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o-11 I'M R TOPCHIMA, K.V.; FESHKOVA, V.M.; SHAJEHOVA. Z.F.; AjAj#AWpjAp~p; NOVOBBLOVA, A.V.; SPITSYN, V.I.; IUTSMO, I.Y.; OBRASIMOV, Ta.l.; NESNEYANOY, A.H.; TXUW'YZV. A.P.; POTAYOV, T.K.; GIBALO, I.M. B.3. Prchavalleldil obituary. Yeet. Hook, un. &r. mat. viekh., astron., fiz., khim. 11 iao.2.-205-207 156. (KIRA 10f12) Mrs'havallskii, ltvgenii Stepanovich, 1879-IL956) ~~ 1122 /9 k' /,11~ -7- /Z) Category: USSR/Analytical Chemistry - Anslysia of inorganic G-2 substances. Abe Jour: Referat Zhur-KhJ4jniya,. No 9$ 195T., 30988 Author : Alimarin 1. P., Taintsevich Ye. P. Inst : no~given~ Title : Use of Chromato,vaphic Method for the Separation of Gollium from other Elements. Separation of Gallium and Zinc. Orig Pub: Zavod. laboratoriya, 1956, 22, No " , 12T6-1279 Abstract: Description of it method for quantitative separation o'! Ga from Zn by means of ion-exchange (SBS resin), vhich is based on uti- lization of coiq?lex compounds of Ga and Zn- of differtnt de- gree of stability (with Complexon III, tartaric, ox&lic and sul-fo-salicylic acid); separation of Ga and Zn from Fe and Cu has been carried out. Card 1/1 -23- K4, elethents "Mat'd- a wxi~. of Al, 17~., Nil, Ma. ill the -it 0 pb,, Cu, Ca;..Nlg anil M pre-imce t isodi"ifi..kalt) ~iw Vk 4.4 imi"ried by CCI,;md tl3t),tervalent-,- T div exti-acw oply 110treogiv jXromailiartl I ,v-06 .'if: wixed in'a oaparating 4 to 41 _J4 all) The so4'vent Jayer f b~$ m1,6CCO, foj 611) 7)nijj ed Ayj,d.,tho- citrai tion is' c%yiric!4 but ~,wo to thi- I Zi d*b0yUt*ta q. N IN i nd, CCI, a I b4oiv~ -~itb 20 ull of ken t 14~ti i~a 4b it 7. 7 L'Aftil4tq, )Aye pa pva- 94. t M%w td t~*)A:16,111jml- 6j, N4t*f-'and is licii an i tilt Isis pplt&b~:A?. L-E the'sathpla 160 to, M, 15 twvi --Ifa.~Klrwd li~ulf toAr ott disaalled jh 2(j to 4q MI 61 wa or_ -211 a So Aril ngfunwAismixid with' L liOr');,p1~13I)TA di.0)4pu SAW 12 t tot g ef U16 ~m h IM f W1011): lita dilutt'd b) 1~ "I, of po, rv UP "toinz jqg mido j nd then ex;~t, I lftixr-d iOib 3 all. ;~ii 'for r, to 12 tmt 0 After'"', tit IMF "Dtcot 12 =1 ot MA r"Co. mununivial the an, Sum r-4 r,4v( 1A ~ttt aa ALIMARIN, I.P., professor; TARASEVICH, W.I., doteent. -- ----Nmwmu* Instraments Eind. laboratory vessels for micro- and semimicro- analyses. Zav.Lab. 22 n0-3:368 '56. (MI9A 10:5) 1.Moskovskly gosudarstvannyy universitet im. X.V. Loviotosova. 2.Ghlen-korrv 8.*pondent Akademli nauk SSSR (for Alimarin) Ohemical laboratories-Apparatus and mipplies) V_ -O-AK-'AV~R I bOi Cu and ty 10~ t C H"d ii! A -Ai t h i 't4- VrUb TO Was, WX 4 14 f, AN-' fro -the :qlTClj_, bY: Fh~ m l t ' ' ~ vAn. tri ilit ' p :t,0,20 to 0-30 rA 'u; P Co all d. Ni tmd "00) Ing t)(41 ate mixed Willi '2 0'4 of 4 N N1 Ir 'T Cent. aq N140 And 1-5 -1., i't hye (W wzidve the Co '90 0 that 3 is uot eatracted with C1104) aud baited tot 9 to a M'111~ to rtmove curss of the oxift-it and --d tit Mi3st cl ~tbti'NH,; --ne coolo stAn. Li tirmstertiv of Wicylaldrhydv- Abd 10in) O1CHClai* added, and the wntords are I Cu and,Ni-we i4.1 $-Jk;i-CHCJj. theY aro iexh-.v*w1 with 3 to 51vil t ith & V w ie ~cm trea v ki I U _hlde =3 the Cu is eitruted L NU 'temains in the A C C i6rel . q. 4x. G. S, S-irra NO J~ c -z P. VINOGRADOV.A.P.,- ALI14ARDi I P XLTACBZO. Tu.A.; RYABOHIZOV, D.I.,- RUDNIV, TOROPOVA. Y.Y.; SHURIN, lb.V. Aleka*i. Mikhallovich Yssilleyv. Zar.lab. 22 no-7:887 156. (NIBA 9:12) (Vasillov, Alokmoi Mikhmilovich. 1882-1956) Ali J f ~Q o RA . I Irm othe ejemenu. separatlop af'-"&46ud- a ' ' .,a Lro. 22. 7 ( . froll) ZI I was 13trIomled h, ce6,n"%r t f Tr i1cm B, ta, uric, m~ h, %v25 passed th,&_'r. chc ~~ Made) WhICb WaM in a 7 N I, f rlUted 7111~ the LVIUMn With 111'% ffC~ U~o-j,k~ ld nit"I, ~.I In 'h' c .47.~' 11., itlir; 11%,111Z I J t ' ' - Llt:,2. wf I -. . i : jt P(j Qi & -,d Zr ArN QIv tt I t U t ' though tm vp-ry of Cla is W-M.O~; e in tt c~A-ist, that of Zu it pli 9-10 ij, ammni;'Ca Martt-mr ~0~! downw-ard ;a in tt~-Ii S:m e~hat ~.t. -,=Moa a3a H4J7 a" Lbc re --ILIng s~Dla. w" bcpd. A5 dtDcs~', albore IoT Ludivithad of Ga Zu, ALIMMN_,_ IPBSEIKOITA, V.M., doktor khimicheakikh nank. Spectrophotometric, and colorimetrio analytical methods; all-Union conference. Vect. AN SSSR 26 no-3:133-135 Mr 156. (MLEA 9:6) 1.Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Alimarin). (Colorimatry) (Spectrophotometry) LMR/Ohemistry -Analytical 6.hemdatry card 1/2 Pub. 22'- 16/4j:. Authorie s, Alimarin 1. F -Aez~b,.,Corresp AN 'OSM; Sh6khova, 13.~ F.; and HoiI1.1orkinap Title i Investigation ot blue Ge-heteropolyacid reduction pr(klucts Periodical, I Dok. AN SWR 11~.6/1 61-64. J ali 1, 1956 Abstraot i -The oxidation-r4du'Aion potential of,a rA-Mo-hateropol'-I&cid/blue-.system arid, the- composiiUoh-of aGe-Yio Oolyblue compound were: determined through titrati6n. with 1,2Cr2O7 and CrSC14 solutions. It was found t1fat Ge-Ho-hetero-' polyblue contairis ~~ 1/4 of the total Mo in valence bi)dituse Ho ot lower, valences forms only after the entire Mo is reduced to~ At penta-valent. It Institution Moscow State University, im. X._ Ve Lomonosov Submitted July 9, 1955 /) (? //~/) .'T'P Category,: USSR/AnalYtical Chemistry - General Questions. G-1 Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Khimiya, No 9, 3.957, 30939 1 Author : Alimarin I. P., Gibalo 1. M. Inst : Academy R-ga-lences usm Title : Extraction of the Capferonates of Niobiumy Tantalum and Titanium. Orig Pub: Dokl- AN SSSRO 1956, log, No 6, 1137-1139 Abstract: XWrimen a with Nb have &cnm that Nb-cupferonate (o.6-o.9 mj~/ml Nb.,0,4 is tmtracted met completely, from solutions in 2% ammonium oxalate,,- tartrate, ant citrate, H01 and IIASO,,L acidified with HU, by, mems of chloroform, ethyl acetate, ether and Iso- butyric aldehyde (amomt of the organic solvent 2 ml, volume of aqueous phase 13.5 n1). Alkali metals, NDT , S04"~ and increase of temperature up to 25-300 do not affect the extent of extraction. By analogous experiments it was shown that the Ta- cupferonate is readily extracted by organic solvents from acid solutions. A stuly has been made of the extraction of the cupfer- Card 1/2 -16- Ca,rd 2/2 -17- lp HIIi j q 4 414 ba It I W II/ ) f, /I X/ . TSTURUPA, M.G.; ALIMARIN, I.P. wftdMiAHx"=Tw DoLUendeleyov and analytiAl a the 50th anniTersary of chomist Y-zo hi: death. J(him.uau"A. prom. 2 no-ItI17-119 157- (MLR& 10:4) 1. Chlen-korrespendout Akadomil muk SSSR (for Alluarin). (Chemistry, Analytical) (Kandelsov, Dimitril Ivanovich, 1834-1907) POI;,ND/,~=lytical Chemistry. C,,neml. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Xhim., Nu 24, 1958, U249. Author Alimrin 1. Inst Title Use of Radiochemical Methods in the Analytical Chemistry. Orig Pub: Chem. analit., 1957) 2, No 3) P-09-221. Abstract: Review. Dibliography of 24 nams. -- A. Dusev. Card 1/1 21 r 77 7 T-i t 7T i ji M ~ ; _0 -5 , :-c o A c V~m l tometric titrutior wi h %4m. o1r, ar, Zi, rp 74 -it iiiiawitang N r3clusions are enphw iz~ 1: (c ) u~e ~J mlv~ _ tive 6rt:)Peq In analyfiml chernisme p tmiI3 the dr~e lup- - -W-M -N ll f e i foi m o rofflometric titruton. cg,~ by pptn. w. CM. 01 the eltments detd. W Tht naloactive isotopt Is. adWeddaringmilometric titration, or thit fitnttion is curiedl w-A with the aid of it msent ountx. t bat Isrvii". (c) equiv.' It rts can be dcI3. trapblc4y or comimt A m &m basis cl 2 I Imtion p6bits, (d) them Is the possi bill ty of swirukalcumms dttns. 0 2 clexamb on the evidence of tither difratom in aer) -0 46ubit Ed' PlisixtiorAISIN Wtoeltsetb ui F M [ , for dds. . mean Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, P4r 2, p 299 (USSR) AUTHORS: Alimarin, I.P., Kozel', L.Z. TITLE: Using Phytin for Quantitative Determination of Zirconium (Kolichestvennoye opredeleniye tsirkoniya fitinorn) PER10DICAL: Khimiya redkikh elernentov, 1957, Nr 3, pp 114-118 ABSTRACT: Up to 6 Iq HCI was added to a Zr-.salt solution, and the Zr was precipitated out by heating it with a 21/6 phytin solution in an O.5N HN03. To wash the Zr-phytate precipitate, 30 cc of (1: 1) HC1 were decanted over it; it was then filtered through 50 cc of (1:4) HC1, and finally was filtered through HZO. After cal- cination at 1000-10500C the Zr-metatriphosphate was weighed. The conversion factor used was ZrO?/2Zr02 - 3P205=0.3932. To determine the Zr content of the st eels, an 0.5-1.0 gram por- tion of each was dissolved during heating in 80 cc of (1: 1) HCI, after which the Zr was precipitated out with phytin. To repre- cipitate it, the precipitate was dissolved in HZO containing 2 grams of H_7CZ04, to which up to 6N HCI was added, and the Zr was precipitated with 10 cc of a 2%6 phytin solution. Sometimes a three-stage r6precipitation procedure is necessary. The Card 1/1 relative error was �31/6. P. K. 1, Steel alloys 2,, Zirconims.-Determinatics 3., Phytin -Applications I L~n nZLI LLU Ir_-IKmVK SOV/137-58-8-18100 Translation from: Referativnyyzhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr8, pZ70(USSR) AUTHORS: Tsyurupa, M.G., Alimarin, I. P. - TITLE: Works of Russian Scientists of the First Half of the XIX Century on the Analytical Chemistry of Platinum and Metals of the Platinum Group (Raboty russkikh uchenykh pervoy poloviny XIX veka po analiticheskoy khimii platiny i platinov- ykh metallov) PERJODICAL: V sb.:-. Vopr. istorii yestestvozn. i tekhn. Nr 5. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1957, pp 56-65 ABSTRACT: A historical review of the works on the analysis of Pt ores and the separated metals of the Pt group. The research work of Klaus relative to his discovery of Ru is described in detail. 1. Platim- ores--Chemical analysis Z. G. 2. Scientific research-USSR Card 1/1 /Y/ 26-10-7/44 AUTHORS: Alimarin, I.P. and Saukov, A.A., ODrrespondirig Members of the USSR A:aaemy Science 85 and Baranov, V.I. and Kovallskiyj V.V., Professors TITLE: Problems of Contempcrary Geochemistry (Probleiror sovremennoy geo- khimii). PERIODICAL; Prirods., October 1957, No 10, PP 53-62 (USES11) ABSTRACT: The article deals with the activities of tbei Institute of Geo- chemistry and Analytical Chemistry Imeni V.1. Vernadskiy of the AN-USSR (Moscow). contemporary geoches.istry researches the distribution and reactions of chemical elements in the various strata of our planet, the origin and. absolute age of rocks and deposits and the migration and concentration of elements under the influence of organisms. This young science is closely related to its initiators, Academicians V.I. Ver- nadskiy and A.E. Fereman. The Institute has 12 laboratoriee in isotopes, radiochemistry, biogeochemintry-, radiogeochomist- ry, rare elements, geochemistry of single elements, magma- togenio processes, mineralogical structures, organic reagents, Card 1/2 spectral analyses, sedimentary rocks and crystallo-chemistry. Problems of Contemporary Geochemistry 26-10-7/44 Geochemistry of isotopes is the latest fiold of research and is mahing rapid progress, as the use of itiotopic shifts en- ables the establishment of the history and conditions of form- ation ot natural objects with great extictness. Other objects investigated by the Institute are the distribution of especial- ly rare and scattered seas, the influence of chemical elements of tho environment on organisms in areas lacking or abounding in certain eleinents, and diseases of plant and animal organ- isms resulting therefrom. The article contains 6 photos, 2 graphs, I schematic map. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry Imeni V.I. Vernadskiy of the IUSn Academy of Sciences (Institut geo- khimii i analiticheskoy khimii imeni V.I. Vernadskogo AN SSSR) Moscow AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 ar GOWINA, A.P.; ALIMARIN, I.F. Using 84x~yq noline derivatives for the determination of soma blements. Report Noel*, mekbot astrone, fig., khim. 12 no,3:211-216 157, (MIRA 11:3) I,Kafedra analiticheekoy khimil Moskovskogo goeudarstirennogo universitetao (Gallium) (Colorimetry) 041noline) UIT "42 vilb sodium 11traliol wM canilA out h t; ~387-71~1 -a ApD. with dizator. To a %An. repti. '3VqOwdO.05 n1ol Weud-"Ior was Qddfd The fltr~-. Y Mtalu gi, Syringe through sk kftfi .;31 WET Into A SUM Wlie lar.mea=rlak the m4oactivity'. -47ht tubelm4 a~ !mlarTtd portiou into whkh the soln. vn,s* Which facing ~.j -tl)d--Pjrdvw Munit). After'i alux was #;&6 2 01,46t 4~& :,bw. ItA~x elt . . . . . . . . . . . . . '-Av t2m Lail-~2-~i~-,:.a.---71~!:-!tsz,17!1*----7~iiI Amm. I i~u MTN A 1. ;7 T, 7- 7- -a -- - - - - 'r, I q - / o r i ,,-) ~, , 1 FMIKOVA, X.N.; ALIKhRIN, I.P. Ultramicro-met'hod of chemical analysis. Amperometric t1tration [with summary In linglishl. Zhur.anal.khim. 12 no.4:46.2,4465 JI-Ag 157. (MIRA 10:10) l.Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii imo V.I. 'Ternadskogo AN SSSR, Moskva. (Microchomistry) (Blactrochomical analvois) GOIOVINA, KUZNXTSOV. D.I. Uses of B-oxyiVoline derivatives for determination of various elements. Report No. 2: Spectrophotometric determination of cobalt by quinoline75. 8-dioxime. Vast. Mosk. un. Ser. mat., mekh., astron. fiz. khim., 12 no.5:187-191 '57. (MIRA 11:9) l.Kafedra analitichaskoy khimii Moskovskogo gosudarst;vennogo universiteta. (Cobalt) (Spectrophotometry) (Qainoline) --;I- 7- / I el / - ,--; ,j/'i",-I-- , / . ALIMRIN, I.P.; RUDNIV, N.A. ......... - Utilization of radioactive isotopes in analytical chendstry. Zhur. anal. Win. 12 no.5t587-592 S-0 157. (KIRA 10:11) . (Radioisotopes) ALIKAMN. I.P.;BOTNIXOY. V.S. Use of organic derivatives of seleniorus and telluric acids in analysis. Vest. Kosk. un. Ser. mat., makh., astron. fiz.,khiue 12 no. 6:137-3.45 157. (KIRA 11:10) 1. Xafedra ausiliticheskoy khimii Koskovskogo gosudaretvannogo universiteta. (Selenious acid) (Telluric acid) AUTHORS: Bilimovich, G. N., Alimarin, 1. 75-6-3/23 TITLE: The Technique of the %ethod of Dilution With Radioactive -sotopes (Tekhnik,a opredeleniy metodom izotopnogo razb.lvleniya). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Analiticheskoy Yhiinii, 1957, Vol. 12, Nr 6, pp. 685-689 (USSR). X3STRACT: The exjx)rimental material on the technique and methodology of the dilution of isotopes with radjoactive indicators is described in the prevent report. Bl":10 and Fb"~ were used as indicators. The ac- curacy of this method dep~ends onr.- 1 - The content of the element in the initial material. The optimum results were obtained with experiments with 8 to lo mg of initial material.. 2 " The specific activity of the used indicator. At least 400 Im/Min/ mg are zequired for aehieving maximum acc-uracys 3 - The ratio of the qaantity of the material to be investigated to the indicator. Ra E/bi2lo P-nd ThB/F012 were isolated in pure radioactive form. Bismuth was determined in the form of phosphate and pyrogalate. Bismuth and 1pad were also precipitated from sulphinate of benzene Card 1/2 with sulphinate of ammonlam benzene. TM Teohnique of Lhe Yethod of Diluticn With Radioactive ISCIOPes- 75-4-3/231 There ar,! 4 figure-3. 4 tables, and 7 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION.* Institute- for Geochenistry and Analytical Chemistry imeni V. 1. Vernadskiy, Moscow (Ingtitut gookhimii i analiUcheskoy khimii imenj. V. I. VejnadskoV-A-N SSSR - Moskva) , - SUBMITTED'. November 15, 1956. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. 1. Isotopes-Dilution 2. Radioactive indicators-Applica:tions Card 2/2 A 1, 1 MMA PRI UNN L, - W~; . Modern achievements and problems in anal3rtical chemistre Zavelabo23 no.2:131-135 157. (Chemistry, Analytical) (MLRA l0s3), 9A, NNE 7T _g 4 IL i"lliu, DU --Of 12 rjorl and In Ugly _M~ em fof-,tha -ti tration o! Z: I ION _3M i1vtomfinafl,)n 4 ~f Rki. 1l appurd Z 7. : . '710 t~D 6 nil) Ell 1_5L`0)4 containing ts-7 to v 9 x1i 11.4 Be b wil with 10 nij pi an acivtiije 15,.Iffer nllx ~5010;,oppll 6.0 to 3.0 2 to 6 lnl M I'% f1mmoll- od, 'i - : PIP .011 AV cont inin a , g V ii ET of by a count tent at mca to 3D.ODD, impubees 1w min. p-vr nil., At ry of, - datin the . dropwitt addition ot the art. the soln.~ is cew ~rUi~pd and the activity of OV110"of the eltar soln. is nitaiatod. Tim qWv. * i.010 hit ckrYwAF), e.g., Ali 1 0 filid C11. C!m bt av~~idfd '-.try I lit I use of EWA. To di.,tAtrinlrib Br in b, DrIze, the k.V,-hple (0-8 to 1-3 g) is dimch-ed without hCht! rig ted In I I toof dil. HNOA (I + M ilmh to dr~vm the rt~s;dlle:s dis"tolvc(l it, watrr, Qf__O J~ "New., -bA 0. tbeq iteu With 9%. anil di)6tM' tei 25 ml, 91 lt~ V4quot is WaIrk. l_~ tha . . ! -biffir-Soln." xMA5 to 115 nil oil 1511, armnomutim AtitaWsoln; ~.T d tam P in ;ncegitiut~n,'-, I.,, in(, 41 c, `Wc: sairiplo (01 0 1.0 t) is fund vith W -(4 patts) -in ~a pla num ;n Q ut- 1000! I;o I* to -4 AUTIM ALIMIN.I.P.., ALIIMMV, B.S. TITIX: 1Ee-WppR-o-RJ1c-nof Bensol Sulphidine A,:)ids for of Zirconium, (Primenenile byenzolstilfinovoy opredeleniya. tairkoniya, Russian) PERIMICLAL: Zavodslcaya loiboratorl;~&, 1957, Vol 23, Nr 6, pp 32-6-5/54 the Detezmiraticn kisloty dlya. 658-6Wj (U*S*S#R.) ABSTRACM The fact in iitressea that the application of benzol sulphine acid 06H5302H2 in of great impor~anoe in aiwaytioal chanistry bew, a of its good prelApitation properties. Th6ugh FAIGL pointed out the possibility of the precipitation of qwWrivalent oations Th, U1, Zr, Ti, Sn by mains of benzol sulphine acid, he says nothing about a method for quantitative deteminiation or separation of elemnts. The present paper are= a parallel between the reactionip of benzol. sulphine acid and other acids, in which connection lie given preference to benzol stiLphine acid in connection with ziroonima rsaotion, be- cause other olements are not affected saO also beomme sodiumbenzol. sulphinate ia produced in givat quantities by the Soviet chemical induatx7 and is, therefore, easi3jy available for being used as a reagent. Under the effect of benzol sulphine acdA or of its siodium malt zirconium has a precipitation in form of a flaky wh!Lte substance Card 1/2 which can be described by the formula /ZXO(06115SO2) do / when in It 32-6-5/54 The Applioation of Bencol Sulphidine Aoide for the Dtitarmination of Ziromium6 dly state. In oonclusion it in said that benzol sulphine aoid Ims good seleo- tive proportion. The roaotion of modi=i benzol sulpUwtte with zirconi= in very sensitive and not easilY soluble. (:2 