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.111111~-~'v MBARTSUMYAH , S.A. ,, Calculation of lamizAted shells of revolution. Dokl.AN Arm.VSR 11 me.2:59-66 149. (MLRA 9-10) I.Institut stroltel'afth materialov i sooruzheaiy Akademil nauk Armynnskey SSR, Yerevan. Prodstaylems, A.G.Nazarevymo . f. (R~Rstlc shells aid plates) AMBARTSUMUN, S.A. Calculating slanting cylindrical shells assembled from anisotrople layers. 1xv.AN Arm.SSR.Ser.FW nauk 4-no-5:373-391 151,(KM 9:8) 1. Institut stroymaterialov i toorusheniy kkademii nauk Arayanskoy SSR. (311astic plates and shells) (Anisotropy) "URTSUMUN, S.A. Long anisotrople rotary shells. Izv.AN Am.SM.Ser.70? nauk 4 no.6; 423-431 '51. (NLRL 9:8) 1. Institut stroltellnykh m&terialov I sooruzhenly AWenji nauk Armyanskoy SSR. (Anisotropy) (Blastic plate@ and shells) 4 .,U"y t, I . '17 T, 5. A. -- "Ardsotropic Coatinps.11 .- -.B.ART6Uly Sub 26 Jun 52, Inst of 1,',echanics, Acad Sci USSF, (Dissertation for the Derree of D,:~ctor in Technical Scie!~ces) SO: Vechcrnava Moskya, January December 1952 IMBARTSURYAN, S.A.. doktor tekhnioheskikh, nyuk. 0.A. Ambartsumian's dissertation Unisotropic laminated shells.* Zzy. AN SSSR, Otd.takh.nauk no.3--489-490 Xr 153. (XLRA 6:5) (Ilastic plates and shells) AXMBTMMN, B.A. -41fte" Computation of laminar anisotrople shells. Isr.AN Arm.SSR.Ser. FM nauk 6 no.3:15-35 My-Je #53. (K6RA 9; 8) 1. Institut stroitellnykh materialov i soorushenty AN Armiyanskoir SSR. (Elastic plates and shells) 'Ambarcutrivan. S. it. On the computation of long shells of Nauk ArmN%m..SSR. fzvestI5 Fiz.-Mat. Ntiiil: 6, no. 5-6,65-68 (1953). ([ZuB- sian. At The author c nsiders a vcry slopim, shell (a sloping Shell ni all opell shell (,( Small curvaturos) which in made up of orthotropic layers, Solutions for Such a diell are obtaillw flom :1 symcn) (if two diflert'!ltia! equatio-lir giv-mi by tile author in his pievious (unav:iilahlvl publications. In rasc of a long shell (tht exact definition of it long, must be also in the mithor's previous publications) the 6y,,tem of diOcr- 4.-ntial equations simpliflu!i cowiderably and reduces to the icine given by V. Z. Vlasov [Gencral theory of shells, Guswhizdat, Mosr-ow-Leningrad, 1949; MR 11, 627]. The author makes one more ritnplifving assumption that the Poisson ration are zero iwtl F.dvo~ the systern for a long cylindrir' al Flopill", shell curved ill tile longitudinal diiection. 1.:or a isolTopu 0~01 the Fo4ttioll reduced to tile on~- ~ivvtl h, V, Nov""dov F'Fheory of thin shells 19,-! ~ and the dutlt~r C.011CILICIC.3 thilL NO%O~110~ lik:W', ffJ VI: SOV'fr I,"Wo1% are. coincident. T. L.-scr INW.". fjmr_tjr~ I ovt-i I !-)!V. __ - - --- __ USSR/Engineering - Mechanics card 1/1 Pub. 41-4/13 Author AmbartsunWan, S. A., Yerevan Title on the limits of applicability of certain hypotheses of the theory of thin cylindrical shells Periodical : Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk 5, 57-72, MY -.954 Abstract : Establishes the'limits of applicability of certain hypotheses of the theory of thin cylindrical shells of arbitrary slope. Sixteen refer- ences. Graphs, tables. Institution : Institute of Construction Materials and Structures of the Acadeny of Sciences of the Armenian SSR. Submitted : May 21, 1954 An, To, h AGARTSUNYAN, S.A. Problem of computing the stability of thiu.-walled rods. DokI. A Arm. BSR 17 no.1:9-14 154. (MMA 7:6) 1. Inatitut stroltellufth materialov i soorusheniy Akademii nauk Armyanekey SER. Predstavleno A.G.Nazarovym. (Stability) (Mastic rods and wires) t, '/Nysics S~ell theory Card 1/1 nib. 85 - 4/12 FD-637 Author Ambartsumyan, S. A. (Yerevan) ,A Title Problem of constructing apprcximate theories of calculating a sloping cylindrical shell Periodical : Prikl. mat. i mekh., 18, 303-312, MaYliun 1954 Abstract : Notes that in thL theory of cylindrical shells approximate methods of calculating are based on simplifying assumptions vhose selection depends mainly upon the ratio and dimensions of the mean shell sur- face (according to V. Z. Vlasov and V. V. novozhilov, 1951). Con- siders here the various hypotheses. Institution : Institute of Structures, Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR Submitted : January 27, 1954 T, j T r-iO37fi/j____'____'624.1Q74.4 .531.259.2 On the-, Calculation of k-dsotrapio IYv..Kkw1.14a*,Otd.tek4N&uk with Transversal Ribs i 95JS SLA. AmbartrmLyan U. S. S. R., A - M_- rloa~ily st~"Saaa Win cylindrical rotary shell consisting -of. -hmopnsous orth-Aro~ic_ layors tW=43trical toymds the central surface cif the shall, is "rwidared. It is asEurmd that the cnatoria-1 of each lavar of the shei! follows Houkln expandea Ism. The )Vpotha;iS of lion- deforming normis is &ssumei to be hcolding good. RO~-vant ftlmulae are obtained for very ver7 long or infinitely long shells. qever,-l practical cases are considared, in which the manner of loading ar.A th~~ ntnber and distri"tioil (if ribs vary. (Pibl.10) A"ARTSUKYAN, S.A. - Calculations on a symmetrically loaded circular cylindrical shell reinforced by longitudinal ribbing. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 21 no.4; 157-162 155 (KM 9..3) 1. Institut stroitollzWkh materialov t soorushenly Akademii nauk ArmWanskoy SSR. Predstavleno A.G. Nazarovym. (21astio plates and shells) AUTHOR: AmbLrtsumyan, S.A. (Yerevan). 24-7-8/28 TITLE:__Un__Ehe 'calculation of two-layer orthotropic shells. (K raschetu dvukhsloynykh ortotropnykh obolochek). PERIODICAL:"Izvestiya Akademii Nauk,Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk" (Bulletin of the Ac.Sc., Technical Sciences SectionTl- 1957, No.7, pp.57-64 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: A thin two-layer shell is considered which consists of two orthotropic layers. It is assumed that the planes of elastic symmetry of the materials of each layer are mutually perpendicular and that one of the planes of the elastic symmetry is,iri each point of the layer,parallel to the external parallel surfaces of the shell, whilst the other two are perpendicular to the coordinate lines a = constant, P = constant. It is assumed that a and 0 are curvilinear, orthogonal coordinates which coincide with the lines of the main curvature of the coordinate surface, y is a distance along the normal from the point of the coordinate surface to the point of the shell. The surface of adhesion of the layers which is parallel to the external surfaces of the shell is taken as the coordinate surface and it is also 1/3 assumed that the coefficients of the first quadratic form A = A(m,P) and B = B(a,P) and also the main curvatures of On the calculation of two-layer orthotropic shells.(Cont.) 8/28 247 range of applicability of the here present tHeory is considerably wider than that of the theory constructed on the basis of the hypothesis of non-deformable normals; since the here made assumptions on the deformations correspond more closely to reality. There are 2 figures and 12 references, all of which are 3/3 Slavic. SUBMITTED: June 25, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ac.Sc. Armenia. (Institut Matematiki i Mekhaniki Akademii Nauk Armyanskoy SSR). AVAILABLE: 1~ I I A.-MAhTrI5VVYj,II, USA. a - ropow"m Two --- c.,thcdn for calculati,,u- tw-.!-Iayer orthotropic shells. I%v.,-N 10 r-10-2:17-38 157. (M-:.RA 10: 8) I-Imtltvt matemati~d i mekhnniki Ak-,Ildemii naW- Arriyanslz-oy Ss"'. (Mlastic platen and shells) AUTHOR: 4iQM111ijj1j6,jAQXevan) SOV/24-58-5-12/31 TITLE: On the Theory of Bending of Anisotropic Plates (K teorii izgiba anizotropnykh plastinok) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, 1958, Nr 59 PP 69-77 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The first attempts to evolve a theory of bending of isotropic plates taking into consideration displace- ments in the transverse direction were made by Reissner (Refs 3 and 4) who dispensed with the hypothesis of non-deforming normals and assumed that the basic calculation stresses a., and a P and Tup along the thickness of the plate change in accordance with a linear law. The author of this paper considers that in evolving a theory of bending of plates, particularly of anisotropic plates, it is inadvisable to assume a law of the change of the basic calculation stresses or of the respective displacements. Therefore, the hypothesis of non-deforming normals and the assumption of the linear law of distribution of the calculated Card 1/5 stresses along the thickness of the plate are substituted SOV/24-58-5-12/31 On the Theory of Bending of Anisotropic Plates by the hypothesis that secondary non-calculated tangential stresses x U-0 and -ry change along the plate thickness in accc-rdance with the law f(y), particularly in accordance with the law of a quadratic parabola. The possible inaccuracies which may be due to the selection of the function f(y) do not affect greatly the final results. This hypothesis was confirmed in solved problems of the transverse bending of beams and plates. The problem is investigated of a plate of a constant thickness h, the material of which possesses in each point one plane of elastic symmetry which is parallel to the centre plane of the plate. It is assumed that for such a plate the generalised Hook law is valid. The plate is in such a position relative to the triorthogonal system of rectilinear coordinates that the coordinate plane oto coincides with the centre of the plane of the plate and the gamma coordinate is directed towards the load-free external plane. The following assumptions are made: Card 2/5 a) the normal stresses cr Y on the planes which are SOV/24-58-5-12/31 On the Theory of Bending of Anisotropic Plates parallel to the centre plane can be disregarded?