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L 16416-63 EW1P~)/EWT(1)/EWT(m)/BDS AF7
S e
ACCESSION VR: AP3OD44 1 /004/0(32970532
AVMCRI ~,Odingg 1. A. (Corr. Memberp AN SSSR); Aleksawan. I. T.
------- bq
TITLE: Mechanical Propertles,of c9mr films
Soma: An sssR. DDkiady*, v. 151, no. 4, 1963., 829-832
To pIC TAGS- thin copper film, vacuum-deposited copper film, electrolytic copper
film, size effect, tensile strength, creep copper film, t'hin film, thin copper
film strewsth, thin copper film creep, copper film size effect
ABSTRACT: A study has been made of the tensile strength and
__qx~M characteristics
of copper films vapor-deposited on co2d smooth Siass substrates in a vacuum of
6 X ij-' to 6 x 10 15 rn Hg or deposited e~'ectrolytice2ly on po'isiied stainless
steel electrodes. 7he strength of vacuum-deposited fil;ms W kound ~o droD
sharply with p - '"am a~bout 90 to
I increasing flin thicImess (e.g., strength dro)&
4 5 k g/,--m 2 as film thiclcneEs increased from 1.7 !P to 4.6 P). Fil-in strength de-
creases also vith, increasing film width and vith Increasing pressure during
vacuum depositiolD. Tbe maxim= strength of the vacuum -depos i ted films was
80-90 kg/= 2. Electrolytic films are less thickness-sensitive- their strength
Card 1/2
WC1, On 'he SvPragC, tViCe M high 0-9 that of the solid copper, The atress-strain
curves of viAcu=--de-posiLed films hw'-e a sfi-11~e sha--e, Probably asoocl-
e pQzio~Uc -Uscharge of d4slocation groups accumulated at various
dbstuacles. The creep curves of vacuum-deposited films also have a F-awlike shape,
vhieh is especla"-y -,arked in fllrrs at~~! a~- rocm. "or ?I, 11r. Iach
fi-'Imn s~,ow Oefoma"on jurps twice aD high ar, those of fr,~sh Tv!sting
or strv-Jjg~itenlng of loose fi-)xLs observed durIng
aging inaicates the partial re-
movall of internal stresses. Orig. art. has: 4 figures.
ASSOCIATION- Institut inetallurgii im, A. A. Daykova ~Institute of MetaUurgy)
SUBM=D: 25ApY63 DATE ACQ: 22Au963 ENCL: 00
-kIEKSkNYAN, I.V., dotsent.. polkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby
Role of Soviet aviation in the medical support of the
troops during the Great Patriotic War. Voen. med. zhur.
no.10:82-83 0 165. (MIRA 18:11)
zHuzrov -L. N.; FASTOVSKIY) Ue Vo;
L. M.
"Magnetic Investigations on the Electron 2 Satellite."
report presented at the 5th Intl Symp on Space Science, Florence, Italy, 12-16
may 64.
~ - 4011PO-0~ - - - ~ - - __ - - - . , -,-
ACC NR:-- -AP6 1 SOURCE CODE: UR/0293/66/004/0 30210310
AUTHOR: n, L6 H..t Yeroshenko_, Ye, qj; Zhuzgov N..
A! knanya
kastov kLv,,__U1 V
ORGt none 13.
TITLE: Magiietometric_ apparatus of,.the')Electron-2 space-station,
h -9k
SOURCE::, Ko'smic a iYeAssledovant ~,f - 49 no 20 19,66, 302-JIO:
-,f ieA measurement-
OPIC~ _-magnd:tdmeter,,_-._magnet c-
ABSTRACTi__ Two search-coil Mignetometersicapable of independently'...
measuring thre componentjYFTFEV~,
0 ~a ne ic fiel
e m A~!J~e tinn
~_ ~e ~d~"-u-te-t-r-a
belt,were mounted on Elee'tron-2. One had a 'measuremeneif~ange of
*120 y, and the other, a ranged -of *1200 Y. A block di_g_g~am of the - basic
magnetometer is~ghown in the fij_u_r7e_._ It consists of a 2-kc.signal----
generator with associated low-pass filter for uppressing the second
harmonic, 4 tuned amplifier, (voltage gain, 12 x 103, bandwidth at 3 d~t
2100-cps) tuned to the second harmonic with associated input filter
a t tenu-n te - the-- fi-rat.and-third--harmonics-by 40 db- a synchronous
detector, and a d-c current amplifier (gain, 20). Two telemetry
channels are utiliz6d for each magnetic-field coordinate, one channel
for positive values and the other.for negative values. A diode gate
Card I / 3
. !~ ~....
- - .. ; . .., .ol'-,!~t 0*1`1~--~~111-1- -~ T- . .
- . . ~- * --------- , . )?-- 7 -- - - ; -- - - .-
- .~ - - - . I - - ~ -4- - 2 - - ... I ~ -:1-
ACC NRt AP6012835
in the d-c amplifier unit diverts the information to the appropriate
A channel. the inclusion of a'heavy voltage feedback confines the
..magnatometer-nonlinearity to 2-32. :,The sensitivities of two mag-
netometers are 2-3,y and 20-30 y; the temperature stability measured
at -3C, +18C,-and +55C did not exceed 0.2 y/C for the first and
0.7 y/C for the second. A~special unit for sensitivity calibration
with the use of a' reference.voltage source is also included. The
average error in measuring+the scalar magnetic field was t4 y and
240 y, The zero drift did not exceed 2-3 Y per day. The 14-v power
supply for the magnetometers.was stabilized by a P203 transistor and a.
.D811 Zener diode. All other transistors used were the P103 type*,.
Power consumption for each magnetometer was 2.2 w. "In conclusion,
the authors are indebtqd to A. V. Klimovski , A. I. Konnov, Ye. YeA.,
Kanonidi, jt,_ I* Ulanovo V-L M., AjLi~fon!Ll~py$ and_VL Gj.' k9y for~thelr
active participation during the manufacturing, calibration, and
testing of equipment." Orig. art. has: 1 formula and 4 figures. [.BD)~
SUB CODE: -09,~17/ SUBM DATE: 05Jun64/ ORIG REF: 003/ ATD. PRESS:
2 5?.~
Card 313i4AL1L-
. . - --mumma"M
I.Clectrocanductivity of the system: disthy'lamins - bf4ykzoic maid in
organic solvents. Nauch.trudy 156.
. . (MLRA 9:10)
l.Kafedra fisicheskey khImii.
(Diethylamins) (Benzoic acid)
Derivation of a complete set of solutions to the homogeneous
Dirichlet problem for the equation of string vibrations. Dokl.
AN SSSR 162 no.2t247-250 My 165. (MIRA 18:5)
1. Institut matematiki i mekhaniki AN ArmSSR. Submitted January
19t 1965.
~Pharj=colo~~ic -properties of fubromegan. Izv. AN Arm, SSR. Biol.
nauki 13 no."305-0P. Mr 160,, (MIRA .1338)
1. Soktor farmakologii Instituta tonkoy organicheskoy kbimii Akademii
nauk ArmSSR.
Ph~mwcologlcal characteriatica of quat4lpron. Farm.1 tolfx. 23
no-42316-321 JI-Ag '6o. (Min 1413)
1. Sektor faxmakologii Instit4'-a tonkoy organicheskoy khimii AN
Army=skoy SSR (dir. - akademik AN Armyanskoy SSR A.L.Mndzhoyan)'*'
Studying some pharmacological properties of the series of dlalkylamin6-
al1mnol eaters of furan-2-carboxylic acids. Izv. AN Am. SSR. Biol.
nauki 14 no.5:51-59 My 161. (MIR& 14:7)
.1. Institut tonkoy Orr che.skoy khimii AN Amyanskoy SSR.
Derivatives of p-alkoxybenzoic acids. Report Nd.22:
of, 19 -Dimethyl-4-methylpropyl-, and --,7-dipropylaminopropyl esters
of p-alkoxybenzoic acids. Izv.AN Arm.SSR. Khim.nauki 16 no.4:
365-372 163. (mm 16sq)
1. Institut tonkoy organicheskoy khinii AN Arnyanskoy SSR.-
c-wracter-stics of amino esters o,"
-alhyl mc-rcaipto c-Uiyl) hydroxybenzoic acid. AN
'irr,T S"ll. PJol. naukl 1-6 no.6:3-10 je 163
~nst-~t~,t lonkoy orgai-,~-'che-,ikoy khi.- 'i ~N Ar-ST'.
Effect of neurohormone, isolated from the hypothdlamus, on the venotq,
blood circulation in coronary spasm. Dokl. AN*,%. SSR 37 no.32157-
160 163. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Institut bibkhimii AN Ajh"skoy SSR. Predsth-Vleno akademikom AN
Armyanskoy SSR G.Kh. Bunyatyanom.
Pbarmacological ckAracterlstics of some amino este- of p-alcoynf~
benzoic acids. Izv. AN Arm. SSJR. Wol. naiiki 17 noA13-22 JI 164.
1 (MIRA 17:10)
1. institut tonkoy organicheskoy khimii AN Arm5ranskoy SSR.
AlSF.S,,-U'YAN, R.P..
Transaction of the vpinal cord below the mediilla oblon8-ata.
Bilil. eksp. biol. i med. 516 no.9: 122-1-23 S t63.
(111RA 1?;10)
1. Tz JnstItuUi tonkoy organ i che skoy RhirIA (air. - akader,;Ik AN
Amyansk,-L)y SSR A.L. Mridzhoyun') LIN Armyunskoy SISIX. Predstavlena .
deystvitellnym chlenom AMN S'SSI, A.V. Lebedln.-,Mm.
