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22292 8/053161/07.3/004/005/007 Work with the thermonuclear... 31250201 the vacuum conditions. 1. 0. Conobarov and Tu. W. bnestrovokly have devised.a method of measuring very low electron dalnuities in the 100gra". V. T. Karpukhin has developed and built an Anterfaf*meter,operating " the 3-cm wavelength and serving'for the measurement of ihe highest *Ieotr*n densities. There are always two plasma coupon-onto U the chamber, a "hot" one and a cold one, the density of the cold componont being considerably higher than that of the "hot" one if the pressiwes of remanent gases -7 .7 exceed 40 mm Eg. At pressures below 10 mm Hgj the dtnaltles of the -two components become equal. The cold component has a considerably longer life than the hot one. The apparatus constructed by A. 3. Karkhov permit" receiving the =agnetic -adiation of ione In the iholt spoctrua. Yu. L. Sokolov has worked out spetial spectrome-,ers for measuring the energy of plasme electronc from ultravlol,et reorpmbiraition ~tadiation and from bremestrahlun~- in the ranee of 1000--1 A. Part ri. Conclusions: From experiments with the "Ogral': in the case of ve4k "perages in the trap (10-20 milliamperes) the ion motion fits well 0t theory of notion of dinLle particles, Ln-1 tho free path of molecular Iona is longer than one kilometer. By.a proper choice of the form of the magnetic field Card 4/6 22292 8/05 61/073/004/005/007 Work with the thermonuclear..,, B125YI,201 it is possible to augment the mean free path evett further, and io accumulate a plasma to proton densities of 107 et' . Currents of 300 to 400 milliamperes can be reached. If necessary, 11 ia possibleo by improving the vacuum conditions, to reduce the current required for a very dense plasma to tome dozen milliamperes if the enorffy of H~ ions is raised t6 250-260 kev. Thus, the prob am of accumulation of hot Plasma 'pith a density of 109 fast ions per ami and even more is by no means solved' as yet. Research work has so far only reached the linit of those plasma. . densities, below which the ions move as non-interaoting particles, and above which the hydrodynamic proVerties of plasma ant the collective interactions of particles make themselves noticeablo. The processes taking place in the 110gria" have -not been oomplstely clarified by experi- ments. For example, it had not yet been explained vhy the plasm* potential in some variants of the experiments attains dozen# of kilovolts. Various possible explanationa are offered. There 4re 12 figures and 15 references: 5 Soviet-bloo and 10 non-Soviet-bloc. The 'two most recent references to Entlish.language jublioatione read as T,Dllowet G. P. Bogdan6v, A. Panov, N. N.'Shemasko, Life time of fast ions in Card 5/6 3/053/61/075/()04/005/007 Work with the thermonuclear... B125A201 4 Ogra, J. Nuol. E4'ergy, part C, 111, 106*(1961)j R. T. Post, R. E. 1:11is, E. C. Fird, and It. N. Rosenblut h, Stable Conflnemeni of a high teinpeftturs plasma, Phys. Rev. Lett. A, 166 (1960). Legend to Fig. 1: The most important cross sections determining the process of- plasma accumulation in the Ogra": 1, cross sections CM2); 2, production of H4' 2 in hydrogen by protons, H+ discociation of in h dro en Ar g y ; fostma- renko 4 3, Fedo ; 9 Hamblen-Suit;an Gerjo 5 , ; yj l ' 6 t f l A ure o e , cap ectrons by protons; 7, disvociation of + b roto a e 0 f n nergy o y p l , hydrogen ions (ev). AF#' A W M Otw o Or ai C A 6/6 O i1c envay, ae:,noir P 111211311 TIPetodam, bystryllf.1 Ilihostifle I, "014,11,ullm I'A j~lllij j Ulu AUTHOR: Artemenkova, L.V. 109-12-15/15 TITLE: A Confrrence on B etron and Photo-electron Multipliers (Konferentsiya po elektrow*qm i fotoeloktroiuijyx umnozhit- elyam) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Ilektronika, 1957 Vol*II, Ho.12 pp - 1552 - 1557 Oka) ABSTRACT: ' A conference took place in Moscow durinS February 28 and March 6, 1957 and was attended by scientists amd engineers from Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev and other tentres of the Ooviet Union. Altogether 28 papers were read end discussed. The papers were as foliows: I)BJLStepanov - "Soiie Problems of the Theory and Design of Electron Multipliers". 2) Ye.V. Yeliseyev, I.S. Ipatkin A.A. Kalmykov, K.V. Mikerov and B.M. Stepanov gave some experimental data on electron multipliers operating at large currents and voltages. 3) P.V. Timofeyev and Ye.G. Kozziakova - *Zlectron Multipliers of VEI (All-Union Bleetro-technical Institute)". 4) G.S. Villdgrube delivered a lecture on now types of electron multipliers employing alloy emitters. 5) N.S. Khlebnikov - "New Types of Photo-electron Multipliers*. Card 1/4 A Conference on Electron and Photo-electron Multipliers 109-12-15/15 ro) A.G. Berkovskiy et alij communicated some results on the new types of industrial photo-electron multipliers. ?) L.I. Andreyeva et alii - "Bleetron Optics of Certain Special Electron Multipliers and its Characteristics". 