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~7 RLMNIA/Physical Chemistry - Thermodynamics,, Thermo- chemistry. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 12.. 1958.. 38944 Author : -Andzheleaku, Khelski. Inst : University - C.I& Parhon, Title : Reaction Products of Aromatic Amines with Acetic Acid* Orig Pub : An6 Univ, - C.16 Parhonl/ i Ser6 sti:Lnt6, natur-, 1956, No Ili 113-121 Abstract : In the study of molecular volume.. volume compression, viscosity., surface tension, molecular surface energy., refraction index and molecular refraction, a deviation from addition was revealed in the two-phase system: Acetic acid - aromatic amines (see. methyl aniline,, - ethylaniline said tertiary-dimethyl aniline, -diet;hyla- niline). A conclusion was reached on the formation Card 1/2 r/ I ) YUGOSLAVTA/Theoretical Physics B-4 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, No 10855 Author Andzhelich, T.P. Inst Not, Viven Title Derivation of the Angular Momentun Operator in quantum Mechanics. Orig Pub Bilten Drusht. matem. i fiz. Nar. Rep. Makedonija, 1955, 6, 30-34 Abstract In quantum mechanics one employs not usually the angular momentum, but its square M2.~- h2A = -t2,~T, V72. The author obtains an analogous expression iu the Cenera- lized coordinates with a matrix tensor 6ik: 7 r here D x. is the covariant derivative, whose use depends on the tensor rank of the wave function of the system, ha- vin- a momentizn M. Card 1/1 ANDZHRLOV, B.O.. kand1dat meditsinskikh nauk Bacterial dysentery and dy9pepsia in infancy. Pediatriia 39 no.3: 46-47 My-je 156. (HLRA 9:9) 1. 1z kafedry epidemiologii (zav. - prof. A.B.Aleksanvan) Yerevanskogo meditainskogo Institute (DYSENTXRT, BACTINRIAL. in inf. and child dit,g. statist.) (GASTROIRTISTINAL DISEASES, in inf. and child dyspepsia. diag. & statist.) ANDZHMWV. B.0. - - 0"0, ",WWO Epidemiology of bacillary dysentery. Izv. AN Arm. SSR Biol. i tr sellkhoz. nauki 11 no.6.-101-104 Je 158. (MIRA 11:7) I.Armyanskiy gosudaret-venny7 podagogicheekiy institut. (Brivan--Dysentery) ANDZHZWV, B.A. Some data on acute Intestinal diseases of children. Irv.AN Arm SSR. Biol.nauki 12 no.12:27-31 D 159. (mnu 13;6) 1. Armyanskly pedagogicheskiv InstItut. (IMSTINIS-DISEAUS) -1- ZIRAITEVSKAYA, L.Ya.. inzh..- jOIDZHFYFVSKI.Y. B.14.0 ii.lli. -- --e4 Agricultural machinery induatry in tbo FrqJ91, Peopinlij Republic. Trakt.i sellkbomash. no.fl:42-43 A9 ";'? - (I-IlUt 12:11) (Poland--Agricultural nrtchinor:, 1 / "i'l, I, YY , I B. ; AIIII; R~~ I; I YEVSK I Y , G. K. Ci,yatal holder, for pi-ecision beridini-, ot' ci-y!3tallirie plates. J.'auch. Od. ped. imjt. 25 im.2:.105_107 I (A . (111RA 18:2) L 3620-& EWT(l)1FS(V)-3.~'- DD ACCESSION NR.-"-AP5023673 UR/0219/65/060/099/9038/0042' 616-036.882-591.543.42+616-036.882-08 AUTHOR: A.ndzhus, R._; K TITLE: The duration limits of reversible clinical death for some hibernating and nonhibernating animals with a body temperature of OC and the possibility of artificially prolonging this state SOURCE: Byulleten' eksperimental'noy biologii i cieditainy, v. 60, no. 9, 19650 38-42 TOPIC TAGS: animal physiology., hypercapnia, hypoxia, hypothermi%rat, clinical 0, death, microwave diathermy, suslik, hibernation ABSTRACT: Improved methods of reviving animals cooled to arectal temperature of OC are demonstrated. In addition, the duration of clinical death during deep hypothermia was investigated, and artificial means of prolonging reversible clinic death were studied. Unanesthetized white rate were'cooled in three stages: 1) in a hermetically sealed vessel with a temperature of 0-5C; 2) in an ice bath; and .3) in a propylene glycol or glycbrine solution with a temperature below zero. .[Iliniaal death sets in at a body. temperature of 10C, Revival was begun with'si-#' taneous microwave diathermy (localized in the pericardiac regicn) and artificial L 3620-M ACCESSION NR: AP5023673 respiration (blowing air through the nostrils). When cardiac and respiratory activity resumed (at 15C), animals were placed in a warm bath (40C). FAnally animals were placed in a thermochamber (32C) because their temperature-regulating ~~mechanisms remain disturbed for.a few houTs or days after revival. Comparative experiments were conducted with nonhibemating animals (rate) and hibernating animals (sualiks) to determine the limits of reversible clinical death. Results showed that 100 percent of the rats could be completely revived if the period of cliAical death did not exceed 60-70 min. When circulation had been stopped fo 2 hr, none of the animals could be completely revived. It was found that susliks can endure a significantly longer pdriod of clinical death: 100 percent of the animals survi,%vd 3 hr, and 50 percent survived 5 1/2 hr. It is postulated that only hibernating animals can withstand 3 hr or more of clinical