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The equation F(w) = 0, where a IV 'D W ~W (4) F(w)E -5-t + H(tjX , . . .' -P~- ) 11""xn' -~~-X- X 1 n and H is the canonical potential of Hamilton, is satisfied strongly in analytic dynamics and hydrodynamics, while it holds only approximately in quantum mechanics. The author asks the question: Is it possible to construct an operator K( ") which for functions of the claos C 1 from the equation K(a) - 0 would lead to the strong equation F(w) - 0 and from the equation 91(0) - 0, where (7) 1( t2 dt Tr2dwf .. fK( 4>)dq j f Lx- Card 1/3 ti 'A'1 quantum Mechanics as an Analytic Continuation of SOV/166-59-3-8/11 Classical Mechanics for ~C C2 would lead, to the Schr6dinger equation h 'a + H 0, (8) 3: -~-t where H* is an oper'alor of quantum mechanics? The question is answarea in the affirmative. K has to be chosen in.the form UL ~Sj + 2 (9) KM) a - 7N-t 7W w II(t'x '...'x ... OPn) W 1 ns P1 9 and the impulse field in the form.. L= (10) P DA, VI-9 - ~q w The Hamilton-Jaoobi equation FK = 0 arises from R(S)j) - 0 by an addition of the Condition LL(t,x 11 ... PxnW) = 0, while (8) follows from SI = 0 with the following substitution (12) 0-'4Kt,x1P...'x )Oxp( w Card 2/3 n ih Quantum Mechanics as an Analytic Continuation SOV/166-59-3..8/11 Classical Mechanics Then the author considers in relativistic approximation systems of particles which reciprocate, further the relativistic equation of an electron, and the equation of Gordon-Schrbdinger. He shows the universality of the proposed algorithm and there- with it is proved that the quantum mechanics can be understood as art analytic continuation of the classical mechanic6. There are 7 references, 6 of which are Soviet, and 1 American. ASSOCIATIONsInstitut mekhaniki AN Uz SSR (Institute of Mechanics,AS Uz SSR) SUBITITTEDt December 16, 1958 Card 3/3 30(l),16(2) 06558 AUTHORSi -..Arzhanykh,I.S.!-Rozenblyuni,.L.M., SOV/166-59-4-9/10 dsman,M.I.,and Kellbert,S.L. TITLEt On the Threefold Treatment of the Cotton Shrub by the Cotton Harvester With Vertical Spindles ,,.:PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk Uzbokskoy SSR, Seriya fiziko- matematicheskikh nauk,1959, Nr 4, pp 64-69 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The authors describe the results of experiments carried out on November 17-28,1958 on the fields of the Scientific Research Institute for Mechanization and Electrification of the AS Kh H Uz SSR by the laboratory of mechanical cotton harvesters of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics at the AS Uz SSR, in order to examine the working,of -the new cotton harvesters SXhM-48M-ANT-1 and 2 which additional pair of spindle barrels and perform a threefold treatment of thet shrub. The maximal harvest (88.9%) reached SKhM-48M-ANT-1. Beceuse of the satisfactory results corresponding agricultural machines shall be constructed. The question of the multiple treatment of the shrub was firstly treated by L.M,11ozenblyum :Lr]. 1949 (patent Nr 86 314, 1949). There are 3 tables and 3 f:Lgures. ASSOCIATIONsInstitut mekhaniki AN Uz SSR. (Institute of Mechanics AS Uz SSR) SUBMITTED: April 2, 1959 Card 1/1 ARZTWTMI. 1. S. Boundary conditions of quantum mochaulca. Dole-I.All U2.SSR no.8:7-10, 159. (1411LA 3.1:21) 1. lnnti~ut All UzSSR. Predstavlono akademikom All UzGSR S.V. Starodubtsevym. ((~aantum theory) ARZHANYK-H.-I.S.;GUKIROV, Sh.A. Gonditione governing the applicability of a potential method for integrating equations for that motion of nonhomologous systems in a case where the Hamilton function clearly depends on time. Dokl. AN TJ&.SSR no.10:3-6 '59 (Him 13:3) 1. Institut mekhaniki AN UzSSR i Institut inzheDerov irrigateii i mekbanizatail sel'skogo khotyaystva. Predstavleno akadismikom AN UzSSR T.K. 7-ary-Kiyattovym. (Differential equations) ?4 (5) AUTHOR: --JXzh~,nyk~, I- S. SOV/20-125-6-10/61 TITLE: On the Differential Equations in the Motion of a Meson Charge (0 differentsiallnykh urayneniyakh dyizheniya mezonnogo zaryada) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nnuk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 6, pp 1215-1218 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A meson with the rast mass ix and the charge 6 is assumed to move with the valo,,,ity v r and to produce the charge densit.v 9(t,'P), the curx~.nt J(t,r), and the electromagnetic -* --4 field E, H. The elsotromagnetic field is determined by meanei of the scalar potential and the vectorial potentiall froal the Proca-equations J! grad diy K'~ + Ot -40 1 2-4 1 H - curl 1, curl 11 - - k A + - j where k - 27VLc/h 0 at c holds. The motion satisfies the law T T dt Y91F) - TI-F Card 1/5 On the Differential Equations in the 140tion of a Meson Charge SOV/20-125-6-10/61 2(1 12 1. T - -7 and the force I is determined by the -/Ac 2 a Lorentz formula. 