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SKLYAROV, Aleksey Yeliseyevich, inzh.; 41~.KSALDW,,_Agn
j.1kag A
kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent
Choice of the parameters of an impulse voltage :LOr testing the
insulation of winding sections of electric traction motors.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 6 no.5:582-591 163.
(MIRA 16-9)
1. Nachallnik otdela novykh, metodov i=ereniy novocherkasskogo
nauchno-issledoVatellskogo instituta elektrovozostroyeniya (for
Sklyarov). 2. Kafedra teoreticheakikh osnov eleltrotakhniki
I&ningradskogo instituta inzheverov zheleznodorozhnogo, transportpL
(for Aleksandrov',
(Electric railway motors)
AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, K. I.
TITLE: Zone of Oxidation of the Pervomayskoye Molybdenum Deposit
(Buryatskaya ASSR)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zF,-cdeniy. Geologiya I razvedkaj
1960, No. 3, PP. 59-74
TEXT: The papers by M. M. Besova (Ref. 1), N,. A. Smollyaninov (Refs. 8,9),
and M. M. Povilaytis conoerning the Dzhidinskoye ore fiold hardly deal at
all with the distribution of the minerals in the oxidat:LOD zone and its
morphology. The author studied these problems in 1956-1957 and now gives
his results. Almost all the modern research methods were applied in these
studies. The X-ray pictures were taken at the Irkutskiy institut redkikh
metallov (Irkutsk Institute of Rare Metals) by A. V. Sharonova, while the
chemical analyses were made by V, M. Shcherbakova and L, R, Milf .. CC*9^,rker.--
of the same Institute. In the Pervomayskoye molybdenum deposit in the
Dzhidinskoye ore field the ore mineralization is connecled with the apex
of the stock of granite-porphyries of the Cimmerian intrusive cycle and is
Card 1/3
Zone of Oxidation of the Pervomayskoye S/151/60/000/003/001/002
Molybdenum Deposit (Buryatskaya ASSR) B012/BO60
traced back to the Cambrian by way of the biotite-amphibol-le slates and
hornstones containing the said stock. The molybdenum m-fnexalization of th-,s-
deposit is represented by stockwork types, disseminated and vein types.
The main hypogene minerals of these ores, upon which th~- formation of
secondary products in the zone of oxidation was based, are pyrite,
mclybdenite, cha2copyrite, galenite, htibnerite, rhodoch.rositc.,, fluorite,
and feldspars (microlite and albite). The most important and most widely
spread hypergene minczal is jarosite, and less widely spread are feri,ic
hydroxides, and, still less, ferrimolybdite and powellite~ Summ,'.ng -up:
!) Under relatively stable geochemical conditions one may write 'he
following succession in the formation of hypergene minerals in 'the
oxidation zone of the Pervomayskoye molybdenum deposit: molybdenite
powellite, ferrimol.ybdite, molybdenum-containing limonite, limonite;
galenite - anglesite, cerusaite, wulfenitel -.halcopyrite - bornite,
chalcosine, covellite, azurite, malachitel pyrite - jarosite, limonlte;
rhodochrosite - manganite, psilomelane, pyrolusite, 2) As to oxidation
intensity, three molybdenum ore types can b-~? singled out here: a su2fidJ-,,,.
one, with a relative MoO3 content of 0-20A, a s,.i!fJdo,ox4-dt.-,ed onc vvith
Card 2/3
Zone of Oxidation of the Pervomayskoye S/151/60/000/003/001/002
Molybdenum Deposit (Buryatskaya ASSR) BO12/BO6O
a MoO3 content of 20-30',o, and an oxidized ore type with a MoO3content of
over 30% of the total molybdenum conten-- The first and, in part, the
aecond ore type are so far important industrially. 3k) Th? spreading of the
three types in horizontal and vertical direction is irrej,;Ular-~ At the
same time, the intensity of ore oxidation decreases with depth until, at
a depth of 50 M, the ore is almost not oxidized at all, The zone of
oxidation of the Pervomayskoye deposit has formed beginn:-ng from the
Mesozoic to the present time. Papers by N. A, Smolyaninov and Ye~ N.
Isakov (Ref 9), V. A. Obruchev (Ref. 6). and reports by Ye, N. Smolyansk~y
are mentioned. There are 10 figures, B table3, and 16 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Irkutskiy gorno-metallurgicheskiy institut (Irkutsk
Institute of Mining and Metallurgy)
Card 3/3
Idthologic cOmPos'tion of the Orlovka series and palekeographic
conditions governing its formtion. Trudy Gor.-geol.. inst.
UFAN SSSR no 51:137-153 160. (MIRA 13.-9)
(Ur;l Mountains--Geology, Stratigraphic)
- 1
Origin of manganese ores in the Yashka limestone deposli't. Gebl.
i_49ofiz. . no.1:115-3-17 J 61. (,MIRA 140)
1. Sibirskiy,,Aauchno-loolodavateltaldy institut geologli.
geofiziki i zinerallnogo syriya, Novosibirsk.
(BDI-Is" Y#sha-Manganess ores)
AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, K.I. 68-1-18/21
TITLE: Organisation of Re airs and Maintenance on the Zhdanov
Coke Oven Works. Mganizatsiya remontnogo Idiozyaystva
na Zhdanovskom Kok nkhimichaskom Zavode)
FERIODICAL: Koks i Khimiya, 195?, -N0-1, PP. 57 - 61 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The organisation of repairs and maintenance section on
the above works is described. Characteristic feature of the
organisation is the large number of engineers employed.
ASSOCIATIOP: Zhdanov -- Coke Oven Works (Zhdanovskiy Koksokhimi-
cheskiy Zavod)
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Uard 1/1
AUTHOR: Aleksandrov K. I. - 68-58-4-14/21
TITM; A Rational Scheme of Coke ScreeninG- (Ratsioncallnaya
shheina koksosortirovki)
PERIODICAL: Koks i Khimiya, 1958, Nr Ll-, PP 50-51 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The reconstruction of the cohe screeninG plant and
conveying systera on the Zhdanov - Works is described
and illustrated. The ner, scheme improved the availability
of the plant and decreased the height of the fall of
coke during charging into x7agons by 4 1/2 m,
There are 3 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Zhdanovs,~Y. koksokhimicheskiy zavod
(Zhdanov- Coke Oven Works)
1. Coke--Processing 2, Coke--Handling 3. Industrial plarts--Con-
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: Aleksa 91 0A. I. SOV/68-58-12--13/25
TITLE: A New Method of Vulcanisation of Joints of Conveyor
Belts (Novyy sposob vulkanizatsii stykov transporter-
nykh lent)
PERIODICALs Koks i Khimiya, 1958,, Nr 12, pp 46-1+9 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Joining of conveyor belts (overlapping Joints) by
vulcanisation according to adopted practice (shown in
Fig 1) required 8-10 hours and therefore u-as seldom used.
In 1956 a new method of joining not by overlap ing but
by interlocking of the individual belt layers Gig 2)
was developed. The ends of the belts to lie joined are
out at 900 and heated by vulcanisation plates to
100-1100c. At this temperature the separation of layers
is easy, but it also can be carried Out OrL cold using a
special tool shown in Figs 3 and 4. The length of the
interlocking joint is 600-700 mm as against 2100 mm of
Card 1/2 the overlapping joint previously used. The results of
A.New Method of Vulcanisation of Joints of Conveyor Belts
tests of conveyors Joints made by the old and new
methods are shown in the table. The neir method is
more economical in labour, materials and gives longer
There are 1+ figures and I table.
