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0 ANGURT, L.G., kand.khimichaskilch nauk; ZRINCHNIM0, A.I.; KUZIMIMSXT. I - A.S., doktor khtmichookikh nauk Volatilization of. ingredients from crude and vulcanized rubbers. Trudy NIIRP no. 6:92-101 t6o. WRA 13:12) (Rubber) Rc~656 S11 38/60/000/009/00 V01 2 93*1 22.0q AO=1,/AO29 L3 AM - - (I I , AUTHORS: Angert, L.G.; Kuziminskiv, A.S. TITL-E- Agi & of Rubbers Vulcanized with Thiu-aipiisulflcles .Ln PERIOD.LCAL-, Kauchuk I Rezina, 1960, No~ 9, pp, 15 - 20 TEXT: The aging regularities of'sulfide-vijlcani-.ecI ruboo-rz: (I thiliram rubbers) and the causes of t.hplr hea*. resistarice were sl...,died, -Me rK5 (SKB) polybutadiene polymer was used as the object of inve~_*.igatlon. as well as its non-filled and partially-filled vulcanizates. nie aging process of the rate- rials was viiaracterizPd by the oxidation k1nef.les, which. In turn, was on a fi ml.cro -oxidation apparatus" (Ref. 5) ne stabi_IJ~.y index was determined by the oxidation rate in an Jnd-jo~ion Ter-lod snd by *he dura*_'~,n of -Ji-Is peri-od. 711 change in structure of the vul-anizaTe durIng '~he ag,nk~ proc(-ss w;,Iz dplermirr:" t~y the magnitude of thn~ static modulus, !,e., tJv, vijl~an!za,,-~ Jc-lermlned af- ter, I hourF of relaxation of tenslf?n 11 Ilie E-ampl,%. q-. a -on.-stant, Tlif- !-eir- peratbre range of the lnvestigattrn was between 130 - Die effect. of the presence of zinc oxide Ln the rubber rr.',.xt.ure on the. bea,.-Tesistance of the vul- canizates was determined. A high hPat-resist.ance was oblalned In tlie pre5ence Card 1/3 1r, S/ 1 ~8/f~o /',),)O,/O()L4 00'-~/01 Aging of Rubbers Vulcanized with ThiuramdIsulfides A05I/AO29 of zinc dithlocarbamates, whIch are ~rddbil-ors ell' ti-,e cxidaticn proce-;~ They are formed by a reactLon between the oxide and *.he diQ-..1-OMrbami,C, In the oxidation of the I vul,,aniza*~e, from wh!~h a]' 1.rep 1T,,g!-p(J1 e F-A tracted, the induction period was absent. an autocat.aly,.ic~ proc-ess began at. 4-hf- start., and the sample rapidly deter~,,orated, since in this ~a~e '..he Vjre polymer was subjected to oxidation .. encased primaT-Jly by transvprs~, tonds of .he C-S-' type. Thus, the effects of the JrAo-Lv'.dual fr-r- c~orripopents on %hp!i Fro cess of vulcanizate I were Investigated, and I" Was '10',ed *ha'. 2..1nc oxide hardIv affects the oxidation process, thluram haz- only a s,,-wh- Pffer* %-)d Zinc diethy' dlthiocarbamate Is a. strong inhibitor, av. a temperavijre ot 1~01C. How- ev.~r '. the latter does not. inhibit the process of thprmal change of #.he rubber when oxygen Is absent.. Dri Investiga-,ing the rea~tlon me,:nanll~~- of *-he dll-h-la-ar- bam.ates as ox1dat.lon -tWiib-11.tor,- It was, fourd tDal.. *.he Jnhibition proce5s parf. of the zinc. ditbiocarba-mate gradually r=acts wiQi *.he mote.:.Ale& Df I ""he poly- mer, as a result of the inte.ractlon of the dithio,arba.rral.- w;!h %hp fic),,),, Tjr:- cr R radicals, or with the inte.rmedJat.e, non-stable prodicl-s, a,; fi(Y)14, forming durJng the oxidation of the polymer, Tne da'.'a cbla.-Od revealed di.tftiocarbamate could not. act. as an inbibitor ol the '..harma-, I-hanee in the vcIv mer, and therefore, does not, reaol~ w.,.*,h hvdr,)carbon radl~:al 111i J. 1'.s acl-'or- Card 2/3 b5650 S/'138/60/000/009/003/012 Aging of Rubbers Vulcanized with Thiura;ii6.1oulfides A051/AO20 should be directed at oxygen-containing active centers of the polymer being ox.16.- ed. In studying the effect of the mutual action of dithlocarbamate and phenyl-.P -naphthylamine on the rubber aging process it was seen that. the addition of phenyl- -p-naphthylamine to a nonfilled thiuram vulcanizate (containing dilhiocarbamate) is rather effective. However, the effect of phenyl-p-naphthylamine in filled thiuram rubbers depends on the rubber contained in it. Phenyl-~-naphthylamine and dithiocarbamate taken together are most effective as inhibitors. Me most effective salts of dithiocarbamic acid as oxidation inhibitors proved to be the ethyl and butyl derivatives of zinc, copper and bismuth dithiocarbamates. These compounds should be used in combination with antioxidants of the amino-class in order to increase the aging resistance of a number of other types of rubbers There are 8 figures and 18 references: 9 Soviet, 8 English. 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. rezinovoy proillyshlennosti (Scien- tific-Research Institute of the Rubber Industry). Card 3/3 000 1 S/0 30/6,01 ~00/`o i 111006/026 1 s# B02 1/130',Q AUTHORS: NeZman, M. B., Doctor of Chemio;i_! Scienceo Ruziminskiy,A. S , Doctor cf Chemical Sciences rt. L. G.. Candidate cf Chemi(-11 Sciences TITLE: Scientific Problems of Polym Istab-Ilizaticil PERIODICAL: Vestnik AkademJJ nauk SIM, 1960, 11, pp, 56-50 TEXT: This paper on the present state and future trends of Soviet rasearch in the field of polymer stabilization is dedicated in its first part to the problem of aging and stabilization of plastic masses, in its second part to the same prollems for rubbers. Degradation of polymers under the ac t i on of heat , oxygen, I i ght , and rad i oric t iv e rad iati on is d i sou ssed . Und(r external affections linkage, formation of struc,ture between the polymer moleoules may occur. Degradation as well as atructuration lead to unwanted changes of mechanical and electrical properties of polymeric materials. Oxidation inhibitors, photostabilizers, aging inhibitors and other ingre- dients must be added to polymers in order to guarantee their working and to satisfy technical requirements, Therefore, prodLlCtiOn Of polymers and of various stabilizers must be developed in par~ille2. Since years K. I. Ivanov Card 1/5 86 230 Scientific Problems of Polymer Stal,ilizcitior, S/030/60/000/011/006/026 B021/B059 and collaborators have been invoiltigatirga, 1he mech;lnism of oxidation inhibition of lubricants. Shortly ag(: t was sh-)An in S. S. Medvedev's laboratory that formic acid sind forrintes inbibil cf h-drocarbons and of some polymers. 4, S, D.