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AKIMOVA, L.N.; KIRYUKHINA, Z.V. [deceased]. Protein microstructure models. Part 2: Preparation of N-aminoaoyldiketo- piperazines from imino-ester (o,o-dibenzvl-2,5-dihvdropyrazine). Zhur.ob.khim. 27 no.7:1917-1921 Jl 157. (MIRA 10:10) l.Moakovoldy gosudaretyennyy universitet. (Piperazine) (Pyrazine) fy)c ItIll -AK Novi,. L N - GAVRILOT, N.I.; AXIMOTA, A.A. On some proportion of 1-bensylated peptIdes. YArt 2. Zhur. ob. khim. 27 no.8:2268-2973 Ag '57. lor-9 1. Ylloskovskly gosudaretvenW pnivereltat. (Ppptides) AUTHORSs Vovehanko,G.D.# Gavrilov,N.I.,and SOV/55-58-1-1/33 Akimova,L.N. TITLEt The Albumen Pro'jlem From the Point of View of Modern Sciences (Problems, belka v evete nekotorykh dannykh eavremennoy nauki) PERIODICALt Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta, Seriya fiziko-matematicheakikh i yeatestvannykh nauk, 1958, Nr 1, pp 3-22 (USSR) ABSTRACT3 The paper given a detailed survey of the modern state of research of albumen. The albumen problem in denoted to be the central question of philosiphy and natural sciences, where numerous extracts from the "dialectics of the nature" of Engels as well as several citations of Lenin shall certify this point of view. In connection with the poiitical tendency of the article is.the special consideration of the Soviet research of albumen. The authors mentions Zelinskiy,N.D. and his school (chemistry of amino acids and other products of the albumen hydrolysis), Gavrilov,E.I.'(form of albumen molsoules~, Talmud,,D.L. (legalities of the structure of globular albumens , Kargin,V.A., Vilenakiy,V.A. (physical chemistry of albumetne), Belozerskiy,A.N., Prokoflyev,M.A., Manipylov,S.Ye.(nualeoproteids), Kedrovskiy, B.V., RumyantsevfA.V.9 Card 1/2 Naeanov'D.N. (morphology and physiology of the cellular structure The Albumen Problem From the Point of View of Modern Sciences SOV/55-58-1-1/33 of albumens), Engellgwrdt,V.A., Lyubimova,M.N.(demountirg of albumen in muscles), Pavlov,I.P., Danilevskiy,A.Ya., Bakh,A.N., Blagoveshchenakiy,A.V. (ferments and their synthesis), Pry&ajshwtkoT D N. (change of nitrogen of plants), Orekhovich,V.N. (cellular aibumen), Konikova,A.S., Kritsman,11.0. (changes of albumen as a carrier of life). There are 48 references, 31 of which are Soviet, 2 Swiss, 8 German, 5 American, 1 Italian, and I Swedish. ASSOCIATION:Laboratoriya khimii bolka imeni akad. N.D.Zelinskogo (Laboratory of Albumen Chemistry imeni Academician N.D.Zolinskiy) SUBMITTED: August 2~9, 1957 Card 2/2 X 79-2-206/64 AUTHORS: Akiraova, L. 1.1. , Yuranova, 1. P. , Gavrilov, IT. 1. TITLE: On the Models of Protein Microstructure (0 mode1jakh nikrostruktur bd-ka) III. On the Structure of Phenylalaninanh.',rdride Dcrivatives (111. 0 strukture proizvodnykh fenilalaninangidrida) PERIODICALt Zhurnal Obshchey Kbimii, 1950, Vol. 26, Nr 2, pp. 398 - 403 (US3R) ABSTRACT: In the preceding report it was shovin that the formation of 11-auino- acylderivatives of phenylalaninanhydride takes place especially smoothly and with a Cood yield, when the phenylalaninanhydride is acted upon bj chlorine anhydrides of anino acids (reference 1). Formerly, in the investigation of the behavior of If-ai.'Iinoacyl deri- vatives of Clycine anhydride, their extrao:odinary stability ir4an alkaline Liedium and a peculiar behavior toward the influence of hydrazine were eiiphasizod (reference 2). This resulted in the fol- lowin',: 1) The addition of hydrazine to the CO-Groups of the phtha- lyl protection in the performance of the reaction in the cold in etber or alcohol; 2) the splittin., off of the phthz,.lyl .