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a 0 0 1, 10 11011 Oh t 11 fa a a oce _ ~ -1 AA -L W tf J,_L 00 sawliso fjy*~ t A 01`19k"' as a thki,efling wn' 00 1, , WS) --The u ifstrim"I'42kc dry ive -41(41,21 %Jlvs, its atkall Sails g C, T14 1-1-4 ' .00 0 r a In 40 1. Wol" 16 ."s *ilk =00 L40 0 00 0 0 ~ .1100 00 MIT& Lt"IC&L LITI ATUNI CLAIUPKAIMP o - ------- - -- 4 1, 11 _,v v ;I ~ AT 40 is It It rk I FA a 1 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 96 0 0 of 000 * 0 I Is it 11 11 U 11 11 V11 . If 1~1 91 A I It Ult J 4, I t 111 1 I. . Is . Is to j ,A 1 - J. a a . 1- - 0 c' A__L_ " "et v lawt without r h i D ( h l U _96 Ic e o eterm t " " 0 tigme ez: rl h f F bli t e use o a ng W -CIO* e 1937 1 Prom 13 No 1 4"(1W) i 0 . , . . . . . _ V44- T4C starch WIhI prrpd, by boding 13 21) 111111. I "I -C 0 60 a p l(k, cc. and wat"duS a *hurt t with S) cv, water, dils: a time. "r 2% starch m4n. ac, pri-pd. to Nx*d. Aflet % d ry mall Is a. of triturating, It It. W green mail ar S., warmed I hr, with IM ce. water. tvoW and filteird, Tcu cc. of the starch soln . is Placed in rub of R test WN' 00 ir and 3, 4, 2 m cof the malt v4n. added successively. . After thmough shaking the tubes are placed in water no 0 06 3 mi and sarrharification t"t% made every 14) min. Nt A -we W. . j coo Leo 00 0 f j v tj* astp. Lik attALLURGICAL L1711141TIA1 ~CLASWKATIOW . 0241. I a NO#J 4 1 FObV Qft --v - -1 -T- - - I a 1, 0 "IV m p to b I I I I Irr it o at a it x* It U ft it at It 1 1446d a a I I IF Im 0 a ~ doti, 2 411 0 6 o ; 0 0 0 , 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 '. 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1111 91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 9 a 0 0 0 o 0 01 444,6_ 447-074 o_ 41 41~ ii, 4-f-i 0-0 0 Of AA 04 00 00 09 00.3 0 4P 0 1 0 00 J; A IF _i ... ..... cities AMC P -Rovittles Mott -00 The deltergulastlove of the leacch" war of Wall r %, I without this uff of F*bHq solution. %.A Cc Par, 13, No. 12, 2s-80ikki); is finef; cf. C. A. 32. g. of peen m4lt 0 a pound and wad" into a 2M-cc- flask with Ilk) tv d"t'l .00 eater. The malt milk is well Lhaken, allow"I to tond I hf. at nlo*, filleverl and.30 C.C. cmf water acid"t (11A- 401 thr -00 vital filtrate. The its v nialt mitent of I 1~ - of 1 tie r%t -00 after the &Mrs. 4q varying anits. of water 1% giv-1 Bit a sallar. Asouviietgn.iapr,-pd.l,ywatnlilix2t.olarvhmitit .00 :to,% tv. water fur 15 tnin., addinit 01) cv. hot water, 1-41- diw.talw of III tv.1 lulle, ill 4 RrIwIl Ul, 1 Allp , .111d 111. 11 Vic.. of the IIIAII C%I. Ad'I'A (,I III,- -m'v-Ivv ' ll% " I d' "P FI r llslbtm arv allowed to mand I It, ~ W 45 I I ,, MAn. IS pIAKV,I MI & I",N-jaill I.IAtO Will MMA "It" of " welb I (]top of 1% 1 10111. and the tubc dvtd which fir%I %h,lw% T'll,o If - 124 & 'A whel, .4 1- a of 1 jilli ItIltailmi fits mAking ill, tile 411,441. tt n coo Itwoull. of #jjAjt A% XIXIII 41191 -1 OV Al"t- ol "'All- it W. I,h.h 1. olodill"I by Alldly'll. ;;so A A Air& 468CAL 112, It LITIRA16011 CLAMPOCA110" tie"' $WNsiv. 0 U 0:0000 0 o 0- :too 0, 0 9 # 0 0 0 0 a 0 000 0 loss tie 0 8 r7r. I=, not I ~A 9-3 9 1 010 0 0 o 0 a 0 0 4 4 0 0 of Ole 0 0_4 ol 0 a 0 0 # Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 o A A f-- A--L-L t A21 A .? .10 .4 V LI 6. 1. V not V41 CC M U k .0v 'q V.A- 0 h1cretn,Q Of altrojetioui (Ampounds by the tooN of 00 C i legurninous plants (lupine) and the conversion Of these .00 00 al compounds in the presence of bacteria, A A. I,jik-,Vx -00 : A ar,,d is, U R ~S -S and %' A 00 Ali . i I" I twin, I.I.W. WlM ,, -00 t,, I,ich %mij.nm in. V,mn f.,g 3 trnimiti~ in And it m ~ m -00 . 0.1ni. had tv,t.f. Ad-l"I ~ 1". '.tiItnrr% ",- a, -11% t '11. wet anti-to N. An a,urindmicm ,I NII, t-k f -00 trite vlllllnl~ atnim %. I,Iwv lIkAdl the C1,111111i"'. III '1 .00 rivrt;Wd in jilantilv- -idaiii With lm. -n of l1w li'll tiff i.( amit- N a, fi-I - Ati-I uh- . tilne t " It &CqjItjjjIV fill L141-11TTI111ali"ll lit a whir" tile dft~fnrn. fit l1n, plot'.1n 1"ik 14.1re c0 o lwx-mlalloll with n-1111, A hmpd-fr- -'( l -!zoo - fnim. N btlow Ow sirtilc ii,im-4,; I-v tile imi, iu%bi 41 f It "t-re f(wmrd tile V%'Ifil"n .f 311,11p, jeo 1.11% willi -d -Iii, 1-rrr-l of ,tic Attinit, N N 1-ir Ou. 00 J'W~f 0 2w z 1, tP R X w I 9 It q a R ANDREYEV.V.A. Combating excessive stretching of cotton fabrics. Teket.prom. 15 no.7:21 J1155. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Zaveduyushchiy khimicheskoy laboratorlyey "Itoroy sittsena- bivnoy fabriki (Cotton finishing) SOLYAIISKIY, A.P.. inzh.; AIIDTffFV, V.A., inzh.; RODOV, E.S., inzh. Producing mineral wool on multiroller centrifuges. Mont.1 epetB* rab.v stroi. 22 no.6:23-26 JI 160. (MI-U 13:7) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy proyektnyy inatitut Teploproyekt. (Mineral wool) V.A.: V.A.: v,rot(,(,tl,))i (11* Yo!~ c cF.