'rho present paper is intended to determine the quantities q, is I A, Ej H from the system consisting of the above-mentioned equationa. The author here employs tile methods he developed in one of his earlier papers (Ref 1). If t e potentials satisfy the Lorentz condition 91 1 -4 + diY A - 0 1. tile continuity equation 21 + div 0 9t 1.9 satisfied. The proof of this assertion is briofly outlined.. Next, expressions aret derived :or and Z. 2 grad v2/c2 W) VT) c Also a partial ailferential equation for determining the arbitrary function. w is written down. In the second part of this article the author gives an example for the application Card 2/5 of the equations deduced in the first part. The "solving On the Dif1perential Equations in the Motion of a SOV/20-125-6-10/61 Mason Charge equations" are written down in spherical coordinates, and the functions w and '4 iire assumed to depend only on the distance up to a fixed pointt vr ' v(r), v9 - 0, v, - 0 (radial motiod of the meson). Besiaes, the motion is assumed to develop with sufficient slowness (v2 /c2) - 0. Under these conditions is found for the potentials .14 v2 + const, A v dwA 2 & 9 A0 = 01 Ay 0; for the electromagnetic r d field E E E 0, H = H H 0, for thiB r F r5 .0 . r .6 - Y - Lorentz force F = EE - 2,Ua2 P e- FT 0, and for the r :r r5 2 2 charge density 3 = div I + k2j r 4~r2 2 Card 3/5 On the Differential Equations in the Motion of a SOV/20-125-6-10/61 Meson Charge At the distance r A-1 -!!-from the fixed point, which may be 0 77 1AC considered to be the center of the atomic nucleus, density becomes equal to zero, and with a further increase of the effective radius of the meson, even an unreal function. The sphere with the radius r0 may be described as an exchange-zone. This zone is located entirely in the interior of the nucleus. .According to the here discussed scheme of the slow motion of a meson, the force acting upon this meson is inversely prolprtioral to the 5. power of the distance as calculated from the nucle&r center. In the relativistic case the Yukava-force is one of the particular solutions. There are 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut matematiki i indffimAd imerA V. 1. Romanovskogo Akademii nauk UzSSR (Institute for Mathematics and Mechanics imeni V. I. Romanovskiy of the Academy of Sciences of the UzbekSSR) Card 4/5 On the Differential Equations in the Motion of a SOV/20-125-6-le,/61 . Meson Charge PIMENTEDi January 8, 1959, by N. N. Bogolyubov, Academician SUBMITTED.- October 12, 1957 Card 5/5 24 (5) 'AUTHOR: krzhanylth, I. S. SOV/20-126-1-11/62 TITLEt An Algorithm of Quantum Mechanics (Ob odnom algorifme kvantovoy makhaniki) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRI 1959, Vol 126, Nr 1, PP 45-40 (USSR) ABSTRACTs � 1i Tho necessity of the algorithm: The problems of classical mechanics and quautum machanics are solved by different methods. This difference is principally caused by the fact that in the former case the partial. differential equation (of first dw LK aw. order) by Hamilton-Jakabi Ff + H(tp q1t ... v qnp clql P ... 5q 11 must be integrated, in the latter case the Sohr6dinger equation (of second order) Q- ~ + 0. The method by i Ot Dirac (Refs 3, 4, 5) is only applicable to one single particle, and leads to a system of equations of the Schr6dinger type. Other procedures give even more complicated equations in the relativistic case. Therofore, the problem has existed for a Card 1/4 long time which structure the operator A has in the Algorithm of Quantum Mechanics SOV/20-126-1-11/62 relativistic case. Such a universal algorithm, however, is of essential importance to the further development of quantum mechanics. This universal algorithm is to facilitate, in all oases, the construction of the operator ?e nf the equation (h J- + 0 from the function H of Hamilton- i at Jakobilo theory. It is more convenient to set the problem withLn a larger scopep namely concerning the construction of a universal algorithm which delivers both the equations of classical mechanics and those of quantum mechanics. This producen a synthesis of classical and quantum mechanics making it clear where there is the difference and the connection between the Hamilton-Ja-kobi and the Schr6dinger equations. Such an algorithm is pointed out in the prenent paper. � 2: The author constructs the operator K over the functions �a(tlwvql, *qn) of a certain family ('Rr:Cl for classical mechanics :n*d QC-C2fox, quantum mechanics).