-roup on heatin.- in alcohol and 3) the splitting; of the dike to I)i 1)era,.!ine rinA with the forwtion of phthalyltripeptide-lVdrazide, without a breaking of the acyl bond. In the present work the properties of the phenylaluninai-ihidride derivatives vrere investi-ated and their Card 1/4 easy hydrolyzation under the influence of aqueous and alcoholic 70-2-06/64 On the Models of Protein Ilicrostructure. III. On the Structure of Phenylalanin- anhydride Derivatives alkali-solutions and hydrazine .-ias shown. Thus the influence of the aminoacid composition, as .ell of the anh.;dride as of the acyl .-roup upon the properties of these derivatives was for the first time observed in the example of the aminoacyl derivatives of two anhydrides (alycine anhydride and phenylalanine anh.;dride). The in- fluence exerted by the aminoacid. composition upon the stability of the 11-aminoacyl- as well as the acyclic bonds was noticed in the in- vcstigation of the properties of the aiminoacid. anhydride derivati'as synthesized by the authors. It was foun] that the stability of the cyclic bond in aminoacyl anhydrides is not,only depandent on the aminoacid composition of the anhydride but also on the ainino acids which are contained in the amine-acyl-side group. In contrast to U the easily decoi.-LposinG autinacyl derivatives of phenylalaninanhy- dride the same Glyoine anhydride derivatLves (according, to their aminoacid composition of the awinacyls) are extreimly stable. Thus the stability of the NH-CO-linka~;e ii different in an isolated cycle and in a cycle with the IT-auinoacyl linkage and depends on the ataino acids vibich are contained in the cycle ol t,,,e aminoacyl ~;roup. The stability of the 11-acyl- ar,d N-auinoacyl linkages di- U rectly depends on the aminoacid conposition of t1)e anhydride. It Card 2/4 becomes e'specially obvious in the inveati-ations of the inbraction 79-2-26/64 On the Models of Protein Microstructure. III. On the Structure of rhe.-11--lalanin- anhydride Derivatives 1 1 n products of the anhydride derivatives with hydrazine. The IT_U::i 0 acyl form of the linkcage, as one of the cheraical compotind3 of di- kctopiparazine with amino acids and their derivatives, connot be investiGated separately$ isolated froi-.i the amino acid3 which parti- cipate in their formation. 3u,x,iary0)12hc of tht N-aplino- acyl derivatives of the phonj1alaninanhydrides -iias dZueribid: 11,111- -di-phthalyl -lycyl- and N,l~ll-di-plit)Laljlulanyl-l)li,!n,,l--,lanrlanliydri- de. 2) The earlier expresied assumption on the mecllanian of tbc elimination of the 11-aminoacyl ~,roup from these con-pounds undor the influence of hjdrizine %was confirmed. 3) The authors invc3ti- ,3nted their behavior tinder th2 conditions of the b-Juret reaction of protein (A % NaOH). The authors shorted their decorl]0osition under the influence of alkali, to plithiloyl-lycyl-plien,rlalanyi-phenylala- nine and phthaloyl-alanyl-I)henylalanyl-Inhenylilanine. 11) On the basis of titration values (according to Villshtetter) a decoopo- sition scheme of 11-Ni-di-phthalylvalyl-phanylalani-ne anhidridc tinder the influence of alkali was au-~;ested. There are 1 +.~,ble, 0 Card 3/4 and 4 references, -all of which are Slavic. On the Models of Protein Microstructure. anhydride Derivatives 79-2-26/54 III. On the Structure 02 Phenylalani-n- ASSOCIATIO11% Moscow Mte Miye;rsitY.