-, , I () 5 5 .T'in llir~her ---duc--ition USSR. Vorcow Ord-F-r or Lenin F(Y..,-r En-in,~-rinc, Inst imeni V,Y. ',-~)Iotov, Chair of Rel-v Protection -in-l tle filtomition of hyjel- ~~yttcms. (Dir'sert-itiolls for t,"(' of Cn-ndid-!tn of Technic!31 Scienmc~). Knizhnv,!,i Ictoil-is' '~o. 1;1,, ',~' Clctol,~-r, 105~, 1-'nnc~-w r V, V, ANDREYEV, V.A. Gombinad transverse differential relay for two parallel lines. Trudy Inat. vod. khos. 1. energ. AN Kir. SSR no.4:207-213 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Electric relays) S/'112/59/000/012/031/09-1 A052/AOOI Translation from~, ReferaLivnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1959, No. 12, P. 82, # 24473 A TJ'. H OR TTITLE- The Effect of Capacitive Conductivity of_Zransmission Lines on the Zones of Cascade Action of TTansverse Differential Protection FERIODICAL: Tr. Frunzensk, politekhn. in-ta,_ 1957, No, 1, pp. 41-46 TEXT- An analysis is given of the effect of capacitive conductivity of long transmission lines (free of losses and without an allowance for an intercon- nection between parallel transmission lines) on the zone of cascade action of a transverse differential protection of these transmission lines, It. is shown tha't, this effect becomes appreciable when the length of a transmission line exceeds 500 km. Translator's note:. This Is the ful.1 translation of the original Russiar. abstracto. C.ard 1/1 AN YIN, (V.A., kand.takhn.nauk. Balanced current protection for three parallel lines. Elektrichestvo n0-1:39-44 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:2) 1.Frlinzenskiy politenhenlehasky institut. (Zlectrin lines) ANDRIYEV, V.A., kandetekhn.nauk, doteent Systems of selective crose differential protection of two parallel lines during compound faults with line breaks. Izv. vy'B. ucheb. sav.; energ. no.5:1-10 MY 158. (MIRA 11:8) 1.Frunzenskiy politakhnicheaki institut. (Electric lines~ 8(0) AUTHOR: Andreyev, V. A., Candidate of SOV/105-59-1-27/29 TechniTo"ac~ce`s, Docent TITLEi V. L. Fabrikant. "Theory of Coilings for the Alternating Current Relay" (I. L. Fab.-ikart. Teoriya obmotok rele peremennogo toka.) FEKCDICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1959, Nr 1, pp 94-95 (USSR) ABSTRkCT: This is the review of a book. The book has 261 pages, costs 13 rubles 75 kopecks, and appeared in 1958 in the Gosenergoizdat publishing house. It is divided in 9 chapters, and has an appendix and a section of references. The main part is occupied by the theory of coilings for multipolar relays. A new method for chotsing ccilings for a multipolar relay is given. The theory of ooilings for multipolar relays is based on the matrix algebra. In v-litu of the difficult oubject, the book is well writ.ten. ]Nhe reference soct.-cri is composed with great care, Card 1 /1 ANDREYEV, V.A.; 1:12-11, P.D. Electric power oupply system for the Golodnaya Steppe. Mat. po proizv. sil. Uzb. no.15:376-382 160. (MULA 14:8) 1, Sredazgiprovofflkhlopoke (Golodnaya Steppe--Electric pourer) 0. k , V. Mandrel for driving in clamps fastening telephone lines. Mor.flot 16 no.5:27 My 156. (XLRL 9:8) 1. Nachallnik Byuro ratsionalizataii 1 12obretatellstva Kanonerskogo, sudoetroitellno-sudoremontnogo savoda. (Too'Le) IVA L 13229-6 W W/M AFM/ASD ~/~~/63/000/003/o42/047 AUTHOR: Andron-41 _VasigiL TITLE: The computation of complex frequencies of damped systems with many degrees of freedom PERIODICAL: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Matematika, no-3, 1963, 9, Abstract 3V35 _(Glasnik Mat.-Fiz; Astron., v. 16 no. 3-4, 1961, 205-227; summary in Serbo-Croatian), TEXT; A method is proposed for solving the characteristic equation.f(z) 0 of a stable machanioal'systei0with m degrees of freedom. The function f(z). is a polynomia f1the 2m-th degree whose roots are of the"form: - dk k1l. w1aere o( 0-0., 13~>O (k = 18 .... m). The method consists of the following stages;'.1) Usih'g Hornerls'mothod we find the polynomial FW f(-z - s) where s is somo.positive number. 2) Setting up a Routh scheme.for the polynomial FW. If it can be seen from,the Routh scheme that F(z) is unstable (stable) polynomial, then the paramotor s is decreased (increased), leaving it positive, and stages I and 2 are repeated. Thus, we proceed along Card 1/3 L 13229-63 S/044/63/000/003/042/04? The tomputaiion of COMP;ex:.*.Q~ 'J the wds of ordinates until one'.of the residuals in the Routh scheme does not go to zoro. 'Lot this take. plice for the polynomial F*(z) - f (z ~- s*). In this case the roots - s* +,"Sk(s*) (k r) or the polynomial t(z) are found~on the line x = s*. The residue R(z) which precedes a residue that vanishes in the-Routh.scheme can-be reprosontod in the form of the product r 2 + R(Z) c E UZ 2(s*)] k--1 k (a is a coInstant). This equality is.utilized in finding the quantities k(s*), After finding the roots -s* + ij~k(s*) one finds the polynomial Card 2/3 ANDREYEV, V.A., kand.takhn.nauk, dotsent Special features of relay protection systems In Czechoslovakia. Trudy Frunz. politekh.inst. no. 6:7-14 162. Overcurrent protection systems using m primnry re'lay with direct action. lbid.i89-106 (MIRA 17,-q) ANDMEN, V.A., Iland. to.Min. nauk Optimam fundamental dimansdon of toroidid cores for --aturab2e reactorn with multiplo windiugs. Eloktrotelhniba 35 no.6:14-15 je 164. (vilu, 1,7:8) R Matsorologloal Abet* Xurli'skit 06troys. CKutile. lAnnds.] ;fr"kof Sbmmik. 1.4-ningrad. 21 (11. 12). Vole 4 No, 9 75-87, lt7-91, 1938, figg.. tabl". refg. DLC-Thc xrmnd rhirl Riven drakfnr femroeraturc. claudl- Septembor 1953 Irims. ing Itcquency. mcivitalinn- witid. hydrogtaphic nnd Ice conditiam. Subjed 71radings; 11. C.Iffnp(fc dod 2. Climate of Kurile Islands 3. Kurile Islanciff. Northwest Pddlic.