death, with the understanding that they must be artificially revived. While hibernators are in a state of normal acti:vity,. they tend to resist clinical death better than nonhibernators, but their resistance during hibernation, as shown in~previouq * experiments by the authorsi is-leis than that-of c ooled nonhibernators; In an , attempt to prol6ng the duration of reversible clinical. death, rate'vere subjected, 7 to 5-4 preliminary.coolinge to,.QC with 6-day inte rVals. About one-third of th& iroup could withstand 2-hr ot clinical death. Suslike cooled 4 times with 6-day,. " intervals could survive q,.hi'o f death the longest period the -quthore LCO 2/3 ..... -L 362o46 ------ ACCESSION NR, AP5023673 achieved for any mammals. It is interesting to note that preliminary conditionin 9 of rats to hypoxin did not increase resistance to clinical ,death. The adaptation mechanism Vnich increases resistance to clinical death is unclear and will be'the subject of further studyi -Orig. art. has: 4 figures. [is] ASSOCIATION,. Yeatestvenno-matematicheskiy fakul.Itet Instituti fizio (Department of Mathinviticis'aind, Natural Soiences 'Institute of iiol U U40logi- cheskiy institut, Belg~ad (Institute of'Biology) 0'-."!; ' SUBMITTED*. 21No44'*--~-` ENCL: '00 LS SWCOM , 1 - ,NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: ATD'PRESSi cwd 3 3 .978 SOURM CODE: MV0219/65/060/OIZ/008Z/0085 I AUTKOR: Andshus. R 0 Khoxichp N, ORG: Physiology Institute of the Natural Hathematics Division (Institut fiziologii 7eatestvennogo-matematichaskogo fakulttete); Biological-Institute,p Be3Zrad (Biologichookly institut) TITLE: Temperature limits for clinical death reanimation in certain hibernating and nonhibernating animals under deep hypothermia SOURCE* BVulleten' skaperimentallnoy biologii i maditainy,, v. 60, no, 12; 1�9TI, 82-85 TOPIC .,TAGS-. i:-anabiosisj, experiment enlma3p temperature adaptations, hypoIthermiap supercooling ABSTRACT:. Experiments were conducted on ratst mice,and susliks .(gophers).to determine the lowest body temperatures at whiah reanimation from clinical death is possible. Deep hypothermia below Oc without freezing (crystallization) of organs was induced by immersing-olinically dead anima"sp cooled earlier to OC, into 50% glycerine orpropylene glyool. aolutions and cooling the solutions until body temperatures dropped to -6 or -7C. Below this point freezing takes plaoe.and a characteristic sharp risoof rectal temperature is L 11628 ACC NIt, AT observed as a .recult.of latent heat released by crystallization* Reanimation techniques used are described in earlier studies. Pindings show that the lowest temperature for olinical death is about -7C at which poiirb complete -svpercooling , Is achieved. However, temperatures below OC, especially in the case of sualikep do not prolong the period of reversible clinical death and even shorten it. The longest period of supercooling followed by successful reanimation was 40 minutes in an adult rat* The longest period of alinioal death with complete supercooling to -5C was I hr for susliks.. The authors conclude that reduction of body temperatures belowoc., despite the absence of the Irreversible crystallization effoctp does not prolong the period of reversible clinical death# Orige art* hasi 4 figures. [06] 3UB`COD3; 06/ SUBM DATE: 2lNov64/ ORIG REF: 0021 OTH W: 003 UD PRESS: ALL; NRt AF>02T401" SOURCE CODE: 219/65/o6o/010/0073/0076 AUTHOR: Andzhus~ P Ko~zi ch, N. -irkovich, T. Ch ORG: P'1qysio1LqgX_W1 Mte, Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bel;Er-fide UniXersi YKInstitut fiziologii yestestvenno-matematicheakogo fakul'teta Belgradskogo universiteta)l Biolog-Institute, Belgrade (Biologichoskiy institut) TITLE: Some features of brain tissue metabolism in certain hibernating and non- hibernating animals during clinical death in deep hypothermia SOURCE: Byulleten' eksperimentallnoy biologii i meditisiny, v. 60, no. 10, 1965, 73-76 TOPIC TAGS: animal physiology, biologic metabolism, brain tissue, hibernation, hypothermia ABSTRACT: As part of a continuing investigation of metabolic processes in the brain during clinical death, a comparative study was made of changes in high-energy phos- phates (creatinephosphoric acid, adenosine triphosphate [ATPI, adenosine diphosphate [ADPI, and aidenosine monophosphate [AMPD and products of anaerobic metabolism, es- pecially lactic acid. Clinically dead rats and susliks with body temperatures of OC and 15C were used. In addition, some animals in a state of hypothermia were sub- jected to asphyxia by pressing of the trachea. Asphyxiated rats with a body tempera- ture of 15C showed the following biochemical changes- 1) the creatinephoophoric acid :617-001.181-07:616.831-008.921.8-074-o92.9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L 51)1-66 ACC NRs AP5027481 content dropped 10 min after the cessation of respiration; 2) the ATP content de- creased more slowly; 3) the ADP level increased during agonal breathing and then nor- malized; 4) the PM level increased continuously; and 5) the lactic-acid level in- creased. The changes observed in high-energy phosphates are not peculiar to hypo-:' thermia, but this temperature level is experimentally more convenient. When these indices were determined for susliks in a state of hypothermia, the following dif- ferences were observed:. 