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ALMANDROT)-Q.N.., -professor; LEVIV, S.I. Some external signs in determining pathways of suppurative drainage in the foot and ankle joint, Vest,khir. no,49107- 110 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. G*N* Aleksan- dror) Samarkandskogo meditsinskogo instituo.Ime I*Pe Pavlovao (FCOT-ABSCESS) (ANKLE-ABSCESS) prof, "1e PODLtiflil' kInd Ekelet~rlu C' tll~- hi-n!~!: Nre-m".. t-jj~jy 2 1 162, li kafelry operativnoy khlrurgil 3 t,,P:)grnfichnskny nit- ALEKSANDROV, G.N,, prof.; ITASEKIN, M.T., assistent Size of the pelvis JZ f9fililO'~bvjm fetuses. Mod. zhur. Uzb~ no.7:6o-64 Jl 163. (MIRA, 17:2) 1. Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgii s topograficheskoy anatomiyey Samarkandskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.P. Favlova. -_ALU5A0RGVj-,0-.N-. Correat 80lUtion of the problem of competence on the part of experts in legal medicine. Sud.-med. ekspert. 3 no-3:3-6 J1-S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. GosildarstvenW sovetnik yustitsii 3-go klassa. (VIOLENT DEATHS) (MKDICAL JURISPRUDENCE) ALIKUNDROV, G. N. Corona characteristics in transition processes. Zhnr.tekh.fiz. 24 no.11:2036-2043 N 154. (MLRA 7:12) (Electric diecharges tbrough gases) (Corona (Electricity)) SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - '1274 AUTHOR ALEXANDROW, G.N. TITLE The Physical Conditions for the Production of a Corona Discha-rge in the Case of Alternating Voltage. PERIODICAL ~urn.techn.fis, 26, fasc.8, 1769-1781 (1956) Publ. 8 / 1956 -reviewed 9 / 1956 Measuring the initial voltages of the corona discharge of alternating current was carried out with carefully polished Cu-lines of various diameters in a --y-, linder of 2 m diameter and a working section of 1,2 m length, as well as in a cylinder of 30 om diameter and the same working Bection. As capacities 0 1 and CP by which no corona discharge is caused, the air intervals: a sphere with 25 cm diameter - plane were used. The voltage at the beginning of the corc-na discharge was measured by means of an electrostatic voltmeters The Poxona current was ob-. served by means of an electron oscillograph. Investigation of the corona die- charge at transitions showed that the corona is produced on the occasion of the first half-wa-ve of the transitionat a lower voltage if polarity is negative than is the case if polarity is positive. On the other hand, the discharge which began with the voltage half-wave being negative, is contin-aed also with Positive half-waves. In the case of alternating voltage the corona discharge Is -.ontinued in both voltage half-waves. The numerous works on the positive corona give no analysis of the phenomenon on real conductors the surface of which ia considerably less curved.. With respect to the negative corona, numerous works show that withi 'r. the large domain of pressure modification an essential part of -rhe secondary )j E K 5,q D R Q. G,N, SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 2 PA 1818 AUTHOR ALEK6ANDROV,.g.N.__ TITLE The Physical Conditions for the Production of a Corona Discharge on Smooth Conductors at Constant Voltage. PERIODICAL gurn.teohn.fis,26,fase.11, 2640-2651 (1956) Issued: 1 / 1957 At present the conditionsfor the creation of a corona discharge are formulated as conditions for the reproduction of single avalanches. In the works by LOEB it was, however, shown that, if the gas absorbs the radiation of one single avalanche, this may lead to the creation of several photoelectrons. Any of the photoelectrons can be the starting point for a more or less powerful avalanche. In the present work the ideas developed by LOEB are applied for the clarifica- tion of the conditions of a oorona discharge. These conditions are for the cre- ation of an intermittent current of the corona discharge, and the conditions for an independent discharge are formulated without taking account of the space dis- charge caused by the avalanches. Photoionization in the gas volume is the only source of secondary electrons in the case of the positive corona. In the case of a negative corona spatial photoionization of the gas is supplemented by the photoeffect from the surface of the conductor. At first the positive corona is dealt with. All photons are assumed to be formed immediately on the surface of the conductor and to be propagated with the same probability in all directions. Part of the photons is swallowed by the conductor surface. This loss is taken in- to account as factor 9-0-5. The number of photons created by the electron aval- anche (the avalanche is propagated from the hemisphere of the radius Q to the 'j Zurn.techn.fis,26,fase.11, 2640-2651 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1618 conductor) depends on the position of the starting point of the avalanche on this hemisphere. The integral for the full effective photon number is derived, it is adapted to the photon number of the initial avalanche, andy as the expression is too complicated, is put into a more practical form. Next, the condition for the creation of the positive oorona is set up in form of an integral and the latter is transformed into an approximated form. Plotted as curves, both, the exact.and the approximated formula, show a difference of only 4.6%. - The negative corona is then dealt'with. Here it is very complicated to keep the photoelectric processes in the gas volume in evidence, as here the production of photons by the avalanches on their way is much more regular. Again the integral for the full number of photons is derived. Further computation shows that the electron avalanches produced as a result of photonization in the gas volume reproduce only a small part of those photons which are produced by the avalanches propagated on the conductor surface. The conditions for the creation of a negative corons. may therefore be approxima- tively be assumed to be the condition for the reproduction of an individual aval- anche which is propagated further from the conductor surface. The integral for the condition of the creation of a negative oorona is then derived and put into a more practical form without taking photoionization in the gag volume into account. Also here, like in the case of the positive corona, a small difference of only 5,2% is found to exist between the exact and the approximated formula. In conclu- sion the amount of the errors is examined, on which occasion it was found that the value of the present work is by no means impaired. INSTITUTION: Polytechnical Institute "LI.J.KALININ", Leningrad. ALE kSANDRDV , (3, /~ SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1817 AUTHOR iMMM19-LIG - -N. TITLE The Initial Stages of the Negative Corona at the Peak. PERIODICAL gurn.techn.fis, ~L6, faso.12, 2633-2639 (1956) Issued: 1 / 1957 The qualitative regions for the considerable current flue-tuatione of the nega- tive corona are explained. The intermittent character of the current of the negative corona was for the first time found by TRICHEL. However, experiments carried out in LOEBIS laboratory proved that TRICHELIS statements were with- out any foundation, and the same may be said of those mado by LOEB. The true reason can be found by taking all phenomena within the domain of a corona as a whole. On this occasion it is possible to use the theory developed by TOWNSEND and ROGOWSKI on the formation of the discharge. It results from the following that the cause of the intermittant phenomena of the corons. is the accumulation of volume charges of both signs and at different distances from the peak as well as the-different velocities with which these charges are removed from the domain in which the oorona is formed. LOEBIS calculations confirm the correctness of the above view. This also explains the dependence of the fre- quency of the sequence of pulses on the curvature of the peak (at a given current). The current amplitude of the impulse is proportional to the length of its own front. This may serve for an approximated qualitative evaluution of the modification of the amplitude of impulses on the occasion of a change of, the curvature of the surface forming a corona. This relation between the I -p-i-10 I ALEKSANDROV, G. N. Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) '~( orona Discharge --gM YXWXXXXXXMX"iEX Alternating Voltage." Len, 1957. 23 pp with graphs, 21 cm. (Min of Higher Education USSR, Len Polytechnic Inst im M. I. Kalinin), 100 copies (KL, 26-57, 107) - 46 - AUTHORt ALEKSANDROV_,G_N_, TIKHODEE%T,N.11. PA - 2142 - TITLEt --Uo ncerning a wrong Hypothesis in the Theory of Corona Discharge (0b odnoy oshibochnoy gipoteze v teorii korony. Russian). PERIODICALt Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz., 1957, Vol 27, Nr 2, Pp 410 - 413 (U.S.S.R.) Received, 3 / 1957 Reviewed: 4 / 1957. ABSTRAM The article by POPKOV,V.1. in Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz., 25, 13 is criticized. Lecording to the author's opinion, the statement made here concerning the so-called critical gradients of the corona potential is erreneOUB. It is shown in what manner PIK,F. obtained the hypothesis on corona discharge at diffe,-ent gradients and in what way a hypothesis was spred which is by no means confirmed. POPKOV followed in the foot steeps of PIK. His quantitative arga- mentations are not convincing. Also his assumption that all negative ions decay at the ionization boundary is not confirmed and very doubtful. Even if this assumption were accepted, his conclusion that, with the increase of U if E+ - E U_ k a.b. a.b. E+ decreases, cannot agreed vith. (U denotes, the initial voltage k of the bipolar corona). (Ek denotes the critical voltage necessary to maintain the discharge in the case of the presence of the ion- counter-current). It is shown that a steep rise of current ought Card 1/2 PA - 2142 Concerning a wrong Hypothesis in the Theory of Corona Discharge. to have been observed which, however, neither the authors nor POPKOV were able to detect. (No illustrations). ASSOCIATION: Politechnic Institute M.I.Kalinin, Leningrad. PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTEDt 27-1-1956 AVAILABLEi Library of Congress. AUTHOR AMY.-SAND-RO-V G N FA - 28o 6 TITLJS -7ra-Ec-u-fa-tl-o-nlio-i-o~h"a~rac teris tics of Corona on bpliced Wires in Slectrotransmission. (Raschet kharakteristik korony na rasshcheplennykh provodakli liniy elektroperedachi - Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz., 1957, Vol 27, Nr 4, pp 784-bo2, Received 5/1957 Reviewed 6/1957 ABSTRACT The period of the transition process investigated is divided into equal intervals. The corona current is assumed to be constant in each of these intervals. bvery space charge formed during such an interval was investigated separately. The splicing of the leads makes calcula- tion more complicated as the field voltage is distributed unequally on the conduction surface and the corona discharge is formed at first on the outer lines of the spliced leads. The relation between the amount and the distribution of the space charge in the intermediate space where the corona discharge takes place on the one hand and the magni- tude of the charge of the leadson the other hand were determined by means of the method of a mirror image in a circle. The investigations proved the assumption that the space charge range is limited compared to the distances between the leads. On account of the investigations we can follow that the full power is formed within 3-4 half-periods. The distribution of the losses with respect to phrases according to Card 1/2 calculation agrees well with that of the measuring experiments. The C_ 7T C_-7 AUTHORS Aleksandrov, G Shneyerson, G.A. 57-8-22/36 TITLE aracteristios of Corona on split Wires at the Alterna- tinw Voltage.. (narakteristiki korony na rasshoheplennykh provodakh pri peremennom napryazhenii.) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Tekhn, Fiz., 1957, Vol. 27, Nr 8, pp. 1811-1817 (USSR) ABSTRACT The conditions for the development of a oorona on split wires were 'investigated and the oharaoteristios of the corona in the oase of transition- and steady operation were measured. The measurements of the oorona characteristics were carried out in a cylinder of a dianeter of 2 m at a wire split into three parts, the oomponents of which are situated at the points of an equilateral. triangle. Each of the components of the split wire was formed by a flat copper rod of a diameter of 0,79 am and a length of 6 m. The authors show that the field voltage at the surface of the conducting cylinder in a field of a homogenously charged thread is equal to the double magnitude of the voltage component of the thread-field normal to the cylinder surface, which was measured at the same point when the CARD 1/3 cylinder was absent. The authors show that in the case of 57-8-22/36 Characteristics of Corona on split Wires at the Alternating Voltage. a change of the ratio d/r 0 (d. distance between the axes of the component of split wire# ro M radius of the component) the iuitial Oorona voltage is practically constant within very wide limits. This fact coincides with the calculation results of initial oorona voltages on split wires and single wires. The split wires used in practice have d/ro - 20. Under these conditions the influence of the neighbouring wires on the field character within the ionization-zone limits is little. Correspondingly the initial oorona voltage on the surface of the components of split wires is practically equal to the initial corona voltage on the surface of single wires of the same con- struction. The osoillograms to-ken show that the transition process during the oorona formation develops within th:ree semi-periods. An essential difference of character of the transition process in the case of positive and negative polarity of the first voltage half-wave-Nas nA observed. The magnitude of the initial voltages of the positive and CARD 2/3 negative corona are practically equal to the voltages 57-8-22/36 Characteristics of Corona on split Wires at the Llternating Voltage. on the occasion of the development of the losses on the oorona which were determined with a stabilized oorona, and which amounted to 94,5 kV in the case of a single wire and to 150 kY in the case of a split wire. (With 2 tables, 5 illustrations and 2 Slavio references) ASSOCI.LTION: Leningrad Polytechnical' Institute. (Leningradakiy, politekhnioh68kiy institut.) SUBMITTED: October 26, 1956. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. CARD 3/3 Al=iNDROV, G. N., "Estimation of Dimensions of Space Charge Region in Corcria Gap During ApplIcation of Alternating Current," with IGIOBERB, V. A., p 323. "Eledtric An,-,log Modelling of A-C Corona Characteristics With the Aid of Electron It Tube Circuits, with RYZHOV, G. M., and SHCHERRACHEV, 1). V. p 329 "Some Basic Electrostatic Problems in High-Voltage Technique," urith GOREV, A. A., (Deceased); LEVINSHTEYN, M. L., FIRYAZEVA, A. I., and '~IUODEYEV, N. N., P 578. High Voltam chnique, Wecov, Gosenergoizdat, 1958, 664pp (Series: its Trudy, No. 195) This collection of articles sums up the principal results of investigations and studios mede by Trof. A. A. Gorev, Dr. Tech. Scl., and hie staff in the field of high voltage phenomena and techniques at LP.1 (Leningrad Polytech Irmt.) It was at this instutute that Prof. Govey completed his higher scientific education and tben taught and carried on his Invostiptions in the field until hia death In 1953. In 1956, by decree of Min of Higher Education, tho High-Voltnge lab. at LPI was named after A. A Gorev. SOV/105-58-9-4/34 .AUTHOR: Aleksandroy_, G. U, TITLE: A Transformed Method of Polar Coordinale Presentation and Its Application to Solving Two-DiMEnsional Electrostatic Problems (Preobrazovannyy metod izobrazheniya v krui-e i yeezo ispollzovaniye pri reshenii ploskikh elektrostaticheskikh zadach) PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1958, Nr 9, pp 2o - 23 (USSR) ABSTRACT: According to the method of polar coordiaate presentation (inversion) the problem of finding the field generated by a char,--e distributed linearly along the axis of a con- ducting cylinder can be reduced to the ,.)roblem of finding the field of three linear charges without a cylinder. When an insulated conducting cylinder is introduced into an arbitrary homogeneous field the field component normal to the cylinder surface doubles. This -i-ioll known fact can be considered a special case of the doutling of the normal field component on the surface of a cylinder located in an arbitrary homogeneous field. Formula (4) for the field strength on the surface of an insulated conducting Card 1/4 cylinder is transformed into a more practical form. A Transbriaed Method of Polar Coordinate Tresentation SO-005-58-01-4/3 A and I-Ls Application to Solving Two-Dimensional Elec~;rostatic Problems If two charged conductors are distributed symmetrically with respect to the angle reference axis passing throu.