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ARZMNOVI L.Y.; RIVOSH, L.A. Ramdta of the ambdx*d use of aerial eleatr:W prospecting end aerial me tio ow"jing in the Wtio "tanim abio3A, Say. pole 4 no*808-105 AS 161* (MM 160) lo Zapadrqy pofisUbealdy treat, (Ikltic BpUld-Aerowuties in poloa) AR*rAmN,ov - -,-j~4v.j KATSKOV, A.I. Use of geophysical "thodo In POIC&AI ou"tyips ad prospotios in %mdon. Moved. I okh. nodr 28 vlo.810-61 AC '62. (MMA 15: 8) 1. Zapednyy pof i3dobaskIl treat* (*j6&vi.-Prampooting-4*opbWricml mothods) -AKWIEV. V.A.; K--LITATL(WSKAYA, A.M.; 4"mcwt N.A.; SLAUX, Tu.-r.; STRAIH(W, K.I.; URNI"USHIN, A.K. Induction furnsce for molting CuWasium] alloys; oWestIon by Y.A.Ukoir- ley and others. Prom.eunrigell no.6;28-30 Js 156. (an 9f9) (Ilectric furnades) (Kagnesium alloys) XOTSINP N-YB-Lr. Prospecting for earbetatits usiq the OwromovOUp astho as reveaOd by a stw~y in the Eastern &w" #mutable sov~,SOOI. 8 14.5sug-lu 165. ARTANOMVP M.D., kandetskim.nauk, lash.-Polkownik ,lw~. ding syston for antlaircraft rockets. Artill. sbw,, so,js 48-52 Js 058, (XM 114 21 (G%dded idsalles) r T PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION Agafonov, Vasilly Prokhorevieh, and k1eksay Valarlyanovich Sakovich Voyennaya avyaz' (Military COMMUMOAtIOnl) MOOODW, Voyenl5d4t *-Va obar. 333R, 1,b2. 2-12 P. Zrmta slip inssrbed4 8OW copies printed. Rd.: A. V. Vrublevskly, Sngineer-Colonel; Tool%. 10.t T* F. W$asni- kova. FURMBs This book Is Intended for officers of ground force$ and way also be useful to officers and noncomissionod orflwx in 81001 communications who ars studying problems Int military oomunioatlons. COVEFACM: The book discusses the means an4 types of military OOMMWI- cations, their task* and requirements, and methods for the oz~Wi- tation and development of comunications. According to tho anoota- tion, the book is a reflection of the vie"oInts of ths authors and Is not to be considered as an offloial statement zoagarding military communications. The book Is based on Sovlwt and non-3oviot open- Card 1/f_1 Military Communications SOV/6228 source materials. Chapter II, SeatLon 2 vas writtenby Vo S. Chernyshev and V. P. Yagodin; Chapter II, 3"tion .3, by No -J).- APtaxonov; and Chapter 11, Soations 4 And 5r by 9. F. Kiii1ovich. -Ro~ peftonalities are mentioned. There are Z( rsrerences, all Soviet. TANA OF CONTEMs Ch. 1, Military Comun1cotionss Tasks and Requirewonts 3 1. From the bonfire and drum to the radio mtation 3 2. COmplexity of tftop eontrol in mod-orn aambat'and operations 12 The use of techniftl means for troop wontrol 14 lCommunioation *-- the badlo meatis of troop con'tro, 16 5. Assio problem in tommunications 17 6. Requirements for oommunications 18 Ch. II. Means and Types of Kilitary Comm:Loations 22 I* general conaept of modern means and typins of military oommunications 22 Card 2,~5 X111tw7 Communications BOV/15228 2. Nuns of communioation 25 Radio-relay means 7 wire lines of oommmloation R Multiplexing wire lines of oommunication 108 Telephone communication 138 Telegraph oomuniastion 110 Photo-telegraph communication Z9 9. Television 176 10. Mobile means of oo=tuniastion 189 11. Moans of signal communications 190 12. Use of the means of military oommunia4tio"& 191 Ch. 111. Signal Communications Troops 193 1. Purpose and work of signal connmioations troops 2. Combat training of consunioations troops 3o Some aspects of Partl-Politioal activity In communications troops 196 4. Combat traditions of comunloation troops Card 3/t5 AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODI CAL T) ID036/03,13 Artamonov, me Colonel-Engineer ..................... Controlling the flight of iknti&4rcr4ft roOets Voyennyy vestniks no. 6, 1962, 84-87 TMM General principles of remote-control and lwmbg stratess of, *&Aair- craft rocket control are giveh. The command And radloAeala methods of rebate control are discussed. To increase long-range accuracy, i emott. control 4, sum~Ae-~ mented with a homing system for finally homing the rochot on the Urpt, two: pared with radiotechnical bowing systems, therwa (infrared) himing syst I bot the disadvantages of comparatively short range and undme sensitavity, to th4r conditions, e.g. 3olar rap. Active and semiactive principles of chnical homW are given. Combined systems of control axe used for loag rangee. In Such systems the rocket is launchad Yertically or free an Inclinw nxp wd ciatroned for the first few seconds of flight by an autonomous Oystem emistin; of an autoPilot and a Programmer. After it has reached a cartain s1wed arA Is,,' orien- tated towrds the target, a remote-control. system takes over until t1w hadj* Card 1/2 i AR"AWN0 A*1 - - A . % ~ &P ~ % )- M , ,pe) lYovrilk Train speclRllr~u tor Joint aperaticre, YOM. vest, 41 no.41 96-97 Ap 162. (MM 15;4) 1 (Radio, Militaq) IV AZ'A:40NOVY :"., -!nzhene!