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STAROV, I.N.; SUSHCHENK09 A.A.-I AR1370VI-- LOG.; .IF .1- SON..- . ..-- .... I- ladwtrial testing of so lAtonal ro6w sdxsr at tbows is som &Uqjw the hio-spedd opilming of Its 3vtorm* Xgucho I roe. 20 no,lin-22 Ja 161. (xm UM 1. Mostwoldy in*Utd Wdsithookogo wLWAmom~MwAj*. (ftbborl Fadftery) PANKIN, A.V., doktor tekhn. nkukp sasluthennyy doyatellmauk.1 tvkhniki (doceasedll ARTSMIYEV, D.P. Lapping tooth surfaces of )Wpold gears. kvt,, prm. 30 no.5s4l-42 W 064. (WrA 17: 9) 1. Moskovskiy aitomkbanichookiy instituto ARTEWYEV, EOP., lnzb. Improving the bearing capacity of gear wt*ela. Trano;, vitro!. 14 no.6s3O Js 164. (MIRA l8t2) ARTEMIYEV, B.P., aspirant Effect of machining and host tr*&Uwt an the jveolnoa of the manufacture of hpold g"ro, Iwo Yps uWwbo swol a&- ohinostr. no,MI55-160 164. ( 12A 17111) lo Hookovskiy av%mokkanich,eekly inatitut. ARr.-.'HIy-Fv, B'F" Effect -,I' ph(,sphafm coating on tba- running:.-In AL& wi loft toeth. Mashino3trottell vo.4127 Ap 165. fML~A 1815) L-061jhi-67 EWT(d)/EW*f(m)/WPCC),'-E:WP(-v-)/EWP(t)IETX/EWPI k)/EMW( 0UP(Q) JD/ W/O)) ACC NRi AT60303N SOURCS COM W/Mm"66/000/000/ft"M" AUTHORt Artenlyw-l-BC-P. ORG: no no TITIE: Antiseizi vertie of surfaces which have ~eezi I*rkeri%W and = provertie in coated with solid lubricant - ~1 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Nauehriyy #ove! P-0nn.4nJ'1M-z9q!r --- at"'Wam. Wwo" V Uoru treniya (Neiient develo the theory of friction * Ykiaoow, ]adv* Haukat 1%6,, n . TOPIC TAGS: metal friction, ball bearing, solid lubricant, molybdenum d1julfido ABSTRACT: A lubricant based on mollbdolp dtsl~lr a V1 is widely %ised In Industry4 Th determine the anti-wear and anti-eeizIng properties of awh a liobri=t4 tests were carried out in a four-3phere machine stiLde by the Shell Company, Te its ifere made on groups of spheres without coating, patkerized, and coated with 4t f.Ln of aolid lubricant. The tests were mado at a constant rotational upsed of Ue upper aFhere equal to 1420 rev/min. The load was gradually increased during the testso. The duration of the test at each load was 10 sec. 1he experimental rasilts &ri exhibited graphically. The following conclusions were drasms 1) the fv*Uct've rzoperties of solid molybdenum lubricant are apparent to a greater degree In tho I %% pressure ACC NR AT6030388 Tegion; 2) the excellent anti-seizing properties of solid molybdoqt~ lubricants can be explained not only by the laminar structure of Its crystal 1At3&e-,'bnt ~by the inareike* in the bearing surface which results in a doc*Se of-th-es-Pokil pro Ur* on the , contact surfaces; 3) ro 9a of the surfacej produced bZ_j*rkOrizj%s* bas a positive effect on the work of the applied filas, at corresponding . O-slite$ of the t. olybdenum, disulfide; 4) solid molybdenum lubricant3 are 'to be recoomaxled for use io high load friction unitso Orige art. his: I figure and 2 tabloso SUB CODE. 11/ SUBM DATE: 22?eb66/ ORIG REFs 013/ OTR M 02: STEPCIMMY fl*Aff te~Jin. nuu,'r-.; 3.1% Fat looses in food conoentratas craised bV its pwasa:mg ou-t duriz* briquetting. Trudy VHIIKOP no,jjt~2-85 062., (KM 17;9) ARMSIV, B.T. ------ -M"---- Problem of attWition 14 Colld* "GOOm 1002a I Ov- WOW- 14 U6079 34-36 A 159. (UK 1219), 1."ontrall"y sawfto-iselodoutellskly imatitut ammemer I ovoshchasushilluor yromphleMosti- (slaos tlittt) VOIAOY,.p YGONS Ptepantion of instimt barley aoftes. Kwoi 4m. 16 mos2s W21 Y 162o D" 244) 1, TgontmIlm7y as*bw-I"Isdumt*l'#ki3r iUtitut kowarmy I owashch"ushilluoy .wampU*mwwU* (coffee) (arity) ARTW.,tYEV, D.G., glay. red.; KAHMSEV, I.V., otv. za rjp. (Econonq of Smolensk Province; statistieal coUsei 140) Narodnoe khosisistva Smolmuskol ob3A*til pUtIstichoWal abornik. Moskva# Goestatisdatp 196,3. 