-h the center of the cylinder the field strength at the cylincder surface is determined by formula (6). T1.e essential nature of the method of transformation Of pOla3' coordinate presentation advanced in this-1paper consists basically of a simplification of the method of computation, which is ,.chieved #by formulae. (5) and (6). This method makes it possil~le to carry out a simple estimation of tile accuracy of the approximative computations. It is shoun that the fiel& strength on the surface of a conducting cylinder in a s3;stem of an arbitrary number of parallel, arbitrarily charaed cylinders call be computed with an accuracy to second order terms R inclusively, starting from tile "zero" system of com- 7 pulation of the chart;es by ineans of formulae (5) and (6). In this investigation R denotes the radius of tile cylinder under consideration, a - the distance between the axes Card 2/4 of tile Zyli.-der under investiCation it-rid of the next cylinder. A Transformed Method of.Pollar.Coordinate Presentalion SOV/105-58-9-4/34 and Its Application to Solving Two-Dimensional Elcctrostatic Problems The "zero" system of charges is that Ahich is obtained by transferring the char&e of each cylinder to its axis. This CirCUMStance considerably facilitates the computation of the'field strength at the surface of stranded wires, which is a common case in practice. The field strength at an arbitrary point of the con,;uctor denoted by the sub- script s with the radius R can be determined according to.formula'(11.). The methoff presented in this paper greatly simplifies the computation of field distributions on the surface of stranded wires. There are 5 figures and 4 refer- ences, 4.0f.whichare Soviet. ASSOClATION.LeningrELdskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im&Kalinina (Lenin- grad Polytechnical Institute imeni Kal-;.nin) SUBMITTED: May,4, 1958 Card 3/4 8(0) SOV/ 112-59 -4-690z Translation from: Ref erativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 19 59, Nr 4, p 70 (USSR) AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, G. N., and Khoberg, V. A. TITLE: --_of the Space-Charge Region in an AC Corona -Displaying Gap PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. politekhnich. in-ta, 1958, Nr 195, pp 323-3Z8 ABSTRACT: The space-charge volume of a corona-displaying gap depends on the amplitude and frequency of the applied voltage and on the corona loss. Barriers set within the corona gap limit the space-charge region and lessen the losses. The space-charge region around a wire cen be found by the deviation of P a f(U) characteristic from that pertaining to a free gap. Measurements were made in a cylinder of 2 m diameter and a wire of 0. 37 cm diameter, at 25 and 50 cps, and with barriers of 15-50 cm. FormUae have been developed for the radius of the space-charge region and for the voltage on the wire, which permit evaluating the space-charge region around the wire and selecting the research cylinder size so that the measurements would not be distorted by a through convection current. V.A.Kh. Card I / 1 8(0) SOV/112-59-4-6901 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika,. 1959, Nr 4, p 'TO (USSR) AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, G. N., Ryzhov, G. M., and Shcherbachev, 0. V. TITLE: Simulating the AC Corona Characteristics by Lamp Schemes PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. politekhnich. in-ta, 1958, Nr 195, pp 3Z9-341 ABSTRACT: Several versions of lamp models representing the corona dynamic characteristic Q m f(U) on the basis of a similar wire characteristic are analyzed. A Z-lamp model with two sources of opposing voltages, with a capacitor in series with one of the lamps, and with a capacitor and resistor in series with the other, is examined in detail. This model has the following peculiarities: (1) extinction of one lamp after the passage of the voltage maximum; (2) the voltage change, from the moment of that extinction to the moment of lighting up of the second lamp, exceeds ZTJc (where Uc is the critical corona voltage), the phenomenon similar to the corona on the line. Data Is offered for calculating the above models. N. N. T. Card 1 / 1 GORT.7, A.A. Fdaceann(Il' ALEKSA117)fVV G.&I I37,11141ITM, M.L.: PIRYA.Z.Bly, A. 1. ; TIKKUHM) Sons basic elactroRtatlc prnblons nf bigh-vnltage tinginnering. Trudy LPI no.195:578-619 158. (MIRA 11:10) (Electric enginnering-Problems, exercises,, etc.) ALICKSAIMOV, G.N. , kand.tekhn.nauk; SHCHMMKOVA, G.A., J.nzh. Characteristics of the corona of electric transmission lines with bundle conductors at einueoidal voltage. Izi,.vys.ucbeb. zav.; energ. 2 no.9:24-30 S '59. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Leningradskiy politekbnicheskiy institut Im. M.I.Kalin-ina. (F 'lectric lines) (Corona (Electricity) "702 21A2 120 sov/jo.2-4-%-pj2V"A2, G.V. ad AMIORSA Granovs!zly, V.L., Luk~yaftav, ~-Tu- Tn%ts Report a. the Second All-U.Lon Conference on Ga. ILlectronics PMODICALS Rsdlat.khnik. 1 1959. Val 4. Or 8, VP 1339 - 1358 (033R) ABSTRACT& Th:,:aaf.r.noop was ars-ni-d by the Ae. 5 * USSR the cA HI try of Higbox 3ducation and Moscow to U v.-ity. ;r",thads of Reducing the Znargy Lost oakdown-. in the L-1. Pivowar and V.I. CiordlYanka - *1111crodisch:rg.a And W-~VRNW,3. CurFe-at- H-*t%ia`anMot^L tlectrode a High Vacuum.. V.A. Simona~ And Q-P.-Katukov - "Zoreatigation of the wa;"o.eW or of a High-voll'ar ischarg. in vacuum.. -0.*.R,tykb~ And CL Y- -LtxkAy- - :Th: Character- Field.*. .:!t acuum in M go t4 lati . of Xgnit,on I. at &I . douLl t with the tra:.for of the electrode t.g. in vacuum. material dur g the pr*-broakd.- I : t icro-particles of I M : Lo N. A D. On anov s1 in Vacuum'. d k - Zloctrin Bre obletat, of electric a Th. third section d.olt with th ar tIOns. It ... ap-ke, cars" And th4irpractleal appl = pr"idod over by I.S. StskoL'nikov. following papers war. roads T_X_L*xjLor at al. - *Probe laveatLgation of the -a. Corona Fields-. N. And - "glemantary Processes In the ZonLation L 4 - --r a Conductors at Atmospheric Pressures". 'Las wutpulv *AppGaXADC* Of a Corona Discharge in Y,&._jLmr9_4kjjL-- , Hydrogen and Ni roa.n- o * f I P.O. Chi.tykav at .1. 'S .. ftc a Of the Corona P y --. d I I ~Ydr.saaICo:.1.1. .., . at -Vru'Naz~x. In T y !t SobSjat~a and 0 -Appearance of DLach;rZo anoweas Bt,.oa at GAA ft ... ures, a tj i 10'.3 ~7 - 1.0 - ft.. 1. - --Method. of Uipl&r I.miss,tion, of -it;~~Aaro-lanj. or. - ( ... p 1335b*. f the jourvial). teal. ;.-Tl- Sp:,tr:.*fpt,.,Rldi ti.. of in art Ga. fAth. Journal). and A- , H.k -Production of High y Me- of Spark Ditiamarg..-. :.r,,,,L. ~, -.*XnflU:nCe,of,thG Magnetic field at ~P Surf.a. of Two H.di.-. l.. ergs ath D vidi.g I-S. St.kol4nLkav - sX6W Date from the Study of Long :properties of the Breakdown of Compressed A Cnpar tiwely Uniform Field In the Prorzacto or Localimed Non-umiforwiti:.