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VA80/60/033/011/001/014 A003/AO01 AUTHOR.- Akimo-v 11 V TIME. g The Hardenb-zg Number axd Density of Glasses~ CaamazA cation 11. PERIODICAL. Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 331, No. 11, pp. 2404-2412 mm~ The opti~5al constants of glasses of the system Na2O-B20 -Z'0 had been v 3 lnvesllgat~~d earlier (Ref, -~~esp 1) . The hardening number and the dansity of -s was st-adied here, "he coet-ant 1m-ol&r%) of Na2O var-led from I to 40 B 0 assr $1 2-;~ f-om 33 to 85. T'Ph6 hax-Jer-ing number of Sod'.=-b G a frcm 0 to 50 &-~A SiO ? -4 glasses is 10 30 -AzO and rises to 70 - 73 ' 10 for gla,-sps containl-rzg simul- taneously 17 2% Na2O and BPOA. A temperature inoraase b?yond tb-- burn- ing tempera-t~ur-, causes a. decrease ol the r,~-.fractive prop~n--11,4-s- glass-es. The Peaks on '11,e r~~fraotiva index curvas are smcothed and their ma:jd a are sh'V.;,~d to IM L sp~-,~m wi-Ich havl- h!gh--~r ra--P-na6tive the sl& e~' tha gl-q-qses of the Na O-B203 2 Lndi~~,,~s :~cxnpar,3d to glasses of the Na20:S02 syst-em. The dam.sity of the glasses st,Lzdied various f'ram 2.1457 to 2.5497. The --h&Ds of ttiz d-t:0-sIty -n-,7ires is sLrnilar to the, of the index ourv-as. Betds a:rc- olserv-d w.1--h the transition to Card 1/2 S/080/60/033/011/001/Olit AOO3/AOO1 The Hardening Number and Density of Sodium-Boron-Silicate Glasses. Communication 11. glasses of the leached region. The peaks and bends are clearly visible in compositions with the following ratios: Na2O : B 0 = 1 : 1; Na,?O : 810'-) - 1 2 Na2O : B203: S102 = 1 : I : 2. This fact confirms ~he presence of certaiR compounds in the glasses which determine the properties and their change.,3. The smoothing of the peaks and bends corresponding to certain compounds is explained by the dissociation of the latter, and the shift of the extrema by the inequality of the absolute values of the properties of the extreme components. The investi- gation showed that sodium-boron-silicate glass has a complex molecular compotd-tion. Besides the mentioned compounds it conta*ins the products of their diusociati.on. The author expresses its gratitude to L. I. Demkin, Doctor of Technical Sciences who guided the present work. There are 21tables, 6 figures and 12 references: 7 Soviet, 4 English, 1 American. SUBMITTED: October 15, 1959 Card 2/2 RUMYAh'TSEVA,, N.P.; AKIMV, V.V. Some materials for the study of the poliomyelitis outbreak In Nakhodka in 1960, Trudy VladIF.MG no.2050-1~6 162. (MIRA 18 s 3) 1. 1z Primorskoy krayevoy satitarno-ep-l-demi.ol-ogicheakoy stantsil. A I 'E ~-! 0 11 V. 11. ; D 0 R (2 ROVA , V - S SLO11:07, 1'. ; ! A Epidemiologic characteristics of tivl-lvvj-~e el-,celYn'llitis in thritime Territory. Med. puraz. i paraz. bol. 33 ro.2: 169-177 Ili, - Ap 164 18-1) 1. Otdel entornologil. ( zav. - prof. V.111. Bellaemisheir [deceased]) Tnstituta meditsinskoy parazitologii 1 tropicheskoy meditisny L-ueiii Ye.I. lbrtsimmkogo (direktor - prof. Sergiyev) l'i-nisterstva zdravookhrancniyu -SSSR, Vuokva, i Primorskaya skruyevaya saniturrio-c-pideziiolcgi-ches'r-aya stantsiya (E~lavnyy vrach V.V. Akimov). PROKOSHKIN, D.A.1 VASILIYEVA, A.G.; AK1MOVP- V.V. ~,.: t Strength and plasticity of alloyed steels following a low- temperature thermomechanical treatment. Metalloved. i term. obr.-met. no.1101-33 N 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Moskovskoye vysaheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche im. Baumana. L 02983-67 EWT(m)/EWP(w)/T/EWP(t)/ETI/EWP(k) 1,JP(c) JD/HW' ACC NR. AP6032461 SOURCE CODE: UR/0129/66/000/009/0051/0054 AUTHOR: Prokoshkin, D. A.; Vasil'yeva, A. C.; Akimov, V. V.; Shinkarevich, Yu. B ORG: none TITLE: Effect of on'temperature in thermomechanical treatment on mechanical propertiep, and nil-ductility transition temperature of alloyed structural steel J'N SOURCE: Metallov6deniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, no. 9, 1966, 51-54 t & TOPIC TAGS: structural steelf ~tYfel thermomechanical A temperature thermomech~ani~dal ~trezatment, util- CA-YO-71 t t mechanical property/40Kh5NSMF steel ABSTRACT: Several series of specimens of 40Kh5NSMF (0.46% C, 5.2% Cr, 1.6% Ni, 1.5% Mo, 0.557. Mn, 1.32% Si, 0.2% V) steel were austenitized at 1050C and subjected to thermomechanical treatment (M) , rolled at 550-1050C with 50% reduction, quenched and then tempered at 200-300C. The tensile strength and yield strength were found to increase and ductility to decrease with decreasing deformation temperature (see Fig. 1). The NDT temperature dropped with increasing deformation temperature from -20C for steel rolled at 550C to -50C for steel rolled at 800-1050C. The strengthening effect of thermomechanical treatment was not eliminated by repeated hardening. However, the higher the temperature of DIT, the more stable the effect. Repeated hardening with short 5-min austenitizing at 1050C lowered t~e tensile Card 1/7 Mr.- 6?1.7RQ!fii;9.11L_?Q L 02983-67 ACC NRi AP di, .2 kg/MM2 250 d.1 I 0 2 1 2!0 2 IPft 2 an 7 5. Deformation temperature Fig. 1. Effect of deformation temperature on tensile strength (0b), yield strength (00 2), elongation (6), and notch toughness (c~L5 of 40Kh5NSMF steel tempered at 200C (1) or 300C (2) after thermomechanical treatment. strength of steel rolled at ~50 and 1050C from 250 and 232 kg/MM2 to 215.and 227 kg/mm2, respectively. Orig. art..has: 3 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 001/ ATD PRESS: ~5099 MISEYCHIK, A.N.; DOVGAL', V.I.; AKIMDV, V.V. ------- Heater for preheating the coo1ing system liquids of tractor engines. Trakt. i sell)(hozmash. 32 no-5:13-15 MV 062. (MIRA 1515) 1. Gosudarstvennyy soy-uznyi ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni nauchno-isaledovatellskiy avtomobilInyy i institut (for MoiseychiV.). 2. Onezhskiy traktornyy zavod (for Dovgall, X.~imov). (Tractors--Cold weather operation) . Le t9 protect the r-.vur-% ,)f' tne- f-.I%rJ 0-khr. prir. na Dal'. VoFt. OC Wt aT), Frimors"kaya ki~ttyevayi- kya PSHENICHM, A.Ya.; KALININ, M.N.; SMIRNOV, V.G.; AKIMOV, Ye.T.; SEMENYUTA, N.N. Shaft sinking with the use of a shaft lining formwork. Gor.ahur. no.402-36 Ap 164. (KRA 17:4) 1. Vaesoy-uznyy na-achno-4soledovatellskiy gorncoetallurgichaskiy institut tsvetnykh metallov (for Pshenichnyy, Kalinin, Smirnov). 