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,,-ApYANTSzvy H.L. Professor (Xazans) . . 7 Treatment Of Pulmonary abscesses.,, 33 no.12:81 D 155- (LUNGS --ABSCICSS) (HLRA 9:5) AccEssim in AP4038942 S/0241/64/00,1005/0~39/00"' ~AUMOR: Lksy=tsev, Mlj.; Gol'Eahtepi,, D. Ye.; Mittclll)~erg., Ye.. B, -TITME: Canpeasatory possibilities of th- 1,vmhatic systZ2 urut;a re..1~e.Aoa ~sickness SOURCE: Meditsinskaya radiologiya, no- 5, :L964, 39-44 TOPIC TAGS: lMbatic system) collwberal lym_h vesselp acute radiat:*on Biclress. 'collateral lymph ciraWation stimulus.. intravital lyml;hograpby, symtemle ra4iation reaction) local radiation reaction, reactive mechanism.. infective 1,yripbit-11c ,stimulus, mechanical lymphatic stimulus PMTRACT: The ability of the body to create collateral 1~,npb i-these conditions was atudied in tLe pi;1,6c, cxtrcmi-t4.c,,~ of'aop L~- or nech (Stcapbylococcus aureus cu:Ltrx,-j xAcal irritatton, 'tourniqu.,;1:) as a gtvi= lus. I.-one 62 doga$ divided Into 6 lots, receive-d a 800 r .-.-zvy Oo-,.c wrh_ich is letbal&' In tL 31, te Data were derived f= int=wdts~ t7q~xgrkphy. fir st ze.-~~_es or. 12. dogs panetrzb1lity of the syr-t= Juwrew. od conaiderab3,v folloving radietiorh.. but ;,no fox-matioa of collateral circulation vas neen. In the 2ad sol-las on 24 doZs A-. Cord I 1/3 I=Essiou NR: Ap4o38942 linfacted vith staphylococcue culture on the 2, 4 or 6th day after ~collateral circulation developed only if the culture was injected Ln the days. later infection led to insignificwit local but extensiva ~ystnmic -~:acticy_ band early death. Infection on the first day led to considorable local i,,~actioL. Systemic and local reactivity of the organism thus appear in tntages -r-d aecreass with time. No development of collateral circulation was observed when tbc 1.5 doFs of the 3rd series wore infected 2-10 dwjo prior to irradiation, aLthoush local reaction was intense. They lived somewhat longer (probably due to tbf'~ dcvc~Iolnaat of antibodies). Collateral 1~uph circulation vaG thur. found to develop ~s an aetive reaction of the integral organism rather than a result of mecbrr.:L.~!0. ob- 11 Istruction, This was confirmed in 3 test series irith tourniquets. Ct;lIate-zal air- culation. appeared one day after removing the tourniquet if this lattur h-A been applied in the first 2 days following irradiation. later ayplic-. ticl., ru, ~-Qtcal 1z early death. These results point towards the necessity of early :retmrcli&l ~_,ction in -radiation sickaess,, before the rewttive mechanism of the organirz-4 lax bn~ken !down. Orig. art.. has: 4 figures. ASSOCIATION:* Patofiziologicheakaya laboratorlya I Kazanskogo nauchno-iosledoVatel'skogo in.Gtituta trematologi:Li ort~~ ~C'urd 2/3 AccEssioN, NR: Ap4o38942 .kafedra rentgenologii i radiolo gii, No. 2 : Tenl n;~, i Kazanskogo instituta usoversheastvovaniya vrac-bey im. V. 1. fie Research Institute of Tramatology and Orthopodics andl Ktzaa kAdvanced P4siciansl Training) SUMMED 1000t63 ENCL: 00 L5 :~,,SUB CODE, NO MW SM: 003 OMERI AKSYANTSEV, M.I.j VE.5XLOVSKIY, D.A. Reaction of the body internal relations following afferent atirm- lations of the bone system. Fiziol,zhur- 50 no.108-63 Ja 1649 (MIRA 1811) 1. Nauchno-insledovatellakiy institut travmatologii i ortopedii, Kazan'. SIL'CHENRO, A.S.; AKSYUCHITS P 1. A combine of progress. Bum. prom. 36 no.9:15-17 S 61. (MIRA 15: 1) 1. Direktor Kotlasskogo tsellyulozno-bumazhnogo kombinata (for Sil'chenko). 2. Glavnyy inzh. Kotlasskogo tsellyulozno-bumazhnogo kombinata (for Aksyuchits). (Kotlas--Woodpulp industry) AKSYUCHITS, N.I. Concerning the economic advantage of peat fuel for Vhite Russian Enterprises* Sbor*rAuchetrudeBal.politakhoinst. no.65: 193-200 159. (Uhite Russia--Peat) (MIRA.13:5) AKSYUCHITS. N.I.; GOLOVANGHIKOV I.Ya... inzh.; ZHURAVKOV, A.A. .9 Gomparison of the economy obaracteristics of the various types of fuel in the White Itussian S.S.R. Torf prom. 39 no.5:1-4 162. NIRA 16:8) 1. Gosplan BSSR (for Aksyuchits). 2. Institut ekonomiki AN BSSR (for Zhuravkov). AKSYUK,__A. F. Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "New Experimental DatlL ethe Maximum Permissible Content of Fluorine in Rotltbli Water," Mos. 1957. 12 pp 20 em. (Min of Health RSFSR, First Mos Order of Lenin Medical Inst im 1. M. Seehenov), 200 copies (KL, 25-57, 117) // 6/ AKSYUK A F; POLTORAK, S.A., inzh.; LEM, A.P., tekhnik Electronic device for the determination of the rate of reflex reactions simultaneously in several subjects. Gig.i san. 26 no.12:47-50 D 161. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Iz Moskovskogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo instituta gigiyeny imeni F.F.Erismana. (REFLEXES) (PHYSIOLOGICAL APPARATUS) AMU,, A.F. Methology for the automatic (electric) recording of conditional reflex activity in small laborato:r7 animials.Uch.zap.Mosk.nauch. isal.inst.san. i (KIRA 16:7) (CONDITIONED RESPOWSS) (PHYSIOIDGICAL APPAMUS) AXSYUK A.F.: ZAMYSLOVAp SeDe L Sanitary characteristics of sewage from the production of syn- thetic fatty acids and sanitary requirements for discharge into open waters. Uch. zap. Mook.nauch.-issl. inst. san. i gig. no,9:67-72 161. (MIRA 16:11) AKSYUK.A,F,,,k&; VERSHININ, A.A.,, inzh; LTUTOV, A.V.., inzh.1 AKEWULINA Jq M.S... inshoner-khimik. Experience in the fluoridation of the water supply in the U.S.S.R. Gig. i san. 28 no.1:6S-73163. (MIRA 16-7) 1. Iz Ibskovskogo nauchno-issledovateltakogo instituts, gigiyeny imeni, F.F. Brismana i tsekha, 'lodokanal* Norillska. (WATER-FLUCHIDATION) RUSIN, N.M., kand. biolog. nauk; AIMONOVA, G.P., kand. mad. nauk; AMYUK, I.N., nanchiW sotrudnik H;vgienic aspects of agricultural produotB treated with dithiophos'o Gig. i san. 24 no-5-01-34 Itr '59. (KM 12:7) 1. Iz Moskovakogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo institute. sanitarii i gigiyeny imeni F. F. Brismna Ministerstva zdraTookhraneni.Va RSM. (PHOSPHATES, effects, tetraethyl dithiopyrophosphate, insecticidal eff. & eff. of feeding of sprayed cereals on animals (Rus)) (GERE", tetraethyl dithiopyrophosphate treated, eff. on animals (Ras)) AKSYUK$ !.N. (Moskva) Effect of a large amount of rw_nganess an the state of the tbyroid gland as related to different fat content of the d!et Vop it, 24 no.103-56 Ja-F 165. Nim 18:9~ 1. Otdel gigiyeror pitaniya (zav.