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Ale 4 1 TLE: ",tructural and Tectonic Analysis ard Content of the Rocks from Samples of the Oo~th (Strukturro- taktonichoskly analiz i gipson~,sr-cSt, A na -rinere Yugo- Voalochnogo Ustyurts) liazvelka i Ckhrana nPdr, 19r,9, ARCTRAM :te autlior studied the formation of gZ*psum ladders in the 11styurt naglpn (situated betreen the Casrien and Aral seas". I In ar. aeration layerj urid4r condition of an arid c3i- rate, grpsum can be connidered as a typical mineral of dry toneu. The lorger such arid periods last, the heavier are the gypsuin layers. By its conpositior, r~~psur. can be di- vided into two groups - syngenetic and aniFenetic. The syngenetic gypsur_ is character4zed by the lack of any traces of contemporary fnura and florn and it is associated with different sulfates and natural sodium chloride. The forr- utiors of epigenotic pypekum have var,.ous forms and often I)ani the impres tons of -"hells of various 1,20s of molluake. Aa F. rule, gypsum i,) found in two la.:ers: !-.t ti,e bottom rietar the ground valkpr levol .,-,,d -ear tl-a s,_.rface. In tI 'e Card 1/1 -!f t`i,2 .'..:::u-Dar . river, tiept part of the Suryk*Wah delta 'ya :-~-V-l ~2-5f---8-2116 Structl;iral and Tectonic Analysis and Gypsur Content Cf the Rocks froc- $a2-pte:i of the South 2,ast t1styurt I'our la~,ers containing gypsum %, ubr.~rveO. The i-Uthor finds that the two middle layers w-ire formed when the ground water level was higher. Zi-ilar layers were fc-.ind in othur parts of Ihe Ustyurt. platform Rnd car, be traced to the south part of the Sarykwqsh dap~-Ozxlonq which ~n the part ~iad been a lake, inu tiiv.- deterr.Jre the vpr--*ous levels ef the said lake. 1r, ccnspquerce, a rt-.:dy of gypsun con- taining layers could daternire the ancle!t lpvels cf dif- ferent basins. The study of Tert'ar.: rocks in tho Ust- yurt reginn Elliows ancient wpiter lovels of the Cnspian and Aral. s-~as and the durntion of the diffrrert level;. There are ~? Soviet references. 1.ov:,Ieksnuya Yu~,hnaya (Tilhe Comporito Southern Geo' u! rI ths_- -'.L; of the 1 - Goology--USSR 2. Rocks-Structural analytnls 3. Gypstun --Determination Card ','/? 'I eks in, A. I :11 rl~ f trourt -.i., ks i r, .1 ri i~ -i ,rr ? 13 i: pur"d In! 1 ~.'FO A ~ 16 s i j 0, paivc~7,?c- p,ra lICJ-,P$k,7'YO v L! '11 g f. s;,, Ftelpy prlr~d.,i. r z -14 nrti c I a ltql - wi v~ o~- vi- - c- T-.i- if; r')tks e- I T th c a ar. &r 1 ma r,~cks Df Twr-lar-, &n~! 'jnterna, urkmer."ia -r- ne t-* ,Fu..pcf a wit t. of 'vpsL.: -'r. the Tertiary -;F" the - f j-ay;.si~m Its mairly daterm- :.Zlea tte precipztaT,,cn olf cpliTr- nelic- ~,ypsam, in,11-eazing t ar. e.-I , levels :,f ~rl*---.';"'.~ -#ats:: s ;.z, "~:.s reClon .nclent of fhc- ~*,ral avd a i~ .&r. ~ns -.-ild The I.I-:-Irmined ly t~nese rvpsiferv-~s :f la,.-grs Aloln c tn e of these S&LA a r 1. f'2 I v s wi-n t%,,p fc:loviing ge~- ;~ypELfvrous 1,lack a in ~.rid Fie gi an i ln4~'-r =,pc r tar, c F, 3hown I~y t~,e ":xample of 'ortherr. --urltrrc.--tA 7 lopints are menticnp(l "huranc-- lanallil., 1, 1 Vyalov, 'no 7ysctsk,-.y .!iiro nrr :r,'.i~-sections an! 12 .~o-- a r 3(4) -5 ~- 2-21/5 3 AUTHOR: ._t:,kVin. A.A. Cnndid!i',,~, and "Inera- 1'i. Togical Sciences TITLE: Drinking Water in Kava-Kumy veda v Kara- X-amakh) PF,RIO,DJCALt I.-roda, 1959, Nr 9, pp ()I-()' (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author discusses the problem of formation of sources of drinking water Jn dererts and semi- aeserts. - In the Transcaqpian ]-r; rts existing water wells are fourd -)tfiy on all,,;v~lal ulains of the Amu-Daryi riveranlintle lz-~ver Yara-Xum Mountains. lie describes different pointr of viev, of scientists on the problem, of formation of thes-e ,inderground viaters and finds that they ar~~, us,iallly formed where favorable conditions for, the 't.ion of surface water exist. The stuey %~_-,-.~,-rnphs also of aorial 'J Phowsthat reservoire of drtn~:iyi,: water are directly connected with definite rurface re1'.k.'fs. The fol- Card 112 lowirg scientists are mentioned in ~irticle: . Drinking Water In Kars-Xuzy SOT/26-59-2-21/53 A.F. Lebedev. V.A. Sergeypv, P.I. Koloskov, E.N. Blagoveshcheunkly ind V.N. Kunin. .1 ASSOCIATION: Kamplekenaya yuZhriaya okspeditsiya AN SSSR (Composite Southern Expelition of' the AS.U6SR)- Moscow. Card 212 X 0) AVT11ORSg Alskain A. A., Herklin, fl. L. SOW/20-124-2-39/71 TITLEt Om the Presence of Middle giocenic Oyster Beds in the Remnants of the Soutb-Zast Ustyurt (Oprisutntvii srednemiotsenoy7kh umtr1chnikov v ostanteakh yugo-vostochnogo Ustyurta) PERIODICAL: Dokk1ady kkadenii nauk SSSR, 1959P Vol 124, Nr 2, Pp 380-382 (VSSR) A.BSTRACT: The first mentioned author found a stratum with Crassostrea in tbo Tusgur hill, about 100 km west of Tashauz (Turkmenian SSR). Tho authors present a general view of the Heogene sediments east of the Caspian Sea from Ustyurt to Kopetdag basing onpublications (Refs 1, 2-6, 8). They state that oyster beds have been found in seteral places of the area mentioned. Oyster beds withCrasoostrea ar(~ usually parallelized with the sedinonts of the Krymako- X&Arkazsk(Lya (Crimea-Caucasus)(Ref 6), as they are deposited below the Chokrakskiye strata. Quite recently, the opinion wasexpressed (Rof 1), that in the Middle-Miocene there might be an older horizon than Tarkhanakiy. Its deposits are said to be maritime deposits, especially Craaaostrea oyster beds. This Crassostrea horizon, however, is believed to be placed higher than the card 1/3 Kotsakhurskiy "Oncophora" horizon. H. F. Nosovskiy (Ref 6) also On the Presence of SOY/20-124-2-3?