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AROS, 91roslay, Prof...Dr. Prevention of the dissasem of the votor systes. Aclitek Oir. ortbop. tram. esch. 23 no.2t95-96 ]Pob 56. 1. Z 1. Kliniky proarthopedickm a datsimu Cbimrgi~ 1prof. Zabrafticks, Praha. (NOYMM D1901MUS, prov. & control (Cs)) A11C3j"IDZ--'1, G. I. Aroshid2s, Q. J.t wrreatment of surgical brueillosispn ~,Cbp*rt) Trudy III Zakavkazsk. giryesda khirurgov, Yerovan, 1948'(om covers 1949), P. 299-302 SO: U-52409 17 Dec. 53, (Letopts le-urnal (TWIth, Statey, 60. 250 1949). ;~ t~"J) I .- IJ~,.,, , . a. .,a-latin, W th;~ CrIijil (f flw leor'jul "ji,-0 All-1-1 b": L' -1.111 I" T. . . .1 " carthliciu. lvew~'.J.ll :;urvl 2'icd ~ci, In-t of 30tarV, Acad ~ol i i Geort;ian ;.J"R, -,bili.;i, 1953. (F~IBI-ol, No 1, ie: 54) SO: Suzi 432, 29 V&r 55 AROSIUI)Uo KA& - Orlsin of The *1.Ww cartUfam lovoki last. ietn"O 056 i9vorsu-Swas) MmU' In* fbile tot* (an tots) i I I i I I rv Vi K f V AUTHOR: None Given. 21~-12-24/24 TITLE: Jubilee Sescions of the Scieatific lastitir" ,,Os of the Technical Sciences Division. (YubileynyW nai;,chnye zasedaniya Institutov Otdeleniya Tekluiiche0kikh flauk) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya kkademii Nauk SSSR Otdeloniy4 Tekhaichookikh Nauk No.129 p.100. (USSR5 1 19579 ABSTRACT: In October-Rovember 1957 various scientitic sessions were held commemoratinj the 40th anniversaT, of the Soviet Revolution. Institute of Mininz- Academician L. D. Sh v-yakov read tans science in the V,S.S1R. during the a paper on the m last forty years; A. P. Sudoplatov read a paper on "Developm nt of the Technology of Underground Coal Mining in tl,~ ;(i U.S.S.R."; N. V. Mellnikov read the paper "Development of Open Cast Mining in the Soviet Union"; M. I. Aroshkov road the paper "Scientific 11rid Technical Frogresg-T-H-M Soviet Union during the Lati't Forty Years in the Field of Working Ore Deposits"; I. N. Plaksin read the paper "Beneficiatioil of Useful Minerals in the Soviet Union". Card 1/5 ,24-12-24/24 Jubilee Sessions of the Snientific Institutes of the Technical Sciences Division. Institute of Minod Fuels. N. G. Titov read the paper "Forty Years of govlei Science Relatimg to~,Solid Fuel"; K. I. Syskov read the paper "Soviet invest4ations of coking coal"; I N. V. Lavrov read the paper "Soviet ResearA on Combustible Gasean; $ T. A. Kukharenko read the paper on the "Successes of Soviet Scientists in Studying the Chemical-structure and the Origin of Solid Mined.Puels"; N. M. Karavayev read the paper "Succemses of Soviet Science in Obtaining Chemical Products and Liquid Duel from Solid Fuel". Institute of Mechanical R=J neerjW. Aftet the opening -a&Tr-ess of A. 1. blagonravov, Academician CI.Dikushln dealt with "Automation of Technological Precesses in Engineering"; F. S. Demlyanyuk dealt with "Fundamental oblems of Automation of Technological Processesm- A. Ye. Kobrinskiy dealt with "Work of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Ac.Sc. U.S.S.9, in the Field of Programmed Control of Metal Cutting lifthint Tools"; N. I. Levitskiy dealt with "The Theory of kynthesis of Card 2/5Mechanisme". 24-12-24/24 Jubilee Sessions of the 3cientific Institutes of thie Technical Sciences Division. Institute of Metalluru imeni A. A B kCV I M." I. P. Bardin Nalt with the "Technical Pi!ogress of Ferrous Metallurgy"; i T Soviet D. M. Chizhikov dealt with "Forty years v Metallurgy". Inctitute of mjch~!Acs i 77Ta-. Koehin deaiV W1'Gh the rDevelopment, of the Theory of Filtration in the Soviet Union"- V. Z. Vlasov dealt with "Modern Investig~-tions in the Field of the Theory of Shells and Their Importance in Engineering and Civil Engineering"; A. A. Movehan dealt with "Auto-oscillaticn of plates in a flow"; Kh. A. Rakhmatulin dealt with "Invemtiga;ion of Sectionally Stationary Wave Processes in'Contin-ious Media"; V. V. Sokol.ovskiy dealt with "The ftesed State of the Statics of Loose Media and its Applicatii', n to Technical ProbleMB". Oil institute. N. I. Titkov dealt with tTie "Scientific R=u ts of the Activity of the Oil Insti';ute" Card 3/5 211-12-24/24 Jubilee Sessions of the Scientific Institutes of thIt Technical Sciences Division. I Academician B. I. Mironov dealt with "Dal~elopmenb of Cil Geology During the last Forty Years"!