ASSOCIATION: Zhdanovskiy koksokhimicheskiy zavod (Zhdanov
Coking Works)
Card 2/2
-.,,--rKw,1-im,-Shevchenko, A. I. and
AUTHOR: AleksandVoy
--NvpW~y`a~hc'hiy, I.L.
TITLE: From Experience of Operation of the Machino for the
Removal of Covers from Charging Holes Designed by the
Bureau for Coke Oven Machine Building (Opyt
ekspluatatsii lyukos"yemov konstruktsii KB
koksokhimicheskogo mashinostroyeniya)
PERIODICAL:Koks i khimiya, 1959, Nr 8, pp 18-20 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: For the mechanisation of opening and closing charging
holes, cleaning of covers and cover well as
sweeping spillage produced during charging,the Design
Office for the Coke Oven Machine Building 1produced a
few types of machinery which have been tested on a
number of coking plants. The final type of the
installation which was recommended for general
introduction is described and illustrated (figure).
The specific features of the installation are that
all operations are carried out from a single position
Card 1/2 of the larry car and the replacement of covers is done
From Experience of Operation of the Machine for the Removal of
Covers from Charging Holes Designed by the Bureau for Coke Oven
Machine Building
correctly (without deviations from true horizontal
position). There is 1 figure and 1 table.
ASSOCIATIONs Zhdanovskiy koksokhimicheskiy zavod
(Zhdanov Coking Works) (K.I. Aleksandrov);
Yasinovskiy koksokhimicheskiy zavod
(Yasinovka Coking Works) (A.1. Shevahenko);
XB koksokhimicheskogo mashinostroyeniya
(KB for Coke Oven Machine Building) (I.L. Nepomnyashchiy).
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Aleksandrov K.I.
T IT LE An Improvement of the Individual Parts of Bridge Cranes
for Coal Handling
PERIODICAL: Koks i khimiya, 1959, Nr 9, pp 512 - 55 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Some modifications in the design of son.e parts of two
bridGe cranes used for handling coal at the Zhdanov
Woxks are described and illustrated.
There are 6 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Zhdanovskiy koksokhimicheskiy ZaVO~L (Zhdanov
~'Coking Works)
Card I/I
ALEKSANDROV, Eirill Iyanavich; INDENBAUM, V.S., red.; VAGIN, A.A.
izd-va,- ISLMIiEVA, P.G., tek~n. r6d.
[Exhausters; practical manualfor machine operators and at-
tendants of machine sections of by-product coke plants) Ga-
zoduvki; prakticheskoe rukovodstvo dlia rashinistov i ob-
sluzhivaniushchego personals. mashinnykh otdeleniJ koksokhi-
micbeskikh zavodov. I-.oskvag Gos. nauchno-tekhn.J.zd-vo lit-ry
po chernoi i tavetnoi metallurgii, 1962. 224 p jMIRA 15:2)
(Coke industry-Equilzrient and supplies)
2. TTSSR (600)
4. 6ilver Fox
7. Results of dnal breeding of silver fox vixens with dIfferent, males, Y~ar.i
zver. 5 no.6, 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions Library of Congress, Arril 1953, lInclass.
Make wider uae of raill welding. Puti i put.khoz. 6 no.50 162.
(MM 15 :4)
1. Glavnyy j-nzh. aluzbby puti, TaBhkent.
AWPA~~,_ KOROTKOV, V.V., starshiy prepodavatell:;
TARSIN, V.P., assistent (Tashkent)
Need for urgent measures. Put' i put. khoz. 8 no.1:40 164.
(14IRA 17:2)
1. Glavnyy inzh. sluzhby ti Sredneaziatskoy d-Drogip
Tashkent (for Aleksandrov . 2. Tashkentskiy institut inzhe-
nerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta (for Korotkov).
Acceleration of the technological progress is the aim. Put# J put.
khoz. 8 no-3:15 164. (MIRA 1713)
1. Glavnyy inzh.sluzhby puti, Sredneaziatskaya doro~ka,, Tashkent
(for Aleksandrov). 2. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy "Put' i putevoye kho-
zyaystvoll Tashkentskogo instituta inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo
transporta, Tashkent Uor Kolesnikov).
Teriperature conditions of rails. Put' i put.khoz. 8 no.6:17-18 164.
(MIRA 17:9)
1. Glavnyy inzh. sbazliby puti, Tashkent (for Alekstimirov). 2. N.,Ichallnik
Tashkentskoy geofizielieskoy stlintsii (for Yemichev).
-,J~ TOPIC'--:TAGS:-
-up c)- .-of-
2 pmer~--'-t
'EMjZ-l -- -, ---
mder- t6l.tedxiqi6:*4thp~ elp~stid~ Ymv
liiflaimhol3lt of foaig~. pol etbahe
e.,.ves,-,. aaded--'t6.--the'--ii:kt,(ird,befo3~e~,-~d
v, po
Ily. riny'.
Using stabilized polymide filma in agric-ulture., Biul. tekh,-ekon..
inform. Gos. nauch.-issl. nauch. i tekh. inform.. 17 no.9%67-69 ,
S 164 (MIRA 18:1)
,'~sngthenlng the service life of the "PK-4" polyamide film.
Plant. massy no.8t6l..62 265. (.MIRA 18:9)
ACC /f Y uR/biqiA5/0OO/0l2/0O38/0040
AUTHORS: Slani, I. I.; Kxktyanin, G. I.; Aleksandrov,.K. N. 411
ORG: none
T ITIZ: Stud7 of the properties of varnished and plated polywric films
SOURCE: Plasticheakiye massy,, no,,32, 1965.. 38-40
TOPIC TAGS: protective Sooting, polymer, varnish, tensile strength, elastic
modulus / PK-4 polyamide film, PETF-20 polyethylene terephthal~c film
ABSTRACT: This study involved the improv,%~?nt of physical and mechanical propVties.,
and the weatherproofing of: 1) polyami e~films of uniaxial elongation PK-4* L~;
2) polyv~Wl films with a corplex plasticizer; 3) polyethylenaterephthalic film
PETF-20. Protective varniad"or metallic coating was employed. Two-component poky-
urethanallake, consisting ok polyisocyanate and polyhydroxy compounds, was used-Es-
_:i_ ~nishlcoating; aluminum applied by vacuum spraying was tested as metallic protec-
tive coating. Rigidity,.tonsile strength, elongation at breaking point, and elas-
ticity modulus of treated and untreated films (before and after aging) are compared.
It is concluded that rigidity and tensile strength of treated, films before and after
aging are considerab3,v improved. Elastic properties of the treated films are not
ff ated. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 1 table.
CODEEi 07Z SUBM DATEt none/. ORIG REFs 003/ OTH REF.,' 004
~,.Fde 1/1 _UDC: _678.01:027.5
Is ozone dangerous? Frir i znanie 17 no.8:25 0 t64.
News, current events, and facts. Prir i znanie 17 no.9:23-24
N 164.
Ilk, Ve tke eh
n 4 late 7to- Its --vWtet~,,to
J-tet t _d n
f t;
ome'trildit: Y~Co
_qn erttop
Z" I" -t-L E_
fu -1,*t-4i'l (the
_pyopekt es~
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1~~' ,I _Z C, ~ -0.
