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RAG T, Ifercit. Dr.; ALIIXT. MI ,,Jkr-- (SzOmbathslY); JWVATS. Hadard. Dr..
Hapatitis and tuberculosis. Tubarkulazim 10 no.lo-12:279-2& Oct-Dec
A Vas Kapet Tom"a Nkrkusovasky KorbAga (Igaggato-foorvos,-
Swroboda Jose dr.) EWpa,41,tis OnstiLlya, (Toorvos: Saa "it dr.) as
a hsgyfalui Tudossanatartum. (ljy&%VLto-f*orvo*: Yauazt lore dr.) koilemenys.
b'"OtIs, infect. (Hun))
OWATITIS, nmalous
In pulm. tubaro. (Mm))
23 -3-
- ;, ', ~.
kl-,~jwv, A.. 1. '10:.amr~!s In tie motor sis-,im, ol tne D4 r
t:.m t.,' :t~cL :a* -crtain anj sj~.4)at.icutrupic " starlct~s%
Trud - - f r : :,, t, r. v o '01. 11-1,1, i)L,, ~,- 3'
y - -kt.. in-la, " -
7 i t.,2 in .
f~j: 1 -1 ! 1, 1' , 1 .!,, i t ; 1 `7 3, ' L43 0 p is ' V, ~ i L rl' Ili I '! 3 t. a' C.; , ..,- . L 2, 1 -.*..)
Quadricamerate atommah, of rwidnants. Trudy Dnepr. 3ellkhox-inst. 4, 1951.
Mgatbly 14st 2jr Library of Congress, Lm 1953. Unclassified.
1. ILEYHY, A.V. (Trof.)
2. MSR (600)
L. llun!natlon
7. X-rallng ibe process of rumination. Sov. 7ootekh.
7 N-3. 2, 1.952. IJ*ktor Bioloficheakikh Wauk
Pnepropetrovaldy $el'skokhoxMstvennYY Inatitut
9. Monthly List oT Russian Accessions, Library of
Congress, Aupwit, lyll?. unclassified.
X-ray exat.1mrillm of the mminotion proceisni. FI.21ol.zzhur. 3~' :-r,. 4, 1?.52.
s", vu~t. I. ",;,! :.~
.1. 51
InCluenco of the ultra-high frequsno7 field on the course of experimental
itabinoocoa%ts. Zdravo U14" 21 no. 405-78 161. (NM 1414)
-3.. Is kairedry bdologli a pussitalogipy Nowleb-rogo meditsinskogo
ALIYV. A - To -
ALTM. A. Ye. "Sur6cal attivity of the Uchanaly hosriUa of Chauzinskly FAYOL of the
Mordwir4an ASSR (frKm 1916 to 1947)2. Sbomik nauch. trudow vrachey Mordov. ASSR. Saransk,
LqW. p. 14-)8.
SO: U-3261, 10 April 53 ~L-jtopis - Zhurml 'nYkh StateY No. 11, 1949)
Imci4m*w of appendicitis mmo the rural population. Kaz. zed.
thur. no.lt74 Ja,-r 162. (YIRA 150)
1. 11aahimallskaya, sel'okaya bolinitsa, ChamzinBkogo rayonas
Mordovskoy ASSR.
A~.E.YIRI 3.;.
L!-E-:*,ti rtatirr.: ~ I' of -,e-!t,.Ln . on tht, -Ir~,wtl, ~zi i "'iel dr,~ -,U.%city
Of otton 1 1 ;:.r., Enal-kLnt dtur~l !!.:t, -2 Apr fl~. ( :~ rav -La
VoLnt;i."A~,, 1" ;,~-v ~,!,)
,~G: -) '.'r1. 1j51,
:-7T*:'1R of ki;ricultural J~-Ao-56 6-13/45
T:TLE - Plenary Meeting of the AS, Uzbek SSR (Obshcheye sobraniye
Mmdstiii nauk Utbekskoy SSR)
..:"!I Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR,
1-01CA1 1958, Nr 6s
pp. So - 81 (USSR)
~~r:04T,. Kh.P.Pazylovo Secretary, Member, kondemy of Sciences, USSR,
ga,re the account by describing the general development of the
activity of the AS. go stressed especially the economical im-
portance of the works which were carried out in 1957 in connection
with the recovery of the Golodnaya-step region. The Physical-
-Tochnical Institute worked out a 6wimadevice with a source in-
tensity of 1000 Curie, as well as a waterzhield for carrying out
various Investigations on radiation. Important work in connection
with the International Geophysical Yearg amonCst which was a
glaciological expedition to the Fedchonko-glpcier, was also
carri,;d out. lie also re,)ortod on nu--.eroiis new of books.
Vne tocond volu-me of the "Hiztory of t~.e UzlbeR SS211 was
pulillilicd on the occnsion of the 4o-th anniverrary of the October
Revoltition as a rorult of several year's work of a _rent collec-
Uzbek SSR .3,V3o-56-6-13 '45
11te-etini.-, of the A'So
tive of scientific collaborators. In 1957, the following mono-
graphic works by Members of the Academy were published:M.N.
Nabiyev "Acidiferous Nitrogen-Procoosing of Phosphates" and Ta.G.
Oulyamor "The History of the Irrigation of the Khorezm". 6 new
nalentific institutions and approximately 2o divisions and
laboratories were organized in the AS in 1957. The nummber of
scsisntific and scientific and technical collaborators increased
to 4LImost 8oo persons. The Academy took an active part in many
International congresses, as well as in the exchange of books
and periodicals. The following shortcomings were indicated: An
imsufficient development In a series of fields, as well as in
the instruction, training and utilization of the scientific cadres~
T.Ne necessity of an intensification of the connection between
aoO, , ,~e and nrartice wan alrernerl. T1- --.qPnblT arnroved IL tlan
fbr stv&es of problms arA object-Ives for 1958 vhich haA be--a
sult~tted by the Presid:Lum of- the Acedem.
1, Scientific research--USSR 2. Scientific research--Economi,, aspects
Card 2/2
AUTHORS A.14ivq-v. B. G.
TITL*;: Ginciriloorjcal Zork on ths, FeechpnKCI Glncivr lriyn,iir-iogi-
chr.,r.hiye raboty na IU(InIK(! Fedchetikji
PER IOUICkLit Vestnik nauk Nr 10, pp V7-7
B FIT i~,k CT Thim work is being Dvrformej accordin,,, to thp p-cigram of the
Tritqwriationnl Geopnysical Ye.%r by tht, ~kadorniya na-.ik tlzbekskoy
F111 ilS, Uzbvitskayit 11.~'R). An expedition compost-a of
and technical personnel of the Institut matemtiki i mekhaniki
Im. V. 1. Ri~,manovnkogo (Institute Of 'IIRtr!qM3tiCS aria Mvchan4cs
iUlfllli V. 1. RQManDV,9K;.Y). thp 11niver.91ties, ~1* i,,r,;.nLvrad and
Mcsuow. the [notitut geografij Akademii nauk (Geographical
lr~stitute of the 01 ITIZSR) and Chinese ana Polish scientists,
-Aas c,:-ganised in May 1Q,7. Tito new scientific stationI3 were set,
up ~r. ultiliideu of -290," m (Vitkovskiy Giacip-) and 1~000 m
(Fedchonka-2 Glact-ri. The toam ia opernting in tho- new staticris
unJor the supervizion o:- the Geographer V. K. Nozaryukhin in
the upper station and of the Engineer-Hyarologist L. F.
