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AND~EN(F-\/, V. RAICHEV. R., ANNUMV,VI. KalignAnt tumors of the hard palate. Stomatologiia no.1:27-33 154. (UU 3: 7) 1. Iz Republikansklia riduchno-izeledovatelaki onkologichen Institut. Direktor* Prof. G.Tenchov. (PALATIC, neoplasms,) Al /f Ft V 1/) - RAICHEV, R.; ANDMV. Y1. -".~ ~.11 -1-11' "- - Gingiv-adi eancer ani Its therapy. Stomatologlia, Soft& no.4:225- 232 1954. 1. Is nauchno-ixaledovatelskiia onkologichon Institut (Dir. prof. G.Tenchov) (GINGIVA, neoplasms. ther.) AN DAV, V. L, RAIGHXV, Re; ANUMV, Vl. Nrythema nodonum in a patient with cancer of the cervix uteri. Surrem. mod,, Sofla .5 no.4:86-88 1954. 1. 1z Republikanaklia nauchno-izelodovatelski onkologichan institut (direktor: prof. G.Tenchov) (CIMVIX, UTIRINX, neoplasms, with erythema uodosum) (ICRYTHEYA NODOSUM, complicatione, cancer of uterine cervix) A 4 1 ~ A) P = ) /, ),:'i, RAIGHEV, R. ; AMMV, Vl. Case of giant chondrome of the costal cartilage with clinical malignant course. Suvrem. mod.. Sofia 5 no.6:91-~-96 1954. 1. Zz ReVublikanskiis. nnuctmo-iseledovatelski onkologicben Institut (direktors prof. G.Tanchov) (CHONMOMA, costal cartilage, giant) (RIBS, neoplasms. chondroma, giant) 1", v/. KRUSTIV, B.; ANMENV. V1,; KIROV, St. Treatment of cancer of the lower lip. Khirurgiia, Sofia 7 no-7: 413-426 1954. 1. Republikanski nauchno-izelelovatelaki onkologichen institut. Direktor: prof. G.Tanchov. (LIPS, neoplasms, surg.) ANDRE-W. V. Problem of cutaneous sensitivity in cancer of internal organs. Suvrdm. mad., Sofia 6 no.9:28-34 1955. 1. Iz Hauchnoizaledovatalskiia onkologichan institut (direktor: prof. G.Tanchov) (SKIN, in various aiseasas, cancer of internal organs. sensitivity changes (Bul)) OFIOPLASMS' internal org,&ne, skin annsitivity changes in (Bul)) RAICHV, R.-. ANDRIEV, Vl. Juvonile melanomas., Sofia 6 no.9:102-106 1955. 1. Iz nauchnoizeledavateleki onkologichen institut Sofiii (d.irektor: praf. G.Tenchov) (MIUANOMA, In infant and child (Bul)) RA ICIO EV 2 P N -- RE LE "I' , V IN T j: -,,' 1, 'V.,', Malignant osetuoclastoma of the n-1-4n. 35-38 164. 1. SclentLfic Research Cncolo~,-tc Prcf. N. 4,nohev), and Sclentific Rece-irch 7 Institute, Sofia (Director: Prof. F'. Khrlsz.ov). ANDRYAKV, Vladimir. doktor The most frequent occupational dermatoseB In Bulgaria; data of the dermatological ward of the industrial hospital in Sofia, 1 JanuarY, 1947- 1 January 1951. 11-12:537-564 1955. 1. Institut za klinichna i obshchostvrina meditsina (dir.-akad. Tsvetan Kris&anov) pri BAN (SKIN. diseases. occlip.statist. in Bulgaria) (OCCUPATIONAL DISMSES, skin,atatist. in Bulgaria) ANDRETEV, V1. MIXHAIIA)V, Ves., prof; ;'ANDRJEY_~,,3fl, "NowwMW~ , - Xeroderma pigmentosum in adalts. Sovrem. mad., Sofia 8 no.2:98-103 1957. 1. Iz Nauchnaizeledovatelskiia onkologichen institut -- Sofiia. (XEROD&RHA PIGMENT SUM, ease reports, (Bul)) HIRUILOV, V., Prof.; ANnMV, VI. Case of erythroplisia of tii~ glans with special reference to the etiology of erythroplasia. Suvrem. n6d., Sofia 8 no.4:72-78 3.957. 1. Iz Nauchnoizaledovatelskiia onkologichen institut - Sofiia (Direktor: prof. V. Mikhnilov). (IRYTHROPIASIA, cane reports, glann nenis (Rul)) (PM IS, diseases, erythrcmlania of glans (Bul)) b 111PR L V, w Hiii~:YL~' Ves'elin, professor; ANMMV, V1. Itiology of erythroplasia of the penis. Urologiia, 22 no.1:57-59 Ja-F '57 (KLRA 10:5) 1. Iz nauchno-isoledovatellskogo onkologicheakogo institute v Sofii (direktor-professor Veselin Mikhaylov) (IMTTHROPLASIA, etiol. and pathogen. penis, etiol. & ther.) (PZNIS, dis. erythroplasia, atiol. & ther.) TINCHOV, G. ', ANIMMV, Vl. Treatment of leil-oplakia in the oral cavity with contact x-ray therapy. :Suvrem. med. , Sofia 9 no. 2:42-48 Feb 58. 1. Iz Nnuchnoizsledovatelskiia onkologichen institut; Sofia (DIrektor: prof. G. Tenchov). (IMMOPIAKIA. ther. mouth, contact x-ray ther. (Bul)) (MDIOTHERAPY, in various dis. contact x-ray ther. in leukoplakia of mouth (Bul)) EXCERPTA YEDICA See 11 Vol 12/5 O.R.L. Yay 59 1026. CARCINOMA OF THE AURICLE OF THE EAR. SOME PROBLEMS CONNECT- ED WITH ITS THEATM NT(Bulgarian text)- An4-1 --y V. Sci.lies. -c-r I)ncol. hist.. Sofia - SAVR. MED. 1958, 9/4 (34--41) Tables 3 Illus. I The ;vohor discusses the therapeutic results in 41 patients with carcinoma of the am ;, j, , Hubjected to radiation only. Full recovery foi it period lasting more than 3 as obtained in 35 patients. The radiological rcntion was weaketit in 1he patients subjected to treatment with radioactive cobalt. 'lot a single case IV iah ;i-~crosis of the cartilage or with perichondritis was vecurded. It is the aul ... . 