Diagrams, 5 Tables). ASSMUTIM: Not given PRESENTE) BY: SUMCMMI AVAIIMM Library of Congress Card 2/2 '2-10-h/32 itUThUt: jilimarin, I. P., Corresponding, Member, Academy of Sciences U&9R , TIM: Hadiocheinical knalyses in the USS? (Iad-.;okhim_Jch.askiye metody ana- liza v S:3SH) FERJODIGAL: Zavodska~ya Laboratoriva, 1957, Vol 23, Nr to, Pp. 1168-1171 (USSR). AMTRACT: The first work carried out for the purpose Of iWeStigating the ran dioactivity of minerals., rock , and natural water;s was begun in Russia . in 191B at the initiative of V. I. Benadskiy in, the Russian AN and at Moscow University (by Professor A. P. Sokolov). Particular impe- tus was given to this work in 1944, when Soviet scientists had a lar- ge assortinent of radioactive isoto-es and high-precision apparatus for the measuring of v at their disposal. Particular value must be attached to these methods '~Y their application in practice, above all. with respoct te the dete=biation of the ultrainicro compow nents in semiconductors, luminesce;fit and refractory solutions~ but above all. of the material for the i.,onstxuction cl nuclear reactors. The application of marked atoms made it possible to follow the pro- cesses of the chemical-analytical separation of elements, which i A , n connection with making we of correlation, made -~he most accurate analyses possible. Considerable diSficulties ar-I ing in connection Is Card, 1/4 with the analyses of rare! elements and thaL.- alloys could be removed Radiochemical Analyses in the USSR 32-lo-V32 by the application of radio-isoto;es. The application of the method of isotoyes was of particularly great importance in connection with the geochemical determination of the rules governing the deposits of microolements contained in minerals and rocks, and this applican tion is of particuLirly great -.importance in conneotion 'With the in= veRtigation of the products of atcmic reactions. For this purpose the Soviet, synchrocyclotron, the largest of the world, was put into operation in 3,95o, by ineans of which the Soviet scientists (A. P. Vinogradov., V. I. Baranov, I. P. Alimarin, A. H. Lavru4iina and others) wore able to follow processes of atoinic reactions at high energies (of 68o MeV) and to determine new rules and new radioiso- topes. Considerable success was achieved by research work carried out by the radio institute of the AN USSR (by N. jL. Perfilov, A. P. 11urin ani others). The newest method of adsorption and description of radio colloids appears to be very Iromising. Interesting investis gations -Nere carried out by N. P. Rudenko with carriers in a radio= chemicalLy pure state (as e. g.. In 113 m, Nb-95, Zn-95 and others). A number of Soviet scientists irrrestigated several processes of co- precipitation in order to work out a suitable method of determination microcomponent concentrations~ and their losses in separation proces- ses. V. I. Kuznetsov developer-' new methods in whic,)i organic reagents Card 2/4 are used in co-precipitation processes. By the simultaneous use of Radiochemical. Analysezi :ILn the USSH 32-1o-4/32 radioisotopes he achieved a quantitative sorting out of the element in a J:lo solution. The aDplication of radioactive isotopes gave good resiCLts in connection with the investigation of the equilibria in solutions in the physi,~al_chemical analysis at-cording to Kurnakov. Recently A. A. Grinberg, V. 1. Spitsyn and others ivere able to make good use of isotopic interaction in.the investigation of the struc- ture of complex platinum compounds, heteropolar compounds and also in determining instability constants. A great ntvnb,.-r of works by Soviet scientists is at present devoted to the investigation of the methods of separating elements, in which extraction is carried out by means of organic solvents. Radicactive isotopes were widely used for the checking of working methods. By the admixture of isotopes to the s&nple spectral analysis results of particular accuracy could be -attained. (Thus the isotopes U2-Is and U 2,43 considerably incream se the accuracy of spectral analysis). Much attention is finally paid in the USSR to the method of radiometric titration with isotopic and non,isotopic indicators, as well as. to the use of isotopes as radiam tion snurces in analytioal chemistry. Finally, the radioactivation analysis with application of thermal neutrons was developed success= fully in connection with the putting into operation of nuclear reac- card 3/4 tors in the USSR. For this purpose new constriietIons of radiometric ItadLochemical Analyses in the USSH 32-lo-~4/32 apparatus for the exact and rapid determination cf radioisotopes in solid suhstances and solutions are provided. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nn-uk SWR ~Academy of Sciences of the USSR) AVANABLE: Library or Congress 1. Minerals (Padioactive)-Analysis 2. Water (Radioactive)- Analysis 3. Radiochemical analysis Card 4/4 It i -? A z~ AUTHOR: Alimarin, 3'. P., (Moscow) 74-11-7/7 TITIX: Progresses of Analytical Cherustry Since 40 Years (Uspekhi analiticheskoy Ichimii za 40 let). PERIODICAL: Uspekhi Khimii, 1957, Vol. 26, Nr 11, pp. 1343-1354 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The development of analytic chemistry is closely connected with*pWlitic economy also in the USSR, so that the analysts too range in the first ranks of the glorious army of scientists. Immediately after the October revolution a chemical institute was founded under the direction of L. Ya. Karpov to which an analytical laboratory was attached. It was followed by others. 526 analyses were carried out within the first six months of 1923. In view of becoming Independent from foreign supplies, the reagents, preparations, and vessels had to be produced at home. Besides the practical analytic questions the chemists paid their attention also to the scientific theoretical problems in which case the investigations of N, Ab TUMMDev and V, G. Khlopin (who wrote text-books of analytical chemistry slid discovered new methods, though temporary ones, as the drop-method) were of importance. Khlopin was the founder of the Soviet Card 1/2 Progresses of Analytical Chemistry Since 40 Years 74~11-7/7 radioindustry. He also developed.the method of separation of radium and radioactive substances from Russian minerals and springs. The analytical chemistry was charged with important tasks during the first five-years-schemes. The first Union.- conf erence at which both the results and future tasks were discussed, was convened-esplazi611y for the analytical chemistry in 1939. The application of the physical-chemical analysis of the systems according to Kurnakov allowed to explain the mechanism of many analytical reactions. The quantitative analysis was catalytically further developed and the radioactive isotopes were used in it. There are 9ti references, all of which are Slavic. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Caret 2/2 ALIMARIN, I.P.; SAUKDV, A.A.; BARANOV, V.I. prof.; KOVALSKIT, V.V., prof. Problems of modern geochemistry; work at the Y.I.Yernedskii Institute of 0eachemistry and Analytical Ghemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Priroda 46 no.10:53-62 0 157. (MIRA 10:10) 1 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Alimorin, Saukov). (Geochemistry) AU'T?OR AT'TUA&ULjtPu bOTh1IKOV V.S. PA - 2912 TITLE ii~astigationsof Organic -Deriv&tives of 8slonic Acid And Talluric Acid as Analytic Reagents. (Issledovaniya orgsnicheskikh proizvodnykh selenistoy i tolluristoy kislot kak analiticheakikh reaktivov -Russian) .1 PERIODICAL Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol 3.13, Nr l,'Pp 105-108, (U.a.S.R.) Received 6/1957 Reviewed 7/1957 1 AWTRACT Investigations hitherto extended only in a small degree to organic reagents which contain As, S' and especially F.-Compounds of se and Te were not inve- stigated at all with respect to their application for quantitative analysis. Faigl's statement is said to be wrong according to which only in t0he case of reagents'with a sulphin -or selpin group where the acid rest is immediately bound to the arpmttic nucleus q4idrivalent metals are precipitated. This ca- .,pacity was noticed in both.cases of reagent types. Furthermore it is Faigl's opinion that the benzol-sulphin-acid is able to bring about a tautomerie con- version. Against Viis, inveitigntions show that the rat transformed form re- acts, and that the resulting compound;, represent typical salts of correspon- ding acids which are not soluble in orgarVLe solution- media. Also*Feigl'3 final conclusions -turned out to. be wrong i'.e. that Car (IV) is able to form a precipitation in an acid solution with berozol-sulphin-acid. We succeeded in proving that in realty an.orLdizing-reducing reaction takes place as a consequence of which Car (IV) is reduced to Car (III), whereas bentol-sul- Card 1/2 phin acid (R-804H) is oxidized to benzol-sulphon acid, Furthermores disulphon Investigations of Organic Derivatives of Selenic Acid And Telluric PA -2912 Acid as Analytic Reagents. a white flaky formed. For the first time the class of tho- se organic derivatives of selenic acid was produced ark investigated syn- thetically which contain a functional-analytical group UeOnfl. New physical- chemical methods with respect to weight were worked out for the determina-- tion'of quadrivalent elements as Trell as of bismuth iand iron (III) in the presence of other elements in natural and indfistrial aubBtanceso The pos- sibility of eadiometric titration with the application of radioisotopes of the elements to be determined or of the organic reag'ents which contain ra- dioisotops of selenium or.telluri-tm must further be..mentioned. (5 tables, 18 literature quotations) ASSOCIATION Moscow dtate University M.V.Lomonosovs PRISENT0 BY SUBMITTIM 24.9.1956 AVAIIABI.k Librarycf Congress Card 2/2 TARASNTICH, Nikolay Ivanoirich,-,. prof., red.; KONEBASHKOVA, S.P., red.; GBORGIYEVA, G.I., takhn,rfod. [Manual of practical work in gravimetric analysis] IWro- vodetvo k praktikum po vesovomm analizix.