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USSRAluman and Animal Physiology. Sensory Organs. T Abs Jours Rof Zhur-Biol., No 8$ 1958, 36937. Author krkhangolskaya, E.P. Inst Title The Dynamics of Changes in the Blind Spot of Ono Eye in Traumatic Conditions of the Othor Eye. Orig Pub: Za sots zdravookhr. Yzbokistana. 1956, No 5j 48-50. Abstract: In 100 pationts with various traurmtic conditions of the oya there was noted an onlargoraent of the blind spot (S~ of the healthy eye in 89% of the cases. The duration and the oxtont of the enlargement of G was in direct relationship to the extent of the tra=a. Spoody primary troatrant decreased the oxtont and duration of tho S in the hoalthy eye. Dilation of the veins and arteries of the rotim and hMnrorda Card - 1/2 ARKHANGF.LISKAYAl Ye.P.9 kand.meditsinskikh nauk; KASYMOV, T.Ya.9 dotsent Case of metastase of a tumor from the abdominal cavity-into the labyrinth of the ethmoid with germination in the orbit. Med. zhur. Uzb. no. 9:?7-78 S 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Iz kafedry glaznykh bolozney Tashkentskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. (ORBIT (M)-TUMORS) ~MH qEL! SelerotomoiridectoW in the light of gonioscopy. Oft.zhur. 15 no.4: 207-211 16o. (KIM 13111) 1. Iz kafedr7 galznykh bolezney (zav. - dotsent T.Ya.Kazymov) Tashkentskogo meditsinakogo instituta. (SCLEW.-SURGERY) (IRIS (EYE)--SURGERY) (OPHTRALMOSCOPY) LKKWGELISY,AYA, yq p; KASDIOV, T.Ya., dotsent Atypical course of a melanoma of the chorioid. Med. zhur. Uzb. no.9: 61 S 161. (MIRA 15-2) 1. Iz kliniki glaznykh bolezney (zav. - dotsent, T.Ya.Kazymov) Tashkentsko gosudarstvannogo meditsinskogo instituta. VMANOMA) (CHOROID-TLUORS) -ARRIANGELISKAYA, Ye.P., Ophthalmological symptoms in various blood diseases. Oft.zhur. 16 no.5001-304 161. (MMA 14:10) 1. Iz glaznoy kliniki (zav. - dotsent T.Ya.Kazymov) Tashkentskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. (BLOOD-DISKASES) (EYE-DISEASES AND DEFECTS) KASYMV, T.Ya., dotsent; ARXWGELISKAYAp Ye.P.,, assistent Our experience in the preoperational preparation of-glaucoma patients, Med.zhur.Uzb. no.8;5~-55.Ag 162. (MIRA 16W l..Iz imfedry glaznykh bolezney Tashkentskogo gosudaretvennogo meditsinskor instituta. (GIAUCOMA) (EYE-SURGERY) ARKHANGELISKAYA, Ye. V. Cand Med Sci - (diss) "Problem of the metabolism of bromine in ulcer disorders." Chita, 1961. 20 pp; (Kuybyshev Stata Medical Inst);250 copies; price not given; (KL, 10-61 sup, 223) ARKHANGELISKAU, Ye.V. (Blagoveshchensk-na-Amure) Choosing the bromine dose in peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodemm. Kaz. med. zhur. no-5:?2 S-0 161. (MIRA 15:3) (lv-PTIC ULCER) (BROMIVE) AIZKHAI!C-'-zL'SKAYA, Z. S. ARKWICELISKAYA, Z. S. - "A study of the protein and phosphorus content of the muscles in hyper- and hypothyreosis". Kiev, 1955. Min Higher Education Ukrainian SSR. Kiev State U imeni T. G. Shevchenko, Chair of Animal Biochemistry. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Biological Science.) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 43, 22 October 1955. Moscow ARKHANGELISKAYA, Z.S.; KUSHKO, O.V.; POLUBOYARINOVA, A.G. Study of the method of blood conservation without a stabilizer. Trudy Kiev. nauch.-issl. inst. perel. kravi i neotlozh. k1ir. 3:4/0-47 161. (MIRA 17slO)- 1. Kiyevskiy institut perellva~iya krovi. ARKHANGELISKAYAp Z. V. "An Investigation of the Process of Softening Water by the Prescipitation Method." Cand Tech Scis All-Union Sci-Res Inst of Water Supply, Sewerage, Fqdraulic Engineering Structures, and Engineering Hydrogeology, 8 Jan 55. (VM, 29 Doe 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 THGOROV. A. I,; AMOUMBLISFAYA, Z.V, .-- ~ - Technology of using reagents In treating river water at large lining plants. Toa, I san. tekh. U0,5:13-18 Vq 158. (MIRA 11:6) (Water-Phrification) YEGOROV, A.I.; ARMWIGELISKAYAO Z.V, Investigating and rneplating the work of contact clarifiers under vonditions of industrial use. Issl.po vodopodg. no.3:75-124 159. (Filters and filtration) (MIRA 12:9) MORN, A.L. starshiy nauclinyy sotrudnik; ARKHAIIGNLISXAYA, Z.V., nauchW sotrudnik Investigating and Clegulating the work of contact clarifier-. VodA san.tekh. no.8:21-23 Ag 159. (14IRA 12:11) 1. irsesoyuzW nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut vodosmb- zheniya, kanalizataii, gidx:ote1chaicbeskikh sooruzhen17 i inzhenernoy gidrogoologli (VODGEO). - (Water-Purification) ARKHANGELISKAYA, Z.Ye., arkhitektor; VASIL'Yl'V, Ye.V., arkhitektor 11_~ ~_. Vr_4_V'~'~~edesign of enterprises serving public needs. Gor. khoz. Moak. 33 no.9:15-20 3 '59. (MIELA 12:11) (Municipal services) (Architecture--Designs and plans) DESYATKOV) G,V.q inzh.l red.; ARKHANGELISKAYA, Z,Ye,, arkhitektor, red. [Instructions for designing public service enterprises] Ukazaniia PO proektirovaniiu predpriiatil bytovogo ob- sluzhivaniia (SN 294-64). Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1965. 17 p. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) GosudarstveM-y komitet po grazhdanskomu stroitellstvu i arkhitekture. 2. Gosudarstven- nyy komitet po grazhdanskomu stroitel'stvu i arkhitekture (for Desyatkov). 3. TSentra"Inyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut tipovogo i eksperimentallnogo pita- niia i bytovogo obsluzhivaniia torgovykh zdaniy (for Arkhangellskaya). --- -- - - - -- ---- -- -- ---~-Z~6 ~ - ~Zvzhs~wm 4~1' -~ n-~- ARKffMGELISKAYA-LE-VINA, M.S. ,Appendicitis Appendicitis and its effect on the development of ulcer. Vest. khir 72 No.2 March-April'92 Monthl,y List of Russian Accessions, Librax7 of C'Jngress, August, 1952 UNCA16SIFIED ARKRA ISKAYA-LEVINA, Mariya Semenovna -- [Kethodological manual for practical studies in general surgery] Ketodicheskoe posobie k prakticheskim zaniatilam po obshchei khirurgii. Leningrad, Kedgis. 1959. 203 p. (MIRA 13:7) (SUGARY-SMY AND UACHING) ARKHANGELISKAYA.~IZVIUA,-I.Iariya Semenovna; GkIOV, V.S., red.; I , FEDOROVSKAYA, N.V. (Basic stages in the management of surgical patients] Osnovriye etapy vedeniia khirurgicheskikh bolinykh. Mo- skva, Izd-vo "Dieditsina)" 1964. 226 p. (MIRA 17:6) .,4MANGELISKIY, A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. '. This Is the now equipment. T*kh.mol.24 no.6:11-12 J& 156. (MW 9:9) (Coal mining machinery) ARKHANGELISKIY, A. - -------- New criteria for the paracompactness and metrizability of an arbitrary Dokl. AN SSSR 11#1 no.1:11-15 N 161. (MIRA 14: 11) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lcmonosova. (Topology) ARKHANGELISKIY, A* Ranks of systems of sets and the-dimensionality of spaces. Dokl. AN SSSR 143 no.4:755-758 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Mbskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lamonosova. Predstavleno akademikom P.S.Aleksandrovym. (Aggregates) (Spaces, Generalized) - ARKHLWjELISKIY, A. Mappings of metric spaces. DALAN SSSR 145 no,,2.-245-247 JI 162o (MIRA 15.-7) 1. Predstavleno akademikom P.S.Aleksandrovym. (Conformal mapping) ARKHAIqGEL'SKIY,_At._ Open and almost open mappings of topological spaces, Dokl. AN SSSR 11+7 no.5t999-1002 D 162. (KM 16:2) 1. Predstavlano akadamikom P.S. A:Lekaandrovym, (Topology) ARKMGELISKIY, A. (Moslcvu) C3MOaO Of the BYBtSX of enoembles and opace dimemions, Fand mAth 52 no.31257-.0-75 163. .4. 'i, ARKHANGELISKIY, A. Bicompact stts and the topology, of spaces. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.10-12 My 163. (MIRA 16s6) 1. Predstavleno akademikom P.S.Aleksandrovym. (Aggregates) (Topology) ARKHANGELISKIY, A. A space class containing all metric and all locally bicompact spaces. DAL AYSSSR *1 no.0751-754 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1,-Predstavlono akademikom P.S.Aleksandrovym. (Topology) ARCHANGIELSKI, A. (ArPapgql,lskiy;_A..1; HOLMYTISKI, U. Networks in topologic spaces. Bul Ac Pol mat 11 no.8:493-477 163, 1. Universite de Moscou et Chaire de Mathematique, Universite de Varsovie. Presente par K. Borsuk. ARKRANGELISKIY, A. Some types of factor mappings and the relations between classes of topological spaces. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no-4:743- 746 D 163. (MIRA 17-1) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat im. M.V. Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom P.S. Aleksandrovym. ARKHANGELISKIY, A. Factor mappings of metric spaces. Dokl. AN SSSR 255 no. 2:247-,;50 Mr 164, (MIRA 17:5) 1. Mos"kovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Lomonosa7a. Predstavlano akademikom P. S. A2eksandrovym. ARKIIANGELIS'KTY~ A,,q _.Goroy .9otsiallaticheakogo Truda Tu-1.34. K:-zl. rod. 16 no.binsert Ja 165. (MIRA ISO) ARKHANGELISKIY A Condition for the conservation of metrizability in factor mappings. Dokl. AN SSSR 164 no.l.-9-12 S 165. (MMA 18tq) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Submitted January 16, 1965. ARhli;,N(jELISKIY A. Behavior of metrizability in factor mappings. Dokl. AN SSSR 164 no.2:247-250 S 1641. (Km 1139) 1. Mo3kovskiy gosudarst-vennyy universittlet. Submitted Janway 16~ 1965. 6~ -1ASE' I BOOK EXPLOITATION ~SOV/2555 Nauchno-tekhnicheskoyq obshchestvo priborostroitelinoy promyshlen- nosti. Ukrainskoye respublikanskoye pravleniye Novy~e-metody kontrolya i defektoskopii v mashinostroyenii I pri- boiostroyenii [doklady Respublikanskoy konferentsli] (New Methods of Inspection and Flaw Detection in the Machinery and Instrument- manufacturing Industries [Reports of the Conference Held at Kiyev, 19~61) Kiyev, Gostekhizdat USSR, 1958. 264 p. 4,700 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk USSR. Ed.: Ai Amelin; Tech. Ed.: P. Patsalyuk; Editorial Board: I.I. Greben', B.D. Grozin, A.Z. Zhmudskiy', G.N. Savin (Resp. Ed.), I.D. Faynerman (Dep. Resp. Ed.), and A.A. Shishlovskiy. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers, scientific workers, and technicians dealing with problems of inspection and flaw detection. COVERAGE: This is a collection of scientific papers presented at a Card*1/9 New Methods of Inspection (Cont.) SOV/2555 conference sponsored by the Academy of Sciences, UkrSSR, and the Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo priborostroitellnoy promyshlen- nosti, Ukrainskoye pravleniye (Ukrainian Branch, Scientific and Technical Society of the Instrument-manufacturing Industry). The papers deal with modern methods of inspection and flaw detection -used in the machinery- and instrument-manufacturing industries. The subjects discussed include the use of electron microscopes in the investigation of metal surfaces; X-ray, gamma-ray, lumines- cense, magnetic, and ultrasonic methods of flaw detection; use of radioactive isotopes; X-ray diffraction methods of metal analysis; and the use of interferometers for measuring length and thickness and determining the coefficient of linear thermal expansion. No personalities are mentioned. References follow several of the papers, TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Semirog-Orlik, V.N., Can date of Technical Sciences, Institut stroitellnoy mekhaniki. 4SSR$ Kiyev (Kiyev Institute of Structural. Mechanics, Academy of Sciences, UkrSSR). Use of Electron Microscopy of Surface Layers of Metal 5 Card 2/ 9 New Methods of Inspection (Cont.) SOV/2555 Arkhangellski A 0) Engineer) I.V. VQrol?-Iyev,, Engineer.., O.D. T gfn ,Ekg~inee;~, and G.D. Latyshev, Leningradskiy inst'itut 0 K inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta (Leningrad Railroad Engineers Institute). Pulse-counting Method of Ganuna-ray Flaw Detection 18 Bogdanov, V.I., Candidate of Techiiical Sciences, Novocherkasskiy politekhn'icheskiy institut (Novocherkaszk Polytechnical Institute). Selection of Radioactive Sources for Measuring Equ~ipment 25 Movchan, B A*110 Candidate of Technical Sciences,.Institut elek- trosVarki imeni.Ye.0. Patona, Kiyev (Kiyev Electric Welding In- stitiLte imeni Ye.O. Paton). Use of Radioactive Isotopes in ~he Detection of Flaws in Welds 41 Zhmudskiy, A'Z., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Gosuni- versitet imeni Shevchenko, Kiyev.(Kiyey State University imeni Shevchenko). X-ray Diffraction Method of Inspecting Finished Parts 50 Card 3/9 New Methods of Inspection (Cont.) SOV/2555 Genkin, V.M., Engineer, Gor'kiy "Krasnoye Sormovo" Plant. X-ray Diffraction Quantitative Phase Analysis Using Standard X-ray Photographs 70 Zhmudskiy, A.Z.,and L.M. Pakchanin, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Kiyev State University imeni Shevchenko. Problems-of Physical Strength and Crack Formation in Case-hardened Parts 75 Yevgrafov, A.V., Engineer, and P.M. Yelchin, Moscow TsNIITMASh. Methods and Equipment for Luminescent Flaw Detection 78 Yalcovlev, B.M., Engineer, Avtozavod,;,g.,. Gorlkiy (06r'kiy Automo- bile Plaht)~ Experiehee Gained at the Laboratory for Spectral Analysis, Gorlkiy Automobile Plant Yeremin, N.I., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, TsNIITMASh. New Developments in the Field of Magnetic-particle Flaw Detection and Magnetic Metallography 87 Zhigadlo. A.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Institut, P/ya Card 4/9 New Methods of Insoection (Cant.) SOV/2555 126, Moskva (Institute, post Office Box 126, Moscow).Improved Methods and Equipment for Magnetic Inspection of Ferromagnetic Parts lo6 Landa, V.A., Engineeil Moscow VNII.. Instruments for a Magnetic Quality Control Method of the Heat Treatment of Tools Made From High-speed Steels 114 Entin, S.D. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Moscow TsNIITMASh. Application of a Magnetic Method for Investigating Heat-resistant Austenitic Alloys 121 n1mchenko, N.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and V.P. Prikhod1ko, Engineer, Kiyev Electric Welding Institute imeni Ye.O. Paton. Ultrasonic Structural Analysis of Metals 126 Gubanova, M.R. Candidate of Technical Sciences, and I.N. Yermolov, Moscow TsNIIT;?ASh. Ultrasonic Flaw Detection in Metals 134 Gurevich, A.K., Engineer, Leningrad NII of Bridges. Ultrasonic Card 5/9 New Methods of Inspection (Cont.) SOV/2555 Detection of Flaws in Fillet Welds 143 Khimchenko, N.V.) V.P. Yesilevskiy, Engineer, and V.A. Tsechall, Engineer , Kiyev Electric Welding Institute imeni Ye.O. Paton. Ultrasonic Detection of Flaws in Electro-slag Welds ~L49 Trushchenko, A.A.) Engineer, Kiyev'Electric W41ding Institute'imeni Ye.O. Paton. Testing Welds for Permeability 161 Romanova, M.F., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professoi) Leningrad VNII Imeni Mendeleyev. Ways of Improving the Accuracy of the Interference Method of Measuring Length ' 173 Kostyshin, M.T., and A.A. Shishlovskiy, Kiyev State University Shevchenko. Use of MII Microinterferometers for Determin- ing Thicknesses and Refractive Indexes 180 Volkova, Ye. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Leningrad VNII imeni Mendeleyev. Interference Method of Measuring tne Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion of Solid Bodies 188 Card 6/ 9 New Methods of Inspection (Cont.) SOV/2555 Lisitsa, M.P., and N.G. Tsvelykh, Engineers, Kiyev State Univer- sity imeni Shevchenko. Use of the MII-1 Interference Microscope for Measuring Very Thin Coatings and Ph'ase Displacement 198 GIdell A.Yu., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Leningrad VNID Imeni Mendeleyev. Method of Determinjng the Shape of Spherical, Conical,and Pyramidal Vertexes of Different Bodies 203 Yevemin, D.M.,, Engineer, Khar1kovskiy institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo, transporta imeni Kirova (Kharlkov Railroad Engineers Institute imeni Kirov). Photon Counters Sensitive to Ultraviolet and Visible Radiations 209 Tsukkerman, S.T., Professor, Leningradskiy institut tochnoy meld-ianiki I optiki (Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics - and Optics~ Pneumatic Oscillograph 214 Shmarts, V.D., Engineer, Dnepropetrovskiy zavod, P/Ya 186 (Dnepropetrovsk Plant Post Office Box 186) MT-DA3 Magnetic Thickness Gage 226 Card 7/9 New Methods of Inspection (Cont.) SOV/2555 Gushcha, 0.1., Engineer, Kiyevskiy institut gornogo dela) AN USSR (Kiyev Mining Institute, Academy of Sciences, UkrSSR). Instru- ments for Checking the Condition of Hoisting Wire Ropes 235 Samarin, F.A., Technician, Kalinin Oblast!, Podberez'ye . Device for Determining Type of Stecl by a Thermoelectric Method 242 Grigulus, Yu. K., Engineer, Laboratoriya mashinovedenlya, Riga (Riga Laboratory of Machine Construction). Description of TGP-1 and 2 Measuring Instruments 246 Kestellman, N.Ya., and L.I. Kotlyar, Candidates of Technical Sciences, Polltoldinicheskiy institut, Odessa (Odessa Polytech- nical Institute), Automatic Recording Device for Checking Macroroughness of Surfaces 249 Oriyent, I. r-1., Engineer, Moucolv% Description of Physiefil Methods of Inveoti-ation In the Magazine Zavodslcaya Laboratorlya (Plant Laboratory 25 Card 8/9 New Methods of Inspection (Cont.) SOV/2555 Decisions of the Ukrainian Republic Conference dn Problems of New Methods of Inspection and Flaw Detection in the Machinery- and Instrument-manufacturing Industries .257 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress GO/bg Card 9/9 11-20L59 -TV f 7M of f~l 4 A-ir no 7, ARKWGILISKIY, A.A.; LATYSHEV. G.D. Using the scintillation counter in gamm flaw detection. Z". lab. 2) no.4.