2. Trest Svinetsshakhtostroy (for Akimov). 3. Glubochanskoye sh,Ahtostroyupravleniye (for Semenyuta). SOV/127-59-4-6/27 AUTHORS:- Akimovq Ye. T. and Lisovskiy,G.D., Mining in TITLEs A Comparison of the Exploitation Qualities of a Sifting Grate With a Reinforced Concrete Slab With a Slot* (Sravneniye ekspluatatsionnykh kachestv grokhotnoy reshetki i zhelezobetonnoy plity A propusknoy shchel*yu,) rPiRIODICALs Gornyy zhurnal, 1959, Nr 49 PP 35-37 (USSR) AASTRACT: Sifting grates installed on ore-chutes in under- ground galleries were usually put out of order after a short time by falling pieces of ore, Their repair caused serious losses of working time. VNIItsvetmet proposed to cover these ore-chutes with slotted reinforced concrete slabs which permit only pieces of ore of the prescribed size to pass, Their installation was more ex- GaIrd 112 pensive than that of sifting grates, but on SOV127-59-4-6/27 A Comparison of the Exploitation Qualities of a Svifting Grate With a Reinforced Concrete Slab With a Slot. the whole they proved to be more economical, as no repairs were required for a long time. This method is used in many mines abroad. Different types of sifting grates were proposed by: M.I. Agoshkov, M.Ye. Mukhin and G.G.Petrenko. There is 1 photo, 1 set of diagrams and 2 Soviet references. MSOCATION: VNIItsvetmet, Ust'-Kamenogorsk. OW 2/2 AKIMDV, Te.T., inzb. Lining rectangular shafts with sectional reinforced con- crete, and upraises with betonite. Shakht.stroi. no.1:29-31 ja 16o. .(MIRA 13:5) 1. VaeaMmyy nELuchno-iosledovatellskiy inatitut tavetny" Installov. (Czech os lovakia--Shaf t sinking) AKDIOV, Ye.T.; KUDINOV, A.A. I ~- New technology for shaft sinking. Sbor. trud. VNIITSVETNET no.4t66-81 159- (KMA 160) (Shaft sinking-Equipment and supplies) I AKIMOV, Ye.T., inzh,; LISOVSKIY, G.D., inzh. Now methods for roofing ore chutes. Bezop. truda v prom. 4 no. 5:22 My 1609 (Mining engineering) (MIRA 14:5) AKIMOT, Yu.A. (poselok Neftvanikov Kok-Tah) i_--, wmv"Wlow~. Uning Dufssux needle for an ether drip. Fellds i akuab. 23 no.8948 Ag 158 (MIRA 11:8) (SYRINGES) .41440 s/iao/62/ooo/oo5/o2l/o36 E192/E382 AUTHOR- Akimov, Yu.A..and Stepanov, B.M* TITLE: A wideband oncillographic cathode-ray tube PERIODICAL. Pribory i takhnika eksperimenta, no. 5, 1962, 128 - 130 TEXT: The tube employs a diDflection system based on a line with distributed parameters. "The'deflgction plates are in the ,...'form of a section of a strip line having a wave impedance of 75 J1 these are gradually tapered and matched with coaxial lines which are led out through the glass envelope by means of coaxial outlets (Fig* 1). The investigations showed that provided this deflection.system was properly construc'ted it did not show any resonance effects or proauce reflec 'tions of the . signal from the tapered-sections of the line. The actual tube has two electron guns with two identical deflection systems. *The guns operate at accelerating voltages of ~O kV and produce a tracq 0.2'-'0.5 mm thick at the screen; the writing speed can be as high as 50 000 km/sec. The diameter of the screen *s 170 mm. The system does not use a post-deflection acceleration l/ 2 s/12o/62/000/005/021/036 A wideband oscillographic 4-4. E192/E3W' stage in order to reduc6.the distortion of the signal image at the screen. The transi-e tim foof the electrons through the deflection system is 3 x'10- see. The uppbr frequency limit for the signals displayed'by the tube is therefore approximately equal to 1 500 Mc/s. The sensitivity with respect to the signal plates is 0.045 mm/V, so*that signals having an amplitude of 1 000 V can be observed. The-tube is-provided with an additional pair of deflection plates which are used for calibration by shifting the level of the investigated signal or by using a sinusoidal waveform for producing time-markers. There are 4 figures. SUBMITTED: November 5, 1961 qU,7U1AdPffVaxCUaA6- Si(r] I JVIVOF due. Fttcs hation E t T'Jind 1,1b as OlIg Fig. 1 ,~t669~ a S, Card 2/?. t4i Ai p a AK32401r,, Mi.A. Case of congenital, elephantiasIs of the fingers In a child. Ortop., tram i protez-. no.ls73-74163. (KMA 16:10) 1. 1z khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya kafedry detskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. A.I.Perevoshchikova) lzbevskogo meditainskogo institute. (rektor - A.M.Zagrebin). 4r AKIMOVP Yu. A. Differential diagnosis of congenital pyloric stenosis in infants. ]Qdrurgiia no.6:124-125 Je '62. (MIRA 15:7) :1. Iz detskogo 1-hirurgichoskogo otdeleniya Izhevskoy gorodskoy detskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy No. 4 (glavnyy vrach P. 1. Maslova) i kliniki detskikh bolezney (zav. kafedroy - prof. A. I. -Parevoshchikova) (PYLORIC STENOSIS) (DIAGNOSIS, DIF""TIAL) Treatment of hypertension with d1coline. Sov. mod. 24 no.6-128-134 je l6o. (MIRA 13:9) 1. 1z gos itall,noy torapevtichoskoy kliniki (dir. - prof. P.Ye. Lukomskiy~ 'II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova. (HYPERTENSION) (AUTONOMIC DRUGS) AKIMOV, Yu.I.; ORWV, L.L. (Moskwa) Clinical oignifioance of electrokymography in the diagnosis of trieuspid stenosies no.7tnO-116 161. (MIRA, 14--8) 1. Iz goopitalinoy terapeyticheskoy kliniki (dir. - prof. P-Ye. Ijukomakiy) 11 Moskovskogo meditsinskogo inatituta imeni N.I. Pirogova. (HEIRT-VALVES-DISFASES) (ELECTROKYMOGRAPHY) AKMV..;_,~=Vp L.L. Meatrokymograpby in the bealtDr subjeate Thrap,arkh., 33 noaRt 58-72 T "61a (KMA 34,t3) is lz goo itallnoy terapevtiohookoy klinW (clir., - prof& PoYss Luk r1 Mookovskogo moditainakogo institute imeti Nal. Pirogova. AKIMOV, Yu. I. The diagnostic value of the systolic plateau on the oeft auricular electrolquogram, 4 no.2:85-93 162. 