Derivatives of p-alkoxybenzoic acids, Part 23t Synthesi.a
of aminoesters of 3-methoxv-4-alkoxybenzoic acids. Izv. AN
Arm.SSR. Khim. nauki 18 no.2t193-199 165. (MIRA igill)
1. Institut tonkoy organicheskoy khimii AN ArmSSR. Submitted
April 18, 1964.
L 53931-65 M7(1)/EUA(J)/T/EViA(b)-2 VOW
AXESLION !G: AP50:17352- UP/0298/64/017/007/001:5/0022
ATIMOR! klrop7an, N. Ye-, -, ~12~Wfa~nR- ~A-,_Uechun~yan, L. Kh-
SOURCE: AN k-mSSR, Izveetiya. Biologicheakiye P-4,Aj, v. 17, 7, 19;~4, 13-22
pha-r~4-,--c--ngv, e7perj.Tnf3nt animal. biochemistry, or,-&"ic 'itros:er,
compound, eEter, PuLioj;enated org&uic com,~o".;
A~str,F-ct: Forty compcu,)ds comprising hy6roc,.~~,,~de~z, .Z:rom-
nip E~z
the tilghest iqct~ivitv was exnibiLed by cowp,~-ius
CL-cj Ile
ACCESSION NR: kl~50173.52
!derivatives had as a rule a higher activity than the corresponding ditiethyle
zino derivatives. The qupternary ammonium halides had a higher activ,.ty
thap the hydrochlorideo, tut were more tox1c. O-ig. &r". ',.&13 ~' -Fure3 anii
-1 f) rMU1 " .
ASSOCIATIGN: InBtitut tonko organichaskoy khimii A14 Ar-MSSP ~'Ins-ti~tw;e of Ftne
orgar-ic Ch,~~stry, AN ArmsM
SUBMI=: 28APr63 RML 1 00 oc, T---
RU SOY 004 O=n : 000
Cbrd 2/2
Mechanism of coronary vasodilative action of quaterons. Dokl.-AN
Arm. SSR 38 no.4.-239-242 16/+. (MIRA 17:6)
1. Institut tonkoy organicheskoy khimii AN Armyanskoy SSR.
Predstavleno akademikom AN ArnVanskoy SSR A.L.Mndzhoyanom.
Change, in the phor-phams imtl CArtivin of the
~rafta ritand In tha virgin tali.-Tf) of the nadlonr%l ralli-vo.
Alclanvali~ , Korn;."y" P'lul 19,N), \", ,,, 2'21-5,
XAiw, 1933. No, 07-1 [~ - la i Iw plaitts of tile
revara sulrohi-S~ipa grolip, which maLes tql Lilt bull., .f thu
icsei-vatioij AsImixia-Noya, the Ca co,ilu!k ill May !.nd
- imireiscs frotu 0.30 to 0.410%. null by thr oliddle of
.Seph-mber dureami to',. Tht qitaw.ty c-.f F' io all
cuts graduall v decl-rimm, from 0.11,47 to F,r the
f~Eml,~ tillie, tile P coiltvia of the Asli., typ,! vel:t-tation of the
level waltr blied., 1plateatis) decrezu-s bv 611~lv whilt tile N
emilt'llit inrril-i",cs lit later cuts~ Apfii 0 -11, ")ctober 0.53r;'0
'I'lill Challges ill N! Conimt Vf tll-! grx~s t)pe
growilti; ill tile lowland, ilk to thr-O of ill( wv,ta-
Owl grawille oil P[Atcall,~. I'he quallGiv 4 11 ill the .3
typ" Of 'Veyriatioll citelwes durfiiK th, ,rej~jt;r, p,..rfoi.
CUw N' Wid P Onlitfiltl; were loand al!,.,j ill Lilt h.jy of tl3r
5tCj)j)C. *A"11C ratio Gf 11, 1, ill V;rgin Vcgl.,~
livarles from 3,273:1 to 10,02:1.
USSR/Cultivated Plants - Fodders. M-4,
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., NO 7, 1958, 29864
Author Sh-V., Isichkol M,P.) Belaya, O.P.
Inst The "Askaniya-," Institute, The All-Union Scientific
Research Institute for Corn, The Institute for Genetics
and Selection of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.
Title Carotene and Prussic Acid Accumulation in Sor&ium and
Sudan Grass Hybrids and Initial Forms.
Orig Pub Vestn. s.-kh. nauki,-1957, No 6, 113-118 (resume in Eng.
and German)
Abstract Astudy vas- made at the plots of the Experimantal Field of
the "A8kani*ya-Nova" Institute of the chemical composition
of-the sorghum and sudan grass hybrids.(variety 19-58,
developed by the P.11-Union Scientific Research Institute
for Corn, and No 5, developed by the Institute for
Card 1/2
46 -
ALEKSANYAN Sh.V... kand.biolog.nauk,- ISICIIKO, M.P.j, aspirant;
mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Comparative evaluation of.5irgo-Sudan grass hybrids and their parental
plants on the basis of chemical composition and hydrocyanic acid
content., ;Trudy "Ask.-Nov." 8:251-262 160. (MIRA 14:4)
(Sor hum) (Sudan grass)
ALIT' -A-A.; LOGV-U!CTVA,-R.---A.-- --
ASLUTYM 1~--1AeMv-;-ALEKSU,'YAN,--Sh, V--;--G _KAyA,
"Reproductive function of Askania merino ewes in connection with feeding type."
report submitted for 5th Intl Cong, Animal Reproduction & Artificial Insemination,
Trent, Italy, 6-13 Sep 64.
Teaching combine in a plant. From.Arm. 5 no.8147-48 Ag 162.
(MIRA 15:8)
(Armenia-Electric equipment industry)
(Employees, Training of)
Struggling f6r progress. Prom.Arm- 5 no.10:57-58
o 162. (MIRA 15:11)
(Armenia-Research, Industrial)
TITLE The polymerization of 2,3-Dimethylbutene - 2, 2y3-Dimethyl-
butene - 1 and 30-rinethylbutene-1 at pressures up to 4-000
atm. (Isaledoyaniye polimerizatsii 2p3-dimetilbutena-2, 2,3-
dimetilbutena-1 i 3,3-dimetilbutena-1 pri dayleniyakh do 4-000
atmosfer - Russian)
PERIODICAL Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 1957P Vol 113P Nr lo pp 123 - $26
Received: 6/1957 Reviewed: 7/1957
ABSTRACT In a previous paper it was shown that high pressure accelerates
the polymerization of 2,3 dimethyl-butan-2 (henceforth refereed
as DMB) considerably. In the present paper the authors intended
to study the cinetios of 2,3 DMB-2 and of related compounds at
high pressure and to investigate the properties of the polymers,
This reaction takes place gradually under a pressure of 3660-368o
atm and at a temperature of 290-2920C and passes through a dimer
state (which has its maximum yield after about 16 hre). The dimer
fraction is able to undergo further polymerization. The degree
of polymerization after 32 hrn is still low (9,1-17,7%)- Under
the same conditions 2,3-DMB-1 and 3,3-DMB-1 are polymerzated
CARD 113
PA - 2917
The polymerization of 2,3-Dimethylbutene-2, 2,3-Dinethylbutene-I
and 3,3-Dimethylbutene-I at pressures up to 4.000 atm.
much faster and form products of a high molecular weight.
The polymers of the three hexanes under discussion? which are
similar with respect to their molecular weight, show considerable
differences among themselves and with regard to the products of
ion polymerization. Since the present of 2,3 DMB-1 was established
in the monomer fraction of the polymerization product 29 3 DMB-2;
the authors carried out polymerization experiments with a
mixture of both substances. If they were mixed with a ratio of
I ; 1, 2,3-DMB-2 reacted much faster than 2,3-DMB-1 in comparison
to separate polymerization of either hexane. In the case of small
admixtures of the latter hexane to the former these effects are
not observed. This is indicative of a co-polyxerization, a facts
which is confirmed by the values of the diffraction coefficient
and by the specific weight. No formation takes place$ therefore,
of a simple mixture of the polymers of both hexanes. Consequent-
ly the polymerization of 2,3-DMB-2 does not pass through a
preceding stage of isomerization of the 293-DMB-1. From the
investigation of the dimer fraction, which consists at least of
CARD 2/3
PA - 2917
The polymerization of 20-Dinethylbutene-2, 2,3-Dimethyl-
butene-1 and 3,3-Dimethylbutene-I at pressures up to 4.000
two olefines, it appears that, in the case of the polymerization
of the three hexames under consideration, as structural poly-
merization takes place. Without this process the foxa&tion of
Cis-dalkylethylenes could not be expected. They predominate,
however, in the dimer fraction. Moreover, the formation of mono-
alkylethylenes would not be imaginable without the assumption
that in the oase of the polymerization of 213 DMB-2 it is-not
the molecules or the radicals of the monomeres that are subjekt
to a structural isomerozation, but dimer molecules or the
radicals 012H23- Results show that the reaction of thermal
polymerization accelerated by pressure is slowest in the case
CARD 3/3 of 4-substituted ethylenes. This is apparently due to the
important spatial difficulties under consideration.
(With 3 tables and 5 citations from other publications.)
ASSOCIATION: Institute for Organic Chemistry "N.D. Zelinskiy" and the Com-
mission for Spectroskopy of the~Aq&demy of Sciences of the USSR.
SUBMITTED: 214. 1956.
AVAILABLE: Li rary of Congress.
ALavmkdAN, V. T.
"Determination of the Individual hydrocarbon Compocition of' Gasolines," Iz. Ak.