Trih-uriskiy in tht. lower station.
Card 1~'2
~runsiiction3 0: the 1.11-Union 0
nt ('.?,4ezr,3,uznoye n v
FERIO"ICAL: Te!7 1;:: 1-: Ak v -,cmi x :--:mk Yr
).DETRACT: Thir ::onference wi-E, ..-o,: :7a::
lhe Ctdeleni.-e a.-
E.SSR (-,eT,Lrtnent of lciolo 'qical i~nd leo!7rryh--c.-' c4c~nceo
.?S 11M), by the nuiik 7z~,0,71-.oy --;7 SSR)
n ~-nistry
and by the ~'inisteratvo r!olo,. rii i okhr, ni: r S:7 ' 1. -.-
of Quoloe-y and Protection of 7 .inera: Recoul-=er "'S -Cas
vttmsMud by ub~,ut 1000 percons, amoni-, thc:~~ 1-y 1-
:'ovi.ut -,eolo;r-4rts an! r(--ilre-crtatives of i'--nt
.'.won- the in.;estn from forei.,r. counlries liese
n-crublic (1:71111). 1. -mitrov. --ullj-araL :-I :r:
maniij (-luvmiya) and F. ')mul.,kovrk,.,r, FoInni (-o' ls.,.C,). 711.
Abdullavev, the President of the of t'ci,, !'z-
Card bekskaya SSR, opened the con!erence. ?'inivter
Advance in retrog-rophiccl Reucarch. TrunstictIonn of rOV/3 0.- 58 -8-,"'?/4 3
the All Union Conference in Tashkent
of Geology L-nd the Protection of :*inem: --czaurze-, --L: -)z--,ed
or, thil :-rw?ent state of the lnv-~~-t'4,pticn of thp tc,.*;:-,Tor:!
of the USSR, 7). G. Korzhincluy sroke about decJ.,;Jvc che'-,icL'1
factors in m~gmzttic one! voctmagmrtic processec. u. i. Xuz-
notsov mpokq ubout itnrorttnt rulee rovern:ntz the tcctonic
diutrlbutior. &nl the e1nagifIcntion cf nw,nn-.c
Ii. r. Oonenenko reportod on proble-.9 of t~~e :%nctir, rinsai-
ficat'.on of igneous rocks iind of prccesses in iemc~,-'Zu- rocks.
7- P. --'etxov ruported or new mothode o' reeparc-.
ritb IgneouR nnd metnimorphoun types of -ock.
T.ornikor 9;,oko ubout recoaron wor%.- cE--rrit.-d -At a cc-lle':'~ive
of collutorntore of the In3tAtut reolor4-' rudn.,1-a :n-2e%orozh-'
deniy petrogTafii, mineralogli i zeckhimii ~kLdet.:ii nauk
jnutitute of the leology of Cre
'UnercloC,, and Geochunistry AS ov con-
ridered. f. nitmbcr of problems of f~eclz-gy ,,a eeen it the light
of ns7i oxp~:rimental date. G. D. tfanva',-ev re7orted on the
ap-L licit., t Ion of methods of abaolute a:r,- letcr:.tnaticr --n-1 thoir
in po--tance in Eeol,:-- S. :)zotrcn::1z,!, Sh.
:. krtfhyan reyorttd on
Card 2/3 inveatipa-.iois it, Omoroa, Aromia
AIZIEV, B.G., land. sel I skokba.".nauk
. - In" *'ih*o , Favi lion of the Uzbek S. S. It. at the Z'411bition of the
Aahievownto of the National Econolvpf the U.S.S.R.
Zashch. r"t. ot vred. i bol. 5 no-09-10 s 6o. (MIRA 154)
(U--bokistar,-Cotton nachinery)
RXIMIN, Yu.V., prof., oty. red.; DUMITIEV, A.I., kamd. biol. nauk,
sum. o4v. red.; MYWV, S.S., red., TSUIUMAIM, I.P., red.;
OVCHAIMV, K.Yo., doktor blol. muk, red.; AUZKV, U,G., kande
sollkboz. nauk, red.; UIILGVA, R.M.,
ISTAM)V, A.N., red. ; KA:Wi&EVA, Kh.U., tekhn. red.
IlIntorlmla of the lisbak Conj~erance on the Yothodn and Stu4
of the Uvo of Defoliante, Desicoflnts, and Herbicides in Cotton
Growinj;]D%terialy ItespublikanskoGro nauchno-imtodiched-kogo so-
vushohnAila po primnentlu defo]Jantov, desikantov i gerbitsi-
dov v lLblopkoyodat". Tashkent, lzd-vo Akad. nauk UzSM, 1962.
202 p. MRA 15:?)
1. Requblikan3koys naucl=>-rmtcdicherkoye soveshclu-miye po
primeniinl~ru del"oliantov, deelkantov i gerbitridov v khloVAo-
vodstvu UsYlent, 1960. 2. Chlon--korrespondent kkadcr-ii nauk
llzbekslr4 SSL (for Sw%rkQv,-TSukGzV8nik)- 3. Institut fiziolo-
gii rnmtuiUy im. R.A.Timiryazeva Akaderli nauk SSjR (for
RaJdtlm,.Ovcharov). 4. Institut genetiki i fitioloil-ii racteni~r
Akademll nauk Uzbokskoy SSR (for Sadykav, Imamaliyev, IQ=ilova).
5. Imal-Itut zashchit7 rastenly 141nistervtva sellskogo kho-
uyaystva 4rbolkskoy SSR (for Aloyov).
Nzbolcietan-Cotton reserrch-Congresses)
USPERSKIV, F.H., kand. b1ol. naaki SCHUV, I.A.j MUMINOVv A.M.,
kand. sollkhos-nauki IVANOV, U.N.,.kand.-biol. nauki
VASMIM, A.A., kwA. sellkhos. nauk;-SOLOVITEVA, A.I.,
kand. nellkhos. nauki ZAP1041MY, N.4., doktor sellkhos.
nauki YAKHONTOV,,V.T., doktor biol. nauk; X&PUSTINAO R.I.;
STROMM, N.G.; POLEVSHCHnOVA, V.I., kand. 401'khot. nauki
KARIWV, M.A., daktor Mol. nauk; NOSKOV, I.G., kand. sell-
khos. )nauk; KHOIDZUUV, A.Xh.;,AJJJIL R.G., kand. sallkhos.
nauk; TAKBDNTOV, V.V., doktor13rM-.7TWMT-3TKPkNOV, F.A.;
LTUERMIT, Kh.Z., kand. tied. nauk; GURLVICH, B.S.;
Utbekeltoy SSR; GORELIK, I.M., red.; BARMITABOV, A., takhn.