-A.A. Part 21 Biblography on the Climatology and Marine Meteorology USSR/Geophyeica-- Potential Fi*lds )kr/Apr 52 "Computation of Spatial Distribution of Potential Fields and Their Application in Geophysical Be- seexch. nl"" V.A. Andreyev, Leningrad Mining Inst "1z Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geofiz" No 2J.,pp 22-30 (See Part I: Trudy VIRG(All-Union Sci Res Inat of Geopbys Prospecting) Vol 3 (1950). AnalY%es Prac- tic%I schemes and examples of computation of po- tential fields in the lower.half space. As a sup- plexient to the method dedcribed in Part II ("Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geograf i Geofiz, No 1, i947), applies the method of netvorks for soln of prob- lem. Demonstrates that the method may give ade- quate accuracy. Received 2 Aug 51. ANIREYKV, V.A. F , Dotormination of the effective speed of reflected waves based on hodo(7aphs plotted in the usual scale and using square-lined transparent sh3ets. Razved. i prom. geofiz. no.2:3-8 157. (MIRA 11:4) (Seismic waves) (Hodograph) 14(5) FRAES I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV, /2818 Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut geofizicheskikh metodov razvedki ReLzvedochnaya i promyslovaya geofizika, vyp. 21. (Exploration and Industrial Geophyaics, No. 21) Moscow, Gostoptekhizdat, 1958. 112 p. (Series: Obmen proizvodstvennym. opytom) Errata slip inserted. 4,500 copies printed. Ed..- A. I. Bogdanov; Exec. Ed.; N. F. Wbrynina; TL%ch. Rd.i 1. G. Fbdotova. PURFOO.- This booklet is intended for geophysical engineering and technical personnel in the petroleum industry. COVERAM: Individual articles of this collection discuss improvements in methods of interpreting seismic and gravimetric data, testing of seismic receivers, and the refinement of seismic station amplifiers. A a0mogram, is described for the rapid computation of msgnetic properties of rock samples, and a summary is provided of experience in marking oil contacts- Card 1/4 Exploration and Industrial (Cont.) SOV/2818 Improved methods and equipment of radioactive methods of surveying boreholes are also discussed. References accompany individual articles. TAXZ OF CONTENTS: Sbablinskiy, 0. N. Study of Boundary Velocities in the Basement of the WOst Siberian Plain 3 T*allvirskiy, D. B. Peculiarities of Seismic Recording and Time- Distance Curves of Refracted Waves in Cross-Sections of the Downwarped Parts of the Sibirskoys Priumllye [Siberian Urat Barement 8 Zverev, S. M. Seismic Exploration Surveys on West Siberian Rivers 16 _A!jdreye_,_V"._ Approximative Methods of interpreting Time-Distance ,y Curves of Refracted Waves 23 Voinov, V. A. Nomogram for the Transformation From Isonormals to Isoverticals 31 Card 2/4 Exploration and Industrial (cont.) sov/2818 Avchyan, G. H. Nomograms for Computing A and Ir in J~easuring Magnetic Properties of Rook Samples With the M-2 Magastometer 68 Faytellson, A. Sh. Example of Comparing Pasults of Geophysical InvestigLtione in the Northern Priurallye 76 TA'ankov, Ye. B., A. M. Blyumentsev, and T. N. Blankove. Comparative Efficiency of Various R%dioactive Methods of Determining the Position of the Water-Oil Coat&--t in Cased Wells 82 B3-k v, Te. B., and T. N. Blankova. Applying the Method of In- duced Activity in Oil Wells 91 1 Gokakiy, Ya. Y&. Luminescence Counters and Spacial Fbatures in Their Application to Fadionatric Equipment 101 AVAILABIX: Libroxy of Congress )wfal Card 4/4 1-7-59 ATTTHOR- Andreyev, V. A. 2u-119-2-16/6o TITLE: Gravitational Anomalies and t~ie Thicljics,-, of Earth's Crust in Continental Fejions (Gravitatsionnyye anom,,Jii i moshchnost' zemnoy kory kontinentallnykh oblde-tey) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii liauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 119, Nr 2, pp 255 - 256 (UESR) ABSTRACT: There are at present already sufficiently dependable metric and seismoloGic data on some regions and therefore the following problem can be posed and partly solved: Does the character of tliv. rogioiwl jravitation anomalies coincide with the character of the depth structure of the earth's crust as found in seismology ? It can be assumed that for the continental regions there exists an approximate proportio- nality of the intensity of the rerional gravitation anomalies and of the thic)-ness of the earth's crust. This proportionality need not be maintained any lon-er for Ue coastal rt,gions and for oceans; as under the oceans not only the thickness chang,es but also the comp,-)~-ition of *.lie earth's crust varies. Card 113 In maritime region also reCional po.,3itive Biv~c anwialies 2o-119-2-16/6o Gravitational Anomalies and the Thickness of Earth's CrL,.,3t in Continental Recions occur. The above mentioned proportionclit,,, for the ranr.