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AIUM"GXLIU4'?T, V.D., kandidat tekhnichaskikh n=k. WOWNW Tachnologioal procose of produoing wood flour. Lea.prom. 14 no.1:23-24 A 134. OMU 791) 1. ~Sentrsllnyy nauchno-looledovatellskiy institut meklmicheskoy obrabotki draTesiny. (Wood flour) AUXH I BURKOV, V.I., red.; KHUDYAKOVA, A.V., --"7 reCizd-va; DRATISHKO, L.V., [Briquetting sawdust) Briketirovanie drevesnykh opilok. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1957. 54 p. (MIRA 11:4) (Briquets) I I I -, -i -- rc '~ - I - j- z - . -, -k o- -, - - ~ - /'-, - - --~- -- 4 C-'-1 ,, j - ; "rf '-1 t-- K ) I i ) ~1 11 1 '1 1 U I - ~ : , AR (Um I CQZW-T-Ivr- ; SMNOV, D.I., red.; MOROV, B.N., rodetzd-va; BACHRINA, A.K.. (Technology of wood Murl Takhnologita dravesnoi mukt. Moskva, Goelesbumisdat, 1957. 191 9. (KIR.4 11:2) (Wood flour) PZTROVSXIT, I.I,; SHVATKA, M.A.; ARIHA ISKIY, V.D. Wood waste pricess"'IFIFo- prom. 7 no.1003-26 0 158. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Livoyakly gosudaretvennyy universitet im. rranko (for Petrovskiyo Shvayka)# 2, TSentrallnyy neuchno-looledovatellakly inetitut makhatichaskoy obralbotki dereva (for Arldungellskiy). (Wood waste--Prices) AFXWGELISKIT, V.D. ,It a dration of wood waste. Der.prom. ? no.11:5 1 158. (mm 11:11) 1. Tgentr&IIW nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut mekhaulcheekoy obrabotki drevesiny. (Wood v'aste--Drying) ARKHANGILISKIY, V.D.;RUSHMOT. N.F. Knife chippers for the production of industrial wood chips. Der.prom. 9 n0-5:14-15 Wr 160. MU 13:7) (Woodworking mchInez7) ARKMGELISKIYI Vqevo2od Dmitriyevich: BASKAXOV, Ye.D., red.; IEBEDMIA, I.D-.; red. izd-va; LQBANKOVA, R.Ye,x tekhn. red. (Processing of secondary wood raw materials) Parerabotka vtoricbnogo drevesnogo syr%ia. 14ookva, Goeleebumizdat, 1961. 153 P, (MIRA W12) (Wood waste) AWWNGEL!SKIY,-V-D.,-ksnd. takhn. nauk; STRONGIN, A.M., lush.; RDZHDESTVENSKAYA, I.F., red.; BARSUKOVA, Yu., (Devices for making wooden furniture] Priepoaobleniia dlia proizvodstva Bipliarnoi mebeli. Moskva, KOIZ, 1951. 211 p. (MIRA 16M (Carpentry--Tools) AUWqL'� REBRIN, S.,, nauchn. red.; ZARAPINA, Ye.Ya., ied.; PETRENKO, V.M., tokhn. red. (Units for drying shavings and sawdust) Agretaty dlia sushki stm2hek i opilok. Moqkva, TSontr. in-t tekhn. informatsii i ekon. issledovanii po lesnoif buma hhnoi i derevoobrabat. prou7shl., 1963. 23 p. (MIRA 17:4) 4274C. GjLYArtr'ljSXTV V. 1. 1, 1,11111O."I'S"IRTY, G. ZL lor-hi T-ikhot, .1 f '. 1 Itaboty V Fool,-~voyvnncrye Vrc-.7a. V S13: ',.'e I . - S, i n .Fcslcdstvlya Fo Ikh LiPvlc~utEii. T. I. V., 1948, s. -1,7-fP-. 0-0: Letorl.,-' Zhurna-L'lnykll --tatey, VC1. 7, 1949 ARXWN~tELISKIY# V.G* 25984 Peikhotyerapiye) fye?dshyer i akushyerka. 1949, No. 7, a. 20-25 So: Istopis' No. 34 - ARUMML13-Ulf To 00 Detrimental otteets ot tobasso suoid health. NOWM, 19~0- 19 P. (sausbae- pepultarmis, seditsinskals, litorstuiral on DAN I* Incidr4g. 2, Isbaoso - Physiolegisal ottestse -ARUKMICL'SKIY-,- V~Ge - . - 7~e ~airii:~Wflteot Of smoking] 0 vreds kursaiia. lzd. 4. Moskva, Medgis. 1954. 23 P. (MM 7:11) (Smoking) (Tobacco--Physiologioal effect) ARMUWXLISKIY, V.G. (Moskva) Treatment of asthenic conditions with mWestion and prolonged sloop In polyolinical conditions. Zhur.neyr.1, psikh. 54 no.5: 436-439 W 154. (XLRL 7:6) (AS IA, therapy, $sleep) (S , therapeutic ust, 'Palthenia) ARKHAIRILISKIT ladimir Georgiyevich; KONMATIYNV, Viktor Alekseyovich-, TR&a-eyi&~-.W:V'-redaktor; IMLIORIKOTA, Yu.S., tekhnicheskiy 9 redaktor. (To the student on organization of working and living habits] Studentu. ob organizatsit truda. i byta, Hooky&, Goes isd-vo m(A. lit-ry. 1955. 97 P. (mLHA 9:6) (Students) ARKWGZLI SKIT, T. j. NXIMMY, D. AL" Leonll losifovich Smirnov; obituary. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 56 no.g-. 438-439 156. (K[MA 9 1 i) (SHLUOV, LNOVID IOSIPOTION, 1889-1955) LIVITANSKIY, B.A.. in-whene". ARKHMELISKIY V.I. r9drAkt-!-z-: NEPOMMSHCHIY. .. I r. M. ra M -4 Hove, redaktor; MIKHAYMYr, rsdakt [Zlerjt:?ic&l equipment of the lr,~n industr7 industrial plaut3l Blek+r.-!- oborivioranie predpriiatii chernc-i matallurgil. Mcak-m, Gc~s.nauchmac- tokb.t.izcl-vo lit-ry po cher-wi i tsvetnoi matal~urgit, 1955. 