4)1 inion that the effect of radiation therapy in the treatment of cancer of the auricle is o,ual to the effect of elpctrocoagulation. (X I, S. 16) RAICIIHV, R., Dot.; ANDRNEV, V ., knnd. mad. nauki -!~i-Lj-pjo Pseudo-opitheliomatouo diseniies. Suvrem. med., Sofia 9 no.8:52-58 1958. 1. Iz Nauchnoizaladovatelakiia onkologichen institut (Uirektor: prof. Ves. Mikhailov). (GARCINORA, diffar. diag. spindle--cell unrcinona from Dseudo-e,)ithe'-,io---atous dis. (Bul)) AWMNBV,.Y.,.,k. med. n.; STRAIM. I. Cutaneous cancer with osseous metastnaes. Suvrem. Med. , Sofia 9 no.8: lo6-log 1958. 1. Iz 11anchnoiznledovatelAiia onkologichen Institut(Direktor: prof. Vag. Mikhallov). (SPINE, neoplasms, carcinom, spindle cell, metnatatic from s1cin (Rul)) (SKIN NICOPIASMS, cane reports carcinoma, spindle cell, metastatic to spine (Bul)) EXCERPTA MEDI7,A See 16 Vol 7/2 Cancer Feb 59 6.50. Ganctr of the Ain trith m(laslajej to the bonej Cancer de la peatt avec rn~(astaM osscuses. ANDJIFFV N't.. -in(] %-rRATFV 11. Inst. Oncol. Sci., Sofia Bull. soc. fr;--Ir. 1)e.rm 4) Report of a case or upiamous-cell cancer ol'thc hairy scalp with MCIaStaSC3 in the Tine. one or the metastatic roci had an osteolytic aspc~t on the N-ray, the other s owed osteoplasia. The possil)iiity ora ro-existing prostatic carcinoma %;-as rejected. 7F:, RAICHEV, R., dote.; ANDREEV, VI., kand. na med. nAuki Cutaneous metastases in malignant tumors of visceral organs. Izv. inst. klin. obsht. med. 4:347-363 160. (SKIN NEOPLASMS) ANDRjZV.Vj.K.M.I.; IAZAROV,R.; PANCHBV,P. Radicactive phosphorus in the differential diagnosis of pigmented neoplasms of the akin. Suvrom. med. Sofia llzio.2-3:137-145 160. 1. It HauchnoUsledovatelskiia Onkologichen Institut, Direk-tor; prof. Yes. Hdkhailov. (PHOSPHORUS radioactiVe) (SKIN NIOPIASMS diag.) (MEUNOML diag. ) (NLVM PIGMENTSD difig.) ANDREW, V1., k.m.n. On the problem of so-called "cryptogenic forms" of cancer. Suvren med., Sofia no.gg4l-48 160, L. Iz Nauohno-izuledovatelskiia onkologichen institut (Direktor Prof. Ves. MVehailov) (NEOPLASMS pathol.) RUCHEV, R., dots.; ANDREEV9 VI. On the problem of trauma and metastatic spreading with report of a case. Xhirurgiia, Sofia 13 no.12:1045-1047 6o. 1. Nauchno-izslpdovatelski orkologichen ins-Utut, Sofia. Direktor: prof. Ves. Mikhailov. (MELANOMA etiol) ANDREEV, VI. Treatment of neglected fo.-w of skin cancer. Suvrem med., Sofia no.4/5:105-110 161. 1. Iz Nauchnoizaledovatelskiia inkologichan institut. (Direktor: prof. Ves. Mkhailcv.) (SKIN NEOFLAc-MS ther) TENCHOV, G.Cdeceased]; RAICfiHV, R.; KRUSTEV, IMbangiosarcoma de"loping in lymphedema efter masteatouT (Stewart-Troves isyndrame). Vdrtxrg~ia (Sofic) 16 no.3.'231-237 163. 1, Institut, za spetaializataiia i uumuratienstvuvane na Iskarite - Softia, Katedra po rentgenologila i radiologiia Zav. katedrata, prof. 0. Tenchov(deeeased]. Xtuchno-izeledo- vatelski onkologichon Inatit9t Direktor: prof. V. Mikhailov. (LYMPUNGIOSARCOMA) (LYMPHEDEMA) (WTECTOM!r) PAPAZOV, Br.; ANDREW, -Zh. Abortion as a cause of sterility. Khirrugiia, Sofia 9 no.4: 106-311 MS. 1. Vissh meditsinski Inst. V. Chervenkov-Soflia katedra po akumberstvo i ginakologita. Vr. sav. katodrata: prof. G. Toshev. (ABORTION, complications. sterility (Bul)) (STERILITY, FWALE, etiology and pathogen3sis, abortiotl (Bul)) Lori ~tic:5 of ~i, f ) "h, ..M. aml r5o tin n-la T 1). o t, rt, v :tl* 9- 2 't)3. DIMITROVA, L.; ANDRMVA, K.; MIREVA, S. Characterization of the waste water from dry distillation of beechwood at the Gorkhim State Industrial Enterpriss, Ril5ki. Manastir. Mim i industriia 35 no.4:127-130 163. DDUTROVA, L.; ANDRIE-EVAPA.'LO., purification of the waste water from dry diatillntion in the Gorkhim State Industrial -Entarprise, Rilski Mazastir. Godlshnik Inst khim prom 2s57-63 163. DIMITROVA, Liliana, khimik; ANDREEVA, Katia., inzh. khimik Purification of waste water from th.-) Kostenets State Chemical Factory, Rhidrotekh i melior 8 no.9t264 163. DIMITROVA, Liliana., khimik,, kNDREEVA, Katia, in-,,h. khimik Waste water from the produetioi4 of synthetic azo dyes at the Kostenets State Chemical gaetory, and its influence on the Ochushnitsa and Maritsa Rivers. Wdrotakh i melior 8 no.4t 120-121 163. ACC NR; Ar70007O4 SOURCE CODE: BU/0011/66/019/~,",.;/0925/0928 AUTHOR: Raitscheva, S.; Andreeva, L. ORG: Institute of Physical Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IT-,.,;z:itut fUr physikalische Chemie Bulgarische Akademie der Wissenschaften); Departmen~ of Physical': Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Technical Institute of Chemical Techno1G.,--,,.. (Lehrstuhl;; fi;r physikalische Chemie und Elektrochemie Techniche Hochschule fiir che;;-..