-; A,A,V~~ob-y.~ t .1. - P. and G.cillographic TocWUq... ra~ the M ... urectent of the 01.charg# L.S. In Dielectric.- (-.. p 1257 or the jour. ) A paper byX_.?(. Z9jgLXhkdealt with the ;rto;l- Of the b:ALa theory of the electric erosion (sqe p 1)30 of the j urnal). 4 The fourth I o.:"t on ... r-.L~vj -, LY Z.Ti ad with the nan-t.ti ... ~y and la.- .ad -*a a frequency discharges. Tits followin,- papers ware, roadl I Q~ h -d.A.A. L.bud - -ThL..Not- I the C, _ ___,XTvatj, ,t~,on urLn~ the txpl zu at jr.. r ,.t.~g: Ametal Wires. V.A. Simonov *Propagation or Plasma From Local Pulse yov ;t.:!;d- Card 7/11 I;U.Zj~o "o rArO Me "tr..-aptic.1 M. d 31ty9-X---X1(Fbm--v .... tig*tion of anN rLc Field 1,u Magnetronw. -Y.A--8"Yay.v &ad M.X. - "Z.p.ri-nt: with __B, . hir Zl"tr.u Model or .-Sy.t.. wa-K-Whr-tl. Samplac A-M- Andri..- at .1. 'Distribution of Magnetic and El.otri. PI-41.4"---P6Vrfu1 Pulse ... OpL. D-t-~.LaatLtt. of a. Tamp_tin P-1! til- "Z6tAw XquipmentO 1326 or the Journal). Th. papr by Harding ar-9.4 A lot C "t.r..t aud A4:dmftici,81!_~jA.-ArtA.L-t,1,h -rv,e~ the Opinion that elect one and ion -Z-t1- should be . th t.. a - t,~ ~?_t _a than that .f V1, J- C;OV/48-23-8-12/25 240) AUTHOR; Aleksandrov, G. N. TITLE: Elementary Processes in the Ionization Zone of Corona-produc- ing Conductor at Atmospheric Pressure PERIODTCAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959, Vol 23, Nr 8, pp 989-994 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper deals with the ionization zone in the corona space in order to explain the field intensity at the surface of corona-producing conductors. The formation of corona dis- charge in an unsteady field is described, and the existence of two sections in the discharge space is stated. The volume ionization by unipolar positive corona ie investigated, and it is shown that ionization proceeds in an avalanche-like manner. It is pointed out that the negative corona is unsteady. Photo- electric processes are of little effect and therefore neglect- ed. For both kinds of the oorona, equaticna (1) and (2) are given for the calculation of ionization avalanches, and some results are added. Further, the bipolar discharge is analyzed, and the condition for the formation of a positive corona is Card 1/2 given by equation (4) for bipolar procedure. The influence of .30V/48-23-8-12/25 Elementary Processes in the Ionization Zone of Corona-producing Conductor at Atmospheric Pressure the ratio of positive to negative ions, their movement, and their recombination are discussed. In the following, the forma- tion of a bipolar corona by direct- and alternating voltage is discussed. Results of measurement are gi-~ren. The diagram of figure 1 shows the relationship between 1-ohe direct-current component of the corona in a conductor and the voltage ampli- tude with industrial frequency. The relationship is described for a conductor with blank surface, as well as for a conductor surface covered by a soap film. The conductor is 0.588 mm thick. The volt-ampere characteristics of a unipolar positive corona of the conductor with and without soap film is shown in figure 2. No effect of the soap film was found. The volt- ampere characteristics of a negative corona, however, shows an effect,of the soap film as represented by figure 3. Finally, the relation of the critical voltage of a positive corona at a conductor in reference to the ionic ratio is calculated by equation (4). The result is shown in figure 4. There are 4 figures and 11 references, 8 of which are Soviet. Card 2/2 ~AIMROV, G.H., kand.tekhn.nauk (Leningrad) - .... Wfect of corona on voltage surges in transmission lines under transient conditions. Slektrichestvo no.5:6-13 M7 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Corona (Ilectricity)) (ZLectric lines) ALUSANDROV, G.N., k-aLnd.tekhn.nauk; SlICIORBAKOVA, G.A.,, inzh, Generalizing the revults of numerical calculations of corona characteristics on bundle cnnductorao Irvaya.ucheb,zave; enarg. 3 ne,j;II-1,8 Ja 160. (NIRA 13:1) 1. Leni radskiy politakhnicheakiy institut im. 14.I*Kalinina. Torona(Blectricity)) (Electric lines) 21543 B/05 61/031/004/009/018 62 /rd 1111q) 3125Y13205 AIJTHORSi Aleksandrov, G. N. and, Aleksandrovav N. F* TITLEa Initial and critical field strengths on the surface of corona-forming conductors PERIODICALs Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 31, no. 4, 1961, 450-458 TEXTs The present paper deals with the determination of the actual values of field strength on the surface of corona-forming conductors. This problem has been treated on the strength of modern conceptions of the physical nature of corona discharge. A corons. shows either unipolar behavior at constant voltage in all unipolar systems (and at varying voltage and short discharge intervals) or bipolar behavior at varying voltage and a sufficiently long discharge interval, but also at constant voltage in the formation of a corona, on parallel, oppositely charged conductors. A negative corona never shows a critical behavior. N. A. Kaptsov was the first to study the role of negative ions in a bi- polar corona, but the authors believe that his paper contains essential errors. They also refer to an article of L. Leb and F. Pik (Dielektriche- Card Ve :57 21A3 S/057/61/031/004/009/018 Initial and critical field... B125/B205 skiye yavleniya v tekhnike vysokikh napryazheniy, Gosenergoizdat, M.-L., 1934) on the voltage observed during the occurrence of a corona discharge. According to F. Pik (see above) there is a standard interrelation between the voltage and the losses due to the corona. Though this interrelation has an exponential character, the exponent n in the formula P . A(U-U cr)n (U or - initial corona voltage) depends on the diameter and shape of the conductors. The values of this interrelation for several conductors are summarized in Table 1. In the following papers, use has been made of the method of self-maintaining forced rectification of the initial parts of the corona characteristics. Reference is made to papers by F. Pik, V. I.,Popkovg and L. E. Tsyrlin. The measuring technique has now been improved by the authors. The current passing through the corona-forming part'of the conductor at varying voltage was measured by a bridge circuit. The voltage of the beginning positive corona was ascertained on the screen of the oscilloscope, and the voltage was gradually increased for the pur- pose. The voltage of the negative corona could not be measured at con- stant voltage. Initial and critical voltages were measured with con- ductors of 0.196, 0.596, 0.89, 1.197, 1-792, 2.01, 2.98 cm in a cylinder Card 2/5- 3/057/61/031/004/009/018 Initial and critical field... B125/B205 cm in diameter. The cylinder consisted of five insulated sections. Application of alternating voltage to smooth conductors having a pure surface produccd a corona discharge when the voltage was gradually in- creased; the discharge vanished at different voltages when the voltage was lowered. This difference amounted to 2-3%- Unclean conductors do not exhibit this phenomenon. The initial corona voltagee. calculated from the voltage of the oorona discharge (with increasing voltage) are listed in Table 2 which also contains the critical field strength of the a-0 corona calculated from the voltage of the vanishing discharge as well as the maximum deviations from the mean values. The results of measurement are easily reproducible. Table 2 further contains the calculated critical field strength of the corona. In Fig- 3, the data of the present paper are compared with those of F. Pik. In the authorst view, the formula of A. M. Zalesskiy for the dependence of the initial field strengths of the corons. upon the radius of the conductor is correct. According to Table 2, the dependendes of the initial and the critical field strengths of an a-c corona upon the radius of the conductor are given by Card 3 S'AOQ j/61/01/004/069/018 Initial and critical field... B125/B205 0 EZ 18.8 1 -t- -L-7 )[K B/C.N11, (5) rlj.3 _107- 18.3 (1 A- *U'S kulcm]. (6) Thus, the voltage at which the corona becomes bipolar (on gradual in- crease of voltage) is determined by the instant at which the initial field strength of the negative corona is reached on the surface of the negatively charged conductor. On account of E+ < E the above or or formulated condition for the occurrence of bipolar behavior of the corona: is not.only necessary but also sufficient. In addition, 0-3) 0.55. (7) holds. 