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IMI-AMM. D.A. [author]; AMMITIVA. LA. (r*viewarlo 03aientific bases of chemical ludutry,.' PAPPOtela, lievieved by J4X. Arsealeva. Shur.PrM.Wo. 26 a0,931002-1003 8 053. (KW4 6tio) (Chouloal (1pshkoin. D.,&. ) KLITU. T.A.; POLUXOT. N.H.; LWZ*,- ATMOVA. 1.8.p.rodaktor; AM' 111i I , SEPAX, Ye,G,, takhmiahaskly redLaktof [Toohnoloar of nitrogen fertilizers] Tokknologlis 10;0,Irqkh adabranit. Moskva. Gas. nouchno-tokhn. isd-vo kh1m. lit-ry, 19 286 P. (Fatrilizers aid manures) (MLIA IOW (Nitrogen) POZINO Mako Isfimovicb, P~lnimkli MobastiYes ARJM~r tj._k.&.j L%WOVIIM, YuJaej KLUMOV# Go$@) XIZMp V.A.; KOIPX "O.A.1 9D-ID)WVSWp A.A.1 MAKOVITRII, L#A*, redej GMA) Z,Iop rwCoj SKUM, Tools## toichz4 reds (Tocl=ology of mineral altsj Awtillserop peatloldes :Uidustzlall "Its., oxides *0 acidel Tokbnolftlia mb*i*X'qkh *11i udobr"~Ip pestitaidovp pr=vnhIsmVkb soloij eklelov i Idaloto 2+1 led. pnW* i dop, pri uchastiii L.ZoArssn'mi I dr, LoWspadp $ tekbn. isdw khln. lit-ry, 1961. 1006 p. K33U 1,411-0) (Fertilizers and mauves) (Salte) KLBVKZ, Valentin AlIvInovic1h; POLYAIOV, Nikolsy PikolayericUl AMIUVA9 _10 I& Zakharamal AVRAMOVA) N.S.. , rod,, 1 -MAN, V.V*, tektn: iff. - (Toobnology of nitrogen fartillsers] Tekbnologile, as* ~s'% 10, udobronii. Isd.2.p psror.0 Moskva, Gosid4idimfAt', A , 1636) (Nitrogen fortilisors) I 0 VAFMO, 1". T., A.., and Mbr., V. M. Holot,:v Central Sclentifles Research Tnstltute af X-Rapi ind Radiolopy) -19h7- "Comprative Char.;.cteristics et the Mutno7anour Action of X-iloys In D-ftermt Kinds of Drosaphila,"' Dok. A, 5P, No. 8, 1947 SO t K~u -ARSENIYITA. N.A. -, IMLIGMS91Y. X.L.: IMIM. X.L.; PNMIrA, O.S.; W08MA, .,Wwmo-~' Radiation Reastles. Ited *WHA I ki IT118 (RoMM-MODUDIUL Erym) U:3) .2 1 ( 3 22-4-13/5? LUTHORS: Tin:rakov, Arsen"re-ra, ". A. TT T LE The Peculivritiou of the ff feat of M .1rni11inj!,, 1adiation Upon the Nuclear Apparatus of Sexual Cells cf A;e Ziles (Osobennosti vozdeystviya loniziruyjahchey radi&%ali na yn.4.irryy apparat ;,olovykh kletok- samtsov obezlyan) "ERIODICAL: Dokludy A~adi)Mil nnuk S40SR, 1950, Vol 122, M! Pr 5,39-5114" (USSR) ABSTRACT: Thi-3 paper -ives tlo results of the Lnvevtimllion of C,e in -.-pno which were tatall;r irradiated by X-rays (150 - 500 r). Th;oe investiffatians tore carried out in the 3iAhumakaya. meliko-biolorlo.h.3okajo. stnntsiy4 AM SSSR (Stikhuml Redical. Biolo, Station, AimdezU, of Medical 3c4erict.o USSR). The suCiorn investiviled 7 le~lticlles of ovdirL- ry apes usel for test -purpoaev ffacaort mulat,lii rUesus) 8384 from 4 to 7 years, and 6 testicles of 2 - 9 yean old anizals Nalen had been irradiated by X-rayn. The cotidillons of the Irradiation and the procesqf_ng of Cho -j-CA_';~.1',- t, )ro are Aiscussed, In a few linea. The whole experiment wdis, Ln cisential, con- Cqrd 1/3 iiectei with the investilation. of the *ri:rnatiojrniium fissure OV/2- r. -- - I P 2 5 7 ~NiA Peculiar-ties of tht Effect of an Rtllalior Upoi the "Vacloar j1p.:aratus of Sexual Cells of Ape Vales iti orla.- tc find Vii nonpo.,Titl.on of tjjj- Of ruint"r, an'] also -riti, Via i:1Y?31i1'-'LtiG11 0:* tke livid- 0" Bile V,1 jr~v-Jooytizq it'. a 7 ler t(, letermine the i-)nioed rndlc~tijr. In tl!fl Or -;h0 no w,.~re f~,)L:nl: lowaver, in i;ermatic tards wu:-e fo-ind. 9 Th init,.L-ies mir3otel with 101e disttirbuitatt of tLa tAmeti2re of th~ injividual chircmosoutue ~tipeoLaUy irt:Priating, nle ..ppliel loava cause a notic,9able qu~uatlty of dho-nosome dis. -urbanjes. The chromoDlxia zearmLizatiotti w1hicli ve::* found i the in,1i%idm,.1 to.,,itlcle ctr1la at vari~uv timea after tht rrallation :li-ovo the exiotenoe of it ,~mt-actod and contiltuous Jestrl!ction of the nuclear apparatus cittuied by a -ingle ir- :radiation by X-rays. According to the reault.i of this p4per, a part of th,i c!iromoaome ntructure vir,'Ja-Jotm mid;- last for -ife and cause new chromosome injui-ien. 7ti t1le to-atic1*8 Of nen sirilar Injuries muy be caused by a,_ ioriirli,.g radiation. "here are 5 figures, I tal~le, aril 3 referent;vs, ' of which is Card 2/3 Soviet. I Oyj':!,3- 1; 2 -4 -111 )57 The Feculfarities of the Effect of an Ionizing INdiat:,on t;:)m the Nuclear .ipparatus of' Sexual Cillo of :,pe Mules ASSOCTATIOII: Institut t4ofiziki, Akadenii nauk SSER (Inatituis of Riophynicso Aculegy o;1' Scl4nces,138R) 'RtSENTED: May 24, *95a, by 1. 1. S!mall,,,~iuzerj, Acattemiclim WTVITTED: May 25, '958 Carl 3/3 AUTHORS: Tiny:i',:ov, G. G., Arnenlyevag M. SIX',/2o-122-5-14/56 Bocharov, Yu. S. TITLE: Aj;e-Depe-Aent Charucte,.Iztic PeatureL, in the !..-.ructu:re of the Zt.,ticlea of illies vnd Their h:actioli ti an Ionizi.,, lrrAiAion (Yonrastnyyo orbentooti -r stro)renii se-innnikov otazlyan i ikh roaktsiya. ta icniziruyushcheye obluchcn-ye) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1,958, Vol 122, Nr 13, PP 799 - 301 OSCR') ABSTRACT: The prest:zit pu;per investig.-ten the histological. changes in the testicles of apeu if exposed to the aotion of various doses of ionizing irradintion. The autLore inve--til-.-ted the testicles of normal and Df irradiated apes Macaca mulatta (rhewin), which had b-m killed at f'- Sukhunskaya mediko-bialogichesklVa st.wntsiya AS SSSR (Sukhumi !Iedical-Biologicr-l Station of tbr Acaiemy of 8~-Aences U33R) and at the Instititt gko izuk-heniyu,V10- r.i'elita (Listitiito f,:r thi, Staly of Pollomycliti . A Lot-ril of 4'.,' of idlUerait a.,,pitj was smamiled, .,:I HIII III I. ........ - - ~11 it. ;e 3 -Ift? C!-,,-' cturl-tic t tr. tilre 501-/20- 1222-5. 14/5,6 of I;:"~ Tost_cj(~ f T.LAI' to an T-S of tio,', t(?st4clas lit- v~ ~ ~~l sf t! T:,,~ tL~,~IL _a"m,1U ve_,o vibdivided i_- t 2 6 tho lini;mtls waich i* 4 -1 .. tle z i - n. 0 d In, t.'I,~ to 0 -)1;,- erty. ~,c if V-.0 nIn'Un i)f Oup I rtr'.~~tizvo of -the tt:'Itic.ea ~e of pWwriy, there :c %~vvmntolencA.-~ in c,--:;c. It. 1--,.pLs, Ihich i~.: --ivr,-~! :tvd nt t%o? a,;e of 2 yea-rij c.nd trere killed after furt .cr 2 yeaxs, t'-e apermatic dtccta devilop a,~,,!ncaircinr) i:lyp fr~v tL(! of 2 Y(~~-ru old :)f the diets. L. it, ~1 z wl'.icll vic.-e ivral in tl-:e ct i ttv vi':~ ~--zun of fro:-. 150 to 4-,~j r, .,,zi oulynirdly --nu-.0 '~,i! to bo t ~:,Pr ty II.. 4 ~_%..T 1 ;: tioll. L14 Of JE..:cnov~tad -ra found t it 4. 307/ 0-122-5-14/56 f A 1 C, L c t 10 r. to al" I)nAlxin - Lrnalialion to frr.,-. !.,,c.-E recjiici~tiy thim in normul c"vira. .