-.sche Technologie) TITLE: The behavior of liquid gallium as an anode SOURCE: Bulgarska akademiya na naukite. Doklady, v. 19, no. 10, 1966, 925-928 TOPIC TAGS: gallium, electronic component, gallium electrode ABSTRACT: The behavior of liquid gallium as an anode in the region of a platinum cathode was studied with two different types of Ga: a 99.99% pure Ga with an excess voltage of hydrogen higher in the solid state than in the liquid state, and a 99.999Z pure Ga with no difference in the excess voltage of hydrogen in either of the two states. In both cases the dependence of Ga anode pntential (~) on current density M between the Ga. anode and the platinum cathode was investigated. Anode measure- ments were also conducted in an nH SO solution of temperatures varying from 12 to 2 4 48C for comparison purposes. The curves obtained for both Ga types are fully in accord. The curves begin at stationary potential 00 - -0.520V 1 0.020V. In the ACC NR. AP7000704 region of -0.300 to 0.200V the dependence of the anode potential on current density is linear with a slope of approximately 400mV and is characterized by good reproducibility in all test series. At ~ -+0.200V with relatively small variations in the potential the current increased considerably. In the region of +0.200V to +2000V the values of current hardly differed from those of the potential; however, the current exhibited a slight downward trend. The Ga electrode showed external , changes as well, whereas variations in the potential affected its surface voltage. Between the stationary votential and O.OOOV the electrode had a spherical shape with an ever increasing radius; after O.OOOV it became-flat. The most probable processes ii respondible for the above behavior of the gallium electrode are discussed. The paper, was presented by Academician St. Christov 18 June 1966. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. SUB CODE:%P,09, l1/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 002/ SOV REY: 004/ OTH REF: 0021 Card L CII-24 q-. -6 7I/Ef,"P(t ~,/Fll1 :01T.T." cc,:,:. 13"'rOII,'63/OIR/OII/1023/1026 RA I CH YA L., Ch9micELL E~aGinecring ;nst.-7tuta, Win [Original , S., PUDREVIA, " . - language version noV.given). Effect of Gallium rurity on 111,iroj-,un Ovorvol a C-O' ~Bofia, DQklPdv*,Bol&~rs~2y asde Vol I 1 110 1 \Q65, pp 1023-1026 'Pii, ,or .1 11 .1 !A~s~rq~Ai CEnglish article 'hile data on hydroron-liquid gallium found in tlhb li-torature ore in satisfactory arroomunt, dots on solid gallium in 'idiluto B01 and M2sksolutiona seem to be conflicting. Consoquently, tho authors carried out ca~oful investigqtions of thi hydroi-on ovorvoltoro using rollium jamDloo of a di foring doproo of purity. Thu nnnlysia of the results Ifihows that the purity o~ the metal greatly nffocts the hydrogon ovorvoltaga Up solid gallium. Howe~or, the dopendonco is not a simple one since the depend on the nature and tho quantitative ratio of different OCOI onto. ,(This paper was prus,'onted by Corresporid1fig Nember SC7. Christov Orig. art. has: 3 flnurof;. I ~ .;: ') " ItPIC TAGS: gallium, liquid 7~mtal SUB CODE; 07,11 / SUBtl EkAir., 22 .'.u1 65 ORIG 11OF: 002 SOV REF: 002 OTH RM 002 Card 1/ 1 Pb C3 q ;Lz. 00 jRAICHh-VA, S.; ANDREEVA, L. Polarization curves for electrolytic hydrogen evolution on gallium in sulfuric acid solutions. Doklady BAN 17 no.12:1111- 1114 164. 1. Chemical and Tochnological Inatitute~ Sofia. Submitted August 7, 1~164. n'r f%he-.;itropinc -n'-i#,i-,n e-;function related to --'-a n-.6:498-503 1957. Iratedra no oftaltAofitn, 4 nreseuxe, vrlue in d-z! 04111 rim,;-: nn r!' ~yrnv,,- 1. k.. by UGIA)VA, T.; ANAIMM, H. Mt-ct of surgical intervention on changes of the eYsticity curve and on certain other functions of the organism In hypertension. glaucoma, suspected glaucom and normal conditions. Khirurgila, Sofia 11 no-7: 620-631 1958. 1. Vissh Reditsinski Iastitut; Sofiia Katodra po ochni bolesti Zav. Imtedrata: Dots. Rv. Zhivkov. (GIAUCOMA, surgery. poetop. raDetive changes (Bil)) ZHIVXOV, E.; ANDREEVA, M._.-- Inhibiting effeact of certain substances during the appearance and development of alloxan cataract in white rats. Mauch. tr. vissh. m6d. inst. Sofia 9 no.4001-309 159. 1. Predatavena ot dots. B, Zhivkov, zhv. Katedrata po ochni bolesti. (VITAMIN B2 pharmcol) (CATARACT exper) (ALLOW toxicol) ANDRE73VA, M.; TODOROV) N. Forperience vith physiotherapeutic treatment of nyopia. Naucb. tr. viesh, mad. inBt. Sofia 9 no-4:329-314 15c., 1. Predstavena cit dots. E. Zhivkov., zar. Katedrata po ochni bolesti Predsta,wena ot prof. M. Rashev, zav. Ki,tedrata po vutreahni bolesti. (MYOPIA ther) MDREEVAP M. Effect of "Nemorin" -- a Seneclo naemorensis preparation - on pupillary motility~ Nauch. tr. vissh. med. inst. Sofia 40 no-4:95-98 161. 