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,---ANTQN_ISHIN, 3. V. Thermal Inertia of a thermistor in circuits for the measure- ment of fluctuating quantities. Insh.-fis. shur. 6 no,1146-53 Ja 16). (KIRA 16tl) 1. ftergetichaskiy institut AN BSSR, Minsk. (Tbamistors) (Blectrio circuits) BDS S/0170/63/004/005/0124/01X AqCES31011 lat JUI~00045U A- ' uTE01 i Antonishin, N., Ve A TITLEi 1Z,cetrio thermoanemomoteO with a sendconduotor yii SOURCEt Inzhonerno-fixicheskiy thurnalp ve 6. noo 5. 1963# 121+-127 TOPIC TAGS: electric thermoanamometerp thermistor, thm-mintor bridge.. rosiet;inca bridge ABST-RACT: An electric thermo-anemometer employing a thermistor as the therzal ole- nent has certain advantages over simi3a instruments enploying, a metallic fil&.,ient. Li partimlar., 'ate circuit is muoh more simples The thermiator, foining ono of the ~xrrs Of a ronin'.1anco bridge., is heated to a certain overWiperature Iry the current tlo.Winb- through it. Change in the conditions of heAt tranifor between the thexvAs- tor and the modLum in which it is placed affocts its temperature and hence its re- sistance. Tho current is varied to compensate this change in resistance and the measurcd value of the current makes it posaiblo to deterntino the heat transfor co- effioient instantaneously* The design of the circuit components and the effect of the thai=1 inertia or the theradator aro described, The circuit is illustrated in Fig~ 1 of the Enolosure. Orig. art. hass 9 formulas and I.figure. A.160CIATION: Institute of Heat antd liaen Transfer Card 141 ANTONISHIN, N.V.; ZABRODSKIY, S.S. Heat transfer of a surface immersed Into a developed nonuniform fluidized bed. Insh.-fis. thur. 6 noollt97-104 M 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. InBtitut teplo- i massoobmena AN BSSR, Minsk. t'. ".1 -',q . -F -Y ii ~, J_Fv I __ t S. q___ ~ it Heat trwisfer from heated surfaces in a fluidized bed." of report tubmitted for 2nd All-Union Corif on Heat & Mast; Transfer) Mine)(, 4-12 May 1964. Inst of Heat & Mass Transfer, AS DWR. lj;~-y - --,,v - J. .. vpoii - - ----- "Acoustic doppler effect in application to unetcad~~ heat- and nass- transfer Inventigatiolls," rePort submitted for 211d Al-UniOll Collf on Ileat & Mass Transfer, 14-12 Way 1~khj Minsk. Inst or llc!tt & Muss Transfer) AS BSSR* ZANODSKIY, S. S.; AMMISHIN, N. V.) GULYVK, A. K.; NEMKDYICH# V. A. "Rapid redu:tLon heatint of metallic blank* in the riuldLted bed of an Lntor- mediate heat exchanger. report submitted for 2W AU-Mlon Cont on Heat & Mass Transfers kinsk, 4.12 May 1964. IAst of Hem & Mass Transfer, AS BM. _- __ - I - 11 __ _SOURCE_~;ODY ;--W- 031_876j7WU701M02010G2F- ACC NR, AUTHOR: Antonish1n, V. I GrInenko D, S., ORG: Lvov Polytechnic In titutA (Llvovskly politekhnicheakiy institut) TITLE: Sulfonation of petrcleum rosins SOURCE: Aftepererabolka I neftekhtmiya, no. 10, 1966, 20-23 TOPIC TAGS: P s)duc6ulfonation. res * eiroleum Pr_ in, ion exchange resin ABSTRACT: In order to stut~, the mechanism of sulfonation of-petroletan resins, a sul- fonation of resins obtainLxl fr)m bitumen was carried out. The action of sulfuric acid and oleum gives rise to reactions of sulfonation, sulfone formation, oxidation, and condensation. Oxidation involves the detachment of sido alkyl and c araffin substituents with the forma- yclop. tion of carboxyl and phenol-hydroxyl groups in the structure of the sulfonated pro ct, and the evolution of carbon dioxid(i and water of reaction. Oxidative dehydrog tff six- membered naphtheno rings to aromatic ones wid oxidative condensation of the rosinous sul- fonated product also take placo. The sulfonated product has ion-exchange properties and can bo used as a cation-exchango tiatorial. The optimwn conditions for preparing a product with high ion-exchange propertioa are given. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and I table. SUB CODE: FP / SUBM DATE,! 00 / ORIG REF- 004 / OTHER REF: 001 gord UDC: 665.646.53:66.094.524.62 ANTONISHIN V I ; GRIPACO, 13.5. I Sulfonation of map.hRltenes. Izv. vyn. ucheb. xhv., n!,Ft.1 I VAz, 8 no.5W-49 t65. (MIRA 180) 1. t'vovskly polit3khnichaskly InstItut. Jo k, A .~, Tu., I *," A 1". The Blue VnIcona (A-onr. St-i-jento 01, !~n Air 1-on, x 1 ). j , .0 Tr$11,11. I "I I Art-)Ile P~,,.:-14,1 (Tip Wi--,rr- of the 55 A-N,-,ONr,;, AL. 11 1 L Wok-i Rt-co~;r a of thr A Ylt;-,t -j' - VIO OPprtlenn" Two-renter Gl*eer. Arl "IV p"Itriel M-.r, 'O"Incr of' t'.-,t, #16;~):Junp 5., PITISO I., dr; MCSAMEANU, A., dr Jnze- ATT)NT; M.- W(jN'jltdj(7d5KI 1 .19 Zb1plew, doe* Inz. (tranoiX4.01'j, Studies on mold resistamee of eomm electroInnulating commikind-s. Przegl Plcktrotechn 39 no.12-.47.'.-4'f'jj P163. 1* Inatytut FlektrotechnUl, Bu~irf-j;ft O'or Pitts, Antoniu). 