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The change in numbers of SH-Stoups... S1218/62iO27JO04/001 11001 1016,'1216 Ceorgiev, Hiolchimiya. vol. 24. p. 192. 1959. The S11-groups were determined by amperomctric titration with IISCI, It %as round that already 30 min. after irradiation the Sl-l-content or the globulins decrcawd by 30'% and that or itic deoxyribonucicoprotein fraction decreased by about 44%. On the otlict hand. the Sil-conicni of the "acidic protein" from the nucleolus increased as a result of irradiation by morv than W" There are 2 tablet. ASSOCIATION: Institut biologicheskoy i meditsinskoy Xhimii Akadcmii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (The Institute of Biological and Medical Chemistry. Academy of Medical Sciences. USSR) Moscow SUBMITTED: December 27. 1961 Card 2!2 ANTOKOLISKIY# l.Ta. k, - - I IWrov* the appearance of yardal got rid of fences. Gor.,khoso Moak. 36 no.7t25-27 JI 162. (MIRA 16s1) 1. Machallnik Adainistrativnoy inypektoll Moskovsk::g~o;l gorodekogo ispolnitellnogo Iml-teta Mookovskogo go k0go sovets. daputatov trudyashchikhoya, (Mos"--Courtyards) (Moscow-Fences) LANO, A.o... Kaova, I.s.,- ORIoORUI, Ts.S., retsenz 11 at; ANTOKOI#I.QXIY L.S. Inshener, nsuchnyy votrudalk, retsenzent; SAMOTI&K-11-4Z 1 . .0 asuchn" redaktor; UPLAN, IGTA., redaktor Isdatelletys; PULIXIXA, ,Y*.A., tokhaichoskiy redaktor ECoustruction gantry crones; layout, operation and assembly) Stroitelf- aye krany; ustroistva, obolushivante I sontath. Leningrad. Oos. tad-vo lit-ry po stroi%. i arkhttakturs. 1956. 190 p. (KLRA 9:12) 1, Zametitell nachallnika Upraylenlya Dneprostroya (for Grigoruk) 2, IAniMradskiy filial Yeasoyusnogo gauchno-iseledovateliskogo Institute Stroydormasho (for Antokollskly). (Granse, derricks, etas) ANTOKOLISKIT, Pavel Grigorlyevich [Vietnam's strangthl a travel journal] Silo Vlatnama; putevol shurvAl. Moskva, Soyetskii plantall, 1960. 147 p. (MIRA 13:6) (Vietnam, North--Description and travel) * 0 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * * 0 0 * a 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 1 0 60 k 4 It CO 410 0 n gel 1 : ~ 0 on Los S so imea rw I(Mh vol *4vl #oft POPUPIRMS gel W'O fev al"66 V.rp - so or. MOM AWM vM 4(w go 10104010 A" 4 a" 00. -loom- Pus, bosom ao" 4pprm a#. V f*ee 0 ID 0 1 1 6 0 1 1 F 9 1 1 a it a a a 9 Sound - ReflectIon Light - Reflection Sep, he Meflection of Vayes Yrca a RouSb, Totally Reflecting Surface," M. L. Antokollakly, 72:ys Inat imeni P. X. Lebad&T, Aced Scl USSR, 4 pp -Dok Ak Sauk SSW - Vol L111, No 2 Discusses regular fleld, in cmtraet to dispersed fl*ld, when eltberx light or sound vays Is re- fls---*.Od from a surface. Attempts to find condl- t1ons under vbIch regular field has the cbsracter of the usual reflected vaTe, and calculates .36/49M OW/Physics (Ccntd) Sep 48 coefficient of reflectim as a functIM of Wave laagth and anigle el Incift-n= fcr tble case. Wb- adtted by Aced M. A. lecatorIch, 13 Jul 48. - ANITOKOISKT11's M. Yle nTho St-.-dy of Bartheriist Propagntion of 4ound Waves OdmerAted by E",Iabirmm Used in Geological Prospecting." paper presented at 4th AV.-Union Acoustics Conf., Moecov, 26 M-ly - 4 Jun 58. AXTOKOL I sux SoarTeyirtr toismorrt-phs. F(azvqd. i pror,roof it. no.?5:52-57 156. (MIRA 12.,4) (Soisnonoters) -..t "RAO L M.L.; MU;TAj-Ay~.,Vp KsA. - . - J , , We-'lI obstrvamons on the dyramios or ,Aejslric ,av-, -, . 17 .17, ed. 17,noriz. no.312S-34 165. (PIRA I,818) Fulfillnent of the annual plan and wtla~- for it. 1XIDY. CTilsterstvo hutniho prurkyslu A nidnych d,31-J' r,,ihn. Vol. 4t no. 5) ~Ny 1956. Fait European Acce3sion3 List, Vol. 5, rr). AVOLIK, Stato I~isv,twta for the control of modciuea (StAtny ustay pro kontroly Ueoiv)p rl'atiSI.IVA (for Ali) hratisl-%va. )hmAcoutic!Z Obzor, No 11-12, 1962, pp, h86-491 ").bt.hodlcal Problems ot QuantitaUve Arrest of Microloas in Cultube UodiaA - ANTOLKQVIIC, B.- (Zagreb); PAIC, M. (Zagreb); TURK, M. (Zagreb); WINTERHALTERp D. (Zagreb) Influence of collimation on the enerfy spectrum or 2,7 MeV neutrons. Glas mat fin Hry 16 no.1/2:135-Ul 61. 1. Institute "Ruder Bookovio", Zagreb and Faculty of Sciences, Zagreb. 