1. Predstavana ot doe. E. Zhivkov, ruk. na Katedrata po ochni bolesti. (SENECIO pharmacol) (P-UPIIS pharmacol) sn&ONOVY I~m.; WULDAEOV, St.; ANDMOVA, M.; DMNSKI, Iv.; DOIADZHIE-V, 11 Mortality tables of the Bulgarian population for 1946-1957. Izv Mat inst 13AN 7 45-50 163. -q.TYF,.O.N'OV, lhanuil; MWEVA, Marghrl ,A BJri-.Y,B in Bulp,,arja from 2947 to )961. jzv Mat ln:it BAIN 8.-119- 343 1 E4. 1. Submitted r-etcher 21, 3963. ANDREEVA, St. Publications of t,,:(! Rilgaritui Academy of Sclencea released in 19("?. Splz~wiie BAN 8 no.2.,104-110 163 1~ ANDIUEVA. St. I ---~ Publications of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Spisanie BAN 7 no.3:133-139 162. ANDREEVA-GALANINA. E. C. Cbangpa in the gulvano-cutanpous refl-x in chronic carbon disulfido poisoning. Rev. iglena microb. Ppidmm., Bucur. no.4:23-31 Oct-Dmc 54. 1. Seful catAclrei de igiona muncti la Institutul do Igiens, Leningrad. M. Dragnoa Catedra do Igtens, a muncii I.M.F. Bucurpsti candidat in attinto medicale primit In redactie in octombrlm 1954. (CARWN DIMLYIDE, poisoning chronic, off. on galvano-cutanmous reflex) (REFFLEX PSTCHOGALVANIG off. of chronic carbnn disulfide pois) ANDREEVE, G-. The technique of laborator-ies;studies of stresses in the active part of a tool with a polarizing optical installaticn, with the help of a film coating. P. 71. METALURGIA 51 CONSTRUCTIA DE MASINI. (Ministerul Industrid Metalurgice Bi Constructii1or de MaBini ai Asociatia Stiintifica a Inginerilor si Technicienilor din Rominia) Bucuresti, n1mania. Vol. 11, no. 1, Jan. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) IC, Vol. 8, no. 7, July 1959 Uncle ANDREEVSKI, Aleksandar, doe. dr; JOVANOVIC, Mihailo, sanitetski major dr Contribution to the study of injuries of the temporal region. Voj. sanspreglas Beogr. 18 no-107-42 Ja 161. 1. Medicinski fakultet u Skqpjuq Klinika za uvo, nos i gr1o" Vojna bolnica u 51ropju, Odeljenje za uvo, nos i gr1o (TEMPORAL LOBE wds & inj) ARDREEVSKI, Aleksandar, prof. dr. (Skopje) Surgical therapy of acute and chronic siru~- Med. glhs. 10 no.6:134-137 Jl-Ag 1 65. :~curc r Yll rlr vir, n cns 7 T ncl. IF RIF;; !g tg; re rA Kh, I ~ ~4- 14 c ,r, K,;g i N~ I- fit Olul Wv. A ANDREEW, TOTIU Urologichanata pomosht v uchROtukovata sl-azbba, 'E. andreev, A. Georgiev Yi. IAnakiev. Sofiia, nauka i izkustvo, 1954. 1SO p. Science Periodicals Vol. 2, no. 2 1957 SO: !j!on hly List of East Enro-pean Accession (EEAL) LC Vol. 8, No. 3, March 1950 UNCLASSIFIED zi~. HINAKOV, A.G.; SHCHx&ANSKIY. L.A.; ANDOGA, P.N.; DUBROVSKIY, V.A. -.- Answer to the K.Gesse's article. Stak.1 ker. 12 no.12:23-25 D 155. (HLRA 9; 3) (Glass manufacture) (Zinc sulfate) Rumania/Physics of the Earth - Seismology, 0-3 Abst Journals ~ F:LzAa., No 12, 1956, 36364 Petiescu, G., Andzei, A. Determination of the Depth of the Hypocenter of the IDarthquake of 20 June 1950 in-the Vrancea Mountains Rev. Unlv.' "C. I. Parhon" st Politehn. Bucuresti. Ser. st:Unt. natur. . 1955, No 6-7., .175-179; Rumanian; Russlan sbd Frencn, resumes To determine the position of a deep earthquake in the Vrancea Mountains, micrcaeiamic dat%.~from 20 seismic stations were uBed. The average value of the depth o~ the earthquake was determined (h = 170 km). Tables are given g comparison with 14 earth- quakes in the Vremcea Mountains, 44hich occurred earlier and were studied by varlous investigators i-i RumE0.5,a and abroad. AN IYR [--- I k AMR* I, A. ; PLTTZ' Great acbie v'j" 1.2 tits of corstrartor3 in !lie p( of ten years sil-ce tho nationali~.atdon. p. ~'97- A le*AT~,"RTAI,:!,`)~~ t7;!!':,'I`~''TI (Asociiti Inj- 11-rilor si 'reclinicionilor ~iin li'o:,iinia si !'ini-1w!-ral Comtructilor si al ,~aterualclor de Constructil) Pucl-iresti, 7ol. !0, no.6, Jime 1958. .-Ionthly List of "last Eliropoan AccessLnrq (EUI) JJC, Vol. 8, no. (-, June 195)? unill. R/O 11/62/006/001/003/003 1010/1210 AUTHOR: Dumitrescu, Mircea, and Andrei, Alexandru. TITLE: Designing ferroresonant A.C. stabilizers PERIODICAL: Automatica si clectronica, v. 6. no. 1, 1962, 22-24 TEXT: A practical description of calculation and designing of ferroresonant stabilizers is given. The Puthors emphasiz ethat such calculations are based upon empirical formulae. established for various cores, and methods of their production. After theoretical considerations a firnetical c- -impic of a 100 W stabilizer calculation is given. A comparison of "ilculated and measured data shows that the calculated performance of the regulator was very close to the measured one. The calculated stability coefficient was S = 84, whereas the me..sured one %%as S = 74. For input voltage changes of 74 V, the output voltage variation %%as only IV. Diagrams of the stabilizer circuit and of the circuit for taking magnetic characteristics of it core pack are given. There are 10 figures and 3 references. ASSOCIATION: ICET (NI. Durnitreseu is Head of Laborotory. and A. Alexandra a scientific "orker of tile laboratory of ICET). Card 1/1 ANI)RFFV, Ain(trol, Ilull. Elimination of difliciltles encoirtcred the of high-ash anthracite as olectric powt!r Nol, Flektroanorgila 15 no.12:14-18 D 'u.. PARPALA, Ana; ANDRFI, Dumitru; CHIOVEANIJ, Misu; DAN, Ion; STOICA, Gornal, ing.; ROMAN, Store Contribution of 76 innovations. Gonstr Buc 16 no.761:3 8 Ag 164. 