21. Folitechnika, (for, '.4'oynarowski). ARrONIU, 1. Activity of electrodynamia Wattmeters from the point of view of deformation. p. 547, STUD11 SI CERCETARI DE EHMMCA. Bucuresti. Vol. 50 nos 3/4. July/Doo. 1955. SOUFM East European Aosssions List, (EFAQ, Library of Congress. Vol. 3, No, n. November. 1956. Application of Laplace or Carson transforsations In operational calculus wed In alsotrotoohniques. p. 5"o STUDII SI C ART DE ENERGMCA. Buouresti. Vol. 3, no. 3/4. July/Dec. 1935. SOURMs East European Aoc"sions List, (BEAL), Library of Congress, vol. 3. No. n, November, 1956. ANTONIU, I. S. /V,otor/ Rerrovirntation Oreraltors et Syrretridal PolyrMae Systems. ELFOROMNICA (Electrical Engineering)# #8064sAug 55 A !&~T. Identification of deformini, phenomena in inru,,triAl electric plants, Be 93p (Acadmia Republicil ropulare Romino. Institutul de Fjier,-et*~ ca. Studil Si Conetnri de Energetica, Voll-71 nos Ij 1957p Ricuresti, Rumani,) Mont1liv Index of Fast F~uronertn Accessions (7-"AT) TC. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 195H IVINTA AN,k.t, 11. CI -------------------- 14"'aletl 011111~- 01, :111 i"whicti o,t ;-iotcr Vi Lh 901in-C! en~,f, con'litict-m-A 0, ton'sil-11. III nch. 3 1 R,- V U -I) T, -11N. a. 1 1-17 F.,* -1 (Aco-Ir-As Acrmblicii ~'toni ~acu-ri~vti, uiv n in Vol. 3) tin. 2 , V~-' V . 4 *'QA~Ily lint of Uistrrn Eurnpr.-,nn Acre: ;'or. In rx vol. ANTONIU, Ion, S., Prof. IN dr.,ing. (Buchn-est) The equivalent circuit of three windin 'I transformers. glootrotehnioa 9 no,7t221-227 J1 11 1. Institutul politshnia, Buowlsti. ANTCWIUt Ion Sei STANCIULESOU, Florin Correlatlon between the deforration phenomena. and nonlinearity ot electric circuits. Studii. )arc onsVpt 11 no.4001-716 161. s/196/62/600/022/001/007 E032/EI14 AUTHOR: TITLEt Use of complex Fourier series in the study of a deforming regime PERIODICALS lieferAtivnyy zhurnalg Elektrotekhnika I ekiergetika, iio,220 1962, l()-llj abstract 22 A 37. (Bul. Inat. politehn. Ilucuresti. v.23, no.11 l9bl., 155-lbo) (French; suminaries in Russian, English and German) TLM Use Is made of the complex Fourier s*ries for voltages and currents u(t) Uk oxp (jkot) and ka -(so a exp (Jkwt), Z, k k2 ~ 00 witere Uk and *1k are foutid from the general expression Card 1/ 6 Use of complex Fourier seriea ... s/19b/62/000/022/001/007 EV32/EI14 TO*T I Fk* - S r(t) Pxp (- jkwt) dt, T T to determine the average value over it period T of functions fi(t) and f2(t), WhIcIl are such that M c . fl(t) '2(t) dt T S 0 1 T exp(jkat) coo D exp (Jkwt i ~ Y, Uk z -k dt. 0 ka -co I ~ ke -6* This may be presented in the rorm Card 2/6 Use of Icomplex Fourier series too S/19.6/b2/000/0a2/001/007 E032/9114 fA Ek 5k exp ~J(k + k) -tj dt ku T 0 T + D exp J(k. + wC dt M k k' ; - - 1 2 k, 0 kJ It is shown that 12 u xp [J(k + C) Wt dt I/jtk'+ e) wt T S exp J(k Wt When k + N 0 exp (jNwt) exp (j2l?N) coo 21tN + j sin 21rN Card 3/ 6 Use of complex rourier t%eries s#a 5/196/b2/000/022/001/007 E032/EI14 and hence the integral vanishes and when N = 0 indeterminacy is obtained'which may be resolved by means of the "I Hospital's rule and it is found that 12 = 1. Hence it follows that k= 00 Assuming that fl(t) f2(t) i(t) or u(t) of the current or voltage and fl(t) = u(t) one can find the average power the active value and f2(t) = i(t), Uk 1k coo Wk kro Replacement of U k and I k by their complex conjugates I- yields k the reactive power U Y k k _ k k Card 4/6 k=U k and Use of complex Fourier series 5/19b/b2/000/022/001/007 E032/EI14 It to shown that the totnl power S satisfies the orthogonal expression S2 , 1,2 + P2 where P in the (Budeanu) f r fictitious power. The latter, in its turn, consists of two orthogonal terms, MMely, the reactive power Q and the deformation power D. Titus D2 , S2 P - (42 In view of the above, C1.13 - ' 2 D2 7 Uku_k Tkl-kj ~~7 (ukf-k U-kyk) k knO kwo. r"O -1 2- T~ J (U-klk - Uky-d' kao and hence one obtains the well-known eXpression Card 5/6 b/19b/o2/000/022/001/007 E032/EI14 212 + U212 - 2U 1 coo uk P, k kY,0,'k k l k,t -0 k~~e ASSOCIATIONi Bukhareatakiy politeklinich, in-t, 14NH (Buchares't poiytechnical Institute, Rumanian PH jAbstractor's notea Complete translation. use or compiox vourier serieto ANTONIU, L. Academician Professor Constantin L. Budeanu; an obituary. p. 111. KLECTRCTEHNICA. (Asociatia. Stintifica a Inglerilor ai Tehnicienilor din Rominla Bi Ministerul Knerglet Ejectrice 91 TnIustrisi Electrotahnice) Ducureati, Rumainia, Vol. 7, No. 9, June 1959 SAPti9 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC Vol. 9, No. 9,/19 Unal. INTMIU,K. Utillsatlon of pressing powders* Blootrotehnioa n noe8019 Ag163- lo Institutul do Caroattri Eleatrotahnics. On a Certain Case of the Distribution Of Velocities armi Abcalerations In the qdyq~ Ittaler, A c Antonlu. NOW. Sur un "pect de Is dirsuriRwFulto-n- idl vilesses d dts litAfrallam dans k snouvtment d'un soMe rigide. Hul. Inst, 11tolitchn. lao .S.) 2(6) (IS56), 43--48. ( 0manian. Wssian an Irmcligurnmarics) /F /F. P RAPIvP t IF *P b i T( N.1i G l oil -j F - St utltn! Onat, at'licnter corr"I,)n. c--)r-rcmion prutectJen, I TIIJ ria 0 r ~Ism 4 a Ln ak, 0 y %iji j ch i v,) I vv d H ~f, n ij j lip, of vLlrjumn ~0;- on a fittl, 74, )c U 1-1 ("N I-ontit.3tul In CqLNr,.,VItn,-I a. nn)lfc1n; 112 .L 5448M5 iAWIZISIM 14R: AM17717 I SUFMITIEW )0 I ~ '30 HU SOY 3 000 I A ;,-) I cvrd, ~~2 EWL: 00 &M.Rl oo4 SUB COM.: 1114 JTIRS er, ,r4,,, Considenitiona on the discharge conditions of waste waters in natur4tl watar%!ouraos rrm the stnndpoint of the content of organic materials. Metea-,-ilogta hidrol goap 6 no,103-60 161. - AMI-ONIU0 R.j, ing. Standardization of the conditions of disposal of waste waters in surfaot, waters, Meteorologi&.hWol gosp 7 no.4t274-279 '62. ATMIU,Rso In?,; POPA,N,p (ire; WISoMpM., (Jr. ..........- C(~tjchjjkn,n drawn from tho InVentigaticont; .,arrivi (-utp VIP- Y+2, ni tilp cmidItions for iming sewagn for ~rrl;,ntlcn. Meteorologin h1drol. goap. e~ no.2! %1-72 163 ARTMIU, R.0 Ing. '. , - -- .- ... . ... Anpecto of ueb-ir wrz-t,,~ water for Irrigation in Polmd. llidrotahni,m A W63, All-l'il", 2,0 IlTs Ttird Confarpnee on Waste Wnter Utillpition for I rr! rri tl.,,n, Sfptemb(~r 9-14, 19639 Rldnpest. lildn,teh apult, 9 nci.1:42-43 A 164, i -, T el;ll-l ANTONIUS R,j POPAq M,l WISNERt M.; SIMOrA, H.1 GIMDERIHO V.; MARCULESCU, 1. Res*arch work oarried out in 1962 on Tusla-Constanta experiment rieldv in conneation with oonditions of sewage for irrigation pupovese Studil port epur apelor 5s195-262 164. ANTONIU# H.; KIRAIL, M.; VAICUM, L.; MURGOCI, C.; CUTE, E.; HINCU, S.; DUSNi" ~ " P ----Thoi TALAUI V.; ARDELLM9 I.; RUSU-PANDEIMM, M.; FARASCHIVMCU, A. Stuel"n on the possibility or improving the annit&ry conditions of the lakes surroundini W*Wset. Studii prot spur apolor 5t263-332 164. ANKV.-H.-virg-I SAIAY, G.v ing.; DROCAN, N., dr.1 GHIMMIM, V.p ing. WXI(rj G., biologi HARGOGIf S.p biologi KARCULZSCU, T.p radiochWst, Studios on the conditions of utilizing domestic waters and sewage for irrigation of agricultural areas, mado an the experAmental grounds at Tuzlao Constanta roglons in 1961. Studii prot epur apelor /.t6l-247 t63. ANW-NIUK, Sergiuss, ins-, Problem of water losses in the networks and household instal- latione of apartwnt houess. Gas woda tech sanit 36 no.61 217-219 Je 162. 1. NaoseltV inWisr Mlejakiego Prsedsiobioretwa Wodociagov i Xanalisaoji, Bialystok, ANTCINIVp 14 inab.9 VBLCIIZV# Sr,# inth. Maotromechanical polishing of tempered and untempered atsal jarts, Hashinostroans 12 no,10M-21 0163, ANTONIr, A.K. Cultivation of forage beans in the Latvian S.S.R. Zemledelic 24 no.2t42-45 F '62* (KIRA 15:3) 1. Latviyskly nauchno-issled vatellskiy in3titUt zemledeliya. (Latvia-o-Beanal DZIAVROVIt I.K.1 ANTONKIN X.; BRInGVAt Z.; D&MICRVA, N.1 ZERENKOVAp L.; TARASOVAj,V.1-WAS~ICIIF 00 Coisparative evaluation of various media for determining the t(*IndzLic proportion of diphtheria bacilli in vitro. Lab, delo 6 no,4148 E- Ag 160o (MIRk 13112) l.' Wedra mikrohologit. Smolenskogo maditainskogo inatituta. (BACTERIOLOGY-4ULTURES AND CULTURE MEDIA) (DIVITHERU) AUTHOR Antonf.,ikcv, A.F., Engineer ~CV-96-58-2-B/21 TITLEi The Local Increase in the Specific Water Dischareo of the Bottom Water of Hydroelectrio Power Plants and 'WaY3 of Pre- venting It (Yootnoye uvelicheniyo udellnykh rankhodov vody v nizhnQm blyefe g1drouzlov i mery bor'by r, nim) PERIODICALt Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitelletvo, 1958, Nr 2, pp 31-36 (USSR ABSTRACTs I.P. Linch6vokiy was the first to notice an increase in the specific water discharee alonj; the "bottom water" in a three- dimensional flow f-Ref. 12. The author deals with r03oarch to obtain a quantitative and qualitative estimate of the in- crea3e in such dinchurges in laminar and spatial flows, as well as to wort; out efficient measures to eliminate turbu- lent ourrerts in the bottom ,vater and to ensure the smallest poojible erouion of the bottom behind the aprons. 