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RIM, N.A.0 vrach; VARIN, I.Ye,, vrach; ARKWGELISKIY V N prof, j TZBOTSKAYA.-ROSSELIS, Ye.H,, vrach; MMKIY, Y.G., dotsent (Smolensk); UK=, M.L.,. dotsent; USTINOV, S.D., starshiy prepodavatell gimnastiki Health hints. Zdarovve 9 no.200-31 F 163. (MIRA 16:3) (HYGIEB), k7MMGU.SKIY, V. N. "Neoplasm of the optic norveO. Report to be submitted at The Second Congress of the Suropean Sooiety of Ophthalmology,, Vienna, Austria,, 7-13 Juxe 19640 ARK'WGEL'SKIY, V.N.,__prof.; BRYANTSEVA, M-K-; DORYIDOETOVA, K.V.; - BUNIN, A.Ya.p red.; LYUDKOVSKAYA, N.Lp tekhn. red. [Manual on eye diseases] Uchebnik glaznykh boleznei. Pod obshchei red. V.N.Arkhangellskogo. Hoskva, 14edgiz, 1963. 1963. 327 P. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent MIN SSSR (for Arkhangellskiy). -ARMMGELISRUs V.N.,, prof. Morphological basis of the change in the color of the optic disk in health and in pathology. Vest. oft. 76 no.5:39-49 - S-0 163. (MIRA 171l) 1, Gla.2naya klinika I Hoskovskogo ordena lenina. meditsinskogo instituta, imeni I.M. Sechenova. Chlen-korre6pondent AMR SSSR. SIKHARULIDZE, I.A.p zaal. deyatell nauki, prof., otv. red.; BERADZE, N.I., dots., otv. red.; ARKHANGgELLI�~V.N., prof,, red.; ABULADZE, V.A., red.; MliUVA, D.N., kand. med. nauk, red.; BOGOSLOVSKIY, A.I., doktor biol. nauk, red.; BUNIN, A.Ya.,, kand. med. nauk, red.; VILENKINA, A., doktor med. nauk, red.; VISHNEVSKIY, N.A., prof., red.; ZARUBIN, G.S., nauchn. sotr., red.; ITSIKSON, L.Ya., kand. mede nauk, red.; KIIASNOV, 14.L., zasl, deyatell nauki, prof., red.; MACHARASHVILI, P*D., zeal. vrach Gruz. SSR, red.; FUCHKOVSKAYA, N.A., prof., red.; RABKIN, Ye.B., prof., red.; RSHZHECHITSKAYA, O.V., kand. med. nauk) red.; ROSLAVTSEV, A.V.p st. nauchn. sotr., red.; TARTAKOVSKAYA, A.I., kand. med. nauk, red.; FRADKIN, M.Ya.., prof., red.; KHAYUTIN, S.M., prof., red.; CHERNYAKOVSKIY, G.Ya., kand. med. naukp red.; CHKONIYA, E.A., kand. med. nauk, red.; SHATILOVA, T.A.j doktor mod. nauk, red.; YAKOVLEV, A.A., nauchn.sotr., red. [Materials of the Second All-Union Conference of Ophthal- mologists] Materialy Vsesoiuznoi konferentsii oftallmolo- gov. Tbilisip Respublikanskoe nauchn. ob-vo oftallmologov Gruz.SSR, 1961. 498 p. (111RA 18:1) 1. Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya oftallmologov, 2d, Tiflis, 1961. 2. Chlen-korrespondent ANN SSSR (for Arkhangellskiy). ARKHANGELISKIY, V.N., prof. Physiology and pathology of the vitreous body. Trudy 1-go MMI 32:7-27 164. (MIRA 1815) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy glaznykh bolezney 1-go Moskovskngo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Sechenova. Chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR. ARULOGILI SKIT. V.N., RZYTLINGXR, S.A. , %-- __-It"'-- -lospheric balloons for studying the atmosphere. Meteor* Automatic stra i gidrol no.11:47-50 N 956 (HUtA 10:1) (Balloons, Sounhng) AUTHORSs Arkhangel'skiy, V. N. Sukhotskiy, Ye. I. 5o-58-5-14/2o TITLEt A Now Standard Atmosphere (Novaya standartnaya atmosfera) PERIODICALs Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya, 1958, Nr 5, PP- 55-58 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The authors report on the results of the work done by the committee organized in 1953 in the Weather Bureau and the Directory for Geophysical Research of the Research Center of Kambridzh (Cambridge, USA) of the VVS. In 1956 the elaboration of the above-mentioned atmosphere up to an altitude of 30o km was concluded. The fundamental quantities of the now atmosphere are represented in figure I and tables I and 2. The advantages of the new atmosphere, as compared to those of 1947, are enum- erated. The Directory at present is engaged in working out de- tailed tables of this atmosphere which shall soon be edited. The contents of the tables will correspond to the standard atmosphere of the International Civil Aviation Organization . (ICAO) which was accepted as an international standard. At the end some explanations of the standard atmosphere of 1956 and the pertinent tables (edited in England) are given. There are 3 figuresp 2 tablesq Card i/I 1. Atmosphere--Standards ARKWGILISKIY, Y.T. - with galvanometric SSR 2:195-201 56. for frequerey characteristic@ recording. Trudy Inst.f.izA (Seismology) of seismographs geofiz.Alf Turk. (KLRA 10:3) ARKHANGELISKIT, V.T. *M,-- seismic inclinometer with galvano- metric recording. Trud7 Inst. fiz. i geofix. AN Turk. SSR 4:3-8 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Saismotetry) 87966 S/049/60/600/010/002/014 E133/E414 AUTHOR: Arkh""lls-kiv. V'.T. TITLE: On the Theory of a Long-Period Vertical Seismometer PERIODICAL: Izvostiya Akadenii nauk SSSR, Seriya geofizicheskaya, ig6o, No,109 P001432-1441 - TEXT: The author uses the term "neismonoter" to denote that part of the seismograph which detects earthquakes as distinct from.the recording apparatus, There has been considerable recent Interest in long-period seismic waves, A typical seismomet*r pendulum in the USSR has a period -12.5 sec. To study long-period waves, it in necessary to lengthen this to at least 30 see. This can be done fairly easily for horizontal seismographs, but