- Izd-vo Moak. univ., - 1958. ' 2351 P. (KI'IL& 12:6) 1. Ghlen-korreapondont M SSSR; kafedra analitichaskay khimii Hookovskogo goeudaretvannogo univeraiteta im. X.V.Lommoeova (for Alimarin). (Chemistry, Analytical--quantitative) T C--. '14 nil 41 NN 3 149 al 1) JA h4 9 TRY A 6.1 Aq I --TI V~ _16~ 4r1 so 4 IN b 43 V. Av~ A. A MG v A 46 a.. "4 . min P, IV -"g V 5.1 1 F 3 2:' h9 W I Ilia jig I Jul ALUUMs 1- P- PHASE I BOOK E)MDITATION 978 Vseso:y=mya nauchno-tekhnicheeksva konferentsiya po primeneniyu radioaktivnykh i st%bellnykh izotopov i izlucheniy v iuLrodnom khozyaystve i nauke. 2d, Moscov, 1957- Izotor i izlucheuiya v klaimii; [abornik dokladov... ] (Isotopes and Fladiation in Yy Chemistry; Collection of Papers of the Second All-Uhion Scientific Technical Conference on the Use of Radioactive and Stable Isotopes aad Rsdiation in the National Economy and Srience) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1958. 38o P. 5,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: Akademiya nauk SSSR, and,: - 55SR. Glavnoye upravleniye po ispol zovaniyd atomnoy energli. Editorial Board: Vinogradov, A.P., Academician (1ktap. Ed.), Kondratlyev, V.N., Acade- mician, Alimarin, I.P., Corresponding Member, U13SR Academy of Sciences, Bakh, N.A., Dr. of Chemical Sciencits, Nikolayev, A-V., Dr. of Chemical Sciences, Nekrasova, G.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences (Secretary); Tech. Ed.-. VW=i, Ye.V. PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientists and technicians ene)&ged in research Card l/ 13 Isotopes and Radiation in Chemistry (Cont.) 978 which involves the use of radioactive isotopes or the chemistry of radioactive substances. COVERAGE: This volume publishes the reports of the Chemistry Section of the Second All-Uhion Scientific and Technical Conference on the Use of 11adioactive and Stable Isotopes and Hadiution in Science and the National Economy, sponsored by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Main Administration for the Utiliz- at16n of Atomic Energy uxider the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The confer- ence was held in Moscow cu April 4-12, 1957. Over fifty reports are includ d, mainly on radiochemistry, radiation chemistry, methods of oblaiaing tagged compounds and the use of isotopes in the study of the kinetics and mechanism of chemical reactions in analytical chemistry, physicochemiesil analysis, etc. TABIZ OF CONMUS: Foreword PART 1. KINETICS AND NECHANISK OF CESMICALREACTIONS 3 nshteyn, A.I. and Vedeneyev, A.V., Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni L.U. Karpovit (Physicochemical. TzistitUte imenil". L-Ya. X%rpdv) -'1nvestt-m;Uoti o',-L-the "Inter- action 6f Atoms'~y the DeutkiroI-Exchange Method (Phenol and Its Ethers ancl 13- Isotopes and'Fadiation in Ch6mistry (Cont.) 978 Roginakiy, S.Z., Institut fi.zicheskoy khimii AN SSSR (Institute of Phvsical Chemistry AS USSR) HorizontELI Chains and Active Intermodiate Fortis of Hetero- geneous Catalysis on the Basis of Isotopes 42 Balandin, A.A., Bogkanova, O.K., Isagulyants, G.V., Neyman, Yu.V. and Popov, Ye-I., Institut organicheskoy khimii AN IEWR (Institute of Orga4c Chemistry AS USSR) Investigation of the Ylechanig of Successive Reactions :hTtane-Batylere- Divinyl by Using Radioactiwt Carbon C 52 KryukDV, Yu.B., Bashkirov, A-N., Butyugin., V.K., Liberov, L.G. and Stepanova, N.D., Institut nefti AN SSS11 Petroleum Institute AS USSR) Intermediate Com- pounds in th&' Synthasib of Jbrdrocarbons and Oxygen-containing Conyounds of Carbon Monoxide and Rydrogen on Iron Catalysts 58 Karasev, X.I., Nauchno-iss3A.-dovatel'skly institut sinteticheskikli spirtov i organicheskikh produktov MM2P (Scientific Research Institute for Synthetic Alcohols and Organic Products WW) ChBmical Transformations of Ethylene in the Zone of Pyrolysis 66 Dogadkin, B.A., Tara o , Z.N., Bas1kovskaya, M.O. and Kaplunov, M.Ya., Nauchno- issledovatellskiy in:t t shinnoy prmyshlennosti (Scientific Fbaearch Insti- tute of the Tire Industli, t ) The Formation of Valcanization StructiLres and Their Modification by Thermochemical Reaction and Fatigue 75 Card 4/13 Isotopes and Radiation in Chemistry (Cont.) 978 Allen, Augustine 0. and Caffrey,, Jams N'..)(Chemical Department of Brook- haven National Laboratory, Epton, Long Is3and, New York) Hadiolysis of Pentane Adsorbed on Solids 135 Karpov, V.L.., Khzlminekiyo A.S. and'Lazurkin, Yu.S. The Effect of Nuclear Radiation on Polymeric &xbstances 139 PART III. . ANALyTrCAL COMISM AND PHYSICOCHEWCAL ANALMV I Alimarin, I.P. and Yakovlev, Yu.V., Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khftil. imeni V.I. Vernadslogo AN SSSR (Institute of Geochemistry amd Analytical Chemistry imenl. V.I. Vernadskiy AS USSR) The Determination of Impurities in Semiconductors and Pam Metals by Radioactive Analysis 143 Uyagilitsov, O.Ye. and Wak, A.I., Moskovskiy qrdeftalaft~=_. khimikotekhnologicheakiy Institat imeni D.I. Mandeleyeva' '.(Moscow Ckemical Rnp~ ering Institute imeni D.I. Mendeleyev) Quatitative Determiumtion of Micro-impmrities in Severil Elements by the "Radioactivation" Yethad 150 Card 6A3 Isotopes and Radiation in Chemistry (Cont.) 978 Rudeako, N.P., 2-y Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy fizicheskiy institut Moskov- skogo gosudarstvennogo uaiversitetaimeni M-V- Lomonosova (Second Scientific Research Institute for Physics of Moscow University imeni M.V. Lomonosov) On the Problem of Obtaining Radioactive Isotopes Without Carriers 158 Svoboda, K., Institut yadernoy fiziki C&%N, Prags (Institute for Nuclear Physics[of the Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences],Prague) Several Froblems of Obtaining Radioactive Isotopes Without Carriers by Using the Szrilird-Chalmers Reaction 164 Shan1mr, D., Institut yadernoy issledovaniy, Bombey (Institute of Nuclear Research, Bombay) Obtaining Radioactive Isotopes of High Activi-ty 169 Vhynishteyn, E.Ye-, Inatitut geokhimli 1. analiticheskoy khimii iweni V.I. Vernadskogo AN SSW (Institute of Gooehemistry and AXAIvtiml. Chanistry irien!L V.I. Vernadakiy) The Use of Tagged Atoms in Spectr= Analysis 171 G.-.' .~LO, I.M., Sirotina, I.A. and Alimarin, L.P., Hoskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomanosova; Institut, pokhimii i analitickaskoy khimli Imeni V.I. Verdadskogo AN SSSR (Wiscov State Uhlyersity Lmni Card 7/13 Isotopes and Radiation in Chemistry (coat.) 978 Abramova, G.V., Gorshteyn, G.I., Gurevich, R-Ye. and Kheymets, A.M., leningralskiy zavod "Krasnyy Xhimik" (T.~ningrad Plant "Krasnyy Kh1mik") Utilization of Radio- active Isotopes in the Development of Pr:)cesses for Obtaining and Purifying Chemical Reagents 211 Ombenshchikova, V.I. and Bryzgalova, R.V., Radiyewyy institut imeni V.G. Xhlopina AN SSSR (Radium Institute Imeni V.G. Ithlopin AS USSR) Deter- mining the Distribution Constants of V.G. Kh1opin bir the Me-thod of Partial %crystallization of the Solid Phase 218 Merkulova, M.S. and Me3ikhcjv, I.V., Mosk:)vskiy gosuclarstvennyy universitet imeniM.V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeal M.V. LomonosovO Co- precipitation of Iead and Strontium Isotopes With Sodium Chloride Cx7stELls 224 Klo~mal V.R., Mellaikova, A.A. and Polyakov, V.A., RELdiyevyy institut imeai V.G. Khlopina, AN SSSR (Radium Ins-ti-tut imeni V.G. Ktilopia) Iavesti- gatiOn of the Various Factors Influencing the CrystALllization Coe:r- ficient of Radium in Its Distribution Between Fused and Crystalline lead =oride 2'111 Pashiiikin, A.S., Yealkov, A.A., Korneyeva, I.V. and Novoselova, A.V-, Card:9,43 Isotopes and Radiation in Chemistry (Cont. ) 978 Nikolayev, A.V. and Sinit3yn, H.M., Imstitut obahchey i neorganicheiskoy khbaii N.S. JUrnakova AN SSSR (Mistitute of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N.S. laumakov AS USSR) Sane Special Featwes in the Behaviour of Rutheni= Micro-q=tities During Its Extraction 271 StArD:, I.Ye., FWAiyevyy institut, imeni V.G. Khlopina AN SSSR (Radium Institut.