2. Clan Radakeloneg odborn, wGlasnik matematicko-fisicki astronomaki" (for Phic). S/056/62/000/OC)b/012/134 Ao6l/Aic)l AUTHO11.3; Antolkovib, B., Paib, M. , Turk, M., Winterhalter, D. TITLE: The influence of collimation on the energy spectrum of 2.7-Mov neutrons PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 8, 1962, 20, abstract 8BI43 ("Glasnik mat.-riz. 1 astron.", 1961, v. 16, no. I - 2. 135 - 141, RnSlish; summary in Serbo-droatiah) TEXT: The study or reactions induced by fast monochromatic neutr)ns calls for the knowledge or the spectral line shape of neutrons incident upon the speci- men. For this purpose the influence or shape, size, and mAterial or a collimator on the energy spectrum or 2.7-Mev neutrons was studied. The neutrons were ob- tained from a (d,d) reaction on a 200-kev Cockro 6t-Walton accelerator. The' neutron energy distribution was measured by a U I scintillation counter and a .multichannel pulse-height analyzer. It has been established that clearer spectm are obtained with long collimators made from an iron-paraffin mixture. It is noted that the preferable collimator shape is the double cone. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation) 1. Sadikov card 1/1 ANTOLKOVIC I_B, (ZaMb); PAICO H. (Zagreb); MUEC, K. (Zagreb); ---TbM-o P. (Zagreb); TURK, H. (Zagreb); WIPMRHALTER, D. (Zagreb) The absolute and relative measurements of neutron fluxes obtained from the neutron generator of the Iwtituto "Ruder Bookovic," Vos mat fis Srb no,12t97-101 160. .P.TOLOVAOT.1 HANZELpJ.; NOVAKtA.1 SCVAK,R. Apropos or diphteria bacteria carrier states. Pratial. lek. listy 44 no-5t269-280 164 1e Hestaka hygienicko-opidemiologicka stanica v Bratislava (riaditel: MUDr. r.Lacko) a ILdetaka klinika tAk.fak. Unive Komonskeho v Bratislava (veducat prod. HUDr. J. Michalickova)o PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6009 Antomonov, Yuriy Gurelyevich Avtomaticheskoye upravleniye b primeneniyem vyohislitelinykh mashint sintez slatemo optimallnykh po bystrodeystviyu (Use of Computers In Automatic Control: Synthesis of Optimalizing High-Speed Systems) Lenin rad, Sudpromgiz, 1962. 339 P. Errata slip inserted. 9000 copies printed. Reviewers; As Yes Sazonovp Docentp and A, V, Fateyev, Pro- fessor; Scientific Ed,t Vs A, Oleynikov; Ed.: M. 1. Nikitina; Tech. Ed.t P. S. Frumkin. PURPOSEt This book is intended for scientific personnel, aspirants, and advanoed students at schools of higher education, speeializing in the field of computer applica- tions to the synthesis of optimalizing control systems, COVERAGE1 The book examines problems of the synthesis of optimalizing control systems containing digital computers. Algorithms for solving problems of optimalizing control Card 1/9 -1 ANTOMONOV, Yuriy Gurlyevich; KVOCHKINA, G.F., red. [Calculatio_'616f systeras optimal in respect to re- sponse timej ship navigation along its couse) Raschat sistem, optimallpykh po bystrodeistviiu; upravlanie sudnom po kursu, UnIngrad, Wdostrooniep 1964;,)68 P. (RIRA 17 KobTlux, F.G.~ ntv. led.) kand. "Okizi. iaiiko red.; YANKOVSKAYA, Z., d. 4. 1 rf, [Studies in bionles) LwIeclovanjin po blonike. Kiev, Iauko- va durla, 1965. 113 I. Chlon-korresfon(itent A,,~ Ukr.:;SR ("01, ho::tylly). tUt kibernetiki M; Ukr.=1 (for Antom,ro~-;) FhOPKISO V.V.; ANTOWNOV, Yu.G.; GOLOVOWNW, 5.F.; l'ON(,,',',A !I-IVA , I.D. Age-related characteriatics of the regulation of blood circulation. Vop. geron. i geriat. 4:15-)3 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Institut gerontologli AMN SSSH I Institut kibernetiki AN UkrSSR. Antommov, TWYA Our y"evich Kotoval A] q Borlsoma; Ponawareva, rMs. w 1 'YevIcbj Toopkov,_9 NothewMical patterns of excitatin-n (Wevetichookiye modell vosbuthdaniya) KLOYS ltd-va "Ibukova d=M" 6 5. 0146 p. Illus.j biblio. h a ad of title t Akomdya UGUk-MrG1Wk0Y SM. Imstitut k1bernetiki) 2,000 copies printeds TOPIC TACSj eybernaties, usthematic model, tissue "Iology,, musale physiology,, swology, neurdlogy.. nervM8 systau PUIRPaM AND COMMORs The book diamwess the properties of el"s- of nermw and uncle tissue by constil4etIng antbewtIcal wadelse A simple vothenstlea appars- tus Is used for cinstracting the nodelse The book Is Intended for biologists, engineers, mathewticlans, and doetwe Interested In using c7bernatl metbods, Aw the anal"Is of livins tieswe C. TAM Or C I r P T A (abrldpd) 1 Introduction --3 Ch* Is bAeridnatlon of the excitability Cho Ile 7hreshold replavItIos --A Ch. M. Hoa*)A of the nerve -57 Cewd V;! MCI AM