Studying the properties of lacquered and metall-Lzed polyme:ri,-
films. Plast. massy no. 12238-~40 165 Ix MI R. !A~ '1. 9 .. I. )
Dissertation: "Length of Piles as a Basic'Strength Index of a Pile Foundation Under
Conditions of Weak Grounds."
18 April 49
Moscow Order of the Labor Red Banner Engineering Construction Inst imeni,
V.V. Kuybyshev.
so verheryaya Moskva
Sum 71
ALENSANDROV, K.S., kand.tekbn.nauk
Calculating the life of construction elements ill 131anning
buildings and structures. Biul. stroi. tekhn. 15 no.9:12-13
S 158. (WRA 11:10)
1. Otdel HIR Akademii stroitel'atva I arkhitekturr SSSR.
Method of visualizing sounds produced by mosquitoes. Dokl. AN SSSh
139 no.3:485-487 JI 161. (MIRA 14:7)
1. Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR. Predstavleno
akademikom Ye.N. Pavlovskim.
(Insect sounds) (Mosquitoes)
I t 0 th tr Le
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ns ing thd behavior( of thd, P, groups
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MEL: 00 On GODS,
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[-L 5750-65
-ACCESSION NR: 05016132
ideformation of the optical Indicatrix modulates the beam at the ap-
1 plied frequency and the rotation of the indicatrix modulates the beam
at twice this frequency. When the Nicols are set at 450 the si-tuation
is reversed: rotation of the optical indicatrix modulates the light
beam at ike applied frequency and deformation modulates it at the se-
cond hamonic. With the proposed method, therefore, it is possible
accurately and separately to determine the effects of rotation and
deformation of the optical indicatrix. The proposed method was em-
ployed to investigate the electro-optical effect in R)chelle salt.
iFor this material, of the 18 electro-optical coeffici',~nts rij, only
jr4l, r52 and r6,3 do not vanish in the paraelectric state. In Vie less
symmetric ferroelec1tric state r1l, r2l, r31, r5,3 and r62 alsO are dif-
ferent frora zerote-The quantities r42. and a a ny r2l nz6r3l were mead
at temperatures, from 21 to 36 G (h and n are the co rre,SDorid-
ing refractive indiee's)_. - The f requency 0i the 2ternat ing field was
7he coef
10D0 cycle/see and its amplitude did not exceed 1 kV/cm. fi-
cient r41 reached its maxim= value of 4 x 10 6 cgs units at the Cu-
-,,rie points AppUcationl- a constant electric field 3:educed ""he value'
~77 7;
L 57569-65
of r41- In the presence of a 2 kV/cm bias field ~he quantity a was
independent of temperature and equal to 1,9 x 10- cgs units in the
ferroelectric Dhase* The quantity c did not fall immediately to zero
at the Curie point, but was still approximately 5 x 10-9 cgs units at
280C. This behavior is ascrihed to "smearing out" of the phase tran-
sition by the bias field. The rymerical result5 mnist be regarded as
preliminary, for they have not been -Corrocted for, the temperature de-
pendence of the natural double refraction. 9 fom-alas,
2 figures and 2 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Institut Miki Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR
(Physics-Institute. Siberian Section of the Academy of Sciences of
USSR / Mechanical Properties of Crystals and Polycryttalic E-9
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4. 1957, No 9409
Author Aleksandrov, K.S., Khaimov-Mal'kov, V.Ya.
Inst tute of Crystallography, Academy of Sciences USSR
Title Rotation of Plane of Polarization of Elastic Shear Waves
Orig Pub Kristallografiya, 1956, 1, No 3, 373-374
Abstract In a crystal specimen of rock salt, approximately 100 mx long,
cut in the L116] direction and twisted about this direction
by 900, there was sent a short b1trasonic pulse of shear wa-
ves at a frequency of 1.67 Mc. The receiver of a Y-section
from the other end of the specimen received the ultrasonic
vibrations passing through the crystal, which after aziplifi-
cation were applied to the plates of an oscillograph. It
was shown that the twisted crystal of rock salt rotates the
plane of oscillations of the particles in the shear wave
(plane of polarization) by an angle that equals approkim-
Card 1/2
USSR / Mechanical Properties of Crystals and Polycrystalic E-9
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, No 94og
Abstract tely the angle of twist of the specimen. This phenomenon
was observed only for those directions of propagation (twist
axis), where there is a difference in the velocities of the
two shear waves and where the directions of their displace-
ment are fixed. Similar investigations with rock-salt crys-
tals, beaten out along the cleavages, did not produce the
above effect.
Card 2/2
e-~Tho-- prop-agarl' W- K4 611SUIC waves In op eclat direcilas-M
hexagonal, and cubic crystais; are aerimi. incubiecrystais
there exist s)ecfal direv.1ion., no nentionod by Borgois
Such sptcW (firect i.- -~s ~-,r, t'; r,,s~ihlr v!nmetry
-1 the tenso-, -,f
W~ Studied 1~11.-i "iMI
~jy With ---L;
production (31 clrcuhat~Y
-ACC NR, AP7005858 -- S(-X.MC.ECODE: Vkl6i6jV66166810121363V363~-
AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, -S.; Reshchl.kovao L. M.; Besnosikov, B. V.
ORG: Institute of Physicss SO AN SSSR, Krasnoyarsk (Inatitut fiziki SO AN SSSR)
TITLE: Anomalies of elastic properties in KMnF3
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo telaj v. 8)'no. 12, 1966, 363T-3639
TOPIC TAGS: elastic wave, temperature dependence, potassium compound, manganese com-
pound, fluoride, crystal lattice vibration, second order phase transition
ABSTPACT: In view of observation of anomalies in elastic properties of strontium
titanate, the authors checken on the possible existence of such anomalies in other
perovskite substances, particularly 1QW?3. The crystals were grown in graphite
crucibles in an argon atmosphere. The temperature'dependence of the elastic wave
velocities were determined by pulsed ultrasonic methods at 30 MHz. The temperature
dependence of thewave velocity de.-.reased with decreasing temperature, first slowly
and then abruptly at 2OOK, with ve:ry strong absorption at 180-190K where measurements
could not be. made. An increase vat, then. observed below 180K. Twinning was, observed
by optical means at 180K. A similmr wave-velocity dependence and absorption anomaly
near 180 - 190K was observed in measurecents with shear waves in the [1007 direction.
The anomaly in the elastic properties of' KMnF3 near the phase transition point (184K)
is similar to that observed in SrT;1Oj,&t 110K, but the region of anomalous behavior
is broader in WnF3p beginiiing at 20 25* before the transition point, probably as
a result of the larger lattice distortio'n. Since the phase transition of 194nF3 is
not accomapnied by anomalies of the magnetic or dielectric propertiesp it is proposed
that the anomalies are due primarily to changes In the lattice vibration spectrum.
The spontaneous lattice deformation arising in the low-temperature phase can be in-
terpreted from the point of view of Landau's theory of second-order phase transitions
The anomalies in the velocity and absorption of the elastic wave near the transition
can also have a relwmtion character. Orig, art4 has: 1 figure.
SUB CODE: 20/ SM ME: ONUyC6/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTff REF; oo6
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Fi.-ika, 195'7
,, No 4, 2-OP13
Author : Aleksandro, K.S., Hosikov, O.V.
Inst : Institute of Crystallography, Acadeji~,r of Sciences USSR, Moscow;
Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute, USSR.