[HAmuea on controlli g the posts, diseases and weeds of cot-
ton, corn, and legumes] Spravochnik pa b*rlbe a vreditelikpi
i bolannismi khlopahatnike, kWmrusy i bobovykh kulltur. 10.2.,
perer. i dop. Tashkentt Goeoizd-vo UWWS, 1963. 325 p,
(MIRA 16:5)
(Field crops-Diseases and posts)
(Wood control)
, !!,!:, t I r; : :-t-t !; 1, ; r ! ; .: Ir, tert 1 A -. c f .. r. zqr!.0- --ast. ot
IT-1- J I , ! - " :~t .'[C:4-,' 'W, . ( ,:I ~ F- . I )
. 1) i - I! ~: L : :- i~ ILL i'l to . " -
". ': ~ t- - 11 1 .- ,
. . ~ - . -.. I
KC,LC,6017, A.".; AIIAIN, I.A.; SERYY, Te.Ta.; URMANSKATA, i,.A.
vv In cutaneoi.4o vessels caused by O,emical
uIder.13, and 94,nile persons under the effect. of treat-rcnt. with
lionera-Ily stimulating substances. Vop. geron. i Feriat. 4:94-
99 1 IS ,~. (M"T~A 18:5)
-1. Mo:ik:t)-vsko!P-. gerintricherkove otdellenlye Instit.tL
'OV ~S,
IR 1 TSentrallnava b,~,l ni tsa "Inisterst-va ri-a,.,-,,Kh.,-anenIya
AUTHORSs Ko:rotkov, A. A*, Xitoenpndler, S. P., Aleyev, K. M.
TITLIs Eftlect of Diethyl Ether on the Copolymerization of Divinyl
and $tyrone
PEIRIODICALi Vyipokamolokulyarnyye soyedinwniyu, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 12,
pp. 1041-1816
TEM ?he Wluemco of diethyl other on the kinetics of the copolymerizatim
of divInyl and styrene and the composition of the polymerizat*e formed
were Investigated. Fig. 1 shows the dependence of polymerizate composition
on diothyl other concentration. The experimental data on the copoly-
merizatio= of divinyl and st"on* in the presence of excess ether
(4-a nols/1) are listed in a table. Dlethy2 other increases the activities
of divinyl and styrene. In the presence of diethyl other, the copoly-
merization of divinyl and styrou# Is very rapid. The effect of diethyl
other is explainod by a docrease in the dissolving role of the divinyl
monomer in the presence of complaxing agents. Addition of 0-05 xo~ejl
ether increases the styrene content of the copolymer from 13 to 2596.
Card 1/2
Effect of Diethyl Ether on the Copoly- S/190/60/002/012/009/019
merizatiom of Divinyl and Styrene B017/BO55
The maxi=tas 32%, is reached at 0.6 nole/1 other. With excess ether, the
copolymerization constants werveA. - 0.11, 02 - 1.78. The activity of the
active cemters solvatized by other varies therefore. The rate of divinyl
polymeritstIon in the presence of other approaches that of styrene.
There are 5 figvxas, I table, and 10 referencess 4 Soviet, 5 US, and
1 Czechoslovakian.
ASSOCIATIONs Institut vysokamolskulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR
(Inutitute of Eligh-molecular Compounds of the Academy of
Sciences USSR)
S"MITTEDo May 20, 1960
Card 2/2
AUTBORS: Unbakov, S. N., and Aleyev, K. M.
TITLEs Synthesis of Othylol croton amide and N-methyl ethylol
croton amide
PERIODICLL3 Akedemiya nauk SSSR. lavestiya. Otdeleniye
khimi.cheskikh nauk, no. 4, 1962, 693-694
TEXT: The authors were the first to synthesize athylol croton amide and
N-methyl ethylol croton amide by acylating ethanol amine and methyl
ethanol &mine with crotonyl chloride. Since this reaction is highly
exothermic, the following methoa was developeds The reaction is oarried
out in cold chloroform with double the molar amount of ethanol amine, the
excess of which binds the HC1 separated during the reaction in the form
of HCI-H 2NCH2CH2OH which is insoluble in chloroformt CH 3CH-CHCOCl
+ 2H2NCH2CK2 08 --+ CH 3CH-CHCONECH2CH 20H + HCl,H2NcB2cH20H . Crotonyl
chloride of the traction 123-1250C, obtained b. the action of thionyl
Urd 1/3
Synthesis of ethylol croton amide ... B110/B101
chloride on solid crotonic acid, and distilled ethanol amine were
used. The ethylol croton amide (C 6NINO 2) obtained in - 85% yield was a
viscous, llght-y*llow (nearly colorless), neutral oil readily soluble
In chloroform, noetone, dioxans, and water, but insoluble in ether,
carbop; tetrachloride, and benzene (b.p. 1530C (1-5 mm H9),
n20 . 1-507T, d20 - 34.58). IW-methyl
D 20 ' 1.0855, bromine number 123.5, MR
ethylol croton amide could not be produced in this way since the
hydrochloric acid salt of methyl ethanol &mine is readily soluble in
chloroform. Therefore, the reaction was carried out in a cold
aqueous alkali solution at an oquimolecular ratio of crotonyl chloride to
methyl ethanol aminet CH 3CH-CHCOCI + WCH 3)CH2CH 2on
NOR- CH-CHGON(CH3 )CH2CH201 + Nacl + B20. The N-methyl ethylL'.
croton amide (C7it 13 NO 2) obtained in - 70% yield was a light-yellow
(nearly colorless), neutral oil readily soluble in chloroforaq
alcohol, acetone. dioxane, and water in the cold, and, with beating, in
Card 2/3
Synthesis of ethylol croton amide ... B11O/B1O1
20 20
ether (b.p. 13600 (1.5 mm H09 n 1.5062, d 1.0645, bromine
D 20
number MR - 39.o). when left standing it may crystallize to
form needles melting at 5600 after reorystallization from ether.
ASSOCIATIONt Lenintradakiy tekhnologicheskiy Institut im. Lensoveta
(Leningrad Technological Institute imeni Lensovet)
SUBMITTED: Novvaber 5, 1961
Card 3/3
USHAKOV, S-N-1 A~MY.-htmt-'.
Symtbeols of ame croton derlystlyes. lzv.AN SSSR.Otd.khia.nauk
no.61llOZ-1105 162. (KIRA 15t8)