7"onto were carried out on 2 models of a spillway of one of the planned hydroelectric centers. They prcvnd thnt the main character- istice of a spatial flow is the depth at thp apron. At low depth, the flow runs frooly. The speed slows down and the specific discharge decreases according to the lonrth of flow of the bottom waters Turbulent currents are accompanied by Card 112 a substantial increase of the specific discharges and deep SOV-38-56-2-8/21 The Local Increase in the Specific Water Discharge of the Bottom 'I'Vater of Hydroelectrie Powor Plants and Ways of Preventing It erosion of the bottom behind the aprons. Both in the spatial and the laminar flows, bottom erosion behind the apron ceases when the speeds near the bottom attain values below the erosion limit. To compare the results of actual research with those of calculations, the author quotes several examples of bottom erosion from the water at hydrotechnical centers. To prevent turbulent currents, stream-directine, structures (spreaders) which would eliminate the flow of water from by- whirlpools into the transitional flows are required. Tests have proved that the erection of stream directing structures with buttresses of over 5 n is the most effective measure for preventing an Increase in the specific water discharges and strong arosive action behind the apron. There are 7 sets of diagrams, 2 grapha,l table and 6 Oovist references. 1. Power plants-USSR 2. Water-Turbulence 3. Water-Control systems 4. Power plants--Model test resii1ts Carl 2/2 U-11*0 D ft Loll' Al MIMIKOV, A.F., insh. Designing and establishing the length of the concrete lining in tailraces of hydraulic engineering structures. Oldr.stroi. 30 no,2:38-41 7 '60, (HIRA 13:5) (Hydraulic engineering) %'C ~Jolkovntk od me("It.4inskatt slughb*.) "Most ~rcq-aont Xy-.~tlc DisAa%e3 in the Amy and Their Vol 16. No 1, Feb 19631 pV Ab$t-ZaCt! Contrfthrusive statisticA! d4tLa ahouL surerficial mycoses in '~Ylii,S-*rian anneS forces and civilian populAtion. )4orbidi;:v is extrai~ply high; highost in the TurkLeh minority areas and anv,ng ~I,jlgarfans of Hoh*madan religion. Of 1664 military reinionnel teraef-ed in tho Sofia Aarriaon, 682 (41~) had eridemophytosis j,edis (274. of recruits. 6SI., of 2- or 3-yesr serviccotn.) Scalf, beard and other 4%tr, mycoses are also widespread. Cmrrehensivo dsta obout the 4,,ncles involved, e~ldcmiologic patternal c-itline of 12-joint program to coi,nttract sitiiation. Disijrwt, no r-74erences. ANTUMV A ; SUTANOV., S. Receiving ultrashort waves# p.9. (RADIO I TEIEVIZIIA, Vol. 6, no. 7# 1957, Sofia, Bulgaria.) SOt Monthly List of Fast European Accessions (EFUL) IC, Vol. 0, no. 12p December 1957 Uncl, "z>elf-Screwing handral. 11 p. 18, (RATIUNAL14ATSUA, Vol. 4, No. 9, :kept. 1954, Sofiya, 13uli,aria) SOI Monthly Lint or FA3t European Accessions, (ENAL), iA;# Vol. 4 No. 5j, Y-%Y 1955, Uncl. AID P - 3595 Subject USSR/Aeronautica Card 1/1 Pub. 58 - 12/26 Author Antonov, A. Title More light soaring gliders! Periodical Kryl. rod., 11, 16-17, N 1955 Abstract This article belongs to the aeries of answers to a question "What kind of masa-produced glider do we need?" The author, a designer, discusses the characteristics of light gliders. Some figures are given. Institution None Submitted No date I . ~1-7~I ~ T--! - Protection of tuo-phase electric motors. p. 9. RATS IONALIZATS I IA (Instit,;t za ratsionalizataiia) Sofiya. Vol. 6, No. 1, Jan. 3,956 SOURCE: MAL LC Vol. 5, No. n, Nov. 1956 ar-mr-k-, t'. "Two-c-m.ponvA electric-inducticn dynamoviet-gr for a lathe." P. ~4 (Rats IonA I zat3lla) Vol, 7, not 1, Jan, 1;1;_r,7 Sol"11a, Fulgaria Xt Monthly Indax of &ast 6uropjan Accessions (L!~Al) L,;- Vol. 7, no. -4, Al,ril 'rue to r u z,: 1 4 r 1. Pccoiliam1k nu,halln!ka Glavnogo politic~unkc;.o upra%,Icn',Yh Do I gArskoy Nit rodroy armi 1, pu rubote nred'. S/C58/62/000/004/1 111160 A061/Aiol Nad-zhakov, G., Antonov, A., Zadorozh:Vy, 0. 7MMZ: Conditions for dark conservation of photoolectrot photopolarization PERIODICAL: ReferAtivnyy -hurnal. Fizika, no. 4, 19621, 41, abstract IIE35',' (Dokl. Do1g. AN. 1961. 14, no. 4, 329-332. English su,-=ary) MZXT I The conditions for dark conservation of photopolarization In photo o~ectrcts con3isting of single crystals or polycrystals of S, of polyer-Istalline nthracero. of powdery 3 - CdS mixtures, and of a pressed mtthracene - CdS m1x- ri. ~ A. I mination of t-re were Investigated. The initial depolarization current on illu the polarized photoolectret was taken as the measure of photopolarization. The InItIal decrease of polarization Is slowed down when the polarizing voltrZe is Increased. no drop of photopolarization of the polycrystalline xithracene, clectret subjected to high pressure Is slowed down when pressure is Increased to -, t,/cr,. The degree of photopolarization drops at the sane time. With electrets subjected to a pressure > 1 t/cr?, where the density of the photo- electret mass does not change any more, the characteristics of conservation and Card 1/2 S/058/62/000/004/111/160 Conditions for dark conservation ... A061/A101 the degree of photopolarization do not char,,ge my longer. This Is explained by the decrease of the number of electrons localized in shallow traps connected with the surface of Individual crystalline particles of the electret. V. Lyubin rAbstracter's note: Complete translation] L Card 2/2 S/058/62/Xr,/004/1 I.V160 A0611A101 THOT": Yarhukeyev, N., Antonov. A., Zadorozhnyy. 