NRt Ch. IV. Modals of the Was Ch* V. P"Llcul" pLvblesw Ameddix --= BIbUoeiWhy --W Lttentuiv -IM ma 0=1 06"W1 Stu Dml,o%&w65/ QUO XWI 031/ OT9 ~Ws 015 L 14055_,~66 ACC NR: AT6003454 SOURCE CODEs UR/0000/65/000/000/0065/0?71 AVMORt Antomonov,-Yu. 0. (Candidate of biological sciences) ORG: Institute 2f MOM-SIA99 W UkMRI.Aev (Institut kibernetiki AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Transmission of inforuation in living systems. Mathematical model for ex- citation of nerve tissue SOURCEt AN t*rSSR. lssledovanLya po bLonike (Research In bionics). Kiev, Naukov* dumka, 1965, 65-71 TqPIC TAGS: bionLeal, neurons nerve fiber, wathematic model, cybernetics, electro- physiology, suitchLng theory ABSTRACT: The author considers the various ener" relationships which may take place during excitation of n*rve tissue in an attempt to construct the sinplest mathmatical model for excitation which would simultaneously reflect many of the pro- perties of nerve tissue. Formulas are given for the energy of the electrical exci- tation of nerve tissue in tem of the power and voltage of the stimulating current and the resistance of the nerve tissue, &n4 the possible reaction of the nerve tLs- card 1/2 _Z_ L 14055-66 ACC NM AT6003454 sue and response to electrical stimulation are analyzed. An integral equation is derived for the energy balance of nerve tissuit during electrical stimulation. A formula is derived for the action potential ausuming that the rate of passive change in the potential of nerve tissue is proportional to the applied voltage and decrees- as with an increase in potential. It Is further assumed that the electrical proper-- ties of the nerve tissue depend tz energy balance. An analog computer was used for analyzing the final system of equations which were found toyeflect the known phy- siological properties of nerve tissue excitation. Orig. art. has: 12 formulass SUB COM 06/ SUBM DAM 25Aug65/ ORIG RUN 006/ OTH Mr: 005 C&A 2/2 L 1405h-66 ACC NRt AT6003455 SOURCC CODEt URiOOOO/65/000/000/0072/0002,~~/ Atn'HORt Kotoval-A. .; T;wh*akqv, 4. -1 ; Mt andidate of biologi-~#/ Miggov. -Xu, -GL. (C Cal sciences) .~R,-Kievjlnstitut kibernetiki AN MrSSR) ORGi Institute of Cybernetics AN UkL% TlTLXt Use of an analog computer for analyzing the properties of a mathematical model for excitation of nerve tissue SOME: AN UkrSSR. losledoyaniya po bionike (Resisarch in bionics). Kiev. Naukova duaka, 1965, 72-82 TOPIC TAGSt nor" fibers neuron, mathematic models electrophysiologyg bionicso computer application, analog computer, switching theory ABSTRAM An analog computer In used for analyting a nonlinear nonhomogeneous dif- ferential *quation with a discontinuity coefficient of the for"t V +#gM IV - OU - V; M'. WMX.-*S(Y-V.+V')d8+j(U4.Uj4. (2) Card 1/2 L 1405h-66 ACC MR: AT6003455 0 where V is the stimulating voltage, V to the nerve tissue potential, gn is the ana- log of the threshold value for the integral of eyternal energy, and % is the threshold with respect to voltage. This equation was proposed by Yu. G. Antomonov in the present collection of articles as a mathematical modal for excitation of nerve tissue. This model was analyzed for the following properties of nerve tissue with respect to switching function (2): 1. the nature of responses to subthreshold depolarizing and hyperpolarising stimulation; 2. the threshold relationship for various forma of the stimulating pulse; 3. the threshold summation; 4. adaptation; 5. transformation of response rhythm; 6. responso frequency as a function of the amplitude of a depolarizing stimulating pulse. A schematic d1agram is given of the modal which was set up on an MN-7 nonlinear analog computer. Passive variations in the rest potential of the tissue (slectronus) generated by weak pulses am discussed,, Oscillograms and graphs are given for the resultimf data. A comparison of these re- sults with experimental physiological data showathat differential equation (1) and switching function (2) give a satisfactorily complete description of the properties of nerve tissue excitation. Orig. art. has: 19 Figures, 6 formulas. SUB OODEt 06j,09/ SUBM DATE: Mug$5/ ORIG REN 003/ OTH REN 000 Card 2/2 4), 7 47 - - AlmmVAI-0. ~ Czechoslovak 34hibition of Honsuring instrtments and electronics in Moscow. Blul.nauch.inform.: trud I tar.plath