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S/056/62/043/002/00?/053 B102/B104 AUTHORS: Aripov, R. A. Grishin, V. G., Sillvestrov, L. V., Zitrelltsov, V. N. TITLE: Charge exchange between n- mesons with energies of 7-8 Bev and protons PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eks'perimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 43, no. 2(8), 1-962, 394-398 TEXT: n-p charge exchange reactions of the type n -+z; --) Mir0+ n (m=1,2,3,.-*) wer,e analyzed in a 24-litOr Dropane bubble chamber. Amon- 30,000 5'eroo- 0 U photos, 376 events of type (1) were detected with'an ef-ficiency of 965 The tracks were measured with an 'MM-21 calcula- (UIM-21) microscope, the tions were made with an electronic computer of the OIYaI. m was found to be 2.8 1 0.2 (the statistical theory of multiple production :12.Ves M - 3). 0 Angular and energy distributions were measured for the 7-quanta.(198 bvenzs) vhich foam e +e- pairs and aecompany,the disappearance of r.- mesons. The angular distribution, which in the o.m.s. practically agreGs with the no Card 1/2 SHEVCHENKO, F., prof.; AKHTAMOV, A., dotsent; "alpoy. S,-.pauchn. sotr.; PAK, N., nauchn. sotr.; NAVRUZOV, M., zhurnalist; TANKHELISON, A., zhurnalist; KOCHEROV, V., red.; BAKHTIYAROVA., takhn. red. (I.P.Pavlov Samarkand State Med ,kcal Institute] Samarkandskii gosudarstvennyi meditsinskii,;bmUtut im.akademika I.P.Pavlova; kratkii spravochnik. Tashyent, Gos.izd-vo Uzbekskoi SSR,1962. 25 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Samarkandskiy gosudaretvennyy meditsinskiy institut (for Aripov, Pak). (SAMARKAND--MEDICAL COLLEGES) KULIMATOV, M.K.0 prof.; VAKHABOVA, UoKtp dotsent; ARIPOVj S.A.) tsent Importance of C-reaotive protein in estimating the activity of a tuberculous process. Med. zhur. Uzb. no.6:37-39 Je 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Iz kafedry propedevtiki vnutrennikh bolezney Samarkandskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.P.Pavlova i Samarkandsk y oblastnoy tuborkuleznoy bollnitsy. MOTEINS) (TUBERCULOSIS) KUL114ATOV, M.K., profe;'VAMUk#Aj U.K., j6j$W; ARIPOV, S.A.., assistant Importance of C-reactive protein in the diagnosis of malignant . tumors. Mauch. trud~r SamMI 23t54 1163 (MIRA 170) 1. Kafedra propedevtiki vnutrennikh bolesney Samarkandakogo medi- tsinskogo instituta i Samarkandskiy onkologicheskiy dispanser. S/844/62/000/000/080/129 D423/D307 Klein, G. A., Filippov, A. N., Amirova, AUTHOR6; t~rifov, U. N. Yu.,, Adilkhodzhayeva, G. A., Okun', G. S. and Osipova, L. Kh. 'TITLE.-7 Radiation grafting of vinyl monoiers to certain natural and chemical fibers SOURCE: Trudy II VseSOYLlznogo soveshahaniya po radiatsionnoy khi- mii. Ed. by L. U. Polak. Hoscowt Izd-vo tN 833R9 ~9,62t 470-475 TBXT: The -present work is.a continuation,of -previous investiga- tions by Arifov and Klein, With the object of obtaining crafted copolymers of styrene, methylmethacrylate and vinyl acetate with raw silk, ca,)rone and viscose. Irradiation was carried out with~a 60 5 6 Co source at a d- dosage of 10 to 5 x 10 ,rep on solutions of the monomers in various organic solvents. Grafted polymers of natural silk, caprone and viscose with styrene and methylmethacrylate were --fori.-ied more readily than w1th vinyl acetatei -and grafting with sty- Card 112 ARIPOV, UA. [Topographical anatoiW of the hip-jqInt in adults, fetuses, and newborn] It topograficheekoi anatomli tazobedreimogo sustara vzroslykh, plodov i novorozhdennykh. Samarkand, 1953. 