1. L*ningradskiv tekbnolotrichookly Institut im. Lensoveta.
(Cratonic ekeid)
BI 01 /11102
A lr~ N Q H 9 Iditeengendler, S. P., Aleyev, K. M., Dantsig, L. L.,
Korotkov, As A. -Ax~
TITLE: Effect of the nature of the other on styrene-41vinyl
oopolymerization uaing butyl lithium
FLUTODICAL: Vysokomo19ku1yarnyye soyedinenlya, V. 5, no. 2, 196x,
2 -216
TiXT: Uinca It has been found previously (Vysokomolek. soyed., 2, 4811
19610) thal 4tddltion of diethyl other accelertAtes the copolywerlzatlo7i of
styrene (31) mail ilivinyl (PV) and Influenoen the oomposition of' the
copoly7a,er, copolymerization of equimolectilfir parts of St and DV *arm
I,vrfcr;P,0 In borAzove #Lt 300C with 0.05 mole/1 butyl lithluit, In tht#
pr-~-Lon-.,e oi ditTOrent ethers. Results-
curl T/,j
Effert of the nsture of the
diethyl other
te t rah--- d vc f u ran 3.0
ethylene glycol d A M-3 tl~Tl
ether 1.1
conjoaition of the copolymert
17-6 86.4
30.8 69.2
3L).0 70.0
30.6 69.4
4 5 - 9 54.1
46-4 54.6
47.6 52.2
The copolymerization cunetants a (St) und o (DV) were;
a 0
vitho-A other 0-05 20 The polymerization rate in
sith dItLhrI athor 0.11 1-74 the presence of tetrahydro-
vith t~Etrahydrafurjtn 0.744 1 - Q ilk furan was 5-6 times higher
than in the prRsence of
diethyl fither ante 100 times higber than witkivut ether. This is oxhlained
by comIltz formutdon, taking diethyl ether as example:
s/i 9q631005100210091024
Effoct of the niLture of the ... BIOIIB102
kj N-CHR k"
2 5)2 "2- -CH2-CHILL 2 5)2
rS(C?1Y2 it) RC2H5)2
M (n)
O(C21r 5)2
,j-CF1A1:O(C2H 5)2
The highly active others, such as totrahydrofuran and ethylene glycol di-
C'ethyl athorv form stable oamplox*s with a highly polar C-Li bond owing to
allght ateric hindrance and the Isomerlsation of complex II to complex III
praceodu rapidlv, the structure of the components having only a small
effect tio that tr-P. With diethyl other, dioxaneg and methylal, the rate
Ciird 3/4
afs,ct of the no.ture of the BIOIIB102
c." TI --+ 1:11 is*morization, become# commensurable with the rate of II
iureation by remson of steric hindrance. The total rate depends thus on
k,',/k" und a / 0. Thore are 3 figures and 2 tables.
ASSOCIA71ON: Inst1tut vysokomolektilyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR
(Institute of Iligh-moleoular Compounds AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: July 280 1961
Syntho"Jo of polyuretharAs with regularly alternating side branches
of un*mturated structure. lzv4.O SSSR.Ser.khim. no.2:344-346 7 164o
(YJFM 17:3)
1. Leglingradakiy toklunologichaskiy institut im. Lensoveta.
ACCESSION NR- AP4019010 0/0062/64/000/002/0344/0344
AVZEOR:.. Alleyey''V.19., X.; Ushakov, S. W.
TITLE: Sy%thesis of Polyuretbanes irlth regularly ocauring side branches of un-
saturated #UvctvWe
SOURCE. AN SSSR. 1xv. Serlys kbimicheeksys, no. 2, 1964. 34)s-346
-TOPIC TAGS: crosolinked urethane polymer, diethylolamide, diethylarotonamide,
glycerine crotonate, polyurethene, urethane polymer
ABSTRACT: because of the great ljkportance or polyurathanes in industry, the
authors utidertook a study of their "crosslAnked" variety, formed by the action
of different coupounds (dilsocyatuttesp unsaturated monomers, capable of homo-
or hettropolymerl!mtion by radical mechanism) which form bridging cross bonds
between chains. The authors prepared a nev type of polyurethanes vith side
branches contsinimg double bonds by bigration copolymerization of diisocyanates.
-ith diethylolmildes and glycerides of unsaturated carboxylle &aide. They
synthesized and dWsicribed c .8 not as 3ftt described in the Uterature:
K,N-biG(2-oxYVthA) Grotonvulde (dietbylarotonsaide) and 2,3-diaMpt pylarotomte
(glycerine-1-crotowto). These oew unsaturated polyuretbanes are specially
interer-tiag for =Lki" crosslin d structures by their copolymerzation with
crotmic acid and am" qwMtities of vlmyl Sonomers. Orig. art. has 3-ftirimilas.
AsSWTATIM: IeWmaradskir *kbuologicheekly inatitut in. lansov.eta - (LAnInarad
Technological lostituU)
SUIKITM-. 04SOPQ tATS A04: 2?Xu4% ZNCL-. 00
Sm Cmz: Ca NO. MW. MY: 002 1779% .003~
C.. d
Kbod protein fra*tIons in domyslibating diseasea of the nervous
al,stem. Vracb. del* no.9t4l-" 3 160. (MIRA, 13t9)
1. XlixiUm nerwykh. bolesney (sav. - prof. S.N. Savanko) Chernovitakogo
moditainakogo irwtitata.
UMI/clan Yect'-'on Scientific Usti tutions. Conferences A-4
Abs Jour Referat Zhucr - Pitika, Ito 1, 1958, 44
Auxbor Aleytiv, N.M.
Title Fundamental AccomplishnAnta of the Scientific Activity of
the Acadeaky ot Sciences of the Azerbaydzhan SW in 1956,
a-ad the Tasks of the AcadeaW of Sciences in 1957.
Orig Pub AzotebSSR elmler Akad. kheberleri, Ity. AN AzerbSSFt, 1957,
No J., 3-20
Abstract No obstract.
Card 1/1
KRU 7,77, 77 -~Ili~!;;':~l
ithol *A!lh the yovfttlvo
swo Val am, no P.
cowwoted to owrim
1:71 at ex~~
A. UWalaw,
PUntr '- %*Wbollsm
- I
"=-WwI*mtv in Qmngipg tho Nattwq qf w1bast by
V*pUtIve lfybrldizatlc:~7 N. P. Aleyev, Bot Ger4gao
Aca& Sci Twazakh SSR, cl pp
*Agr*1ologlys' No 4
Tatrolucticn of an unusual nutriment Into deLls or
Ing Weds results in a variable developwat
boc*Ue this foreign substance forms nev
in plant cells wbIcb cause morybological
03A *Piological changes. Variations are not
MWAgriculturs (Coe.4) Jul/Aug 48
notlc*d imediatelyp but become evident from gm-
sm,tion to generati=. Conducted tests cn Vbeat
an9L rice to determine the possibility of Inh-'b1t-
Ing bereUtar7 trends.
VIKSLUR. I.: FXDOAOV. P. A.. tokbnolog;
Thq are h"lplng to unchanlas work. Prom. koop. 12 no.10t14-15
0 1,58. (KRA 11:10)
1. Artell OZarya.8 LaningrM (for VakRlor), 2, Rachallnik
proluvolstvanuo-takhtatchaskogo otdala oblpromeoveta r,.Orel (for
TadnmY). 3. Nachallulk Wela, Bashprousov"ta g.Ufa (for Al#vygv).
Is. 1krt"l' Invaliday "MmtellieW c. Novosibirsk (for Tiwf"yev).
S. Artnll '35 let Oktyabr7a.0 it. Kiyav (for Belostotakiy).
Onvention*, Implorefts')
JLIM'#V. Y.Z.. Inth.
Plectrout4potic regulator for mtortruck engines. gekh.i eleir.
sots.sollkhox. 17 no.f:4&-50 159. (KRA 13:4)
1. Yoolrovalcoys, vysither* tokhnichaskoye uchilishche Imeni Boumana.
A=W. TQ.0.
8tructurio and rate ot grofth of the otolith of Black Min sprat 9prattus
sprattusi rhalerims CRU**). Dokl.AX SM 93 no.5*.919-922 1) 153.
Off-vA 6--12)
1. Mrodstawleno akadmalkou U.N.Pavlovskin.
(Black Bea-Sprate) (Sprats-BUck Sea)
AIMEY, Tu. u.
