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ALIKHANYVI, A.I.; KAHALYAN, V.Sh. !Vat"14 ,4%qA~ 3r-meson spectra at aL altitude of 3200 iv. above sea level. Irv.AN SSSR Ser.fis.19 no.6;707-73,0 11-D '55. CMA 9:4) loPizicheskiy Inetitut. Akademil nmk Arm,,SSR. (Goismic rare) (Nuclear phymica) ALIMWAN, A.I.; KIRIlaDV-IDRYUMOV, Y.G. rawmem. Slow,44-meson scattering in copper. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.fiz.19 no.6: 737-746 N-D 155. MU 9:4) l.Fizicheskiy, institut Imeni P.R.Lebodeva Akademii nank SSSR. (Cfeemic rays) (Nuclear physics) ALDMN~AN,A-L,; VATSRaW,G,A-O-, kandidat fiziko-matematieheoldldi nauk Blementary particles. Tekh. mol. 23 no-5:10-14 My 155. (MMA 8:6) 1. Chlen-korrespondemt Akadenti nauk SSSR (for Alikhauian). (Particles, Elementary) (Nuclear forces) ., KHODZUAMIRYAN. Tu.Ye.. InMener. %,-'ALTMNYAN A ener ~ Automatic control of banks of static capacitors. Prom.energ.11 no.12:25-27 D 156. (M1RA 10:1) 1. Armenenergo. (Cindensere (Electricity)) (Automatic cont:tol) ri AUTEOP.: A.U1UhA14JAN,A.I.f UbT"uvi~,,V.V., LADAJAti,A.T., ?A - 2004 FEDOROV,V.M., DEFI.JAGIN,B.N. TITIE: On the Spectrum tf the Masses of the Charged Particles of Cosmic Radiation. PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eka orimontt%10nol I Taorot.Flziki, 1956, Vol A111, Nr 6, pp 955-970 ~Ux.s-.11.) Received: 1 / 1957 Reviewed: 3 / 1957 ABSTRACT: The present work deals with the results of the meaguroments of this mass spectrum which were carriod out in an altitude of 3200 m. These measurements were carried out with a magnetf~c spectrometer in connection with tvro WILSON chambers. In the stars which wore produced above the measuring device protons, deuterons, pions, and K-particaes were observed. Work is arranged as follows: Determination of the mass spec';rum of the particles from momentum End range, measurements of the masses of cosmic particles in a magnetic spectrometer with a many-plate WILSON chamber, seloction of trajectories, accuracy of the measure- ments of the masses of partiolos, light intensity, the mass spectrum, the deter- mination of particle mass from scattering and range. Summary: Two groups of partic".es are observed in the mass spectrum between pion and proton: K-particles with 1000 m0 and a group of particles vith me - 550 m.. If only those particles are selected which were produced in the matter above the device, the group of particles with the mast) ~ 550 m 12 vanishes completely and, the inass spectrum then consistfi of pions, K-particles, protons and deuterons. In CARD I / 2 On the Spectrum )f the Masses of the Charged PA 2004 Particles of Cosinic Radiation. this connection the ratio of the abundance of K-particlea and pions In the same interval of the ranges is 0,01). In the mass spectrum the authors observed a groitp of 11 particles the maso of which, determined from the range (as well as front range and scattering) amMints to 500 - 600 me. This is in contradiction to all measuraments of the masseu of cosmic particles hitherto carrie4 out by means of a, WILSON chamber and photol):Lates. The particles which belong to this anomalous group incide into the recording system from the outside just like myons. The fact that hitherto particles with,,- 500 m have been lacking may be connected with the conditions for the selection cof particles. As further data concerning 500 m particles have hitherto been Iticking, a very -careful interpretation of the a?ore- mentioned 11 traces is neceasExy. - According to the authors' opinion it is neces- sary, besides from determininf-mass from momentum, range, and scattering, to dG- termine also the ionizating ce.racity of individual particles with f;rGat accuracy. It is then possible to determine the mass of particles by means of methods that are independent of one another-, namely from momentum and ionization. It is only by such measurements that a definite decision concerning the existence of such 500 me particles is possible. The authors already started a new series of experi- merits