--P)lkxnfIr., kand.tekhn.nauk Metbods ...f guldiA7, antJoin-raft rockets to a target. Voen.vest. 42 no.9:9CL-93 3 162. (KMA 15:S) (Guided miloalles) (Antiaircraft artIllery) I ARTAMONUV M ' ' -pilkovnik, kaW. tekhn. rAtA - AubMatic Pilots In antiaircraft roebts. V01n, Test., 43 no 91 82-U S 163. (WA 16;10) (Rocksts (Ordnance)--Cantro2a) I . - -- 1 .. . - v -~ -1 o - -- -- --- . -,, -, 11 - I ~L2= 4 1 . I ~ . .*.'. '(',P-5,' tn(. r?T- 5'-~ r,;,%; ('o~.orator Tractorfill Avto I -rtd: itom lio 7 Jul 1051 AHTANOIFOFP N,D,., kandidal takhMehaskikh mauk; TWOU13. t@$., Inshoner; AxMMm# M., kandidat takhniabd*kM nm*, roMar; 60021F. Polo. kandidat tekhalchoskift am*, rodaktor; TASILIM. AoT., kmWdat teVmdchsvkM awk, ro"Mor; OUTT, Nola, pWoosor, r*bbor; LITOT, Te.D.. prafeesar, redaktar-, RAUNRIV, 0A., imsheast, rod*- tar-, VUSIMIN. N.0.. inshmor. redshore [Imestigation cc the 6-56 gas vague] dwigatelia 8-511. Noskv*. 19%. 26 po (K*vcow*4oftd*ntvswWI softmWl ammobno-issIsdostol'skIl traktortWi Inst1tat cftwlyl. x0*11), (au 9a) 1,Dir&tor muhna-issledowatels~ wtatraktarm" InOttuts (for Akopyan). (0" and oil OWSOO) A-ITAW&JUdall Itrivavicb; MIMTWY=rr, Turitr Fso"lodovichg POOTAILUF, T.F4--f- THrow, reteonxont I CATOWIZ, TA., twhomr, roteanxent; SOLOVITSt, I.S., redaktor; Plr)M*X. 144., redaktor; IMEVIKOVA. A.P.. isktwichaskly rodaktor; tOZIMM, 2.3,, t9khnichaskly r"tor [Neohnnioal traottod for lumber tran"ortattoik ro&4*1 KakhantalhookLU tiaga lesovosjWkh dorog* Moskva, %slesbmis"t, 19$40 406 p, (Lumbertne-Iransportst ton) (TraWortsdion) (KIRA $14) ARACAU-N~-V, 114. D, V/9 iU.261 .19 GazogeneratorMy-9 Traktory Teorips Konstr*Wdya i Ruchat Was- Generator Tractors; ~Iwovyo construction and Corpit.stion, by) N. 0. YudushUn i H. 1). Artanonove Hasinmo Whgiz, 19514 243 p, Diagm, Tablas. "U'Leratura"i P. (242) AKAMOKOV 9 Mikhail DmItI'::y#VIch . -1 ---- ------- _ Ciboual for tractor operaton o4pgod in Um~erivej Pasobte traktoristu levoragotovok., Noskvm, Goslembusisdat, 1957 227 pi, (?act*") CIURA ii:4) AIVAONOV. H.Dw. dots.. lowd. tekhn. nauk. i " . , 1 -41W Iftoressing the poirer of Call-proftelOg autoliAlla amd traotor OlWiAme, ftq* bf. lAvt. 1. tvakt," TIM ao.101409 111, (XIU %10) (AutomMles-keluse) (tractorm-Awites) "I Ob AVAPXOT* MikboU., t#r NWUTWMIT, Turly 15"Volodovich; tol.# rerminwInts NOWWO N#P,o retimmoont; UT=9 Golos rod*; GOMOVA, Sol., re4oisit-w*1 YAWMINA, A.Mep takhnored, Dreation mahUory In the logging laftstryl f1mrop ushir4r no lesosagotovkalb. Moskva. Goolostumisdato 1939. 326 p. (KIU 1325) (Tractors) ARTANMV, H.D,, kmw. tedm. nauk, dote.; PAMMM, G-P.j, kond. takhn. nauk, dots.; DYACIMM, I.Kh.0 doktar tekla. a&%*# prof., reteensent; WDNIKOVg V.A. j kmnd. to4n. nauk red.; SIRDTIN, A.I., M. isd-val WIM, V.D., Ukbn. Z (Theory aM desilp of motor-vehiclo and tmator movios] Too- riia, konatniktoilat I zwohet avtotraktormyW dvigaUlol. Mo- skva, Mashos, 14*3. 5W Ps (KIPA 16ilO) 1. Zaveduyushchly Itafedroy UnbWmdekogo politakhnichaskogo inatituta in. M.-Jalinina (for Dijachenka). (Motor vehloles-Englams) (Tmators-24nes) ARTMONOV, Rikbail DidtriZoviab MIXWLOVSKIYj Turly Neavalodovichj [The 3ocomobile md diesel engine in lvmftrlmg) Jokamobill i dizell Y lesnoi prorqshlemwati, Moskva, lot-vo NIAOMJ& promVphlemost'," 1964. 263 P. (HIU 170) Forimt Wnri -,f men t Grgmmlyntlon r-nu r.Aur.'*L,*Pt Of thfo nr~ 1')trct'fvv forsets. Los k-hO7. i~ n.". 9. 195", 9. Monthl - List of Russian Accesel-o Library of Congress, L:~rca'btr 195.2 w01. KMWaWOTA, R.N.; UTKIKO AbO..-,%AITftLI,j pomopb*balk Motor& L I I vacherw I U CWZW# At?*, panabobalk Whasbahl"ya vochormgo toWmAkma&I AKXtW, A.Y., powshchulk amalgam i ucb&ohabiysy4 "aborop 14thIDOM. Wooded brochure on carpot wsavlr4 (ONastorixg vide. dorubla- shooting Jacquard loans for cArjot weavieSO by S.I. Ndossdw. Reviewed by R.N. Owasankam and others)* Write- PON 17 20.6t 66 Ag '57. 01ta lotg) 1. Zaveftyushchly IoMmIchasko3r bibliotokoy IrOoret%iW* kmtl- nata. (for VAsnookov). 2. Imoballnik tkLt#kW tv*0A rquboret- skago koshinata (for Mkin). (Awttmrd weavint) (roddlooke, 3.10) LRTANDNOV. )k.I. gormy lzuh, ,waving vmtua-.i*u op tow in poemum 004 propk~sjj,~a punu, Sbor. rob-b pa AM, 10-39181-165 161. ODA I$slO) 1. laborajoriyu ruWd i pyjs9&vjjv&M7u oogud4ft kanNtmktorskogo I xmchuO-i,001040,ViLtolldcw,~in$Ututa ps obogai&bonip i bribtimwLiyu ugloy. (cosaPVPALr8UOn Planto-TOUUlation) (bust.]WWA"I) 6/194/62/000/006/209/232 D271/.1306 AUTHORS: Andreyev, V.S., and Artamonovp ]GY. .. ........ -- ------------- -- TIT17".". Transistorized key divider for low freVatuaies PERIODICAL: heferativn5-7 zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 6, 19i2, abstract 6-7-217 y ('11 sb. Poluprovadnik.' pribory i 14kh primeneniye, to. 7) Xj Sov. radio, 1961, 296_ "111 T~~,X'T: The authors consider design features and rea,ults of on e,,,c- perimental inyesti&atio~l of a transistorized key divider WbIcb in- cluJes a selective RC atplifier with a double T-bridgs# Thelollovv_ ing conclusions are reached: 1) The circuit permits a stable divi- sion of harmonic oscillations by any integer up to 15-20; the low- est output frequency ~s of the order of 10 c/o; this is determined by the possibilitiis of the given circuit of the selective aMpli- fier. 2) The key divider is stable wher. the supply voltage varies between.3 and 15 V# an6 the ambient temperature - between 180 tnd 600c; consumed-porier in 45 mVI ftich ~a 100 tines less ihan in the electron tube variant of the circuit. 