1. Secretary of the Trade-Union Committee, Enterprise of Assembly Constructions No.2 (for Parpala). 2. Chairman of the Trade-Union Committee, Fnterprise of Assembly Constructions No.1 (for Andrei). 3. Chief Engineer of the Enterprise of Assembly Constructions No.4 (Chioveanu). 4. Chairm&n of the Trade-Union Committee, Enterprise of Assemb%v Constructions No.5 (for Dan). 5. Head of the Construction Site, Enterprise of Assembly Constructions No.3 (for Stoica). ....... ..... Ne, -M7 Pa Jh ~i'xll' .1M r7- 1-4 eq, , Nt xm 'hoe, Rtli. gg '- f mu E I Izu I IV. ANDIZEI, C., 11ajor, I'ledical Corps. "ACtiViLy of Ionizin- Radiation on the BlIcco-Maxillof.-Cial Rc~ionll BucIL3rcst, RcVista Sanit-ara Militara, Vol. 62, No. 3, I'llay-June 1966; pp, 527-536 A.bstraCL: Review of experimental and clinical data, the latter being pri- marily thc Japanese victims oi nuclear boiabs includin1l, the ~ishermcn around the Bikini atoll; data on sensitivity of oral and dencil tissues to radia- tion; discussion on methods of provention and trc:atinc,,A. 4 Soviet, 5 Rumanian, 3 Western references. 'I:anuscri,,~t receiv d 6 Wgust 1965. 1/1 .. ANDREI, I., ing.; SANDUIMGUy I., ing, *aining the gross wei*it of traffic flow through mechanization. Rev cailor fer 10 no.3:117-122 Mr 162. 1. Directia Miscarii A Comercialului. ALTMI, 1.~ ing.; MANDY, P., ing. That we may know the theory and practice relative to the plan of forming goods trains. Rev cailor fer 10 no.2:59-642 F 162. 1. Directia Miscarii si. Comercialului. ANDMI, Ioan, ir-ig. An analyDis of the so-called "parametric equations" method for the calculation of the plan for the formatica of goods trains, and ways of improving ther, method. Rev cailor fer 10 no*4:163-169 Ap 162. 1. Directia miscarii si comercialului. SMUIZSCU, Iosif) ing.; AIIDMI, Ioan, ing. On the improvement of the present itinerary guide. Rev cai-lor fer 10 no.1:7-10 Ja 162. 1. Directia Macarii si Ccmercialului, SANDULESCU, Iosif, ing.), APREI, Ioan, ing. Use n-.' the calculation mechanographic system with perforaWd cards., in t optimum variant determimtlon of the formation plan. Rev cail-.c,- for 10 no.9:461-468 S 162. 1. Directia miscarii ei comoroialului. ANDREI, Ioan,_ing. Influence of degree of use of oar loading capacity on the equipment. Rev cailor for 30 no.11086-589 N 162. 1. Directia miscarii si comercialului. ANDR&I ~ -Ioan, ing.; SAIMIUSCU, losifp ing. Problem of the transport route from the loading place. Rev cailor for 10 no*5:219-222 My 162. 1. Directia Miscarii si Comercialului. SANDULESCU, Iosif, ing.; ANDREI. loan, Ang. Selection of the numerical value of the circulation of railroad care necesaary for the calculation of the formation plan. Rev cailor fer 10 no.61277-284 Je 162. 1. Directia miscaril ai comercialulul. ANDREI, I., ing.; SANDULESCU, I., ing. Selection of the most boonomical routes of railway transpor-~-Ition. Rev cailor fer 10 no.7:331-336 Jl 162. 1. Din Directia miscarii si comercialului. SECHEL, Vasile, Ing.; CAUCU, lulian; MOIRARU, Nicolne, Ing.; ACHIM, Stelian, Ing.; MIHAI, Dumitru, Ing.; ANDREI, I.; CURPAN, V.; BOT, Iosif; STROHLI, Ignat; LUPSE, 0., Ing.; FELICALA, Ch., Ing.; 7ECDORESCU, Dumitru, Ing. Modern technological proceedings in mechanical engineering. Probleme econ 18 no.1:154-163 Ja 165. 1. Technical Director, "Tractorul" Plant, Brasov (for Sechel). 2. Chief Planning Engineer, "Tractorul" Plant, Brasov (for CazRcu) 3. Technical Director, "IndependentR" Plant, Sibiu (for Mnraru). Chief Technologist, "Independenta" Plant, Sibiu (for Achim). 5. Director. Colibasi Plant for Automobile Parts (for Mihni). 6. Director. Metallurgic Plant, Bacau (for Andrei). 7. Chief Engineer, Hatallurgic Plant, BaCRU (for Curpan). 8. Director, "Uniren" Metallurgic Plant, Cluj (for Bot). 9. Chief Engineer, "Unirea" Metallurgic Plant, Cluj (for Strohli). 10. Chief Metallurgist, "Unirsa" Metallurgic Plant, Cluj (for Lupo#.). 11. Director, "Feroemail" Plant Technical and Sanitary Products and Installations, Ploiesti (for Pelicala). 