~ny2shevskiy an3 colla il~ rators investigated a large number of stabilizersv"'for polyvinylChlOr2del A. A. Berlin investi- gated stabilization of polyvinylchl6ride with epoxy ccinpounds. The mechan- ism of the oxidation of organic substan,--e.9, among them also polymerl~,was explained by a theory of N. N. Semenov. At the Institut khImicheakoy fizik-1. Akademli nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Phy.9ics (-.)f the Acudgmy of Scien- ces "5SR) it was shown short time ago that during et mild oxidation or -some oxidation inhibitors, stable radicalsimay form, Nhich were discovered by means of the method of electron paramagnetic resonari~:e (Fig. 1). The action of inhibitors is explained according to a theory by N. N, Semenov. Mleasure- ments of the induction period and its dependence on inhibitor concentration are mentioned. P. 1. Levin and A. F. Lukovnikov investigated in the labora- tory of the Institute of Chemical Phys~Acs a number of mixtures of mercaptane and sulfides vvith aromatic amines a!~ inhibitors cf thermal oxidation. It is possible to measure the diffusicri C(-ffit-,iePt,! k-~' st~tbilizors Aith great accuracy by using the methtd uf %j',)-L ra6ioaoti've isotopes.. This was shown by B~ A. Grcmov. V. 11 ~'iller, und Yu. A. Shlyapnikov. The Card 2/5 Ssienti fic Prob I err,,- (,f Flo I ymer Star) i 1 j 0 YJ/0 I I/oo 61026 B02 1/BO9 problem of f inding appropria te inhi H tor comb irai ti c 'ris for Fla-stics should be solved not only by the Instituteg of the Akademi:!,i WILik. SSSR (Academy of Sciences USSIO an(] the Arademies of Scionco,' ( f t~,e ik-o of the Union, but also by the Institutes of the ko-mitet Sovetil Ministrov SSSR po khimii (State Committ,~q of Chs?:,,iit;--ry cf the Council of Ministers USSR) and the laboratories of the k-f hi,-hor leurning. This paper deals ohly wi h a few problprl,,~ of tf;,- ri,inifold ruf)I~vro .9111ce many articles have been~/Jlevoted to that task alretkiy. The chief reason for thermal aging of rubber at temperaturf--.,jIelcY, 150 aC is, rill ~--Xidatic-ll of poly- meric molecules with atmospheric oxygen. Secondary ~jmities ai'd phenols serve as oxidation inhibitors of rubb#~r. The agin,-, ( f rublers are ren- dered complicated by various impurities. Aging of ri_'canized rubbers is dif- ferent in this respect from ordinary rubber, chiefly becauqe of a number of various free and bound ccmponents. Th~: Nauchnyy govet po vysokomoleku- lyarnym soyedineniyLm (Scientif ic Cuuncil for 11i ghmo I u(,ulnr Compounds) at the Presidium of the Academy of Srien(,~es USSIR, together With the State Committee of Chemistr ~ S IUSSR, r)zi June 6, of the Councit ~_.f 1960, adopted a joint resolution concernin,,y the --f S7,ientific and industrial research on the stabilliz!)t-lor. -,f p,-)Iymers. 'Ihis 1'~-salllticrl provides the organization of' a new t-)~e ,~,ademy of Sciences Card 3/5 Scientific Prcblems cf Polymer Stab.: 1 -1' zat icn Silo ~ ,,/I ~~O/ooo/O 1 11/00 6/02C. B02 USSR in Gorlkiy frr the nyrthesis f-r- the cf find.- ing new types of inhibitors. A r 1, if,-. qnd tc-.1t plarits for 'lie same purpose lo planned for Timbcv. The lri.-ztitlitr, ~7f Chemicril Physic,, and its ',Icginskiy filial ',Noginsk B~arjrh) arch exparAing ~he~ir ii_isoiirch wcrk on polymers. The follo%ing institutes of the Academy of Sciences USSR arc, intended to be charged with these investigat'rns: lnst~ttjt elementc.-organi- cheskikh soyedineniy (Institute cf Elemental organ.,, ri-nipf:,titids), Institut vysckcmoIekuIyarnykh soyeditienly (11's-Milte as well a,_~ the labcratories of the 1look,.,vsMy cri:versitet kL'r~sct-, Universi- ty), Mcskovskiy tekstil -ny., institut Textile lnjtituie _.- of t__h_e_______ Kazanskiy khimiko. tekhno'log-icheskiy inotitut (Ka,-arl Illstit',Ite C,f Chemical Technology), and of a number cf sch~-,-- 'Is of higher learning. The labcratorieg ofthe following institutes shall b- enlarL~ed irid -,),-.vones for the stabili- zation of polymers are planned: Fiz,*Kc ,rz-titut im.. 11. Ya, Karpcva (Physicochemical Institute ine!~t L, Ya~ Krirp~%,), 1%Ft-itut plaoti. cheakikh mass (Plastics Institu Ins-titut -,Iasti- Cheskikh mass (institute of Polymeriz~ed (Institute of Synthetic. R _T,_1n,,,titu*,- rezi -voy promSshleiinos- kauchuka Ubbe r t" ti (Instituti- of the Rubber Iridustry)_,11',Ollnoola of A o k flit _1~1 11. 1111 f a : t u r i ii n I i W t o T Card 4/5 b'~ 2'iij o Scientific. Problems of Polymer Sti,Lj liL--it 5 '5 c/ 6 0, 3 0 D3 1 1 /0 0 6 /0 2 R621/B059 (Institute of Synthetic.-. Fiber). A commissic,n with Acnde.-Jci~ffi V. A, Kargin in the chair is entrusted with the coordination of the stodies on the Btabilization of polymers and with the pr-paralicv r.f congtruction plans for test plants for the sovnarkhoz. In 1961, the lrjstituti~ of Chemi(al Physics intends to convene a special conferen- fcz- the pUrP.O.Se. (:f generalizing work in the field of the dejridaticn and stabilizat',on of polymers. There are 4 figures and 20 refererv-t~a; 17 Soviet, 2 US, and 1 British. Card 5/5 6M~iq -)4- 13 0 S/069/60/022/01/001/025 D034/D003 Angert, L.G., Zenchenko, A,J., Kuzlininskiy, A~S~ TITLE~- Volatilization of Ingredients from Polymers PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1960, Vol'kXII, Nr 1, Dp 2-8 (USSR) AB&TRACT: The present study was carried out to establish the empiric rules characterizing the behaviour of ingredients in caoutchouc and rubber under various conditions, and also to consider the problem from the theoretical stand- point. Object of the study was the volatilization of an antioxidant,l phenyl-fl-naphthylamine, from a rubber Dlate, while heating the latter in a gas current. The investi- ration method was as follows: Sodium butadiene rubberl?" MB, withou antioxidant) was mixed on micro-rollers with phenyl-knaphthylamine. From the mixture obtained, plates of a given thickness were pressed,, The volatiliza- tion of the antioxidant from a caoutchouc plate with Card 1/4 68699 S/069/60/022/01/001/025 D034/DO03 Volatilization of lngredients from Polymers standard surface (150 x 10 mm.) was carried out in a glass tube 18 mm, in diameter, the caoutchouc sample being placed on a glass support, The tube was laid into a hori- zontal tube fur*ce heated with a silicone 1' Uld which was forced in from a Vobser (sic) thermostatl?see dia- gram). The nitrogen current passing through the tube carried the vapors of the antioxidant from the heated tube section into an attached trap immersed into a cooling mixture. The antioxidant condensing in the trap was quan- titatively determined with the colorimetric method. The ' volatilization process was studied at temperatures above 100 C., The rate of volatilization of the antioxidant was determined with respect to the velocity of the nitro- gen current passing over the plate, to the plate thick- ness and to the initial concentration of the ingredient. The activation energy of the volatilization process is Card 2/4 68699 S/069/60/022/01/001/025 D034/DO03 Vol,itilization of Ingred-ients from Polymers equal to 14,0 kcal/mole. It could e observed Thai the rate of volatilization ofpAenyl _13-naphthylamin Ide- creases in accordanc?lwith the foll * m.ers: polyethylene> uororubber-~7 955 W!Soof RW-- 7 2b----,,nairite. The rate of volatilization sharply falls wi h increasing.