--.I the uta"k of to Cq Oc C ur ivlo YC rz 111-tti. :rl A of nurd- 450 r VC!:~'LI'U tl.0 crcz ao.ilutey iterilo. ~Amrl lIver7. T*n7v., 2 IT. t J~ T:D imn Z by I I W,, 23, ln~2 "Cytogenetic Cot.sequences -.3f the A,Aion f %diatiorA Upm t~he spelintogenssis of Monkeys." Soviet Scientists Con-:erning the liangers of Nuclear-Weapon 'AleEts, P. 91~, Publistng House of the Main AdmirAstration for the Use of Atmic Blover Council of Ministers J51.1T, 14:)scow 1959. DUBIMV N.Po; ;ARSXNIUYAp K.A* &=&a ra&ation redlaUes pastlels, lico AMU% Biel, W~U no. 3s228458 160. ow 11,20) (RADIATION-PMIOIMICAL SnM) (OW MWICS) 33314 21 8/560/61/000/010/012/016 27, D298/D302 AUTHORS: Areen-Lys. M. A,, Ant ov, V, Y,,, Fetmkhint ip L;VoVaj T. B., Orlove, V. N.0 azd 111in;9 . a. TITLE: Changes in the blood-forming organs of mice under the effect of flight in a space-uhip SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Iskuseivennyye a-)Utniki Zemli. no. 10. Moscow, 1961, 82-92 TEXT: A study was made of the effects of flights in a space- ship (tjie 2rAd Sputnik) on the blood-forming areans of mice* An attempt was made to differentiate between the action of vibra- tion, acceleration and X-rays. The experiments were carried out on 40 black C-5 1 (8-57) strain and white non-species mice. Their weigh-. fluctuated between 18 - 22 g. The some group of animals was also used for the standard, All the ealmals re- turned from cosmic flight in good condition. Cytology and Card (~D 33 111k S/560 64/000/010/012/016 Changes in the..., D298% D50~ histology methods for investigating the brain ixftd spleen were used., The peripheral blood and the morphology of the bore marrow were studied. Experiments showed that there is a etatis- tically valid frequency increase of mitosis destruction in the bone marrow cells of the experimental animals compared to the controls. Obtained data on chromosome destruction of mitosis in the cells of the bone marrow In mloe having been In coismic flight showed that these differed from the results obtained in X-radiation. Two main differences were noted: (i) in cosmic flight, the frequency of chromosome destruction did not drop prior to the end of the experiment; (2) there w4d almost com- plete absence of fragmentation in chromosome changes. The morphology studies of the bone marrow showed that in mice iao- lated for 30 days after returning to earth a sharp rejuvination of the myelopoesis vras noted, expressed through wi increased number of myeloblasts, promyelocytes, myelocy-tes, Analysis of the peripheral blood showed no noticeable deviatIcne from the Card 2/4 3331A $1560161100(V01010121016 Ohatngee in the.. D298/D)02 cor.trols. 2he hystology tests indicated that in the spleen of mice isolated for three days after the experiment the namber of megacariocytes drops. turther analysis of the cytology and histology data revealed that certain changes were noted in the blood-forming organs of the mice after cosmic flig;ht. It is assumed, nowever, that these changes occurred 4us to sereral factors in addition to cosmic radiation. Special tests to dif- ferentiate the effects of the various factors shov,e4 th!tt cosmic flight caused changes in the blood-forming organs due t) mechan- ical factorB as well its primarily vibration, Lisled da'a indi- cate that vibration is one of the main causes of tone mZrrow and spleen changes. The biological effectiveness of co;imic radiation and other flight factors is said to be still linknown, requiring further studies of cosmic radiation effects o-rer long periods of time on biological specimens. There 6 figur-is, 5 tables and 4 references: I Soviet-bloc and 3non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language publioatiors read as Card 3/4 1 ~3 31h s / 5 6 OY45 1'/ 0 0 0/0 10/ 0 12 / 0 16 Chimges in the... D298 D302 D~ follows: P. Devik, Brit, J. Radiol., 27, 4634 1954; 0. D. Darlington, L. F. La Cour, J. Heredityt Suppl. 60 1952, SUBMITTED: May 3. 1961 Card 4/4 ARSFN'YEVA, M.A.; DUBINDi, N.P.; ORWVA, N.V.; WiKULINA, E.D. Radiation analysis of tht duration of mkottic phases ir the spern- togenesis of monkeys (Maclea mulatta). Wkl. All SM 141 no.& 1486-1489 D 061. (RU4 14.,12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SM (for Dutdnka). (SPERMMENESIS IN ANIP=) (X RAY$,..40YSIQIOOICAL WFICT) U A (..Well" So* d POW C11.0,Wflit Cflov~f of 110,Wo Rbk led MW of 10"ou It 11411 all" lHd lififf A A tmotwalfif stielit of Ift ftserbareles IM Irk "Alatid cnit end M 00 WNW of dwoorovivolowd florrovil " In loommmitic ce"i of mike, colorits! 4 dillmrA dolowil df "W *W fill wettlitill. no Amom IN I U14 tKuttm soot it o"I'liftantry Iff"fer clitwog* coxt olon ram A i - lot otwoottm off"i of Jose viv. Wors w, form M& of own at Motor low 0 "wattic - to, I tkM thoui the "tow few Alm of rwisollits I, sionwait led WM 094 el peoft A .01 , tral" stool, of Ow AM 01' dift""t dwo .1 toldisdas on live 9WOwilit ovoll tow"Wivity 4d sowhel Slid ft%,KM se" frise at till Woot list" 4( mvw pliou" OWOW 4 ii"It"iIii NJ kv otpoilovelic *11boo, wftd.ity of The "miry In comp"d with Oe fioexat 71d to* Of piwvw 10 INNON " Now '"d b the colopm of go, $g,,jfwp A" A ftiol deals olf joldillihoport Mo*W 6 W41ar of lie, 4wft so tool ad wh led willing. A."&- 4f &4-- l(olume. #6- *at*& at tbo aA 3htl. Odeaves of J1111dutsm sewor4bi, ~-U AM LESSN'YEVA, Radiogioloi ic-.1 Lab. "C,)mparison In the sensitivity of gem calls of varlous numallo slociesoO Report Wmitted to the symposium on Namelien rissus Cultuve and CytoloCr Sao Paulo, Prazilj, 22-25 Oct- 1962. 426~ 3/747/62/000/000/001/025- D268/D30r? AUTHORSs Dubinin, 1. P., Arsenlyeva, X. A. and larkiat Yu. Ya. TITLE; The genetic consequences of the effect of suall radia- tion doses on man SOURCE: Radiatsiornaya genetika; abornik rabot.Otd. bio.l. nauk AN SSSR. Zoscow, Izd-vo AV 333R# 1962, 5-23 T31T: A review of the achievements of Western and Soviet research as follows: 1) Introduction; 2) The natural mutation process in man; 3) Mutations caused by the action of-ionizing r&Iiation; and 4) The danger from increase in background.radiation on the earth. Extant experimental data are adequate -for a quatitati-se assessment of the genetic danger to man from radiation, for studying the'na- tare of the effect of small doses, d!ise size, the red,Lplieatlng rate of the natural mutatlon process, and also for a 4etter sub- '3tatiated comparison of the effects of radlatioa on heredity in man and o-oher mammala. The true avereSe n4itural matatIon vate for -.,Individual genes in man) however, cannot be determinel accurately Card 1/2 As 3/747/62/000/000/001/025 The genetic consequences ... D2680307 as jet. Analysis of ti-.-e mLitagenic effect of doses in tho- 05 20 r range confirmed experir.,Qntally the absence of a thresho.