- imeni V.G. Khlopin AS USSR) Adsorption Phanomena and TheirRole in WLiochemical Investigations P-82 IavrvIhina, A.K. and Pavlotskaya, F.I., Iristitut geokhimii i analytiches- koy U,imii imeni V.I. Vernadskogo AN SSUEIR (Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry imeni V.I. Vernadsk:iy AS USSR) The Chromtomphic Method of Separating Promethium From the Fission Products of Uranivan 294 Zimakov, P-V., Bykov, A.G. and Usacheva, I.A., Ministerstvo khimi.cleskoy promyshlennosti (Ministry of the Chemical Industry) Fladio ElectrochLromto- graphic Method of Analysis 303 Ziv, D.M., Sinitsyna, G.C., Radiyevyy institut imeni V.G. lihlopina AN SSSR (Radium Institute imeni V.G. Khlopin AS USSR) An Electrochemical Ybthod Card 11/13 Isotopes end Radiation in Chemistry (Cont.) 978 Bichull, T.V. Bardiebevstayu,, K.M. and Miller, M.I. (Vith the assistemce of T.N. Mmmoval Gosuftratvenny-7 institut peLkladnoy khimii (State ThW,tute of Ap- plied Chimistry) Synthesis of Phenol, With rbs Nucleus Tigged by Ceirbon Isotope A 354 Korotkov, A.A. and rhkovm, G*V., Thatitut irpokomolekalarafth soyedlmmiy AN SSSR (rhirbitate of High-mleactlar Cmpoundu AS USM) Synthesis of Isoprene TmWrd with 014 Dashkevieh, L-t- . lieuingrad&~y k1himik -faimutsevt1cheskiy institut, (laningmd Chemicoplarmace"Iesl Institirbe) Synthesis o:r Acetycholins, Tsgpd With Radio- active Carbon C4"'in the Complax-Ester Graqi Sokolov, V.A., Akademiya mdi'*'sinskikh naul: EMU (Acaderfly of Cal ecienoest USM) In-restigation of Isotople Exchan in. Abe Etratem 092 - NIfor Obtaining T&Md CoAm DisuLlfide gerebryam, N.G. and Sakseyeir, Ye-K. (vith, the assistmuce of Technician M.D. Emlova and M.A. Gntcheva) Oltaining Hadicaetive Colli)idal Gold for Them- peutic Puxposes AVAIIABIS: Library of Congrells *ftl Card 13/:L3 2-6-59 355 364 36T 3T3 IN 30-2-40/49 AUTHOR: Rodin, S. S. TIT 1Z i The 'Use of Radioactive Isotopes in Analytical Chemistry (Primenerive radioaktivnykh izotopov v arialitf 'cheskoy khimii). Conference in IJ03COW ('Conferentsiya v Hoskve) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii Naul: SSSR, 1950, Nr 2. pp 100-110 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This conference took place fxom December 2 to December 4, 1957. It vras called by the Commission for Analytical Chemisti7 of the Inst.-*.tute for Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry imeni V.I. Vernadskiy of the All USSR. About 4.50 scientits from 40 cities of the USSR took part as well as some foreign scien- tistst )hu Chuan-lyan, En Zhen-in I Lyu Tsin-4;'(China)l I. Kol'tgov (USA); G. Irvina (Great Britiin); R. Prohibl, I. Kerbl: Ya' I-,Ialyy I. Vodegnal, V. !3ezdek (czeohoslovakia); Yu. G. 11.-~nchovsldy ~Poland); L. Erdoi, A. Schner NunaExy)i L. S. Tu-,und--hich, M. V. Shushich (YiiGpslavia); 11. 1. Petrov (Bulgaria); K. Draaulesku (Roumania); Card 1/4 Some reports dealt with the workin- out of radioisotopic meth- U 30-2-40/49 The Use of Radioactive Isotopes in knalytical Chemistry. Conference in Hosclow ods of analysis: '71 reported,g~ the method of ddluting inotopes I. P. Aj~r~iai Fth_e]T~ , Zr , and Ta radioisotopes viore used); 2) M. B. Neyman, V. Ya. Yefremov, V. IT. Panfiliv reported on the determination of the alcohol content in the oxi- dation products of' propylene and butane (c'14 was used); 3) Go So RozhavsIciy, I. Ye. Zimakov reported on the method of repeated radioactive dilution for the determination of small admixtures (of the order of 10-4 to jo-7 %); 4) A. I. Kulak reporled on the deteri-Anation of the qu&ntity of micro admiXturcs of nickel, cobalt, copper, tellurium, and antimony; 5)V. B. Gaydadymov, L. I. Illina reported on the possibility of analyzinh tantalitm-niobiurl alloy samples in different physical states by the reflection of rays; 6) 1. Ye. Starik repcrted on the method of the perfect sepa- ration of micro quantities of ur-anium from weighable quan- tities ofiron by means of the isotope U233; 7) V. 1. Kuznetsov , T. Go Akimov recommended a method for Card 2/4 precipitating uranium; 30-2-40/49 The Use of Radioactive Haotopes in Analytical Chemistry. Conference in Moscow O)Professor Irving reported on the determination of indium by radioacti-ration analysis in rocks and minerals; 9) K. B. Yatsimirskiy reported on the determination of phos- phate, tiulfate and iaolybdate; 10)K. V. ~'roitskiy described two new methods of the determina- tion of' metal tracen; 11)A. K. Luvrukhina reported on some peculiarities of ra.dio- chemica.). analysisl 12)1. M. Tollti?f reported on the use of the radioactive iso- tope Th.II(Pb ) for the investigation of the a.!,~I_nL; of' crystalline sedimentsi 13)11. M. Senyavin reported on the use of radioactive isotopes in chromatoaraphy; 14)A. M. Yermakov, V. K. Belyayeva , I. IT. Marc,v showed the possibilities of using anionite3 for the calculation of the constants of the t4ability of cbar.-ed ions; 15)21. A. Izmaylova, V. S. Chernyy -ave data of the investi- Card gation of the solubility of salts; 30-2-40/49 The Use of Radioactive Isotopes in Analytical Cheristry. Conference in Moscow 16)A. K. Lavrulchina, 3, S. Rodin investigated the co-preci- pitation of franciura with different sediments by the short- lived radioactive isotope Pr212; MI. V. Tananayev showed the possibility of separating fran- cium from cesiuml 18)Yu. I. Bykovskaya, A. A. Grizik, N. I. MaTunina investi- gated the use and the methodology of radioactive indicators; 19)M. I. Tsekhanskiy, N. I. Shishkin I K. V. Khudoyarov and G. D. $usloparov described the use of Ca45; 20).P Zimakov, and L. A. Krasnousov described the use of C13Yj 21)K. 1. Karasev reported on the use of the marked-atom method. AVAILABLE: Library of Conj;ress 1. Isotopes (Radioactive)-Applications 2. Scientific researchr.- Chemistr7 3. Chenistry-USS1.1 Card 41/4 5(2) AUTHORSs Puzdrenk:ova, T.V., Alimarin I P SOV/55-58-2-2,1/35 and Frolkina.. X.A. TITLEs Determiration of Cerium by Means of Potassiumperiodate (opredeleniye tseri2ra periodatom kaliya) PERIODICAL: Vestnik kloskovskoro Universiteta.Serivamat,emluiki, mekJuudki, astronceiii, fitiki., khimii, .-1958,:.r 2,pp 183-136 (USZ~R) ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the interaction of the 3- and 4- valent cerium with potassiumperiodate in an acid medium. The periodation often appeared in the form JO-5 6 The auth.ors developed methods for the determination of cerium in salts and sand with -the aid of pDtassiumperiodate. They used gravimetric as well as calorimetric methods. There are 11 referencesq 5 of which are Soviet, 2 Indian, I Finnish, 1 German, I American, and 1 Swedish. ASSOCIATIONs Kafedra analiticheskoy khimii (Chair of Analytic Chemistry) SUBMITTED: April 20t 1957 Card 1/1 5(2) -AUT'HORS I AAIjLM.AXJJI,.L-P..,f Golov4Ln%,A.P. SOV/55- 58- 2- 27/35 Xuteynika'vjA.F.' Stepanov,NtF. TITLEt Investige.tion of the Absorption Spectra of the Combinations of Some Elements With Quercetin. 1. Deterudnation of Thorlum in Monazite-Und (Izucheinlye spektTov svotopogloshcheniya soyedineniy nekotoryl:h elementov s kvertsetinom. 1.0predele- niye tori.ya v monatsi.tovom peako) ~ PERIODICkLt Vestnik Voskovskogo Vniversi te tit. Seriy~ mstOmatiki, mekluinild, astroziOmil" fitiki, Ithimii, .'1)58,Nr 2,pp 203-2o6 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The authors investigs.tod the absorption spectra of quercetin with Th, Zr, Ti, U(VI), Ce(III), Fe(III),Ga, La, Al, Be, CU(II), Sn(IV). They propose a new photometrio method for the proof of thorium in monazite - sand with quercetin. A former paper of A.L. Davydor and V.S. Devekki LRef ill is used. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 14 references, 6 of which are Soviet, 3 American, 3 Germart, and 2 Czech. ASSOCIATIONt Kafedra analiticheakoy khimii (Chair of Analytic Chemistry) SUBXITTEDt May 29,1957 Card 1/1 5 ( 2') AUTHORSS TITLEs PERIODICALt ABSTRAM A�SOCIATIONs SUBMITTED: Savostiri,A.P. and Alimarin,I.P.. soir/55-58-2-29/35 Separation of Small Quantities of Tantalum from Titanium With~ the Aid of Pyrogallio Acid (Otdeleniye malykh koliohestv tantala ot titans pirogallovoy kislotoy) Vestnik Moskovskogo 'Universiteta,Seriya maitemattki zekhaniki.1 &itr6&m:Li, fiziki.. khiniij, !1958,',%'r 20pp 211-211 (USSR) The authors propose to precipitate small quantities of-tan- talum under existing 100- and 1000-fold quantity of titanium by pyrogallio acid in presence of a ftoriom. The radiometric control showed that 'oy threefold repetition of the pre- oi-pitation on an ave,.rage 70-80% of the tantalum can be separated. In the reaidual preaipitate the ratio Ta Ti was on an average I j 0,2 - 0,4 There are 2 figurest 3 tables, and 2 referenceal I of which is Soviet, and 1 Enelish. Kafedra analitioheakoy khimii (Chair of Analytic Chemistry) June 6p 1957 Card '1/1 ALATO.RS: Golovina, A. P.. Alinia:--in, 1. P., Stepo,-uv, N. F. TITLE i Use of Oxyflavonea in JLn;a'1,,,"Jcal Cheirdstr,,, "Pil-,%uneniye ok9iflavonvy v anohltiuh,~-skcy Vhimii), llhotumet'.,,,ical tion of Tittmium by Mec..n:~ olt" ',',-Ucrcc'~Ane (Fctcx,ericheskoje opredelc~riiyo t`tanu hvortsetinom) FE'"A 10 j C A 1, 1 Nauchr",--o ro~.I[tdy vysiho:! shl~oly. Khimiya i IrI,-:L,,r.iche3Yaya tckhrcjIo,,i,,,.i, 1958, Nr 2, PD. 285..289 (ussh) .'BSTRIXT: The f1tivotle..i belonp t,o t):e -beiizc~pyronC--O.C:ri.V~Lti.VeS. Their oxyderivatJvoo form a large grcrip of natural i ch ti i- c -n d I'v p ~~ R Itz ---- C,a u -E!