1. Internal Clinic., 2nd Medical Institute N. Ie Pirogov) Moscow* (XIMOGRAPHr) AKIFIOV)__Yuj~.,-, O=V, L.L. Elektiokymography; survey of the literature and analysis of our data. Sov. med. 25 no.7:8-19 Jl 161. (MAA 15,1) 1. Iz gorpitallnoy teiapevticheskoy kliniki*(dir. - chlen-korrespondent AMN-SSSE, prof. P.Ye.Lukomskiy) II Mdskovsko'go meditsinskogo instituLa #eni N.I.Firogova. : (FIZUROKIMOGRAPHY) ANMOV, Yu.I. Electrokysograms of patients with rheumatic nitral and aortic lesions, Kardiologia, 1 no,3:58-72 Yq-Je 161* (MIRA 15:3) 1. Iz gospitallnoy terapevticheskoy kliniki (dir. - prof. F.Ye. Lukomskiy) II Moskovskogo meditsimkogo instituta imeni N.I. Firogovao (BIECTROKDIOGRAPHY) (MITRAL VALVE-DISMSES) (AORTA-DLSEAM) AK.IMDV, ru.I.; ORIoOV,, L.L.; BMrCHEV,, V.V. Normal electrolcymogram and its characteristics in athletes. Vop.kard. 2-go MMI no.2sl9-51 162. (MM 1-6s1) (ELECTROKYM3GRAPHY) (ATHLETES) ~4 AKIMOV, Yu.I. Electrolqwgram of patients suffering from rheumatic heart disease. Vop.kard. 2-go MGMI no.2s53-99 162. (NIRA 16:1) (MCTROUMGRAPHY) (RHEUMATIC HEART DISEASE) AKIMV, Yu.I.; M&WVA, M.N.; OALOV, L.L. Electrokywgram of patients suffering frnm chronic pulmonaZ7 and cardiopulmnary,irsufficiracy. Vop.kerd. 2-go HGMI no.2s 129-138 162. (MM 161l) (ELECTROXIMMUPM) (HMT-DISMES) (TUmr-%--nT-RFMES) ORIAN, L.L.; BULYCHEV, V.V.; AIIIMIV Yu.I. Ballistocardiogram ofa healthy person and its characteristics in athletes. Vop.kard. 2-go MMI no.23139-154 162. (MM 16:1) (BALLISTOCARDIOGRAM) (ATHLETES) ORLOV, L.L.; LKIMDV, Yu.I.- SOLOVIYEV, V.V.; FEDOROV, V.D. j Ballistocardiogram of patients suffering from rheumatic heart disease. Vop.kard. 2-go MMI no.2:155-176 162. (MIRA 161l) (BALLISTOCARDIOGRAPHY) (RHEUMATIC HEART DISEASE) 4XITHOXI-L" (Moskva) G-165, Kutuzovskiy prosp., d. 39/30 kv.337); FEDOROV,, N.D. Comparison of the--electrokymogTaphic changes with the anatomical and with the pressure in the left auricle and pulmnary artery in mitral stenosis. Grud.khir. no.4:51-58 J1-Ag 162. (MIRA 15;10) 1. Iz gospitallnoy terapevticheskoy kliniki (dir. - chle*-korr. AMN SSSR prof..P.Ye.Lukomask1jv) i gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (dir. - prof. T.S.Mayat) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo inatituta imeni N.I.Pirowova, (ELF,CTR06MGRAPHY) (BLOOD PRESSURE) (PULWNARY ARTERY) (MITRAL VALVE-DISEASES) AK~40T,,Xu.-J,; ORLOV, L.L. (Moskva) Electrokymography in the diagnosis of diseases of the cardin- vascular system. Vrach. delo no. 1:33-37 Ja 164. (MMA 17:3 1. GospitallnayTi ter4pevticheakaya klinika (zav. - chlen- korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. P.Ye. Nkomskiy) 11 Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I.Firogova. SOLOVIYEV, V.V.; AKDAOV, Yu.j.,* ORIDV, L.L.; YURASOV, V.S. Diagnosis of tricuspid stenosis. Kardiologiia 5,no.2:35~-43 163 (MIRA 17:2) 1. Iz gospitallnoy terapevticheskoy kliniki ( dir. - chlen- korrespondent MIN SSSR prof. P.Ye. Iukomskiy) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I.Pirogova. i~iagncs~ s iz a- er62 -- 15-ocar-al t, s. an i iy, t. av4 N '~,co fA -1:8L 1z IRA %z& ~*',N SSSR r,~.If. 1. AXIMOV. YU. 2. ussR (6oo) 4. Kochetov, Vsevolod 7. "The Zhurbinn." Vaevolod Kochetov. Reviewed by Yu. Akimov. Rabotnitse. No. 12 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, V--~cl. IV, t" INSTRUMENTATION: SCINTILLATORS "Effective Detector for Fast Reutrons", by Yu.K. Akimov, A.S. Kuznetsov, and G.A. Leksin, Institute of Nucl *~i_ Academy of Sciences ear Prob, M. USSR, Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 2, September-October 1956, pp 70-71. This detector was developed at the Institute of Nuclear Problems in 1952 and has an efficiency of 20%. It consists of a long (approximate- 1Y 70 cm) liquid scintillator-converter and a photomultiplier. It re- cords both charge-exchange protons and charged particles fron "stars" formed by neutrons in the large convertor volume. This dete..--tor had certain shortcomings, which were eliminated as described in this arti- cle. Card 1/1 AKIMOV, Yu.K. )kltichannal coincidence systess. Prib. i takh. skep. no.1:95-96 4-7. ~ 137, OwA io3 6) 1. Oblyedinenw li~ st-it-ut-yadernykh issledovaniy. (Ileatron-tubs circuits) USSR/Nuclear Phys-fcd- Instruments and Installations C-2 Methods of Wasurement and Investigation. ,Abs Jour Referat'Zhur Mika, So l...1958, 299 Author Akinov, YU.K. Inst Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Title High Speed Transmitting Circuit for an Amplitude An&lyzer. Orig Pub Pribory i tekhn. ekaperimmta, 1957, No 2, 116 Abstract A block dia em is given for a device with a resolution time of 10-Irstconds. Pulses from the spectrometer arrive simultaneously at -two anti-coincidence circuits,. the out- put of the first being connected vith one of the inputs of the second; if the first anti-coincidence circuit does - not receive at the very saw instant a pulse from the te- lescope of the counters that separate the investigated par- ticles, then the signals from the spectrometric counter Card 1/2 Act M 0 ya, AUTHOR: 120-4-30/35 TITLE: A Fast-acting Differential Coincidence Circuit (Bystrodey- stvuyushchaya differentsialInaya skhema sovpadeniy) PEIZIODICAL: Pribory i Tekhnika Bksperimenta~ 195? pp. ~81!4'~USSR). ABSTRACT: The principle of the action of the circuit is similar to that proposed by Bay (Refs. 1$ 2). The input elements of the apparatus are two coincidence circuits. Each of these is connected to two pulse detectors, one directly and the other via a delay cable (Fig.1). The result of such connections is that the output pulses of both circuits will be equal in am li- tude at coincidence but different at non-coincidence (FigM. The difference in the pulses is obtained by the differential stage. After amplification, the difference pulse, which is the anti-coincidence signal, suppresses the pulse which is being transferred from one of the coincidence circuits to the counting apparatus. The result is that only coincidence pulses which are not accompanied by difference pulses are recorded. The circuit diagram is given in FiZ. 3. The circuit recorded the self-coincidence of pulses from a counter, which consisted of a photo-multiplier B-1 and a Card/l/33olution of terpherLyl in phenyleyclohexane, scintillating under U A Fast-acting Differential Coincidence Circuit. 