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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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Comparativt GtudY Of the opeono-eytophagic reaction and antibody
d,ynauioe in vaccinatioti and revaccinRtion with living bruaellosis
vaccine, Pratel Od, un. sbir. mol. vohen. un. 148 no,3:219~-222
I" (KIU 13 13 )
1. Nauchuy mkoyoditall - chlen-korrespondent AN USSR. praf.
V. P. Tullchinskaya [Y.P.Tallchynalkal
(Phagooytoois) (Lutipas and antibodies)
Vs; KAGAN, -G.1. II.I.1; S-IFUCH, T.N. [Simich, T.M.)
Thermal resistance of sporeforming micro-organisms in canned mat
sterilized at different temperatures. Mikrobiol. Shur. 23 no.5:51-
55 '61. (KIRA 14$12)
1. Ukrainakiy nauohno-iouledovatel'Aty inatitut konaerynoy
APLYAK, LV,; DEOTYMZVAt A.P, (Dehtlarlovag 11*P61
study or the antimiorobic effi!ct cif evubstraices, Isolated from
myrtle, on the miorofl.ora of canned foode Hikroblol, zhure
25 no.6tl9-23 163 (MIRA 17t7)
1. Ukralnskiy nauchno-isslerlovatel Ickiy Ins'. I Wt konservnoy
promyshlennoati i Vikitskly 1,otaii1chookly rad,
APLYAK KAGXN, G.I . (Knhnn, 11.1 , I
~1, -~ , V,
.-, ~-I.
Errect, or nntimicrobial subatnnces from myrl,'.Io on the hent. resistamce
of BAc. rA--,enterlcua ruber sport-a. Mtkroblol. zhur. 26 n0.512,1-31 164.
(MIRA 180)
1. Odesskiy nniichno-iitrleidovnt-elltl~l.., Institut k(-,rrervn(-,y pr(mv-stilentirsti.
Sl UYNIN, N. I.; Al-10K. Y.,- HAM)K, M.; BELIbElY, 1. F.; rAVAKIlt'Nov,
It. A.
Synthesis and isomerization of 2-n-propyl-5-phenylt '.raftran.
1tv AN &SSR Ser Khlm no. 4:746-747 Ap (V IRA 170)
1. Inatitut organicheakoy khtmii Im. N. D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
---- V - - - --- - Ir - -
I 'I , - - -- - -- ---
APOKIN, A*?*. inah.
Specialization in tho shipbuilding Industry, Sudootroonio 23 n0.11:
39-41 N 157. (HIRA 11:1)
Speciallsation of machinery Industry pleats In capitalist countries.
vost,mash, 37 no,5%76,00 IV 157. (KW 1015)
(Kachinery Industry)
APOKIN, 16. student IT kursh.
1, ,
, ~
- MOS lAkoylevich Gavalels, (1766-1817). Mor.flot 17 no.2:26-28
Ir '579 (XLFLA 1013)
It Nookovskly latottko-arkhiv"y lostitut,
(Gwwlota. P)Aton lAkovIevich, 1766-1817)
[Thin wignotic rllrx In cvr-j~,utqr rAl'
nItrWe plunki v vychl.,11.1tvi'nol toi.lmllkv, VcaV,ci~ Em.-r-
riln, Ot 1). (BlAtill lofvkll fil'ik
(Problems in chest surgery; surgery of the lunr the heart and
major vessels, the oesophaVe, and wediastinum i~oblsuy grudn4
khirurgii; khirurgila legk1kh, eardtoa I krupnykh sosudov. pishcheyoda
t aredostenliae Hookv&, Ndpiz, 1956* 206 pe KRA 1015)
1, Akadenlys vieditsinskikh rank SSSRs Hook-Tas
11 1-5-31/3-C
AUTHOR: Apokint A.P. (Engineer)
TITLE: 3 cialisation of EnEineering Plants in Capitalist Countries.
(Elpletsializatsiya mashinostroitellnykh zavodov v kapitalisti-
oheskikh stranakh)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Mashinostroyeniyaj 19571 Nr 59 pp.76-80 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The nature and degree of specialisation in the United
States$ Great Britain and Western Germany are described with
the hol? of statistical information and many concrete examples.
Some we 1-known advantages of specialisation are stated.
AVAILABLEI Library of Congress.
Card 1/1
APOKINO A&Pop insho
Authenticity, of facts In scientific and technical literature,
Sudoetroanis 27 no.2168-70 ? 161. (MIRA 16:7)
TZ7' i 4r r
o1 ONO
7 7.
F- 7-
011,14, V
~% , t 1, ) ~, N I( N 11 1 ~ -1 1.,- , i
Now .pjW deRign. Vest.mach. 33 no.6:43-45 JS 153. (KLRA 6:6)
(Pumping machinery)
Ar*U:HINA, N.M., insh.
Omphitisntion of stoampipse made of 15H *teal. Ilek. at&. 30
no*2tl7-19 7 159. (MIRA, 1213)
K16ALINIKOV, Viktor GrIgorlywIch; V.D., nauchm. red.;
L.A., red.
"i0al Olml-N-ratitm 0", %ho
tochmolor,y of manufacturing bavic ~.-,,oden Fwtlclc:~ and
furniture") l'otodicheskaia razrnbalka tery;
~ ,c*nvler..i% o~3novrZ~kh sto"tL r7kh i"e'll'
i tekhroloriia IzF
i rvbel.." I!oskva, Vysshala shkola, 19t4. 51 F.
11 -,- 0 1, ';) I Ft' N , ",topnn Amirt~piv I-h t
IV,IFNKIV , And rpy il L,, I I I , , I"
. I Y_L,-, nau,lm. rei,-. IMAIEK, T.I.r --L,1. ' . - - Mt
f V- - V, I I'-n% I tl-IA I ni rV, -If ',"IT t.ciltor- I F-volzvcdat venric-i
oly~,henln stolinvov. Vyischrills shko.-,ap 191)5. 84 )).