231 p. *U 17 1 .. Smolsta (Provium) Oblas 0 leni7s. 2. ftoWirdk aUtisticbeskogo upravlolulys lenskoy oblasti (for Artemlyev). amlv'~-V, Ij.1. Clinical. characteristics of glaucoma scaordl#g~ I* tista from the cut patient and hospital clinics of the Turkmen UoUtito of Traftsm and the Departmtent, of Eye Dls6uss of the Ttt)owe Itats Nedleal In3titute. Trudy*Jch.lnst.i6st~-92 160. (MM 151U) (GIAMS) ARTU =4 D.I. PhodVhakol and its thompootic value In XUUOD*o rrwr Tw*. nauch.-IselstraMeSnot, 6193406 160. (=A l5dl) (GIA=YA) (PSNPHORIC ACID) i 1 1 ARTEMI V D I Tissue therapy as a method laormoing the ofoati-roness of pboopMkol in g3Ausomm. Trudy U6 160. (GIAMIS) Qm MRIC ACID) (Tual TUPAMi ARTEMIYEV, D. I.j Oland Mod Sol lents -1 glaucoma vith phospbscaL under the -at _r__v - - ~ ,zonditions of Turknonlotgm," AshkItabadp 1961. (Turkxoj"~ State Ned Inst in 1. V. Stalin. Turkmenift Sol lam Trachoma. Inst) (KL, 8-61t 258) 430 kRummu, D-.-V. Three-leyer panels for walls of IndustrLal buildi4pi. Nots. strni. 18 no.1:1?-19 160. OURA 1).-5) (KrIvoy Rog--Goncret* slate) (Walls) AMWITV, D.Ts., iiiihener: MIMDOMD, To.A., lashener; Mlg. dI.I., inthener. Nquipment for 114oar caVultivo ampensatUs lit 11C, *ad 220 kv.sakworka. llloktrichostvo ao.8:33-.40 Ag 156. (Kw 9110) 1.1muchme-lesladowstollskly inslitut postorammae toks, (94atric powsr distribution) ARTEMIUTP DJe.; FANOVSKIT, V.V. Irron of models des4pwd for stx4lAg InUrftl overvolUps iia aece pom distribulo* ustorkos Uys HIM aao6s',16*W 160. 0 (Zleotric povft distributiou-4kidals) ARTBMI YLV 1) Te. - R, S.S. . Choice of interphass insulation in networks OoMWiLng higher orders of voltages. Izv. NUPT no.7:133-14? 161. (KMA 14-10) (Electric power distribution-AlternatMg "mint) (Electric insulators and inalation) ARTHMIRY, KRYZWOVSKIT, V.V.j SHUR, 3.0, .. Field tesUng of comtating discWMrs, Ity.. HIPT noSs 229-258 161. (KM& 15M (31"tric proteatim) (Mmotric power dimUIbutiob*-M3*at';ow"*t,) ARTE-MOYEW, D.Ye., lnzh.; SM, S.S., kamd. takhn. nauk Choico of interphame inmilation for slactria twtvcrks ow7U4 voltaps on the higher order. Mak. eta# 32 no.b.63-69 U."U. OaRA l6s7) (RIsatris inaAtors orA Insdation') (Moctric netvwks) ARTI YEV p D. Ye. y inzh Irtarnal memlta,;e in electric ttannisidoo Isuf-S vithout Cutouts on V 0 hl;~'I Volta" side, 114%,sta. j~ nt..9167- 72 S 161, (Electric power distributica) CMA .14:3.0) D YE., BELYAWVp N.N,) "OSDO", V.V., _A'RTIXM_.