14 po (Hip -;One) (MM 11:9) GOLUB, F.Mq. ARIPOV, U.A.; BRITUNp A,I.; SHAKIROV, M.Sh.; SATTAROV, R.K. Regeneration of injured tissues and the possibility of its course being affeotea during the action of X rays on the body. Experimental data. Med.zhur. Uzb. no.11:16-21 N 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Iz kafedry fkkulltet~skoy khiri=gii (zav. prof. F.M.Golub) i kafedry rentgenologii i meditsifiskoy radiologii (zav. - doisent G.S;Kuznetsov) Samarkandskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.P.Pavlova. (X RAYS-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (WOUNDS AND INJURIES) ARIPOV -U.A Dissertations presented for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences at the Samarkand Medical Institute from JanuarY lt 1959 to September 1960. Med. zhur, Uzb. no. 2:71-74 F 161, (MIRA 14:2) (BIBLIOGRAPHY--MDICINE) ARIPOV, U,A. Professor Naum Illich Madvedev; on his 60th Uzb. no.12:69-70 V 160. - 4 . (KWEDEVp NkUM IMICH, 190q-) -1 1 % I 06 birthoaye MW. zbni-. (M:Ep :IT. A 14 ARIPOVP U.A.v dotsent Formation of an amputation neuroma in irTadiated dogs. Med. zhur. tzb. no, 2:53-55 F 161, (MIRA 14:2) le Iz kliniki fakulltetskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof,'F.M. Golub) Saym kandskogo gosudarstvennogo meditainakogo instituta imeni I.P, Favlova, (RALDIATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (AMPUTATION) (NERVOUS SYSTEM-TUMORS) GOLUB) -FiMv5 -prof.; ARIPOVI U.A.; APMOV, M.A.; MLKHKUDOV, A.M. Suture of a nerve) repair of ;4xge defects of the nerve trunk,, and preventioh of amputation neuromas. Med. zhure Uzb. noel: 26-31 Ja 161. - (MPA 14:6) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy khirurgii, Samarkandskogo gosudarstrennogo moditsinsXq instituta imeni, I.F.Pavlaia. NOUTUP4) (SGIATIG MM--;TRAMPL&WATION) MMOUS Sn~M-TUMORS) ARMV9 U,A,p dotsent Operations in perforation of the vermiform process into the stroma of the testes in a 17-day-old ohJ1d# Xhirurgiia 37 no*2:134--135 r 1616 lo Iz kliniki fakulftetskoy khirurgii (zav, prof, F.M. Golub) Samarkandskogo meditainakogo instituta imeni I.P* Favlova. (APPENDICITIS) ARIPOV, U.A., dotsent Formation of an amputation stump in irradiated dogs treated by narrow transplantation and streptorayain. Nauch. trudy SamMI 2~tll-17 163. (MIRA 17s9) i 1. Iz kafeAry fakulltetskoy khirurgii Samarkandakogo meditsinskogo instituta. ACC NR. ,UTHOR: ITLE: AP6011861 SOURCE CODE: UR/0299/65/000/020/MO16/Y,016 Aripov, U. A, Certain healing problems of amputation stumps in irradiated dogs CE: Ref. zb. Biologiya, Abs. 2011493 REF SOURCE: Naucbn. tr. -Samarkandsk. med. in-t, v. 31, 1964, 27-38 TOPIC TAGS: radiation bi logic effect.-wound tissue physiology, animal experi ibiotic, drug eff eet, ABSTRACT: Dogs were irradiated with single 300 to 400 r doses and bind legs were amputated at the hip level at different development stages of acute radiation sickness. 44 of the 160 dogs died in 8 to 24 days. Antibiotic treatment reduced the number of deaths; 5 of 53 treated dogs died (39 of 107 nontreated dogs died). With amputation of the hip at the height of radiation sickness, the leukocyte count was even more sharply reduced (normalization of blood in surviving dogs took place in 3 to 6 mos). Examinations showed that nerve and bone tissues are quite- sensitive to ionizing radiation. Reparative processes were depressed. Following amputation different parts of the nervous system were marked by retrograde changes which were considerably intensified with the Card 112- UDC: 591,1W- t 4098z-66 ACC NRt AR6oll861 presence of suppurative-necrotic processes in stump tissues. No So ZTranslation of abstrac_t7- C) SUB CODE: 06 ARIPOVO V.N. Exogenetic causes in the development of psychoses in old age, ,Sbor.nauoh.trud.TaahGMI,22s488-497 162, (NEI RA 18 t 3.0) 1, Kafedra paikhiatrii (zav. kafedroy - prof. F.F.Datengof) Tashkentskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. 