in the course of which the ionizing capacity of the particle is determined before incidence into the WILSON chamber by ineane of multi-luyer proportionality 0ountata. ASSOCIATION: Physical Institute "P.N.LEBEDEVII of the Acad.of Sciencest USSR Physical Institute of the Acad.of Sciences of the Armenian SSR PRESINTED BY-. SUBMITTED: AVAIlABLE: library of Congress CARD 2 / 2 ALINA~W~A-N'A.1., XAMAYAN, V.S. "The Spectra ofQ' Mesons Generated by Fast Cosmic Ray Neutrons in thin layers of Matter," paper presented at CM Symposium, 1956, appearing In Nuclear Intitruments, No. 1, pp. 21-30, 1957 blinks V4 wit t I 77777771,?---:~ I; w,' 77777" 1 AUTHOR -ALIKHANYAN, A.1 , VAISENBERG, A.O., ?A -295o TITLE The spectrum and the Positive burplus of the Hard Component *-ithin Momentum Domain(od-17).1090/0 at4an Altitude of 325o m. (Spek-tr i polozhitol'.NTy izbytok.zheatkoy komponenty v oblasti im- PUl'sov(oj3_17).1o9eVto na vy3oto 325o m - Russian) MIODNAL Zhurnal Eksperim. i Tooret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Mr 3, pp 413..416, .(u.s.s.R.) R*ceivod 6/1957 Reviewed 7/1957 ABSTRACT The present work*s the measurement begun previously (11AXWMERG, A.O., Zhurn. Nksp. i Toor. Fit., 1957, Vol 32, Nr 3, P 417) of the mo- mentum spectrum and Uo positive surplus by measuring the domuin of much higher momenta of UP to.IpLlolo eV, Usasuraments were carrl~ei. out in 1952 with the large magnetic spectrometer of the ATAGEZ laboratory at a magnetic field strengbt of 13700 Orsted. In the case of such a field atrenght the probable measuring error committed when measuring the moment-us 1,97-103,00v/c amounts to about 5oo/o, The construction of the magnetic spectrometer and the utilization of the results were already described several times. Above the measuring system a 7 em thick lead layer was mounted and the entire thickness of aU lead absorbers above the counter series &mounted to 50 am. Below the loth*aer"Ais of counters a 14 cm thick lead layar, and below this series a~i 11th sevies of counters was located. The p~rticle3 passed through the mentioned lxi3eiios of counters without increasing were as- cribed to the hard comIcnent. The rang of those particles was larger than Card 1/2 5,8 cm lead.. The range of the particles passing alao throug-h the Uth coun- 94-4-3/25 AUTHORS: Alik4LL~anL A.I., Engineer, Grigoryan, L.A., Candidate _orTechnicar79c-iences, and Chichikanov, V.S. , Engineem. TITLB: Automatic Fleld-forcing for Synchronous Motors (Avtomaticheskoye perevozbjzhdeniye sinkh,,?cnnykh dvigateley", PERIODICAL: Promyslilennaya Energetika, 1958, Vol-13,.No.4, pp- 8 - 10 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Ordins ily, power-factor control by synchronous motors necessitates ccnstant attendance of the operatiag staff. The authors have proposed a circuit for controlling the field of a synchronous notor automatically according to the load curre, MaxJmum use of the available free power of tho synchronous motor is thus assured. The circuit is based on electro- magnetic control of the field current by a saturating choke to maintain a given stator current. The reactive power delivered to the circuit is nainly limited by the maximum -permissible stator current and mixximum permi- ssible field curz-ent. When the load changes, the regulator acts on the excitation to maintain the stator c'ttrrent constan A limit is placard on the action of the regulator to prevent excessive field currents at small loads. The circuit of the regulator is giren in Fig.1 and uses an amplidyne with negati Cardl/2 94-4-3/25 -Automatic Pield-forcing fop Synchronous Motors feed-back. The principles of operation of the circuit are explained. Fig. 2& gives curves of the relationship between the control current in windings 1 and 2 of the amplifier as a function of the Etator current. The amp-turns of windings 1 and 2 are one another; therefore, the control amp-turns of the anplifier are determined by the difference between the amp-turns of windings I and 2. Fig. 2b shows a curve of the