-density of the three-dimensional net- work of the vulcanizate and also declines in the pre- sence of a filler. The proposed mechanism of this vola- tilization process was confirmed by corresponding theo- retical calculations, as a result of which the equation c - '9t c = 1 - 4"R (13) 0 (c - amount of ingredient volatilizing during the period t; c0 - initial amount of ingredient in the rubber (per- cent by weight); m - constant; R - thickness of rubber plate (in cm)) could be found. The vulcanisates used to Card 3/4 LK NZYMi. M.B.,doktor khim.nauk; KULIM1118KIY. A.S.,dok-tor khim.uauk, ANGERT, L.G.,kand.khim.nauk Problems in the stabilization of Tolymors. Vast.AN SSSR 30 no.11:3o-50 N 160. (11111A 13: 11) (Plastics) (Rubber, Artificial) Z/Z T-M 'OZ 1--"v -K I V- Z lt-FA4 Z, -ql --PqJT- rw A- '..Tvi -T 4d I-,- z~~r.3 '111-1 'I .2r. qz, I zm~ 7!- Z--,T el T-L 'C~4T 17-44 T-C -7M,=-.uU -jr Lu Z~v 77 LLCU-v 00 2688o 5/081/61/000/013/020/028 B117/B203 AUTHORSt Angert, L. G., Zenchenko, A. I., Kuzlminskiy, A. S. TITLEt Volatilization of ingredients from rubbers PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. IChimiya, no. 13, 1961, 652, abstract 137028 (Tr. N.-i. in-ta rezin. prom-sti, 9b. 6, 196o, 92-101) TEXTo The authors studied the kinetics of volatilization of Neozone D in N2 flow from OKU(SKB) plates with a standard surface and given thickness W. The kinetic curves were described with an equation of the type C/Co - [1 - exp(-kt)] (I), where C is the amount of ingredient volatilize-," at the instant t, in % by we ight of rubberl C0 the initial amount of the ingredient; and K the rate constant of volatilization. The activation energy (-E) of the rocess is 14 kcal/mole. The(;quation K - Kc [~xp (-E/RT)TE(lot/(b +lot)] (1 + aCD)/h I) was derived on the basis of the found dependences of K on temperature (T), flow velocity of the gas (Cot), Co, and h. KO is a constant depending on the nature of the Card 1/2 2688o S/08 61/000/013/020/028 Volatilization of ingredients from rubbers D117YD203 substance studied and of the polymer. a and b are experimentally found. The loss of ingredient can be calculated from M and(II) for various polymers and test conditions. The volatilization rate decreases in the order of polymerst polyethylenenluorine rubber,~polybutadiene rubber>O(C-30' (SrS-30)>CWX26 (SrN-26)>nairit (this agrees with data on the change in solubility); volatilization of SKB is slowed down by introduction of fille.~, more by channel black than by chalk. In radiation vulocnizates of SKB, volatilization is slowed down by an increase in density of the lattice. [Abstraoter-s notet Complete translation.] Card 2/2 ANGERT, L.G.; ZENCHENKO, A.I.; KUZIMINSKIY, A.S. Structure of butadione-methylvinylpyridine crude rubber and of vulcanized rubbers based on it. Kauch.i rez. 21 no*9:5-8 S 162, (MIRA 15:11) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'F~dy institut rezinovoy promyshlennosti. (Rubber, Synthetic) (Butadiene) (Pyridine) ANGERT, L.G. Chlorosulfinated polyethylene Report submitted for the 4th Scientific research conference on the chemistry and technology of synthetic and natural rubber, Yaroslavl, 1962 ACCZSSZOU M ATW2M4 S/3087/62/001/000/012310131 AUTHORt belorossoval, A. G.; Tvaylingol% To A Spsh toyn & V. G. ; _Aage" 0. TITMs Phopyl-p-naphthylsinine derivatives as caoutchoue and rubber stabilizers SOURCE: Yaroslavl'. Takhnologicheskiy institut. Xhimiya L khWchoskaya tekhriologiyal vol. I (S)& 1%2p 123-131 TOPIC TAGS: caoutchoucs, rubber, phenyl, alkylation, phenyl derivative, mine, neozone-D, ABSTRACT: The authors obtained alkylated derivatives of phenyl-P-naphthylamine which contain different quantities of carbon atoms in the alkyl group. A description .of various derivatives is given. Secondary amino derivatives of phanyl-P-napbthyl- amino were obtained and Identified; part of then have not been described in Iftera- turs, The obtained products were tested as anti-oxidants and age resistors of caoutchouc and rubbers. It was shown that the tested products were anti-midants. In their protective effect against rubber aging, they were quite close to one another and slailar to noosone-De The beat results, as an oxidation Inhibitor and a substance which prevents beat aging& were shown by Isopropyl-phonyl-0-naphthylamine which exceeded the currently mood neonons-D In-the Indicated propertLeso Orig. art. 1CWd- 0. , . ! . ! 'ACCMION NR : AT40AVrU--- - ;h"s 3 fioux". I ASSOCIMONI go" I . - . . I , AFF;CIASD Pa4/Pc-4/Pr_4 ACCESSION M-AP3003288, 81013816310001006100131001T AUTHOR: Angert.. L. 0.; Andreyeva,, A. I.; Nnlminskiy~ A. S. vulcanized rubbers derived from metbyivinylpy~rldi~ TIM: 5 ne rubberl - ~ "nV under' static compression SOURCE: Kaucbuk. J rezini, no., 6 1963~ 13-17 TOPIC TAGS:: ccimpression., Ptatic compression, aging of rubber, modulus of .fcompresoion, kinetics of relaxation, thiuram resins, deformation ABSTRACT: The present study was,undertaken to test the aging of vulcanized I rubber, articles subject to pressure in hydraulic installations. Six vulcanized a 85% butadiene- and 15% 2-methYl- rubbers were prepared on . 5-vinylpyridine-base. lCylinders ( 10mm) a visa at a constant 30% deformation and allowed to age in the air-and in nitrogen for a period of 10-20 days, at tempera- i tures ranging from 100-150C. The modulus of initial stress of the vulcanizad rubbers and the magnitude -of their residual deformation were determined. It ?was found that the rubbers vulcanized with thiuram as well as- with tetmehlor- quinone were the most resistant- to aging. Unlike the usually observed relation- ship between the rates of chemical,relaxation and the accumulation of residual Card -1/2 L 13538-63 ACCESSION W.: AP3003288 C2 deformation in rubbers vulmixed vith thiuramj, sulfur., Altax, and tetmquinonej. the present study showed the.accumUtion of residual deforuation proceeding faster than the relaxatioe of stressThis may be due to the predominance under these conditions of etxuctiiration processes. The effect on aging, of several organic antioxidantAs vas also studied. Of these P-oxiphenyl-beta-nspht~ylamine was found to be. the -most effective in rubber vulcanized with 3ulfur and Altax. Orig. art. has: 4 ebarts and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovoy promy*shlennosti (Scientific Resqarch Institute of the Rubber Industry) SUDMITMD: 00 DATE ACQ:. 