-e of the continents is explained by the rather important dif- ference of the mean density of the crust matorials as well as of the mate---ial under the crust. This linear de,:)endence, hor- ever, miCht be rendered more complicated or even be eliminated by the influence ef the density anom-oly or the sial shell. This influence is 'based on t..e inhomogeneity of the composition and the structure of the deeper layers. Also the incomplete coincidence of the position of the boundary of 1"Lokhorovichich and of the boundary between the cial shell and the sima shell can exert an influence. All this is well proved by facts, and a diagram plotted on the basis of these facts shows the dependence of the intensity of the ano- malies on t1--e seismoloGically determined th]-ckness of the earth's crust. This de.:,,endence is actually almost linear. At a thickness of tl,,e earth criist of the order of 3o km Vl.ese Card 2/3 anomalies are equal to zero. In rc~,ions of -reat thickness of l,'.,IKC)V DrAtrly 3tepunovich; FEDOPOV, Aleksy!j-idr kaitull I MVIDIITYEV, Vsevol~d Alek.-nnd-rovich; UDO-DOVA, 0.111p V2&damirovna, 11TANCHURLA, Lev Tvanovich [Geophysical Diethods of prospecting] Razvednchnala gec- fizika. (By] D.5.1-1,lkov 1 dr. Tom5k,. lzd-vo Tomskor-o unliv., 1961. 340 P. OKI i Lh 18 - 5 ') ANDREYEV, V.A. (Moskva), LASHKOV, A.1, (Mog),va) Interaction of a reflected shock wave with a boundary layer. Inzh.zhur. 3 no.4:706--710 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Institut mokhaniki AN SSSR. AMMIRT, V.A. Madivosto1c) Thrombocyte count in the blood. 32 no.2:68-70 F 154. (MM 71:5) (Blood--Corpuscles and platelets) AlTDR-3737, V.A. on,% lip-w-MPF"ll - Bromthymil method of aptmrming urlnaT7 reaction. Lab.delo no.2:27-28 Mr-Ap 155. OILRA 8: 8) (ml rip', reaction, bromthymol method) ANDRZYLT, V.A. Wectious IMhocytosis in Adults with minimal nrnptomatolog7' 0 Sov,modo' 22 noo71133-134 J1 158 (MIIU 11:10) (LUPHOMNS, antis reports infeet,g in ndults with minimal Rymptomatol. (Rua)) ANDREM, V.A IJWNTIYNV, V.M. (Vladivostok) Using antibiotic disks in controling antibiotic therapy of non- gonococcal. urethritis. Vost.derm. i van. 32 no.2:71-73 Mr-Ap 058. (MIRA 11:4) (URE OR ITIS, ther. antibiotics in non-gonococcal urethritio, control by antibiotic disk technic (Rue)) (AWTIBIOTICS, ther. use non-gonococcal urethritis, control by antibiotic disk method (Rua)) ANDRMV, V.A. (Vladivoistok) Some observations on the microflora of nonspecific urethritia. Vest. dorm. i ven. 33 no.1:65-68 Ja-F '59. (MIRA 12:3) (METHRITIS, microbiol. nonspecif ic (Rus)) KRYSTEV, V.; ANDREYEV, V.; KIROV, S. Data on the treatment of cancer of the lower lip in the People's Republic of Bulgaria. Vop. onk. 8 no.1:93-98 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Iz nauchno-isoledovateliskogo onkologicheakogo instituta (dir. - prof. V. Hikhaylov), Sofiya, krodnaya Respublika Bolgarii. Adres avtorov: Narodnaya Respublika Bolgariya, Sofiya, Nauchno- issledovatel'skiy onkologicheakiy institut. (BULGARIA-LIPS-CANCER) -ANDREYEV, Yl_~j VUIZOV, V.S. (Bolgariya, Sofiya,, u1. Graf Ivantsev,. 49); PWOHEV, P.; KUTIVICHEV; MUSTAKOV; DOGRAMADZHIYEV; TOLEV,- PORFIROV Distribution and results of trentment of skin cancer in the Bulgarian People's Republik. Vop.onk. 7 110-5:35-41 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Iz nauchno-issledovatellskogo onkologicheskogo institute, (dir. - prof. Ves. Mikhaylov), Nauchno-issledovatellskogo koohno- venerologicheakogo instituta. (dir. - prof. P. PoOrhistov) kafedry kozhno-venerichoskikh zabolevaniy Vysshego moditsinokogo inatituta v Sofii (zav. - prof. L. Popov) i kafedr.,, kozhno-venericheskikh zabolevpmij Vysshego meditsinskogo institute v Plovdive (zav. - prof. Bu~-hvarov). (BULGIPJA--SKIN-CANCER) MIKHAYIDY, Yes., professor; RAYCHRY, R., doteant; ANDREYEV, V1. x"Mrs"S" Neurinoma of the eye (optic nerve) [with simmary in Xnglish] Vop. onk. 2 no.4:452-457 156. (MLRA 9:12) 1. Iz nauchno-iseledovatelOskogo onkologicheakogo instituta (dir. prof. Ven.Mikhaylov), ~ofiya, Bolgarlya. (NMILMOM, case reports, optic nerve (Rus)) (HERVICS, OPTIC, neoplasms, neurilemmoma (RUB)) IA~ v E-CERPTA MEDICA See 16 Vol 7/5 Cancer Flay 59 v' 17:39. Treatment of leucoplakia in the oral ca . '~, vesth contact X-ray therapy (Bulgarian text) N alid A I)REFV L. Shl'r. mrd. it (,12- 40) T-3hh's 3 1 lilts.- )58. 912 A rrport OF 17 C;Iscs 011 Ivuroplaii-ia bf Iliv oral cavity (reawd wit), comact X-ray "Irrall)--The doses used varied betwern qmno atid 8,o(X) r. All patients recovered. it is bdieved that cotitact X-ray tlicral)y should be the nictli(KI (if choice in the treatimill of letictil6kia. V, E'-CERPTA MEDICA See 16 Vol 7/5 Cancer Yay 59 Olyi. Carcinoma of the auricle of the car. Some problems connected with its treatment (Bulgarian text) ANIMLIN \*. S(i. Kl'i. 011011. hw.,)ofiaSfivrJI(d. fl!.l Tables -j 11111%. 1 'I*Iir ituth')r discusses th -utic'n,%ulls ill 41 P-3licots "'i'll cill-cill"I'Ll 'if tile ato-i"le, stfiNjected to ra(eatt~lcrill)[ loll oilly. 1,1111 rcrovery For a period lasthig Illore 111.111:j yr..