/71 Middle Mlooenle Oyster Beds In the Remnants of the South-East Ustyurt suf~gosted a Helvetian age of the Crassoetrea oyster beds. In the opinion of the second author the CrassoBtrea and Oncophora strata may be some synchronous adjacent sediment faciea of one and the same vaterl both were probably widely spread in the nortbern shore region of the Helvetian Paratethys. The authors d*norlbe sections of the oyster beds of Tuzgur with the fosails fo%ind there in three places and conclude that the strata there belong to the Konkskiye sediments. They are deposited transgressively. Here, the lower and the middle horizon are missing. The transgressive contact takes its course between the upper part of Ronk& (within the Veselyanskiye strata) and the Croatiostrea strata. Thi latter thus cannot be younger than the Tarkbanskly horizon. lit the South-East Ustyurt (near Aybugir) and a little north a st.nd parcel with shark teeth is deposited (Refs 3, 7) on P0,100g8he loaitts. Further up follows a stratum of Chokrak shell rock. Karaganskiye sediments are minsing; on the Choltrak Sartagansklye utrata of the Konkskiy horizon are deposited. rossibly tho shore lines of the Chokrakakiy, Kaxaganskly and Kartve.'.Iakiy waters passed west of Tuzgur and also most of Albugir the Chokrak-watere excepted. Sartaganskiye Card 2/3 strata of Tuagur were reassorted without any doubt, since On the FIxesence of SOT120-124-2-39171 .Middle Klocenic Oyster Beds In the Remnants of the South-East Usty-urt mollunks from waters of different salinit:j .:c:-- occurring together. It can be stated that in the first h-Af of the Mid.Ale-Mlocene the open sea extended to the lower course of the Amm-Darlya. The salt content may have been normal and the annual temperature high. A big stream provided nutritive detritus and terrigenous sand as well as calcium carbonate and caused a radu-,,tion of the salt contont in the ahore waters (Ref 9-10). nliero are 10 references, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION; PaLpcntologicheskiy Institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Paleontological Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PPESENTEDt Jul4tr 18, 19589 by A* L. Yanshin, Acadomicia. SUBMITTEDt Ju1Y 18, 1958 Card 3/3 AMISM, A.A. Iml.portanco of the burled geological structure I'm imProving tim naluvial plains of Central Asia as exemplified by the lower A= Darya Valley. Fochvoyedenle no.2:32-39 F 160. (MIW, 15:7) 1. Kmplakanaym yushnaya pologiebaskaya ekspeditsiya Ali SSSR. (Amu Darya Valley-DraInage) AXANS M. A. A. conditions in an seratlan tone and undergrourd vaters, in arid regiona- SOT* geolo 3 M-7:95-102 Jl 160. OURA 13:8) l. ImminoTalskly gorM7 institut. (Aral *wL rsdcion-Ytrdrol9g;r) AMMIN, A.A. Geologicul features of alluvial deposits in connectiun with the problom of the structural plan of the underlyin[ bedrock of the loweir P-tu Darya. Trudy VSECEI 42:249-255 '60. (MIRA 14:9) (Anu Darya Valley--Alluvium) IZMIMN, O.X.; nTZMA, N*I% ..- . ..... Sons romats of struatinal &M Room pholoalcal studies in the commotion vith prospects for finding oil and peo vor 5205-" 161* (KatA 14t6) TQ - (Talp Dalta-Pbysioal geograpby) ALUSIX, A.A. - -. - . . .... ..... Conflensation *W the movement of moisture in soils wmdw the congitiozo of dry olizatan. I2v.vy8.ucheb.zav.; geol.i xazw. /* no,-14:95-lQ4 1 161a (MMA Us6) 1. Ierdnaadakiy gortn izwtitut. (soils moisture) (Soils and cli-te) AWIM131, A.A., PW of the water fem in the southern Ural region and its strullgraphic distribution. Biul.HDIP.Otd.gool. 37 no.2sl46-149 Mn-A]p 162.. (Ural M*untLin region---Perns, Fossil) (KM& 150) FIIATOVP K.V.j 4~MSIN. A.A. ftsic xwthods of regional hydrogeological investigations in c~onnsction uith oil mid gas prospecting. Geol.nefti i gan 6 no.8t29-30 Ag 162. (MIRA 1599) 1. Naucbn*-4~sl*dovat*l'skV& laboratorlys. geologicheakikh tritAriyev otsenki perspektiv nortegazonoanosti. (Water, Underground) (Petroleum geology) ALEK-31N, A.A. flydrailsolOgy Of RbYBB&I zones In large tectonic trougba. Bul.MDIF, Otd.eool.38 no.21l%~157 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 160) (Casplas Sea ~egiom,--Water, Underground) ALMiJN, R.A. Oil and gas potentials in connection with the formation of undarground waters in the outlying zones of the North- Caspl&n Basin. Sov. geol. 6 no.9tI41-143 S 163. (MIRA 17jID) 1. Vs*ooyusryy, n&uchno-iseledavatel'skly institut prirodnago gual. A 11; fa; it, . A . " . ; :!.I,. '!ode?:'trlr thf. hrIl.rArwI.- proc!osseq *-;wl-47, illllc~~ -rl de:'tl~s of t1w 111ITLICp cri,~it. 7,oal:. un. -A-r. ,: C-cl. 11) no.2:3-7 JR-F 1, 4. (:,,.IrA 1F:2) i . .:Ii ;,.Ltjrjk j*j-, ntovedezi-I ya I ..'c-c", (,:-; -~ :.4nn',-cvskoj-.o I t o *.".. C-.(;. Ushg vlewtrl~n mJcmr:-u-pe Le 8*.UV' .,r zed from rocks prerr.11-f'. Gec,'A. I'l ~'-O 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. linfedra gruntu.4!dejjiya i '.', "It-r,~,"cro 'In I Ill.! r~;: ,,e '. a . ., . w: F.- -!, , 1'. . ~. ; - 1, 7 ? k HI OVIS K I Pi , 14 . M, . i i. I 1.11,cvis f'cr laborateiry expCirl"nents, I m".!, t ! P?l !. ,- .' b ,-,-,I -- " - goologiral yrcnossos in the P!krt),,.o V~,- . 'LlPro; geol. i rmzv. 7 r' I ~-'. . " 7i:,. ~ F - ~ .1 1 , . lf~~,-,.ovtkiy gomi(LimiLvennyy . AUSSIN, A.A,.; 31,Vrz-.MO, v.p. SpocIric gravity of formation waters as an indicator of hydrWynamLe conditions in Paleozoic sediments in the sout.h4sas torn part of the Faissian Platform. Trudy VNIIGAZ no. 25:95-102 165. (MPLA 18:12) 1.1-EKSIEN, In7h.; Yu.V., !nh. C I n-a It of* a der 1-v~ I p. Int, w, * i;- '1 4 !. ; ~cr.. :'rlbo-o.-itropnie no.5:25-10 MIM&UDV, Sorgey Vladimiroyleb (1913-); ALUMp AD&to3.iy Georgiyevich [Ws wt in the Arctiol My vatratilial v Zapoliar,e. Moskva Moladnia gm-diia, 1960. 53 ps (KmA 24181 (Siberia-Doecription and travel) BELTAMSM, N.A.; ALEMSIN, A.G. Fiftb seaftca of tba Working (kroup of Senior Geologi-sta and tha firth session or the Subcomittee on the Development of Mliveral Resources of the Eeonowia Co=iission for Asia and th* Par Iket of the United Nations. Sov. geol. 6 no.11: 151~461 N 163, (M". 