vertical seismographs become unstable even for periods as short as 15 to 20 see, The instability occur* because of a strong dependence of the period on the equilibrium position of the.pondulum and on the amplitude of the oscillations. The author sets up the differential equation for the motion of a vertical seismograph pendulum 9" Card 1/8 Ke a M(Q) 87966 s/o49/6o/ooo/olO/002/0l4 E133/B414 On the Theory or a Long-Period Vertical Seismonster for a typical seismograph (cr Pisa). Retaining the first rour terms in the Maclaurin expansion or M(Q), he arrives at the differential equation (10) for 9 which has the solution 0 a A sin (nt, + f#) (11) where n in dorined by M, (0) M. (0) MW (0) (12) K + zM, (U) 0+ _UAF_(TJ The angular frequency (no) as 0-40 in given by Card 2/4 ~7pM S/049/60/000/010/002/014 E133/E414 the Theory of a LangoPtriod Vertical Seismometer .Writing this in terms of the corresponding period (TO) tq*(18) now becomes 3 At, (0) To, Oo- M- (0) T" 24nsjr (14a) Who tits torms Ivisi44 tht brackots are.snall, Eq.(14&) can bv !written *a At' (0) Ts AP (0) 71 TO+ a+ (15a) or T a To'+ AIT. A2T. !Card 3/8-- 87966 5/049/60/000/010/002/014 E133/E414 'On the"Thoory of a LonS-Period Vertical Seismom*ter' iFor M"(0) > 09 the effect of the 61T. term is to decrease the ;upper halt of the oscillation and creams the lower half. Ibis :term in proportional to 9 and Tr if M It, (0) >0, the .effect of the 42T. term is to Increase the amplitude an the :squar* of 9 Next, the author considers the pendulum ~parameters on which M"(O) and M110(0) depend. He finds that :M11(0) a 0 for either of the conditions too (a + &/b 'or (24) coo (01 a b/ai Soismometer arrangements which satisfy these requirements are shown in Fij,5. The values of M111(0), which correspond to the. two cases illustrate,4 are given by Card 418 S/04 9/4 000/010/002/014 9133/9414 On the Theory of a Long-Period Vertical Seisnometer 2 &,) A1'w(O)=a'O 1+ (24'a) (24b) M (0) bsc + (246) S. t However, in practie*, these arrangements give periods which are-" only of the order of two seconds. In order to increase the,periodi of free oscillations, Richardson (Ref,2) has suggested the use of a, 0 second spring which.oboys the relationship: ati + Ol -a 180% 2 It is found that the period can be increasedby altering the To I length of the second spring, It is also possible to make 45jLTO a 0 and to decrease the dependence of period on amplitude. However, oicing to the constructional complications introduced, a second spring is seldom used. The author next 21 consider* the use of a single spring of taro initial length 0). He finds that, in this case, the period hardly changes Card 87966 S/049/6010001010/002/014 2133/E414 On the Theory of a Long'Poriod'Vertical Seismometer even for'larse oscillations. The initial length is defined a.* 2 .z T 47x2 40 5 The period of free oscillations is given by A 2' (34) X~ Y-tg 50 9 This equation shows that the period can be increased if I X/mRo in increased or It a + F tends to 90% The latter C As of no practical importance-as the period then tends to infinity, It is found that small changes in the equilibrium 55 position of the pendulum do not affect the-period. The author concludes that the best practical approach is to us* a suspension Card 6/6 gem- 87966 S/049/60/000/010/002/014 E133/E414 On the Theory of'&'Long-Period'Vertical Saismometer 10 spring of zero initial length. There should be various possible attachment points for the springand the upper point of attachment should be easily movable, both in the direction of the b-coordinat* and in a directift perpendicular to this and to the,-. axis of rotation (Fig.50- It is suggested that for ease of construction oither * a SZ 0, 90* (Fig.5b) or M 01 a V 9 (Fig.5c) should be used, The spring should be made of a material wit1v low coefficient of expansion. The apparatus should not be affected by pressure changes, I.e. the 20 disposition of volume about the axis'of rotation should be symmetrical. There are 5 figures and 7 references: 2 Soviet. and 5 non-Soviot. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR Institut fiziki zenli 25 Academy of Sciences USSR Institute of Physics of the Earth) SUBMITTZD: May 18, 1960 Card 7/8 - -- S/04 61/000/005/004/013 D218YD306 jangel's dy AUTHORS: Arkl Kirnos, D.P., Popov, 101.1 &nd Solovyev, V.N. TITLE: Preliminary observations of long-period seismic waves at the Simferopol' station PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR Izvestiya. Seriya geofiziches- kaya, no. 5, 1961, ~70-675 TEXT: This paper was first read at a seminar on surface waves which was held in the Department of Seismology and Seismic Service on October 1 - 5, 1960, at SizfRropoll. The authors briefly report on a prototype vertical seismograph which was designed for detect- ing seismic waves with periods between 20 and 300 sec. The instru- ment is a modification of a vertical seismograph designed in 1959 in the Department of Seismology of the Institute of Physics of the Earth AS USSR. The modification was carried out in accordance with the recommendations given by the first of the present authors (Ref. 6: Izv. AN SSSR, Ber. geofiz., no. 10, 1960). The pendulum Card 114