Title : Instrument for Measuring Elastic Moduli of Crystals.
Orig Pub: Akust. zh-, 1956, 2, 1.-0 3, 2"-2h7
Abstract: Descriptiop of an -ultrasonic instr.1ment for the measu--ement of
the elastic moduls of a crystal, based on the measurement of ve-
lo-ity of propagation of short pulses of longitudinal and trans-
Nez-se t-lastic vibrations in small s-necimens. The unknown velocity
is eleterminea by, superimpo8ing on t~e scr-e~n of a cathode ray os-
cillograph two pulses, one passing through the specimen and one
passing through a liquid whose velocity of sound is known with
sufficient accuracy. The measuring liquid employed is an aqueous
solutiou of ethyl alcohol, which has a low temperature coefficient
of velocity.
Card l I/ e:!
Refe:-dt 7-hur-Fizika. 195 , No 4, 10213
Abs jour: , 17
at erLt of elastic raoduli of a single crystal Of
. a on t:'he me&SUre,.j
dibytirophosphat.8 Of anonjw. are- given and are fao-nO- to agree with
da~-.a measure& by Other investigat-ors,
SOV/124-58-7-7940 D
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 7, p 93 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Aleksandroy
TITLE: The Propagation of Elastic Waves in Particular Directions
Inside Crystals (Raspostraneniye uprugikh voln po osobennym.
napravleniyam v kristallakh)
ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertz-.ti -.I for the de-
gree of Candidate of the Physical and Mathernatical Sciences,
presented to the In-t kristallogr. AN SSSR (Institute of Crystal-
lography, Academy of Sciences, USSR), Moscow, 1957
ASSOCIATION: In-t kristallogr. AN SSSR. (Institute of Crystallography,
Academy of Sciences, USSR), Moscow
1. Crystals-4ibration
Card I/ I
Propagatioa of elastic shear waves in crystAls subjected to toraion
around a specific direction, Kristallogrefiia 2 no,",.:10-144 '57.
(I-ILRA 10: 7)
I. Institut kristallografti. Akademii nauk SSSR.
(Crystallograp!W) (EllaRtin waves) (Torsion)
AILI'l G R S, Chumakov) A.A., Sillvestrova, I.M. and Aleksandrov, K.S.
!-'[P The Dielectric, Elastic and Piezo-electric Properties of
SinGle Crystals of Benzophenone (Dielektricheskiye
uprugiye i plyezoelektricheskiye svoystva monokristallov
benzof enona)
P^--IODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1957, Vol.2, No-5, PP. 70'/-709 (USSR).
.AT)STRACT: Of the four modifications of crystalline benzophenone
(C6H 02CO the one studied was the stable orthorhombic one
belonging to the symmetry group 2-2 The specimens were made
3)* -
from large crystals (200-300 Cm prepared from acetone or
carbon tetrrhlorids solution. The material had a density of
1.219 g/cm at 20 C and a m.p. of 47.0 6. Dielectric con-
stant measurements were made at 103 and 10 c/s and at a field
strength of 5-10 V/cm-
ell ~ 4.0 + 0.05, e22 n 4.1 � 0.05, e
4 33 ~ 3.7 � 0.05
tan 6 = (6 + 0-5) x 10-
The dielectric strengths (in W/mm) wei-e found to be
E = 28 30 + 3 1 E 22 -.* 25 � 3 , Ez = 40 50 + 4
The elastic moduli were found to be (in 1010 dynes/cm2
Diel.ectric, Elastic and Piezo-electric Properties of Single
C r',;7 f_; T, of Benzophenone.
ell 10-?0 � 0.15
33 ( 10 + 0.04
c55 1-55 � 0-01
C23 3.21 � 0.13
C22 ~ 10-00 0..15
c =
44 2.03 0.01
C66 = 3.53 0.03
c31 = 1.69 0.08
C12 5.50 + 0.20
Resonance and anti-resonance frequencies were weDsured for three
slices and the piezo-moduli were calculated from:
d Tr 1 eik6f 1/2
2 fR t 4-IT ~ f R
where f R = resonance f reqr..ency, Af fa - fR(fa = anti-
resonance frequency), e J_k =dielectric susc., length,
Card2/4 p = density,
Pro ?0-5-29/31
T.'--,e Dielectric~ Elastic and Piezo-electric perties of Single
of Benzophenone.
d14 = 3.7 + 0.1 x 10-? c.g.s.
d25 = 0-6 +
d36 = 6.1 + 0.1
The coefficients of electromechanical couplilA;
lated from:
k .500
as kXY t450
2 ?
kyx t450 3.8%
kZx t450 16.%, -
K were calcu-
M45 0 M X perpendicular to slice, length at 45 ~o Y and Z
and electrodes on face perp. to X.
Uard 3/4
The Dielectric, Elastic and Piezo-electric Properties Of Single
drystals of Benzophenone.
The high value of k ZX t 0 contradicts 1.1ason's view
("Piezoelectric Crystals and Their Applications in Ultrasonics",
Rus,-ed. 1952).
Benzophenone is recommended as useful material for piezo-
electric applications at moderate temperatures.
Acknowledgments to Academician A.V. Shubnikov.
There are 2 figures and 3 Slavic references.
ASSOCIATION: Institute of Crystallography Ac.Sc. USSR.
(Institut Kristallografii IN sSSR)
SUBIJ1ITTED; February 9, 195?.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
AUTHORS: Sillvestrova, I.M., Aleksandroy nd Chumakov, A.A.
TITLE: The Growth of Crystals of Terpene Monohydrate and Their
Elastic and Piezoelectric Properties (Vyrashchivaniye
kristallov terpin-monogidrata i ikh uprugiye i plyezo-
elektricheskiye svoystva)
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 3, pp 386 - 387
ABSTRACT: Crystals of cis-terpene monohydrate 0 H (OH)2'H201
have mp. 116 OC and d.b = 1.11 g/CM3. L 10 18
A-water thermostat of Hepphrls type was used to grow crystals
of_30 3 50 g from a solution in alcohol and acetone cooled
1 2 below the saturation point. Crystals (morphologically)
belong to the class 2.m (rhombopyramidal). The principal
dielectric constants at 1 Mc/s and a field of 5-10 V/cm were
found to be e,, 2.6 + 0.05 , e22 = 2.8 + 0.05 s
033 = 3.2 1 0.05 The elastic moduli c were measured
i~-O 2
by an impulsive ultrasonic method as (x 10* dynes/cm
Card 1/2
The Growth of Crystals of Terpene Monohydrate and Their Elastic and
Piezoelectric Properties
oil ~ 12-5 � 0.2, C44 = 2.43 � 0.05 C23 = 4.10 + 0.2
022 = 9-9 � 0.2$ c55 ~ 2.23 � 0.04 C31 = 6.20 + 0.3
c c 3.46 + 0.06 C12 = 3.80 + 0.4
33 15.3 � 0.2, 66 =
For the piezoelectric properties the resonant and anti-
resonant oscillation frequencies of 6 blocks or plates were
measured giving (in egsu X 10-8) d 31 = -6.5 0.1
d32 = 10.6 + 0.11 d 6.6 + 0.31 d - 1
33 15 = 13.0 + 0.2
d24 = 1?.3 � 0.2 .