-430-436 157. WRA 10:6) 1. laningradakiy Institut.inzheuarov shelasuodorozhnogo transport&. (akam rays) (Scintillation counters) (Nondestructive testing) V D~~' L -i ~v Pt, "~41-t-'-n ir. the D'7'a In. At-=Znt~ EorccwO Zrd-vo Ix ISQ. 353P 'nt4d. r. p Bpanscrln,- I.Cvnelexi Mavnare upru-slanuss Po Ispol'tov=1 and AkzdctL?4& nauk 35n. 1941torial Board of Sets V.I. Dilcushinp Acadeftlealn (Romp. ld.~p K.N, shuallovskly (Deputy Rasp. Ed.), Tu. 3. Zaalavskly (Deputy R*tp. j Ed.). I T- Ta.tachanka, B.I. VarkhovokLy, S.T. Natarov, lo.l. Put and X.G: zelevinskays. (seeretw7). at Publishing House- ?-X- B*1711AID1 T*ck6 94-1 -?-?- IPOIQnGva. PUR?Ms This boax is In the field of vus- o,hin- and Instrument manufacture who use r&diosctlv& isotopes, sa U ;b* Istudy of materials and proceageeg. con-azi This equation or papers covers a vsey wide rield of th. Utilization or tracer methods In lndustrlma re"arch and control t4GbnlqM*M. The topic or this volume Is the uso.of radloleatespeg. In the aachino-and Instrumnt-aisnufacturilog industry. fte UAJ- 1,t, vidual papers discuss the applications or radlo2actope techniques L- In the study of metals and ealoyg, problems offtlatUm and 1, bri cations metal Cutting, engine Performance, and defeatis In matM.: Several Papers are devoted to the use of radioisotopes in the me,to. act Ion of Induatrial proceases# recording and aemaurlssg devisssm* Quality control. flowmaters, Level gmgsnv Wety d*vloeo# radl&. tID11 counters, etc. These papers repreassnt contributions or war- 3 viot Institutes and laboratories. They wcre'publiahed an -;;u.:s;&oolOna of the All-UnIon Conferessoo on the 0" of Radloac. tive and Stable Isotopes And Radiation In the 19ational Scossosy and Sclenae~ April 4.12, 1957. )Iss personealtliss are mentioned. L- References.&" _4l!enAtj4e. *"_of aost of the papere. Vedernikov A.N :=~~ --j-, -TnMH'- (R&.-jsnajdy Avl01t41iOnnY7 Instltut - Kazan Avla- tiOn t4iii: Certain Problems in the prepersstion of jMta xmittors for the rawn-tion of raectroste,le charges 192 Xedvtde.VA__Z.j. and I.S. ROYzPn-QKoskovakly Inatitast )Khlmlch*akcs 90 m8shlnostroyenlya'm- Wdecoi Insatute for Chasmical xachl-gry). t1se of Radloactlv* Xaotop*o IA Safety practice 293 R'Yz-, I.S. (RoakamOd-7 institut; Ublalchooko to sawshisusatToy. only& - Koacoss institute for Choulcal Nachins Platen for Charge Xvutra'jjx,tjcn' ry). Prodaction or 298 --I'- V. (Mint-stcrat" mvyazi aSSR - VSXR Klalstry of Cos- !l.,.. DetermInation, of loaka 1. the rad Sheath of Coa_ aunication C;blem a" JDArnoteov, V.I. (Inatitut j~-jchdakoy fixild Akedeall ,muk W=_ Institute or Physical Chessistry, Academy of Sciences, MM) Determination of Points a.' Oax LdalcW 71 Undergresm4 pi - Ilassis 301 !ZatDS-h--niEg~ (Instlt-4t m~-allovedenlya i f--zikl metallow _ t1 TNX=C~( - atitute of X~taljogreqhy and the pbT*Iog of Rate,& UHIIMM). xonlzatlnn method or Gammis Defootomeopy 304 'P&$dd0v A.A. IN and Xpk;!ga- .ss; entrLllnyf naiu a -c "Tut a may 11 - Central Rem*arch Inatitnt or ftrrms Xetallurzy)- tl&*'*f Sc"tillation Counters in Betatron Deroato- aocpy 310 Iftalwo , and G,P. ts AZ)ftass~ ljAk12,_,k.A. __D&t=1, v (Lani.gre,skly icatl I - 11-n"Mrifev - 10"ancrothaoso transport& - iep-s-grgd ft&ilm&d Engineers Institut0- U114k Of Scintillation Comte" in the Pm_ duct Quality Control 314 V.3 To 11, and T.I. metal LjjAX&&tEe" (Xnatitut sistallovedenl7a. i rf.RbrV1-.&.1Iow T - Itute of X"Al- Lography and-the M7~las of Metals TWXIChX)...- 60,0914 Can. trol of Weld*& Same in Ferrous MetaslIum T. (Hookovskoys, vyNabsys tehJuslebaska" schillshche Y1M-~n:1-w1BAuxanx - Mosom Kjoer Technical school lwnl X.R. B&ummn)- Radiography of Welded Pipe J014tff 3" SOV/1 37-58-11-23749 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 11, p 268 (USSR) AUTHOR: Arkhangel'skiy, A. A. TITLE: Scintillation Flaw Detection with Gamma Rays (Stsintillyatsionnaya gam- ma-defektoskopiya) PERIODICAL: Sb. Leningr. in-ta inzh. zh.-d. transp., *1958, Nr 158, pp 186-196 ABSTRACT: A procedure was developed for flaw detection for railroad purposes with gamma rays employing scintillation counters for recording the intensity of radiation. NaI crystals activated with Ta were found to be the most suitable as counters. From the radiation source located in a Pb container the initial beam passes through a collimator, the test specimen, and a second collimator and finally falls on the crystal. The diameters of both Pb coltiriiaEors are 5 - 10 mm, the height of the first one is 60-100 and that of the second one 50-70 mm. The optical con- tact between the crystal and the photo-cathode is ensured by a thin layer of silicone lubricant. At the inlet of the counting unit an ampli- tude discriminator is installed to intercept the soft scattered radiation and the noises of the photomultiplier. In all cases the width of the flaw Card 1/2 was assumed to be equal to the diameter of the crystal. With Co60 as SOV/137-58-11-23749 Scintillation Flaw Detection with Gamma Rays (cont.) the radiation source and a steel specimen 86.5 mm thick, troughs 0.22 mm deep, (0.250/o of the thickness of the specimen) became distinctly apparent, with IrI92 as the source and an article 30 mm thick the sensitivity is 0.03 mm. The detec- tability of the flaws is independent of the depth at which they occur. A procedure based on the mean photomultiplier current is also described. P~ S. Card 2/2 rl=z I W.19 IOV/.5140 AlcademLYA nAuk Ukmtndbwy 231j. innuitut riziki Vatoolektriahasklye I ynvlenlyl v poluprovadnikakh; p4rvogo vaesoyugrjoga dov,whenanlya po rotociektricsseaKta trudy , L optlahaskja yavleniy= v poluprovoinik3kh. g, Kiyav. 20- 30yabrya 1957 g (photoelectric and Optical rn"omena in Semi- .nductor8; Trsnamotloq3 or the First Conr~.rcnce on Pnotaeleatrla and Optical Phdnomc-na In SamLoondantorn.. ) KiYev, 1959. 403 P. 4,000 Copies printect. Additional Sponsoring Agenayl Akn4cm1ya nauk 3=H. Prexidlum. Laminalya Do poluprovadnikam. 11 Za. of lublishing Houses 1. V. Xislna; Tech. Ed.1 A. A. MatvaYchak; 0 RefiP. Ed.: V, Ya. LantJusrov, Acade"clan, Ukrainian SSR, Academy r of sciences. RURPOSEs This book In Intended far salontintO In the field or 13=1- 4 oonductor to apeatroacopy, and semiconductor Physics. nalld sta ---- "Vices. The ccllentLan wtIlItTe _uadful C~i- ced students in universities and institutes or higher* technical training speolallaing In the jftaLcs and technical appliontion of semi- conductors. CCVWUUs The collection contains orts and informatlon bulletins "I (the latter are Indicated by a Vica) read at the First All- Union Conference on Optical and Phcr_~alectrlc Phenomena in Semi- conductors. A wide scope of problems In semiconductor physics and technology Are Considered% photecon4actIvityo photoolectro- native forces, optical properties. photoelectric calla and photoresiotor3, the actions or hard and corpuscular radiations, the properties of thin films and complex semiconductor systems, *to. The materials were prepared for publication by E. 1. Rashboy. 0. V. SnItko, r- B. Tolpygo, A. 11. Labohankc,&nd M. K. sheynkman. References and dL3cumalon follo- each article. ZftoP 4100trIc And QVt10al phenomena (Cast.)* SOV/3140 10 - Aj gv. Mechanism a C ,u...,_ ;.Ing the r ft-'kiss' J. M., Be omazov D and 0 A . . ; Con 3 CAting-7, -RadIWEro-n D. XM-._km' -Conductivj~'Uf Cd3 and V- I. Vat'yan".