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.p ACC NRi Ai~66_2_3426 (j\) SOURCE COME., UR/090/66/008/007/iI64/1168 AUTHOR: Kurilenko, A. I.; Aleksandrova, L. B.; Smetanina, L. B. ORG: none TITIS: Effect of grafting of polystyrene on the surface proz)erti-~s of pol3maproamide and polyetlWlene-terephthalate.fibers SOURCEt Vysokomoleku:LyarnVe so~vedinoniyaj v. 8p no. 7,'1966v 116A-1i6s TOPIC TAGS: polyethylene torephthalate, polyeaproamido, polystyronep synthotio fiborl adhesive bonding ABSTRACT: The effect of grafting of olystyrone Ito polycaproamide (capron and poly- ethylene torephthalate (dacron)iifibeis on-th-e-j"st-reng-th of their adhesive bond with thermosetting polymers Tp-~WZigomors MGF-9jvPN-1~1'.E~E-41)bwas studied. The Z' grafting was performed by the post-effect ne1hMro_m__tTie_ -ja-sphase. TheL adhesion of _22hmers(Ind t e-w-Rta-l the grafted capron and dacron fibqrs to the four themosettiM 7 bility of those fibers were shown to depend on the_";7o_u=nof grafted polystyrene and t6 change in symbatic fashion. The amount of grafted polymer was proportional to the duration of the graft-Ing process, but the rate of grafting in the surface layer de- creased with time. Qualitatively, the grafting of polystyrene to the fibers had the same effect on their adhesion to all four polymers: In all cases, the strength of the bond increased in the presonce of less than 1% of grafted polystyrene$ then dropped to' Card ACC NR, AP6023426 values comparable to the initial ones at 2-3% of the grafted component. The results are discussed from Lhe standpoint of the adsorption theory of adhosion. In conclusio the authors thank L. -B, Shchetinkina and q, V. Medyannikov, vho participated in the experiments. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, I table-, and 3 formulas. SUB CODE: II/ SUBM DATE: 25Feb65/ ORIG REF: 0151 Oni REF: 004 Card RUDAKOV, Yu.A.; AMY'S"'DROVI. VJ, Conveyer for the Lanufaeture of upholstered furniture. Der.prom. 3-1 no.3-19-20 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Armavirskiy mebal-no-4crevoobrabatyvayushchiy kombinat. (Upholstery) (Assembly-line -methods) LEPIN, T.K.; ALEKWDRQVA,_.;t.F.; KUZIN, A.M., otv. red.; 14AKOGONOVA, I.A., tekhn. red. (Bibliography on the use of radioactive and stabile isotopes in biology for 1950-1958]Ukazatell literatury po primeneniiu radioaktivr.ykh i stabilinykh izotopov v biologii za 1950- 1958 gg. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 406 p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sektor seti spetsiallnykh bibliotek. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Kuzin). (Bibliography-Radiobiology) (Bibliography--Isotopes) A 69" 0013 01 i NOW or Ught wds it AL%X"DMVA MA A. ArAw, by cun-Ont bm&cho, nau"A' 10, the, ft", awked Dem. lod 011m dwing the or tai.rotWry Was, "rely W" *xww' 16 pmetwe arw Od gwd tbera. T. T. ASM.StA AEIALLUNKALLFT91thTL*tcLAiVPCAYM Mol SIT0011" ~ 1 %@"so wit G%v Got "sill i1v I a At to is i,0 tt n )~-Oq 1'** -fie I 1300 GOO Use wee 41JAIII OW OkV ill 2- s a NO MWIV Iwo, 0 at 0 9 0 * 0 to -ew-w W10600,41POP909*9090969 Oil !1 U 11 14 u 16 eo A so A stoll 0 0 3011MUMMI&VA A j A- j ~ I. C, HUMINUOPM110 betMer In patlevits with a chmele ;rde d. the effed of tMamat with T. A. Shula-vis. L. 1. Airk. d= ~.I"RXd V. V. Kartsebeyst. Ar,hr set. 0 at 374-40(114o).-The pettetwitul q1totit-ill, visit' r, 11r, k. Cs and CI does not change drt0io anstAtA .9a, T. Laanr~ A 61 1 METALLURGICAL 1,1714ATIM1111 CLASWKAIIC. Wolla ust Owl, oot- --*T--T - V- r Alalibll luf Ow If U 14 AV 10 It q I q -C 'a 1 X4 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 1111, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 46 0-0- 9, 4111 - -0- 0 t9-0 0-40 e 0 0 0 0 a es :00 .:Z GO* 12111111110 too 3300 fj 0 0 tk - f Ir , 11 -1 -- -- - - -- - - --- -- - -- - - - - - - - - Aleksandrova., L. I. "Some neurological symptoms in sicull wound.,", In the collection: Nevrologiya voyr-n. vremeni, Vol. 1) Moscow, i9lig, P. 50-56. SO: 111-h1l, 17 July 1953, (Letopis 'Zhurnal ln~kh btatey, No. 20, 19h9) 4ii-17 4~, A IN L i-, d an il_ ~ .4 Al 4031 'ILSXAMD:10111A 1'.. 1. and L. G. Neurol Inj t V. L. ,:;cd Acad Tha dmanic-- of neurolo;7ical syt"ptons and 111o-curreill,~~ in the brain of 1(-.. patients witl, electric injuries. Nevroikat. Psikhiat. 50, 19/14 (17-22) Graphs 5 On the basis of ZE"I studies of 40 cases of electrical Injuries to warious parts J of the body, ar7.-Is, it is condluded ~UCII inv;IWILQ3, mild or severe, alw~ays produce abnomial IM.-. Clinical manifesICations, foc;tl or general, may be entirely absent and lk-.he -,.a-tient !-~,ay even b(, a'11.e to continue with his work for so-le time. Il~ in possilole with the aid -wf t-he Lo demonsturatc arr,:raw.- tjon or i-mprovement in the patientl,.~ condition or clinical anomalies that can- not be detectcd by any ezistin-1, laborator~i or olinic-al rethod. A still more i-iportant, conclu--ion is the thi ziervo-us, T!ianifCStIUJnS occ-,,xi-inf-, in electric injuries are not functional but organic, the re.-ml.t of disturbanceo of -the dynamics of blood and curebrospAnal fluid. Fassin- (MI, 21 5) SO: Excerpta 1,~dica Section II, Vol 4, No. 9 ALICKSANDROTA, L.I. Clinico-physiological analysis of the neurotic syndrome of the initial phase of hypertonic Illness and the significance of sleep inhibition in this annlysis. Zh. Nevropat. Psikhiat.. '52, 52, no.9, 42-48. (MLRA 5:9) (PaA 27, no.8:6057 153) AIMMAKIDROVA, L.I.;PROKKOROVA, Ye.S. .1 - ~'- Result of sleep therapy in clinical nervous diseases. Zh. vyeshei nerv. delat. 3 no.4:521-535 July-Ang 1953 * (OLML 25:4) 1. Institute of Neurology, Acadenq of Medical Sciences USSR. AT U L.I.- KABBLYAMUYA, L.G~; KONOVAWV, N.Y., professor, deystvitelinyy '3nWnw2MdIHi maditsinskikh nauk, direktor. Neurologic characteristics of initial phases of hypertension. 31 no.9:43-46 s '53. (MLRA 6:11) 1. Institut nevrologii Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR. 2. Akademiya medi- ti3inakikh nauk SSSR (for KDnovalov). (Hypertension) (Nervous system) AINKSANDROVA..,L-1 [Role of normal sleep on the prevention of neuroses] Roll normallnogo sna v preduprezhdanii nevrozov; rediolektaiia. Moskva, 1955, 7 Pe (146'UROSES) (SURP) (MIRA 11:4) ALEKSANDROVA, L. I., Cand Med Soi -- (dies) "I~rgienio requirements for ~".ZA the daily '**]plementary pbysical.-vm=&=vk with schoolchildren of 4-4- class*).,, Mos, 1957. 12 pp (Acad Pod Sci RSPSR. goi Res b2st of Physical Education and School Wgiene), 120 copies (KL, 43-57, 90) -50a- A LiXSAXDIiUVji 1. 1 M'fevt of short daily exer,~Iao and gamen involvire, physical activity on the stvte of henith an! plq~ilual dovelopment of seven-year-old ,!j-?2 MY ",7, children. Pediatriia no.5.7 (110A 10: 10) 1, Is Ilau-.