1OJul63 EML! 00 StM CODE 00 NO RV SOV: OOT OTHER; 002 2/2 Card SD PC JAC783MInt 8 AUTHOR: lambohanskap,, L. Ll Beateva. To O.j,Angert, L. j ftv-aiuskly- Ao' Tmat - Accelerated method for determining the guisranteed storage life span of vulcanized rubbere SOMM Mabiuk I rezIn&,,. no, 4, 19630 17-20 ISO TOPIC TAGS: vulcanized rubber,, storage life, creep,, stress', relaxation., thermal':-i aging., extension ABSVWTt Mw principle of U* method jMq~ed by the wAthors consists- in ext .ra-I polating the "corded aging of vutbere%t high temperatures to fit the: thermal J, conditions. of the storage place. To this and It vas lnorUmt not - only'to select testis sensitive to changes associated vith the aging of rubber but also to Mae surd-.;- that the said changes Vera proceeding at an even rate. Depending on the actual con-~ ditions of storap,~ the thermal accelerated agibg tast'nust: be conductel on rubbers ither under stress or'w1thout It,-and-ln the =dIum the rubber Is surrowded Vith. is suggested that thb thermal testis be conducted In series at 20C Intervalso with an upper tenperature level, of 90-100C for natural rubber for natural rubber and UO-130C for synthetic rubber. b the present Investigation stress was an Index of aging, It Vag conducted on lGx10-= plugs of vulcanized MM-18 V~ber ANGERT, L.G.; KHANIN, S.Ye.; KUZIMINSKIY, A.S. Thermal aging and protection of rubber based on natural caoutchouc. Kauch. i rez. 22 no.10:19-23 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Nauclino-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovoy promyshlennosti. L.G.; KIRPIMINIKOV, P.A.; A.S.; ,ARATOV, I.YO. Synthesis of mixed esters of Q~ -naphthylphosphorous acid and study of their Inhibiting offect in the oxidation of crude and cured rubbors. Z11mr. prikl. klilm. 36 no.10:2270- 2276 0 163. (MIRA 17: 1) "I abs Wdi~ Fg. Ll-qmg;-, .0 ",at A M,H iawl; N~l :111V r Vi IA M, km 418X.0,; m ;l ~,Rxk, 5, -42N, boyloatlig 5 IC -,TM t";jk,. '.Adilo'h 44atts mum dater ol i hug sea" ACC M Ap5028492 SOURCE COM UR/0286/65/000/020/0066/0061 AUTHORS: Angert. L. G.; Xuzlminsk&, A. S.; Kovrizhko, Pictrovskiy. BA; Rayovskiy7-A-.-b-. - -S-oTMov, I. F.; Ivanova,, Z. V0 *V, rr ORG: none !rY TITLEt Mothod for obtaining sathetic rubboR Class 39, No, 17565-9 �-nnounced by Voronezh Factory for Synthetic Rubber im. S. M. Kirova (Vor-onezbakiy zavod sinteticheskogo kauchuka)_/ SOURCE: Byul-leten' Izobreteniy i tovarrifth znakov, no. 20, 1965j. 66-67 TOPIC TAGS: rubberp synthetic rubber, polymer, copolymer styrene, butadiene ABSTRAM, This Author Certificate presents a meth_od for obtaining synthetic rubber via an aquo-ondsion copolyz~eri2ation&f butadionelvith styrenc?or o~-mothyl styrene in the presence of knovn ondsifiera,, initiators,, regulators, nd buffers and with the use of polymerization terminators, The latter are introduced into the system after obtaining the desired do a of monomer conversion. To increase the variety of polymerization torminatorg"r... o., used as polymerization terminator. The polymerization procesa =q-a'J o bb terminated by using oxyneozone along with known polymerization tornine ap e.g., oodium dimthyldithiocarbamte. SUB com: n/ suBH D=: Wu164 ii,~'-df- rubb6i Be" " ke*ohw , 9q(M)/EWP(J) RM .--ACC Nlis 'AP6001854 SOURCE CODE: UR/0190/65/00`7/012/2015/2'19 L. G AUTHORSs__A Mikhaylovap G. No; Kuziminskiy, A. S. ORG: Scientific Research Institute of RpDlgr IndUq&ry_Lftuchno-iseledovatellskiy institut razinovoy promyshlennosti) TITLE: Effect of oxidation inhibitors n development of mechanical and chemical processes in rubber q SOURCEt Vysokozolekulyarn;yyo soyedlneniyap v. 7.. no. 12, 1965.. 2015-2019 TOPIC TAGS: synthetic rubber.,,oxidativ6 degradation, oxidation inhibition, anti- oxidant additive / SKI polyisoprene rubber, UR 10 IR spectrometer to ABSTRACT: The effect of secondary aromatic mono- and diazines as oxidation inhib- itors (p-pbenylenediamine derivatives, .11- Nil 11% where R and RI n are various alkyl and ar7l groups, and phenyl-~-n~ph r1am! 'o) upon the oxidation and structural changos in polyleoprene rubber&I during the rolling process was investigated at )0 and 130C. This work is a Tontinuation of the study of chemical processes occurring in rubber during rolling, reported by the authors earlier (Vysokomolek. soyed., 7. 765p 1965)o Chemical transformations vare investigated by determining the amount of absorbed oxygen, using radioactive methods developed by L, V, Chopel't B, A, Chapyzhnikov, and B. 1, Viting (Zh. analit.'khimii,, 18,, 865p C d 113 UDC: 678.01:53+678./+1+678,76 ACC MRt AP6001854 1~ 196~) and by means of IR spectra using a UR-10 instruments Structural changes JO determined from changes in molecular weigNYf-measured viscosimetrically. The data in are aims ized F A,.l A k, ilk 48 7 I - 44 2 42.- 10 S /L.0 ILS Timeo min. Fig. 1. Effect of amines upon molecular weight changes in rubber during rolling at 130C (a) and 300 Wt 1 - rubber alone; 2 rubber with phenyl- naphthyl-amine; 3 rubber with N,NO-di-(mothylheptyl)-p-phanylone- diamine; 4 - rubber with N-phonyl-NI-isopropyl-p-phanylonediamine; rubber with NgNt-diphonvl-p-phorqlenediamino. T. i3524-66 ACC NRs AP6001854 It was found thati 1) at high temperatures, where oyidative processes are predom- inant$ the inhibitors are moat effectivet with more highly conjugated diamines preferable; 2) at lower temperatures$ the destruction of the rubber is mainly due to mechanical processes, and inhibitors are ineffective. Radioactive determination of oxygen was performed in the Physico-Chemical Institute, Lo Ya* Karpov (Fiziko khimicheskiy institut). IR absorption opeatra were taken by N, K, Kosl3re Orig. art* hast 4 figures. I SUB CODE 1 14 07/ SUBM DATE t O?Oot64/ ORM RLT 1 014/ OTH REF t 004 313 29026 SOURCE CODE: uR/0413/661000/014/0026/0026 INVENTOR: Ryaahentseva, M. A.; Minachev, Kh. M.; Geydysh, L. S.; ~uzlminqkiy. A. S. Angert, L.--G.