*,.d dose for mutability. A series af works demonstrates differerces in radioge- net:'.c sensit4-vity in mammalian spocies. Experinental re- sults are presented on u-.ructural mutations in chromosomes and am- ong other 'Vo2ics the s:.ze of the reduplicatIng dose for fast. neu- trons is discussed. Ail radia;Ion is harmful to man and aince' no threshold dose exists, any increase in radiation is dangirous, There are 75 references. AS60CIATION: lnstitu't aioloaicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva (In- stitute of Biological Physics AS USSR, Moscow) and Institut Tsitologii i genetiki 80 AN 58.5R, Novosi- birsk (InLtitute of Cytology and Genetiost Siberlau Branch, U66R, Novosibirsk) Card 2/2 4268) 3/747/62/000,/000/004/025 AUTAO.W: Lrsenlyeva, A. Tinyakov, G, 0,1 Wang An$-ohlih, Ma Chan-ahu 'SIT" G~r-.ogenetiu radiosenuitivity of uxual calls in monkeys ;..Lnd mice a-. umall and other doso loyels ~'-J_itCAL. Radiatsionnaya Genetika; abornik rabot. Otd. biol. naak A SSSR. Houcow, lzd-vo AN $849, 1962, 50-62 In continuatiin of earlier work (Trudy mszhd. Konf. po airno- au iopollz3v. atomnol anergii, X., 38'5-396 1959) Mle monkeys (?h- caca mulatta. 16 5 - 14 year-old individuaLO and 2 - 3 month-old vU,-e mice were wholebody irradiated with single axposures to ;E rays t 10 - 4UJ r for the dormer and IJ - 600 r for the latter and were 0 also irradiated with 13o'0 gamma-rayu at 10 and 50 r. Irradiation in- crauued the cliromouoae reorganization rate in gerain&l cells in both 6-aojectsp the average rate being U-115 and 0,0571,v' in monkeys a:nd Mice rezpectively for I r at 10 days after exposu.-e. Cytological aad Card 112 6/747/62/000/000/004/025 Cy-~ogenelic radiosensi-.~-vity ... D268/D307 his-oolo-ical analyzes of 'w4te6 at di-,~'ferent times after irradiation 0 showed disr",tion of spermatogenesis in monkeys after 14 r, tempo- rary sterili-.y at 3J aayz.~ fol.,owing 3~) r, and at 20 daya following 200 r. 12emporary sterility was detected in mice at 20 &Lys after 200 r. Results showed i_:;he.- radiouensitivity im the germinal epi- the'-ium of monkeys ir. mice. The rate of chromosome reorganiza- tion in monkeys at 10 da;s iG zhou,;ht to double at 3.8 r, and that th in mice at 9.3 r, sho~iin,, at t'he radioaensitivity of the germinal epithelium in monkey is, 2 - 2 1/2 times higher than that in mice* There are 9 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut tiolo6iclieskoy fiziki AN 63SR, IIovkva (Ineti- ~ute of biolo.-ical Physics AS USSR, Mot3cow) and Ineti- tut biologicheskoy fiziki AN KNR,,Pekin (Inatitule of Biological Physics AS CPR, Poking) Card 2/2 ARSENOWLka.A.1 ANTIPOV, V1,761 PMUKHIN, V4-G-.j LIVOVA, To-$.; -- ) A, N.N.; ILIINAI, S.S.; UBMVAt L.A.; ULYASVJ,, 9"S, Effect of "as fught In spaceships an th aWogiesl mid histological changes in the howpolotio owl of WOO Probl.koox.bioi. 2sU6-1" 162. oan 16W (SPACM ruda-PM1161bo= MOT) (UMPOIRTIC SYSTIX) ~, 1, I 42695 8/747/62J'001)/000/019/025! D243/D301' AUT!iUH6; Jubinin, N. F-p 6zm!.,ysYa4_dt_**4 Xalyayoya, B. 3., ft~ 11sui-chluang and Wang Ang-ohlih TIT": --1he proteciive effect of cysteamine (0-mercaptoethylami- ne) on chromosome reorganization In the ttesues of mon- I.eys and m:.ce 6OURCi;: genetika; abomik rabot. Otd. biO14 nauk "~N SjjR. F105cow, Izd-vo AN SUSH9 1962, 207-299 T-`XT: The effect of cyateamine in protectin from -c ray damage bone marrow and germinal epithelial cell pucloei was' studied at the first order 8permatocyte stage in mice. and monkeys ~Macaca jaulat- la). 2 - 3 montho ola mice, 25 - 30 g in wpight ani of the Kud'~- minsky line, were j;iven 3 MG/150 mg/kg cyawanine intraabdouinally, 10 m4n"tes before irradiation with -single domes of :100, 400 and boo r, at -,1-5 r/min. The mice wore killed i0 2, 15 and 10 days Is- Ver and the testicles aAd a section of the femur wa---e removed for analyuis, Sexually mature, 6 - 8-year old monkeys roceived 3 ng/ Card 1/3 6/7V/62j/000/000/019/025 12he protec-uivc effjet 1)243/D30'! IJU m6lk-, cisteamine IU minutes before irradiation vith 200-r do- oes, were c~istraled 24 houru later, und a uection or a rib was re- moved. Oon'.roI3 have -,ix :jecond testicle and a second rib removed an ti,:; 10th ulay. In m-ce, cy:3teanine protected the germinal epi- th.elial and bone marr.)w cells to an average extent of 42-75 and 50-77i'j respectively, a; cumpared with controls, %nd in monkeyst to 52.4 and 5U.60% The mon,;eyal gerininal epithelial celle were much more radiouensitive titan thoue of mice. The latter i:howed no dif- ference in vffeot in p4chytene and diplOtOnO4 elle It.-vel of pro- tection Qbtz' ined in these experimQnts was exceitionit-Ily hight 50% aQ compared with tlic .-.U,,j obtained by Devik and Lotht. The two re- 8ults ~~re nct, however, strictly comparable. Kimball's theory that radiation-protection is not linked solely to removal of the.oxygen CffOCI ib 8L.pported. 1n both organs, cysteamine )rotecta aj;&~nilt cI,rumo6omp ioorgard",,ation but not against chromosomo, adhesiokit which indic~,,'%Oes that it LtCts by forming DNA-aysteamine complexes$ There are 4 figures aca 5 tables. Card 213 The protective effect ... U/747 62/000/4)00/019/025 D243Y:DO307 AiSOCIATIUN: Inatitut biologicheekoy fimiki AN SUR, Moskva; In- stitut biologichookoy fisiki AN XNR, 1'ekin (I-matitute of biological Physics, AS USSR, Hosomi Institute of Biological Physical AS 01?Rw Poking) Card 3/3 I- T _!j wMORS I - ire A 1:'. 'V Rva 0 :QrJo%0*0 N~#O j:LA -rrrLz: Changes in the the inrlusixoM *~r spe6io Ash* i~ i HIT, .11 ~Souskcz I Froble o*4b:h#*kd i bi Y -L, b f -U:i ii - IF: 11 'ii! i I&XV: 'In a-- stu, br Z CIL TI.L 1.:~ systew JkO '06: of t A _C j1poce flight were killod~*i in 4 1 tons vera-i MA 0-0 v or, --and -cytological propsxnt *r sipl*en &nd bone marrow.. ;Abnormal ti is t k )r See an a so on& i o a a 4%.M& as* ph Mn4 telophaj ~Od ~At , I :LM Preparations from -0 '1 n .10 0. eVIO s',:, pr' tortiot of sffectZ V"'observation period. tst itim a 1he'effects of X-irrad.;L* 0 C 0$11 :W Ople rp -i Card 1/2 7, ri 11 4.7 i I 1 1 1 1 r r 1: 1:1 1A ti11 Al1131 'Phillies: 46-the hisemop6i4 ',I 'I yi: 1W., fill; 1i Ili J'I Rr TI i I F 71 i TI Ii I C -7j ~T; ~1 rff A 11:1 T 1 1:k I Ew -L'i;? preparations of t 000% 01 he. Oil* m;3*wed a doe-line in M*z*Nml*ycvyt* i f-31licles after 9 d& OU*w*4 l m A 4 d jiO It ist ~ ~'~ er or b3 O q$; i ' 4 ~d~ . U W# 431 o$ J All I v . ,s y !' p a ppearanc -of - at:yp:Lca-1: viodl$ 41-~~ -it I:. 