17: 1) GR.IGCgkYAN. OzigariV Karkovich. doIrtor tekhnicheskikh neuk; a 1 AU F,,j13,wvIch. Luchener; ZAKS. Saveliy L'Yovich. ..d.d., ftectmffrh nan . Mikhail Ivanovich. inihoner; POLOZKOV, Vladimir Tikhono- vicho Undidet tokhatcheskikh nauk; GUKHANOV. VaeMy Faybovich. inshocar, SULTANOV, D.C. Inshener; STMICHU11. Nikolay Antonovich. Inzhonsr; CHMYAII. Wye Wwovich. Inzhener: KUSHILICT. V.P.. retsen- sentl ROMIN, I.S.. otvetetvanW rednktor; ZAMARAYEVA, X.M.. vedu- sheMy redaktor; KOVAIRVA. A.A.. vedusbchly redaktor; SAVINA, Z.A., veftshchl-y redaktor; TROIPIKOV, A.V., tekhnichoskiy rodalctor [Saf*ty engineering and fire prevention in the petroleum industry] Tekhnika besopasnosti i protivopozh&rnaie takhnika Y neftianoi prce*,shlermooti. Moskva, Ovs. nauchno--tekhn. Izd-vo neftianot i gorno- toplLynot llt-ry. 1956. 508 p. (KLRk 10:1) (Petroleum Industr7-Safety measures) (lire prevention) 15-57-10-14463 7rans,'I.&tIon rrom: Referativnyy zhurnal, Gaologiyfi, 1957, Nr 10, P 182 (TJSSR) PTTHOR: Aleksin. A. G. TITLE: Typen of Oil and Gas Accumulations in the Eastern Cis- caucasia (Typy skopleniy nefti I gbvi Vostochnago Prodkavkuztyal PERI ODICAL: Novostl neft. tekhniki-. Geologlya, 19-56, Nr 2, pp 26-31 A~STRPCT: The author associates the systematic distribution of oil and gas Occumulations In the eastern Ciscaucasia with the middle Caspian oil basin, the center of which Is In the central basin or the Caspian Sea. All the septirate oil und gus zones and the conjectured oil and gas zones of the eastern Ciscaucasia -, Eire shown in a f Igure. In addition to the enumerated zones, oil and g"s may be fcund on the northern border of the downwarp, associated with the regional wedging Lnd unconformable CF,rl 2/6 overlap of -Mocene, FaleoFene, and Mesozoic rocks. The Tvn,:.g o f 011 and Gas Acc umula ti ons (Con t. ) 15-57-10-14463 mrojority of deposits in the eastern Ciscaucasia are of the folded-ragion type. Exceptions are the Ozek-Sust, Achikulak, und Promyslovoye deposits, located on the northern border of the busIn. These deposits are of the platform-slope type on the fore-mountain downwarp. The Individual deposits in the enstern 11 Ciscaucasia are most commonly found confined to single formations between impermeable layers and are concentrated in anticlines or other traps (coamonly in fault-sealed traps). The chief nupply of oil comes from wells in anticlinal traps. Transitional varieties of traps are also encountered; these are ,.ectonlc and, in part, lithologic. The formation of deposits the transitional group is associated with faulting on the ono hand and 11thologic variutions within the productive bed on the other. Deposits In true strLtiEraphic traps of one kind or another "requite Infrequent. Card 2/6 15-57-10-14463 Csrd 3/6 of Oil and GrAs Accamulations (Cont !i of Oil and Gas Accumulations (Cont.)- wby XIZLYAR Ttvtx Ix KM lb-57-10-144 63 a rd 4 /6 Types of Oil and Gas Accumulations (Cont. lb-57-10-14463 b -f T d e IbLp showing the oil and gas zones of the eastern fare-C&ucasua a) axis cif the fore-mountain trough of the Caucasus structure; b) axis of the Manych. downwarp; c) the platform threshold of the fore-mountain trough; d) surface outcrops of Mesozoic rocks on the north slope of. the Caucasus; a) oil and gas zones: . I - -Promys lovo -Ramon tnenskay a, III --Prikumsko-Kagal "t1nsk 6y&:', IV--Achilculak-Blegodarnenskaye, V--platform threshold, VI-- Torek, Vll--Sunzhenskaya, VIII -- Cho rnogorskaya, Benoyakaya, X-Khadum, X1--Narat-Tyubinskaya homocline, XIV--western south Dqr,entnn, XV--eastern south Dagestan; f) conjectured oil and gas zones : 11--Kasplyskv -fdanychakaya, XII--Kukurtauskaya, XJJJ--Lt',1'damskaya; g) anticlinal uplifts: 1--Promysl ovokoye 2--Olenlchevo~ 3--Tsubukakoyap 4--Peachanoye, 3 und 5, Stepnoyakoye, 6--Kasplyskoye, 7--Achinerskoye, B--Russkiy khutor (Russian farm), P-Ozek-Sust, 10--Zimnyaya Stavka, 11--Velichayev5koye, Card 5/f, 15-57-10-14463 Types of 011 nrid Gas kcumulations (Cont.) l2--Acb,IkLIlS'K, 13--Pravokumskoye, 14--Preskoveyokoye, 15-Buden- novsk, 16--Mozdok structural ledge, 17--Chervlennaya, IS-- Da tykho kbye Card 6/16 N. A. Yeremenko od I'VIIVJ '791 U104-tioll OEM jo AI=Sax, A A, ____ -1 .....0000MOMIN Ds-finition of terms used for accumulations of petroleum and gas. Sov. geol. no.5VV48-57 057. (KIRA 1098) (Petroleum geology-Terminology) ALRIMIN, A.a,.t rJATUWV. A.I. .-BANIc results of drillIng key wells in the Torek-ruma plain. TrMAY VNIGII vo.UU232-253 157. (NnU 1116) (hrek Ullsr-Doriag) (rum Valley,-Zoring) 11(2,4) 30V/9- 59-4-4/11 AUTHORt Alt1:91n, A,G~ TITLEs A Princi t~ftl Set-Up ,f Expl ,re,tt-.,n rtnd i roupectir.g M"thods for Oil and Gas (0 printaipial 'ncy ~~A~~ere netcdiki poisKov i raz- vi~dlti skopleniy nefti i gazal~ PERIODICAL-3 Goo I ogiya no fti i gR.~u, N:- 1`4- 31 ( USSR) Autj,*D.~,V, ln analysis of geological prospecting carried out in different -i6ns of the Soviet Union pointato the lack of a clearly -enz. lahed method. The author sugCests n method based on the cantlim- , investigntion of go!; and oil accumulations, which -ire catneox- -d as followst tiil-and Fas-bearing basins; zones o~ oil and ga, accumulations; fields; beds. The exploration of now areas for the piirpose cf oFenzng vJl and gas deposits Is divided into four cperaticr. staFes, i,e. 1) Determining oil and rms basin poss'bilitie3; ?/I.investigaticn of basic structural elements; 3) preparation for.leep Jrillin.Z and evaluation of gme and oil bearing properties; 4) inv~_stigation of the bed and preparation for exploitation Coordination of scientific re- s4jarch and practical work is necesaary. Scientific conclusions Card 1/2 m*de an the basis of material obtained by preceding &xploration 30V /!~, - 7; ? -, -41l l A Principal Set-Z!: of ExFloraticn and Przjs;,e2t4-n,-, Vethcis 'cr 04.1. and (',as are to be used for planninf_- of the 3ubsejuent stage of o;er- ations. Scientific data are tc be rec,-.-,ed ~r. geological docu- mento In the form of maps. "Ahera ire 4 Soviet refe.-encou nnI 'I table. ASSOCIATION: GHTK SSSR Card 2/2 A1=5131, A.0r, Incroaming the efficiency of oil and gas prospecting. Neft. khnz. 17 no.1:8-14 Mr 159. (KIRA '12:5) (Petrolauta geology) (Ons. Natuml-Geology) yXROValipy. X.8.; KOZWT. A6L.; SAVCHatMo. V.p.; ymly, N.D.; J=SIN, A 'Q.: Kasimov, s.P.