(?Ompared to other stresses; b) the distance along the normal (y) between two points of the plate remains unaffected by the deformation: c) the tangential stresses T OLY and T PY along t~e thickness of the plate vary in accordance with a given law, f(y); since it is known from the work of other authors (Refs 19 29 5-8) that the tangential stresses Tay and T0Y change along the thickness of a beam or a plate almost according to the parabolic law with zero values at the initial and at the end points (-h/2 and +h/2). This function can best be expressed by the relation: f(Y) = 1 (Y 2 _ 1h2 (5-1) 7 V The results obtained by means of this theory are compared for the case of bending of a square isotropic plate which is freely supported along its contour with Card 3/5 results obtained by other methods, namely, by means of SOV/24-58-5-12/31 On the Theory of Bending of Anisotropic Platec the accurate theory of Vlasov (Ref 8 ., and by the classical theory of Timoshenko (Ref �). The comparison shows that even for a very thick plate (h/a = 1/3), the error in the values of bending does not exceed 5.8% compared with the-results obtained by the accurate theory, whilst the errors of the results calculated by means of the classical theory of Timoshenko amount to UP to 35%. In his manuscript devoted to the Reissner theory of bending of plates, A. L. Golldenveyzer (Ref 10) shows that in evolving the theory of plates without taking into consideration the phenomenon of transverse shear it is not advisable to apply a linear law of variation of a and a and T~pisalong the thickness of the plate, p9rticularqy when i necessary to solve the problem of satisfying vi-th sufficient accuracy the boundary conditions, The bending of the plates can be effected by applying to the faces of the plate forces which change in a way greatly differentftom that assumed Card 4/5 by Reissner and in this case serious errors may arise. SOV/24-58-5-12/31 On the Theory of Bending of Anisotropic Plates Acknowledaments are made to A. L. Golldenveyzer for his comments on this work. There are 1 table and 10 referencest 8 of which are Soviet, 2 English. ASSOCIATION: Institut matematiki i mekhaniki AN Arm SSR (Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ac.Sc., Armenian SSR) SUBMITTED: January 16, 1958 Card 5/5 SOIV24-58-10-24/34 AUTHORS:Ambartsumyan, S. A, Zadoyan, 1A, A. (Yerevan) TITLE: On the Problem of Elasto-Plastic Bending of Beams (K zadache uprugo-plasticheskogo izgiba balok) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, 1958, Nr 10, PP 130-132 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The theory of bending of beams is based on the hypothethis of plane cross-sections and does not take into account the effect of tengential stresses on the form of the bent axis of the beam. This restriction is removed in the present paper and an attempt is made to determine the role of tangential stresses in elasto-plastic bending of beams, Explicit ex- pressions are derived and these can be used to estimate the effect. The present work is a development of the treatment given by 11r'ager and Khodzh (Ref.1) and the first of the present authors (Refs.2 and 3). There is 1 figure and there are 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATZON:~~.Institut.matematiki I mekhaniki AN Armyarsskoy SSR (institute of Mathematics and--Mechanics AS Armyanskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: June 23, 1958 Card 1/1 AMURTSUKW. SA*j TJvHTAW, D.V. """ I Nonlinear theory of slanting orthotropic shells. Izv. Al Am. SSR. Ser. fize'-mt. nmk 11 noiltI546 158* (NM 11W 1*' ItLetitut matematiki i makhanin AN ArnVbzekoy M (Ilastio plates and shells) AUTHORs Ambarlaumyan. -56A* (Yerevan) 40-22-2-10/21 TITLEz On the General Theory of Anisotropic Shells (K obshohey teorii anizotropnykh oboloohek) PERIODICALs Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 1956,Vol 22,Nr 2, pp 226-237 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The author considers thin anisotropic shells of constant thickness* It is assumed that the material of the shells satis- fies the law of Hooke, and that in each point of the shell an elastic plane of symmetry exists which runs in parallel with the central plans of the shell. The author introdubes curvilinear orthogonal coordinates which coincide with the main directions of curvature of the shell. It is-presupposed that an element lying nozoally to the shell "urfaoe does-not change its length during the deformation. Furthermore the normal stresses are assumed to be small compared with the tangential stresses. Furthermore it is sup- posed that the tangential stresses are distributed cirer the thickness of the disks according to a quadratic law. Under these assumptions now a system of differential equations for the calculation of anisotropic shells can be set up which Card 1/2 covers several pages in the representation of the author. Be- On the General Thgory of Anisotropic Shells 40-22-2-10/21 sides of this system of differential equations the boundary conditions must be also consideredi the author investigates four different kinds of them s I* The freely resting boundary, 2. the freely pivoted boundary, 3o the rotarily fastened boundary and 4- the fixed boundary. For the case'of a oiroular~cylindric shell,the pysteiss of formulae are simplified, but they are still very complioated. They are essentially simplifiad for the case that the shells are isotropic in the tangential direction. For this case the problem of a horizontMy supported tube'is considered which is freely supported at the ends and which is completely filled with a liquid, The numerical oalculation of this cast shows that the error of the classical theory in this case can rise up to 15% compared wi:bh the improved theory by the author. There are I table p and 13 Soviet references. SUBMITTEDt January 13, 1958 I. Cylindrical shells--Theory Card 2/2 16(l) AUTHORSs TITLEs PERIODICALt ABSTRACTs Card 112 A,.j and Peshtm&ldzhyan, D.V. SOV/22-12-1-3/8 On the Theory of Orthotropic Shells and Plates (K teorii ortotropnykh abolochek i plaatinok) Izvestiya Akademii nauk Armyanskoy SSR,Seriya fiziko-matemati- cheakikh ( nw-Ak, 1959, Vol 12, Nr 1, p-p 43-60 (USSR) The author considers a thin orthotropic shell. In the c-arvi- linear coordinate-system o(, S, j-the medium surface is assumed to have ihe equation 3- - 0 ; let the directions of o(-, 8 be identical with the directions of the principal cur- vatures. Le.t the planes of elastic symmetry of the mate:rial be parallel with the coordinate surfaces in every point. The dis- placement along the normal w io assumed to be independent of r . The normal stress 0ri- is assumed to influence only unessentially the deformations edr.0 , e a I ecl-B , The tangential stresses T at 8 1 'Var change according to the law fo) so that eba- - a 55 f (0 q I (d-, B) , 013 a, ~ a44f (S-) Y2('_~ 16) 4 On the Theory of Orthotropic Shells and Plates 0V/22-12-1-3/8 where a 55 ' a44 are elastic constants, f(2-) is the given function-and PI '%P2 arbitrary sought functions. Under these assumptions the author calculates the moments and stresses, substitutes them into conditions of equilibrium and obtains a system of five differential equations (not presented because of its complicatedness) for the calculation of the five unknowns u,v,w..