control amp-turns as function of the stator current and Fig. 3 relates the output main current -to the control amp-turns. The regulator output is cross-connected to the field circuit. As the stator current falls, the control amp-turns become negative, which induces the working current of the amplIfier and so increases the field current. As will be seen from Fig.1, the circuit ensures field- forcing if the output terminals of the intermediate relay are connected in parallel with the output terminal of the ampli- fier at appropriate points of the diagram. It is claimed that the regulator "s reliable, has no moving parts or sliding contacts, and can bo readily constructed. It would be advisable to organise industrial production of these regulators. Card2/2 There are 3 figures. AVAILABLE: Library of (;onE-,.T,ess 56-1--io/56 AUTHORSt Alikhanyan A. I., , Kirillov-Ugryumov, V. G. Kotenko, L. P. 1 , Popovs Yu. S. TITMe The Angular Distribution of Positrons in the 1;1 - )U.+- a+- Depy + - e in Propane Oiglovoye raspredeleniye ponitronov pri It -JA raspade v propane) PERIODICAM Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoretiohoskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 34t Nr 1# pp. 253 - 254 (USSR) ABSTEACTs The measurements discussed here are also important fn-3m the stand. point of the suitability of propane for measuremento of the pheno. mena of angular C03!relations which are of the same riallure as the ~x-e-decays. The aathore in this connection think of ail extensive use of propane bubble-ohambers. The iDst arrangement it) illustratld by a figures A bubble oham1ber with the volume (7,2 x: 6,5 x 16)om was irradiated in a,polyethylene-target with a beam of' positive pions with the energy 175 MeV in the phasotron of the United Insti- tute for Nuclear Research (Obl'yedinennyy inatitut yadeimykb isele. , Altpether 8000 photographs were taken on wbich 6570 do niy) $ . ; - ^ - e -deoays were determined. The authors determined the angular distribution for the projections of the apatial angles to Card 1/2 the plane of the photoplate. The experimentally determined angular 56-1-50/56 The Angular Distribution of Potiitrons in the e -)ix+ - e+-Docay 1;.~ Propane distribution of tho decay electrons is illustrated In a diagram. This distibution can be approximated sufficiently well by a func- tion written dowt, here The rgtio (number of electrons emitted in the angular interva; 9; - 180 )/(number of electrono emitted in the interval 0 - 90 ) is 1,19. This corresponds to a coefficient A - - 0,22 + 0,03 -in the expression (1 + A coo 4 ) for the distri- bution of the sold angles. The angles in the last-me-ntioned ratio were related to tha direction of the projection of ths initial impulse of the positive myons. There are 2 figures, and 5 referen. oes, 2 of which aret Slavic. ASSOCIATIONt Physical Institut,? imeni P. N. Lebedev AN USSR (Fizicheskiy insti- tut im, Po N. Lebedlevs, Akademii nauk SSSR) SUBMITTEDe October 25, 1957 AVAILMISs Library of Congrene; Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Alikhanyan, A~.'T., Kirillov-Ugryumov, SOV/56-54-5-6/61 V.G., KOT6--nko, L. P., Kuznetsov, Ye. P,, Popov, Yu, S. TITLE: The Angular Anisotropy in a r. + - A+ - e+ -Decay, M(tasured in a Propane Bubble Chamber (Uglovaya anizotropiya pri it+ - IL+ e+ -raspade, lzmerennaya v propanovoy puzyrlkovoy kamcire) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksper.Lmentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol. 34, Nr 5, pp. 1101-1109 (USSR) ABSTRACT,. The authors in-reatigated the angular anisotropy in a u + - 11 + -e+ .