8) 1.V. Artemenkova et alii reported some results on the study of the dispersion of electrons in electron multipliers and its effect on their resolving power. 9) L.B. Artemenkova and B.M. Stepanov - 'Resolvixig Power of Electron Multipliers and its 3xperizental Determinatioe 10) A.G. Berkovskiy and L.G. Ioeyteyzen gave some results on the,photo-electron multipliers suitable for the discrimination of short-time intervals. 11) G.A. Vasillyev reported on an investigation of the transient characteristics of photo-multipliers *Dy means of a micro-oscillograph. 12) A.I. Veretennikov considered the problem of the measure- ment of the transient characteristics of photo-multiplers. 13) E.Ye. Berlovich gave some data on the transient charact- eristics of the photo-multipliere,type 4,)Y-19. 14) A.I. Belonosov determined the urrent time lag in the rhoto-multipliers, type 4)Y-19 and PY-25. card 2/4 109-12-15/15 A Conference on Electron and Photo-electron Multipliers 15 Yu.A. Nemilov et alii also studied similar problems. M A.A. Osheroviah investigated the bauic parameters of the photo-multipliers, type 13Y . 17) A.Ye. .1.2 6V Proposed a simple method for the measurement of the amplitude resolution of the multipliers. 18) A.Ye.Melamid - "Parameters of Photo-electron Multipliers and the Methods and the Nquipment for their Messuremett". 19) B.M. Stepanov gave some data on the characteristics of a multi-channel electron multiplier operating at high currents. 20) B.M. Glukhovsk(Wand Ye.I. Tarasov - "The Activation Technology of Alloy Emitters with Various Photo-cathodeew. 21) A.N. Fisarevskiy studied the problem of the application of the Soviet-made photo-multipliers to ocintillation spect- roscopy. 22) I.F. Barchuk reported on the applioe.tion of a spectro- metric photo-multiplier to a scintillaticn I-spectrometer. 23) A.I. Akishin lectured on the special e ectron multipliers which could be employed for the countine of ions. 24) Ye.L. Stolyarova reported on the sxperinents with a spectrometric photo-multiplier with an W(Te) crystal. 25) A.A. Samokbvalov and I.G. F&Kidov communicated some data Card 3/4 109-12-15/15 A Conference on Electron and Photo-electron Multipliers on a simple scintillation counter, its aharacteristics and its application in y-type flav detection. 26) O.D. Kovrygib~ and G.D. Latyshev reported on the appli- cation of the photo-electron-multipler, type OY-12,to the scintillation spectrometry and y-type flaw detection. 2?) IN.G. Kokina gave some data on the application of electron multipliers to the monitoring of ultra-violet radiation. 28) N.K. Pereyaslova investigated the speotroscopic chara- cteristics of the Soviet-made multipliers. Very short summaries of the above papers %a" given. SUBMITTED: JulY 3, 1957 AVAIIABIR: Library of Congress Card 4/4 AUI)OMVA, BATALINAII 144*0 STVAIOTP B.IL Dispersion of the transit tift of electrons &N a factor affecting the tim resolution of an sle0ronic ampUflor. K*k- TON QW- flS* no.lt27-36 1590 (X(RA 13W (Xectrons) (Phatooldowc w1lipu0n) L 1832-66. EdT(m)/9WP(t)/XWP(4-)" A=SSION MR: ATS022235 AUTHOR: -Artemakova, Ls V, TITLIa Radimetry of iodine Doklady,-no. 109, TOPIC TAGS: iodine, radioisotopoo~ t4dom6UT mmthl~o I ch*c"4 tb* ABSTRACT: The survey reviews the various reported *I ot;V00r) in content of radioactive iodine ildtopes (Prosent as 0 ~Q' air in the vicinity of nuclear roactort, to plants proc,so q& nuoloar fuel, in laboratories producing radioseAve isotope*. Liquid 4~4 moltd, *dvorbqatO. IBM, thri, chemisorbants used for trappinS the vapor tod filters us*o~lor aerosol and vapor are briefly destribed. To ldontify ka background of other fraymut products under labar4tairy tolZutwi mile 0my be made of decay curves, bets-particle absorption curves, etw: low$ ~*pjmltrlk Radiochemical separation of todino (from the solution or ft ter) WA~ pt0*dw. h*i'. radiometry and spectrometry. Laboratory instrumats (0v 01ordins ~040-131 are reviewed. Orig. art. hasi 3 figuns4 Card 1/2 I 0 7- -L 1839-66 T ACMSSZOW Ut AT50MOS" ABSWLAUCW, now ~ ~ N l $MUM: 178OP64 ROMA 00 $0. mw sm, 003 q: i r; gut if All if; Car 11 7 I I T TI I 1[ Lh Lit I fill I'll 1! 1111 H, 111 11111il, Ill 111 If fill . - -1. . - 7" 1 1 T-, , - r H, -_i . F, i,- 1. -, '.I m mrawF1 - .1 I' " rw: M. , FANANUIVA, Yc . ]V. , I . Ye. , RUD-IN, ff,-S . T. ~ L~w "Liquid Scintillators for Radiocarbon Dating in Arcluteology." report presented at the Conference on Radioisotopes In MetalluijW ajid Solid State Physics, 19 TAEA, Copenhagen, 6-17 Sept. 1960. 'Ir - -! :: A,,---*~'.'L~F-i'-% M.LA~j - p (911ita77 Tett-Tina7,inn, 2nd PTh,',Nh GRM-funigmVion of the meak Rad, Wind :-~4 of a horep:* 301 VeterInArlyst Vol 2D: No. 2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 010 0 * ,0 0~0 KI-11"A-Mi-EV, I.. A, Dissertationt wEnterobepatitis of Turkey#." 9 Apr. 49 All-UniOn Imt, of Mq>erimnUl Votgri"My WjcjA* 80 Vecheryaya Moskvit Sum 71 1. AUMICW, K. A. 2. 3512 Oft) 40 vacoluation 7. low meadle, for vacclustloa v1sh fwl virias, Ptitsovodstvo 1o. 2o 2932 9- MORthlY List g_f Russian ACCLSSIOns; Library of Congress, 1%3. vatiassifted. .1., M. A. 2. USM (600) 4o Chicken Pox in Poultr-,- 7. Scorehead In chickens, Ftitsevodstvo, No. 11, 1952. 