Nauk SSSR, Otdol. Tekh. Nauk, 61 PP 1053-66, .1954) with KAzANSKn, B.A., 1AUMBERG, G.S.,
G.A. of the In8t. of Organic Chemistry im. Zelinskiy.
The individual hydrocarbon composition of straight run Sasolines with 1500 end point
obtained from Earachukhursk crude oil) was investigated b~ means of a combination matho'-1.
The content of all individual hydrocarbons found in the gasoline was calculated In per-
centages by weight with consideration of the initial and end points. The gasoline from
the above-mentioned source was found to contain large amounts of aromatic bydrocarbons
U6.37~). The paraffinic and naphthenic hydrocarbons were in approximately equal amounts
(35.5 and 3.31.5%). Two fifths of the paraffinic hydrocarbons were composed of normal strv
ture paraffins. The ratio between cyclopentane and cyclohexane hydrocarbons was set at
o.44. Fime USSR references (1951-54). Table-; graphs.
ATN abstract
Mohysice - Spectral analy.sis
Card . 1/1 Pub. 43 - 34/62
I -Aleksanyan- V --T-;--LA*ina -Sterin Kh. Ye.; and Kazansldy, B. A*
Title I C=bined diffusion epectra of certain hydrocarbon8 of the cyclobutane seriels-
-USSR/ APhysice - Spqctia analysik~
Card 1
Pub 43 3
-:-Authors --KazaniBkJ4~~---B.-,A.I-;-Landi3b.orgp G. -S.,- Alskeanyan, V. T_~; Bul6hdva0 FS
Liberomans, A. LIP; Mhayloval, Ye. At; Plates A. F. Merins _Ye._-f -ahd--
S. -A,
-title -
Analysis of*aromatic lipoin t b -the combined diffusion spectra,
I eriodical Be* is :1 90 1954 :1
t Im AN SBSR r r 8/0': 704-706, Hov-D
Abitract- d ur n&:.-
'Brief report--is preFeented -on the-method and 'some - result s~ obtains d: I-
individual and close-group analysis of primary and secondary armaties of
ligroin. Analysis of results obtained showed that the basic ligroin
(taken from the Mbensk Petroleum Source) contained alkyl substitutes of
benzene and cyclohwmne with short term substituting radicals. Three
referencest 1 USA and 2 USER (1947-1953). Tables.
Institution Acad. of So., USM9. The N. D, Zelinskiy Inst. of Organ. Chem. and the
Commission on Spsetroscopy
Libn~-infm, 'r. i,*. t~iiiaiiwa v ? m. t.-, - ..~ ~ ! i: ~ T,,
7 -
= f-- ~~- In- I -..~ -..r
awof a five-
A. L. Memian V.
em ed
-'kA'c nya, 'fi
a, a R. S(cT;ss Qr.-~t. ". CI
Ms. V.S. R..- Mwsmw), DoRa4ly Aiad. N~wk S-S~S~P.
77-sRo.--li-~Getunt: (34 g.)
PA54d 0% 0 20% Pt-C:M 310* _~IdCkA It CAII)'Utc WN011
dImm the '011t with silica get. The.
aromatic COW
&rnmatk poaiclu MwMeu-d ;51; Mcph, P-mlylvl~,
RvIractoinvEry Miuvml that thc
Mut coutainf.,L1 sonic 30% cv~-Ilc hydrot-athans. Fr~c-'
tionation of the traterial gave cwma 15.6 g, 1. 1.3-trirn~!Jo I-
jeyclupentuz,,~, idfmfifled by tlw Ranum SPEtrum (CM.-,).
of mere d,tnd hv the
M, I i L
P-4 ~~~ - ~- _' ~1. ~ ,
aM~~~M - , - ~, " WIM i _.; ~ 4-1 - ~ T _,~ ~~ ieA
Report no.8. Raman spectra of a few aromatic hydrocarbons.
Izv.AN SSO.Ser.fis.19 no.2:225-233 Hr-Ap 155- (MM 9:1)
l.Komissiya po spektroskopii i Inatitnt organichaskay khimii
imeni N.D.Zelinakogo Akaaemii'nauk SSSR.
(TArtu-Spectrum analysis-Congr~886B)
IBOXeri2atiOn Of ethyl~velovro a on silica gel imder conditions of chrma-
tographic ans B. As Kazanski V. T. Aleksamvan, M. Yu. Lukina,
__Jn M
1. K%Usha p and Kh. R. Sterin(nesiN.-Telinskil Inst. Org. Chem., Acad. Sci.
m Izvest. Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., Otdol. KhIm. Nauk 1955, 1118-19.-Passage
of carefully purified ethyloyclopropans through a colimn with silica gel at 1.70
AnG,,Iiniz iacketl oave a nroduct which instantIv decolorized Br water i -d had a
!A." MR.
w wf-,4011~ V'~.
- rw',~ I " - :
nom "m 'u"I I ~!J v 'J. i,. ia-~-
211(7) ~-3 "LASS I DOOK XXYLOrTATION 3m/,1365
L'yov. ftlvermytat
Mlkte~lllay I Vassoyuzno$o eoveshohaniya po spektrookopil. t. Is
Xolakuly&rnaya spalictma"Viya (Paparss of the 10th All-Unlon
Conference on Spectr5soop7. Vol. 3.1 Molecular SpactroscoPY)
jL'vov 10-yo Llvovskogo urdv-ta, 19H. 499 P. 4 000 40plea
printal. (Sariess Itai nzychnyy a rayk, v7p. W)
Additional Sponsoring Ageno73 Akademiya muk SSSR. Komissaija pO
spolctre!skopii. Ed.s lesser, S.L.j Woh. Ed.o Saranyuk, T.V.:
Editorial Boards Lwn4eterg 0.3., Aardomiclan (Reep. Ed., Deceased).
Netorent. B.S., Doctor or fh; and Mathematical Sciences,
Pa alinakly, X.L. Doctor or Physical and Mathematical so.
Yab,rikazt, V.A., Water of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Korzdtaldx, V.G., Candidate of Too!u-Acal Sclenceii, Rayakiy, S.M.,
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, JUIsmoTskly, L.K.,
Candidate or Physical and Mathematical Sciences, MUi3Panohuk, V,S,,
Candidate of nqaloal " Mal-hoscatical Sciences end Olauberman,
A. Ye., Candidate or Maloal and Mathematical fidienooms.
CeI4 1/30
As-k*W4-- Y-T-1 Wd Kh. Ye. 3terIn" Hassan Spectra
2#5# and of Tholt Homlogs
C V-T- Kh. Ye. Sterin, M. Yu. LAIldna, at 1.
jl~iWof Certain Cyclopropans 14rdroaarbons
And the Double-bond Conjugation of a Threa-miabered
Ring 64
AlakARwrism, Y.T., Xh. Y.. Strin, X' Yu. Ukinss, and
" Halftapetyan. RLWM Spectra or'Cortain Xnoa)qq
CYCIObutAnING 83d Of Qjr6lobutylbromade 68
"**bkoys V-p- Rff*Ot Of the Solvent On Absorption and
Fluorescence Spectra 71
13&rUbUkGT# A.Z.. T.K. Marine, and A.M. Prokhorcy.
Micr0w&v* Spectrum of the C2H5CI Molecule 75
MOI-MA.P-1- Temperature Dependence of the Prequencies
'Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance . 75
PorodLn. P-M-a ?-L Sladpor. Chotdcal D16placement a4
PLUS Stmature of the Nuclear Magnetic Re.onjuces,
of 3%uorlzw iss a Series of comoums
ALEKSAIYA o~r p~t-i -o' - a
.E&-V-,_T. Cand Chem Sci -- (diss) epee+r-v-- of certain
compounds of tetravalent uranim at low temperatures." Mos, 1957. 13 pp
(Commiscion on Speotrosoopy under/PFMN nivision of Physioal and Mathematical
Soienceal , Aced Soi ITSSR. Order of Labor Red Banner Sci Res Phys-Chem. Inst
im L. Ya. Karpov. Min of Chem Industry USSR), 120 copies (KL, 42-57, 91)
AUTHOR: Aleksanyan, v.T. and Sterin, Kh.Ye. 51-5-3/26
TITLB: The.Intensities of Lines in Raman Spectra of Standard
Substances, (Intensivnosti liniy v spektrakh konibinats-
ionnogo rasseyaniya veshchestv-etalonov)
PERIODICAL: Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1957, Vol. 2, No-5,
PP. 562 - 567 (USSR).
ABSTRACT: This paper reports accurate measurements of t)--. Raman
spectrum intensities of the standard substances: cyclohexane,
methylcyclohexane, toluene and of other substances which can
be used as standards: cyclopentane, benzene and carbon tetra-
Experimental technique: Mercury lamiks nPK-2 were used and the
Raman spectra excited with the 4358 A line. The standard
liquids were not thermostatted at room temperature. A spectro-
graph with a camera of f = 270 mm w Is used. Two arrangements
were employed giving 150 and 100 cm- /mm linear dispersion
(with 0.04 mm wide -slit in both cases) Effects of variation of
the source - lamp current and of the cLispersion on the Raman
spectra of cyclohexane are given in Table 1. Lowering of the
lamp current from 2.9 A to 2.2 A affected the line intensities
but an increase of the dispersion from 150 to 100 cm'--L/mm had
CardV3no practical effect.
The Intensities of Lines in Raman Spectra of Standard Substances.