CINYRP Vitally Dndtrlyevlchj AYOLlh V.D., nauchn. red.;
TELINGAUR, L.A.P re:~--.-- ~'-L
[lAboratory work In the study of mterials for cabinet-
makers and carpenters] Laboratornye raboty po materialo-
vedontlu d1la atollarov i plotnikov. Moskva, Vysshaia
shkolat 1965. 106 p. (MIRA M12)
, N I " - -- I I,-
..[~ -i' ;. ~
F. t r . ' A i' I ';.~7 --I -
F u, ~ " - I - . , - ~ , " ~ 1 , r, " ~ . , , ,
- ' 'I - ~ ~' i ~ - , ~ 1 .1. .I , .1 . -P
L ~ ~ - . .'-, ~." 11 - I ' : - I "1 1. ~ -
7 -
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953. Unclassified.
Creating visual training aids. Avt.transp. 40 no.2:46-48 k
'62. MRA 15:2)
1. Zamestitell direktora Vostochno-Sibirskogo uchebno o kombinata.
(Motor vehicles-Study and teaching5
e a sm 0 6 6
0 4111 0 0 1111 # 9 In to 9 9 0 vp 9 4 40~ -6- 1 t 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0
A 0 0 0
0 -
4 1 1 1 t w _
1, W. 41 1 19 ono
L L it I A I I AIR 0 A' It
1 00
00 a 141119040 of bi# &NIhAve 00 w"Gigimmkii with 244 0 111
wilhost me $441thm 09 Seib" 448w0 I* Iw tilt.
it' -4
his.Atul-v mml A P-A
of WOUNI Alfitiolm
1l goal I "'m I 41torl h. h .1 1..
it. 1.4 1
IS46% III fall A-*IV I ow l4totiltit's .4 I"st, I it &I Q 1.0 0 0
1114k011011-0 00
1". he- 11w Wkin. A Vill Until itit I it A 411m -
fill It.-Ort".'alwVt the I $-f 4% 111 H faustirloar paliltill. ("wit 0
00 4-014111116 i'% IJJXMI m 111,111iswirl. a iiiii- liming A thrI
4, .4'"T%trd viali a 46.141 in insw It- tlw dIk m4e. SI
.1traft't trust-h-M A III"% It. *Idn .4 1 11. I'l Ilits 00
0 1 ew loarew it. I A $A. 041 M * it. *Ikt .4 she #m'"
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 09 00 0 9 00 9 00 go 6 0 0 0 go 0 00 0
AmLtONOV, A.#? Cot
Flight Taste
Medioins - Flight
J" hq
"The Crev's Routine Before a Long Flight," Col A.
Apol lonoyo Mad SY) 2 pp
'Test Vozdush Plots." No 1
basio standard of prooedure for flight orews about to
embark on extended flights. Stresses necessity of
tuffloient vitamin supply, particularly VitamIna
I aneL C. Impbu tzes need of proper rest for flight
Strivinr for technical prorress. Stroi. mat. 7 no.1r:10-13
0 163. (MIRA
1. Zavfbduyushchiy Otdelom stroitel'stva i stroymaterialov huyby-
shevskoro oblastnopo komiteta Komnunisticheskoy parM Sovetakom
Soy,ura. (K%kybytibev Province-Buildinr materials industry)
Main features of the geological textures in complex metal delvaits
of the FULdon-Genaldon Interfluve in Northern Caucasus.
lave vys* ucbebe savel tevet. met. 4 no.2t3-10 161,
(MMA 106)
I# Moskovskly gonudarstvennyy universitet i Trest 'Sovkavtovet-
astrasvedka*. Rekomendovana kafedroy poleznykh iekopftyevqkh
geologicheskogo, fakulitets Hookovskogo gosudars tvennogo universiteta.
(Fladon Valley-Geology, Structural)
(Nonferrous metals)
I va)
Economy indexes In repairing tractors by the unit method. HTS 12 no. 8,, 1952
SOo XUlAv November 1952
Stratirraphy of the Erkebidaik series in the eastern Kokcbetav
trough. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSIR. oar. geol. no.2:18-25 961.
(MIRA 14:7)
(Kokchetav region-Goology, Stratigraphic)
- a#.- , .
Ordovician deposits in the southern part of the Solety through
(central Kazakhstan). Izv.AN Kasakh.SSR. Ser.gool.nauk
36-53 163. (MIRA 16:8)
1, Inatitut goologichaskikh nauk AN KazSSR, Alm-At&.
(Kazakhstan-Geologyt Stratigraphic)
Welcome to the paper service huts, Okhr. truda i sots.
strakh. 6 no.6t26-27 Xe 163. (MIRA 160)
1. Vneshtatnyp tekhnicheskiyl i pektom Moskovskogo
gorodskogo sove ta profeasionallih soyusay (for Pobereshnyy,
Apollonov, Ourinanko)o 2, Korrespondent shurnala "Okhrana
truda i notsiallnup atrakhovnniyal (for Zolotarev).
Results of InoreastAg ths responsibility of industrial vAnWrIs
Besop.trtA& v pros. 4 no*Usl6-17 N 1609 (XINA 2,3sll)
(bdustpial safety)
APOLL(RIOT, SoP., Inshaner,
Use of silicates soils to stabilize building foundations. Strole
pros. 25 noo6t5-7 Ag 047. (RLRA 9:1)
Wil stabilization)
Using, mounted equipment In working
spats.rab.v stroi. 21 no.5125-26
(hosep grouvA),
(larthmoving vWchIftory-:-CojL
frozen ,ground. Nov,tekhosontal
Vf 15,90 041RA 12:7)
weather operations)
insh.: (ZOIIGLkDl. D.G., Insh.