nn.11:63-65 159. (HIRA 13:5) (Moscow-Xlectronic apparatus and arpliancea --Exhibitions) ANTON, A.V. (Tallia, ul. Toompiestes, dog$ kv.)) 114ftatment of preoanoorous disomeas of uterine earvir [with sumury in Bacliahl, Yopoonks 3 no.6t749-752 157, (gnu 1112) 1, Is Talltnekogo reepublikonskogo on1cologicheakogo dispanvera (glav. vrs ch - G.I.Triyp) (01MVIX HIOPUBMS6 ther. precancerous hyperplasis) ANTON, A.T. lkrly diagnosis of cancer of the ce"Ix uterl under ambulatory conditions. Akushsl gin, 35 no.516&72 U-0 159. (MIRA 1312) 1. Is onkologichookogo kibinet& doroshnoy polikliniki (nachallulk N.A. Ugollulkova) Bt. TAllin Istonskoy sholesnoy dorogl I Tallin- sko" respublikhaskogo onkologicheskogo dispansera (glavn" vraoh A.N' OsTrilov). (CIMVU UTIRI, neoplasus) AIM110,11, Claudiu, ine. Storing and taking care of tractors andq7rieultural machines, an important elewunt In rrolonging tLe durution I ' "" "4 N ,, "ro- : ) - -11) 163. of their life. Voc oluctrif i 0 . k , lo Truatul St-Mun.1i de -'k tractoaro. - 11 , . 0 ~ - --j '.*- ~) I ?i I ~ - r. ., "n - #~ ' ' e P. r : o ') ric . ~,, ii~ -,' .1 1 ;~'. . I I I . 11 's h - r `~, t:ri n ! 1 o r I t: r ie-,;! o . IONWGUP Dmitriu, conf. Ing.1 ANTON, Gheo~g~5, afist. ing.1 TANASUICA, loan, asist. ing. Principles for selection of type of marshaling yard. Rev cailor far U no.2s67-72 F 163. 1. Inatitutul PoliteWo Buoureati. I Amo-.~t 1. Contributivn to the calculation and alzing, of uumpo. V. 211 Acadmile Perublicil Populare Fomine. Ikize fic Cercetari Stlintifice, Timinoarn. 3TUDII !~] CIFUTAPI SMINTIM(A. 51111A Is 3j'111-If IXAII~XATICE, FIZICT, CHIX.ICE SI WINICE. Vol. 2, ?lo- IAo Jan-Aec- 1955 Timisoitre , tumnia SCUM East Furopear list (ITAL) Library of Congresst Vol. 6, No. 1, Januarl., 1957 ANTC,Nt 1, Evaluatir,n of Hydraulic Eherfy Di::'rtors. ENERGL71CA SI IIIDROTEHNICA (EnerFeties and Hydrological Engineert ) #2181,Fkb 55 TWINMODY V-oor- of I osr,~ Untons, ~)r f-(, ck~, r*,~?V-!l--'!it,-- ~f nrz~t~is 'or T%- IWO Ic 'TTT'7TT:-T Ii "'FIF- i7Asoir,--. (Jourmnl on~ ti-c:i-i-cal Sci,!-I.Vic ~emmvrch ti :Zuraziirai Acadeq-*) 701. .1, NO. 3111, lq~,6 ffliToll I I - TECHNOL03T Maxim height of pump suction; characteristic curveb of cavitation. P. 49 Academia 11apublioii Populare Rmine. Baza do Cercatari 'tilntifice, Timiamm. S"M11 ~.J CZ1C9r,,hI 5TUNTIFIGE. Uia,i ')T1-!NT;-" TJIMOL. Tintsonm. (JOUM'Al on techninal sciences issued IV tho ~ci(.ntific 11psonm-h Wkso in Timisoam, Itturinian Acn6emyj Vol. 4, no. 112 , 1957 Monthly Ust of 1~ast European Acesnions W, Vol. 8, no.3 March 1959p Unclasso ,.44TON) 1 4 79CIRICLOGY The determination of the interior critical coefficient cavitation. P. 53 Academia Republicii Populare Rordne. Baza de Cercetarl. StiIntifice, Timisoara. STUDII SI CERCETARI STUNTIFICE. SERIA STUNTE TEHNICE. Timiaoara., (Journal on technical science issued by the Scientific Research Bass in Timiaoara) Rumwdan AcadenW.) Vol. 14t no. As 1957 Monthly Ust 6f East European AcesBions (EPAI)o LCp Vol. 8l No. 3 Harch 19-1;9, Unclasn. TWIN)LOGY The optinum anglo or Incidence for the cavitation In centrifugal pumps. P.63 w Acadonia Hap bliell PoInxIare Romino. Baza do Coreetarl btlintifice, Ti,misoarq, bI G,-.I;C!-.TiJa "I'TIINTIFI~-6. IMINTE Timiso t mi. PourTril ontechnic-il science issued by the Lcientific Fjosear,,h in Ti:mlsoam, Rumanian Acadany.) Vol 4 # go- 3A t 1957 Monthly List of Mst -',Njropean Acessions IC , Vol, 8, No. 3 Kirch 1959, Imlana. RUILANIA Chemical Technology~ Chemical Products and Their H-32 Application, Part 4 - Cellulose and Its Deriva- tives, Paper. Abs Jour : Rot, Zhur. Xhimiya,, No h, 19569 13220. Author S 011# Oprescus I Anton Inst t Not given Title t Rapid Method of Determination of Boiling Completion and Inflexibility Degree at Fabrication of Paper Sulfite Pulp. Orig Pub t Celuloza si HirtioJ, 1957, 6, No 6, 203 - 207 Abstract t The completion of boiling by the bisulfito method and the degree, to which pulp has boon boiled, are set by the deter- mination of the oxidation degree of the bisulfite solution in the boiling cauldron. cam 1A litter ptv to control micilare in paper making mehl. r,, for thr, IrLrs* P. 93 C'-'L'JL(-"ZA Sl MMt~. (Asociatin Stlintifica a Inginerilor sl Telmicb?nil,)r din I ro llo,-Ania sl Xknist,?ral ln&3trlet Petraltil-A si Chimie) Pima nti,, Rorvinia. Vold P. no ), Mar. 19519. Yonthl,, Ust of 'z-it -~iropwm Accomsions ( '"Al) U; Vol. 11, No. (~, J11no 1959- TerlmolopY. Cl,emicel Frodvetcs nnd Tlioir Anplicetions. Cullislose and 104 Deriva-40 All, in f-be Mantirde- of '~ewv,unor Ty,-,o i'a-ior No 3, 93-99 t-vq-tcnter! arp resultr of eymeri-metits in Oc of c-owlilioiin in tl,t, i-nittor !)f' -I,sirr,lion of wo of fltl-e~ nrillneptic.