- ORG: none TITLE: Preparative method for stabilizers of raw and vulcanized rubber. lass 12, No. 183763 [announced by Institut of Organic n~seiy. AN SSSR (Institut organicheakoy khimii AN SSSR); Scientific Research Institute of the Rubber Industry (Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut rezinavoy promyshlennosti)) SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 14, 1966 26 1 - TOPIC TAGS: stabilizer, ru b J rubber, hy r" in-me;, praphsaytentor- U C"' ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for preparing stabilizers of raw and vulcanized rubber. The method involves alkylation of the hydroquinone-p-phenylm diamine molecular compound at 150-180C and 110-160 atm. Such ketones as acetone or 2-butanone are used as alkylation agents. Alkylation is conducted in the presence of palladium sulfide and glacial acetic acid. (BO SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: 14jun65/ ATD PRESS: af UDC: 547.553.1'53'023.07 S11361601000100210041009 A051/AO29 AUTHOR: Angert, T,G.. TITLE% The Production of Sponge Articles From Latex in the Soviet Union PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezinay 1960, No. 2$ pp. 12 - 16 TEXT: The author stresses the practical significance of fRam-r,ubbe.r products, particularly in the manufacturing of automobile and aircraft seats, furniture, etc. Prior to 1957, the production of foam rubber articles in the USSR was in the initial stages, the Leningrad Rubber Article Plant being the only manufacturer. Its productiori output was 45-50 tons per yearn After briefly outlining the shortcomings of the previous production methods in this field, the author describes the steps taken to enlarge the industry. The organization of mass production was divided into 3 stagesi 1) The Balanda Plant was opened for the production of foam rubber goods needed for the ITM-o"s7vich" Automobile Plant. The technology was adopted from the Leningrad Plant. The Balanda Plant was the center for research of NIIR. The produc.. '-7 --------- tion project undertaken at the Plant was developed by Rezinoproyekt. 2) A Card 1/3 S/138/60/000/002/004/009 A051/AO29 The Production of Sponge Articles From Latex in the Soviet Vnion continuous line of production was opened at the Kursk Rubber Article Plant, which began operating in 1958. Foam rubber pro d7u-~*Cg--iWFe-pF6Tti-~-eCt~~r-i~--f Tom latex, using similar technology methods as that of the Balanda and Leningrad Plants. The actual procedure is outlined in detail and the equipment is de-q- cribed~ Continuous gelatinization and vulcanization of the products has bem introduced as a new method which is also outlined by the authoT. The cham- bers used in the process were constructed and designed at the Kursk Rubber Article Plant. Figure 1 is a diagrammatic sketch of the continuous line in the foam rubber production. Drying apparatus and an automatic latex-mixing production line will be introduced in the following year. 3) The third stEge in the development of foam Tubber production involved the solution of vari- ous complex technology and composition problems. Thq following types of latex were usedi revertex "Standard" wIth the dibutylphthalate substituted by vaseline oil, imported qualitex and the Soviet latex CKC.-50 (SKS-50)- The number of components of the latex mixture has been reduced and the pro- duction process simplified. The hydrodynamic vibrator has been recommended for producing one of the components, Card 1. AMERT , M, n . U-SR (6(.)( ) -3 4. Accountants 7. Preparing bookkeepers in technical schools. lhikhg. uchet 12, no. 1, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, - May 1953. Unclassified. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 564 A a Bezobloynaya goryachaya shtampovka v zakrytykh shtampakh (Hot Forging in Closed Ries Without Flash) Leningrad, 1955. 19 P. (Lenin- gradskiy dom nauchno-tekhnicheBkoy propagandy. Informatsionno- tekhnicheskiy listok, no. 98 /786/) 7,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: Leningradskiy dom, nauchno-tekhnicheskoy pro- pagandy,-Nauchno-tekhnicheakoye obshchestvo mashinostroitelnoy promyshlennosti. Leningradskoye otdeleniye. Komitet kuznetsov i shtampovshchikov, Vsesoyuznoye obshchestvo po rasprostraneniyu politicheskikh i nauchnykh znanly. Ed.: Kamnev, P.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Tech. Ed.: Gvirts, V.L. PURPOSE: This pamphlet should be of intergst to depign and produc- tion engineers in forging shops. Card 1/2 Hot Forging In Closed Dies Without Flash 564 COVERAGE: This booklet describes hot forging processes without flash as used by a Leningrad machine-building plant. This method is reported to have been successfully introduced by the machine- building plant of the Ministry of Aviation in Leningrad for the purpose of forging steel parts in closed dies without flash. The author claims that forging without flash is more efficient and economical, because trimming operations are avoided and no metal is wasted. Pneumatic and steam hammers as well as screw presses can be used in this process. There are numerous drawings illus- trating the various forging presses and dies. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: (There is no table of contents. The subject matter is presented under the following headings:] Introduction I General Information I Technological Processes 6 Die Design 11 Examples of.,.Forgings Produced in Closed Dies without flash 16 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 GO/ad 9-15-58 137-1958-3-5057 translation from- Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 3, p 85 (USSR) I.UTHORS: Eduardov, M. S., Angervaks, A. I., Gitdetiblat, S. N., Brover, A. V. TITLE: Adaptation of Hot Seamless Forging in Closed Dies at Leningrad P!ants (Opyt leningradskikh zavodov po x-nedreniyu bezobloynoy goryachey shtampovki v zakrytykh shtarnpakh) PERIODICAL: V sb. : Kuznechno-shtampovochn. proiz-vo, Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1957, pp 96-111 1 ABSTRACT: The progressive significance of seamless die-forging (SF) of steels and nonferrous alloys is demonstrated by citing instances in which this method was commercially adapted in the production of forgings (F) shapcd as bodies of revolution: lids, plate-like valve discs, syringe tips, as well as F's with an elongated form: coupling pins, and blanks for screws. In order to extend success- fully the range of application of the SF method, tile following factors must be observed: a) the design of F's must be improved so as to ensure proper filling in of the dies with the material undergoing deformation; b) the blanks (13) must be pre-shaped Card 1/2 