3) As in all key dividers, Card 1/2 UUMS X.N.; VQMr L&q ARUN=, N.V. --- Weight and size Inlices of wrina Sam turUno nlamta vlfA free, piston gas prodwase Trudy T6111W 7 ao*314t" IQ, (MBA 416) (mulas Iss t4rbbw) (HU-1114 diftel Orlaill") VOROHOV, F.D.j TRIFONOV, t.G.j yjIusIDP Sys*j DIgM11, 16,1,1 14L,PM1, lgy,, 0EGIM, YU,B.1 ANTIPINp V.G,j Prinimili 11011,10tiya: ',c,Ka=, L'A.; MUKOV, A.I.1 YELHUMV0 A.Goj MWOVj A,A~j XMILUCOV, X.G.1 7AUHITSKIY' Tu.A.1 AMAIMMX,.."; GOWDMUERG, I.R.1 RWWX~ V,M.j NOVIKOV, B.M.j MAMSKITI Aob.; DMITRIn"VP I., KWARu, No) HWZOVOYt I.A.1 Zt'T,5j K.A.1 BADIXI S.N.1 TAIIJIUMSVp do; MITROFANOV, II.G.1 CMILOVA, K.M.1 IVANOV, 11.1. Operating a 400-ten opob-hearth furnace on casiW-head guo Stall 20 no. 7:5q4--,,,qii n 160, (DIERA Ut 5) (Open-hoarth Aamues-Squipmat and ftpplles) FREIDOMM, A.S.; DMHTffl, Tool.; TRIYONOTs, A.G.1 A-rd.,. TTOWGOV, A.R.; BMMLTMj, V.I.j TAMBOVP aa."L Repair of tappirg holes on opm-hearth furaoos. Wtall1irg 9 no,7s2O-22 Ji i$f~, (KU IM) I 11 Nwitogorsidy vistallurgichsokly koiddmt, 1 .1. -. . . ~ I. .. . - . ... I. . .1 . - . 1 1 1 -, I . . I- : L2) : :- " - :z . , , ~', : :! *, !j 7, , " Ak"NOWN.M. ~ -- - *- Airplanes fly to Commmist construction projsots, Kryl. rod. 2 no.6:3-4 Je 051. (NM 8:8) (Aerommutics, Commiercial-Freight) I i 11:1.1 ARrAMMOr,U. Convver belt for owl han2age &t an asowdirg angle. N&pt. U91- 3 no.12t20 D 154. (MM W) 1. IPOROshchnik glavw*o mekhkmdIm diakhty DO. 4 coahM& Torkatugoll. (TOAMU-0dal-b-ndi tog maht=W) KOSAT, I.; ARTA,MDIIDV. N.. Initial results of the new salmrw system for subosobile driverso Bote,trud 4 00.11985-90 N 159o (x1U 13:4) (Vaps) AMAXONOT, 3. Remats of the now w" iWatem for drivem Awtotran 4 38 ,r"" I A0004-35 Nr 1600 (Ka 13: 4 .4d It lbcballulk truft I xombotwW pUty ftalloterstRa &vww*bU6- nogo traMorts I abossaMW dorag Vobekskxy MM* (Usbekistau-4agas &Dd Libor pvoduotivity) ZAIWIR V, V.1 KLrUZHEV, A-st-ARTAMBOY -N On@ briguIe operates on two faces* SojrwuMtw 10 400911&. 193 161. (KIU USS) 10 zoviestiul'slaftop insham shmIchty 1049 ko*Wmata Torkutaugoll (for Wbarldn), 2, 94"'hU, ucham" 16.1 abW&ty No.17 kaddiata Torkatengoll (for Klowthew). 3* Pacboftkiy mauchno-issledmtellskiy ugollayy inatitat (for Artescam). (Pechora &Sin-Coal Mines WA nuang) I I 1 11 : 111 11 IF IN I 1111ITFARF1511501MM ACCESSION NR: AP40Z0103 810125164/000/003/004410049 AUTHOR: Nasarenko, 0. K. (Candidate of technical scientos); Pov0d, A. (Engineer): ShAyakin, N. S. (Engineer. Moscow); ArUawaovo N. N. (Engineert Moscow); Panov, Yu. P. (EnSinsert Moscow); Ked ...... X'-W""(k3k6irA*er.~Mo*c*w)! TITLE: Equipment and technique* ot elecuova-U&M W4141bg d 1AYSM places SOURCE: Avtomaticheskaya avarka, no. 3, 1964, 44-49 TOPIC TAGS: electron beam weldIng.- waldiug. electron beikm wol"g equipment, electron beam welding method, U86., electrou bmam weWer, dagger shaped fusion ABSTRACT: An experimental outfit for sloctron-beam (cirWar) violding of large -size pieces is described which can be nounted an 46 "telemeopic" carriate with a headstock and tailstock and introduced into a cylindrical (4-m. length, Z4m diameter) vacuum cha=ber; 20-msn-thick suinloss steel was us*4 lar building 47 Card 1 /Z ACCESSION NR: AP4020103 the chamber. A d-e motor nwwited an the carriage assurog an adjuslable W'11111"~ rate within 5-100 m/hr- A VN-6 for*-vacuunk pump, &a M-26T oil-vapor fine- vacuum pump. a" a BN-3 oll-vapor booster puv Combined output of 10. 000 lit/see, exhaust the chamber down to 10 - 10. torr. Throo idectron guns are used with these parameters: accelerating vollage, 10-25 kirl test voltage, 50 kv; beam current, 0-500 mia; specific energy In t1is local bt&= spot with optimum Ions distance, 5-10 lwjmmiA~ Be=~ details of W014Ug procedures are given. "A. U. "t*akiy was the loading designer. 1PASOa-sers A. A. Mikhaylovskiy, V. 1. Xhoroshilov, A. L. L*Xkwv, and Vs r. X11-ria 0v Oka* in designing the outfit. V. M. Ships was the 1"diug dasignar of the olootron gun. 11 Orig. art. has: 5 fipros a" I tables AdSOCIATION: Institut elekbosvUld ior" Yso 0. fttona AN Uk;rSU of 12octria Welding, AN MwSU) SUB14TTZD: 2lDsc63 'AMTRACO: - MUiw$4 XNCIA 00 SUB CODZI ML no alir SOYA 040 000 Cold 2/2 10 111A,11 "T' TIM,, I I - I i -, a a ; . ~ . ~ ~ * 4~ 6 0 6 9 v if M A A L OL L A i A $1 A -R tw Rik 4 10 di :~iwd h" U16 Mom 'wow form. W. A. *0 -00 oil Pee 00 0 4 'LIN. s'-sok.- 7 Vo 40 Poo 00# ~44 too too to d44 v - 1 1 1 0 0 0,0 g, .0 a*! 10 0 4 a I " ,, .. , , . 