%vas obtained ill vi palicots. The radiological reaction %%-;t% Nveakest ill tile patirim stili ,ircted to Irratnient %%-ill% radioactivc cobalt. Not ;t single case %vith necrosis of the rat-filage or -*vith pericholl(Ititi-, WOIS TCCOTdC(L It is the author's opinion that the efTect of radiation therapy ill the treatineot (if cancer of tile atiride is equal to the cfrect of electrocoagulation. YAKOVLEV, A.I.; ANDREYEV, V.A. Use of the drip-laminar method in producing complement fixation reaction in experimental viral and ricketteial infections, Lab, delo 9 no.3s47-50 Mr 16). (MIRA 16A) 1. Institut poliomiyel" i vi~usnykh entsefalitov kMN SSSR. (COMPLEMENT FIXATION) (RICKETTSIAL DISEASES) (VIRUS RESEARCH) - ANDUTAZ,-V,A. llaing the TS-3 theodolite for 6ptical. orientation. Gor. zhur. r0.2: ) -68 IF 158. ( '0 (MIRA 11:3) (Theodolites) (Mine Burveying) 30(l) SOV/99-59-8-4/10 AUTJTOR% Andreyevt_V.k., Engineer TITLEs Preferable Types of Gates for Automatically and Remotely Con- trolled Irrigation Systems Structures PERIODICALs Gidrotelihnika i melioratsiya, 1959, Nr 8, pp 22-29 (USSR) ADSTRACTs A basic improvement of the irrigation system is necessary in or- der to meet the requirements of the 21st Party Congress and to produce 5.7 to 6.1 million tons of cotton. The available-systems and pipelines are not able to secure the right water distribu- tion or proper utilization. The chief of the project can only be reached by telephone and water regulation is carried out manu- ally. Up to the last moment this technique was also planned for new projects. The loss of water is not only caused by filteringy but also by the bad control system and the inefficient organiza- tion. The losses can be eliminated by automation and remotely controlled systems but still Government regulations and design solutions are missing. After explaining the importance of remote- Card 1/2 ly controlled systems and of automation for large irrigation ANIMEV, V.A.. gornyy inxh. Now developmente in hole boring. Ugoll Ukre 4 no.4: 34-35 Ap 160. (MIR& 130) (Boring machinery) ANDREYEV, V. Soviet expnrtt of oil well drillinr and nro5pectinF equipment. Vnesh. torg. 41 no-IC:28-31 '61. (MIRA 24:9) 1. Zamestitel' predsedatelya Vsesoyuznogo ab4redineniya *Mashino- (*sport". (Oil well drillinr rigs) ANDREYEV, V.A. Transfer of conical lids to die stamping. Kuz.-shtam. proizv. 4 no.3:45 Mr '62. (MIRA 15:3) (Sheet-metal work) CHERRYSHAV, Aleksandr Vasillyevich; YAKHIN, Abran Borisovich (deceased]; GRIGORIYEV, B.V., kmand.tekhn.nauk, rotsenzent; NWEREL -V-A-' lvind.tokhn.nauk, red.; YELISHIDIV, H.S., red.izd-va; CIUM40VA, 2.1., tek) LIntroduction of automatic programmed control of operations on metal-cutting machines] Avtomatizatsiia obrabotki na metallorezhu- shcY-'Lkh stankakh a primeneniem programnnogo upravleniia. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 194 p. (MIRA 12:11) (Metal cutting) (Machine tools--Nunerical control) (Automatic control) AI'M]TW, V.!..; K(10DaX1CJ1, D.P. [decea3ed]; V.F.; Now tochnique of operating the Sout, Golodnava-Steppe Canal. Nat. po ,roizv. oil- Uzb. no-15:326-331 160. WIRA 14:L0 1. Sredneaziatsldy nauc'~nc-i r sle te 1 Is' :iy institut ii-ricatsii, TrslJe;-,t, i Institit (South Golodn,..a-Stcppe Canal) (Remote control) AMBEYEV, V., inah. Twer headframes abroad. Prom.atroi.i inzh.soor. 4 Ja~F 162. (Mine buildings) (Precast concrete construction) no.1:61-63 (MMA 15:8) AOREYEV, V., inzh. Improving preparatory operations in mine construction. Prom. stroi. i inzll. soor. /+ no.3-36-40 My-Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Mining engineering) -ANDREYEV, V. Uranium ore mining Industry of the U.S.A.. -tom.energ. 9 no.4: 337-338 0 160. (MIRA 13'-9) (United States--Uranium ores) ANDRNTEV, V. Toward new success in ferrous metallurgy. Stall 21 no. 1:1-4 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:1) (SteeI -Metallurgy) ANDREYEV, V., inzh. Expediency 3f building towers for sinking vertical shafts. Prom, stroi. i inzb.soor. 3 no.2:37-38 Mr-Ap '61, (MIRA 15:3) (Mining engineering) ANDREYXV, V. . iametor tube rolling. Mor.flot 15 no.5.,31 My '55. Small d (Rollina(Metal otork) (HLRA BtO ANDRE YE V I V ~ A. ~ - Mechanical cleaning of mine cars with RP-17 bore hammers. Ugoll Ukr. 7 no.11:45 N 163. (MIRA 17:4) ANDPE-fEV. V.A. (KI~d'-yel.,ka) cl,.~anlng of' mllne T,r-$l -)F, ':vi .1 (MIRA MATFVOSYAN, P.A*, Inzh.1 SELIVANOV, V.M., inzh.; PETROV, B.S., Inth.1 ANDREYEV, V.A., Inzh.; TAPASHCHENKO, P.Ya., Inzh. Preventive measures against cracks In Kh25T steel ingots. Stall 25 no.10013-914 0 165. (KTRA Mill) ANDUYEV, V.A. 171 lt I, it j or, cartrid we. 11,A). dolc nc).8,506 16 5. (M2RA 18:9) 1. Glnvnyy voyennyry 6ospitall imeni. Purdenko, Poskvit. EtYT(')/EWP(w)/EWA(d)/T/EWP(t)/EWP( m k)/EWP.(z)/EWP(b)AWA(c) iUW/JD/W- ACCESSION NR: AP5025133 UR/0133/65/000/010/0913/0914 669.lB7.2 -AUTHORS', Mate!eyan P. (Enjifiser)i Selivanov, y. m. (Engineer); Petrov B S (Engineer), Tarashchenko, p. Ya.,(Engineer (Engineer);.fin t,_Y P TITLE: Ways of combating cracks in Kh25Tjsteel slabs SOURCES Stall, no. 10, 1965, 913-914 .TOPIC TAGS Kh25T steel, metal surface, annealing, metal rolling acks(Z fractures in Kh25f steel slabs are caused by internal strain! ABSTRACT: Cr a slabs- ods of .ari in" duRng tfie cooling of blooming. Changing of the meth me elt g of this'steel in open arc,f~rnaces does not have any substantial effect on: the imination of this defect. The use ofAheet ingots is also ineffective. Role lin of the slabs on a sheet mill-in the tkQt,,state immediately after blooming ~ri: cannot be aftera special heat treatment (anneaLinj)lWliminates the cracks, but recommended because of the poor quallty of the surface of the sheets obtained, A complete prevention of the defect (for any ~hemlcal oomposition'witbin the stand-. ard requLz ate and with the "wed content of nonmetallic inclusions)' is achievl~_,W_ ed by annealing the slabs'and px*heatW them before they are placed in the holdlni~ LCard.1/2.._ -------------- --- ALPATKIN, Mikhail Tikhonovich, inzh.; DODIN, V.Z., kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchn. red.; ANDREYEV, V.A., Inzh., nauchn. red. (Mechanization of earthwork in peronnially frozen jroundj Mekhanizatsiia zemlianykh rabot v usloviinkh mnogoletnei merzloty. Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1965. 131 P. (MIRA 18:4) S/16"i/62/000/005/030/093 '507 S enonov, V. 2., Yev;-rafov, 1 S. arJ Andreyev, V. 3. Some rcsuits of 6iound r p r n o h territory of Tatariya I-ODT'AL: zhurnal, G,2ofizJll~~,., no. 5, 1,D02, 32, ab- L 5, struct 4 ( G e 0 1 . n e -J- t i i trr-, z a , n o 5: 5 4 4 4 h r s u, 1 ~V s o f i L i's ie t om e -,, e r 4L n v u ti - ii U "I a norih-eaotcrijy di.-3tric-us o--" the Tatar ASSR and re- UreV4C)~,S'-, e. 1 2,. --bed- aim was -uj de-vail - -L T 0_ -iDns are descr- xp, -0 4 n- e u 0,,. 4 "0_ .-em geoloc,ica'ly, - - 11 -%- -6 - S u -L v t) ~L "onc -C .1 a L3 a- d o A of Tho cryotal baSo::,.ont roll J uf wa:; con,,,,true t' cd, 0,uit of quallti-tative L) 10 .h.-- considcrat-;on of drillin- data. Abstracter's note: Com- -ranslation. 7 .,Ile ue 6 Card 1/1 SAM,U6KIYj A.A. (Moskva); ANDREDEV, V.B. A difference schemo of a high4r order of accuracy for an elliptic equation in several s'nace variables. Zhur. vych, mat i mat fiz. 3 no.6slOO6-1013 N-D 63o (MIRA l7s.1) ANDREW, V.B. . inzh.; SAIUIAROV, I.Ye., kand.fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk Elasticity modulus xCa statorlisegment pack. Vest.olektroprom. V 33 no.lt42-44 Ja 162. NIRA 14:12) (Elasticity) (Steel-Testing) AIIDREYEV, V.B., master po kapitalinym rabotam Correct track maintenance on bridges. Put' i put.khoz, no.7-32-33 162, (MIRA 15:7) 1. Stantsiya Orenburg I., Kuybyshevskoy dorogi. * (Railroad bridges-Maintenance and repair) Q. 47 km ~V! -.-'4 N, Al. V** ab' iS, V x!~ ~t, 0 5X kl- ,At- ;'X-1 to], air, 50 *at~ j" it --H J;i '951 "i - t 5. Mg 7, -7-W. ilk 04 I~u U VOW, 7V" ANDREYFIV,,,~,~,.,; (Moskva) Iterative schemes of alternatIng directions for the numerical solution of the third boundary value problem in a p-dimensional parallelepiped. Zhur. vych. mat. i mat. fiz. 5 no.4:626- 637 Jl-Ag 165. (MIRA 18:8) ~, N D f "; " '17a , v . 11) . Uran ' un i MIUSLrl,~a of cap. I Int ft.-, in Phi 1. -~ t, ).,,. v1q.-F. 17 ni.i-75-78 11 164, '": i I i . F" . '? ; Al'iALYEV, 1:*,.,I,-(,--r,ota.-j Jllotl.~L- v (d, 'Arall v 1962 sLitut illforlivltL~ii 'vanly tovotnoy lWiiY5_6 AU`rHOR: Andreyev, V. B. (Moscow) ORG: none SOURCE CODE: UR/0208/66/006/002/0238/0250 TITIX: On the uniform convergence of several difference schemes SOURCE: Zhurnal vychislitellnoy matematiki i matematicbeskoy fiziki, v. 6, no. 2, 1966, 238-250 TOPIC TAGS: elliptic differential equation, Dirichlet problem, numerical method, Pgisson equation, heat equation, parabolic equatibn if ABSTRACT: Uniform estimates for the speed of convergence of several difference schemes, for which the principle of the maximum is not established, are presented. The -m-et-Tio-Js-considered are: 1) t6se of increased order of accuracy on a rectangular net, for the Poisson equation in thi case of two and three variables; 2) those of increased 'order of accuracy with a decomposed operator for the heat equation with constant co- llf efficients; and 3) schemes with a decomposed operator for the parabolic equation witV variable coefficients. The method of energy inequalitieu is used to obtain solution estimates in the nom of the space ~2 (2). The uniform convergence follows from the a prior! estimates on the basis of the difference analogue, which is proved, of an UDC: 518:517.944/.947 Card 1/2 *a* Go 4 *0 0 a*** 6-0-67w.4 -TV*.* Go Go 4 0 0 4 00 0 0 4 0 0 is 16 17 to is 11 11 u a id a A v is 14 It 11 v 11 m a a v is 0 a w to L A 11 p 9 a I I %I It -L. I -,L #A- 0 CC CR U -it 41 00 0 06 s -40 -90 ON 0 s The bistribullou of the gWIrir yUjj is, Th,... oo o 0"-L)'Scb&ftt Tube with A tame Back VfAtase t . it kild-I t ze 0 Im.1 00 ......... ... . 00 ........ 11'. '00 .00 Joe 00 00 Ut 0 1 too 0 ; '00 0 to io 0 -A 's 6 ,90, 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 4 0 0 0 0 it 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 to 4 (A 0 0 0 0 0 9 4 0 0 0 6 0 0 oj ANDIRMEV, V. D. 6778. Topchlbashev, T. A. i Andreyev, V. D. Sortovoye rayonirovaniyei kharnkteristika sortov zeT-novykh, m-islichnykh kulltur i trav v Azerbaydzhane. Baku, Azerne!~hr, 1954. FB s. s. ill. 20 sm. 3.000 ekz. 1 r. 10 k. -- Na azerbayzh. ya7,.--(55-25l4) 633; 631-52 (47.924) SO: Kr-izhnaya I--tonis' No. 6, 1955 ANDR~,')SV, V.D. (tionk-va) I Orin caue of woak osaillatione of it D)VEteld TMIT'll!) ~ ~Iltq a moving fitlerum. Prikl.mat. 1 2? N.-D 11:12) 1513. I'LA SOV/110- 59-1-312~8 AUTHOR: -Andreyev,, V,D,,, (Candidate of Physical and Mathematic-al Uciences) TITLE: A High -voltage Thyratron with Little Se~. tionalisai lon (Malosektsionirovannyy vysokc~ioltnyy tirat-ron) PERIODICAL-. Vestnik Blekt--,f--)pT..