1) the creatinephosphoric acid and ATP levels dropped con- siderably more slowly than in 'rats; 2) the period of agonal breathing lasted longer; and 3) the lactic-acid content increased more rapidly and reached significantly bigherieveli3. Thus, the greater resistance of susliks to clinical death in severely anoxic conditions is apparently connected with features of anaerobic processes in suslik tissue. It was concluded that suslik brain tissue can more effectiverly use anaerobic energy reserves than rat brain tissue can. 'Orig. art. has: 4 figures. (JS1 suB com Ls/ suBm DATE: mov,64/ ORIG REF: 0021 OTH REF: 004/ ATD PRE~$ Card 2/2 L 26361-66 ACC NR, AP6012503 Ew(l)ltwf(m)lgpr~n)-21ztiA(a)lgwp(j)IEWP(k)IEWA(h)19WA(l) 14jP(c) VW/GG/R - SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/004/1277, AUTHOR: Anelis D6 H.; Petrov, A. A. ORG: Institute of Organoelemental C kikh soyedinenly AN SSSR); Z=nst tute (Institut AN SSSR anstitut elementoorganiches- Moscow organicheskoy khImil AN SSSR) -11 1 TITIX.e Effect of high vressure on the concentration of free radicals in, molecular crystals 11 SOURCE: rizika tverdogo tela, v, 8, no. 4, 1966, 1277-1279 TOPIC TAGS: molecular crystal, radiochemistry, free radical, IR spectrum ABSTRACT: The authors study the behavior of free radicals in irradiated molecular crystals of various organIc acids during compres'sion and under the combined action of pressure up to 50 kbar and shearing force,. The shear force was also determined as a function of the pressure applied to the speci ens. The specimens were molecular crys- tals of adllicqland glutaric acids and glycine irradiated at room temperature by x-ray with an pproximate, dose of %,107 r. The-WaUelal concentration in the specimens was 1017_101 per gram before the high pressure experiments. Controlled tests were con- ducted on non-irradiated specimens. The experimental data show that compression and deformation of compressed irradiated specimens of the three acids reduce concentration Card 1/2 L 26361-66 ACC NRs AP6012503 -1z of free radicals. The combined action of pressure and shearing force destroys a greater number of radicals in adipic and glutaric acids than pressure alone. This difference is also observed for glycine, but only at pressures below 40 kbar. It is also noted that plastic deformation of glycine specimens at pressures of 50 kbar is accompanied by faint red coloration both with and without irradiation. The IR-sp atra show no chemical changes for any of the three salts subjected to shearing at thes: pressures. No polymorphic transformation takes place in any of these specimens at pressures above 6 kbar. It Is poasible that a sharp drop in radical concentration for glutaric acid at pressures of 3-6 kbar is due to polymorphic transformation under J pressure. A theoretical explanation As proposed for radical destruction based on the, assumption that there are a large number of defects in theIrradiated deformed crys- tal. We are deeply grateful to A. 1. KitMitorodaki and H. G. Gonikbert for'interest in the work. Orig. art. has., I figure. SUB CODEt 20/ SUBM DATEs OlNov65/ 2/2 OTH RErt 004 M R-7CT: --,~~O 240 2 1 SOUHC-;', COD"-': UH/C062/66/000/006/1090/1091 AUTWOR: Gonikborg, G.; Po'rov, '. A.; Anoli, D7,h, N. A O-RG: Institute of O~-ganic Chanist,.%, i,.7:. ::.I). --clinsliy, AcaeL~,T-r of Sciences, SSSR (Instit r-a cheskoy khin.ii a'donii na-a' 53.~, th,r!-,olphthalain as a TITLE: Chan:rc in certain prcr)ertios of z)hpno'-.. -le4n result of Dlastic deformation under high n,,.Gssure SOURCE: AN SSSR. I-.v. Sor khin, no. 6, 1966, 1090-1091 1 TOPIC TAGS: hi-h Dressure, plastic dcfor:,2a'ion, phonoinhthaloin, thymolphthaloin > /7,-/ E A,` L-,q ro/t~ ) c--cyj7q4- YLBST'I'M sh 11, has been o-.-n-i oarlio-- that n1astic drifor.7:ation at hii-h nressure in the solid inl-'i'cators nhonoirhthaloin :-,nl cnusos the al)near:~:10 .1-1 Of narro-a olectron siin ro.-onancc. (--7~j7t) si,,,nais which aro str.-InIc at roo-% tomperaturc, and vanish ,Lr:o!;t t roly 01, to 10'0. -Lho stroz;,scs. cwasod by tho shoar in 'he crystals a . 4-1, I-od to an -irrcv,~rsiblo of tf,..-- ci,,vstal lattica. Con-lin-in- tlis s~ 6y, 'Uh authors to tlao o-' "'ho -'-aavin~- forco on tha nrossuro, an6 to explain -.1-e atton~ant in tho concantration of unnairad oloctrons. The 01astic 60for:-:.tion of the in~iica'uo,.