- ~;usudarstvaniy,,~ nniveroitet) SUBMITTED: JanuarY 7, 1957 AVAILABLE- Library of Congre3s Card 4/4 AXMVA...IA- Diketopiperazines, structural elements of the protein molecule (diketopiperzine theory of protein structure). Khim.b4lla no.l: 35-88 161. (Proteins) (Piperizine) (MIRA 15:1) ARIMOVA L N-- Bonds formed between tliketopiperazines and amino acids. Rhim.belka no.1:89-140 '61. 04IRA 15:1) ( (Piperazine) (Amino acids) AKIMOVA, L.N. Fermentation of diketopiperazines. Khim.belka no-1:245-255 161. (MIRA 15:11, (Piperozine) (Fermentation) GAVRILOV, N.I.; GRIGORIYEVA,, I.P.~-, ~MOVA,_L.N.; YEROKIIIN,, V.K. (deceased] Certain properties of trityl peptides. Zhur. ob. khim. 31 no.3:739- 742 Mr 161, (MIRA 14:3) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Peptides) - 207-42 S/020/61/137/002/016/020 0 a B103/B215 AUTHORSt Stesik, L. N., Akimovaj L. N., and Apin, A. Ya. TITLEt Determination of the width of the reaction zone, and the parameters of the detonation wave of a comDact exDlosive PERIODICAL. Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 137~ no. 2, 1961, 369-371 TEXT: The authors measured the width of zone a of the chemical reaction and detonation wave of a compact explosive with practically optimum density (1.58 9/cm 3), namely H (N) ballistite powder with a nitroglycerin content of approximately 27%. The charges had a diameter of 40 mm and a height of '00 mm. The powder wa2 fired by a lensehaped charge guaranteeing a plain detonation front. The detonation velocity was 7010 m/sec. The zone width iEi the distance between the front of the shook wave and the Chapman-Jouguet p'.ane. The authors determined the zone width by the methods of R. Duff, E. Houston (Ref. 1: J. Chem. Phys., ?J, 1263 ~1955 )and A. N. Drimin, P, F. Pohkil', (Ref. 2i D01, 127, no. 6, 1245 00.5fl), in which first the shaDe of mass velocity u is determined by an aluminum plate moved by the Card 115 20742 Date.rmination of the width S/020/61/137/002/016/020 ... B103/B215 explosion. 1i the shook aiiabatic of the metal, and the detonation velocitJ are known, a cm be calculated from the'formula b (D - V) (u + c - DI) (1), DJ(u + 0 - V) where b denotes the thickness of the metal plate, at which a discontinuity on the curve u = 1(6) occurs; D is the detonation velocity, D 1 the average velocity of the shock wave in section b of the metal, V the average velociv of the moving boundary between explosive and metal, u and c velocities of mass and sound in the metal with a depth of b. The discontinuity of curve u - ~(J) (~ - thickness of the metual) has been experimentally proved. The mass velocity of the metal at this point is determined by pressure and mass velocity of the detonation products in the Chapman-Jouguet plane of the detonation wave. The authors used 0.3-5 mm aluminum plates, whose shock adiabatic was known. Table 1 and Fig. 1 give the experimental results. The values of mass velocity of the aluminum adjacent to the powder was Card 21b"~ 207h2 S/020/61/137/002/016/020 Determination of the width... B103/B215 calculated from the known shook adiabatics. The authors found the discontinuity of the curve u T (6) to occur at a plate thickness of 0.85 mm. D 1 - 7520 R/sec, V : 1730 M/sec, u = 1360 m/sec, c = 7590 m/sec. Hence, a reaction zone width of 0.12+0.4 mm was obtained. In formula (1), however, the rebound of the detonation wave on the boundary between ex- plosive and metal is not taken into account. The authors determined the width of the non-disturbed reaction zone of powder N on the basis of the function