Results-ire given in Table 2 (cycloh an 6 lines from 42? to
1445 cm , averaged from 85 measur Table 3 (methyl-
cyclohexane, 12 lines from 408 to IL460 cm-1 , averaged from 140
measurements); Ta~le 4 (toluene, 8 lines from 521 to 1605 em-1,
averaged from 40 4masurements). The relative intensities of
the lines (in cm-1) 802 of cyclohexane, 770 of methylcyclo-
hexane and ?86 of toluene are given in pairs (802/?86, 802/??Ol
?86/770) in Table 5. The results for cyclopentane (3 lines,
889$ 1031 and 1449 cm7' averaged from 30 measurements) are given
in Table 6. In the benzene spectrum, the strong line at 992 cm-
was comiared with the following linej: 786 cm- of toluene,
802 cm7 of cyclohexane and 1004 cm7 of toluene. The results
of these comparisons are given in Table ? and jhey yield a
value of 1200 for the intensity of the 992 cm- line referied
to an arbitrary level of intensity of 250 for the 802 cm7 of
cyclohexane. The results for carb tetrachloride.axe given in
011, averaged from 35 measure-
Table 8 (5 lines from 217 to ?90 cm ,
ments) and show isotopic broadening and fine structure. In all
these tables, the intensities arl quoted relative to an arbitr-
ary value of 250 for the 802 cm- line of cyclohexane; this
Card 2/3 value was proposed by P.A. Bazhulin and co-worker8i at the
m smile M1.7e.
Ra~aau Wiitis of clayolo-2021,1-heptanso' bicyoIo-2,2,1-hept-$-onog
bicrolo-2g2ol-hopta-W-diene and their homologoua, 71s. abor.'
U0009-63 '57. (NIU 1128)
Is' XDmissiya po spektrookepii AN SSSR.
.Raman spectra of various oy-olopropane hydrocarbons and oonjugation
of three-member ring with double bonds. ]FIz. sbor, no "30.64-a 1 0
(MIR& 11t8f
L Komissiya po spekbroskopli AN SSSR i Institut organichapkay khimil
I;*- N.P. Zelinskogo AN SSSRO
Mralopropene-Sioctra) (Ra= effect)
Bar-in spectra of variou monoalkyleyelobutanes and cyclobutyl
bromide. Fix. sbor. no.3:68-71 157, (MIU 3.1 t 8)
1, lromiosiya po spektrookopii AN SSSR i Institut organicheskoy
khimil im. N.D. Zeliuskjo AN SSM
P91ymerization of 2,3-#%9thy1bnteue-2; 20-dimethyUbatene-I and
30-dimethylbutene-I at preneuren up to 4000 atm. Dokl. AN SSSR 113
pq, lYl23!!j?6 _Kr!-AP (MM lotO
Institut organicheskoy khimilim. N.D. Zelinskogo i Komissiya po
Otdelenii fisiko-matematicheskikh nauk Akadexii
nauk SSSR. Predstavleno i6"mikom B.'A. Kazatakim.
(Polymerization) (Butens) (High pressure research)
TITLE The Absorption pectra of some Tetravalent Uranium
Compounds at the Liquid Nitrogen Temperature.
(Spektry pogloshoheniya nekotorykh soyedineniy
chetyrekhyalentnogo urana pri temperature zhidkogo
azota.- Russian)
PERIODICAL Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 1957, Vol 115, Nr 2,
pp 333-335 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT 1. A numbev of peculiarities of the absorption spectra
of lantanoid compounds in the solid and the liquid
state, as e.g. the extreme narrowness of absorption
bands, is explained by the presence of free elootrons
in the 4 f - shell of these elements. The bands in the
infrared, visible and in.the near ultraviolet region
are interpreted as transitions within the 4 f-shall-
The nature of the absorption spectra of compounds
of the aotiniod aeries apparently is of the same kind,
since the latter above all are very similar to the
lantanoids in this respect. But this similarity,
according to the soaroe published data, is not so
striking for the first elements of the actinoid
especially uranium, which markedly differs in
CARD 1/4 .
MW 3-
The Absorption Spectra of some Tetravalent Uranium
Compounds at the Liquid Nitrogen Temperature.
3a 2/U(C20 ), .8H20 at -1960 consist of a great number
of predomInantly narrow bands whioh are grouped in
individual spectral sections. At room temperaturop how-,
eyarp they are broad. Three groups of this kind were
observedp a fourth can be assumed.
4. The author states that the more intensi*e bands in
every group correspond to purely electronlo transitio."
from the ground state of the uranium1m. Such transi-
tions were noticed in the absorption spectra of lantan-
oid compounds. The data on V kol in the spectra o!
Ga2/Cr(C204)4 /~.6H20 and Da2/U(C20 ) R 0 are in satis-
4 4/'a 2
factory agreement w1th those of the infrared abaorption
spectrum of a related compound (NH 4)4/u(020 4) 4/.6H20
5. According to calculations by Jorgensen the occurr9nce
of'bands in the red, green and light blue region of U(IV)
solutions band groups 1, 11 and III in the crystal
spectra) is connected with the transitions from the
CARD 3/4 fundamental level of 3H U(1V) 5 f2 to the excited levels
AUTHORS: Gavriloyap A. Ye., Gonikberg, M. G., Aleksanyanp V. T.,
Sterin, Kh. Ye.
TITLE: The Investigation of the Homogeneous Destructive Tetralin
Hydration at High 'Hydrogen Pressure (Issledovatlye gomogemnogo
destruktivnogo gidrirovauiya tetralina pri -rysokikh davleniyakh
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye khimicheskikh naukv
1958, Nr 8, ppe 961-989 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The present paper is the continuation of a number of preliminary
papers on the homogeneous destructive hydration of aromatic
hydrocarbons at hydrogen pressure. Among the various papers
by other authors Darwent (Darventp Ref 5) must be mentioned
especially; he assumed that the -.ompound of atomic alky! 'benzene
with the aimultaneouB formation of the unstal?le free radical-
is based on the last of several reactions. This radical then
decomposes at the binding C arom - caliph, After further ox-
planations of this process the authors mention that the lireak
Card 1/3 of tho 0 - C I;ond in the 'binding of the hydrogen atom with the
The Investigatior, of the Homogeneous Destructive Tetralin Hydration at
High Hydrogen Pressure
carbon atom of the ring is to be assixmed as prolbal;le. With
respect to the break of the 0 - 0 bond and the processes con-
nected with it it was of special interest to the authors to
inveszigate the homogeneous destructive tatralin hydration,
This hydratiou t"k place at 440-4620C and at up to 1200
atmc~spheres of absolute pressure. Based on the investigation
of the reaction produots by means of rootification methods and
the tFiking of combination-dispersioa spectra of light (as well
as by means of kinetic data) theauthors suggested a general
scheme of the tetralin reactions on the conditions mentioned.
The data obtained agree with the assumptions-mentioned in the
present paper with respect to the radical and chain mechanism
of t-he homogeneous destructiY a hydration of a=omatio hydro-
carbous. There are 1 figure, 4 tables, and 17 referencest 8 of
which are Sovistq
ASSOCIATION; Institut organicheakoy khimil. im. W. D. Zeiinakcgo. Komissiya
po spektroskopil pri OWN Akademi-i nauk SSSR (Institute of
Organio Chemistry Jmeni N. D. Zslinskiy,AS USSR, Committee of
Card 2/3 Spectroscopy OM,AS USSR)
The Inv*stigaiion Of the HOMOge..ous Destructi SOV162-58-8-11122
High Hydrogen Pressure . ve Tetralin
SuanTM: January 23, 1957
AUTHORS: Kazanskiy, B. A., Lukina, Yu., SOV/62-58-lo-24/25
Safonova, I. L., Aleksanyan, V. T., Sterin, Kh. Ye.
TITLE: Letter to the Editor (Pis'ma redaktoru)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskilkh nauk,
1958, Nr lo, pp 128o - 128o (Ussri)
ABSTRACT: The authors succeeded for tho first time to dintribute
1,2-diphenyl cyclopropane and I-phonyl-2-cyclopropyl
cyclopropane to stereoiaomers. The properties were:
1,2-diphenyl cyclopropane (cis-form); boiling point 131,
6-131, 70, (4,8MM); Melting Point 36s7o; n2o 1,5887;
2o D 0
d 1,o29G. The trans-forn: Boilinr point 144,1-144,2
4 2o 2o
(5,2 mm); Melting point 15,30; n D 1,5997;d 4 1,0346;
1-pheryl-2-cyclopropyl cyclopropfine: cis-form:boiling
point 100,2-100,5 (11 mm); n4O 1,5330; d2,
D 4 0,9574i trans-
form: Boiling point 111,3-111,50 (13,8 mm); n 2o lo5371;
2o D
Card 1/2 d4 0,9585, The spectra of the combination dispersion
Letter to the Editor
of both stereoisomer pairs were investi-rated and a
considerable increase of the integral intensities of
the characteristic bands of the benzene ring were found.
This effect proves the presence of a considerable
linka,-e of the phenyl nuclei with the 3-membered nucleus.
This linka'c~e is less intense in the spectra of the iso-
mers with low boiling point. The authors explain
this phenomenon by the presence of steric hinderances
that disturb the situation favorable to the phenyl
nuclei. There are 2 references, .;hich are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheE;koy khimii im.N.D.Zelinskogo Akademii
nauk SSSR i Komissiya po spektroskopii pri Otdclenii
fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk k1scLdemii naul: SSSR (Institute
of Organic Chemistry imeni N.D.Zelinskiy AS USSR and the
Commission for Spectroscopy at the Department of
Physical Mathematical Sciences AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: July 19, 1958
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: 'Al e UqLar, Sterin, Kh. Ye., SOV/48-22-9-16/4o
Mellnikov, A. A., Plate, A F.