*.9t&vridy (Trachurus trachurus, Fish or this Fawdly Carangidae)
of the S"s *f the USSR+" Cand Dial Sci, Inst of Zooloo, Lead
Sci USM (APr-Jm 5h). (Vast Ak Hauk, HoT 5h)
Stwvey of Sclentific and Teabaical Dissertations Defended at UWR
Higher Educational Institutions (11)
SOt Sm. No.521, 2 Jun 55
~~f ce *r certair
1,~ CarangLtv
VIA#, JOs.
n Mai
Sew f matwmg of f lob grmtb. 'top. lkht. ae.6:?5-93 156. (xuu 9:8)
1. Sovamtopol'okows, blel6gichookaya stan, miya Akedoull muk SM.
11.1usm. ru.c.
Systematic position of the Black Sea saurel.
184 1364 (MLRA 1033)
1. SevautopolOskays. biologichesk" stanteirs. Akadeuil nim, SSSR.
(Black Saa--Saurel)
1, 11 1
iToba Vorr an th* northera shorse of th* Bl&ck Sea. Prlroda
4-5 no. 10: L15 0 156. (KLBA 9: n)
1. gwrastopollskVa blologicheelmra stants4a Akademit nau
(;Bl"k Soso-rishms)
USSF-L/G-::ncml Biology. Individual D:.-volopnont. -11s. B-4
Abs Jour : Rrf Zhur-Biol., No 16, 195Q'l 71574
Author :
in-t : To-'USSA.
TitlC : Tho W-Jua of Lw: T-anporatures for the Stimu-
lation of Trophoplasnic Grovth of Ovocytus in
Orig Pub ; Dolcl. AN SSSRI 1956, 110, Fo 31 491-493
j.bstrl,ct Blr~ck Soa hardtail, (Trachurus medit.-r-
X,nous'DontIcus Aleav) iii-n76i-i fn th(~ bottoii
la ~rs of the rator at a tonporaturc of 7-90
[Ci'. In thL wintar nonths, t!iL! nunbor of ovo-
cytos in th-a ovarL~s of tho hardtail increases,
am: their grovth takos place. In thu spring,
tt -, h7~rdtail riscs to thu uppor layors
of tht~ %,atar mrl begins to focd noro or loss
Card t 2/2
0 0, P:Zv,":A 0 0 0 ,
On the fianctlowa inportsmes of 14ern.1 (horizontRI) body orientgtlon
in Pleuronactifomes. Dokl. AN SSS 110 no.4:707-710 0 '56.
(KIRA 10:1)
1. Selmstapoll&kays blologichaskays nt%ntmiy^ Akademii naulr SSSR. Pred-
stnTlSAO akadmikolm U.N. Pavlovskim.
A..~.Yl; V. ~ ~ . , .
:, I'X~ !,, :J'Mzharacte ~-' . vt ice and tnioiTaphy -f 'r :, In .
11, - . I - hl . r , 5 -7,(, C, ~.. ~,-. '- : - i
I.. ~ T - to . 1' a -tqa Ile-'rjAcheskuyn atantelya ~ -.!-, .,-!! r~.
(Fl, no J
Som morThological features of fishes Inhabiting the Caspian and
the Azov-Bl&ek 3" beains and factors producing them. Trudy SES
100-11-89 158. (KMA 12:9)
(Blaek Sea-Pishem-Anatomr)
(Caspian Soa-VIshem-AnatooW)
(Azov, Son of-Plehat-Anatomy)
A19"T. ru.0.
Isiportance of sprat (Sprattus sprattum
phaloricuis (Risso)) in the Black Sea. Trudy SBS 10:90-107 158.
(MIRA 12:9)
(Black Sea-Sprats)
ALIrM. Yii.G.
11 Kovements of ZOUS fAbor L. (with summnry in English). Zool. shur.
37 n*.1i467-465 Kr $59. (KIRA 11:4)
1. S"T"*toDol,sknya biologichasirnym stAntslys, AN SSSR.
, (Dory Cftvh~ (Swimming)
j,,Yj 2L,-12u-1-57/63
I-11PILMI On Variations In the Relative bize of !-*ins
in FIsh in the Course of Ontogenes23 tind Phylogenesi3
kOb izmenenii otrkositel'noy velichiny playnikov u ryb
v ontogeneme i filogeneze)
PSMUDICAL i Daklafly Akademi i Sauk bSSR, 1958, Vol - 120, xir 1
pp. 204-20 (USSR)
ABSTRACT. The investigation of the development of fins in the course
ontoganesis shows that In species of the most different
kind trith reference to ecology and classification
reg;ulmritios in the variations of size occur in aging.
These variations can be explained by hydrodynamic3 and
evidently have a general biological nignificance- In a
typical case the development of a fin can be subdivided
in 2 atagent T. Relative growth up to a certain size
which is different for every species, iI. cessation of
relative growth, and begin of relative reduction; it is
nuits distinct for all fins or for their majority (table 1).
Cnrl 114 I)THarolative growth of the fin in the first stage seems
On Variations in the Relative Size of Fine in Yish j~,';/20-12C-1-57/63
In the Cour3e of ontogenesis and Phylogenosis
to correspond to the increase of its function until at a
c.ortain. length of the fish its size no longer accords with
the average speed at which the fish can move. The author
c-alls this moment the p 0 1 n t 0 f e q u i I i b r i
a. m. For diff'orent fine this point is reached at a
different length of the bodyl moreover separate fins of the
"&me fish are not formed simultaneously, and are developed
An different tize. An is well known tho velocity reached
by a fish is the higher the larger its body isp as the
possible maximuft Velocity is proportional to the cube
root of its length ~rtference 1). At the same tine the
vig* of the paired and unpaired fins is inversely
proportional to the average speed of motion of the fish.
Mecause of that the relMtiTe GIZO Of the fina -s decreased
in the growth of the fish. !his would be an ideal case
If the fish does not change its mode of life essentially
(as for inatance, Acipensor, clupeidae and others). in
we,raral fish species, however, such a variation appears,
P..nd the outward appearance can also be changed in the
Card 2/4 onloeenesis. in till auch cnse3 the variation of the size
On V,---rlations Ln. the Relative Size ~f Fine in ~-Izqh 2U-12C-1-577/6-3
in the uo-.~~-3e of untog-'-wais nnd PhyloE:anasis
cf the fine is more closely connpctod with the montioncd
-n-ri-ntionm than with tho changed size of th--~ b,,d,.-. The
fun-~tiorx of separate fine can be chanGed, intcns.':e3,
weakened. Thus the conformity to law mentioned a~-Cv---does
no longer apply to such cases. Table 2 shcvrs that r.1thin
each of the mentioned fish specico the tot,-.1 lent,7th 0: t~~C
fins is inversely dependent on the size of thc. body. Thi3
pro-.,,-:s that the conformity to law discussed is valid for
j)hylcj;anoais. too. An exact quantitative formul-r-tion of
this confo=Ity is hardly posslbl,~ as the size of the fin.:
not only depends on the length of the boi.~ lut also on the
mode of life. Thor* are 2 tables --nd 4 rcf,~ronces, 4 of
which are Soviet.