-decay with cliscrimination of the decay electTons with re- spect to energy. These decays were recorded by a propane bubble chamber. This (thamber was irradiated in a beam of positive pions on the phasotron of the Ob"yedinennyy instil',ut yadernykh issledovaniy (United Institute of Nuclear Research). The posi- tive pions weret produced by 660 MeV protons on an external polyethylene tE.rj~et. The authors give a short dest:aription of the measuring device. They measured the projections oT the solid angles between the momenta ofthe positive myon antl. the electron on the plane of !,he film in thea~hotographic camei' -a. In this case the distribution dN- [1 + %2/16)cosf3d-? is to be used. Card 1/4 A figure gives the distributions of the projections of the The Angular Anisotropy in a m*~ - tL+ - e+ -Decay, SOV/56-.34-5-0/61 Mcasured in a Propane Bubble Chamber angles between the initial momenta of the positive myon and of the electron for 6670 n+ - I& - e+ -decays. The experimental distribution iti well approximated by the above mentioned for- mula. The coef"icient A, which is found from the relaticn "(backward/forvrard)", was equal to A . -0,22 + 0,0'-. The results of the measurements discussed in this paptr lead to the following conclusions: 1) When the energy of the electrons which are prodticed in the p+ - e+ -decay increased, also the angular increases. This fact is not ini,.cinsistent with the theory of the two-component neutrino. The coefficient A in the distribution of the angles between the iaczenta of the myon and tI.e electron is equal to A = -0,22 + C1,03, (This coefficient A iiaa found by recording of the -n+ -7114 - e+ -de- cays in a propane chamber). The value of this paraceter, averaged over 5 :investigations with propane chambers (after taking into account a correction due to the depolarization) is equal to a w -0,28 + 0,03. This value nearly coincides with the value ot the parameter averated over 9 investigations with photographio. emulsions. The mean value of the. results of Card 2/4 the measurements with propane bubble chambers and with photo- The Angular Anisotropy in a P+ e+ ..Decay, SOV/56 -34--5. 8/61 Tiltmoured in a Pxopane Bubble ChElirlber graphic einulaiDas is equal to a = -0,283 :1- 0,023~ The distri- bution of the angles between tho weson momenta in the x+ - PI decay is isotr~)pic, In an appendix to this paper the relation between the spittial distribution of the angles and the dis- tributiorLsof th,~ projections of the angles upon th(! planes of the V - e -decays and of the n - V - e -decays is calculated, The authors thank Professor V.11, Dzhelepov who enE.bled them to carry out their experiments on the phasotron of the 0b"- yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy., Furthtr~ the authors thank B.A. Dolgoshein for his valuable diacussions; L,A. Kuzin, A.V., Samoylov and F.M. Sergeyev for their par- ticipaticn in the evaluation of the experimental xesults and A.A Bednjakov for his help in the experiments at the phasotron. There are 6 fil;,ures, 1 table., and 14 references, I of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheakiy inuti.tut Im. P.N. Lebedeva Akademli nauk SSSR (Physios Ins-,itute imeni PN, Lcbcdev,AS USSR) Card 3/4 The Angular Anisotropy in a i + e+ -Decay, SOV/56 -14-5-8/61 Measured in a Propane Bubble Chamber SUBMITTED; December 12, 1957 1. Radioactive subotaneas-Decay 2, Propane bubble ohmmbers -Applications 3, Proton bombardment-Applications CaTd 4/4 Alikhanyan, A. 1. -M:S(,N SCAT'I'ERM IN '~EO A. 1. Alikhanyan, F. R. Arutyunyan By means of an Alikhanyari-Alikhanov, rAgnetic mass spectrometer -nswic ray -meson scatte ing ,mtv stW.iol in tho momenUni interval P a (1.0 -L 1.8) x 108 ev/s, The scattering-, was investigated in lead plates 7 mm thick Aaced in a cloud chamber. Good qTeemEnt was obtained between the experimental distrib- ution of the scattering anglef ai-A the theorotictil curve of plural Gailomb scat- tering for finite dimensions of the nueleus. The cross section of' A --meson scattering; atlarge angles is 1,~ss than cm~/nucleon, Rj3port, presented at the International Cosmic Ray Conference, Moscow, 6-11 July 1959 24(5) AUTHORS: Alikhanyan, A. I., Arutyunyan, F. R. SOV/55-36-1-6/62 TITLE: The of IM -Mesons in Lead (RasseyanLye 14 -mezonov v sviAtse) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ek!jperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiz:lki, 1959, Vol 36, Nr 1, pp 32-40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the introduction several investigations carried out of muon scatto-ring in lead in various meson ener;: Ies are dis- cussed. For the effective scattering cross se.