-This operator X has the following propertiest In the realization of theowkind of conditions connected, witb the operator K, the equations of Card 2/4 classical mechanics muzit resultj but in the realization of -An kUcrithm of Quantum Mechanics SOV/20-126-1-11/62 the other conditions, the Sohrbdinger equation is the result, For the matter of sho:i.,tnees the author puts T equal to to;~ /P qP j and chooses the operator aRICI t' W - ~Q /a W, Qr to 0 q1 X in the f orm: KOZ ) ;E - rw + w H(t tql g W W, By means of this operator, he then conetructs the functional It2dt I w'dw K(Q)dQ . (Q) denotes the reference I W1 configuration space dO - g(qlp ... jqn)dq 1 ... dqn. The algorithm suggested here consists of the following: The conditions X(S?) - 01 Q (t,w,q,,...,qn 0 apply to classical mechanics, and the conditions 61 - 0, 2 4r(t,q,, ... 1q n)exp(-iw/h) to qmtLn madmdIcs. The HamIlton-JakoU cqxdkn is equivalent to the conditiona K(2) - 0, S? (t,w,q, p ... qq n) ot 0, and the equation h 0 0 corresponds to the condition that the ! Tt + Y) 4, Q functional I, in the prosence of a periodicity, is periodical Card 3/4 with the period 2wh with respect to the effect w. The formulas AA Alj~orithm of Quantum Mechanics ASSOCIATION: PRESENTEDt SUBMITTED: SOV/20-126-1-11/62 for the classical and J'or the quantum-mochanical case are then explicitly derived; an expression for it in the quantum- mechanical case is also indicated. Finally, the universal character of the algorithm introduced is pointed out in the following 3 examples: 11"chr6dinger nquation, relativistic equation, system of interacting particles. There are 7 Soviet references. Sr 4 iatskiy gosudarstvonnyy universitet im. V. 1. Lenina ~Ce%fflrdq Asian state University imeni V. 1. Lenin) January 15) 1959, by N. N. Bogolyubov, Academician December 27, 1958 Card 4/4 GERUNYIM, D.G. - ARSHASM I S otv."&.; YAKOVNIMO, YO.P., rid.izd-~va,- 'GORIKOYAYi, Zi., [1-l'olynomials of optimum approxims,tion whose coefficients are bimnd ikq by linear relationOdpoll Polinomy nalluchahego pribli- zheniia, koeffitsienty kotorykh tiviazany lineinymi zavisimostiami, Tashkent, Izd-vo Akad.naruk Uxbekvkoi SSR. 1960. 235 P. (MIRA 14:4) I., Chlon-korrespondent AN UzSM (for Ar2hanykh). (Polynomials) FIHME I BOOK EmorrATioN SOV/4796 Akademiya nauk: Uzbeksoy SSR, Tashkent. lastitut matematiki i mckhaniki Issledovaniya po'matematicheekamu analizu i mektanike v Uzbekistane (Research in Mathematical Analysis and Mechanics ia Uzbellstan) Tashkent, Izd-vo AN Uzbeksko~ SSE, 1960- 259 P- Errata alip inserted. 1,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akadestiya nauk Uzbeksltcy SSE. Institut matematiki i mechaniki imeni. V.I. Romanovskogo. Resp,v.Ed.: .1.8. Arzhanykh, Corresponding Meidber, Academy of Sciences UzSSR; Ed.: I.G. Gaysinskaya; Tech. Ed.: Z.P. Gorlkovaya. PURPOSE: Thi-s collectim of articles la intended for mathematiclaw, mechanics, A aspirantai, and students taking advanced courses in divisions of physics and mathematics at universities and pedagcg:Lcal schools of higher education. COVERAGE: Thet collectio~tcontains 17 artic-les dealing vith the results of investi- gations on the theory of integrating dieferential equations im mathematical phyaics and mechsaicsi, the theory of numbers, e~nd the problem of tho beat approx.. imation of l'unctions. Individual articles discuss elasticity., flow close to a GsFA 47(4- Research In Mathematical Analysis (Cont.) SOV/4796 rotating disk, transverse vibrations of beams,, motion of an automobile after imixict, the.mial stress, etc. No persom%lities are mentioned. References accompany 14 articles. TABLE OF CONMITS: 1. Ar2.hanykh, I.Se On the Deformation of Space-Time Under the Action of an lre:e~,r&~~-n-etic Field 3 2. Bondareako, B.A. On Oradient and Vortical Solutions of Dynamic Equations of the Theory of Elasticity 17 3. Grebenyuk, D.G. On Cortain Weighted Polyncmials of the Degree;pn, the Least Deviating From Zero Within the (-- , +- ', Interval, Whose,Coef- ficients are Connected by Several Lineex Relationships 30 4. Grebenyuk),D.G. On Polyncmials of Several Variables, Whose Coefficients are 06nnect-ecTly Severs-1 Linear Relationships, the Least Deviating From a Given Funttion. in a Certain Domain (D) 70 5- Grbbenyuk; D.G. On the Minimum of Certain Integrals With Infinite 144dto of Integration 84 7, 3,?o S/044/61/000/011/002/049 C111 0444 AUTHOR: C_-A:L-zhanyj5h~~_ TITLE% On the deformation ol' the time-space under the influence of the