ASSOC'.rATM.Ti: Sevautopol'skays. biologichoskaya stant31ya Akadc::~.Ji naak
SSSR (Sevastopol' Biological Station,AS USjR)
PRESEITTM11- September IC, 1956, by To. N. Pavlovskiy, Acada:.iy
Card 3/4 of Sciences, USSR
. On Vcriall~lns in *ho Relative Size of Fine in Fish .30VI 2C-1-20-1-57/63
in tht Course af ~ntogenesls and Phylogenesis
. : JUlY 19, 1956
.I . Hohen-PikysialogY 2. Flahes-Ecolcgy
Card 4/4
ktrrHOR Aleyev. Yu. G. SOV/2o-120-3-2o,'67
TITLE: Tne 1~obllity and Haneuverability of Fishes (ilrisposobleniye
1: dvizbeniyu I povorotlivost' ryb)
PERIODICAL: Disklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 195B, Vol- 12o, Nr 3.
P13- 510 - 513 (USSR)
ABSTRA:T: V.V.3huleykin su,7,-erted a no-called "characterizing resistance
coefficient" for the characterization of the ability of fishes
to move in a straight line. Their ability of changing their
direction of motion has hitherto not been -.tudied. The present
paper describes tho results obtained by inveatigations carried
out by the author concerning the maneuverability of fishes. !!'ae
expressions derived by the author for maneuverability were found
ty calculutine the angular moments. caured by the forces actill,;
ulion a fish when changing its direction. In t 're case of a ciian,3e
of direction, the followinp forces act upon a fish in addition
tn thon! which are active while the fish in moving along a
n1raight line: tne centrifugal force acting at the center of
Card V.3 gp-arlty, -and the force of reaction of thu water. The centrifugal
The Mobility arid 'k4neuverability of Fishen SOV/2o-120-3-20/67
I'-):rue in here denoted by R and the force of reaction by F. The
dimtance between the points of appli~-ation of these two f~-)rces
is ~iere denotee b:r 1. In the j.-reat majority of cases the points
of application of the two forces R and F are not in a vertical.
Thit tno forces therefore form a force couple vith the angular
momentum M - + Fl. The nnourit of the force F is proportional to
thil. rurface viRich corresponds to the loni-,itudiiial projection of
the fish. Determination of the center of -.ia.-;c of the fish is
dia,,,:usred in short. The complete char:~cterisstics of maneuverability
for turns performed in the horizortul and verticil planes are
del'i.ied, The rapidly moving pelagic fishes have the Createst
.-Mic.euverability. The ge~-errt of fish are then enumerated in the
order of diminii-hing naneuvturability. Vertical maneuverability
does not chsnj~e so much an horizont,,l maneuvorability. and it
in alsv of less importance to the finh. All in all, horizontal
mal;euverability in probably a very important el-ment of the
1.0,drudynivnics of firli. There are 2 fi,,,ur a, I table, and 2 refer-
eni:e, 1 of which is Soviet.
Card 2/3
The Molility urd of FjFiineu S,),'/,'o-120-3-2oj'6'j'
bJoloi-,Ic:iuqkiLyn ntizitsi~,u Aha~lc7-di nnuk SS52
BiOID,~.iClll St-Ition, AS USISH)
I RESP I,i, lQ,q. by V.Y.Sallileyl-~111, !b-.' Or. 2,C.-le-ly of
2, 105:3
1. Plahes--Kydrodynamli characteristics 2. Fishes--Motion
3. Muthematics--Applicatlons
Ci.r,! J,, i
Struettme &rA functions of dorsal fine in Squalidae (Squaloidei
Squallformes). Trudy SBS 11:153-158 '59. (MM 13:5)
(Dogfish) (plus)
I ~mphl &I position of the Jkropean eel (Anguilla amgui~la
200rov 0
(14 the black Bea and genetic compoeltion of fish fauna
In the Block Sea and 1he Box of Amov. Trudy 8BG 11:159-160 '5
(MIRA 13:53*
(Mack Bea--Zel)
Itkneti*nal sigdficancs of alae and homologous formation@ in
fIGhGG4 Tru4y SM 11:161w163 159. (HIRh 13:5)
ALEra, TIU. a*
PGOtucal mignIfIcance or the Yentral keel in fishes. Trudy SBS
133155-158 160. (Fishes-4natomy) (KIU 14- 3)
Locatl*n of the =Lin tube (.f the lateral line in fishes Trud
S3S 13t259-162 t6D. (iliA U13T
(Senses organs-Fishes)
Strueure iLnd functions of the tall fin in fiohes. Trudy SBS 3.2:
2194$8 10. (FINS) (HIRA 14:10)
Agi.Uty of fiohea. Trudy SRS 12s259-2M 099. (MIRA 14:10)
Reproduction of the saurel Trachurus meditarraneus ponticus Allev
of tho southern school in northern regions of the Black Sea. Trudy
SM 321t271-284 199. (MIRA .14:10)
--- - ~A - - -
Loution of thm greatest body he4~bt in fish&*. Zool. shw-
41 no.90429-1431 3 162. (KMA 15s11)
1., Sevastopollskaya blologichaskVa stantaiya.
AIMET, Yuriy Glabovichl VODYANMKIY, V.A., otv. red.; BEMR,
-i;a-- -
- ---V.T.~* is'(T:va; THHOMIROVA, S.G., takhn. red.
(Flumtional principles of the externa.1 structure of fish]
FunkLsIon&l'nyr 3snovy vneshnego Btroenlia ryW. Moskva,
Isd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 246 p. (MIRA 16:6)
ALMN, Yu.G..
Loontlon of the highest point of' the body In fish. Trudy SBS
163369-374 163.
Bmiymncy of fishes. lbid.s375-392 (MIRA '17 : 4~)
LUMV 1ru a
PoIjbinbody as,az airfoil. Zo*lo thur. 44 no.4s626-630 165.
(MLU IS 16)
1. IMM-tut biolo i yuzhn7kh moray AN UkrSSR, Sevastopol'.
r).A.; lunv j., r.
hswlewi. &ne bibll,-g-PtinhY. :f'Cl. zhur. 44 no.6953-957 165. (MIRAL 18tlO)
AIXTEVA, E.K., kand.wd.nauk
X-ray diagnosis of cancer of the mandible. Vop. obshchei stom.
17:101-103 164. (MIRA 18:11)
ftd1*&wph1a diagnovis of lower J&v fr"tures. r".mod.shuro
40 mo.50S-62 8-0 159. (KIRA 13:7)
1. b 1-y kafedry "atconologil i radiolocii (say. - Prof.
X.11h. ftywAlls) Usanstogo goev"retyamwgo iuatituta dlya
useverstiazatyovasl3a v7acbey Im. T.I. Zmaina I 11aspublIkauskoy
stowktologitbosboy talluitay (CI&Tvmob - S.Z. Z&lftlMtd1uov&).
Cand Med Scl - (dins) "Materials on X-ray diagnostics of jaw
fractures." Kazan', 1961 15 p~; (Ministry of Public Health
RSPSR, Kazan' State Medic;I Inst ; 200 copies; price not given;
M, 5-61 SUP, 2U0)
Osteocibondrofibromm of the lower jaw. Stomatologiia 41 no.5:
%-M $-0 162. (YIRA 16:4)
1. Is pervoy kafedry rentganologii i radiologii (zav. - prof.
M.n.flaysullin) KarAnskogo Cosudarstvennogo instituta usover-
shenst-vovanlya vrac~qy ixmnl V.I.Lemina i Respublikanskoy
stomatologlebeskoy bollnitay (glavW vrach S.Z.Zalyalyutdinova)
MinimfWrstva zdravookhranenlya Tatarskoy ASSR.