There are 1 figure and 2 references, 1 Soviet and 1 German-
ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR
(Institute of Crystallography) Ac.Sc.USSR)
SUBMITTED: December 3, 1957
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Chumakov, A~A., Sii'vestrova, I.M. and Aleksandrov, K.S.
TITIE; Growing Crystals of -L-ramnose Monohy ate and the
Investigation of their Dielectric, PiezoelectricAand
Elastic Properties (Vyrashdhivaniye kristallov L-ramnozy
monogidrata i issledovaniye ikh dielektricheskikh.,,
p lyezoelektricheskikh i uprugikh svoystv)
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 4, pp 480-482 ~USSR)
ABSTRACT: Crystals of t-ramnose monohydrate, which belong to the
dihedral axial class of the monoclinic system, weighing
up to 285 g were succSssfull'y grSwn from aqueous solution
in the interval 30-60 with 1-3 C super-cooling and with
rapid rctation (200-500 rpm) of th crystal. The m.p. is
126 uC and the density 1.471 g/cm~. The dielectric
constants at 1 Mc/s and 10 V/cm were found by Q-meter
to be ells 2.6,'e 22 ~ 2.9, e 33 ~ 3-0, e 13 = 0.15. The
piezoelectric moduli (Class 2) were found to be (in
c.g.s.u. X 10-8):
d 21 = + 6.01 ~d 23 -13-7) d25 16.1, d 22= 8.75
d 14 = - 1113t d 16 + 4.81 d 34 19.81 d 36 + 3.8
Uard 1/3
Growing Crystals of I-ramn se Monohydrate and the Investigation
of their Dielectric, Piezoelectric and Elastic Properties
The greatest electromechanical coupling coefficient, ll.~/O,
occurs for compressional-extensional oscillations along
the Z-axis (piezoelectric modulus d23 ). This material
can work as a transmitter of hydrostatic pressure with a
piezomodulus of dh ~ - 16.4 x 10-8 c.g.s.u. The moduli
of elasticity were determined by an ultrasonic impulse
method and the yeloci-~ies of u/s waves in six directions -
1011, L-0111 - were measured.
(100) [0101 C004, 10 L1101 , 0
The moduli c ik* 10 dynes/am at 20 - 22 C are
tabulated a nst ik): (11 3.82; (22) 2.19;
) 1.98; ) 0.537; 0.502;(1(66) 0.911;
23 0.888; (31) 1.66; 12 1~60; 5) -0-03;
0.122; (35) -0.118 461 0.022.
Resonance and impulse methods agree fairly well.
Card 2/3
~irowing crystals of I-ramnose Monohydrate and the Investigation
of their Dielectric, Piezoelectric and Elastic Properties
There are 2 figures, 1 table and ? references, 6 of
which are Soviet and 1 German.
ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii Aii SSSR
(Institute of Crystallography, AS USSR)
8UBMITTED: February 14, 1958
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, K.S.
TITLE: Waves in Crystals
(0 poverkhnostyakh uprugikh voln v kr-4stallakh,,
IWIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958$ Vol 3, Nr 5s pp 620-623 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Musgrave (PRS A226, 1954, PP 339-66) has shown by
constructing wave surfaces that 5 and not 3 different
velocities of wave propagation are possible in certain
directions in cubic and hexagonal crystals. This result
is confirmed theoretically and experimentally for KBr.
The section of the wave surface perpendicular to [0011
has been constructed by a gmphical method and shows that
the 5 ve ;ocities are possible for directions of'propagation
about 30 either side of 110 One wave is quasi-
longitudinal, one is purE~y. shear and the other three are
quasi-shear waves. Except for the first, the direction
of propagation is not coincident with the wave normal
directio.a. For a wave propagated along a line m6dng
about 40 with [1003 the directions of the wave ngrmals,
of the Pree quasi-shea-r waves make angles of +3? , +13
and -26 with the direction of propagation. A block of
Cardl/3 KBr 100 x 100 x 20 mm was cut so as to illustrate this
On the Surfaces of Elastic Waves in Crystals
situation experimentally. Faces were cut perpendicular to
the four directions in question (and parallel to L0011)
Waves were excited by a separate cemented quartz p7late,
resonant at l.? Mc/s but opwated with 2-5 Asec pulses,
stuck to each of the three smaller faces representing
wave normal directions in turn. A similar receiver was
scanned along the remaining face and the amplitudes of the
arriving pulses were measured. A plot of these showed
the expected angular differences between wave norma;s and
propagation directions. The accuracy was about + 2
Musgravds demonstration is considered as confirm7ed.
There are 4 figures and 5 references, 2 of which are
Soviet, 3 English.
Card 2/3
On the Surfaces of Elastic Waves in Crystals
ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR
(Institute of Crystallography of the Ac.Sc.USSR)
SUBMITTED: December 3, 1957
Card 3/3
AUTHOR:_'_~~~~ SOV/?0-3-5-17/24
TITLE: The Determination of the Moduli of Elaaticity of a
Monoolinic Crystal by an Impulse Ultrasonic Method
(Opredeleniye moduley uprugosti monoklinnogo kristalla
impul'snym ulltrazvukovym metodom)
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 5, pp 623-626 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Normally impulse ultrasonic methods of.measuring elastic
moduli of crystals have not been applied to crystals of
symmetry lower than orthorhombic. Only resonance methods
have been used for monoclinic materials,. Where there are
13 independent moduli in monoclinic Cryf3tals, the measure-
ment of all three waves in six :ryrtallo, aphic directions
-11661 , E0101 9 Cool] 9 D11201 0 1! ~J() ,
will give the magnitudes and signs of alr mo uli. Prom a
cube out from a crystal with faces perpendicular to the
crystallographic axis, the values of the four moduli
'221 '44$ '661 046 can be found (but not the sign of
046)' There are also four relationships between five
other moduli, c1., c33' c55' 015' '35 - For determi
Card 1/3
. SOV/70-3-5-17/24
The Determination of the Moduli of Elasticity of a Monoclinic
Crystal by an Impulse Ultrasonic Method
further moduli, a direction of propagat-,ion in the 0
XZ-plane is used. For the moduli c12 and e 25 a 45 z
cut is used with the direction of propagation along Lllo~.
For the present experiment, crystals of potassium
tartrate were used0cut from perfept crystals to an accuracy
of better than 0.5 . The thicknesses in the propagation
directions were 10.00 + 0.01 mm with cross-sections about
15 x 20 mm. A u/s geEerator described previously
(Akust. Zh. 1956, Vol 2, pp 244-7) was used. The moduli
C were determined to about 2-3% and -the remainder to
16115%-. The values found were: ik of c ik first, then
the value of cik in dyne/cm2 X 10 11 :- (11), 3.11;
22), 3.90; (33) 5.54- (44)~ 0.8?; (55), 1.040;
6), 0.826; (123, 1.?~; (133, 1 69; (23) 1.33;
(15, 0.287; (25), 0.182; (35), 0:?l; (463, 0.0?2. The
corresponding compliances are also tabulated. Data by
Bechman and Mason (from Mason's book) are also adduced for
comparison. There are considerable divergences between
The Determination of the Moduli of Elasticity of a Monoclinic
G.:ystal by an Impulse Ultrasonic Method
these authors' results and the agreement; with Bechman's
is much better than with Mason'B. Acknowledgments are
made to A.V. Shubnikov and Ye.G. Bronnikova.
There are 1 table and 5 references, 3 of which are
Soviet and 2 English.
ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR
(Institute of Crystallography of the Ac.Sc.USSR)
SUBMITTED: February 14, 1958
Card 3/3
N~ RO V,
AUTkOR: None Given 30-58-4-29/44
TITLE: Dissertations (Dissertatsii).
Branch of Physico-Mathematical Sciences
(Otdeleniye fiziko-matematicheskikh nELuk
July-December 1957 (Iyull-Dekabrl 1951'9T
PERIODICALs Vesinik Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Nr 4,
PP- 115-116 (USSR)
ABSTRACT; 1) At the Institute for Crystallography (Institut
Kristallografii) the following dissertations for the
degree of a Candidate of Physical Sciences were defended:
K. S. AlekBandrov - Propagation of Elastic Waves in Par=
icu ar Directions in Crystals.(Rasprostraneniye iiprugikh
voln po osobennym. napravleniyam v kristallakh).
0. P. Shakhovskaya - Working Out ~;f an Apparatus for
Oltrahigh Pressure and for the 'Determination of Thermal
Parameters of Phase Trahsitions of Some Metals in it.
(Razrabotka apparatury sverkhvysokogo dexleniya i oprede-
leniye v ney termicheskikh parametrov fazovykh perekhodov
Card 1/4 nekotorykh metallov).
Dissertations~ Branch of Physico-Mathematical Sciences. 30-.-58,4-29/44
July-December 1957-
2) At the Institute for Geophysics imeni 0. Yu. Shmidt
(Institut fiziki Zemli imeni 0. Yu. Shziidta) the following
dissertations for the degree of a Doctor of Physico-Mathe=
matical Sciences were defended:
I. K. Ovehinnikov - Screening Influence of the Topmost
Layer of the Earth's Crust in the Electrio Prospecting
of Ore Deposits (Fkraniruyusbeheye vliyaniye poverkhnost=
nogo sloya zemnoy kory pri elektrorazvedke rudnykh mesto=
3) At the Mathematical Institute imeni V. A. Steklov
(Matematicheakiy Institut imeni V. A. Steklova) the
following dissertations were defended:
a) for the degree of a Doctor of Physico-Mathematical
I. P. Kubilyus - Some Investigations of the Theory of
Probabilities of Numbers (Nekotoryye issiedovaniya po
veroyatnostnoy teorii chisel).
S. B. Stechkin - Investigations of the Theory of Power
Series and of Trigonometric Series (Issledovaniya po
Card 2/4 teorii stepennykh i trigonometricheskikh ryadov)-
Dissertations. Branch of Physico-Mathematical 30-58-4-29/44
Sciences. July-December 1957
Card 4/4
pri nizkikh temperaturakh).
5) At the Institute of Physics and Technics (Fiziko-
-tekhnicheakim Institut) the following k.asertations
for the degree of a Candidate of Physioo-Mathematioal
Sciences were defendeds
A. A. Kaplyanskiy - Spectroscopic Investigations in the
Range of the Long Wave Edge of the Main Absorption of
Crystals. (Spektroskopioheskiye issledovaniya v oblasti
dlinnovolnovogo kraya osnovnogo pogloshchaniya kristallov).
N. 1. Krivko - Investigation of the Ferromagnatio Reso-
nanoe in Some Perrites at Low Temperatures. (losiedovaniye
ferromagnitnogo rezonansa v nekotorykh ferritakh pri niz-
kikh temperaturakh).
V. A. Romanov - The Determinatio-A of the Coefficient Re=
lations of the Inner Conversion ofdRadiation on L and M
Shells. (Opredeleniye otnosheniy koeffitai-entov vnutrenney
konveraii,r-luchey na, L i M-podobolochkakh)-
1'. Physies"Bibliograpby 2. Bibliography-Piqsics
AUTHORS: Konstantinova, V.P., Sillvestrova, I.M. and
Aleksand.rov, K.S.
TITLE: The Grow-iri--of-Crystals of Triglycine Su-,,.phate and Their
Physical Properties (Polucheniya 1~ristallov triglitsin-
sul-Ifalva i ikh fizicheskiye svoystva)
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 1, pp 69-73 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A new ferroelectric, triglycine sulphate (NH 2CH 2COOH) 3H2SO4
was synthesised by addinc-> 50% H2S04 to a boiling solution
of technical qaality glycine, NH 2CH2COOH, Small crystals
were obtained on cooling and two recrystallisations gave
materials sufficiently pure for growing large crystals
which were obtained by 8ooling a saturated solution over
10 hours from 52 to 25 0 at a rate automatic"ally con.-
trolled to give a constant supersaturation. This sufficed
to grow crystils of 360 g weight. The measured density
was 1.68 9/cm'. For physical measurements axes were
designated as follows: the crystals belong to Class 2 with
Cardl/4 0 -105u, Y is the polar axis, Z the d'.-rection parallel
The GrowJ-ng of Crystals of Triglycine Sulphate and Their Physical
to the natu3al face of the crystal and X nakes an
angle of 15 with the c-face. 0
The Curie point is about 49.2 - 49.3 C9 the ferroelectric
axis being in the 2 direction. Dielectric constants were
measured with a,Q-meter at 500 kc/s on a crystal plate
oriented to -F 1 . The values:
Eli 8.6 633 ~ 5.7
622 43 613 ~0.53
were found, the dependence on frequency of s22 from
200 c.p.s. to 10 kc/s at 1, 5 and 10 V/cm being given.
The piezoelectric moduli were found to be:
Card 2/4
The Growing of Crystals of Triglycine Sulphate and Their Physical
d2l = 70-7 0-1 x 10-8 c.g.s.u. d,:-4 =+8.3 +-0.1 x 10-8 cog.s.u.
d22 ~ 23.8 0.5 d36 = 8.5 + 0.1
d23 = 76.0 + 0.1 d34 = -- 9.6 +-0-5
d25 = 73.0 + 0.3 d16 = - 13.7 + Oo2
There were considerable differences from specimen to
specimen amounting, for Y-cut crystals, to lc--20%.
The elastic moduli. were found by an ultrasonic pulse
method from a set of six plates with an accuracy of 1-2%.
They, are:
ell 4.55 x 10 11 dynes/cm2 c31 1.98
c22 3.21 C. 12 1.741-
*33 2.63 c15 -0-30
c44 0.95 c25 -0-036
c55 1.11 c35 -0.5
The Grow:ingof Crystals of Triglycine Sulphate and Their Physical
c66 ~ 0.62 c46 ~ -0.026
C23 ~ 2.08
Acknowledgments are made to Academician A.V.Shubnikov
and I.S. Zheluzov for their advice and to
Ye.M. Akulenok for help with experiments.
There are 5 figures, 1 table and 6 references, 3 of which
are Soviet, I English? 1 German and 1 international.
ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of
Crystallography of the Ac.Sc.USSR)
SMUTTED: June l?, 1958
Card 4/4
AUTHORS, Shuvalov, L.A.,,~j! ksandrov, K.S. anti Zheludev, I.S.
TITIB. On the (;~aestion of ~,6'Dom*ain 8t'r`ucture of Crystals of
Triglycine Sulphate (K voprosu o domennoy strukture
kristallov triglitsinsul-ilfata)
PERIODICAL: KristallogralCiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr Is PP 130 - 132 (USSR)
ABSTRACT- (NH2CHP'COOH) 31 H2SO4 is isomorphous with the selenate
and the fluoberyllate and several other ferroelectrics
whii:~h pass from the class 2/m'61- 2 at the Curie point.