9. EMIU Lf Burgi Aeggggigg , Library of Congrwas, b4a, 1953. thelAmottled. UMR/Medicine - Veterinary YD-1277 Card 1/1 Pub- 137-14/17 Author I -Arts9chev. N. A., Candidate of Veterinary Selsocios wW Nikolayev, A. A., zw"MmIlan Title Veterinary saallwy requirements for conatructioa of pmlt77 mills wd poultry form in kolkhoses. Periodical i Veterinarlya, 10, 59-62, October 1954 Abstract s The MInIstry of Pood Noducts Industry NO$ and the Xlzlxtry~of State Farms VSSR bay* undertaken to foroulato plam for tow1ruttion of several large poultry mills and tams Lm the lodustrIal wis" of the eount47. Seleation of site*, types of ~ structixos secoss~Oy to house equipment of poultry mills and farms, proper facilltlesjor maintenance of poultry, sanitary req*iromefts, uA nodus oper~nft are discussed. Diagram. Institution I Submitted USSR/Diseases of Farm 4WImls - Diseases Caused by Vimses and R Rickettsiae. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 9, 1958, 4099- Author : Ajj!!I~h ~v Ogorodnikmva, F. V. Inst : StaU-TeRentific Control rnstitute for Veterinary rrers- rations. Title : study of the Ivitundbiological Properties *f the 3SCI Embryo Vaccine Prepared from the Pigeon r4ix Virus. Orig Fub: Tr Gos. nauchnt-knntrolln. in-t po vetpreparatsim, 1956, 6, 67-82. Abstract: Inoculation with the SSCI embryo vaccine prepared frcm the por virus of pigeons, is easily endured by young chicks as well as by adult hens, while the sAmInistration of vaccine prepared from the virus of hens is frequently accompanied by serious complications. Carl 1/1 * .0. kudi"t vaterizaroft asuk. ClAvW votarlimraff vrach, "L?.. votoriuoriVy vrach. no embrye"Walao of the $tats saientific control lastitato Apinst ex in poultry. Tatorimarlia 33 ao*ls32-,34 A 156s (MM 901) I.Bratteovsk" ptit"faWka (for Arts%icbbv)*2.%wdl1sm4p ptiua- fabrike, (for Wusb1a)# (SUMPOX IN ASIKUS) Translation frm: Referativoyy shurivao MeIrtroteMnikal 1957, Ir Si, V "5 (MR) Ok AUIROR: PiSaxw# X* B*j Xiloalitaidy# it T., Artimidwt No Aot KiWM41io A. Bo, Kustmlmkh, L. Kt SoIWIUM, .To* VO -,49 O,afrov, TITIM: Ultraviolet Illumination of Yowl Capt In a Cap (fttraliolatowcIYO dbl%ol3ak" ptitsy pri Idetochnom soderzhanii) PRIODICAL: Yeterinariya. (Veterinary NsdiclAs), 1956, Nr 11, pp 70M ABMUM: A report is offered an the results of illminatIng cased. cbidmw by *uoxry- quartz PW,.2 lamps, The experimenta confirmed that ultrxvidlet illmdnation pro- tects fowl against m1neral-metabolim distu:lmnoeso Woo it Ummessary to include cod-Uver oil and vitamin D In the flowl's ration, Wromwe Oa4sylve Ability(ty and incresses live weight (by 10%). bpalonts bwe abown the exp4ismV of this periodic inwdnationt 4 minutes a day tar 10 daysp followed by 20 " without illuninatiosu A mobile outfit designed by eaffineer Osetror and tmeling at Card 1/2 R ABS Jour ReV Zhur Diol., No 22, 1)58, ~1,) 10131o Author Artmichov, M. L. Inst X-tawn -' Title Prophylactic V(,t,~riiuiry Wntrol of Capou. Birds. Orig Pub PtitsevWswot 1957, No. 4~ 23-29- Abstract ',k) abstract. Card 1/1 7 USSR / Diseases of Pam Animls. Diseases Caused by R Bacteria and Pungl Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Blologiya, No 16, 1958, 74211 Author tArtemichev., M, A. Inst : Not given Title : Pullorum of Fowl (BWD [BacillM White Diarrhea]) and Measures for Its Control Orig Pub: Ptitsevodetvo, 1958, No 2o 39-43 Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 ARMIOnT, N.A., vot. Ymch. Heated roolmr for aMengive lolead drop 4&JUJInstlem $*Sts for *Its diarrhea In oblobnos Toterimarlis 35 se.6s" Js 1%. (NM ") 1, Bratisevolmys. ptitsofalorilm, (Yetwimr.t laboratorlow-ApIpm#j 4w evoliss) (Wlorm dimwoo) ANIXICUT, M.A. (sltarobq*tltls) in turtspo PtIts"afte 9 UO.5-43-" mr 159. (Wu Igo?) 1. Glavwr vetvmeb Bratserskoy ptitseWrIkS. Noskm*W oblmtt6 (Turkwo-Dissasse $Ad posts) (Liver.-DISOASON) Ald"CM# X.Aw, kandevote=uk; OOOROMMU, POT.* retTrach Calclo vast* of bloWds Woduction as a vatuablo poultry - food. PtItsevedskys 9 no,10sM." 0 150. =A 1322) and fe"s) (Aureoevoij ri "r, lit a AR Mil,=F, , M. A. (Main Veterinary Surgeoa) Poultry Plwit) - "Application of Antibiotics on the Bratmewsk Foultry,Plant,". Veterimriya, Vol. 37, No. 9) p. 32, 1960. ARMOGO- Use of autibiotics At the Brattoovskil Poultry ftetory. Veterimrile. 37 no.9%32-35 3 060. (mim usn) 1. Glavnyy Yeterinarnyy wach Brattsevskoy pUtseftbriki. (Antibiotics) (Pmltry--Disomfs wd posts) URV Mikhail Al ka vi h Lush. I U=TAj L. 1.. 0 in". t !t~- _T tM~ A~18"O"-!- I . L.C reteensou; , L.O.pLIFISh.0 red. imlval IZRUDYn., T.N.0 tekhn. red. [Preparation of v1soome molutlovelPrybotu"rada viskoafth rog- eb7nIv. lyiv, Dershtekhvydav UFJR, 1963, No p, (NIU 160) (R"00) --tl io'h~tisijLal" an a n,w mal-11 f(,r "Ine ultry mltoj. ';o.f:irjmI-An 1.1 [l(,.!.99-V'(l, Uj. ( '1 18:3) Brat tiev 3knyq ~ F, : ..kV f-, fr. tj , - . .4. '* , V-I"d* -6 Aie :1.4 ~" r,cm I At ft I ;;a-,Ic I, Tlto~'.. --. ~. 