Using sendblast in cloantr4o'stool p1pop. hov.tokh.mont.i spets.
rab.v strot. 21 no.7:18 A 159. (wlRi, 12:10)
1, Treat TSentrospetastroy OlavneftesontasM, Stroitolliwy
tichastok 96.15 Tsentrospatestroy.
(PiPAUt8l--ClOADtng) (SAndbIRSO
Description of work methods of Stakhanovit* telegraph workers, Soy. arias,,,
no. 80 1951
SOt KW March 1952,
--. -- r--
Sunshine penetrates the workshope Okhr, truda. I sote, strakh,
4 no,60 Je 161# (MIRA 24t7)
L Takhnicheskiy inspector Estonskogo respublikanskogo soveta
(Tallilm--&chinery Industry-Hygienic aspects)
AUTHORS:Kovyrshin, V.G. and Apollonovq V.K.-
TITLEt Moro Complete Extraction of Molybdenum and Rhenium from
Calcium Molybdate-Production Mother Liquors (Doizvlecheniy.e
molibdena i reniya iz matochnykh rastvorov proizvodstva
molibdata kalltsiya)
PERIODICJIL: Tevetnyo Metally, 1957, Nr 81 pli.67-73 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: An account is given of research work curried out at the
Balkhash Copper-Smeltin& Works with the aim of reducing
losses of molybdenum and rhenium in calcium-molybdate
mother liquor. These losses were nonnally about 1.3% HO
and ~5% Re and it was planned to extract the metals more
fully by the cementing method. The theory of this method
is discussed and laboratory experiments in which rates with
various stirring rates, with and without Ku,80 and NaCl,
1 4
with different acidities and at various temperatures were
determinedg and the results are tabulated (Tables 1-5)9
some also being shown graphically (Figs.2 and 3). Large-
scale experiments are also d?scribed, flcw sheets and
lant performance data beiW, given and discussed. Finallyp
he production of potassium perrhenate and calcium molybdate
Card 1/?
Vol- /- ON,", t- k
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 4 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Apollonov, V. K.
TITLE: A Flotation Method for Extraction of Molybdenite from a Collective
Copper -molybdenum Concentrate (Flotatsionnyv sposob izvle-
cheniya molibdenita iz kollektivn08O medno-molibdenovogo kont-
PERIODICAL: 11yul. tsvetti. metallurgii, 1957, Nr 15, pp 9-11
ABSTRACT: An extraction method based strictly on flotation processes has
been adopted in the USSR for the extraction of Mo from Cu-Mo
concentrates without resorting to expensive intermediate processing
operations. In the process of 1,.4oSZ flotation it Is essential that
the concentration of Na2S in the pulp be painstakingly controlled.
The content of active NazS must not fall below the critical value
necessary to continue to depress the sulfates of Cu and Fe (I
8/liter in the case of a given plant). At the present time plans
are made at the plant to employ speed-up flotation methods and
to use ferrocynnides in the capacity of depressors of Cu and Fe
sulfides. A.5 1'.
Card 1/1 1. Mo4bdenum ores--Processing 2. Mo4bderaun ores--Flotatlon
Operations and industrial achievements of a molybdenum plant. TSvet,
mete 34 noo2j4-9 F 161, (KIRA 14t6)
Automation of or@ dressing plants, TSyst, mets 33 noolli27-29
N 162, (KMA 15ill)
(Ore dressing) (AutovAtion)
APOLL011.10vo V.N1
Geochemistry of rare and disseminated elements In the
Koshwinsay ore manifestation (Chatkal Range). Uzb. geol.
zhur. 8 no.6t23-29 164. (Him 18,11)
1. Glavnoys upravleniye geologii I okhrany nedr pri Sovets
Ministrov Uzbekskoy SSR.
ri EL
A T7.- j II- _~~I i I I -
TT V 7r
t 11) -T T'
AUTHORS'.* Stariko I. Yawl
\Atarik, Fe Ye,, Apollonova) As No 78-1-23/43
TITLES Adsorption of Micro quantities of Uranium by Ferric Hydroxide ahd Desorp-
tion by4eam of the C abonats -Method a (Admorbtslya mikrokolichostv urana
gidrookislya-zheleza I desorbtslys yego karbonatnym met(Aom),
PMIODICAL,', Zhurnal Noorganicheakoy KhW1, 1958, Vol. 3,, Nr 1, ppo 1.21-128 (USSR).
WTRACT; The adsorption of uranium on iron Is Important for analytical chsitistry,,
since iron is often used as a carrier substances The nuthors wed U*33 in
their investigations.
First the adsorption on ferric hydroxide with Increasing pH is Investigas
tedo Carbonate-free smonia serves here as basis. The maximum in the curve
between PH 5 and pil 8 in explained by the fact that the hydroxide colloids
are charged with the same slerim outside of this range, This was eleatro.
pboretically proved. in earbonate solution the curve shown first a similar
course whicht however$ declines steeply after PH 50, since uranium dissole
yen &a complex carbonate and iron precipitates complotelr. Tte precipita-
tion in ammoniacal madinm was investiCated with various quantities of uras
nium and iron with respect to its completeness. The precipitation@ and
Card 113 their results are summarized in a table,
Adnorption of Micro Oiantities of Uranium by Ferric Hydroxide 7&J-23/43
and Desorption bF Moans of the Carbonategothodo
Prior to their dealln with desorption, the authors investigate the Ino
fluence of the alkali carbonatess especially of the ammonium csrbe.~natqj
on the precipitation of the iron* Further the desorption of uranium is
invostigated4yantities of lo-S g are quantitatively deaorbed,9 with quan-
tities of lo lo-eg, howevea, losses up to 3501o occure This is attribus
ted to the penetration of tiranium into glass or platinit-t with the evalvi-
ration or khe acid solution, as is proved, The3s losses can be avoided by
adding motatitanic acid,
1) The coprocipitation of micro quantities of uranium with ferric hydroo
xidg takes place by adsorption.