12. Head of Technical Services, "Feroemail" Plant for Technical and Sanitary Products and Installations, Ploiesti (for Toodorescu). ANDIU"I , M. I asint. univ. (Bucuresti) Allelopatbia, matual influence in higher plants. Natura Biologie 17 no.1:22-30 Ja-F 165. AIMRSIJ R. Association of the Festuca mothystirta in the Me Mountains'. Comunicarile AR 13 no.6:541-550 Jo -169. 1. Comunicare prezentata de C.C. Goorgescu.. membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R. LUPZI, Nestor, conf.; GUTU'f&cuf T.1 lag.; GRAU, Carol, ing.; ILICA, D., ing.; AIMREJ p 14, Regional geologic conferences. Rev min 14 no.9:420-421 S 163, ION, Nita, ing.; POTOCEANU, I., ing.; IORDACHE, C., ing.; STANTIEV, L; ANDREI, 14.1 ing.; POPESCU, 1. Reducing cost price, an important task in the siderurgical industry. Frobleme econ 17 no.21l47-151 F '64. 1. Director tehnic conceptie, Uombinatul siderurbic Hunadoarc. (for Ion). 2. Director general, Combinatul siderw-gic Resita (for Potocea tj . 30 Director, Uzina do tavi Roman (for Iordache). 4. Director, Industr a r , sirmei-Cimpia Turzii (for Stanatiev). 5. Seful Serviciului Pldnificare, uzina Giocanul-Nadrag (for Popescu). ]RUMANIA Farm Anizasle. Cattle. Abs Jour I Ref ZhUr - Biologiya, No 5, 1F .59, No. 21234 Author L.; Popa, I.; Adochitei, 0. Inst I Not given Title Investilptiom of the Problem of Morphologic- Produative Properties in Cows of the Pinzgau Breed. at the Cotusea State Farm Orig Pub i Probl. zootahn. ai voterin., 1958, No 4, 13-21 Abetraot t The Pinegau cattle at the Cotuaca State Farm has a vell proportioned and strong body build and possesses a 34vely dieposition. The cowst average milk yield amounta to 3165 Liters, the maxi-,= beirig 6157 liters. Card 1/1 GUTU, A.t ing.; ANDREI, Ov., ing.; COTOVANU, E., ing. Drawing profiles and sketches on scale in vertical plane and large scale by stereoau'.ograph plotting. Rev goodezie 8 no, 2- 64-72 164. 1. Institute of Mine Planning, Bucharest. I ~-j , , , 1~ , i rg.; ANY~: . `~,, . .. I ~ . I I. -, C lTso OIL' terrest - !a I -, ~:ir,;;try 1 7! .-, -W - Y '~ ~M~o !tov min 15 no, C"..,t): "t' ~20 Mv -j i . -.", . ANLRKE, S. Nomograms for computing generators of motocompressing gases used in the pnewia- tic drive of helicopter rotors. p,. 1241. AcadwAa Republicii, Populare Romine. Institutul de Mecanica Aplicatp- STUDII SI CERGETARI DE MECANICA APLICIM~. Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 8, no, 4t 19579 Monthly list of East a-iropsan Acceszjons (ESAI) LC. VOL. 8, no. at Aug. 1959 Uncl. T-,-,Ci iJ'~ L( GY Peri dical: '~'O'NSTRIIJCTILGR K 1, !.'A TERI A.Li," LOR Dr! ';STRUCTii. Vol. 10, no. 11, Nlov. 195'~ for corn! uting the censolidatL :, of foundatiL ns il. 71,-~nthly List of Hzist Luropean Ac.-esslons (.-,EAI) L,, ~?:)1. ~~, 110. .;4.ay 19.59, 1111class. 4Dz-,LP-~, Tl:lt 011. On s 'lemographs for calculating interna-3 logses in the blades of -i pnenu:~-~tiartlly driven helicopter rotor. P.t~63 ~;TUDTT '3T rFRCLTjIRI DE IUATCA -;'i'F7 TCA7-1. Academia 1~--publicii 1-c-pulire Romine Bucw-esti, Rumania Vol. 1.0, no.~' 1059 1,:onthly Id-st of Enst European Accessions, Vo2. 9, no.!, Jan. 1960 U-1cl. X6. 2907 ATIHC'~: Andrei, ~t. 24267 I - 0 - /~ VI TITIJ~I: Critical s "Judy on Gas Cener_-tors vl th irternal combustion en.-ine driven comT)re.-,.,;or,_- for the nrou,".L.tic propulsion of helicoptor rotors P-4-,'RIODIC.*.I,: Studii si cercett~ri le ~:,ecanic,~'. -1plicLt'L', no. 2, 11^61, 363 - 362 TEXT: The article Dresents an an-al-rl- cal and ~-rp_7Dhical_ st-~-dy on the variation of mra,:i,_-Ue1_,s of cner-torz: L _~Mternal combustion engine dr-1ven conmi-c-sors ete,,),~,nd`n- on tlie rate of flovi of the -enerator's cLs-~s, and on '.Ile ja- rame ".~rs of the engine and compre Z so-- di- fferent combina'_-ions com~_tible with their operat-, on on a 'helicenter, reU~_.rd to the cooling -and the adnissio,i -,m~ as already s'-ovin by the aut.llor (Ref. ~e mecc_n4_ct_-_ anii- cat-"?, 4, 1957). The Ccnerai for main ch-.racteristi- Card 1/6 2LI267 R/00 61/000/002/005/01M Critical study on gas D235YD304 P. 7)" = Ve * lp ~= (1 10) P. P. L4 (10) A and thus the nondimensiona-1 coc-IF"Licient: A T., may ea8ily be deduced by takinG into consideration the su:-,. c.' all losses in the external circuit of the co,--pre,-,sor, as well as the CoVer4eS Uotality of the 'heat re f ro-.- 0 s ame ex' er- al c 4 rcu-* 7 -i V The &uthor then examines various combinations. In the basic co::bi- nLtion notated vi-Ith "0 - 0", P-nd a~--suming that no Dower -Js direct.- ly supplied for coclinr, t1i'lle the characteristic pLrpreters of the Gas genera-!.-or corres,,--nd to t'.1c circuits, i.e. t'ne C2.r- cuit of the engine and- that c-f th-e con'-prossor considered to be Card 3/6 24267 R/00 61/000/002/005/008 Critical study on gas ... D235%)304 depent. Thus, the family of gas generators resulting furor. the va- riation of K characterized by 'the quasiconstancy of the adia- batic Dow._,rls level and by the linear drop of the gas te!