---,- olat at --a-cissiii-es u-) to 10 kb!ir. Ln the study o-~ shoa-,An,7 foica varsuL~ nr.:)ssuro, tho of I . irrov erz;' Mole c k;,A51S was obsorvod at 12-15 and 14-16 x-ralv analysis --ho-.-.,a6 that thore. chan- ,os rcprosont a diso,-d,)rin:!, of tho cry:ital of tho indicators. Plastic Card 112 U-r.': 5~ L 41314-66 ACC NR, iP602 21 deformation of the lattbr under hir-h prossuros vas found tD paired olectrons; in DhonolDhthalein their concentration 17. _1 ~t - 23 kbal- C, at 50 lbar; in thyinolphthaloin, to - 10 -1017 -1 ',k-bar to 9 at 50 kbar. Orig. art. has: I firura. SUB CODE: 07111/ SURI DAT~': lli%'o,,r65)/ ORIG 002/ cause the aDpoarance of un-. . 1014_1015 9 incroaSos frc n from j-014-iol5 Z-1 at 7 GrH 002 Card 2/2 hs 4pi L. tau t, tj 21, :9 00 00 00 A 00 *0 as" 00 111% 1; 1 ;1 -4 7, )01~ Ab~ Ap. t~vfl! go v!!; 0 : '07 dorsec V.,&S.S.- '"0, UWC010411p, Aq IWO- SW "" == go =t-Alt. bot to the mtke.14 'M410L IU fStm sa"M #A I - 0' call 14 Is Not. &a Is d go,, goal madw. The fqhma~ of=., is. J. L. ni= S L A .1 I.LLUPCXAL LIMATUAt CLAISWKAVIOM T AR I I a rw a 0 9 -W r of 9 a a K It w a n it a n I va M Go .90 I** .00 see =00 -400 C30 0 too see t90 0 ANEW, N.A. Interenting specimen of magnolia. no.14:101-102 052. (MLRA 6:5) 1, Thilisakly botanichagkiy aad Akademii nauk Gruzinakoy SSR. (Magnolia) ANELIP N,A. Cauliflory of the four-o'clock and bougainvillaea. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 34 no.2s425-431 W 164. (MMA 1W) ANELI., N.A.; SHITROMBIMG, A. Ya. Special charaoteristios of the structure of tho conductinT ciystem in the Georgian genistas. Bot. zhur. 49 no.7t1O18- 1022, J1 t64 (MIU 17:8) 1. Kli-*,-miko-famats-jvtieliet3kiy institut, Tbilisi. _3 grTl E. C. D. UJA%~ (Prob3j_-Ik~- 7 large Turbo- ne I4,.Pc:v. X~l SSM~ 1,06D- 7~ P- printed. gpons:~-eirng AC4~,rv~:y: Akademl:-, SSSR. Ed.: 1. 1). 4, Eq. Of R-.'r_-Ishing lloase: A. A. Cblzh.-:,v, Teeb. Ed.: N. A. kn. t.....,." '. !~~. I'MKIM: L,: : h i s f en glrr_~ 7r and o c.'Ientl s t a. C-0~7MMM: llst~.,uqsed in mfex, Im considerable degree, to be I!t- :f t-:irt,:.*.-.,.----Y. Tht-A .1 +,be attfln.-7s have, h%d to base their work on. and. m5pez-.~h cts. nin-r se', some basic trends .Ln of manuXac-;izr_':.~g end I dicate 4h~ a the coursee for and Maptens I and 11 6ere W-ritten by V. P. Av- b v R. G. chaptr--r V and VI by Card 1/3 1. D. N. V. iO English. TABIZ Ot 30717ENTS: Foxe'F--_:~o 3 Ch. IY. Y -'h. 'L,,,2,m-oLsing P-j-.'l4r lyi. la'-'o Y*aq%5 W. 20 2. Ard-INz, va-Ailms and in a of machiuas cf use _~-14,-! JS 21 when o.i' tuj+oj.~ 3. s axi rle 4 with 26 -T Problem,3 ci L11;.: Ch. IV. Pr-)blems in Dw-A!Ljj *--aI _31 1. E1( design 31 2. strength and ebrm'IJr1r. .1r. 39 MeV..:,:' of thermal and kvd-raulic rainillat-i.out; Im With direct cooling 48 4. Prol-AetL of developtng mai excit.'t,Acm devU.-c- 52 5- Prospects of using nev materials in thn cow3t-mct-'~-lii (A* high-pover tiLrbogenerators 54 Oli. V. Basic Results of Developing & Dmft 1)-~Agn af a '~50 Mw TurboGe-nerator 59 Ch. VI. Conclusion 68 Symbola 70 Bibliography 73 AVAUAMZ: Library of Congress M/ Re M/ fea 8-24-6o Card 3/.5 1011-4) V Collected Papers (Cont.) SOV/4172 Sbornik rabot po voprosam elektrombklaniki, V.T.P. 3: Enerboticheakiye aisteW, elektromashinostroyeniye, elektricheskaya typFa, avtotantizirovennyy elektroprivod,7 avtomaticheskiye i telemekhanlches~iye eistemy, elektroevaroalmoye oborttdoveniye, Mo3cow, Izd-vo AIK-SM,10-6-0. 314P publ. from Akad. noul. SSSR. Liatitut elektromelainniki EUCTRIC MACHINERY CONSTRUCTION Anempodistov,.V.P. Modem Methods of Direct Cooling of Turbogenerators 118 The author considers the advantages of direct cooling of turbogenerator armature windings and describes ventilation diagrams. He concludes that direct cooling of winding copper makes It nossible to increase the rated power of the turbogenerator without altering its dimensions. Dartau, A.A. Calculation of Magnetic Dispersion Reactance of Two-Layer End Windings 130 The author establishes a method for calculating the reactance of two-layer end windings based on separating the reactance Into its axial &nd tangential components. A fomula is derived expressing the reactance as a function of Card 6/73 Aki" PI" I BOOK EXPLOITATION BOV/4706 Altademiya nauk SSSR. Institut elektromekhaniki Sbornik rabot po voprosam elektromekhanikil vyp. 4: Blektricheskiye mashinyt elektrichookiy privod, elektrichesk"a tyage, na peremennom toke, avtomatiziravannyy elektroprivod teleskopov, avtomaticheskoye reguliro- vaniye 4. pribory (Collection of Wor~s on Problems in Electromechanics, No. 4: Electric Machines, Electric Drive.. A-C Electric Traction, Automated Electric,Drive of Telescopes', Automatic Regulation and Instruments) Moscow, 1960. 