-, DAIMOT. T.N.; MOVE=, A.A.; KOZHUTHOT, 1F.A.; AMMIANOIT, V.I.; 10080T, I.A.: TONIEffIff. P.N.; XALANTAROT, A.P.. vodushohiy red.; TRCWD(Ol, I.Y., [VIfioient wthod of prospecting for gas fields; studies of the temporary commission of the State Scientific an.! Technical Conagittee of the U.S.S.R.] Ratelonal1nals mrtodlio~ -,izvedki gazovyk1i sestorosbdenlij waterisly vromennot koni~,E;'.i GM SM. Moskva. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.isd-vo neft. I gorno-t,~plivnoi lit-ry. 1960. 125 P. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Q~osudarstvsnnyy nauchno-tekhaichaskly ILomi to t. (Gag. Natural) (Prospecting) ALMIN, A. Ccmcorning tho book 'Gas resources of tbe U.S.S.R." by IU.I. Elomormn and others. Roviewod by A. Alekain. Naft. khos. 38 no.4:69-70 Ap 160. (MIRA 14:8) (Gaav Natural) (Baksarmas, IU.I.) (Borisov, A.A.) (Drod, T.O.) (V&41110v, V.G.) ANDUANOV, ftkobq lysnovichl BUBNOV, Taygeniy Sergeyovichl GNMSHEV, Mikbttil Andr"vicbj 10ANNESTAN, Rollen Arsen0yevicb; IXrVINOV, Hikola.y NikolaTwvich; X91ERSON, Tevgeniy Grigorlyevicb; MINDLIN, Yakxyv Borisovioh; ROMANTSEV, Takay Antonovich, AIWIN-, A.G., red.; KM11KOVA,p S.M*, veduWwhiy red.; POLOSINA, A.S.j tekhn-.-rid~;-- [DIN nd drilling] Almznoe burenis. Monkv!., Gos. nauchno-tekhn. isd-2 neft. i gorno-toplivnol lit-ry, 1961. 170 p. (MIRA 14:9) (Boring) Oiamonds$ Industrial) AIZIUMN, L.,G,, kamd. nauk (U.S.S.R.) The patroleum and gas industry of florth Caucasia in a new deralopment stage. Nafta 18 no.4:107-109 lp 162. BROD, 1.0.; ALEXSI~~; HELOV, K.A.; WHIN, P.N.-, NES)EYANOV, D.V.; P01,091'ra., L.A.; TSATUROV, A.I. Middle Caspian oil- and gag-bearing basin, appearance of regularities in tho spread of oil and gas accumulations in central and eastern CiscKuc&vin and in tho Kara-Bogen region. Zakonom. r&=. polesn. iskop. 5.,483-535 162. WERA 15 t12 1. Konjilekanaya nertegazovAya geologicheskaya, ekspeditaiya, AN SSSR, Ymakovskly gonudarstvonr#yy iwiversitet, Komitet pe koordinataii.nauchno- Isaledavatel'skikh rabot Pri 3ovete Knistrov SSR i Stavropol'skiy i Checheno-Ingushakiy sovety nardonogo khozyzystva. (Caspian Sea regicn-Petroleum geology) (Caspian Sea region-Gu, Natural-Geology) 1. MIMSIN, F. Yo. 2. MSR (6'Xj) 4. Uats and Reet 3ugar 7. Overall mvehaniuLion of operations involved in sugarboet cultivation by use of a three~row beet c=bine. Dost. sellkhoz w. 5, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress. january 953. Unclassified. "API hoM&.r Yefimaylphi. REPCHUSM, kleksandr Alsksandrovicb; XIVIIJILP'Y'LMA, A., takha. red. 114aebanized barvesting of sugar beets for food] Meklmniza- tvila uborki makbarmol mkly na komovye tseli. Moskva, Mak. rabochlij 1961. 61 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Sugar b"ta Harvesting) IMSIMM, ri, A., AIITSTP. P. To. 7 .Iwther- 1:~.prnvenenfl. nf the three-z-ow beet combinp. S""V-3. bQot. sell?.hcz. 110. % $.~': 'l -ALULUX.-AtAo GORWV, $.I.; DOYAKOOOV, A.I. Datemaining the time of the formation of gas poole. Geol. riefti i gaza 7 no.3TO-48 Mr 163. (MMA 16:4) 1. V*9sqyuzrqy rauchub-iseledovatel'skiy geologorasvedoohnyy "ffqanoy Instit4t, Moskva, i Krasnodarskiy filial Vaesayuznogo nefUgazovago nauebno-inaledovatel'skoFto Inatituta. (Maikop region-4as, Ilatural-Geology) GORLUIP S.I.; IJIYAKONDVp A.I.; WYCSDI, G.A. Now oil and gas bear:tng regIon in the euzt4-.rn Kuban. Nifteguz. geol. i pofiz. no.6:35-39 164. (KIRA 17:8) 1. lirmanodarskiy filial Vsesoy-wnogo neftegazovego nai~chno- isu3pbciov&teIIskoq,-o insLituta i Vsesovuz,-qy nauc~-nL~-1:7sltdovatell- zkly geolofforazv*dochn" nefViinccy instit-,,it, Muslkva. SECUZIC, Bznnjco; XLTIC, Narijaj AIEKSIN, Jedica; POPADIC, Slavko stapbrI00000*1 pnetwonlas in children. Srpok:i arb. colok. lak. 90 no.3t275-2a2 Mr 162. 1. Dettj* odeljenje Opate bobdoe "Dm*de Joanovio" u Zronjaninu ffacolaik% dr. Bmri'ko .96*ujac. (MMMORIA in inf & child) (STALPHn=OCCkL INFWTICHS In inf & child) Almmoo, LOMA --.1 ... .... - cou3mmm and poroxidese activit7,af Mlccbactoria. Mikrobiologiia 34 ao.U62-64 J&-F 165. (MntA l8t7) 1. ll*ningradskly maditainakiy institut im. I.P. Pavlova. 56-4-33/54 AL"ZHORS3 Aloksin, V.Y., Volkov, D.T., . ......... . ... I-.-.--- T12ISs Radiation Correction to the Scattering of Particles in the External Magnetic Field and to the Compton Effect in the Scalar quantum Electrodynamics (Radintsionn3yepopravki k ras- saytinlyu chnatitsy vo vne3hnem pole i k Kompton - effektu v rnoy antoyo.) elektrodinamike) TlVifear to tre Editor PEPIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperin, i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 33, Nr 4, F-13. 1044 - 1045 (USSR) AbSTRACTs The expression for the one-photon muss operator of a scalar ,:article is used to calculate as well the radiation correction tt~ the scatterinC, of scalar particles in theeKternal magnetic I'leld as to Calculate the Compton affect. 1.) The differential at.,attering cross section in Born's approximation has the forms dtr/dQ - (dOr/dQ) 0 + (dO'/dQ )A N + (d~r/dg )A', wliere dC:TldQ ) is the differentiiI scattering cross section without the tak?nG into acar)unt of the radiation correction. Card 1/,- 6 )40 A' are the radiation corrections which belong to the 56-4-33/54 Raeir,tior Correction to the ScattGring of Particles in the External Magnetic Mild rind tot ne Compton Effect in the Scalar Quantum Electro- dj,11,mm 10 s =1~4:; operator and the polarization of the vacuum respectively. Tho corre3ponding expressions for these two corrections are i~urive!. 2.) For the Compton effect d6'/d Q has the formi dOr/dO - (Ol-,,'.)2 (1~201*10)2 U. where ,1,/,q - is the solid rin gle element in the direction of photon c o cattering and 1.10/ 4 20 - the energy of the inciding and th~u scattered photons. For U the corresponding equations are derived. There is 1 Slavic reference. ASOCCIATIO'Ni Ph4-3ico-Technioal Institute All Ukrainian SBR (Fiziko-telchnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Mcrainskoy SSR) SUBMITZEDs May 19, 1957 AVAILA3LEs Librar;r of Congress Card 2/;! ALEKS111, T.F. (Yt..fjn-ri;I.r field of a linear curront inside an ideally COIXIIxting, cylinder with a longitudiral slit] 111~sgnitnoe polit .1i.rmiw)go toka vnutri lawallno T..