1: , S b d4iscribed could be large ~y - 4UP1 ioateA by: ex j Oire ~io t~ i*l* ti) vibration, which wait probably Of greater iC~ tha* 11 o sm-L e radiation an a cause of i4normalitiet in an-41 Al up kj$ go*US !aP diOo flights. There ar a 6 f igures anti tables+!; 'i !IjJ 4Z M l l fl~ ii I E ld I LA~ V' LIVO 411", 1 bi I urf OV49 'T, 1. A Midi orgavo ag iace 1 0; 1 i;- conditiohs i3olm-,z..p lit ProblAm# .11t kyaw 116-127 MT ng. ,Abratj6n,_ swceler oft ''i.-onducted on majea0 w aim cytological analysis of t.U, 3ance .1 a bod to ~i !U1 Of mitosis undtr tjo efte4 f I IT that the maority of chr4"softe ard 1/3 JT Cytologic and hi Stologi 4.6 7T, -chromosome d o'.uptiol ble subsequent anookaloulit 0 boric marrow showed,, after 36 da2v ni-i -lablasts, promyelocytenjand mye III ocmt Ir no of the spleen of the mLoe zhoweid i' d periment, a decrease Wthe num~ir 9' totoards the 30th day the number, of t he lat the 60th day the blood formation was ratliu vere conducted in order,to. aacertai th,6, S tion, acceleration and ight.144MM Introduced int *I raperItO iaxperiment, was an eff tivo damage of calls. one 1. sions.: s )SCO i:he bone marrow and splOen 0~ mi it thAt ~:h flight and lasted f4,r! ~ aMont '~ '30 riments. produced sudh~alter iota a id :a aration in a state of wii%titlesshess, Aanl upindle apparatus of 'ihO call'. t ace flight on the, coll dll~wti te.iAl'o 7,1 7 17T ir t its d~ 4WX S040-~ toic. lj:~! Ill 31, Hit: T! !~~7- i: r ~,'Ytologia and bistologja i 8: altogather undetett" i0ti are 9 f igures mid 3 table 5/3 :ii J I ARENMA, M. A,, ORLOVAp N. If., and HAKILIMA, E. D-O "A Comparative Genetic Analysis of the RadiosensitivEtj of M-n. and Softatle Oeus of Monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and Mice." report subritted for the 11-th Intl. Congress or Gtmeft:is, 11be IW, Hitherland8j, 2-10 sep 63 it Ii r T i Ti -if I k 102-43" wpm M."I n T :j r IM J~ 1T it L. ldo A:W 40 71 its prowatiouse makeys pm too IWI I IS- sperwitoatts, at mock I I miosisli bob% most summait ih lu wort Om,15* ob.-Imosove rneor ittlons Or v iit a I 0.0"% In Ides. The Vmtfir of usioals In nowam as Im U1111 11111:411iffill III I All 1 I tIir r.A ACMVX Ali AP3W39)3 re *]Jum an appanntly so wiatl*6- b" Visicib AN SSSH) i Inatitiat akipet. A'Institute of experlaeatal Imilb ogr Ask 0 AI I! J i" in 00DIs AS TAO if P J,, Li"; IT. ARSENITEVA, M.A.; BOCH901t, N.P, g*enetic radl*mnsitivIty of muckays 4rxl site in now stages of miosim. Radlabiologlia. I no.4063-50 163. WRA l7t2) 0 1, Institut blologiaheskay flulki AN 3601 MaOn I *ln*Utu% skeperimnWItM pstologii i terapii AM SUR, Sukhade i -, 1: -1-1 , il. 4 . . --_ . - - I . .. - I , -. -- I --- - - -- -- -I . . "Genetic effect of small (loses of ionizing radiatlogi. ' report submitted for 3rd Intl Conf, Peaceful Use$ 01' -1tM,`-c Ewr9Y, Gwevas 31 ARk-9 sep 64. N 0 y FIV A Fffen~ of the cmblned ot azil radiation or. call nucle! nf the 'none amirrow In mice. Prcbl. kosm bdol. 4t37,',.-3qO '65. (PIRA ISO) i, 4~ x)-A) ACC 110t w(MI-OW1111w XYMA: Golovicina, A. V.; GA nil Ep. -1. ODG: none 4e WIT The effect of wom spaci-siot rjdgt~ to khm 1 !if v SOURCE: Kossicheskiye Isilsdftv~nlyw' ~'Wq' J~' 10. _Olt d! i 1 bio TOPIC TAGSt animl pinetics, bl~0~06$c *14atidn$ r~diai i; , - I . Injury, vibmtion offeat aco*1441cm *toot im~Liii it ~tu* ABSTIM: The efflect on coital* I to a of vibration and acceleration ib' mtudi04 44 Jadepiado v W6 vith radiation. In the first. s4ries of o4or wAto with a frequency, cif 35 and 75 40~ (011101it" it ExpeAmental ~ shmed on Ibbroase L4 So an incre"ed fteqwncy of chtookloome re at .4 togel;ber with adhosion of chmniosomme In %be pal , In tl2e second series of expeAvients, alve were A16 C 5 and 15 min. This factor to, d an incrosse It and.some inartras In the numbeill of obrom*00 1/2 Ail Jlf . i~ I I I T11111I11, 11 '' L 4505-66 .. ....... ..... ------ ACC NR. AP502 T .~tions in the bone-marrow cells of mice. In Orax, an ~.,Uv i i an acceleration cause disruptLons In the tkt4ei 0 b group of experiizents on the con1bimed orfttt of:' r 80s on the cell nucleus showed a gone ral dectesse I t~e ~.Li** thete factors, wben applied prior to Irraftation Vith,j 114 I's radt"o) t neutrons (U rallizin) , the radi,4t,404 effOct", tile Volt , I ag rj decreased the frequency of chrOwsom ib~iratlions ltn, i4ork IM day after irradiation and decrtased the tftq%lency of ws, -'ill celLs after 24 hr. 0 protective f dd Hovever, th 'Oti Ott k i0a penb not only on when the effiteit was 0201t the 16a 0 of &1so on the tive Interval betviten irradiation. AnaLysis of the 100.1tantst 6f th-0 Ocio fol*" complex problem and requVres A**, W JAVG site t i4 Oil 4d y, and, 1fiaws. ' ; SM. OD1X% LO/ a RVI SUBM DAM O$Apr64/ *0 got Al COA 2/2 J ACC NR. AP6031'.06053 SOLMCE CODE: IA-RIO216t6(./o(jo/oo5/o625/064i 3 AJT,IIOR: FranA G. M.; L-i-V-Sh-1-tsXJN-- fizenko. Z. BLlyglya N.; Arsen'yevs. H. A.; k L! q2lovk i na, A 4uklyanova, L. D.; ~gzerov, Ye. S. ORG: Institute of BiologicEkl Physics!,_," 101 SSSR-F- -pp (InstitUt biologicheskoy riz TITLE: The combined effect of araceflimht factors on some tunc-:ions of the organisa :30URCE: AN ESSR. Izvestiya. Seriya biologicheskaya, no. 5, 1965, 625-643 rOPIC TAGS: central nervous system,biologic oxidation, bioLogic metabolism, reflex activity, brain tissue, radiation effects, radiation biologic effect ABSTRACT: F1~3ults of experlmep~s studying the combined effoict of spaceflight factors~ (acceleration, vibration, and~641atjo ) ot. some Nactions of the organism (brain hemodynamcis, CKS functions, and cell division of htmatopoiottic: organs) are dis- cussed. Toltrance of the CUS to accelerations depeAds significantly on changes of brain hemodynamics during accelerations. Brain blood rlw in rabbits subjected to centrifugal accelerations in the head-foot direction (5 G in head regiorm And 10-G in pelvis region) for 12 to 60 sec decreased. This reaction vas insignificant during the first exposure, sharply increased disring repeated exlosure, and veakened after chronic exposure, thus indicating that tolerance to nceel(rations can be Card 1/3-- ACI: Nk, AP60311)_Ir~3 increased by training. Participation of CN3 reflex meclhantsms in these processes in probable. The 15-min exposure of guinea pigs to radial accelelations (8 G), centrifuged tvice vith a one-day interval, increased the spantarteous bloelectrical act.ivity of extensor muscles; however, the effect was aot. lasting. It vu lowered ,.,e day after the second centrifugation and was essentla_'ly the stime as the control fron. the sixth day. The 15-min exposure of the mnLavilm o vibrations (TO cps, 0-h = amplitude), twice with a one-day interval, produe-A U-so d.:stinct but more sta'61e changes, with normalitation more then 25 dwjs &rter the first vibration Exposure. Changes in nWoelectric activity during spacefligh: (~Putnik-h),Apcorpo- r.