-t tl~at eliminate ri-owth of iy) the rrAm)f o%c (tire of nPwrt,irl-nar tyop T.w)itv. TJ.a ijm,~ of P Iond to flie imnirnx-ompni. of rnt%,cT)inc,4' rrotheiAvIty -0 to t1)(! Inwrrvement of qurlity. AxTON, L, Characteristic curves of cavitation# thsoretical wA 0 "rimntal,, in contrifugil pump$ of low specific revolutiow. Studii tshn Timisoars. 7 n05/24:209-225 n-D 160. S/124/62/000/012/005/009 D234/0308 'jj' 211!0:1-s Anton, 1. and 11o,--a, 0. T IT I Z' Theoretical pressure distribution on the edge of SAU-1 t,rofile lla(IODICAL: Aeferativnyy zhuri-tal, Eckhan ika, no. 12, 1962, 24, abstract 123120 (3tudii pi cercetAri ptiiqe tehn. ;aza Timip~rd, 1961, v. BT no. 3-4, 0 211-226 (Itum,; nut-maries in ilus. and 2r.)) T'"-%'T With the aid of the method of singularitics, the Luthors calculate the distribution oE the-prccoure cocUicient along the outline of a wind; )rofile in, a sLman ol ideal itnconpreGsible liquid, Zor 16 angles of attack. The dependence-. obtained are com- pzarcd with e~vperimcntal data and considerable divergence is foutul. Z-Amtracter's note: Complete translatioll-7 Card 1/1 BARGLAZAN, A. (deceased]LIMN, I.; SISAK, 'E.; OWN, Viorica; FREDA, I. E"rgetic charicteristica of the profile MIT-1 In a turbine network and funotioning in water. Studii tehn Timisoara 8 no.3/4:155-169 JI-D 161. 1 REICM(Ml Ed.0 ingel CCINSTAWMESCU.0., ing.1 Ak j_~.p ing-I BUROVA~Tj candidat in stiinte telmice, Contributions to obtainilig reed pulp by sulfate and neutral sodium sulfite method with continuous Pandis, type diges- tion. Col hirtie 10 no.7/8t277-296 JI-4161. ANT(INgI.t ing.1 HOTOPE=,U,A., ing.1 HMCUjO*# ahimal Ca,'STANTINESCU,O.,ing, Obtatning smIfIntehod chlorine dioxide bleacbed pulp from reed. Col hirtie 10 no.9t329-335 S161s AYrON' I. Thdor*tloal charge curves of centrlAigal pumps *vided with adJuotable blades, used in hydraulic transmissions, Studij tehn "imisoars. 9 no.3/4t261-271 J1-D 162, UTONg 1.) POPA; 0.1 MMIS,, V. Cavitation and electric power oharacteriotica of the MHT-I profilo located in turbine nets. Studii tehnYimisoara 9 no-3/4t273-291 JI-D '62. COt;STANT1NMCU00.t 1ng*;-AKTQ)-jj.s _Ing'10 BUROVApT e, irg.; HOTOPEMU,A... lingII KC17ERTH,if., chim.; POPOVICI,M., chi=.; HMCU,O., chiA.; ;i;;k,G.j ingso PIATIM#Hsp Ing* Obtaining MIS chemical and semicheiLical, pulps'frcm read by means of continuous digesting In the Pardin typo installa- tion. Gel b4rtie 11 no-31100-101 Mr.162. PLA7%,M.O ing.; CC1*STA1iTR'FSCU,C., Ing.; DRAGHICI,I'.p Irg.; KCU ERTHp H. BJROVA#T.p ing.; FISCHGOLD,S.,, ing.; 110TOPELLATU,A., Ing. Industrial experiments in tuning to account waste materials resulting from the exploitation and industrializatior of wood. Cel hirtle 11 no.31102-106 14062. ESA00F.0 Ing.; RVERT11, H.t Ing.; ANDRUCHOVICIp F.v Ing,j FISCHGOIDIS, Ing.; POPESCU,G.,, biolog.; ATON, L,, Ing.; POPOVICT, M, Ing.; IIOTOPELWAJ,A., ing.1 HEICHMANN, E., ing.; CONSTANTINKSCU,O,, ing. Studips o- how to obtain ari alkaline Inilp (sulfnte and natron) from stmi by continuous digesting In a Pandia typo installa- tion. Col. hirtle 11 no.6t2O5-219 :6162 I., ing.; SIKIM,'vSGU;C~*sj prcfe dro IM, Racent contributlone'to lighnin ohemintry. Gel Mrtle 11 riv.91 313-319 8162. I. Macibru Corespondent al Acaderitei R.Pehe (for Sinioneacu) ANION, 1.1 PREDA, I.; ANGIIEL, A. DefinInj? the characterlatic phsises of cavitation in axial turbine functioning. Studii tPhn Timisoara 10 nu.lt7-l9 Jn-Je 163. ANTONY I. Similitude of cavitation of hydraulic turbines. Studii tahn Timiaoara 10 no.W91-200 J1-D 163. 1. Membru corespondent al Academisi R.P.R. ANTDN, I.; POPA, 0. Cavitation characteristics of a net of profiles with trailing edge rounded off (Carafoli profiles). Studii tahn Timinoara 10 no.2: 201-212 JI-D 163. On the cavitation characteristics of an isolated profile. 