2) The capability of admorption doptnds on the pH of the s,.Aition in
ammoniacal., and carbonate soltitiono
3) Micro quantities of uranint precipitate with metatitanic acid under
certain conditionso
4) The conditions of desorption of micro quantities of uranium (lo'Sg
le8g) from ferric-hydroxid*-colloid (UtFo - I;loS) were determined,
by the carbonate-mothod.
5) The conditions of complete separation of micro qtiantiti*2 of uranium
(16". lo-1g) from solutions by moans of adsorption with ferric hydroe
Card 2/3 xide were determined.
Adsorption of Mioro quantities of Uranium by-Ferric Hydroxide 78-loe3/43
&n,l Desorption by Means of the Carbonate.&thod,,
There are 5 figures, 8 tables,, and 24 referencesp 13 ot which are Slavic,
-RUBMIrm: Juno 18, 1957-
AVAIL&BLEI; lAbrary of Congress&
Card 3/3
SOV/ 137-58-9-18835 D
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 96(USSII)
AUTHOR: Apollonova, A.N.
TITLE: A Carbonate Method of Separating Microscopic Quantities of
Uranium From Iron (Karbonatnyy metod otdcleniya mikro-
kolichestv urana ot zheleza)
ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the de-
gree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences, presented to the
Radiyevyy in-t AN SSSR (institute of Radium, Acaderny of
Sciences, USSR), Leningrad, 1958
ASSOCIATION, Radiyevyy in-t AN SSSR (Institute of Radium, Acaderny of
Sciences, USSR), Leningrad
1. Iron 2. Uraniwrt--Separation 3. Carbonates--Performnnce
Card 1/1
AMON: Zolotov,, 'rue As 39-4-5-23/26
TMXt Conference on the Use of Radioactive Isotopes in Analytic
Chemistry (Soveshchaniye po primenenlyu radIoaktIvnykh Itortopoy
Y anallticheakoy khimll)
PERIMICALt Atom" Energiya, 1958, Vol 4,, Mr 5., pp 49-495 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: 3h Moscov on December 2-4. 19570 a meeting on the use of radio-
active Isotopes in analytic chemistry vas called by the Departmat
of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences (USSR) and the Committee on
Analytlo Chemistry of the Mastitute of Geochemistry and Analytic
Cbmistry 1mal V# L Vernads1dy., The mating was attended by 450
members of various scientific research iustitut*o,, institutions of
higher learning,, and industrial anteryrises, Including 30 scientists
from Itnaland, Bulgaria, the Chinese People's Flepublic, Poland,,
%xman4&, Czechoslovakia, and the United States* The purpose of the
mating was to consider the vork of the Soviet Won in 1) the use
of radioactive Isotopes for the development of nev methods of
ana.27sis based on radloactivitT, 2) developing the theoretical
bases of analytic chendstrY, 3) ixproving and testing the methods
of sepamting and differentiating chemical elements, and 4)
Car& 1/5 determining those physloo-chemical values vh1ch have analytical
Conferenco on the Use (cant.)
sigaificance. The 50 reports presented at this meeting v111 be published in
a collection under the title %%e JVP21cation of Padloactive raotopes In
Analytic Chem1stry" (PrImnenlye r&Uoakt1YAykh Isotopoy v analitichnskoy
khjZjI)* Folloving an the general areas of consideration and mnu&des of
the reports given at the mating:
It Methods of wnal~sis based on radioactivityl
1. Yes Zimakoy and Oe So Rozbavskly (Gintsvetwet (state institute of
Nonferrous Metals)) - a ww variant of the method for determining
minute quantities in mixtures, called the method of Ovolti-radioactive
dilution", vb1oh eliminates wasurewnt of the specific activity of
preparatlow - thereby alwplLrying analysis. L Pa Allmarln and
0. If. V111mavlah (ORMa (Geoebude" Muftuts of the Acada~W of
scleafte OR)) - a mthad row evarating tantalum from titaam,,
zirconium, and n1oblum; and Identifying tantalum by Isotopic dilution,,
The precIpation of tantalum van Induced by a nev organic reagent,
[amoulum benzene selenate I (benzolseleninovokIsIty anwaxty). Awiametric
t1tratIon (tva, reports; author not given) - a nw wthod of volumetric
analysis In vb1ch the point of equivalence Is determined by mamwing
the activity of the solution. K. B, Yatsimirskiy and Ye. X. Roslyakove,
Card 2/5
Conference on the Use (Cont.) 0~5-23426
(NMOTO Ustituts of Chadcal Tec~~o the use of solutions of
, _4gy
(lutso $a1ts) of Cd .0
complex compounds for Identifying large anlons
(phosphates,, wlybdites, and sulfates) by the radlomistric t1tration
wthodo L Me Koreman and Fo R. Sheyanova (Gorlkly State University)
- the possibility of using non-Isotopic indicators in radimetric
titratlon and other areas of analytic chemistrys A* L Mask (wecow
betitute of Chemical Technology ~aqni Do 1-0 Ylandeleyev) - the do-
termination of m1cro-odmixtures (1 , to 10- %) of cobalt, copper,
tellurium, arsenic, an& antimony in ferrous oxides* A* A* Zh*hovitekly
and others (USSR) - davelopmnt of a now rapid methodof snalpis based
on the reflection (backvard scattering) of beta-rep (P-rays).
V. B. Geydadynoy (GEMI) and L. 1. 33.1ina (Moscow Electric Light Factor7)
- deteraLnetlon of the properties of b1nary tantalumi-alablum alloys by
the P-ray-reflection method.
no YAthods of Identifying and separating elements.- No Xe Senyovin
(MMI) - chrcimatogrephle analysis using radioactive lootopeej for
example, research on separating Infinitely smiall quantities of
substances,, quantitative analysis by isotopic dilution,, eta*
go Is 1l'yenko,, Do P, Nikol'skly and A* M. Troflmoy (RW (Padlum
3batItute of the Academy of Balances (USSR)J) - the rtaults of researth
on the adsorption of mercury in Ion exchange resinso
Card 315
.,,% p6
""GOO '04
00 1,%. ~va! ca
~~-tvec" C4
two o
M. Son general roblems of analytIcal chemistryt go 1. L=&Aov and
V, So CherWy =1kov State University) - research an the influence of
the nature of solvents an the solubility of silver elaorides and cesium.