4 v ol qj 6 a 0 p 0 0 0 04 41 4 A. A I A A oil so *a so a =btmv, NOW 4d ON bot Woo Ar a. root safto 0 No oo 0: *;,*;;o*; k ARTAMONOLIQ& Insh.; XAZAKEVICH, V-70., lnab.; LIMWY, la.L., --ansh.; sMMFMVAt R.A., red. 1 UMSMWMA, A.A., (Collection of fluss&w and forelp patents; omboad"m and their applications) Sbornik otsobest"noftb I marabash- nykh Isobretenii; poluprovodniki L Ikh primenonle. Hooky&, 1963. 77 P. (MMU l6s9) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-Issledovatollskly Institut patentapy informateii i tekhniko-okonomichemkikh issledoveMy. (Sadeonductorm-Patents) (Transistors.-Patents) 8/18 60'10'049 1002 X1000 /04/M/034 AUTHORS: krt"onov 0. Ot!gtovg, L. PC TITLE. The Appearance of 3100tranotAls 7,070011 In k*Ad Ulfi 9 oral Due to Irradistloi-Mb Slow 91#6trons IV, PERIODICAL: Fisika tv*rdogb tols, 1960g Vol. 2, Sol. to pp-~ 775-776 TEXT: Photo-olectromotivo ftrose in polyarystalMho lead asAlfide loyj~rs produced b vacuum vaparisation on Clues have been obsorvN& repeated tR* 1. This news in btlof #Ives a report on electromotive forO a arleing by irradiation of ouch layers with slow slsj~lrans (3 - 300 0). Value and sign of this *of 4spond oa the onera apd,; the aj4tlo of U44*000 of the electrons. At energies of over 150 ov the *j$ls ot !hloidance ~or which the sign changes approximately corresponds to th 0 1 f 100"Mos of tnyorsion In visible light, The vshe of Us est 10 vu an 0j :Zunts ,.to only some hundredths of volts, but such More for *#Aaft 0 litcol aqles.- An electron beam of - 10-6 a and an energy of -100 ey produced an 4st Card 1/2 ,AID Xr. 95T-11 2 May EFFECT OF ION BOMBARDMENT ON THE ELECTRIC AND PHOTOZLWTWC PROPER77ES OF LEAD SULP109 (MR) Apt-mnwm,Z,-3L, It. Y&. Seri*#&. and M. 0. Vinogrodw. Flulka tvardogo tela. v. 6, no. 3, Mar 1063, 059-961. S1181/03f04510031044/046 Variations in the conductivity, photoconductivity, and thermikl emf of sur- face PbS -layers have been me"ured during ion bombardmtnt. 16n-bom- bardment energy was of the order of 100 to 400 ev, and the tan current was 10-6 to 10-6 amp. Layer conductivity was measured with a high-range ohmmeter. Photoconductivity was measured at modulated Illumination with the use of a tuned amplifier. The dimensions of the layers were 0. 5 x 1. 0 cm. Measurements of a layer - 0. 6 P thick dortng argon ion bombardment showed by thermal-etnt sign that the layers had hole con- ductivity. Withthe passago of the layer -resist6nee.-boockbard- ment-time curve through the first n~axLxnum the sign chanSW and this layers acquired electron conductivity. In the falling secW of the twYe . ........... AID fir. 957-11 2 Wy EPP= OF ION (Cont'd) 8/W63/0DVOVOWOW restatahce showed a hyperbolic dependence on time. Following bombard- ment for - 10 min, the resistance decreased and remained un*knged dur- Ing an additional 10 hours of bombardment. With the rOmoval of the ion beam the resistance increased. The reversibility of the processes caus- ing variations in layer conductivity were found to depend on ion-bombard- menit time: during short exposures the process is to a large degree re- versible, whereas after a long bombardment the origirAl properties could be restored only following annealing in the open air. With the application of the ion beam, photoconductivity sharply decreases *#A after a long ox- posur* disappears completely-. it can be restored only aA*r rapooted he&tLng in the open air. Bombardtaent by ion& of mious gas" Chy*qpl%, oxygei , argon) made no qualitative difference. [DWI out 2 TI WS L U385-63 ,I 7~1 jjj 4 jj QVI~ 6 W** V" Klj Artaxem Till 1~',[ A dyn L: Pribory L jT TIMT: The artilalt dosl~-,:~b` j~t lifim,091 0 64 j - tLgatiiii Variations Ln, thea signed t , parmkk is do a m~asursxom lit 1 4 .44111 tial variations due !.,o L I lumft4it ;1B 50,,(v, the time contitant of t1s. isals u lihc C04,10, i~e~r si6~~tsv the circuit is usefuj primarLly,f4t, owasure Ato .4 Cgios p6t4 it'd V slowly. There are tvo figureso 11 x ASSOCIATIOM Laninglaldskij jj*444iii 4~0#~ POS Uhiversity)i ~SVMTTED: May 26, 1962; 1A 'ilk d 0 1~1 F I H 1111 [111! 11111111v 1. 12430-65 UP(C) 0c") T X' CF.SSIO.'% UP.: AJ?4047~1 Isl VO ~j 26 AMORS s Arts monwo C, . Pw TITI.Et Invw;t Lgation cog the tranov,arse - ~t lqvre of gre SOURCEs IvUv,. Fivika, w). 5, 1964t t,$-20, i MPIC TAGS: ciftium tol.'!.mride, p~otomve~to 60 potwitial "STILb.CTt To chadk on tbm light- sl4m, atlllll~d 14 the 4 tirf Potential of j)'OIyC_CySte.I'1#4'tke I&YO1110 OW CdTd #411AUve to the 4- strate, the a.Ltiorit inw-StAgated mlmultanaouajj~y -.tke pItIato-omt Ile thoat layor (H arid the Ught-indUICIOd VOCUAti~ 'OM 4 It t.11-41 joOtOnt0i 0 f the surface o:' I.he larwr (AS inveatION~t1ild 01111m, L&y*v*,**V* to 0.25--2.5 I.A 01(k and writ dompositoid in aceJartbMitm 104101 tbw L 1.200-65 ACCOSION NRs 1W404734,11 nolcqY descrij)e I ID, V. It. 10%bin 41.- Ak. 1P Y go. 4, 833, 196)) im a ',-5 x 70 M!qrlaolm 44$ ,~~tv serttitranisparent layer of qv1do 60 W4 it bj pacitor and by 1.ho capu itot MOZ14, the UIA~~ 10411;1 the latter Cagle at 200 ape. BU wwo mmovood 1~ I it :i' method, using a dynamic oupacitor idth a t0 incTIcator. Typ:.cmi speiAnd curvois' of the tOOO$iPtr** ieftect 4 shcwn in PLge. : ard 2 cif tho wnclomurat. Tha mimvilto Show t t 1, lon9itudin-%1 aint traingtivionva oiffects have =chi A10. :*00001M isi th spectral chara ct ericticil t;unmi fae.Lmyj Mad OPON41100: 01% U* u W+ nation. lkwevax, the av-dWAs expertivAnt&I 90111tio MlNjug~t be 0 plainud by mimply imiasundnig that MO md 9 RICIN Fro:114001:00 same clectric tectore aw,d not All 04 pMOAMOO imidi* ~Oiwd iq cliangei in the ;:Iucfa-::* pCIAIM.41 WMA ik 110t4c"0114 000itl4butiop, the Longitudinal ;ghq*4-*11'*Q%4 OXJVO Ar cow 2/5 ld*~ 1,32430-65 Ill 'T" f17 'I ALOSOCTATIO0 IT 4 1 Lemingrad 8taitu Vniverilki- !SUBMI*rr 04,%tay63 SUB CODEs c1? ccwd 3/5 ACC2WICU 11111 ;,P4047'142 MOM* 110 "Jac IIII j ~10 \1 mmell W*disod w 6 dr NYL M pir Ilion t) .0 IN Zug,$ I I go, gue, 3- Wit ImIrtatiyi tjj 1.10 owl i!.714 Lypictill. lip, fbiltrm fal, tt'O mms Itmes's, J'v Ccrd4/5 L AaMICN NAt AP4041342 $ '00 .100 -Ow t$ IT d c"d ....... . ..... ACC Wt AP7002722 SOURCE CODE: UR/02371$6/000/01210017/0020 AUTHOR: Artamonov, 0. ht. I Gerasimova, N. Klom*loy, S. A. ORG: none TITLZ: Experimental study of the operation of a inirror electron optical system SOURCE- Optiko-mekhanichaskaya protnyehlenno6tl, acx. 12, t966, 17-20 TOPIC TAGS: electron optics, electron mirror, mirror electron optics, surface potential distributiont retarding field' ABSTRACT: A description is given of a mirror electron optical system which makes it possible to obtain an itnage of the surface distribution or the potential. An experimental investigation was made of the dependence of the arising contrast on the system's parameters hi the case of a periodic distribution of the potential on the surface of the object. The results showed that the tontrast reaches a maximum value at a specific ratignitude of intensity in thou system's retarding field:, The authors express their appreciation to Academician A, A. Lebedev for his i constant interest to the study. Orig. art. has: 5 f1gs and 5 equations. JT~anslationF of abstract] SUB CODE: INSUBM DATEt 22Mayd6fORIG RZF; 0031 (spi OTH WZF: 001 UDQ 621.$b4 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 928 Artamonov, O,.Ya,- Dopusky, posadky i tekhnichni vywiry (Tolerance, Pits,, and Engineering Measurements) Kiyev, Derzhtekhvydav USSR, 1958. 405 p. 1,000 copies printed. Ed.: Amelin, 0.; Tech. Ed.: Patsalyuk, P. PURPOSE: This book is intended for students of technical scimls and may also be useful to engineers dealia$ with fits, tolerances and engineering measueements. COVERAGE: The book deals with basic aspects &,f fits, tolerances, and methods of anginedritig precision measuresients used in machine building. Standard fits, tolerances and allowances for various types of connections and precesion Imstruments us*d for checking the accuracy of gear tooth, screw threads and surface Card 1/10 Tolerance, Fits, and Engineering (Cant.) '928 quality are described. No personalities are mentioned. There are 12 Soviet refereaces. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Introduction Tolerances and Allowances Dimensions of machine parts mating surfaces and limits of parts Tolerances and dimensional variations Clearances and interferences Thermal clearances Fits 3 4 11 11 16 21 25 30 32 Card 2/ 10 Tolerance, Fits, and Edgineering (Cant.) 928 Accuracy of Ceometric Shape of a Part 36 Surface (jimlity 42 Classes of surface quality 44 Selection of surface quality 47 Surface-quality symbols All-Union System of Tolerances and Fits 50 General characteristics of the system 50 Selection of the basic system 51 Tolerance zones of a basic part 54 Selection of standard tolerances 55 Standard ranges of nominal sizes 57 Determination of Classes of Surface Quality 58 Selection of the class of surface quality 61 Card 3/10 Toletance, Fits, and Engineering (Cont.) 928 Economically attainable quality 63 Characteristics of COST (All-Union State Standutdo) fits 73 Procedure for constructing the table of tolerances 81 Selection of Fits 106 Tolerances and fits of small-size parts 126 Tolerances and fits of large-size parts 129 Free dimensions 133 Plane Tapered Joints 135 Fundamentals 135 Relationship between taper elements mW wetbods of measuring them 139 R~lationsbip between elements of tapered Joints 142 Tolerances of tapers 144 Limit and Slip Gages 147 Gage requirements 147 Classification of gages 151 Tolerance, Fits, and Engineering (Cont.) 9213 Tolerances of gages 157 Gages for plant inspectors and receiving persomel 160 Inspection gages 164 Design of gages 167 Conditions for checking with limit gages 175 Standard tnspection temperature 176 Tolerances ane Fits in Roller Bearings 181 Characteristics and conditions of mounting 181 Classes of accuracy 183 Selection of fits 189 Checking the accuracy of bearings 200 Tolerance of Linear Dimerksions and Dimension Chains 201 Positional tolerances 201 Positional. tolerances in dimensioning of holes 431 Card 5/10 Tolerance, Fits, and Ergineering (Cont.) 928 Dimenston chains Thread Tolerarces and ThTead Gages Types of threads Relationship between errors in pitch, profile angle, and pitch diameter Classes of accuracy of fastening screw threads Basic sizes and tolerances of threads Trapezoidal threads Pipe threads Thread gages and their tolerances Tolerances for Keyed and Spline Connections Keyed connections Straight spline connections Involute spline connections Tolerances for Toothed and Worm Transmissions Tolerances for cylindrical transmissions 206 212 212 218 221 228 230 233 238 249 246 249 261 265 269 Card 6/10 Tolerance, Fits, and Engineering (Cont.) 928 Tolerances for toothed conical transmissious 271 Tolerances for worm transmissions 277 Tolerances and Fits for Nonstandard Connections 286 Engineering Measurements 289 Classification of measuring devices 295 Classification of measuring methods 297 Characteristics of measuring devices 299 Conditions effecting accuracy of measurements 301 End Measurement 303 Gage block and feeler sets 305 Multipurpose Adjustible Cases 315 DepLn and height gages 321 Card 7/10 Tolerance, Fits, and Engineering (Cont.) 9211 Gages Based on t 'he~ Screw and Wheel-nut PrincipLe 325 Micrometers 326 Inside and depth micrometers 331 Dial. Gages 334 Inaide gages 337 Snap gages 338 Conparators 341 Angle and Taper Gages 344 Angle plates 344 Vernier protractors 347 Taper gages 348 Sine bars 350 Instruments and devices for parallelim &%W perpendicularity tests 353 Instruments for Checking Rectilinearity and FIstness 357 Card 8/ 10 Tolerance, Fits, and Engineering (Cont.) 928 Devices for Checking Screw Threads Pitch measurement Pitch diameter measurements Screw thread gages Devices for Measuring Gear Teeth Gear tooth vernier caliper Gear tooth micrometers Pitch measurement Involutometer Checking worm gearing Checking conical toothed-gears Optical Instruments Optimeter Toolroom microscope 362 362 363 370 376 377 378 380 381 383 384 386 386 390 Card 9/10 Tolerance, Fits, and Engineering (Cont.) 926 Surface Finish Measuring Instruments 395 Optical instruments 396 Kiselev KV-7 profilograph 400 Pneumatic instruments 402 Bibliography 403 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 10/10 GO/jw 12-15-58 W'021/60AM/001/007/013 A 158/029 AUTHORSi .-Artamonov, 0-Ya.; Fedorchenko, I.M., Corr4paponifing Member of the AS UkiWT-- TnUt Effect of the Slutertng Tomperature on the Vcrm eif the Pores In Antifriction Metalloceramic Materials IV PERIODICAL: Dopevidi Akadamiji nauk Ukrayinslkoyi Radynra'koyi Sotsiallst1clx1vi Respubliky, 1960, No. 1, pp. 44 - 47 TEXT: The authors repert the results of their o1judl of the effects of the sintering temperature of antLf'riction metalloceranic materials on the chanp in microstructure, the form of the pores eal th* pertmability. Th+ etkidy wa3 con- ducted on over 2,000 parts, which Included bearing bushos (helgbt, 20 - 57 sul outer diameter 16 - 49 mm) arxi cylAndrIcal samples (15 tim high, 10 mm In diameter). The bearing bushes (10, 15, 2V, 25, 30 and 35% of poromtty) md cylindricta $do- plea (10, 15, 20, 25 and 30% of pcrost ty I were made of prifs4ed Irw powder pre- pared by the ln3tytut metaloktramiky I spetslal'nykh splaviv AN UkrSSR (Institute of Metalloceramics and Speclal Alloys of the AS = Y. The former contained a 3% admixture of graphite,. the latter were made cnly from tht FLbcve -mentioned Iron Card 1/3 K $/'021/60/COO/001/007/013 A1q/1kO2q Effect of the Sintering Temperature on the Form of tho Poret, In UtIfriation Net- alloceramic Materlale powder. One part ~:f bushes and samples were sintered sit 9100c, awther at 1,0500 C unler identical conditions (h)nirogen medium; time of slaterIng 3 h). Tests for gas permeabill-.y were conducted by weans of pressing carbon d1c,x1de through the bushes and samples at an inilial presivre of 2 atm, ftminatiDits of adera- structures hav,!~ sh,3wn the follcwing factsx Parts sinterod &-. 9L0%-" had a ferrite structure &And spherical pores iistributed in groups separated from one another (Fig. 1). Parts sintered at J,O~Doc had a perlite strutltuve, irregvlarly-shaped pores. often Interconnectel with one another (Fig. 2). Th(t great affect of the temperature of sint.qring on the shape of pores Is explained ty a difference in the crystalline structure of iron at sinterIng temperaturmKighier Ani lower than the criti:a! point, and by different mobility of atoms, wUch ia such greater in the (X-phase at, 910ci.' than In the I-phase at 1,0500C. This grester mobility of atoms In the Ot-pha3e at 9100C produces more spherical pore*, Lneroases the &res, of contact and results in a greator shrinkage (Tab-# 1)~ BV#n a amall change In the temperature of sintering can result in a radical change In the shaping of pores, whi-:h affecti the gas pomtabllity and oil abscrptlcin qua.11ties, of bear- Card Z/3 $/021/60/1)00/001/007/013 AlWA029 Effect of the Sintering Temperatvre on the Form of the Forea in Ant-ifriction Met- alloceramic Materials A 1V !ngs, as shown in Table 2. It it *vidtnt th4l teagInas stntored at 1.05OCC haLve 4W a minimum of separated, closed p-res, a gmatWr ell absorption qual.1ty and. ulti- mately, better antifriction characteristics. Thmre are 2 pbctoa, 4? tables, I graph and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION. Instytut uwtalokeramiky ta spetissplaviv AN UkL-&3R N'linstitutv or Met'all-cceramics vd Special Alloys of the AS Vk?*Wkj SUBM.M.7ED. Augual 31, 1959 Card 3/3 STAMMV,tO.M.; EERWA, RJA.; MKOVAs ToTe Chaups In the surface potential of low NUMAG flus d1w to illumination. Test, 14V Is no-4141-46 163. (MA'1633) (Load sulfide) (Photoolfttricity) ARTAXONOT, P. . - , Protecting the work and health of worken. Bots.trud no.10:124-128 0 157. (MIRA lot U) 1. Predsodatell kovissli okhrany truds savkoma profsayusa GorIkov*kogo avtosavoda. (Automobile industry-seretv ARTAMONDVt P. (Gorlkly)l HAZINAj M.0 skoomist (G6r'hy) This is tM grmp vago system, not jags "Jisatl4in, Sor, profsobay 20 mo,p2041 F 164, ()aAA 3,70) 1. PredesWell kmbsU mimbsOM plm,+4 L nondreqwLin truda sav*Wmp kwitsta GbrIkovskago avtwavoft (Iror ArUAMOT). VA 10.6L& Wyman" UMOM ii i i i il~ t, t -6 911 v lies s it 11 Ir - v Atj M 0 ofll- t IF ,4f t.-JO, , p4m."., .-, . _04 7 i A U & ww ft so sow e d is so Ja , V `7 0" d I! IUAlmad 0, b a 00 see OAII 1W 400 R 4r so OO 400 1400 see 4 41110, *"Wool oil it *100 'q 0 0 0 999000 00 0 00 10 4 0040 00 0, 0 -14 * PA W ~~ too KI I t Mod = id *MOO* MA OWOV"tw do pmt ddw lu ""mot 13 "*"1 Ow of It. ns f o f d gas . a w o o~ I filkw Poo -Coo 00 dbl " lip b" fu "a MW W*40tum it qm 1 ! 00 00 IDS WOO fie* utow" ingests" ctivelcomw 00 01 0900 0 o f 0 0 See 6 0 6 0 9 0 4 0 w * 4 i, a t 4 4 e 4 1., a1"0 CIO I ptil I. it 11 *lp v TZIA- I- A.. 1. )k% A Iff Ji A.!ft# -AL-AL-a-L _4 a P.4 I- "!Jiro# ~!"u 0*?,k ff. 00 . .- -!, I : Ae ~4414 swid P. olo a. P = UA ntvw 10) "Mao W" am cam= =Xro"'Stu Ww=l so fill ramma"m Ubwe is mdaw in's I"*. V4'10'11'1~ 40 1 JAW or A, 7, As I qn, ,, TT- 4~4 , , , , , , , - 4 11 a 34 41 0 t# +Q4&eS#,llf 9 Oro 4 a a 1 k- 46 4 AI A I 101 4a c # - - - A - 44~44~ l 060cf-fis 0oovealli'li offs Rv -I R"Ns" Woo" I-"11. jl~; xhim SVK16 1.0. 1 in owe I'S blz W ww. =4 - by 914 mic 90 see rib 4"t M, V. r. thr Pan a Imai opt- pwit 1= woo Use "*SUWON a do*tv WHO Noma fag Sell" Sol 410 &s04$.& mal"Mmam u"Salm ctaw U a p 0 1 1 4 rd I a 0 1 N 0 0 a a 00 #00000*090:10:: 00 0 MM11140to $T: : 0 I*V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A.1'anninUu: 0 11*4111!, ft Pug" #,Z P#Fjlfmk Oaq, 11! HT, 11111 111,11RAINIIII'm IVIIIIII, 41 (1 0 0 I , "" 'l- ~A-11 11 -P. i'4- "':WA 1'. i - = ') I '., Eng-IMI.'rr" 0. 0. 2. umR (6oo) 4. Water Gas 7. Purifying water gas with a solution of miono-athyl=lne, 14mil. AIX. prom. 117 nN go 1952. 9. Monthl List of Rubsian Accessions, Library of Congrema, -AbraWm-1951, Upel. Compamtive hydropnatlon and oxi4ation of oota&oenoic 4toids, Zhur. Obehaher ShIm. 29,1140-3 '32, Oawu 598) (CA 47 no.1416863 153) Abst. -'. 43 No. 5 ~ r. 10, 1954 . . ;nvn Choui2try i I i ~ - I lu. t - -:---b - i I - i~ --.!; - i. d ,k! Alt 'n'T"17 , P. A. OPrepAration of A 2, '-hexadiconoic acid.* (p. 1988) SO: (Zhurnal Obshchai FbImIJ), ARTAXOSOV, P.A. W------ 014* P"pamtIon of 2-docasenoic aold and ltUdy of Its proeprtlep. ftr. Obabobey Xhis, 22,1992-5 132, (MM $912) (CA 47 A0.1718639 '") lo Lab. 07dropulzatell, Tassoyus. ftuah. IssledovatsI. lust. Wray, i i. ! i i ! I r H !Ji 017 - , - T tw - , 3 A I I m I i I I i I I i .1 . i, ~,ij - - - -A.-. kaudidat khImIchaskikh nauk; 02". BoU,O bodidat l0khal- chaskikh nauk; GZASHOM, M.S., inshenor; AMp Disloo inshener; a- WILSON, M., inshener; SIMIN, L.I., I*ahena~; ARANTO lol, Degeneration of a used catalyst with prellminay dsgre"lag. pros. 18 no.6:17-19 J* 13). CXW& 6;6) 1. ToosoyusVy asuchno-lasledovattlIskly Institut shlroy (for Art"Oftort Sterlin). 2. Rookovskly g1drosavad (for 81"haboy, Ibmah, xellksono lhsy- nin, Armpov). (91droge"tioa) (CA 47 no.22tl2839 153) , bo v-et C" W. I-as--S4 q PP&414~ I I -,T~ I U^ T441L .1, . 9) A-ETAMONOV. P.A. CmParative brdopnatl*n of m"tunted fatty p4ldis, 016. Co,- &6a C22- Mmr- Obdwh*Y DU. 23o 216-18 153. OA 47 no.1417235 153) 1. Lab. Gidropnisatell, T"soyu. Nsuabs,-loolodovatal. Inst, Zhitoya, : 1, I 11011P.Mlim, IN I I I I . 1, 111 1k; 111 IT! 11;! 1 : I: - " , ARTAXONOT, P.A., kwAldpt khImichoWlkh monk. , rying a SWUM of vilabi carbosaU and topper carbomolls, Maol.