~yjiyshlc-ntiosti,19159,Nr 1,pp 9-41AUSSR) ABSTRACT: The maximum hat. ba applied to thy.Tations ,asotron, ha-ce 1ez~n maciz are 15 - 20 kv, Ifigh ;;,oitage g for maximum inve,,,sc- noltages -)t 150 kV and mor-2, by sec,tion,ilising th-e systt~,m an,! %sing dE~vi~eS T,_~ a arti.foi-irj distributior, of anod- -.oltage betwez-n 1111~. sections during the -nor;-(,-)nd,,,v't1ng pa.,t of rhe. Externs,l c.apaoltanr.e --roltage dividers are aften usod.- V I ,L. Grano7sk.4y (Ref 14) has -tiowrn tnat. the ~~olt-:age. distribution between soc-t'-ions d,.,.-r ing t tie non- r onexu~-.T..;, ng pait of the cycle iF not the same at:~ a ~;acuum because of ionised. vapoui temain,~ng at. the ~eginnng of fhe ieverse ha'1f.-cyolle, The a-mount of distort,ion is proportional to the rate of fall of c-.urrent at 0e end o,,r the conducting part of t'l-,e --ycle, and also to thE, capacitance between the noighbouring elec,trcdeE. I n Card 1/3 practice, the principle of sertloria,Jisat,ion fo: very righ voltages is only ju,_tified If the c.urrent. and -LnveTSE~ 30V/110-59-1-3/28 A High-voltage Thyratron with Littlo Sectionalisation voltage change smoothly and the process of de-lonisation is completed before the voltage rises to an appreciable value. These conditions aT-2 obser, 'ed, for example, in single half-wave rectifier circuits. "When the rate of change of current is great and the inverse voltage increases quickly, as in a bridge circuit. anode section- alisation should be avoided, It is shown that under these conditions the use of intermediate electrodes cannot appreciably reduce the field intensity at the anode or influence the probability of backfiiing ek~en when the voltage is uniformly d-,Lvided between the eleCtTodes. .1 n practice it. was found that the building of unsectionalisttJ medium-voltage rec,tifie-,s was justified only after preventing the possibi1ity of formation of (;atl,,odz- spots in the space beyond the anode. Biealcdown over long paths from the rear parts of the anode to the cathode also had to be prevented. Special sc.%reens were most effective -in preventing such breakdown. A photograph of a high- voltage thyratron constructed with these factors in mind Card 2/3 is given in Fig 1. An additional electrode is intioduced between the anod& and the A number of samples of SOV/110-59--l--3/28 A High.-voltage Thyratron vith Little Sec;tlonalisation high.-voltage tbyratrons wore made and tested under various conditions. The t.ype shown in Fig I was gi*.,en a rated inverse -'oitage o'r~ 65 0 with a mean rated outrent. of 3 A, and tested i-n a thre,~-phase powe! r.irouit on an induc.tivrn-re~~Ast-Lve load, T~,e test ~;!T,~Uit is shown in Fig 2 and os.,;-Illogram.5 of the tny-ratrcn conditions are r-=p-:oduc:ed in F-L,g 3~ The teEts sLow a maximum anode veltage of 7.1. kV: the mean cuirent. in tl-.Le alve was 3. 7 A )ntinuous and 9,'," A. short thpi. (2 se,:.s) .Tlie thyrat.~-..,n also b~,ha-ed satIsfa.-',t.crjI.y wIt-h grid control, T6st te-sults -when ope-,a.t ing wit.h periodle'; carrent Jmpulzses at a frc-quen,::y of I se(-s a-re also given. The prl.ric.,Lpai d1mensions and of the thyratron are given, Thyrat:von,~-. rf this type. m-a-i find application I.r., high.-i-oLt.age powe7- re,*Alfier "nstal- lations vol-tage cont.vC. -. aTICI of sever~~'J amperes. Theie aTit 3 figaie,_: and 5 Sov,,,_tt. referen:c~z. SUMITM.D: September '10p 1958 Card 3/3 YASLBBEIKOV, N.M.; S&KOVICH, A.A.; ANUMM, V.D. Yiring of a Rectionalizod high--voltago roctifier. Blektrichestvo no.6:25-29 Ja 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Vaesoyuznvy elaktrotakhnichaskiy institut im. Lenina. (Electric current rectifiers) ANMEYN. T.D. - Developments in the beryllium industry in capitalist countries; review of foreign publications. TSvet.met. 33 no-5:93-94 My 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Beryllium) ANDREYEV. V. D Uranium industry in capitalist countries; survey of present-day conditions. Atom. energ. 11 no.1:72-7~, JI 161. (MIRA 14-7) Nranhim ores) A.N')REYEV, V.D. The uranium industry of capitalist countries in 1961. Atom. energ. 13 uo,3:293--299 3 162. (NIMI 15:9) (Uranium industry) ANDREYEY,Y.D-, k V. d.fiziko-matematicheakikh nauk; MESHCHERYAKOVI, BIM., inzh.; TYULINAI ;A., inzb. Spontaneous extinction of a~d.c. are in a vacuum-type cutout. Vest. elektroprom. 33 no.7t43-45 A 162. (MIRA 151l1) (Electric cutouts) ANDREYEV, V.D., kand.fiz.-matem.nauk; TYULINA, M.A., inzh. Use of a vacuum switch for switching doce in a condenser circuit. Vast. elektroprom. 33 no.9t40-44 S 162* (MIRA 15-10) (Electric switchgear) (Electric networks) ACCESSION NR: AT4olO2'26 S/3056/63/000/000/0064/0670 AUTHOR: Klinov, F. Ya.; Andreyev, V. 0. TITLE: Measurement of temperature in the lower 300 meter layer of the atmosphere from a high meteorological tower SOURCE: Issledovaniye nizhnego 300-metrovogo sloya atmosfery*. Moscow, 1963, 64-70 TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, lower atmosphere, atmospheric temperature, temperature measurement, atmospheric temperature measurement, temperature profile. air temperature altitude dependence, thermogradientograph. ABSTRACT: The structure and operating characteristics of a new thermogradiento- graph developed on the basis of the remote-controlled, automatic Instrument at the Leningradskly gidrorreteorologjcheskiy institut (Leningrad Hydromete'orologi- cal Institute) are described in detail, wrth a block diagram Illustrating its use to determine the temperatures at various I-evels of a high meteorological tower. The apparatus consists of transmitters with the operating arms of measuring bridges, a network of relays and a multichannel recorder; the bridges which serve as the sensory elements of the transmitters consist of one copper resistor and 3 mbn an n resistors. Several temperature profiles obtained with this apparatus ACCESSION NR.