'I Ctmr.4nal pro-o~rVI-jxId U ~hm tAols, fnr tr. chlo~~ns 'IstWrarTIO~ Z2 Ir 1650 18111) 1. brattaoralmya ptitbofatmlka Arlwokicbmit)., 2., Gosu4arolwalp. n" muct-no-kantrollnri v*-4rtn&rr4ykli -,rqj*rj,t-yv (tlr Shmulavich). f kand. vater,nauk Veterinary bygiont and prophylaxis in comorcial poultry raising. VoteriAarlia 42 no.8393-98 Ag 166, (MRA 18in) 1. GlavVI voterinarnyy wrach Brattsevskoy pritsefabrikis AR".14"! !'i ', , 7. i's , Jnzh, . 1, Contamination of the wrAtur- wn[ Is of the furmcos of boilors with small evaporative caTv~, ty c-~.emttug on rAt,irs.1 ecoa. IST xy-s uchab say; anarg ',' nc.. -A IUI-120 Ja 164,. (FUR& 17:5) 1. TSenti-&I'My kotlaturbinny-y institut, iment 1. 1. POISUUM, !EW ALMOT, A -A., AAMULA-A.; ASHKINAU, To 4. -, TINOWWO11, G~p.; GALSTAY. A. U. ; 411 .; DITACHM, ?.To.; U361T. 93.; ZASEASO. P.M.; SWIM, I.?.; IVANOY. 1.I.; WIN. 1.P.1 KKITIZ, M.; KMA- SMY. A.?.; L&PSHIN. I.A.; MOLUXBUK, I.S.; PW3OfSXIY. L.K.; POGWIN. A.M.; REMOY, X.L.; SAVIN. K.D.. OXWOM. K.3.; SJUDYWY. I.?.; SMIX, N.D.; TAMY. B.Z.; TSWIMLM# I.Too; ISMANOT. PJ.; SHADRYAN. V.S.; AMUMO. I.L, retamusent; AXAMASIM, Tb,Y, rateovp- sent; VIASOV, V.I., retsensent; TOMOBOUT. I.Ve., votsmaxont; Too- NOT, N.M., retseasent; GRITC1131KO, V.A., ntsomseut; ZOWIN, X4N,, rotooment; ITLIM, I.T., retmonsonto, WWW. $.Y., reismOO: KOCHUROV, P.M., retwousent-, OlYMM, N.I.p retsemseat; 0=00 A.P., rateensent; IMIOT, T.T., rstaeuvent; HCROZOT. A.So. ro%o"- sent; CRLOT. S.P., retsousent; PATIVSHIOT, N.D., relosatect; POPOV, A.M., retsonseat; POKOVITAT, P.7.0 rotaeuxech; RAXOT, V.A., mtowm- sent; SININDOTO IA., reteensent; T212211. DoP.0 retseasent; TOMO- MIROV, I.G., ratmonsent; URBAN, I.Y., r*taor.--.(!n%; 11AZIOVSKIT. 14., reteensont; CHWY JOY, D.P., rotsoment; SUBTAKIN, 04., roteonsont, SHCHUBMT, F.D., Woonsent; GARM, V.A,, ftdaktorl X~11, LA, rodaktor.- N(RDYINKIN. V.A., redaktor; WAUNOV, A.I., roduktor; oft- DIX, V.P., rodalmorl RUUNTSKY, B.B., ro"mor; TTZROW# X.N., radaktor; CM3VATIT, U.S., redaktar; ADSHMOV, I.K., r*bktor-, BAISLUN. T.B., rodaktor; UROOM, K.A., todAktor; COSHIMlY, S.L. ridaktor; OWURG. Te.Yu.. rodAirtor- MIBA$, A.T., imodaktar; DOMOVSXIT, X.I., todaktor; 11081310, A.Io, radaktar; KIMINT, A.P., rodaktor (coutinumd on next card) ATFUDY, I.A. ---- (continued) Card 2. HOSKY11. 0.L. redaktor; RUBMMYN, S.A., rw1akt*jr; TOWIN, O.B., radaktor; CHOLMISKIT, T.Yes, robkt*r; CHUMOVI, V.I., relikktor; CHUMMY, N.A., redaktor; SHADUR, LA., raffikktor-. SH11=11. &.A., redaktor Eftilroad batmlboW SprovockmalA Wthka 0 be"I'Lesnadoroshn Maj, 11d. 3-0. imPr- I dop. Pod o'bahobbi red. V.A.ftm~ft,Nooskya" Gov. transp.shal-dor. Isd-vo. 1956. 1103 p. (XM 9:10) 1. Imuchuo-tokhoichmakoys, obsbebeetvo zholssudoromhoogo tramsparta. (Railroads) XOMVIM, OrIgarly N:Udforoviah; =MYAWWj Aloboidr 2%maloyoviakt ARMSIN Alsk"7 h 4j,,,S=WV# lolls Alakes"rovIO I iacia;, iio-# '6ud. tokbn.m*o rod.1 3010TAo U.N.. toUm.rod. Exonmi for rollrood voter sqnAy worftnj RukovodsWo robotalkas sbolonodaroahsop vadmAsher4is, Nosim" Tossolmdatel'sko.- policr,640"Som" x-,TA Patel $00006mboVAIMO 290. 3" 16A Ijt5) (bilroods.-WOor eggy) Acctsaio KR-- AR4%2148 kMZ69/6VWQ/W6/0W6/0026 SOURC1;: Ref. th. Astroonlys Otdvlloy$y vy*pv*. Abs. 6*11,234 AMOR: Arteakin.-Yee To. Tlr.St Certain regularities of the appearance of noctilwoont clouds at t1W latitude of Ryazan' (Processing of results of obdervatioas of wattlocent 4audis in 1957-1961) CIM SOURCS: Vch. sap. qy&"m*. gois. pod* in-tj To "1 1963. 1249 TOPIC TAGSt noctilucont cloud, cloud TRANSLATION: There are considered 29 cases of the ap"araws of soctilucent clouds' In Ryazan' during the period of the International Geophyrical Tsar and Internaticad Geophysical Cooperation. The win Maximo of the frequency of nodtil"ceat clou",~ appearance In found to aid-Julyp am 2 other, saaller an%" are detsot*d at the and of June and the middle of Aupst, jh# #"rAng period *t qbftM%tjQos **nte b4i 53-% and the wring period of tb~ entire dgmt,01A of visibilit'v of *,cuds. ACCESSION MR: AR4042148 i fte maximum bri&tneso of olovids is obsorwod vith a solar d"evies of 10* With a solar delmosion of more tbaft Ir th* eloads comeo to bs visibloo SiUlapapbyt -j $a 0=1 a MW 00 .Card' rmz-: -TAble for the co!Ocurnsion cl.r vf it compandc,r's zin,~h ir,_Au I-or t~v ch- .............. AZMM IA. L. 1. Late results of prevent-djW ustho4v of tr"03* wulopmeal mendagItIs in Infants. Podlatrils n0-3:55-59 *40 055.(WAL 8:26) 1.1s k1lulki detskikh bolesnoW (sw.vror. u Moskovskogo vieditelemkW institute Imsd 1,T-31jaim on We 1-y Rookovskoy detsbW klinIchaskey '001'ator (SI&MY TMcb- s"lush*wVy vrech R$M U.T.Prokbomich) (KNINGIVIS, MMMWCCIC, In Int. amd ebilt ther. su1tonsmildse & pealcillis. rowks remelts) (PMCIUIN, ther.u" vientAgitis, swiWoccle, wItb saltonsuldes In Iftf.) (SUL]FDNMDJB, tbor.use nealmitle, Senispeoccle, vith psaltillia, in let.) ART=X INA, L. 11. , BONVOIDYA, ?.I. 1W - '-w-Yr-inting 4yeentery In children with disvIformia. lop.alch.ut, I dot. I no.1:20-24 MY-J* 15R. (MIRA 11-1) 1. IR Wedry 1prapedevIlki detskikh balestwoy (sav.