__,_ POPOVOY, I.F., SHUR, S.S. "Internal overvoltage levels in the 110-220,030 V o4tew," Report to be submitted for tbg ~ IM Biennial 80561=0 tt,4. "l-onfarence on Large Electric Systems(CZGO)l ftris, prance, 16.26 *y ,jo.. ARTAKMV, Scientific Rebearch Inet. of Direct Currouto Lanjt%r4d MIAMN, All-Union Scientific Research Inst. Electric f1wer BURGSDOIRF, Central Scientific Research Elect, 1bgineering Lob., Min. Elect. Power Stations,, USSA LYBAWVSKIY, Dchbass Regional Elect# Power Admin. POPOVOY, none given Shur, Scientific Research Inst. of Direct Curroutp Lonimaral ----- --- -- -- - - ---- -- IRTEMIYEV. D.Te*f insh.; MLTAKOVp X.N.0 kand,tei6n,nook; BMGSJXWp V.Vp doktor tekhn.mwkl SIRM, S.S.v kmd.teMn,=Uk Internal overvoltage, levels In UO 40 220 kV4. elotric pmer diatribution networks. Elsk.sta. " no.Uti43648 f 1620 (1100trio power distrituticm) (MMA 15s3.2) ARTEMI UT D Y .~ j luaZIUMUyt V.V.p insh. PrO8PGctA Of using a 00**Uting disobarpr WjoA aLr *rc quenching. Elek, 8ta- 34 W,8245-53 Ag 163, 2 (WA 16&U) I I ARTIMITIV, D.Te., Insh, (losMagmd) Statietical coordiution of the lovols ot *oe mW tater- pban Insulatica takiq Ixta ao*Mt the st4ats of pAt" surps, Ilektriabistvo no.2%184) F 164, ilau. 1113) AR:WY.lW4 D.Y*., lnzh.. V.V., Irzi.. Charar-Arlaticis of the Idloi cperation ef ptmoor t~-oojfoymrs. Elsk. st4. 35 nc,540-46 My 164. (MINA 17s8) ARTWIUV, Dmitrly Yegorovichl TIKHOD&EV, flikolay Niholik,eviah; 551bir-AWSWUQT~h; SHCMIN, N.H.# n&uitbu. r4d,, [Statistical priwiples of the selection of tile bioult- tion of power trawmission linoe w:Lth potentials cof a high orderl switching surges aW electrical cWjuiber- istics of Insulation] Statietichashe oaraq vybora im- lietall, linii slektroperadachi vysshikh klmtov ntprist- zheniia; kommutatmioraWe pereiftepriasheniia I *Iokiricbm- skie kharakteristild isollatsil. Hoskva# Enoriglit.0 1965. 375 P. 01,uik .~ 84 5) ARTEMIYEV# D.Yee, Inzh, Statlatiul coordimstion cf the Alovmln of Fhome and iWterpbas* Imulation accor4i% tc a-witibirg surges. 11*kt,ich*Otvo nooSt W-74 Ag 165~ ()GRA 1M) AXW'TV 7,A Orler of grantIM schoWed asA moplsmeutw7 ymmsiots. hIld. I skuh. no.6s58-59 Je 053. (NW 617) (ftal i0"40 "ley#*; *A. A.1., redaktor; OLMDOW"A. 0.A., I OW a rolaktor. N [Labor regulation of medical workors) Regulitovanit trWta wdi- telaskikh rabotnIkov. Xagkva, fts. lmd-vc w4o lit-r 1,954. 197 V. (Medical sarvioe employs**) j-)rN,j t--v) -. / " - "'I ITCIK(N, I.TA. gTobor regulatlow fat sodia" varkervol 7-A,Ar~vvlsvo SWUved V (WA 7212) LIA.Iyahkov. 4ov. Afty. 13 no,5s5?-58 160 454, (MICAL MVIO MOWMS) (ARMIST, INU) (wDicAL ios An immouv) ArMIT INV, Y.A. _0600000WIAAW Doogislattes on admistering public ka4th mavloeii *f A* Voofsolt.] Sakesedatelletys pe vipmvI*&iI* adraw"khma"lom 3802o Xsskvs. 1935. 43 P. M" 9- 6) (XIDICkL 140 AND InISUILON) ARM Fedor Andreyevicb; KOMM. V.S., redaktar; TIMMUM, X.A., 2M~ roammaT-zmww, G.I., rodo3dar; YMMOMS, I.?., 7sdWmor; MWIMITA, S.L. tekboleboakly rW&k%or,, (Periods of work so rest] kabwboo vrmla I wto a ot*ykbs. Naskva. Gos.lsd-vo wdAtvt*&*t lit-ry, 1955. 41 -p. (Millotaks TMbe-ormudsaters. lattsil ps arawd4stoll lift"okhroosdis d1la ..aebel,, Zakamodat4l'sive ps Wavladle %drobvookbralwalow I tradu madttst=klkb rOwtsUmv, lektoils 3) (NSA 81U) (Saw* of loor) - =-1419- 7 A ; XIFWM, V.S., reda"Or; WIN)SUMV, N.A., redsMar. mum. WL, redaktor; TMMDCWaI, V.P.