- cc 389 Ulm and V. 1. Abeherbakova. 7he photo. an Semiconductor Rectifier Call , (!basis) 396 V- V0r0b'Y~v. and a D Jatyh.~. _ th 0 t0---n-rN-EB~r 'F' -5 ..rd H ~ - ZnSInee g- r r1ne 30 Card 25116 f S/194/62/000/00VO58/157 D256/D308 rkhangellskiy, A.A., Voroblyev, I.V., and Latyshevt AUTHORS: A TITLE: Experience of industrial application of photoresistors for gamma-ray registration PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 5, 1962, abstract 5-3-61 sh (Potoelektr.-i optich. yavien3*- a v poluprovodnikakh, Kiev, AN UkrSSR, 1959, 398_400 TEXT: Preliminary experiments on gamma-ray detection by photoresis- tors are described, conducted in order to determine the possibili- ties of applications in defectoscopy, thickness control etc..Co6o gamma-rays%yiere directed upon a thallium activated sodium or cesium iodide crystal and the emitted light was focussed onto the p4otore- sistor. The photocurrent was recorded using a single-valve ampli- fier. The dependence of the sensitivity of the method upon the thick- ness of the absorbing material was investigated. Best results were obtained using monocrystalline photoresistors type ~CK-Ml (FSK-mi) ,Card 1/2 TATARINOV, B.P., doktor tekhn.nauk;.ARMU[M,'S_j _'. - -1-11- .Y~ _,,A,.A., inzh. Possibilities for the utilization of radioactive isotopes in railroad transportation. Zhol.dor.tranpa: 41 no-8:34-38 Ag 159. (MIRA 12:12) (Radioisotopes--Industrial application) - (Railroad engineering) 01 R.-Myitlu MKI -1 GF F:! 7 PHASE I BOOX EXPLOITATION SOV/5410 Tashkentakaya konferentaiya po mirnomu ispolIzovaniyu atomnoy Lliurgli, Tanhitunt, 1959. Trudy (Qransactions of the Tashkent Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy) v. 2. Tashkent, Izd-~vo All I-TzSSR, 1960. 449 p. Errata slip inserted. 1,500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk Uzbek3koy SSR. Responsible Ed.: S. V. Starodubtuev, Academician, Academy of Sclence3 Uzbek 53R. EdItorlal Board: A. A. Abdullayev, Can- d-Idate of Phy-31cs and Mathpriaticz; D. PI. Abdurasulov, Doctor r,-f' Med'aal Sciences; U. A. 4rifov, Acadc-nician, Acadcncy of Soienc'ez Uzbek SSR; A. A. Borodulina, Candidate of BioloSical Sriences; V. N. Ivashev; G. S. lkrcxAova; A. Ye. Kiv; Ye. N. Lobanov, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics; A. 1. Nikolayev, Candidate of 11-led-tcal Sciences; D. Nishanov, Cand'date of Chemical SsIences; A. S. Sadykov, Corresponding Member, A~adeuyof Sciences USSR, Abaderaician, Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR; Yu. N. Talanin, C a I -tV 171- ..Trannactiona of the Tazhkent (cont.) SOV/5410 Candidate of Phy,"ica and Mathematics; Ya. Kh. I.Puralculov, Doctor of Biological 3iiences. Ed.: R. 1. Khamidov; Tech. Fd,% A. 0. Babakhanova. PURIOSE : The publVation is intended for oaientificl werkera and ti,.v.,nialivto employed in enterprioes vrhnre radloactAve, icot-cpes ani nuolear radiation are used fcr rc..iearch In rho~i-,Ucal, goo- legioal, and technological fields. OOVF-;7JkGE: Thiz collection of 133 article3 rEpre2ents the aecond vol~-,r.e of the Transanticna of the 1111a~hkent Clonference on the Pea-efull Uses of Atomic Energy. The individual artl~tllea deal with a wide range of problems in the field of nuclew- radiaticn, in.-Oluding: prolLct-'cn and chemical analys-43 cf ralica-tive lsotcpea; inventigation of the kinetlc~3 of chemical reactions by treana' of isotc-pe3; application of spectral analy5i.3 for the manufacturing of radioactive prclarations; radicative -methods for determining the content of elements In the rc,~%a; and an analysis of methods for obtaining pure substances. Certain Card 2/20 17 6 -,Transactions of the Tashkent (Cont.) sov/541o instruments used, such as auto*.i.,atic re,-ulators, flo-maetcra, level C,.iuZes, and hieh-sensitivilty &m=ia-relaya, a", dcacrIbed. 110 perz'.)nalities are mentioned. Reroronces rolloir individual TABLE OF CONTMITS RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPES A14D 311TUCLEEAR RADIATION D1 EIGMEE-MIG A11D GEOLOGY Lobanov, Yp. M. (Inatitut'yadernoy fiziki UzSSR - Institute of Nuclear Physics AS UzSSRI. Application of Radioactive Isotopes and Nuclear Radiation in Uzbekistan 7 % Taksar, and V. A. Yanuchkovskiy [Institut fizilci 117.1 Latv SSR - Institute of Physics AS Latvian SSR]. Problems of the Typification of Automatic-Control Apparatus Based on tfie Use of Radioactivo lootopea Card 3/20 Transactions of the Tashkent (Cont.) SOV/5410 Borukhov, M. Yu., and A. T. Labodev (Institute of Nuclear Physics AS Uz3SR]. A Unified Radioactive Isodromic Regulator (UM-1) 29 Bornakhov, 1.1 Yu. and B. K. I'alltsov [Institute of Nuclear Physics .13 LS3111. Experimental Application of High-Sen3i- tivity Gamma-Relay 32 Bet1n, Yix. P., B. 1. Vorkhovskiy, N. G. Zolavinnknya, and V. V. Yalcushin [Fizicheakiy institut Akadc:zii nauk UZSR PhyrAcs Institute AS USSR]- :',othoda for Increasing the Adouracy of 4,'Carsurartants of Radioactive Radiation Plux 36 Sni3arcnlco' A., Z. Tarazova, Ye. J1epQmnyaahchiy, and V. ilovopoll- skiy (11auchno-isaZedovatel'skly institut ahinnoy proraohlon- nosti-Scientific Research Institute of .-' the Tire-Industry'). .Determindtion or the Wear of Oar Tires by Means of Isotopes 04, L2 43 T Arkhangellskiy, A. A., and 0. D. Latyahev (Institute of Nuclear ---------- Card 5/20 ----------- Transactions of the TachRent (Cont.) SOV/5410 Physics AS KazSSR]. E=erimental Application of the Scin-, 47 tillatioh Ganima-Defectoucope LA-vitalay, R. V., A. M. Gurevich, D. F. Pavlov, and M. Doolotbekov. (Institute of Nuclear Physics AS UzSSR). Oama RadioSraphy Reinforced Concrete 53 Yalcoboon, I. I. [Tashkentskiy institut inzherierov zhelomodon2la- nogo transports - Tashkept Institute of Railroad Transpor~ation - - Engineers]. Gammagraphy of Parts of Rolling Stock 5 9 Chubax-ov, L. B. (Tashkent Institute of Railroad Trans.portation Engineers]. Ga=agraphy of Ile lded Joints of Pipes in ;he Cirou- lation System 69 M Muminov,jl. D1. [Uzbekalciy gosudaretverr" universitet im. A. Navoi - Uzbek Stat& University imeni A. Navol). Possibility of Applying.Radloactive Cobalt for Quality Control in Brickwall Laying 71 Card 6/20 -41 C~ 58 00/022/038/076 S/08 1/0 7B 'I B110 B101 AUTHORS: Arkhangellskiy, A. A., Stepanov, S. A. TITLE: Devices for controlling the contamination of air and sur- faces by soft P-radiators PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 22, 1961, 270, abstract 221310 (Sb. "Radioakt. izotopy i yadern. izlucheniya v nar. kh-ve SSSR. v. Ill. M., Gostoptekhizdat, 1961, 144-146) TEXT: The authors describe a 50-liter flow-type ionization chamber for recording the contamination of air by c14 and S35 in the order of 10-9 curies/liter. Tube counters with thin mica windows or scintillation counters are used for determining the contamination of working places and clothing. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 9 0 o AWTHORS- TITL.E-~ 22369 8/031/61/000/003/001/001 A161/A133 Shernovoy, A. I.; Arkhangel'skiy, A. A.;- Latyshev, G. D., -Member of the Aoademy of SciLlnces Maz-9-SR The practice of using nuclear resonance in magnetic flaw detection PERIODICAL. Akademiya nauk Kazakhskoy SSR. Vestnik, no. 3, 1961., 105 - 107 TM- Brief information is given on preliminary experiments with a new magnetic flaw detection method developed at the authors' laboratory. The method's principle is measurement by nutation. It is said to be the only method render-Ing possible the measurement of weak and nonuniform magnetic fields, which cannot be done by two other existing methods - "nuclear induction" (G. Bloch, W. W. Hansen, M. E. Packard, 1946) and "adsorption method" (E. M. Purkell, N. C. Gorrey, R. U. Round, 1946). There are several diffelrent types of magnetic probes used for mag- netia flaw detection. The sensitive element in the described method is a nuclear magnetic resonance pickup. The experiment unit is illustrated in a block diagram. Water from the mains is driven through a container placed in a strong magnetic field produesid by a magnet and flows through a pipe. The coil of the nuclear re- sonance piokup is set on the pipe and and conneoted to a detector. It is desir- Card 1/3 22369 s/031/61/boo/03/bol/bol The practice