ALSMA 1. ft.
X-ray (huposIs of adasnantinoma or the lower jaw.
zlni:-. no.5t51-53 S-0163 (MIFU, 16t12)
1. Perva7,m kafedra rer.%,pnologii i radiologil (zav. - prof.
R.M. Kazenalkago gosudaretvennago instituta dlys
usovershimstvovanlya vrachey iment tomina I respublikanskays.
utcotatalog-10tenkaya boltnitas, (glavnyy vrach - S.Z.
Zalyalyutdinova) Itinisterstva tdravookhranoniya Tat&rskoy ASSR,
X-ray diagnosJs of fracturso of the maxilla and adjacent re-
gion* of the sku-11. Kam.mod.sbur. no.lt77-78 :&-F061
(mm 16,11)
1. Kil.fodra. rantiremologil I radiclogii No.1 (zav.-prof. M.n-
Faymxllln) Kazamskogn gosu darn t vannoge inst-tuta dlya usover-
czenuit-7ovamiya wacbey im. V.I. lomlna i Respublikaniskaya
stcwitologioheskaya bol"nitsa (glavvrach - S.Z. Zelyavutdinc.-va).
MIMISO Franz (1922- ); XLEY-rVA, -"I-'(trnnalator)
[ In the lNmd of t, he ma rabon 17 strans marabu. 1 eningrad,
Cos. lad-vo detskoi 11 It-ry, 1961, 09 p. Trnnslated fmm
th" littrnnn. (MIRA 16:1)
(Rrehin, Alrred Edmunci, 1829-1891.)
stmay or %iw biolop or woeviis (Coloopterm, Ourcullonidas) whLch
dm,,mp sulpr best@ in Katoftstan. Jkt.obos. 33:103-108 '53. (MLUA 7:5)
1. Severn" filial PlaspOlIkanskoy a.bantall saabnhity rastenly
Ka%nkhmk*C* filiala, Tassayusnoy Aka4*all sel'skokhosynystvannykh
muk Mobachimaklokabstavskoy obl.
(tasaftstan-Asovils) (Veovile-Jasakhotan)
(Oug*r best*_-Diseases and posts)
AIMWA. M.3.. kAutdidat b1ologich*m1clkh cauk.
Incerne vvevil. Priroda 41 no.7:116 JI 153. On-RA 6:6)
1. Rommblikanakaya stantolya z"hchIty rattenly lazakhokogo filial& VASMIL.
(Alfalfa weevil)
mcamoi. MA.; KORYASNOT. L. I.;
xmw~lon of 0-chlarovinylketones with 0-dicarbonyl Compounds.
F"t ts: 3ynthesto of TIArloges of F-keto said asters. Zhur. ob.
kMn4 27,n*.8:2166-2171 At 157. (xiu logg)
1. Mouk-ovskly g*mud*x*tveuuyy univervitst i Institut farmakologil
i kbAulotempil Undeudi, moditstuskikb nauk SSSR.
(Vinyl coupounds) (Acid*. Organic)
AID P - 1139
Subject USSR/Chemistry
Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 17/25
Authors : KlImov, K. I., Sinitsyn, V. V. and Aleyeva, Ye. A.
Title : Colloidal ftability of consistent lubricants
Periodical : Neft. khoz., v. 32, #11, 62-67, N 1954
Abstract : Th4s dependence of the colloidal stability of lubricants on
their soap-content and on the viscosity of oil used In their
preparation was investigated. The KSA apparatUL (GOST
7142-54) was used In the experiments. Four tables, 3 charts
and 6 Fussian references (1938-1953).
Institution : None
SubmItted : No date
%1e- t-1
U35JVChuuicn1 Technology. Chemical rroducts and Their 1-14
Application-Troatmont of naturtil gasos and
Pat-rolowa. Motor fuels. Lubric.,ints.
jkt)s Jqjur4 Ruf Zhur-Milmiya, No 3,
1957, 9360
Author : Ulmov, K. I., Snitsyn, V. V., and Aleyova, Ye. V.
Ills t : Arat given
Title t Tbu Colloidal Stobility of Lubricating Greases
Cris Pubt Heft. )41-Vo, 1054, No 11, 62-67
Abstracts A now mthcd In proposed for the evaluation of
t1v colloidal stability (.CS) or synoreals of
lubricating groases, bnoold on tho dotorminatim
of Uie tunount of oil pronsod. out of th,~ lubrica-
ti.1% gr,mso, in thu ;,S4 apporatus dovolopod by
that authors, '-*,'I%u gi-onso Is placed in the cup
un-ilev t1w piston of tho apparatus; the cup rests
at, a pue or filter pap-jr. Prossura is applied
to tho grouse frop% nbovo by racans of a rod and
p1mtcc-,. The gvu::itk:r Mae amount of oil which
Ca rd
Salloidal stability of lithium lubricants and effect of dispersion
vedle, an thle stabllity-. Zhur. prIkI. khIs. 31 no.8:1202-1210 Ag 058.
(HrRA 11:10)
(lubrication and lubricants) (Colloids)
S106,% 69~~P,,'Oo 1/00 1/00 5
Do Dole, 0;;4
AUTHORS: Sinitayn, V. V., Klimov, 1. 1., Almyqva, Ye. V.
TITLE: StablItty Qf the D'-sp&ree Sy~*.-,as ~,f L~th:im
st~f4~ - 0.1 1
PERIODICAL: Xv11t)t1n:ij zhurna', *,960. Vol. ?2, No, 4, pp, 469-470'
TFIV : Tho presani r+-vor t wan del ivered at the Faii r'r, A 1 1 - ur.' on Confe.1.3nC~6
of Colla,d Chem!R1r,r A~ Tbilisi in May 1958. In the sy3'em 11th.11m
alt%mrsto ~ D.1' t ft-A'h^r9i ntjii"d the inrlj?rize cc thp p11, r~,' th.Q :,:!C.Ing
rats , of Ina prL~jjti rt tdi 3 of the dispvrs~ng medium, ~Ic. on 'ho
stabilitj o~ the ;iseudo-gel-like disperse soap - cil, sy9t9-7,3, Tni~-: investi-
gated miziurtiB of splindle oil of the type 3, or oll cf the *ype mr-8 xfMK--B)
with 1-ithlum 8%,Pwrata, and 4steralwid the pH on an ;M-6 ',LP -6 ') petentio-
a-p'.,tr. the ca,111ol4al stability (scoording to rGCT(GOSV 774,~ 5.00on a
KCA;XSi) apl.%ratms, and thit v1scoallty on an autouatic capillary v.13conater
plastomizter~ Th-i -esalts
or tho tjr;e AKB..!, (AKV-2) and on a K-2 (K-2) I
'i~d to t~,e ronovin; Th~~ pH o~ -.h,! 3jjtem exerts a
*Tr-~,ng infltjivn~.! (FIgs. ly 2~, manif-~stinR itself by ;,n-reil.n;
CIL-d 1112
Colloidal Stabillty of the Dispersif Systems S/069/60/c 00 -/C0
of Lithium Snap - Oil Po 15/BO -1, 4
with a !qcrenvt :~n ridity, On !he ctIt!-r hand, with 0.04-0.064 of fr,!o
P"d ~h-;i -:o--.1i;
in An r-roict- r, f th.
v ''I,'_AP RIP- a.
and rhoo le'r- -I" V-: ~qrt es~ Kf, *."1!'. 7 -
'zatv,n and !-tau-i)tty (Table ". Ali:t.cni !~K_
11 th ~A=- 0:- :A' t ~.ti 11 raph th ajja t 1,~ a lft!e - _r s u I f,: ~-. -i t e2L3 we- a~ Z,Y:?!%r.