# redaktor; TWWENOTA, Z.B., takhnfebeekly redaktar, [wave, guarenteov aid compmeations] Oputs %nia*, wKr*Vtfl I koq?ensatott. Moskva, Oes.tod-ove medolit-qq, 1955, 19-p-- (DIbIlotokm vmeba-eirganizatora. tokk*11 p6 orgm1wits,11 odra"- akhremenlim d1la - h4t. takenafttel'st" Vo upwIttailu isdra"- okhranenten I trt* rAdItsinskIft rabotatk&W, 1011tsua 4) (Wave) Ca& sill) - AAZWILX-G-" - ~-- Consultation# UrbyAcs.104mr. 2 ao.2-.46-48 11 158. (KIU 110) (XIDICAL PARSON M ) AffEMIYEV, Fedor Andreyvich; KUZNMVA, N.I., rW.1 ANDRETIVA, L.S., (Labor orpaltation ef "siatorlm ad h0jth rosort workm) Organizatolls tft& rabotalkov *awton4*J*mrtAyM soboib. dwli. Mosku, Profisdat 1962 2D6 po NIM 160) (MICAL ANSONN96) - - - - - - - - r 7 --- - -- -- - - - - -- - - - AMMOYN.G.I. (XW*BbeV) Cbmdstx7 problem on reactima with an anesm of we of the rs"ts. Shim. v shkolo 10 no.5:"Al 8-0 'Ir-s (Kw Sal) (Chowletv7-Froblems ,~ Oceraless, sU~f ARTWOM, G.I. Q. XUyby*b~v) Utilizing.fiction In temehing cholistrY. Shim. v shkole. no,.2:6942 Mr-Al) IiB. (K19A U93) (Chemistry-.Study and tolplehing) FAMBRAMUSKIT, N.A., kaild.kbim.naule OVaXan'); 4MM'*'V, G-L, ucbitall kbimll *"'"'-i~ 11., . ,, ~ 1111J., Increase the responsibility for Scleat-MC, athnistic train- ing of students(lChemdatry " salmixt1fle and Athistic eda- cation. Reviewed by M.A.Proebmahensidi, R"v ishkole 14 no.501-84 S-0 059. (RZM 22:12) 1. Srednywa shkola No.83 C.Xierbrehlywa. (Ghordstry) (Baligiom) -' UNIN, B.A., dotsent; AZM'71T, G.9, Result of the treatment of peorlasis artboopatlijas, vest, dw*, i you, 33 no.2s63-65 Mr-Ap 159. Vu 2:7) 1. Is klialkl kotbjWkh I "neriaheskM bolesuir (wav. - wof, A,$. UAW. (psoausms, thdir, ammmiun ablorate with X-rays in arthToathic f" (jb=)) (MD1VfHWWff v lu var. din. psorusis artbrapathim, vith "Ofthm chlorate (am)) (AMOXIUN CWOVUSM, Sber. ass, mumnius *hlorate in peorizois aztbrWthtca, with X-Mys (fts)) AIMIIVO GJ,; MKITM# X.A#, doteent .... ....... . ., Combined method far the trfttont of abroula ualivsx7 fletulas !by I rays and Test, rod. I-vul. 34 50-61" 1-1) 199. (MMA 13s$) 1, Is Icatodry reidgenolo0i I ndloloCU (sav. - prof. U.% WmaYA) I kafodry go"itAl 'soy WMVII (sar,, - lord, fi*N. Aulver) Naft- shtvskwo vediteluskop lustituta. (MUTAIT IISMA tber.) (M3MvwMWUTI(x) Kim mamm 11MIX161111 111MI IIRIIIIMM L N IU I V ILL &WON Jaw I bra lot lot v'" OF to 04 1wimsill am n*=m 0Z - ,, I W*R*M ~ Olt -401 Sol two 4 bw Sol b Wei lot 'A u. f9 i - i - t . we."40wablow. art 1 P-Ivi = qmIIwmI=Inmmi as, low* ON W=dW* Ao* bmk~_Ib 40 40 by I l1a 14p. 1*4 o s ho :tr so 3- to 44"Folof#. 4uw It *AIN* a -h I WI 6d fr* ho 4 #6 ba ad bw 6 0=0 1 4 k 1 0 is 00 Lot OFF-7 --- &W... - - - *0 -JV 04444 by do SOL W*w at a Of -so" by MUMD mawd b fad A~ ft 24-1-211 f so I I if 1 2 I-sill t t I is 1 ! ,elm! rdh W. Al ARUjW, G. V. AR'.IMV, G. V. 'TrEssmit:sioa of Virus DIses" of $*ad Cabbsige Dtling Trans- platting," Mikrobigloidia. v#1. 18, no. 2, 1949, pp. 176-iba- "o U582 SO: SIRA, SI 90-i3, 15 D946 19.53 I ARTENM, 0. V. ARTaM, 0. V. *Bolting of Cabbage Seed PlaststO Bad i QgvX9dp a*. 5. 1950, PP. )9-42. 80 SB13 SO: SIRA. 31 90-~3, 1 10 Doe. 1953 ."J=IYN, G.T., stambir *POWs sovftoft. ... 10-00 wOultivation of vootoblo plarits urAer fluamce3t I*wtw YA Lems; 'UtilliWon of electric IW for tis aidsivation of-mr2y vvVbwbtv.w,,m --sy,94T., -Arbealev). Ylslol.rast. 3 uo.549D-492 " 156. (MM 9sl2) (punts. affect of IIAS go) Loma, T'Kj (Goncurow, T.P.) vertable, Ordefting) i AFMIM. 