of using nuclear resonance .... A161/A133 able that the magnetic field surrounding the coil be 30 oe with not more than 0.5 oe/cm nor-uniformity. A miniature radio-frequency coil can be placed at any spot on the ~i&. The'foroe lines of- the coil must penetrate the entire cross section area of the pipe. The water volume under the simulvaneous'effect'vf a radio-frd-.;:^' quency field produeed by the coil presents the effective volume in which the mean field intensity is measured, i.e., it Is the work volume of the magnetic probe. This volume can practically be reduced to only 0.01 cm3. The radio-frequency field in the coil is produced by a generator. The water passing the container obtains a polariz ation vector that depends on the time during which the water was in the magna-zizing field (1r) and the field intensity (HAOAH)' -10 M -X 0 HnOAM (1-e where X = 3-10 -- longitudinal relaxation time (for nonpurified water T1 2.3 8S4 The polarized water flows over a pickup, and the nuclear resonance sig- na.1 produced iii it has an amplitude proportional to M. If the intensity of any nonuniform field is required the field pickup is placed into it. When the fre- quenay of the field of the coil (i.e., the frequency from the generator) becomes -zqual ~o the fre:pjenoy of nuclear precession in the mean field of the nutation Card 2/3 22369 S/031/61/000/003/001/001 The practice of using nuclear resonance ... A161/A133 pl3kup, the polarization vector of water flowing through this volume will change. It can disappear, or change the pole. The nuclear resonance signal in the circuit., will correspondingly disappear or change the pole. The intensity of field being measured can be determined by reading the generator frequency (f,>) on the scale: H where )v = 4250 - 2n I . In the test unit the measurement aa- oe - sea - -;Ura0y was determined by the frequency measurement accuracy and amounted to 0.004 oersted. The major advantage of the method is that the sensitive element always shows the mean field intensity, regardless of how it Is directed. The small size of the sensitive element and absolute measurement units are the other advantage. Measurements are possible at, a very small distance from the workpiece surface '.'be- low I mm), which is impossible with the existing permalloy pickups even of best designs. In experiments the probe was clamped in a special holder and moved along the surface of-the test specimens. The probe displacement is shown in millimeters on the horizontal axis in three included graphs, and the field intensity in oer- sted on the vertical. Data are presented obtaine7d on a specimen with one simulat- ed crack under a 3-mm thick steel plate and from a specimen with two simulated cracks at close distance. The specimens were ground steel bars and plates conne&r- ed in the circuit of a small electromagnet. The field intensity at 5 mm from the sDeeimen was about loe. Cracks were Imitated by putting the plates together. There are 4 figures. Card 3/31 -V9 G.D.9 akademik ZHERNOVOY9 A.I.; ARKHANGELISKIYq AoAo)* LATYSHL Using nuclear resonance in magnetic flaw detection. Vest.AN Kazakh. SSR 17 no.3:105-107 Mr 161. (14IRA 140) 1. Akademiya:nauk KazSSR. (Metals-Defects) (Nuclear magnetic resonance) ARKHANGELISKIY, A.A.; LATYSHEV, G.D. Using a scintillation gamma-ray flow detector. Trudy Inst. iad. fiz. AN Kazakh. SSR 5:117-127 t62. (MIRA 15:4) (Gamma-ray spectrometry) ARKHANGELISKIY,,_A!Al,-_YOLKOVYSKIYp R.Yu, Sensitivity of the scintillation method in gamma-ray defectoscopy. Atom. energ. 19 no.3008-309 S.165. . (KMA 180) 1_27661-b6 &iT(d)/FWr(m)/j-&WP(C)IEWPtVUT/ _kY 1-9-Mr-9 ~IP - ____ - - N )/ _F_L -ACC NRv AP6003964 SOURCE CODE: WboaqA5/019/003/03000309. AUTHOR'S Arkhangellskiv,,.A.'Asi'Volkqvyakiyp R. Yug ORG: none TITLE: Sensitivity of the scintillation method in gamma-ray defectoscopz- SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 19, no-, 3) 1965, 308-7309 TOPIC TAGS: gamna flux$ gamma ray, metal testj scintillation, test method, defectoscopy ABSTRACTS The dependence:of the dimension of the minimum detectable defeat, Delta Xmn, on the thickness of the machine part and on the integral gamma flux incident on the machine part is studied) assuming-that measurement sensitivity is determined by statistical error - i.e., by fluctuations in the number of gamma quanta - and not by instrument error. A formula is derived for the variation of the sensitivity with the incident integral flux and the machine-part thickness.. Results of calc 'ulations are compared with those of previous experiments, for the variation of sensitivity with the square root of the inverse so ca activity and the variation of Delta Xmin with machirie-part thicknessj for a Co source. Orig. art.,has: 2 figures and 8 formulas* LUA7 SUB'CODE: 20P' 13. SUBM DATE:~ 148eP64 ORIG REF: 005 Card 3-Aij, UDC: 620-179-15 ARKHANGELISKIY, A.~ Tu-104 airplane. Grazhd.av.13 n0.5:18-19 KY '56. (KW 9:9) lAamestitell glavnogo konstraktors. (Jet planes) 86-2-41/45 ATJTHOR: Arkhangellskiy, A.A., Hero of Socialist Labor TITLE: The Fastest Airliner (Samyy bystrokhodnyy passazhirskiy samolet) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1958, Nr 2,-PP. 75-78 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author states that the construction of Tu-114, 11-18 , . and AN-10 airliners as well as of powerful bombers and supersonic fighters proves the fact that the Soviet Union leads in the field of jet aviation. -The collective of designers under the direction of chief designer A.N. Tupolev are busy designing high-speed airliners of great load capacity and of long ranges. According to the author, the airliner Tu-114 is undergoing flight tests at the present time. The Tu-114 is a cantilever monoplane with sweptback wings and empennage and is equipped with four powerful turboprop engines. Under normal conditions the airliner accomodates'170 passengers, For long-rangep intercontinental flights the number of passengers is reduced to 120, but on short trips between Moscow and the resorts in the Caucasus and Crimea the airliner is capable of carrying 220 persons. A well-established airconditioningp Card 2 1/ The Fastest Airliner (cont.) 86-2-41/45 good soundproofing and comfortable seats make the passengers feel very comfortable throughout the non-stop flights-of 10 - 12 hours duration between Moscow and such remote.places as Vladivostok, Peking,, Rangoon., New York. The Tu-114 is equipped with the most modem devices of.air navigation, radio navigation, and automatic piloting. Thanks to the high load capacity,, long range and speed, as well as the efficiency of turboprop engines the cost of flight operation is.reduced considerably.and does not exceed the cost of trauisportation by railroad. According to the author., the Tu-114 is the world's largest aircraft with turboprop engines, It was designed by N.D. Kuznetsov, Hero of Socialist Labor, and the great power output of its engines is superior to all other edating engines abroad. Five photos. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Cani 2/2 SOV/24-58-11-6/42 AUTHORS: ,.:Arkhangellskiy, A. A. and Kulebakin, V. S. TITLE: Academician A. N. Tupolev, on the occasion of his 70th birthday PERICDICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, 1958, Nr ll~ pp 4-6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Tupolev ended his studies on aviation in 1918. He took a very active part in organising the Central Aero- Hydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI),which was creat6d in 1918 on the initiative of N. Ye. Zhukovskiy. It was in this Institute that the entire scientific activity in the aviation field was concentrated in the Soviet Union between 1923 and 1940. This Institute was also responsible for training strong teams of scientists who are at present occupying leading positions in aLmost all the Soviet aviation research institutes. The type designations, mostly prewar, of the aircraft are briefly enumerated which were developed with the direct co- operation or under the guidance of Tupolev, The Tu-104 developed in 1955 is claimed to be one of the best passenger jet aircraft at present available; its cruising Cardl/2 speed is 800 km/hr and due to the fact that the cabin SOV/24-58-11-6/42 Academician A. N. Tupolev, on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday is pressurized it can fly at an altitude of 10 000 m. A modification of this is the Tu-110 which has four engines instead of the two of the Tu-104 and has a carrying capacity of 100 to 120 passengers. The most recent type in this series is the Tu-114. The aircraft Tu-104 and Tu-114 carry modern means of navigation, radio navigation and automatic pilots so that the aircraft can fly at any time of the day or night. Tupolev has contributed greatly to aviation science, he developed the fundamentals of aerodynamic calcula- tion of an aircraft', the theory of stressing, etc. In addition to designing aircraft, A. N. Tupolev has designed a number of types of naval torpedo launches, Tupolev became an active member of the Ac.Sc. USSR in 1953. He has been awarded the Lenin Orderl the Suvorov Second Degree Order, two Red Banner Orders,, the Order of the Red Star, several Stalin Prizes and others., Card 2/2 SOV/85-58-10-15/34- AUMOR: Arkhangellekiy,, A,,, Hero of Socialist Labor TITLE: Stages in Creative Work (Etepy tvorcheskogo puti) PERIODICAL: Kryllya rodiny, 1958) lqr 10, PP 11-13 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author,, 'who belonged to the first group of aviation students organized by Professor N.Ye, Zhukovskiy, "Father of Russian Aviation" (1910-1913), describes the early stages in the developmentof avia- tion, with particular emphasis on the activities of Andrey Nikolayevich Tupolev, the Soviet Union'sloldest aircraft designer. From the time the Tsentrallnyy aerogidrodinsmicheskiy institut (Central Aerohydro- dynamic Institute) (TsAGI) vas established in 1918 on the initiative of ?rofessor Zhukovskiy and with Leninfa consent, Tupolev, then fresh from defending his thesis, became his teacherts closest assistant and collaborator in the new organization. There are 6 photographs showing early Soviet planes and aviation personnel. [See outside front cover]. [To be continued.] Card 1/1 S.O'V/85-58-U-22/33 AUTHOR: Arkhangellskiy, A., Hero of Socialist Iabor TITLE: Stages in Creative Work (Etapy tvorcheskogo pai) (Concluded) PERIODICAL: Kryllys, rodiny, 1958, Nr 11, py 20-22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author continues-to relate events dating back to 1929, concernink plans for construction of passenger airplanes in which A. N. Tupolev played a major role. He describes the improvements achieved in the construction of later models, Including the Tu-114 Weenger airplaue. There are 6 yhotosTaphs- showing the ANT 9, 4, 20, 44, 42 and the Tu- 114. Card 1/1 ARKHANGELIS,KIY,,A., zasluzhennyy deyatell nauk-I J tekhniki, Gercy Sotsiallaticheakago-Truda.. Creator o.f winged giants. Kryl. rode 14 no.11:8-11 N 163. (MIRA 16.-JI) L 3991-3-65 M,"A (k ln N Peb EX I ACCESSION NR: AP5004:448 S/0085/65A00/001/016Z/016h AUTHOR: Arkhan&el'skjXJ~,_,(H,ero of socialist labor) TITLE, The Tu~114 [airtr4ftl SOURCE: Kryl'ya rodiny, no; 1, 1965, 16E-16H TOPIC TAGS: passenger aircraft, jet aircraft, transport aircraft, ducted fan jet engine ABSTRACT: The Soviet aircraft-design office headed by the Designer-in-Chief Arademician A. N. Tupolev has developed a new commercial airliner, the Tu-114. II'- - , - ' -eln z4 the Tz~-' 24 mode, Which cas i z -31 r r r 4 ~_ t i ; s a i a c o b e -s r-.r Lize Ifirs-t routes. The powerplants of the Tu-i34 were movea L ow a iL;. -,i - - , ~- : , fuselage - a design feature employed by this office first in 1946 and again in 1957. The following performance cnaracteristics, are given: pavi-oad - up to 75()(j Kg. cruisii~,?, speed ,-%prat in., ran-,-e wl~n fuli payioad up to 2000 km; maximum range witti ftL,.,;er pa~:Sez-._i-ers - J~ length for 1500-km flight range - 1600 m, and for tRe maximum range - '.800 m. The aircraft is powered by ducted-fan jet engines built by a team of engineers headed by Card L 39943-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5004448 Chief Designer P. A. Solov'yev. The fuel comsump on is lower than that of the engines on the Tu-324. A new landing-gear desig ~4nsur- tile absorption of shock wuile taxiing and during takeoffs ip_~ th, is t1le -~-passenger tourist ". ers separa-,e.-; the cockpit by a vestibule w- th a hatch, a baggage couzaFai tw.~2aL, room. There are two cargo hatches located an the right side of the plane, which are used for servicing the baggage compartments. Equipment is located under the floor of the cabin and in the unpressurized tail section. it -an be reached through hatcnes in the ~;"`in :,~ c:ie ~,,se'a2t iz is thrc,!Ph in floor. The carv i;arl-hes -an a1-:.- used gs em-r~~,enc,.- hatct., ~i --c.--. -,;t-ils :iL .,,s, open- - " 7' ..1r, C, I , ing onto the wing, carl be use,, tbr ri- iame purP --;e. a i r c r at L U-1 -a- ..c- irr;in2eo rericsikoning the seats and the bulkheads; the track-mounted seat units are easi-Ly reair&nge,1. A censcant temperature is automatically maintained in the cabin through the use ot paael-type heating, normal vencilarion, and individual outlets for fresh, cooled air. During flight passengers are furnished both hoL ana Cold food from a kitchen- buffet. In flight tests conductec by A. Dt_-K-alina and N. N. Kharitonov the new air- craft revealed a high degree of simplicity and reiiability in !)QLh handling and con- trol. Orig. art. bas: 12 figures. (VMi Card 2/3 A- AUTHOR: Makarenko, F.A. 11-12-7/10 TITLE: Contemporary State and Fundamental Problems of Soviet Hydro- geology (Sovremennoye sostoyaniye i osnovnyye problemy so- vetskoy gidrogeologii) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1957, # 12, PP 97-108 (USSR) h'B%TUZT I k vide network of s?eoial scientific institutes which are engaged in various research in the field of hydrogeology an& engineering geology spans the USSR. Increased emphasis Is laid on specialized geologic research, such as geological geochemistry, ore mineralogy, geomorphology, soil geobotany, volcanology and finally hydrogeology, linked up anew with these sciences, the methods of which essentially aided the studies of water resources. The tremendous importance of subsurface waters was first stressed by V.I. Vernadskiy, A.F. Fersman, A.D. Arkhangel'skiy, B.B. Polynov, A.P. Vinogradov, NX. StrikhoV an_d__o_t_Fe_rs. The rules of formation of subsur- face water resources, their economic importqnce and their con- servation became one of the primary objectives of present hydrologic institutes. The academicians F.P. Savarenskiy, Card 1/5 V.I. Vernadskiy, member-correspondent X.N. Slavyanova, G*N. 11-12-7/10 Contemporary State and Fundamental Problems of Soviet Hydrogeology Kamenskiy and others are prominent among numerous groups of Soviet geologists engaged in hydrogeologic research. Hydro- geology, being the only science dealing with subsurface water resources, and, in accordance with specialization taken place in geology and geography, is subdivided into several branches, such as mining and mineral hydrogeology, hydrogeology of waters associated with crude oil, radiohydrogeology, hydro- geothermics, hydrogeology of mineral waters and hydro-geo- chemistry. As a consequencel numerous scientific problems arise, which can be classified as follows: 1. Origin and formation of subsurface waters. 2. General theory and dynamics of subsurface waters. 3. Subsurface flow and connections of subsurface waters with surface waters. 4. Zones and geologic rtiles of the distribution of subsurface water resources. 5. Equilibrium, reeerves and conservation of subsurface water re- sources. 6. Mineral waters, mineralized waters and brines. 7. Thermal waters, their role in the thermic equilibrium of the earth's crust and their utilization for thermification and power engineering. 8. Correlation of waters with mountain rocks. 9. Hydrodynamical and hydrochemical basis for the Card 2/5 study of the system of subsurface waters. 10. General prob- 11-12-;7/10 Contemporary State and']Pundams~~tal Problems of Soviet Hydrogeology lems of hydroohemistry and geochemistry of subsurface.w,gters. 11. Hydrogeochemical and hydrogeological criterions and- methods a prospecting for minerals. 