el9otro-magnetic field PERIODICAL:; Reforativnyy zhurnal, Idatematika, no. 11, 1961, 57, abstract lIA398("Isel.ed. po matem. analizu i makhanike v Uzhokistane". Tashlent, AW UzSSR, 1960, 5 - 16) TEXT: The present article contains tranformation formulas for the quantities of the elootromagnittic field under transformations of the coordinates, bekag more genertl than the Lorentz ones. The author assumes thEtt the existence of the electromagnetic field leads to chan_ ges of the properties of the spaco, being analogous to the proces She: in the elastic medium, and he defines the "deformation tensor of t space", the "tension tensor of th4i sPace", as well as the correspond- ing "Lam& equations". Abstracter-Is note3 Complete translation] Card 1/1 26531 S/167/60/000/006/001/003 A1o4/A133 AUTHORS: Arzhanykh, 1. S., CorrespondIng Member of the Academy of Sciences of th(TIVOM-Rand Nasrotdinov, S. S. TITLE: Surface stresses of isotropic: elastic solids. PERIODICAL: Akademiya nnk UzSSR, Izvestiya. Seriya tekhnicheskikh nauk, no. 6 1960, 27 - 35. TEXT: The authors referdng to the computation method for the determination of surface stresses on elastic solids (lief. 1: 1. S. Arzhanykh, Izvestiya Akade- mii nauk UzSSR, 1952, no. 2) give a detailed dosoription of the mathematical pro- cess of this problem explaining it by examples. Stresses are determined accord- ing to the Hooke's law: P. -Adiv 0 + 2,ae. pon -,ae W, (n m - 1 s 2 p 30" u v w where div U = U + a- + a + e + volumetric expansion; pmn - stress ex ay r-Z 11 22 33 Card 1/8 Surface.stressas of isotropic elastic solids 26531 S/167/60/000/006/001/003 Aio4/.Ai33 tensor component; eWn - strain tensor component and A - Lame constant. At the investigation of th surface I - I ( ot, P) with coordinates relevant to the our- va-ture lines, Mu,se basic metric forms [Ref. 2: S. P. Finikov, Teoriya poverldmos- tc.y, M.-L.. GORTI, 1953] are derived - 2 -2 2 -2 - 2 I dr - r,,. dcK + rp do -o2 r C( 2 (N 2 II R d(S + dV (4) 1 2 -02 r r 48 III I dn = dcK + d~ 42 2 42- 2 where rc., A rp, -,B - Lame coefficient, 4 C-0 r5 r., r curvature radii. %2 AB3 rp 1 and 3 T1 A B The joint introduction of orthogonal Card 2/8 26531 S/167/60/000/006/001/003'%. Surface stresses of isotropic elastic solids Aio4/Al33 vector units n . -AB [fa, i1] which are the basic mobile surface trieder and along which the external force F is 4 r F F Ck + F n (6) 1 A + P2 B 3 results in the permutation., r r Ot + v -13+ U A B wn. (7) The surface stress tensor components on the tangent plane are determined by the surface force F P13 = p31 = F1 P23 - P32 = P2 (8) p F 33 = 3 Card 3/8 26531 s/167/6o/ooo/oo6/ooI/003 Surface stresses of isotropic elastio solids Aio4/AI33 Limiting expressions for strain components are based on equidistant surfaces Z) C~' S ) + zn (9) where mean surfaae of elaztic solids and z - dimensions of the seg- ment along the normal at the point (OL, 0 ) and jointly with cX, P forming the or- thogonal curvilinear system of coordinates. The obtained metric form is -1 2 - 2 2-2 2 dr* . dr + 2z, (dr, dn) 4- z dn + dz (10) which, basett on Formula (4), results in ~- 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 dr* A* da + B* d~ + C* dz (11) where . A* - A (I ) , B* - B (1 - iz;)and C* = 1 (12) R1 Ck--culation results of strain tensor components and (z-- 0) provide the expres- sion3 card 4/8 26531 s/167/6o/boo/oo6/oo1/oo3 Surface stresses of isotropic elastic solids A1o4A133 .1 ~u + v BA W 11 A 'a o, AB m + 12 B'DP A A ~d e .1 -& + u W w 22 B Fp AB FM i~ (13) e du- + Ia w+ U 13 6n A FCk R 1 w +v 23 'SXn e +B bp R2 'aw 33 ?Fn ~ihere e11,e 22 and e33 -relative expansions (constrictions) and e 121 e13 and e23 ft displacements equal to the angle variations between the coordinates: from which Card 5/8 26531 S/167/60/000/006/001/003 Surface stresses of isotropic elastic solids Aio4/AI33 the volumetrio expansion coefficients 1- ~ Bu + I -d(Av). 1 1 div 'U - + T-) w + (14) AB WM AB 7p- (F; 2 are derived. The determination of stresses on normal planes is based on formula (1) and expressed by p33 = ~)div 'U + 2,ue 33 resulting with the aid of Formulae (8), (13) and (14) in 'dw F 3 91. [L ANI + 1 ~) (Av ) ~' ~ 1 )1] (15) Fn 7L + 2,a + 2/k AB r6a E 7F R, PL2 div 'U - F3 + 2A L XW + L 'Cl (AV) - (.L + 1 k, 1 ?L + + 2/4 AB 'ft AB 7BT- R By introduction of formula (15) into formula (1) ca:,d 6/ 8 26531 8/167/60/000/006/001/003 Surface stressed of isotropic elastic solids Aio4/Al33 p U 'A F + 2 Wu r1 Lu '. !r- s A - V, + 6 1 Ly + m- ?