4~ 0- A If the voltagesare enhanced, the critical field strengths of the positive corona practically agree with the measured values of the critical field strengths E in the case of bipolar behavior, and the or,b Card 4 S/057/61/031/004/00q/018 ~4 ..Initial and critical field... B125/B205 critical field strengths of the bipolar corona agree with the initial field strengths of the bipolar corona. A-11 results of the present paper were confirmed by studies of a bipolar corona at constant voltage. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 15 references: 14 Soviet-bloc and Inon- S oviet -bloc. ASSOCIATIONs Politekhnioheskiy institut im. M. N. Kalinina Leningrad (Polytechnic Institute imeni M. N. Kalinin, Leningrad) S MUTTED s June 28, 1960 -Legend to Fig. is Dependence of the radius of the surface reached by the negative ions k- - -1 .8 cmVsec -V' bzo which are closest to the conductor (at variable voltage close to the formation voltage of the corona; frequency (cPs) 1-50 1OK 2-6o). I.-- Card 5/5 ALMANDROV, G.N.S kand,tekhn,nauk; KMEVETTERI VoYe.., inzh. Development of a discharge along the conducting surface of the high-voltage insulation of elet-trical networks. Izv.vym.ucheb. zav.; energ, 5 no.5z2O-27 W 162. (MPA 25:5) 1. Leningradskiy p*liteICWLIche.-,kiy institut imeni M.I.Kalinina. Predetavlens, kafedroy tekhnAii vysokikh napryazheniy. (Eleotric power distribution) (Blectric insiLlators and insulation) __ AIEKSAINDROV, G.N., kand.tekhn.nAa; IVANOV, V.L., inzh. Study of the electrical strength of air gaps and suspension inoulators in the presence of internal overvoltages. Elektrichestvo no.9:33-38 S 162. (NIRA 15:9) 1. laningradakiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni. Kalinina. (Electric lines-Overhead) (Electric insulators and insulation) ALEKSANDROV., G.N. (Leningrad); KOSTENKO,.M.V. (Leningrad); POLOVOY, I.F. ____ (Leningraj7 Problem concerning the prospective voltage step-up of overhead electric power transmission lines. Elektrichestvo, no.11:20-25 N 162. (MIRA 15-'11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kostenko). (Electric lines-Overhead) (Electrio power distribution) ALEKSANDROV, 6.N., kand.tekhn.nauk Yethodology for choosing the insulation of an electric power transmission line with consideration of operational reliability taking into account the action,of internal overvoltages. Izv, vys. ucheb. zav.; einerg. 5 no.7sl6-24 Jl 162. OURA 15:7) 1. Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni M.I.Kalinina. Predstavlena kafedroy tekhniki vysokikh napryazheniy. (Electric power distribution) (Electric lines-Overhead) ALEKSANDROV, G.N., kand.tekhn.nauk (Leningrad); POLOVOY, I.F. (leningrad) Decrease of the insillation disruptive voltage in electric power systems during certain kinda of switching surges. Elektrichestvo no.7:86-87 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Electric insulators and insulation) ALEKSANDROV, G.N., kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent; OKOROKOV, V.R., inzh. Statistical method for determining the dimensions of extra- high voltage power transmission line supports taking into account the operating voltage. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 6 no.11:1-7 N163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni M.I. Kalinina. Predstavlena kafedroy tekhniki vysolrdkh napryazheniy. ALEKSANDROV, G.N. M- Nature of pulses of a negative corona, current. Zhur.tekh.fiz. 33 no.2; 223-230 F f63, (MICA 16:15) 1, Ioningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni Kalinina. (Corona (Electricity)) AKOFYXN, A. A.; ALEKSANDROV, G. N.; 'YENMYANOV, N. P.; LEVIMV) V. I.; NIROLYUBOV) A. V. MAYASHKOV, I. S.. PANOV) A. V.; POPOV; V. I.; ROKOTYAN, S. S.; SOKOLOV, N. N.; TIKHODEYEV, N. N. "The 750 W Experimental Co rcial Transmission Line Konakovo-Moscow." report submitted for Intl Conf on Large Electric Systems, 20th Biennial Session, Paris, 1-io jun-64. ALUSANDRO-11,. G. N,, kand. tekhn. nauk; KOMELIX01,1, V.S., doktcr tekhn. nauk [Discharge potentials of long air gaps and suspension insulators, 1961-19631 Razriad=je napriazheniia dlin- nykh vozdushnykh promezhutkov i girliand izoliatorov .1961-1963. Moskma. 1964. 118 p. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Akademiya muk SSSR. In3titut nauchnoy informatsii. 'I' D I J)"" red . i , Georgiy N'ij',o.Layevlt,h; i~Y~wOV, . X\l , . i (,,orona discharge on overhead pover zrar-smiss op liries KorcruVi razriad Pa liniiakh elektrcperedachi. ' 'V osk-va, lzd-vo "Energlia,-' .1904. 227 p. ALEKSANDROV) 0,,N,) kalid, tokhnt nauk; I-VANOV) VoLs, InThs Dbpendencq of the elactrloal strength of long air gaps on the frequenoy of the oscillatory voltages RIAtrichest" no,,6t "-49 A 164 (MIRA 17r7) I, 14ningradakiy politekhnicheakiy institut, A A nauk (Leningrad); KIZEVETTER, V.Ye.., _AIZM IQRQY,, ~GN. kand.telcbn. inzh. (Leningrad); RUDAKOVA, V.M., inzh. (Leningrad); TUSHNOV, A.N. (Leningrad) A.C. flashover voltages of long air clearancea and insulator chains. Blektrichestvo no.5:27-32 My 162. (IvJRA 15:5) (Electric lines--Poles and towers) ALEKSANDROV G.N. kand.tekhn.nauk dotsent; P01k)VOY, I.F., kand.tekhn. :-,:- I P nauk '-- Increase in the operating voltage and choice of wires for extra high voltage transmission lines. IzV. vys. uchBb. zav.; energ. 7 no. 4:18-22 AP 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni M.I.Kalinina. Predstavlena kafedroy tekhniki vysokikh napryazheniy. AIZKSANDROV, G.P., kand. tekbn. nauk, dotsen~ New trends in the development of technology. Izv.vys. ucheb. 2av.; energ. ? no.7sl-6- J1 164 (MIRA 17-.8) 1. Leningradskiy politekbnicheskiyinatitut imeni M.I. Kalinina. Predstavleno kafedroy tekhniki v-ysokikh naprya- zbeniy. ALEKSANDROV, G.N.J. kand.tekhn.nauk; KIZEVETTER, V.Ye., inzh. ~ - - ~-' - 7 " ' - :- -1 -.1 ~ Statistical studies of the electrical strength of contaminated insulation. Elek. sta.' 35 no. 4170-73 Ap 164. (MMA 17:7) ALEKSANDROV, P.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; IVfiNOV, V.L., inzh.; PEDKOV, V.P., X, , inzh. Electrical strength of an air gap between the wire of a superhigh voltage transmission line and ground in the presence of iliternal overvoltages. Elektrichestvo no.4:20-24 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiv institut. ALEKSANDROV, GeNt. kandstakhn,.nauko doteent Do all developments in high-tension sngineer~ng lead to direct current? Izvovysouohsb*zav*; energe 8 no*3tl:1,2-13.4 Rr 165. (MIRA 1814) L Leningradakiy politekhnichaskiy, institut imeni M,I,Kalinina, ALEKSANDROV G.N., k"d. tekhn. nauk, dotsent, KALININ, N.D., --Inzh. - - I ~d- -.- Wet diachargin~ of potentiaL'~' Insulator chaina during internal ove:~voltages. Izv. vys. uohebs zav#; energ* 8 no.516-12 My 165. (MIRA l8s6) 1. Leningradskiy politeklinicheskiy institut imen-4 Kalinina. Predstavlena kafedroy vysokikh napryazheniy. AUTSANDROV G,N,,-kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent Critical gradient of positive corona. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 8 no.6rllO-Ill Je 165. (KRA 18:7) 1. Leningradskiy politekhnichaskiy irstitut imeni. ?:alinina. ~explai i ff -t-''- -'I e p_ _c e--, th .-.,with'- -tbq-~- al&~ o ~~-t a.~I*o boldetr c: e ed n.:.' or, ger -ga y-d:lstorts lthe~.,:fie Chp-rge---p iiwii~l~e. ~trongl 1,~' and:leiids to---streameir-7- w.