- MATI 4 W#% I G and a graph relating temperiture and time at various altitudes are presented. The results show that the Instrument may be used within a temperature range of -4o to +4oc "V. S..Storozhko, B. P. Zotov, L. Ye. Lobova and others took part in the deveilpm~nt and perfection of the thermogradientograph.11 Orig. art. has; 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTEDw 00 DATE ACQ: 20Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AS, SY NO REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 000 2/2"' ANDREIEV~ VD, (Moqkva) Passage of a useful signal and backg.7cund noise signal through radial-slot obturators of systems for indicating gloving objects. Izv. AN SSSR. otd. tekh. nauk. tekh. kib. no.3:56-66 My-ie 163. (Automatic control) (MMA 16t7) ANDREYEV.0 V.D. (Moskva) Determination Of optimum parameters of radially-slotted shutters in display systems of Iiii6nous objects. Izv. AN SSSR. Tekh. kib. no-4:184-395 JI-Ag 163. (MM 16:11) ANDREYEV, V.D. Uranium industry in capitalist countrIes in 1962. Atom. energ. 15 no.1:88-91 JI 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Uranium industry) ANDREYFV, V.D. (Moskva) Errors of inertial navigation systems. Izv. AN SLSR "ekh. I kib. no.2:159-174 Mr-AP164. (14IRA 1-1;5) ANDREYEV, V.D. (Moskva) Theory of inertial systems for autonomous determination of the coordinat6s of a moving object. Prikl. ritt. i mekh. 28 no.l: 39-50 Ja-P64. (MIRA 17:2) 8/0040/64/026/002/020/0257 ,ACCESSICH NRs ;AP4027584 AUTHOR: Andreyev, Ve D,,(Moeccw) Tr.LLEs Oeneral equations 6f inertial navigation ,SOURCEt Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, Y. 28, via. 2, 19640 242-257 TOPIC TAGSt inertial navigationo motion equation, stabilityj, navigation equation# ,nevton meterp angular velocity measurement ABSTRACTt The equations of motion for a body moving with respect to an inertial system are developed. Measurements are made by three newton-meters and three devices for measuring absolute angular velocities, Bluations are constructed for i iideal performance in a non-central gravitational-field of the earth. Then equaticna :are introduced which describe the possible performance by taking into account I I !instrumental errors* Properties of the error equations are discussed for a gener- alized navigational schemes It, is shown that error equations obtained for particu- lar navigational schemes in earlier works may be derived as spacial cases* FinaUyj stability of the motion of the system is investigated. "The author thanks A. Yu.& Ishlinskiy for his supervisions" Orige art* hass 77 equations and 1 figuree Card ACCWSION NRs AP4027584 iASSOCIATIONs none 1 summot o2Feb63 DATE ACQt 2BApr64 ENCLs 00 iSUB CODEt AS NO REF SOVs 015 OUIERr- oa; 2/2 Card t ACCESSION NR: AP4028988 S/02801641000/OOZIO159/0174 AUTHOR: Androyev; V, D. (Moscow) TITLE: 'Errors in inerti&I ns~vigation systems SOURCE: AN SSSR. Investiya. Takhnichaskaya kibernatika, no. 2, 1964, 159-174 TOPIC TAGS: navigation, inertial navigation e's ysto m, inertial navigation error, inertial navigation theory ABSTRACT: An Inertial nkvigation'system usually operates under disturbance conditions which are characttrized by Its structure, object-motion parameters, errors in the initial conditions,. and instrumental errors of the components; the .-latter errors may be either specific or random functions of time. By analyzing the differential equations of the disturbed operation of an inertial system (the Iferror equations")i the stability and accuracy of the system can be determined. In the gar-oral c&soo the error equations (developed by-the author in "Prikle Card 112 - ---------- ACCESSION NR: AP4028988 matem. I mekh. 1964, 26, no 1) are high-order differential equations.with variable coefficients; their anal;ais Is very difficult. However, in these particular practical cases (treated in the article), they can be reduced to equations with constant coefficients: (1) The base is stationary in the system of coordinates W 414 C., which is permanently oriented with respect to remote stars; (2) The constant-speed motion along a parallel, with no newtono the meter along Oz. -axis and the trihadron 0 4 y. x. oriented on the continents (0y. -axis is directed toward the North). Orig. art. has: I figure &nd 60 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: z2may63 DATE ACQ: 30Apr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODEt 'm NO REF SOVt 009 OTHM: 000 Card 2/2 ,,, N r , ~,,, y 1 4 , V.D. (Moskva) ~kithz)d for navtgaticn a gyro~--cm,,a3t! and (t J,.;~p2er velocity Izv. AN Tekh. ~ib. no.&ACII--130 N ", '63. (MIRk 171 ;4) "Navigation system." -187 Mr-AP164. -KAIN I . . . . . ...... ~~4?oyA WN ~�Nff T's a MR -M 1W e. zx 7~ AW tow, ok, ~W- i~ 6, - ~ or I MT44T#;L6 W, i6wioub -0 MI'l T till W, futm OW"4 OPP, W K