-cvodIasbcheFo LvIL:U7Arik v pi-odollp.Tz m7xvzwn. Hharlkov, "iziko.- t..Ihn. In-t All USSR, 1960. 3VI-Y'40 P. (MlkA 17:2) ALF.K.SP;, V.F.; YASHIL, V.1. [Stlady of plasma stability with the aid of the generalized ener&v principle] Ob insledovanii ustoichivo.-ti plazw,.w a ;,otuvrth4h'3u obobahchannogo enerp-:Aichaskogo printsipa. Khn:r')-.*v, Flziko-tekhm. In-t AN U55, 19W. 343-352 p. WIRA 17:2) A!~~Ili. ". V. F.- IStability of a *Iazlri4tod" plasma filtimont) Ob ustoichi- vosti "rasoloennogo" plazmennogo uhnura. Khartkov, Fiziko- tekhn. An-t AN USSR, 1960. 353-368 p. (MIRA 17:3) 83775 S/056/60/039/003/035/045 1'P063 B006 . AUTH0113: Yashin, V. 1. -ITLE: A Sludy of the Stability of a Plasma With the Aid of a Generali zed Energy Principle PERIODNAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki, 1960, vol. 39, No. 3(9), pp. 822-8 26 TEXT: If collisions are infrequent, the generalized energy principle Oberman (Ref. 1) can be applied to proponed by X. D. Kruskal and S. B. otudy the stsibili%y of a plasma; this is vhy the magnetohydrodynamic ap- proximation is not ~,alid any longer in this case. According to this energy princIple, thit only necessary and sufficient condition for the plasma ctability to be conserved is that 6W >_ 0 for energy variations occurring in tho plasma as a result of possible disturbances. So far, the applica- tion of the generalized energy principle has been restricted to the de- monstralion of the comparison theorems regardless of a charge neutrality of th4! plasmal ti~.cording to those theorems, a variation in energy due to ,listurbancea is bounded at the lower limit by an energ,, variation in Card 1/3 83775 A Stuly of tloi- Stability of a Plasma With S/0561'60/039/0-)5/035/045 the Aid of n 1',fineralized Energy Principle B006 B063 marnetohydrod,Tnamic approximation, and at the upper limit by the approxi- rn~ition of Chem, Goldberger, and Lum. In the present paper, the authors employ this p3-inciple and, in addition, consider charge neutrality to formulate nen comparison theorems for a plasma in a magnetic field, which does not chctnf-,e along, the lines of force. The stability conditions are found for a plasma with an arbitrary anisotropic velocity distribution of the particles anJ situated in a cylindrically symmetric magnetic field. The slrbilit;y of a plasma in a longitudinal, cylindrical-symmetric mag- netic field ("r'O' H'P -0, 9-E,(r)) is first investigated, and, from the minim~zullon, 8W, the sufficient conditions for the plasma stability are obtainea:1-14-t'. P.L - P'J:)~O; 7 - R24x + 2p + 2q 'AL 0. Then, the authors otudy the stability of a plasma in an azimukhal magnetic field (H 'Hz.O H-h r)). Tho relation H2/4n + p + 2p, + rd (P + PU r 2 L dr , tained for the necessary and sufficient condition + 2.;~ for the plavnik titnbility with m-0 (m - particle mass). For m~O, besides -ard 2/3 83775 A Study of the Stability of a Plasma With S/056/6o/c39/003/035/045 the Aid of a generalized Energy Principle B306/B063 the conditiono I >, 0 and -t -> 0, aloo the condition (M2 -2)j. -rd, . -(m21 +k2 r2W 2 lb m 2(k 2r2_m 2)1 +k2(m 2,k 2r2 )r 2T] +02+2 r2 6 2d 71dr 2 2 2 J/dr -(k r -+m d(6/d r >, 0 is given; (6 1). The conditions for an 11. isotropic plikoma. for both m - 0 and m 0, are taken from a paper by B. B. ljadomtsiev. The authors thank A. A yozer, K. N. Step..,, and d dj~.Z;:h A. B. Kitsen~o for their advice an A. A. Vedenov and R. Z.- ---gdeVI-v are mentioned. There are 4 Soviet references. ASSO'IATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut Akaderaii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Inatitute of Physics and Technology of the Academy of 5ciences Ukrainakaya SUR) SUBUITTED: April 23, 1960 Cikrd ~113 1. It -C 7 1-- 28770 8/057/61/031/010/003/015 B111/B112 AUTAyRS i P:61homov. V. 1. i,nd Stepanov, K. N. TITLk;t HiizliiLti~,n cf an electron moving on helical orbits in a mnj!-n0.icii'Ay activo plaoma. I. rARIUDICALs Zhijrn~il teklinichuskoy fiziki, v. 31, no. 10, 1961, 1170- 11614 TzUTt The determanaticn o~ the radiation intensity of an electron moving. in z magnetic io significant for thermonuclear reactions, raiiop'-,z:- ical and witroplValcal problems. Several authors have worked in this fieldi A. G. 6:1t[Alh(), A. A. Kolomenskiy (Ref. 1: ZhETF, 30, -)11, 1956'), A. A. Kolomenskly (ief. 'it DAN 366R, 106, 982, 1956), v. Ya; I~ydman 195,3), Y. L. Ginzburg, V. V. Zheleznyakov Olef- 59 ZhZIVY, (Hef. 71 Izv. vuzov, h,li-ofizikat 10 no. 2s 599 1959), and B. A. Trutn.'U~ov, A. to. flazhanow. (Itef. d: 3b. "Fi7zika plazpy i problema upravIyajem.)kIn tormoyade:-n.ikh xeakt.31y" - " Plasma physics and the problem of control-'---d~ the=onucl"r rqiactions", izd. AN SSSR, v. 3, p. 121, 195a). This Ju,ils ivith the Ieti?r::An!ition of the energy lose of a non-relativis,ic A.-~ctron moving on ii htillic~tl orbit in plasma. The mean thermal velocity 28770 3/057/61/051/01,VU Radiatiov of' an alectron moving on ... B1 1 I/B1 12 0' the electron A-,i much smaller than the velocity of light. The ~riera- nbnorpti.)n iue tc tht-rt-il motion is taken into account. ProcecU:ig fr:n:. tbe Mlaxrell e,uNlioas ;~nd after carr,-ing out a Fourier trans f or-mation Ird Q for in aninotropic plrisni space L~n,l time, '.I,,L iLu-.hors derive general formulas for 9 and V in coordinate*t which are used to ctAlculate the intensity of the ;-.iK-net-4c bre:~sstr&hbang t:~f the ole~~.Irjn. The fillowing relation ho-...i 'or t1ne fre.uemU. of' the a-ti, h,irmonic ci L) so~ + k&v, , where 6 1 kit ails 'Ire the projection s of I and I onto the rcct,*!:~n H TF of tha k.-xt,.:rnril Field. The summand k,v, takes the Doppler ihift ;f t.-:- frequency into necount. The radiation Intensity in the solid angle 1" 1- i given by 1 2 &O(X1vY1t) dc. 1; H E 11%, R d0, whe re 1-' '269 ,CS , Or xs Y's V and H tir-a fliq~ FwarLei components of E)L, E Ir HIN ind H., res~ject--'vc.