TITLE: Raman Spectra of Some Unsaturated Cyclic Hydrocarbons
(Spektry kombinatsionnogo rasseyaniya nekotorykh nepredellnykh
tsiklicheskikh uglevodorodov)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR I Seriya fizicheskaya, 1958,
Vol 22, Nr 9, PP 1073 - 1o78 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This paper is a report on the investigation of the Raman
spectra of hydrocarbons with a double bond in the
nucleus: 1-ethyl cyclopentene, 1-n-propyl cyclopentene-1,
and 1-n-butyl cyclopentene (1. series), also of such
compounds with a semicyclic double binding: ethylidene
cyclopentane, n-propylidene cyclopentane and n-butylidene
cyclopentane (2. series). It was also attempted to
determine tha correlation between the characteristic
frequency of the C - C binding and the structural
features of the olefines. The method which was used in
the recording and in the measurement of the spectra
Card 1/2 were described already earlier (Refs 8,9). The spectra.
Raman Spectra of Some Unsaturated Cyclic Hydrocarbons SOV/46-22-9-16/4o
of the hydrocarbons of the first mentioned series are
known already from pertinent publications (Refs 13,14)-
The spectra of cyclopentane and of I-methyl cyclopentene-1
Refs 7,14)(l.series) and of methyl cyclopentane (Ref 14)
2.series) represent a substantial supplement to existing
information. The characteristic frequencies in the spectra
of both series are given in tables 1 and 2. The qualitative
considerations given in this respect are without doubt
only of a preliminary nature and necessitate a comparison
vrith further experimental and theoretical evidence. There
are 3 tables and 24 references, 14 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya Komissii po spektroskopii Akademii nauk SSSR
(Laboratory of the Committee of SpectroscopyAS USSR)
Kafedra khimii nefti Moskovskogo gos. universiteta imeni
M.V.Lomonosova (Chair of Petroleum Chemistry at the Moscow
State University imeni I.I.V.Lomonosov)
Car4 2/2
21(g),24(0) PHASE 11 BOOK EXPLOrrATIO' SCI/l/12, 71
Alcmdemlya nauk SSSR. Fixichookiy InatItut
lasledovanlya po ekxperimentallnoy I teOr*tIcnemkcy fIzIkej (fibornl~j
(Studios on Experimental and Theoretical Physics; Collection of
Articles) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1959. 304 p. Errata allp
Inserted. 2.30'! copies printed.
9d.s I. L. Pabellnekly, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Eel-
enc*s; Ed&. of Publishing H,use: A. L. Cnernyak And V. 0. Berkgautj
Tech. Ed.: Yu. V. Ryllna; Commission for Publishing the Collection
in Newry or GrIgorlys. Samullovich Landaborg: 1. Te. To=
(chairman), Academician; K. A. Loontovich, Academician;
P. A. Bazhulln, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences;
S. L. Mandel'ahtam, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sci*ncms;
1. L. Fabolinakly, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sclencem;
F. S. Landobtrg-Baryshanskaya# Candidate
of Physical and Math.
ematical Sciences; and G. P. Motulevich SecretLr7)0 Candidate of
Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
PURPOSZt This book to Intended for physicists and researcherx
engaged in the study of elect romagnet Ic radiations and their role
structure and composition or mat*rlala.
COVERAGE: The- collection-c-ontainm jO*-ii~ti,i'iB-wE-ii*i~-r-i"ii---------',;~:
Investigations in opectromeopyt monies, molecular opticat semi-
conductor physics, nuclear physlcs~ and-other branches of
physics. The Introductory chapter given a biographical profile
f 0
. S.
argp Proresaor and Read of the Depar
ment of
optics or the Division or Physical Technology at Moscow Uni-
versity# sad reviews his work in Rayleigh scattering# combat
pectral analysis of metals, etc. No personalities am
d. References accompany each article.
-Razhulin, P. A., Y, T. M, yahev, and 3j
. Th
-lirthe PI
Work of 0. S. Landaberg !.
; cu Upset
ld ro
scopy 17
,_tIon .Q....,;
Activated Discharge Generator opera
ting Under Conditions of Low Arc Currents 27
rh. Y* Slarlp, A
n. 1. M. Kuznet-
'RT".. a. Wz Iz Y
- a pasomlly-
ilablIFS-the Ci~nf omoroolsome
ic Di
CYClOhmxarA an the Santa of a Combined Scattering Spectrum 43
Andrejew, X. x'. Standing Sound Waves Of Large Amplitude 53
Bazhulin, P A. and &-J__52kQ1MMkaym. Investigation or the -
~i%r the Width Or Combined Scatterin
Lines to Te
perature 56
X __2____1aand
Butag:14 V_-A-ZA&r1J=t- A Madlum With Negative
orptLon fricient
V. Nuclear Transitions In NongphericaL Nuclei 71
~Vyo~', =Aht0X
Optical Propertlea'6f Sub.tsnces in the
Vitreous State 80
Vul- B M- V. S. V9vIIOv and A. P. Shotov. The Qutstion of
1 Now Methods of increasing the Effectiveness
wa Thermocouples IOU
Glnzburg, V. L..and A. P. k*yanyuk_ Scattering of Light Hear
rhame Transition or the Second Type and the
Critical Curio point 104
_.L"kov-10h, M. A. Irradiation Of An Elastic Wall Vibrating
nOn Of Statistically Distrib
d P
orces IIT
Levin, L. M. The Diming of Light by a Cl
Xaxlpx M_ A-
_hjndmj!j=Z and V 0 Koloshnikov. The
broadening an-d-3hifting or the Spec - " -- a
I-Una* 0
Discharge In plasma
MalYshty. V. T.,and V_ N. Jourzi . Investigation or the Hydro-
In ubstl
ndeewhose MQI*cUIQs Contain Two Hydroxyl
Groups 134
AUThORS s aonikberg, M.G., Storin, lh-~T~-, Vkholin, S-k,, Climhanov, A~A,~ -"Mi
TITIZ: Production of the Raman Scattering Spectra at High Pressures
(Poluchoniya apektrov kombinatsionnogo rasq6yanjy& pri vysokikh
NRIODIVAL t Optilm I Spoictroskoplya, 1959, Vol b, Nr 1, pp 109-110 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: To obtain the Raman spai7tra at pressurev up to 2600 kg1=2 the autbora
useJ apparatus shown in a figure on p 110. A scattering cell 1
coraisted of two *t**1 cylinders one on top of the other. '11he externa 1.
diameter of the outer -,cylinder was 160 mm and the diameter of the cell
propor mat 20 mm. The substance placed In the call was illuminated
throu0i three vindows 'which more at right anglas to the call. These
wino.owe are marked 2 in the figure. A fourth window (marked 3) was
used to observe the scattered light. Construction of the windows follom
Bridgemants techniqa& described in Rof 5. The smallest diameter of tho
coni,~al apert~iires at each window was 7 mm; the angle %p was 450. Th
Raman spectra -were excited with the blue line of mercrary, ~ = 4538 1,
prodvood by a PRK-type lamp. Three diaphragas (marked 5 in the figure)
Card 1/2 were used to cut out the light reflected by the internal walls of tha
Production Of the Raman Scattering Spectra at High Pressures
tell. A apeetrogralti ISP-51 wan used to obtain the Raman spectra of
toluene and isarropylbenzene at pressures of 1000 and 2000 k&/CM2 at
room temparatare. The photographic plates ware *xposed for 4-6 hours.
Wo disolacement of the Raman frequeneies of toluene and isopropylboazen*
was cl~ervad at these two pres;sures. The appamtus described may be
used also to obtain the Raman' epactra of compressed &&sea. There are
I figure and 5 reforencan, 4 of which are Sngll4h, and 1 translation of
an English mrk into Russian.
SUEM TTED t July 7, 1958
Card 2/2
5 (3)
AUTH'ORS: Kazanekiyj B, A,j Liberman, A. L.p sov/62-59-6-19/36
Loza, G. V*, Kuznehw&,J. M.v
Aleksanyan, V. T., Sterin, Kho Yes
TITLE: Catalytic Cyolization of a-Octane With Formation of the Homo-
logs of the Cyclopentane (Kataliticheakaya tsiklizatsiya as
oktana sobrazovaniyem gomologov taiklopent-sna)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheakikh nauk,
1959, Nr 6, pp 1071 - 1078 (TJSSR)
ABSTRACT: By the action of a platinum catalyst n-octane forms the cyclic
compounds: 1-methyl-2-ethyloyclopentane and n-propyleyclopen-
tane. The-present investigation dealt with the cyclization
process and the spatial structure of the compounds produced by
cyolization. For the purpose of this cyclization n-ootane was
for five hours passed through platinated coal with a passage
rate of 0.2/hour at 3100. 'Two samples of the catalyst were used
in parallel. In contrast to ramificated isomers cyclization of
n-octane is fairly difficult. The yield on both catalysts was
only 2.2 and 4.5%, respectively. The cyclic product could be
enriched by distilling the catalysate. An investigation by means
Card 1/3 of the Raman spectrum showed that there was trans-l-methyl-2-
Catalytic Cyclization of n-Octane With Formation of SOV/62-59-6-19/36
the Homologe of the Cyclopentane
ethyloyclopentene in the lower boiling fraction, and n-propyl-
cyclopentene in the residue. The cis-form of the first men-
tioned compound could not be discovered. Apart from the com-
pounds mentioned, there were still small quantities of 4-me-
thylheptane to be observed. Furthermore, a line (762 cm-1) was
discovered, which was assigned to the pentalane bicyclo-[0,3,3)-
octane. This could, howeverg not yet be proved owing to the
difficulties that arise in the production of the pen.ialane.
Since the Raman spectra of the two cyclic compounds obtained
are yet hardly known, the single compounds were synthetized in
pure form and plotted separately. The synthesis was carried
out according to a method which was worked out in the institute
mentioned in the Association, with the only difference that in-
stead of aluminum oxide, silica gel was used for isomerisation.