-, i. rc, r 1, j;I C,';-, i 7, 1-Ut r) t .~j I r -!,t 1-5) - 'S n -1, 1t c 0 x Y f 1 u v o I zat.. -'r -a r a r uo a0, 'T)C't~eoa2 s thei r complicated! (.mc'thud~:- Ref:,: %'--19) prclu~2rt`e~; an d C n S Of the. oxy-fiavcir,~:3 nre Riven. The,y are whitz., up 'J"c! worc Jn dc-tu-I'l. In ',!)o scrIbe the results obtaii:~ecl b~)- k~xp,--vimer""A. Cari 11/3 T~.:')'Iu 1 heoe L; c,V, 1156 -58-2 -220,14 V Use of Oxyflavonea in ~.nalytiefxl Chomistry. Photometrical Determln_~tion of Titaniani by Uvanii of Qtiercetine violet ard visible light ii be tutv "Iji~_ "Putreval (1it titanium ft~rms an intentely broviii-red ccimpound with it which can be used for the Photometric determination or this eleip-ent. Figure 1 shows that the mRximum of light absorption of this com- pound is at 425 m,&. Titenium is, however, more properly de- L, ~erinined Rt 440 to 450 1r.,q, where prqcticaily no absorption by the reagent itself takes place. The influence ecercised by the pH-value of the medium on the dyeing-inteiisity was investigateo. in glycolic- and acetate-buffer solutions. It follows from, figure 2 -.',hat the optin. density of the solution preserves a rather constant value within the range of pH 3.31, to 6.0. The complex begins to deco'torize at pH43-3. The dyeing vanishes almost completely at pile-1.0. At pff>-6.0 the optic density in- creases rapidly since'the solution convt:rts from a real one into a collcida,l one. At PH - 9.0, a r,&d-brc,,.;Yi d.eposit precipitat&~,. ThG solutions can be stabilized by addition of 20 ".rolume--4' olf niethanol, ethanol, or a.cetone. The ir tomporat~vc Joes not influE-nce the dyeing-irtena-4t.y. T~.e cpt '10 izz~,; is main- Ca~:d 51/5 tRiriod for 4 to 6 hours. Bvrl~ thp SOY/t1 56-r,;8-2 -20/4 P, Use of Oxyflavones in Analytical Cheiui:itry. Photoinetric~il Titanium by Means of lit:,fircetine ra ng e a f c o n c e nt ra t i v n o f f rc m 0. 5 t o0 gL/m 1 vi 'L' A h L, i c- d y 0 a solutiouzz. (Fig 3). Figure .*, zhovs that the -,L'sAtrion of i;-,e olimLxao is independoni; of. the length of 'he viuve if a measuremEnt is carrieid oul. according to the method of isomode.1- series. There Fre 4 fil~ures, I table, and 11; references. Cf' which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION; Kafedra.analiti.oheakcy khimii Moskevskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M. V. Lomonosova (Chair of Analytical Chemiotry of Moscow State Univernity imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: Decembe3- 6, 1957 Card 3/3' 5(2) AUTEORSt Taintsevioht Ye.P., ~Limarin, I.P.- SOY/55-58-3.-27/30 TITLES and Marchenkova, L.P. The Behavior of Gallium and Aluminum Under Ion Exchange in Presence of Some Complex-Forming Substances (Povedeniye galliya i alyuminiya v usloviyakh ionnogo olimena v prisutstvii nekotoryka kompleksoobrazuyushchikh veshchestv.) PERI ODI CAL: Vestnik Moskovskojzo universiteta, Seriya matematiki., Mkhwifld14 astronomii.q.fiziki,, kMnii 1958,Nr 3,pp 221-.22'f (USSR) ABSTRACTs The authoxs investigated the behavior of Ga3+ and A13+ in presence of tartaric acid and malic acid under static con- ditions for acid PH - values. It was stated that the se- paration of them is not possible in presence of the mentioned acids. A weparation o'! gallium and aluminum by ion exchange proved to be possible in presence of oxalic acid for PH 4-0 as well an in some other cases. Card 1/2 The Behavior of Gallium and Aluminum Under Ion Ex- SOV/55--58-3-27/30 change in Presence of Some Complex-Forming Substances There are 4 figures, 6 tables, and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet, 1 German, ani 1 Swiss. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra analitioheakoy k.himii (Chair of Analytical Chemistry) SUBMITTEDs July 6, 1957 Card 2/2 ALDIARIN, I.; Jan-Yun, E.j Pazdrenkova,, 1. Utilization of periodic acid for the quantitative determination c,j' ame rare metals. In Russian. P. 244. CHEMIA ANALITYCZNA. (Kominja Analitycznji Polaskiej Akademii Nauk- i Naczelan Organissacja Techniczna ) Warazavaj. Poland,, Vol. 3., no. 3/4 1958 Monthly Idst of Fast Buropejan Accessions (EUI) L9, Vol. 8, no. 7,, JWav 1959 Uncl. AUTHORS: Alimax-irv I.P. P Siro"Zina, I.A. sov/ 78-3-7-1+1/44 TITLE: Investigation of Co-PrAoipitations by the Metho4l of Radiame-trio Titmtion (Izu&4~niya soos&zhden!qa a pomoshch'3u m!qtoda radicmetr1oheakogo ti4.ToY&niy&) PMODICAL: Zbw-nal rojoxg&n1chaakoy khimli, 1958p V61 3, Nx' 7, PP 1709--1713 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The mackax-ism of oo-pivelpitations w&s investigated by the method of xadiomatria titratiom. n"beipitatiorw of silver, thallixm, and lead with different aniDns as chlorine, iodine, thiocyaneLte, 011%water M1 5q do w?rS investigated by memi or th* mdioao,- i A TI aM TW. tirfs isotopes 1. , Ag The appli~.vmtion of nork-Imotopto Indicators Jn xudiometrio titra- tion 1B possible not oWy In thi case of prealpita-Rom-i In whioh lacoorpbits mkrkxs.~d ax-5 f armed r, but also in ttx;3 fomtiou of ancmala.,;A Wxtd Th,i possibili-kY of &3ta-Mining sil'yar eM th&llium an Aodides aM of lea.3 arkA #41~3-tr ;is ciLromatsA by means of m(liometrio titm- tim4 vith wn-1zot*,op:kc kalic&tora wam m=~ioned. Thtsra az%i Card 1/2 5 figamij~ 5 tables, an] 9 references, 5 of whicih ftre Soviet. Investigation of by the Method 3011178-3-7-41/44 of Radiometric Titrution ASSOCIATION: lxwtital gookhlmii I &waitlahem-koy khimii im. V.I.Vernaskogo, Akwl~mlt rig-mic SSSR of Gvoahmistry and An&3,ytioal Chm4uv.*,117 Jahol V.I.V,,R.-xadNkJy, AS USSR) SUMMED: J=* 15o 1957 1. Metals--PreGipitation 2. Metals--Titration 3. Ions --Chemical effects 5. Titraticin-.-Test results Card 2/2 5(2) RUTHORS: Savostin, A. P4. Alimarin, I. P" SOV/1574-58-4-5/22 TITLEc On the Problem of the Precipitation Process of Small Tantalum Quantities According to the Method of Co-Precipitation ~' (K voprosu o mekhanizme vydeleniya malykh kolichestv tanta~a metodom soosazhdeniya) PERIODICAM Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimicheskaya, tekhnologiya# 1958, Nr 4, pp 29-34 (USSR) ABSTRACTs Since tantalum and titanium have similar chemical properties (Refs 1, 2), microquantities of tantalum can be co-precipitated from the solution with titanium selenite. As is known, selenic acid precipitates white precipitates of selenites of Ti, Ta, Nb, Cr, V (III), Pb, Ag and Hg from mineral acid aolutions, whereas no precipitates are formed by Al, Cu, Zn, Mg, Co, W, M and V(V) (Ref 3). Thus Ta, Nb and Ti can be separated by Belenic acid from a whole group of elements. The authors t"ied hard to remove most of the carrier and to obtain tantalum in a more or less pure state. In tartaric acids containing HC1, Ta and Ni are quantitatively precipitated by selenic acid (Ref 4)- It is necessary to precipitate twice, because titanium is not Card 1/4 precipitated*by selenic acid under these cond:~tionsf and is On the Problem of the PrecipittLtion Prooess of SmIl SOV/153-58-4-5/22 Tantalum Quantities ALQUA'U.Ing to the method of' Co-Precipitation ao-preoipilkated in the presence of Ta and Nb. The authors intended to investigate into the behavior of microquantities of tantalum in the presence of large titanium quantitie's. A hydrochloric titanium solution and an oxalic tantalum solution containing tantalum-182 were used in the experiments. Table I shows data on the influence exerted by the nature of the acid and the acidity upon the separation of tantalum with a precipitation of titanium selenite. As may be seen from it, titanium is better separated from nitric acid solutions and hydrochloric acid solutions (the same acidity given)v in spite of almost the same cha3-acter of precipitation. Thus, selenic acid separates titanium and tantalum insgficiently from highly acid solutions. Solutions of ammonium oxalate, tartaric acid and sodium fluoride Were used in the investigntion of the influence exercised by complex-forming reagents upon the complete separation of titanium and tantalum. The precipitations were subjected to similar operations as mentioned above, after they had been stored overnight. The results axe presented in table 2, from which it may be seen that the authors d.-d not Card 2/4 sufficiently succeed in maintaining most of the carrier as an On the Problem of the P1'ecipitation Process of Small SOV/153-58-4-5/22 Tantalum Quantities According to the Alethod of Co-Precipitation oxalate or tartrate complex in the solution, with the whole microcomponent to be separated into the precipitate. Better results would be obtained by using sodium fluoride or different quantities of the precipitant (Table 3). Add:' tional experiments were carried out to clarify the problem whether the co- precipitation is of adsorption or isomorphous character. According to the results (Table 4), the authors arrived at the conclusion that the co-precipitation process of tantalum with titanium selenite has no adsorption character. From table 5 it may be seen that approximately an average quantity of the microcomponent is carried along by the precipitate. That carrying along is, under the corresponding conditions, explained by the fact that titanium selenite possesses a certain degree of solubility at increased temperature, which decreases when it is cooled, so that part of the titanium selenite is precipitated into the precipitate carrying along tantalum with it. It results from this that selenic acid makes the.separation of tantalum microquantities on the carrier (titanium selonite) possible, Card 3/4 - i On the Problem of the Precipitation Process ,)f Small sovi/153-58-4-5/22 Tantalum Quantities According to the blethod of Co-Precipitation but does not secure the separation of these two elements. There are 6 tables and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) Kafedra analiticheskoy khimii (Chair of Analytic Chemistry) SUBMITTED: October 25, 1957 Card 4/4 SOV/75-13-4-16/29 A74THORS t Alimarin, I. P., Nikolayeva, Ye. R., la'alofeyeva, G. I. ,rITLE; An Analytical Investigation of the Precipitation of Tetra.