-vrof. T.A.11mov) 11 Hoskovsko" goomilmrstyenuago moditstavIcogo livetituts ioas& Net. Pirorova (dire-prof. 0.T. 96rbikov) u lba*e 1)et*W k1jujobtskay bolinitsy Issai N*F. Pilatov" (glavnyy VrAch U.N. ImInginN). (DYMMY) (SMAIIIIARLIM) ARTNUML. L-V-.Iwad.nv&.Muk; CKMADW, V-r.j PrOISM Of th~ 01141061 "P"O Of 360hOrIMA 0011 IS 4UU*R, Topeakhoust. I dtto 4 no#2tl7-21 " 059. MIA llt$), lo Is katodry Xofjplt&l'na7 podiAtril (sovo - prot.,wo-rop") 11 Poskovskogo uilitolaskoo lastims In, IN-1-PIT Detskoy k1latcheAkey boViltsy Ia. IaTj**kt!1, 4, vmh TA-L-ubkov, ssuchVy r*~woaltsi i . (ISCHAUCHU COLT) (c too; MIXORUSSOVAD N. V#p dOtiv*nt;-~Rl_MUAL Lz._!*j kand. mod. nank Acute neuritis during nombichime therapy of a child suffering from a hurlag dism4ero Vest. atorin. no.Z$95-96 162. (WA 15s 2) 1. Is otorinolu-ingologiobeekoy klinlki pedUtr1ohoskap fakwlt- t*ta (say. - Prof. 1. 1. Shabstbatov) I lalAlkl topitallaw pediAtrU (Say. - WOf . K. 7- P*jxw) It ftslimkop gondarstvoumv maditaluskop inatituta lusal W. 1. PiMcTi ft bwW dst$kay klinichmakoy bol'YAW Imal prof. W. F. ftlatam, DVBDTIVI BRAIIING M CEILMN) ARTEMKINA, N.I. Liticoagulants in tbn treatmut of thro4womWIlem of the aemen4rie vuesele. Vast. Mr. 93 no.903-39 'S 164. 1. Is 3-y kafedry khirurgii (%AV. - prof, NT.~~Uno~r) .1 kafeft obehahey patologii (tav, - doteent W.A.ShtamlOberg) Lordalradsko ordena Lenina InstitUts uso"rahenstvoyanip vraelay I*ni Kircmar a ARTSMINA, N.)LI,_Wasan', 14vo-Totedskaps ul., d,200 kv.2); 8VAMB, P.O. Acute obstruction of the messaterial vesetics Toll.kh1r. 83 no,& 90-94 Ag '59. (a" 13A) 1. Is khtrurglaboolkoga Melantya (uv, - k&rA,wd,*%uk T,X. Dwshtes- binder) Rpsanalcoy gorodskoy klimicheeltaytollultsy *-.4 (Clanoy v h - N. I PDJW). i2mm"SIS) (MIS]"T blood svply) ARTEMIA, N.I. (Leningrad, Zanevskly prospekt, d.I/K, kv.27) Clinical aspects and treatment of thrombosis of the mesuteric vesstli. Vest. khir. 89 no.M19-22 0 162. (MIRA 17%10) 1. Is khirurgichaskogo otdelaniya Ryaunskoy garodskay klimidwskoy bollnitay No.4 (glavnyy vrach - saslushennyy vracb,RSM V.I. Popov). BEREWVSKlY, V.M.; ARUMIMA, -I.V. Now mthods of Wnthealsir4 nuclaotide cofornnts. Usp kWAo 31 no.6o724-751 Je 162. inn 15t5) 1. vosso"'UmW nail issladovutellskiy viteaiW innUtut, laboratoriya khimdi kofermentoy, (Nualsoudes) (Ensyme) . I: - 11, . ! ~ . ~ ri " I -! , I . . - . . ; I Dt; , C , ;- 1 0 q.,; I I I I f , -1 . I i I ! - . i 01k,""K V. phoj3phoric. e-vs. Pilvt, P: Separat*m and hydrolvt.i~ apkilzA,ing of' 1~hosphnric ast*rw of ribofla-iime. Zhur. ob. Uim. 35 nc.4:677-btil AP 165. t,!`!A 18:5) Vs,-so7uzny r -I . y MU(IhTIO-i ~nstit,.~t. ARTEMEMKO, G.A. (Artemenko, H.A.Ij VOYTOVICH, I.D. (voltmoht I.D.); KKMYWVI G.A. [Mykhailomvp H.Oj Static characterlatios or fLIx cryotrcmw Mr. fix. shur, 8 - no.7098-M Jl 163. (KM 16t$) 1. Institut kibernwUkl M UbMt Up** (Electric apparatus and appUaneeu) &RUMINA, N. 1. Methad of producing e2periagntal thmaboals at the weentorie, Yeasols. Pat. fisiblo I sksp. terap. 9 zo,,309 Wy-44 065, (mm 1819) 1. 111 kafedra kkdmrlii (an.- prof. N.1. Blinm) I kefedre obahchey patologil, (i"loyardshchiy obyaumicati someduyusbobego - dotsent N.A. Shtakollberg) Laningradskogo ortlena Loniza lastituts usovershenstyovaniya vrsohey imni Kirov&. ABAKUMOVA, Ye.A., dotsent; ART940110VA R.N., amalstent; MWITISIMA, VOB., V ., -'V "nt assistant; SHUMVA TA-'-i;-; 3u Interrelation between decay at the teeth La emidren ww the fluorine content'in the waters of some distrIcts In Kalinin Province. Trudy KMU no,IW74-75 163. (MIRA 1831) 1. Iz kafedry terapevUcheskoy stowatologii (ray. kafedroy - dotsent T.T.Shkolywr) I katedry obahchey khimil (zav# latedray - dotsent V.S.Winovskiy) Kalininskago goewlarstvVemmogo mdi- tainskogo instituta. ;i- lo632-456 z-xP(c)/5& (k) /,wr (d)/ wr (i) /vFwPw/1?wP(v) wr(c) M ACC NR, AP5022956 AUTHOR: Artemov A. (Engineer, Lieutenant Coemander); 14nkoft (Engineer, p _~qvj..T4 colonel) (Engineer. Captain); ~!rt!2yt_!- (Liostwent CatftsL) ORG: none TITLE: How to Increase operational 4abLuty. r~4 SOURCE: TekhrAka I voorushonlys, no. 2, 1965, 52-57 TOPIC TAGS: reliability engineering. radio equipm to t intug procedwr* ABSTRACT: Methods of maintaining operational rall!:dkilli of reitlioelectronft equip- IS W-E conjunction with the training of ent, methods of testing, and failure detection operators and electronic equipment specialists are discussed and deficiencies In train, Ing methods are noted. It is suggested that the operators be taught the operation Of each unit of equipment and Its amponent parts, thus greatly simplifying the timely detection of equipment failures. Training the operators' in the opamtIon wW repair of equipment under simulated combat donditions is recommended. A periodic testing of electronic vacuum tubes using LI-2 (U-14) tube testers with the mutual coniductance characteristic of the electronic tubes (S) &a a control parameter and "Jecting them to a limit test Is discussed. The use of the osaillograph for testing radio and elao- tronic equipment and the detection of failures is also discusse4. Orig. art. bass 1 figure. SUB CODE:#/ -j 05,09/ SUSK DATE i moue ARTMV1.". - I We shall fulfJa2 the soma-yoor plan two paro ah*ad d tim*6 Mule-Wroprom 28 =)=04 N TfA-. (KM 150) Nome irAustrima) concorro.,ig of raw milk Wth patling"lic stfill'Y10cocci. Up6 pit, 2.4 no.jr8EL-89 165. CHat 1819) Kafndroi gig!yeny pltanuya (zav.