-Ih-lo-isoledovelellqkot-,o inatituts flzirhe3kogro vo3pitaniya I shkollno;r --Igiyeay (dir. - chlen-koreapon,,ient Akadamii pedagogiche- skikh nauk 113bF.51t I-A-Ilparkosysull Allmdazlya pedaI---)pinhenI-ikh nauk RSF:3R. (PHY'"'ICAL AUCAT;O11 vV( 7 - - -1 - - - - . I I SHHLW, Ye,Y, professor; ALiKSANDRGIIA, L.I. - -- ----- ----- - -.NWW*4m% Rumanian neurology and Rumanian neurologists, Vest. MIN 0.)".41 12 no-4:79-S3 '57, (14ru 10'. 107 (FUYbhlllk- -MUROLOGY) U5SR / Human and Animal Physiology. Physiology of Work T and Sport. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur,.;'tol., N; 22, 1958, 102330. Author Alekiin-ne-eoVa, L. I. Inst R -Rm Title On the-Spatial Evaluation of the Active Movements of Children of the 7-year Age Group Under the In- fluence of Physical Bxercises, Orig Pub: Teoriya i praktika fiz. kulltury, 1957, 20, No 8, 6ol-605. Abstract: With the aid of Zhukovskiy's kinematometer the ex- actness of reproduction of passive abduction of one or both arms by 500 in the elbow joint was in- vestigated. The perfecting of the musculoarticu- lar reception under the influence of daily phy5i- Card 1/2 l14 AT, qANDROVA. L.1., red.; TKAOREV, R.A.. red.; GOTOVTS-W. P.I., red.; ----moG.AcmffA,'z.I., [Problems of the pathogenesis, olinionl aspects, and treatment of neuroses] Voprosy patogenaza, kliniki i lecheniia nevrozov. Pod red. L.I.Aleksandrovoi J R.A.Tkacheva. Moskva, Gos.iza-vo med.lit-ry Kedgiz, 1958. 204 p. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Akademiya meditainskikh nauk SSSR, Moscow. Institut nevrologii. (NMOSES) AT-7 ROVA L.I. nauchnyy sotrudnik Effect of dally physical exercises and active games on the working capacity of students [with summary in English]* Gig. i sane 23 no*56.37-4z My 158 (MIRA 11;6) 1. 1z Nauchno-isoledovatellskogo instituta fizicheakogo voepitaniya i shkoltnoy gigiyeny APR RSFSR, (?HYSIOAL -BDTJGATIOIT AND TRAINING, ef on work capacity of students (Rua)) (WORK. capacity, eff, of phys, education & training of students (Rua)) SHMIDT, Ye.V., ALEKSANDROVA, L.I. (Moscow) Neurology in-7OW'RundfiF s IW~blic. Zhur.nevr i palkh 58 no.2 249-254 '58- (MIRA 110) (NEIMOIDGYP in Rumaniw (Ibaw)) TICO"AV, R.A.,, MAKUNDROVA, L-L,; FROKHOROVA, A.S., Hypertensiv6 cerebral crises. Vest..AIAN SSSR 14 no-7:22-29 159. (HIRA 12:9) 1. Institut nevrologil A14N SSSR. (BRAIN blood supply) (HYPHRUBMSION comnlications) TKACMOV, R.A.; ALEKSANMOVAO L.I.; FROKHOROVA, X.S, Intravenous .use of papaverine in wute disorders of brain blood circulation. 23 no.10:106-109 0 159. (MIRA 13t2) 1. Iz Institute nevrologii (direktor -,deystvitellnyy oblen AHN SSSR prof. N.V. Xouovalov) AM SSSR. (UPMUNNSION compl. (BRON blood supp~) (PAPAVERIN3 ther. -- ---- - - - - - - - ---- -- --- - TKACH'OV,, R.A.; A~EKSANDROVA, L.I.; PROKHOROVA, B.S. Hypertensive cerebral crisis. Suvrem med.5 Sofia no-7-8;11-20 160, 1. Iz Instituta po nevrologiia na AM SSSR (Direktor prof. N.V. Konovalov) (HYPERTENSION cmpl) (CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE etiol) SHMIDTj Ye.V.p prof.; ATZKIqAN=Up L.I. Bulgaria. and Hungary. Vest. AMI SSSR 15 no. 5:67- 71 l6o. (BTJIMUNERVOUq SYSTEM-DISEASES) (141RA 130) (HUMARY-NERVOUS SYSTEM-DISMSES) ANTROPOVA, M.V.,, kand.meditsinskikh nauk- ALEKSANDROVA, L.I.., kand-medniuk Hygienic evalluation of fountain pens for first-~'to fourth-grade students. Gid. i san. 25 no.3t44,48 Mr 160~ (MIRA 105) 1. Iz'ilauchno-issledovatellskogo instituts, fizicheskogo vospitaniya i shkollnoy gioyeny Akademii pedagogicheakikh nauk RSFSR. (FENNANSHIP-HYGIENIC ASPECTS) '11, TKACHKV, R. A.; ALSKSANDROVA L. I.; PROKHOROVA, E. S. Hypertonic cerebral crises. Nauch. trudy Inst. nevr. AMN SSSR no.1:35-43 160. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Instittut nevrologii AMN SSSR. (CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE) (HYPERTENSION) SHMIDTo Ye.V.; ALMSANDROVAl L.I.; GaUZOV N.V.; SUKHOVSKAYA, N.A. Thermal receptor of the skin (functional mobility) in patients with vascular diseases of the brain. Zhur. nerv. i psikh 60 no. 6:665-671 160. iMIRA 13:1,2) 1. Institut nevrologii (dir. - prof. N.V. Konovalov) AW4 $SSRp Moskva. (BRAIN-BLOOD VESSELS) (SKIN.-INMVATION) SIOLMt Ye.V.; ALEKSANDROVA, L.I. -(,Yoskva) Neurology in the Hungarian People's Republic and in the Bulgarian People's Republic. Zhur.nevr.i psikh 60 no.8:1049-1053 160- (NIRA 13:9) (HUNGM-NEUROLOGY) (BUWARU-NE-11ROLOGY) slo--1631000100110151061 0 BIOIlBI86 A UT H C R-3 Dmitrevskiy, 0. Ye.9_AjQkGandrovo_,_L,, I. Pozitun, A. 1. TITLEs Solubility in the ternary eyatem'CdCl 2 KCI - H20 PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimtya'j no, 1, 1963, 74, abstract ID497 (Nauchn. yezhegodnik. Odeask. un-t. Khim. fak.f''Odessal no. 2, 1961, 12 -15) TEXT: The isotherms of reciprocal solubility in the system CdCl2 KCI HP 0 Y,ere studied at 25 and 45 C. The general character-of the isotherms sugg" --processes of complex formation. The fordation'of compounds having the con- poeitions CdCl *KC1 and CdCl .4KCI was established. An analysis or the 2 2 solid phase showed that the compound CdCl 2*KG1.H2 0 was separated at 250C,. 0 and CdCl KC1 at 45 C. The solubility of,~ re CdCl and KCI was determined, 2. pul. .2 at 25 and 450C. (Abstracter's notet Complet e~,, tranalat ion.] Card 1/1 ALEKSANDROVA ,,,nauk Health and educational significance of extended/paool days. Gig.i san. 26 no*100-541a-11,61. (MIRA 14;6) 1~ Iz Instituta-fizicheskogo vospitaniya i shkollnoy gigiyeny Akademii pedagogicheskikh nauk'BSFSR- (SCHOOL HMIENE) ALEKSANDROVA,-IL,-I,,, (Moskva) First aid in school accidents. Mad. sestra 21 no-4:36-4-1 Ap 162. (MIRA 15`10 (FIRST AID 114 ILLNESS AND INJURY) (SCHOOL ACCIVENTS) TKACHEV, R.A.; ALEKSANDROVAt L.I.; PROKHOROVA, E.S. Prognosis in hypertensive cerebral crises. Zhur.nevr.i psikh. 62 no.8sll43-1148 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Institut nevrologii (dir. - prof. N.V.Konovalov) ANN SSSR9 Moskva. (GEREBROVASCUIAR DISEASE) (HYPERTENSION) ______E4T(d)/EwT( 'EVP(c)/EVP(v) EWP(j /T1, L 04151-67 _M) / _~iboihidg__66 E: ACC-WAT-AR60165.3f- -Ijp(c) Di DjV6_27616~100010121BIWB151 AUTHOR: Aleksandrova, L. I. TITLE: Improving the accuracy otAear manufacturing 0 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Tekhnologiya mashinostroyeniya, Abs. 12B1179 REF SOURCE: Sb. Proyektir. i proiz-vo mekhan. peredach. Izhevsk, Udmurtiya, 1965. 