Possible ways in which the domains can be twinned are
discussed here. Besides the symmetry of the transition
2/m. -"_2 the only other assumption is that in the
fez~roelectrio state with no imposed field, the mosaic
crystal has no overall moment. Two and only two
mutual orientations of the domains are found. These
SOV 170-4-1-26 26
On the Question of the Domain Structure of 6rystals o -Triglycine
J -R
+.-R J
11+~11 indicates polarisation towards the observer and
the opposite. The left possibility has the symmetry 2
Card;2,/A, (the symmetry of a single domain) in the polarised state
whereas the right possibility has the symmetry 2/m . In
On the Question of the Domain Structure of Crystals of Triglycine
the latter case the moduli d 145 d25 and d 36 vanish.
If the left variant obtains then only one enantiomorphous
form remains after the transition. Here, in contra-
distinction to the case of Rochelle salt, mechanical strains
do not accompany the polarisation. Such a transition, frQm
one enantiomorph to the other, has not been reported before.
The right variant would also have similar transitions.
Both types of transitions are -expected to exist.
There are 1 figure and 8 references7 3 of which are Soviet,
3 English and 2 international.
ASSOCIATION: Institut luistallografii AN SSSR (Institute of
Crystallography of the Ac.Sc., USSR)
Krasnoyarskiy institut fiziki AN SSSR (Krasnoya-sk
Institute of Physics of the Ac.Sc., USSR)
SUBMITTED: October 21, 1958
Card 3/3
Z, 4.
R Uri
- '6-'
xr ~ 9
R - - 0
!" 1"'11. S. ~
, 1g,
42 1: F" r4 tz
-E: Erg
Eli. j,I h. -
Al.!-;I,',S,-IIDROV9 K.S.,; UENTSOVI, P.V.; Ill Moll"OvIlL I N.It.
Fifth International Congress on Crystallogmphy. Zhur. strv-kt.
khim. 1 no. 4:504-507 N-D 160, (1 IDU 14:2)
24.6ioo 78103
SOVA 0-5-1-12/310
AUTHORS: Aleksandrov, K. S., Lundin, A. G., MIkhaylov, G. M.
TITLE: Concerning the Distribution of Hydrogen Atoms in the
Structure of Guanidine Aluminum Sulfate Hexahydrate
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 196o, Vol 5.. Vr 1, pp 84-88 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The ferroelectric single crystals of C(NH2)3.
Al f304)2 . 6H20 had in the past been studied by the
method of nuclear magnetic resonance, and their symmetry
3m, space group C23v _ P31m, a = ll*.737 A, c = 8.949 A
were known as well as the presence of 3 molecular
, tetrahedral
weights per unit cell of octahedral Al(H
S04, and triangular C(NH2)-', groups in their structures.
Using the same method, the suthors sought to establish
the distribution of hydrogen atoms In their structure.
The authors reject one of the two possible proton
Card 1/5 dispositions suggested by R. Spence and J. Muller for
concerning the DiStr1bution of Hydrogen 78103
Atoms In the Structure of Guanidine SOV'(0-5-1-12/30
Aluminum Sulfate Hexahydrate
the guanidine group, and mention D. McCall's data
without comment. For their own experiments they used
specimens it) the form of orthorhombic prisms,
1.5 X 1.2 X 1.1 cm3, from the crystals transverse to
X, Y, Z axes. The absDrption spectra from these
prisms were obtained by taking measurements after
each turn of the magnetic field for 15 0 around X, Y,
or Z axis. The periodicity of' the obtained Curves
was 600 and pointed to the rhombohedral symmetry of
crystals, As determined according to the maximum
split of absorption lines in a fleld'parallel to Y
axis, one of the p - p vectors of the molecules of
crystallization water was parallel to the magnetic
field and two others under 600 to It, When the
magnetic field was pavallel to Z axis D-fold rotor)
of the crystal, all the 3 p - p vectors produced
Card 2/5 equal split of absorption lines, indicating that the
Concerning the Distribution of' HydroGen 78103
Atoms in the Structure of Guanidine SOV/70-5-1-12/30
Aluminum Sulfate Hexahydrate
vectors lie on a plane normal to Z. The experiments
permitted drawing of the model shown in Fig.
Fig. 3. Model showing
distribution of
hydrogen atoms (small
circles) around oxygen
atogis,(large circles)
which form an octa-
hedron arovnd Al of
guanidine alinninum
Card 3/5
Concerning the Distribution of Hydrogen -1-810_3
Atoms In the Structure of Guanidine SOV/70-5-1-12/30
Aluminum Sulfate Hexahydrate
Card 4/5
The bond angle H-O-H is close to 105 0; both N
to - H and 0 - to - H distances are close to 1.00 A,
wh1le H - to - H Is 1.63 A. The e.,cperiments proved
that all NR 'tri.angles In C(NH , group lie on Me
2 2)
plane. The model still needs refinement. The
structure changes accompanying spontaneous polari-
zation and taking place In an applied field are not
yet clear. S.P. Gabude is acknowledged for help in
calculations and discussions. There are 3 figures;
and 8 references, 4 U.S., 3 Soviet, 1 Danish. The
U.S. references arei R. Spence, J. Muller, J. Chem.
Phys., 26, 3, W6 (1957); D. McCall, J. Chem. Phys.,
26, 3, 706 (1957); A. Holden, B. Matthias, W. Mem,
J. Remeika, Phys. Rev., 98, 2, 546 (1955); L. Pauling,
Nature of the Chemical Bond, Cornell University Pres~'
Institute of Physics of the Siberian Branch of the
Academy of Sciences of the USSR and Siberian Techno-
logical Institute (Institut fiziki Sibirskogo
Colicerning the Distvibution of' Hydvogen 781o3
Atoms in the Structure of Guatildine SOV/70-5-1-12/30
Aluminum Sulfate Hexahydvate
otdelenlya AN SSSR i Sibivskly teklinologicheskiy
SUBMITTED: july 6, 1959
Card 5/5
AUTHORS., Aleksandrov I K. S.,-Gurovits, L. S., Kamenskiy, Ye. I.
TITLE: ~Effect of an Intermediate Layer on the Froquency Character-
istics of Ultrasonic Delay Lines
PERIODICALt Akusticheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 6, No. 2', pp. 171-179
TEXT: In the present paper, the authors derive general formulas for the
coefficients of piezoelectric conversionPtaking account of the effect
of intermediate fayers for the case of unilateral and symmetric loading
of the converter. Proceeding from the general form of A. A. Kharkevich's
theory of piezoelectric converters (Refs. 1 and 2) the"authors derive
formulas (3) and (4) for.the coefficients of unilateral and symmetric
loading, respectively. The equivalent-circuit diagram of a converter
shown in Fig. 2 in the form of a four-terminal network is used for this
purpose. (4) indicates that the conversion losses at resonance frequency
under symmetric loading are four times higher than under unilateral
loading. An analysis of the formulas derived and calculations of a large
Card 1/2
Effect of an Intermediate Layer on the Prequen- S/046/60/006/02/03/019
cy Characteristics of Ultrasonic Delay Lines B014/BO14
number of frequency characteristics-were carried out by means of
electronic computers for the purpose of deriving a general rule for the
frequency characteristic and the bandwidth of transmission. Next, the
authors state that all combinations of converters, ultrasonic polygons,
and intermediate layers can be reduced to three typical cases. First, A
the authors study intermediate layers of oil, rubber, plastics, and other
materials with low acoustical resistance; secondly, intormediate layers
with an acoustical resistance between that of the sound conductor and
the converter; and thirdly, metallic intermediate layers with higli
acoustical resistance. The method of calculation set up here makes it
possible to explain the shift of the peaks of the frequency character-
istic relative to the resonance frequency of the converter, and to
calculate them for the production of converters and for the technical
planning of delay lines. The authors thank Yu. B. Kobzarev for his help-
ful advice and assistance, as well as T. V. Ryaplova, L. V. Suchkova, and
S. P. Pavchinskaya for their assistance in experiments. There are
6 figures, 2 tables, and 9 referencest 7 Soviet and 2 Imerican.