619 p. (Iron indwtry) (Zlectric maohiLer7) L, I'L I x V\ IN AID P - 3246 Subject t WS/Xleotrioity Gard 1/2 Plab, 27 - 1/25 Author i Arkhangellskiy,, V. I., Eng.1, Moscou Title I A now system of 'controlling the excitation field of a blooming Mill drive Periodical t Blektriohestvos 9., I-Sj, S 1935 Abstract : The author gives an account of the recsuiremento for a quick clearing of transients caused by the change of a d-o motor field. He demonstrates that with the veakening of tM field the initial excitation ourrent should be at its maximum with a subsequent reduction. On, the other hand, with tine intensification of the field., the initial current should be low and increasing. The author finds formulas to express -the changes of the excitation current during the transient period. He buildo dynamic characteristics of the system and on their basis static omee. He describes the now system of controlling the rolling mill drive and makes a comparative study of the new and old methods of control.- ft. Iran b,6 dil Awt ti a~OVALi- APMUNGELISKIY, V.I., inzh.; CHILYUSTKIN, A.B. Programming equipment used In automatic control of adjusting screws in reversing mills. Blul, TSNIIGHK no,l5tZ2-25 157, rKMA 11:5) (Rolling mills-Numerical control) ARKHA LISKIY, V.I., inzh. Automatic control of blooming mills. Biul. TSNIICHK no.1:24-29 158. (Rolling mills) (Automatic 6ontrol) (min 110) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5220 Arkhangel'skiy, Vladimir Ivanovich BeskontaktnyW skemy upravleniya elektroprivodami reversivnykh prokatnykh 5tanov (Noncontact Control Circuits of Electric DriVes in Reversible Rolling Mille) Moscow, Gosenergolzdat, 1960. 124 p. 8 000 copies printed. (Series: Biblioteka po avtomatike, vyp. 2~) Editorial Board: I. V. Antik, S. N. Veshenevskly, V. S. Kulebakin, A. D. Smirnov, B. S. Sotakov, Ye. F. Stefani, and N. N. Shumilov- skiy. Ed.: N. G. Lysenkov; Tech. Ed.: K. P. Voronin. PURPOSE: This book is intended for technical personnel engaged In planning, investigating, adjusting, and operating the electric drives of rolling mills. It may also be useful to students who are taking courses in the electrical equipment of Industrial enterprises. Gard-I/-# Noncontact Contro-i circuits 10ont.), SOV 5220 1 Y COVERAGE: The book contains a description and analysis of noncon tact control circuits of electric drives for rolling mills. The author discusses methods of designing efficient structures of electric drives and gives examples of the selection of non- contact circuit parameters. Also included is a description of components used in designing noncontact circuits. The Tsentrall- noye proyektno-konstruktorskoye byuro (TBPKB) I Central I'lan- ning and Design Office) Glavproyektmontazhavtomatiki of the Ministry of Construction RSPSR, the TsKB [Central Design Office "Elektroprlvod" NIIEP, and IAT AN SSSR [Institute of Automa- tion and Telemechanics AS USSR] are identified as organizations concerned with the development and investigation of noncontact control circuits for electric drives of rolling mills using rotating amplifiers and controlled mercury-arc rectifiers. No personalities are mentioned. There are 19 references, all Soviet (including I translation). TABLE OF CONTENTS; Foreword 3 Ca=d=_2A__ VERSHINSKIY, Nikolay Vsevolodovich; ARKHANGELISKIY- V.I., red.; VOROVIN, K.P., tekhn. red. (underwater television) Podvodnoe televidenie. Moskva, Goe.energ. izd-vo, 1960. 223 p. (MIU ]J+:12) (Underwater television) r5h; f Him,: Eli -VU, N r P. 'El INN [ili Wif ARWGELISKIyt V.I. t insh. Cou7W-Ueos -control cirouit of Ue men drive of a reversible rolling min. jci~ktrichest'ro n-o.2:33-39 T 161.6 (MM 14:3) 1 L-Uentrallnoys proyaktno-konstruktorskoye byaro Olavproyaktmontash- aytomatika. (Rolling milla-Zlectric driving) ARKHANGELISKIYa, V.I.; LYAMBAKH9 R.V,; SIEZHANOV.SKIYI, O.V. Automatic control of reversing blqpping mills. Stall 21 no.6:52& 534 Je 161, Rolling mills) ,I (MIRA Up 5) Rutomatic control) ,xj 0 Revibw of Mj.KrI.vo9heev's book T'PrInciples of television measurements," Radiotekbnlka 210 no,7M-79 XI t65. (MIRA 180) ARMAGILIKIY, VA, 30100tion of number of speeds in drilling installationa wilh a drive throvCh a hydraulic torque convertor. Neft. khos. 35 no.Br 19-24 Ag 157. (Oil well drilling-lquipment and supplies) (KIM 10911) SOV/93-58-8-7/15 AUTHOR: Arkhangel TITLE: Certain Advantages in Using Turbine Transformers With Drilling Rigs (0 nekotorykh preimushchestvakh primeneniya turbotransformatorov v burovykh ustanovkakh) PERIODICAL: Neftyanoye