-.t.ed features of both ac~:eleratjon and vibration efftets, apprea-ablyexcieding %'.,am in intensity. Oxidation processes in brain tisoveir, judged by P02 and "oxygen est" resultz, were initially increased in Intensity by, the effect of -vibrations tusing the above parameters), and subsequerstly underwent phase changes, including Jepression of oxidation metabolism during the afterefrect peri,>d- Changes in unconditioned defense and vtotibulotonic reflexes and u?per roomius activity were observed later than 12 days after vibration. Inkibition of food-procuring con- ditioned and defensive unconditioned reflexes in the majori-,.y of animals, with pro- nounced perSUDUC pherawrW4 was also 'hM. Expcowe t,08-, 10-, mnl "0-.,j accelerations and vibration (700 cps, 0.005 m, 60 min) resulted in decreased m.Aotic activity of none -marrow cells for 30 days. Disturbances of cell division Involved chroMosaml stickiness &nd Increase In 'the number of chromosomal aberratlmt. Ionizing radia- --~n3 and the atove dynamic factors produced a simfUr efftict ort ozidation met&- bol 1,:iL, in b:,P-,,., tissues and cellular division in hemiLtVaitttic organs. They differed I 47293-66-- ACC NR, AP6031663 only in the level and dynamics of changes caused. The conbined effect of Irradia- tion and dynamic factors either did not exceed or was less than the. effect of each of the indicated factors separately, a phenomenon seen an a radloprotective action of dynamic factors. The relations observed are s1mil4r to phenometis, of dcainance and parabiosis. Typical radiation reactions were intenoll"ied when irradiation Vag combined with factors having directly opposed effects, The variation and com- plexity of results of the combination of dynamic factors and Irradiation are explained by the multiplicity of the mechanisms of the coabin*d effeet of radiation and nonradiation factors. The combined vxposure to vibration ard vhole-bodv acute irradiation at a lethal dose showe, that in a majority of cans the vibration effect on metabolism and CWS function VhL dominant at early stages, while that of irradiation prevailed at later stages. AL the latest stages of exposure, the com- bined effect of vibration and irradiation was diverse and complicated. According to some indices, the trend of changes corresponded to the effect of one of the fac- tors while the dynamics of the processes reflected the effect of Vie other one. Under the uniform action of both factors, the phenomena of partial su=%tion of weakening of the radiation effect, and in several cases of a sburp increase of rediation affect by the opposite action of the vibration effect, were observed. Probable mechanisms of the phenomena described are conaidered. OrLg. art. has: 1 I-S figures. SUB M 061 SUM DATE: 14Dec65/ ORIG REF: 0321 M Wi ODS/ ATO PRESS: ?M5-! 5 ard ACC NRt AT7002500 SOURCI CODE; UR/0000166/00GJOUO/WZ/01~30 AIMIOR: Arsen'yeva, M. A.; Golovkina, A. V. ORG: Institute of Biological'Physics, AN SSSR, Moscow (Institut,biologitheskoy fiziki AN SSSR) TITLE: Comparative analyris of the autogenie affect of an alkylating compound 4,Thio TEPA) and radiation o1a mouse bons marrow calls ISOURCE: AN SSSR. Nauchnyy sovet Radidbiologiya.-VIly-aniye '*Aitiruyushchikh Lz1ucbeniy na nasledstvennost' (Iffect of ionizing radiation on heredity). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 122-130 and inserts following p, 130 MPIC TAGS: biologic mu-tation, radiation blothadcAl effect, -radiation call affect ABSTRACT: A comparative analysis of the effect of radiation In a dose of 100 r and the intraperitoneal injection of Thlo-TEPA in a done of 4 vgikg showed certaLn differences in the effect of then* two uutagens when tbA bone marrow cells were studied. Thio-?ZPA to the indicated done caused aA appreciably more pro- nounced cytotoxic and cytostatic effect than the radkAtion. The mutaglaic effoct of Thio-TEPA showed up at appreciably later palklods afor injoction In co"arlson with the effect of radiation; it was found to be related vith t'he appearance of both chro- matid and chrowsoas aberrationso Ori$. art. b": 4 tablet. " S figures. 1201 SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM UTE: OlSep66/ ORIG KEr: 002/ OTIA UIN 006/ATD PXM. Card 1/1 5117- ARSINITWA, 9.0. Clinical Ogpects alA therapy of astrorrbagi* In adelescmice. Akush. I gin. no,3:12-15 OF-JO 155. (Kw 8:10 1. Is Instituta skasherstva I ginokologil (Air.-Prof. P.A. seloshapko) akadsoll s6ditsialkIM nauk =44 (MMIMOIA. AND OMIMCIIA In adolomme, ellu. aa"at* & thst.) (AW128CWt, 619. ustrorrbegla, clln# as"ets 6 lber.) ARGa-UVA, M-G- "Sodi= Salt of Utainic Acid," P- 21.7 ministry of Health USE Procedin,96 of the Second A1.1-LIftlix COafemcc on Antibiotics, 31 M&Y - 9 June1957. P. 405) Moscow, Medgizo 195ri. ARMITVA, M.G.; KIWINO, N.G. ................ ... Treatment of posthemorrhWo ansedes In f"wls patients witb mew hewstimuUtUg preparatiObIt ftt sVOpppSlr$ljjk:rGVI SO, 7$1984(12 19. (Mu 1331) 1. luslilut okusbarstva I Cluelcologil AW $SU (divektor - Olen- keirrespoudent AW SOU pref. IPA, Delolts*o) (MM AS 100D OR MIC IU) (iMIXA) ARMITIM. N.(;*; KIOTW6 KA* low haostivalatlAg propmttow in the %rootavat of Imlet *Siam SAGNIaS in an"OlOgIcal patiouto [wia OWMW7 in *i1i0b]. oh. I On. 33 n0,1171-73 44 159o (MM 3.2Q) 1. Is otdolonlya aperatlvW glaskalsail (save - 4okkar mode amak To. Pe Xdqs*l') I klInIka-41mobatickealt* laboMOM (Sff , ~- kade nod. nack 1o16 Taxilevskora) 12401tw0a 000bontirs i 0x4kDloXU M SUR (We -oblomAmospondo4t AW No at. :P.A4 14340SPO)o (MMAMU A= ROMOU"U0 0 diftemia In Mat. ateriat boh6mb.. plams, wutltute tier. (1*8)) (PUS" BMWZWM. ther* U660 . Uw In fudd uterine btwrxb. (fts)) (ANKU, atiolo & PathoPno ~ - Amt, uterine Womov**0 plaaa wAstitule thers Me)) ARSUITITA, K,G. A case of follioulome, of the oury in a fj*qys&v..*j4 Cirl. gUb.1 gin. 35 uo*5tlll. S-0 159. (*M 13:2) 1. Is enddkrluvW Ubo"tall (uwbVy A*w0dillol' - ablea4corros- pondent AN SSSR prof, TA. laramov) i otdoU*iy* Usolarstivsq ging. kologit (saveduyusbably- prof. 8.0. thaskla) lusiltuts. akmftOr*tft I ginekologil, AW SUR (diraktor - chjejj"korr*q"-3d~nt AMS SSM prof, P,Ae Belosbapke)v GRAMMMA CALL "MR, c"s reports) OVARI, neopullus) ~ -ARSZN.11ZVA.A,p-,--.