7he oxthore related the do" of solubility to the dielectric constant
of the sobsote Do Me 7AY and L At Wros (RIAN) - a method for determin-
ing solubility by the IL4tra-vdorol methods N. P, Kma (M='ko-r State
uAversity) - (in connection vith the above method), reported on the use
of rsAioch-IoO measurements In cambination with a determination of the
mo3a coefficient of &boo tion for the study of ccnlax Ions In two-pbase
systems* 10 X. X011tgor =sots. State University,, USA) - nev data
chameterizing the aging and derelopient of crystalline sediments vith the
aid of redloactIve isotopes* A. Ke Iavrukhina and 8, go Plodin (ORMI) -
the results of several eVerlments with the behaviour of element 87 (Frimce)
by co-precipitatIon vith various carriers, extraction by solvents,, etc.
I, Xs Irving (Word University,, Rouland) - study of the an&Wcal
PrqP&rUes of Indium with the aid of radioactive Isotopes* A. A. GrIzLk
and X, Is Juxuaina, (Gireamet Estate Pan Metals Scientific Researth
MastItutel) - the use of radloactIve isotopes for control of productlon,
for example, production of rar*-earth metals.
Card 5/5
1. Conferene,es-iWioaotive Isotopes--Moscov 2. Isotopes (Radioactive)
Carbonate nothod, for separating alcroquantitles of uranium form
iron. Trudy koa.anal.lhia. 9:264-273 138, (MMA 11111)
(Uranium) (iron)
Partial fission yi6lds of isobars with Al 136. RadioMdaiia
4 no.6*711-714 162. (KIRA 16d)
(uranius.-Inotopes) (Fission produots)
,jPQNgHQYAt-"j SMIRMOVAl Z.A., red.1td-val GUROVA, O.A,,q
(Geology, igneous activityl and development of the Pro-Cabbir3on.
fold maself in the northeastern part of the Eastern Sqan
Mountains) Geologicheskoe stroenie, magmatizm i. Istorlia,
razvitila severovostoohnol chasti. Vostoohno-Saianskogo
dokembrilskogo skladohatogo maesiva, Moskva $I s,nauchno-
tekhn,izd-vo lit-ry po geol.i. okhrane nedr, 1 . 153 P.
(Moscow. Vseeoiuzny'I nauchno-looledovatel'skil Inatitut
minerallnogo ayrliA. Trudy, no.8). (KIRA l6s2)
(Sayan Noun tains-Osology)
1. P.
AMLIOWIVA~ T. B.: Mis Effect on Cardiovascular Activity or Siberian
'Petrosimoni,val, Fairy Iriprey', ard Grey-Green
'Rotnik'." Ivanovo State Medical Init. Ivanovol
1956. (Dissertation for Uie Degree of Candidate
in Medical Science)
Sot Ynishnays Leto-As'.. No. 18, 1956.
AP0=110VA, I.R.
Arterial embolism as a conplication of toxic dinhtherls in
children, Topookhomt6 I dots If noa3;81-83 '39,
(HIRL 12!8)
1. Is kmfedry detskikh infektaly (say. - prof.S.D.Nonov)
Ivanovskogo meditainskogo inAtituta (dir. - doteent H.M.
APOLIONOVA, 1.B., kand. med. nauk
Polyneuritle as a oomplication of dlptheria, Sov. mod. 27
no.8s83-87 At 164. (MIRA l9i3~
1. Kafedra dete)dkh Infektalonnykh boletney (ispoInyarishchy
obyasannosti zaveduyushchego - 1,B. Apollonovs) IvanoyakoFo
meditainskogo Inatituta.
2. USSR (6oo)
4, Phonograph Rooords
7& Long-playing rooord. Radio# No. 11, 1952
9. Monthly List of Russian Acces4ions, Library of Congress, E2k=y .1953. Unclassified.
Der c r
7 5 re
ro "..~av c u
of o
AFOlL.LOMTA,-L.P,, red.; VATHBOYN. V.S.. red.: VASTLEVSKIT. D.P., red.;
TROBIAVd-ft 0 A As , red. -. GRIBKOVA. S A, , red. , ORIOORASH, 0. L.,
red.1 KAERACHIT, B.Ta., red.: PARKHOMKHKO, V.I., red.; PUSSIT, L.A.,
red.; RIGIM, Te.l.. red.~, RUMMLAT. 9-A., red.; KAMILI. B.S.,
[Hatbods for testing magnetic tape record_1ral-Ratodiks. lepylantla
wagnitofonor. Moskva. 1568. 78p.-(Akademilamauk 38811. Mor .skel
,.;gtdraOqShojjtiA.--ftstitut. Trudy, vol. W., _INIR& 12t?)
71%ignetic recorders and recor4ling-TestingY-
A71"OLID, :i.l.; V.S., roe. ;VASI L'-jVS'; IY,
A.A., rc'.,, Gil:31'07A, 13.L., roe,; IHIOORA31i, r,.L.t
'e.: red.; PUSS.;T, L.A.,
-'n~' le! for r-r- !,n n",'o vitusl Yb~:nitnye (-nliv .-,I d1la
1!'5- 153 IN (Moakva. Vscsoiuzn.-*l
t I - recordors iini romord lap--Rqujpm"nt nnd swT1109)
6(5) SOV/107-59-5-33/51
AUTHORS: Apollonova, L., Shumova, N.