khozyaystvo, 1958, Nr 8, pp. 28-35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author states that the exclusion of turbine trans- formers from the drive of drilling rigs leads to power loss during the lowering and lifting of the drilling columns. This power loss is inherent in the lowering and lifting operations and prolongs the time of thess operations. Extensive research carried out by the Giproneftemash in recent years confirms the author's conclusion. The author supports his conclusion with data on Uralmash-3D, -5D, and -9D drilling rigs, and on U-2-4-5 and U-2-5-4 hoists. The data are reflected Card 1/3 Certain Advantages (Cont.) SOV/93-58-8-7/15 in Figs. 1-7 and Tables 1-4~ The author determines the number of runs with the aid of the formula x = Ay", proposed by A. M. Pirverdyan in an article published in "Azerbaydzhanskoye neftyanoye khozyaystvo, 1947, Nr 11. In this formula x is the number of runs, u - the well depth in units of drill pipe, and A and n - constants for the well. The author determines the rate of the operating and cable with the aid of the formula V, a + 75N I proposed by Put (Rmako - F ut) zi S. V. Zvorykin in an article published in "Neftyanoye khozyaystvo," 1953, Nr 10. In this formula N is the power on the shaft in horsepower P permissible tension in the operating end cable, U~ dead weight, and I - ordinal velocity number. The imensionless number Zi is selected from a special table, the initial Card 2/3 Certain Advantages (Cont.) SOV/93-58-8-7/15 velocity equals 1. The author concludes that the inclusion of turbine transformers in the drilling rig drive will make it possible to utilize the rated capacity and consequently shorten the time for the lifting and lowering of drilling columns. There are 7 figures and 4 tables. I. Drilling machines-Equipwnt 2. Turbines-Equipmnt, 3. Turbines-Performsmae 4. Hoists Card 3/3 ARKHANGELISKIYO Y.L. Reducing the number of speeds in hoisting drilling rigo equipped with hydraulic torque converters. Heft. khoz. 38 no.UtIB-21 N 160, (MR& 14:4) (Oil well dri3aing rigs) ARKHANGELISKIY, V.L. Effect of the gear ratio of a transmission case on the start of a drill hoist with a torque converter. Mash. i neft. obor. no.30-7 164. 1Ar..*~Nr- (HIM 17; 5) , N 1. Zavod "Barrikady"l g. Volgograd. A x ARKHANCELISKIY, V.L. Effect of' characteristics of tire-pneumatic clutch on the turning on of draw-works hoisting shaft. Mash. i neft. obor. no.8tl3-16 163. (MIRA 17t6) 1. Zavod "Barrikody.11 ARKHANGELISKIY, V,L, Use of hydraulic torque convezters in drilling rigs. Mash, L neft. obor. noo2%3-1-18 163. (MIRA 17;8) 1. Urallakiy zavod tyashelogo mashinostroyeniya imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze. ARKUNGEWSKIII-V.L.-I-I Mwmtice of the driving parta of a clutch when turning on drilling the draw works in the initial stage. Mash. i neft, obor. no.8:3-7 164. (MIRA 17&11) ' 1. Zavod "BarTikadel, g. VolgDgrad. Faths to the Development of the Countryle Climatolory. Veteorol. i gldroloFiya, No 5, 1953, pl- 13-15 The author notes a number of tasks of climatology. In Eis opinion it to necessary to establish definitely and clearly for all students of the subject the object of climatology,- to define for each region the natural synoptic z7easons, and to give ekhaustive characteristics of the geographical typw~ of air masses. The author points to the erroneousnens of the resolutton of the Central Institute of Weather Forecasting on the elimina- tion of the nomenclature for air masses from synoptic charts. (R&Geol, No 5~ 1954) SO: Sum. No. 568, 6 Jul 55 Subject Card 1/3, Author Title I USSR/14eteorology and Hydrology AID P - 1863 Pub. 71-a - 6/26 Arkhangellskiy, V. L., Kand. of Geographical Sol. I Ury-TOMv- neillnemSt T*ne friction layev in, medium-size mountains Periodical t Met.1 gidro... no.2,, 26-28.. 1955 Abstract Tests made in East Siberia with pilot-balloons are described, Results reportedly show that the friction level reaches up to 1,400 m while the friction force is most effective at 700 to 950 m. Three tables are given, Four Russian references 1936, 1939, 1947 and 1952. Institution : None Submitted : No date '-, ~, AR KwUlUk"UhIPTIP J.46WA. PathR and displacem9nt valocity Of CYCIOnAR and anticyclonan in Rnatern 81borla and tho Par Mnst. Trudy Dallsevost. NIGIMI no.I: 97-113 '56. (KRA 11:10) East--Cyclones) (Siberia, Enatera--Cyclones) (Par ARKWORLISKIY, V,L. Gononis of atmoupborto prooipitation in the Sikliote-Alin' region and. the surrounding aroa. Trudy Dallnevoot. NIG14I no.3s68-8? 