6 /0f61.1_,_,:_,., 6 q609 X D o:'F. R -'Rakhimov#- R Aripovt#-~ Ali TITLM An n stigation of the potential lectron'sciesion ili~ simu Aneous determinatioh:of-the Worij, ft"tion of. thi`e' slot ~Jsvost ]%'PRRI0DIdA:' AWeeiyjk uaiik V0eke%oy.-SqR. ika AeriyA ti '4kq ,matia"tiobaskikh- nauk'$'- no. 1962 7 74' -in_thG.:0oefjribi9,i-t-s_* 'in" tbe: work-I tio of- a I 4 6 ec,,kro ana n if were 404ist bybombarding a go-target with 200 ev "k -ions, 'T 0"Coef io4ents'o 4 -":.~Poteutiid 01desion. were determined frout'Ahe rw tron- 6urvgnt-imd'I`-- A on currelks 0 is 'the secondary tAlelc h Irolt A i deterd, -aspwe charigoter a os were a nod to the target' t t .6 p_1720and K9 Rea tat I ul i ~~rgan, and 91 '044 MW tit had '14t itfeot-, On, the thermion'le smi n tv 0- M'. he.' 00 t ib k4w. 1 - ~the lue"~ ci* n v8 Aha D4: BW,, ru aid a on ~'o ()C): ~f, Mll PhY4 5i"A9541"104i ..672, --bw 4. -.9 gufte At *hdt: Oli. *ALW~, foai e ~i lniv tut zAdii OOY fiziki LN VXSSR Xucleiep bysi O:J, ZV, W, A fz, i Y. 7 t~::. 4X1 - ;.fix -- ARIPCIVA) D.F.; RAKHIMOV, R.R. Study of the potential electron emission with simultaneous determination of the vork function of the metal. Izv. AN Uz. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk 6 no.6:71-74 162. (MMA 16:2) 1. Institut yadernoy fiziki AN UzSSR. (Thermionic emission) (Secondary electron emission) 15-57-3-3932D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 3, P 203 (USSR) AUTHOR: Aripova, F. M. TITLE: Some Problems in Working Thick, Gentl Dipping Beds in the Sulylukta Deposit in Central Asia TNekotoryye voprosy razrabotki moshchnogo pologopadayushchego plasta Sulyuktinskogo mestorozhdeniya v Sredney Azii) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the Srednaaz. politekbii. -in-t (Central A6ian Polytechnic.Inatitute),-. Tashkent, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Sredneaz. polite khn. in-t (Central Asian Polytechnic Institute) , Tashkent Card 1/1 ARIPOVA, F. M. Go a t of maintaining f ield workings. I zv.AN Us. SSR. Ser. tekh.nauk. n0.36-58-67 160. (MIRA 13: 7) 1. Gorrq7 otdel AN UsSSR. (Miniz~g engineering-Costs) VYZGO, pkot.i-otv~red.: ARIPOVA.I. ~.d.tekhn.nmy ;#bd IBRAIMOVI M.I., inOi--;-red.;-KUZII-IIN(A'j kand,tegm. nauk, red.; EUKPAMEDOV, A.M., kand,tekhn.nauk, red.; RESHETKINA, N.M., kand.geol.-min. nauk, red.; KHAMUDKHANOV, M.Z., kand. tekhn. nauk., red.; GAYSINSKAYA, I.G., red.; KISEIEVA, V.N.,, red.; BAKLITSKAYA, A.V., red.; SOKOLGVA) A.A., red.; KARABAYEVA, Kh.U., tekhn. red, (Power., bydraulicj, and rdning engineering]Voprosy onergetiki, gidrotekhniki i gornogo dela. Tashkent, Izd-vo AN UzSSR,1961. 262 p. (ULIA 15:8) 1. Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, Tashkent. Otdeleniye tekbni- chesk~kh neuk. 2. Ghlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSR (for Vyzgo). (Power engineering) (Hydraulic engineering) (Mining engineering) ARIPOVA., F.M. Some physicomechanical properties of coals and vall rocks in the Shargan, -eoalcbposit. Uzv.geol.zhur. 7 no.1:26-33 163. (MIRA 16:4)- 1. Tashkentskiy pol-itekhnicheskiy institat. (Uzbekistarr-Coal-Testing) (Uzbekistan-Rooks--Testing) ARIPOVA, Kh.; PRIKHIDIKO) P.L. Determination in plants and-ooils in biogeochemical studies. Uzb. geol, zhur* 9 no-05C-53 165. (HJRA 180) 1. Institut geologii. i geofiziki im# Kh.M.Abdullayeva AN U7,SSR, KHAMRABAYEV, I.Kh.; RAKHMATULLAYEV, Kh.R., KASYMOV, A.K.; ARIPOVA, Kh. Gold potential of the southern part of the Temdytati. Uzb. ge a118:5) zhur. 9 no.1%1.15~-19 165. (14IRA 1. Institut geologii i geofiziki im. Kh.M.Abdullayeva AN UzSSR. ARIPOVA, T.U., assiste,nt ~ '. , ". --- -, :..I. Position and forms of the sympathetic trurk It ftx- lumbar section of human fetuses. Nauch. trudy SamM 21,03-5154' It,2. NIRA 170) 1. 1z kafedry normallnoy anatomii chelaveka Samarkandskcgo meditsinskogo Irstituta. imeni Favlova. B M.N, pt-(,i'.; AR1F-()Vi,, KHM-KLM YFV .Morphology of rani cormwinicantees of the lumbar seetion rX the pathetic trunk in human fetuses. Naach. trudy SWU 21f synr 63-65 162. (MIRA 17, 5) T, Is kafedry normallnoy anatomii cheloveka Samarkandskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Favlova. 0 PICRUG11-1) N.I.; ARIPZR-NOV, A.A. Geophysical atudieo--in -t'N carpying out of bxparimuntal hydro- geological invastigations in wells. Uzb. gaol. Ehur. 9 no.2: 18-23 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Uzbekskiy gidrogeologicheakiy trest Gosudarstvtnnogo goolo- gicheskogo komitata USSR. 71:. 1 cvUltryl Rujunla Ae_=-,e* recr-ea. -Prof.. =lUatiza.neucerch Institute tar tha Cultivation or Corn (InAitutul de Cercotarl pentru Culturs Porumbului) , Fundulea. SG=el'. Buvh~rj3b Zof~t~hnic- mi Vaterin,r" , No AuE 1961, np 19-29 Wtu: "Siloing jr Corn in Various Types of Silos*." co-authom: I., 5ngineorl Roo*Lrah Institute f0r tho Cultivation at Co r-n-, '-~u rd u I a a cum, 1. , Engineer, Research Institute for the Cultivdt Lon of Corr v Funduua. M _W4, RUKANIA BAIA, Gh., ProfDr, ARLS and ILIESCU, V., Rng, of the Research Institute on Grains and Technical.Plants (Inatitutul de Cercetari pentru Cereale si Plante Rehnice), Pundulea. "Experimental Results Obtained with the Use of Ammonia Waters if the Food of Milk Cows and Young Cattle Being Fattened." Bucharest, Revista de Zootehnie si Nedicina Veterinara, Vol 13, No 9, Sep 63, pp 8-19. Abstract [Authors' English summary modified]: The authors '--'investigated the nutritive value of aminoniacal water to supplement the protein.content of silo corn , They aOmi- nistered ammoniacal water with a nitrogen content of 17 % and a utilization coefficient of 55 to 60 % to young bulls in quantities averaging 255 grams and to milk cows in quantities averaging 500 grams per day per animal. The -ammoniacal water replaced a part of the regular food of the animals, without negatively affecting the fattening or causing pathological changes in the internal organse While the f4t contents of the milk was reduced, the milk yield of the cows receiving ammoniacal water was high* Includes 9 tables and 9 referencesp of which 3 Russian, 1 1/1 German and 5 Rumanian* PUVNIK, M. S.; ARISEITKO, Ye. F. Tuberculous meningitis and pregnancy. Frobl. tub. no.7:56-59 161. Wn 14:12) 1. Iz Moskovskoy gorodskoy Infektsionnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy No. 2 (g]Lavnyy vrach A. M. Pylltsova) i rodillnogo doma No. 22 (zav. otdeleniem L. V. Ostrovityanova) (MENINGES-TUBERCULOSIS) (PREGNANCr, COMPLICATIONS OF) ARIBUJIVA, Ye.A. Iffect of pure carotin and the Upold fraction of