-B - w 11 9~ + 2ILL 3 u(A+ 2,a) [A- M 4B R_ (B 'DIN AB IM R 1 2 A V p v (16) 12 = i ITO W + LA (0 (B ?L 2'hp. ~,Y , u + 16 (1 'Lu + v A P22 = _T+_21i P3 + F(A + 'gtk) E T~ ' -0 -a R A Vd~ AB RE-)] P 2 1 - on which the Hook's law for surfaces of elastic isotropic solids is based. a- amples Include a oone*and a oylinder of arbitrary configuration. Analogous data are derived for an elipsold by radius - vector of any point on the surface, linear surface element and the Lame coefficient based on formula (5). In the caso of a catenoid and a pseudosphere the linear element is replaced by the rirst qua- dratie form, whereas all other points of the computation process remain thesame. In his conclusion the author states that the use of formula (16) enables: I The computation of surface stresses of ela,stio solids by measuring the coRponen a of the surface displacement vector by available instruments. 2. To establish the limit shell theory. There are 2 figures and 3 Soviet-bloc references. Card 7/8 26531 s/167/60/000/006/001/03 X .1 Surface stressed of isotiropio elastic solids A1o4./A133 ASSOCIATION: Institut, mekhaniki Akademii nauk UzSSR (Institute of Mecanics of the Acadewl of Sciences of the UzSSR) SUBMWED: April 7, 1960 Card 8/8 S/044/61/000/007/022/055 CIII/C222 AUTHORs Arzhanykh, I.S. TITM On new stability inequalities PERIODICAM Referativnyy zhurnal.Matematika, no. 7P 1961t 41o abstract 7 B 176. (I'Vaes. Mozhvuz. konferentsiya po teorii i metodam rasoheta nelineyn elektr. teepey. no. 7" Tashkent, 1960, 46-54) TEXTt The author constructs an algorithm which leads to necessary and sufficient conditions (in the form of inequalities) that all roots of the secular equation dot (Ax + B) - 0 in the unit circle or after a fractional linear transformation lie in the left halfplane. A comparison with the criterion of Routh-Hurwitz is missing. [Abstraoterts note i Complete translation.1 28 Card 11/1 ARZHIUMH, I. S. "On the chain systems of the theory of nonlinear oscillations." Paper presented at the Intl. S~nnposium on Nonlinenr vibrations, Kiev, USSR, 9-19 Sep 61 Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Scienqes of the Uzbeklan SSR, Tashkent KA,BULOV, Vasil Kabulovich, kand. tokhn. nauk; MZHAffjH,-1.9.,'prof., otv. red.; KISEIZVAp V.N., red.; GORIKOVAYAj ZoPes tekbno red, (Integral equations of the equilibrium type and their applica- tion to the dynamic design of rods and boams) Integrallmye uravneniia tipa balansa i ikh primenenie k dinamicheskomu raBchetu sterzbnei i balok. Tashkentp Izd-vo kkad. nauk Uzbekskoi SSR, 1961. 185 P. (MM 15:4) 1. Zameatitell diroktora Instituts, matematiki im. V.I.Romanovskogo Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSR po Vychislitellnomu tsentru (for Kabulov). 2. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk Uzbeksko SSR (for Arzhanykh).(Integral equations) (Strength of materials I S11661611DO010021005IOD'i B1 12/E1202 IOR: Arnhany'kh I. Corres,,)ondin, ber of 'he Ac-idemy of : Mein ZT7 Scienceo, j-.SSR "ITIZ: Certain fiets of differential equations making possible the application of the method. of potential integration. FERTODICAL: Izvestiyft Akademii naukUzSSR. Seriya f iziko-'natemat icheskiikh nauk, no,, 2, 19051, 52-58 TLXT: 'The author studies sets of ordinary differential equations to -which the integration method of Hamilton and Jacobi odn be applied. Thus, he completes a number.of studiep on 6ets of diffei7ential equations wihich can be solved by potential-methods. First, 'he author explains .-,hy the Inmilton-Jacobi ihtear-~htion method -s a potential method: in the L 'Abotitution: P,( ) . appears as F.amilton-Jacobl El F a F/ ak aw/ax, v po tential of the vector P A(P). The possibility of -uch a substitution is tantamount to the existence of the followina set of equations: Card 1/3 ....... . . . . . . . . .----- ----- 13/1 66j6l/OOO/OO2/0051'-OC)6* I Certain sets of differential equations ... B112/B2O2 X21 . 811/ayX, yX Ar/a):X,' H,- -F4V(F), V(F) kXOF/a,~X. The followinr, relation - (F) a[HI/Ox where [H] denotes the Hamiltonian in which the -A X variables x* are expreneed by the variables -x-, exists betvie'en the X d 8F X3F D L grangp and 'he Hamiltonian H. Eiler Lag expressfton: EX(F) '- dt 8:~ ex The author considers the following cases: 1) set E X(F) 0. it is tantamount to a[HI/3x 0, I.e., h const %hich can be used to determine t,,,e potential ri. 2.) Set + k P,%(F) = 0, k = const ; it leads to the equation: + k,.,9 h = const. for the determination of W. 3) set: d 7F P, (F) ~ k; -XFL ) +P, V (F) =:! 0, ,.7bere kX- conut. The equ, t i t),, f o:- `ic (RI-e.-nination of the potertial VI tilen reads: 'T + I-- + h. 4) Set: Card 2/3 S/166"1'3-0/DO2/005/0D' Certain sets of equations ... 