133-136 TOPIC TAGS: gear cutting machine, machine tool industry, lathe ABSTRACT: It is pointed out that manufacturing gears to the required degree of ac- curacy depends on the.Lc~cac4vkf the machine and cutting tool and also on the accur- acy with which the workpiece is set up. The last factor depends on the concentricity of the cylindrical mounting area of the outer surfaces, and also on the erpendicular- ity of the mounting surface of the base end plane. Conditions are conENered under which the vorkpiabe is accurately set up. When the blanks are machinedtbn a lathe, clamping d Mll;e recommended with solid thin-walled cylindrical ;aleeves1kope ati SMF_M under thleffect of a liquid filler. Reliable sealing is p.rovided by using_V _ Cd MATI-1-4 plastics as fillers. However, even the use of these hydraulic pump attach- ments was not successful. The experience of the Izhevsk machine building plant in using various types of mandrels is cited. The best results are obtained with the use Card L 04151-67 IWC-N-R AR6oi6531 of a hydraulic mandrel in which engine oil is used as the filler. Turning of the outside diameter and facing of the blank before gear cutting are done on this mandrel. The design of the mandrel is given. 2 illustrations. Bibliography of 3 titles. V. Golubeva, [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE; 13 Card 219 Translation fromt 22, # 37347 S/1~3/59/000/010/006/068 AOO4/AOO1 Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, 1960, No, 10, P. AUTHORS: Mlkhaylov, M,M , Aleksandrova. L.1,, E-r-11-kh, I.M. TnUs The Effects of Moisture on the 1~ropertie of Some Plastics PERIODICAL: Radiotekhn. proiz-vo, 1957, No. 10, PP. 31-,3_3 TEXTs The 'a~'thors describe changes in properties of plastics, which are used as insulation materials,\-hander the 'V _Vfect of moistur , particularly durIng operation in the open air. ljolyel~ylene\%nd polyrtyrene\%bsorb only an extreme- ly small quantity of moisture. Specimens of 100 mm diameter and.2 mm thickness absorbed 0..002-0.003 grams of moisture during 5 months in a medium of 98% relative atmospheric humidity. Such a quantity of moipture shows practically no effect on the electric properties of the material. Polymethylmethacrylate absorbed 0.02. 0.4 grams of moisture. Klso this deteriorated the electric characteristic only insignificantly. The properties of thermosetting phenolaldehyde plasticdpdepend on the fillers and also on the pressing conditions (temper ture, holding, pres- Card 1/2 MMIATLOV, Mikhail Mikhaylovich, prof., doktor tekhn.nauk. Prinivali uchastiye: ALRKSANDROVA, L.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; TOLVINSKATIA, A.Y.. ka-ad s tekhn. na"uIr;~'MW 'S.A., kand.takhn.nauk; Y]CLENT117VA, N,N., inzh,; RODIONOVA, N.A., inzh.; FOGELOGRZANG, Te.V., insh. RRUIN, Y.T.. prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; ZHITNIKOVA, 0.3, 1, (Moisture absorption by organic dielectrics] Vlagopronitsaemootl organicheakikh dielektrikov. Pod red. V.T.Ranne. Moskva, Gos. energ.izd-i6, 1960. 162 p. (MIRA 13:10) (Dielectrics) ALEKSANDROVA, L.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; ERLIKH, I.M., kand.tekhn.nauk Use of synthebio film materials for protecting components from moisture. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 5 no.304-38 Mr 162. (MIRA 15W 1. Leningradskiy politekhnicheakiy nstitut imeni M.I.Kalinina. Predstavlena kafedroy elektroizolyatsionnoy i kabellnoy takhniki. (Protective coatings) ALEKSANDROVA, Liya Isaakovnal kand* tekhn. nauk; EMKH,'Josif R5IWUyUvt*" nauk; RUDYK, Aleksey Romanovich) inzh.; AKATOVA, N.V.p inzh., red.; FOMICHEV, A.G.p red. izd-va; GVIRTS, V.L., tekhn. red. [Protection of electrical engineerinj apparatus against moisture by means of synthetic films Zashchita elektro- tekhnicbeskoi apparatury sintoticheskimi plenkami ot uv3.azhneniia. Leningrad, 1961, 9 p. (Leningr. Dam nauchno- tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Za- shchitnyo pokrytiia metallov, no-5) (MIRA 3-4:12) (Electric engineeringa-~aterials) (Protective coatings) ALEKSANDROVA L.K.; SHEYERj E.A. methods for protective and deporative coating of sbeet metal. Mashinostroitell no,5943-4 I~r 161. .(MI.R.L 144:5) kProtective coatings) S/852/62/000/000/020/020 B165/BlO2 AUTHORSs Sheyer, E. A., Aleksandrova, L. K., Shnol.1, R. B. TITLE: ~New-trendti in-protective and decorative coating techniques SOURCEi-l", Primeneniye polimerov v antikorrozionnoy tekhnike. Ed. by I. Ya. Klinov and P, G. Udyma.. Moscow..-.Mashgiz, 1962, Vass. sovet nauchno-tekhn. obshohestv., 297 - 312 TEXT3 The most suitable materials and methods for coating of metal parts have been selected and tested on the basis of published data. Special attention is paid to physical and mechanical properties, corrosion~resist ance and the easy realization of various decorative-effects. PVC, resin applied to aluminum sheets 0.5 to 1,.mm thick was found to produce a very efficient PVC- Al laminate, called Vinylal. In the experiments, Soviet type PVC it It ("U") nil Al foils of the types AO (AO), AM~ (AMts), AA 1 (AD1), AH ~AY) weroaused. Technological manufacturing processes were in- vestigated in detail. Physical properties such asstrength, elongation, thermal.expansi on, elasticity, electric conductivity etc. were found to be modifiable by using various types of plasticizers and different concentra- tions of these. As efficient plasticizers tricresyl phosphate and dioctyl Card 1/2 -New trends in protective and.'.. S/852/62/000/000/020/020 B185/B102 sebacate were used. In certain cases,.fillers and pigments (caolin; carbon black, titanium oxide, blue phthalocyanine) were used to prepare suitable pastes. Data and recipes for 21 trial pastes were-tabulated.. Four pastes containing mixtures of the OMI' type resin, the above two plasticizera, caolin and carbon black were found to be the most suitable in application. Additives to prevent decomposition by UV light are mentioned. Preparatory treatment of Al foils of the pastes to be applied were carefully examined with a view to an optimum adhesion. Adhesion could be improved by using vinylite type resins as underooatings or buffer layers. This resin was dissolved in cyolohexane to eliminate the use of the highly toxic dichloro ethane. Triangle test methods were employed to check the adhesion of the finished laminates. Finally, possible applications of Vinylal for domestic and industrial purposes (automotive, shipbuilding, radio manufacturing, RR car construction industries etc.) are mentioned. There are 11 figures and 2 'tables. Card 2/2 ALEKSANDROVA, L.K., inzh.; EE~EZOVSKIY, V.V., inzh.; VITKINv A.I., dolctor -t6kWiiauk; KEGELES, A.S., inzh.; SHEYER, E.A., inzh.; SHNOLI, R.B., inzh.; SHUNNAYA, V.A., inzh. Coating thin steel strips with plastics. Sbor. trud. TSNIICHM no.34:70-81 163. (NIRA 17:4) 9 (2) SOVI 112 -59 -1-146 Translation f rom: Ref erativnyy zhurnal - Elektrotekhnika, 19 59, Nr 1, p 16 (USSR) AUTHOR; Verbitskaya, T. N., Aleksandrova, L. M., Kul'tsep, V. P., and Obukhov, A. A. TITLE: Ferroelectric -Ceramic Capacitms or Variconds PERIODICAL: Radiotekhn. proiz-vo, 1957, Nr 12, pp 3-17 ABSTRACT: Ferroelectric capacitors (variconds) made of type VK-1 ceramic have the following fundamental characteristics: Card 1/3 SOV/112-59-1-146 Ferroelectric -Ceramic Capacitors or Variconds Capacitor Capacitance, Voltag e, volts Diameter, type ep, DC AC 50 cps Mm VK1-0 100 250 160 1. 