carrots on the stability of oleomargarine in storageb Izv*vys*ucheb*zav*pishch* takh, no.4:95-9,9 15a, (MMA 3-1: U) 1, R~rasnodarskiy institut pi.shchevoy promyshlennosti, Kafedra shiropererabotki. (Oleomargarine-Storage) (Carotene) (Lipids) ARISHEVA, Ye.A. Effect of pure carotene and of tho lipoid fraction of carrots on the bolding quality of cooking fats during ator S. IZVOVYS.; pisbcb.tekh. no.11:104-108 159. IGRA 12:6) 1. Kraanodarskly Inatitut p1shchevoy pronyablennosti, Imfedra zhiropererabotki. (Oils and fats. Bdible--Storage) YE ARISHEVA, AND TECH SCA "Elt-O-E OF CAROTINOID DYES ~THEEQUA~~AND STABILITY OF MARGARINE PRODUCM IN STORAGE*" KRASNODAR, 1961, (MIN OF HIGHER AND SEC SPEC ED UZSSR. KHARIKOV POLYTECH INST). (KL-DVt 11-61, 217). -115- USATEVKO, Yu.I.; AHISHKEVICH, A.M. [AriBhkevych, O.M.] Dimercaptothiopyrons, new analytical reagents. Dop. AN URSR no-49504-509 162. (M~ 15:5) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR A.K.Babko. (Chemical tests and reagents) i, ARISHKEVICH.9 A.M.; USATENKO, YiI.I. ... Dimercaptothiopyrones, new ana3,ytica'l reagents. Trudy DMfTI no.16:27- 34 163. (MIRA 17:2) ARTSITNTICII, A.M.; USALMG, Yu.1. -11; Olinercaptothloprriones, new cinalytluil rurgen'13. Repart, no,,I.t SyriLhesis of dhrercaptathlopyroneq. Truly MIMI no.16:43~-46 r62 (MIRA 17 t8) irriercap toth-'Lopyrone-, newr tmalyLlcal roagoriLs. Paport no.Zt Amperometric titratium of oopper.,'7-5Z "I ~j L -%LL I v V] Lk ~-, EL k G I tJl I ,L U L; A L I A L L i - M IAlif.1 1 111ULI)III t'Ll I k- UULVI III UJULIVII of mic-roquantities of copPer in wqtp-r and ccertaffi chemical rcamts: the anak-flcal Gc I&M di 6 1 u dilrml 7 photocolor-f-me ter i-Ii lig Filter no I. uatng k s; c ni.rfon- the btaniuth contmt vas foun, frm thr ca!fb-rattlan varve. T-b eel!t!Lre USATENKO, YU.I. DANILEVSKAYA, A.I.; ASSSEVIL qj,~ Turbidimetric titration of copper with dimercaptothiopyrone. Zav. lab.-31 no. 12tl439-= 165 (MIRA 1931) 1, Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekbnologicheskiy institut imeni Dzerzhinskogo. KWMOV) G.; ARISKIN A. Shipping road asphalt in Kraft paper containers. no.8:16-17 Ag 161. 1. Sotrudniki Glavnefteanaba RSM-R. (Asphalt-Transport,ation) Neftianik 6 (MIU 14:10) I SALOMAGIN, N.I.*,--ARISKIN, A.V.. Concerning the use of the D342 phase meter. Prom. energ. 16 no.12:30 D 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Electric measurements) (Electric power--Heasurement) MUSKIN, I. T. ARISKIN, I. T. -- "The Schools in Lithuania and Popular Education in the Lithuanian SSR (1861-1954)." AcadepW of Pedagogical Sciences RS'FSR;; Inst of the Theory and 11istory of Pedagogy. Moscow,, 1955, (Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences). So.: Knizhnaya Le3topis', No. 6, 1956. ARISKIN, K.M., kand.tekhn.nauk PIppless ventilation in blind workings. Gor. zhar. no-4:72-73 Ap 161. -IMIRA 14:4) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut gorno-khimicheakogo syrtya, Lyubertsy Moskavskoy obl. (Mine ventilation) ARISKINJ K.M., kand. tekhn nauk Basic design of ductless ventilation for blind workings. Gor. zhur. no.2r40-43 F162. (MIRA 17:2) l.-Institut gornokhimicheskogo syrtya, g. Lyubertsy. d/504/62/017/000/004/0(Y7. 1046/1246 AWHORS: Sorochenkot R.L. an TITIZ: Space distribution of neutra I hydrogen in Cygnus SOURCE* Idtademiya nauk WSR. F~picheskiy institut. Trudy, v. 17..Moscov,1962. Radioantronoiaiya, 115-127 TEXT: The woex refers the 21 cm raainmedaurements in'the area defined by 20104m