1 d Ex (F) + UPX (P) + V(F) - 0, Ft -FU-- + MP, (P) n. const., U=U(xl,...,-,-n from wh4ch it re3ults that ',H 2 + Ur 5) Set: d .I I -~- (E, (F) + UP~ (F) + ' 'U V (F) + V(,-) . 0, 7F d 6 U de wt lor which the equation. LH] + Un = hU +'Z1 x 9 + i can be written. There are 3 Sovlet-bloc reterences. ASSOCIATION: Inctitut matemntiki im. V. 1. Romanovskogo A" UzSSR (Institute of Mathematics imeni V. I. Romanovskiy of the Academy of Sciences UzSSR) SUBMITTED: JulV 18,,1960 Card 3/3 ARZIIANYK Equation-of quatitum mechanics iwthwoa.3e of geometric coupling. Izv. AN-Ui.SSR:%~,'Ser-~ fit*-nat, nauk 3ill.21 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Institut matematiki imeni"i.1,Roxanovskogo, AN UzSSR. Chlen- korrespondent AN UzSSR. (Quantum theory) (Differential equations i ARZIIMJYIWN I.S. . High-order kinotic equations of' a rank larger than gero, Sbor. nauch.-issl. rab. ITI no.15.,1"1-29 162, (MM 16:9) 8/044/62/000/010/013/042 B1130/B186 AUTHOR: Arzhanykh, 1. S. TITLE: Algorithm of the analytical extension of mechanics .PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematikal no. 10, 1962, 55-56, abstract 1OB255 (Tr. In-%a matom. LN UzSSR, no. 23, 1961, 1-33) TEXT: -The article is devoted to the problem*6f "whether mechanics has reached its highest state in the qualitative transition from the classical (including the relativistic) to the quantum content ?" The author answerb this questiDn in the negative, pointing to the-algorithm involved in deriving quantum mechanical equations and as well as integer ranks of hyperquantum mechanical equations. For this purpose the X operator is constructed over the functions 12Y. XI.- xa.T) -Pec 1 for classical, and PceC 2 for quantura mechanics) x1 x K(9)= - TW + WIM (t xn, 6ard 3/3 S/044/62/000/010/013/042* Algorithm of the analytical ... B18O/B186 Here 012 7, j-j. W X H is the Hamilton function. Then the functional dt So : d, If (0) dD, is constructed, where (D) is a fixed region of configurAtion space and dD - qdx1...dxn . The algorithm rests upon the fact that, for classical mechanics Q(tIXI#----In'W)7 0. (1) and for quantum /W\ x.)eXpOo., (2). Taking a Haniltonian in the form Card 2/3 S/044/62/000/010/013/042 Algorithm of the analytical B180/B166 11 - V (1, + E A, (1, xi..... xn) P. V + ~- Tj x"I P'P 2 the author shows that (1) leads to.the Hamilton-Jacobi equation and (2) to the Schrlddinger equation, and also that the characteristics of the equation 6J(6) - 0 are solutions to the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. He uses this algorithm to consider relativistic equations of a system of charges, and derives an equivalent system of quantum oquations. Using F 1 as the initial operator of the quantum mechanics, and'applying its own algorithm, he derives a hyperquantum mechanics-of the first rankv the equations of which are the extremal conditions of the functions JAO) -S,'diff dj..;d,, LV; S(Dj ... V'(0) "dX' dXA' Xj (9) - -,Fl (w1) Q,3,. The same procedure leads to hyper-quantum mechanical equations of different integer ranks. [Abstracter's note: Complete tr&nslation-I Card 3/3 00 S/044/62/000/009/031/069 A0601000 AUTHORS: Arzlianykh, I. S., Nasretdinov, S. S. ------------------------ TITLE: The limiting theory of shells PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 9,. 1962, 61, abstract 9B291 ("Tr, in-ta matem. AN USSR% 19(-;1, no. 2.3, 53 - 64) With the aid of the equation of eldstic equilibrium the Lamb strain coefficients are expressed in terms of the dinplacements, their derivatives, and the external load. Variational equations are derived for the 6q~iilibrium and the boundary conditions of the theory of the limitingahell, 1,e, of,a shell one of whose dimensions tends to zero. A. N. Tyumanok [Abrtracter's note: Complete translation] CAi-d 1/1 4145-1. s/o44/62-/000/009/028/069 A060/A 000 AUTHORi Arzhanykh, I. S. .TITLE: The solution of the basic problem, of dynamics of the mathematical theory of elasticity in the domain of r.epresentations by the method of fundamental functions PF-RIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 9, 1962, 60, abstvict 9B285 C'Tr. Tashkentsk. un-ta", 1961, no*. 189, 3 - 16) TEXT:--- Let the operator L be representable in the form L - A + By wl, w20 ... and AP A2. we shall denote the eigenftmetions and .the eigenvalues of the problem .