- dats*nt O.M. Chist-jakovs) Donsitskco;ci meellta'.nskogo inst'.Luta, A t T..: VV , A A . 1. 2 Staphylococcal i~ackground oC raw inilk. Kikralsial. shi,x. 7 no.6:41-1.3 '65. Oxru 19: 1) 1. Donetakly meditainskiy in3titut, Suix,it,tilcl September 5, 19(4. JUTAM.T.Ii.. kandidal 29l"4kokholW$Y$tT4wWkh "'" IffsctivenOse Of Usinj vitmin A and D2 comeatrates Ilk fese Young pip, Mass. i ikh isp. no.23195-199 '54. (Ulu StIlo 1. Tessoyusnyy nauchno-laslodovatellskly vitaniaMy jamt1tut (Vitmain") (Mn*--?**dlvg and fooding stuffs) (Iltmins-D) 0 12, 1 S/120/62,1000/004/007/047 E039/E42() AUTHORS Malyshov, I.F., Popkovich, A.V., Milchells, Ya.L., Martyugov, G.R., Artem*v, A#D,,.Karl)enk*, N.M. TITLE: The vacuum system of the 7 Gov proton synchrotron PERIODICAL: Pribory i toldmika oksperimenta, noA, 1962, 46-51 TEXT: The vacuum chamber of.fhe synchrotron vonsists of 112 curved sections in the magnet gap*-and 112 otraight secti*ns situated between thl magnet blocks. The curved sections (extept for 11 sections containing accelerating electrodes, situated in X-blocks) are constructed from corrugated tubes of lXl8H9T (lKhl8N9T) steel; thickness 0.3 Mm, convoluttons 3 aim d*eP an~ a pitch of 7 mm and of elliptical cro~ss-section 114 and 84 mo along axes. On the straight sections art moualed the vacuum, manifolds and apparatus for observing the boom, e.g. measurement of intensity and position of boom and also lost porticles. 56 oil diffusion pumps type 0 -o5 (VA-05) with somitonductor refrigerators and liquid nitrogen traps are used, to evacuate the working space and there are 14 forevacuum pumps type BH -1 (VN-1). The vacuum chamber can be divided into 14 secticna by means of Card 1/2 S/121)/62/000/004/007/647 The vacuum system of E039/E420 gate valves which can be oper:t:dlmagually or by remote control. A working pressure of about 0- MW is Achieved. Dotalled diagrams or the layout or the system and the ms4n components are given. There are 7 figures. ASSOCTATION: Nauchno-isolodovatellskiy institut elektrotizicheskoy apparatury GKAE (Scientific Research IrAstitute for Electrophysioal Apparatus GKAR) SUBMITTED: Aprii 6, 1962 Card 2/2 TTFI I II ILYUKHIN, A.I., inzh.; Akll.'MDV, A.I., Inzh, Design of a metal rheostat for a tv*-ooctor 43dve of a hoist. Izv. vys, ucheb. "v.; goro shura 6 nov8tI74--179 1634 (MM 16slO) 1. Sverdlovakiy gornometallurgichookiy bekbiolkum immi Polzunvya (for Ilukhin). 2. Kamerovskiy gomyy institut (for Axt"W). Rekomendovana kafedroy gornoy elektrotskhniki Kemoro-rskogo gornogo instituta. AMT1,EV, A.:., aspirant Permnnently connected micromotor with a planotary rechicer. Sbor. nauch. trud. Kem. gor. Inst. no.5:150-:1!16 164, 'kKMA 18:3) 1. Gorno-olektromekhaniehankil fakulftet Kamerovskogo gornogo instituta. r ar 71 r VF r ARTEMOV, Aleksam-dr-1vanavl-aspi-rant Transfer Amtion of 4 SYstost liquid rheostatmomyrohromm eliect a jootor* rzv. vys. uchob. t*v.,j &14610606. 9 no.3030*542 IM. (MV18s,17) 1. Kenorovskiy gorrqy instituto ,11i,I A I _,,~~~~ndldat podagogichookikh wk:. IftvAl pomtry coune in socon" sabools.*,Pow, goo.ped.inst. no,2:3-38 155, (AM 10S2) (Qftfttrr-4tu4 wA tomoAr4) 1 1~ ARMCN. A.Z. (Pons&) 3tudy of mthmatima tablos. Mat. v shkole no,61l9-29 I-V (Nathenatics-Tables, ote.1 (MMA ;1:21; ARMM, A.K. (Pens&) j Industrial excursions for students of gr%doo sAWkh to Um. Rat, v shkols ns.5s3?.42 8.0 156. (MMA 9 .0 10) Ondastrial tou.") (School excursious) ANOXHINA, A.S.; ARTF.HDVO A.K. 06maction between Industrial training and the teachin .# of -*Vnuatics, U*h.%mp,P~ns*9os*p*d#lnst* mo*70-14 62v (KM 16s?) (Wbeinstla"tudy and teaching) ARTEMDV, A.K. Form of combWag oral InvUuction and dab*-viaml aift In secondary school mathomatlaq logom. no.7s"-58 162, XMA 160) (Wtheatios-ftudy mW twhing) - =MV, A.X..r-J=~wrier-kapitaii-leytenEint Motirod of finding defectni. Mor. ebor- 0 N 165. (VJRL 18t12) ALC M AP600652-7 SOUR" 00311 AOX) AUTWIs Artemov, A. K. (MmSineer, Captain Lieutenant) 1/0 ORO: none TIMID Radar troubleshooting SOURCEt Marskoy abornik, no. 11. 1965. 