of Ref. 2 which gives the relation between the measured value of a and the dynamic rigidity of explosive and metal (the dynamic rigidity is the product of initial density and velocity of the shock wave (?OD)). The above width is 0.15�0.5 mm, On the basis of their experiments, the authors determined the polytropic curves of the detonation products (for method of calculation see Ref. 6s A. N. Dr8min et al, DAN, 128, no. 5,* 989, 1959): P = 2.4-101 Oy2_ 80 bar (2). The values characterizing tYe state of the substance in the Chapman-Jouguat plane are: P - 204-10 bar, y - 2.14 g/cM11 0 = 5160 m/sec, u = 1840 M/sec. Since the average value U in the reaction zone is 1.25 times as high as u in the above plane.. the authors calculated Card 3AY 20742 S/020/61/137/006/016/020 Determination of the width... B103/B215 the duration o! the chemical reaction of powder N in the detonation wave as follows: t - a/(D - _U) - 3.3-10-asec. According to their calculations, the critical diameter dcr of the powder N is 28 mm. They proved d or /a to be approximately 200. Since the detonation velocity of compact powder does not depend on the diameter of the charge, critical and ideal velocities practically do not differ. Hence, the authors conclude that the detona- tion vanishes without ejecting the incompletely reacting substance from the reaction zone. This vanishing is caused by radial expansion of the detona- tion products occurring along the edges of the charge. It is known (Ref. 8, H. Eyring, R. Powell et al., Chem. Rev. '. _42, 69~ 1949) that the detonation front is bent due to this expansion, i.e.9 the smaller the radius of the charge, the more it is bent. The current of nubstance is diverged when passing the bent front. This means that the radial expansion of the substance behind the front of the convex detonation wave covers the whole cross section of the charge, irrespective of the distance covered by the dispersion wave. A certain curvature of the front causes the pressure to decrease to an extent which stop8 further expansion of the detonation. Card 4/8 5' 20742 81020161'1137100610161020 Determination of the width... B103/B215 There are I figure, 1.table and 10 references: 8 Soviet-bloc. ''ASSOCIATIM Institut khimioheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences) -PRESENTED: October 29, 1960 by V. N. Kondratlyev, Academician SUBMITTED: October 26, 1960 Card 5/f 197 0 GOFMANt A.; FREY, A.I.; RUTSHWN, I.; OTT, Kh.; SHEMYAKIN, M.M.; KISHFALUDI, L.; KOCHETKOV, N.K.; DEREVITSKAYA) V.A.; FROKOFIYEV, MA,; SHABAROVA, Z.A.; FILIPPOVA, L.A.; SHANKYM, S.; KHAYGA, S.; LIVI F,; ROBERTSp M.Ye.; GAVRILOVt N.1.1 XWMI-~1 KRLUDOVA, H.S.; WSIWVp V.I.; IZELINI B.M.; SHEPPARD, R.K.; WODINSKAYA, Ye.N.1 VASINAp O.S.; BERLIN, A.Ya,; SOFIINA, Z.F.; 1ARIONOV, L.F.; KNUNYANTS~ IOL.; GOLUBEVAt Nje.j KARPAVICHUS, K,I.j KILIDISUVA,, O.V.; WDZIMMY, X.1 KAFTAR~ H.; LEV, M.; KORENSKI, F.; BUASSONAp R.A.; GUTTMAN, St.; KHOYGENIN, R.L.; ZHAKENO, P.A.; BAZHUS, S.; LENARD, X.1 DUALISKI, S.; SHREDER, Ye.; SHMIKHEN, R.; KHOKHLOV A.S. :f Results the Fourth European Symposium on the chemistry of peptides. Abstraets of reports. Zhur. VKHO 7 no.0468476 162. (MIRA 15:8) Aktaionernoys obahchostvo "Sandos", Basalt, Shveyteariya (for Gbfkoan, Frey, Ott, Rutshmann)... 2. Farmatsevtichaskaya fabrika "G.Rikhter", Budapesht, Vengriya (for Kishfaludi, Korenski, DuAlski). 3. Institut khimii prirodpykh sojedinenly AN SSSRp Moskva'(for Kochetkov, Derevitskaya,.8h4ayakin, Khokhlov). 