--the 10 e ;gsps--t e ot. -avalanc o can- -formations :Jli a! iiumberi of:el:eci~ro:t~s,in an 1~ h t vr ug ace In; us 0' cc argei--. voucU pip ia~-vi um bA664f 6V -'Dodt duri tip'-Vortoriia art bA'o-. ng I 53T~s% an stre 6'mer!' ~~06-61ec_ ron-9 a c arge :t the' I tio6ed;.'Iw`:the- "thei gas b Y,. ~122$~-1229 a c esto c S& -9 n. ves 6 a 0 it n ce C I di#cbWr'sgt s`.--.-lh7'botb,- cases e-ionit, ion -is 8 by. tsi. -~'BOtb---:Torw---of- cor, wgtp -riquir-ca.. ona--dismbi A -order-of. Dalid__B~t ongeLr)- _kid& r -high 1e the. charinel: of the-- tE -cU-scharge-is. charge -spar, or' -on- a-, to-- op f M:C~, a.-HiALb6barge. is.~them 6 U& up., 0 therma ~_Ioni ati t6f emperatui6. sufficien6 V ~r I Z on~ t Ua-discbar& irl'-ft c ure.z 0 g-m-46 'd: -_S e an Ah b a~q-.of.*~ umpo b e_ reamers. - ving~alqng-. e, us rea c y.. a casca ~,they-~ trans f6r.A z reamer!:cii heuti-al- mo ec es- (in eume acqg~i, o'th6z ~Nd h.--tb -.The---- t; iore.,gridually b t _aX k'e- 6~nn-617i_ t'- -A - t s,,- gte at er an 4 a roM, W bf e f eld pote-i e-aiiii~~i t e en h I ~Ll iii U, v cn'i--." &Ai4~ SAI~-.--b- "fik~6'r6i anne'l 1 -20 1 -05 aid t1le itktuke L diUsed-theizal'~ ionizAtio an qOnS e d T'conduct lone- of-highly4onize I i~~ia -a ~bect d,:,chl nelv-~p umi creiitk at hi 1d otential-at-thfL' ii---te e planma -boun dary-_axid.-~'_tbc p . . i! ;,_ . _ - -~Pieads Im some:. The heisting ~.Irn~ IA. :.theikhel.-ca-uses- Tan iE~ bn4stion:.1of hd~ cofiductiv6 leader)_7,~',- S d amer 'Ch i ntiiIu-"`- ir ea, me ii~~ e r-I *oth6r.%_r6s_U1t U_inl-s pus Ipt f-i" Anterru jr emperklu e-- t 7 Ahe-.- -reakdown stvffiglh -,long- 01. ~f:, ir r~'gap. -stagei,~of -a~spar omogeni ,po,us ~f I& i _,-Ia-qcb6IiAed by the. leader dischir e, 'e -1h6 cofiaif h e~, '.q gap*- h reforei~.appewm. f(M--- x.-.7', thid o- -the.- bi&i.-' latte cobTl. itaned f 6 6 ately 46iii by 77 7: _J "T~ f ,C SMIRNOV, V.S.; KOSTENKO, M.P.; NEYMAN,.L.R.; KOSTENKO, P%V.; DOMANSKIY, B.I.; ZALESSKIY, A.M.; USCVp ~.V.; AYZENBERG, E;.L.,- DIJBINSKIY, L.A.; A,~M-'AILD~BQLJ.'N.; GRIBOVj A.N.,- GRUZDEV, I.A.; LEVINSHTEYN, 1~ M.L.; MIKIRTICHEV, W.7.,; MMAYLOVA, V.I.; RITZIN, Ya.L.; STEFANOV, K.S.; KHOBERG, V.A.; SECHERBACHEV, O.V. M.D. Kamenskii; on his 80th birthday. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 8 no.7:130-13i- Jl 165. (MIRA 18:9) HEDVEDWY S.K1, J-rjzh.j OSTEND, M.V-, Prof.; kand.takhn. nauk. dotsent; NUCHINSKIY, G.S.. kand.tekhn.nauk, dci~ent; ZALWSSEY, ~..M*., prof. Scine aritical remarks on TU.G.Fsikov'3 article 01)1,5tribution of the intensity of an electric field In a cy.1indrical condenser.0 Elaktrinbestva no.10:8M2 0 165. (MIRA l8s1O) 1. Cblen-korresponderit AN SSSR (for KostAnko). ATXKSANDH(IVI GA, kand,t,&k,bn.nauk-j RJUVETTER. V.Te.. Ji)zb. Study of the eleetrical strength of long suspensi-or insulator ohains at ordinary po4wintials. Mektrotakhm(ka 36 no.10355-58 0 165, (XTRA 18-10) ALEKSANDROV, G,.,N., kand. tekhn. nauk; GII LO-GUAN [Ku Lo-kuang), inzh. Electrical strength of power line insulators with different degrees of contamination. E2ektrotekhnika 36 no-4:38-41 AP 165. (MIRA 18:5) (Leningrad); OKOROKOV, V.P. (Len.,ngrad)! ,,,,~UP4QR_OV, Method for selecting the optimum length of the crossarm of a 750 kv. overhead power transmission line tower. Izv. AN SSSR. Energ. i transp. no.3:6&-76 YAy-Je 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Submitted January 18, 1965. AIEKSAIMPOY,-G.N., kand. teklin. nauk, dotsent Concerning N.N. Krachkovskii's remarks. Izv. vye. ucheb. zav.; enorg. 9 no.l:la?-104 Ja 166. (MUU 19: 1) 1. Leilingradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni M.I. Kalinina. Submitted June 29, 1965. aw - Wflcc' AR6005187 E 00 0 ACC NR, SOURCE:COD UR/0058/6V /O09/G 1~/001 7 !AUTHORS: Aleksandrov,~ G. N.; Rqdakova, V. M. MTLE: Investigation of-:,the influence of the parameters of ..~atmosDheric air on the discharge voltages of long air gaps ~SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 9GI44- iREF. SOURCE: Sb. Proboy dielektrikov.i poluprovodnikov. M.-L., ~Energiya,.1964, 44-49 ;TOPIC TAGS: gas discharge electric W-scharge, di scharge :ga P., 'atmospheric density, atmospheric humid-.ty, temperature dependence TRANSLATION: Results are reported of *.n investigation of the influ- lence of natural oscillations of the ',ameters of atmospheric air Pa. ~on the discbarae-/voltages' of rod-plane gaps of length 1. 2, 3, 5, :and 7 meters. The measured discharge "oltages are.practically inde- pendent of the air density and of the ',.bsolute humidity (this being !attributed to the correlated change Vthe temperature and humidity iof air under natural conditions), but ~rary with changing atmospheric L ACC NR, AP6012968 SOURCE CODE: UR/()143/65/000/007/01,3D/0131 f 10, AUTHOR: Smirnov, V. S.; Kostenko, M. P.; Neyman, L. R.; Kostenko, M. V.; J"? Domanskiy, B. I.; Zalesskiy, A. M.; Usov, S. V.; Ayzenberg, 13. L.; Dubinskiy, L. A.; Ale~apArqy,__G_N.; Gribov, A. N.; Gruzdev, I. A.; Levinshteyn, M. L.; MIErtichev, A. A.; Mikhaylova, V. I.; Ruzin, Ya. L.; Stefanov, K. S.; Khoberg, V. A.; Shcherbachev, 0. V. ORG: none TITLE: Honoring the 80th birthday of RMail Davidovich Kamnskiy SOURCE: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Energetika, no. 7, 1965, 130-131 TOPIC TAGS: electric power engineering, electric engineering personnel, hydroelectric power plant, thermoelectric power plant ABSTRACT: -On 19 April 1965-Prof. Dr. Teohn. Sol. Mikhail David-' ovIch Kamenskly celebrated his 80th birthday and the 55th anni- versary of his active 4ork as a power expert. Milhall Davidovich Is a 1909 graduate of the Petersburg Polytechnic Institute - since his graduation he has been associated with this Iristitue I now renamed Leningrad Polytechnic Instltuteq as an Ingitruotor. He is, a major scientist and specialist in electric powes, grids and sys--, tems. He has been a major contributor to the establishment of the Leningrad Power.0rid-and various large thermal. and hydro- .L 22149-66 ACC NRs AP6012968 electric power stations and an active participant In the design and construction of high-'and low-voltage power systems In many cities of the Soviet Union. During the Siege of IA~nlngrad In World War II he was a member of the Municipal Party Defense Com- m1ttee. Since the war Mikhail Davidovich has been head of the. Chair of Electric Power Grids and Systems at the,IA)ningrad Poly- technic Institute a:nd has been working on the methods of calou- ,lating the economic regimes of power system operatl4on and on the .problems of the present-day development of urban power systems. M.D. Kamenskly has published more than 80 works, including both original studies as well as textbooks that are popular In the Soviet Union and abroad, He Is the chairman of the Section on .Power Systems and Grids under the Leningrad Division of the Sol- entific and Nohnical Divislon of the 7ower Industry and organizer' -of and partiolpant In many 3alentif !a-tsohnical oonXerenoes and meeti-nges His merits as an educato; of a now sohool of Soviet power engineers iwe equally large. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 10 SUBM DATE: none dip.. ACC NR, AT602Z76? ~A) SOURCE CODF'~: AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, G. N.; Kalinin, N. D. ORG: none rw TITLE: Investigation of the electric strength of insulator strings under in and switching-surge conditions SOURCE: Leningrad. Politekhnicheskiy institut. Trudy, no. ?58, 1965. Vysokovol'tnaya izolyatsiya liniy i apparatov (High voltage insulation of lines and .apparatus), 26-34 :TOPIC TAGS: electric insulator, insulator electric strength i%BSTRACT, The experimentally obtained 5016 wet-flashover voltages for a type P.