-. The magnatic br wsotr thlung of non-relativistic particlt~s in the f -n 1 - Since the refractive ind:x ..entil frequency, in dilutu plasma is stuiied. Carl 2/~, 2-R,'70 zi,'057idl/031/010/003/015 Radiation of no electron moving cr, ... Bill/B112 in this case I* close to unityt, the genoral formulas become simpler. The solution of the dispersion equation sho;-j thi.t the attenuation factor of the arlinery wave is conaidart"bly lowar than that of the extraordinary ame. Formulas for W..9 1; r, H)V and H.#, %thich kleacriba outgoing and inooming waves, tire givon. 'The follow1ft raalitt,on to 4arived for the radiation intensity of tits extraordinary i-iave in the first harmonica IN2 + Cos2-X a- 2212R, whPre + Goo -X 2_ IF I . exp T/a. The radiation In 2 V z 41 2 tag fl o.L ooa )L 2v 2 T hifher harmonica for dilute jilasmas is calculated as well. The condition a (Snj 4t 1 (a - nathber of harmonicat ai~ - refractive index for tho ordinary wave (j - 1) and for the extraordinary wave (j - 2)) must be satisfied here. ?or tho rsdiation intensity of the a-th harmonio in the unit solid mile, ozo obtaintai Card 28770 8/057/61/031/010/'003/015 RadiatIon of an slootron moving on ... Bill/B111 Wt (Z) (6) 'rIO, (4.7) 00l' I ley oo #)"COI'jLOV 10) 910 1)$ 40811 -L2L I., ..r - 4604 a,', 0 1)] (_Xj $in I d 0.1 (0) no -4- Ifi~ COS 1-1-4, Bin 0 11) x (4.8) X(nj' NV an I too I NJ (.2, - 1) Uy Although for a low density a j (u1, the angular distribution of the radia- tion intensity of a single electron in the first harmonics diffors con- siderably from that into the vacuum. The emissivity and absorptivity of a plasma for frapenoiss near sca H are given by Card 416:' 2IS770 j/057/61051/010/003/015 Radiatior, of ~m elaotron ticivIrig art ... W 111012 .-#&)? (4.16) (crission). .01tj cat I '23%, (absorptionj ~-Iioro ;Lj . klj(k.LJ)coa ~. awl X,, are the correspaindinf,,Yourier components. A. 1. Althiyrzor is tbankod for Idvice. i. ~% Ity t"" .' f. 131 Teorlya elektriab.'ahikh fluktuatsiy i teplovogo i%luchoniya - '~I-Aoory of electric fluctuatlnn~, and therm:-l radiation, 17(1. AN U., 1955) is mentic,nod. Thor* are I figure and 13 referencest 12 Soviet und I wn-Soviot. The reference to the Engliah-languag, publication read.n na followst Ref. 41 R. %4. Twies, J. A. Robertz, Aust. J. 11hys., -.1, no- 3, 424, 1958. AQjOCIATIONs Pitiko-tekhnicheakiy institut AN USSR9 KI.:.rlicov ( Phyvico- tochnictil 1natitute, it.3 UkrZ611, Kharlko-j,) SULAVITT A)s Jnmuary 31, 1961 Card 5/.~ j - 008 7 S / 65 7 / 60 3 1 /0 , 11 /0 0 2 /0 19 'Y 8 1 ii i C) 1i I C a ;&Ii-]::-in, V. F. - ---------- t I I C . L _7 t:'hurrvil tokhnichositoy fiziki, V. 51, no I I , 106 1 , 1 ~284 - 128,9 vne 11iot-s vart oquation -vas uaeJ in derivine f,)rm-alrLs for the of ik. Iwlical mnj;netic field and for the ~,ura:.-.eters Of its s%ir!-acen. At first, the magnetic field of a current-carrying r (x - 11-c o pi ra. I w; a, s in 1~ , E - a V If- is represented in r,rvi ,30087 L;,'()57/ 61/051/ Ol 11GJ21019 of tno ::rivniltic fleld of B104, B108 21 sin I U -+- r?) cas I - 2rl m 1 -4- r1 - 2v cut 0 2 1~0-2rcosl 2 2 21 r-cast 0 -+- l) cut 9 2,2 q Ca 1~0-2rcasel 2 -4) 2 2 1 rl 2r cos 0 - 0 (.. 1. If, I, iL a i-I r c.. I 1 1 _4. * 1.1.21 2rcosO - Od 4 r. 4ft.102 1 r cut rt Zr cut 0) X I -rcoso r Cox 0 2 X VI --t-r- 2;c0s )]-+- 0 W In t)1 I 'tl*(? Aninel In Fifs. 1 and 4. 7hen, forziulas are derived f, ..r the ma, neti,-- fielt' of a svatem uf ?n spirals with alternating current i roe t im: Card 2, A, 30CAF.7 S/O--,7/61/C31/O1 1/002/019 B104 'BIOS 4f (I - r?') Pin nt CO nr"-l (I -o- 2-)l - 4-- ze (I Cos "I ell (I rt-)2 - 401 toz 2 3) ""r.-I - r") Cos no W- the. magnetic th(I ,I' tj~,~t3e formulaa it in posible Lo deter:..ine ol.' oon-hiv.1-jr..~ with arbitrary cross sectiozi,,~- A. 1. ";Orozov and (D231, ~31'17JRJ 1:?Q, 506, lq5,?) obtiixio~ an t2juaton for the 2 1 [if' the :11:u 'Ileti~-tjurraces in planc.9 L con-'tt r d 4. It r ~ c3n,;t whero :1 ~r- tht! vtror.;th of the longitudinal maCnetic field. The muLnetic G (If* the helical rield are (liocusned with the ai-I n" (2-3) uni Thero :xe ; figures and 4 rel'erencers 2 Soviet and 2 non- .';')v it . A5,; 7 lo N i VIriko-tekhnIchetikiy institut Ali U.33R (physica- ,,~v?.nltntl Institute AS UkrS51i, Khar'kov) Cir.1 !/(.,, X C'I I c It I it %4 ;,[1 or f-1:1(ple tic fie I cl of . . . S-t,ptv:*-:~r 10, 1960 V a P.m. 1. 3QG,F7 S/ 0 5 7,'C I,/D 3 1 /0 1 1 /002/01 B 10,1/'B 1,18 Fig. 2 Pac. 2. ALSXSnV, TASHIN, V.I. StabUlty of plasma column vith anisotropic particle velocity distribution and arbitrary current distributi,>n. Zhur. eksp. I twor. riz. 40 no.4MI5-1118 AP 161. (MIJU 14:7) 1. Fitlko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrainskV SSR. (Plasm (Ionited ga3eB)) lT -5 CIA s/l4i/62/005/00l/co6/o24 E032/E314 AUT:13.As: V-F. and Stepanov, N.N. IT L 1, Oil L!io tlicory of alectroma.,notic fluctuations in p.1 a 5 w"I PERIGI)ICAL: Izvostiya vygshi,-.Ii uchelinykh zavedeniy, Rai:!iofj.zi%a, v. 5, no. 1, lqG-2, 61 - 69 T 1:X-T Fluctuations in the clectrona,;nezic field, current den,iity and iipacc-charge density can be detertiined when the correlation l'unction for the density of "extraneous" currents is hnown. V4irious calculations have shown that the correlation ion for r-he Fouvier components of the "extraneous" current density is of.' the form. CT CT(IC, , u,) (1;, M Tell w rin 5 C a r d 3. A-5 s/i4i/61/005/ool./006/024 0.-& the theory of E032/E311~ where T 1.11c- plasma tchmperature i ' (k, u) - c. (1c, w)t is the anti-hermitian 21n - - I mn ~c. n part of the dielectric-constant tensor for the plasma C1111.11(ii, (j) and Y(k, W) ei(wt-hr) y(r, Odr dt In t~ie presciit paper the authors make use of Eq. (1) to investigate fluctuations in the eloctro;-.Iaz;natic field in an illrillite A discussion is also given of the motion of t'ie charged particles in plasma under the action of fluct-u.t4tin,; electric fields. Fori;iulae are derived for the corra!,~4tion functions for the electric and ma:;netic fields in plmsrna located in a magnetic field. The asymptotic Card 2/3 S/141/62/005/001/006/024 On the tlicory of .... E032/E3111 bv~iaviour of 1;~ie correlation functions at large and snall Elistance.