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AKKERgBELM~.L.j ~mpd.m .ed.nauk; BLINOVA, E.A.; VIAOMKOt A.N.; XURGFIISON,, I.A. ITW?genson, I.], kand.biologicheskikh nauk; YAIMS, Kh.Ya. Hygienid determination of air poUutibn in a shaJLq industry tegion. Gig~i san. 25 no,8%5-7 160. (Him, 13! 11) 1. 1z lns~ituta okeperimentallnoy i klinicheskoy mectitsiny Akademli na3lk Ratonskoy SSR. (AIR-POLLUTION) (SULFUR DICXIDE) R F -T 14 Fz v " _j) ?IIA_qr "0 _v/5410 Taohkental;~. a konferento-4ya po nlrnc,riv.~ lopolIzovan'-;i utlorncy Y energil, Taohkent, 1959. (T-L:-,~_actiona of the TaohkenD Conferonoe on the 72rlo o.: Atcrzic Energy) v. 2. TLohkenc, izd-~vo :S5,7;, U7 ,,49 p. Errata slip insert pd. 1,5100 Co':iez pv-,~;Z.~d. Spon"ring AScnoy: Mcademiya nauk Ed.; S, V. .~Ilarcdu'.-tzev, Acadcmician, P.-cZ,_-;_-y Of Science:3 Uzbek SSR. -o-'xd: A. A_ %b2ullaycv, C"an- didatc of Flhy~ics and L-ion; D. M. of Nod.'._~al Soleacea; U. A. Of -lence.5 Uzbek SSR; A. A. ,-sncea; V. 11. lvalhev; 0. S. _.~!,7a-~.ova; A. Yt,. I~L_ '1*"-. Candi~~ate of Physic-- _!na A. Can~lidate of 11)dlcal Sciences; D. Nizhnr,~,V, cxac"- Q~: S~~Iencea; A. S. Sadykov, Corre,-;,T)o7-;.Iinf,7 of Academician, Academy of Sciencen Uzbek 51.1; Y~a. 11. ~:~Ianln, ahkent (Cont.) ,TranoactlonB of the Ta. SOV/51110 Candidate of Phyvics and Mathematics; Ya. Mi. I-Puralculov, Doctor of Biological So1ences. Ed.: R. 1. Khamidov; Tech. Ed.: A. 0. Babakhanova. MUC-3.2 - The publication is intended for scientific workers and nne~ialistn employed in entorprices whAre radicnotive. inotopos and nuclear radiation are used for re3sareh in chemical, goo- jcgical., and technological fields. OOMACrE; 1,7hiz collection of 133 articles rcpresants the second vniun-.e of the Tranaactions of the Ta~hlcent Confererce on the P-s&~eful Uses of Atomic Fnergy. The Individual. artiilea dcal with a vilde range of problema in the field e n,.xlea- radiation, iwi-luding: productlon and chemical analypis of raJ.1ca,-tive isotcpe3; Investigation of the kineties of chemical reactions by mcans'of isotopes; application of spectral analysi3 for the manufacturing of radioactive preparationn; radioactive methods for determining the-content of elements in the ro,,,ka; and an analysis of methods for obtaining pure substances. Certain Card P/20 17 %Tranaaetionn of the Tashkent (cont.) sov/541o inatruments used, such as automatio rcUulators, flownotera, lovol g:-xiices, and high-schs.1tivity gammia-raltlya, are doooribod. Ho gembnalitioa are mentioned. Reforenoca follow individual articlea. TABLE OF CONTE21TS: RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPFZ AND ITUCLEAR RADIATION IN E];GI1'*TZR1MG A111) GEOLOGY Lobanov, Y'e. 1-1. (Inatitut yadernoy fiziki UzSSR - Institute of Nuclear Physics AS UzS.SR1. Application of Radioactive Isotopes and Nuclear Radiation in Uzbekistan Taksar, and V. A. Yanushkovskly (Inatitut fiziki All Latv SSR - Institute of Physics AS Latvian SSR]. of the TypIrication of Automatio-Control Apparatua Based on the Use of Radioactivq Isotopes Card 3/20 7 9 Tran3actions of the TanhRont (Cont.) SOV/51110 Abdullayev, A. A., A. P. Novilcov, Ye. N. Lobanov, 11. 11. Romanov, and A, A. naydarov (Institute of Nuclear Physics As Uzfm]. Dorcr7d'natir.n of Indium Content in Sphaleritea by the I'Othod of Radioactive Analysis 203 Tobanw, Ye. 111., 0. 1-1. Romanov, 1,1. M. Romanov, and A. A. Y'2iaydirov. Detemanation of Copper and Manganeoe Content in A:malyk ore Deposits by the Mothod of Neutim Radioactive A- .208 aalyala . Akkennan, A. F., P. L. Guailca, and D. K. IMpov (Institute __ - - 1. Application of 111onte Carlo of ITuff-le-ar-FE-yiies KazSSR Ilethod for the Investigation of Ga=a-(~uanta Passage Through a 30stanoe 212 Gru-mbRov, A. P., and 0. S. Scmenov (Inatitut geologii I raz- rabotki Goryuchilch islcopayemykh All SBOR - Inatitute of Geology and Production of Mineral Vuels AS USSOR]. Radiomotrie Appara- tus Used in Proapecting for Oil and Oas 22C Card 11/20 S/1707/60/0-3/000/007/013 B125/B102 AUTHORS: Ak-kerman, A. F., Kaipov, D. K. TITLE: Calculation of ~-quantum transmission through matter by the Monte Carlo method SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Kazakhskoy SSR. Institut yadernoy fiziki. Trudy. v. 3, 1960. Vzaimodeyptviye 'vysokoenergichnykh obastits a atomnymi yadrami, 106-114 TEXT: The calculation of the transmission of f-quanta through matter by the Monte Carlo method is reduced to finding the single statistically independent elementary interactions with the atoms of the medium by fiselection" (rozygrysh) from the distributions of the site of interaction,~ frbm the type of process (Compton scattering or photoeffect), from the energy after scattering and from. the azimuthal angle. On the path r, the tquantum interacts with the probability P1. 1-,-~'r (1). The absorption coefficient ~tu dtotal' - (z ak + Crf)n depends on the chemical composition of the absorber and on the energy of the incident r-quantum. Card S/707/60/003/000/007/013 Calculation of V-quantum... B125/B102 Ik is the total cross section of Compton scattering per electron, cfp is the 3 photoeffect cross section and n the number of atoms per I cm of matter. Cf and (I were calculated for 0-040 Mev - 1-25 Mev according to k A. I. Akhiyezer and V. B. Berestetskiy (xvantovaya elektrodinamika. M., GITTL, 1953). At r1