-,-.~;ion in ener- gie3 of 100 to 300 MeV a 4.10-27cm2/.Ilucleon was found (Refs 1-3)., For the effec .tive scattering cros:3 section of anomalous nt,.attering,a valne of Clan = (1 .5�1.0) .10-27cm2/nucleon was measurod in it depth of 60 m equivalent of water at muon momenta of '100 - 600 MeV/c in photoemulsions. This agrees with the renults obtained by Alikhanov and Ye'Liseyev (Ref 7) at muon-morionta of 200 - 80C MeV/c. Alikhanyan and Kirillov- Ugr,,ywno7 (Rol' 8) investigated some muon scatterings (80 - 140 ?[(IV/c) in thin copper plates. The present prper investigaton experimental results of muon scattering at momenta of (1.0 - 1.8).108 eV/c in 7 mm thick lead plates Card 1/4 in a cloud chambeir. Investigations were carried out with The Scattering of 1.4 -Mesons in Lead SOV/56-36-1-6/62 cosmic muons in an altitude of 3,200 m above sea level on Mount Aragata by means of a mEqrnetic -nFLss spectrometer and two cloud chambers with many plates. A description of the experimental device and data may be found in reforences 8, 12, 13. PUX-tiClf? analysis was carried out in the mass spectrometer according to momentum and range. Tho former was calculatod froin the raOius of curvature of the particle orbit in the magnetic field, the range was deternined from the material layer through which the particles ponetrated. For 812 particles -,,he masse-. were determined at 150 - 360 Me with the following coordination: m -, 240 me---v'P -mesons; * > 250 me--il"'r-mesons. Average values: muons with 209 Me + * pions with 278 me. In the mu.on group there should be not more than 2 ~i pions and in the pion group not more than 12 muons. Measurement of angles was carried out on the basis of photographs ly means of a special protractor. Momentum measurement in the scattering point, if particlo mass was known, was pc:ssibls by two methods: 1) from the remaining range according to scattering, 2) from the momentum measured in the magnetic field. The lead plates in which -;cattering Card 2/4 was investigated h&d impurities, the effect of which upon The Scattering of P -Mesons in Lead SOV/56-36-1-6/62 the scatteri:ag angle and on the distribution function was determined. Phe effect produced by the geometry of the device upon the measurements was taken into account to the widest possible extent. 2337 muon scatterings and 818 pion scatter- ings were investigated in the lead pla es with a total range of muoas with p - (1.0 - 1.8).10~ OV/c in Pb of 19 m and for pions at p - (1.2 - 2.0).108 eV/c of 6.7 m. Figure 2 shows the differential distribution of scattering angle projections for muons, for which purpose the measuring points and, for reasons of comparison, the curves of multiple Coulomb (Kulon) scattering according to Ter-Milcayelyan (Ref 11) are given. Agreement is good. Figure 3 shows the same for pions. The number of inuon scatte-ings in dependence on the angle is givi)n in it table together with the corresponding theoretical ralues,, Agreement is good. The authors finally thank M. L. '~er-'Mikayelyan for his discussions and help, B. A. Dolgoshein and B. I. Luchkuv for ~issi3ting in evaluating Card 3/4 The Scattering of ~4-Mesons in Lead SOV/56-36-1-6/62 measuring resulta, M, I. Dayon and V. G, Kirillov-Ugryumov for discussions. There are 3 figures, i table, and 18 references, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Armyandcoy SSR (Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences IArmyanskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: July 14, 1958 Card 4/4 21000 S/058/61/000/'005/008/050 A001/AI01 00 0 M' MR Ali nnyn.,_ A. I. TIME: Scattering of W- mosons in various substances PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no 5, 1961, 74, abstract 5B213 ("Tr. Mezhdunar. konferentsii po kosmioh. lucham. 