-- Harmmal tberapy fot varlms twa of alipLetaric iviumisso Prdu# andck. i gom 6 no,, 2jg4-" Mr-Ap 160. (MM 1421) (ClIMOTWO (NMOSIS) (six XMI(XIES) AFMVMA* X0001 SAIMUMP OON&I STAIIANOTO Q#30 CarreUtdm WOW the qtologlwa plot" of tU irqba wwar and Ike 244mm am* ica of sstrog"mi in Us win in N=Opwa"l Vda,s, JkusbA CU4 36 jmrpAd6W% &4 160, (MMM) (=(WA;:*$) (mm ARMIYZVA M.G.; RASKIN, A.M. ~ -.9 boblaw of tbo olinioal "poets and pathogwaslip of climtw1o neuroses. ikuh, i &, J6 tojpW-102 Mm% 1600 (Now=) ("U"B") (WA 139U) I f I; HU fig! III I A I[ ff 111110111gim .1, AWNIMA, M.G.1 RASKINO A.M. Vestibdar discr&rs 25 no.208-102 IP 162. (MM ISO) Is end- skop ot4olodys (mawba rwgOrwitoll 'r lmUtuU:skoah- daystvits.1lay *bUn ANN MR V.01 o6ro= eretya i giuskologii ANN SSSR - prd. N.A. Pet"W41boUktO). (VESTIOUIAR &PFARXT%-,DnXA=) ARSO IYSVA,., 3,05. Effect of azdrogwiri on the cyto!.)gl,.mI picture of vqJIMI smeares Mmaho i gin, (MM 16810) 1. 1z Akademi~.-hjskcy ar i6tx I i(Aieskoy V-uM I mAokrimoy labnratorii (naw.,liny.,r I I,o I I - d&ymtvjt*j kmy ijbIgn A* SSSR prof j, V. G. garaz; pll~ ri iya neopemUynoy g Lnekd2aSU (zav. - doktc,r med, r&o?, botit;Uta. WM$hsntft i ginakologil (dir. AM ask prof* P.4 Baloshapka iVA'AlIAL XarJ ;,tq ALIMVt V.I.# rod.1 WOMA, T.I., ARM IYUIJ 0- .; LUMP asT.p takbn, red, (Fundamut4an of homoml cytolbecal dAMweis in ginecology] Oanovy jormouOtmol toitoologiaWokol 44se- noetW v ginekologii (s allbous). No-sk"j, NoWst 196). 184 P. OM 17:2) V Z~1.')3FflIDzF' G.A.; KAOF" A '1 141",4 ' r:'jA K A. 1'r, I, Y# I.; Y T, FSRI K(TT, R.Te.; KM A Third International Conferenct on tho Use of Atomic Energy for Naceful Purposes (Geneva, IW4). Vad. rad. 10 no.I:$4041 Jn 165. (WRA 18t7) ARSENfUVA, M.G. Treatont of cliwtsric murosis vith anch-olpa pm1wrattoss. md. 27 no.11t116-121 N t64s (WA ~80)t 1. Endakrinnop otddleniye (na**hVy rukovto~"ls O~Y"- mol MY7 chlen AW SSSR pofi V.G.Darsitov) t otdolmulyh neopor t %niwa iila6 (sav. d*tor =d. nauk Too?, Maysell) InAituta ak2herstva wins OlcsU (dir. c-hlen-korrespowleat AMN SSSR prof. NA,P*trtwf*PWjl&kov ;Wpm$ Leningrad. BARANOV, V.G., prof.1 ARSEN.!Ity RASK Ajj&" IN, A.IK.; RAFALISIMI. ya.r'.) SAvcfb1mTa-.N.; STEFOOTO G.S.; ALIPOW, V,,I.p rid# [PIVidology and patbology of the fool# alilotterld) Fislo- logiia i patologlia klimakUrlla abombehilvo Lening"Is' Vedltsiup 1965. 269 po IKM 1819) I. loystvitailqf-6 Sm (for larami). ARSF-rOyEvil, Ni V '16 P 1 K voT rr tit; 0 t i 0141g t. I I r, rodrnk; snou 1.1 yozliud I tu:13, romolle ki'cutotsirifty-kh. ::aF!ski :eningr. Z-H In-ta, IIYP, "'o 1~-4~, , 117-ri. .,;C: Letcpl. ' Zhurnallny~j-. 5toLey, Ila. 1.949 to ,~r $?fit pi m 4. pt _V4 1 ~I 1 11 I., 4 1 ~ ,~ O.W 00!1~ r.~ I = mgm jgx= I 1P , AR.%1V'MA. Kariya Vladisirovua --, ..., (Posts and diseases of field crops In IAMM Provisos) Tre"Wi I bolesul seVskokhosisist"Anykh kulltur v trfttskoi Olasti. Irimtskoe knishnoe isd-vo, 1957. 240 p. (MIRA 12:4) (I*utsk Proving*-field crops-41sesses and poets) I AlUENTIMAI M.01 14 1, SyxLhesik of munt4aces in Russiast with Lbe aid of -lachines. Part 2, NTI no.712l-29 163. (KIU 16 M) ARSENTSYEVA, N.G. (Monkva) Use of a machim ia tba syntb#mis of &Lsmian langumge l.gntlenesil. Probl. kib. no.lOt227-240 163. (MIRA 1814) ARSENNAN, R.F., inzh. (Lrivan); ARSIUMNS D.T., kand. teklm. naak (Erivan) Area of use f or central heat supply frm boilers. Itod. i mm. tokh. no.1:19-22 Ja 166. (1-am 19t 1) A AT 16003871 SMS COW g MOI Ve AUTHORs Aramlyeva, K. Aes BOL Le os O*lOdOL* OROs nme md Tml 8froat of 34WO~m bow Norm GOU mal" in gibe SOUM AS Sw* 0WOU4" WAU$Ld*W" lw*4 4 9 19659 M-M vibratAon Off"bo, Con P*dauos bm XAMMriol X,l* AMTR&"Ts The v0otia aadvIV df *0 Iwo. WON Q, 0 UdA*al Wd 0abbled ofte6U dt AmW40*UcM" The szParlmentil parawtors of Us to*U a33& t1wir ft In Us foll&Azc UbUx. lit- c W- Li 'iT A 'ii ACC Nit. 'Table 1, Frequency of cell nucleus 4:turuptlonm :~11 thm% b, * martw (of mice exposed to 20 C s mura Lil 0. *1 ruptlook 1 mot. d L ; 1; 1 i 1 2 73 1 U."A 31. hr 4ft 712 W.11111t:11.7111 *,1Ot1.w 24, Nintl." 16,72t6lok 21~0t-S,Cf 1ki A MLI A XQ v 301 2 days A3 3 6111 CARtgal MW so CO,rd 2LB ... .......... 11A 71 1 ""7 1 7~ -U.3 ,, till ACC P*s AT600:36 X~__ , Uble 2. Effect of Combined expostiro t o (03 lowed by Irradiation an thm Wme mtrow calls of mUM ! V3 t lot r4 us ,It , T after itarip 01440 T q I am 1 1 VA 4 IST It" I 1 , 20 u k 1 3.1 tft" # A s r4 S A 1 , NO M - its 23 " 1,$$ h w4% 004 it I A "t-A -0 .0 P_ a G 4.1116*11110 4 1111* ~ 0 6 20 C t Tot ;k 1-4 Cwd 318 of i alit 9-4 is mis;! 3-210 Q~ _1111111-11 I'lTiN i ACC NR. AT15003012 Table 3. Effect of coubined exposas I as tpUmsdb!,-!- Lo cmti;~401:1 't I r I IrradiatUm on the Was rurrow calls 0 w4coll Its expo [Ali so m o M-1 8 471 U1 3 M : 4" 0 4 $ 16 3 1 4M 44 111 . il,I Ml 4 . ACC NR. 4. Frequenc,t oi cell nucleus disrupti,vAt . .. .. ....... lit tht. $one Mort after oxposure to centrifugation for 3 0 min. 00 vibr4pt:iAM top 60 00i ' 7- L. Wood N 0 1 FL4 r a P do 1b $ k Al I 1 6 4 t 6 I I M a r t Lot 04' 54 1 V060 '104 I m -Ift ' 4. 1 . 3rd too 4 ow Lw %*A.M 4 :2 l I At T 4 o) 0 l~ i- 0 i a C . l dtl' . v , ft 10C 164 'A 6 0 6 14, .13 0 15th V. a 2 :i 0." 1O';' v? 06X 4 6 1.16 j ,1 30th G 3% 45 1 0 Ai 0,114 203 v 0 TV" slot is 13 I $~ 0 POO 0 i control 1317 .11 ACC NR, A-L,6w X7z ...... ...... Table S. Effect on the bohe marrow cw o f i n to centrIfugation or v0ratioft f6110044 Uy. X- i 24 hours Dry kiu e s ift4t 3rd OD 00 " sljtAms 4 AD IV 1', s U2 0 0 11.W~ 10"41 fth 2 41 s 25 o sl 4 1 i . 15 h 1 : t 2 3 A 22 41 1 1 t 409 s I w0 .- , i A 4 to 6.10 3,1 0.20. .2.3~~ 0 4 4 30th 4 3 2,16 1.10 .3 63 43 1 C'm vpt U11 S.60io 1 2-411 4.4 4661 1 .4 1~' 1-350 2-10 G + 3W r; i J-100 4o$ cars, 6L8 7 17=7=11 I, yx I ACC NR. Tablel Effect tin Cho bone owrrow colle of Ol 0t c exposure to x-ray iriadiation follow t Oull i v vibration 24 hours. 141ter Or U Ol Ch I Ar t kitl*a after Acthma a 0 t. All 07 i. I rd IAO my lu 1 00 4~40 OAA i. It - Ith 44 M 0 t I I'll .3,1 0 :~1.46 3 3;0 48 2.1 " i Ram i VA 15th 337 a 3U U 0th t a, i k l ~44 4 1 1 A us 20 CAW 1-3.j0 r ; 3-3 1D r* LOGI ~-J 1v r + 700 ego ARSMOYINA, M.A.; kt.,ndebiolor.nauk Two s7mpoi3lf. oil problems of gonatior. hold !n CzeahoslovakLa. Vest. MI SS; R 35 no#12183 D 165. (YI,--,A 19:1) 4/10160i'MOK/ODR/010 IT-9210 AUM=s Vinogradav, IPAj ArsantMi 1.01, I(kV$hiwval- XIYOI t ibe Inteftotift of gmee" With ik"ufte-fi+.rile Copcl Years PMO=ALs K"Wzuk I Realms 1%0, No* To pp. 3 - 6 TUTS The Intora4lon, of haloid-org"La cowpooWls with kPitadime-IIAttils 00polymers durin 'the vulogni"tim of tubber mixtu*k o4 tho proportion ~of the rsoultant vulcanizates were studied, 2%* experiment4 phmodirt, is ontU*lld, wboreby the coAltlons adopted ware sivlUr to tbus dismoribeil I:n jeforwo 3. The PrOPrti*s Of the P01YMMII SWA vala"Isation were tested swer4ing to thi rog - T136-55) MMUM an a butadice4dLAls Mbar bass. AaaitrA- U4 to werINIAU1 "U OMIned It was f0m ust the TeeMA14146 a ftbbet, mixtures an a Cww-a6 (M-a6) rubber Use LA the Pow,* of vairims WaoiA deri- vatives (clMoranil, bomtrioMorids, baMUMoridel, oorbon liabriehlorldw) briap about algidticaut obaMes in the, vuloanizate, pcp*ftt*s (?