0.T.1, pr" Swillsk. Krm*Wwskiy kfty. st Toptatles Is a* Avot$4 resto$. Ntrob 45 no.9sloo-102 3 056. (KOA 9:10) (Sloctr&artiaultura) (Afttic r%lon-TWt&lbLv gaftswbg) t "t ~'u 1 1 ~.j i.:; ALn J- ur :-v.. Aol.' 11 Authur (love Ilict Title Li Abstract fl",L of cmpurLwnt s ~c,"ato hybr..;!Iznt-':m La t:l(j -W5 3rc mjI c ' r3pi,' thtj 3(,,lco.w (!o1c) , I un-, ~btmUiolq Froii y I 1111tiple 3 " , '. L OW.C. 0 ircl.- be'l 1 mc-M.. ~ . nlai,, V- 37 variatjr wa.- rr:tvr.. LI 1' lo ;,53- vnwwty ir, IL; I-roCiucoo a cro-,p In -U*,Q Z!xst Scpt(4J;cr. MzioaOkj~, Carc! l/ 76 ARTFMITFV, G.11. B"io problms of the development of vagetaUla g%Ae*ing under glass in the ftr North, boUe sev* no*WU-171 1624 (M 160) 1. Nauchno-lealedovatelfskiy imUtut sel'040* Oa stva Kraynego Sevem Malsterstva sellskop khoq4pt-m M. (Russia, Northom-logetables) (Russlal Worthern-4reembouso manag"wit) ARM T, G.; ARTJXITV RMO , 1. 1 L, Developing a group itals systes to mi2ed brIgabs. O.Imo n0.81108-112 At 606 IOU IjtIII), 1. awballatt ottlat emaisatsti trad& i "taittot #UIr kombinata (for A"Wbeukw). 2~` Xu*ol%ik otd*Ui orgoultatsti, truds Asthty 34,40 km*tnata (for Artemlyev), Imabinata OTorimtiI410 (for Vayer"ieb). (Tozlwta~-~I sites t%4 iid*IiW) ARTSPtYZV, I.; NUITSMY, V.Yu.t red.; ATHOSMMMOt L.7mvp tekbo, r0a. (Radio sebol Radioskho. MookTas led-To *Zom#Wvfl 1962. 46 p. (Warodswi uni"roltst kal0turYl IstWfft;T*=*-OftWmA UddItsto n0.4) (war) (MA 1596) .~Rjj?4.'TVp I.1 SHUSMA~ I.B., red.; RAUTIN, I.T.1p Udn, red. [Radio physics in our lives; physical pr~nclgmd of radio electronicsp various applications of radUi itratelml R&"*- fisiks, v nasbei Shizzi; fixicheakis omovy ridloolshroulkip razlichnyo primenonlia radiot-ekbnIcbesk0b uArolsty. Mo- skva$ Isd-vo "Inanie," A64. I" p. (%tradrI universitat kulltury gstestvenmmuchrWi falmllteto mc.1-2) I KU Vs 2) if J~11T 11'r- Olt1 '1 4ijfti cu AU be I t, A7' -I "Im t all "ac, ties. DO and fits A "i:~ C, om 1i Wks fpllbi* I j the of Mon, Ass"bles the A ZtU ~ehicul&T at ti ter Wl TOMM I insulates the tab-4wif: 5-9 ft Tom* Z i natalls 4 ventilso wv fi go I WO , .1 if arejustaZled and Witar a f 0 [: - 0.0 earth iV f LlhA' Ski Card 1/2 TI I: OIL, 04 Ti 77 Aft~ #PAW 74 Eli 0"" wwomw"11. ML MP 9*116 94: 642,g$ it Ij I :O?ts are hold at ALgh Under t& 01 400 ,pLnglo test. 11 O-C L M__ on: I i, ~1~ii~ _: ~ I "I I I I -, i I 1. 11 ~ 119, ~' I i I 11 ~ ED i ", I i.!-; A1101,1119- I N.i I -. ,-jRTWtTq.la4r~ ArtM,6JAU -f ~tTPNI't , otv.r*%4.j MOUMANC,74A,X.A., t-ekhriprod. (Artif It ial oarlb sotellites) lWasilvaWt optitnIN. Amolis XQSkTA,, Ins. lid-vo WOO Mt-ry Movs prosvq .1951,l 11) p# (Shkallnals bilblotolml (MMA 11,M) Ortlfletal - tellitme) 29(0) PHASE I BOOK LXPLO1TA'rIO:1 SOV/2415 Artemlyev, Igor' Artemlyevich Pervyy iskusstvannyy srutnik sointsa (First A.-tificial, Sun Satel- lite) Moscow, D6tg zq 1939. 62 p. (Ssrlos: Puteshestviye v semiletku) 75,000 copios printed. Hoop. Ed.: N.M. Berkova; Tech. 3d.s Z.V. Tis:ilna. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for young vaaors. COVERAGEj This booklet disousses the various aspects of space flight. No personalities are mentioned. rhere are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS; A Dream Comes True Founder of Rocketry 7 10 Card 1/3 First Artificial Sun Satellite SOV/2415 What in a Rocket? 12 Laws of Gravitation and Cosmic Speeds 15 First Artificial Sun Satellite 19 Prom the Earth to the Moon in 34 Hours 21 Between Earth and Mars 25 What is the Notion of the Now Planet? 