120-4-30/35 6o the action of irradiation from Co The photo-multiplier was loaded by a 75 9 cable. The amplitude of the pulses waB,(-, 0.5 V. The x1f-coincidences were broken by cables of different lengths Z. (Fig-3). The count rate of the pulses in relative units con- sisted: -with I = 01 -1, with I = 5 cm - 0.3, with t = 10 cm - 0.02 and with Z = 10 cm tended to zero, which corresponded to a time resolution - 2 x 10-10 sec. Yor recording cdncidences from two scintillation counters-, it is necessary to consider not only the time variation but also the amplitude variation of the coincident pulses. if this difference is not very great, then it can be limited to some value of the resolving time due to amplification of the discrim- ination of the difference signal. With large variation, it is necessary to make the signal symmetrical by using forming lines and to move these pulses relative to each other as measured on their half-widths KFig.2). The circuit is primarily useful for analysis of fast particles with time-spans differing by at "e'- 10-9 sec. There are 3 figures and 2 non-Slavic references. Vard2/3 A Fast-acting Differential Coincidence Circuit. 120-4-30/35 9 ASSOCIATION: United Institute of Vuclear Research (Obl'yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy) SUBMITTED: February 27, 1957. AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress. Card 3/3 AKIMOV, Yu, K., SAVCHENKO, 0. V., and SOROKO, L. M. With Polarized Protons of High Energy," Investigation of the Reaction P+-Vd Oger Nuclear Physi 8, Vol. 8, No 6, November 1958, pp 637. Joint Institute of Nw lear Research, lab of Nuclear Problems. Abstract: The angular dependence of the asymmetry in the emission ofirt-mesons in the reaction p+ d was measured on a polarized proton beam at energies 536, 616 hnd 654 MeV. Direct proof of the existence of the d-state of the mesons in the reaction p+ p-.,v 1Z-++ d has been obtained. The results of the experiment are in agreement vith the aasump- tion that the amplitudes of the a- and d-transitions are considerably less than the XZF++ amplitude of the transition %---:04 (3sl,p)2'. The limiting values of some partial cross sections have been estimated. AUTHORS: Akimov, Yu. K., Savchenko, 0. V., SOV/56-35-1-12/59 boroxo, U. M. TITLE: Investigation of the Reaction p+p 4 d+~ + in a Polarized Proton Beam (Issledovaniye reaktaii p+p -4 d+n+ na poly~- arizovannom puchke protonov) PERIODICAL: Zhurn-al eksperimentallnoy i teoraticheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol 35, Nr 1, pp 89 - 96 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors fil%t discuss various earlier papers dealing with the reaction p+p 4 d+n+~1), as e:9,. the investigation of (1) at EP = 46o to 66o MeV (Ref 1) f n++d 4 P+p at 3n+ -174 - 307 Mev (Ref 2); investigation of (1) at E - 314 MeV with a polarized proton beam, observation of aRymmetry as a result of Apterference between s- and p-state (Ref 3), analogous investfgations at 415 MeV (Ref 4), e-scattering on protons in the d-state (Refs 5,6) etc. The present paper contains a report on the investigation of the angular dependence of the asymmetry of the n+ of (1), Card 1/4 viz. for E p'- 536, 616 and 654 MeV; the primarily un- Investigation of the Reaction p+p --~ d+n + in a SOV/56-35-1-12/59 Polarized Proton Beam polarized proton beam of 637 MeV was supplied by the synchro- cyclotron of the Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issle- doyaniy (United Institute of Nuclear Research). The experimental arrangement is given in figure 1; the manner in which experiments are carried out is described. The polarized proton 5beam had the following intensities: 536 mev : 0,9.10 , 616 MeV:5,5.jo5.-, 654 MeV:2,8.lo5 protons /cm2sec. For the two first Ienergies the graphite scatterer had 22,9 9/cM2, and for 654 MeV 7,3 9/cM2. The results obtained by measuring asymmetry are represented by figure 3. For the 3 E -values the following cross sections were obtained: P da/d-Q-0,24 + cos2g;,v 0,22 + cos 20;,-,)0,27 + Cos20; Crtotal-.2,42.10_27CM2 , 3,14-10- 27cm2 and 3,1.10- 27CM2 (0 is given in c.m.s.). The results obtained by these ex- periments prove the existence of a d-state of the TE+ from reaction (1) and agree with the assumption that the amplitudes of s- and d-transitions are considerably Card 2/4 smafter than those of the OD 2 4 2S 1 P2 )-transition. For Investigation of the Reaction p+p 4 d+n+ in a SOV/56-35-1-12/59 Polarized Proton Beam the differential cross sections the following limiting values were obtained: a(1 so 4 3SIpo)), dn+) a(s + d));,5,4-10 -2 -at (pp --~ dn+) a(1D 4 3S P )4 0,945-ct(pp -) dn+) 2 ,' 1 2 In conclusion,the authors thank M.G.Mes'hcheryakov, V.S. Neganov, and L.I.Lapidus for discussing the problem and N.P.Klepikov and S.N.Sokolov for working out experimental resulta. There are 5 figures, 3 tables, and 16 references, 10 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION; Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (.United Institute of Nuclear Research) Card 3/4 AUTHOR: Akimov Yu K SOV/120-59-2-31/50 TITLE: The R~gistration~'of Counting Errors in Scaler Circuits (Registratsiya proschetov v pereschetnykh skhemakh) PERIODICALt Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1959, Nr 2, PP 113-114 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The use of a coincidence circuit (c.c.) in a counter increases the order of accuracy when counting pulses randomly distributed in time. Pulses may be lost if they follow one another within an interval less than the resolution time of the counter. In Fig 1 the input pulse train is applied in two ways to a c.c., directly and also after stretching and shaping. The output of the c.c. gives the second of two adjacent pulses; the first is obtained as the output of an anti-coincidence circuit (a.c.c.) whose inputs are the stretched pulse and the resolved second pulse. Pulses will only be lost now if more than one occurs during a "stretched" interval) T. The relation betweer, the number of pulses registered by the first counter (a.c.c. output) and the total Card 1/2 registered is given by Eq (1) . Assuming a Poisson distribution the number registered of the second counter SOV/120-59-2-31/50 The'Registration of Counting Errors in Scaler Circuits should be as Eq (2). The way in which the counter outputs and loss rate vary with the product of countered total and delay time is shown in Pigs 2a, 2b. When counting 150 000 pulses per see the proposed scheme5 with a delay time of I V , gives a performance equal to that of a single over couriter having a resolving time of 0.7 times 10--?sec (accuracy in each case is 1%). The conclusions ha:ve been verified using a 6AZP valve as Card 2/2 c.c. and a PS-10 000 as a counter. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinenn institut yadernykh issledo'vaniy (The Unitedy~nstitute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: March 28, W8 05462 ")OV/120-59-3-33/46 AUTHOR: Akimov, Yu. K TITLE: oincidence Circuit for Small-amplitude Pulses (Skhema sovpadeniy dlya impullsov maloy amplitudy) PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1959, Nr 3, p 134 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Two models of the circuit are described. Fig 1 shows the first in which the anode of one photomultiplier (Al) is jo7i'ned to the last dynode of the other photomultiplier; the output pulse is taken from the last dynode of the first photomultiplier. There is only a very small output unless the two photomultipliers give coincident pulses. This simple circuit has disadvantages, and the one actually used is seen in Fig 2. Here the output from single pulses is very much smaller (0.01 - 0.02 V) for single-phase heights up to 8 V. If the single pulses have a height of only 0.03 V (minimum) the output coincident pulses have a height of 0.025 V. There are 2 figures and 2 references, 1 of which is Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (joint* Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED; March 28, 1958 21(7) . AUTHORS: _AkjjA;vvj-YU*.""-Krf Marish, K. S. SOV/56-37-1-8/64 Savchenkop 0. V., Soroko, L. M. TITLE: Measurement of Deuteron Polarization in the Reaction p+ p --),-d+ x+ at a Proton Energy of 670 Mev (Izmereniye polya- tronov v reaktsii p + p --jo d + x+ pri energii proto- rizat eii de nov 670 NeV ~ PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fizikil 19599 Vol 37P Nr I, pp 46-53 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors give a report about results obtained by measure- ments of the vector polarization of deuterons originating from., the reaction p+ p ---.* d+ n+ carried out at angles of 12109 1400 30', and 1620 in the oms. In the introduction some theore- tical discussions, basing upon the approximation method by Tripp (Ref 1) are gtven. The experimental device is shown b figure 1 and is, like the measuring apparatus (block schemed (Fig 2) discussed in the following. The proton beam used had an average energy of 670 Mev and an intensity of 5-1010/sec- onds. Figures 3 and 4 show the measuring results; figure 3: i< T > figure 4: H(04). Measurements of the vector 11 dn+ d Card 1/3 polarization of deuterons, and the data on the angular Measu~ement of Deuteron Polarization in the Reaction SOY/56-37-1-8/64 p + p d + at a Proton Energy of 670 Nev distribution of the reaction in the case of a non-polarized proton beam make it possibie to determine the amplitude of the noTiresonanoe p-t3%hsition So -->.3S P,. The contribution of this transition to the total reaction croas section is about I*%, exactly: (1.0+0 6 ).jo-2 a The transition amplitude 0:45 tot* 1S _.o. 3s po grows somewhat (e'-1-7) if E increases from 0 "0.W 1 P 340 to 670 Mev, but its complex phase varies with respect to the amplitude of the transition 1D 2 -.&' 3S IP2 by 200. The measured angular dependence of the deuteron vector polarization is not in contradiction to the assum 3tion that the amplAtudes of the transitions 3F2 _v. 3SId2 and F 3 _)... 3S1d3are equal to zero. The authors finally thank V. I. Komarov for his ass~st- ance in carrying out measurements, and L. I. Lapidus, M. G. Meshcheryakov, and R. M. Ryndin for discussions. There are 5 figures and 15 references, 8 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 Measurement of Deuteron Polarization in the Reaction SOV/56-37-1-6/64 + d + %+ at a Proton Energy of 670 Nev ASSOCIATION: 6.i"ye.dinenny'y institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED:, February 17, 1959 Card 3/3 AXIMOV, Yu.K.; SAVGIIENKO, O.V.; SOROKO, L.M. d + d-4,r + H94 Reaction at a deuteron energy of 400 Mov. Zhur. ekap. i teor. fiz. 38 no-1:304-306 Jan 160. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Ob."yedinennyy institut yadernykh iasledovaniy. (Nuclear reactione) 0-) 0 V Y 820Y1 C S/056/60 038/02/48/061 IA 0/ 6 10 0 B006/BO14 kUTHORS: -Ikkimov, Yu. K., Savchenko, 0. V., Soroko. L. M. TITLE: Tho Reaction P + d -0 t + R at a Proton Energy of 670 Mev PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretichaskoy fizikio 19609 Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 643-644 TEXT% The cross sections of the reactions p + d - t + n+ (1) and p + d -,,Re3 + 1co (2) have been compared earlier, and a ratio of 2:1 has been obtained. The cross sections were measured at 340, 450, and 600 Mev (Refs. 1-6). In the present "Letter to the Editor" the writers report on a comparison of these two reaction modes at E - 670 Mev. The proton beam 11 p used had an intensity of 10 protons/see. The secondaries produced in targets of heavy polyethylene and carbon were identified with regard to momentum, specific ionization, and range. The yield of low-energy tritium nuclei was measured in the laboratory system under the angles 5-40 and 110. The absolute cross sections were cVibrated according to the deuteron yield of the reaction p + p -+ d + whose angular Card 1/2 82031 The Reaction p + d --!p t + n+ at a S105616010381021481061 Proton Energy of 670 Mev B006/BO14 distribution is well known at E p - 660 Mev. The following was obtainedt dd(120)/dfl - (9-3 � 1-5)-10- 30 cm 2/8 teradian and dd(25')/dft - - (3-1 + 0-5)-10- 30 cm 2/8 teradian. These data and those obtained at other e7nergies are illustrated in a Fig. With increasing Ep the fraction of forward emitted protons rises. If the cross sections for Ep . 