TITLE: Stereophonic Records
PERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, Nr 5, pp 42 - 45 (USSR)
ABSTRAM. The authors describe in detail the stereophonic re-
cording system which was developed abroad. They
mention the 45/45 system recommended by the Inter-
national Electrical Engineering Co=ission. There
are 7 diagrams, 1 table and I graph.
Card 1/1
Distortions causod tr the tons am of the s ound plokup and wW to
rvduoo them. Trao VXLIZ no.5s34-49 159. (MIRL 15 34)
(Bound-Racording and reproduoing) (Phonographs-Testing)
qOI.49NOVA, k~ubovl Favlovus; SHMOVA, Nina Dmitriyevna;
(rechanical sound recording) Makhanichaskaia avukozapiol.
Floskval EnergAiat 1964, 240 ps (MIa 17:121
L 31 5-66 1~ -2 1JP(0 _14MAT
ACC NR1 AP6012680 SOURCE CODEt UR/0170/66/010/004/0495/0502
AUTHORt Apollonakiy, S. N. Y'V I
OR%;t H ineering Sch221 is, rx-g. Dzerghinakiv.-LsoLogrAd (Yyseheye
voyenno-morskoys inshonernor uchilishchs)
TITLEs Computation of the bounda!Z layeron the insulator walls in an M jenerator-
channel tiRing the RA71 cui~ftnt Into account
SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fiziebeekly shurnal, v. 10, no. 49 19609 495-502
TOPIC TAGS: MHD generator, laminar boundary layer$ Hall effect, plasma compression,
low temper4ture plasmat laminar flow
ABSTRACT: A laminar boundary layer of a low tempoWture-plasm on the Insulator walls
of WID generator channel walls with arbitrary magnetic fields perpendicular to the wal
is conzideT4id. The problem is formulated for a steady state compressible plasma with
laminar flora. The magnetic Reynolds number is much lose than unity and the Hall para-
meter does not vanish. The solution Is applied to a specific example and the results
am graphed. It is evident that the choice of electric load and wall temperaturo stron
1y influence the plasma parameter*. Orig. art. hast 2 figures, 35 formulas.
SUB CODEt 20/ SUBM DATEt 24JuI65/ ORIG RErt 002/ OTH RErt 003
UM 532326
-USSR/Nedicine Veterinary
Card 1/1 Pub 13T-11/22
Author t 44pollosov, K. A.
Title t Me d osis of erysipel"
Periodical i Yeterinarlys, 9. 42s SOP 195k
Abstract Instructions of the Veterinary Administration of the Main Administration
of An'-' Husbandryp Kinistry of Agriculture, USSR (issued September 10,
1950) state that *the best specimen for laboratory examination for swine
erysipelas is that from fistulous bone." The author of this article
claim that this method or diagnosis has Its limitations. For rapid
diagnosis of swine erysipelas it Is necessary to forvard to the diagnostic
laboratory for bacteriological examination a vhole or portion of a kidney
from suspected cases of swine erysipelas. By using Glemsals, Gram'*, and
Romanoyakiy's staining method It is possible to exclude other diseases.
Institution Rostov*ksys, Oblast Veterinary Bacteriological IAboratory (*Veterinary
llilrl i,- a I
I -fT -,-x. " +-, '- - , ,J-
T- - V\ - " ~
rOMICHEYA, A*S.. nauchUy astrudnik: AXUWTA. N.?., vaterinarnyy vrach:
votorinarayy vrach; IUSHINA, L.I., vetorinarVy
Tr&Ca; ILVOWIAIJBWA# A.A., vrach-baktorielog (Rsstov-aA-Denu)
Role of antipWe serum in the diagnosis of brucallsals. Tateri-
narila 32 no,l2t67-68 D 155. (KURA 9t4)
z s J j, r
Tix b~l rn -.nt rrJ r c
cer;:Icction -~tth U.e :cn-4truc,ion of rurp, hydro-clectric jeucr -,r!4 --r!, It lnc:u~.op
pral rrk, tory or , -oi~. il ~ t. ns , ste, 11 c- ns ', ruc ' I ~-n , Qrj ~ r, i stl cn of I tbor nnd
letb,r nort.~.z, n,cok-t,tlrq:, ond sn.lcty -nd fire 1 r-yent I on mv1~5ure-:1
1. Russla---Electric fower Flonts
APOUMT, V.K., kandidat tekhnichookilrh
AMUU.' UA'; khudc shoat venayy r
nich*ok 1y r *dmktor.
[Building of prefabricated hydraulic engineering structures (for
irrigation systems)] Stroltellotvo gidrotekhnichookikh soorushenil
abornoi konstruktaii (na orositellufth sittemAkh). Kooky&, Go*. isd-vo
**Ikhos. lit-ry, 1954. 342 p. [Microfilm] (KI-RA 8:2)
(Hydraulic engineering) (Precast concrete construction)
(Reinforced concrete construction)
APOLLOSOV, Yasilijy Mikhaylovich, dotse, kand.takhn.nmak; SURIKOV, XLkhall
'tathn.nouk; LIBXDIV. Tu*D., red.; RLISHTITS,
VA.. red.g PZYZM, V.I., takha.rods
(Heohoultatiou, produation, arid organitatton or hydroullo 9-.4glueering
work] gakhmaisstailm. proisvodetvo i organizatmils 6droteklin Johe ski kh.
rabot* Moskva, Goo. isd-vo sallkhos. lit-ry. 1957, 719 po
(Wdraulic snglne*rln4) (MIRA 11M
-h, ---L , -~y ~ , ,
, , Ty V -7-,4 - A - I - --- -- -
AMIJ,OT% Be A. Oldrologlebookle InforrAtaii i prognoty. Hooky&. Oldrocettolsdat, 1948.
499 p.
DLC: CB66146
50% LCO Soviet Osographyt Part 1, 1951, Unel.
cStuor of rivers] t
universitsta, 1951.
o rokakh. [Hook-ra]
- __ AT!I~v - t.-- A.