%f1 lf(P2 An explicit calculation is carried out in the following special cases 1. Shells rectangular in plan form of positive Gauss curvature ; 2. Spherical shells ; 3- Round plates with free- ly resting boundary and fixed boundary. There are 12 references$ 10 of which are Soviet% 1 English, and I American. ASSOCIATIONs Institut matematiki i mekhaniki AN Armyansko SSR (Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics IAS Armenian SSR~ SUBMITTEDi October 15, 1958 Card AKBLRTSUKYAN, SAq MCIATRTAX9 LA, Stability a3A vibrations of anisotrople plates. DokI AN Arms MR 29 no.4:3~59-166 '399 (MIU 13:4) 1 I* Institut matematiki i mekbaniki AN AmSM. P. Chlen- korrespondent Al *ATuSSR (for Xwwhatryan). (31a'stic plates and shells) (Acad. Scl. USSR) *On a general theory of anisotrople shells and platea." ftport presented at the 10the International Congress of Applied Mechanical (ICSU) Stress, Italyl 31 August - 7 SOP 1960. The system of governing equations is of tenth order for shells and of sixth order for plates, Only one plansof elastic symmeta7 parallel to the middle surface is a53umed to exist. It turns out that a certain relative reduced thickness, which depends both on the square of relatives thickness of the abell and on the relatives values of physical and mechanical properties, is of great importance. The author shows that the results of problems of equilibrim, static stability, vibrational and dynamic stability of plates and shells obtained on the babis of the classical theory may be very different as compared to those obtained on the basisof the anisotropic theory, In the case of static stability, for example, as the relatives redaced thickness increasess the value of the critical force thnda to decrease in comparison with the critical force obtained according to the classical theory, 69297 S/179/60/ooo/oVoi4/034 E081/E535 AUTHORS: Ambartsumyan, S.A and Khachatryan, A*A. ~Yerevan) I TITLE: The Stability and Vibrationsloof Anisotropic jlated'~A PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1960, Nr 1, PP 113-122 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The paper is a continuation of previous work (Ref 1). It is assumed (1) that the plate is orthotropic, rectangular and of constant thickness h, with one plane of elastic symmetry parallel to the middle surface and the other two planes parallel to the sides; (2) the rectangular coordinate system (a,p,y) is such that the ap plane is parallel to the middle surface with the a and P axes parallel to the sides; (3) the normal stress a on planes parallel to the middle surface can be neglected in comparison with the remaining stresses; (4) the distance along the normal (y) between two points on the piate after deformation remains unchanged; (5) th Card 1/7 tangential shear stresses T., and -r,y are given by 69297 S/179/60/000/01/014/034 Eo8l/E535 The Stability and Vibrations of Anisotropic Plates Eq (1.1), where 9(a,p) and q,) (a,p) are arbitrary initial functions. The bending of the plate is governed by the three differential equations (1.2) containing the normal deflection of the plate w, the functions V and 41 and the elantic constants of the plate B and a ij. ii and the In stability problems Z is given by Eq (2.1 equations become (2.2). For a simply supported plate subjected to bi-ax1al compression (Fig 1), the solution of the equations can be written in the form (2.4) which on substitution in (2.2) gives (2.5). The critical stress P a is then found as (2.6) with Pm;, the mn critical stress, assuming the validity of the Kirchhof hypothesis, given by Eq (2.7), and d given by Egs (2.8) If the plate is compressed in one direction only, Eq (2-7i is replaced by Eq (2.9). If the plate is made of a transversely isotropic material with the isotropic planes parallel to the middle surface of the plate, the equation for critical stress becomes (2.10) with D, c and k given Card 2/7 by (2.11) and E, p elasticity modulus and Poisson's 7 69297 S/179/60/000/01/014/034 E081/E535 The Stability and Vibrations of Anisotropic Plates ratio in the isotropic planes, G' is the shear modulus characterizing the change in angle between directions in the isotropic planes and directions perpendicular to them. The minimum value of the critical stress occurs when there is one half wave in the direction perpendicular to the stress; in thiscase (n = 1) Eq (2.11) becomes (2.12). Table I gives values of k and coordinates of s e2chVT acteristic points of the curves ~f) = ~ (c) P'mb /1, D11 for ji = 0.25. In the upper part of the table h/b = 0.1 and in the lower part h/b = 0.2. Values of 11 are plotted against c = a/b in Fig 2; the curve for k = 0 corresponds to the classical solution. Values of J,(c) for orthotropic plate (obtained on the electronic calculating machine M-3 of the Calculating Centre, Ac.Sc., ArmSSR) and for various values of k and c are given in Table 2. It is assumed that m and 1 1 51 k = a E = a E h 1 0.3 E '~W 1 55 1 44 21 '9 = To- 1 Card 3/7 2 2 69297 S/179/60/000/01/014/034 E081/E535 The Stability and VibrAtions of Anisotropic Plates where E., p, and E., p. are the elasticity moduli and Poisson's ratios in the directions corresponding to a and For free vibrations, Z (eq 1.2) is replaced by yoh Z a"w ~t2 which leads to Eq (3-1), with y 0 the density of the material and g the gravitational acceleration. Writing the solution of (3.1) in the form (3.2) leads to the 0 equation (3.3) for the frequency w nI w :r:,,iwmR (Eq 3A) is the frequency according To the I ca solution. For a transversely isotropic plate, the frequency reduces to (3.5). Table 3 gives values of the ratio W /W 0 for modes of vibration in which m,n = 1.2. mn mn The departure of the true frequency from the classical frequency increases with increasing k and with -t.ncreasing mode number. The equations of dynamic stability Card 4/7 if an orthotropic plate are obtained by substituting the V, 62297 S/179/60/000/01/014/034 Eo8l/E535 The Stability and Vibrations of Anisotropic Plates expression (4.1) for Z in (1.2). If the plate is compressed in one principal direction only, the conditions (4.2) hold; assuming that the external force varies periodically with time((Eq 4-3) where P is the amplitude and 0 is the frequency), Eqs (1?2) take the form (4.4). Taking the solution in the form (4#5)9 where w(t), y(t) and M are values of the functions w, T and at the centre of the plate, Eqs (4.4) become (4T6). Eliminating y(t) and 0 from (4.6) with respect to w, the Xdifferential tuation (4-7) is obtained, where w mn , Pmn are the frequency of vibration of the unloaded plate (3-3), and the critical stress for uniaxial stress in the a direction. Eq (4-7) is the known Mattieu equation; for certain relations between its coefficients the solution increases without limit, corresponding to regions of dynamic instability of the plate. Rewriting (4-7) in the form (4.8), it is known (Ref 7) that the limits of the unstable regions are Card 5/7 given by (4.9) for the first (principal) instability 69297 S/179/60/000/01/014/034 E081/E535 The Stability and Vibrations of Anisotropic Plates region, by (4.10) for the second region and by (4.11) for the third region, where 0 .9 is the critical frequency of the external forces. It will now and subsequently be assumed that there is one half wave only in the a and P directions (i.e. m = n = 1) and for simplicity the subscripts 11 are omitted. Under these conditions, the dynamic instability regions of a square plate (a = b) of transversely isotropic material are given by (4-13, Ist region), (4.14, 2nd region) and (4.15, 3rd region) in which the results are presented in a form for comparison with the classical results. From (4.8) X 1/2 and accordingly the limiting ko is given by (4.16). The values oi 03K/2wo as a function of Xo calculated from (4-13) to (4.15) for variovs values of k are presented in Table 4; Fig 3 shows the instability regions for k = 0 and k = 0.2. Fig 3 and Table 4 show that the Instability regions differ from the classical values (k = 0) by greater amounts Card 6/7 as k Increases. Similar calculations for a square V\/ 69297 The Stability and Vibrations of orthotropic plate wera are given in Table 5, k El ILI EI 1 ~ "2 112 "12' S/179/60/000/01/014/034 E081/E535 Anisotropic Plates made electronically; the results where k = a E = a44E 2 55 1 2 where El, 1i, and.E 21 IL2 are the elasticity moduli and Polsson's ratios in the directions corresponding with a and p; GJL2 = B66 with a55 , a44 and B66 known elasticity constants (top of p 114). The calculations were carried out for IL I = 0.3, h/a = 0.1. There are 5 tables, 3 figures and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut matematiki i mekhaniki AN ArmSSR (Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ac.Sc., ArmSSR) SUBMITTED: June 19, 1959 Card 7/7 S/179/6o/ooo/oo6/012/036 EO81/EI35 AUTHOR: (Yerevan) TITLE: The Bending of Non-Linearly Elastic Three-Ply Plates PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR,Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, ig6o, No. 6 pp. 86-9o TEXT: A three-ply plate in considerid which consists of non-. JP !.linearly elastic layers symmetrically located with respect to.the middle layer of the plate (Fig-1). The plate is related to a cartesian coordinate system a, such that the middle plans plate coincides with the plane a 0. The followtng of the 4 . hypotheses and assumptions are made: , (a) the hypothesis of -0 undeformed normals for each part of the plate as a who4.e; Cb) incompressibility of the material in each layer of the plate; (c) coincidence of the directions of the stress and strain tenvors in each layer of the plate; W the non-linear relat*on Mi, Ti ai8i biSi Card 1/.10 88520 S/179/6CVOOO/006/012/036. 