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MaDri A.A.
SMot of the frootiama composit" of synthetic tatty aoids on
the. tivirwa stability wd perforwhas characteristics of sodium-
base greasso. Ildm.l.takh.topl.1 mwel 7 no.2:5.U59 F 162.
(mm 3~ja)
. (koiday Fatty) (Lubrication and lubricants)
1 s/o65/62/000/002/003/004
// I if 10 0 E075/E485
AUTRORS-. Sinitsyn, V.V. , Aleyen',_. Bessmertnyy, K.l_.
_J,n--V. ,
Popova, Te.p., Slfm-Mt, A.A.
TITLE: Inrluence or fractional composition of synthetic fatly
acids on thermal stability and practical
characteristics of sodium greases
PERIODICAL: KhAniya i takhnalogiya topliv i masel. no.2, 1962, 53-59
TEXT: To explain differences in performance (gelation at 80 to
120'C) between greases thickened with sodium soaps of natural fatty
acids (C.16- CIO which are satisfactory and synthetic acids
(fractions C10- C16 and C12- C20) which are not satisfactory, the
latter were analysed by gas-chromatography. The synthetic acids
were vacuum distilled into 5 fractions, the fractions having the
following compositiont top fractiont C11- C12, 3~1%;
" Cl 3 - C L7, 314 ; 2) C15- C19, 14%; 3) 16- C20, Ix
4) C17- C21, 16.8%; 5) C18 -C22, 9.3%; residue, 40%.
Greases vare prep&red from each of the fractions and their mixtures
saponified with NaOH in oil MX-8. It was found that the fractions
I to 4 gave gronaos which had similar satisfactory thermal properties
to the/ireasets prepared from natural stearic acid. 11owever,
Card I .
Influence of fractional ... E075/E485
fraction ri gavei greases that galled at a lower temperature, Th i s
behaviour was mimilar to that exhibited by the greases prepared
from the ariginal synthetic acids. Also admixture of fraction 5,
or %.he rerii.clutt fraction, to the other fractions caused gelation to
occur at. a lolifer temperature than that characterizing the greases
prepared from fractions I to 4. The authors conclude that sorie
componentm pro:ment in fraction 5 and the residue cause the gelzation
to occur. Comparing the properties or the greases, it was
evident that the heavier fractions have higher thickening acfioti
than the light fractions. Vith the Increase in the mean
ractlecular weight of the acids the consistency of the greases
increases and ail separation decreasesi the latter property i s
equivalent to an improved colloidal dispersion of the soap.
Other improveirtonts include viscosity-temperature characteristics
arid snectianical stability. It is concluded that the gelation of
the greases is not connected with the presence in the fractions of
the high molecular weight acids but with the ungaponifiable
componerlt!~ of the residual fraction, sortie of which tn,-%N' be oxidatiull
by-products.. When the residual fractioti v d ~ f h e T v miz I i T I I r, V
Card 2/.1
Influence of rractional ... E075/E485
acids generally better sodium greases than those prepared
from carbtixylic acids derived from animal and vegetable fats.
The analysis of fractional composition of the synthetic fatty acids
by gas-chromatography was carried out at NIX SZhIMS by
B.P.Kotellnikor. There are 2 figures, 4 tables and 3 Soviet-bloc
Card 3/3
A VT!1:)RS iSinitm.rM, V. V., Aleyeva, Ye. V., Kartinin. B. N. (Moscow)
TITLKI Effe:% of free alkalis and acide on structure and properties of
plastic greases thickened with Na soaps
PERIODICAL: Xollo:l.dnyy zhurnal, v. 24, no. 1, 1962, 75 - 79
TEXT: Inrestigattona were conducted on four lubricating greases whose
alkalinit3, (up to 0 16',4 NaOH) or acidity was varied (with etearic acid up to
zAn acid numl$er of 1:2 mg KOH/g of grease). Production of the lubricating
greasest Soup produced from stearic acid according to 7%11 2074-51
(COST 2074-51) &nd. Na.09 was suspended at 10% in low-viscosity YIK -8 (UK-6)
oil so cording to %0 6-457-53 (COST 6457-53), heated to 2000C. and coolel
down rapidly (gre,use 1) or slowly during 4 hre (grease 2)_ Greases 3 and
- 3 according to "%T1707-')
were produced in the same manner with spindle oil
(GOST IT07-50. Alkaliq or stearic acid, was admixed to the soap. Irivestiga-
tiones Electron microscopic studies an an 3m-5 (EX-3) apparatus~, shearing
stren~:th determination on a K-2 (K-2) plastometer according to rOCT 7143-54
Card 1/3
Effect of free alhalis find acids B119/BI0I
fGOST 7145-$4)1 colloidal stability determination on a KCA(KSA) apparatus
according to rou 7412-54 (COST 7412-54) bated on the quantity of oil squeezed
out of the greaso4 acidity or alkalinity determination by titXat.Jon of the
ailcohol-water extract from the petroloua other-grease solution uccording if,
rOCT 6707-57 (COST 6707-57). Resultat The size of Na stearate particles
-lispereed in oils strongly decreases with decreasing acidity and increasinE
alkulinity of the ay-eteml the dispersion degree increases and, with it the
2 2
shearing strength (1 g1cm 0 with acid number 1.2 mg KOH) 3 g' /cm ~ neutral;
2, 14 of oil
12 g1cm with 0.16% NaOH), as well as the colloidal stability (28.1,~
is squeezed out of grease 2 with acid number 1.2 mg KOH; 13~3 A of oil. out
of the same grease with 0.03% NaOH; 12.44,'o. from grease 1 with 0.,07,4 NUOH;
26.0~40, with neutral reaction). Differences in the viscosity of the initial
oil. and in the CDOling rates during the production, show much lower effe-.ts.
Certain r-alea hold for all lubricating greases thickened rith soaps (LJ
soaps). Theve rainults show that the tolerance*of the NaOli content in Na
Lrreases (e f-, , Ho-natalin, Rk -90 (NK-W)), fixed at 0 - 0.2A by the stand'!'rd
specificatIcna, is too large. There are 5 fi ar-i-, 1 t!%hle..and 6 reference.;
Card 2/3
S/069/62/02,1/001 /002/00 5
Effect of Tree al'Lalis and acids B 119/13, 1
5 Scvit!t ~~.nd 1 von-Soviet. The reference to the Enrlish-lanf-,uage Jublicu-
tionereadi, its fallowo: US Patents 2616904, 26169o5, 2616906. 2831812,
SUBMITTED: September 12, 1960
Card 3/3
Meet of the structura of syntbatic carboxylic acids an the
stru*twe " properties of plastic sodium greases. Neftekbiniia
3 no.IMS-M J&f-F 163. (MIRL 16:2)
1. Hosakovskiy institut noftekhImIcheskoy i gazovoy
promoWenaosti i=ozd I.M. Gubkina.
(Lubrication and lubricants)
(Acids, Organic)