In the experimental part the production of the different sub-
stances is described in detail. The properties of and the yield
in catalysates, obtained from n-octane, are compiled in table
1. Table 2 gives the data oncerning the substances produced
Card 2/3 by distillation. When analyzing the catalyaates; distillates,
Catdlytic Cyclization of n-Ootane With Formation of BOV162-59-6-19136
the Homologs of the Cyclopentane
and residues from n-octane it is shown that about the same por-
tions are obtained for both compounds. There are 2 tables and
12 referenoeab 10 of which are Soviet.
ISSOCIATION; Institut organioheskoy khimii im. N* D. Zelinskogo Akademii
nauk SSSR i 'Komissiya po spektroskopii Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni X. D. Zelinskiy of the
Academy of Sciences, USSR, and Committee for Spectroscopy of
the Academy of Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTED: August 15, 1957
Card 7/3
AU THORS, V.T., Sterin, Kh.Ye., Lulcind, M.Yu., Saftonova, I.L. and
T I TIA Spectroacopic Investigation of the Effect of Yutual Orientatior of
Cyclopropane and Ph-inyl Rings on their Conjugation (Spektroskopichaskoye
issladovaniye vliyanlya vzaimnoy oriyontatsil tsikloproDanovykh I
fenilinykh kolets na, 1kh sopryatheniye)
FEMODMIL:Optilca i anaktrosicopiya, 1959, Vol 7, Mr 2, pp 178-186 (USSR)
ABSMOT: The paper describes results of the study of Raman spectra of stereoisomers,
of 1,2-diphanyleyclopropane and 1-phonyl-2-cyclopropylcyclopropane. Those
hydrocarbons -mere prepared folloydng the technique described by Kithner
(Ref 4) and Smith and Rogior (Ref 16). Stereoisomers v.,ere separated out
by fractional distillation under vacuo. The Rarian spectra 'were recorded
by means of a spectrograph ISF-51. The frequencies and intensities were
measured following a technique describW earlier (Ref 17). The frequency
scatter did not exceed �1 cm-1 and the intensity scatter was � 107"0. The
integral intensities viore determined by direct microphotometry of-the
line shape. The 802 =-l line in the spectr= of cyclohexane vas used
Ca rd 1/3 as a standard and its molar integral Intensity vw tAsn to be 500. The
/1, *
A qpectroscopic investigation of the Effect of Mutual Orientation of Cyclopropane
and Phanyl Rings on Their Conjugation
results obtained are tabulated on pp 180-1. The intensities of the
lines at -1200 and -1600 cm-1 of the two compounds studied were stronger
than those of alkyl benzenesi this indicates a strong conjugation of
cyclopropane and phanyl rings. *Xhe conjuEation is shown lose clearly
in the spectra of stereoisomers with lower boiling points. This is due
to steric obstacles 'which prevent the most favourable arrangement of the
phenyl rings with respect to the cyclopropane ring. Such steric
obstacles exist only in cis-isomers. This circumstance was used to
identify the cis- and trans-isomers of both hydrocarbons, For
1,2-diphonylcyclopropane the isomer with a boiling point of
131.6-131.70C (4.8 mm Hg) and a freezing point of 36.70C was identified
as the cis-form, -while the isomer with a boiling point of
144.1-144.20C (5.2 mm Hg) and a freezing point of 15.30C had'the
trans-form. The cis-isomer of 1-phenyl-2-c,.,clopropylcyclopropans had
a boiling point of 100.2-100.50G (at 11 mm HS) and the trans-isomer
card 2/3
4~ Spectroscopic Investigation of the Effect of mutual Orientation of Cyclopropane
and Phenyl Rings on Their Conjugation
boiled at 111.3-111-500 (at 13.8 mm Hg). There are 2 figures, 2 -tables
and 21 references , 9 of which are Soviet, 8 Snglish, 1 French, 1 German,
I translation rrem! Inglish into Russian and 1 from an international
SUBLUTTEED: September 23, 1958
Card 3/5
AWHORS: Kazanskiy, Be As, Landaberg, G.S. (Deceased), SOV/62-59-9-15/40
zAjBkaauy;eaT--V-.*" Bulanova, T. A.,
Liberman, A. L., Mikhaylova, Ye. A., Plate, A. F., Sterin,*,
Ukholin, S. A.
TITLE: Investigation of the Composition of the Fraction With a Boiling
Point Between 150 and 2500 of the Emba Crude Petroleum
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdoloniye khimicheskikh nauk,
1959, Nr 9, pp 1612 - 1622 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: An attempt is being made to apply the combined investigation
method for benzines (Ref 1) to the investigation of the petrole-
um fraction with a boiling point between 150 and 2500 of the
Emba crude petroleum. The petroleum investigated came from the
Kosahagylskoye deposit:!. It was proved that this fraction contains
12.6% of aromatic and 13- Vio of hexahydroaromatic hydrocarbons.
In the aromatic fraction 29 different hydrocarbons were identi-
fied. The quantitative division in groups of the aromatic hydro-
carbons boiling in this range was carried out with characteriza-
tion of the arrangement of the side-chains on the benzene ring
or the corresponding cyclohexane ring and that for the multi-
Card 1/3 cyclic according to the arrangement of the rings. By this method
Investigation of the Composition of0 the Fraction With sov/62-59-9-15/40
a Boiling Point Between 150 and 250 of the Emba Crude
the authors succeeded in establishing the composition of the
aromatic compounds up to 70~6 and that of the hydroaromatic com-
pounds up to 46%. In the paraffin-naphthene part of the fraction
the presence of naphthene with two different substituents in the
same carbon atom of the cyclohexane could be established (mixed
substitution). The limiting into narrower fractions was possible
at the paraffin-naphthenes by investigating the specific gravi-
ties, the refractive index and the aniline point of these frac-
tions. In figures 1 and 2 the paraffin-naphthene fractions are
identified and tables 1-6 contain the results of the analysis.
Table 7 gives the results of the distillation of the paraffin-
cyclopentane fraction of the Ligroin applying the coefficient
proposed by P. S. Maslov (Ref 11). There are 2 figures, 7 tables,
and 11 raferences, 10 of which are Soviet.
Card 2/3
Investligation of the Composition of0the Fraction With SOV/62-59-9-15/40
a Boiling Point Between 150 and 250 of the Emba Crude
ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii
nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy
of the Academy of Sciences, USSR). Komissiya po spektroskopii
Akademii nauk SSSR (Committee of Spectroscopy of the Academy
of Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTED: January 4, 1958
Card 3/3
24Mv11(4) SOV/48-23-10-2/39
AUTHORS: Aleksanyang V. T., Sterin, Kh. Ye. Ukholin, S. A.
TITLE: The Analysis of Hydrocarbon,Mixtures According to the Raman
Spectra of Light
PERIODICAL., ..zvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959, Vol 23,
Nr 10, PP 1177-1178 (USSR)
ABSTrACT: Raman spectra are frequently used in the authors' laboratories
for the purpqsecfanalyzingpatUm~l hydrocarbon mixtures, especially
gasoline fractions. The analytical investigations forming the
subject of the present paper were carried out in close coopera-
tion of the laboratory of the Komissiya po spektroskopii
(spectroscopy Commission) and the Laboratoriya kataliticherkogo
sinteza Instituta organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR (Laboratory for
Catalytic Synthesis of the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the
AS USSR). The first part of this paper gives a short report on
the catalytic cyclization of n-octane with-formation of homologa
of cyclopentane. .In low-boiling fractions trans-l-methyl-2-othyl
cyclopentane 04%) and in later fractions n-propyl cyolopentane
(also -1.4%) was found. Also 4-methyl heptane was found. In the
spectrum of the distillation residue the line 762 om-1 was found,
Card 1/2 which may be attributed to pantalano (whiah might have been
The Analysis of Hydrocarbon Mixtures According to the SOV/48-23-10-2/39
Raman Spectra of Light
produced by the second oyclization of n-propyl cyclopentane or
1-methyl-2-ethyl cyclopentane). The second part of the paper
gives some details concerning the homogeneous destructive hydro-
genation of tetralin at high hydrogen pressures. At pressures of
up to 1200 atm and temperatures of 440-4620 the hydrogenation was
carried out. In the reaction products (with the boiling point of
136.1 - 183-9o) the following hydrocarbons were found:
Ethyl benzene - 16%, isopropyl benzene - 9%, n-propyl benzene -
10%, secondary butyl benzene 12%, n-butyl benzen; - 43%,
indan - 4%, c~.-methyl indan 2- 4%, as well as others the
content of which amounts to less than 1%. In higher boiling
fractions 085 - 1900) 06-meth I indan was the main component,
and further n-butyl benzene, Tmethyl indan (5 - 10%) and
trans-decalin (1 - 3%) was found. The scheme of hydrogenation
and of the isomerization of tetralin is given. There are I figure
and 3 Soviet references.
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: L Stevin, Kh. Ye., Liberman, A. L.,
Lukina, M. Yu., Tayts, G. S., Tara&ova, G:. A., Terentleva,
Ye. M.
TITLE: Investigation of Hydrocarbons by Optical Method. XII.
Roman Speetva of Some HydPocarbons of Various Series
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademli nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye Ithimicheskikh
nauk, 1960, Nr 1, pp 84-89 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The Rainan spectra of the following hydrocarbons were
studied: n-dodecane; 5,5-dimethylundecane; 1,1,2-tri-
inethyleyclopropane; sec-bLltylCyClopentane, 2-cyclopentyl-
octane, n-propylcyclohexane, I-rnethyl-2-ethylcyclo-
hex-l-ene. Combination of the chemical and spectro-
scopic data confirm that 1,2-diallcyleyclohexan-l-ol
on de'hydration yields 1, 2-dialkyl eye. lohexenes with
doubl-b bond predominantly in position (1).