8081/E135 The Bending of Non-Linearly Elastic Threie-Ply Plates exists between the stress (Ti) and strain (Ei), where i Im number of the layers, &i, bi and mi are constants of the material determined experimentally in simple compresaion-tensions The strains in the i-th layer are given approximately by:___. 7. T eall epI YXII 1CCIP1 5 (112) ""I T I ; t 11 11 U 1 L 1!',);: fill Vol'.11 'I ' 0 -3) en esy 0; epy .; ~; . . ai~` O2W A 11L 1111,101 .11T X H 2 1 ill OPT "I A A where w is the normal displacements The stresses ban be approximately calcxilated by means of the equationst Caf-d 2/ 10 S/179/60/000/006/012/036..,, E081/9135 The Bending of Non-Linearly Elastic Three-Ply Plates yaj (XI + -L XI) + lyll"ibl(VTO vni-I sign y (XI + Lxf);~11_ yal X2 + -Lxl)'+ y -P.) (Xi + f9i) + sign T PLO -rd -Lyaji + sign y ()rp.) (1.10) Yi. These stresses determine the bending moments Mcz, Mp, and ~he twisting moment H, which are expressed in terms of the linear -(D and non-11near (D cylindrical rigidities by: e p Card 3/ 10 S/l79/6o/ooo/oo6/0l2/o36 E081/E135 The Bending of Non-Linearly Elastic Three-Ply Plates - -------------- -(D. - D3,) Alp- - (D.-Dp) -F X1 + Using the equilibrium equation 82M 02 82M H a p + 2- + Z 0 2 2 6a aa ap 8p the non-linear differential equation OD OD opw p - - 2 Vw - DVVw 2 :i D.V a ) T . a, 5 v DsD /0310 1 O1W\ OID, OR D 0110 p p + p z (ta) , .. I I 1 ) 1 . . , 00 01 . Card 4/10 S/179/60/ooo/oo6/ol2/036 ~9081/U35 The Banding of Non-Linear2y Elastic Three-Ply Plat*x (V . 82/ja2 + 82/8p2). F- C is obtained or a circularly symmetrical problem, the equation when transformed to cylindrical coordinates becomes., (Ow 2 dsw i dho , t dwN 2 d1w t dkv -F + Ir -;TI d-FT. +;F 7r- ;r;Vj _ Dp d' D. dD 5 d-w I d I OD 0 +J:dtvN P(2 dow + a -) wr gr 2; arrT C As an illustrationg the problem in considered of the cylindrical bending of an infinite 3-ply strip formed from non-linearly elastic materials, and subjected to the action of a uniformly distributed load q (Fig.2). The equation to be so2ved is thont Id'w d' d, 1-1 (d%o mi-! 101+2 d%v d d1w d' to \ ., t D. -dar -r. + =d,. 7.TD + D$ (2. 1) dctT _3 ITQT Card 5/ 10 -88520 3! S/179/60/000/066/012/036 - E081/El'35 The Bending of Non-Linearly Elastic Three-Ply Plates Particularly, taking 1 '20 0 1 0 . . , al as 100, as 04, bi mw bi m iOl, b, iOl MI M MS M mo am 2, For the rigidities and the rigidity coefficients we obtain: e 3-031:10 5 D 5 kg.CM2; D2 7.698,io5 kg.CM2; D, 0,35727 .109 kgiCM2. In this case, Eq. (2.1) simplifies to F d4w dho ddt~ d%o do _ _ -- D. __ 2 (DI + Do) j-, T + -d r l (2.2~ d a a d . . de which is solved by the method of disturbanced (Refs 3-5).'.-: For.:. ' a strip with built-in ends, the boundary conditions-are: w 01 dw/da 0, where a Card 6AO 6/179/6o/ooo/oo6/012/036 A E081/9135 ~ Th a Banding of Non-Linearly Elastic Three-Ply Plates The deflection and load are taken as the power functions 1 1.c +wX + 0., + + q2t, + of the deflection at the centre of the strips, The straight line in Fig-3 gives the relationship between q and � when term of the series (2-5) in taken, the curve in this f gure one i represents the relationship when the first two terms of the series (2.5) are taken. The normal stress at a 0 is calculated from 2C 4 anw - - T' -f + bty, -1 X a f aiy ' ' U d O )(O which gives 1.164-10-2 for q 0.5 kg/cm2, and t =-2.49~ x 10-2 for q = 1.0 kg/cm2a By means of these values the corresponding values of w are obtained.which, when insekted!in Card 7/10 ; _.._ ------ 88520- S/179/60/000/006/012/036., ROBI/El.35 The Banding of Non-Linearly Elastic Three-Ply Platen (2.15), give the following e quations for the atressest 1-4( 1 -4 = 1.424-10 a c, -8 1.756-10 b 2 ~ iW for q Oa 5t iW 4 i 2.7373o!0-4 a 'r .489-10-8 b 2 for q 100. i~ a ir The values of oQi (kg/cm2) for the external layer 1.1) and 3-, the internal layer.(w 1o0) are as followat Non-line ar theory Linear theory 5( q = 0.5 0 100 0.5 q =.I* External layer 135-4 zz2.6 161.3 322.6 Internal layer 1.41 1-47 2'.941, 2.67 These results, and those of Fig.3, show that appreciable error&, arise in determining the str eases and displacements if the non-; linear properties are not taken into account# Card 8/10 S/179/60/ooo/006/012/036- EOBJL/El35 The Bending of Non-Linearly Elastic Three-Ply Plates The purely illustrative character of the examples is emphasined, V/z Our. 2 A Wxr. 8 Card 9/10 6025 h S/046/60/024/02/20/032 AUTHOR: Ambartsumyan, S, A.,_(Yeqvan) '~ .. i TIM""" ;'~n~ nd Flat Shellsi~ Es On th.' ~~~Tnd"'!i lates e ~ heory of Anisotropic.P s a PERIODICALs Prikladnaya matematika i mekhani.ka, 1960, Vola 24, No. 2, Pp. 3.50-360 TEXT: The author considers a thin orthotroptLc shell with the constant tM'ckness h. He assumes that the material obeys to the generalized Hooke law and that in every point there are three planes of elastic symmetry whose normals coincide with the direction of the coordinate lines of-, ~ I e . The W , ~ -lines are. identical with the main curvature lines of the central surface; the central surface is the ot,11 coordi- nate surface. The coordinate line e is the normal of the central sur- face, instead of the assumption that the normals are transformed again into normals by the deformation the author assumes: a.) The distance between two points of the shell (on the normal e ) remains constant under the deformation, b ) the tangential stresses twd and T-Ay change in dependence on ;he e -coordinate according to a prescribed I; .he shell is particularly subjec-t to a normal lcad Z only, then it is chlosen according to (Ref-3,4): Card 1/2 AMR&RTSUMUN, S.A.; KH&CHATRYAN. A.A. Stability and vibrations of a shallow, orthotropic cylindrical panel. DDkl#AN Arm,SSR 30 n0-10-39-45 16o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Institut mtematiki i mekbaniki AkAdemil nauk ArmyanskoV SSR i Terevanskiy gosudarstvennyy univereitet. 2. Oblen- korrespondent AN ArrVanskoy SSR (for Ambartsurqan). (Xaatio plates and shells) h0776 s/i24/62/000/009/023/026 A05-1/A101 AUMOR3 Ambartsumyan, S. A. TITIE: Theory of anisotropic shells PIMIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, no. 9, 1962, 14 - 15, abstract 9v89 K (Moscow, Fizmatgiz~ 1961, 384 pages, illustrated) TEXT: In the book are collectee and systematically presented the results. of the investigation upon the problem of elastic equilibrium of anisotropic shells and partially anisotropic plane plates'(special questions). First is presented In the monography the accumulated wide material upon the theory of anisotropic shells, published in numerous articles In periodicals. As basis, in- vestigations of the author are laid down, but also works carried out by other scientists are indicated. The main part of the book is dedicated to problems of the stressed and deformed state of various shells, which are composed of series of anisotropic layers glued or soldered along the contact surface, and studied from the standpoint of the linear theory of elasticity and classical theory of shells, bbLsed on the hypothesis of straight normals and other assumptions. Si- Card 1/5 S/124/62/ooo/oo9/o23/o26 Theory of anisotropic shells A057/A1O1 multaneously with the presentation of general aspects of the basic problems of the theory of shells, the book contains a great number of particular