Hydrological research in regions of shelter-belts. Vopogeoge 26# 1951.
SOs MIRA, April 1952
2. USSR (600)
4. Hydrology - Caspian Sea
7. Conference an extreas long range forecasts of the levels or the Caspian Sea.
Isy. AN SSSR. $or. geog. not 5p 1952
9. Monthly List of lussian Accessions, Library of Congress, _ January 1953. Unclassified.
.rl - " I - , - -
Method of bydrologi"l inv6sticstion In PlAnning shelterbelts,Mosk,un, no.160t247-150 #52. (KLRL 813;
(Hylrolog7)(Vindbrtake, shaltarbalts, etc.)
Yl - -. i -,
j-j-, ~~ -. - - - T~- ~j -
% i .."
alluvioloo.N D.A.ApoUoT. Reviewed by A.I.Chobotarev.
Moteor.1 cidrof. -no-5-:53--60 Yj 15). (XLPA 8:9)
1, Gosudarstvennyy gidrologichookly Justitut, Leningrad.
(Apollov,DoA.) (Rivers)
USSR/O"fiysics Hydrology of Volga YD-1252
card 1/1 Pub. 129-14/25
Author i Apollov, D. A.
Title I of the Volga since 1837
Periodical i Vent. Moak. un., Ur. fizikonat. I yest. naukt 9P No 1, 107-120,
Feb 1954
Abstract Compares the actual and computed monthly run-off of' the Volga River
since 1837, In connection vith monthly variation iii the level of the
Caspian Bea. Concludes from described investigatic-na that it is pos-
sible to determine, fron the variations in the level of the Caspian,
the yearly run-off of not only the Volga but also all rivera vith an
accuracy of 18-5 as- It is possible to approximate the monthly course
of Volga's run-off (i.e. the Volga's hydrograph) fxom the variations
in the Caspian's level. The Volga can fluctuate Ut the limits from
95 to 333 as in a year, such greater than usually computed.
Institution t Chair of Hydrology
Study of the dywmlos of shores of artificial reservoirs. Trudy
Inst.oksan. 10:79-84 134. (KLIU 7:11)
1. Inatitut okeanologit Akademil nauk SSSR.
IPOLIDT. - B161; BORWY, $.I., rodaktor; I)DERORRAMIA. A.O.. rodaktor;
WEIAR, I.L., rodaktor; POLTAIDDYA. T.T.. takhnichookly rodaktor.
[The Caspian Sea AM Its basis] Xaspliskoo more I ego bussis.
Xosk:wa, lsd-vo Akadoull nauk BSSR, 1956. 115 p. (lauchno-popu-
llarnala serila) (MIRA 9t4)
(Caspian Sea)
XPOLLOT, BOA.,-.1rofessoro
Water cycle In the Caspian Sea; scientific conference in Astrakhan.
Test*AN SSSR 26 nool2ilIO-111 D 156o (KmA loti)
(Caspian sea)
M66cow.: Universitet. Oeograficheekty fakul'tat
Voprosy gidrologil (Problems in Hydrology) (Moscowl Izd-vo
Moskovskogo univ., 1957. 231 p. 2,409 copies printed.
Resp. Ide.t I. V. Samoylov and L. D, Kurdyumovl Tech Ed.t M.S.
PURPOSEt This book is intended for 4ydrologlats and geographers.
COVERAOSt This collection of articles on the hydrology of the
USSR is dedicated to Professor Ye. V. Blixnyak, Doctor of Tech-
nical Sciences. Among the topics dicauaaad aret 1) the ejrfeet
of air temperature on flow volume# 2) the calaulation of dhower
runoff, 3) the speed of flood watora# 4) stroam levels, 5)
spring floods, 6) suspended sediments In running atreamep 7) the
Card 1/6
Problems In Hydrology SOV/2051
effect of agricultural practices on hydrology, and others, The
discussions are accompanied by mapes graphs and tables Illustrat-
Ing the present or long-term hydrology or Re USSR. References
accompany each article.
Samoylov, 1. V. Yevgenly Varfolomayevloh BlIznyak [Biographical
Sketch) 5
Bllznyak, Ye, V. Problems and Prospects In the Study of the
Waters of the USSR 10
The Effect of Air Temperature on the Volume of
Stream Runoff 19
'Samoylov,, 1. V. The Discharge or Stream Currents Into a Water
Reservoir 25
Problems in Hydrology SOV/2051
Shvetes 0. 1. Characteristics of Water Conditions of the
Dr6pr River Over a Thousand Year Period 93
L;vovIch, N. I. The Role of Agriculture In the Formation
o the Water Regime of Streams 100
Rutkovskiy, V. 1. Dividing the USSR Into "Forest-Hydro-
Climatic" Regions ill
Lopatin, 0. V. Map Showing the Modulus of Discharge of Sus-
pended Sediments of Rivers of the USSR 126
Bykov, V. D., and V. 0. Khodakov. Basic Oeographical
Characteristics In the Distribution of Runoff in the Area
of the Central Russian Plateau 130
Kuznik, I. A. The Effect of Modern Agricultural Technology
on the Hydrological Cycle of the Steppe cons ' 137
Kazantsev, B. P. The Time Melt Waters Reach Major River
Card 4/ 6
Problems in Hydrology BOV/2051-
Oliferovp A, N. Inveatigating the Snow Cover of the Crimean
Highlands In 1953-1954 218
Rogov, M. M. Some Problems In Hy&vW*.Vhio Investigations
In River Deltas (Using the Amu-Darya River Delta as an Ex-
ample) 222
Blinov, L. K., and M. A. Burkalltseva, The "Oeographical
Paradox" of Lake Balkhash 226
AVAILABLEt Library of Congress
Card 616
AFOLLOT, D,A-, professor.