26 Is it Possible to Hit the Moon? 29 Construction of the Sun Satellite 31 What Will We Learn in Outer Space? 34 What Instrumqnts Have Gone Into Space? 37 Card 2/3 First Artificial Sun Satellite Cosmic Rays Composition or Intersts1lar Gas Magnetic Measurements Meteorites How was ther Rooket- Traoked? The Future Began Today Our Closest Cosmic Neighbor Way to the Stare How to Reach Other Worlds AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 SOV/2413 38 41 41 42 43 47 49 52 38 10-16-59 AXM!lUxA.JLt =M(NAR. It x0# Otwomd#l owns LA 16 Eudar i* boat* Isd-To dot owl IN-7N." POSTOWO ;;o .10.6 ARTEMIM, IeMel iuMMZCII,, M., insh-s-OWdaAU Hwillin away of mtU along tbo tntak &"&. PAt I i put-Mos- no*404 Ap 161* (WA 1497) Is Nachallnik otds3jk tdL DogotollibSo ot&Udy& Imanymkol dorogi (for ArUslyovr. 2. St=Ui* ftpto4 trowprekay dotogL (for lustoviah) s (RWUxo&d*-*btowm* MA "Pdr) Otows, dorricbs Ous) DDMCHEV, V.A.; SAWXIMW, V*A* KOWAMI, G.I., iaah.-=4Lha&Uj AEM~~-$.j 0,A. Letters to the OdUtor. Nt' i Put,Wws. 3 00,430 A# f6l (61 Uq) Is DoroWvqy outer #t, MW*Uty Okipbrimbot dwogi (for 29 Zem"titoll nab&l'rAk&d";ZL7aFA#$ $to, Worsobapsk"S* Somro-ladmaby darogi (for kmyl*3*) v 3, Ast W4ft lielaisibOaskom, Severo-Uftuskor dozvgi (for Kbrabeal)e 4s lkabel IuM otd"a *K dorogi, stantsiya Doptols Immoyarskoy dorogj (for Artmal1w . 5. Nwhallnik x3nshby pati treat& Sneshinantratal (for Zolesnlkov)o (bllrafAs) ARTEMIYEV 1.1-1, - GROKEOVSKAYA, A.?., inzft. We doubled the production during the IlAterval," Pittl i Mt.khos, 8 no.4t2l-22 06.4* tm-i4~ 1714) 1. Nachal'nik Kurskoy d1stantall Moskmkor dologl (for Artsm!pm). 2. Kurskaya distantalya Moskovskoy darogi 1for Grokbovskap)e 0 ARTEN.lysy,o I. M, Improve the ShchW,-D ballik t alsviar, Put$ i pAok~6s* 8 map$s 23 164, (wk~ M) 1. Machallnilc Xurnkoy d:LsUnUli pdU$ Noskm.'tay dorogis A, " KOLOKYISOV, Yuriy Viktorovich; 111KHOPEL, Ivan lvanovjoh; TWVQqRIN. Alek3ey lvanovichl ARVIVYE,1~1 .rl 0 a_ -WWM, QI,YAKUSHEV, A.I.plo r r Vr"Or.O.'re 118GRient; GORDON, G.G., inzh., red'. toptical instruments for measuring linisar and anl*ar dimensions in the twnufacture of machiniery; a re:'erence book] Optichaskie pribory dlia izmerenila lineirg kh I uglovykh velichin v maishinostroenlij spravochmaiii ladga, Moskva# Hashinostroonie, 1964. 254 p, (V%XU 1"slO) 7-- -1~ - . -- - - - -- I I -- 1 -.7-. ~ ?vrms -)f scoop ~..-If a tra.,~tor--fnouzitt-d Dholrel. Yekh. al"mil. (~, N(J. 51 1q:,2 SI: "LFA, kWu-t, 19~-2 RuAd IV.-cl-Anery T Mukh. stroi. :~o. t~, jj2 Road buildin-, MAL!h!nC-). 9. Monthl List of Russian Accesotons, Libr%ry of Congress, uncl. ARTNVIMV, K. A. ARTEXIYEV, K. A. - "Effect of the Longitudinal Section of the Scraper Shovel on F=ng Resistance." 401ster+Ations For Degrees In Science and Mgineering Dstonded at USSR Higher Bduoational. Institutiont)(30) Min Culture USSR# Moscow Automobilo Rot-d Inst imeni, V. N. Molotov* Ow*, 1954 SO: Knishneya Latopis' No 30, 23 July 1955 * For the Degree of Candidate In Technical Sciencem. AUNIUT_p "t kXMI"t Ukhmichoskikh nauk. I ffimmw~ ...... Zatovel, prattle of a scraper Immbot. Xokk~.silrol. .33 so.9:2Sn a 056. (Scrapers) (a& gal) ~ 7 ~ . 7 L, , ~ !. .- .. ARTERITRY. K.A.. imndidqt tokhaicheelr1kh mauk. Nothods for designing the soot efficient eanpor but,k0m. Strol.t dor.mehinoett. 