- kand. med. nauk A.P. Shitshova) Moskovskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta gigi-yeny imeni F.F. Frismana (nauchnyye rukovoditeli: Prof. A.1. Shtenberg, prof. !.A. Kusevitsk-'LY). AKSYUK L.L,. 9 inzh. Improvir the design of a receiving and loading platform in deepening rune Oiafts. Bezzop. truda v prom. 5 no. 2:12-13 F t6i. Wining engineering) (MIPJ, 14:2) AlrSN. 'K ("I v I b 71A, . .! -J l'! %ICY gancrilon- Al' BUDIKO, Tq.N.-, AKSTUK, Tu.B., red.; GLOTOVA, R.I., EPighting salinity In soils with Irrigation] Bor'ba a zasolenlem poohv pri oroshenii. Rostov-na-Do-au, Rostovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1953, 28 p. (MIRA 12-.2) (Irrigation) TEGIMY. Ih.N.; AXSYUK. Yu.B.. redaktor; GLOTOVA, M.I., tekhnicheskiy . redektor (Along Rostov Province tourist trails) Po turistskim marshratan Rostovskoi oblasti. Rostov-na-]Donu, Rostovskoe knishnoe isd-vo, 1953. 126 p. (Microfilm] (MIRA 7:10) (Rostov Province--Tourism) (Tourism-Rostov Province) SOV/115-59--5-6/27 28(2) AUTHORSt Aksyuk, Y u.F. and Volosin, Ya.P. TITLEt Devices to Control Micrometers of more than 100 mm PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya Toldinika, 1959, Nr 5, p 9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The proposed method makes it possible to test micrometers of a great measuring range (more than 100 mm) with the help of stop measures whose block has a extension of 25 mm. The illustration shows a special clamping device. The first thing to be controlled is the zero point. The rest of the con-trolling process is the same Card 1/1 as with small micrometers. There are 2 diagrams. KhGlMlP and KhTZ are using the device. SHATEMHTSxNj, V,G,; AKSYUTA9 AsAs Imatigating the heat conductivity or varloto refractorlm for coke ovem with high tenpemtures. Met. I gornorud. pron. no.6s45-46 NZ *65. (KM ISOM) BUIAKOV A.A.; SIDIERVA' V.M.; lRKHOp O.G.j ROZHINA, L,I.j KLUSS, YU.A.; Cofif4i-ehce-6f the rdnders'of the periodioal Plasticheskie MMSBYO Plost. rnassy no-4:79 165. OnRA 18:6) SAPRYKIN, A.: AKSYUTIK. L. -- --------- --.- Equipment from wood and'plastics. Sov. torg. 35 no.8:56-58 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Zamestitel"'upravIyayushchego Roslesstroytorgom (for Saprykin). 2. Vachaltnik planovogo otdola Roslesstroytorgom (for Aksyutik). (Stores, Retail-Equipment and supplies) AKSYUTIN, I.R., inzh. Possibility of resonance between wind gusts and the rolling of a shipj Sudostroenie 29 n0.10:15 0 163. (MIRA 16:12) AA,` 7__*Z At" ,A,KSYUTIN. L.1 k.-Budovoditall Practice of using sounding devices on ships of the Black Sea steam navigation. Mor. flot 18 no.2:9 7 158. (MIRA 11:2) 1.0deaskoye vyasheye mrakhodnoys uchilishche, (Black Sea--Steam navigation) (Sounding and soundings) AMUTO, L.,inzh.-sudovoditell 1v Installing vibra't6ra of the NXI~type sonic echo sounder with ebonite membranes. Mor.flot 19 no.3:29 Mr 159. (MIR& 12:4) 1. Odeaskoys vy9sheye inzhenrnoye morskoye uchilishche. (Sonar--Equipment and supplies) X--z-,4&;;:i-An2h a ner- a udovod I to 18 Best method of solving a parallactic triangle. Mor. flot 19 no.7:34 J1 159. (KRA 12:10) 1.0deaskoye vy"aheye inzhonerno-morskoye uchilishche. Ceriangle) (Navigation) AKSYUTIH, L., prepodavatell Device for the prevention of damage to river beacons. Recb.transp. 19 no.9:45 S 160. (MIR& 13:9) 1. Odeaskoye vyssheye inzhenernoye morskoye uchilishcho. (Inland navigation--Safety measures) AUTUTIN, L,O.propodavatell Changes in the wind pressure on a ship depending on meteorological ; factors. Nor, flot 20 no. 12:21-22 D 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Ufedra tekhnicheekikh eredetv sudovozhdeuiya Odesekogo vysohego inshonerno-morskogo ucbilishcha. (Ikvigation) (Wind pressure) 0 KRAVETSY 13, J. kapitan; AKSYUTIN I a s pi-ran t tiy prepodsAvat-0.1; ",')P'I,O'V, V.,, Operating the practical training ship "Gorizont.11 Yj,,r. flot 24 no.2237 F 164. (MIFA 38-12) 1. Uchebno-proizvodstvennoye sudno "Gorizont" (for Kravets). 2. Odess-koye vyssheye inzbenernoye morskoye ucbilishche (for P.ksyutin, Topalov). AKSYUTINP L, ~ -11-- -11 - Improving the accuracy of determining the metacentric height from the rolling period of a vessel in waves. Mor. flot 25 no.21:18-19 N 165. (MrRA 18:11) 1. Nachallnik kafedry morskogo dela Odesskogo vysshego inzhenernogo morskogo uchilishcha. -- AXffUTI14, Leonid-Rodionovich; SERKO, G.S., red.; KLAPTSOVA, T.F., teRET. red. (Accident to seagoing ships from lose of stabilitylAva- rii morskikh sudov ot poteri ostoichivosti. Moskva, Morskoi transportj 1962. 52 p. (MIRA 15:10) (Stability of ships) (Shipwrecks) AKSYUTIN, L.R. Determining the spectral density of a wind etream. inform. sbor. TSNIII-T no.102 Sudovozh. i sv-Laz' no.24t66-69 163. (MINA 17:9) GHERNMV, LeQnid Fedorovlch., dots.; KIRIN, Yuriy Pavl*v-!,-h; KONDIUSHIK111N, Vladimir Timofeyevizh, MSYLIT"11, lx-,onij y Rad-ionovich; RUSANOV, Valentin I-11khaylovich; YMIOUYEV, d-e'*r*'m'-a*ii-Gr-'.-gorlyevich; ANANIIN, V.I., red. [collection of problems in naiatical astronoiW] Zadacimik po morekhod-nol astronomii. Moskvap Tranoport, 1.964. 3.iF, 1). (milu .1-8:5) A!4-inzh.-sudovoditell; BOLISHAKOVI AKSYUTIN Leonid Rad~pjigoyi :~~ ~~geyevich, kand. geogr. nauk; STUPAKOVA.. L,A,p red*, red, (Hydrometeorologica2 service on maritime vessels) Gidro- meteorologicheskaia. sluzhba na morskikh sudakh. Moskva, Transport, 1964. 62 p. (MIRA 18-.7) AKSYUTIN, L.R., ~, Possibility of extending the navigation range of second category ships. Inform. sbor. TSNIDT no.98 Sudovozh. i sviazl no.23:6, 69 163. (MITU 18:11~ 24(8-); 26(0) PFWE:I BOOK EXPLOITATION - SOV/2008 AkeyUtino 3tepan Aleknandrovich Perapektivy razvltiya parovykh T&Tzovykh turbin alektrioheskikh ,stantsiy; termodinamicheakiye i tekhniko-ekonomicheakiyeiseledovaniya (Outlook for the Development of Steam and Gas Turbines of Electric Power Plants; Thermodynamic, Technological, and Economic Studies) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1957. 