1959, v 1", Moscow, AN SSSR, 196o, 3.3) - 333) TUN The author desorfbeis exper Aments on invb,41gations ofu,-meson scat- tering within momentum range (0.7-1.8)x1O ev/c in 2-7-mm thick lead and copper plwtes at an altitude of 3,250 m; a magnetic mass-speotrometer was employed in combination with two multi-plate Wilson chambers. Experimental re3ults are com- pared with multiple Coulomb scattering from a point-like and.extended nucleus-. In no experiment was detected any significant deviation from the eourves of multiple Coulomb scattering. [Abstracter's notet Complete traralation.] Card 1/1 PRASE I BWK EXPLOITATION 30"174 Pravda, Moscow. VZoror Savotakly koxmicheskly karabl'; aat*rlaly, opublikovanrly7o &a=a 0~-&-v"x (The Secona 3oviet Cosmic Ship; Katerials Published In the Newspaper *Pravda') Moscow , 1900. 19a P. 50.000 coplesprinted. Reap. far this Publication: V. Rout axi4 V. Satrnov; Tech. Ed.: V. Yago4kins. PURP=s This book I& Intended for the general reader. CCVMtAaZs I'Th book Is a compilation of articles whIch appeared In the tw:paper Pravda after the launching, orbiting, a:.d ro- **very of tize c sulo of the Soviet 4,600 kg spaceship on Ancanz 19, 1960ap The articles give some details of aclentitic research undertaken In this flight In tne fields or biology, cytology, genetics, cosmic radiation, solar radiation, ultra- vlol*t radiation, and radiation levels. A description and three prziEs WER0 caixuls are iiiv#n. No per -are mentioned. There are no references. LiaLtIrap -Perspojilijea. tar 'of"Physic &I and 90 .Mathematical Sciences Care ror Future Astronauts. D Markov Academician of the AcadmW of Sciences BUR Zhezlcal and ?hyniologl- Gal Laboratory of the Instltut FIZIologil (Institute or "lology), x1mak] 91 Forerunner of Oreat Conquests. A- Allkhftft -ya-. Corresponding eac'm or the Member or the Academy of Sal FizLcaeakly lnatltut AN ArcW key SSSR (Physical Institute Of the Academy of aann: Sciences Army keys SSR)j 93 Television 04e* in Outer Space. P. Fodoror 95 TWO Yuguts. Lecald Sobolov 98 Beginning of a Saw Era. 011g& Peron 100 Meeting With jh# First 'Astronauts.' V. SmIrnov, V. Shirokov 202.- Zvent Which Surprls*d the World. D. Kartin2y. Professor, (Director or the Gosudaretvannyr _&3_VFanomIcn~sklr InstItut 'go"' Shternberga (State Astronomical Institute Imeni 104 Shtemberg)) _ Cra tive Genius of the Builderc of Communism. Editorial In ft= 108 Solution of a Very Important ?rob Iax. - V. Amb Academician Znorscas Success of Soviet Science and Engineering. Press Coaf orence In the Academy of Sciences USSR 115 Biological Program of the Spaceship. .1. SlsakYArL, Academician 130 CO the Zve Of Manned Space Flight. V. Parln, Active Member of th4144114107 Of Medical Sciences U331( 137 Into the D~th- -tf tht .3__:&Z_0y_Corrsapon41ng Member of th Academy of Sciences USSR; X._0rjXorU& Professor 143 A. 8/056/60/%%W2/1 2/061 __9 (A C 90 0 B006/1BO1 1 AUTHORS: AlikhanYaziLjA_L..j. Ki rillov-URryumovj V, Kotenko, L. T., Kjrknetsov,__j_q,__L., S&MQyISM TITLE: Single Scattiaring of 9--Mesone on Carbon at Energies of 10 - 30 Mev /Y PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksporimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fizikij 1960, Vol, 30, No. 2,, pp. 387 - 393 TDIT: The authors investigated the single p--meson scattering on car- bon with a propane bubble ohember and compared th,) experimental results with theory. The chamber hnd a size of 370-1040100 mm. The g--mesona used for irradiation originated from the decay of %--mesone*from the 11 ynchroeyolotron of the Ob"yedinenn institut yadernykh iscledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Researohl. The 150-Mev 7t--mesons~had been produced in the inner beryllium target of this synchrocyclotron. The experimental setup is briefly described,, On an average 3 - 4 iA- OtOP- ping points were recorded per photograph (with Industar-23 lenses), or a total of about 60,000. On interpreting the pictures, such Card 1/4 82014 Single Scattering of 1L -Xissons on Carbon at S/056J60/038/02/12/o6i Energies of 10 - 30 Nev B006/BO11 V--traoks