282 P. 5,500 copies printed. Reap. Ed.: V. V. Sidellnikov; Ed. of Publishing House: I. V. Suvorov; Tech. Ed.: R. A. Zamarayeva. PURPOSE: This collection of workB is intended for specialists in electro- mech&nics. COVERAa: The collection contains 28 works divided into three sections: 1) Fdactric Machines. 2) Electric Drive and Electric Traction; 3) Automated Blec- tric Drive, and Automatic Regulation and Instruments. No personalities are mentioned. References accompany most of the articles. ANEWODISTOV, V.P,* (Leningrad) Approximation method for determining the optimum use of a hydrogen cooling system with direct action in the rotor windings of a turbo- generator. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. Energ, i avtom. no.31 42-50 M.Y-Je 162. MRA 15:6) (Turbogenerators-Cooling) KOSTENKO, Ilikhall Poliyevktovich; PIOTROVSKIY, Lyudvik Marianovicbj &~UeQDISTOV, V.P.p nauchn. red.; ALEKSENEVA, Ye.A., red. [Eloctrical machines] Elektricheakie mashirV. Moskva, Energiia. Pt.2. 1965. 703 P. (RIRA 18:21) AREMPODISTOV, VIP, - - Experimental study of the operation of the gas intakes of turbo- generator rotors with 4 multijet direct cooling system. Sbortrab. po 163, (MIRA 160) (Turbogenerators) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4706 AlhaAemiya nauk SSSR. Institut elektromekhaniki Sb':-TuLk mbol. po voprosam elektromekhaniki, vyp. 4, Blekbricheskiye mashiny, clektricheskiy privod, elektricheskaya ty&ge. n& peremennom toke, avtomatizirovannyy elektroprivod teleskopovt avtomaticheakoye regaliro- vanlye i pribory (Collection of Works on Problems in Electromechanics, No~ 4: Electric Machines., Electric Drive, A-C Electric Traction, Automated Electric Drive of Telescopes., Automatic Regulation and Instruments) Moscow, 196(1. 282 P. 5,500 copies printed. Reep. Ed.: V. V. Sidellnikov; Ed. of Publishing House: I. V. Suvorov; Tech. Ed.- R. A. Zaxaarayeva. PURPOSE: This collection of works is intended for specialists in electro- rnechm-nice. COVERAM- The collection contains 28 works divided :into three sections: 1) Rlectric 14%chines, 2) Electric Drive and Electric Traction; 3) Automated Elec- tric Dri-%m, and Automatic Regul&tion and Instruments. No personalities are mentioned. References accompany most of the articles. SURDANJO C.; SkHATEANU, D.; SORODOC, G.; FOREH-ANAGNOSTE, B.;,ANENGOVp E.., assistent tehnic Isolation of a virus of the pararickettsia group from the enzootic granulous vulvovaginitis in cattle. Studii corc inframicrobiol. Special i9sue-supplement, to 12:373-379 161. 1. Institutul de infrandcrobiologie al Academiei R.P.R. 2. Membru al Comitetului de redactie, "Studii si carcetari de inframicrobiologie" (for Sarateanu). (VIRUSES) - (RICIMTSIAL DISEASES) (VAGINIT18 IN CATTLE) SARATEANU; D,; NASTAC, E,; FUHUR-ANAGNOSTE, Be; SORODOC., G.; SURDAN, C.; LISSIEVICI-OPRESCUP Be; SUTEU, V,1 asistent tehWtc; ANENCOV, Les asistent tehnic Incidence rate of ornithotic antibodies in men working in tho zootech- nical field. Studii cerc inframicrobiol Special issue-oupplement to 12:365-371 161. 1. Inatitutul, do infr.anicrobiologie al Academioi R.P.R. 2. Membru &I Comitetului do rodactiop "Studii si cercetari do inframicrobiologiew (for Sarateanu). (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) (ORNITHOSIS) (OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES) dogs were subjected to daily irradiation of 20 r each, total aose 220-76o r. The lethal dose for clogs was 800 r, and for cats 1000-1200 r. The death of mles took, Card 1/2 - 135 - USSR/lIuman and Aninal Physiol,)(W (Ilorrial an,~ lt;thr)lu~;ical) T-2 Metaboliom, Water anO Salt Exchan,_-e-,,. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol,-) No 11, 1958, 50537 Auth,,r : Anunkcv, B. Inst Title Utilization of Ralioactive Ca45 Is-)to,)cs 1*,-r StuOyin~ Calcium Metabolism in the or,~anism. OriC Pub.., ZIlivot"ov-AstvO, 1956, No 8, 54-60 A,bstract A review. Data are presented which were obtaineO. frDn literature nna some test are ('escribeJ which were -)(!rfir- ried by the autlicir with res.1110C t to a Ca45 (IischarCe'in 3ciO.- osis of rabbits, caus&- by the introducti,,.)n k)f 'D'4Cl P-110' follnwe(~ by an internal nftixinistration IA' CaCO3in order to balance tho acidic-alkaline equilibrium. Card. 1/1 ANUCHKIN. M.P.. kand. tekhn. Dauk; A13NKOV, N.I., inzh.; SffAKHOVSKAYA, G.V., inzh. Welded pipe strength In main trunk gas linw. Svar. proizv. no.2.- 21-22 7 159. (MIRA 12;1) l.Vsasoyuznyy nauchno-IsBledovatellskiy institut tverd7kh oplavov. (Pipe, Steel--Wolding) (Welding--Testing) (Gas, Natural--Pipelines) ANUCHKIN, M.P.~ k&ndqtekhn.naukj ANENKOV, N.I., inzh. Effect of cuts and holIows on the bearing capacity of pipe. Stroi.truboproy. 6 no.1136-9 N 161. (MML 15-.4) (Pipelines-Testing) M, RIM- i~~" kW Pr -P. C' 16A e.4 -tt -t QL" UtA'. xi. P" 60,4vj, .4i Ir ..... toi - 101-ort Nln.l: I i A s t C) ya t 110 It o t~: per3ral Infuctioll of dogs by the VIT'lls of' Eepit-It-I s 0 f VOj:.M')d.Vil'U.';, n(,.9:31,,"-3,)8 16,11, ( 4) ANERT, EDUARD EDUARDOVICH Bogatstva Nedr Dallnego Vostoka. 