&bill 1). The *"*at of aMoranil an the properties ot vuloanIzatos frclm oopDl- Card 1/3 42M. 3/13W60110MIOVOW030 A051/099 The Intereatice of Halold-Oftsola CompowAs WIth DAUMOW-11trils CopolOm ymers is shown in Table 2 uld Figure 1, It was fowld 11kat the temile str*Wh and specific slongstion of batedime-MtrIle rubber vutomiutm not amMaitle halold-organIc compounds droll considerably after mmlllnr. it, atita-is or Amr-to (AND-IO)liquld at a temipersture of 2000C. Wiandsates with polmrs conts'n' a small munber of n1trile rings, such " CHH-10 (Sm-10) and UH-18 (=-x8), show a very noticeable drop of the tensile strength. %is Is not so appa0mut In SM-26 and CR14-40 (M-40) rubbers. The introduction of 5 weight parts o r Qhlo- ranil has hardly any effect on the properties of the vulawltalles, but increases the tensile strength of the latter aftsr swelling at $000C in autol-18 &W AM- 10 liquldj It also increases their swellIng.resistanco 1z Uws* 11q41ds. Wo- ranil was found to have a sti4mgthoning effect cc all 4m1camitatos., The Uwrw* in the tensile strength of vulcamLsates from W-18 ru$bor *o1al" 5 wellAt, parts of ohlorwdl after swelling In autol-18 at 200QC was froa V JjV69 to 150 Wcm2; for vuloanizates without chlormil and In AM-20 liquld It was from 40 kg/cm2 to 80 kg/om2. Figu" 2 shown that with an imr*mne it 4he ohloran1l *on- tent In SXM-18 vulcanizates after heating In outol-18 the them*3 stability Ud swelling-resistance Increase, The o1aaticity and frost- rest,slawe coeffliciett do not change significantly. 819-18 rubber, if surfActently frost-resistimt, or Card 2/3 .3272P 41/1*(A/OM/007/OWOIO AC511ADV The Intemation of Haloid-Orghnic Compounds With C*polyt*m rubbers contaiting a l*mser numbor of sAryUnitrile rUgs (eS,j BIW-10) Kth Ml- old-orguic aoupounds (*.a., Wdoranil) LatrKNIuced into ihm, a" be used Jn the production of heat- and frost-resistant mbber aftlelos, PION, 3 shows how ban- zatrichloride ahanges the prooorti" of M-18 rubb*3- fte =In properties of Vulcanizatem from W-18 ad 30-10 rubbers md thioso of but"dio" and 2-mthyl-5-yinylpyridirs dopolywrs acatmisLaS 5 **Uft psaI4 of obloriudl were compared and it was @*on that SM-10 rubber vul4Wsates a* actually ejai- valent to vulamtsatos from bUt*Aiww' thyIvizylMM4Iw copol~mrs ad a" mly inferior to the letter in their stablimity to the action of ditutyl sobamatO A high tomeraturem. The possIbIl4ty of Introducing halold-Mmalo compounds IMo the butadismo-n1trIle latex was establIshod, In octalkWics the authom x4t* that the butadlene-n1trile nopolywr vulandsotes with ~maoid-orpnlc compoAnds can be reccm~pnded for the produotion of various gasollam-, o11- &nd heat,-ftjL4_t- ant rubbers,wasbeisto-commenI&I products or leather sabstItutes. There ArOl 3 graphs, Flables and 7 roterenceso 3 30'riet and 4 Imlish. Card 3/3 WO $/138/60/0D0,1003/002/007 ITA 2 0 0 L-.j 2409 A051,4029 AUTWRS: VinrgEdav, P.A.; Arsep'Lev& N.P-i Gavabuova, X,b ____T - -A TITLE: Ternary Copolymers of ~tadlefts. ~A Irl *~M 2 r2E1-5-VW1 11'rridineI MISJ~ PMUODICALs Kauzhuk I Rexin3, 1960s No- 3, PF 5 - 9 TEM The authors have anthealsod Us ternary **v*l,7wrjof butadions, with 2-methyl-5-vin7l pyridint and butadigge !qth oc!Z.'j4itri1iPW Ude 0 suoy on the effect of thd presence of sarylonitrile rings to tM copoly"r on %I* properties of the latter. In Reference 6 it was pointed out that tae tornatT copolymers in quesiAon, contalning halide-orgude conVotwde-, have a bettor re- ale temce to the aotion of aromatic hydrocarbons than The binary oopolymors. The experimental procedure followed by the authors to outlined in detail and Uw re- sults presented In a graph of ?1VAre 1. The obtained repiLts show UAt tuo in- troduction of acrylon1trile rings into the moleouLar ohafti of %be copolyOrs of butadiene and methyl-vinyl pM. dine has a considerablte efrect -on the proportion of the copolymers (see Table 2). The elasticity of the vulcanized rubber Is re- duced. An obvious drop In t1w frost resistance is noted. The vitrifloatlft CAM 1/2 83047' 3/136/60/,XKV003/OOZ/WJ Ternary Copolymers of Butsdiene, Acrylanitrile w4 2-MoUirl-5-Vinitl "dine K-bbor to -689C, *wr"s for -u~-I% temperature of YM67T-15A_(SKw-t ) ru WAN (SKWW-15-15A)Prubber It is -410C. flowiever, ths nitrilt rings dio mat offoct the physico-wedhanical proportion of the vulcanized rubbdr. The lorw,;Pirtles of the rubber, subjected to the action of organic liquids at a high t9q)arature am discussed. It In teen that the vulcanized rubber of the Inventigeted oopoly"J's in the presence of halide-organic compounds has a high reslatanct to mallins In organic liquids and a high thermal resistance. These copilrwrs isarless the W. tAdlone and 2-mothyl-5-vinYl prrldine copolymers in their rdisistance ~o swelling In organic liquids and their temperature resistance. It waA a1w -tistablimbed that the investigatsd copolywra have a high thermal revlatariot* In mineral oils. Table 3 gives the data on the similar relationship of the totgositton effect of the -.cp,,1ymers and 'that of the chloran1l content to the sweJ1,11ag t4jolutmee of the vulcanized rubber at room temp*rature. The swelling Js $r9at*r **An the rub- ber does not contain ohloranil. There art 3 tab1,13%, I f1&x* and T W-erencest 2 Soviet, 4 English and I German. Card 2/2 r"'w SBITIXMp V.?.; VINDGRADOW, 'tA- ' TAIRVSI*Ap M.S.; GUSHIM, I.B.; A1gpl6.A X.G.; OMO)tt S.G.; RUMA, A.16- Ad~l WI*Suyot V,V,l OTWOM&Np racressing the heat'Ud war rollUNG of Olloisserlag asbestos frictlm mtarlals. lawh,l rts. 21 nosI242546 D t6g, I tum 2611) Is voe;mwm:t nanobn64-odadmatel fakir isatitut Obooto- tddmiobosldxb ud4irt Imolmkly savad obt*Uok*Wwoo YonsUvfty S&vW **boo+.*-t*WrAob**kl)t 1140b7. (Itubber goWs) (Asbastoo) ARSV-,T'~MVA, T-,.G. (Moskva) Two ways of geremtian of sentences in tkie flugisiar, litnpap. Probl. k1b. no-14:189-218 165. (11ru 19:1) 1. Submitted April 28, 1964. ARSINITRA, N.P., insh.: DIKOVA. S.P., lash.; GAR1JXR, I.I., insh. Relay-protection dlWans for op*ratlonal altormsting cm-re4t. S191c. sta. 28 no.12:76-78 1) '37. (MIRA 1283) Oftectric relaro) ARSMIYNTA, YX j, Rest exchaVe asA the fft-mtlon of temperature grsa***4 In IwU ISICOSS vChOSIT9,04 onto 1601991159.194 1350 (MMA 917) (Hydroleff) (LealWad bovines) I xb: R.ASIIJOVIGII, R.Yu..Inxb -A~~~~ Remote control by m"ns of tho RPY-52 askiowdle recInsurs 44111PORt, SIAM&, 29 56.?181-ft 8 158. (49A 11111) (Illactric substations) (Remote Control) . as4-dstent; DAVIDUVI LeIr Konotantiw ARSRIIYEVAp flina Mikbgw , vicbp prota; DU~ROVINA, Lidiya NikolaytTmi (10tM-0 KONKINAp Jind GeorgiyeYna, dotut; PETKOVOKAYAj T.I.j ri!d,,p ZHAMiOp GoPs, tekhb& red. [Selches on the lakes of the U.S.S.R.] Soishl na Omorakh SM. [Byl M.H.Armenleva i dr. Leningmdj lod-vo Luningr& univ., 1961. 