(A + AB) w - 0. Let us assume, moreover, that the operator A has an inverse, and that the o~era- tor B may be represented in the form B = MA, and that there exists an operator C -such that (Cw,,Awm) - Sn- Under those assumptions it is possible to represent (at least formally) the solu- dard 1/2 s/o44/6PY000/009/028/069 The solution of the ... A060/AOOO tion of the equation Lv = F by the series 00 (Cw -1 \_-N 11SAA-1F) V . A F + Ao I-j anwn; 'an - - ;~n . n-1 7LC 1. These notions are applied in the paper to the formal construction of the solution f to the equation ctgrad div v rot rot V -,(s2+k2)v under the condition that the vector v(X, Y. Z) is specified as a function of X, y, z in a bounded region, on the boundary of whic'.q homogeneous'boundary condi- tions are satirfied. V. M. Babich [Abstracter's notes -Complete translation) Card 2/2 SM Slel ()3161/022/004/002/014 (/0 3 2 Ij //32-) B1 I 6/B21 2 AUTHOR: Arzhanykh, I. S. (Tashkent) TITLE: New inequalities for stabilit;r PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, v. 22f no. 4, 1961, 436-442 TEXT: New inequalities for stability are bro-aght which are based on Schurts theorem (Ref. 1: M. Kreyn and bl. Neymark. "Metod simmetricheskikh i ermitovykh form v teorii otdeleniya korney algebraich,3skikli uravneniy" (Method of symmetrical and Hermitian forms aFplied to the theory of separa- tion of roots in algebraic equations.) Cos. nauchno-tekhnicheskoye izd-vo Ukrainy, Khar1kov, 1936). These inequalities are used to investiaate the stability of systems expressed by differential eqtiations which have constant or periodicalcoefficients. The following variational equations with constant or periodical coefficients are written down: d~s n- psrP (s n) r. 5r Card 1/5 2-170 S/1 03 61/022/Q04/002/014 New inequalities ... B1 XB21 The asyiatotic stability is solved with inequalities. These inequalities Cuarentee the position of the roots of the characteristic equation located in the left semi-plane in the unit circle, respectively. Usually, the criterions for the u)osition of these roots located in the left semi-plane are determined by inequalities of Ravs - Hurwitz. But this criterion is not favorable since it makes it necessary to write the equation in an explicit polynominal form. In this paper it is shown that the correspondina inequalities may be obtained without.changing the equation into the poly- nominal form. The inequalities guaranteeing the roots to be within the unit circle are determined, and the small,changes. are shown, which are necessary to obtain the inequalities for the pc~sition of the roots within the left semi-plane. The characteristic equat,ion f (Z) Cox" + cix"-, + - -+ C7'_jX + C. (2) ajjz+ b1s, ... , a,,,z -F b1n I.Ax + BI 0. (2) a,lx + bnl a I nn-+ bnn Card 2/5 New inequalities 21795 S/103/61/022/004/002/014 B116/B212 is written. According to Schur's theorem the necessary and sufficient conditions (so that all roots of (2) are located within the unit circle) are that the inequality c0 0. (3) is fulfilled and also the polynominal n-1 f M (1) M 1W -a a x + 4 a (4) 0 n-1 determined by equation xfl(x) ~ cof(x) - Onf*()..) (5) with fo(x) _ xnf(,/X) (6) having the same property. This algorithmic rule is used to find the stability inequalities without representing f(x) in an explicit form. The following* theorem is formulated: The conditions that are necessary and sufficient for the roots of the equation (2) to be located.within the unit circle are given if the followint; inequalities are fulfilled: Ic lol ::-- Joni (24) c(k)j::,~(k)' (25)t Card 3/5 0 n-kj (k - 1 , 2, n 21795 2/103161 /02 2/004/00 2/014. New inequalities ... 1116/B212 where the numbers c (k) and c (k) are determined by the formulas 0 n-k k CM -11M/'(X)--Lj' (JAx + B) p,_, (z) A + Bx] 9k-j(M)) (20) "-k k1 dxk X-0 (20) and C'('k) _ I JM dk-1 (k- 11) JWx-k-1 ([A + DzI p~jx) [Ax + BI 9;_1(x)) (23) (23), LO respectively, and the polynominale pi and..qi successively from the formulas PO n) n) (a qO (b (15) and W + C(1) k xq~-, W P't W - C lk)pk-x n- (17)o _(17) 9k W - C(')qk--l W + C' *�k XP; W rvapectively. If the system of variatio'nal equalione consists of equations of hit;her (than first) order it may be reduced to such a system where each equation will be of first order by introducinE; new unknowns. And, now, the Card 4/5 21795 New inequalities ... s/lp3/61/022/004/002/014 13116/B212 inequalities shown above may be applied. Such a case may be investigated directly by calculating Schur's polynoodhal in a corresponding manner. There is 1 Soviet-bloc reference. SUBMITTED: October 25, 1960 Card 5/5 ARZHANYKH Ivan Semenovich; KABULDV, V. K. , oi;v, red. I SOKOLOVAO A. A. , rOK-; -G-0-ATKO-Vffi-, -Z. P. , tekhn. red. (Canonical equations of a rank higher than zero ]Kanonichaskie uravneniia ranga, bollah*go nulia. rashkent, Izd-vo Akad. neuk Usbakokoi SSR, 1962. 