932 p. maps, tables. Summary in English fgiabarovsk-Vladivostok, "Knizhnoye Delo". 1923. Bibliography: p. 867-898. SURPAT, Gh., candidat in stiinte economice; ANESCU, V.; TUTUI, Gh. Antinational and exploiting character of the Rumanian Monarchy. Probleme econ 15 no.12:182-197 D 162. ANESCU, V. The flwnuilian Peoplo3ls economic effort du-'ng the &nt~~- Ilitler War. Problomm econ 17 no. 0 2.- 35 Jo 164' a ANFERP I.P.) inzli. KURMN, A.G., takhr,k Power takeoff from 35 k-v. lines for the Lrw=-r supF.-y of repair I,, stations. Fxergetikno.9:29--30 S (),.- (MIRA 17~:20) !Ich. (g. Po,nbixc, ) ; hi*i,-~ lK IN, X. :~ . p 1, ' i !,I (c., , ., , I e'Ni"Ill I'VI$ 0 K As 3 emb! -1 ng of a conpris lt e 3 5/1 ) - t -it n, -- r n ,. I,., '~;-' ', ` - n - EnorgotAk I) Ag (:,i !-i-'A -!.o' - :)) -'r, the '*i,!I,; N* heat ."ower ocrii-l-r.:~,. fan-., :irrivar. t 1! ol. o f, I -""T Opt ~ IM A c ANESINI, Ando7j, okleveles gepeszMernok Gonforence on Industrial Power Economy, 1pari energia I no.IA:3-%'#, JI-O '60, 1. Energiagazdalkodasi Tudoinanyos Egyesulet Ipari Erargia- gazdalkodasi SziLkoazta:Ly ve2etoje; *Ipari Energiagazdalkodas' felelos szerkesotoje. AN5,0 TN2 " 'A r, j 0:. 1'rui;-mma cif meoheinifjm~ '-!.) ri z 1?1,! 1. 19 no .26 : 217 11, 16 t. I 1. llember., Presidlum, Seftentifis Association of Powp- Budapeat. GOLIGORSKIY, S.D.; ANESTIADS, U.Kh.; MIV, II.N.. professor, direktor. Empyema of the stump of the nreter. n 31 no-3:87 Mr 153. (MLRA 6:5) 1. Fakulltetskaya khirurgicheskaym klinika Kishinevskogo meditsinsk-~~go in- 8tituta na baze Respublikanskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy. (Ureters--Diseases) (Empyema) on t~~(,, uestion of G-Lnl 1.-r! icl, r'l,:h,-nrr St,to L., OLUTRITSKIT, N.L.; N.Kh. Traumatism and traumatological assistance In the Moldavian S.S.R. Zdrarookhranente 2 no.613-7 N-D 1 59. (MM 13t6) 1. Iz kafedry obahchey khirargii (sav. - prof. N.L. Gladyrevskiy) Kishinevskogo meditsinskogo instituta, (MOLD&VIA--WOUNDS AND IITJMZS) AIMSTIADIq N.D.; SHAPrRO,, Sh.D. Xxtraperitoneal fistulo-jejuml anastomosig. Zdravookhranoule 3 n0-3:61 W-je '6o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Iz kliniki obabohey khirurgii (sav, - prof. N.L. Gladyrev- skiy) t Reepublikanskoy bollnitey (glavnyy vrach - T,V. llonhuMa). ( MISTMS--SURGXRT) ANEVITADI, -N. hh._9 SHULYAK, L. P. , i,PTF.YjR_TVA, A. 1-1. , GORBUSHINL. Z. Ye. "On the Work of the 27th All-Union Congress of Surgeons" reFort submitted at the Society of SurgPons of che Moldavian '339R, 1960 So: Vravookhraneniye, Kishinev, No. 2, Harch-April. 1961, pag,~s 61-64' ANLSTIADIg N.Kh., dotsent Work of the Surgical Society of the Moldavian S.S.R. in 1960, Zdravookhranenic 4 no. 2:61 My-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Predsedatell pravleniya Obshchestva khirurgov Moldavskoy SSR. (MOLDAVIA-SURGICAL SOCIETIE8) AnSTIADI, N.Kh. Mortality following accidents as revealed by materials from deparments of surgery in the Moldavian S.S.R. Zdravookhranenie 4 no. 2:17-19 My-Ap 161. (MIRA 14W 1. Glavnyy khirurg Ministerstva zdravookbrananiya Moldavskoy SSR. (MOLDAVIA-ACCIDENTS) (MORTALITY) -ANESTIYADI, N.Kh., dotsent (Kishinev); NEGILMU, V.Ya. (Kishinev) "Tetanus and its prevention" by I.R.Dr6binskiii Reviewod by N.Kh.Anostiiadi and V.IA.Negresku. Zdravookhranenie 4 no.5: 61-62 S-0 161, (MIA 14t11) (TETANUS) (DROBINSKII, 1.11.) ANESTIYADIP N.Kh. Acute intestinal ohitruction. Zdravookhranenie 5 no.1:11-14 Ja-F 162. (MI:,:A 15:4) 1. Iz kafedry fakul'totskoy klilrurgii (zav. dotoent N.Kh.Anestiyadi) Kishinevskogo meditainakogo instituta. (INTE STINES-ODSTRUCTIONS) ANESTIYADI, n.1m. Some problems in the work of the surgical hospitals of the Moldavian S.S.R. Zdravookhranenie 5 no.1:3-6 Ja-F 162. (IUA 15"10 1. Gla,,myy khirurg Ministerstva zdravookhriinaniya Moldavskoy SSR. (MOLDAVIA-SURG-IRY) ANESTIADI, V. Kh. "Morphological Changes in the Peripheral Part of the Somatic Nervous System In Primary Tuberculosis." Cand Mel Sai, Chair of Pathoanato-ny, Kishinev State Medical Inst, Kishinev, 1954. (KL, No 1, Jan 55) Survey of Scitntific and Technical Pissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 USSR / Morphology of Man and Paiimals. Nervous System. S-1 Abs Jour Pof zhur - Blol., No 5, 1958, No 216BO Author Azastiadi,, V. Vdi. Inst N-ot-giveri-- Title MorpholotJc Changes in Peripheral Somaltic Nervous Syotcm in Primary Tuberculosis. Orig Pub : TT. Kishinevsk. gos. med. in-tf-) 1956, 5, 93-98. Abstract : In acute miliary tuberculosis there were swelling, chromo- tolysis, hydrops and necrosis of neurons in spinal ganglia, especially pronounced in the case of caseous pneumonia with involvement of lymph nodes and the intestines. Micre were swelling and an