~_,perature with K. In case of a forced cooling, the utilization of the corri- pret.ser's suction and inlet - o-jening was taken into consideration. In case of a forced cooling at the suctionp RFa , a drop of the adiabatic po,.-ii_,r,-p,~rt_Jajly results by the hydrodynamic losses in the cooling circuit and the suction conduit, Pec, and partially a-q in- crease by the contribution of the engine's cooling heat. In the jase of forced cooling at the inlet opening, RFr1 the above consi- derations remain principally valid, the relative value of the con- stants, however, are modified, the contribution of the re&overed heat takinG place at the Yarm c-ircuit of the compressor's inlet opening. Discussed also are the cases of -rce cooling, Lorced ex- haust cooling and forced inlet opening cooling. The variations of 'the :.-ain characteristic parameters of the 0 - 2 combination are Card 4/6 24267 R/008/61/000/002/005/008 Critical study on gas ... D235/D304 given Graphically and present a reduction of P ad in case of RP ry and a relative improvement in case of RP a- The v-.-Tiations of the characteristical pL~rameters are also Given Graphically and show that no improved performances are obtained as against the 0 - 2 combination. The combination notated with 2 - 0, is characterized against the 0 - 0 reference coi,ibination by a L-,cneral increase of the mass power of the engine in a B x D ratio, and by a -,, Ivction of the engine's efficiency in a - B x D ratio. From the T yai PCIL 1 c2 point of view of the power transformation, this combination is not interesting. However, in the low-pressure field, this combination is superior to the 0 - 2 combination with re6ard to the mass power. The ma~;s power may be improved up to the level attained by the RL, 0 - 2 combination with a mechanical fan. The considerationcmen- tioned for 0 - 5 (0) are also valid for the _2 - 5 (0) combination. Card 5/6 24267 R/008/61/'OOO/CO2/005/008 Critical study on gas D235/D504 The 2 - 2 combination is a super-position of ',he 0 - 2 and 2 - 0 combinations. It presents intermediate characteristics and it ma be considered as a completion of the 0 - 2 combination. The 2 (0~ combinations use limited supercharging and may be considered to be particular cases of the 2 - 0, 21 - 2 and 2 - 5 (0) combinations used to improve the climbing performances of 'lie helicopter. With a minimum of additional equipment tfie' compressor of the gas genera- tor may satisfy the requirements of the cooling and supercharging. The selection of the optimum solution has to be analyzod as a func- tion of the characteristics of the helicopter's rotor -,.rd the -re- quired flying performances. There are 4 figures and 4 Soviet-bloc references. SUBMITTED: 11'ay 12, 1960 Card 6/6 R/008/60/009/006/005/008 A231/A12-6 . 0 AUTHORS,* Patraulea, N.N.; Andrei, qt.; Radu. Gh. TITIE: On the aerodynamic calculation of vehicles using the ground effect PERIODICAL: Studii pi cercet~xi de mecanica aplicat~!,.no. 6. 1960, 1,565 - 1,579 TM: The article presents some general considerations on the operation principle of vehicles based on the ground effect, as well as the aerodynamic cal- culation of different views of the problem, taking into eonsideratJon the two fundamental types, I.el, platforms with circular jets and with annular jets. a) Vehicles In which - potential m6tion is accomplished in the whole space between- the platform and the ground (circular jet): Considered is the hypothetical case of a vehicle in which an overpressure is achieved under the platform, due to an irrotational flow of the fluid in the whole space between the platform and the ground (Fig. 1). Notating with v' the asymptotic velocity and with s the a'symp- totic section after the fluid has been evacuated along the ground supposed to be perfectly horizontal, the necessary power is that one which correspondn"Ln the kinetic energy far downstream: Nid s v13, (2.1). Considering th at the jet is not infinitely thin, the stream lines are almost circle arcs, thus the Card 1/2 IV6081601000100610051008 On the aerodynamic calculation of.... A23IIA126 hypothesis that the stream' lines are,circular can be maintained. The authors then continue with examining variations of parameters.and draw certain conclu- sions on how the operating charaoteristics may-be improved. Th,.re are 8 figures and 1 non-Soviet-bloc reference. The reference to the English-language publioa- tion reads: E.K. Liberatorei A parameter for comparing grbund effect vehicle*S.* Aero-Space-Engineering, October 1959. SUBMr=D: May 12, 1960 Figure I ..........j Card 2/2 ANDREI, S., ing.; CULITA, C., ing.; S!,,ENG11E, H., ing. Research on the steeping sensibility of loesses. 