12. Problems of radio-,- hydrogeol-ogy. As to the genesis of subsurface waters, modern hydrogeology arived to the conclusion that underground water resouroeacbriginate.mainly from filtration, partly Opm pro- ceases of.rlondensationp from-anoien~ seas, lagoons and other deposits submerged xtogitherr with -rock f orifiations of basins,-~: and several other processes. Detailed studies are presently conducted 'in different~regions of the USSR on geological, zonalt geochemio4lp'biogeoohe:mical, geothermal, and hydro- 4ynamic conditions as well &r the regularity of formation and ft*tributton of water resoul-oes. The publication of V.I. Ver- naAskiy in 1936 laid the foundation for Systematic studies of subsurface,.water resources of the USSR. At this time, ex- tensive geologic-geochemical research was conducted by A.D. Arkhangellskiy, E.S. Zalmanzon and othet scientists. Deep drilling operations provided extensive data for t4o prepara- tion of hydrogeo&bgJ:oal maps, which were issue-d'st a scale of Ca)7d 3/5 1; 500,000 by the Ministry of Geology and.~ Con'sarvation of f 11-12-7/10 Contemporary State and Fundamental Problems of Soviet Hydrogeology Natural Resources (Ministerstvo geologii in okhrany nedr). Small scale maps on subsurface water and deep underground water resources were prepared by I.K. Zaytsev and V.I. Du- khanin. To study the interaction between water and mountain rocks, studies of reactions under field conditions and in laboratories were conducted. For several years G.N. Ka- menskiy worked successfully on problems pertaining to the flow, storage, and supply of subsurface water resources. In the entire area of the Russian plateau,in some areas in Central Asia and in some regions of the European part of the USSR the flows of subsurface waters were investigated. Studies of the origin and location of mineral waters were taken up by N.N. Slavyanov, I.I. Volodkevich and other geologists. It was found that the methods used successfully by hydrogeologists and hydrochemists at the prospecting for oil, gas and metals could also be applied at hydrogeochemical and hydrogeological reseaich, Various hydrochemical methods perfected by A.A. Brodskiy, A.I. Germanov, A.V. Shcherbakov and others are now widely used for prospecting oil and ore deposits. Studies for the use of thermal waters for heating purposes were initiated Card 4/5 by the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of 11-12-7/10 Contemporary State and Fundamental Problems of Soviet Hydrogeology the USSR Academy of Sciences (Institut geokhemii i analiti- cheskoy khimii AN SSSR), the Laboratory of Hydrogeological Problems and the Institute for Physics of the Earth of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Laboratoriya gidrogeologicheskikh problem i institut fiziki zemli AN SSSR). Thermal, high- thermal and superheated waters located in deep Mesozoic strata occur within the area of the large west Siberian artesian basin over an expanse of more than 2 million sq km. The use of these waters for thermification has started. Based on present data, it has been estimated that more than 60 cities of the USSR, including rural districts, can be centrally heated by thermal waters. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 5/5 - - -- -and---- Others Aqr~f i I A. . Manual of the overhaul of the "Jenni" Universal speed rev gulator, 'foenizdat, 1948. - -I - Ail KIPUCIELISIK i-y A. F. 28119 Voprosy orgarizatsii vzryvnykh (vsyeso,,uz. Nauch - isslyed. In j va), Byp. 1, 19h9, S. L2 - N7. rabot pri prokhodke stvolov. Sbornik rabot vniiomtss - t organizatsii i myek'lanizats-ii shakhtnogo stroit- So: Letopis No. 3h Y A K US I I IN N PA 'Mr, i Ut lz G; -11 S K I Y, lkr MIRAS I YAT" Ventilation of, vertical mine shafts in the process of their sinking. Ugoll 27 Tio. 4., 1952 SO: August, 1952. 28(l) I-R= I BOOK MOLOTIAIT= 307/2702 -T Akadealya nauk SSSR. Institut awtomatikt I t016108kh"I"' Seminar PC pnevmogidravl I Cho okay ATtomatike. let, M09CO- ,1957 Zo-borntV Stafg. ustroystva I slamenty pzavmo- I gidroavtomattkii "tio and Hydraulic Circuits 2evices, and Elements In AoAt..,ion; ffollection of Pap*rZ/) Moscow, lzd-va AR SSSR. 1959. 233 P. Errata Slip inserted. 2.700 copies printed. Ras;j.Zd.1 M. A. Ayzerman, Doctor or Technical scianc;svpproreasor; . of Publishing Rouse s A. A. Tal-I Tech. Ed. 8 . . Polyakoft. PURPOSEt This collection of papers Is intended for scientific research workers and anglaeors in the field of design and Can- struction of pneumatic end hydraulic equipment and accessories ror automation. COVERAGE% This collection contains papers read at the Seminar on P=umLt1c and Hydraulic Devices for Automation, May 28. 1957. The collection Is divided Into the following three groupst 1) -4Z newly developed preumatia and.hydraulle circuits 2) pneumatic and nydraulla devices, Including rejulating unit .. transmittora `-and 'transducers, Bpea lal-purpoao devices, and auxiliary equipment and 3) elegant@ of pneumatic and hyd- raulic devices for automation, much as controlled and permanent nozzles and dl:Phr&gma. No personalities am mentioned. Refer- sness-fOllOw a veral of the papera. Podgoyetaki L.. and R.M. Brave. sccO. XBT&MA Three- Unit 30 Dvor A- V-M- OBCOX7- S9ftlI--izQ Hydraulic Regulating Unit. .Vu F~T AX SS Z 57 rA V A - R KQ:ccx7. Problems in Constructing Primary IM-rusents rf Pressure Trans- Sitter With Pneumatic Force Compensation 61 This paper in a theoretical discussion of dirrarential transmitters dealing with their xanxitivity. errors, and reliability. V- L365COX7- Electraphauxatic* Transducers. IAT A3VswB 77 Mitir-16a, Fv-W -19 OxecIA7- Static Characteristics of I& Pneumatlo m ~Oru` tZilt Pressure Drop In Nozzles 86 This Pape r discusses the Static characterixtics of a back- pressure type Pneumatic relay with indicators that are not "asitive to min-Ate gap Chang... Pa""telev- 3-M-1 a- ',A-,A9k='arr.;c ressuro Transmitters With a JROS-47. Different h So, a, Or Xon-Saviet Designs) tic orce Compensation 91 9020C197- GGn0r&l-PurP0se Xydraulto Power arno-drivo 99 Arkhang*2 'ski F- Hydraulic UnIvOrgal 74rlable.dpoad This Paper describes an AxiAl-Platon variable-opeed 103 transmission. Of application a Its technical ffP0c'ftOAt%Ons and fields re discussed. reningra47. Equations ror a Stabilizing System hl!ft a Hydgrulic 9tuAtOr Connected with a Control Device by 9,1drowlIc In Lino& Equations or the motion or the actuator Piston and elements 112 Of the Control device "a given. Design x"ploo are presented. AM21MIGELISM, A. P. "Hydraulic Universal Velocity BeSulator." (URS) and its Application in National Economy" report presented at the Scientific Seminar on Fnsumo-Hydraulic Automation, 28-29 May 1957, at the Inst. for Automation and Remote Control (IAT), Acad. Sci. USSR Avtomika i Telemoldianika,_ 1957, Vol. 18, No. 12, pp. 1148-115o, (author SEVJK(JVA) A. 1. ) AUTHORt Arkhangellskiy, A.F.,'Engineer 117-56-5-9/24 TITLEa Lapping Machine for Lapping Spherical Plunger Heads (Stanok dlya dovodki sharovykh golovok shtokov) PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, 1958, Nr 5, pp 24-25 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The finishing polish of the spherical plunger heads of hy- dr4ulically operated speed controllers is dons at the Kirov Plant in Chelyabinsk by means of a special lapping machine which consists of a head stock and tail stock, both being mounted on a common stand, facing each other as is shown in figure 1. The tail stock has a fixed spindle, while the head stock has a driving shaft and a countershaft with a speed- change gear. Each stock is driven by a separate electric motor. The head stock is fitted with a lap and the tail stock with a thrust lap, rotating in opposite directions. The pro- cess of machining consists of 2 operations - grinding and finishing polish. After having cleaned tbp plunger head of scales, immersed it in emulsion and covered it with abrasive powder, it is placed in the recess of the lap of the head Card 1/2 stock and backed against the thrust lap of the tail stock, care 1117-58-5-9/2-1 Lapping Machine for Lapping Spherical Plunger Heads being taken that during the lapping operation the plungex head is moved in all directions to ensure even grinding. The f-.,- nishing polish operation is basically the same, the only dif- ference being that a special polishing emulsion is used, con- sisting of finely-dispersed aluminum oxide, oleine acid and stearine. There is I figure and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Kirovskiy Plant in Chelyabins~Virovskiy zavod g. Chelyabinsk) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Lapping machines-Applications 2. Lapping machines-Operation XRASTOMEVSKIY..L,S.; DANCHICH, V.V.: AVDIYE14KO, T.G.; ARKUNGELl SKlY, GAK, A.4; IMPIYANTSZV, Yu.P.; ZELINSKIY, V.M.,--lVATOV, F.S.; ITANILUIMLut P.R.; XALININA, M.D.; KRAVCHENKO, A.G.; KOTLYAROVA, A.V.; KRUGLYAKOVA, M.D.; LEVIKOV, Ii-I.; LIBKIND, R.I.; NIKOLAYEVA, N.A.; HAUKENKO, T.F.; PRESWUN, I.B.; PRISTAZENIKOV. V.S.; POBEDINSKAYA, L.P.; POKALYUKOV, S.N.; POPOV, A.A.; SOLOMMSEV, M.N.