were selected for analysis as were longer than 1-5 cm, which corresponds to an energy of over 10 Nev. The IL--stopping point was identified according to the p-e decay. Table i offers data concerning the flux and the energy speatrum of tt--Mesons- 48#100 (;t 2.y,%) g--mesons were rooordedg whose rango vas > 1-5 Om. The investigated energy range of 10 - 30 Nev corresponded to a-muon range of 1-5 - 10 cm in propane, the density of the latter axiounting to 0.4 glom3. Table 2 gives the numbers of scattering eventip recorded in angular intervals of 100 each between 15 and 850, and in 1he interval 85 - 1800. The following coliume of the table contain the nuiabers of events after correction for non- rooordingg the finite ohambor size, the passage from one anralar inter- val to anotherp the %--devairp and the soattoring on hydrogen. The cor- rection factors averaged.civor the angular intervals are compiled in Table 3. The various corr(ictions are disousued in greater detail. Column 7 of Table 2 Oontainu the final numbors of scattering events after the applioation of mal corrections. 2049350 on p',traolcs were evaluatedq which number ocirresponds 'to 1260 nuclear path lengths of carbon. In this conneotioxi, 263 single scattering events on carbon were Card 2/4 dK /682 14 Single Scattering of p -Mesons on Carbon at S/056 0 03U/02/12/061 Energies of 10 - 30 Xev B0061BOll aseertainedp whose angula:r projection onto the photographic emulsion was greater than 156. The obtained angular distribution of p--mesons is illustrated by a diagrimn. The two curves show the theoretically calculated course with Coulomb scattering in the case of a finite nucleus Curve 1,, Column 11 In Table 2)* and in the case of a point nucleus ~Curve 29 Column !) in Table 2). Finally, considerations con- oerning "anomalous" soatUrIng are disousoodi the crone seclion for an "anomalous" scattering, if anyp cannot exceed 1.25010-28 Om per nucleon at a scattering amgle --:-450t for scattering through an angle 2 >960 it cannot exoeed 0-7010-28 0m per nucleon . Not a single muon decay into three electrons was recorded among all 60,000 stopping events. Hence, the ratio (p --~e + 9 + V)/(IL 4 e+e+e) < 1-7-lo-5 is de- rived. The authors finally thank Professor V, P. Dshelepov for having rendered the experiments oa -the eynchrocyclotron possible, and fur- thermore the co-workers of the labors,.toriya yadernykh problem OIYaI (Laboratory for Nuclear Pri)b%ema of the OIYal I especially 3. B. Yedovina and V. G. S-Uyitkina, as well as A. A. Bednyako for him assistance. There are I ifigure, 3 tableal and 10 references: dK Card 3/4 8 3.4 Single Scattering of p -Musons on Carbon at 8/056/6o 038/02/12/061 Energies of 10 - 30 Nov BoWBOII 5 Soviet, 3 British, I Indiang and I Dutch. ASSOCIATION: Fizichemkiy institut in. P. V. Lebadeva Akademii nauk 353H (institute d oLt e Ac2ademy of Sciences, U"m)1) SUBMITTIM: August 11P 1959 Card 4/4 31798 S/056/61/041/006/05C)/054 .B109/B102 t1, P 6) o AUTHORS: -Alikhanyan, A. I., Arutyunyan, F. R., Ispiryan, K. A.t Ter-Mikayelia-n, W_ L. TITLE: A way of detecting high-energy charged particles PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i te6reticheskoy fiziki, v-'41, no. 6(12), 1961, 2002-2010 TEXT: The case is considered where a fast charged particle passes' through a layer consisting of two different substances of thicknesses I I and .12 and of electron densities N am d. 14 where N >N Then, the exciting 1 2) 1 2* particle can be detected by wa;j of the resulting photon emission.~ rm ax dw f -,? dm 11)3 137:11, 4j r3o)3 (J - p(or)*+cor)i4X x sin' ar - (1.3) + Card 1 .7 31798 S/056/61/641/006/050/054 A way of detecting high-energy ... B109/b102 is obtained according to M. It. Ter-Mikayelyan (DAN SSSR, 134, 31B, 1960; Izir. AN ArmSSR, .14, 1031 1961) for the number of photons emitted. in the f recuency interval- dw per cm uf layer th ickneas. The frequency is ineas'ured in terms of talmin l1r eo (Nl+aN2). r e is the classical electron radius, c - light velocity, o: - 1 (N N WN + aN 2/119 p 1 2 1 2 1"Id [x-Ir. 0 + a) (Ni + uNi)P,. (1. 