219 p. Errata slip inserted. 7,500 Coples printed. Reviewers: A.A. Kanayev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and K.A. Rakov, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed.: I.Ya. Konfederatov, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Tech. Ed.: B.I. Model'; Managing Ed. for Literature on Road, Transportation, and lower Machinery Manu- facturing: N.N. Voskresenskiy, Engineer. PURPOSE: The book is intended for scientific workers, engineers and technicians, students and specialists working in the field of power engineering. COVERAGE: The oroblem of the most advantageous heat engine for large electric power stations is considered. Some theoretical principles Card 1/7 Outlook for the Development of Steam (cont.) SOV/2008 are elaborated and the equation of state for superheated steam is derived. On the basis of experimental work of the VTI (All-Union Heat-Engineering Institute) and the MEI (Xoscow lower-Engineering Institute) a graphical representatiRn of.themodynamic properties of steam is given for p=1,000 k&/cm4 and t=l,OOOOC, and an entropy diagram is included. Cycles of steam-and gas-turbine units of larg~- electric stations are investigated. Efficiency coefficients and maximum power depending on gas and steam parameters are determined. Relations for maximum power of a gas turbine and for processes in the regenerator are given. Some economic problems are considered. In the introduction, some figures_ and diagrams relative to the planned development of electric power in.the USSR from the-prBsent time to the year 2000 are given. The-following general conclusi-on is given: steam turbines, driven by steam produced by the combus- tion of organic fuels or by nuclear reactions are the most ad- vantageous heat engines for large electric stations. There are 59 references: 38 Soviet, 18 English.and 3 German. Card 2/7 Outlook for the Development of Steam (Cont.) SOV/2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 5 1 Ch. I'. Determination of Thermodynamic Properties of Steam at High Pressures and Temperatures 15 Ideal and real thermal cycle . 15 Working medium of a heat engine 17 Steam 18 Development of work on the determination of thermodynamic properties of steam 18 Work of Soviet scientists on the Investigation of steam properties 20 Theoretical principles for work on the determination of the thermodynamic properties of steam 21 Work of the All-Union Heat-Engineering Institute 25 Possibility of extending thermodynamic tables for steam beyond the limit of experiments 26 Present state of the physics of steam 27 Thermodynamic properties of steam in the state of an ideal gas 29 Card 3/7 Outlook for the Development of Steam (Cont.) SOV/2008 First work on the determination of gas characteristics in the region beyond the experimental conditions. Work of Ya.F. Kazavchinskiy 32 Equation of state for superheated steam and the determina- tion.of thermodynamic properties 34 Ch. II. Steam Turbine Units of Large Electric Power Stations 44 Regeneration of heat 44 Real heat cycles of large condensing electric power stations 53 Power of the Vdiler-*turbine unit for power systems planned for the nearfuture 58 Maximum power of future steam turbines - 62 Boiler unit of a future steam -turbine electric power station 71. Boiler unit with gas-turbine supercharging 76 History of the problem. 76 Boiler-turbine unit with gas-turbine supercharging of the boiler unit (KT-GT,unit) 78 Design features of the KT-GT unit 83 Economic bases for increasing the power of the unit 85 Binary mercury-water cycles 89 Card 4/7 Outlook for the Development of Steam (Cont.) sov/2oo8 compression and with multistage combuation 154 Features of the design of a station equipped with gas-turbine units 163 Problem of the cost of the kilowatt-hour produced in prospective gas-turbine stations 169 aas-turbine units with closed cycles 172 Gas-turbine units with semiclosed cycles 174 Summary of Chapter 111 179 Ch. IV. Comparative Economy of Steam-Turbine and Gas-Turbine Heat and Electric Power Plants 181 Steam-turbine heat and electric power plants 181 Gas turbine heat and electric power plants 182 Ch. V. Heat Engines Using Atomic Energy 184 Picture of the development of the electric power production after 1975 184 Nuclear fuel 188 Construction materials for atomic power stations 189 Thermal efficiency of steam and gas turbines using nuclear energy 193 Card 6/7 Outlook for the DevelIopment of Steam (Cont.) SOV/2008 Ch. VI. Comparison of the Future Development of Steam and Gas Turbines 196 Summary of conclusions from the comparison of the thermal ,efficiency of steam- and gas-turbine units 196 Origin and development of erroneous notions of the com- parative perfection of gas-turbine units 198 Bibliography 205 Appendix 1. i-s diagram for steam (insert) Appendix 2. Materials for future gas- and steam-turbine units -~07 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress ISIsfm 8-10-59 Card 7/7 SOV/112-58-Z-1887 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhaika, 1958, Nr 2, p 15 (USSR) AUTHOR: Aksyutmy" S. TITLE: ETaation of a Superheated -Steam State and DetermLziation of Steam Parameters in a Region Remote From the Experiment (Sravaeniye soatoyaniya peregretogo vodyam~ogo para i opredelemiye parametrov para v oblasti, dalekay ot eksperimer-ta) PERIODICAL: Sb. Statey Vses. zaocllia. politekhn. in-ta, Nr 15, pp 128-134 ABSTRACT: On the bas-19 of s,3rne experimenta.3.3-i', fow-id relationships, the author, assitming a number of simplifications, has made up an ecpjation of a steam state of the form pv = RTe'. The van-tity n determined from existing tables for steam lies between 0 and -0. *32. The same form of the equation of state can be approached in a different way, viz. , by using the law of mass action and by assuming that lg(pv) is linearly dependent on I /T for the superheated- steam region. Taking specaic volume values from the steam tables, VTI has derived the following expression: Card 1/Z SOY/112-58-2-1887 tcpation of a S-aperheated -Steam State and Determination of Steam Parameters . . . . U - 10 12XP1.072 3.1198(RT) 4.21425 A table of reference points v, i, and a is presented largely for the parametric state that has never been studied experimentally. The author's values for v, i, and s are compared with corresponding values from Soviet steam tables. S.L.R. Translator's note: There is an obvious misprint in the title of the Russian origin-al; "Sravneniyell should be read as "Uravneniye. Card 2/2 SOV/96-59-6-21/22 AUTHOR: Aksyutin, S.A. (Candidate of Technical Sciences) TITLE: Le-:F ~e~-Editor (Pislmo v redaktsiyu) PERIODICALs Teploenergetika, 1959, Nr 6, pp 93-95 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This letter from the author of the book is a reply to the review mentioned in the 'preceding' abstr&~t (20/22). The author claims that the reviewer missed a number of main points in the workq and gives instances. Misprints in the book are pointed out. There is 1 table. Card 1/1 I S.-N-- IMDortance of vitamins in obstetrics. Moskva, ;Medgiz, 1954. 1881 D. 1. Vitamins. 2. Obstetrics. AKTANOVA, S.; KISIM, A.V.; RLITEKOVp Yu.A. Adsorption -of aliphatic amines on alumina and silica. I%v,AN SSS& Otd.khim.nauk no.U:1936-19" V 162. (MIRA 15t12) 1. Institut fizicheakoy khiynii AN SSSR i Moska7skiy gosudarst- vennyy-universitat Im. M.V. 10monosova. (Amines) (Adsorption) MYUZEM , I.T.; SIDOROVA, L.N.; BURMIN, L.; AKTAM, S.; TEPLITS, V.V.; ZUYET, V.N.; POKFOVSKAYA, T.I.; KOZHOMKULOV, T.A.; LAVROVA, N.N.p prof., red.; ZUBOK, Ya.Z., tekhn. red. [Read this, this iD uveful) Prochitai, eto polezno. Frunzep 1962. 10 nos. (Botkin's disease] Bolezn' Botkina. 19 p. (Coutunicable (infectious) diseases in children] Detskie zaraznye (infektsionrye) bolezni. 18 p. [Holminths and the harm they cause to human health] Gellminty i ikh vred dlia zdorovlia cheloveka. 26 p. [Work IWgiene of the beet grower] Gigiena truda sveklovoda. 12 P. (Hygienic regimen of the schoolchild] Gigienicheskii rezhim shkollnika. 24 p. [Fungus diseases of -the skin] Gribkovye zabolovaniia kozhi. 24 P. (Prevention and treatment of cardiac and vascular diseases] Preduprezbdenie i lechenie boleznei serdtsa i sosudov. 19 p. (Prevention and treatment of rickets] Rakhit; ego predu- prezhdenie i lechenie. 8 p. (Old age and longevity] Starost' i dolgoletie. 14 p. (Vitamins and their significance for human health] Vitaminy i ikh znachenie dlia zdorovlia chelo- veka. 22 p. (MIRA 17:3) 42453 S/725/61/000/003/005!008 AUTHORS: Yegiazarov, B - G -, Dolenko, A. V., AktioQ%, -Y_F., Krutvakov, Yu . A TIT LE. An instrument for the measurement of the intensity of a magnetic L SOURCE: Nekotoryye voprosy tekhniki fizicheskogo eksperizilenta pri issiedovan;J gazovogo razryada; natichno-tekhnicheskiy sbornik, no.3. A.V. ChQr- netskiy & L.G. Lomize, -eds. Moscow. Gosatomizdat, 1961, 83-93. TEXT: The paper describes the design of an instrument for the measurement of the absolute magnitude and the direction of the magnetic-field force vector for individual points of fields within a range of 10 to 1,000 oersted and With norlunifor- mities of up to 151b/cin; the relative error of rneasurement throughout this ranpe does not exceed 0.03%. The measuring range may be raised to 10,000 oe by a change in pickup heads. In order to eliminate errors due to nonuniformities in tlhe angular velocities of the pickup induction coil, a compensation-type measuring technique is ernployed; in it a measuring coil rotates within the field to be measured, while a comparison coil, n-iounted on the sarne drivesh'aft, rotates within a known comparison field. Any unevenness of the angular velocity is reflected equally in the two co;ls, and the n,~.cessary error- eliminating expressions are developed and set forth. Criteria for the "punctuateness" of a small coil are presented. The Card 1/3 An instrument for the measurement of the inten6ity ... S/725/61/000/003/005/00.8 principal elements of the instrument are the pickup, the coordiiiate table, and the measuring unit. To ensure the "punctuateness" of the n-leasuring pickup, the dimensions of the cylindrical coil were held down to a 5-min dia, a 3. 6-mm length, and a wire dia of 0. 02 nim. The sensitivity of such a coil, at a speed of 25 rps, is 720 liv/(a/cii-i). The coil is driven by a synchronous motor (1,500 rpm - not "rps" as stated in Russian original) via a conical gear transmission. Despite the 1. 5-111 length of the pickup device, required to achieve a long reach to cover the magiietic- intensity topography of extensive fields, the vibration of the coil does not exceed 0. 01 mm. Th%-, collector of the coil consists of two silver rings and four graphite brushes. The measuring unit comprises a decade potentiometer, a null indicator, and a power-suppl, init.. A schematic circuit diagram is shown. Constancy in the total potenHornete!- resistance was achieved by pairing, in opposition to one another, identical decades of two KMC-6 (KMS-6) resistance units. As a result, very con- venient contact potentionieters of 100 kohm (more accurately, 99,999 ohn-1) we re obtained. Tho null indicator is a resonance amplifier tuned to the frequency of the ern.r produced in the coii. Since the a. c. hum constitutes the principal noise in the amplifier, the amplifier was tuned to 25 cps which, in turn, fixed the speed of the driver motor at 1, 500 rpm. To achieve an elevated selectivity relative to the 50-cps frequeiicy and its harmonics that might be produced by nearby powerful sokirces (motors, transformers, etc.), three resonance transformer stages with Card 2/3 42454 S/7115/6 1 /000/00-1, /00(~ AUTHOFS: Yeg;azaj-(-)\,, B.G., Doleriko, A. V., ARtipov, V.F., Kruf ya kov, Yu-t,. T IT LE;: One of the piezoelectric methods for the measuremen, of a component t)f the magnetic field strength in a point. SOURCE: Nekotoryye voprosy tekliniki fizicheskogo eksperinienta pri issledovanii gazovogo razryada; nauchno-tekhnicheskiy sbornik, no.3. A.V.Cher- netskiy & L.G. Lornize, eds. Moscow. Gosatornizdat, 1961, 94-104. TEXT: This paper describen a "punctuate" field- strengtli-mi~asuring device capable of measuring a component of the intensity of a constant magnetic field in a prescribed point in space with an accuracy of 0. 