1 58. (MIRA 11112) (Sikhota-Alln' rogion-Pracipitation (Matenrology)) ARKIWI(MLIS Influence of the Sikhote-Alin' Range on thermal conditions in the lower part of the troposphere during the let and 2nd stages of summer monsoons@ Trudy Dallnevost. NIGM no.3:84-86 58. (MI -11 11:12) (Sikhote -Alin' rqglon-Atmo spheric temperatutre) ARKHANGXL$bXIY, Viktor L'i.vovich;,_ ZHDANUTA, L.P., red.; 7MUN, M.Ya. # \ (Influence of the Sikhote-Alin' Range on synoptic processes Iand distribution of precipitation] Yliianla Sikhte-Alinia na sinoptioheakie protsessy i raspredelenis osadkov. Lenin- grad, Gidrometeor.ind-vo, 1959. 163 p. (MMA 13:2) (Sikhote-Alin' region-Meteorology) 3' (7), 3 (9) AUTHOR: Arkhangellskiy, V. L. SOV/50-59-1-3/21 TITLE: ffinter Cyclone on the M ,aatheSeasonal lenter of Motsk~ Sea Atmospheric Activity 'Zimniy okhotskomorskiy tsiklon sezonnyy tsentr deyntv11,11 atmosfery) PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i Gidrologiyn, 1959, "r :1, PP 21-25 (US'"j) ABSTRACT; Kh, P. Pogronyan (Ref 6) asc-~rtained as carly ns in 1917 the existence of a rough (froin the north to-,,inrds the Okhotsk 'anti) in winter on the 500 mb-levol. The proofs for the existence of a statistically stable irinter cyclone on the Okhotsk ~31(,n nre given here, and thus the nacertainments of Pogonyan nre confirmed in detail. For this purpose. Lhe charts forlOvdnten; (Decomber-Yebruary) from 1018/191 and the dAily wenther reports from January 1949 nre usoi. The stntistic stability of the winter cyclone on the Okhotsk Son in the lorest atmospheric layer was already provod in the papQrs (Refs 4 and 10). It is shown here that this al~no npplj,q:i to the wholo lower half of the troposphere. The table obtain~ed here 31inyin that in December the average number of days with high cyclone-3 Card 1/3 over the Okhotsk Sea is equnl to the average number of dnys with such cyclones over the Aloutian Inlanis and the adjacent Winter Cyclone on the Ok1,otak8e&)uthe3oa-.onn1 SOI/50-59-,, 7?,/;l Center of Atmospheric Activity parts of the Pacific Ocean and the Berin3 Sen. The value ol-, the nbsolute geopotontial of the 500 mb-nirface in the center of the cyclone on the O'khotsk Sen Itiring the thrre riqter ,,-nll -. in smaller than in the center of the Alcutinn depreoni.-)r. An analogous situation is Qb's4=ed on the 300 nb-surfnc,:. %1'1~ proves that in winter there in P. ntqtistinally stable 1'11e~:~ cyclone abdv,~, the Okhots]. Sea. It is not inferior in to the Aleutian depression in the miiiile and upper tro,)*3rher~.%. Observations from the balloon also confirm this. In the cyclonic circulation above the Okhotsk Sea in tho section from Okhotsk to Cane Taygonos, the air in the middle Rnd upper troposphere flows irom sea and ocean towards the vainlrini. It constitutes - so to sneak - a compensating, current which, to a certain extent, oompenzates the flow-off of the air from the mainland towards the ocean in the southcrn latitudes. 1:11&,' is one of the moot important furictions of thp winter cyclone above the Okhotsk Sea as a center of influence of the atmosphero which rogtilates the directions of the :wiin ciirron'.--: of the general circulation of the- atmosphere in Vis (--,-,trcL- Card 2/3 tropical 1-ititudon of the Far East. - T~e two kinds of WyllrC-50- Yinter Cyclone on the Okhotsk Sea - n 3easonal Center of Atmospheric Activity atmospheric processes, which frequently occur over the ba3in of the AMxr River as well ns ovL~r the area on the right bqnk of the Lena during the whole winter and which are moot characteristic for these areas, are pointed out. One of Vie most important factors determining tha displacement of baric formations in the temperate latitudes of East Asia is the relief and the configuration of the coastline. The greographio position and the configuration of the coastline of "he Okhotsk Sea are favorable for the formation of the centrnI cyclone above the sea in winter. Thus, the evolution of the planetary altitude-frontal zone, and the state of the jet currents in the temperate latitudes of East Asia in the winter months are inseparably connected with the evolution of a high central cyclone above the Okhotsk Sea and with the intrusion of anticyclones from the northern latitudes into tho midile and subtropical latitudes of East Asia. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 10 Soviet references. Card 3/3 - 4c-:- - ARKMGICLISXIY,- Y.L. - - - - lentioular clouds In the Maritime Territory. Trudy Dallnevost. NIGMI no.UtIU-117 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Noitime Torritory-Olouds) AM11GILISKIYo nL. Calculating vertical gradients of precipitation in the Sikhote-Alin' region. TL-ud7 Dallnevost, VIGHI no. UtI18'129 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Bikhote-Alint Pbgion-Preoipitation (Hoteorologr)) RAYKHRL12 A,Ys.; ARMWGELISKIY OV2 V. A. Effect of weight of the Mobile elements of the hoisting mechanism on the medium lowering speed of the empty elevator. Neft. khoz. 40 no..11:22-25 N 162. (MIM 160) (Elevators) ARKRAMELISKIYO V.L. Secular circulation of air temperature in Barnaul and Ner- chinskiy Zavods Veat, Mosk. un, Ser 5:Goog. 18 no.60749 N-D 163. (MIRA 16:3-1) ACCESSION lat: AT4018152 S/2633/63/00'0/015/0113/0136 AUMOR: Arkhangellskiy, V, L, TITIEs Synoptic conditions associated with turbulence experienced by high-speed aircraft *a Far Eastern air routes SOMCE: Vladivostok. Dallnevostoch. n.-i gidromet~or. institut. Trudy-*, no. 15, 1963, 113-136, TOPIC TAGS% motecrologyt aircraft iurbulence, aviation meteorology, atmospheric turbulence, troposphere, upper troposphere, atmospheric front ABSMACT: An analysis of 1,454 reports submitted by crows of scheduled airliners were used to investigate aircraft turbulence conditions at heights of 8-10 km. On all Far Ekstern air routes the aircraft turbulence experienced by turbojet planes in the upper troposphere is most probable in spring. Between Irkutsk and Khabar- ovsk the probability of turbulence in this season in 49%, between Khabarovsk and Vladivostok it in 28% and between Rhabarovsk and Petropavlovsk'it is 24%. "The mini== probability of turbulence is in summer. The annual breakd6wn of cases of turbulence is; weak - 67%p moderate - 23% and itrong - 10%. Strong 'turbulence -is least common in autumn and winter. The probability of turbulence is greater in. - ACCESSION NH: AT4018152 7 clouds than in clear skies. In 80% of all turbulence cases the surface synoptic chart shows one or more clearly defined front#. The probability of aircraft tur-p bulence during flight through'warm, cold and quasi-stationary fronts is almst identical. The absolute number of cases is only slightly dependent on the form of the high-level pressure field. Aircraft turbulence was observed on only 8% ofj~ the flights analyzed. Moderate.and strong turbulence occurred most frequently when the plane passed through a region of a high-level ridge, including the piri-1. phery between a ridge and through. Moderate and strong turbulence was observed most frequently outside the jet stream zone. A total of 90% of cases of strong turbulence occurred when winds aloft exceeded velocities of 60 kn/hour, The air route with the most frequent moderate and strong turbulence is Irkutak4v-obodnyy. All other conditions being equal, flights without air-crah turbulence are most frequent when the horizontal temperature gradients and the geop6tential*are leasc;!' variable at flight altitudes" Orig, art-, has: 12 figures and 9 tablet. ASSOCIATION% Dallnevostoahwi nauchno-iseledavatel'skiy gidrometsorologiahookil';.... ivAtitutp Vladivostok (tar 19astern I. tute) 2/ A'RKU,IGELISKIY, V.L. Some characteristics of atmospheric processes In Transbaikalia. Zap. Zabaik. otd. Geog. ob-va SSSR no. 24:21-38 164 (MIRA 19:1) ARKWGELISKIY~ V.L.; BIRMAN, B.A.; ZAKHAROV, V.N.; MARGOLIN, L.M.; PASHKOV, Yu.S. Brief news. Meteor. i gidrol. no.8:63-64 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:10) ARKXANM,May, V. m,, Candidate of Teoh Soi (dian) -- "An evaluation of systems of developing mica deposits in eastern Siberia in terms of injuries to the mica crystals". Laningmd-Trkutck, 1959. 14 pp (Min Higher Educ US%1, Tieningrad order of Lenin and Order of Labor'Red Banner Mining Instp Irkutsk minin g and Metallurgical Inst), 160 copies (n, va, 22, 1959, 113) ALIM. G.A.; SFMNDV, P.G.; BUIANZHE, Tu.D.; ROZOVA, Ya.A.; XMWTSXIT, Y,G.; ARMUMBLISM. V.M.: TSIHATATI. A.D.: MA V. A.G. Cements of participants ef tha meeting. BjuleSev*pq saism. Ise.105-92 1 155. (Seimmeloa) (MIRA 9:9) ARIUMCELISM, V. M. "Some Cases of the %iming of, Girburetor Enginev Under Unsteady Conditions." Sub 19 Apr 51, Moscow Automobile and Road Inst imeni V. M. Molotov. Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees in Mosc(w during 1951. SO: Sum. No. 48o., 9 May 55. VICTS. D.A.; KOXEM, A.A.; ULYANOV, V.A.; MALYNICH, V.I.; POVOLOTSKIT, Lols; RLSKATOY, V.M., inzhener; TOPCHNIN, G.S.Cdeceased]; LAPUSEKIN, A.D., dotsent, reteensent; USPASSKIT, P.P., professor, reteenzent;ARM-41,11- GSLISKIY. dat tekhnicheskikh nauk. reteensent; MIMM. Z. kandi L, , tekhnicheskikh nwik, retsen2ent; SHAROY, M.Ya., kandidat teWmicheskikh neuk, retsenzent; YURITEV, N.G., inshener. retsenzent; LYUTIKOV, A.F., redaktor; MMELO, B.I., tekhnicheskiy redaktor, I [Manual on materials for the construction of locomotives and railroad care] Spravochnik po materlelam dlia lokomotivo- I vagonostroeniia. Pod obehohel red. Y.M. Raskatows. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. isd-To anchino-stroit. lit-rY, 1956. 481 p. (Locomotives--Construction) (Railroads--Care--Construction) KUZNZTSOT, Yevgeniy Samenovich; AUZOGEL'May, T.H., red.; DONM:ATA, G.D.. Dabrioation systems for motor vehicles] Rezhiny amd; ki avto- I mobilei, MoskTas Nauohno-t9khnAzd-vo N-Va i1vtomobillnogo transporta i shosssivkh dorog RSPER. 1960. 77 P- (MIRA 13:5) (Motor vehiolse-Iftbrication) NORDUKHOVICH, Meyer MatvoYsvioh: NOW. Boris Yedoro~ich; STIPANOV, YU.A.' doktor tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; LTMOV, K.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; AMIMULI kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; NAIMIMM. YeAst redelid-va; IMIKIND, V.D., [Fuel equipment of motor vehicles] Toplivnaia apperatura avto- mobillnykh dvigatelei. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-teklinAvd-vo nashino- stroit.lit-ry, 1960. 254 p. (XIn 13:12) (Motor vehicles--Fuel systems) ANDREYEV, B.V,;,ARTEMIYEV, S.P.; ARKHANGELISK'IY, V.M;_AFANASIYL-7, L.L.; BARKOV, V.F.I:BRONSHTEYN,--r.-A.-;--WRKTV,-M.B.; BURYANOV, V.A..; VARSRAVSKIYI I.L.; VELIKANOV, D.P.; VOINOV, A.N.; VYRUBOV, D.N.; DORMIDONTOV, A.V.; DtYACHKOV, A.K.; YEFREMDV, V.V.; ZHABIN, V.M.; ZELENKOVj, G,I,l* KALABUKHOV, F,V,; KALISH, G.G,; KRAMARENKO, G.V.; KRASIKOV, S.M.; LAKHTIN, Yu*M*;,MIKULIN, A.A.; ORLIN, A.S.; OSTROVSKIY, N.S.; OSTROVTSOV, A.N.; RUUTS, D.A.; STEPANOV, Yu.A.; STECHKIN, B.S.; KHACHATUROV, A.A.; KHOVAKH, M.S.; CHAROMSKIY, A...D.; SRARAPOV, K.A. Nikolai Ro-novich Briling; obituary. Avt.transp. 39 no-4:57 Ap 161. MIA 14:5) (Briling, Nikolai Romnovich., 1876-1961) --m AFANASIYEV, L.L.,doktor tekhn.nauk;DEKHTEiUNSKIY,L.V.j ILAAIO1-'OV) V.A.; SERGEYEV, N.M.; TSUKERBERG, S.E.; ANOKHIN, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk) retsenzentj TSETENKO, V.G.p inzh.p retsenzent; YEGORKINA, L.I.j, red.izd-va; NAKHDISON, V.A.p red.izd-va,- SOKOLOVA, G.F., tekhn. red. (Motor vehicles; working principle operation and repair] Avto- mobili; ustroistvo, ekspluatatsiia i remort. Moskva, Izd-vo "Mashinostroenie," 1964. 510 P. (MIRA 17:4) ARKlij*-NGYl.'SKIY, V.M,,., kand.tekhn.nauk; GOLUSHKO, 1.F. Investigating the lArformance of the ZIL-130 engine under starting conditions. Avt.prom. 31 no.415-8 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Moskovskiy avtomobillno-dorozhnyy institut. KOLESNIK, Pavel Adamovich, dote.; KRAKAIWKO, G.V., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsonzent; ANANIYEV, I.G., kand. tekhn. naukt retsenzent; ARKHAN GEL I SKP,_M red. (servicing materials for motor vehicles] Avtomobilinye ekspluatatsionnye materialy. Moskva, Transport, 1965. 268 p. WIRA 1814) 1. Rukovoditell kafedry ekspluatatsii avtomobillnogo transporta Moskovskogo avtomobillno-dorozhnogo institute. in. V.M.Molotova (for Krama enko). AFZASIYOV~ L.L.) doktor tekhn. nauk.; ILARIONOV$ V.A.; SERGEYEV, ii.n.; TSUKERBERG~ SX., DEKHTEMSKIY, L.V.; ANOKHIN, V.I.) kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; TMENKO, V.G., retsenzent (Motor vehicles; their design, operation and repair] Avto- mobili; ustroistva, ekspluatatsiia i remont. Moskva) Ma- shitostroanie, 1965. 510 P. (mIRA 18-.8) ARKHAEGELISK7 It V . N . E~e diseases. Kiev, Gos. med. izd-vo USSR, 1947. 95 P. (Biblioteka prakticheakogo vracha) DSG 1. Eye - Diseases and defects. ARKHANMISKIYe VA. i profs Hemorrhage into the vitreous body in war injuries of the eyes Xoobyah, shur. 16t436-470 147. (XMA 10M) 1. Z Inatitutu klinichnot fislologit AN LMSR (diroktor - eked. 0-0* Dozovolets' [doe so sodD i s kafedri oohnikh khvorob (save - prof VsX.Arkhonglellelkiy) lityelkogo modiohnogo institutu im, eked, ;.0. Docomolltsyss (213--WOUNDS AND INM138) (HIXORRHAGS) e A Al/ ~ *.