- valent Uranium With Sodium Hexametaphosphate (Analiticheakoye izueheniye reaktsii osazhdeniya chetyrekhvalentnogo urana geksametafosfatom natriya) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 1958, 1101- 13, Nr 4, PP. 464- 468 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Methods are known for the precipitation of uranium with salts of the ortho- and pyrophosphoric acid as well as of the phos- phorous acid (Refs 1-3). A considerable disadvantage of the gravimetric determination of uranium after the annealing of its orthophosphate to the pyrophosphate consi~,.ts of the fact. that the compounds formed do not have a constant composition. In the present paper the use of the compound of sodium hexa- metaphosphate with tetravalent uranium, which is difficult to dissolve, is considered for the separation of small amounts of uranium. Aqueous solutions of sodium hexameta;hosphate are con- siderably stable in the cold. By heating or acidifying the so- Card 1/4 lution it was, however, hydrolysed (Refs 7, IC,). In the freshly SOY/75 -13 -4 -16/29 An AnaLytical Investigation of the Precipitation of Tetravalent Uranium With Sodium 11exametaphosphate prepared isolution of the reagent pyro- and urthophosphate are practically not present, they form, however, gradually in storing the solution. In order to separate uranium-as quan- titatively as possible a sulfuric acid or perchloric acid so- lution must be heated to 6o-70 0 prior to the prvoipitation. After the precipitation the solution must bv heated with the precipitate for another 10-15 minutes in the -water bath. Tetra- valent uranium precipitates quantitatively from perchloric acid solution only in a narrow concentration interval, viz. from 3n HC10 4' In the case of higher and lower acidity the amount of the precipitated aranium is quickly reduced, which obviously is connected with an increase of the solubility of the compound at the expense of the hydrolysis of hexametaphosphate, or that it is connected with the possibility of the formation of com- plex compounds of uraniura. Uranium cannot be quantitatively precipitated from salfuric acid solutions by means of hexameta- phosphates. This fact was also found in the precipitation with orthophosphate (Refs 6, 11) and it is explained by the forma- tion of complex sulfates of uranium. The coneiitions for the Card 2/4 quantitat-Lve separation of uranium with sodium hexameta-phos- SOV/75 -13-4 - 16/29 in An'alytical Investigation of the Precipitation of Tetrava:Ient Uranium 111ith Sodium Hexametaphosphate! phate are the followin3: 3n perchloric acid solution, and in the case of an amount of more than 2 mg uranium a final con- centration of the reagent of 0,30-0,35'v. For lower amounts of uranium thorium is used as collectoi-. Tlius, also traces of ura- nium are co-precipitated. The molar ratio between thorium and PO~ must not exceed 1:9, as otherwise too low results are ob- tained. As washing liquid for the precipitate diluted perchlo- ric acid is suited. The determination of uranium according to the precipitation is carried.out vanadometrically. Tri- and tetravalent vanadium (2-20 mg), iron, and copper (of up to 200 mg each) and other bivalent elements do not exert a dis- turbing influence. Spectrophotometric investigations showed, that in the case of an excess of reagent complex oompounds of uranium with hexametaphosphate are formed (the measurements were carried out by means of a spectro-,hotometer of the type SF,'-4). The method elaboratod for the determination of uranium is described in detail. There are 3 figares, 5 tables, and 12 Card 3114 referencea, 7 of which are Soviet. SOV/ 75 -13 -4 -16129 An Analytical Investigation of the Pre-cipitation of Tetr,ivalent Uranium With Sodium Ift,,xametaphosphatv ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstverin,(y universitet im. 1.1. V. Lomonosova I (Moscow state University imeni 11. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: may 30P t957 1. Uraniuu-.-Precipitation 2. Urmium-Chemical. reactions 3. Sodium phosphatess-Properties 4. Sodium phosphates-Chemical reactions Card 4/4 AUM13RS: Alimarin, I.. P Svoboda K. F. SOV/89-5-1-11/28 TITLE: Some Characteristic Features of the Yields of the'Stiaard- Chalmers Process in Alkyl Compounds of Iodine (Nekotox-yye osobennosti vykhoaovprotsessa StdillArd6-Chalmrs alkilproizvctdnykh yoda) FMIODICAL: Atomnaya. eneirgiya, 1958, Vol- 5, Nr i, pp. 73-75 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The total rettardation R in the Szilard -Chalmers process is com- posed of at least 4 partial retardation processes the last of which is connected especially with the delay which is duct to the presence of a r-base (background). The total retardation of methyl-ethyl-plropyl and butyl iodide was investigated on a strong polonium-beirjIlium source. The r-intensity attained with this preparation amounted to about 0,5 r/h. The chemical preparations used were sup- .?3.iea either by the Soviet firm of "Soyuzreaktiv" by the Czeohoslovakian firm of "Lakhema" , or they were the product of eyathetization carried out by the nuthoi%i themselves. The following yields obtainea by theSziliwd C-Chalmars reaction Card 1/2 were measured: Some Characteristic Featu"s of the rields of the SOV/89-5-i-ii/28 Szi1AM,--Cba1mers Process Ln Alkyl Compounds of Iodine Neutron Neut 'mn Order of R in % Irradia- Source Curp-nt Magnitude CHf Hf (,,, Hj tion I of the hT C3 Period an2osec-A base (background) T/ h Po+B e 104.,-,05 0,1 - 1 100000) 95 55 43 2h (244) R&+Be 104...:05 102~103 100(65) 42 40 42 2h (244) Nuclear Reactor 107..108 102_103 89(60) 42 41 42 5m (14) There are I lable and 5 refe oes, 2 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: FebruarY 7, 1958 7 1. Iodine conpounds-Effeats of radiation 2. Radioactivity--Maasure~ ment Card 2/2 5 (2) AUTHORS: Savostin, A. P., Alimarin, I. P. 30Y,155-58-6-15/31 TITLEt The Sepa:.vation of Small Quantities of' Niobium From TitexLium by Means of Pyrogallic Acid (Otdeleniye maly1th koliohestv niobiya ot titans, pirogallovoy kislotoy) PERIODICALs Vestnik Noskovskogo universiteta. Seriya matomatiki, makhanikL, astronomiig fizikip kbimil, 1958t Nr 6# pp ill-1-19 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article in a continuation of a paper which was published in this periodical 1958, Nr 2. The separation of niobium from titanium was attained by leaching out the pyrosulphate alloy of the tito oxides by means of an aqueous solution of pyro- gallio acid with a small addition of ammonia and sodium fluoride, heating this solution to boiling point, and following neutralization of the basic solution 'by means of hydrochloric acid. The quantity of the separated titanium was colorimetrioally determined from its :.,section with H 202 by means of photoeleottio oolori- and nephelometer FEK-52, and the quantiloy of niobium by meaauring ;r-radiation (For these Card 1/3 investigations the radioactive isotopo nb95 was used). It was The Separation of Small quantities of Niobium From SOV/55-56-6-15[3i Titanium by Means of Pyrogallic Acid found that separation depends in a high degree on the large quantity o1! excess potassium pyrosulphate an-i ;3odium fluoride, because S01i' keeps titanium dissolved under complex formation, whereas it 'aardly influences Nb at all By triple precJ-i- tation it was possible to sepan-te 60-~O ~ of the niobiu',n by means of this method (Table 1). Further, this method of separat'ion Tras investigated in the presence of other elements (Ta) and at; various ratios Ti t hb (Tables 2-6:). With an increase of' the Ti-content in the alloy, the eircess potassium pyrosulphato (Table 4) had also to be increase-fl corresponding3ai but this at. the same time led to a complex formation of Nb with H2so4 Emd thus to the dissolution of the Xb. In further investigaticns onl the concentration of Na? was therefore increased Olable 5~. Also investigations were carried out in which other acids were used (HCI) (Table 7), and sodium carbonate was also used instead of the potassium sulfate used in the alloy. The last-mentioned investigationa were found to be more favorable for the separation of larger quantities of Card 2/3 Ti from smaller quantities