576. The distance between the pickup and the rneasui~ing unit may be of the order of tens of meters. The sensor consists of a tightly wound cylindrical coil (cf. Kamenskiy, Ye.I.,at at., E.ektronika, no. 10, 1958, 109). The passage of an electric current through the coil evokes the action of a couple in the, direction of an alignment of the coil axis with the magnelic field. if the ~--urrent i-q ;ilternating with an audio frequency, the coil will oscillatu about an axis lying within the plane of the coil perpendicular to the niagnetic-field line of force passing through the center of the coil. The new device cmploys a piezoelern- ent tied t1-- the wliich is forced to o8cillate with it and which produces an emf Gard 1 /3 One of the piczoelectric methods S/7?5 i61 /000/003 /006 '008 that is proportional to the magnetic field strength 11 and the constant. ctirre.',t1 thus vielding a measure of the projection of the field strength onto the plar, '_ , C,1e coil ~ihdings. This principle is well known, but its earlier embodiment's (Birct'j~ertt, R., C.r.Acad. sci., v.234, no. 11, 1952, 1135; v.241, no. 4, 1955, 368, -v ~40, no. 10, 1955, 1064) failed to provide a means for the identification of the direction of tile field-strength component thus measured. The new device achieves the deterlilina- tion of the field-strength projection onto the axis of the piezoelement, i.e., at a given point and for a given direction. The coil is supported by a bimorphic Ba- titanate ceramic beam which is thicknesswise polarized. Torsional oscillations yield a zero emf, and any emf arising in it is proportional to the projection of th(- magnetic-field strength onto the beam axis only. The phase difference between t' output voltage of the piezoelernent and the sinusoidal coil-feed current Will' also Vik--ld. an indication of the sense of the magnetic field. The sensitivity of the d(IvIctI )S in- creased by tuning the feed current in resonance with the proper flexural freqLiency of the coil- piezoe:ement --holder system. Laboratory tests are described and illust- rated in schematic cross-sections and photographs; the effect ivenes s of the rvson- ance tuning on the amplitude of the output sigrial is shown; it was found that illptit- current limitations imposed a practical magnotic-field strength threshold 01' 1.0 oersted, below which the needed input currents become too high to be tolerable. Noise induction from the coil to the metallized sheath of the piezoelernent call be eliminated by covering the coil with "aquadag" graphite lubricant. The t-wo halves Card 2/3 One of the piezoelectric methods ... S1725/6 1 /000/1003 of the co;. aia the piezoeienient must be pasted together exactly coaxially t.-) ate any t-rrors due to torsionally produced shifts in the minimum. signal. 1 C--- details uf the audio-frequency generator which feeds the sensor coil, the f::,-, '-~, characteristics of the piezoelement, the amplifier, the capacitive phase-:t.:~ required for the compensatory piezoeleirient-voltage comparison, the cornperl~atlon unit itself, and the use of the null indicator to establish the attainment of the con-1pen- sation are fully explained. The pickup is maintained at a constant terriperature. of 50� 0.50C. All individual allowances are based on the specified summary e7ror of measurement, which is not to exceed 0. 5%. If two or three mutually perpet.dicular piezoelements are used, then two or three components can be measured simultaneous- ly, with the only stipulation that the centers of the coils must not be more than, say, 3. 5 mm apart to ensure reasonable simulation of local punctuate coincidence . The same result, of course, can be attained by a 900 rotation of a single coil. Thanks are expressed to L- Z. Rusakov for his substantial. assistance in the project. There are 8 figures and I Z references (6 Soviet, 3 French, I English- language, and 2 Russian translationB of Engli sh- language writings). ASSOC]LATION: None given. Card 3/3 AXTCKA, Ye,S.; VMBNSKIT, V.A. Upright drilling machines; standards of precision and rigidity-. Standartizataiia 24 no.9:14,6-48 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Drilling and boring machinery--Standards) AKTOV, Y.B. A,track straightener in needed. Pat' i put. khoz. no.7.,45 Jll 157. (MLRA 100) l..Zamatitall nachallniks, distant ii puti 9. Tambov. (R~ilroad:--Traok~l AKTOVA, Ye.S. Vertical grinding and lapping machines; basic dimensions. Standartizutaiia 24 no.12:39-40 D 160. (MMA 13:11) (Grinding machines-Standards) AKMVA 1, e Diamond boring machineo. Standartizataiia 25 no.ls47-48 A 161. (MIRA .140) (Drilling and boring macbinery-StandOds) OB , S. I.; AKMI~~ A. w*Mw;w7W. - "%rl In the department of chemistry. Vest.Mosk.un. 8 no.8:177-178 Ag 153. (MLEA 6:11) (Chemistry) MAKS11-El.r.40, ll.Z.; GAU,Y'-"V, A.F.; GITRIYANOV, A.I.; AK*TUGANOVh, L.S.; LOU'- SHTSYNY I.Ya. Investigating certain desiLps of extraction apparatus in a r. lubricant-plienol system. Refteper. i neftelchim. no.6:/a-V*. 164. (Mllk 17:9) 1. llovo-Ufirisldy rioftepeicrabat.3r%,,ayiis)icliiy zavod i Hazanskiy klii,idko-teklinologicheskiy institut. KULIYEV, R.Sh.j KEVORKOVA, I.S.; AKTYAMOVA, L.A. ....... ;, Use of perlitso for the purification of oils. Azerb.khimahur. no.4t6-9 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Institut neftekhimichaskikb protsessov AN AzSSR. Submitted June 16, 1964. -ACC NR, AP5027726 SOURCE CODE: UR/0065/65/000/009/0018/0021 AUrHOR: Kuliyev,.R. Sh.'