increase in argyrophilia in axons and changes in the myelin sheath in the brnchial and lumbar plexuses, the median, the femoral and the sciatic nerves, as well as defor- mation and atrophy of muscle fibers. Inflammatory changes Card 1/2 ANSSTIADI, VJQi., Morphological changes in the peripheral nervous system in experimental tuberculosis and after use of BCG vaccine. Probl.tub. 36 no-7:99-103 '58. (MIRA, 12: 8) 1. Iz latfedry patolopicheBkoy anatomii (zav. - prof.D.I. Golovin) Kishinevskogo neditainskogo inntituta (dir. - prof. N.T.Staroatonko). (TUBFMOIWIS) (UM0VOUS SYSTEM--DISFAbES) (.BCG VACCINATION) V-~10.1. -- - -... Yluoroncent and hintochemical churmtorintiro of skin cancer. Zdravooldirtmoide 2 n0-3:26-213 - My-Je 159. (HIRA 12: 10) 1. Iz Imfpk:-ry putologicheskoy anutOTAi (zav. - Imnil.ned.nauk V-Midwiestiadi) Kishinevskogo meditsinskogo inutituta. (SKIII-ChlICBR) (FLUUU,.'SCL~.IICN 1AIC110SCOPY) ANESTIADI, Y.Kh. Pathological anatorV of dermtoiVositle. Zdravookhrananie 2 no.5: 48-51 S-0 '59. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Iz kafedry patologichookoy anatomii (saveduyushchiy - nauk V.Kh. Anestiadi) Kishinevskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (MUSCLICS-DISMS23) All-~-MADI, V. Kh. Skin cancer in the light of luminescence and histochemical studies. Neoplasma, Bratiol. 6 no.4:404-408 1959. (SKIN neool. ) P-MASC I WX =PLO-ATIM stv/6r, 3 Do Stu, lv':~ PWLo4 t-d-."- Of th. C-f---.) KI-1, I'd- AN WSR, 1960. 1A7 2. I,XA C-;I-- q;aUorix, A~p~j: AY~!,Wdya n=k Uj--y 53R. A. b-1 -ilh; 94.: L. ?L-f.Y-p T-A. Vt.: pap.?=: -bla CaLl-tim Of' -~JCIAM 1. far C-!.tj ~l ~Ys- ILCISU 1L.-st-1 LZ -lomiv -1 f- ~l --~l ~.-h .7p4-t.-- of =... --I --I ---b Lz tb. 21r. TI:. PO P.;.- rv~l t --L, C-- - Land--,.- t-k p-. C,--r, 1!~, 1, 1- of -X-- not -b- .-L,. - -,-ze-i I ~ I I- -ce f~ With Lbe d-lzl-t Q. and q~ntatl~ C!-'-&l -Yss. ~l -ith -f -1- ---h. T~y ll-- fol lt. .! ur-l-, -,j, b.-, -1 tk- - ..11 - for th. dlw~l. Of Xl~ -r -d %b. d-t.-- of p.thoc-A. d t4. Tb~ ---l f st-~" for lual-T.- -Cly.l. I. - not --l tL-". - t... or pbow;b.".. --- L. . of tr' r -k~-t 1. -1-4- 1. tl~ -r- r tre Y-- -1 Wr 7--Uta U. --t."l- of T. K. (P. 75) jp. 77) t- b- -o--l MOS, of W. Anal7sla of U.t*r-O-. rouls-crs A- lazinsbetak'- Lly-sray wj-%tt (-A= of X'..' FLU'L 'K~.yj Kly, Lwd--c~. A-lya. of Ru~b- 90 JL==-'~A-L. ll!-hb~tt.xly LVAUtot I&bdl*=y R-.~b Cf th. Cbl. Jr.1-t-7) 1. -.tt4.. t1co bl to. of Lt, ;irft_ Or 1. Ftutt-- 9L. lftYT r2l' T.A.. "Vw-LT.'F- t-- I !=Stlt-t -!r-lyVh I 1-i-yk-h -:!e'1, 10-M ~-Btitl" Of R~t~.r -.1 tAte. of -d ftbb- X~ Pro. Ut.r.l FlMr X.. M. C6'tk"'. tlmtltut btoLOgIcr-=y fljkl A3 SSSR (,~ mol-CII.] pty.1- 43 msa) 1. L of Liig Ora- Of 5'~ C~~- Study by tko z Ytb.1 'f M--"I'dy of I- 1'.1%1. b%U4htqYv'-Tu' 1. frastItUt ;it-I.. A) SrZR (Z-ItQt~ of X-trltico Of tl~ A-Umy of V~&jcwj S~"jpr_s or al-R)), V- of L-1-.... xy'.L~'w 8/10 98 103 laT LU Lis - ANESTIADI, V.Kh._- Use of fluorescence microocopy In the diagnoBis of skin cancer. Trudy 13,41-45 160. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Kafedra patologicheskoy anatmii Kishinevskogo gosudarst7ennogo meditsinskogo institata. (FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPY) (SKIN-GANCER) ARt;STIADI$ V-Kh. 1~ , - - - Changes in arterial and aortal walls at the earliest stages of arteriosclerosis. Zc1ravookhranenio 4 no.6t26-30 N-D 161. (I'UILI 15-.2) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - dotsent V.Kh, Anestiadi) Kisbibovskogo meditpinsko~Ao instituta. (ARTERLZ-DISFASES) ORTA-DISEASES) (A,GEAIO6CLE!QSIS) ANESTIADI , V. Kh. -(-Kishinev) Method for luminescent analysis of atherosclerosis. Arkh . rat* no.9:33-37 162. (MIRA 15:2~ 1. 1z kafedry patologicheskoy anatomil. (2&v. - dotsent V. Kh. Anestiadi) Kishinevokogo meditsinakogo instituta. (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS) (LUMINESCENCE) A,WZTIADI, V.Kh. Luminescent macroscopic characteristics of the aorta and arteries in the early stages of atherosclerosis. Zdravookhranenie 5 no.4:32-35 J1-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Iz kafedry patolopicbeskoy anatomli (zav. - dotsent V.Kh. Anestiadi) Kishinevskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (ARTFRIOSCEROSIS) (AORTA) (ARTFRIES) (LUMINESCENCE) ANESTIADI, V.Kh. (Kishinev) Aartia and arterial changes in the early stages of atherosole- rosis. Arkh.pat. n6.7t26-29 162, (KIRA l5i9) 1. 1z k&fedry patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - dotsent V.Kh. Anestiadi.) Kishinevokogo gosudarstvennogo meditainskogo insti- tuta. (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS) (AORTA) STIR 8" :z kafectry FL-"!Ln"t., -f.C C 'kmrl. AN ANESTLADII , V.Kh. F'rimqry atherosclerosis of the aorta and arterieg, Tr-,~dy ins-,.. eksp. morf. AN Gruz. SSR 11:61-64 163. (Mlr.