questions and numerical examples with tables and diagrams. The book is divided into seven chapters. Chapter I has an introductional character; in it are reported the necessary data upon curvilinear coordinates, presented terms for the components of deformation, equations for the equilibrium of the element of the shell, and equations which express the generalized Hooke's law for the basic forms of ani- sotropy. Formulas are given for the transformation of elastic constants at the transition to a new system of coordinates and numerical values of elastic con- stants for a series of anisotropic materials. In chapter II are reported general equations of the theory of shells, composed of anisotropic layers. First is dis- cussed a general case of a shell, when the layers have an arbitrary thickness md their number is arbitrary, and anisotropy is characterized by the presence of only oneplane of elastic symmetry, parallel to the coordinate surface of the shell. Based on the hypothesis of straight normals and other assumptions, ex- pressions are.deduced for stresses, inner forces and moments, equations for equilibrium, elasticity relations and indicated basic cases of boundary conditLons. Furthermore are discussed special cases: shells ccmposed of an arbitrary number Card Z/5 S/lL,4/62/OW/009/023/026 Theory of Anisotropic shells A057/A101 of orthotropic, isotropic, or transversally isotropic layers and of-an odd number of layers, located symmetrically in relation to the middle surface. The case of a monolayer shell is discussed, and compared to the case of a multilayer shell in order to determine the relation between them. demonstrated that in a general case the calculation of a mUltilayer shell should not be identified un- conditionally with some monolayer shell (� 15). The chapter III is dedicated to the membrane theory of anisotropic shell. First is discussed the monolayer shell, for which are deduced the basic equations*of the7membrane theory and presented their integration for a symmetrically loaded shell of revolution of an arbitrary form. Furthermore are discussed shells'of special shape: 1) cylindrical, 2) conical, 3) spherical, and 4) formed by revolution of circle are, studying the general case, as well as special cases.' The results are geheralized without con- siderable changes for the case of a symmetrically constructed laminated shell and demonstrated on the example of a triple-layer cylindrical shell. In the presenta- tion of the following three chapters IV - VI the author keeps the following sequence. First is discussed the multi-layer shell of a general form with layers having only one plane of elastic symmetry each, and all formulas and equatiors are presehted for it. Then are discussed basic special cases, when the layers Card 3/5 S/124/62/W3/009/023/026 Theory of anisotropic shells A05VAIOI are orthotropic, isotropic, or transversally isotropic, but oriented arbitrarily and when the layers are oriented symmetrically in relation to the middle layer; in the last case, specially in the presence of orthotropic layers, considerable simplifications of all equations and the corresponding solutions are obtained. In chapter 1V is discussed the theory of axisyminetric deformation of shells of revolution. General equations, solving equations, and formulas for all mechanical quantities are derived. The method of asymptotic integration of the solving equation is described. The problem of the boundavy effect and long shells of re- volution is discussed and several examples given for the calculation of cylin- drical, conical, and spherical shells. In 5 12 are investigated cylindrical shells with transversal (circular) reinforcing ribs. Chapter V is dedicated to the problem of equilibrium of a cylindrical shell with circular cross section, loaded arbitrarily. After deriving the general equations, tho technical theory is presented by using additional assumptions. Two general methods for the forma- tion of solutions based on the technical theory are discussed. A method for the solution of a shell with open profile by means of double-series (applied also to the particular case of a shell with closed profile) is given, as well as a method based on the use of single-series. The methods are illustrated on several ex- Card 4/5 Theory of hnisotropic shells 3/124/62/ooo/oo9/o23/o26 A057/A1O1 amples. In chapter VI is presented the theory of slanting shells. -General equations, solution equations and formulas for -all mechanical quantities-are de- rived. By means of double series the solution Is found for a very slanting shell, rectangular in the plan. Several numerical examples.are discussed. 'In chapter VII are discussed more rigorous theories of anisotropic plates and shells, not using the hypothesis of straight normas. Three different theories are presented, which are applied to mono-layer plates and shells, as well as to multi-layer slant, ing shell and triple-layer cylindrical shell. A comparison of the results, ob- tained on the basis of different theories Is made on particular examples. . S. G. Lekbn:Ltskiy. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 5/5 28970 10-~000 OW 5/179/61/000/003/012/016 E081/E435 AUTHORS: Ambartsumyan. S.A. and Gnuni, V.Ts. (Yerevan) TITLE: Forced vibrations and dynamic stability of 3-ply orthotropic plates PERIODICAL; Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye tekhnichebkikh nauk. Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1961, No-3, PP-117--123 TEXT: The paper is a continuation of previous work (Ref.6: Ambartsumyan S.A. Pmm, 1,96o, voi,xxiv, No.2-, Ref.11: Gnuni V.Ts, Izv. AN Arm.SSR, ser. fiz.-mat. nauk, ig6o, voi.xiii, No.1; Ref.14t Ambartsumyan, S.A., Khachatryan X.A. Izv. AN SSSR, OTN, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1960, No.l: Ref.16: AmbartsumyanS.A. Theory of anisotropic shells. Fizmatgiz 1961). The material in eeLh layer of the plate obeys the generalized Hooke's law and'has three orthogonal planes of elastic symmetry at each point, with printipal directions a, P, y, the y direction coinciding with the thickness of the plate. The following assumptions are made: 1. The hypothesis of undeformed normals applies to the external (bearing) layers. 2. For the internal layer- a) the shear streisses T., and ipy have the form Caz d 1/3 2P~970 S/179/61/000/003/012/oi6 For~:ed vIbratione and dynamiz ... E081/E435 It Ct Y. f (.()y 6 , 0) .TPy ~ f` (-() 4) ta , P) wheit ~p(3,p) Lind ~(aj) are functions to be determined and f(y) is a funclion rhara-c-terizing the law of change of shear stresses through tht, thi,:kness, subject to the condition f (+'h/2) = 0; b) the normai stress ay on planes parallel to the middle ;iurface can be neglected in comparis= with the other stresses; c) the normal displa:ement is intrariant. svith thickness. 3. The normal displazements are comparable with the thickness, and ortly tho5e, non-linear term* arising from the normal displacements are refained in the e.-pressions for the deformation of the middle surface. On the bazts of these assumptions, the differential equations gcverning the deflection and stress functions of the plate are stated. The deflecti--,n and stress fun:-ti3ns for a plate simply supported at the edges and subjezted to compressive stresses Pl, P2 in its plane are assumed to be double Anfinite trigonometric series and expressions are obtained for the frequen:~y of vibration and the critical values of the stremses Pl and P2. The dynamic Card 2/3 28970 S/179/61/000/003/012/Oi6 For,~i:d vibi-atIOnS dnd dynami.. ... E081/E435 stability of the system and the shape of the resonance curve are also diszussed. Special zases of the equations are discussed and the equati:ins are illustrated by examples. There are 6 figures, I table and 18 references-, 17 Soviet and I non-Soviet. The reference to an English language publication reads as follows: Reissner E. Sm&411 Bending and Strbt.-.hing of Sandwich-Type Shells. NACA Rtport, 1950, 975. ASSOCIATION- Inatitut matematiki i mekhaniki AN ArmSSR (Instl Lute of Matherndtics and Mechanics AS ArmSSR) SUBMITTEDi Febiuaty 28, 1961 Caxd 3/3 29067 S/179/61/000/004/011/019 E081/E335 AUTHORS. Ambartsumyan.. S.A. and Bagdasaryan, Zh. Ye. (Yerevan) . .............. TITLE- The stability of orthotropic plates in a supersonic gas current PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk. Mekhanika i masinostroyeniye. no. 4, 1961, pp. 91 - of TEXT: The paper is a continuation of previous work (Ref. 1 -, Izv.AN SSSR. OTN, 1958, no. 5; Ref. 2 - n1H, 1960, v. 24, no. 2; Ref. 8'.