6 VKI-l 510 250 160 4 VK1-1 1,500 250 160 4 VKI-Z 2,700 250 160 9 VK1 -Z 5,100 250 160 9 VK1-3 6,800 250 160 16 VK1-3 1. Zx 104 250 160 16 VK1 -B 1. 5 x 105 300 160 25 VK1-13 2 x 105 300 160 25 Card 2/3 SOV/112-59-1-146 For r6 electric -Ceramic Capacitors or Variconds The capacitor capacitance can deviate from its rated value +1001o, -40%; the ratio of the -capacitance at 80-150 v to the capacitance at 5 v is 4 or more. The insulation resistance of VKl-B is 109 ohms, that of other types, higher. For each type of capacitor, a voltage can be selected at which the capacitance changes but little within a certain temperature range. Four-electrode capacitors having the shape of a parallelepiped can be used for ultrashort waves; one pair of electrodes is fed with DC, another pair with AC. The capacitor mechanical strength is secured by a resinous or plastic sheathing. For low voltages, a film-type capacitor with 0. 2-mm dielectric can be used. The above nonlinear capacitors can be used for dielectric amplifiers, frequency multipliers, pulse generators, voltage stabilizers, etc. D. M. K. Card 3/3 24 ( 3 ) AlITHORSi TITLE: 0 / 4 '13 Verb`.tskey", T. X.. Al9k6a 8-22- 6 2-32/.~ ics W-1th a D'elee'r'n C~-~nstant up to 45 000 F!, Ce:,!ari - 1, i_ (Segnei~akexxmilka s dielektr.ijheskry pr;:~.-Z_ts~~vemi~stlyu dl 45,000) PERIODICAL: izvest-_'ya Akadamii nauk SSSR. 0.9riya fizz`~,heskaya, 1958, It? 12, FP 'i534-i536 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Polyt.:,:yst-allizip p~ezoelsotr,_,3 -oe:7amics With high e-values is wf*.dely used for the manufac-.-j:~,e rf small conc .ienseTs. 6 depends or. temperature and the elentr`r, field tenei-:~n. In ordez. to high c _-~ra'ues uyvic!r r-ormal c.-nditions mate ri als with a 0-.,_T_jn pe-int nea- rnom temperature or w--*th distinctly za:ek4d pr-,pti::,t-_-3F3 a:-a FT:L- any piezoelectric E, -i,, ,alue may bp clioFen at- which th-~ max-lmun -In :.-,ne or another "empurat-ure range. In the h-*.gher 6 4.3, the temperature range and T-7500 ns this high valu,~. With BaTiO maintaf 6 does nit . 3 respe~~tlve of any field tensfcn chang-3, th-:) order of 10 000 a-ly Pc_4.-n'U withir the temperat-arp range of +60 to -6000. M -h VK-1 r. may attain, w--*'.-hl Ithia -na-_-.g,~ , -talur. s uu to Card 1/2 20 C .00 25 000 at optim-.:~m tensio;:,. Am,.)ng ail- kinds of Piezoelez:txj.~ Cei,amJ.;-.s With a. Dielectrj,L~ SOV/46-22-i2-32/33 Constant up to 45 000 piezoelecti-A-ci aerami.cs h-'th;~rt.,, known the highest values Smax (45000) were determined with VK-2, which is a new piezt;slectric matc-.r--al. At given electr--c-field tension very high speol '4.c,. capact-ity values are attained for V'K-2 samples in one or ..rher temperature range by change of the dielectric thickness. Other VK-2 properties are not influenced in any way by high ncn."Ilinear or E-val-aes. VK-2 is a good d-*-electri:3; in the large temperature range 000--*-- 5000) its volume tude than W4 ~~esisti,A,t-y is higher by one magni th pAyorystalline BaTiO Fig 4,~. Tbis material may be used for the manufaoturo of s-,:bmirriature c~lndsnsers as*we--,! as new "Varikond'. /varikond) hypes that so far pc~ssass the most. distinct--.y mar~ked nor-linear p,-opex-t.4es. There ar9 4 f4,~-jTes- Card ;/2 loll v F f.-F V IF vir W. hi 41 ~16 K It -t 10 ~39 4- 5 s ti r. =M 85020 0 3 KrJ /6 S/048/60/024/010/029/033 BO 1 3/BO63 AUTHORS: Verbitskaya, T. N., Aleksandrova, L. M., and Sinitsyna, L. S. TITLE: Provisional Communication on Piezoceramic MaterialAith a Dielectric Constant of 80,00d, ~-100'000 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No. 10, pp. 1291-1293 TEXT: A new substance, designated as 5K -5 (VK-5), with very high L-values, Emax ' (80,000 100,000) has been developed. The basic characteristics, measured at room temperature, of piezoceramic materials (6initial' 6. max , and Emax) were compared with the corresponding characteristics of harium titanate~lt may be seen from Fig. 1 that the degree of nonlinearity risca noticeably on -,. regular transition of barium titanate to VK-1, VK-2, and VK-5- VK-5 exh.:,-its nonlinear properties in a wide temperature range. On a temperature drop from room temperature down to -140 -t- -1500C the nonlinearity coefficient becomes considerably larger Card 1/3 W20 Provisional Communication on Piezoceramic S/048/60/024/010/029/033 Materials With a Dielectric Constant of B013 B063 80,000 100,000 (from 40 50 to 320 --'L- 360). An increase of K,, caused in the range of negative temperatures obiefly by a noticeable decrease of the initial E-value, takes place with VK-2 and barium titanate as well. The quantity Emax becomes a little larger with a temperature drop, and becomes smaller on a temperature rise above room temperature. Proceeding from this fact, the authors determined K, with the aid of a corresponding Emax value at different temperatures. In the investigation of the temperature dependence of & in fieldswith different field strengths, four maxima of the dielectric constant were ascertained. These maxima are specially marked at a field strength of 60 2-- 100 v mm-1. In this case, F, attains about 800000. A definite relationship was found between the nonlinearity and the coefficient of orthogonality (koeffitsient pryamougollnosti) Khyst.' The higher the K,_,, the higher will be K hyst. (Figs. 2 and 3). Not even in VK-5, K4 Yst. at room temperature even exceeds 60 65%, whereas it rises up to 80% at extremely low temperatures* The present paper was read at the Card 2/3 85020 Provisional Communication on Piezoeeramic S/04 601024101010291033 Materials With a Dielectric Constant of B013YB063 80,000 100,000 Third Conference on Piezoelectricity, which took place in Moscow from January 25 to 30, 1960. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 3 references: 2 Soviet and 1 German. Card 3/3 g"Vrtu J1 1;-Kax Qj-r~/ E"V.~ ILJU it -- %J. if --11 11 _. -11, ACC NRt AP5028131 Souncs CCOR: UR/0048/65/029/011/2104/2166 T,j P(C-"".: AtrMOR: Verbitskaya, T. Nol Aleksandrcyva L. M.; Shirobokova, Ye 1. ORG; none TITLE, Electric properties of "Varikond" films with square hysteresis loops CReport, -16 Fourth All-Union Conference on Ferro-ele'etricLty held at Rostcyv-on-the Don 12 September 19617 5- SOMR: AN SSSR. Izvestlya'~*-_Seikija tizicheskayat v. 29# no. 111 196 9210472106 2 J TOPIC TAGS: ferroeiectric~miteriai#'berfimic material, ceramic :Cllm Curie point, dielectric constant, nonlinear effe_~C electric polairrsiation, hyst~'rexis loop ABSTRACT: In rn effort to obtain a ferroelectric ceramic with a highly nonlinear dielectric constant and a nearly rectangular dielectric hysteresis loop, the authors. have investigated materials with a nearly cubic rhombohedral parovskite structure and have synthesized by undisclosed techniques a (poqsibly barium titanate base) ceramic of undisclosed composition with they call "VK-6'and which has the following proper- ties: Curie point, above 2000e; coercive f1-9705-7 W/cm, total polarization, 18-20 11C CM2; resistivity, IoIL2 ohm am at IOOOC; nonlinearity factor (ratio of maximum to low-field dielectric constant), 2G-50; and hysteresis loop squareness ratio (T.M. Verbitskayn, L.M.Aleksandroba, and L.S.Sinitsyna, Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fizop 24, 'No. 10, 1291 (1960)), 0.85-0.94. Diavo.Avantages of this material are its high coercive ard 1/2 ____-L-78~2-66 ACC-NRv - A-DS028-231. control lieldst In an effort to eliminatei these ditiadvantages, thin.