~ 17:11) I., Kafedra prltologicheskiy anatomii Kishinevskogo povuaurstvennogo meditninshogo instituta. ANFSTIADI, V.Kh., dotgert,, YAKOVIEVA, Work or the Moldavian ReTublic Sc-I.entific cf Phtho- nnatomllsti during Arkh. pat. 25 no,.1(J,',76 163. (MIRA 17::'7) i ull I ~a fir, -1 pq to I ('gwir"i f,: f- ~'TIPO- '11-1 t.,:] M'~ tA7F Nauchn'-po Ynk-.-vleval. _o 1-1 1. V t,:. ""C.C.odo"o ic sofizl, %70*1 211 23 0! o c 1, nc n C*__~_ i c .1-1-0,C ;..v L L 1 L --ol-er consic!craLion jelo Vol 13 I ily 111dex Cr (~pvan Acc, Vol. No. 1.0) cet. DANAILOV, D.) dots., inzh.; AlR,;V,-G.-# inzh.; I-LITTLSMIN, I.I., inzh.; ',~ATE,-.V, M,, inzh.; KOVLCHEV, V., inzh. Load of mine power transformers. Min delo 17 no.4:6-8 Ap 562. 1. 1-tinno-geolozhki inztitut. DANAILOV, D., dots. in&.; ANW, G., inzh.; 1/,A'!T,"V, '~. , inzh. : FOVAC!-F:V, V., inzi,. Stndy of the lond3 in electric notors and trarliffk--mers, nnd analysis of olactric-power indems, in ~!o,il minns. Godinl.nik Min fmc,l inst 8:175-1~3 161-162 ANEV,G.; WNTESIIFV, M. Certain problems of supplying mines with electric power in Bulgaria. Archiw gorn 9 no.2:215-224 164. Certain problems of stationary lightina in mines. lbid.:225-232 ANEVP G., inzli. A device for selecting ferrite rlngs. Mis. inos-uoent, 13 no,lli, n 33-35 N '64. 1. Initituto of Mining reology, ')ofln~ ANEV, G.A., inzh. Fixed lighting of coal mines in the People's Republic of Bulgaria. Ugolt 39 no-5:69-71 My 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Gornogeologicheskiy institut, Sofiya. ANEV, Georgi, Inzli. A dev.,'c-z~ for romote control n' wl .-ch p~,In~r a - - -'- in mining enteiprises.. Tokhnika Buir, 13 nD,10:1?-Il I t,,4,. 1. Institute of Mining Gc-ology, K. Of tll(! IOCO.!!UtiVe.i .Ind 11. ~ . " -)1. 11, ~lo. 1, 1 - I A. S A I - - ~ .-k , , Sof iia, Bulg,,ria . , V list of ~-"U.-,Cl ), .I ~c . v, A ." 'J". . , July uncl~is ANEUN, IM.S.; LINAYAH, Y."". Experiment in the use of inagnol-ite abrasive dince for cutting marble elabB. Biul.atroi.tekh. 10 no.12:18 JI 15'). (MM 6:8) 1. Zavod atroltollni,kh materlalov Miziisterstva homyshlennosti Stroitell- k nykh Haterialov ArManelcoy SSIL (Stonecutters) IVANCV, Konstantin Undimirovich; red.; AKALOVIC11,N.M., red.; VoRGUNOVA, GY., tekhn. red. (Technological and hydraulic calculations in water-supply systems] Tekbnologicheskie i gidravlicheskie raschety po vo- dosnabzheniiu. Minsk, Izd-vo Y-va vysshego sredn. spets. i profes. obrazovaniin BSSR. Pt.l.[Water-supply network and its structures] Vodoprovodnaia set' i sooruzheniia no seti. 196~. 300 P. (VIRA 16:11) (Water supply engineering) 0 Ff! so" bdo" of I&M V. V. and L. ~,,40eoov - 2 1~ 6"(19M .~~A-kom DAWy Abod. Nask S.S.Srfso an tb8 SAWO Cytift Cd MbUMILMOM W IAM K'rgCbi based an a of the labo Nr 12 ym. Three dissrams /Sbowifts ~b~ The mahm cooddaid are Na&9D,. m Glsdyi S. Uacy OW SPSHT91H, V.V-; ANMOVA. L.Y. ft.-.U--QA Diffuaton interrelations between the saline waters and silt devosits of Lake Karachi. Doklady Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 859- 1349-52 152. (MLRA 5:9) (CA 47 no.21:10917 153) PETRUIP Yii.~!.; ---'NF1,J-.OV,,,, V.N. for wild Lees of the krlbeils~~y region. Trudy Bash. nc.2-.61-84 163. (MIRA 1815,) ANMOVA, To. A. I- Modification of the technique in staining of frozen histotopo- graphic sections. Arkh. pat., Moskva 12 no.5:91 Sept.Oct 1950. (CLML 20:1) 1. Of the EmAhomorphological Division. Institute for Tuberculosis of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscov. .b . 0l A. C' "ekotorykh I ari rld "i"r. "n'-1 'C.: I (Aop! 7hun i'j I,,- to.-, Y', 1 0s%,----,7,, 1 2 16(1) AUTHOR: Anfertlyeva.Ye.A. SOV1140-59-3-2122 TITLE: On an dentity of Chowla-Selberg PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Matematika, 1959, Nr 3, pp 13-21 (,USSR) ABSTRAM Let ~ (a) be the Epstein's zeta function of the quadratic form Q(X,Y) ax2+ bxy + cy 2 be the absolute value of the dis- 1-2s criminant of Q(x,y); s be a complex number; er 1-2s (n)- d~n d The author proves the identity 1 (s) - a-8 5 (2a) + Y (2a-1 Go 28+ -~n8- 2-r~cos TAb 00 9- a + -2s(s) v exp -'CnFA(v+ -1)dv. 1 2a v f a2 F, (s ) Crz) 2 0 Card 1/1, On ar Identity of Chowla-Selberg '0V'/140-59-3--2/4-2 T'Dis i6sntit-j ITwat ~.% CLreBA'y S,Chovla, ard A.Selberg f f 7 Z Re , . There are 4 references, 1 of which is Soviet, ~ American, and 2 English. ASSOCIATION,lleningradskiy politaklinichookiy instltu-t imen! M.T.Kalinina (LeningraJ Polytechnical Inatitute imenl M.1,Kallnin') SUBM'ITTED-, Februa-ry 3, 1958 Card 212 1')/043/60/000/13/08/016 C111/C222 AUTHOR: Anfer~lye va, Ye,_ TITLEs Integral Analogous to the Clansical Legendre's Integral Vestnik LeninC;radskogo universiteta, Seriya matematiki, m-khaniki i astronomii, 1960, No, 13, PP. 76 - 80 TEA"Tt Let (compare the author (Ref. 1,2)) (S) (30 + (S - >) I + Do i 2 d 2 2 Cos (S + 3 2 7- C)o j The author proves the relation Card 1/2