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y;,-'r ,, .-. . . ' , - . 0 0 p .(.L,-Ih. . N-'r Congress on the Inte.-natlonal L'alding In--titute. Svur. 12:42,10 D 163. (MI14 28-9) VORINTSOVAp Ye.T., doktor md. n&Wtl AUUM"Mv Ye.K.# Insh. Conference an labor "glew W safety in electric welding oporatiom, Svur, prolzv. no.5:43-45 My 164. I (KERA 18: n) ALIMUTI I a NT, " K. --, N 1: 5 .A3 SiderallWye udobranlya v beer; rukovodstvo dlya agronomov, studentov i rabotnikov ael'Mozorganov (Green Manuring in Belorussia; Manual for Agriculturists, Students and Agrioultural Agencies),. Minsk, goo. lzd-vo beorg 1951. 380 P. "Spisok topollsovannoy literatux7 po voprosam zelenogo udobraniya": P. 372-381. Al&KSY,n*. Te.K prafeear; 14AZARCM, K., redaktor; TAIUUUSXAYA, tekhrichaskiy . r ~ =9 re tor, (Pulse crops in White Russia] Zernababovyia kalltuz7 u BSSR. Minsk, Dsia:,rzh. vyd-va BSSR, 1953. 98 P. (Microfilm) (aU 9 -.5) (White Russ I&--Legumes) ALIMSMET, Ye.Ko, .-profensor. Are blue lupines needed? Zemledelie 4 no.12:87-94 D '56. (HLRA 10:2) (Green manuring) (Lupine) A 19- k 1 V- y V- v , ~ t- - ~" ALEMBYRY, Te-K. Russia) Syradelia u BSSR. Minsk, Dziarzh. Orse';;aldella in White vyd-va BSSR, 1957. 74 p. (MIRA 10:12) (White Russia--Serradella) tA-%-SKS~ y5- \-/~ \J~- K. AIRESWW, Te.l. -1 1 - - Green mamring on irrigated lands] Zelenoe udobranis us orosheemykh zemliakh. Koskva, Goo. izd-vo salkhoz. lit-ry, 1957. 283 p. (Green mamring) (MMA'11:3) (Irrigation farming) 7, ol Y Corresrond~ur-Qlo Xt3t iubuT bs 0-1 rt~ t USSR/Soil Science-Organic Fertilizers. j-4 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol-, No 6, 1958, 24778. Author Alekseyev, E.K. Inst ---------- Title State and Perspectives of the Application of Green Manure in the USSR. Orig Pub: Udobreniye i urozhay, 1957, No 3, 14-- Abstract: Some zones are chosen in which the introduction is advisable of legume crops; peculiarities of their cultivation are shown. 1. Woodlands of Ukraine, Dyelorussla to the latitude of Minsk, adjoining regions of the Lithuanian SSSR, of the Bryansk, Kaliningrad and other neighboring dis- tricts (yellow fodder, narrow-eared and perennial 1upines, serddilla). 2. The zone to the Leningrad- Card 1/2 35 -- ALEKSEYEV, Ye.K., prof. More about narrov-leaved lupine, Zemledelie 6 no-3:68-62 Kr 158. (MIRA 11:4) (lupine) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 230 Yelyutin, Vyacheslav Petrovich; Favlov, Yuriy Aleksandrovich; Levin, Boris,Yeylevich; Alekseyev, Yevgeni-y Mikhaylovich. Proizvodst,vo ferrosplavov; elektrometallurgiya (Production of ferro-alldys; Electrometallurgy) 2d ed., rev. and enl. Moscow, Mashgiz, 1957. 436 P. 7,500 copies printed. Ed.: Alekseyev, Ye. M.; Ed. of Publishing House: Eozentsveyg, Ya. D.; Tech. Ed.: Vaynshteyn, Ye, B. PURPOSE: The book is intended as a textbook for students at institutions of higher learning. specializing in metallurgy and may also serve as a manual for engineers and scientific workers. COVERAGE: Theoretical and practical data on production of ferro- alloys are systematized and generalized in this book. The theoretical foundations and technology of producing various ferro-alloys are discussed. Some information on physical chemistry Is given in order to facilitate Card 1/7 understanding of thermodynamic calculations. '4-, Production of Ferrb~alloys; Electr6metaliurgy,'(Cont.) 230 Problems of economics and of safety engineering in the production of ferrous alloys are elucidated. The present edition of this book gives a more detailed description of technology and progress In Soviet and non-Soviet ferro-alloy industries than that given in the first edition. The bibliography contains 93 references, 69 of which are Soviet, 15 in English, 6 in German and 3 miscellaneous. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 6 Ch. 1. Brief Notes on the Thermodynamics of Ferro-alloys 7 Ch. II. Silicon Alloys 2T 1. Physicochemical properties of silicon and its compounds 27 2. Composition and use of silicon alloys 39 3. Raw materia2s for production of silicon alloys 42 4. Theoretical base for reduction of silica 46 Card 2/7 AUTHOR: Alekseyev, Ye-M. SOV/133-58-7-11/27 TITLE: :~_erspectives of UtilisinC Low--rade Manganese Ores for the Production of Ferromanganese and SilicomanGanese (Perspektivy ispollzovaniya nizkosortnykh margantsevy1di rud dlya proizvodstva forrozar6antsa i silil:omar-antsa) PERIODICAL: Stall pp 617 - 620 (USSR) vr 7 1958 , , , ABSTRACT: Technical and economical advantages of the production of ferrowanganese and silicoranLanese from cc,rbonate and lot- grade manganese ores in electric furnaces is discussed. Carbonate ores from Nikopollsk and Bollshoy Tol-(Mk deposits represent nearly-ready ore-flux jiiixtui-e for the production of ferromanSanese of any p'L)osphorus content required in electric furnaces. LoT-Crade oxide ores Tith increased phosphorus and silica content unsuitable for smelting in blast furnaces and electiic furnaces can be utilised for the production of silicomanganese which, in many cases, can replace ferroran-anese and 45' ferro- silicon for the deoxid-tion of steel. &-relting of ferro- manganese and silicoman3anese in electric furnaces from carbonate and lor-L',rade oxide ores is more economical Card 1/2 SOV/133-5/8-7-11/27 ~Perspectives of Utilising Lov.