2 ao*7:21623 A 157. (mu 10:7) (Scrappers) AR=4#-W, `.... .. Riilsitiiice to filling of scrapr buckets, T:mAy 5Ib,,&vt*-4*r, inste no.6:103-111 ~5 krapers) (WA 22:2) ARTMITAV, IE-A-9kwA.tskha,naxik liffOct Of the bmakst height (filling) on the gp*t!jfj* y#91SUMON, to f111146- TMO SO-SO --d*r. Last. ne.6:U3-11$ '57. (Scrapers) ( M A 12$2) A I YET p K._.~2A dotillato kmad# t4khm. mauk Optimme cor latios of the basic 413menodws of ne"por buWwts for various tpes of PmM, Sboro trud. KM to.39t 275-284 161. (MIRA 164) 1, Sibirskly aytod*mbqy iwtit0to (Scrapers) LRT:;H'U'Vp EA., kmAd. . VAuk Design of tba In of nev hitched scrapers. Str,)I, I der, t mash, 7 no*4&n- AP 162. (XMA 164) I~A -1 - . I I I 1 11 1 - I -... - '--- I; I I ; , I t i ii , AIMEMIYEV, LAU DOMBROVSKIY, M.G., doktor tekba. mmAt, rAivemseatj CHURMANOU, V.V., tokbn. red, [Principles of the theory of dlg&g soil with aft"ks) On toorii kopenlia grimte skreperamil. Mwkwao MAsb&,- 196:3., ~% p. (HIPA 16W (IkrUmrk) (Scrapers) ALEKSEMA, T.V... kand. tekhn, usuk; ARTIMIYEV ,.kw)do tekbn. nauk; BROMBERG, A,A., prof. t inzho; ULITANOV, N.A.p kelvd. tekhn. neuk; PrialvAl uchl'stiYe KONONERXOt M.A.j Insh.; FMOV) D.Lj kand, toHm. nauk,, reteenzent. [Machines for earthwork; theory and calmlation] Hashizq dlia zenliarqrkh rabot; tooriia i raschet. T.V. Alekseeva i dr. Iad.2.p perer. i dop. Mookup lzd-va *Mashinostroonie,O 1964. 467 p. (MERA 17SO - 447wm. H.. insh. Things we covld learn fro* thaw hyjh.4*1* 6 uo-3tn Y 16 q 0# (KU 1318) 1. "Yebovskly smarklou (XVIbreh" ank fixe, prevention) PMZMIYV, M.; TAR"OT, Tu. In the bowels of the 9&rth. Radto no.q:7-10 Ac '60. (NIU 11:9) '%larth-laternal structure) AR-,MIYKV, M.I., inuh. ftc=- Mechanized remcvul of coal dust in fu*3,UmULmg sectims* Elsk, stao 31 no*9; 5-6 8 160* 0 m 1 "11 (Mectric pmer plants) ARTEMIMJ~AJ!A. Insh.; TALIYEV, V.N.0 doktor takhn.roouk Aeration of the min buildings of theml *14octrim Vod,i san,tekb. no.441.4 4 t63. (Electric power plants.-TemUlation) ~Qmte Jowmal Artlels* IT* *1 6 Oat Otamachl)p" No . Asti Zoovet leglimp Osloval "Veteriffirlya" *0 see mysterl !0 artlolo bjr fto., .1i r I of out Go go Wnvn&A ft 0 0. ~. ~ ~:. 1. . 11 la ~.: ARTEM17EV, H.V.; MOV, P.I. High-speed thymtron protection of the pUU 4kretits of radio transmitters. Vast, syiasl 21 no.6%7-9 jo 161. (MM 111,99) 2. Naeballnik meny radioU*ftra Moskovskoy Ore).taii radio- avyazi i radlovushchalys. (fct Artemlyar. 2. Inliamor pmrattv- nogo %aU Hookovsko;r direktaii radionvyusi I vftU.memheb&nly%. (for UdmLlow), (PAdiO,--TranMjtt4OrS AM trltnMlifli") .l-,.-ARTEM'YlVp Here.; TARAKANOVj, N.A. Gravimmtric obseryatiom in a mine of tba Krivoy Rcg Bualn, Razvede i prou, gwfls. no.38tl8-23 160, OMU 14:3) (Krivoy R*g Wim-Orwity prospaotbg) ,t 11i 11 11F I u I I JL"-L" MI 11! 11A; jl I J III t:[~ IVIIIIIII; III HI'llillfl 11111111 Hll 11114 HIltuill 1-1- 1- H-111111 A -11LAII L 9 1 1 1 LI I I I I J Timiiiiiiiii! jT7 -',,U It i. A 11 i~ i .E L !'41 'I jilt .5 11 fill7 4 1 '21 I tt I it Jill ;0 1 lV 14 or I up J-i Ji [oil 111v 11 11 P11 U11 11111 111111 hi HIJUJI1 I [LmLtl-MAJII JIL11 J: L ill: 4[~ 4 j -Al 1 '11"11 1 J!; ji~ I ARTEMITSV, M.Ye. 11~ Gravity anomalies and seismioity In Western WArops and W Ybditerransan Be& region. Isv. AN SM. Ser,geofts. no.2t 309-370 F 163. (=A 1613) 1. Institut fisiki Zeall AN SM, (Europe, Wetern"ravity Anowu6s) (Vaditerrawan region-4rawity anomlies) (Europe, Watern-45oismology) (Mediterrawan rogion-SaituAW) ppp- Olt- TIOP i!, it 01 if op. 17, fp T qf I _i -7 _-i 7 t i ruse and Lill fii on~ lies In the Antarctiallb~u it $6 44 L I to equilibrium, j -Vide .