0. TITL.": On stationary distribution of the clectrIc charge In photoelectrets I'T co I IV, A L -Roferatlvnyy zhurnal. Fizika. no. 4, 1962, 111. abstract 41~359 (Do~!. Bolg. Ali, 1961. 14, no. 4. 333-336, English sum-mary) T'"':~:T An expression is derived for I%cterocharge density diGtribution ajo.V, tha photoelectret with a single type ,lectron traps, It is found that tlie rezuItIng charge Is located in narrow zl%-.-,~ r-10':) cm thick, near the elce- t.-ode. 7"he depondenco of the constant photoeleotret charge on both the intensity of pollarizing 11ght and the strength of polarizing electric field Is examined. 71-.e expression for the photoelectrot charge Is the same as the one obtained by I. Adirovich OMPIz. 1961, 11E129). V. Lyubin LAbs1racter's note: Complete translation] Cam, ./I S/058/62A)W/004/1 1' 2/160 AW/Aioi AIL' 7~10RS: Xnshukoyev. N, Antonov, LL adorozhnyy, G. Theory of thermal depolarization of photoelectrets PF:2TODICAL: Referativny-y zhurnal. Flzlka, no. 2j, 1962. 41, abstract 42'358, (Dokl. Bolg, AN, 1961, v. 14, no. 5. 447-450, English SU rrzrary) The conditions for thermal depolarization of a photoelentret. :,,,1nr1zed by Illumination until 3teady state Is attained, are analyzed. Dark depolar!zation is considered to consist In the transition of electrons from the traps. In which they were captured, to the conductlon band, their subsequent rotion in the electric field of polarized charges, and their re-capture by free trapa or their recombination. with free holes. On the assurrption that the re- capture process prevails over that of recombination, an exponential relation for the drop or the photoelectret charge with time Is obtained for the cane of poor ,t In the conutant oharge in rilling of the traps: Ur IS'const OXP (-at) - 6,,O-r photopolarIzation, A; w 4 t-e unZWC- where u,, Is ~he electron mobility, 'C In the electron lifetime with respect to the trapping, Q Is the concentration of electrons liberated from the traps in the unit tire, and 8 Is the dielectric Card 1 /12 S/058/6P/6oo/oo,'-/112/i6o 'Y"'heor; oi' thermal depolarization of photoelectrets Ac,61/AlOl. const.,unt. Ily assuming the electron mobility to be to-perature-inlependent. the ,3 1- 1 r~lntlon -X (T) a const * Txf exi) (- WlkT) is obtained, where W Is the eneM., depth of the traps. The possibility of graphically detemnining W Is indicated. V. LyubIn rAbstracter's note: Complete translation] card 21.,.~ 9q-1 12 /170 0 s/l9y62/000/006/089/232 D413 D308 AUTHORS: Kashukeyev, N. Arktoaovv__A.L~!jd Zadorozhnyy, G. TITLE: On the theory of the thermal depolarization'of photo-electrets PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no* 6, 1962# abstract 6-3-59 p (Dokl. Bolg. AN# v-14, no. 5, 1961, 447-450) TnXT: A general equation is derived for the depolarization that occurs in darkness. The assumption is made that the electrons freed from traps and migrating into the conductive zone recor)bine with stationary holes Z7 - The paper investigates the concentration of free electrons during depolarization in the dark, starting witha notion of the mechanism of the processes taking place when the electrodes are short-circuited* It is assumed that the trapping of olectrons predominates over the recombination of electrons with holes, and that the concentration of trapped electrons is considerably lower than the concentration of traps. The results of the calculation per- mit a graphical determination of the depth of the local trapping Card 1/2 ANTONOV, A. A possibility of explaining the phenomena in the photoelectrots by MOAU or their photodipole polarization. Doklady BAR 15 noo5t467-470 162, 1e Predstavleno akad. Kh. Khrietovyw. Aurof,ov,, A. PhotoelootYst-so Nall)m i t9kh mladelh 15 nOeII5"7 Ja 1630 1. ANTONGVJP A. Kinetics of the photodepolarization current in the photoolectret of monoorystals sulfur. Doklady BAM 16 no.2:129-132 163. 1. Predstavlano akad. Gb Nadshakovym.. chl. Radaktalonnoy koUegiij, Voklady Bolgarskoy akademii nauk6O A %, n N iV , -*l . . pr, I i :ft t ! . :1 t: f t h-% / I twman rr.,l tf.exi in t *io "'t -so, -kt r4j n .% r? " ~- , .., - -. c , Dckl~ly HAN 17 1 . F-reds Uv'l,,,- no likai . C . Nalzhakovym. NAIMMAKOV, Co. i ANTONOV A.; ZADARCZ "Y' G. ji"aklarozhn'l, C.]; KCNOVA, A.; PAKEVA-,-S'#-f YLT6X~,.T.IIYFVA, L. (lUskeselleva, 0 A now type of two-lWr electret. Doklady BAN 111 no.4:30-368 164. ~ C~' ~ "' , 1. -- _ t r '~ t, , 4 , nlp tp - , p.