- Kevorkova, I. S.; Aktyamova, L. A. ORG: INKhP AN AzerbSSR 4/ UTLE: New Azerbaydzhan crude oils as stock for the Oroduction of oil SOURCE: Ehimiya, i tekhnologiya. topliv i nesel, no. 9, 19653 TOPIC TAGS: petroleum, crude petroleum, petroleum product, lubricating oil, lubricant conponent, lubricant refining, hydrocarbon, aromatic hydrocarbon, resin, uethane, solvent extraction ABSTRACT: ribis evaluation of Azerbaydzhan paraffin base crudes as stock for the production of hiEb quality oil-was made because the output of light oily and paraffin base crude at the old Azerbaydzhan oilfields has drastically decreased and the output, of higb-tar nonparaffin base and par-affin base crude at the new oilfields has increase( in recent years. The latter include the tarry, low-sulfur, and high par-affin base crude of the Ostrov Peschanyy and Kushkhana deposits and the paraffin base crude of the Neftyanyye Kami deposit. The evaluation results show that 1) the conditions for producing oil from Ostrov Peschanyy and Kushkhana crudes are perfectly acceptable despite the high paraffin content and that 29, 27, and 30% oil on the crude can be obtained from Ostrov Peschanyy, Kushkbana, and Neftyanyye Kamni, respectively, 2) the UDC: 665.51(479.24) ACC NRi AP5027726 < viscosity temperature characteristics of motor oil 11 obtained from the above three crude are substantially better than those of oils from commercial blends of Baku lavi-paraffi, base cnides, 3) the methano-naphthenic and arouatic hydrocarbon groups of oil~f com- paients from Ostrov Peschanyy ~crude have a sufficiently high viscosity index value and the methano-naphthenic, light aromatic, and medium aromatic hydrocarbons as well as tb intertrediate fractions and iv. sins obtained from the residual component have the hi Mes viscosity index value, 11) the residual capponent of the Ostrov Fesclianyy crudc yields 6.2% aviation oillIon the crude and the yield can be increased to 10% by deasphalting and fo 10.2% by ihe Purfural solvent refining process. It is concluded that the n .ew paraffin base crudes from the Ostrov Pescha nyy and Xushkhana deposits are valuable stock for the production of distillate and residual oils,-Orig. art. has: 7 tables. SUB CODE: 21/ SUBM DATE: none -Card 2/2, 7, L 942~7-67 EVT(m) D-T ACC NR, -06025822 SOURCE CODEt UR/03167~tW/66-0-/O-o-l-fO--00-77, AUTHORI 1~uliyevp R. Sh.; Kovorkovap 1. S Aktyamovaj, L. A. .3p/ ORGI _IMP AN AzorbSSR TITIZt Preparation of stabilized Irm-8 oil SOURCEt Azorbaydzhanskiy khimicheskiy zhurnals, no. 1. 1966, 7-io TOPIC TAGSs lubricating oil, antioxidant additive ABSTRACT: MK-8 oil containing 0.6% of the antioxidanAonol has been produced since 1963. Because of its scarcity and high cost,, attempts have boon made to find means of roducing the amount of ionol added to MK-8. It was found that this can be done by carrying the purification of the oil furtherl i. e., increasing the amount of acidp further purifying commercial MK-8 with gumbrin and using selective and adsorption moth ods of purification. Specificall # the amount of ionol can be reduced from 0.6 to 0.4% by the following methods t (1 5 increasing the amount of H2SC4 in the purification of MK-8 oil from 8 to 10%; (2) additionally purifying M-8 with 4% gumbrin or owd rod silica-alumina catalyst, (3) preparing. MI-8-type oil by purification with IOO~M= al and 5% gumbrin. The most practical method is the improvement of the sulfuric acid purification by increasing the amount of acid to 10%. This has resulted in a 29% de- crease in the cost of production of NK-8 oil. Orig. art. has: 4 tables. ISUB CODES I SUBM DATEI 27NOV64 'ey Cc,,d 1/1 jn~z~qner, ~~O'V* Sh.Y., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. t --- 1)~k'o-r*mation's-ifi aIlarge-Pa'nel frameless apartment house. Stroi. prog. 35 no.5:-9-11 My 157. (MMA 10:6) 1. Institut osnovanijv I pod2emnvkh sooruzhenly i Institut zhilishcha. (Apartment houses) (Strains and stresses) (Soil meohanics) I KULIYEV# HiSho; IDWORROVA, I.S,; AKTYAMO-VA, L.A. New Azerbaijan oils as raw material for the production of lubricants. Khima i tekh4 topl# i masel 10 no.9:18-21 S 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1i Institut neftekhiTdcheakIkh protsessov AN AzerSSR. AKUL-AYKV, V.S., inzhe Calculation of di:~t:urwng sj.rj~j-,-q caused by the hydrodynamic imba- lance cf the propc]~ i;:tro S-adostroen'Le 31 no.1:18-20 Ja '65. (Y,IRA 18:3) 'AiZi-4 hand. tek~-n. nauk b'T th-n 3, !z (Mr-TRk 3 -8) AKULAYEV, V.S.; NIKOLISKIY, Yu.A.1 SBOROVSKIY, A.K. Coefficients of the dynamics of the ship hull. Sudostraenie no.',*:10-'L2 31 t65, (MIRA 18:8) 1, 07569-67 ZKT(m)/ W)_TJP(c) .P111C ACC NIR9 AT6029373 TYT SOURCE C-ODE:-b'-R,"/-0-00-0--/--6-6--/O-,0-0-/-O^,O",O,/0293/0302': AUTHOR: Akulay t _2v V S. (Leningrad); Nikollskiy,_ju._~. (Leningrad); Sborovskiyj As Ke (L-Mingra ORG: none 'TITLE: Dimping of forced vibrations in the hull of a ship ;SOURCS: -A_X UkrSPZ.. Institut problem materialovedeniyao Rasseyaniye energii pri LeDaniyakh uprugi0i'-s i A~m- (E~nergj- d i-sisipation during vibrations of elastic systems !Kiev, Naukova dumka3 1966, 292-302 M1110 TAGS: -vibration analysis, marine engineering IOSTIUCT! Calculations of forced vibrations using data from previously publishea- liliterature yield calculated values of the amplitudes which, as a rule, are considerable !lower than experimental values, that is, there is an error on the side of danger& 7rhe i,experiments described in the present article were conducted under deep water conditioni 1-uhich eliminated the effect of factors such as shallow water., mooring walls and other Ichips. Measurements were made of the forced vibrations of the hull of a ship at :different values of the eccentricity, in the presence of vertically directed and !undirected forces. Based on the experimental data, curves were plotted of the change i lin the amplitude o. f the forced vibrations as a function of their frequency. In Iworking up the data, the decrements in.the free damped vibrations were determined from Card I ACC NR: AT6029373 the resonance curves by the known formula 6 b (I V), where b - (N2-Nl)lNlo is the relative width.of the resonance peak, found with the amplitude of the foiced vibrations equal to half the maximum value, In the presence of resonance, the value of the dynamic coefficient is connected with the decrement 6 :oy the following relationship (2) A figure shows values of for ships of various configurations. After an extended mathematical