\4-'., 5 Soviet-made 7-insulator string are shown as functions of 0-3-n-irr./min sprayIng (artificial rain). At low rain intensities, the flashover voltage is higher (by' -lash :10-155o) with negative polarity than with positive; at high rain intensities, the i over polarity becomes unimportant. It was found that, with dry or slightly-wet :insulators, the flashover occurs during the pulse rise or near its peak (the flashover CQrd j /Z ACC NR-- AT6022762 develops in air); under heavy-rain conditions, the flashovers happen after the pulse peak, the arc channel slips over the insulator surface, and the 'Leakage current becomes relatively large. The above experimental data was used for calculazing the probability of 7 x, PM-4. 5 -insulator string flashover under rain conditions in the 'Leningrad region. Average duration of all rains was assumed to be 450 hrs per year; rain - di s tribution densities were taken from published sources. The probability of the above string flashover, for various rain intensity, is tabulated. To ensure reliable operation of insulator strings under switching- surge conditions, the effect of rains should be taken into account. Orig. art. has: 7 figures, 4 formulas, and 5 tables. SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 007 / OTH REF: 00 1 Card 2/2 ACC NR: AP70i1363 SOURCE CODE.' UR/0105/67/000/001/0012/0016 AUTHOR: Aleksnndrovv G. -N.... (Candidate of technical sciences; Leningrad); .. - - ----------- Lisochkina, T. V. ngineer; Leningrad) ORG., none TITLE: Economic effectiveness of using expanded conductors on extremely high voltage power transmission.lines SOURCE: Elektrichostvo, no. 1, 1967, 12-16 TOPIC TAGS: electric wire, high voltage line, electric Power transmission SUB CODE: 09 ABSTRACT: 7he usag .,e of a)Tanded conductora improves the technical and 6cono.-ac indices of electric power 'Zoranaraission lino.;4 'ilia degree of this :Lmprov=en1.- is greater, the higher the voltage, the greater the line length and the less the transmitted power in comparison to the nevural powar, The usage of theso conductors is particularly effective Mion c1inatic conditions require a reduction in the nwAber of phase ecoponents. Those conductors displace the area of economically transmitted powars tovra.-d lower powers for a given class of linep increasing the economic effectiveneas of increased voltageo .Card UDC: 621.315.1.0 17 Y- GI ACC NR: A.P7011363 Standards should be developed for wires from the point of vieq of selecting optinal ratios between radius and cross-section as uickly as ossible. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 12 formulas and 3tables. Lj9PRS: 40 56~0 Ccrd 2 / 2 4 1 IF 4 It U 11 54 Il, M 11, K 10 M N 3 lit V 8 -0 49 If- I 'A x ivinalillimpuJIM P. 1 -1 V -"-wip M M 6.04411 .0"1111.1 ..0 P*r.ftvlt I. arW and thorium from 111011111,1111C 1'. A vvji~snd Yo. A'. (411chilArin, Rul,~. chh-rinated unit lit is txtd. With lflSO4 0 .,d. wil 0n2" ICA Willi MgOls h wstcr. The solo. Is lrest '001 and.ibe ppt. worked up in the usual WILY S 0 ,Soil S 5 1, A atTAILLMMIC&L LITINATLAI CtilililFICAVIGIO Z" '10. 43.0, c vnqn 'i I ii " -, 4 - - 0 j7&--j -~7 I An a a 9. 9 " . '. . . ". ; x it a .1 11 N MW n I !is leis 0 0 0 0 016 0 0 0 a 0 1 0 v 0 a a 0 a a *,* 4 0 0 0 0 a 0 * 6 0 0 64 000 a 0 It * 0 else a * 0 so a coo zoo see :z a 0 ,so 90 .4 09A 09A fie 000 000 008 God *00 Goa -W-~ W - ~ W W W; - 00 ago =00 I f COO coo 1 m0 1 No* trew ran OUVW by P. Met., 2A pour %w N;. 11 1 (1) and ran awrths Of the OTW a nbame (1) - to at m... H Tbs dwt was the & and Q, furtbw PP-t- ith ELA04 thelL one =.d is SPORMW elhalums M - Tu -9 with "WAmt! or Cu. Ass. (F) I t A OETALLMK" LIT9047M CL41WFKATIN b u w Aw m0 is m tt a it 00000 9090099 00 00 0. 4 tsoo Woo ab a, I -ul w of .3 go -00000 00 0*0000 ******[oA a V V 6 V V - - M it w If Is x it a a it A a it V u 0 Is 0 W 0 a A A V- I A. bpbm -- I 00 Sepangfts conwo"65 of Mrs metals. G,P-Awkwu- *9 It y,-Aus&. 41.510. Feb. 28. 1035. In the pepa. of rart, I d ; r It tunpIls. from alk. earth cQuilmls-, PR"k-ulRtly Of t 00 0 haft obtained in the. chloginstion of lavchorritc, the. eblorntation is treated with steam at ==I ert mire metal chlorides into oxychlocides. h lk l di . ve t e a sso The mass is then treated with 11.0 to earth chlorides, and the *do. is Kvd. from the in". mrt v; earth hydroItides. u 1*1 of K It a N v If It IT olIT44 0 ON 0 01& 000 0 a 4 0 0 0 0 Is of kill aw-cisw 41 a 0 . I If st 9 go 4 3 00 SiGoIlles of *$*Go 46410 60" 00 0 0 see IL -1 A III Ake ite OnDan---, 010 0 \ - '160 .POOP11111i -DI a 01 V I A e2l'imaimil ftrL6 idLh - . 410" Swuming led rot go C. 00 4w a-1w, God", Xi TORPMUvoly. Zoo OL An. (c) Coo roe W goo *&* Noe %oo 1*0 aty&LLuaGKAL LMRATM CLAUNIKATM too 0 low Islam 4341nw S44010 .4 .1p 4"v Ilat viatil OK a-- Sol - Kit I , a' ; 21 1 1 $A I S a owls 0 11111MINSOO 3 u a 1, '0 &%1; u t; 'I v Goo*** It *0 00 ****go 00 0 0, 0 o 0 b 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'o 100 0 0 9~ 0 0 0 q-.0 : 0 0 0 0 0, IS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e q 0 it 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 441 i4pi o 6 r I f v It it Is 11 1 tin amn momm:wIt v u us jilt v 0 S of At u IN a ro A It 4L R-L-1 J- X A. it r 4 1 1-1 AA N OL W tt 1 1 0 j 00 of ;-00 so f i-00 00 1 00 a -so so DwwjW" of vircoulum silicate by chlorination s : U. 11. Alt 1,14ralm, Kkejq. Xkior, 11, 287 06 04mliov, . Z1( 94) 00 h. , t M) awli mW nuitle into titiquets cuutg. 'Z- l h A .00 armoa J~h..I,A.fotind that V-187,c Q. t 6 must favorall let the rillorinallIm., f1w laller belim at ~ coo 4u, 70" Simi 111414,4VIIS Imiat Intenotivell at WW; W% tol 060 f 11111*. 111%, 41111WIS) UINITIaurs vitaltar to ZJOC A00 0 '000 pit, 40 Kee t:eo 41A.ItA 011 AILLVITOICAL LIUSNAMItt CLA$SIFKAtION 0 ," V A u 13 WAIF In I., , A I a 0 to 1( it R it it C1 n it 4 D'a go 0 0 0000 0 0 * 0 a so a 04 0 0 a a 0 o 0000 so ve so 0000 0 010 0 4 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 * & IF p?v n I - Al"-A Vo 00 c If got Ar 0 *0 00.3 00'4 A27" sepmLion 6*10d t-D abstmet). J. J. D. t-j 1-00 so -00 =00 '.00 too tie* -tl a - I L A MAIALLURGKAt k MAIM "A%WKAIM* Aa %Ad., 43.1mv umon; .1 .19 Omv 0" litino-C a %d 0 N 9 1 If 04 I've K' 411, or it 4c li x r40 i i ix I a 1 3 6 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 q gem of A fed of 1 00 it 00 03 000 0& of of AND Cont)ciods of thorium nd CMUM. G. 11. Aleksandfov and G. 0. llyk. Rus% 55,M4, oct-M','I"r-W rtaTg- edintheinest-OcrOft of the ram earth metals site bw le the ppt. obtained Is dio."ved in 11NOa. the soln. with a reducing agent. and *&&in boiled in she prrx'; ol'tuasbit. the lipt. of 1,xiiir Th nitrate ii filleird. and Cr w -."wA Itmu the wiln. in known ri,%- ALU~!KAL UTIVAIM CLAWFKATICS! stop SIVIIIJ.. -- -------- - #so" 84.4"1 -00 -00 000 moo Noe GO* zo* a** a* 4D -00 if* 9 '96 moo tie 0 no* Woo If 0 U S AV tv a-? it It o; An - 0 a I I W & a I g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Igo o 0 0 a It 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 e 0 0 1141 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 9 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 -JS el"M -AV"IW G k 1 11 L two No 4 . . . . . . . . . . . ItawRiON, Aug. 31, INO. Alonadte a el I NwWff= In tim wvw" of 4 redwing 4 *Mt VAd KC, a" fulk* pmdm IA workrd YSP CUM ttt If at 4. %Z089 T; 1r 7r," fu 0 a 9 1 W'N 41 0 4 u AV 10 Isf; 0 1', & 'm tt ft it K KW ft 1 14 M, A s a a a 0 * so a * 0 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 a a A v A L- -a 00 A IST Alto 'I'D "a"gill SAV Aft* ST. C'NOJPI -00 FROCIS191 AOO FROPletlli I-VE. to top *oil - 41 iIa~of Ifa66 1;~ ths.&m*Wdou of spdumem on 4 -- - P f itk 1 SO i W on w us .-Alskmadmv, 4. G. 4 J. ApV 000 r". (U.S.S.R.) 17, 183-7(tt$44)(Prt!nchsumtti&ry).-- 00 Co-fuslon (A spoIlumene conmusle with MIMS u 2 livixturtkut ommulillons 6 unsatisfactory Gw pfWactic 00 ~ i IT, IA -Alts. as under thew cooditims the demialm. ~ I"i"Clal is invotupitte. Addn. of N&,Sk). to the TritSt. of 00 0 and sootiumene taism the y1rld of 1.1 in the bmtiug -00 004 interval of MO-1000, the ykWx of rcmmable M are 0 96-8%. Best Ns-K mdrate mists. nuise from 4A% to . 