213-229 1. Membru corespondent al A,~ndemiel R.P.R. LU,IiOVA,R,,- AFT(Y.I.; 11GT(-ITISAJ~U,A.0 Ing.; GRESCL11KOpEop irl-o romyarative atu3y on reed ard etftv pulping by tile neutra-1 sAlum sulfito (WSS) ard natron processes. Pt.2. Col hli,tlt% 10 n0.42110-120 Apt6l. FISCHGOLDsS.p Ingol POPESCU#G.p biolog; AVT(,Bo I*,, ing,j BUROVA,T,, candidat atitnte tehnico; HERSCUO,,, ohim.1 POPOVICIpH., chim.1 PIA7MpH.p Ing.; KMERT111%. chim. Sme conviderati=a on the utilization of besobwood for ob- taining c4amical pu346 Cal hirtie 10 no*7/8t225-e3:L JI-Ag'61. BUROVA, T*, Ing.1 ANTON, I.v ing.; HEMCU,, 0., ing. 1hporiments to obtain high-gmde chamioal culluloae from fir vood. Cal hirtis 12 no.301-87 Mr 163- REYKHMANNP E. [Holchmann, E.), Inah. (Ruaynakays Narodnaya Respubliks); XONSTANTINISKOR 0. (Constantinescu, 0.1 (Rum7nakaya Narodnaya Respublika); ANMN L (Ruvqrskaya Narodnaya Respublikt); RMOVAP T.p VM*' tekbne nauk Manufacture of reed pulp in a plant with continuous action. D=. prom. 38 no.5s5-7 ?V 163, (MIRA 16t8) (Rumania Paper Industry) (Reed-iBotany)) . , ! , . ~ , 'i 4 , ~ : ! , I I " ~ t , ; ~ ~ ;*; , . ~* - . 1~ ) I : I , . . ; . I . . - I ~: ; , ~ : : I t I - . . . 11 . I I ~ 11 1 . . I - . ; " t , . , . I , . : I , ~ I t 4 1 ?, 0 t, ~, 1 - I '. I , , '. - . .; t.i I !i ~ , "i 11.i I - ~:. m. , f, ~ , , I . . . - - 1. ! " ~.. '' .. ~ : S., lrw,.; Artl'orlt I., "), 'Al!"i. St id lea on obta In' ng Kraf -, pu rr cz-. to"o -,ad:y) 'A ror i::,l 1 prut;ussing. PL. 1. Cel h~~rtle ~,s ";*a 'u4. T r r ;:7 ~.%O !A 01OFY tj 1"d x c o gy C' a A] lc~ VY3 a c I IG r 'P, o'.' A-41,~~vilhrlris wIth Q~ilrddlnn. I,, 'c:6 , I , No 116 --55 T!,~~ nolhcrie ~;nl fj,-t-A &oj,jozi r)f qiji- nlO,'no. Ind'.,-stiom and contra -Ind.1cat! rio-las cf !.ppiiefillon In various Undu of arr'IVth1);-q A'Ald ald': efreotc, tiva i-,Ivon. TREDDOR3SCU. B., Prof.; AVAM Mlhall dr. Study of two cases of hypertensive adrenal tumor. Bucur. 8 no.6:883-891 Oct 56. (PHMCIIHDMDCYTDMA, case reports) PAUNICSCU.C..(;onf,i-ARTO&II)t"drv; POPASCU,P'..dr.; OHZWIH,I.,dr.; K&RIN. I.; THRODORISOU,B.,prof. Contributions to the pr6blem of the association of subacute endo- carditle with rhoumatteml endocarditis, Ned. intern.,Bucur. 11 no- 12:1833-1840 139, - OWDOCARDITISAUBACUTI BACMIALcomplications) (RMMTIO MPM DISMS2, complications) ANTON, M.;DWHOS, M.;HIRUL, 0. Isolated earcold of the laorival gland. Cask, ofth. 15 no-51375- 379 0 '59 1. Ocni kliniia XU v Brno, prodnosta Drof, dr. J. Vanyook II. patol anatouiclq ustar KU v Brno, produosta doe, dr. M. Dluhoa. (IACRIML APPAMTUS die) (SARODIMIS case reports) RIIBILO O.;ISZRLS, J,;ANTON, H. Clinical observations on enzymatic zomilolysis performed with a Czechoslovakian preparation. Cesk. ofth. 16 no.2:111-117 Mr '60 1. Ooni klinika university v Brne. prednosta prof. MUDr. Jan Vamysek. (CATARACT XXTRACTION) (GaNOTATPS ills) PAUMGU,G,,Gonf,; ANTONIM,Idr.; GIPLTA.kLdr,; VWOIU,Gh.,dr.; THBODORXSW.B..Prof. ' Anstomoolinical observations on a case of myocardial Infarct vith unusual evolttion. Ned. intern..Buour. 11 no.5:763-769 160. (MYOUnILL INYARGT, case reports) (TACHYUnIA PARDXTSMAL. etiology) (EXTROCARDIOGRLPHY) RIZBZL. Otto;AN700, Milan .,,W On now methods for safe Cataract extraction. Cook. ofth. 16 no.Z: 99-102 Hr 160 1. Ocni klinika university v Brno. prodnosta prof. klJDr. Jan VatWook. (CATARACT XXTRACTION) KOZOUSKK, V.1 ANTONj M- Morphological studies on the pigment in melanoblaatoma uBing the electron microscope. VeBt. oft. 73 no. 4:25-30 J11.-Ag 160. (MIRA lAll) (RETINA) * (ORBIT (EYE)-TUMORS) (ELECTRON MICROSCOPY) Solitary chorold metastasis of thyroid adenoma. Cosk.ofth.17 no.2tl37-140 Xr 161. L Oont kliniks LoMrske fakulty university T Brno, prodnosta prof. Dr. So. XUDr. Jan Vanyeek, 11. patologickoanstomicky ustav v Brno, pre dnosta prof. WIDr. Xaxuillan Dluhos. (CHOROID neopl) (AIMNOKA case reports) (TMOID GLAND neopl) ANTON, Milan; M-ISTAT, Zdansk; RIEBEL, Otto Unexpected blindness an a oomplioation after extirpation of the lacriml eac, Cask. ofth. 17 no.3:192-194 my 161. 1. Ocni klinika lekarsks fakulty J. By. Purkyne v Brno, prodnosta prof. MUDr. Jan Vanysek, doktor lek. ved. (LACRIMAL APPARATUS aurg) (BLINDNESS stiol) RIEM, Ottokj~-_-.TL 1~~j MMTAT, Zdanok An unusual case of self-mutilation. Cook. ofth. 17 no.4/5t396-397 JI '61. 1. Ocni klinika lek. fak. University J. S. Purkyne predn. prof. MUDr. JeLn Vaursek, Dr. So. (SMY4=11ATION) ANTON, Xilan; RinELP Otto Effect of beta rays on healing of solaro-corneal lesions. Ser. mod. fao. mod. Bnmensis 34 no,61293-296 161. 