- . M. F. Mirchink- dealt with the "Increase ~'f the Oil Resources of the Soviet Union During the! Last Forty Years"; Academician A. V. Topchiyev dealt with ",Vlertain Problems of the Oil-Chemical Synthemis"; A. P. Krylov dealt with the "PundamioataY Principles of a Rational Working of Oil Deposits". 4.44 ~WA ------ W, dealt with the "Development of CommUnicictions During the Forty Years of Soviet Rule" whilst Yu.j, Kasnachoyev dealt with "Wide-band long aistance,00 lunications on wave guides of circular cross seotionw~., Power Institute imeni G M, KribImt V gzt I. VeFfs de;lt with "Pover Genernot as a Factor of Developing tho Rational Econo- " I Academician M. A. Mikheyev dealt,with t[,tie "Developsent of the Science of Heat Transfer During~AIhe Last FbM Years"; Card 4/5 24-12-24/24 Jubilee Sessions of tile Scientific Institutes the Technical Scien.ces Division. E. A. Meyerovich dealt with "The Deve.141ment of Goneral Methods of Theoretical and Experiment Electrical Engineering in the Work of the Power it'search Institute*; M. A. Styrikolrich dealt with the "Rmilemental tretids of the Thermal Power Stations Conjunciion with the Develop- ment of the Fuel Bases of the Soviet #nion"; Z. F. Ch-Ahanov dealt with the "PowerlUtilisation of Puel", G. N. Kru7hi.lin dealt with "Power Stal,ions with Water Pool Atomic Reactors"; I. M. Markovich dealt with "Long Dtstoce Power Transmission and Power Systems". k Inqtitute of automation and TeleftabaA1.,s. 77r. Trapezn1kov dealt with the "Suct4a.%ses of Automation and Telemechanics During the Last Yorvy Tears". AVAILABU: Library of Congress, Card 5/5 L 436-t-t-C -,WC-C Nih AF5(P 8786 AUTM Atzav, Be; AXOtupor-Xie T;; -.ORG-. Group of Neurology and Psyebiktry, OU24M466444o4 *10-1 Physiology at the Goorgisn Academy of Sciona$4 TbMsk, l F : 1 1i -i :TT=t Rmultaneous macro- and m1d~o-*1sOtr`od$ iftsst4god~i Cf 11~dt . ~vadfoststions !Ln cats' rA ftaktjk, J~L Bulgarska akademly4 1 ITOPIC TAGS: cerebral cortex nt aztivia, 014a tot: A61a Al ABRtWT3 &rlish irticlV 1hio im*os' of lthia~~ thvvi* 'A 0: PSK!'Of's more detailed oxporiwon4V ~110110! bi work0 l~ 4, cortex global and n u %~O ~k tituto of Physiology at the Qool ;on A40, 0 0016 , ali Of its Directors Prof& S. Ps IN r11W, obvills vo i. to A%udy; ' ' .'between the slow electrooortiool1rao hical activity and jW m ij ' dj "" Ahe ease of strychnine ovileptogento focus in oats' sodoto oa rl. 04 47 0 lty 6 s, the basis of earlier simultaneous docro- and aiarc-oloot a' i V", i tums i .by the duthore and of date from litersturs (dogep J. A4 4 M. iA. A. Wardt, Eloctroonaeub.. olin. Rouromhysiaj. - t5o%r6i~OsPh Olin4 ff ..N,,Wrjam 8. Ksji' L 4357-66 :.A(t N14 FF~78V d cota_'M~QW~owbWtol 00 :oxnarimnts were ma 9 on 15 anoathosis of the vainful surfecom with novaoel -7oinerimentai method'and 'Pronanti~r the reewlto ti tb*'7i~ .(EWO)o the author-# conclude that the relation# between neuron*1 tischarges end the elactrb4ortti4ogispM sometooonsory cortex with local Arychnine appAicietibn 4 It *no nonumes thot, on the one lwnd, In tp, alit ko ,room (Do P* Purpurs, Internet. Review of MourqUO.Jo # 10 lj~' ,primarily a reeuil,. oi' tne integrotic';'Or t6 P3ANYOSOU .on the other, the neuronal discharge# appear at to cortil dopolsrizatiofi of the "Huldr Ovebrone which 406'A", tAGUTL~Y,!