(S~to 100 14 filnw of VK-6 were produced by-an Undisclosed tedhnique and their gerroolectric properties were investigated. The Curie points, weak-field dictlectzlic constants, squareness ratios, and saturation polarizations were approximalvly the some for the thin films as for the bulk material. The maximum dielectric constant was reduced from 2 X 104 for, the bulk material to 104 for the,5-,10 pfilm Isq and.the norlinearity factor was there-, fore correspondigly reduced* Tho.potential at wht h the dielectric ciimstant was maximum, however, was reduced from 250 V for the hulk material to 10-20 V for the 5-10 p films,, and the saturation voltage was reduced from 600-800 V to 60-100 V. The pulse amplitude controlling switching was 30-60 V for the 10 p film , and the switching time -9n a 10 ohm line was 0.3-0.7 p sec. It is concluded that thin films of VK-G can be produced which retain the high nonlinearity and hysteresis loop rectangularity of the bulk material and have considerably reduced controlling and switching voltages. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 1 table. SUB CCDR: SSp EM SUEM., DATM OQ/ --ORIG.' FZF: 003 OrK PJW: 002 Card 2X at 64D I I Al I d I a a It U If w If 16 a Ill to a SO It 9 U H 35 it -- -.l------.-----. .. - - -*C#141141 .01. ied dap $I Tftwoml. L. SOHO 006640M DOWAIM SON lRd- theaMtkiremb- z 7*nwy vtrw-~ of Mosickv Mv, rocks dtnw n* twirat of boo to low, Wblk that d RA fS 1110. no MC14di frutift fa waid in comparbw with lbet d I lvte*es. ii~ pwatsit stills aft of (be pod-HC Me. Imt MW show be "t humus accumulstim. B. C. A. A aloe at 120 446~cq t~& I -A-l 6 see zoo 2 so III LLURGKAL LI'VERAIL1119 CLASWK&1100 400 & $&Moog 9910100 A. 01V 0*1 .11111 4w Oww sic 01 XT 41, ;X, Isix so 000 0 0 " , 4 010 0 0 0 0 * o00 ****6,- 0 -6000,9 go* 0-0-9-9-99 of 0 0 0 cp 0 AA W-L~ -O- A-A A.-J-1 #If F-kSf I NP1?O IVA 'L PAP,vc-05-its-AND 14,10to".1. au" Of came as a In the-Q-1-ganic 'AUb-- Th * 7 e P P stance so - Cheraftew wl~- Leff a. 11 ?if. x1r. 9 9, No. 1 1040 l N R A A i . wp, w pt. tleta . , 42 3 - lot thruppri hi,Awn n li0viniM rliviiii-svii, 4 l1w I 1001 ' 1 14% t .10% A lbe wwA Aoq it,- viq t-%1 tAk 46, 1,44 %Ihl .4 1 IN) k% at, tog. utiWathr. owatO wttwh A i--t- -1 dis,atchwides anti of a butall and. of tkiwa.: -M.. I lie Of siubstance txtd. with 0.15% (Nlf,jjC,O. votittlin"I only 1(1--2U% of carbohydtates (the temaindet consisted Ofthese varbollydralies 72% vvem Toolymcchwidcs. The oig. f d 47 1l i 8 h N conta . ne sutAtance estd. vnt aO % o 47, g d t 7f i i 76%) o an oson ictowns ( s1 fig f pen vall"'llylltatca Corls (Ihc;.). The 11-101 atilt. of rall-hydrat" Ill (lie t Of- 04--. v" Ill* Io the haf 4. (1( 1wilk"Ittw 111, I C 14 144,41.0110 mid 1111.11h. ",h). lot Ow 0.41 dild lie I,Nw 0o t ,_,A%M:SLA StIALLURGICAt 1.114*4140 CLASSN'KA1606i .,lave If I see I I If hd 47 IN to 5 a C .1 4 V ltxrn 1 IF 0 .4 wit 01W OcUtt **A 00 .002 10,981 0 0 it J w oen t1 0 411 Ile* W7W-W ppopr?: 0 o O 0 0 Otooor 0 so o 0 0 0 I W! o -a U s 16 0 a At N t R l 13 4 s 3 1 Y 6 4 r-A-11 ~ J-1 U It a a a at* iz : 00 The method of detacotiaW cowow in plant atetwhth, ~;=Ysnand A. M. Myssniko-wo, god so. Lq 4jr m- 7t)-43(in German 9 V d l P U . . o . . . e ogy ( dct. ctllulm In plants it is nemiary to wp. It' from helakellsdoer and lifinin with dd. sohw. of alkali and .00 vilkwinatka. Schweizer reagent 1% tiwd for m0s and plant%. age Wakii '% method of dets. ccllul-c is not applicable (,o =00 Ift gives& high value. Direct treat Ine"t of soils with b bl e. c hwimm reagent for criluk*e drin. is not applica 1 .9i of the adsorption of the Cu-NI14-cellulaw consplex" coo 1,# Ow highly disprr-ed %oil and by the humus. Torxi.all , z coo CVllukMe it is uftr~,-Sy to rtmove the h Sum. 0.. 1hw T . J,z ~9 by Thwilation, goo zoo we* 200 boo 12 U 8 AV MP It ;UFA all ~,Owal "IM-1AS if two N I 0000000900 0 00000 :1* 0 2 0 0 0 * 0 0 -0* 0- 0 -9 w *A-K& 00 00 00 60 go 00 00 000000 goo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0- 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 q 9 o 0 0 1 A 1 ,1, 11 Is Is ji, 11 it 11 4 11 )4 )f k, it I, I, U A, U k h 1. 1 it 0. t, I, I I U IF A 10 A Lt- U d 1. 10 h 4. At 4i .1W 41 b - a 00 LE) A A I 0o, 00*1 11 ~Z tj [Q) I he composition of the humus of the "line soil comple I. 4 thr vowvnt .111.1 'A'1111.1%. '.I 1111111j" At"J.J. 1111VIC and 111111161 A 1h. Okild J.S. I. =60, o's coo 09. 09 004 0 # " zi "Igoe Aw"i !Z6 a 40-1 i ai a I L A 611ALIV13.Kat lllflt.11,~( (JAIJIFICAliCk to WAD~ 0 lj~ ~, it I V - 71 As 0 to M N 11 it 0 fin Ig fq"wn 8;14 a .1 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 0:0 o a 0 0 a a 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of 00 0 e 0 Pi o! 0 0 0 10, 0 0 0 009 0 0 6 see 0 0 e1 6~ -1 ~ , lj~ . 7. 1; wili.5r, 1. ,2~ - -, . I - . ~. - -- -. ALEKSANDROVA, L.N. 24087, ALEKSANDROVA, L.N. Gums Kak Sistema Polimernykh Soyedineniy. Trudy Yubileynoy Sessli~ Posvyashch. Stoletiyu So DnpRozhdeniya Dokucliayevat M.L., 1949. s. 225-32.7BIbliogr; S. 2*.32. So: Setopis '11. 33, 1949 Ai ,,.i -~ ~ 1 p -~- k -t -.-- .-1. :,.--- - - - - 24109 ALEKSX1DROVA, L, IN. 11,41otodika zollnogo anahza pri pooliverm-1-1, isslalovaril~-akh. Proble,mj sov. poya%rovcdoniya, sb. 15, 1949, S. 55-70 - - 1:1 ibliwr: 10 ~',azv. SO: Lotopis, l'0. 32, 1949. ,e3 o, the products of the rmction of t- 7idE ZLITI i` skit,-bu;:A~-avid or w; nlltt~-of.J5 with h a -Ilve-c-n-sin-aa-ad a', capacity t i.-C h iu 1110 phiwi Vehr, Ito Part H t of th~ M I~ -,"hartg.-O, ~1,d luartions. III Al compounds ff thut mculbi u4t1iin Use union. [I the prill-I-V ex,iizmpe ,c Ur$ tlCtIA4,VII Ole --itiIIIIS If -DIC '-! 11-t !,rit W" hurn;i, acid., an,-- Olt: i,usc group, ,f thr ,-Jwox1dv 1- involvea Ilituirtil-11ar IiOlldl,- GV6 fUtint'O 1-V IhC :-t -.11111 1 1 hunmt- Ith -1--I& ..I, I III till-IT tiun -inu, uIA Jurmaiijun. flydiatud -'e and A] gelt, way L4' J~J.Jt.?td tfto',T T ItIon with Nfi,. ' K' rit Na* - if the ~~c.Ajuwxidc tuntent I, high purt~h'. ImPtkat"'n iii 1Y.Asible rmly in ;IlLahnu -Ivuon, Al~flt~y to be peptigvd decreascs rapidly with dcgradat;~m d Ow rol, U.. P.