before placement into the calibers of the seatriless dies; 137-1958-3-5057 Adaptation of Hot, Seamless Forging in Closed Dies (cont. ) c) precise and clean cutting of B'S MUSt be C11SUred by en-1ploying a multi-strip electrolytic -mechanical cutting stand capable of cutting several B's simultaneotisly; d) contact and induction heat- ing must be adapted in place of the flaine-heating method; e) dies must be so designed as to guide the flow of excess n-ietal; f) high- powered crankshaft punch presses must be constructed so as to permit disassembly of dies in two different planes, and be equipped with removal devices and hydraulic safety devices, which, in con- junction with a built-in force-measuring apparatus, would prevent overload conditions. It is most important that the greatest number of production personnel become acquainted with the method of SF, its advantages, and Peculiarities. P.S. Card Z/Z PHAEO I BOOK EXPL-01TATION SOV/3676 Ange-waks, Allfred Ivanovich,, Engineer Razrabotka i osvoyeniye protsessa advoyeanoy bezobloynoy gok7achey sht=povki (Development and Practice of Duplex Flashless Die lbrging) Leningrad,, 1958. 24 p. (Series: Informatoionno-tekhnicheskiy listok, no. 6o, Kovka i shiatVovka) 6,200 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: Nauchno-tekhaicheskoye obahchestvo Mashproma,, Leningrad- skoye pravienlye. Sektslya obrabotki metallov davleniyem. Komitiet kovki I goryachey shtampovki. Leningrad. Dom nauchno-teklmIcheekoy propagandy, and Obshchestvo po rasprostromeniyu politicheskikh i nauchnykh znaniy RUM. Rd~: P. V. r-mylev; 7L,*ch. Ed.: D. P. Freger. PURPOW. This booklet is intended for personnel in forging shops. COVERAGE. The book deals with a method of manufacturing flange nuts and plugs for steel barrels. Both parts are cut from a single blant by the '"duplex" method, which Involves pressing out the blind flange nut and then cutting Card 1/2 a-velopment and Practice of Duplex (Cont.) SOV/3676 out the blank for the plug from it. The author claims that this method affords economy of materials, reduces the working cycle,and conserves equipment and manpower. No personalities are mentioned. There am 4 refer- ences, all Soviet. TiRLE OF CONTENTS- None given. The book is divided as follows: Stating and Solving the Problem Making Drawings and Flaming the New Production Process for Pbrging Flange Nuts and Plugs 4 Designing the Initial Blank 9 Designing the Intermediate Blank 12 Design and qonstruction of the Djtes 19 Bibliography 24 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (83491) VK1f&l Card 2/2 7-8-6o PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 892 AnEervaks, A.I.. Brin, I.D., Gilldenblat, S.N., Golovneva, M.A., Golovnev, Ivan Fedorovich,, Kamnev, Petr Vladimirovich, Kutsovskiy, F.V., Plyatekly, V.M... Sokolov., N.L. Bezobloynaya Phtampovka (Flashleas Press- forming) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958. 294 p. 7,000 copies printed. Ed.(title page): Golovnev, I.F., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Reviewere: Stellmakov., S.M. Rngineer, and Eduardov, M.-R., Engineer; Ed-(inside book): Obolduyev, G.T., Engineer; Ed,of Publishing House: Chfas, M.A.; Tech. Ed.: Speranskaya, O.V.; Managing Ed. for literature on the technology of machine building (Leningrad Division of Mashgiz): Naumov, Ye.P., Engineer. PURPOSE: The book is intended for engineering personnel and it may be useful to students of vtuzes and technical schools. COVERAGE: The book presents the processes of press forming without flashin closed dies from steel and nonferrous alloys later called Card 1/5 Flashless Press-forming 892 flashless press-forming. The following suggestions for mastering this process are made: technical and economical indices, rules for designing parts to be made by this process, determining heat- ing regimes preventing scale formation, methods of designing and cutting blanks, determination of capacity of forging equipment, design and calculation of dies, and reference bables. Typical production examples are included (with calcula'%ion and drawings for dies) and new data on flaahle3s press forming techniques abroad are presented. There are 32 references of which 21 are Soviet and 11 are English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Ch. I. Raw Materials and the Basic Methods of Flashless Press-Forming 5 Ch. II. Designing Parts and Blanks for Flashless Press- Forming 21 Card 2/5 Flashless Press-forming 892 Ch. III. Heating for Flashless Press-Forming Ch. IV. Techniques of Flashless Press-Forming Ch. V. Equipment for Flashless Pres3-Forming Ch. VI. Calculation and Design of Dies for Flashle:is Press-Forming of Steel Parts Ch. VII. Designing Dies for Flashless Press-Forming from Nonferrous Alloys Ch. VIII. Examples of Flashless Hot Press-Forming of Steel Parts Ch. IX. Examples of Flashless Hot Press-Forming of Nonferrous Alloys Parts 36 48 70 82 124 149 228 Card 3/5 Flashless Press-forming 892 Ch. X. New Techniques of Flashless Press-Forming and Blanks Abroad 246 Extruding Shaped Ch. XI. Pundamentals of Press Die Casting Molten Metal 266 Appendix I. Ultimate Strength in Tension and the Elonga- tion Values for Various Steels at High Temperatures 285 Appendix II. Hot-rolled Steel Rounds. Standard Sizes (GOST 2590-51 and Change No. 1, 1953) 286 Appendix III. Hot-rolled Steel Squares With Sharp Edges. Standard Sizes (GOST 2591-51 and Change No. 1, 1953) 286 Appendix IV. Hot-rolled Steel Squares With Round Edges. Standard Sizes (GOST 2591-51) 287 Appendix V. Properties of Copper Base Alloys for Hot Press-Forming n,-88 Card 11/5 Flashless Press-forming 892 Appendix VI. Properties of Aluminum Alloys for Hot Press- Forming 289 Appendix VII. Properties of Magnesium Alloys for Hot Press-Forming 290 Appendix VIII. Standard Sizes of Nonferrous Metal Extruded Rods (GOSIr 1945-46) 291 Appendix IX. Specific'Weights of Metals 293 Bibliography 294 AVAILABLE: Library of Congres.,. GO/hcr 12-15-58 Card 5/5 'l-'Iid.'OV-ALYAYM', G.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; ALGE-NALS, A.I., inzh., retsenzent; U.'JIM, P.V., karir~. te~klri. r,!Iu,,,, red. [Fundarentals of the calculation of forces in *,he tech- nulogy of forging and starpinCj Osnovy rasclieta u:~i] ,~~ v tekhnologii kovki i -,ht,,.ml)ovki. 124.2., perer. i l'ookvii., Jzd-vo "1 1964. 1.)" 1~. (hilwlo- teclam kumictsa-mvitorn, (Plld~ ~~Ij 4'hi~ It, u i',% ra, :.f, I a sIAaml ~,vka konlcheskikh r ;t~ a ovs FI:- J'e 1) 1.11 bo t~ A- Jjsj)(-,cts for tj:v determination fo de:-ensions of' trwi.3missicri with cono belts. 