1. Ocni klinika lakarske fakulty university J. Ev. Pur)qns v Brno Prodnosta prof. MVDr Jan Vanyask, doktor lakarskych ved. WOUND HEALING radiation off) SCUCRA vda & inj CORNEA vda & inj~ ~ KOZOUS!Zt VladimirL AN7011, Milan Forphological study of the pipents of the retinap choroid &W iris with the electron microscope. Cesk. oftal. 18 no.lil3-16 Ja 162. 1. Ooni klinika University J. Ev. Parkyne v Brnej prednosta prof. dr. Jan Vanysek, DrSc. (RETINA anat. & hintol.) (BUS anat. & histol.) (CHOR01D anat. & histols) (PIGHMS anat. & histol.) On the problem of spontaneous intra-opithelial cysts. Cesk. oftal. 18 no.6t432-435 N 162. 1. Oani klinika lek. fak. University J,EY, Purkyne v Bmet predn. prof. dr. J. Vanysek. (IRIS) (CYSTS) VI'T(~:, '.:. ... Kv-,fititt"t wid Ciiok. ofl,rilo ,I nc,*2: 121-121, Yr 165o 1. 0'.1A klillika liv~111-14;1- fitkult.*v Vnivcrslty T.U. B-rro (prelno.-Itai profo dr* ". Dr-SC.). ANTON, M. On the treatment of eplbulbar tumors* Cook* oftal 21 no~41 298-304 J1 165. 1. Ocni klinika lekarske fakulty University J,E,, Purkyne v Brno (prednosta, prof. dr, J. Vanysek, DrSe.). -, AN,TON)-!,t----- Clinical experiences with the use of strontium beta applicators in the treatment of pterygia. Cook. oftal. 21 no*4018-323 31 165. 1. ncni klinika lokarto fakulty University J.E. Purkyne v Brno (prodnosta. prof. dr. J. Vanysek, DrSe.). ANTON; Me On the effect of beta-ray therapy on the ingrcwIng of the epithelium into the anterior chamber. Ceske oftal. 21 no.5: 385-394 S 165. 1. Ocni klinika lekarske fakulty v Brne (prednosta prof. dr. J. Vanysek.. DrSc.) ANTON M.1 KOICTATp Z.; REHUREKs, J. I Wagenerls granulomatooin. Ceak, oftal. 21 no.6t484-490 N 165. 1. Ocni klinika lekarske fakulty University J.E. Purkyns v Bme (prednosta prof. dr. J, Vanysek, DrSc.). Military Modicina RMIZIA, POPBSCU, P., Dr, Lt-Col, ANTONr-L" Dr, Lt-Col, and NOVACEK, A.# Dr, Opt (affiliation not givenj "Aerial Health Evacuation." Bucharest' Revista Sanitera-Militara, Vol 62, No 2, Xar-Apr 66, pp 371-382. Abstract: The authors discuss the use of aircraft for the transportatior, of oick or wounded persons, emphasizing the advantaCes of this modern means and giving some details with regard to the transportation of persons suffering from different types of afflictions. InclUdes 10 references, of which 2 French and 8 Ruxanian. -- Nanuscript submitted on 6 August 1965. YARRIIIMFOCU, -113., Dr, Uol, _t M., Dr, Lt-Col, 1ACOIN-1, D., Pharmacist, Gh., I)r, Lt-Col, tNTON Col, IONESCU, M., Ma-i~WC-Int,,Col, and MACARM 0., Pharmacist, Lt-coi Laffiliation not given Studies on tile Lipid Spectrum of Plasma in Some Categories of Soldiers." Bucharest, Reviota Sanitnrgq Militar(t, Vol 62, No 4, Jul-Aug 66, pp 683-690. Abstract: The authors studied the platima lipid epectrum of s. group of 224 hen1thy soldiers, aveirAce ace 32 years, divided into 3 groups according to see and diet pattern. They f'ound that the sveraj,,e range of cholesterolemia in the aj:e ranj;e 2!~ to 35 yonra Is nornally 150 to 200 mill Igram-percen t, with values above 250 definitely abnormal. A direct causal relation was found between tile percentni;e of lipid calorigenictropinos in the diet and changes in the lipid spectrum of the plasplas 1ncludea 4 tables, 4 figures and 17 references, of which 7 Rumarilan, 4 French and 6 English-langua6e. -- ;;ianuscript submitted 16 November 1965. 1/1 10 .env lki-A rr.,Mdg P IS Of C w! a" Fkj 6 n oe 7, 0 Y ANTONt Hilan Automatic prodution line for machining electric motor frames. Stroj vyr 10 no.2159-61, 65 162. 1. Moravskoelesake elektrotechnicke savody, nop., Mohelnice. P, kmh ritir Vic a&i4-vci ents in the fic"d of ; lrlkl c f t, . v' I~aftz. Rovista ~Inclor, #1:23:Jan rr, /.