6), r.. h [Tt-Ir, (I + u) (Ni + Ot) Ph.. 17 The photon spectrum is between 0 min and o maxt where -V 2 ~E) /2E2 max (E, P p an:1 is shown in Fig. 1 for the case of E = 2.2 E11T, a - 1. Fig. 2 shows the total number of quanta (al as dependent on the particle energy for a - 1 and for different w. For tk~ values between 1. 2 and 1. 6 are shown to be Oximost convenient as regardE; the attainable number of quanta. The energy Card 2/#',-,), 31798 5/05 6J61/041/00 6/050/05 4 A way of detecting high-energy*.. B109/B102 of the exciting par tiolea can be inferred from the energy of emitted quanta. The particle energy range of 2!102 e. E/mc2!!~-5-*103 is covered, by usine proportional or scir,tillation countere (determined lines of a gaseous absorber are excited. The factors (bremsstrahlung effects) affecting the noise level, ar.d problems of recording of cosmic radiation are discussed. There are 4 figures, 3 tables, and 7 references: 5 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: J. A. Northrop, R. Nobles. Nucleonics, 14, 36, 1956; F. Reines, C. It. Cowan. Phys. Today, LO, 12, 1957. AS30CIATION: Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Aimiyanskoy SSR Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences Armyanskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: July 25, 1961 Card 3/4 ALIKHANYAN A I. red.; NIUMN, S.Ya., prof., otv. red.; TER- MkTIROSYAN, K.A., prof., otv. red.; AHATUNI, A.M., red.; SHARKHATUNYANp R.O., red.; SHAKHBAZYAN, V.A., red.; SHTIEEN, R.A., red. izd-va; KAPLANYAN,,:N.A., tekhn. red. (Problems in the physics of elementary Particles]Voprosy ri- ziki elementarnykh chastits; laktsii, prochitannye na 2. ges- ii.-.. Pod ob3hchel. red. A.I.Alikhauiaza. Erevan, 3;zd-vo A (MIRA 16:3) d. nauk Armianokcii SSR, 1962. 396 p. M 1. Vesennyaya shkoPt teoreticheakoy i eksperimentallnoy ftziki. 2. sasssiia, Nor-Amlmrd, 1962. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Alikhanyan). (Particles (Nuclear physics)) 3/048/62/026/006/001/020*' B125/BI12 AUTHORSs Alikhanyan, A. I., and Vaysenberg, A. 0. TITLEj -New experimental. data on Pmesonq PERIODICAL: Akademiya-nauk ISSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizioheskayat v. 26# no. 6, 19629 690 - 710 TEM This is a survey of the experimental data pub)ished from 1946 to 1961 relating to eleotromagnatic interactions of muons (production of meson pairs by photons, scattering of high-energy muons from nuclei, measurement of the magnetic moment of a meson) and to the weak interactions of the muons (total probability of the muon-electron deoayt asymmetry spectrum in the p,-*~* + V + V decay, Muo:a polarization &i the time of x - ~i, -decay# "apirality" of the particles produced in the decay ^--ve + \j + U). There are 8 figures, The most important English-language reference iss Re Feyn- man, N. Gell-Mannj Phys. Rev## 10911 193 0958)- Card 1/1 3/048/62/026/0()6/003/020 B125/B112 AUTHOn i Alikhanyan, A. I., Allatiani, T. L., Krishchyanq Y. M., Ryan, . V.-, Sharakhatunyen, R. 0. TITLEt Cosmic muon polarization FERIODICAM Akademiya nauL SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, Y. 26, no. 6, 1962,'713 - 715 TEXTt The results hitherto obtained by the authors and G. W. Clark (see reference) cannot be regarded as definite since data on polarization are inadequate and no check measurements with dejolarl'zing material have been, made. More reliable results were obtained at momenti of,-.j2.1 Bev/c with the aid of two identical impro,~ed apparatus (Fig. 2). Constant hodoscopic counters were attached to the counter series 1, 11, 111 for determining the muon direction. The anti-ooincidence pulse I + III - IV separates the muon stopping events in the copper absorber and produces a high. voltage pulse. This pulse is transmitted to the counters I to 10 which ,.-'ix the' decay'eleotrons 1.2 to 4-7pseo after the stopp~ ng, The constant hodosoope and the pulse hod.osoope were recorded with an ~-2 (FR-2) photo- Card 11f, 7?