Card 1/3
Investigation of Hydrocarbons by
Optical Method. XII
C1 1, C1 1,
C.1 1, \/ C'1 13
C1 1,
There are 26 references, 16 Soviet, 6 U.S., 4 German.
The 5 most recent U.S. references are: Mosher-
W. A., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 62, 552 (1940); Fensk'e, M. R.,
Anal. Chem. , 19, 700 (1947); Sif;naip, F. K., Cramer,
P. L., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 55., 3326 (1933); Foebr,
F. G., Fenske, M. R., Industr. and Engng. Chem., 41,
1956 (1949); Kelso, R. G., Greenlee, K. W,, Derfer,
Card 2/3 J. M., Boord, C. E., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 7 , 287 (1952).
Investigation of Hydrocarbons by
Optical Method. XII
ASSOCIATION: N. D. Zelinsk 4y Institute of Organic Chemistry of the
Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Institut organicheskoy
khimit imeni N. D. Zelinskogo Akademil nauk SSSR)
SUBMITTED: May 30, 1958
Card 3/3
157 j / 0 0 P~'051/60/008/03/008/038
AUTHORS., AleksanyaLi. V.T.I.Sterin, Kh.Y .1 Mellnikov, A.A. and
-Ft-t-, A.--.
TITLE: Raman SpectraYof 112-dialkyleyelopentane Stereoisomers
PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiyaq 19609 Vol 89 Nr 3,
PP 324-327 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the Raman spectra of stereo-
isomers of three 1,2-dialkyleyelopentanes.
1-ethyl-2-ri-propyleyelopentane kl);
1-ethyl-2-n-butylcyclopentane (II);
112-di-n-butylcyclopentane (III).
The methods of preparation and recording of the spectra
were as described earlier (Ref 3). It was found that
the Raman spectra had certain features which could be used
to identify reliably the type of the stereoisomer. These
features were lines in the regions 1133-1147 cm-1 and
885-910 cm-1 in the spectra of the isomers with lower
boiling points, and lines in the regions 1107-1120,
Card 11~4-1160 and 882-893 cm-1 in the spectra of the isomers
1/2 with higher boiling points. The isomers with the lower
boiling points (72.9, 91.0 and 122.6 OC for I, II and III
Raman Spectra of 1,2-dialkyleyclopentane Stereoisomers t4_11
respectively) had cis-structure.
There are 1 table and 6 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: May 14, 1959
50) 3/020/60/130/03/019/065
AUTHORS: Kazanskiy,__B. A., Academician, ~akhapetyan, L. A.,_AleksaRyan,
lilvj ~ T.,,.,, ~terin, Kh. Ye. , Podkhalyuzin, A. T.
TITLE-. Dehydrationlof Dimethyl-cyclopentyl-carbinol (1 in the Presence of
Sulfuric Acid
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol 130, Br 3, PP 552-555
ABSTRACT: The authors carried out the reaction mentioned in the title
with 0.11% concentrated H2so 41 in order to clarify in what way
a five-membered ring acts on the couroe of the reaction. The
reaction conditions were the same as in one of their previous
papers (Ref 1). The authors also this time obtained a mixture
of unsaturated hydrocarbons, from which the following individual
hydrocarbons were separated by diatillation: isopropyl-cyclo-
pentene-1, iuopropenyl-cyclopentane (produced for the first
time), and isopropylidene-cyclopentane. Herefrom the authors
conclude that the reaction had proceeded according to the
Card 1/3 scheme (of Fig). The structure of the separated compounds was
Dehydration of Dimethyl-cyclopentyl-carbinol in S/020/60/130/03/019/065
the Presence of Sulfuric Acid B011/BO16
Card 2/3
confirmed by the agreement of the constants of two of them
with data available in publications. The Raman spectra offered
further proof of their structure. While the present investiga-
tion was being carried out, a paper by G. Chiurdoglu and
S. Van Walle (Ref 4) was published, who investigated the de-
hydration of cyclic carbinols by distillation with 0.01% H 2so4
The au"~hors carried out the reaction mentioned in the title .0
also under these conditions. By means of the Raman spectra of
the dehydration products they found that with 0.01% H 2so4 alao
a mixture of isopropyl-eyelopentene-1, isopropenyl-, and iso-
propylidene-cyclopentane results. The quantitative ratio of
these components, however, varies according to the quantity of
H2SO 4' With increasing quantity the content of isopropenyl-
cyclopentane decreases from 66-63% to 40-35%. At the same time,
the quantity of the other two hydrocarbons increases. Also the
yield of dehydration products increases from 66% to 91%. Thus,
the results obtained by the authors are not in agreement with
those of reference 4. The authors point out that the constantB
Dehydration of Di methyl-eyelopentyl-carbinol in S/020/60/150/03/019/065
the Presence of Sulfuric Acid BOII/BO16
of isopropenyl-eyolobutane and isopropenyl-eyelopentane of
reference 4 deviate considerably from those obtained by them-
selves. They assume that in reference 4 no individual hydro-
carbons, but mixtures of unsaturated hydrocarbons with a dif- 0
ferent position of the double bond were under consideration.
There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 5 references, 4 of which are
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova
(Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov)
SUBMITTED: November 13, 1959
Card 3/3
AUTHORS-., Alekeanyan, V. ., Stering Khe Yea
TITLE; Orientation of the n-Blectron ClouYin the CyclopropaneiRing
PERIODICAL:~ Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960v Vol. 1319 No. 6v PP- 1373 - 1375
TEXT: The authors investigated the conjugation of %-bonds on 1.2-diphonyl- ana
I-pheny~-2-eyolopropyl-eyolopropane by means of the Raman spectrum (Refs* 192).
The question remained unanswered as to whether the cis-form had the.oonfiguration
A or B (Fig. 1). This has now been clarified by investigating the Raman spectrum
of 191-diphenyl-oyoloproppne. In this compound only configuration A is' possible
for stereochemical reasons. This is proved by comparing the intensity of the
1600 cm-1 line of the Raman spectra (Table 1) of various phenyl-oyclopropanes.
The relatively low conjugation between cyclopropane- and.phenyl ring,in this com-
pound is confirmed also chemically. Among all diphenyl-eyclopropanes investige,ted.0
191-diphenyl-eyelopropane has the lowest hydrogenation rate under cleavage of the
three-membered ring. The 191-diphenyl-oy-olopropane BE ectrum has the intensive
line of valence oscillations of C-H-bonds at 3005 cm 1P which is characteristic
Card 1/2
Orientation of the n-Electron Cloud in the Cyclopropane 8/020/60/131/06/40/071
Ring BO04/B0O7
of the cycl opropane ring* There are 1 figurep 1 tablep and 6 referenceep 4 of
which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Komissiya po spektroskopii pri Otdelenii fiziko-matematicheskikh
nauk Akademii nauk SSSR (commission on spectroscopy at the
Department of Physical and Mathematicil Sciences of the
of Saienee-a;~)
PRESENTED: January 4P 1960, by B. A. Kazanskiy, ioademician
SUBMITTED: December 259 1959
Card 2/2
0 -,Dabydrocyclizetion of alkyl cyclopentanes into bicyclic by-
learbons. Dokl.AN SSSR 133 no.2:364-366 Jl 160.
(MIRL 13:7)
1. Institut organicheekoy khimii im. N.D.Zolinskogo Akadenii.
nauk SSSR i lomisidya po spektroskopii Ake6demii nauk SSSR,
(cyclopentane) (Orclization)
AUTHORS: Kazanskiy, B. A., Academician, Shokova, E. A., Khromov, S. I.,
Aleksanjan, V. T.,and Sterin, Kh. Ye.
TITLE: Contact Conversions of Cyclooctanej in the Presence of
Platinized Coal
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 196o, voi. 133, No. 5,
Pp- 1090 - 1093
TEXT: The authors wanted to find out the behavior of polymethylenes of
average ring size on platinized. coal at lower temperatures than those
appliod by V. Prelog (Ref. 1). Moreover, they wanted to repeat the in-
complete work of N. D. Zelinskiy and G. I. Freyman (Ref- 3). According to
the latest notions, cyclooctane can principally exist in two most stable
Card 113
Contact Conversions of Cyclooctane in the s/o2o/60/133/00,5/032/034/XX
Presence of Platinized Coal B016/BO60
The amount of (II) in cyclooctane is probably very small. In the centro-
symmetric form (I), the four equatorial hydrogen atoms are placed higher
than the central ring plane, whereas other four of them are placed below
this plane. When any pair of these atoms in 1,5-position separates, the
transannular C-C bond may form and cis-bicyclo-(0,3,3)-octane-(cis-penta-
lane) may result. In this work, the authors examined the conversions of
cyclooetane on platinized *coal at 3100 in the presence and in the absence
of hydrogen. A quantitative conversion of cyclooctane took place in both
cases. In the absence of hydrogen, cis-bicyclo-(0,3,3)-octane-(cis-penta-
lane) developed in an amount of about 51 wt% of the catalyzate. Appreciable
amounts were also obtained of trans-l-methyl-2-ethyl cyclopentane (about
23%) and n-propyl cyclopentane (about 20%), as well as smaller amounts
(about 6%) of 4-methyl heptane. Basing on the reaction products, the
authors set up a scheme of this reaction. Apparently, the first stage is
the formation of cis-pentalane which then undergoes hydrogenolysis under
the action of the resulting hydrogen. Trans-l-methyl-2-ethyl cyclopentane
and n-propyl cyclopentane thus result. 4-methyl-l-heptane is formed by the
hydrogenolysis of the latter. The same substances were formed in the
presence of hydrogen, but the quant1tative proportion was different. This
Card 2/3
Contact Conversions of Cyclooctane in the
Presence of Platinized Coal
is explained by a more intense hydrogenolysis of the five-membered ring in
the presence of hydrogen. At the same time, the hydrogenolysis of pentalane
and n-propyl cyclopentane takes place more smoothly than that of 1-methyl-
-2-ethyl cyclopentane. The authors were not able to detect methyl cyclohep-
tane in the reaction products (as conversely stated in Ref- 3)- About 1 - 2~/j
of aromatic hydrocarbons were obtained: toluene, ethyl benzene, and o-xy.-
lene.Tables 1 - 4 collect the results of distillation, the individual
fractions together with their constants, and the quantitative proportions
of the resulting substances. They were determined from the Raman spectra
(monograph by G. S. Landsberg, B. A. Kazanskiy, and others, Ref. 9) of the
fractions. A paper by A. L. Liberman and others (Ref. 10) is mentioned.