- j pli i I , (41, o m %f 11 dir ,V. t %-, .1 v it , tj r t r ,.Ik Idy rl ~ N I ' r )91, 1 " ,, ~ -44 1 1 (- 4 1 j , mtkuld. C." Nndz.,&kcy)ln 141. -A, - AiW,-w6.V;- T ZAvr. h hitmiyo, I 01M, No. 10. alm. U-061, 0323181 BULGARIA/ChwAcal Technology - Caoutchouc, Hatuml and M-31 Synthabice Rubber. Abe Jour Ror Mur - Xhiniyat No 248 19561 83695 Author Antonov, A& Inst Title The Chemical Plasticization of Caoutchouce. Orig Pub Laka promishlyonostj 1957, 6~ wo 9, lo-14. Abstract The theories of the action of chmAcal plasticizers (a) upon caoutchoue were ex=inod and experinento were carried out to find optim= conditions for plasticizations The CP can be arranged in the folloving descending series: renacite-V > Renacite-V > thio- 13 -naphthol '.,- captaxe A plasticizing action dependo upon the amunt of CP but in the case of renacites and thio-/.7 -naphthol an increase In dosage above 0.5% (as to the caoutchouc) is not oxpe- diente The optimm tonparature for the treatment is 105:!50C*; with Its decrease the action of CP weakens and Card 1/2 C".,ciulaml rn-Auetu wd r lAxAl'ier. Fur. Gvl-..;L!,j. Hatorial;3. Industrial !-.otcins. Abs jour: Ref Zhur-Khir.,,., No V",, 1,)59, 29956. :.utb or ;xtonov, caiA A'otrejv, 11. Inst Title Louther Substitutes of the !~,%pcrlomrd T5To Crit; lub: L.Am Pronishlonoct, 1, Br, 2, 10-11 (1950 ( In Duknrimi) ;.bstr,-.ct. The authora describe pilot --.1lant tests on Uir-, 1.1r.-Auc- tiun of paperboard t)npa, leather substitutes fror. cola ltftthor crongpingn (C) (vu(,nt&blo cma 351~ SM-30 lzitox- Vic 1)%vecca Is qjvmced no follows: the C are ax%kcd in a 2vj (on the vc1dit rif the C) C--r,l c~ : 1/3 1 .11 1 ... 1~ #I , , r-I, I vul " 'Zolt, i :1:"r" Ol oh--r :,;I, I L I * I , III , . I., . t ~ ro ~ -. i - - ~ 11, t ~ I I o -: t, ,~'() I - 7, :o- ',~, " .'ofii~" . "~ri !) I ,, (! r- ,. 11 wit""l." :tllc'. of (.--'~!) !"'. 0 1. . !, I 'I. _ , ANTq!IOV 0 A. Manufacturing latex and its application. p. 13 IEKA MOKLSI'LENOST, (Ministerstvo na lekats, promishlenist) Sofia;, Bulgari&6 vole 80 noo 7* 1959 Monthly List of Fast Luropean Accessions (EEAI), LGp Vol, 8j no* 21, Wave 1959 Unclo L 3602746___V~~ihj~(t)6~Tl _-IJP(c) JD ACC NAo AP6027347 SOUIC-- CCB:;1 AMMOR: Hadthakove Gq Antonove Ati Pakova, S,; Konova. A. ORGt none Tri'U.'s Conservation of the homochargo durina t1ho dark polarization of culfur monoorystals- 14 SOURCSo &agarska skadoniya na nAukite., Doklady, vo 18, not 32, 1965, 1087-1090 TOPIC TAGSt diolootrio polarization, photooloctrot, electric field. sinelo crystal AW-T1*,U%C-Kt The creation of photoolootrot states trithin dialootrics is accompardod. by dark polarization, i.e., polarization in darkness by mans of applied alcatric fiolds, During such polarization tho ourfaco my acquire hotoro- as woll as homochargos. G. Naddhakov ot ale (Dold, BAN, 15, 1962, no- 8, 805) azoumod earlier that. the applied hiGh volt&Go causon the ions idt1in the diolactrio to be absorbed. Tho present ' invos-~- tigation otudiod, ooncoquently, in moro detail, the creation and decay (in ti W.) of 1 the honochargo during dark polarization of sulfur nonocrystala. UaGvarz prosont the, time dependence of the polarization, dopolarization, w-A homoohargo docay with the I-- applied voltage (1-5 kV) " parameters ,Uio paper oi-da with a brief discussion of the i results. Orig. art. hast 4 fieux-en. LJj?RSt 3691ktff SUU COMI Ogg 20 / SUBM DAM 2lSop65 / ORIG REF: 003 / SOV W: 003 VTH RM 002 - W-- 0 * o T 0 ~qf It - ~100 w Irv r 0~111 , 1 o ,. ,, I a It 0 so ~I lot, ))up& &mavs irill . i-11 ! fivskelice t t I-L AA CL 0 1149 4 d I swa to freffm 6 f1pow X I; No Ill" . . . . 11. 71) 1.- F11.16. %to'll'sIS ,1 % ,Z thawf" r4 malors in waw at SO that , s, 'bafrin t 4 h *00 8 tl ty i g o vC 1vvilh rhi1w 1,-g W Ifeing I h 4 h e I-141t t "vw%t an Ow. amodiftnt 2.1% jnnr*,r . '4 11-4 ( folf's J. 4 enpirnt SA milraffil qvilb III&% of the utw 51". incleave to Ow mail b 44,411fril or 4% &net hat as at 1 . . am&= Item a dow Obetwivis in wtut A% A 15* will"ti'l W. M. Ur"l) a** w IQ's V 4 1W Ito $$is. woo #A 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 s s 00*0000*0000000900 -i -,b M :' ;j , , 6 0 .*.&I "a-ir 0 T Jf. 0*1 A L-1 A-A k.-.L a a t a I I fe 9 0 0 1 0 a 0 I Loos 00 t A_ Au,.Mw. ^m to no Ar is m blastAt I,w I h~j sit, PWIOW to its ar"Ovefw" 14 a7ft-ted bir sk. -. (,w %("wl? 4! sk, #d""4 If 10*41#0 100 high an stiv A -c 14 -0 'T 'A 0 g 00 0 90 0 see '00 Wes 11 IF 41A 0 0 'ej se 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 * I JILIJ_ *1- 41- "T.'L a, A a 041, a .1 *.A ~ 11, us .1, 51 1, 11 In I. go 14, a 41 its A"o-O "tIls 00 7" ~lw fin iopw d.wMI"tics of weis"11F- #k t- 9 hUf-f"l 4i&m , i-00 No. I. M 10 A, wd w low &W A C4 lulm" F-smith I lot 00 00 60 06 00 #4 00 des 00 &00 00 90 0 00 see koe vee NO go* IL _c boo %4"W1 -Aq O-V 1 16'.1, adl mv 0 b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000096 0 0 0 0 1 0 ~140' 0 e to 0 6 0 04 00 : : : S4 : :l: : 000 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 4 0 0 6 O O * 0 w *4 0i w a g, ro f-& AA III 4A w a 4 1 4 - a 4 4 1 4 1 _ . oil d 60 wow# OW *all d Go %be *rA A 1%inuti. ('1W#4. lem&. 