77-81 TOPIC TAGS& shipborne -radar. Kixborn* radar,.radar system teett "der squip"ut, electronic checkout, NOR" material failure ABSTRACT: Radar troubleshooting is a very important part of the electronic teebai- cian's work. The work of the troubleahooter is subject W the degree of competeace which the technician develops in sorting out and isola" the specific arsa where-- the casualty or breakdown exists, The troubleshooter must first of all anklyse the problem presented to his in what coy be referred to as tk# initial stage of his work* The second, or final, stage is the actual correction of tho camulty and aunt of necessity follow the initial stagd, The above mentioned aUges ican be readily ascer- tained if they are applied to a factual situation such as Unt presented by a brqak- down in a radar. Since radar operates an a aeries concept rather than a modular see, it is evident that the troubleshooter mat trac* the opoxial1ow padomed Uy W radar, isolatinS those which function roluirsd until he reaches tU ot Uw' ACC NR, AP6006527 trouble. After the initial, investigative, stage is OonojMded, the gscmd, ti-1, stage Is rather simple. A "ifto GXWI* of a 0"%a2tr b a rmd4r mystse Is 4d'tsd and different steps roquir*4 to dorrect It are Usted aM ommated spa* 09fto art. hasi 4 figures. ~ SM OWSs 17, 05/8= DATIs Xne 82--- S/079/60/030 V005/020 37 OOD SOOI/DD63 AUTHORSt Nitrofanorat 7~,_V., Art1nov, **__Nop P1st!!A!vt as as TITLEs Reactions of lux Malwith ftlogeaL Compounds of Titanium in Fluor U-suseto d uterobenzono Solutions PERIODICALs Zhurnal obehohey khimilt 1960, Vol. 30v No. 7t ppo 2138o2141 TEXTs At prosentpok-olefins are frequently pOlybOrAMOd Witb COMPIOX catalysts consisting of organoaluminum compounds 4*4.of halogen compounds of titanium. The course of reaction between those two compiot*ntst halo howeverp only been described by the papers of lefo4 'I an4 24 ?or this; reason the authors of the present paper studied th* WOaction of triphonyl aluminum with halogen compouftda of titanium in variame spolax solvents, ouch as benzene and cyolohorAnop as well as in polar~oolveatso such as fluorobonsone, in order to find out whether the solvont has say offset. Following the preceding pap** (Ref. 3) the authors studied the reaction of triphonyl aluminum with TICI 4 and TiOCI 2 In fluorobenzono. It van found that this polar solvent did not influence the above irsactions, and both Card 1/3 Reactions of Triphenyl Aluminum With Halogen Compounds of Titanium in Pluarobenzene and Deuterobenzene Solutions A -, "Czy:~ 8/01-9 60/030/007/005/020 reactions gave only diphonyL The absence of fluorino derivatives of di- phenyl indicated that there wore no free radicals in those reactions. In the presence of free phonyl radicals it may be assumot that they react with the solvent, thus leadiag to the formation of mogio- and difluaro- diphenyls. Thusp the abovs-sontionsd reaction In flaprobezzons does not take place according to the broo radicalimechanisik ($4-f. 3)o The above reaction in douterobonssne It acoompaziod by an intowle U-0 exchange which is caused by the compounds having Al-I bonds (Z - halogen). For1his reason, the hydrogen exchange between diph*nvl and d*u3srobsnuene In the presence of AM 3 takes place very easily, contrary 'to TIO14 In whose presence no exchange occurs. In the present paper, tMe authors studied the possibility of K-D exchange in douterobonseno between triphonyl aluminum and other halogen compounds of titanium# especially TIOCI 2 and TiClY With these and other titanlUs compounds the mactiom or triphoOyl aluminum in deuterobonzon* took place under the foromilon of diphenyl. con* taining deuterium. A table contains comparative data an ths-diphonyl yield Card 2/3 t22" Reactions of Triphenyl Aluminum With 11alogen B/079/601030/007/005/020 Compounds of Titanium In Pluorob*nsout and E001/11063 Douterobenzene Solutions and the deuterium content of the letter for various halogen mpoundo of titanium, and it is shown that these date Sonobow dopend on the ratiO of the reacting components. Tetravalent titanium compounds effect the strongest R-D exchange . There are I table and 8 "farenoess 5 Soviet# 1 US, and 2 German. ASSOCIATIONs Gor1kovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitst (Gor'kit State Universit.y) SUBMITTEM July 18' 1959 Card 3/3 L 490-66-- VC wt AP5025697 1-JP(a) rDA1w1,jGj Soung 06DE, w AUTHORS: irtemov. j M y laamu, ~.z I r 'ORO: none TITLIt Ylethid for manufacturing Ift No* 174697 SOURGEt Byulleten' isobretenly 1300 . .. ....... T~ 1~ -fl,, T!~ J; TOPIC TAG5x electric. reslAbrp cWoodump r4*41 ABOnWTo Vda Author CartificatO presfaV a no Im lot lod for, falvt ~wa 41 electrical resistors b7 mom jagg8#40V WInAdd '*'Ian I f To improve the #AhMio jot the metal film t,0 the Irm" bass'll to deaze the thermal resistance coafficient# dibGAW I %CAXAIO or ib iidjW Vit dicyclopentodioxglearbonylaickal (i6eAETMY, in tin r It (2+1W, 7), AM 46 2 Card 1/2 two . ........... ...... Poop t Joe L 490-66 ACG HRI AKW5697 mixtmv An hsatw to the tavmtdn, of thobal d MM OWi XC/ SM DATSI 13far,64 .9"!1 2/2. TV, 1 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aneat- KA7,akll5t&.1 CulLivat'.m~ hybrid ~91) in tlav~,, Kazakh Glav. 1:,A. s;Wli a,:;. 5s 1951. 