11-Ldrotehnica 7 no. 6:173-187 Je 162. Us o r, 1, s -,; 1: 1" 11!.. industrial C or! s 1, 1 ti tf~ f, .11, i !d 'c' 7,' r i; '-'n I o-- n Of AND:TI, S., jrg., emildnt ir .9tIlInto telinice, of powsr considerations in ths svidy of wnter tran3f9r plinnomena in poroun botiinz,~ liev c-.,)n..itr nj mat constr 16 nn.IC: 536-540 o 164. PETRKA, I.; ANDRHI,S. Fluorescence microscopy of smear preparations and sections in experimental producLion of thyroid and pituitary tumors. Stud. c~i,~-cet. endoor. 15 noo6t525-528 164. 3 MCIAS~-'L- P,9-4/Pe-4f70r1t/6O !j~103331 S ON ft:.~ AP300575): Andreil' Th. Polyoledinic spi resi and liquid polybutadiene epoxy resij 28- SOUR=:! Ravista de cbimie V. 14, N0'0, 6, 1063, 3 335 T&kCiAGS: Resins, epoxy rea n1:po1jo1efin,.1iquid pblybutadiene- he' ATR16T, This i a a study of .~t technical-economic,~aqtors involved in the manu-,b, L6 d~tuiti oftb~'tvo pkduotsp with'a view to their eventualAtilization as coatink!k~ i." laminat in caslts,,,Molds ed:and glass-fiVer laminates.1!7The article dasorlSaes t tbe preparation-of polyolefinic - epwq resins, the charaoteristics of the subs ance alOnei as a ooating.on glaes.or*metal, of.the producta,obtained by molding or'cast- iqP am I a, 8 a 1aminale.with glass fibersc, It also gives some charaoteristies'of li4uid*1Po1ybutadienA%nd 'BONO of- its pos'sible uses (as mentioned in thalitera- or studiea:wlll'b~ necessary before beginning the production of epoxy' Furth Osins in'Rumania. -Howeverj, it' can be said that these resins have cany advantages 1,- ,r over the classic resins, such,as i6wer specific weight., their,manufacture is sim- and 6h, ir eaper. thanthit of.clasoic:resina, ~#.nd their use is to be expanded.con-, A siderably. "Th -zaachanical tests of the',casting samples were performed phydeal. \1 Cara 1/2 '~'ACC 04'A SION NRt AP3005753 L IM natitutul do CHIM Zi. oercetart Chimicej Inetitixte of Chemical Research Parfi -37 . , -We- observations on'tho'coatings wre made atLCOU-Bucharest." Orig. &t. has.- 11 equatio'nsi 2 kiguree' -and .12 tables* A~~O ~IIATI ON INone Sbk TTEDs 00". DATE; ACQ; .14, -Aug '63 ENCLt 00 SUB CODE: CH$ MA' NO MSOV: 001 616 FIL mw. A cl 2/2 rd ' ANDIT-11) Th. Epoxy resins with piperylene. Rev chimie Min petr 15 no. 5:274-275 My 164. Pel-jorij Cal: 7,-T T7T .'J, 1,1"; t1c1l. .nthl~ List of' East Luro~)ean AccesFion (M11) Vol. I r) I 25(l) RUL'/2 -11-91 -17142 AUTHOR: Andrei, Vasile, Eng1neer TITLE: Vacuum Letalizing PERIODICAL: Stiin~d gi Tehnica, Seria a 11-a, Vol 11, 1,11, p 27 (RUM) A.BSTRACT: Vacuum metalizinG, or the method of evaporation in vacuum, consists in heating a me-t-alizing material to its evaporation temperature in a vacuum and deposition of the very fine particles onto an object, The piece to be metalized is placed in a cylindrical metalizing chamber, 1,23 - m in diameter 3-nd 2 - 3~,5 m long. Depending on size and ef-ficiency of the vacuum pumps, a vacuum of 10- 1 - 10-2 = of mercury can be achieved in 10 - 90 min, A supj:ort, oither re- volving or fixed, and one or more -Gungsten filaments are located in the rnetaiizin~- chamber. The piece to be metalized is placed on the frame-shazed support Card 1/3 and the pin-shaped metalizing arents are placed on th ~v Vacuum ldctalizing RUYl/2-11-9-17/42 tungsten filcmont;s, through which an electric current is fed. The heat supplied by the tungston filaments is high enough to mclt and cvlapurate the motalizing agent, This operation tuh,s sec.. The evaporation 1)-,ocess depends on the surrounding va- cuum., The lower the pressure in the chamber, the lower the evaporution temperature, Aluminum, normally boil- ing at 2,270 0C, boils in a vacuum at only 2,0110 0 C. Thu surface of the material has to be very smooth to guarantee good adherence and perfect- biightness. To obtain such a surface, the material is first covered with a varnish and then dried in a kiln. After that the piece 'is placed in the vacuum chamber and met&- lized. The thicImess of the metalized coat can be controlled by the current density and the heating of the filament. A to"al of 25,000 - 70,000 pieces each with a diameter of 75 mm, can be metalized in a va- cuum chambc-l,, 1.,5 m in diameter and 1.1, m lonG, by a single charge. Ilebalization can also be achieved by Card 213 catiodic atomization. The piece to be metalized i V Vacuum Metalizing R UY,12) - 11 -9 - 1'1/42 placed on an anodic disc of aluminum. The cathode consisting of the atomizing agent is placed above the anodic disc. Mietalizing in vacuum, is beinG used in- creasingly widely in industry, There is 1 figure./ ,e ASSOCIATION: I.C.M.E.A. Card 3/3 i,