~:' The work was prepent~d IV G,,, Uonoft,~1*M 4 fiat"s bass CJPF9 MB COM IS;, SM DAT31- 11*ay(4 fl,F iv~i tee, 2/2 0044 4 0 W1. Oi '41 T~ j; ATZEV,E.; ARUUIYLTNOV,V. Relations between neuronal dienhargto and secondary, Forbes response In cats. 18 no*3t271-274 165 1. Nbuitted on November 10, 1964. in ncokal.os,qvsory tortex I Dokl 0Aolgo skads nauke CC NRt 1) FM 7 j ~_ . 5989 AP6 3 ATZSV, E., A Institu ROUTYUjoy. YO to of p4ysigl of of Sciences, Tbilisit USSR; Oroup of Mourology and PsY Bulgarian I Academy o sciences Relations between -NeurQnal Rio somistosenvory Oortex ind Sec=darjr Forbes Response in Cats' Sofia, ~aledyjojx*Sg~2y A~jdpm~ioxauk, Vol 18, No 30 190t 271-974 glish article The study investigated ths ralOtioms between A~ItXa2to An 7 fidtirralffal discharges in the sonatosensory oartex end th4 *o-otllod seftudery responce of Forbes, the nature of which is not sufficiently aioir yet ("et e.go# E. Crighal, V. Nestianu, A. Kreindler, I;, I M, 125s K. H. Rulands, Ins Mda!51n a" ~!Oltlo5s Pf A 20 0119, It'd tbe, We Kiev, 1962). The stxfdl *&@-a pAl-V o7f & dystedAst'ide' TOOVII of,the cortical-subcortical mechanism of sensory regulation by mosai pf macro- and micro-electrode investigpti6ns, at the Institute of P"iolojor of the 'Goqrgian Academy of Sciences under the guldencs of Its Director S. P. Nerikashvili. Tests were carried out on fifteen adult oata, u~idmr nembutal narcosis of varying intensity. In almost one third of the ne4sm-as Invertiot"j, the relation between the secondary evoked potential in ths MG and Its corresponding secondary discharges response is similar# in pri,iod.pleg to MW__ L 02155-67 relations between the primary evoked potential and its associ!atoid pria=7 dischage reisponsef The article concludes with a discussion'of th-v powAibla exp1mation of thi observed phenomena. This paper was pretented. by Acadsmiq~lan 0. Usunaft an 10;November 1964, Orig, art, has: 3 figureso IJMI TQFIC TAOS: cat, electrophysiologyo KWO neuron, neurop"icriolpr sup CME. 06 SUN UTEt IOMov64 SOV MWs 012 003 6" W 60/cio C, ~t. 4/ 002/00 14,61oo C .533 AUTHORSt Aroyj D. Z., Bobgov, A. A. ~The eme TITLEj Extr Members of Sampie ana Their Rolf it Lae '-Um 01, the Independent Variablue, PERIODICALs Teoriya veroyatnostey i yeye prlmenen3ye,"1960, Vol. 5, go. 4, pp. 415-435 TEXT L:t I x be independent equally 4ictiOt*ted random vari;bI a; i('x)'ih;ir"dIIRvtribution function; )t(x) F(x) for x > 0 and - F(x) for x < 0. Let (1) lim OjtK of 00 k>0 arbilxary x -* + 00 k (2) lix 0 + w x --p + OD if (3) (n) (n) (n) 2 n are the same variables x,, x 29 "'' xno writton in thIj sequence of Card 1/ 8 1 The Extreme Members of Sample and Their tolo In the su".1 of the Independent 7ariables 11,(n)j decreasing modulis Itak is called for fixed k -e- n the extrelmr's'm'emb'Oe"r k order number. Theorem It If )((X) satisfies the condizion (1) W:Lth t6e exponent (A 0 j 9( j oo , then the inverse function mikl,imfleu! for every k 0 the cond-tion (kx) I (6) lim 4 + 0 k Theorem 2t Under the assumptions of theorem I it holdr (7) lim du 0 for 0 pe x -.> + co u Card 2/ 8 The Extreme Members of Satple and Tbeir Role in the Suill (if the Independent Variables (8) lim '(U") du - 0 f o r cK 4 ;"PO X -t + OD f~(X) u Oc Theorem 3t For arbitrary fixed nutural, k and m, N< m. inl arbitrary parameters Oc and a, 0 < oc 4+00 0 < + tv for n: -%~ co the densit.v of the joint limit distribution of the normed I., xtreme members I (U) (n) -k- and M where a a (f4f to given by an an n (17) k,m(y.x) (y,.T) + pq (y, -X) P11 (-Y!.X) + Tkom k M ~Jm 2 + q Tk M(-Y,-X) (n) where the density of the limit distribution a is determined by n a Card 3/8 The Extreme Members of Sample and Their Rolq in tile $I'm of the Independent Variables 2 + CA for 0~(x