1040. tjowl. 17. 366 A.M. 0U4'--- IN lht I' st&nb son um of the babsom Of Psmv OW RrWh&Nm. 0* WMI OMWW WkS Wd inter was owd Its- ilistd, wet" WO "pd. TvAn wbm tb* *to& mirst f 'fijr,' The ww oil sattl %4 to be NO% wilb "Id, 2j.rj* mfeem at" a rqual of U.4% 4 hal,lowas pw a rwvAt Al 32 too see 00 0 0 00 40 O'S fell see see Ell ate-ILA OvAki~AL ulloalwat CLAIWICAtow IS, We* A. 0.0 Get i- ?.- Ill "A OR t! f~ ?1?? ?to f 9*0* 90900 *1000109 0 00 0 a a age 11-"-&-X-I-AL-A~ a -a P I X, A -A-L.TA A ~N t4 ri -W f COL. Dolartalsial:bUM Walsol of Wtolon "Otalslas mail NWKM&nd Wit. A. Astuotay. 11 Mn a Vol-MMY)f d. C. A. "I'll tale lubm im than 3 tn. in dfarn. The op. p Go AtsW tol stsffb nottut wW sp. p. is givtn. The flomw bahmT 'an elm be owd. with alxwt tbt ~wnw tv obsbily tmttrr lee 4"Linary. Julian F. Smoth -00 0*0 age Ile* 00 3! gee *0 age, oov too logo see VISKAL W1941bOt CL& K TOM VOL b4- o Igo. a 9 a 4 1 2 T wx1 0 0 0 0 's 0 41 0 0 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 CZECHOSLOVAMk/Cultivatod Plants - Grains. M-2 Abe Jour ; Ref Zhur - Biolop Na 7~ 1958, 29697 Author :,-Aagnov, A. Inst : , - Title : The Results of Winter Rya Variety Testing in 1955-1956 Orig Pub -. Za vysokou urodu, 1957, 5, No 16, 377-378- Abetract : No abstractb Card 1/1 Ca', CH W L CJV,J:.!.-, 'L-'*.,It;- 11ants - G,-a-' Abo, J)ur V," 13iol., I,',) Aut-',or .'%.:I Inst Title 0171,'; Pall 1957, 5, No 1.7, 367-3P-~- Abotract -I*o Aracto Caro, 1/1 CZI:'.(,'IiOSLO*I.'"'.T../Cultiv.At,~icI Pl-,-nts. Grains. libs Jour s II,,;f Zhur-Diol.j Co 15, 1950, 68149 J U Author 3 Baslj Val ikiltmov, AA-- Inst : - T itlo : 1hita on Exporinunts with Dutch Poa V7~rlc- tios Un Czechoslovakia). Orig Pub t Za vynokou urodii, 1957, 5, No 19, Abstract t No nbstract, Card : 1/1 40 Card NADZHMVR G., akad.; ANTONOV, A.; ZADOWZIOM, G. (Zadorothni, G.) Influence of excitation on the photoolectrot polarization of monoorystal sulfur In dark. Doklady BAN 15 no.M05-808 162. 1. Chlen Redaktsionnoy kollegit, "Doklady,BolgaLrokoy kkademil nauk" (for Nadzhakov), - L 26021-" AGO NR: AP5022954 (A) SOURCS CODS'. UR/0317/65/000/002/0032/0033 i AUTHOR: Antonovt,Aa (Major general of engineering-toohnical service; Professort Doctor of technical sciences) ORO: None TITLE: Wheels or caterpillar tracke SGURM Tokhnika i vooruzhoniyo, no. 2t 1965, 32-33 TOPIC TAGS: motor vehicle, vehicle component ArMRACT: The advantages and disadvantages of using wheels and caterpillars for military motor vehicles are discussed, The compar- ative performance of wheels and caterpillars were evaluated by tak-''. ing into consideration the vehicle maneuverability and road-endur- ~ %' ance, the operating.tim between general overhauls, the coo t and per- fection of design, the maintenance and the repair. It In easier to cope with rough ground by using caterpillar vehlolea while on hard and dry roads, -axle whoolid vehi- rpireference must be given to multi oleo, A onto llar vehicle requires less space for turnin3 around Card 1/2 L 26021-M ACC NR: AP5022954 than does a wheeled vehicle. Its construction makes it more conven-1 ient for maneuvering in narrow passages. The operating period of caterpillar vehicles Is shorter because their bonds and gears weer out sooner then the tires and gears of a vehicle carried on two or three axles. Vitth the increase of the number of axles (somotitros up to seven), the advantage of a multi-zxle system In an operating pari" od disappears. Their construction becomes more complicated and e X- pensive and they require more time for overhauling, care and repair than a caterpillar system driven by only two "hoels. Usually, multi-I axle vehicles are higher and their stability is lower. It Is more difficult to adjust their design to deep river crossings and make I waterproof their transmission driven. On the other hand, the need for frequent replacements of caterpillar bands makes their use un- economical. In conclusionp the author states that each type of vo- hicle motion has its peculiar advantages and doubts that one type will be able to exclude the other in spite of all improvements in I the future. SUB CODE: 17313 SUBM DATE: None 9RIG REF. 000 OTH REF: 000 C ard, ACC NRi //V) A I "100 14`27 k SOLAICE COUEt Un/0401/66/000/012/0022/0023 AU111OR: (Senior Soroeant, Commandor of Launch Installation)l VvoryAnrn_ovi~ii, 1. (Iletty Officer First ClA38)j Karasov, A. (Chief Patty Offic*r) COGi None TITLE: Winter is a stern teacher !SOMICE: StArsihinA-serzhant, no. 12, 1966, 22-23 !TOPIC TAGS: military training, military personnel, guided missile personnel, ord- I tnance personnel, torpedo, equipment