143 P. (MIRA 16t1) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSR (for Kabulov). (Equations) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6137 Arzhanykh, I. S. Obra-~;hcheniye volnovykh operatorov (Ipvexision of Wave Operators) Tashkent, Izd-vo AN Uzbekskoy SSR, 1962. 163 P. 1000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk Uzbekiskoy SSR. Institut matematiklim. V. 1. Romanovskogo. Resp. Ed.: V. K. Kabulov, Corre,sponding Member Academy of Sciences UzSSR; Ed.: V. N. Kiseleva; Tech. Ed.: Z. P. Gortkovaya. PURPOSE: This book is intended for aspirants and scientists working in the fields of theoretical and mathematical physics. COVERAGE: The author presents the resulte of investigations of the general equations of classical field theory, discusses their various applications to electrodynamics, mesodynamics, and the mathematical theory of elasticity, and sets up Card 1/6 inversion of Wave Operators SOV/6137 integrodifferential equations with tine delayed arguments of boundary-value problems associated with wave operators. The problem of wave-operator inversion is studied in its classical formulation. In addition to purely mathematical problems, attentionAs also given to thosephysical phen- omena which can be reduced to a study of the corresponding operators. No personalities are mentioned. There are 12 references, all Soviet (including 5 translations from the English and German). TABLE OF CONTENTS: Author's Preface Ch.. I. The Operator A - k2 5 1. Origination of Oreen's formula 8 2. Fundamental formula of the field theory 14 3. Fir3t boundary-value problem of the field theory 17 Card 2/6 ARZHANM9 I.S. Potentials of quantum mechanics. Izv. AN Us. SSR. fiz.-mat. nauk 6 no.40-11 162. (MM 150) 1. Inatitut matematiki imeni V.I.Romanovskogo AN UsSSR. " (Quantum theory) AN;Qh-avi jm*741-4 - I ---- ftL*j ARZHANM I. S. and GUMEROV, Sh. A. ====;L -- --: ~ "Contitions for use of a method of the Hamilton-Jacobi type for integrating equations of motion of nonholonomic coneervative systems" Report presented at the Conference on Applieel Stability-of-Motion Theory and Analytical Mechanics, Kazan Aviation Institute, 6-8 December 1962 ARZHANYKH$ 1*3.; KARD40V, A.U. Conditions for the existence of entire integrals.. algebraic wo'.th respect to velocity, in conservative scleronomous sys- temae Sbore bauch.-ioal. rab* TTI nool5tl63-171 162. (WRA 16:9) ARZHANYKHj I.S.; KARIMOV, A.U. (Tashkent) "Linear and non-linear Integrals of equatlons of analytical mechanics resulting from the Invariance of the kinetic potential In relation to Lie groups" report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanicss Moscow, 29 January - 5 February 1964 ARZHANYXHI I. S. ItCanonic equations of a rank greater than zero" Report presented at the Conference on Applied Stability-of-Motion Theory and Analytical Mechanics, Kazan Aviation Institute, 6-8 December 1962 ARZHANM, I,S. Now interprotatl-on of the spectral prDperties of the hydrogen atom. Izv. AN Us. SSR. Ser. Cis.-mat, nauk 6 no.5:86 162. (MIn 15;11) 1. Institut matematiki ime*'V.I. Rcnoanovskogo AN UzM. (Hyq~rogen--Spectra) 3,11100 (2.70 /166/62/ooo/oo1/ooi/oo9 3125/B104 AUTHORt Arzhanykh,_j,_.~., Corresponding Member of the AS Uzbokskaya SOR TITLE": Stntionary b9undarios of rravitation clusters PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk Uzbek3koy SSR. Izveatiya. 8orlya fiziko- matematichoskikh nauk, no. 1, 1962, 5 - 10 TEXT: Three examples tire used to show the application of the theory of olanet figqires considered as gravitational cliisters. The application of thia theory i* mtich more extended than that of the clausical theory of liquid figures ( 0. Yu. Shmidt, Trudy goofizicheakoeo In3tituta AN-S'W, 1950, no. 11). The influence of a cluster-on one of its pArticloa of mass m is equivalent to the attraction of a distributed mass of density,,- and the gravitational potential U (x, Y, Z) )/R)d d, , d' (11 T where f denotes the pravitation constant and T the bounding volu,ne of the cluster surface Z which is sought. Z is defined as the boundary of all Card 1/3 X S/166/62/000/001/001/009 Stationary boundaries ... B125/B104 possible positions of the cluster particles In form of a potential barrier: 'dr %I- V2'~ 0 out3ido v2 _ 0 on.., v2 ;~' 0 inside/ i..From the cnorey integral of the relative motion the following expression is obtained: )/R)d d,~, d ~+ Q(x2 + Y2 G where 6,; 2/2f to determine T at a given A. _C'j2/2f is changed into a more suitable form 4 2 2 (,,.(n R/R)dr ((Izrad , R)/R)dT + 2.'-2(x + y const (5). if / T r 1,A is constant the conditions f2