1). 1), (Stimoardivirea, Vol. 9. No. 1, Orin. 1957, Buciii-enti, Humnniv) f')(): Mw,tlily Li~,,t of East Furopear. Accession.? (KKU) Lc. V61. 6, No. B. Autz 10~?. Uncl. BARGLAZAN, Aural, dro ing. [deceased); GYUIAI, F.; ANGHEL, A. Experimental research on the conduct of annular chamber in centrifugal pumps. Studii tehn Timisoara 7 no.3/4: ji-D 16o, 1. Membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R. (for Barglazan). GYUIAIP F.; ANTON, Viorica; ANGREL, A.; DOBINDA , V. p ing.; CIOCIRIAN, C. Station for the experimental research on axial pumps. Studii tehn Timisoe,ra 9 no.1/2:153-161 Ja-Je t62. 1. Secretar stiintific al Comitetului de redactie,, "3tudii 9i cercetari,, Stiinte tehnice" - Timisoara - (for Dobinda). PREDA, I.; ANGHEL, A.; BARGLAZAN, M. ChnrRcterlstics of the energy and cfivItntion of' the- turbines for the Rozpov II. Hydroelectric Plant. Studii tehn Timisoara 10 no.l:~1-33 Ja-Jo 163. ANIC;~:, I.; PRFDA, I.; ANGIEL, A. Defining Lhe characteristic phfi3es of cavitation in axial turbine functioning. Studii tehn Timisoara 10 no.1:7-11) Ja-Je 163. A , , ! nj,~, .':,nn",l r-TI~7(~ ~~ TI Yy:.': ;-I! I '- I C ""-- ~- 4; rt~ -' T 1 -~ " --, r ~ S, - - : - ~ ~..- 1, 2 ': '~, -, I '4~. i Hidr,,Leh apole mrteor 10 no. 2!16.3 F lt)~~ L 31829~6 T J5/RM FACC NFL. AMO~-1-17~ SOURCE CODE: RU/0026/65/016/005/0399/6401 AUTHOR: Anghel, A. S. ORG: Laboratory of Biochemistry, "Dr. Vigtor Babes" HosRital for QoU&ASicw Diaeases (Laboratorul de Biochemie, Spitalul de Boli Contagioase nPrT Dr. Victor Babes") TITLE: Testing for dyslipoproteinemias in epide.:dc hepatLti6' with polyvinyl pyrrolidone SOURCE: Studii si cercetari de inframicrobiologic, v. 16, no- 5, 1965, 399-401 TOPIC TAGS: hepatitis, protein, serum, metabolic disease, diagnostic medicine ABSTRACT: The author reports on the polyvinyl P.Yrrolidonejteeting of 200 serum samples from patients suffering from epidemic hepatitis. The test was positive in' 96.5 percent of the cases, indicating a metabolic disturbance similar to that occurring in atherosclerosis. Orig. art. has: 1 table. [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 004 / OTH REF: C03 Card 1/1 thc- UDC: 612-397.2:612-398.2t6l6-36-002 RUMANIA 616-15-07:616-15 ANGHEL, A. S-j of the"Dr V. Babes" Hospital for Infectious Diseases (SpI.talul de Boli Infectioase "Dr. V. Babes"), Bucharest. "The Potential Activity of Serum Aldolane, a New Peoularity of Infectious Hepqtitis.11 t Bucharest, Studil si Carcetarl de Inframicrobiolo ie, Vol 17, No 4. 66. P~~-2?5-278- Abstract: The author used comparative determinations in diluted and undiluted sera to show the potential (as opposed to actual) activity of serum aldolase In Infectious hepatltI4, This activity Is only shown In diluted sera. Includes ? tables and 22 references, of which 10 Rumanian, 3 Russian. 4 German and 5 Western. -- Manuscript submitted 12 January 1966. 1/1 RMLIANIA / Organic Chemlotry. Synthetic Organic G Chemistry. Aba Jour Rof. Zhur. - Kh1miya, No. 15, 1958, No. 50r.139 1 - - T'Ior Anghel, Cecilia Inst T Itlo Syntheoic of Ethyl and 1Vcxa7Ade n-Atnino Salicilate. Orig Pub Studil Bi cereetari chim. Acad RPR Fil. Cluj, 1956, 7, 7-arl-4, 151-154 Abotrav.'U Using H2SO4 BF and SOC12 as catalyota, ethyl n-aminosaliclMe Is obtained (I, acid II). TLie ester Is then utilized for synthesis of hydrazide of II (111). 2 grams of 11, 2 ml cone HpS04 and 20 ml of absolute alcohol were heated or 6 hours, then the alcohol wao distilled off, and the residue was diluted with tvlce its amount of Card 1/3 RUMANIA Organic Chomiatry. Synthetic Organic G Chemistry. Abs Jour Ref. Zhur. - KhImiya, No. 15, 1958, No. 50289 water, The mixture was then neutralized with NaHC03- (I) was extracted with other at 25% yield M-P, 113-1140 (from water). M may be 'b also o tained with a yield of 33% eithor by heating 20 ml H2SO4, 5 g II and 50 ml of aboo- lute alcohol, or by keeping a mixture of 50 ml, of absolute alcohol, 10 ml of 45% uolution of BF3 and 5 grams of II for 5 days at 2000. 5 9 of II in 12 ml of 80012 wOrO left atending for 5 hours, then were heated for 1.5 hou-.,Ia on a water bath. Subsequently 50 ml of' ib,- al3o- hol were added and the mixture was heated again for 18 hours. The filtered substance (m.p. 2100), apparently was a chlorohydrate of II. 1 (30% yield) may be separated froin the filtrate. Card 2/3 TANASESCU, I., acad. [deceased] - On the structure of dioxolanes. Rev chimie 5 no.1:23-33 '60. (EEAI 10;2) 1. Academie de la Republique Populaire Roumaine, Membre de l'Academie de la Republique Populaire I~oumaine, Comite de redaction, Revue de chimie (for Tanasescu) (Dioxolane) ANGHEL, C., dr., laboratorul veterinar; DRAGHICI, C., dr. Contribution to the study of the hydrolysis of sodium hippurate by streptococci. Microbiologia (Bucur) 8 no-3:271-275 1,V-Je 163. 1. Statiunea I.P.I.A., Cluj (for Draghici). (STREPTOCOCCUS) (METABOLISM) (HIPPURATES) (BACTERIOLOGICAL TECHNICS) Veterj.- 7 -1 .,~ar) and ;~GifICI, C., Dr, of tlie, !:'!A IL-i.,;,-.~tutul de Protectar- I L d inJindustria Alimentara; Plaxinin~-, -Institute f-,,- the 1-'ood Indus- tryJ, Cluj. "Contributions to the Study of Sodium Hippurate Hydrolysis by lr;trep'uococci." Paicharest, Microbiologia, Parazitologia, Epidemiologia, Vol 6, No 3, 1,,aY-J:Fn ~63, ~pp 271-275. Abstract: "Jescr-ii-es a new method for the identificatIon of .. c,i,,:,)ic acid formed by tiie splittiric of soditua i-lippurate cliused b- some streDtocicei. The h'-ppurate-seriii,,-,-bi-o~'.--i mediuLl J 11 favors the development of the streptococci and thus i.,i-.en- sLfies the hydrolysis of the hippurate. The ber,zoic ac`td can only be identified by the extraction method, as in the direct test with ferric chloride all reactions are positive due to the precipitation of seric proteins. Contains 1 table and 9 Westerii references. 1/1 AEGIIELI C. On the S.Stoilow extreme i,.iethod. Coiaunicarile All 13 no.5: 1+01-404 MY 163. 1. Co,,-,iunicare prezen,ata de Al. Ghica. T.~N-'% I, I oan, acac . f, Liu ce a a ed ] ; ~ NGH~,L, (cicili it p P014 .'~ ',11, '.1 c-xa rid ru Or, the conlonsation of wi 0. tirti I irjc,, P- ~ 5, stmiia Univ B-H 11. Chem It no,, IsA9-93 164. COSTACHEL, 0.; POPP, I.; TEITELI S.; BEJU, D.; AlIGHEL, E. - . The effect of the administration of lymph-node and epithelial homogenates on the metastasis of some experimental tumors. Stud. cercet. endocr. 