--.- r ARKHANGNL'SKIY, V.M., prof. %--ljVVWln the trophic function of the hemato-parenchymatous barrier of the retina and the optic nerve. Madyoh.shur. 16:471-477 147. 011RA 10-.12) 1. 7- Inatitutu klinichnoi fixiologii All URSR (direktor - skad. 0.0. Bogomoletal [decaaaedl.) i kllniki ochnikh khvorob (zav. - prof. V.M. Arkhan,gellalkiy) Kiivalkogo medichnogo institutu. (OPTIC NERWI-DISMSES) (1WINh-DISFAS23) (SHRUM THWAPY) 0 31050. ARKHANGUISKIY, V. N. --wo."m Kliniko-morfologicheskoe izuchenie mezhutochnogo veshchestva setchatki i ego poli v fiziologii i patologii glaza. Vracheb. delo, 1949, No. 10 stb. 931-34 ARKRMICLISKrY, V. N. Pavlovian plVelologic theory In ophthelmology. Test. oft., Hookm 31 no.3:3-13 May-June 1952. (OLML 22t2) 1. Of the Ile Clinic (Director -- Prof. V, X, Arkhangel'skiy, Cor- responding Hember of the AcadsW of Medical Sciences USSR), Kiev Order of the Red Banner of Labor Medical Institute imeni A. A. Ugonolets. AMANGELISKIY, V V N. 2. USM (600) 4. Madicine 7. Creative work of phvol4ime for the bowtit of the People, Vast. oft. 310 No. 51 .1952. 9. Monthly List of mussian Accessions, Library of Congress, Janu&VT -1953. Unclassified. ARKWGILISKIT, V.N.' chlen-korrespondent. lityo wounds." Reviewed by V.N. Arkhangellskit, Mr-AP 153. 1. AkAdalya neditainakikh nauk SSSR. Arkhopat, 15 noe2:83-87 (NW 6:5) (3179--Wounds and injuries) (Levkoeva, Z.F.) rA SHMOV, S.H., kandidat meditsinakikh nauk; admi GUIUKIY. V.N., chlon-korrespon- dent Akedemii meditainakikh nwik =R,-al-rekfo-i. Method of gruphio visualization of splinters in roentgenography of the eye. Vest.oft, 32 n0,3:20-23 AY-Je 153. (XL" 6;8) 1. Glaznaya klinika fivevskogo meditninakogo Inatitnta. 2. Akademkya medi- tainakikh nauk SSSR (for Arkhcuigellskiy). (!Aye--Yoreign bodies) (Radiogruphy) A2KHAMIMIMY, V.H. "Surgical therapy of oxfollation of the ratias.0 Reviews& by V.I. Arkhan- gel'sicii. Vast-oft. 32 no.2:47 mr-Ap 13), (MA 60-5) (Retina--Diseases) (Rozenblium, X.B. - K-UIMSVI", I.A., dotsent;_ ARKHANGEL'SKIY, _V.N., professor, direktor. Discisaion of the anterior external vitreous layer as therapeutic method in certain after-effsots of hemorrhages into the vitreous body. Yest.oft. 32 no.2:36-38 Mr-Ap 153. (KLRA 6;5) 1. Glasnaya klinika Kiyevskogo meditainskogo instituta. Mtroous humor--Diseases) AMMA ;KORWOVICHI I.A,;PAMMOMEM, X.Ys. Practical olgalfloance of novooain block of the carotid si=Sal zone in oertain eye diseases. Test. oft., Moskva )2 no.4t26-12 JV17- Aug 1953- (WXL 25 : 1 1. Professor for ArMumSellskly; lboent for loreasylob; Ckmdidats Medical Sciences for Parl&onemko. 2. Of the IV* Clinic of lClev Medical Institute lueni A. A. logonolets. ARKHANGELISKIT, V.N.. professor Development of the eye and its funetions as related to the development of the organism in unity with the external environment. Vest. oft. 33 no.6:3-9 N-D 154. (MLRA 8:1) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AKN SSSR. 2. Direktor kliniki glaznykh boletney r moux. (SYR, physiology, off. or environment on develop.) (INVIR01MENT, off. on eye develop.) ARXWGBZ,15KIT, VoN.,profeasor Take care of your eyes. Zdoravle I-no-7$18-19 Jl 055 (KUU 9%5) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Almdemii maditainakikh nauk SSSR. (mm) I ARtROGELISKIY. V.N., professor anwiww Treatment of neoplasms of tho iris by ol ac trod iathermocomplat ion, Vect-oft. 34 noo2:36-42 Hr-Ap 1.45. (MM F3.7) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AMT SSSR, direktor glatnoy kliniki r mo- skovsk o oraena Lenina'meditsinskogo instituta. TRIS I neoplasms, diathermocoagulation) (IDIATHER)ff. in various disease electrocoagul.ation of irit,3 AYOM11031, 'SKIT, Y.N.9 professor. "Glauc ma." A.S.Savvaitov. Reviewed by Y.N.Arkhangeltakii, Vest.oft. 34 no.439 Jl-Ag 155. (MLRA 8:10) (GLAUC04A) (SAVVAITOV, A.S.) ARKHANGILISKIT, V.N., professor. - - --, ~ ~ "', ~ , -, "Troatment and prevention of trachoma." A.S.Savvattov. Reviewod by Y.N.Arkhangellskit. Vast-oft-34 no.4:39-40 JI-Ag '55. (CORTUNCTIVITIS, GRANULAR) (MLHA 8:10) (SAVVAITOV, A.S.) -q AMUNG3LISKIT, T.N., professor. ('l(uutWq) Norphalogical changes of the eye in b"artansion. I.I.Xilmion. Reviewed by T.I.Arkhangellskil. Test.oft-34 no.4:0-4i il 155. (HYPUUMSION) (VII-aMOD-VISSALS) (KLRk 8: 10~9 (KIKAION, 1.11.) I I I f -r , , h I - I~q - Th7T - - - - - - - - i ~ I--- - - -- - -.