of Nb than the method used first, The Separation of Small Quiintities of Hiobium From SOV/55-58-6-15/31 Titanium by Means of Pyrogallic Acid because by ihe increase of the quantity of sodium carbonatej the Nb is not dissolved by complex formation in the further course of the separation rooess. Corresponding data may be found in thet last tables There are 1 figure, ih tables, and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra analiticheakoy khimii (Chair for Analytical Chemistry) SUBMITTEDt September 9, 1957 i Card 3/3 5 0) AUTHORS: Alimarial, 1. P.,_ rzenkova, N. P, SOV/55-58-6-24/31 TITLE: Separation of Niobium and Titanium by the Method of Ion Exchange Chromatography (Razdeloniye niobilra i titans, metodom ionoob- mennoy khromatografii) PERIODICAL: Veatnik 11oakovskogo univorsiteta. Seriya matematikip makhaniki, aatronomi,i,, fiziki, khimii, 1958, Nr 05, pp 191 - 199 (USSA) ABSTILLCT: Publications contain a snall numbor of articles onthe possi- bility of o9parating niobium and titanium by ioA exchangers in various co.,id solvents (Refs 1-15). In this connection the pres- ent paper deals with the possibility of separating the above elements, (ionsidering their various absorption, by means of ion-exchsalrers from sulphuric acid and citric acid. The absorp- tion of tho Ti and Nb by means of the ion exchangers BBS and EDE-10 fron the acids mentioned was carried out under static conditions. The Ti absorption was chocked colorizetrically out of its rGiaotion with H.O., whilst the Nb absorption is chocked radiometrioally out of the tradiation of the N05. The mods of preparing the solutions and the preparations of the ionites Card 113 are described. The investigation of the absorption of the lb Separation of Niobium ani Titanium by.the~Hothod - -BOY/55-58-6-24/31 of Ion Exchange Chromatography and the Ti by means of the anion- and-the-cation exchanger from oulph-ario &aid proved (Fig I)-that the-osparation of the two in not possible by means of the cation exahauger (SBS) (the anion exchanger-for Nb was not investigated), &&-their absorption-is very similar. The condition of those two ele- ments in t:me solution is colloidal anti their absorption in a physical ame. Also the a'4orption of 'the Nb and the Ti from citric actil solutions (investigatione..!at.various-cozteentriL- tions) ic :mot suitable for a separatitin by me.ins of. the catiam exchangor3 SBS owing to the analogy of the the various d1e;rees of concentrations. ~Fig 2). T1 and Nb are pres- ent in the solution in the form of little otable citrate com- plexes vkti.:h are easily destroyed by the addition of mineral acids. Forizer investigations had ishown the possibility of a separation from citric &aid by adding sulphurio acid. The most fayorabl4i .,onditions for the separation, as a3certained by the authors, w,pre attained with a 5% aitric acid solution to which 0-3-04 it )f sulphuric acid had been added. (Figs 3 and 4)- The data c,)ncerning the separation under various Ti:Nb ratios Card 2/3 in the sal-ations are compiled in a table, and depicted in Separation of Niobium wad Titanium by the Method SOV/55--5a-6-24/31 of Ion Exchange Chromat-Dgraphy Fig 6. Ad4itional experiments were made to obtain a separation from a 5% citric acid solution by means of HCIO 4; these experi- ments fails& (Fig 5) as Ti and Hb were present in that solu- tion in the colloidal state. There are 6 figurest 1 table, and 16 references, 12 of which ate Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra waalitichookoy khimii (Chair for Analytical Chemistry) SUBVITTED.1 June 21, 1958 Card, 3/3' AUTHORSt Alimarin, ~,JWs*-'*.kij.,:PWdrwkov&, L V. SOV/55-58-6-2-5/31 TITLEt Use of Nrlodio Acid for -the Qgmtitative Determination of Sme awe 74ww2to (PAxwA4p-.yo5noy kisloty dlya kolichostvennogo opredeleni:ra nekotorykh r*d.)dkb elementovy,, PVJOMCALt Vestnik Moskovskogo unive.T&Lteta; Sarija'matemstikit makhowi 3d 0 i*tronomii,, fiziki, khimi-.L, 1958f Nr 6, pp 201 .. 206 (UWR) IMROTt Ritberto nat an proportion of the pexiodio aoidmire known in~ Its aapeot as an analytical reagent. TU*fyW,#r reveals some'new-VAts. on -the use of periodic aoid for the quantitative dotermtimfAou of some ram el(mats. Oas of' the tables contains the remlts of an o&rlier investigation, actoorning the precipitation reaetion in a neutral or slightly aoi& medium under the action of potb.3viun periodate (Ref 1)). A short desoription then follows of the method Introduced by the authors for determining 69riumt ..,firconium,* thorium, :thallium and hntimony. For the determination'of carium a precipitation reaotion'was employed, desoribed already'in the year 1874 in paper Ref 7- Kocording to this method the trivalent c9rium is oxidized into 'the quadrivalent terium by means of potassium pqrLodate, the qaadrivalent cerium forming with the Card 1/3 periodate a precipitate in &a acid medium. The composition of that Use of Periodic laid for the Qpantitativis Determination SOV/55-58-6-25/3.1 of Some Rare Elements substance,, when dried in idr, was found to be G(QJ06-3HJOP and after be:hig dried at le.: ims found -to be CeWO . The determination of the ceirium according to it weight- and 0012imlical, method in the presence of great quantiti,eis of rare marth e.laments was sucoeszfuit 'the error amounting only Iso + 1.25%*ZLroonium aid t1torium were determined amperometridally. 'The moat favorable oonditio:69 for the determination of zirooniumi irere found at & pH-value of - 2-5 and with it voltage of the saturated oalomal elootrode of -1.0 vq ibilat the IMSPOOtiVe, TtLllleil for thoi-ilam were pH 2*5 and 09,8 v. The results of the deternination are,ahcmn in tables 2 and'3# Zr could only be determined by way of indizvot titrationt i.e, titrution of excess of potassium periodate. Thallium was'datermimed once potentiometrloall~ with pctassium-periodate. The potentiometrical titration -was carried oat in the presemoe of 6-9n hydrochloric acid. The respea-bive aata are oompiled:'iii U~ble 4. Airthi,more complex compounds of the periodic acid have bean efaployed for -the determinat:'Lon of t7hallium and antimony viz. K7 WCJ06)2 in a basic medium (da4a, in tables 5 and'6), in which conneotion*it should be Card V3 mentioned that the rare earth elements will form complex compounds 6 Uso of Periodic loid for the (axantitative Determination of SOV/55-56-6-25131 Some Rare Elements with potavei= pariodate in a basic nediump's, fiat *hich--cfti be made use of for thelk analytical determination'and. se~krstion.- p There are 1 figure#:-,: 6 tables, and 12 references, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATICVt Kafedra, analitichookoy khimii (Chair for Analytical Chemistry) SUMMED: Tune-25, 1958 (tam Mi SOV/! 37- 59-1-2197 Translation from: Referati,vnyy zhurnal Metallurgiya, 1 ?59, Nr 1, p 289 (USSR) AUTHORS: Alimarin, 1. P., Przheval'skiy, Ye. S., Puzdrenkova, 1. V., G_oTo_v_i_n_a_, 7_'P~. TITLE: Study of the Absorption Spectra of Oxyquinolinates of Some Rare Elements (Izucheniye spektrov pogloshcheniva oksikhinolinatov nekotorykh redkikli elementov) PERIODICAL: Tr . Komis. po analit. khimii AN SSSR, 1958, Vol 8 (11). pp 152- 160 ABSTRACT: The authors examined the relationship between the oxyquinolinates (1) of Ce3+, Ce4+, Ti4+, Zr4+, Th4+, and Ta5+ and organic solvents. I mg/cc solutions of the metals were used for this, work. It was es- tablished that I of metal are extractable with chloroform (11) at various pH; thus, Ti I is extracted at 1 .5-2.5; Ce4+ I at 9.9- 10.6; Zr I, Th 1, and U I at 4.6; Nb I*at 6-9; and Ta I at 0-7 pH. Maxi- mum light absorptions of I of metals are the following (in rn Zr 393, Th and Ce3+ 383, Ti 385-400, Nb 385 - 389, Ta 388, and Ce4+ 495. A method was developed for absorptiometric determination of Card 112. Cc I in the presence of Th, La, Nd, Pr,, and. Ti. It %vas established SOV/137-59-1-2197 Study of the Absorption Spectra of Oxyquinolinates, of Some Rare Elements that the organic solvents can be arranged into the foll.owing sequence according to the intensity of the color of Ce I dissolved- in them: CC14 < C6116 < CZHZC1,) < < Cl'-IC:t3. The acid solution of Ge salt (2.0 - 300 N Ce in 10 cc) is placed in a separating funnel, I cc of 1% alcoholic oxine solution and 2-3 drops of phenalphthalein are added, it is alkalized with concentrated NH401-1 to a pink color, and 1- 1.5 cc excess of 516 NH40H is added (pli of the solution is 9.9- 10.6). Ce I formed is removed by a double extraction with 5 cc II each. Extraction time is 5 min. The absorptiometric determination is performed at 495 m 4 . The sensitivity is 1 Y/cc Ce. The solutions follow the Bouguer- Lambert- Beer law in the concentration range of 20-300 -y Cc. Sodium- versenate sclution is added in the presence of Ti. The: completeness of extraction was verified with the aid of Gel41 I*C;141 in Russian text. Trans.Note ] radioactive isotope. Z. G. Card 2/2 ALIKARINI I.P.- SOTHIEDY V.S. U. 0 Gravimetric and radiometric-volumetric methods for determining iron using benzone- and naphthalene ammonium selenenate. Trudy kom.anal.khim. 9:213-218 158- (MMA 11:11) Uron-Aaalysis) (Selenenic acid )