- 32, J0219%) that sol Lumw i5 L,;u L.1i by i'1, nA~-ux ~.f the wail ks pul., ed~e,m , ore mni& oh Cr,-,j!Ojd~. Ifis Own C, OL, "I'At 01V ill'. A, tht~jl Tno,xcd, miih a repurt of c~pf,. iflusumaig 6i- vllem~ uw,~ briv%t- it bun.iv acid 'In-A I: t lwm:11~ W CAAUM With alCatiftt, Lialluite, ofls (J Ow i~,iw d t,oAiLd! ~T.d .f A A-A, Ci~ on eutub irt a ri:Actiu-., -.11v the ka% frumat cwnbluatluns T%ith huinic acid givin., me to A~) m~rnlrcnesi. Th. procedure of exq. humic acid, m,lh- -1, .-A Country : USSR Category: Soil ScIenc(--. S:il Biology. Abs jCur: RZhDit:l.) N.- 14, 1958, N,.~ 63032 Authcr Alcksandr--v,%, L.N. Inst --7--Mturai Institute z~ Title The Corjp-,siti~n and Wature cf the ;,sh C--.itent of Hurde Ori[-~ lub: Mr.. LeAin_r. s.-Idi- in-tc~, 1956, vyp. 11, 100-105 Abstract: PresentQcl arv tic; results ~.,f studyiv.~; Vic-. co,,X0,- SitiL,n amid naturc (X ashus in t1w 'tmdc -cids :)f chcn-i(-zc;.i =d 1),clzr)lic ardl. The suils cxvI the mothcds .;f extractinL; the acids arc. acscribcd in a previous w-ft by the author (Z,-v,)is-1J4. LSHhI, 1955, vyv- 9). in c,Lip-siti,m, the hu:.dc %c-*',.Is of cher- Card 1/3 Ccuntry : USSR CateGory: Soil SclancQ. SLAI -DicloCy. Abs Jour R&Diol-, N., 14, 1958, No 63032 nozem consist minly cf S102, JhL20 and Fc203, Which c0rls.titutu 14; to 70~ of the Lt'l ,.rss of the aBhos; the 80 ccntent rearm-hes 10-131.', Pp-05, 3 . 1 anOl an insi(pificant quantity of Ca airl Mr, is found. In tno ashes of 1;,-dzol.ic sAl, huraic. acida, Fe 0 ana Viu c~ssociatcd P205 COnstitute 70-75/,'- Them is2lAss "-1203 alla S102 aml very littlu S03 ana there am ii. b,-.SLO at all. The ash of the hunic acids am bound to tLeir '."ALCU.I.Q6 all(I f",X-II r)rgmniC--I.d!ILral crapounds Whon is.latin_ htwic acid pmparati-,;.is, the aestruction .:f V-nd confij,,amtis-iis is observed, in ccamucti -.1 vitiz which the quantity anLI cc--Tositi -.ii ,f Vic: ashes are variable and m-fluct only the uost st%b*l.v-- kr[:.anic- 2/3 J-12 C.---u:itr-y :USSR CatvL-,cry: Soil Sciuncu S.-1.1 DicaoLy. Abs Jcur-. R&Diol., N., 14. 1958, No 63o33 ;.utii.-.)r Aleksarlr,.,va, L.F.; Naydenova. 0.,'..; TmrQ1,.va, M.P. Inst =,.ricultural Institutc. Titl(-. Dynamics . f Gr. u,) and Fracti,aml C ..I,~~84tj~ n C:f in the YQarly Cycle of the Soil-f r-..dii_, 11rccess in Sod-pcdz,Aic OriL; Pub: Zap. Lcni;i_;z s.-hh in-t-, 1956, vy,,. 11, 106-111 Abstmet: A three-yc-::%r lu-scrvntion of the seas.=l dynaraics of the r,I-r.1 c~YqL.-usitiou of hurms in cultivated sod- podzolic s,:ils iii the vicinity of thQ city of Pushkin in the LcniiiC,md cblanst' showed Vjr~t aur:Lii[ the sprinG-siz.t.icr intensive I.-,rocQssus ~ f fon:ia- ticn of nix.,us rxids cccurred with c orul-idnance of Card 1/3 J-13 Comitry : USSR Gatc[--cry: Soil Sciancf,; . Scil Abs Jour: immol., N,. 14i 1958, No 63033 hurdc acid synthesis.- With the,onsat of the mla- tively C old autu;,21 period,arenia acids accum- lated in thf-- scils and the content cf hu:Ac ncids ncticeably Ll(.cruiased- In laboratory Lx,)crinents with a 70-daY ilum-Ying of neadow hay mid clever and an OXCLSS of moisture (2x~ of - t,t,-.l ixisture capacity), 'Vau sy-athesis of humic acids shar ply decreased and the content of crenic acids increased. During the vL-rrctative period the bulk of tlie hunic acids is reprQsented by nmoble fracticlis because of their ii.irorfact condensatima; i-,-.a)overishmQnt of the arable h,.rizon by colloids and :periodic over- hw,Adificanticm of t1)c soil. Thc bulk of tio crania Card 2/3 /1~ /t- I I ,,- -~-- -3 ""t- " ,7-- -) - - Z - __ r - -__v __ - - - A LE -- NAYDENOVA, OlIga Aleksandrovna; ' 'VOROBIYEVA, F.I., red.; CHUNAYEVA, Z.V., te) (Practical laboratory exmeriments in soil science] Laboratorno- prakticheskie zauiatiia Do pochvovedeniiu. -.Aoskva, Gos. izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-77, 1957. 214 P. (MIRA 11:1) (Soils'--Analysis) GORSHENIN, Konstantin Pavlovich, prof., laureat Leninskoy premii; -AIRKSAIMBOVA. Lyut~zmila Nikolayevna; AWIPOV-KARATATIV, Ivan Nikolayevich-, GATMUSHA, Ivin'ftdossyevich; SOBOIJCV, Sergey Stepanovioh; PLESHKOV, B.I., red.: SOKOLOVA. N.H., [Soil science] Pochvovedenis. Pod obsh~hei red. K.P.Gorshanina. Moskva, Gos.12d-vo sallkhoz.lit-ry, 1958. 438 p. (93A 12:8) 1. Omskiy sellskokhoz.institut (for Gorshenin). 2. Leningradskiy nel'skokhox.inatitut (for Aleksandrova). 3. Pochvennyy inBtitut Akademli nauk SSSR (for Antipov-KaratayeLv,.Sobolov). 4. Beloraeskaya sellskokhoz.akademiya (for Gprkui3ha)-;- (Solis) ALEKSANDROVA, L.M.; NADI, M. Nature of organomineral colloids and mathode of their study rwith summary in English]. Pochvovedenie no.10-.21-27 ') 158- (MIRA 11:10) 1. LaniVraaskiy seliskokhozynystvennyy institut. (son colloids) ------ ----- - - ALEKSANDROVA-) "On the Condition of Humic Substancen and the Nature of Organic Mineral Colloids iii Soils." (Leningrad Agricultural Institute) report to be presented at the 7th Intl Soil Science Congress, Madison.. Wisconsin, 15-23 Aug 1960 - AILKSANDRM, L. 14. Use of sodium pyrophosphate to separate free humus substanCeS and their organic-minera-I compounds from soils. Pochvovedenie no.2:90-97 F 160. (MRA 15:7) 1. Laningradskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut. (Soils-Analysis) (Sodium pyropliosphates) (Humus) BLAGOVIDOV, N.L.; SDUOV., V.N.; PONOMJUINA, V.V.; MfiRCHENKO, A.I.; ALEKSANDRO [A, L.A~ SOKOLOV, N.N.; ROZBNOVI-., T.A.; TSYGANCT41.0, ' A.F.; MIKHAYLOVSKAYA, O.N.; PETROV, A.P.; KHANIULIEV, A.A.; SAPO-ZIINIKOV, N.A. Zinaida IUllevna Shokallskaia obituary. Izv. Vses. geog. ob-va 93 no.4:347-348 il - Ag 161. (MIRA 14--7) (Sliokallskaia, Zinaida Allema, d. 1961) TYUM, I.V.j akademik, glav. red.; ZOWI, S-V-, prof.p otv. red.; ALEKSANDROVA, L.N.P red.; ANTIPOV-KAWME;V, I.K.p red.; red.; VOIDBUYEV, V.R., red.; DARASELIYA, M.K., red.; IVANOVA, Ye.N.j red.; XACHINSKII, N.A., red.; KONONUVA, M.M. red.; NOGINAI N,X,p red.; RODE, A.,A., red.; SOBOLEV, S.S., red.; SOKOIDV, A.V., red.; MARKOV, V.Ya., red. izd-va; ASTAFIYEVA, G.A., tekhn. red. (Problems of soil research] Problemy pochvovedeniya Moskva., Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 287 p. WRA 15-.7) 1. Vsesoyuzrtoye obshchestvo pochvovedoV. 2. Prezident Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva pochvovedov (for Tyurin). (Soil reagarch) ALEMANDROVAy L,NP; ANDPMEVAy I.M. Trangformation of bms substances in the soil. POchvOvedenie no.7:20-26 Jl 163o (NIRA 16:8) 1 1. Leningradskiy sellskokhozyaystveAnyy institut. (H=us) ALEKSANDROVA, L.N.; KONONOVA, M.M. Soil chemistry at the 8th International Congress of Soil Scientists (2nd Co=ission)o Pochvovedenle no.5t7g-85 Mq 165. (MIRA :18:5) AltX5-A-NDROVK,-*I-.-P.--Cand.--Tach-;-Sci-i-------------- Dissertation: "Diatoms is Salinity Indicator of Waterin Reservoirs." All-Union Sci Res Inst of Water Supply, Sewerage, Hydraulic Structures and Engineering Hydrogeology, "VODEG", 8 May 47. SO: Nechernvaya Moskva May., 1947 (Project #17836) AIEKSAI.-DRUVA, P ,;I, 6920 Alexsan&,ova, L. P. Stochro-ye Vocly gidrolizndy proWshlermostt I ikh vllyanVe na vodoye-,i kPri petlerabotke kli-moynw.