development,, the article arrives at the following formula for determination of the dynamic coefficient: L'-O'O N Origo art. hau: 15 formulas., 4 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 13., 20/ SUBM DAM 22Feb66/ ORIG REFs 007/ SOV REF: 002/ OTH REFs 002 ----------- 38736. S/194/62/000/005/015/157 D256/D308 AUTliORS: Kiizlmenko# A,Pf# Emd Akulfbeko TITLE: Electronic temperature monitor ~Td -20- (ETS-PO) for 20 probes h-RIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal.tAvtomatika i rA~ioelektronikao no. 5, 1962t abstract 5-2-52 k (Vopr.T'Mekhaniz. i avto- matiz, v gorne.prom-sti. (KNIUI, no. 8)v M.v,19619 283-288) A'brief discussion of devices for signalling of excess tem- peratur6s of various objects, e.g. bearingst machine elements etc., using t)~,$rmistor pickups 1) arrangement for remote temp. monitoring in bearings of KT-1 (KT-1) type including a provision for locating the oveAeated area; 2) signalling temp. monitor YTC-1 NTS-1); 3) tempq7lmonitoring.arrangement developed by Leningrad Giproshakht, tion is given of the electx;onic oontactless temperaULre sig-L4/ A desc#...P nalling-devic-e,ETS-20 developed by KNIUI.,ETS-20 consists of the mo-~ nitor unit and a power supply unit, the lattei comprising a ferro- resonan66 voltage stabilizerp an amplifier panel and el.-magnt* relay ard. .1 /2 7- DZIMKO, A.P.,-. AKULIBEXOV, Z.Zb. The US-10 electronic temperature signalling device. Nhuch. trudy KNILTI no.15s414-416 164. (MIRA 18t8) !A-CC NR, AP7005117 SOURCS CODS1 UR1004116-CrOi-6-fdO~-fa6fl661-6 AKULENKO, Lo Do NstationarY OsoMations and RotationIN --maticheekiy Utarnal !!,:'Kiev, Ukrainskiy Hat, (UkrAinian Hathematias'Jourwa) Hoe 30~ ,Vol. is$ 1966t pp 741S ,K-~ Abstract: The system dx, FIV. X1. X6, X,; a generalization of perturbed os system,, cillating tems, is examined. vari The independent' able t varies over an unb(iundia interval; the variables xj, xZteooxno In general, vary in an infinite Euclidean space En; and the numerical parameter takes values on the segment Cal, A The functions Fi are periodic with re- spect to t, X1, X2 xp (p < n) ani independent of A . Moreover, Fj aire con- _'tinuous vith respect to t and have partial derivativ6s with respect to x1, XZ -:00oxn, A up to the second order, satIsfying the Lipschitz conditions with conb- :stants Independent of t in a region 06 Ell unbounded with respect to coordinates X19 X29*00xoo 7h9 author presents a theorem and solves the system for rotational-. .vibrational motion, The results are aral enco and yzed %n detail, and the converg of the -4tioif,are discusede,9 Oifg- ifts, 'hafr-35_'forEU1aS.' YPRS I pol 38969-5i ACC NRi AP7005117 TOPIC TAWS oscillation, vibration ORIO REFs 023'f~*- DATE s'OlOcM,] SUB CODE 10 SUBM . . IN , CGrd 2/2 a- M A ~XjN L 0 Rq A~ 18N Oil ;---v -. -,. MIKHAYWV, M.I.; AKULFBOK. ViN.; MAIMEM.0, A.F. .[Protection against corrosion of interurban co=unication cables] Zaehchita mezhdugorodn.vkh kabelei sviazi ot korrozii. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi i radio, 1953. 130 P- (MI-RA 6:7) (Cables) AEMNOK, V.N., inshener. Kanual on protecting undergrmmd cables from corrosion. Reviewed by V.N.Akulenok. Vestesviazi 17 no.103-34 Ja '57. Oajm 10:2) 1. Rukovoditel' "py zashchity Giprosvyazi. (Ilectric cables) (Blectrolytic corroeion) AIWIZNCK. V. L , insh. 3protection of communicatioA cables from corrosion at points where they are crossed by electrified d.c. railroads. Vest. eviazi 20 no.6zlO-12 Je 160* (NIRA 13:7) r 1. Rukovoditell grupNy zashchity instituta "Giprosvyaz,'." Illectric line -Underground) Ileotr6lytlo :orrosion) ~ AKINF172V, L.I. (Moskva); AXULINOK, Y.N. (Moskva) New regulations on the protection of underground structures from corrosion* Zlektrichestvo no-8:81-87 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) (ZlectroLytic corrosion) AKULINOr, Ye.M.- BAGDASAROV, Kh.S.; EHAIMOV-MALIKOV. V.Y%,. -- Effect of mechanical stirring and ultrasonic vibrations on the process of adsorption of impurities by monocrystaIr. Kristallo- graflia 2 no.1:197-193 '57. (MLRA 10:7) 1. Institut kristallografii Akademii nauk SSSR. (Cr7stqls--Growth) S/07o/62/007/003/015/026 E132/E460 AUTHORS: Khaimov-Maltkov, V.Ya., Zhmurova, Z.I., Bagdasarov, Kh.S., Akulenok, Ye.*M. TITLE: On the question of"the sectorial growth of crystals PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, v-7, no-3, 1962, 437-441 TEXT: Certain regularities in the production of macro- nonuniformities in crystals during their growth from solution are discussed. The connection between the forms of the growth pyramids and the conditions of crystallization are examined. Using the example of alums it is shown that the development of a sectorial structure is connected with the trapping by the growing crystal of mechanical impurities and with the inclusion of structural impurities. The following signs can be used to diagnose the kinds of defects in crystals. The relative rate of growth of a face which is being spoilt is, in the case of structural impurities, significantly decreased (blocking) but in the case of mechanical impurities it is significantly increased. In the first case, if the symmetry of the crystal allows it, the defective face forms the basic shape of the crystal and in Card 1/2- S/070/62/007/003/015/026 On the question of the sectorial ... E132/E460 the second case it is tapered out. The degree of spoiling of the growth pyramids (degree of trapping of impurities) decreases with increasing supersaturation for structural impurities but decreases for mechanical-impurities. For high concentrations of structural impurities the surface of an affected face has a specific character of peeling flakes. Nechanical impurities are insoluble particles or colloidal bodies in suspension, structural impurities are ions or dyes in tolution which enter the crystal as isomorphous replacements.) There are 8 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of drystallography AS USSR) SUBMITTED: June 28, 1961 Card 2/2 KHAIMOVi.-MALIKOV, V.Ya.; BWDASAROV, Kh.S.; AKULENOK, Ye.M. ~ 77~ ~".