- Izv. AN SSSR, OTN, 1960, no. 1). The problem is formulated in rectangular coordinates a, 0 and y , such that the a and P directions coincide with the sides of the plate. The thickness of the plate h is constant. One plane of elastic symmetry is parallel to the middle surface of the plate and the other two planes of symmetry are parallel with the sides. A super-sonic gas current of velocity u flows over one side of the plate in the a direction. It is assumed that, 1) the normal displacements in the direction of the plate thickness are invariable; 2) the shear stresses et; and -[~ Card 1/3 ay y 9/9067 S/17 261/000/004/011/019 The stability of .... E081/'E335 have the forms IV ay = f(Y)Y(a'P)' 'rPY = f(Y)y (aP,) where 9(a9p) and LF(a,P) are initial functions, and f(y) is a function characterising the law of change of shear stress in the thickness direction, subject to the condition f(+h/2) = 0 3) that the normal stress cy is negligibly Y small compared with the remaining stresses-, the excess pressure due to the flowing gas is given by the piston theory; 5) only those nonlinear terms are retained which are connected with the normal displacement w ~ On the above basis, the nonlinear differential equations for the motion of the plate are established in terms of the elastic constants, the deflection w , the stress function and the functions charaterising transverse shear. These equations are solved appr,.#ximately by a variational method for a plate having all its edges simply supported and subjected to normal forces p p, acting in Card 2/3 10 U10 31076 S/179/61/ooo/oO5/013/022' toBi/s477 AUTHORS: Ambartwumyan, S.A., Bagd6saryan, Zh.Ye. (Yerevan) TITLE: The stability of nonlinearly elastic three-ply plates in a supersonic gas stream PERIODICAL: Akademiy& nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdoleniye takhnichoskikh nauk. Makhanika i mashinostroyeniye. no.5, 1961, 96-99 TEXT8 The paper is a continuation of previous examinationo of the subjett (Ref.4i Ambartsumyan, S.A. Izv. AN SSSR, OTH, 1960, no.6) and deals with the stability of rectangular thr*e-ply plates which are subject to a supersonic gas stream at zero angle of attack. Surplus gas pressure is catered'for approximately by the "piston theory" (Ref.3: Ch&rnyy G.G. Flow of gas with a high *Upersonic speed'. Fizmatgiz, 1959). The plates are symmetrical. The following are assumedi 1. The hypothesis of undeformed normals applies to the complete specimen of layers as a whole. 2. The material of each layer of the plate-is incompressible. 3. The tensor stress and strain components in each layer coincide. Card 1/3 31076 S/179/61/000/005/013/022 The stability of' nonlin6Arly ... 9081/Z477 4. The nonlinear relation between the stress components Ti and: the strain tomponants Ri is Ti sr. ai1i - bigimi where i is the number of layeral ai, bi and mi are constants determined from simple tests of the material of the layere in tension and zompression. On the basis of theme assumptions, the bank: differential equation for the movement of the platwis quoted and reduced to a system of ordinary differential equations by applying the Bubnov- Galerkin method. As an example, a hinge supported endless strip is examined and it is shown that the amplitude of steady flutter vibrations may be determined by a velocity parameter V , and a parameter Q , which depends on the properties and construction of the plate. It is shown that there in a crittcal value of V below which, when Q is larger than zero, the amplitude decreases with an increase of I. Above this value, when Q in smaller than zero, the amplitude increases with increasing There are Card 2/3 31076 S/179/61/000/005/013/022 The stability of nonlinearly ... 9081/2477 4 figures and,6 referencest 5 Soviet-blot and 1 non-Sovist-bloc. The reference to an English language publication reads as follows: Ref.6: Prager W. On ideal locking materials. Trans. Soc. Rheology, 1957, 1. ASSOCXATION: Institut matematiki i mekhaniki AN ArmSSR (Institute of YAthematics aiad*Machanics AS Armenian SSR) SUBMITTED: April 24, 1961 Card'3/3 AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: 89489 S/022/61/014/001/009/010 B112[B202 Ambartsumvan, S. A. Axisymmetrical probiem of a thr--in-red cylindrical shell consisting of nonlinearly elastic materials Izvestiya Akademii nauk Armyariskoy SSR. Seriya fiziko- matematicheskikh nauk, v. 14, no. 1, 1961, 105-109 TEXT: The author studies circular'ly cylindrical shells consisting of three nonlinearly elastic layers. The layers are symmetrically arranged with re- spect to the central surface of the shell. The system of lines of curvature and normals of the central surface is a very appropriate system of coordi- nates of the cup. Therefore, it is used as reference system. The author assumes that the shell as a whole is not sub3ect to normal deformation and that no axial stress component occurs. The following is assumed for the individual layers: they are incompressible, the main axes of the stress tensor and the deformation tensor coincide, and the relation between stress intensity Ti and deformation intensity Ei is nonlinear: Card 1/2 89489 Axisymmetrical problem of ... S/022J61/014/001/009/010 B112/B202 T E b Emi i i i i i a; b; m are constants of the i-th layer which were determined by material experiments. A nonlinear fourth-order differential equation is obtained for the normal displacement w of the central surface of the shall. In the spe- oial case of a shell with linearly elastic boundary layers and nonlinearly elastic central layer this differential equation can be solved by the method of Rndnnv-r..Q1Prkin in first approximation by w a C sin(na/1). I is the length of ine sneil, a the circular coordinate, the constant C is the root of a cubic equation. Finally, the method is illustrated by a numerical example. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 4 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Institut matematiki i mckhaniki AN Armyanskoy SSR (Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics AS Armyanskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: November 16, 1960 Card 2/2 2E 11 33 S/040/61/025/004/014/021 1k,0 0 D274/D306 _~U~JT;10~s Ambartaumyan, S.A. and Gnuni, V. Ts. (Ycrcvan) TITLE: On the dynamic stability of nonlinear-elastic sand- wich plates PM10DIC.&L: Prikladnaya matematika i meldianika, v. 25, no. 4, 1961, 746-750 TEXT: The plate is referred to an orthogonal coordinate-system 0( A, Y so that the middla surf ace coincides with the L'XO -plane. Certain assumptions are made with regard to stress and strain ten- sors. The equations for the normal displacement w are set up. Pur ther, the dynanic stability equation is obtained. The solution of this equation is sought in the form W - fit) x (CO Y (2.3) where f is the sought-for function and X and Y are chosen so as to satisfy the boundary conditions. Using the Bubiiov-Galerkin method, a nonlinear differential equation for f is obtained. Under certain assumptions and taking into account linear darVing, this equation Card 1/4 261 3.~ S/040/61/025/004/014/021 On the dynamic stability... D274/D306 reduces to f + 2e*f I + Q*2 (1 211 cos GO f + V (f , f I t) = 0 (3.4) where W (3.5) V(f,fl,t) 2(E - E*) V + Q2 - Q*2) (1 - 2p cos Ot) f - -Ofllflm'-l f -0(21fl Mx-lf ' The critical frequency Q* is determined by the assumption that the initial unperturbed state is not deformed. Thus, e.g., at the boundaries of the principal region of instability: 92 -,,49,2 1 TF a 462 N 0", (3.6) rTI E . T.4~ allows periodic solutions, For 9 a O*t the linear part of q which are given by the following estimates 4?i.(t) P., Cos (Y -CI), T2(t) -, sin (19t - a' cr are sin I T 3.7) Card 2/4 2filM S10,4 0/61/025/0.01;/ 0 14/021: O.,h the dynamic stability... D274/D306 By me=slof L.I. Mandellahtam's mathod, the ampliiude C of the teady-state oscillations at the boundarieu, of the principal instab-. ility-region can bo determined in the zeroth approamation' from V [C (t), tj Pi (t) dt 0 3, 6 Hhence the nonlinear algebraic equation m + A2Cm = Cq 2 2) U T 1-k cD s 2 or AIC 2T _i9 Mi4*1 dt, or A, +1 Ot Cos t sinni 2. -~Idt 2ar (IF ( . . I ) Y (3.10 It is shown that the-negative sign in the right-hand side of (3.9) refers to the lower-i and the positive sign to the upper boundary of the region of instability. It is also shoi-m that the coefficients A. vanish if the corresponding layer of the plate is'made of linear- Card 3/4 S/b4 61/023/004/014/021 On the dynamic stability... D274%506 clastic material. Fig. 5 shows an amplitude vs. frcqiiency pl6t of steady-state oscillations in. the principal instability region, viincil i~i >, 0. Fig. 4 shows Such a graph f or j~i ~r- 0. If the two cocf:gi- cients ~3. and !h2 are of opposite sign, the correspondii-ig two terris of (3.9) will have oppoqite effects on'the frequency of oscillations. 