- &,evesirL.-.). 14, 1954. 28s. s ill. 20 sia. (h"-vo stroitellstva 1)rcdnriyatiy rictallurgich. I kliin-. -pror,sti SSR. Te%hn. Upr. Vsesoyuz. Eauch.-issled. In-t vodosnabzheniya, Kanalizatsii, gidrotolclm sooruzheniy i inzehenernoy ridro~eolorii VODGEO. /Labora'oriva B-' ol. ochistki t)rom. Stoclirr),kh vod./ Inf orn, . naterial~f. ilo. 8). 500 excz. B.ts, 13ibliof-r: s.27.-(55-1677) 628.34(ovio'-3) SO: Knizhnaya Letuopis' .11o. 6, 1955 M~ffi AIMANDROVA, L. P. Aleksandrova., L. P. -- "The Pressure of a Saturated Pair of Ternary Stra- tified SYstems:*Formic Acid -- Water -- Dichloroethane and Formic Acid -- Water -- Benzol.11 Acad Sci Ukrainian ')SR. Inst of Physical Chemistry imeni L. V. Pisarzhevskiy. Kiev, 1955. (Disseration For the Degree of Candidate in Chemical Sciences). So; Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 11, 1956, pp 103-114 AUTHORS: Udovenkop V. V., Aleksandrova, L. P, SOV/76-32-8-26/37 TITLE1. The Solubility in the System Formic Acid - 1,2-Dichloro Ethane Water (Rastvorimost' v sisteme muravlinaya kislota - 1,2- dikhloretan voda) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol. 32, Nr 8, pp. 1889-1892 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The mutual solubility in the above mentioned ternary system was investigated within the temperature range of from 20 +,o 700 according to the polythermal method by V. F. Alekseyev. The data of the mutual solubility of water and dichloro ethane were taken from other Dublications. In the determinations of the solubility eight polythermal lines were taken at different constant ratios between formic acid and dichloro ethane, and the results obtained were given in a table. There exis-#,-s a greater laminated section in the system which decreases on an increase in temperature. For determining the intersections in the system the compositions of the layers of equilibrium were determined by a titration of the acid in both layers at 30, 45 and 6000. The kinetic points of the mutual solubility on Card 1/2 the curves of the separation of layers were determined according SOY/76-32-8-26/37 The Solubility in the System Formic Acid - 1,2-Diahloro Ethane - Water to the method mentioned above. The coefficients of distri- bution were calculated. The difference observed between the system H20-02H5OH-02H401 2and that investigated was explained by the greater coefficient of distribution of formic acid as compared to that of ethanol. There are 5 tables and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy pol,itekhnicheskiy institut (Kiyev Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: March 25, 1957 Card 2/2 UWVrbNKO, V.V.; ALUSANDROVA, L.P. (Kiev) Vapor pressure,of three-componont i3yatems. Part 3S The oystem formic acid - lp2-dichloroothans - water. Zhur. fiz.khim- 34 no.6:1366-1372 Jo l6o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Xiyevskly politekhaicbookly institut. (Yormic acid) (Ethane) (Vapor proBsure) AT-EKSANDROVA, La. Relation of certain forms of the relief of western Tuva to tectonic ruptures, Dokle. AN BSSR 1/+6 no.5.114!1-1149 0 162. (MM 151l0) 1. Geologicheskiy institut AN SSSR. Predst&rleno akademikgii'--) JL1.Yanshinym. (Tuva A.S.S.R.--Geology, Structural) AIEKSA14DROVA L.P.; VANGENGEIM E.A.; GERBOVA, V.G.; GOUJBEVA, 4 kivsuIY.1 E. 1. ,.V.; New data on a section of Quaternary sediments of Mount Tologoy (western Transbaikalia). Biul.Kom.chetv.per. no. 28:84-1101 163. (MIRA 17:5) RAVSKIY, E.I.; ALEKSANDROVA, L.P.; VANGENGEYM, E.A.; GIMBOVA, V.G.; GOLUBEVA,- ;- A.V., glavnyy red.; NIKIFOROVA, X.T., otv. red.; KUZNETSOVA, V.V., red.; TIMOFEYEV, P.P., red. (Quaternary sediments in the south of Easte-n Siberia.] Antropoganovye otlozheniia iuga Vostochnoi Sibiri. Moskva,, Nauka 1964. 2?9p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Geologicheskii institut. Trudy, no.105) (MIRA 17:10) ALEKSANDROVA~ L,. F. Sedinentation and zoning of the paloolandformis of the 1Akq Baikal region and western Transbaikalia In the Lower Eopleisto- cons. Biul. Kom. chetv. per. no.29:349-155 '64. (MIRA 1718) ----UDOVFSYg, VoLjo WNW% ~!.P. Vapor preasure of three-component oystems. Part 4. Zhur.fiz.khiu. 37 no.1:52-56 J-,~ - 163. (MIRA 110) 1. Kiyevskiy politekhnicheakiy institut. ALEBANDROVA ,L "Course and Treatment of Malaria in Children." Dr Yed Jci, Tashkent Yedical Inst, Tashkent, 1953. (RZhBiol, No 8, Dee 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 ALEKSANDIWVA, L.S. prof, ~ ---~- I~ -, . .- 0 Malaria and its treatment in children. Med. zour. Uzb. no.8:18-22 Ag 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Iz kafedry gospita-11noy pediatrii pediatricheskogo fakullteta Tashkentskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. (MAWiIA) /Vq k, PN 0 442 r4 23 'D 0 to ch 0 g3 N3 v 84 On . V. A q 94 11 -7 --a- in q'i ale P-A 0 k-ob. P V4 24 0 11%.4. MON, AIMNSANDROVA. L.S.; UWVICH, S.Yu. Iffoot of temperature on the exchange of cobalt and copper ionq on organic cationites [vith anmmar7 in lInglish]. Koll.zhur. 20 no.6: 687-693 N-D '58- (MIRA 12:2) l.-Inatitut fizicheskoy khtmii AN SSSRO Moskva.' (Cobalt) (copper) (Ion exchange) 5(4) sov/76-33-3-19/41 AUTHORS; Aleksaildrova, L. S., Yelovich, S. Yu., Chmutov, K. V. TITLE: Dynamics of the Sorj-.t on of lons on Various Typer, of Cation Exchanacrs,I (Dinamika sorbtaii ionov na kationitakh raz- nykh tipov. I PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizichooko khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 3, pp 627 - 635 (USSR~ ABSTRACT: The attempt is made to clarify several rules governing the first stage of the separation proceos on ionic re- sins and especially the dynamics of adsorption of ionic mix- tures- The offect of temperature and flowing velocity of the aolution upon sorption and mutual displacerient of the CU2+- and C02+_ions is investigated. The cation exchangers MSF, SBS, KH, RIP and krU-2 (SDV-3) were used as adsorbers. The investigation of Cl- and CNS_ anions was carried out on the anion exchangers 13',G-1,N0, and EDE-10. Solutions of equinormal mixtures of Co(No )21 PH = 4.0-4.5 were used. )2 and Cu(110 3 3 6o Cobalt nitrate solution was markod with Go . The present Card 1/3 paper describes the experimental results obtained in the case Dynamics of the Sorption of Ions on Various Types of SOV76-33-3-19/41 Catibn Exchangers.I of dynamics of sorption of the Co- and Cu-ions and KU-2 (in hydrogen form). The two cation excharZers vary greatly with respect to their properties (Ref 1). KU-2 is a sulfonated condensation-product of sty-rene with divinyl benzoyl with it highly acid HBO-- group. R.F belongs to the resorcin 3 formaldehyde cation exchangers with a weakly acid PO(OH) 2- group. Experimental results obtained in connection with the latter show (Fig 3) that the front of adsorption varies con- tinuously, the cobalt ions