~Itreas ~'Of. the: pa6itk' I ~i lN -LArw . similar-u-3.4it 5 Is, j 1 1 kii, 661 ('Aoad 14060 J~11 ~Ijjmljj- 1111111 loll ARTIHIYEV, M,Te. Nature of the vortitial movements of the ektOPS crot atom Ing to data on Isostatic anomalies of Mw*po*.Dok3., 0 SM 153 So.N664-W N 163. (WA 1?tl) 1. Iwtitut f1siki Zemli in. O*Yu, SWdta A$ SSM, Pftdo- stavleno, akad*aikm W. Shcherbalpovyu. -, 7, - , y . . ~ , . i'it.turbance3 of trti ls4.)sfat -: hr.--~ of -~r.;Sta; I -:ertical moveren-;. i'(,.k'i. t,N' 10:t' F 165. 'VMJRk 18.2) 1. [rat'-ut 76-31! C.YU. IN SrISP. 3ubmitted I Ap I 1 -1 3 , LW.' . -ARTMIYEV, M.Ye. Averaged anomal-iss of hys as a source of informitIon on heterogeneition in the mantle. BIul.KOIP.OtdoSeo.'.,, 40 no,503-105 S-0 165, (KtRA 18911) . ARTJKIIV, it., itand.tekhn.nsuk miniature television camera attachment. Radio no.,6:;!S Je 165. (HIRk 18310) All 4 11 J., 4 4 4 , z 4 + 4 4- 6 4 At, 4 i 4 4 * * ~ ON 0 'J4 0 a a 6-10 * 4 * 0 2 0 a 0 0 * a a 0 06 'w yv -ninarnipe a in w n N a It U 11 w 1. it n It j v S. lit .1 &t0 A AL A I I IA -W-C 4 0 '.~* , # a A a It, At* VIOL 4 4M- s fo CO ...A ..N. to 00 &1 00 a!, I ' fsApd;l bd 0" goir, :4 bl INA. 00 00 all so IS P -fr,-,r, r wi i OAAA~ f-IO .-~o Ve, :11:1 tell Peat Industry Remarks to Eng. I. E. Volchek's article wDecay ad fire-resistamt, peat Insulatiou boots#* Torf. Prom. 30, No. 3, 1953. so: List of Russian Acoss#onsp LibAry of Congress, Aws 53v ~s Monthly -19 -i 16- T its a Alltt" Saw tiqTw 0A sill 94 NO iib !AMI Vs illm"m dx4w W,44,40 of ON 1f1 .~rsm~44I..LI Afm.c~Lqwfa-is" a i i i d i it it .1 irw gjr, 0 t w -0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 :: * t. t 0 0 ,I': oo 0000 aWa : 4.01 t a .6 ARUMV, N. A. OsushchostvimM dvizheniya, UK, der. matem. (19391, Einshchostviv" trayektorll. UN, oer. natem. (1939), 429-"S. Motod oprodeloniyL. lbaraktoriati- chookikh pokazateley i priloshaniye ego K dvum zadeebam notomwy m*kbanW. TAN, ser. matem., 8 (1944), 61-100. Isoledomiyu osusboliedviustl pariodichookikh Dvizbeniy. IAN, SER. matem., 5 (1941)0 127-158. fie AnwarAirq eas Starungoverfabrons zur Eerechrwnq der Eigenverte. Hatem. SE.p 39t3 (1932)o 52-65. SO: Mathowtics in the USM, 1%7-1947 e&tod by Kuroah, A. G., Markushavich, A.K., RaEhovakiy, P.R. Moscow-Loningrad, 1948 Effect of ra,11ant enerpy on the irrowth of r1ointe Moi-kvm, lzd-v,) Vvepo!vznoi adedleftil e.-kh. nauk ix V. 1. Lenins, 191~. -9 P. , Cyr. 4 QK41 1. Growth (Plants) 2. Radiations-Fhyelological effect. MZOWN, Yurly Anininovl!.h; ARV,VlY*..V, hlkolA~ Arsen1vaViAl; VATNTImij, v.A., red. ["ending parts vlth universe! dies in conditions of short- run production] Gibka detalel. nA uni-versallpykb jhtit"kh v usloviiakh molkoseriinogo pTolavodstva. Letiingrac~v 1964. 21 p. (Leningradskii dom nauchno-takhnichsokol proptigaWy. Obmen paredovym opytom. Sorita: Gorinchala I kholodimla ob. rabotka metallov davlonlerl no*3) (KIIA 17t7) I I :, I I I Ilk IIRI ii, I JI III: