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ARSHAVSKIls I.I. Pro-lft of specif."Loity in Commection with the phPiologima awymis Of the action mealimailm of Sam A colegidmi SdAtow" at . various ape* Truo Team* obva7 t1da. I ~tcjhzb. i f*m. 41LW- 135 1%. (mm" 2484. lo lAboratorip -rosrastnoy fisiologii Institute. obehobry I. eksperimentallno.7 pat6logli AXX SM (mv, As.'por%UwlyV 1wore I,A. ArmbikTaldy). (PHMLCOMI) (IMMUS SUM) ARSUTMT, I.A. -- On the saftre, 'e bioe-tectric potontislo I* vounectlos, with t1w amlymis of the elOoVotows wA basic nwvo" processes In In outogemy. lsv.All SIR UrMolv 23 moolt?J-78 41*4 138.0 (mu na) loIngtitut nornl'3*yi latologiohoobby fistslogli AlWX SM. XWOMOrmtouW) Rom) ARSAVSKIT, I.A. lVelological basis for Classl0ift AvWborft chlWas Socardlag to induse Of wturitY MA i"AtwltY- TOP, Okh- Clat- I dot, 3 no-117-14 J&-V 059. (KIM 3.2 2) 1. Is laboratoril vosrastwy f 121ologil i patolalgli (my. Prof. 1. A. Arshavskly) la~ stitift uormallaW i patologjohoskoy fistoleell An BOOR (dir. - Prof. 1. S, Chernigovskiy). (IIWANTS(MBOU)) USHAVSM, LAO . prof, meabanisms of the I'*41m adoUtion AM rasitt*de at Wfasat aMa, Vest.AM SWR 14 nc..019-29 159. (HIPA, :AS 5) 1. Labomtoriya votmatnoy fisiologil i pato3ogU (ftlro - 1410f. I.A,Arob&vWdy) lutituta nonwltuoy i patologlofieskoy ftmi*20gli ANN SWR ~dlr. I - dayrityltel tbn chien ANN SSSR* . V.3.04imigavokir). PHrS OLOG f 0, PAMOL4)GIG&L) (AOINGI Mil oil 11 1 :314 4 I Ali A ji.A Nochasimo of the devolopost of mtritla*j funotions durftg the introatorlso Varied #WA toll-mring birth (PrOWSO at AftvL4. bility during sar4 O"s of Ontopmelm)w Shur+dboblels 26" ao.21104-U4 Nr'.4 #59. (NM u1s) lar Laborstarysof A4p Phrolclogr qd Matboloa, Inartituto of Norml mA ftthologic "Ioleff$ Aceduy d XMIaM Below** of the U.S.801. , (mMYOWGT-xLVWA) (NUUMCRI) ARSHAVSKIT 1o Physiologlc&l modbardsme of divergence; bwood an the, date. of & comparative ontopostic analysis of soft physiol"'ical features of mbblts and bara* In connection vith ths pts- cullarities of their scoloVs Zooloshurs, 38 no,1011454-4470 0 1590 (MM 13-2) 1. Idtboratory of Age Physioloff and Pathology, Institute of Normal and Pathological ftalobgy. Ac#AMV of Kedical Sciences of tt* U.S.S.L, Moscow. (Phystololw, Comparative) (Rawils) (HAres) $g~UIULJA.; XONIOW40VA. U.N. Marooterlstlas wit voch&ulm of true pepsin ; m"4011 of the natiore of idlibitift [With 00110427 In lbellam PISIDJAMr. 45 no.2tl94-202 1 '59o (XVA 12f3) 1. from the laboratory at dowelopowtal VWoUiloffe looMato of Iforw Old PaML416 hysiolaw. maeoev. ( IN' I MOM NVAUTICS1, TTfAwmall's tme poselsom Phommom (fts)) pl,l OtTend,; _AOAIMW, VOG.# ,ad,,. OOMMA, ya.L.,, ted. t VMWAXXU=# 0.1f; 0: red. g PAW T.Y. 4 red.t 9=33, PA# redei tWIW, L-06o nd,j W=W9 A.I., red, ENstsrials of tbsl hftfi Comfoream ftwotO4 lo Pwidblatme to, tho; ftysiolcas Norpw1op, ftarmcgoff SUA.. Inloal Opects ot! the lietIcaer lWootion of tlw Dr= we ri.17 *ucwwjL konferestoU, pos*lombahenot p"bl4w" 9 lolojolj~ mtrolool farmakolo6i i WAUd gitih4lMol tolt* oil 9610va"D no Moskva. 1960, 134 mu 14t 1, lauobmWa ki=fbrSLUtsj"$,, po"$hWW pro'blOnam fislol Apo* morfologill famakdool I klinud rot moy f rPwitidl so wsp. Otolia 1*1010 1 tlslktrm~l 11101 41, ZT, nermoy slatew batitute lormilmor 1640ho flsla'40. AM SSR, Moskva (for Apfww, ftnmllli~ 3. leturstorlys. vosrastnoy fisloloSU I pntcj~lgil botito ImormoOlq i globaskoy fisialokii AM 9M, Moskra (ftO'l'AnmVa*yl. fisiolodolmsb%3ral laboratorlys lAstitutm m6sp ANX IM, XcO*S (for Troflwv). (Jaw) A:LIMAVSUY. llTa Arkedl;Ferich . ................ (Phrololoa of W-ood ciroulation in tbo-Introtubel porio4o lislologils krovoobnshoheallm Yo vautriutrohm perloft. Moskva, Illedfiso :.960, 334 P. (Km 14la- (Fwu ARSHAISKIY, 1. A. (KCIsk-Ya) fetikulyarn.~-y& formatsiya i osobemosti sna i narkozil v raalLchrwye vozrastWe perncdy (dallneye-hire materialy k mekhanizau osushcheptvleniya narkoza na tseloitnom organizov). report submitted for the First Moscow Conference on Reticular Formation, Koscov, 22-26 March 1960* I . 11. 4WHAMJ~q,.I.A. PeAelactrotows am the 1"lis AM meahmLon cf *xoitAtide W 4uh4idtiong bLopbgvicd mobuda Of alltOOBCIU06tlOXL JIMCGINfe Blofis:um 5 no, 2:24.'61.151 160, OnA ut4), 1, Tyk.-titut namllmr I 4lotiWwokoy flodolooii UOUSM, Moolorse Pal(RUZIRaponiolm) 11 ARSHAMIT, I.A. "iological Loportance of the transforsation of the skeleto- mcular, rompLratory, &nd cardlavesculaT systeem in urlous mammle during cutogenests. Trady Inst.vorf.shiv. mo.31:35-50 '6o. (mln 13:6) 1, Institut utmaillacy t palclo Oheskoy M11010911 AM SM. (WjMLj%T (Amxm)r imHAVSKiyj I.A. , prof. On the nature of peripharal aw oentria inabition (m4via ite formation wid cb4nges It the procsom or atogswlij)s AMN SSSR 15 no.1,1,841-53 160s (KMA 1. Laboratoriya v3Mstnoy fisiologii I ;rlogu Imstitau normallnoy i patAlogichaskLy lisiologil ILOW R. ,LMHAVSKn, I.A. Longevity of mRn in the light of dAta of a ocw4arati" ontcgenic aralysiso Biul, NUIP, Otd, bialo 65 no* WO V-D 160, (MM 14:2) (TAWAnTY) AAWAKIT. I.A.- Mechanism of Seo-ionov Inhibition in oolmectica wlO an anelysis of it in the proossii of antogenesis. Trudy 1-go Na llj37-12 161. (lG4A 1535) lAabortarlys,row"tnoy rislologli I patologU ("VO - Pgor. 14A, Ars,~avsldy) Inst1tatta numalluoy I patologlaWakor Cislologil. AM W3R Moskva. (ISMITION) ~M~UVWX, "; YIND ".Ap S.I. Characteristics of the dowelopaent of thormoropUtim re- aotions in newtorn 4nrants and the problm of the subotm- tiation of the Umparaturs and bwddlty reglxo rKpired ftm them, Nauch. irform. Otd., nauchamedo Intom AW 00 nooll 3-5 161 (MM 16211) 1. Institut noramllnoy I patologiobeeloDy f1slologii (direk- tor - deystvitelhiyy chlen ANN SM prof. V.V.Parlm) AW SSSR, Moskva. IRSHAVSKilt I.A., Amurmul 1610 Foatwoo of motor (ske3atawscular) and v4ftcuo other rorims specifio for the amotaUl period in phyvialogi*44 mab~m and inature infanto, 'lop, okhr4, mat, i dot* 6 nom 101-37.4 162, (MVA 24:4) 1; Is labarstaril vasmtwy fislelool, L. patolo is yr*f, 'Ou (vow. LAs Arshavokly) Institata carvol, 'nay L Pat logaheskay fislo1w ANN SSSR (dir, - daystfritellMy ablon )W SSSR lwof. V.N,. ChernigovoldLY). (IVUB (PM111U)) (IVAN% (N*BN)) (RV.U=) HzIIIAV5UY, Machani=s in tLe origin of innervation f4*tozs rapdating cardiat: activity in ontc,pAesie; analysis of the gonpisla of byA)J,wjg of the cardiovarc%xUr system. Voist. AMN 16 no.5i1?-2-'j, 161. 1. lnutitu~ n=ugainoy i Mtologn AMN 3"t.. I (WAT) (WAN SISTIX, SDIPATHEM) (VAIM NERVE) ARSAVSKI.T, -To -As Payslological baff--m of novbm% nuwtion In Wao OW prmtm Wats. Cook, pedita 16 no.7/91676-6" A, 161. 2. UOUT nor-laq a toiccieko ryvioiagu &m (roditov x*d6w Own AN SM pvf. r. T. IWAA) laborator 4pre 9"Iouvo patnlogis (va&udis prot. 1. A. lwnvWdl) (nWAn NMTI(W) (MAW MOM W%4fAo*A die-0 (WAW "M4"92 suwtion & diet) . AJ(SlkVSJUY.I_~_2 ._ Mysiologiesl to-sit of autriUon of physi4qOoLU:i mature and imature neccAesi Vap. pit* 21 no.2t*-33 Ht%Alp 162. OUU 150) 1. Iz laboratorlL vosmatnoy fislologU i p4tologli (Mv. - prof, LA. ArtlavsIdy) InotltutL normalt*W I poitoilogictaskoy fiziologli Afil LBAO Hoskn. (DWAM (MM)-4PyTjlTTlw) 00"J..'J. - WHOSOY, I.A. *On the mchanim of arig!.x df iuMbitUn it, the nrAnwacuUr apparatus in ontopnests.11 Repwt submitUd, bit not pmasOml at tM 2a4 IMUMU0011 Conplas of PbPlolQglft2 setandoo., 141dam, the leftalands 1(~-Il Sep 1962 ~- Some comparative ontogonatia data In corrslmtion vith the analysis of caAsoo dotermlzibg the open of life In %awmalt. Trudy MOIP.Otd.1461, 601-0162. (HIRA 16M 1. Institute of Normal and Pathological ftsiolojor AcAdeiq, of Medical Sciencat of the U.S.S.R.., TAboratory of Age ftobilogy and Pathology, (WN(BVM) AFGHAVSM,J.~.; HEMMt K.G.; SUROVTSEVA, Z.F. ftyniological prInciplos for the satumWa p"teoUom of tha fetual substantiltibil of the provfttica of soostao sod the phydologleal Imaturity of nobeft infants ~ Yest.00 $= 1 no.11t606-70 162. (VOA 16: 3.1 1. Institut, normilla igtologiaheakay f Islologli AM Mt. (MOSTERS) (IIA. (MWWU)--4MrAUM) (M=) AfflffKMUY# I.A.1 WWOVA, V,,D. lbakwim of phomi i roa*tiono of the boa:4 It dop during dyseptery lntwdaa^.Ion at difflaMart 4p pmriWao TradIr Wt 1! norm. i Pat* fIsIC. AM OM nowlSO42 I* Is laboratoril Pawwtnoy p4$OftxiologU (Or* - prefs IaA, A L"' ot (=kal ftsla tbohab*7 i :a%oy patologil kadead A.D,. 81mrsmaktr "Stituta 602"Ualner :L PS- tologi*beskoy fisi-dogil, Am Ube ARSfAVSKIY, I.A. Inhibition, stimulm alterstlon (ameathmmis) U the light of ontaganatic data. trWy Met. norm. i pat. f1slolo UN 001 6s38-42 162 (xru, i7a) 1. lAboratoriya vosramtnoy fislologU i patologli tsa, -prof. I#A* Amhavskiy) ThotAtutA norualnoy i patologlabeek*y f1sla- logli AM SM ARSIAVSKAYA, E.I.; ABSUMLI'SI-TIAO Formation and trangfCOMRtIon of reflex motor reital.1cos kn wto- geny in connection w-A.h the unalysis of their inp~rtftncv in each am perlol. IL-u ~~, lh3t. noru. i pat. fiziol. AW a= 6: 57-59 762 (MIRA Mil) 1. Mbuiatoriya voirtwtnoy fiziologil i patolagli (W, - p-.,Ofo I.A. lmhavskiy) Tz a iltuta norml $nay i patololgicheskoy f1s Lo- logii AM SSSR. AR!;HAVSKIY, I.A.; YEINIKEY:'J'k, 'a'. I. ~ - , , Characteristic feuti-,'es of excitation or the alineritary center in physiologi call.- witure newborn children. MO. ekap, b1ol. i med. 54 no.8:7-2 Ag 162. (MIRA 17: 11) 1. Is laboratorii vxtrastnoy fiziologii i patologii (mv. - prof. I.A. Arshavskly) nstituta normal"noy 1, patologichemkoy fisiologii (dir. - deystvite.a7y chlen AMN SSSR V.V. Parini ANN SSSR. AMHAVSK7Y, -,A, MochoyAorr- of the devolopmot !' n coordlonted (Tsai in- biblitim in ontogaiesloo N#mo Sisto DoAsWTO 16.1 (MM 1821) .1. birlAtut, norwillnoy I patologichmmUy fisiolopil AM Mp Hookyu a "Oiiobennosti -nergetiki, ~ iiamic*veskaya aldibiostl mustu.-atiry I poverkhnost' te-.a. " report submit-ced for 7th :-.n-.1 Cong AnthropologiciLl 8: Othnoloijr-al Sciences, Mot;cow, 3-10 Aug 64. AR.IZAVSKIY,, I.A. (Moskva) Rikolai Evpnlavioh-.""I*adtnWdl,'(11152--~1922) u4 Ids ooLamtVfic legacy. Priroda t,,,3 no, 120346 164# (WA IS11) IRZIIAK,, Lay Inaakovichi AR.SHkV4XjT$ I.Ass pr9f.# oty. r*d. (Respiratory funct'.o3 of the blood in the indiviftal development of manals] Dykhatollnaia funktalis krovi v. individuallnom raw-ItU alskopitaiusbehiMs bloW lad-ve Qlaulcavg 33 19641t, 181 p,, (HIM u a~ I I It i il I!` i~ Hfli! Ana I yo * , A.' tho -,ft F-. , t fl- ' . --i I i , ~i - ! * , i! i~ n -i .1 'w :-; -,I i ~% - I . 'r; e -- vation ~leril '?r ot Qi- hBay. in ii.wv*.- am-iiiiapi Owitiva), Bi-UL. ekal. ,14rR' 180 biol. I id.3d. 57 r"I, ~, 0- lit Ap ~u,, 1. Labcratorlya vos:-s-itnoy fiz-olc-gil, 4 (Z~Itm. -, prke. 1.A. Arsha-i!41y) institu'-t i pitologldiesk,q fliloliag!i (dir. - dfystvote,I!nyy --hIen MIN S~7511 II.'f. Pitin.1 . P"If S!JN, ~~abmtt%ed AprII 'F,, i9tA. ARSHAIISK-TT, T-A,; I.A. Chara:teristllcs cl )10~d gasas !ri the umbillhtsil vecivolo o.1 new- born agphyctic infants. Blul. okop. blol. i mod. 57 llc*61.10-34 Je 164. (MrRA 1814) 1, laWratoriYa vCS'.-Aatnoy fitiologli i patologli (stiv, - prof, i.A.Arsharskiy) Ivis-.Ituta nozmallnoy I patol*glaheskny ftniologli (dir. - deystritel.',V7 chlen AMN SUR M.Psrim) AMR SSSR. Mookra. AiSRAIVSKIY, !.A.; YENIKEiEVA, S.I. Characteristics .)f ontogemetia changes )a LW rosioUr-s of Mb~ heart depending m torlations In properties of the regu- lation of its ac-.ivlty, Voy. geren, I gerUt. 4:33-40 00- (MIRA ISO) 1. Laborstorlys. vozftstnoy fitiologii inst,ituts, normllney I patologichookoy fislologil AMS WSR, Moskva. !.A. Mechandsms of the formation of inhibitlon ~o mtogony. Tridy Ingt. norm.i pat.fiziol.. IUM SSSR 7112-13 164. ProblvA of lAb.-Illtr in the light of physiolooLeal ontagemLe data. lbidstl4.15 (KIRA;!jS$6) 1, Labontorlys vu-spastney fitiolegli i pmWpgU (,Wt. - prof, I.A.Arebovskly) ~nst;ltut nor"I'my I. putolooohe*7 02.1.01004 AM 53SR. AR~ [ I I - - , '?,, CompamtLve studies tin the role of ho*oum*~ ImO mapipttropblc form of nutrition Iii-antenatal devolopmNit v; 40 arpItI496, Riul. aksp. biol. I rsid, 59 no.2:29*32 P 160~ 0410 IIS7% 1, labomtorlya volrcataoy fitiologii. i patolo (w, ~- prof. I.I. ArskAvskiy) Instituta normalIncy i i'Wo.- 1 logli (dJx. - dmystrl~ellnyy oblom AW SW V.V,, Ptirti) AMR SSSR, Moskva. --T 1-1 Sul -1 1-1 it! I I I . . : ARSHAVSKIT, I.B.; MITROFUM, NX-9 XZAUU* 1-1- Coustructlon of the Imolora fto*Wa Tiaduct In Moscow* Tramp.strol. 10 no.7s'17-21 A 166o (XW 230) 1. M&vmr inshmor prorsha Giproftanagosta (for,Arsbj~"Ky). 2, lkcbmalaik tokkadOemkoso otd*]A Nostaftesta Ow Kl*xo:ft=v). 3. lachallnik imostopay*969 IbAft ordaft &MAU Nostesness (I%w kw:ikvsKiy m Remats of the lack of aontrol. Fin.SM 37 00.407 Ap 163, (ONL 1614) 1. NaeMlInik aledstvwmgo otdOU ohlasu. (Abitakly V~xtridt-Jmbesidomlst) D~Uifily4VSK", 6- (LeninV-ud); MHUVA, D. C14mingrad); sovetsnik yustitsi--* (Tyumms ; GALEM, A. FALtor Is mail* Sovo torg. 36 =0942,0 Mr 161 (XI?& 1633) I* Naahallnik $bole apdorosboogo u4WWl"dj4 I%boo*o pablbenjo Tushno-Urallskoy sheltimiqy dore . CbsIpht"It* (Retall trade) service) -VET : r -t , S . 14, ; I- Ai RLI i~-; YN , 1-L, . f,7 A.R.:',IIAI%3KIY, 14.1.; F1.1117HAKOV, G.F. Results of a year's operation and investigatlori of wi oxyUtr.- blown converter a 100 ton (Mg) caPaCIV, Otal' -?5 no-(,' 508-511 Je 165. (141RA 18.6) 1. Yuzhno-Urallskiy mashinostroltellnyy zavW !L Nizime-TagIllskiy metahurgicheskly kombinat. I I ~' t: - -- V Ll " r. --.; T z -- ri . r % . Not*. watr. Tramp. stroi. 1~ e 4, I* Sauallnlk sledstvonnugo clialn prokuratury rylijainvk,.,)y ~MIHA 1812) (,blas ti . RMENEVSKII, I.A., kud.tekluucauk; ARW'LSAIY, in:ihw Standardization of todbnologi"I.piroce"as ad #u--Upls mWdming in iA and mall-lot pmduetioaq Ust.mMusix. J ab.3s48-54 63. (Maid 169)) (MiftstrW UILITNT. A.X.- YONARIT, I.No: SHISELUICOT, A,T4; llUWj ARSIATUIT, IOT&IO' re-do; TMMV (6t., tokt4 red. [Automatic looomotivis olpallog with *out s SlAombis ollop acoordift to the 4WVOUPA IW the Research lutituto 14MOWA 1*424.b~ da.olibm3b.A.-Alm. a usprory1*4 A"idr OWN* Il=l. Ob Obso, 1 0 slip dor, is&- "ro. 19592 lyrosso;w *Mib skil lutitus she Aotolibmaito t~ldmo U*0 *4,52). am U96) (R&ilropd*--AukcvAtlo trolu oontni) DRYlaM. A.M.; NOZHAYXV, 3.$-; SHIBIELTAKOT, A-I-; c N.M., rodsktar. tashaner: SWROTA. 163.. tokbaialm. oldy redaktor. (Automatic lecovotiv* llipalive of the aolkUSUOU tYPS hViSS speol control developed by the Central Salsatifia lossonk Institute] AvtommAlabod.mts, lokovoti"Ma iligulisatalls. Upre- rywaago tips a koatroUs skarosti oist*W TaIll. Mosiva.. sag. tran". shel-46r. Ita'.40, 1957. 136 po (Nib"Ov. Toosoluorl usuohno-losladovatell ski I lastitat ibsloonsdoromboago tramsprfas TPWLv no.136). (bdlrmA"utomtlc k2%is control) tf-,7 - ,, ~ _'--'-i , " , - ARSHA IT, S,L,, insh. Modernized speedovoter type SIP-2K. Awtom., telem, I *"%*1 2 =),2: 7-12 7 '58. (*NMA 141d) (BailrwA,j-lqmllpmnt and au"U*a) ulopiding the in-M at. am eiu 36 no.3*22 ur 061, OQU UO) 1, NauebaVy S*tM*ft ugolIM Imod VAs DOMWO, (*,lfti*9T,ftw4 6f) VE 'FR iv,:: ~3 TOIXASSXAYA, E.S.; DYKMAJI, LA fdocessed)l ARSIUVSKIT, Y.Yo hmni" of tho -*tjoa of r"arpiae.. Tradl Goo, asiuch.-Imle In t. poikh, 42332%49. 165* (NIRA 1119) 1. Otdols" p6taftSiologii wyamboy sorlikV daat*llnooti (say.- Prof. B.S. lois"Amys) I -labofttorilik olektrotisloLogil Comdarat"anogo Aogo institutA polkniatrii Minloterstia odravookhranonlys ROM TOLMASSMYA, .: 'S.; AP.S!bY14K.-Y, V.V. Ele~,IrOphyair)lqlo antlyals rif tho central erfuct )f room-Im. Zhiur. nevr. i prikh. 64 na*6003-910 164. (KBA :17112) 1, :.aboratoriya elektrofiziologil (tavfduyijsMt.iy - proto ?oSa 'i"Olmsekaya) Inutituta paikhi&triJ (diroiktor - prof. r.E. Fedctov) MIrleteratva adraveokhr-Rneniya RSFSR, Hookvs. FlLl:-'MV, I.M., kud. tekM. Uuk~ OUNIN, %V.1 ARSHOSM. V.P. Causes restriptIng tat developm*bt *f the produntion of sconoadcal shapeog Hit* i gornarW. prov6 no4lvY).40 .1 la-F 164. (10CRI 17110) 56-5-4 --~ ACC NJ4 AF~63 'AUTHORS K&X4vnovsk1Y*- V.- a. (Professor, Doctor of tothoical oaterets); 'Gunin, 1. V. (CandLdd;.t ot toehnLeaL selesces); Krivono ov, Y%. 9. I(CanJidAte Of toCholg&k StieSCOS)l Kr&vtoova 1. P. (C&ft&ldxMe #f toeh- IDICAI saldeass)i Ipply,1101 Kh. N. (Candidate of Iselhole.1 **Loae*v); N-fhAvok b TO . (CA04160to of t*dholdst &A1644801 014VOILkovol Ao To (galls-wary; -jwMwa evokly, 1. 1. (960%6t01 011610810 4' 90 (%0x "460 j I son* ITL%s fta4vattan toubsoloSy for high-stroollb catlo SOV1611 *tall, so. 11, 1966, 1024-1039 high stramth t If TOPIC TAGSs A wot&l 0166416"A' rmbw tracul MM4410, hist #611111SIM73F. $goal# 013 Steel, IMS steel. $to$ vroOA. ANSTRAC-7: An loveatigatlow had base mad* to dev*lop a itoeves f,2r pr*- duties bimetallia tails,, too# Tails Vitb 6 09001 hoed- st.5 steel billet* Glad vith KIM, 613#t:r Rks alley at Ila **To hot- tolled into 100 x 150 aw bar$ UbLobb at c vsks&tifts, % to tolled tat* It-18 type rails. Rails with ote-daposited aladdliko k46 tko'hishost be strength and the vicat adti&(&4t*wy *%ciao* qualityo Wf h MY$% or US- steel claddLag# ostisfattery results vere obtateAd wLek "at wwpoalto Cold Ila 611,771.24 ACC NA. A? 641) 1 $4 14 :or p&ck-roll*d billocs. Italls with *13 stool gloddiag !Corr properties. Otis. art. bass I figates. SUA CODIs 131 Mn VAM some ii V j, 71 ren a ra irv~k i y NIPA 17:10 Ai ~ Ir --,,1; 1 l , ! J';Uy , .111, 1 zand no KnI c f b.1 i ig quz. Ls IrIfAtIlm."p, o1. )ru J 4!M4 H:7) ARSHAVSKIr, V.Z.; ALEKEAMROV, L.A.1 TSTA"HAO-T$Z'VA (CUW i1bac-CUIS) )btal Jamming during the proce" of roJI14 in TopoOVIISI Md ite effect an t1w amount of deformation at %b1- main alAgents of a rail section. SWr. trud. MDJ Ao,Ujj3e-Uq #6,,to UGRL 18112) AMHAVSKnp Tu.I,,; W1,91NEM, N.V.; OVALD, S.A. Periodic r4rUA trwWoration in slyglo u" fibers. 7 no.WA9-4 F), 59 162. (M31A 15 s 1. Institut blolagiabaskay tiWd U MRp *sber I Wtk"sM~r psuda"t"wWy Wagoglaboldy Institut M~mi TAnIns. (NOVES) A PSHAV.SKIY, Yu. 1. ; lb, 1 '., M.9. ; NOV!I-Ev, S., I Pbi-e -,r the of-p-,nnirce ~,f transforM%J= TAIY'Jm mr" fiber with artl%'cjAJly prr-duced inhomogemity. 8A*tjajk& ? n r, . 3 ! 6 19-62 3It;. (Mllth 17:8) I* Institut bl,)'4*fTt,~htmkr.-y flzikl. 4 &SSR, Mookn, S/907 621000/169/OCI/001 B144YI186 AUTHOR: -Arshav.skiyj Yu. I. TITLE: Effect of temperawre changes on %he respir4tion of isolated frogla nerves SOURCE: Moscow. Gosudarstveftnyy pod tv t,'~ . Uolen"o saplaki. no. 169. 1962. Yoprosy fixiologil nervuoy sistoxy. 165-174 TEXT: As a continuation of oarlier studies (Siofizi-k*, Illt no. 2, 152 (ig5a)) on the effect of to-Aperature upon the rest po%entla~j of ~-vorv6sf the respiration rate was inytotigated in isolated soin-tio nerve tissus of frogs on cooling from room iemperaturo tovi2.50 C or to -5.50 C. The apparatus used was a Tunberg-Winteratein microrespiremator in tho fors of a F. 0. Schmitt's modification, located in a thermostat. The ozygon aboorp,.ion was calculated fros To V(P - b)-273/760(273 + 10), vhore V0 is the normal gas volume, I the gas volume measured in the test, P the Card 1/3 5/907 62/000/169/001/001 Effect of temperature chargas on the ... B144YB186 atmospheric pressure, and b the water vapor pressure a% the test;.tesperatum- (toC). The isolat*ed tissue was kept for I hr iv Ringer's solution before being put into the respiro2oter. As soon as the equilibrium between thermostat and respiromete~,- was established after a temperature change (15 - 20 min), the respiraiion rate WAS M040ured for I to 1,5 hr. Then the vitality of the nerve tiSSILD Was tested osaillometrioully, and finally the tissue was vetted and weigkie4 so that the oxygen consumption per gram of moist weight could be calculated. The existence of I'spontaneourl" motion$ of the kerosene drop suspected by other author as refuted by atntrol tests. The average 0 2 consumption rate of 64 LI per gram of mo:Wt weight is in close agreement with the results of previous authors. US =Zia= difference between the respIration rate in the lot and the 5th hoar was _10. cooling of the nerve tissue affected a re4uotion of the respiration rate. The linear- dependence 4oteated between theee, two factors 7rove& that the temperature coefficient increases on transition from hitior to, lower temperatures. For measurements at 10 min intervals, the mean of qlO were 2.07 after modera%e and 2.46 after strong oooling. There are 5 figures and 2 zables. Card- 2/3 $19071621000,116910011(ol Efleot of temperature chan,geg on the ... B1440166 ASSOCIATION: Yoskovskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogichaskly institut Inoal V. I. Lenins (Moscow state psdagosioal Ustitute illeal V. 1. Lenin) Card V3 AR~MAVEF-~Y, Yu.l.; BERKINBLIT, M.B. Somatotopic dititributlon or Induced polmalArlis In the paramdial J,.obe of the airsbellum. Fiziol.zhur. 50 nio.4:41&.425 Ap 164. (KIRA is 14) 1. Inatitut b-ologichaskoy tizlki AN S11138t Vos~vmp . . I 111 :11 '[1 11 It'll li'l I- ll~ 1- .1111-1-11--l'..... lu 777=1 7 i~ , I T i (Till 14 I 'I; ixig IjIll (I. Ig1j; SOURCI:.. sictf iz;a-a, V.. 10, no. 663-11i'V2 .4; TORIC TAIS- wticm wchaudca, In i."Eul, phyllitillogy ON The auth-n-s tuvestigiVO tho Uhloofttl it h it'll i'vibuss of sutqmvt a id trallsfOr If oftmadtfl, or &40 Nit j rArn im x-mll FT Ill ill"Qa CKT 11 It I I,.,- aniawl im 140 Ill klit NO '.hM MIAN".i q ho Illsemill.. *rr.ll (xicirtl Mttl3IrA,4)f I (tff I-111:.411s it 411 tholl, 4001:0 14*01HI I'l, rijunfiq !~!1al!'(1 Allcil tonlim .. ............. LL MIF I E I .I L; I I TII AMESSIO11 U., OR-MOO elm speo t pauvosters are "PI-fifuuttly deflosdowt ~wi thiii i ghoo.~ tilL~ towltL ble to nin at diffetvmt aptieds vit:h a dulngpCIn jl~ 11 tos.41 mv, IS p4iteful to L M. GAlfaul, H, ft. Ill T~mitlln 9 or their 1: Aolromllo in t Ii tit ooolpk, and. JW. foili 41 h140'. 17 5 ftguweiv, I Y. ics~ AN &I': SR mi - ~114JMO 11 CoW ~2/2, lilt A F~; HAVSK: Y I K~" i . ; -.*. r-, ~j - I. - I , I - - , " . I., ; .. .:~ 111 L,." ~ . " . 11 - I."". Pole of deniriten In U~ furi,.,t.!c;r.'ng :)f nti-tre colis. Dvkl. )TSSSR 163 no.0994-~r-,7 Ag '(5. 1818) 1. institut blid'viche,;k-l~ AN nEE~R. Auguet 12, 19f-4* 1-~6RWiSKR, lu.I.; BMAINaLIT, M.B.1 DUNIN-BARK(MMY, 7.~,# Distribution of I.spulses In a ring of stlaulml,ed tld,ne. Diofizika 10 n0.6;1048-1054 165. ()URA 19ol): 1. Inatitut bdologicheskoy fi2ikA 0 SSSA, Markvs. Submitted ~ ALy 5, 1965. -W"N"R, IWWVMwi --If/ AM MM34 AUT016 - Aris'havo!~Ay, TU I. qaYjw-d=A - M..: ORG: InstACUICY 04 AAA%0jLwg.L%;L Jrhysics, AN., RjMecow (Xiwfitui'biolol:ictaukor'---j4- fisiki WNR SSSR) it 0 TITIE: Mechw4qm of the effect of direct current'on inftced potsintitt0*1*the cer2hp,UUM -Vo' SOURCEI Riofisika, Y. U, no# 1, 1966j 1A-142 TOPIC TAGSt experiment wdmap direct current,, electric potential, cortboUvaj, olectroyhysiologyp neurology, renex activityo nourony nervous systesip biceletatrio phonosenon A' -IM offoots of a direct on li&i" -PoML of the paramedian mica of the cortax at the 0 t ww~wwo atzhod. A direct carrent, possoid upiards (plas at the the eorW4 decreased the positive ph"s and greatly ineroased the nopti" VWI* of a local response (the bicislootric reaction to Irrit4fto of the rsd14 zerve) , while, Increasing a difAw response aMAM oa $*It&" of the Ubdua nor". A direct ourroat passed dowwards, wwwoo tho.positive owso and r*dwod the nft&t:Lvs phase of the JONI response, Jftjs refting the dUfusa neMse. F"sago of a direet. v=ent an be applied &M a wamor lwnw4ft v*ak responses of nerve tissue to various %Me of WWI t so Uot those responses can be detected. This mothod ought to be p&rUoa1Ar1r offeetive,'for ,stractures vith, an arbitra7 orionUtIm of nwums* ON dLtU obtain" lafteated Abat the polarization effect octewring in oonnooVlon idtk W gerwirstim of an Induced Potential mist be siscribed to obaftes In t1w ro4p#kawo of sav s *=s. The authors thank V. Bo EjtUA"Y k for technical help and N. M, bw&hutf A* Lo ~n! IU A A jzifonoy for their heIgul dMUM or-las wPM-- Ag M&SP440 AM -421 A: SOURCE CODEt UR/0219/66/0(-1/003/0008/=2 AUTHMs AEshavskigy. V0 ve OWt Laboratory of 91"tra$qdology/hoaded by Profossor xa4.wWA'd1.V.L 'Boiengag Research JW tAt.0-At DinhLoW411reoted by Arofeasor Dj-RA F~-' Kiniotry of Health RSPBR, Moscow (Laborstoriya eloctroftsiologii Nauchno- iseledovatellskogo inetituts, peikhistril. Ministerstva adravabWansaiya RSFSR) TM-Et Effect of-aminazin on origination of primary responses in tht cerebral *art= SOME: Byulletent sksperinentallnoy biologii i maditsinyo wi. 63.0 nc,* 3# 19"o 8-12 TOPIC TAGSS cerebral cortex, experiment animal, drug etf-ectp nourolcgy, Ms bioslectric phenomenong muscle physiology ABsTRACT: . A ooMarlson Is wde betwean *MMes In tho primary ocrtitul responses under the Weat of axinstine upon stimIsUon by soratic and by visceral nerves. The wTorivants; ware psrfonod on tats, rabbiAsi. aiv& hatose The anim&ls were placed under manbutal-ohloral narcosis (30 *nd ZD xvdkc at bcOMIgbt, respectively), In so"ral expertnents b% wb1oh the w4mls were limbilized with flwddyle arWicial respiration w&s usedo Birgle tRuaroo .vav* pass* I aicrossawA Ic" ad I to 15 volts in togitAdo var* tjvliod to the centfti ands or the eplenchnia and sciatic nerves, Ptegi*trat4n was made with a cathode osoillograo connsaW to t1w swond caseado.of iAe Alva ... .... .. . .. ACC NRt AF6022949 CompuW elect"moophalographi. The responses were recorded only fton the omtralateral hesdaph*n. In the cats, responso to stimulation of the soUtio nim appeared L-j both the I and n sones of the skinmscls sonaltivitjM in Sons'l the latmt PeriOd was 5.10 PdMasocrAol wapUttdo of the pcoitive ph&$* 100-150 mAMatoltso W negative phm - 100-120 yi4ro"Its, Ungth of positive pUls 1(615 miwb- seemAs, and length of negative phase - 15-20 millisecionds. aLmilar data waa given for other animalep relevant for both zones. This paper was presented by Active Xamber AMU WS V. V., 'Parino Orig., art* hass 2 fligums* VIRS) MB OMM 06 SUM DATIs 03Apr64 / OMC; Mrj 007 / oTu mw: o(* EUFLD921ANADni 0*1*; AlWr6=p T*Ioy AMBAl L.41* bubsometrie indioss in luag reafttim. IrWy bst,*.sNj blim, kwx. I cmat, AN Qrum*#W IlDsIA3447 062, (KINA. 2612) (WHO-Oll XII) (W&X~-=Qm CU=T) I up, P-1.1 AMM, LjtjLUUIMF, G.T. I *I"% otim rumum on tal pmu ompolum d the MM& ftlb~ IANO*bPoi kU&khlrsi ofttdl. A IMMAK IW4!~-182 1626 . (UM"MM) (XOW MW 331) (wimog) TASINSKIY, A.V.; ARSXIY,, V_.G.; BAX, R.G.; LAZEYEVA, A.F. System of measures for sanltatlon In sectlow vl* aim bet-eased dysentery incidecos in Dushanbe. Urav.Tm4sh. 9 wji.32-16 4 162. (DUSHANBE-DYSUMRI) (WRAT52; fim-n am An, - -!Vj Bl" 4 Abe Jour : Hof Zhur - 31olvetya, No 13, 1958, Xo. 6M2 Author t An bd"Jd.10646~ Inst : IMSSMO artM7 AcadomW Title : ArAlysis cir ftftom inlhe Boart aW P~ftthl" W47thm in the PO&tmtdI Ontotowsts of cattlp~j' Orig Pub :8b. OaUdht-s rabot StUd* Mook~ Veto awtj 190,P *YPO 31 116-124 Abstrwt t The animls vowo examined by wwoultatton and W. Tme M of smbrps vithin tho Own I Utafts " OU4 Irew- wtion on tte frequonq of heart beate ra) s IM - 12) Per minute. ftSht dtw birtbj, the 13 6quomy in calm, is, on the avftfto, 145, wd breathing, 56 pw idmts; in rmlt of thm# a"Ine 41d wt IncremAO the ftvquw4y of B. On the Ilth dayo the B fMvbVOW vu, olm tbo Card 1/2 46 t'. U, Irv-, fl"t-.1 Ro.-'ar In topt ~)r th,i eetcr-1r,-1t1.e)n f)f -ojtonm *)j~jf~jj In towilg Jr. c,-ttlo. Votc-,rl ir #fr. WRA 11:11) 1. Bclashovr~'-a-m eel OpIrtrur"u, i'ti-ntsira Uor iT- ah,-,vv!-riy% % voterinui-- no.,m wntsilor%. (rnr PyAt'-W. ApimAvm=,, yu. 1,: Msstwr ]RIot set (dies) -- "The Ofrect of Umpamtuiv changes on the physiologicat propertlea of nerve". Mbsoccv, ICF5$. L6 Po (wAcow City pedagogical Inrit im V. P. Potemkin, Clair of the ftsi)logy of Wn and Animalu), 150 coplan (KL, No 2, 1959p IIQ,) USSR/Humi-, aad kiiml Physiology - Ferve uA ftcllo Myslology* T Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol.) No 3, 1959, 13147 Auth;.)r ; Arshavskiy, YU.I. inst .1 .~ Title : Tmfluenco of Tmerature on Botential of lormmy ot Nerves or the Frog Orig Pub : Biofitik3i 1958o 3P 110 2) 152-160 Abstract ; With moderate chilling of the entire sciatle nervt the putentlm~ 3f dorrAncy (PD) vas smdoolly ralsed tc 0-1- 1.0 mv. With further deerwee of the tmMemattwe to 8 - 11 degreeis belov row twVemture Ithe phase at lov- ering of Vae PD began (to I - 1,5 w ftm the ~rifiiml level). la experiments vith jowl chjjjU* at a sec. tion of th4 nerve there were aalopu* biyMss changes In the PD. in experimonts on the nerYss vith the blood supply preaOrved, the dwacter of the chawpo In PD found in the organism with chillIng ver* essentially Card 1/2 92 - USSR/Ilumn and Animm.~ Mysiolosy - Rom and Wscle T Alba Jour : Rel Zhrr UW , Io 3 p 1Q,59, 13147 the out as in the isolated nerve lbut only mare lwow=- ced. Trmtcont of the nerve Vith 06011 14 A a *~)Jutja at wn,)LAoacetato caused a disappmemnas of the first phase of changes in IPD and a greater ampMals :)a the aec%A ;base. 0 Card 2/9 AMITSKIT. Tu.1. Iff sot of taxperaltire on the motion potential of the ftba soft6, [witb swotan It U611sh). 110fisiks 3 no,W?I-On t58. (au 22:2) 1. Hookovskiy pradskcV poUgogichookly lustAtut tm htw*bai (Ism. Owelol. oft., of temperature on action, -putowtial NO) (MOMAOM. oft. on nerve action potential Role of metabolim I* tba generatiom of bloolootric pateatial . Flaicle zbw. 46 no, 4s62,.76 AV 160, Om -Oslo) (MBTAEMION) (MMPHYSIMM) 1. "'.,Kl'!, Ya.l. -- . 1. .." - ----- -, I - " .1.11 Effo.-~t of chnng-s ln temperature on tfiR *:' ' lasolated nervez cC a fr- '. 11oh. zap. IVs' 1 169. 165-1,71, (IoRt 1,7t 5) ARSHM, Ta. ARSIM, 3. -f8. t "The clirdcjil-"rimntal basis for the onermtton of gastri.., resection in ulcerous dideses.0 Pirst Zeningrad 1,Wcal Inst imni Acaderician 1. P. Avlov. 3ukhumi, 1956 (Dissertation for the DWee of tbctor in Yedical SCLOInc$s) So: Kn"~zhnsva latopial, No 17, t956 MODUAMS, V.A.; BIGUA, A.S.: MUSINTIM. 4MPAO BOU06 kands md.nm*, red.; SIOMIA, 1).W., icmnd.mmdAs4, rid,'-J'nWCMX, NA., tokb"d, [Bandbook of now mWicines and their use In therspr] 4-4trambaik nm7kh Iskerstyeza*h prormtoy i Ikh vraeWbaos primaspie; vypiski, ftkbod.. Pto 1. 19%, 109 p. (MIRA 1214) (MA"OWOT) AhZ.-:BA, SoYa., doktor med.u.tuc Splenectmy to saw dise"ex of tho blood myotow. Sbor. U-vA. Mod. nauch, ob-vo Abkh, 2040 159. MM - Ut 10) (BLOOD-ZIBUSIS) HiA .1 " Icl~,~! , doktor med.ur* ....... -- Tr"tment of mts panoreatUis. Sbor. tnod, Had. mmoho ob-vo Abkh. 2:11-16 159. (PAWAU"ISFASM) (qu us]-o) Diesertation: Clinioal and experlinental basJo for resection operations of the stomach In caaes of ulcers Degree: Doc Red Sci Affiliation: 47ot IndlcateA7 Defense Date, Place: 7 may 56, Council of First Leringrad Med Inot imani Pavlov Certification Date; 19 Oct 57 Source: BKVO 23/57 36 nilcmmoo Gripriy Istsi2evicht Away juduppichl A, ..... tj:t f v. In 0 . ;.i EUXMI Tuorly Nikhm LARUXOT, MS., t0khmood. EContral of o4jusUbla-Made WnUU8 "too] b#blltp rogdirawaniis ;ovdr*twIo&vtsykh gidratuAto. 964040 000, suarg.lad-vo. -19Wo 123 P, (OA 2.42)) (iLydrmulld turbims) 'Rol - ------ -- KRIVCHENKO, G.I., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; AMENEYSKlyt 1144-1 Distribution of pressures in the runners of an mdjusUb**-blsdp hvdraulic turbine and axis] hydrodymmic stirsomest. Sbov* trvC MISI no.35159-Af 'Al. (Hydraul ic turbinep) (Him 1419) A55HENEVSKIY, NA inzb. Calculation of tranbient cozes IZJumtable blado hycraulto turbines. Sbor. trudo Mrs, 0-35t 73 141" ()UBA 14ti) (Hydraulic iurbines) Ell, ,VRSBEN4Sjx+-UJ"-r4nt1,.-. KLABUKOV, V.M., imb.; IRMPEN10, C.I., dotiftnt, kand.t44c1%n.n&uk Results of testiog the load dropping potentiml of turtim units at the Irkutsk Hydroelectric Poor Station. Sbo'r. tnW. MIM no.35: 49-59 161. OTRA 14tg) (Hydraulic turbimos) (Irkutsk Nydroelpatrle Pmtr Station) --T= "An Investigation of ths Work o.e ;~)tary Blade n4drutu.-binev at Un3teadj Rates"; dissertation fbr the daqroe at Candidatu of Technical 3CLI011COO (awardad by tho Tigdrr"*v AMAcultural AqadaW, 1%2) (Isvelstlya Tindryatevokc7 Yboooo,, No. 21, 1%30 pp 232-236) ARSHINSVSKII, Tu, Aspects of autonUou wd mechanization In the Arctic. Ifor. flot 28 noollsl?-20 3 158. (KM U122) 1901&vW Who OU"OvaCrYOU Plalliftlft Wrlbp flota, (Arctic rogions-Notooroloj7, Nkritlia) A85HIKEVSMI, ru. lbans of tnamportation of Soviet Antarctic Upsditiolwo Mar. flot 22 noJUI-45 Mr 062. (MMI 15s2) Is GlavW l=b. C,,Uvnogo "Ylaiya Bm" Morskop Puti Hin'sterstva urskaga fl*U. (Auteratic rGoome-aussian (Transpartatioh-4qui"Ont MA mm-9-1Z APSHENMKn. Yu, long6--ters fomossll,~ and iLratic naviptiono Nor, not 23 no.lotle-19 0 163. (KM& 1640) 1. Glan" insh auvnogo upttvleblya sevemso owsk"o MU YAAiStSrStV& Mo;%kb& flOUL. (Veathor fomcastimg) (Arctic region$-wJkvlS*tlan) ro w 1; i 124 rig., - IN.1 %lilt F NZI; ~ryl:-h iq p OL 0 33 IR 'PE OF H SP IEfr AllShifit:oll, i.; o. Tetanus follf;w~n~ avislon b!of).,syo Slivro medo(fofilpt) 15 no.5:32-33 161. 8/061 /'61/0013/)2 1/321/05 4 III 01/B147 AUTHORS% Charnorechki, 0. St., Arehinkov, I St. TITLE: Preparation of with highly ferromapotic properties P (-"9203 PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurral. thimlya, no. 21o 1961, 73, abstrict 21V14 (Dokl. Bolg. AN, v. 13, no. 2, 1960, 171 - 174) TpTs A method of preparing (-?e20, from Fe(II) ox*lats it a sitgle V operation is described. The conditions for the thermal treatment of the rye 203 ard the industrial prompeots of the method suggested were In.. vestigated. [Abstracter's notes Complete translation. Card 1/1 ?40;&W, -P.D. shevy 0. St. jl~i:rrrwroc~*!- 00st.1f ABISHIlvef Iw.St. (Arshinkov, W.St.) Preparation of needle-forming gama iron oxid*o. Dcklmd7 UN 15 no.103-56 162. 1. Wiseenschaftli3has forechungsinstitut fVv Kbwxgkto$mpkle und Radio. VorgeleCt -an Akademissitglied R.K&U*bou (a. lKlislev). Sj',?M1/6Z,f0Cq'0l0/1W iOO2 I(X)?, 12M AUTHOR: Ts"morechki. 0. and A iLko_v _011 ,.L Y_ TITLE: Methods fot obtaining ferric oxide (Y-FC2 03) Of high lerrOnapotic properties PERIODICAL. Referativnyy zburnal. cidel'nyy vypusk. 40. Pfibory toobnoy mokkaniki i i1Pytattl'nyyc ustanovki. no. 10. 196Z 1, abstract 40.10.17. "Izv. N.-i. in-t kinemalogr. radi*', v. 1 1960, 137-152 [Bulgarian]. TEXT: Description is grven or methods kir DbtaininS 11ciromagnetic nutterials uml as sound-arriers in the manufacturing of sound-recording tapes. By subjecting ferric oxalate (FeC2041HPO'; to ;k on"tar, beat treatment, rerric o) ide (y-Fe2O.,) of high fermnlagnetic prop-rties is obtained. [Anstracter's note: Complete tianslation.1 Card 1/1 AP-cHINNIUVA, N.V. (Arihyra.kova, N.V.] Calculating the str(.ngth of kvilt falirl,!s, Lah. pramp no*,:;61-63 165, CNIIHA 18:9)