2 e-.-tamples are given -for illustration of Eq. (5.9). There are, 7 figures and 5 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 1 noi-i-'Sovict-bl6c. The reference to the Engtlish-language publicat.`,'on reads an follows: W. Pra-er, On ideal locking materinls. Transac"Cions of the Society of 11heolbgy. 1957, 1. iMUMITION: Institut inateriatihi i r.-telthanihi AM ASSR (Ifts'titute of- 11athematics and Irleclianics kS AniSSIZ) SUBUITTED: April 22, 1961 cL ois:~ ~6_ -.0 0 9 6 819 Rb 0 b Card 4/4 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 I AMBARTSUMYAN Ae, DURGAR'YAN, S.M. Nonsteady temperature problems of an orthotropic plate. bokl. AN Arm. SSR 33 no.4:145-149 161. (14IRA 15:1) 1. Institut matematiki i meW;niki Akademii nauk ArVanskoy SSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN Armyanskoy SSR (for knbartsumyan). (Elastic plates and shells) SAVIN p G.P.) otv,,red,; ADADUROV, R.A.,, red.; ALTUIXAB , N.A., red.; .-AYMARTSUIffAN, S.A., red.; AMIRO, I.Yu., red.; 13GLOTI14, V.V., red.; VOLIMIR, A.S., red.; GOLIDRIVEMM, A.L., red.; MIGOLYUK, E.I., red.; KAN, S.N.,, rod.j KAFVISIIIV, A.V., rod.; KILICEEVSKIT, V.A.p red.; KISELEV, V.A.p red.; KOVALELIKO, A.D., red.; MUSIITARI, KhX.p red.; NOVOZHILOV, V.V., red.; UIWSKIY,A.A., red.; FILIPFOV, A.P.., re4.; LISOVETS, A.M... tekhn. red. (Proceedings of the Second All-Union Conference on the Theory of Plates and Shello)Trudy Vsasoiuznoi konferentoli po teorii plustin i oboIochek*2djLvovj 1961.Kiev, Izd-vo Akad.nauk USSR, 1962. 581 p. (Min 15!12) 1. Vsesoyuznava konforentsiya po toorii plastin i obolochek. 2. Lvov, 1961. (Elastic plates and shells) 3/879/62/000/000/039/088 D234/1)308 kU.THORS:, ~.AMbAr~tpqMyanu_S,_A. 9Bagdaearyan, Zh. Ye. and Gnuni, To# (Yerevan) TITLE; Some dyn amioal problems of aniaotropio three-layer shells SOURCES Tooriya plaeltin i~obolochek; trudy II Vaeooyuznoy konfe- rentsii, LIvov, 15-21 sentyabrya 1961 g. Kiev, Izd-vo .'AN UPRv 1962, 25.4-259. TEXT; The.authors consider.Ia thin shell whose layers are uniform, orthotropio and symmetplical, with respect to the middle surface. The.'material of each layer.' obeys the generalized Hooke Is law. Normal displaoements are assumed to be comparable with the thick- ness and not to vary along the thickness. The complete system of differential equations- in tome -of 5 unknown functions is formu- lated; it is essentially simplified if the effect of norma3 stress I-e-ne-g-1 "oe40 Thi'd-Watem7oan-be ap~plied to problome of nonlinear dynamical stability or aeroolaoticity if appropriate substitutions are made.. L-Card 39809 s/179/62/000/003/009/015 E191/E435 AUTHORS.: -Ambartsumyan. S.A., Durgarlyan, S'.M. (Yore ,van) for-the TITLE: Some nonstationary temperature problems orthotropic.plate PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdoleniye tokhnicheskikh nauk. Makhanika'i mashinostroyeniye, no.3, 19621 120-127 TEXT: A homogeneous orthotropic rectangular plate is considered wherein the principai directions of stiffness are parallel to the edges of the plate. The*first problem treated is that of a plate, initially at zero temperature, which is subject to heating by maintaining a given constant temperature of the boundary planes constituting the four edge faces. In the analysis, use is made of a hypothesis attributed to Franz Neumann which leads to a generalized Hooke's law for the temperature problem. The analysis leads to the derivation of the field of the stress function. A numerical example describes a square plate (.40 cm per side) made of moul:ded fibreglass laminations. The thickness of the plate does not enter into the problem. The principal stresses after Card l/ 2 41 J-961 --- ""a i'10chanic AS Armenian L i~A 7 1 ;;JI ( W 'I, i~WT i f-. A UTB&P i AmbartaurWan, S. A. (Yerevan~ 71F: IN the r"blem of orthetroz-Or r1fita onralintiant) Dlaced in a 11iAh- Y TOPIC TA(;Sv Hooke system) plate oscillation, elastio medium, elastic moduluB, partial differetntial equation ,kBSTRACT, An orthotropic plate of constant th:ickni--mi h in EL .axtesian coordinate system obeyirig the gene-ral Hooke's 1-i-w vnp- 7-1 t.~~-rp iixipt th-f-pe planen of el"-tic uy etr-v is oonsidered. Tli t- t piate is def ine-d by 7 - T (z,t), It io furthec asuumv~-'~ ti nyTotheapa hild. Tn" stress equations then yield j, - n.,r~ 4 v,,X,) - a, r of, - But, , - ~67- T.1 BA*bo + 2.IFSOT Vr, VIR where B, D" - - --L . Des off VIV, Cord 1/2 Aj - L) L 26053-65 AOMSSION M AP30048DB The Vii are 11ne&r coefficients of expansion. The equations of motion of the plate element are then written t-)gether wif-N thp cxDressions for internal moments and foroes, azn-' a set of three partial ~rt ! ~ -- r. 4'~ S't tP I ned f.-Jr d i spl mentB u, Y, and w. In these equations the U i): --unk K, ar V !' LM Cor. El 1k, k I 11C on],,. The temperature dependence of the elaetinity moduli is g-iren by :-B, ~ Bi'- BIO'T, ' G1, Gn'T or E,-rj,'-j:,--T"3. r,- G'31-7~ It .4B assumed that tho plate undorgoea trarsvqrse onaillations with mean temperature variations .7- At.: A. T M32,11-1 (D T-I'M,,X-.4.1, y>j,). The resulting equations arp them integrated with bounda7 conidi tional w-D. 81w1azi-O at x=O and a-mi and initial oonditioribi wmq(z), at t - 0. The solution, obtained by f-~-a I-nnt, increasing the UzE t ialnes whic azp,; tuae se P-r-.. has: 47 equations. I A ~N materztl~ii i --khaniki JUT ~~,:Uannkoy SSR (Institute of Mathematioa and Mechanics, AW Armon:Laa cn>~" EN C ,, I CC SUB C=E! MF, tS SUAGI-IM. 2C)Feb63 NO REF SOV WS OTIE-vi., X, CCrd 2/2 AMBILRTSUMrAN S.A.9 BUHMUANI S.H. Some problems of tanperaturs aM creep of anisotropic sarxlwieb plates and sbells. Report to be submitted for the Sball Structures,, International Association for (IASS) Symposium on Non-Claosical Shell Problems Warsaw, Pol " , 2-5 Sept 63 A,,jBAR,fSTR4YANp S.A. (Yerevan) Stability of inelastic plates allowing for deformations due to transverse shear. Prikl. mat. i mekh. 27 no.4:753-757 Jl-Ag 163. (KIRA 16:9) 1. Institut matematiki i mokhaniki AN Armyaziskoy SSR. (Shear (Mechanics)) (Plasticity) AMMTS121YAN, S.A. (Yerevan) "The development of the theory of anisotropic sandwich shells" report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechaniesp Moscowp 29 Janu&ry - 5 February 1964 DURGARIYAN~ B. M.; AHaART~SUMWYAN2 S. A. "Some problems of vibrations and stability of elastic orthotropic shells and plates in an alternating temperature field." report submitted for llth Intl Cong of Applied Mechanics, Minich) W. Genrany, 30 Aug-5 Sep 64. S r 0 N P A F 0 v 1 5 y 3 a , rr, a P I o ( a c v T f v tiyao MekhanIX8 J, SOURCEI AN SSSR* 1XV65 1964, 77-82 7 0 P 1 C T A C S : C y I i n d r i c a I a h c i I c v I L n d r i c a I s h e 11 f I u t t e r h a I I flutter speed, infiaLts plate, flutter speed, plate flutter. plate f 1 u t c 6 r a p a c d u t t e r o A 11 r c b o f o v e hypothes i b o n p r e s a r v It rn -i n n r n o r~ rOQ e Ii o n n f t n i e I y sma I a 1143 1 1 0 tr Lim 0 Q v A r c r v of a o w L t t- r v q,c a ik p, T c a a a r) f o r d a t a T m n I n no mm m 1 211l4-65 ACCESSION NRi AP500259i of a given time interval is derived for tne case when the els3ticity modulus varies linearly with temperature ac%d the temperature linearly witb time. The procedure of extending tho results obtained to an infinite plate is indicated and foymulas for toe flutter speed r m u deduced. Orig. art. heat 39 i, socr"Iox I -b -0-" SJ BM I T TE D i14Apr64 E N C L 100 NO REF SOVt 010 OTHE R 001 SUB CODEi As, ME ATD PRESSi 1116.11 - "; ..l. 1. , I V LIE, L . fa .. -tt . . , i~* - . I -.. . I - - I I . I 1 1, TG -'~- :' -. AGS : sh c. I 1 6 tX-u c t ure ~ h rl"Vie-V A I - - I .. -.1 ~ . I . ~ k~' * 1 4.1 52597-65 ACCESSI-T? ;11R: A~P'5015?21 11o S; ~~-,Iestions on the StabilitYl &Ld 67-1J. art. has 3 riguros and 16 formulas . AO, 64 ZNCL: 33 S*,P- c3D-. R7-.