`.' --' ~:' ~~- ", ;- Relation between the intensity distribution in a ruby laser and defeots in the orystals. Kristallograftia 8 no.6t925-926 N-D'63- (WRA 17:2) 1. Institut kristallografii AN SSSR. j.- ZHMUROVAY Z.1.; KHAIMOV-11ALIKOV, V.Ya.; AKULENOK, Ye.M.; RAGDASAROV.. Kh.S. Distribution of an isomorphic impurity in crystals of Zn(NH 4)2 (S04)2-Y20 and K 2S04 during crystallization. Kristallograftia 8 no.6:936-937 N-D'63. (MIRA 17-.2) 1. Institut, kristallografii AN SSSR. AKULICH L. ----------- ML " Greater attention to problems of ship repair. Mor. flot 22 no.10t 32-34 0 '62. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti glavnogo takhnologa Vladi- vostokskogo sudoremontnogo zavoda. (Ships-Maintenance and repair) AKULICH, S.S. Use of a s~da-ipotash mixture in the production of glass con- tainers. Stek. i ker. 19 no.8:41 Ag 162. ORRA 15:9) 1. StekolInyy zavod imeni Sazonova. (Glass'containers) tJ AKULICH S.S.; KOZLOV,.A.P. Mechanical bottle transfer machine. Stek. i ker. 18 no.11:39-40 N 161. (MIRA 15:3) (Bottles) AKMCH, Soso - .The SaZCnO7o no.12.-33-34 plant increases its output. Stek. i ker. 18 D 161. (MIRA 160) (Bazonavo-Bottles) MARON, F.L.j KKULICHt V.A. The K-IB ditcher, Blul.tekbo-skon.informe no.8:11-12 159. (Peat machinery) (MIR& 13:1) .. -1 qpf AKULIGHEY, N.I.; KLYACHKO, Yu.A. Calculating theoretically the malting temperatures of binary chemical compounds. Soob.o nauch.rab.chl.VKHO no-3:26-30 154. (MIRA 10:10) (Melting points) AKUIJdM, V.A. Produotion of bimetal wire by-pressing. Ixv. vys. uohab zav tsiet, met, no.2:160-164 1, Noskovskiy lustitut tovitufth metallor i zolota..Kafedra obze,- botld metallor davleniyea. Obtal claming) (weetric Wire.) AKULICREV, V.A.; WICHEV, V.I. 4 am aftm MWOVOWNdamw -- Spectral characteristics of the genesis of ultrasonic cavi- tation in water.-Akust. zhur. 9 no.2:158-161 163., (MIRA 16:4) 1. AkusticheBkiy institut AN SSSR, Moskva. (Cavitation) (Ultrasonic waves) AKIJLICHEV, V.A.; IL1ICHEV, V.I. Interaction of ultrasonic waves in cavitation. AYust, zhur. 10 no.1:11-14 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Akusticheskiy institut AN SSSR, Moskva. 11,161"N" Z~ INA, _J'12~2 P-61 ~8_ kwt(iv ~M ipy T1 a))i6MAED b.)4ft (M) AW 1) -j so -COUS---Ug-/0046-/65/011/003/028~/6293 qq AUTHOR: Akulicheov, Ve A Rose !rgo y L ORG:. Acoustics justitu'~2 _~LqSSR Mosew (Akustidheskiy institut AN SWR) TITIE: ~ain.oorrelatio in cavitati na a on field SOURCE: AMtstioheskiy Onwnal ve III no* 3, 1963, 287-293 TOPIC TAGS: naVjtAt&on, acoustio wave, ca~it'-y Ou fluid machanios, to stios ABSTRACT The energy of an acoustic wave causing cavitation within a certain volume of a fluid in a cavitation field Is dissipated as a result of the energy lost by the generation of cavities. Based on the concept of an ideal model of a unidimensional cavitation field, proposed by L. Rosenberg at the Fourth International Congress on Acoustics, Copenhagen (1962), and 'assuming the cavitation nuclei to be distributed uniformly, with the only energy losses being due to acoustic cavitation, an integral equation for the dissipation of tan intensive -acoustic wave is derived. e Applying the concept of M.. Sirotynk1s experimental work (En rgy balance - In an acoustic field in the.presence of cavitation. Akusticheskiy zhurnal, no. 10, 1964, 465-469), the general integral equation is reduced to a UDC t 534 -29/532..528 i`L 7059-66 ACC NRs* -AP30214W rizAnable inte' simplified form containing the' easily d6te , nsity and frequency parameters of the acoustic wave and a function of the fluid's cavitation Troperties. It was found that in a powerful concentrator applying focused Ultrasonic vibrations of high Intensity, the rate of an acoustic wave's cavitation energy loss can be expressed as a function of an electrical potential difference. An example with distilled water where cavitation beginsi -at an ultrasonic vibration ~frequency of 500 kc, shows coincident rates of ~~,,:.-cavitatio-n--enekAY-lo-s-o-'d~ki-v-ed e:W_ en and analy-ticallY. - The-iniWo-W -wave generated in distilled water by a-plane emitter -with'a- sur- of such a 2 ..:'face intensity between 900 and 1200 w/cm , shows a linear Increase in the wave's intensity I -with increased surface intensity I until the begin- ning of ctivitation (see Fig. 1). -,With the beginning of ~&tatim tv t e: increase mo e~ at highe Io -values and. with: h. of.l'less.ens more,.afid I r r creased stancexfrom e di th emitter (see Fig. .2). Coefficients arb- intioi-du-ced and expressed byfunctions cha'racite'rizinj different cavitation activities. The index of cavitation K beat characterizes! 'the cavitation activity in general or the extent of a developing cavitati on It is defined as the ratio of the volume of cavities to the unit volume* in, the cavitational field and can easily be determined experimentally; in a uni- dimensional cavitational field, it is a function of the acoustic wave propa"k s gatiug along the x axis. The distance at which K decreases by 10 time is -onsidered the effective rate- of the unidimensional cavitation fleld.~ -_[-Itiird, 2 I kii 0 4.66'.- ACC'-Nlh AP50214?4 h 4:'Ah pping-ibme of: cav1tatkd,-wv1UOse'- Zot hi d E: ve been introduced i..~ Rosenberg (Akusti 11, 1, 121-124). Lumi~- -A ~es,-,ent and chemical activities are expressed by analogous: coefficients ncy of cavitational e The efficie processes in a unit of volume within th c~taflon field Is expressed by the coefficient Tj x e and for the whole cavitation field by the mean value of T1. -Wave- resistance in a cavitating medium generally depends on the cavi ta index K and a parameter.y , Whichis -a time function of the cavity's flapping, The mean waye: resistance of a cavitating medium decreases relative to a noneavitating medium at low frequencies with Increasing K, Aue to increased compressibility; but it increases at high frequencies when Cavities do not flap.and the compressibilit de y creases, The affect of cavitation index K on'the, wave resistance at low frequencies . which y Is ineffective is expressed by the,-eguation PMCM L `W -7 '7777777 Jt 7 W ~J-toiJ:777,