670 Mev are calculated according to the theory of momentum approximation, d6(120)/da .. 3.1-10- 30 and dd(250)/dn - 2.4-10-30 cm 2/8 teradian are obtained. The difference between theory and experiment is ascribed to the fact that the contribution of the meson-producing reaction p + P - n + p + n proceeding besides the reaction p + p --~ d + 7t was neglected. There are 1 figure and 9 references: 4 Soviet and 5 American. ASSOCIATIORt Ob"yedinennyy institut yad; kh issledovaniy (Joint r~n TnAtitute of Nuclear Resea ch~ SUBMITTED: October 15, 1959 Card 2/2 AXIMOV, Yu.K.; KOMOV. V.I.; SAVCHENKO. O.Y.; SOROKO. L.H. Separation of particles according to the ionization value in some scintillation counters. Prib.i tekh.eksp. no.4:71-77 Jl-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Obuyedinennyy Institut yadernykh issledovaniy. (Scintillation counters) AKIMOV, Yu. K. Cand Phys-Math Sci - (diss) "Methods of time and amplitude sel- ection of scintillation counter impulses in experiments with the synchro-cyclotron." Z-Dubna, 19617 12 pp; with diagrams; (Inst of Theoretical and EXDerimentaT Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR); 160 copies; price not given; bibliography at end of text (28 entries); (KL, 5-61 sup, 1.71) 2069o 5/120/61/000/001/028/o62 AUTHORS: Aklmov, Yu.K., and Kuznetsov, A.S. TITLE: A 20-Channel Amplitude Analyser PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1961, No.1, pp-92-95 4 TEXT: This article describes an impulse amplitude analyser based on scintillating counters using organic scintillators. The operating principles and preliminary developments were described at the Third Scientific-Technical Conference on Nuclear Electronics in Moscow. March 1957. The particles to be recorded pass through a number of scintillation counters, one of which is a spectrometric counter. The impulses from this counter pass through a preliminary amplifier to a transmission circuit controlled by signals from a coincidence c1rcuit to which the outputs from the other scintillating counters are applied. After linear amplification the impulses pass to a threshold device which acts as follows. If the amplitude of the impulses is below -the threshold the impulses pass through it as through an ordinary amplifier; when they exceed the threshold amplitude the impulses are reduced by a constant amount. As a result of this the Card I/ 20690 S/120/6.i/ooo/001/028/oU A 20-Channel Amplitude Analyser E194/E184 amplitude of impulses for the llth channel is equal to that of impulses for the first; for the 12th the amplitude is equal to that for the 2nd, and so on. Simultaneously, by means of an additional signal the distribution device is reconnected from the first to the second decade of channels of' the counter. An impulse generator whose output alters linearly ivith time is provided for adjustment of the instrument. The spectrometric counter consists of a plastic scintillator, a light guide of transparent plastic and a photomultiplier type tyy-ll (FEU-11.). The shape of the scintillator was such as to compensate the difference between the amount of light reaching the photo-cathode from the lower and upper parts of the scintillator because of increased light flashing in the upper parts. The pre-amplifier is based on a double triode 6146F1 (6N6P) and is intended to transmit impulses from the photomultiplier to a cable through which the impulses are delivered to the transmission circuit. The threshold device is described. Impulses of positive polarity are applied to two inputsi to a discriminator and,through a Card 2/ 20690 S/120/61/ooo/001/028/062 E194/E184 A 20-Channel Amplitude Analyser delay line of 0.5 lisec to a valve which is normally shut to a current of 50 pamps. If the amplitude of the impulse is below the threshold of the discriminator the valve acts as an ordinary Amplifier. If the discriminator operates, the valve is additionally blocked by the amount of impulse voltage reaching its cathode from the discriminator. The amplitude of the impulse from the discriminator is formed by a diode giving an impulse of rectangular wave-shape equal in amplitude to the initial current. The resultant impulse that acts on the valve at the end of the delay line is the difference between the amplitude of the input and the formed impulses. The value of this difference is such that impulses of amplitude somewhat greater than the threshold value pass through the first channel of the distributor device. An anti-coincidence and a coincidence circuit are used to convert the first channel to the llth, the second to the 12th and so on. These circuits are briefly described. In the distribution device the input impulses pass through a delay line consisting of 11 elements, connected by tappings to dividers which reduce the Card 3/ 20690 S/120/61/000/001/028/o62 cigli/E184 A 20-Channel Amplitude Analyser amplitude of the impulses according to a pre-determined law. The impulses are connected to a common mixer on the output of which there appear a series of impulses at regular time intervals diminishing in amplitude. The discriminator passes only those impulses of amplitude above the threshold value. The impulses that pass the discriminator follow two paths, one direct and the other with the delay to the anti-coincidence circuit, the undelayed impulses being restrictive. Thus there appears on the output of the anti-coincidence circuit only one last impulse which is passed further to the special device. From the output of the threshold device signals are applied to one of the inputs of the coincidence circuit; the other inputs of this circuit receive signals from tappings from the delay line. As a result coincidence occurs in only one of the circuits 1-20. Consequently the number of the channel corresponds to a definite range of amplitude of input impulses. The bandwidth of these channels is the same. The last, 20th, channel records all impulses with amplitude greater than that of the 19th channel. Tests were made with a proton beam with a Card 4/ . 