14 no.4/'5/6:571-577 163. 1~ TEODOIMCU, P., prof.; NIGOLAESCU, V. , dr.; ANGIU1,1, ", , dr.; ANDFOINACIE, I., dr.; GEORMSCU, I.I. , dr. Comparative study of the morbidity of cardiovascular diseases in the Clinics. medicala, "Bernat Andrei" and in several population groups. Med. intern. 14 no.4:549-554 My 162. (CARDIOVASCULAR DISUSES) (MORBIDITY) i NlCOLKr;SGU , V.Idl,. - SIRBUL-SCU, R.~r.; ANGIEL, E'. , dr.; CD-VIXIM, S.,dr.; TEODO-,t~;SCU, P., prof. Conparative study of the effectiveness of drug therapy in hypertensive disease. Med inter 15 no. 5:631-637 My 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinics. medicals. a Spitalului "Bernat Andrei" (director: prof. P. Teodorescu) (HYPERTENSION) (VASODILATOR AGENTS) (RESEIVINE) (HYDIZOGHLOROTHIAZIDE) (GUAIETHIDINE) (MRALAZINF) A ].;I, 03- L I I i JO't A ",JL I TJ .. ... all ANGEL, 'j.; V:-:L:-:A, C.; ZAHOIA-I, C. r; lathyus cicera L. in Rumania's flora. D. 1323. Academia Republicii -P5T=are-=r ne. COMNICARILE. Bucuresti. V01. 5, nc. 6, June 1955 -4 30URC-: East Euroyean Accessions List (EEAQ Library of Congress, Vol. 5, no. 9. Sept. 1955 If Vely=ol Prminating power of susar-beet seeds. :/Gh d ~l A naL Inst. Cerc. egron. Romil", 195". "In I'll" 93-SOO).-The effects of various factors, particularly soil humidity and the amount of prior moistening of the seeds, germination of sugar-beet seeds were studied and a method of determining 6e germinating power of )eeds in the most favourable standard conditions was devised. Ile conditions defined for Mis method are: temp. 20*, soil humidity 60-70%. of max. water Lp t . In these. conditions, germinative energy is determined : tterm days and germinating powes atter 10 days. Preliminary moistening of seeds prior to germination is not advisable except in cases of necessity. (From French summary.) J.S.-, RUMIjNTA Cultivatad Plwts * Toohnical, Oleacoous, Sugar Bearing M-6 Planto Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Piolcglyn, No 13, 19.58, No- 58706 Author Anghel, - Gh *; Ra:tanu, M.; SlusanBc hi, H. Inst Soi, Poe. LiGt. ccf Agricultiav Title Germination or Seed Bolls of Sugar Doot Depending on Their Degree of Ripeness Orig Pub :An. Inst. ce~-cetari agron., 1957, 24, No 5, 549-558 Abstract :Experimonte carried out at the Ziganosci (Bucarost oblest) tuid MegLirsle (Stahnsknya Oblast) experimental stations arA in different farm crf the Stalinskays. Oblast shows~d that bolls gathared during the phase of green ripeness produced no more than 5C% germination and grow moldy after aTorage- Hcvover, the bolls gathered at the beginning of the vaxy stage can give the minim=, required by standards of germination, if Card 1/2 124 it "' r, I I Hl , 1-1 , U-! I .1. "'ezipolii Is Ginera iii monogriphi c n Y.On c no. !'onthly list. of 1~ast Eurorean ".ccessions LC, Vol. n-. Auf7,usl, 1959. Uncl. LUCA', 1--an.- POTIEG, Joan~- COTEA, Va2erlu,~ FILIP, Duratru; ANGUEL, Ghoorghe RndAou:tivity of the ...-as of the Cotnr-,-i vineyards- Studii fiz tahn hni 12 no.2-:.314"7,-.352 '61.. ANGHEL, Gh.,, ing. Air filtration in motorcar engines. Rev transport 9 no.4s 165-169 Ap 162. ANGREL, Gh. From the experience of collective farms on the many"sided development way. Problome econ 15 no.10:1-16-123 0 t62. --ANGHEL, Gheorgrhe, ing. Considerations on the motorcar body shape. Rev transport 10 no. 7:322-326 i1 163. AEGHSLJL G. Medieval liquid measures in the collection of the Alba Iulia Miseum. Metrologia apl, 10 no.9:385-390 S 163. CITU,D.; AV'GIIEI~ Gh. Developrizent, of animal breeding on the collective famn in the Bucharest region. Probleme ocon 16 no.11.,1221-130 N'63. AI:GIIFI, Gh. Continuous development of the bagic ftird on collective farms. Probleme econ 16 no. 5: 54-6S My 163. PRJADCENCU, Al.; BORDEIANU, T.,, acad.; GRINVALD, Clara; STEFAN, N.; BELDIEY Al.; ANGHEL, Gh.; CEAPOIU, N.; CARAUSU, D.; COCIU, V. Concept of species reflected in Rumanian works on cultivated plants. Studii cerc biol s. bot 16 no. 2:153-162 164. 1. Institiite of Research of Cereals and Industrial Plantso Laboratory of Hybridization. 2. Corresponding Member of the Rumanian Academy (for Priadcencu, Ceapoiu). , " ch , , I.' , "'0 i 11 1), , 1 1, be i~ ' ~ f r) rr,, r .- , ~i bo r o rp .. , an i-n~,, ,) r d ~.-. :~ 1. ! r, i ' , ~ - s~% ~ ~ a n i z a t -, o rt r !" '- -') I e C '1*~f~ ffi-rMS- E:-Crl - *' . I ~ ., AIIGlfr,L, Ghaori;he, ing. Determination of the technical statQ of an anginp, witulaout disassembling A. lle*v trwisport 10 no.1:21-21)' JR 163. ANORL-.-GjAnghel, G.) I---- . Ceapoiul Cine pa; studiu monogTafic (Hemp, a Monographic Study); a book review. Rev biol 5 no.l?~%159-161 160. (EEAI loxg) (Ceapoiu, N) ~ Hemp) ANGHEL,, 1. Contents of tho microeconomic and macroeconWc theo,ies. Problemo econ 17 no.1:98-101 Ja 164. ANGHEL, I., candidat in stlinto economice. Basic economic problems of underdeveloped countries. Probleme econ 14 no.8:116-134 Ag 161. (Underdeveloped areas) (Economic conditions) - ANGHEL,--I-., candidat In stiinte economice Linear programing in aociallat economy. Probleme econ 15 no.2: 121-141 F 162. ANGHEL., I.JQ candidat in st4nte economics Y!:fects of militarization on the economy of the United States of America. Probleme econ 15 no.6:105-120 Je 162. ANGREL), 1.), candidat in stiinte economice Evolution of the surplus value rate and the bourgeois economic theory. Probleme econ 17 no.3z6O-73 Mr 164. ANG111-A., loalf, cand1dat In rntlinte econoinice; SAVA, ",. Protectionism and trade liberalism. Frob2emo econ 17 no. 6: 138-133 Jo 164. ANGHEL, lo5A,1', J!l st!Jnte 'Tapltti, ir. Americftn ezoromy, atp :And `n!tnclng" I by SJmon Kuzrel,--, Revle-wed tri losJf AmOtel. 1'roblerrie econ 17 no.12.-11~1~-136 T) 164'. "The nfit.~onhj, w~~Eilth of th~, in the i,,o,:t-.Rr pc--Iod" by Ritymond W. Goldsmith. Pevitrpe 1-y 1~~F-lf Anpliz-L. I Ir" ri . , 1 - 136 ,', ~%' (_' I ~ ! , ,T oq ,J: . I r , 2pr .,11.1at jn ~;t.jjnte qeCn , Crraam Problellmi of tha con to mp(,, ... , utll'geoA 13 F-01! tic il I r-.- on o-,.,v. 1'roblqme ?con 18 no.1:62-.74 i-i 16,1~. ANGHEL, SAVA, S. West European Common Market and theigrlcult%!-al conflict, Probleme econ 18 no.3:81-95 Mr 165. y y i ty of y y ,.a 1; C~rvjl~- 1,~z), Vol 10?, No 2? 66. pa.-,~L; Or, r r r !u n: ,I r 1 a r~;y --:ve c. c ab, c 7, o r b i c iy '-I, tutai and amoni. c i- ni ---e. ncre, -"CCO i o,-. ia'b i! t c sc, r b i c! r c o c T. *w ~j.j4_,jjj. Tn coric'Lu.:,Ijn, briefly. 12 liunl-a.-;,an, 7 Weziturr-