-rade k1sanganese Gres for the U Production of FerromanGanese and Silicomanganese than the production of ferroiianfanese in blast furnaces from high-grade ores. There are 2 tables. 1. Manganese ore s--Proce s sing 2, Manganese alloys--Productior Card 2/2 3. Electric frunaces--Applications 15-1957-12-17068 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal., Geologiya, 1957, Nr 12, p 53 (USSR) it, AUTHOR: Alekseyev., Ye. N. 7 TITLE: Tectonic Fractures in the' Lake Issyk Region of the Alma-Ata . Oblast (Tektonicheskiye narusheniya v rayone ozera Issyk Almautinskoy oblasti) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Almaatin. gos. ped. in-ta, 1955.. vol 6, pp 134-137 ABSTRACT,. Bibliographical entry Card 1/1 i ) , \ V,, :) t ~ - v", , i,_ ~ ~ V, USSR/Processes and Equipment for Chemical Industries - K-2 Control and Measuring Devices. AutomatLc Regulation. Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 33322 Author : Zelyayev, A.F., Shumov, K.M., Alekseyev, Ye.11. Inst Title : Tensimetric Diaphragm Manometer Orig Pub : 7,avod. laboratoriya, 1956, 22, No 11, 1368-1369 Abstract : In the tensimetric diaphragm manometer developed by the au- thors the pressure that is being determined distorts a cir- cular steel diaphragm and a wire-resistor primary element fastened thereon. Change in ohmic resistance of the prima- ry element is measured by means of a 4-branch bridge. The manometer consists of a cylindrical housing into which is threaded a cover with an a-oerture which provides an outlet to the atmosphere. The diaphragm with the prima y element fastened thereto is clamped between housing and cover. On a plate that is located on the cover is fastened a Card 1/2 USSR/Processes and Equipment for Chemical Industries - K-2 Control and Measuring Devices. Automatic Regulation. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 33322 primary element which compensates the temperatuxe distor- tion of the primary element of the diaphragm. Pressure from the system under study is admitted into a bottom chamber through a connection tube. The apparatus is sui- table for measuringstatic and dynamic pressure and va- cuum. With a relative distortion of the diaphrfLgim not exceeding 0.2-025% the apparatus has a rectilinear res- ponse. In the experimental studies diaphragm 50 = in diameter were used. Use of a diaphragm of larger diame- ter is disadvantageous since on increase of the diameter the frequency of the natural oscillations of diaphragms decreases. Diaphragm having a thickness from 0.1 to 7 m were used to measure pressures from 0.004 to goo kg/cm?, respectively. Card 2/2 FURSOV., Sergey Petrovich; AISKMEV, Ye.N.. red.; VORONTSOVA, Z.Z., tekhn. red. (storage battery charging devices with semiconductor rectifiers] Poluprovodnikovye vypriamiteli dlia zariadki akkumuliatorov. Izhevsky Udmurtskoe knizhnoe izd-vo; 1959. 47 p. (MIRA 15:8) (Storage batteries) (Electric current rectifiers) (Electric power supply to apparatus) ALEXSEYEV, Ye.p. Reduce ths.number of-croBsings railways. Transp. Btroi. Vq 164. (MIRA 18:3-1) 1. Glavnyy inzh. proyekta linii Abakan -, Tayshet. V, ;UA AIRKSBYHV. Te.P..; PAUL', VbF. Now Abakan-Taishat railroad line. Mr-159.. Tranap.stroi. 9 no.3:8-13 (MIRA 12:4) 1. Gla-wnyy inshener proyekta novoy shelesnodorozhnoy linii Abakan.-Tayshet (for Alekseyev). 2. Pukovoditell eektora organizat- sti st:roitalletya TSentrallnogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo insti- tuta wryazi (for Paul'). (Siberia,--Railroada--Conetruction) 40ROTCHAYEV., D.I.;, ALINSEYEV, Yej-e, irmb, Rock fill construction for the Novokumetsk-Abakar and Abakan Tayshet lines. Transp. stroi. U no-9t7-10 S 164 (MURA 18:1) 1. Nachallnik upravlenlya Abnkanstroyput' (for Korot---.hayer). ._n7h. ALUE-MMUL-Y-11-PI-I " Excavating by large-scale blasting. Transp. stroi. 15 no.4: ,4-6 Ap 165. (MIRA 1816) 'rS C-74V-. lyv./A 0. 5 km. Only an in- significant thickness of the layer seems to have a wave structure. This thickness is le,20,149 of its total effective valize. It would Card '-/&_ ~, 222.59 S/109/6!/006/005/006/027 Investigating of modela D201/ "303 appear as if this part of tile inhcniogareil.y were distributed near the region of maximum electron (;oncentration and has the geomnetrd- cal thicPjiess