9. Monthly List of Russian AccolStoms, Library of Congress., jum* iqu. 6meltssitled. mmulljmm~ 11 1 0 1 F 51 1, It 4 11 a 6, 41 it 1, 11 V III %I I " - - ; & 4 0 0 0 c 0 9 a 4 0 9 111 0 a 9 A a *I) : '41 0 4 ; ; ~ i ; ; ; ; ; i 00 1 .031 1 1 , . I I 3 A I C j, it a a a a Mai 11.. It Is A- --- Wrwl &W Owvttml "R~ rem 40 Y71 womm or CONVI SM-300 (coma) ?be setter 'as iocod* ot a olmoIs, "tung *40am wit$ a borl- 46 komul jib* an %hish to i s 0 6 0WOO et d 00 a metal Most, bat st 10 0 0t sim. al 2* 1 le 411111d Iom Its Mir &ski s bq it i Cbm* sk Osdmt Is *0 0 "1 IOU the new W4 0 jib Is find 4V *a 6*0 Ot ~Wwo 004 to t" to". "0 pox* of lk 00%4* *0 mAhl" an Its tj Ow of Its 004 aid" an the floor aW 1h o two %0~ $=Now A Oddl bar, " IOS not I"WF is glow 041 fftw# TM mdkuw Is ba" 0 101066 40 t th d b * i e a oowpqwi a s o AM MW satUM-10AW W1 IM&A %bob 4w 0 N MIND u III a -Ii Al ir 0006, 10 lop I ;S" Jj! I u : ; ; 0 * a , 064hfff *off# 441 0 4 0 a a 0 44, S 4 1 so to ir so t,0 00 Under. SimultmWowdy, the t(ft Iqw Is 1666M V Mad &W a* mit tIo apported. In ais thim tho spontlass an O"Poud so 04 R$Wmw A" amnod to tibb- of 00 fooe, Twootse boo UA to :t So Sapeftle4loplWak 44 loonew IM, 94M.S. a% UM ha t lip to 670, wd the ist"r ti*t all Owd b, bow* hw"O. 00 00 00 00 00 *0 0 00 00 0 so 00 00 :*:4*** 0 0 ip t 100111t.-ttill oil 0420, 1 U, * as'-sttiluni L a i 0 ilk. Tr. 23226 Babots, vrubopogruzoohnykh mashin v kapleksm so Wel4lawymi U-Inqmrtemmi. makhanizatsiya trudoyemki)* i tyushelykh raboto 1%9, lio. 7p c. 5-8 "First Remats of the Cycle Sdhedule in RostovWlI Coal coct)jrjoill, Hekhuar&"*v Trudoyemkikh i Tyathelykh Rabot, P4. 1950. Translation W-14608, 25 Oct 50 .-T-77, !'I- Y . 1. ALI-1=71 A. V., Eilli. :~, - 2. USSR (6oc) 4. Cc I-Mining Machinery 7. Some conlitions under vhich the efficiency of combines modal UKT-1 cotild be Inemsed. Ugoll 27, no. 12. 1952. 9. Honth3Y List of Russian AccospiqW, Idbrary of Congress, Kurch 1953. Unalassifiad. ARTEMOV9 A. V. Cand Tooh. Soi. -- (4"s) 0; 8tudy of the Rff oft of the XW iaotor ep VentilatiP416 the Stwtngtkof 0oaX." Novocharkasek, 1957. 15 pp with amphal, 20 m (Him of Higtor 'Tducation USSR, Novocheftasek Polyteebnic lust in Urgo Ordzhonikidze), 150 colyies (XL, 19-5TO 87) - 1 9: ip* I-r -..- .-,III., , - - -- I IAMT, A.M.. prof.; AJ~ ~A,,qorVy lash. *feet of ventilation intensity an cost Streogth mad VOS to woo this phanomens, for the control of sn"on ejoettiou d oal and 6.6 Ugoll 33 no*1125-29 Kr 1 81 NMA ~ 11:11 ) (KID@ "Utilations; Wu soodents) VASILITV.A.I., lash.; -ARTINOT. A.11. Roinforolng a 120m reinforced concrete Smokestack. Noutj spoll, rnl.v.-trol. 22 aoA2!~-2? Ap 160, (Kin 13 18) 1. Chelyabinakeys i*rayloolve treaft Opal sibs lorobetwoot roy. (obluoys) -MMMV, A.V.. k&M.takhn.bWk Mechanim of the protective sation of is mdv"i~,) alm, of adjacent se~. Ogoll 37 no.3-48-52 h 162. (MMA 1132) juok prssswe) (Oml mbes arA mJnl ) IVY J, rWv 9 Mechanization and automation of auxiliary operations in open mines of the Russian Federation. Blul. takho-okon. inform. Gas. rounh.-isal. !nst. nauo~o I tokh. Infoms, 17 D 164o (KMA 19 v 3) 7jT KIRVJSIIKIN, A.L.1 ARVIIMGV~ AIV - .4- Suggestion on design changes ror seryloa stati,mm. Tranap, I khran, nefti t nofteprod. no.7:27-29 065*" (MIRA l8v9) 1. Sverdlovokaya parevaloahacy% neftabam# AFZM"J.# datment,, buld. tekhm, sauk; IROIN, Ajot gorqy Insh,; ICRSPAWVp 1,Ass datment# WA, t*Mn, amokj )IMMOVO I,FO Inab, Respowe to 0.1. Churaor's wA ToN, Nsymits artido Ofts smaotieft from Sul** VC61, 40 noon$" 06 116A ism) 1, larosherkasakly politekbAlibaskLy lastibAt (for Artowp Treler) 2* Dowtskiy politeAdchoskly lwUM,t (tor Kw*pamwg Marosoyl o * "Circular probe with blood serum for brucel-Louis d1agnostles." Veterinariya Vol. 37, No. 3, 1960, p. 84 Vevne'A 20tru- VA-f I'd-. IT: AHFICN, B.-.., kfir(l. vol.,~rInarnykh n'VJK -11 Importance or low titers In the aggiutinatlon r""tion In the diagnosis of brucelloals in cattle. Voterimrfts 40 no.1103-34 N 063. (V-W 1719) 1. 7cronezhBkaya nauchno-IssLedovatel'skaya vetortrAmaya stantsip. ARTMOT D , ZMEM, ?AO; Bouars " B.ya.; xmmff -, T.T,; Tozolup KA.1 DMAT4 T.I.1 UROW-o LT.; ZMNIZOVW. Z.Xo; XMZINItQf,&o A.L.t AFAILBOYN. 8.P.. red.i 13UMOTA, Wim md.*, IUOVMA~ TO, tokhn. re4. E*onomv of NDNOOV Provinoog a Statistiml WMI3 *rra sudatTo Nookoisimi ablasti; statistidMakil abovalk. obdmrlo", Nook. rabocUl, 1950. 270 p. (=A 1119) 1, lbscow (howtWo). ObUsbcow4tat lot lahoskWo oftolonl7s. 2. Wadialfrilk NookwokoM oblastnom statioUdhem1cogo upravloOra (for Ataft-slyov). Nomoov PftvIuos--ftououI* aouditions-Statistics) USSR/Mathema ties - Chaply(-;Jnls Motb*d Pab. 22 1159 AvOom G, A. so 4: ooftr I RIM IMR I H-' -1 qllh,Aply~in's lethod ~.nd ItS for .,he sqj:ro-Lo!V-,:ln t!,!-. of oriiu- -In :r:L)ier bl'.m~itlon UJJlt, Vorone .J~ 195i.. ~r.L, :7o Fe6 55) -Jtz~. '.'o. J11, 26 u; 55 jurvey )f ociertif-c :mi .-ic!.1 MR/Mathematice Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 1/51 Artanov, G. A. Mile Modification of the Ctagygin method for sys of 0"~ 181 ~*O- dirt equations of the first order Parlad'*a I Dak. AS SM 101/2, 11:7-M0, Kar 11, .1955~ ~i Ab*tmt I A now simplified methodp based oh thO wsa~' fQW t the purpose the approximating our 4 Lt4 fj~ow it doe of finding, toward the integral cu~vss of a honHnoar-sy t I Of, 14 tionb of the first order, spocific type. An t of 4Wa ti "s is also presented. Thtes USM Wsrsoces 19 50)., Ina"itution The Krivoyrog Mining Institute, kri"~r Itog Preeented byz AcadmLLcian A. H. X61Wgprovo Decftber,14vi T.; Ai '1'