winterization, combatant ship tAIMIUCT: "launcher operators take examinations." [A. Antonov) Frost and frozen 19round cause launcher crows great difficulties when launcher carriage spades cannot !be freed. It is recommended that preventive measures include the setting of fewer BpAd03, lubricating them, and preparing the ground for their pods with a mixture of or slag* The difficulties encountered with cables in cold weather, and the pro-! ventive measures takent are described. Experienced launch batteries lubricate the launcher thoroughly, and cover parts with oily rags. "Cuttermen are ready for freezing weather." C1. Dvoryaninovich) The procedures used by onginamen and electricians of battle cutters to prepare for winter operations Card 1/2 ACC Ma AP7001227 in the Red Banner Northern Fleet &re described. Diesel care and maintenance are ~diacuvsed and the Importance of fire prevention measures is emphasized, as in the ;need to keep fuel free of water* Several instances of damage caused by carelessness .are cited. "Remember this, torpodaman)" EA. KArasov] The work required or torpedomen to ,maintain their weapons in readiness during the wintertime is complicated by a great :ckiny tests and additional operations. Antifreeze solutions must be carefully pro- !pared and kept within strictly designated limits. Winter grades of lubricants must ibe used and grease fittings must be checked for water tightness. The results of car*-; ,lessneso and failure to comply with regulations are cited, and the results obtained jby strict compliance are noted with favors Orige arts hasi 2 figures. SUB CODE: &SVIUBM DATEi Non* Card ANMNOV, A.; XORMFELID, 1. Highways 2nd automotive transportation form a single transportation system. Avt.transp. 40 no.1:33-34 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Nachal.'nik Upravleniya avtomobillnogo transporta I shosseynykh doroe WCAnskoeo sovnarkhoza Vor Antonov). 2. Nachal'nik otacla planirovaniya Upravlenlya avtonol,11'noro transporta shosseynykh doror LuFanskopo sovnarkhots (for Korenfel'd). (Transportation, Automotive) (Roads) AIMNOV, A.; YEUNWIN, A.j HYAGI, Kh.Ya. (Magi,, 11.1; KORROVITS, KhAh., r6d.; KUKIV~ V.N., red.; EINBERO) K., tekhn, red. (Catalog of standard estimates foi building operations for the construction in the Estonian S.S.R.) Shitustoods ukouahimete kataloog Sesti N5V shitustels, K&tAIDg edinichnykh rostsenok na stroitellrWo raboty dlia stroitollstva v Eston3koi SSR. Izd.2. Teill.inns Eenti Aiiklik Kirjastus. Vol.l. 190. 754 p. (MIRA l5t2) 1. tatonian S.S.R. Riiklik Ehituse j& Arhitektuuri Kcmitee. (Estonia-Wilding-Estimates) ,..7 S. 7~ 1 16 r 1 - 7,: v f!~ d, AMONOVO Aq SAYONOVO B. Center for the exchange of advanced practices. Avtotranspo 39 no,6&9-10 Je 161a (MIRA 14M (Lugansk Province-Righway transport workers) .. ANTONO.Vt A.- Institution CoWning technical education with practical work, Ayt.transp. 41 no.4t49 Ap 163. (MIRA 160) (Luganak-Autonobile driyere-Education and training) DUCHVAROV. S.g ANTCHOV, A.. tekhnich.sutrudnik; XLUCHKOVA. L.. technic. sutradnik Tobacco pitch In dermatological practice. Surres. med,, Sofla no.)t60-68 1954. 1, Is Mulksta %a koshni I ventricheaki, bolesti pri Keditsiftsimts. akadentis I.P.Pavlov. Plovdiv (sav,s dots, B*Buchvarov). (SKII, diseases. th*r,, tobacco pitch) (TOBACCO, pitch, ther, of skin die,) (TARS$ tobacco pitch* ther, of skin die.) IKDNDMDV, Il-, ANTOMDV, An. Problem of surgical approach to the hip joint. Khtrmrglia. Sofia 8 D0,10073-877 1955. 1. Tlesh meditsInski Institut T.Chervankov. lofila. Kliniks, po ortopedila.1 trumatologiia, Direktor: prof. D.Rolchev. (HIP. Gurgtr7, approach (Bul)) ANT01MV. A. A now sethof of surgical therapy of osseous deformities of the extremities in children. Khtrurgita, Soft& 9 no.2il4g-154 1956. 1. Viesh mo41tsinski institut T. Chervenkov, Softie, 111nika, po ortopedita I trawmatologita. Direktor: prof. R. Botchev. (?JTRV41TI'RS, abnorvalittes, surg., bone reennstruction In child. (Bul)) (ABNOR4ALITTES, extremities, bone reconstruction in child. (Bul)) ANTCFOV, Ans One more ease of 4augherfe disease. 2 nooll 76-80 160. 1. Is Okmhnata bolnitsa - Burgas. Glaven lakar., ZH. Sialmlov. (LIPOIDOSIS in into& child) I . - A AYX N 0 Y-,~~inzh. I---- - Enterprise for the development of elactromedical appiratus. Mashinostroone 11 no.604 Je 162. AIMIIOVP A. Do you )mow the language of dtawings? Nauka i tokh mIndesh 14 no.4:10-12 Ap 162, ANTONOT, A.A.,-Inshener. - - W-*., Unit for strengthening wires af various shape through strvle!, Nov.takh,i pered,opov strol# 19 no.4:19-20 Ap 157. (XIRA 10- 11 (Prestressed concrete) C A T A"S- JOUR, I R 1959, a0.1;_108,11) OTI X PUB. : 3 A 3 T.-- 0. IC : ~'ih(jn At Dobvcwl.t,to xorn red -,I o e, f.) 01 r I T. f~ V", Lt 1;` of z "k n