0 GA, an in this range the fusion products can bc madily i i i goes 0 . crushed. h m No rat m lead to decreased yields im g 10MI h l lIM hi h d f l W i d goo to - us o o s a er ucts. a t terva mspro , t ISIM. Jmb to comf4ele demiltm, of the thilleral In 2 hts. 0 NL K ff " 006 . A IW ZW 9900 too 0 0 a : wee g o 0 coo goo woo moo, MATALLUKKISt. MRATURE CLASSIFICATION *Ilow bo"Ov woo lk S#Ao" -4 4031111 oa oar Its 1 " : ~ if I* &I ; tFt ; tit RA 1A I I a W 0 a IF I If 9 do 0 3 1 1 As ~ m, V- it KID WA 1 t 7 00 0 w0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 C~46 o * 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 a 0 o a * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , o a lk a lb0 a 0 0 0 0 0 41 e 00 0 fop 0 449 0 4 41 00000 91 00000 0 0 000-60 0 0~1-f RApid dforminallon of caltium ond mospossim is, pothissolum mlostalo. G, 1'. AlSkindwy awl F. A, Stserchaska (L*vov A-cc. * Acmll WT-R.S.R.). ".' to.l. jkayq 1.4b. 13. 1174--bi 101M.- -Ca i, ArtAl, by kMw), litrAllo"; Ms by atkulimelly. (*.. M. ko-lap'll I I . - . , . .1 1 . .. - . 3SM/M:Lneia18-`--' jtrkyz~ia' 16V 50 WCOlorimetric Determination of Boron in Natural Po- ta4%ium Salts," G. P. Aleksandrov, S. M. Tsvik, LIvov Affiliate, Aced Sci Ukrainian SSR *ZaVQa Lab` 110 11, PP 1396-1398 ZvaAuates various reagerts, us--d in colorl-tric';I-atz of boron, and suggests carmine reaction as best method for.'detn of such small quantities of boron as they occur in natural potassium salts. Presence of feiiic- Iron ions, aluminum, magnesium, calcium,' barium, 3AM88 upwi/kinerals - Analysis (contd) Nov 50 ChIgrides and phosphates does not interfere with ci.etn of boron. Therefore, used reactiba for colorimetric. data of boron in borate 'Pres. Describes procedure of method. A Analytioal. Abst. Vol. 1. No. 1 Jan.. 1954 1narganio Anitlysis A Y atel. Sec. ) CA*- U kir., f Be. D~erku~ion of lodins firid bromine 1i mineral- watts by me&W of difie tfirattas., G. P. AlexAn frov and T. F. UvtrxVkcd (Ukr. f," Chem., ;iA 609-611)-A. summary or existf;..9' methodsiord -termina" ~(, Iodine and tyromine in' naturally occia-ring cosroouds and mineral ivatcxv~ Dru _ ined in standa: me is =21 idetcrm* -d- Itr W Se .of b=n., then in natural mineral waters and by addition of bromine to the latter. The influence of sodium chloride on the accurtu3m of determination of bran-ine was found to be neglig-~ Ible. On treittment of sampleii with b)Vochloxits", I the imn 4tont tined in ' eW te'l amttd as! unn wa' hydroxide. The influence of the d7ty Of the! medium on U)c reactions of 10,' and* 1', BrO,* aridi 11: the oridity of the solution in wMeb 7%' and F~ would react imd BrOs' and V not. corm%nds to a concentralion of hydrogen [one in hich a i solution of mi ithyl orange keeps its rid coloration it PH 3-1. DiffeTenti;C titration: A' saturated scRution of, NaCl (10 ml:i. is added to a mixture of standard solutions of mineral waters containing I and :Br (60 ml). followed by potassium hypochlorite.- (10 ml), and the mixtuie is heatud to 86" Q Boric'. acid (10 m!) Is added and heating is continued Jbr~ 5 min., to tl is solution 4 per cent. 14,0, ('20 MI) -to i added and hented for a furtber 10 to,20 min.; 0.5 IV Hs%Os 10-5 ml) is added to the solution followed by a 9-2 per c mt. soluticn of starch (I rrd) -and 10 cwL solution of KI (4 urd), the iodine i. tialz~ vdth 0-005 N'solution of Wosulphate. l1rounine is' determInid 4 Iter Iodine! to the WutiW I! N HISD~ (Wint)1sadded, ]OpercenL KI(guil).ammonitma- molybdate, i n4 titzation is ,catTj6d out with a V.05 IN solution of tUlosulpba : - . % R~-Paamuzvq_j' ALFMA14DROY G P I- INVCHENKO, T.F. Use of calcium hypochlorite in the determination ,)f bromium and iodine by means of differentiated titration. Ukr.1-rhim.shur-17 no.5:793-795 151. (MA 9:9) l.Llvovskiy filial Akademii nauk USSR. (Calcium hypochlorite) (Halogens) (Titration) AIJISAMMY. G.P.; LZVCHWO. T.7. Bromine and iodine content in Zakarpatian. salt. Wig. sanit., Monkva no. 1:43 Jan 1953.. ((;LKL 24:2) 1. Of the Isboratory of Mineral Chemistry of the 'Institute of HAneral Resources of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSH. ~ -7- k,:G .. ... ... .. ~ T , by WL tin v A UtgainlL Ggolairmy: 2-77 iz~l F po %VdaroU _ quiiik -~T( -2:fWbolWjc~. SOWIL' _W, 0 UUTMT or ii-Atcr,-.'Ru -3`-pQr,c=tii: (01 0 t d 6 i wl _80111 ni -, 6T an . 4 ' ' d h f ed-,to th -iz;ad . e kU e) y - 104ch Is thm - k4t 6i w 4tairk wig of ~bkth ldr 30 Mil i-, -ni int day: 04 and. ~%Wit~l iAth c6ld ~wiWi. a is' pu*W Uttota " f ' ' 'W 1 -20 'SZ4 b iU iti i k 6kb f b i ~ m u u s m o n. jio y d bduates of the " , , mtft. Sid ll ifid ivi*id 41th ll6t.v tlj*N4:O ALEKSANMY, G.P.; TIKODNOVA, V.S. Gravimetric determination of cerium by the periodato method. Mcr. khim.zhur.22 no-3:379-382 156. (MIRA 9:9) 1.Institut geologii poleznykh iskopayemykh AN USSR, Laboratoriya minerallnoy, Ichimii. (Cerium) (Periodates) ALIKSANDMV, G.P.; TIKHOIIOVA, V.S. Preparation of a new sulfate fertilizer, kalusEits, from natural kninites. Zhur. prikl. khim. 31 no-1, 0:1445-1453 0 '58. 1 (MIRA 12:1) l.Iaboratoriya mineraluoy khimU instituta geologi!L poleznykh iskopeyemykh AN USM (Kainite) (Fertilizers and manures) (Kaluszits) AUTHOR: Aleksan-drov, G. P. 130-5-18/22 TITLE: A book for casting-bay workers.(Kniga dlya rabochikh razlivochnykh proletov). PERIODICAL: "Metallurg" (Metallurgist) 1957, No'.5, PP-35-37 (USSR). ABSTRACT: This is a review, on the whole favourabley of the book "The Pouring of Steel" (Razlivka Stalift) by D. P. Strugovshchikovt published by Notallurgisdat in 1956. AVAILABLE: Card 1/1 IMMMOYEVA, A.I.; SKOROKHODOV, M.A.; Prinimali uchastiye: ALEKSA~NDROV, G.P.; BABUN, F.-Ya.; BAYBARIN;IT.F.; VAYNSSHTEYN, TS.Z.; GUSEV, lo.T.; ZHETVIN, N.P.; KOETSEVAYA, Te.M.; LEVIRA, M,M,; BOVLTANSKATA, K A POD- VOYSKIY, L.H.; TjWNTSZV, D.S.; YMOV, M.G.; CH1KHAC9:4,'1.A.;-YUROV, TU.N.; GUDKOVA, H., red.; YEGOROVA, I., (Light over the gate] Svet nad zastavoi. Moskovskii rabochii, 1959. 422 p. (MIRA 12:4) (Moscow--Metallurgical plants) Av D e-. v_j '1 0 f L% i~A 0 jt 'A a 0 y 9 WA E 4 4 3i 10 0. I a - 1 All so ta m Ilk ji flA a AT.WSA V, G.P.; TIKHDNOVA, V.S. Determination of ammonia in the presence of nitrites. Zav.lab. 26 no.1:57 l6o. (MIRA 13-5) 1. Institut geologii poleznykh iskopa7em3rkh Akademii nauk USSR. (Nitrites) (Ammonia) ALEKSANDROV, G.P.; TIKHONOVA, V.S. Effect of the concentration of 'Ni(NO2)6 4-on the compcsition of mixed lanthamm and cerium hexanitronickelat6s with potassium. TJkr.khim.zhur. 27 no.5:592-598 161. (NIRA 14:9) 1. Institut geologii poIeznykh iskopayemykh AN USSR. (Rare earth compounds) (Nickel compounds) (Potassium comp oun ds) ALEKSANDR07, G.P. piep~a 02 kal~szite from potassium sulfate salts and sulfatQ alkalis. Zhur. prikl. khim. 34 no.2:237-241 F 161. (MIU 14:2) 1. Laboratoriya mindrallnoy khimii Instituts. gdologii poleruyl* iskopayemykh AN USSA. (Syngenite) eksandrov, H.P.); DUDNIK, Vera KITYK, Vasiliy lvanovich; SURZHOK, Grigoriy Dmitriyevich (Surzhok, H.D.). Prinintia uchastiye SHEVCHENKO, Yu.V.; PORFIRIYEV, V.B,.,akademikO otv. red.; MELINIK, G.F.[Mellnyk, R.F.), red. izd-va; DAKHNO, Yu.B., tekhn. red. [Kalussite, a new potassium fortilizer)Kalushy-t - novo kalifne dobr7vo. [By)G.P.Al&kmwAjrov ta, inshi. Kyiv, Vyd- vo Akad.nauk URSR, 1962. 133 P. (MIRA 160) 1. Akademiya, nauk Ukr. SSR (for PorfArlyev) (Ukraine--Kalussite) ALEKSANDROV, G.F~; SHUTER. Y**N*j SHEVCHENKO, Yu.V. Voluzoetric determing#on of cobalt by mans of pot&wl= parmangan&tq* UkriAin,zhur. 28 no,6,7:W&874 162.. (MIRA 15-12) 1. Institut, geologii poleznykh iskopayenWp. I (Cobalt-Al"iv) (potassium permanganate) I ALMSANDROV I G*N kand.takhn.naxOr Zrinciples for selecting the dimensions of extrahigh voltage power transmission lines. Izv.vys,uch9b*zav*;energ& 6 no.lt2& 36 :a 163. ')i (KrRA 16:2) 1. toningradskiy politakhnichookiy institut immi MJ. Kalinina, Predstavlena kafedroy takhnild vysokikh naprya2heni.,r. Meotrio power distribution-Eigh tension) leotrie lines--.4(Werhead) R