20690 s/i2o/6i/ooO/OOl/o28/o62 E194/E184 A 20-Channel Amplitude Analyser mean energy of 670 MeV. A polyethylene target was irradiated. The deuty-ons and protons with an impulse of 900 MeV6s leaving the target at an angle of 100 pass through a system of collimators and magnetle f:Leld and were recorded by the scinti.Ilation counters. Under these conditions the specific ionisation loss of deut:rons is 2.2 times greater than that of protons. The resultant characteristic is given in Fig-7, in which the count is plotted against the channel number. The first peak corresponds to protons and the second to deu-tprons. The somewhat high count in the tenth channel occurs because the threshold of the first discriminator was set somewhat higher than necessary. Both peaks occur against a certain background ofparti.cles. The relative half-width of the experimental curve for deutrons is 205o. The relative half-width of the calculated curve of ionisation losses in a scintillator for deutxons with an impulse of 900 MeV/s is about 105/o and the scatter of the actual mean loss (that result from the deu-brons not being monochromatic) can also be about 10%. Card 5/ 20690 S/12o/6i/000/001/028/o62 E032/E114 A 20-Channel Amplitude Analyser Recently, a group of Italian authors have described a single channel analyser with logarithmic scale constructed on a similar principle to that described here (A. Alberigi et al. Ref.5). The author thanks O.V. Savchenko for assistance and A.N. Sinayev for useful comments. There are 7 figures and 5 references; 3 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Oblyedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: December 12, 1959 Card 61X AXn4OV,, Tu.K,,j SAVCIWMOp 0,V.; SORONO, L.M. 4oarch the energy depovdance of the cr'080 Aection of the*reaction p + p 4 d + + P the'threabold region of the formation of 71,M480A paits; Zhur. ekop, i teors fist -40L not 5 s 1530-1632 1.4y. %lo (MIRA 14:7) .1 I, Qb*ysdine~W inatituit derafth ispledovaniy, (nuclear reaotionar (Protons) (Me0ons), AK.U40V, Yu.Y,.; KOMAROV, V.I.; MARISH, K.S.; SAWIMNIM, O.V.; SOROKO, L.M. Sbarch for anomalies in the spectn= of 1-13 maclei e=itted in the reactien 1,.t ~ -->. 113 + yr ~tlo at a proton energy of 670 Hev. '-,'hur. o~--sp. -i toor. fiz. 40 no-5:1532-1535'1,17 f6l. - (MIRA -14:7) 1. Obnyedinennyy institut yadernyll issledovaniy. Oluclear reactions) (Mlesons) (Protons) 28752 S/056/61/041/003/005/020 B125/B102 C600 AUTH6RS: Akimov, Yu. K. $ Savchenko, 0. V. , Soroko, L. M. TITLE: Experimental verification of the principle of charge invariance in the reaction d +d -+-He4 +Ito at a deuteron energy of 400 Mev PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 41, no. 3(9), 1961t 708-724 TEXT: The reaction d +d --1-He4 +Xo (11), which is forbidden according to the law of invarianoe of the total isotopic spin, has been studied on a 400-Mev deuteron beam. L. I. Lapidus (ZhETF, 31, 865, 1956) suggested this reaction for verifying the charge invariance. This reaction is only associated with one charge state of particles so that the perturbation due to the difference between neighboring charge states is automatically excluded. This reaotion has already been dealt with in the proceedings of the Kiyev and Rochester Conferences on High-energy Physics in 1959 and 1960. This article presents fiew results on the reaction (11) and an the Card 1/4 28752 S/056/61/041/003/005/020 Experimental verification of the... B125/BI02 cross sections of the reactions d +d -*,He4 +1 (Ed -400 Mev) (12) and p +He3 --P-He4 +X+ (13) at Ed-674 Nov. The authors restrict themselves to a class of phenomena, for which the principle of charge invariance leads to the production of piona by nucleons and light nuclei. A two-section magnetic quadrupole lens with an aperture of 80 mm focused the deuteron or proton beam to the target. The secondary charged particles produced in the target were sorted out by a brass collimator, were magnetically deflected, passed through a steel collimator, and were finally recorded in the concrete shield by scintillation counters. The deuteron beam emerging from the synohrooyclotron had an average energy of 405.3 �0-5 Mev. The charged particles were sorted out according to their effective momentum, their specific ionization, their range, and their time of flight. They were recorded by scintillators, a six-oounter telescope, etc. A. N. Gorbunov and V. N. Spirodonov analyzed the energy dependence of the electric quadrupole transition in the reaction I +He4*--VH3 +P. Conclusions; 1) The total cross section of the reaction d +d - He4 +7C 0at EIto "80 Mev in the center-of-ma8s system does not exceed the cross section Card 2/4 28752 S/056/61/041/003/005/020 Experimental verification of the... B125 B102 of the electromagnetic process d +d --P-He 4 +1, whereas the expected ratio between the cross sections of these processes must be about 102 if they are not forbidden. 2) The total cross section of the reaction p +He3 -IP-He 4 +R+at the same pion energy in the center-of-masa system is 7-10 3 times greater than the upper limit of the cross section of the reaction d +d -*He 4 +n 0. This difference cannot be explained only by the structure of the colliding nuclei. 3) The upper limit of the total cross section of the reaction d +d --v-He4 +n0 amounts to -3~ of t he cross section calculated for the "allowed" process. 4) All the facts discussed here are indicative of a rigorous forbiddenness in the reaction d + d --0- He4 + R0, and, thus, confirms the law of invariance oftthe total isotopic spin in the production of pions 0by nucleons and light nuclei. 