-4~ : h- Ai(KiANU,&L'SKIY. VA., profe~loor - "4a diseases" b., ,.T.Tal'kovukli. Reviewed by V-N.Arkhaagol I skit. Vost.oft. 69 no."':47-48 Jl-Ag 156. (HLRA 10:9) (A U., - -D " zij~ A ") F, S ) (TALIKOVSKII, s.r.) ARKHANGELISKIY, Y.N. t : ---- [Practical manual on pathohistological iechnice for ophthalmologlets] Prakticheskoe rukovodetvo po patologogistologicheakoi takhaike dlis oftalmologovo Ho.Bkva, Meduvis, 1957, 110 P, (14IRA 11:4) (HISTOLWY, PATHOLOGICAL) ARKEANGSLISOY, V.H. --' I , -*"- " ~~ [Diessoes of the eye; mnuml for Bector physiclang] GlasiWe bolesni; posobie dlia uobsetkovogo vrachas Hoskva Hedgis, 1957- 122 ps (=--DISIUSSS Ald) DRIETS) (MIRA 11A) 400,, AROANG14LISKIY V prof. (Hoskva); VOLOKOHNNK0. A.I., prof. (Orenburg) Forty years of Soviet ophthalmology. Vest.AHN 88M 12 no.6:39-47 157. (NDU 11:2) 1e Chlen-korrespondent AHII SSSR (for Arkhangeltakiy) (OPTHALHOLOGY in Russia) AIRKHANGELISXIT, Y.N. professor Diathermic coagulation of the Dolort in 914ucoaao Vestedt, 70 Doo2: 15-22 Mr-4p 157- (MIRA 10:6) 1. Dir. kliniki glazuykh bolesney I Moskovekogo ordene Ionina maditsinskogo Institute imeni I.X.Sechanova. 2. Chlen-korrespon- dent UAdemli maditsinskikh nauk SSSR. (GIAUCOXA. surg. diathermic coagulation of sclera (Rua)) (SCLIMA. surg. diathermic coagulation in glaucoma (Rus)) ARKMANGSLISKIT, V.N., professor 01-ray diagnosis of diseases of the nasolearymal ductO by S.A. Dering. Reviewed by Y.N.Arkhangellskii. Vast-oft. 70 00-3:64 my-Je 157. (MLRA IM) (IACRYKAL ORGANS--RADIOGRAPHY) (DMI NG, S.A. ) AMaM(MMISKIT, Vitaliy Nikolaypyich, . - (Reference work on diseases of the eye] Nnogotomnoye rukovodstvo po lasnym bolssniam. Komkva, Medgis. Vol,4. [Burgery of thq eyel Khirargiia glaze, 1958, (MIRA 13: 10) (BU-SURGIRT) I AR LISKIY, V.11. Role of the interstitinl oubstnnee of the retina in the function of the eye Rnd in pnthological processes occurring in the retina, Probl.fiziol. opt. 1213BB-393 158 WRA 1i:6) 1. Glnznnyn klinika I-go Moskovskogo meditsinakogo in6titutne (M'T INA) S-ter'stitial, substance of the retina and Its 3ignifleance In the metabolic processes and function of the eye in men. Vest;Mffe SSSR 13 noo-9921-24 158 WRA 11clo) 1. Chleri-korrespondent ANY SSSR; (IMTIFA, aunt* & histol; interstitial substAnee, significAnoe for meta%;. process & funct. of eye (Rua)) IRSURGELOSIrr, VeNs. prof.-, BRTANTSIUA. M. Adrian Aleksandrovich KrIukov; on the 50th anniverema7 of his deaths Test. ANN SSSR 13 no.12:84-86 158. (MIRA 12:1) 1e Chlen-korresponaeut ANN SSSR (for Arlhangellski7). (BIOGRANDIS, llr:L,ukov, Adriau. A. (Us)) ci~;IlAmwsxm, V. N. Nxamination of the intracellular subatance of retina. Cook. ofth. 14 no.3!153-156 June 58. 1. Ocni klinika 1. moskovske lekFxrske fakulty I* X. Secanovn, prednosta dwdaujici clan Akademie lekarskych ved SM prof. V. N. Archangelskij. (RITINA, anat. & histol, exam. of intraoellular substance (Cz)) ARMYGILISIITt V.N.0 prof. Take care of your sysel Rabotnitea 36 no-8:30 Ag 158. (MMA I'l: 9) I.Ohlon-korrespondent AMN 333R* TSentralluy7 nauchno-looledovatellskly institut manitarnogo pronveshchenlys Ministerstva zdravookhranonlya SSSR. (Bys--Care and hygiene) APXHAMILISKIY, V.I., prof. .1 " Vision. Zdorovle 5 no.12:9-11 D 159. (MIRA 13: 4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Almdemii maaitains)dkh nauk SSSR. .(VISION) AREWGELISKIY9 ViiaUy Nikolayev#h (Morphological baseB of ophthal scopic diagnoois) Morfologicbi*kis osnovy oftallmoskopichaskoidiagnostiki. Moskva, Medgis, 1960, 174 P. J~ (KIU 14:8) OPHTHAMSMPY) ARKHANGELISKIY. Vitaliy NlkalayAjLg_h- BRYANTSEVA, M.K., red.; YAKOVLEVAI N.A.p tekhn.-red. - (Diseases of the eye]Glaznye bolezni; posobie dlia praktiche- skogo vracha. 2. izd.p dop. i perer. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 131 P. (MIRA 16:2) (EYE-DISEASES AND DEFECTS) ARKHAWMISKUPY. N., prof* Anatomical substrate of cot"n-wool spots on the retina (Results of studying the interatitial'aubstance of the retina). Vest. oft. no.288-13 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Kafedra glaznykh bolesney I Moskovskogo ordena Isnina medi- tainskogo inatituta imeni L M. Sechenova. Chlon-korTeopondent ANN SSSR. (RETINA-DISEOES)