2U present ~nil the future of the Caspian Sea. Takh.mol. 25 no-LO
7-8 J& 157. MR& 10:2)
(Caspian Sea-4drography)
ArOLLOT, B.A., professor.
OThe Caspian Sea* by IleXeGiull. Reviewed by B.A,Apolloy.
Asorb.neft.khol. 36 no.1:48 Ja 157. (KLRA 10:5)
(Caspian Sea)
(Giull, I.X.)
, ~L- ~ ~ '- , " . ` -I I . - . I -
,I -T T 71- 11
- - - 4A,
"The Connection Between 6olar Activity and the Phenomena Determill-ling, tile
Flow of Riv6rs"
MIPI 14~~ at, UO -I" AXI-Odw Wdmlogeal Cbop*", 7-17 Oct 1M,
(Ity. Ak No* Mffi~- "r gwpsr., 3, YP3-9, 1%)
APOLLOTO Boris Aloksandrovichl BOBROY, Sawn Nikodimoyich; KRATITS, A.1s.9
red, I 1iMJA0A9A*1*---
[the Caspian problon and Its
reshenie, Astrakhan's ltd-vo
(Caspian Sea)
solution) Problema Kespiia I so
gosety *Volga,* 1958. 2) V.
(MIRA 13t12)
OUL1, Knuum Kyatim ogly, prof., aoktor goot7af.muk; APOLLOY, B.A.,.prof*j
red.; STRXLKOVA. V.A.,.red.; SAYCIM-KO. Ye.V..
(The Caspian Sea problen; booed on a publio lacture delivered in
Baku] Problemn Kaspiia-. po materialan publichnoi lektaii, pro-
chitannol v Baku. Pod red. B.A.Apollova. Moskva, Itd-vo lZaanle.1
1959. 31 p. (Yeasolusnoo obahchostyo PO 76sprostranoniiu poli-
tichookikh I unuchnykh snanil. Sort% risika I khimliat no*19)
(MIRA 12tio)
(Caspian Son)
The Caspian protlen and ways of solving it, Trudy Memo k6m,
5 13122t, '59. 1 (MIRA 13:6)
(Vaspian sea)
forecasting the level of the Caspian Sea. Trudy Okean. kome 5t63-
78, '59- (MIRA 13:6)
(Caspian Ses.-Wrography)
AI~PWT,-.Barla. Alsksandravich; XALIN111, Oennadly Favlovich; KOKAROT,
Valentin Dmitriyeviohl QLATILINA, M,K., red.; YLADIMIROV, O#G,,; BRAYNINA, MJ., tekhn.rad.
EHydrological forecasts] Oldrologichesids prognosye Uningrads
Gidrometeor.lsd-vo. 1960. 406 p. (MIRA 13:11)
Sun and hydrometeorological processes in the &=P"n U-S-8-a-
Astron.abor no*3Ati3o--136 160. (mmA i4in)
1, Imatitut Okeanologia-, AN SWR , Moskavskiy gosudarotworm)7
unive-,sitet. (Hydromet(borology)
Determining the actual rate of Ovarcration from the surface
of wuters. Trudy Inst, okean. "j3LS54& 160. (MIRA 14:8)
Aluu", -B&k.opror,
Arobleme dealing with the Caspian Sea- Priroda 49 no.8s6G--03 Ag
160& (Caspian Sea-Water resources development) (MIRA 1318)
Boris Paylovich Oirloy; on his 70th birthday. Vest. 14ook.un.Ser*5:
Geogs 17 no*3&76-77 144-4 162. MU 1518)
(Orloyl OWL* Pwlovichl 1692-)
"Guidebook for tho Caeplan sea region' by K.K. Giul. Nyl,-wetl
by 9.-~. Appoltiv. If(+.rwo. AGIJ. Gcolo-geogoser6 no*'):L~9-310 t59.
. rc - (Hrm i,5:9)
(Caodin Sea region-4uids books)
APOUXj B.At. prof.1 BOOM,, S*Nap kand.geograf.nauk
The fkarpism Sea vill live* Priroda 52 no,,2&68-75 16.4. (MVA 102)
le Moskovskly goeudarstromyy universitet in. H.T. Imonosova
(for A ov,). 2. Institut geografii AN SSSRp Moskva (for
(Caspian Sea-Hydrology)
CHEBOTARLrV,, Vikolay Petrovich. Prinimali uchastiye: J3Ll7%YAX,Yo.V. 9
doktor tekhn. nmukv prof., retsenzent [deceaaodl;.Aj9j4&_j
y _
_16A"--4oktor tokhn, nauk, prof,, reteenzent; BEFAR, A.11.9
doktor tekhmnauki prof., rateenzentl LIYKOV, V.D., kand.
takhn. nauk, reteententl KALININ, G.N., rod.; BELYAKOVA, Ye.V.l
red.; GEORGIrEVA, G.I.# tekb-n. red.
(Stud3i of runoff) Uchenie o stoke. Honkva, lzd-vo Foak. univ.p
1962. 405 P,, (Runoff) (141ILk 1518)
-, - F -, - - - -
- APQUkVj D.A _,_
Significance of economics in nolving the "Problem of the Car- ian
Sea." Vop. geog. no.57:7843 162. (MIRA &5:10)
(Caspian Sea) (Geographical research)
~F2kjAW#wSv*ffi red.; GYULI, K.K., red.; ZAVRIYEY V.G., red.1
am- SAODATLISHVILI, D., red. isd-val IW06v M., tekhn. red.
[Materials from the All-Uhlon Werence on the Problem of the
Caspian Sea) Materialy Vessoiusn4gosoveshchaniia po, problue
Kaspilskogo moria.,Bakup Isd-vo AN Axerb.SSR, 1963 381
Wkk 16t8le
1. Vassoyusnoys soveshchanlys po, probleme Kaspiyokogo morya,
Moscow, 1960. 2. Moakovskiy goeudarst"nnyy univeraltet (for
(Caspian Sea)