4. Labor"atoriya khimii belka Moskov6i6go gosudarstvennogo universiteta (for Prokoftyev, Shabarova, Filippova, Gavrilov, Akimova, Khludova). 5. Fond meditsinskikh issledovaniy, Paseadena, Kaliforni a, Sev.Soyed.Shtaty Ameriki ffor Shankman, Khayga, Liv, Roberts). 6. Laboratoriya khimii belka Instituta organicheskoy AMOVAI L.N.; KORSUNSKAYA, L.O. Effect of the combined protection of aminegroup in peptides on their properties. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.9:2809-28:L2 S 162. (KA 15 -.9) 1. Moskovakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova. (Peptides) (Amines) PONOMAREV, V.V.; ALEKSEYEVA, T.A.; AKIMOVA, L.N. Heats of combustion of some peptides. Zhur. fiz. khim, 36 no.4:874"-873 Ap 162. (MM 15:6) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. (Heat of combustion) (Peptides) PONOMAREV, V.V.; ALEKSEYEVA, T.A.; AKIMOVA N - , L. . Heats of combustion of some anhydrides. Zhur.fiz.khim. 36 no.5:1083-1085 Fq 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvannyy univeraitet imeni Lomonosova. (Anhydrides) (Heat of-combustion) AKIMOVA, L.N.; GOLUBOVSKAYA, L.Ye. ------------- Aninoacyl derivatives of amino acid anhydrides, Vest.Mosk un.ger.2t Khim. 18 no.2:49-52 Mr-Ap 163. WA 16:5) 1. Kafedra. organicheskoy khimii Moskovskogo universiteta. (Amino acids) AKIMOVA., A.A.; AKIMOVA, L.N. Behavior of some dipeptides in prolorgoA thermal extraction with organic solvents. Vest. Mosk. un. Sei. 2: Xhim. 18 no.5:62- 64 S-0 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Kafedra organicheskoy khimii Moskovskogo universiteta. 'S/076 63/037/001/026/029 B101 Bis6 YB AUTHORSt Po',,omarev, V,.,. Alekseyeva, T~ A.4 Ai~i-movlk'-L- N-* TITLEt Heats of combustion of valyl phenyl alanine, phenyl alanyl anhydride, and glyoyl valyl anhydride PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskloy khimii, v. 37, no. 1, 1963, ~27. 228 TEXT-.- Tho heats of combustion were- determ1hed by a microcalorimeter for valyl pheryl alanine, phenyl alanyl anhydride, and glycyl valyl anhydride that had been chromatographioally-tested for purity. Results: valyl phenyl alanine, m.p. 236 - 23700i AH - -1816-84 � 0-36; phenyl alanyl anhydride, m.p. 290 - -2910C, &H 2239 ,01 + 0.221 glyoyl valyl anhydridel m.P*..250 - 2510C, 6H . -948-05 1 0.16 kcal/m-ol"e. There is 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im'. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. Vf.- ~omonosov) 2 SUBMITTEDi August 30,1962 Card 1/1 .BOIZISOIIA A.P.; AKIMOVA, L.N.; SAVICII, I.A. St,idy of the bluret complex of gramicidin C derivatives with te amino group. Vei3t. Mosk. un. Ser. 2: nim. 20 no,1:33-35 ja-F 165. tMIRA 18-3) 1. Kafedra neorganicheskoy IdAmii r4bskovskogo universiteta. AKIMOVA, L.N.; VOLKOVA, L.S. Using double (1v-benzy!c--rbcbBnzoxy'/ protEction for the synthesis of optically active peptideq. "lest. Mosk. im.. Ser. 2: Khim. 20 no.1:65-68 Ja-F '65- (RM IS: 3) 1. Kafedra organicheskoy k-himi MoskovskoFo universiteta. L 5 AccEssioN NRi a5aU856 'A -a- - - blu "TI7~s Syntbasie of abalate, in1s f awtain aminoatid derivativee MOM Monow, Vrdytraitirbi' VOA.04:~Aerjya 2. Khimiya., no. 2j, 1965.. 