SUBMITTEDt December 27, 1958
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Lundin, A. G., Aleksandrov, K. So Mikhaylov, G. M.,
and Gabuda, 5. P."
TITLE: Study of Some Piezoelectric SubstancJ 'by the Method of
Nuclear Magnetic ResonanSLeJ7
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Striya ff_zicheskaya, 1960,
Vol. 24, No- 10, PP- 1195-1197
TEXT: The application of the method of nuclear magnetic resonance to the
study of polycrystalline specimens is dealt with. This method served for
examining polycrystalline specimens of Rochelle salt, triglycine sulfate
and potassium ferrocyanide. The tests were conducted within a temperature
range covering the phase transition points of these substances. For an
increase of the signal level, the specimens which had a volume of about
2 cm3, were pressed by applying a pressure of 100 kp/cm-2. The experimen-
tal arrangement is described in Ref. B. The following results were ob-
tained: Rochelle salt - KNaC 4H406*4H2O: at a temperature of +230C
(Fig. 11 1) the second moment exhibits a Jump of 4 oe2. This is in agree-
Card 1/2
Study of Some Piezoelectric Substances by the S/048/60/024/010/006/033
Method of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance BO13/BO63
ment with the data of Ref. 6'. No modification of the second moment waa
observed in the region of the lower Curie point. Triglycine sulfate -
(NH3CH 2COO) 3* H2 so4: Curve 2 (Fig. 1) shows that the second moment retains
the same magnitude in a wide temperature -range, and amounts to ew 8 oe
Experimental results do not contradict the data of Ref. 10. Potassium
ferrocyanide K 4Fe(CN)6-3H20 : The piezoelectric phase transition at -220C
was discovered in 1959 (Ref. 11). Curve 3 (Fig. 1) shows the change of
the line width with phase transition. Fig. 2 gives the modification in
the form of the resonance line derived on the passage through the Curie
point. P. P.-Kobeko and I. V. Kurchatov,are mentioned. The present paper
was read at the Third Conference on Piezoelectricit , which took place
in Moscow, from January 25 to 30, 1960. There are 2 figures and 13
references: 4 Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Physics of the Siberian Branch of the
Acad_em_y`__oT__Sciences USSR)
Card 2/2
~bdulus of elasticity of pyritee Izv,Sib,OUI.AN SSSR no.6:43-1+7
161, (MM 106)
1. Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SBSR., Krasnoyarsk.
(Pyrite) (Elasticity)
Elastic Droperties of rock-forminF minerals; pyroxenes and ampbi-
boles. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz .. no.9:1339-1344 S '61.
(MIRA 14:9)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR, Sibirskoye otdeleniye Institut fiziki.
(Pyroxenes) (Amphiboles) (ElasLcity)
Elastic properties of rock-forming minerals. Izv. A14 SSSR. Ser.
geofiz. no.12:1?99-1804 D 161. (YJRA 14:12)
1. Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR.
(Silicates) (Elasticity)
Elastic properties of crystals. KristallograIiia 6 no.2:289-316
Mr-Ap '61. (MIRA 14:9)
1. Institut kristallografii AN SSSR.
(Elasticity) (Crystals)
Selective etching of sodium chloride cryataln. Kristallograflis.
6 no.5;737-744 S-0 t6l. (KIFA 14-.10)
1. Institut, fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya Ali SSSR.
(Salt) (Crystallography)
Proton magnetic resonance in selenurea. DokI. AN 555R 141 no.6:
1406-1408 D 161. MTRA 14:12)
1. Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR i Sibirskiy
tekbnologicheskiy institut. Predstavleno akade'mikom V.H.Kondrat'-
(Urea) (Nuclear magnetic resonance and relaxation)
Elastic properties of rock-forming minerals. Izve AN SSSR-
Ser. geofiz. no.2:i86-i89 F 162. (MIRA 15:2)
1. Sibirskoye otdeleniye'All SSSR,'Inotitut fiziki.
Elastic properties of ammonium dibydrophosphate and the
laval-Raman theory of elasticity. Dokl. AN SSSR W no.6-.1298-
1300 F 162. OM-d 15:2)
1. Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. Predstavleno
akademikom A.V.Shubnikovym.
(Ammonium phosphate)
~J-N~~K S ~
Ref" 'ection of elastic shear waves from the imterface of two anisotro ic
media, Kristall'O'grafila 7 no*5:735-741 S-0 162. (IOU 1525
Institut fiziki
(Wave). -
otdeleniya AN S65R.
Elastic properties of crystals of the haptahydrated sulfate group.
Kriatallograftia 7 no.6.-930.-933 N-D 162. (MIRA 1634)
1. Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya, AN SSSR.
(Crystals-Blastic propefties)
Effect of preferred grain orientation on the elastia-properties.
Fiz.met.i met4lloved. 14 no.6g801-805 D 162. Vt[~A IW)
1. Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR.
(Crystal lattices)
(Metal crystals-Elastic properties)
Elastic properties of rock-forming minerals. Report No.2:
Nepheline. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.geofiz. no.12:1799-1801 162.
(MM 16:2)
1. Institut fiziki,, Sibirskoye otdelneiya AN SSSR.
(Nephelite-Elastic properties)
"IM-studies of the phase transitions in ferroelectrics."
report presented at the Symposium on Phase Transitions in Solids, 6th General
Assembly, Intl. Union of Crystallography, Rome, Italy, 16-18 Sep 1963.
(Tnstitute c.*- Physics, Siberian Department, AcadenW of Sciences., Krasnojarsk.' USSR)
AUtHORS.; Aleksandrov KOS61 Belikova G.S., Ryzhenkov A.P.,
'Tesien o Kitaygorodskiy A. I*.
TITLEs Elastic constants of molecular crystals.
Elastic constants of naphthalene
PERIODICALt Kriptallografiyal v.8, no.2, 1963, 221-224
TEXT: A study-of the elastic constants is the main method of~
investigating-the laws of interaction of molecules, a knowledge of.
which is necessary for constructing a theory of the properties of
1 organic 'tals.' Coarse.crystals of naphthalene grown from the
melt and annealed for three days were studied, The orientation of,
-the crystals, was found by~.X-ray measurements. Measurements of the'.,.
J rate of-propagation of elastic'-wavea,in the crystal were carried
out using ultrasonic.apparatus at frequencies of 1.7 and .5.0..
--megacycles, T4e-waves -were -propagated i&N six different- directions:
0013, -11601'-_~ and [0111
The rates-of propagation-in three directions at right angles
i-maasured~.,~n eachcase..' From the results.the moduli-of elasticity-..
Card 1/2.