migrating in front of the copper ions and the Cu-ions taking the place of the Co-ions. The chromatograms on KU-2 vary greatly from the above-mentioned by the fact that exchange constants of Co and Cu do in this case little differ from one another (Fig 4). The adsorption front of the ions moves parallel and constant in accordance with the rules found by N. A. Shilov. Two experimental series dealing with the dynamics of sorption as a function of the velocity of filtration and the slze of grains at three differ- Card 2/3 ent temperatures led to the finding (Figs 5,6) that the Dynamics of the Sorption of Ions on Various Types of SOV/76-33-3-19/41 Cation Exchangers.1 effect observed on RFt is not due to a diffusion retarda- tion but to the character of the functional group of RF through which under certain conditions adsorption kinetics is brought about, which is not in equilibrium. In the case of KU-2 an increase in temperature leads to an acceleration of the migration of Cu- and Co-ions. There are 6 figures, 1 table, and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk- SSSR, Institut fizicheskoy khimii,Yioskva (Academy of SciencesqUSSR, Institute of Physical Chemistry., Moscow) SUBMITTED: July 24, 1957 Card 3/3 5W 210106-33-5-24/33 AUTHORS: 1- -A Chmut A101MaW0Lqj_.k- S., felovich, S. Yu. ov, K. V. (Moscow) TITLEs The Dynamics of the Sorption of Ions on Various Types of Cation Exchangers (Linamika sorbtsii ionov na kationitakh raznykh tipov).2.The Diffusion Kinetics of the Dynamics of Sorption(2.Diffuzionnaya kinetika dinamiki sorbtsii) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 5, pp 1119 - 1125 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The sequence of adsorption stages is typical of cation ex- changers such as the KU-2 used: 1) diffusion of the ion towards the place of sorption, 2) process of sorption, 3) diffusion of the displaced ion into the liquid. Publications give no data on the size of the concentration gradients which appear in the dynamics of sorption under various testing conditions. An attempt is made in this work to estimate these gradients in connection with the sorption of the copper ion on the cation exchanger KU-2. Copper nitrate solution was filled into the column which was filled with the adsorbent. The initial curves 8how that a stable state occurs already Card 1/3 with a layer of 7.1 cm. The form of the front of t1he Ca and The Dynamics of the Sorption of Ions on Various SOV176-33-5-24133 Types of Cation Exchangers. 2. The Diffusion Kinetics of the liynamics of Sorption c 11 ions remains constant. The quantity Y 0 is defined ii as being characteristic of the course of the diffusion at the wave front. (c. . concentration of the ion in the liquid, 0n ' equilibrium concentration of the ion at the place of sorption). With y. 1 the process takes place without diffusion inhibitions in the kinetic ranged y~~l mcanv that a considerable concentration gradient is presen and the reaction takes place in the diffusion range. The desorption of the displaced ion takes place together with the exchange sorption, a concentra- tion gradient appears from the place of desorption towards the liquid (9( 1). A table shows the cuncentration gradients for the front of the Cu ions. Hence it appears that on the Dlace of adsorption the concentration of the displaced H ions do not differ considerably from their concentration in the liquid; thus, no diffusion gradient exists for 11 ions, and their process takes place in the kinetic range -, 1). The esti- Card 2/3 mation of Cu shows T ) 1, thus the adsorption process of the The Dynamics of the Sorption of Ions on Various SOV/76-33-5-24/33 Types of Cation Exchangers. 2. The Diffusion Kinetics of the Dynamics of Sorption Cu ions takes place in the diffusion range. A second experiment with increased effect of the diffasion inhibitions (diffusion increased six times) showed, in principle, the same results (Fig 2). There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 10 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Akademiya nauk SSSR institut fizicheskoy khimii Moskva (Academy of Sciences of the USSn Institute of Physical Chemi- stry, Moscow) SUBMITTED: November 2, 1957 Card 3/3 81553 S/062/6o/ooo/05/02/008 r, 2100 B004/BO66 AUTHORSs Aleksandrova, L. S., Chmutov, K. V. TITLE: - Separation of Niobium and Tantalum by Means of the Chromatographic AdBorption-complex Method PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1960, No. 5, PP. 801-805 TEXTs- In the introductory part of the paper the authors discuss the various methods of separating Ta and Rb described in publications, and refer in this connection to pa ers by Ya, As Chernikhov and Vendelf- shtayn (Ref. 4), V- S. Bykova fRefa- 5,6), and V. Io Chastukhina (Ref, B)a The authors used in this investigation the method -suggested by T. B. Gapon and A. M. Gurvich (Ref. 15). As the carrier a substance is applied which contains the separating agent already in the adsorbed state. A AAYX (DAUvh) charcoal served as carrier on which phenyl areonio acid, tannin or o-hydroxyquinoline were adsorbed as precipitant. The ad- sorptive capacity of the charcoal for these reagents was determined in Card 1/3 81553 Separation of Niobium and Tantalum b:, Neavis o~' s/o62j6O/OOO/O5/02/OOA the Chromatographic Adsorption-oomplex Method B004/B066 preliminary experiments. The further experiments were performed with phenyl arsonio acid which forms with Rb and Ta the complex compound IR204(C 05 AsO 3)2]H2 . The md-obium.compound remains dissolved in the presence of mineral acids and oxalic acid. A HC1 concentration of betreen 0-3 - 3 N does not exert any influence upon the reaction.Nb 205 and, Ta205 were molten in a platinum crucible with potassium pyrosulfate and dis- solved in ammonium oxalate. The concentration of the initial and of the equilibrated solutions were measured by means of Nb95 and Ta 182 (Table). It may be seen from Figs. 1-3 that Nb passes over to a practically quantitative extent into the filtrate. The Xb-tail was washed out by a mixture of ammonium oxalate and HC1. The filtrates were measured in an AC-1 (AS-1) counter. The tantalum was washed out by means of KOH or axalic acid (Figs. 192). Oxalic acid was more effective but displaced only 60 per cent of tantalum. Under the experimental conditions (length of the chromatographic column 250 mm, diameter 12 mm) the quantity of Nb205 + Ta 205 must not exceed 25 mg. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 16 referenrest 8 Soviet, 3 British, 1 Dutch, 1 French, 1 German, and Card 2/3 31553 Separation of Niobium. and Tantalum by Means of 5/062/60/000/05/02/008 the Chromatographic Adsorption-oomplex Method B004/BO66 2 American, ASSOCIATIONs Institut fi'zicheekoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of SciencespUSSR) SUBMITTED; November 17, 1958 Card 3/3