There are 4 tables and 11 references: 6 Soviet, 3 US, 1 Swiss, and I French.
ASSOCIATION: Mosk0v8kjy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova
(Xo&cow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov). Komissiya po
spektroskopii Akadeidii nauk SSSR (Commission Yor Spectro-
scopy of the Academy_of Sciences USSR)
SUBMITTED: May 11, 1960
Card 3/3
OTHORS: K.t-.kiy, B. L., Acadon-clan, Khromov. S. I.,
Lib.rmaa. A. L. . DALnk-. Yv. S. . V..IoA. T. V..
TITM Contact Trmaef.rusti-A Of Cyclud.can. in the Prow".. Of
FlStInJx.d Ch.M.61
FERIDDICLL: Dokl.djr Ak.d.aiil -.k 3533. 1960, Val 135, NO. 2.
pp. 32T - 3~0
?IXT: Th& author. studied the following problem: Rithvrto (Ref.0.1,2) It
has' been St%tod that cyolodecan* an plattntzed charcoal is directly
tr-sfo-.d into Ln conn.itice, .-th -he C, d.hydrocyclizatt"
(Ref.4) which has been discovered In the 2-44tise, the 4u99tiOn areas
'hothor the formation of azulonq to a ofeendary p.-oc~ss# while d.c.-
bydLroalulone 1. formed In. 'he "in "action (tMissnaular C 5 d.hydro-
CYClIzati0n) and yields axulono by d.h7draeonatl-.. To true. this -.a-
tim, ." C.%.lysod 0. pistini-d charcoal j5 and 20A Pt)
Card 1/4
-at 500 and 51C`C -,I itho.~ %.&r gas. 1% va. be.. that the ms~.r part
of cyclodscen. I. transformed. After rectification. the cat&lysatoa were
chromatographed an sillea Cal, and their Essen apo:9- -a- studied.
Tho, catalyo,ates proved to be complicated mixture. *o.t.l.ig r ... tic.
paraffin. and bicyclic Asphth.u. bylro-.rbons. Wapbthal... -4
0-4ithyl or. found to be important. 3-11 -.%. of
6-..Zbyl led-. A-t-ityl la..X...' inden, sal .-thyl ban.... -,or. do-
tented- APProximal-ly equal amount. of ti-d.csnw,
and L small sen"t of -razo-d ... lin. "I a
b,ldrocarb-D of uukno~ spoc%~ were detected in %ht pamMn - na;h-
then part. The formation of docalin =4 naph-balous is obviously the
real of tr"s`u"ul*`~C6 dwhydracyclization# while d-thydruasulono is free 'Yclod.can. by C 5
d#hydrocyclitation. This indicates that
C5. C6 hydrocT.11a.tions see caused not..Oll by the cluou.. of
01- chains, but may .140 O.Cur Lthi. . eye'. -hil. bicyclic vy
are"farno4. Thus, .-docane can only h... formed I. the cGtlyz.t:"b;'
oloa'&C. Of the %.0--b-4 yet*. since hydr.c-a-11.1s has been
Card 2/4
achieved only in cycles wit.% no =or@ than 5 !iydrocarbOn dt-3, th.
sti-tion luxds"ut.1 import-.-.. Ri1htrt--. the 10--tten Of
o-diethyl benzene and 1,2-diethyl cyc*.chx&.. h.o not be..
-1 to 0-
is poiat.d. out that no.. of the r. can be .3.
plal h - Th. fallo.jue ra..tIoa,.cbx.. Is jurg..t.d for
cyel:dtocl-**obov.op"l&.ttiioni..d ch.rcol:
C.H. C. H.
CK.__CH.-C &H. - CH. CH. - W4 _0( C.H.
The remaining hydrocarbons detected in the catslyzat, war* probably
for.*d by men am"ry ',be- are 4 tables stad 9 ref.rea.vat
6 S-Lot 2 U!, and I Swiss.
Card 3/4
CanUat Trv=mfo~tivmv 0.1 Cjralojeca~s Lz the 5/022/60/t35/0021020/036
Presence of PltLall.d Chmaraval DOI 613052
A==A:ICX: Mosk4lakil C*sud,&--vtv*Ar4y =LfersLut La.
(NO04" State =,erlly Lmemi N.Y. tmozosov). lools:
PC ."k%V*8k9VU Akadmil --%Lk 3332 (C.=i6m.-On of
SP*C~~X!Riac*pr If the Acade=.y of Sciences ".351). instit 1~
org"icholkor kbL--LL Irs. S.D. Zalim.k.gc Aksd.~'i
vAuk 3339 (ZmAUTu-* of aremaic chef ry Lm.=i
Ir. D. Zolln.kly of the of Scl:.Ices VS33)
acma-ED. JuIr 28. 1960
CA~l 4i4
liffin", A.L.; MiUAYWVA, Ye.A.,- SMIRNOVA, E.N.; TYUNIKINAs, N.I.
Raman spectra of certain hydrocarbons of the benzene series
havong one or two side chains. In. AN SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk
no.8:1437-2443 Ag 161. (MIM 14:8)
1, Komissiya po spektroakopii AN SSSR i inatitut organicheakoy
khimii,im. N.D. Zelinekogo AN SSSR.
Rmmln Pipectra of some tri- and -tetraallcylbenwnes and condensed
aromatio hytlrocarbono. Izir, AR SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.8-.14/+/+-
1450 Ag 161. (MIRA-11+:8)
1. K=iasiya po spektroskopii AN SSSR i Inetitut organicheakoy
kbimii im.- N.D. Zelinakogo AN SSSR.
Investigation of the composition of products of catalyl-,ic tranofora4ionn
of hydrocarbons based on Raman spectra. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. fis. 261~,Y
no.10:1319-1320 0 162. (MIRA 15--10
(Hydrocarbons) (Catalysis) (Spectrum analysis)
Al #-Y*T*; BARINOVAp Me; ZHIZHIN~ G.W.; STEM, Mialeo;
Vibrational spectra of some endo- and exoderivatives of the
series bie~ulo(2.,291)heptane and bicyclo(2,2,1)-2-heptene.;Tukt~khim. I+ no.1&2E~-36 Ja-F't63. (MIRA 16s2)
1. Kmissiya po spektroskopii AN SSSR i Hookovokiy gosudarstvenn7y
universitet, imeni Me Imonosovae
(Bloyd1oheptane-Absorption spectra)
(Norbornene-Absorption spectra)
Vibrational speatra of cyclic hydrocarbons with conjugate double
bonds. Zhur.strukt.khim. 4 no.2:189-193 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 16:5)
1. Komissiya po spektroskopii AN SSSR.
(Hydrocarbons-Spectra) (Conjugation (Chemistry))
Gonformational etate of 2,4-dimethYl-1,3-pentadione and 3-mothyl-1,3-
pentadiene, Zhur.atrakt,khim. -4 n0.3:354-357 Yf-Je 163. JgA 16t6)
1e Komissiya po spektroakopii AN SSSR, Inatitut neorgmUchaskoy
khimii Sibirskogo otdaleniya AN SSSR i Institut organicheAoy
khimii imenj N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
(Pentadiene) (Stereochamisqy)
Raman spectra of acme &Wl-aubstituted furans. Zhur.strukt k
4 no.3:358-363 MY-Je 163. 26)
1. Komissiya po spektroskopii AN SSSR.
Vibrational spectra or aliphatic conjugated dienes. Zhur.strukt.khim.
4 no-4:527-534 JI-Ag 163. (MM 16:9)
l.-Komissiya po spektroskepii AN SSSR i Institut neorganicheshoy
khimii Sibirakogo otdeleniya AN SSS~.
Some anomalies in vibrational spectra ofa unsaturated ketones.
Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.khim. no.7:1336-1339 ifh,~63- (MIRA 16:9)
1. Institut neorganichaskoy khimA' Sibirskogo otdoleniya AV SSSR
i Komissi-ya, po spaktraskopii AN SSSR.
Chemical code for retrieval of apectrochemical inforination. IITI
no.9:17-21 163. (mm 16:12)
Some problems of docuft~ntation for molecular spectra with the -
aid of punched card systems (snrvey). Zav.1ab. 29 no.71'849-856
163. (MIRA 16:8)
(Punched card systems--Molecular spectra)
Certain particularities of the vibration spectra of conjugated
dienes and the effect of the diene configuration the interaction
of double bonds. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.5:1062-1065 Je 163.
(MIRA 16:8)
1. Komissiya po spektroskopii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom
(Unsaturated compounds-Spectra) (Double bonds)