-s is investi_gated in the isotropic case. The paper is entirely theoretical and no numerical computations are report t~d. Ackno%,lcdf;.mcnts to A.I. Alchiyezer, V.I. Kogan and V.P. 511in for discussions and advice. There is I figure. SU3-XI-A1,E): April 29, 1961 Card 5/3 7 5 5 c:;p 11.12) AV TH A~s U~v) e,:,!, r AI 1. Ao-ksin V. F li'll. V, G, F S., V 1. i- n v- c f ra d in. t : v e e.1 f r" :,x f TlE; ti v -_ t v :) f ii:ll: ~,); CAJ,.'li! n.),y t roz -9c,;). 55c- 5 6 ~, T T. 11 %1)-: it to ulica; tLat ,:1, 5 1 r 4.11,1 'ki"'o-, v f r-.,t K'. o VIC.~,t_ by !-'_~_-ctroms mmy have q ~orrid-rab2n ,fi'f. .,,I 'n- n" 'Aw of the eiectr--r- E ],I; t-c M.u~ '.!%o trausverse elvctr.~n h.-d a-, r-~r I Al 1 %0". ;-ea Ar"I of tnp r w., '49 of %hL. ~--N 7h-~ ral:,at~_vu relayatioll t, e tli~ C. - d f m a If V~ t, 3 it -ri if th:o;.or. t-me D B1 C5, L, C. th". It I,: u r Jp.'~."'Ula Dg Var - "b" -Tn, n- n - ~~:. . -. :1 bcl. ('~.- I I z 7 a L ,V 1. ord c f u nt H T r. ind T c r - ni~ pris t.v . T Tn- n F, tC. n "I.- .3 :-1 c -rib a s f- !.r --,f n an:v i,, "e the P!~~-" a; a I r, trbr j t I A., Ler.)rtvih V lz -_a7- 7:.xr~.C I i1_av r r;r: ~i/056/,r)p/ /'M?1/0~7/055 B I r,81B Infl-je-i[ie )f radiative piqc~c;- problems of controlled thermonucluir Izl~ AN SSSF, T S. Kuirywt3ev. (ilem, L E G,, -c-,v i ch ~jT 160), T'here nre 7 iov,.et rofcrer--t~~,. A!;SC'71 !,Tl(:Ni ngtitut Akademna- n-i-,.k T'kr:t,-'nsk.)-l 33,11 Instit-ate of the A--aicmi ot Se-erjct,3 of the Wimsinskaya SSR) OUBMITTIEDc Ai.Fiist 7'. 1961 C!,~rl ,I.CCL-55~0N N-~~i: RT ; 0 11 G 04 3 S/27al/6-1/000/003/0064/0081 V. r., Stepanov. K. N. TITLE. Snat,.zil correlation of fluctuation electromagnetic fialds F, C, E plaz-myl prob", em"I'm uPrz,%-!yayC,-..OCjO 1,~62. _--:'_z1ka n!zLzmv* i nrob- sinz~oz" (?4asma phvsics ana syntherds); dokla6,,* konfk~ren- tsii, 3'. !,,,63, 64-81, T. ~' 2 1. CC G S a r C, s a a r c I c,~ -' v e a s -,-, a e 1 e c t r on sp~t:iL*_ Correlation are ObZainc:d `Dr electro- _41o"Id-s; -4.1 z1nisozrOp_,C c1:,.,r3t_-.3,:)_-C media plas- :-..a) :..m the cases when the effects _~u. to the spatial o: C--rd -/2 .i1.CCESS::CiN MZ: ~-,T4036043 ill!,:! small. It is shown in t'-,o transparency region, ic'n ;:Z.d-~us coincides wil,'h t'-e attenuation longth of the .c wave. General ex- a::-a Cerived for the correlation funcz:ions, after corr-,',--tion functions are o~zainc~ 7or larcra- d4st-,-Ices. tuncz-,ons for frequency (ulect-on) oscillations -L!~ are the s-oatial correlation functions in the :;-egion. "in conclusion, the authors exprcss deep t;o A. I. K-chiyazer ancl V. 1. Pa1k-omov for a useful discus- s-cn in hel-:) w t*h the work." Orig as 6 g res art. h fi u and 35 ;"SS ON None a: 03 DATE ACQ: 212-:ay64 EN-CL: 00 SUB ME NR REF SOV. 007 OTHER: 000 Card 21/2 ACCESSION NRs AT4036062 8/2781/63/000/003/0216/0224 AUTHOR: Aleksin, V. P. TXTLE: Magnetic field of helical currents flowing over the surface of a torus I SOURCE. Konforentsiya po fizike plazmy* i problemam upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo zinteza. 3d, Xharkov, 1962. Pizika plazmy* i prcb- le.-.y* upravlyaya-.nogo termoyadernogo sinteza (Plasma pkvsics and ppoblems of oontrolled thermonuclear synthesis); doklady* konfer- entsii, no. 3.') Kiev,'Xzd-vo AN Vkr8SR, 1963, 216-224 TOPIC TAGSz 'helical magnetic field, magnetic trap, magnetic field intensity, magnetic mirror, plasma confinement ABSTRACTt The paper presents the results of the calculation of the =agnetic fields of helical currents flowing in an infinitesimally thin conductor comprising a closed helical line on the surface of a Cwd V4 ACCESSX010 NR3 AT4036062 IWV- clrcul~r torus. These calculations become much simpler if use is made of the fact that in real installations the pitch of the helix of the winding and the radius a of the center line of the torus are large comparod with the radius of the transverse cross section of the torus _q. The magnetic field is best obtained in this case in the form of a series in po-oars of the small parameter a/R. The cal- culations are simplified for the case of a small degree of toroidal- ity and a largo winding pitch. General expressions are obtained in the case of an n-cusp winding with alternating direction of the cur- rent, with consideration of the special cases of double-cusp entry a:-.d triple-cusp windings. In the latter case the force lines com- prise two magnotic axes, and the corresponding equations can be in- ventigated by the phase-plans method. The geometry of the magnetic force lines and the magnetic surfaces is discussed. Orig. art. hass 2 figures and 14 formulas. ASSOCIATIONs None Cam 2/4 ACCESSION Mt 1AT4036062 stmxlTT.CDS 00 SUB CODES am, ms DATE ACOt 22My64 ZNCLs 01 UR RZF SOVs 004 OTECERs 000 o .Card 3/4 ACCUSION XU AT4036062 Helical current on surface of torus IINCLOSURZ 1 01 0 .. Card ILI& . . . 4 k ACCESSION NR: AT4036063 S/2781/63/000/003/0224/0227 AUTHOR: Aleksin, V. F. TITLE: Bellavior of force lines in a helical magnetic field souRcZ: Zonforentsiya po fizike plazmy* i problemam upravlyayemogo termoyadornogo sintoza. 3d, Khaekov, 1962. Fizika plazmY* i prcb- lemy* upravlyayemogo tormoyadernogo sinteza (Plasma physics and problems of controlled thermonuclear synthesis); doklady* konferen- tsii, no. 3. Kiev, lzd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1963, 224-227 . 