181 p, (MM 169 13) (Seiohen) (Lakes) ARSEMA N.V.- KITAYEV, B.I. -~ ~A-=- $ Cambustion of bydrcoarbon gas in a vortical colium In a fee* stream. Gaz. delo no*50.3-39 t64 (KIRA 1-10) 1. Urallskiy polttekhnlcbeBkiy instltut,* N. " AFLEEN I YI-7J.' At .0, 1. 1 Heat imlan a of -.hL% V.11to Sea and Its changrio in tivi anti space, Trudy GOIN no.Eq-62-93 '64, (14IHA VI ill) III n I TEVA j H. Ta. Variationa in the therma oandiUcoo of wosero la the VUts Seg a period of =W yv4m, TrWj GOIX wj~*30*6) 160* (Kft 2407) (Vhits seb-OCOU tempers."") ARIENITEVA, II.Ya. calcaUtion of ics distribuU04 LU the "a 09 02004MIOd- bY thi Whit.9 sea. Trudy ODIN nos%sW6 16D., (XUL~ 3487) (Uhits 9""0" 100) i TIN(NOT, T.Tq_~ITMAo LTA. Acouraq of calouUting transverse floaWtoas of Wor lovol from observations ag tidal currents. TrW OOIS rAO, Sjj676 ~ 72 160, (lid**) (am 1*11) OW11MA I 11.1AZI. Effect of tidul utraa= on climtic WW hYft4OgIC*I mdAlons in the sea. Trud7 WrIl no.64s93-102 61. (MI's 14:8)7 (Whit* Sea-Meteorology, PArltiw) (Tideis) ARSEN I 33VA, N. y&. Calculated evaporation from the sea surfao as *omW*4 with instrwental xoasurements. ?rudy GOIN "Zo#Uj8 062. (Zvapor&Uon) (Motoorology, Nwitim) (MIRA IA6.) I I . *. 114i. S; . ..* Methc.d of calculating the -dater temperaUms of the &~-tive I& 17 of the White Son. Trudy GOIN no.86s7"4 165. (MMA ]A 19 -T~ It I C I ! 1; -- 11 - -L- - -01- IRITROV, N.I.; SUMMY. A.3.: ARSINIMA. R.T. Synthtsis md characteristiol ~640",Offu-"AFWW tame modincauo* of Wim at high prossipres [with s;;;;;~ in 0411sk). no.S-.666-672 157. (lm llt2) 1,Institut geoftl3di I awlitichaskor MIMI im, Vol. Yermdskop AN SSSR, Moskva. (Silicle) (008mite) AUIHORSI Khitaroy, 0. 1., LebCdov, Y04 Boo 11*11%4-rt41Mj to. Y.# Arsenlyeva, R, 1. TITLEt Comparative Characterization of the Solubility of Watot In. Basaltic and dranitic U*lts (Sravaiteli'mys *har-tkterUtlk~ rastvoriaostivody v batal'tovou i gra'111toom :rasplavalth) PERIODICAL: GeokhImiyaq 1959v Nr 3s VP 387 - 396 (USSR) ABS..'RACTt The laboratory assistant* P, V. joyteav and E. Ye. ?114pova took part in the experibsnts. An appar,wtus ohich had been worked out by 3. A. Xorndorf and N. :. Xhittrov was used. This apparatus is do oribed in short (Pip I ant 2). Pressur" of 1000, 2000 and.;000 kg/492 and tempOrdturea and 10000 0~ 9CO were used for the Invostilation. The sistples *ere heated. filrat up to 1050, then up to 0000 in *rdot ito determize waterl the weighed portion anountod to 200-370 *So the volghing out of the Pregel tube vat carried cut on the microbalanoe, AOT-200o The sample material was pulvortae& rock, Lps. basalt of thoisido crater lirlmrift of the Klyuchovskiy volcano fross the a4vptton in 1932, put at the authots' dispasail b.1 V.,X4' V16- dayteev. Laboratorlya vulkanalogii kka4viii r4al. iSS9 (1~abora- Card 1/3 tory of Volcanology of the Academy of Scienc-ts, USSR)j further- Coularative Ciarsaterizalion of the Solubility of 807/7-59-5 -1/14 Wattr in Basal-tic and Granitic Melts acre Elldzhurtinakiy gratits, a porphyritic biotite arasite of the northern Caucasued The rocks were inyes-tigated under the microscope, the chemical cou~position is glven (Table 1). A total of almost 30 determinations were oarritid. oit. A series 2 sith haselt waa investigated 2 1/2 holars at 100* and 3C~O ka/01111 the chilled melts contained an average of 3-4 Witter. T~O samples; of the second acries were heatOd I boar up to ON', then 2 1/2 hours up to 9000, the premou're amo%intild again, lip to 300C kg/cm2. The basalt of these samplos contattiod an avorage of 3.6%, granite 6.714, water (Table 2)o YLLrthtir itivastigat Iions were carried ovb under differe4t conditiome (TWe 23'1 . Them basalt melt contain$ 5.4,1"t water at 10000 &n4 30C0 ki/ea p'the granite melt 5,7A water- It to possible th&t Sho wattr 4ontent db~** not do end on the chemical compositiOn 0 highor t4oporatures (3ig 9~- om rison with the values ot oranvon (Refs i &z4 2) A 0 P* in figure 5 sho*a that the va.lues of Go;sason &re htgh;r~'b3' approximately one b&U , The values of the authors are r4bably more realistic as confirmed by tho iurvo of Jihna ond Card 2/3 Burnham (Ref ~. The ohilled melts were Inves,.igstei under the CoLiparative Characterization of the Solubility -at SUI/7-59-5-1/14 Water in Basaltic and Granitic Melts microscopel granite was transformed i0o light-grey g]ASS with cracks and a small quantity at homatito (PIS 6)p basalt into glass and hornblende vith s saiall juantttj- of mspetllt (Fig T)- Pyroxene insets were almost mo! Ovkziged at sAlt the olivines had e, hornbleide seas (Fig 8). Bind** liornblonds usually does not occur in basalt an wellas Im disbasee and dolorites,, it is assumed that the basaltic aarpas have only low voter content4 Furthermore ij is assumed that bamultic magmsooasists at 9000 and 3000 kg/caz of a compaxatively easily mobilv malt and olivine- and pyrox*ne insets. Thor* art 9 11prosp 3 and 10 references, 5 of which are Soviet, ASLOCUTIONt Institut Sefthimii i analiticheskoy khtmii is, 1. 1. Yernada- kogo AN 3383, Moskva (Irstituts of Doophemletry sad Ans2ytiaal Chemistry Imeni V. 1. Vtrnadakiy AS UOR, Uds*ov) S UBLITI ED 1pril 15, 1959 care 3/3 1014, v66 A VMC 4 Arfi-qn' ermt, V. 1-.T, (11-1111mini.tok iIIIIIA'. it. mu! GWRIpars 31-#t, chmmc~tcrfiltblv of 1:44V I of 114mullim! 41114 dirtfAct&I mi'vootkX11WAIlt Rik )ism it W* SOUR" ~: AN V SS f'i3jjkq1qz Mullik '"j-11 ell. lovi F, i-h rt, FUZZVO11 r. 1q r0, t ~ , , .. 4) TO P I CI'ACZ -. mar ombolism, ircis;y4ratioll, Aas,rizi CT,, The f i-st objectiv.-.1 01 the 11A IV 411 el I jj'anfrs1,,,1 11.0 d-PCOMprimm im I altill jutl LOW diollf-1.1 :dolt :!oa- of' the virgivitilivi to d(Ico!npreB-,' 17; 11 t -et'l, D(-1, oil (~rl 11cig'18 I ra- I'led Ia lie 01-1 (111111i Ado Lim u vpftt4i i Clladh and brea 1,',, througl"i I An 111,110-2 0f1*I11pRjI%ph 'naly "144"A td :P.;s W.,( lip k' 102 Al r ecoi d respira ion and pub; thO V- siktMe 114 1 ',T-g ',--nti LAhIl. All Otqiivrt UI&'e.!e9 Wotfti ~It 11kiwWa 11 7", or to !rlt.rm' :!a i'll qual(ItItt'IMI (Of 110 -ill! 4111 Ill 11hoI th.11 tyellow liIIIIInd to I: il Oil libit I xpo#t ~14 Ji tj 10111, C*m ......... ... .. .... .... ...... 7111