- ---V: 1&3 U? SIAN ACCESSION NRt APhO33061 5/0252/6h/038/002/0087/0092- .AUTHORSs Ambartsumyan,, So A* (Corresponding member); Dargarlyanp So He TITLEt Oscillations of an orthotropic slanting shell in a variable temperature field SOURCRI AN AroSSRe Doklady*# T. A noe 2# 1964p 87-92 'TOPIC TAGSt variable temperature fleldp orthotropic shell, slanting shell., free osciLLationp positive Gaussian curvature, generalized Hook law, heat equation,@ olasticitjr modulus, shear modulus, linear expansion coefficient, ABsTRACTt The authors study a very slanted# orthotropic shell,, whose material Is subject to a generalized Hook's lawp referred to an orthogonal curvilinear coordinate systomiX.* At each point them are three planes of elastic symmetry parallel to the cooramte surfaces* The authors am concerned with free oscillations of the shell which has positive Gauspian curvature and constant thickness h., in the field of inl2uence of high tennaratures, The following :assumptions am mades the shell temperature T a Tjjt) satisfia an initial ,condition (t.= to) surface conditions and the heat equation; in the first Card 1/2 A TITLE: Flutter in a plate i:, a temperature field SOURCE: AN ArmSSR. Doklady, v. 31), no. 3, 141-147 TOPIC TAGS: x lut ter, f I at ;A at ABSTRACT- The article deals wit-~i ar P '~!)e n'. I S 77- t;tperturbed 'velo~-:iLv 6.Lre,7teo o axis, -is assumed Card 1/3 L 26335-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5002648 'SUBMITTED; 02Apr64 ENCL: 00 NR REF SOV; 008 OTHER: 001 SUB CODE: AS, HE WWI .7,7~`-L- 2C ---- EWAJ ~F N-4 ------ - 611110119-- 0/0179/64/0*660 7. J ~v~; anuni -77 A6 di Wit- ---- ------- - I lX7;,-n SWRGEt AN SM. .17MOStiYa, hdr-W) kti TOJ11G TAGS: flexible plate Ugh frequeney vibration., te"rature fieldo varlaw )I resonant state tional calculus ABSTIMCT: Consider a flexiblo isotropic plate of t1dickness h in a Cartesian i courdlinat-a syelem. The rectangular plano of the i)L-,t,3 is hinged around Its perim- eter and is subjected to a Nagh-f requercy 11on-itu Jinal load :A and temperature 7' T(z, t) T(-2) t't. The ola-aticity modulus 9 is assumed to be a function of the tegpuraturo. t i f lynawn, i c stability are obtalnPA on the bases of the hypotheses that nomial dispiAceiiarts arg uoiTV-arablq to t!i- .thickness$ that the plate normal dooz n~A def orm, and tl~wt to.--perattrre ctiwgos ill g d-4ferwAial al--mnt do not induce iisplacomeniz, For an appraximate solution L 29541-65 AGCSSSION NR: AP5005179 it is assumed tha, during a prjuu;-Ipa~ ,araffnitric reso--,%noe period, the hent ,-A -where ,Using the Galerk.Ui-Bubnov variational piInciple, thn rei;nlt obtained !B Cill -3- T (Id f-' where tne uhar,,;Q5 are v,) rv ar-q. 7~1q. uxv ourwas A solution for 04 iv jk aiso given for the conditions E - E, - 67, 7 - B(:Itl E - F, - Orig. art, haq: 2L- equatIons. jLSDCJP.TTCNi none SUBMITTEDi 12Jun6h Om COD92 AS 4 OC7 OJQ A ;soimu: AN SSSR- Izvestiva. Wkhanika, no. 4, if-; -elastIcity mod u1i *mate ri (a:) -un-equal st rt~i I ti-tty thec~ry, shell strera, vh~ll df:fnrmntinn~i~ ~ARSTRACT: Before starting to discuss the problem, the !,Lsti-ity relationships are LCard I/J- L 65ozo-65 and F; rs t h P !-,I r~ul WIS ;V L 7,at-i,,)n or Tne vr7,niuir ill TT, Card. .,~. . : !T~,: ." V.4 2 1 , 1. 1 -!, :~ 6'~ NAZAROV, Armen Georgiyevich; AMBARTSWYAN, S.A., akaderik,; ZAIT11YET, K.S., akademikp retsenzent; NAITTVA]RIDZE, Sh.G., prof., retsenzent (Mechanical similitude of solid deformable bodies; the theory of simulation) 0 mekhanicheskom pcdobil tverdykh deforml- ruemykh tel; k teorii modelirovaniia. Erevan, Izd-vo A.N Arm. SSRp 1965. 217 p. (MIRA 18:10) 1. AN Gruzinskoy SSR (for Zavriyev). 2. AN Arnyanskoy SSR (for Ambartsumyan). L 06223-67 EA-f(d)/- (m)/h-WP(w)/E'V7P(t)/E 1----1JP(0- JPAM- ACC NR. - ------ ------ AP6024189 SOURCE CODE: UR/0424/66/000/002/0044/0053 AUTWRS: -Ambartsw-au S.,.A, _(Yerevan); Khachatryan, A. A. (Yerevan) ~~ C 161, ORG: Insillute of xathemgtico and Mechanics ,-Ali Armenian SSR (Institut matematiki i mokhaniki AN ArrQranskoy SSR) TITLEi Basic equations of the theory of elasticity for materials rosistine both extension and compression SOURCE:- Inzhonernyy zhurnal. Mekhanika tverdogo tela, no. 2, 1966p 44-53 TOPIC TAGS: elastic theory, Hookes Law, stress analysis, matorial doformtJon, material strength ABSTRACT: An attempt is made to derive the basic equations and relationships of the theory of elasticity for materials resisting both extension and comprussion. It III noted that the modulus of elasticity may differ for tho samo M terial In comproqsJon and in tension and that -the Poisson coefficients for each castf may also dIffor, A Cartesian coordinate system is used to state the problem. For e".nirle, the fitroos equilibrium condition is given as aX.X .1-'l -X T~V TIM XV"' ~- Ti:,, +0. 1r.... + ami. + TV, 9 + T'X + + 0'.' + Z 0, Card ACC NRt AP6024189 Cri , ~1' k whore %.1 are normal and tangential stresses, and X, Y, Zare global force components. Cyclic permutation of these equilibrium conditions allows the remaining conditions to be written in xyz. Additional equations are given in definition of deformation and geometric relationships. Hooko's Law is applied to the analysis of a volume element, and the deformation of the element is studied for the case of com- pressive principixI stresses and for tensile tertiary stress. Deflections are analyzed in reference to a rotated coordinate system. The Lamg equations are derived, and the solution for those equations stems from consideration of the strain continuity leading to the Beltram relationships. An analytic expression for the shear modulus is found. The analysis is also extended to the case of a hollow cylinder in torsion, Orig, art, has: 65 equations and 2 figures. SUB COLE: 3.19 12, 20/ SUBM DATE: 09Deo65/ ORIG REFi 004 Card 2/2 ACC NRi AP7002693 SOURCE CODE: uR/oh24/66/ooo/oo6/0O64/OO6T AUTHOR: Ambartsumyan, S. A. (Yerevan); Khachatryan, A. A. (Yerevan) !ORG: none :TITLE: On the "bi-modular" elasticity theory ,SOURCE: Inzhenernyy zhurnal. Mekhanika tverdogo tela, no. 6, 1966, 6h-6T I ;TOPIC TAGS: !ABSTRACT: elasticity theory, elastic modulus Certain-problem-9 'of elasticity theory, applied to "bi-modular" materials which possess different moduli (strengths) in tension and compression are discussed, and the validity of some formulas and theorems of this theory for "bi-modular" materials is proved. The generalized law of elasticity in the "bi-modular" theory is examined in a case when one of principal stresses has a sign different from the signs of the other principal stresses, and the directions of principal stresses do not coincide with the orthogonal co6rdinate axes. Expressions for the specific pctential strain energy of a body made of a "bi-modular" material are derived ia~ terms of stresses and in terms of strains, thus proving that the Clap Fon formula is valid for these materials. It is also proved that the Castigliano formulas are valid for "bi-modular" materials. The.Clapeyron formula for the potential strain energy in stresses and strains in also IUDC* none ACC NRs AP7002693 given in another form'by using the Green and Castigliano formulas. It is also indicated how it is possible to prove the validity of the i Clapeyron theorem. the Lagrange and Castigliano equations in variations for the discussed "bi-modular" materials. Orig. art. has: 29 formu- las. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 27jun66/ ORIG PXF: 004/ PAPOYAN, S.A.., starshly nauahnyy sotrudnik; X\IBAPITSMAN, S.G. Osteogenic sarcomas induced I*r radioactive strontium-90 aild the possibility of their utilization for exporim3ntal chemotherapy. Vop. radiobiol. [Ali Ann. SSR] 1:137-139 160. WIRA 15:3) 1. Iz Institute. tontgenologii. i oWcologii i Sektora radiobiologii AN Armyanskoy SSR. (CHEMOTIERAPY) (STRO11TIM-4SOTOFES) (BOOS.-GANGER) PAPOYARP S.A., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik:~ KI'MRODYAN, F.A., starshiy nauchnyy aotnidnik; AIABAfiTSUMWI, S.G. X-ray characteristics of the osteogenic sarcomas caused by radioactive strontium-90 in rats. Vop. radiobiol. [AN Arm. SSR) 1:141-]J~7 160. KRA 15:3) 1. Iz Instituts. rentgonologii i onkologii i Sektora radio- biologii AV Aimyanskoy SSR. - (STRONTI%I- JS OTOFES) (BONZS-CANCER) ARRYUMN, R.K. 0 kand. biolog. nauk; AMBAWMMIAN, b.G. p m1adshly nauchnrj sotrudnik N.E. Vvedenakii1s optimum and possimam phenomena in the cerebral cortex of rabbits following radiation injLry, Vop. raaiobiol, [AN Arm. SSHI 3/4:173-lits 'b3o ktIIL4 I'llb) AFCI*l]JNYANI R.K.0 kanue bloi, nauk; GAMIELIAN,, ojtulally nuu(innyy sotrudnik; AlibAlfrSUMUN, "I.G.p ffdauskuy naun%nyy voLrurinik - -.- - .... -- - I=ect of direct ctirrent on the blood catalase activity in irradiated rats. Yop. radiobioi. [AN Am. SSHJ 3/4t2b9-291 '0. L/:b)