-shir. prone 29 no,,3113-16 '34. (NUA, 7 16) 1. Vvesoynanyy unoMa-ls#Udmt*l'Wdy lastOut Sid-rolluar I ma Oft taospirtovey,proormblemull. (*AMC Apfe"'I"n) ~jl ~i 173 A ID P - 3 5W Subject USSR/Chemistry Card 1/1 Pub. 152 - 17/20 Author : Artamonov P. A. Title : Structure of Isomeric acids formed during the hydro- genation of vegetable oils Periodical : Zhur. prikl. khim., L8, 7, 775-7771 1955 Abstract i Raman spectrum was used for the determloation of the structure of the acids. Isomeric acids of hydropnated oils, namell sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, soybon oil, and rapeseed oil were studied and the date compiled in tables. Two tables, 7 references, 4 Russian (1912-1952). Institution : All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Pats Submitted : Jl 31, 1954 Acids W o 0, rnw~-'- of Or le n t of ARTAXONOT, P.A. 1 - Acetonation of higher allpUtle dlosysolds, Amr,obAMs, 27 w.10:2726-2728 0 157. (au ntit) lolressormay muebm-Issladovatellaldy ItAtllkt shirov, (Acida, Orpalo) AUTHORs Artamonov, P. 1* 79-28-5-55/69 TITLE: Synthesis of t a Oxides of the Higher Aliphatic c4 , ~ -Unsaturated Aoids ud Investigation of their Properties tPolucheniye oklmoy vysshikh zhirnykh -ntprsdel Inykh kislot i izueheniye ikh evoystv) PERIODICALt Zhurnal Obshchey 1himil, 1958, Vol, 28, Mr 5, pp.. 1355-1360 ~MR), kBSTRACTt It was of interest to the autho:~ to *btaia the oxides of unsaturated aliphatic acids with the position of th*ir oxide cycle near the oarioxyl gToup and to investigate their propertleaq as nothing has been published on them until now. ft order to solve this problem they subjec0d the transisomers of the following unsOurated acids to oxidation with bonsoy1hydrogen peraxi4s: hemadtoene-2- -&aid-1, octadsoene-2-acid-1 and docosano-2-scid-1. The investiptiom showed that the fret 44ids enter very slowly into reaction with benzoy1hyd"gen perioxide. Card 1/3 iar this reason the metbylestere of *41ds wtro subjected Synthesi: of the Oxides of the Higher 79-28-5-55/69 Aliphs, 1 06 -Unsatursttd Acids alsd Inv*$ tigation of their Properties to oxidation which ;*ad to a quitkem formation of the oxides in good yields (table 2).t-ftus the oxides of the hexadsoone-21--soid (tvanT)' Of (IT&") and of doootens-2--&ail- (trans) we o3mthatized for the first time and their properties were investigated. It was found that theea, oxides can easily be hydrolited vith the formation of d1oxy acida. the following acids were obtainsils 2,3-41oxyhoz ado ~sne-, 2,3-dioxyoktadooons- - and 20-dioxydokoseno ai~ida, of which only the second one to doacrlb*d in rofertnoes. in the hydrogenation of the oxidest oxy soide form. In the cleavage of the oxide ring the hy4rox:.wl Joins that atzbon aLbou which is most distant from the oarbjxyl Oro - U1j-o;;h-qx&docene-, -3-oxyoktadecono- and ji-azydokoasno ac'.4s, Obtained the second one had boon unknown before. Of the oxidas of hexadecons-2-scid-I (trans.), (trans) and dooosant-2-acid-1 (trans),, Infrared absorption sporotra were taken. ihere are 2 figures, 5 Ubles, and 22 reforenose, Card 2/3 8 of which arog "viet. - I, , , !!!a 6ynthesis of the oxides of the Higher 79-28-5-55/69 Aliphatic C64 -unsaturatel Acids and Investigation of their Properties ASSOCIATION: VessoyusWy nauchno-iss1*4ovatalkekly Institut shirov (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Pat$) SUBMITTIDt November 15j 1956 Card 3/3 APPA ONOV, P.A.,kmnd.khix,WM*; NUMM, AJ- Study of the chadcal Oompasitio* &ad ph7wimabomi"I properties of oil obtained from the OIM variety of cottone 11"10-swo prom. 25 no.298-9 139* (Km U32) U Too$ -- - madbac-isslaidevatollaktr iAmMut shlrov (for Artamonov). go 11raoWskly pedAgagicheakW Institut Imml Zardavi (for Mansdow), (Cottonseed oil) --., - -111,11"r ARUMADT, P.A. Interesterificatlos of take@ Vmoprlkl,kti& 33 0*71 1449-1465 41 160, WU 131Y) Olotoriflassion) Wib "A tatO ,1V ifl. I. I __j . ARTAMIII;V, a MasMetic prospeoting methods. Truq VM no,4:140-158 Oa. (Marwtic pro"ating) Ow i4fg) 1 f . f ARTAK09", R.A., kand.khlu.nauk; SIONNA, Ts.A.; GCBYAYJWA. L.I. Data on the litteresterifiestion of oottftsmsd oil# Kol.-shir, prom. 25 ua,N22-25 159. (M 12t4) 1. Tsesor=W Ustitst %Mm. (Cottomsoed oil) (Isterlswtift) f-TO ~!"- .-I, '- #-, ~' ' ,-~) .-A , MCN, P.L.. XMAGA, AXTAXCNOV, S.D. I Two cmes* of rolazation of the dlophraws Ilvirawarkh. noonm " 158 (MMA U86) 1. Xhirurgichemkors otdolonlys chetvartq Rognitoprskq goradakcr lbollaltor, (DIAMMOX-MONT) 1. POPOVP F*A., ARTAMOOL-.5. T 2. USSR (600) h. Grasses 7. When perennial Prass sod sbould be turned up, TMidy UWMWZ. 6l 1953. 9. Monthl List of Fuselan Accessions, Library of Congrees, !~x -1953, va Icl. A"WOUI, A 0 AMUCOW, I.A.; IOM, ToA. 1 MPIMs TOX VA3V6;Ii'U&--#K.-* log rW*l UWVAMO Ago Efto U.S.S.R. W U6 I.B.A.1 fa*ts mW tw, 0] on amli tellry I fskty, Ilaskrai Gas#lxd*" pAilArt-r7o 1961. 139 tun Subject MS R/keronautLes Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 2/20 AD P - 3296 Authors I Sbishmp L.j Lt. Col. &a Artaaawvp V,, ikj.s N*rOes of the Soviet Union Title I Sturmoviks, approach to the target Pleriodical I Vast, Tosd, flotap lip 10-15# 11955 Abstract s The authors describe the tactics of the gttAwk ty assault aviation an small targets such as twot pmp mottsrgs sto. They are conaeraed W147 Vith the detection of targets wd other 010mntt Of swassoM attsa. USY are not donarmed 'with timp Addh W" *OwidWW In atiolos In &w. 2 aW 7 (1955) of this jorml. Dispaw. Institution : NcrA Submitted s No date ARTMIOROV, V. - puladchik; MISLONKIN, V, 0 Inidi. A drtm with pockets* Szobr*i rate. noJilWl Or 162.~ (IOU 15s2) 1. Zavod NKarWltv$ Orakhovo-2uyeveo ILr=s (C*nta4 re)) i. A~