-; TARASOV. I.V.; FILONENKO, A.So; SHISHOV, Ye.L.; SUAYMAN, L.I.; YAKMIN, N.P.; ZVORYKINA, L.H., rod. izd-va; LOKILINA, L.N., [Horiz*tal mining in foreign countries] Provedenie go#zoital'nykh vyrabotok za rabeshom. Moskva, Uglatekhisdat, 1958. 342 p. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Kharkov. Vseooyusnyy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut organizataii i makhanizateii shakhtnogo stroitalletva. (Mining engineering) ARKHANGELISKIY, A.F., inzh. Constant discharge pump for the hydraulic units of a heavy tractor. Stroi,i doremash. 7 no.10:15-16 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Pumping machinery) (Tractors-Equipment and supplies) AROANGELISKILY, A.F., llizh. Ualrig URS-type hydramlic pumpe and dr.Aves IfL .10adlrg machine., 610,troi. 1. dor., mash. 10 noolsIO-11 ja 26-- (KliU, 18:2) inzh. The PNB-3M loading machine with hydraulic drive. Gor. zhur. no-52 41-42 My 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Chelyabinskiy traktornyy zavod. ARK,WGIMISKIY, L.I. Tectonic subdivision of the province of meso-cenozoic coal deposits in the west Am= region. Dokl. AN SSSR 117 no.2:271-274 N 157. _ (MIRA lit3) 1. Veasoyuznn nauahno-issladovatel'okly ugol'tW inatitut. Prod- stavlono akaaemikom S.I. Mironovym. (Amur Valley-Geology, Stratigraphic) 3 (5) SOV/11-59-4-6/16 AUTHOR: Arkhangellskiyp A, I, - --L -------------------- TITLE: Coal Bearing Mesozoic Deposits of the Eastern Slope of the Malyy Khingan Mountain Range and Adjacent Regions (Uglenosnyy Mezozoy vostochnogo sklona khrebta Malyy Xhingan i sopredellnykh oblastey) PERIODICAL; Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geologicheskaya~ 1959p Nr 4, pp 79 - 90 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes.the results of prospecting operations for new coal deposits in the Jewish Autonomous Oblast' and in the adjacent western regions of the Amur river. The operations were conducted by the Ministry of Geology and Conservation of Mineral Resources of the USSR and the central geological management of the former Ministry of the Coal Industry of the USSR. Comparing the fossilized flora of these regions found in beds and seams, the author Ands that the formation of these coal deposits (described in Card 1/2 detail) occured in three phases; 1) Middle and Lower SOV/11-59-4-6/16 Coal Bearing Mesozoic Deposits of the Eastern Slope of the Malyy Khingan Mountain Range and Adjacent Regions Jurassic periods; 2) Upper-Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous per:-;ods, and 3) Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary periodsp the first two phases corresponding to the upper and middle structural. stages of Mesozoic Folding and the third - to the Cenozoic Folding. The quality of coal of the regions adjacent to Birobidzhan is very poor. There are 1 map, 1 table and 15 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy P..-i. ugolinyy institut (VUGI) (The All-Union Scientific Research Coal Institute (VUGI) Moscow. SUBMITTED: April 30, 1956. Card 2/2 3(0) SOV/20--125-2-37/64 AUTHOR: Arkhangellskiy, A. I. TITLE: - -O-n -the Stratigraph7 ~ofth~erarbcniferouu Sediments of the Eastern Slope of the Malyy Xhingan Range (K stratigrafii uglenosnykh otlozheniy vostochnogo sklona khrebta Malogo Khingana) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 2,. pp ~69-371 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Up to now the sediments mentioned in the title had been des- cribed as being of Jurassic or Triaasic age (Refs 1-3 e-*E al). The paloobotanical investigations carried ou-** by (Ref 4) and by the author on the one hand facilitatedthe age determination, and on the other hand proved the contemporanei- ty of said sediments with those of ths catchmen+ areas of the rivers Zeya and Bureya and of the upper cotizee of the river Amur. The author presents a arose section of the sedi- ments concerned together with the formation situatqe. a'uove and below them. A) B i r a k a y a S u i t a (1 3- Cr,)b with 3 subdivisions and a totai thickness of 510 m. The meddle one Card 1/3 contains 4 coal beams in tufaceous polymict aleurites and SOV/2c;-- I 25-2-7i716.4 On the Stratigraphy of the Carboniferous Sedimenis of the Eaa-'m;err. Slopa of the Malyy Xhingan Range sandstones. In them, 10 species in plant rema' 'as weze determined by R. Z. Genkina. B) L a n g a r :~ n s k sa y a S JL t 9 (I )? (of Ref 3) shows 2 subdivisicni. In the or-a. smalli, thin, indeterminab;e peleoypode and gaeiropode shalils were found. In the carboniferous sedimenis 36 km v-,st )f Bira railway stationg 13 fossil plant speooies were fouTd. They date from the Lower Jurassic age (Ref 6). The abova-mentioned floristic complexes indicate ar. Uppex-J,-,ra6si~,,-L,),-ie~---117retaceous age. The determination (by G. Ya. Krymgolts) as Lower.-Ju:7assic or a belemnite of the typa Cylizd::~~thsutis stimr,"& flou;ad in this area does, in the light o"* the data presented in -he papers under consideration no-v- seam to ta ,orreat. For the carboniferous sediments of the Bira foot the authix ios4ulates a Middle-Lower-Jurassic age. Thus the conclusions (Raf 5 et al) as to the contemparaneity of said rocks on the'left and right banks of river Bol'shaya Bira (Ugollnaye Sopka region) do not tally with the new paleobotanical findings. It seem3 that the carboniferous rocks of the Butefskaya suits (~2~ cf the upper-Amur coal region, of the Zeyskaya suite 7? (;eya Card 2/3 catchment area) and of the lower carl:oniferous mAg"I(I 2) in SOV/2o-125-2-37/64 On the Stratigraphy of the Carboniferous Sediments of the Eastern Slope of the Malyy Khingan Range the Kheganskiy district in northern Manchuria are to be added to the sedimentary formations which are synchronous with the lower carboniferous mass of (conditionally) Middle Jurassic age on the eastern slope of the Malyy Khingan. In the Bu- reya catchment area there are no age analogies wilh said rocks, as Middle Jurassic rocks are represented there by maritime facies. There are 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-is sled ovatel I skiy ugol.1--xv-T (All-Union Scientific Coal Research Institutll;) PRESENTED: November 219 1958, by S. I. Mironovp Academician SUBMITTED: November 21, 1958 Card 3/3 ARKHANGELIS,KrYA A.L., dots.; SHOROV, L.A. (Outlines of the relief, hydrograp#y, and climate of Sverdlovsk Province; reference textbook] Ocherki rellefa, gidrografii I klimata Sverdlovskoi oblasti; uchebrio- spravochnoe posobie. Sverdlovsk, Urallskil politekhn. in-t, 1961. 44 p. (,-' I IM 18 -. 7 ) .ARKHANGFISKIY, A. K. "On the dimension of spaces" report submitted at the Intl Conf of Mathematics, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-22 Aug 62 ARKHANGELISKIY, A.L., dotsent The freezing of soils in Sverdlovsk Province. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor, zhur. 6 no.9:190 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni Kirova. Rekomendovana kafedroy geologii i mineralogii. ~Owk)-F-' Kly AROMMISKIL A.- .,; KNOBELISEORP, YE. V. Geography - Textbooks School textbooke ou geography. Izv. V666. geog. obshch., 84, No. 2. 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Octnber -1952, Uncl. dUMEANGELISKlY, A.M. ---N- lkybinsk Reservoir. Geog.v shkole no.5:7-10 S '5). (14ML 6:8 ) Mrbinsk Reservoir)