-,ror~ 't . A new kind ,f (rine) support: The suj~pol*t. I'llielor O.Inini; #3:92tEar ~t: Yeell"An! 7"'ItA oil of 1,0.1.linr 0!Tratiens in tho of '.n"o-Aos (lemonstrntim of 7nricus Finln of rnl ToidIrr Nwivf.a .1or (".Inir4- Journal), 55 ,~ %T- ~,f P . ~ (1 9 1, -itio-is !n E..Kc,,lv- #4 'ns of I*.' ' 1 (1 " ~ - 'r,olinnir:,tion of lo-l-lint' T~ovl rta ','i nolor rt- Journil) , 0 1 * 3- " !'0v "'~ AN TCN, P. Prospects of the development of coal production in diredump rinc-3 with a view to blasting operations. p. 423, REVISTA KDOUR, (Kinisterul M4nelorp MInisterul Industried. Petrolulul si Chimiel, Directia EVloatarilor-Minlere A Asociatia. StUntifica a Ineinerilor si Tehnicienilor din Rominia) Dueuresti, Rumania. Vol. 10, no. 10, Oct. 1959 Monthly list of East European Acc6331ons (EFAI) LC Vols 91 no. 2p Feb* 1960 Uncl. AIk, IM, F. Current problems In shaft boringe p. 460,. RMSTA MUM, (Mnisterul ?ftnelor, Mnlater-ul Indu3triei Petrolullit at Chimial, Mractia EVloatarilor Hintere at Mociatia Stlintifica a Ineinerilor at Tehnicienilor din Rominia) Ducureati, Rumania* Vol. 10, no. U, Nov. 1959 Monthly Ust of East Saropean Aocesaions (MI) LC Vol. 9. n-,. 2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. AIMN, F. , ing. An International conference of the directors of t-ho researah stations for 1"dustrial safety in coal mines. Rev min 13 no.2: 87-96 F 162. 1. Membru &I Comitatului do redactiot "Revists. minelor." ANTONj P. , ing. International conference of the directors cf the research centers for tho technical safety in coal mines. Contd. from the no,,2, 1962, Rey min 13 no,3tl29-135 Mr 162. 1e Hombru al Comitetului do redactiep "I'lovicts, minelor." I- MON. Fe j ing* ?he levels stagesp and efficiency of automation in the mining industry of Rumanla. Rev &in 1) no.9t4l9-422 S IW. Is Institutul, d* cercetari aiders, Iwo, F., ing. Wiport arml Saiontific Oommmication Session of the Mining Reseamh Institute* Ray min 14 no*7:317-318 Jl t63, 4 I , I , W ANTONp P.S.0 ing. Blasting with oimple explosives mixtures, Pt,l, RIV min 15 no,20"l F '64. 1 1, I I I-t%' ~"' ~ ~N! I ~iri -..~ , I I - MMKNMB~ a~~ ANTONt P,S.p illgo Bloatin,,, with simple oxplc~-Jvo mixtures. Pt. 2* iLov min 15 no.3:112- 117 Kr 164. ANTUN f 1;. 1 1 nF. Iflantilig, with simple explosive mixturem. Pt. 3. Rev min 15 no. 4:161-1.63 Mr (A. i0 .. Ii AKONP POSOJ iAge Inaremm of piofitaMenssa in metalliferous minos by a rational argeAlzation of vintilationo Ray mdu 12 no.9085-389 S 161. 7--d 1. Institutul do oereetari miniere, I TISIT2qM. 1. IttlMsy, pd 71g- 7 : Wi ; t , -,r~414ri Aig= Oaror# NOWIF", SaTwi a W. _ OW a !4 W14 w(Mri INi1q. , Sr? ;Wmit A i.". 0, ~10. I - ra).--Cu mnlAtift with tht thk Compd. (ANDA) wtre atiklied pbc4cgmtr;c*Uy. 11te mults show that thin add tcrms with Cu*lacid). Al:lcwn&x f h k 6 K 3 W " f k T Met. o . or k-n t e comp l c. - X I otrerSi p - 0.1. Ush'if th6 compkit the comts. foF the rmp. ccs,Pkift of NI &W Th wm abo cskd.: Kv, - 1.02 X 10'4 " Kim - 1.91 X 10-0 for p - 0.1. rhe complex Ca-ANDA was WAted wid studied. "a anion lct*- (AHIDA)l - h On take of 9k strmS wM b% wbkh the On " hu i-be cootdimtke 4. beinj bmnd to 3 carboxyl gmt" III* n be fitmtnt tkm "1l *M m N te t M . n " r e * m po y withNsOll. TlwN&n)tNtjlCu(ANDA)Ialmowair4rM. aaW iKAmted. "is wdt wu used feW thp. grarimftrir drtn. 4-4 Itu &Vqbdy AI(NANT)A)I. The NI salt L(Ni- (Ab -- . ~ - -- - , - - C~ Hcftrtr.v4qmIa%-- V4 TV tjj 4ft;z= -MWITA/Chmical. Technoloar. Meateal Products and Their Applies,- tion. Fermentation Industry. 0-27 Abe Zours Pleftrat V=-ftimiyao go 5, 1958p 15956. Author t BMW Auricap Anton BDz&Ua Most Title Colortmetrio Deteivination of pff at the Timisoara Rrevery Orig Pubt Rev. ind. aliment. prod. vegetale., 1957,, No 5o 31-32 Abstraett Description of detorsidnation of %be pH of beer by colorl- metria method (of Kiehaells). For this PAIT"O U86 is mda of 0.01 N solution of Xscrok and 0.09 9 K2%~r prepared vith the use of standaft S;Iutionx of para-dinitrophonol (0-1 g/100 Al vater),, pmms~-dinitrqphenal (0.1 g/2DO al water) and alpha-dinitrophenol (0.1 g/400 Al water); range of 93 determination 2.8-7.0. Potentlomytrio deterizi-tions Of the VE of the prepared standard solutions of pmna-di- cut 1 1/2 19r8 ANTON, Tncrcla--;ed germanating capacity of !barley. t). 32 Monthly Liat of !'&,,;t Sumresn Accessimis (r~-,A') IX A-prIl I,ncls.-ta DRAGULESCU, C., Prof.; SlMWISCU, T.; MESSY, I.; ANTON, R. Metallic complexes of the anthranilic-N, N-diacatic acid. Studil chin Timisoara 6 no.)/4j9-19 Jl-D t59* (EW lOj4) 1e Academia Republicil Populare Romine, membru oorrespondont al Academiel R.P%Rol Comitstul de redactie, Studii al cercetari stlints chimice, roduetor responsabil (for Dr4gulescu) Complex compounds) (Metals) (Anthranilic acid) (Acetoacetto ac.d) (Chelatometry) (Colorimetry) (Copptr) (Thorium) (Nickel) (Silver) (Sodium)