71021C TAGS: magnetic field, belical magnetic field, magnetic trap, magnetic mirror, plasma confinement, magnetic field intensity ABSTRAM An exact solution is obtained for the differential equa- tion fox the force lines in a helical magnetic field in the vicinity of the separatxix, where perturbation theory or the method of averag- ing are not effective. The case of a three-cusp field with cylin- Cord 1/2 ACCESSION NR; AT4036063 drical symmetxy in considered. The equations show that the radial coordinate of the force lines varies with the longitudinal coordi- nate periodically, with a period that is expressed in terms of el- liptic functions. The angular variation in also expressed in terms of the same elliptic functions. The results of the calculation con- firm an oarlier approximate formula, except near the separatrix, where the error of the first approximation becomes appreciable (ZhTF 3, 31, 1284, 1961). Orig. art. hass 6 formulas and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTWi 00 SUB OODMA EK, HE DATE ACQ: 21Kay64 MR P" SOVs 004 ENCL: 00 OTHERa 001 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NRv AT4036075 8/2781/63/000/003/032/0336 AUTHORS i . _j. V. r~j_Mdxhnyak, W. A. TITLEt Diffusion of fully ionized plasma transverse to the magnetic field SOURCE: Xonfexentsiya po fitike plazxy* i problemam upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo mintema. 3d,. 10tarkov, 1962. Fizika plazmy* i prob- lemy* upravlyaymoogo termoyadernogo sinteza (Plasma physics and problems of controlled thermonuclear synthesis); doklady* konfdren- taii, no. 3. Kiev, Izd-vo AN VkrSSR. 1963, 332-336 TOPIC TAGSi plasma diffusion. ionized plasma, diffusion coefficient, plasma magnetic field interaction, maignetic pinch, plasmoid, magneto- hydrodynamics, self similarity model ABSTRACT: It iti shown that in a fully ionized gas the coefficient os thermal conductkvity in (M/la) 1/2 time, lar,ger than the diffusion co- C-4 1/3 ACCESSION Mi AT4036075 efficient (M ion mass) m -- electron mass), so that the gradient of tempetaturm becomes equalized much more rapidly than the densiLy gradient and the former need be taken into account only on the plas- ina boundary. The diffusion of a plasma pinch detached from the walls in a longitudinal magnetic field, or the diffusion of a plasmoid in a reference frame connected with the plasmoid, are considered neglect- ing longitudinal spreading. it is assumed that the plasma is stable against varioum types of disturbances. It is shown that the self- similar solution describes well the qualitative pattern of diffusion of the plasma pinch transversely to the magnetic field for arbitrary initial smooth particle-density distribution. Self-sivillar solutions can also be obtained for the temperature distribution. Magnetohy- drodynamic instabilities can cause plasma to leave the pinch at a rate close to the thermal Velocity.of the ions. On the other handi instabilLty can produce tutbulences in the plasma and also conse- quently i3fte"aas the digftvLen. Oft oonalusLon we are gratetul, to X. D. Sinel'ni)wv and A. 1. AkhLyeser for continuous interest in the C-d Z/3 ACCESSION XRn AT4Oj6O7S work and for a discussion of the results.* Orig. art. bas: 17 formulas. ASSOCXA=C&rs Mme SUBMITTEDs 00 DME AMt 2lX&y64 ENCLS 00 SUB CODEv HE SM REP SOV* 003 OTHER& 002 Cord 3/3 5/0057/64/034/007/1210/1223 -ACCE SION Nk: AP4041990 AUMOR: Aloksin, Vjr.; Stepanov, X.N. SOUT=: ZhWMA1 toldMich.-k0y fisiki, v.34, no.7. 1964, 12,10-1223 TOPIC TAGS: plasma. electromagnetic wave generation. plasma ol*ctromagnetic wave, cyclotron rasona=* A detill.lod linear theory is Cloven of the radiation of electromaghatic ABSTRACT: waves into an infinite uniform magnotized.plasma by the following two current dis- tributlow: and (r,_ 4 a) 0 (rjL > a). Here J. in the current density, r.L and z are the radial and axial-cylindrical coordinates, t is the time, r Is the position vector, h isp unit vector in the direction of the applied mitgnet-iming f Iold. and kg I&) , Jo, and a. are constants. Tho dielectric tonsor for a magnetized plasma is taken from earlier work of the authorn slid an associate CV.I.PaIdtoinov, V.F.Aleks1h " K.N.Bte~anov. ZhTF 31.1170L,1961). and with its aid general expressions are derived for the oleo- trio fields produced ArA the power radiated by the two current distributions These--- or 40CESSICH NA. AP4041996 ,expressions.aro simplified and discussed in detail for a number of special cases of Interest..The hydrodynamic approximation (thermAl motion of the plasma particles n neglected) Is discussed extensively for both cutrent distributions. The 11 rej~ions into which the various resohances separate the U-V plane are delineatel? '(U (9/_42, (j. -WW C.,H are the el.ctf.n Langmuir and Larmor frequencies respectively~T and the raveM that can be excited in each of them are enumerated. Particular attention is given to the excitation-71of waves near,the electron and ion cyclotron rosonanc-ps by thd ascimuthal current distribution, and near the two hybrid resonances by the axial distribution. The case In which the high frequency hybrid resonance occura near a multiple ~X the electron Larmor frequency Is discussed So- parately, as k9 aliso the excI% ation of longitudinal oscillations by the axial cur- rent distrIbution when wk,, is small. The thermal notions and collisions of the plaw- ma particles are tnluen Into account in the discussions of the various resonances when they become Inportant, "In conclusion, the authors express their deep grati- tude to A. I.Akhiy,&Xer for suggesting the problem and for his interest in the work.""t 83 formulas, 2 figures and I table. Ca -d ADMSICIN M. AP4042996 ASSOCIATION: now SUBMIT=-. 13DoaG2 ZNCL-. 00 SUB CCOR.- am'Eu NR REY 8 OV 1 00 9 OrHZRt 003 Card 3/3 1 All . . . . . . . . . . . . . AN IiTi F!i . . . . . . . t4XV4 to a PUMA iio.~. Ioa 3,00, ILM-1965 j. 57~ 441 a i IJI IN ssitablung. x ray absorption. MamftlLIL a. dlogpostle techniquw,wblc~h Oon7. ~thpmoh, dittereut - absorbers ~ aiftpl to tboi tfie t4mmiN ot WkAob relia" iblW2620031811 for likkessi til" i firs -it was assumed:. tumm formuxasL x"Itropig, Oi ILI, A" d:i(proo 'net. -A4imA.,IW MA irk ONO tion to a twei ge6~ailiiin !P Abe x-ray Intemisity4s to tbrougbout thefuUjI~mmI8!!- :0 Ali c"k ilk the plams *100trome "Ch tdra ii tJ R U-1: '11t II-i I ilil LLLLJJ L 1111111111 , 1 1 S a fingto pamawte* luch laiiiii"p, ~MMV*W' ~ ifiad tb* tolOokiaril iit the rVation &0& X&MOILIL ~ dj, stftjoti=~ibjf do_ ` M i ionmaas md 2 tipawo On urt 001