91-94 f TOPIC TAGSi aminoaold, chelate compound -As -an exteisirn of work reported previously by L, N. Akimova WE khimii No 3, 1965) Procedures for synthesis of methyl I- g COCCH O~H ethyl glycylgirc-inesalJc7late (II) 1-Cord 1/1, 5t,025-65 ACIGEMION NRs -,kP501-1856 2 H ^-~-NCHCO,'4HCHCOOCH, -OH N-C.OCHN- Cti-i H HO--' Hj Hg ~HN- %~ CH-FAP~\l CH, I HO- H C ~Hl L 55025-65 ACCMION NRi AP5011856 and the Gu(-TV) Ni(V), and Go(VI) complexes of athyl glycylglycinesalicylate are T ' -inilt _-J-:1_.l72%M_ not given, M- 196C~, IV- not P-4-- A gi* am hei ing Pdnt I V- 2600 (chars)3 VJ- 2180. The yields are: 1- 88%3 11- 90%.j III- 90%~ IV- 7- 52%, V-1- 50%. The general formula of the mettl complexes is CH~N_CHC0_NT"C11,C00CH, Orig. art. has: 5 for=,las. AS=WMNj Aloskovskljr titet,, Kited= organichaskoy kh1mii (M6660-~ University.Ljpepartment of Organic Chemistry) SMUTTED i 26Jun64 ENCLj 00 SUB CODE: OC,, Aw RU SOV: 005 OTHERx [ed 3/3 OD7 FRIMIN, S.D.; KLEVXE, v.A.; WLYAYEVA, N.N.; KIRINDASCFVA, R.Ya.; SVESHRIKOVA, T.S.; Prinimali uchastiye ~ A& A M.D.; FUTORYANSKAYA., M.Ta. Coridensation of ures, with formaldehydo for the produotion of fertilizers with slowly assimilable nitrogen. Zhur. prikl. khim. 38 no.5:1091-1097 My 165. (MIRA 18:1-1) STR'UTINSKIY, V.M.; GROSHEV, L.V.; Spectra of gamma rays produced in the capture of thermal neutrons by heavy nuclei* Part 2. Zhur.ekspA teor.fiz. 38 no.2:598-611 F 160. (Gamw rays) (Neutrons-Capture) (MIRA 14:5) 88462 4. k B006YB063 AUTHORS: Akimova, M. X.,.Blokhintsev, L. D., Dolinskiy, E. I. TITLE: Angular Distribution and Polarization of Neutrons Emitted in Muon Capture.of Some Light Nuclei PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy-i teorsticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 6(12), pp., 1806-1617 TEXT: A study of the angular distribution and polarization of neutrons emitted from nuclei as a result of the reaotion~k_ + P-M +)) gives information on the muon-nualoon weak interaction constant. Formulas for angular distribution and polarization (Refs. 1-4) have been obtained in different approximations, and numerical calculations have been made for several concrete cases. The very extensiye calculations presented here are based on the theory of universal:Fermi interaction, and have been made on the assumption that the interaction of "strippee fermions can be described bj V- and A-type four-fermion.coupling. All relativistic terms which are of first order in v n/0 (v Z1 -nucleon velocity), including weak S/05 60/039/006/054/063 Card 1/8 88462 Angular Distribution and Polarization of, S/056/60/039/006/054/063 Neutrons Emitted in Muon Capture of Some B006/BO63 Light Nuclei magnetism and effective pseudoscalar interaction, are taken into account. The Hamiltonian H eff describing the muon capture is taken from Ref. 7, and from the universal Fermi interaction with conservation of the vector current it follows that 9(P ) = 0 - 97 2 g W I +h 4.7 1, 9 0 - �99 9 (P) and V V A A $ 4)- 8g(Pj g(P)- Fermi coupling oonBtantifor P-decay of nucleons; A V anomalous magnetic moments of prolton and neutron in nuclear magnatons; g(P)- Gamow-Teller coupling constant for O-decay of nucleons. A These assumptions and results of a previous paper (Ref. 3) are used to derive formulas for the emission probability of neutrons with given kinetic energy from a nucleus, for the angular distribution and the polarization for the case of direct neutron emission: Card 2/8 88462 Angular Distribution and Polarization of S/05 60/039/006/054/063 Neutrons'Emitted in Muon Ca-pture of Some Mo6yn63 Lig4t-Huclei dW (Eiv, 0) G (102W0 (E-Y) II (EA + PIX, (Ev) cos 01 dENdQvl4,T, (4) I (Ev) (I + UP) *1 2 [1 + 2X~t - %2 (x - 1)],r, (EIV)+ r + 1210 + X2 (x I)' + I I T2 (Ev). K, (Ev) ((-.1 + W) Po (Ev) + 2 f- I + 2,%ji + ~2 X2 (X 1)2 (x (Ev) T, (Eiv) + 12 1 P2 (Ev) T2 (Ev)), (6) rAe WIgA q (Eiv, 0) 1 + Pal (E,v) cos 0, (7) ct, (EA,) 1