5) There exists no isotopically scalar no meson with a rest mass of 100-150 Mev. The authors thank L. I., Lapidus for discussing the experi- mental program, V. P. Dzhelepov for interest and assistance, R. M. Sulyayev and B. S. Neganov for assistance in experiments with Card 3/4 28752 S/056/61/041/003/005/020 Experimental verification of the... B125/B102 gaseous He3, and also Kim Ze Pkhe and 1. V. Puzynin, co-workers of *the OIYaI computer center, for-computations. There are 11 figures, I table, and 26 references: 12 Soviet and 13 non-Soviet. The three most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: H. S. Kohler, Phys. Rev., L18, 1345, 1960; A. V. Creve, B. Ledley, E. Lillethan, S. M. Marcowitz, C. Rey. Phys. Rev., L18, 1091, 1960; D. Harting, J. C. Kluyver, A. Kusumegi, R. Rigopoulos, A. X. Sacks, G. Tibell, G. Vanderhaeghe, G. Weber. Phys. Rev., 119, 1716, 1960. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: April 21, 1961 Card 4/4 CK AKMV,, Yu. K.J, XDMAROV, V. I., MMAKSH, SAVCHOM, 0. V., SORORD, L. M. "r/-Anomalies of the 113 -Spectrkm in the Reaction p + d H3+ t -IT' at the Proton Energy of 670 Wv3l)" report presented at the Intl. Conference on High Energy Physics,.Geneva, 4-11 jay 1962. Lab. of Nuclear Problems J-&,--r lms,~- N&cler ,,e /fe see, AXDIDV) Yu. K.p BAVCHEM, 0* Vep SOROND, L. Mo "Experimental Verification of the Charge Invariance Principle in the d + d 7r0 + He4 Reaction for 4oo Mev Deuterons report presented at the Intl. Conference on High Energy Physics, Geneva, 4-13- July 1962 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Laboratory of Nuclear Problems AXINDV, Yu. K., SAVCHENM, 0. V. and SOROND, L. M. "Search for Anomalies in.the Energy Dependence of the Cross Section of the F -1 r --ard t^action Near the Theshold of Two Pion Productionx) report presented at the Intl. Conference on High Energy Physics, Geneva, 4-11 July ig6p Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research Lab. of Nuclear Problems 6 7 7 S/089/62/012/005/009/014 B102fB104 0 0 AUTHORSs Akimov, Yu. K.1 Butslov, M. M., Savohenkol Oo Vol ro -ro-k o-,_ L -o) & . TITLE: Controllable luminescence chamber with a scintillator of a 3 working volume of 2500 cm PERIODICALC Atomnaya energiya, v. 12, no- 5, 1962, 413-415 TEXTs An apparatus working with a controllable scintillation chamber (Fig. 1) which can be used tophotograph charged cosmic particles is described. The scintillator measures 130-150-150 mm and is composed of 20,000 filaments, packed in layers as ABAB.. with A44B. The layers are.separated by black paper sheets to absorb scattered light. The .filamentsl,,,l mm in diameter, are made of a polymer on basis of poly4tyrana + 1~ tetraphenyl butadiene or 2% terphenyl and 0.02% ROROR. Since the de-excitation times are (3-5)*10-9sea and the delay times in the control circuits are less than 0.1 vsec, the chamber can be controlled by an image memory with a very short storage time.. The image from any /7 Card 1 SIO,691-621'012100510091014 Controllable lurirescence chamber with ... B101,/B104 (3) coincidence circuit, (4) block for control pulse delay, (5) pulse generator, (6) hi~31i-volta&e pulso generator, (7) EEOP, (8) objective, ~9) deflecting plate of electron-optical shutter, (10), multi-stage EOP,- 11) coil, (12) photographic apparatus. m4ff:RF r5if"Himm .ILI L11AA-L FIG.1 3 -VIV Card 3/3 Yu.S., red.; CIIISTYAKOVA, K.S., tekhn. red. [Scintillation methods for high-energy particle recording] Stsintilliatsionnye metody registratsii chastits bol'shikh energii. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ.) 1963. 170 p. (MIRA 17:2) I/ C~ r a r-~ a C) c I: a sharp peaY seen ror an eT-.erQ~ of C.,d ACCESSION NR: APS006536 The peak width at the semi-peak points, cover:.-.g atlouT 330Kev or i5i, was deter- inined basivally by Caulo)mb -scattering of protons transmitted to the target and by :'~Miz~arisc;r. (case of partic'es emit-e-l SUBY,ITTED; 03Dec64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: NIP, EC SC V: 1~1 Card 2/3 L 4298M5 AC(=SSION, nt APS066536 MCLOSUIRE: 01 Fig. 1. Spectra of partic-les-emi-tTed at an az.gie of 87.70 from a target kICfi2) bombard'ed, by a'beam of lOGev n % Protokis 1. a--energy distribution measured a semdconductor cownter; b--dis -t~r ~,), mear. ~'---ee paths in a 15~ diluted gelatin phctoemuision Ifb Card 3/3 .1; J; ACC NRI AP6013494 LIR/0120/66/000/002/0060/0063 AUTHOR: Akimov, Yu.K.; Van Tszhenl-va, Sidorov, A.I.; Bpshtevn, 14.1. I- - . ORG: Joint Institute of Nuclear Studies, Dubna (Obl'yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy) TITLE: Optical characteristic* of semiconductor detectors of nuclear particles and their relation to surface phenomena SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika experimenta, no. 2, 1966, 60-63 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor device, opt-cal detector, photodiode, alpha particle detector, photodiode quantum output ABSTRACT: This is a study of spectral characteristics and effective nuantum output, ,~ , of thick sensitive layer light detectors, ordinarily used as nuclear particle detectors and made from p -type silicone doped with lithium. The detectors, with sen- sitive layer thickness between 1 and 6 mm, were irradiated by light at tile butt. Rela- tive spectral sensitivities and quantum output 41 were measured using current Hilger and Zeiss optical instrumentation. The results were presented in graphs. A decrease of q, in the short wave region was observed, which is considered related to surface phenomena. This fall of quantum output in the short wave region is stronly influenced by the details of the etching process. Between 800 - 1000 nm (nanometers)n1was close to unity. It is concluded that the devices can be used in the spectral region of bet- r-4 1 1*3 11DC7 530.1-074-5 ACC NR: AP6013494 ween~,-800 - 1100 nm .(and in some cases in the regiont%-400 -.1150 nm) as efficient . low inertia light receivers, detectors and counters of the number of arriving quanta, linear over a wide range of light signal intensities. Authors thank A.I.Kalinin, L.P. Svyatova and L.P. Sidorova for discussions and aid in measurements. Orig. art. has 3 figures, 4 formulas and 1 table. SUB CODE: 09, 18, 20 SUBM DATE: O9Nov65 ORIG REF: 006. 0TH REF: 004 S/139/59/000/05/005/026 3032/Z114 AUTHORS: Moskalev, V.A., and Akimov, YU.M. TITLE: A Double.Chamber 10 MeV Steroobetatr-- PERIODICALs Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavede Fizika, 1959, Nr 5, pp 26-30 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A brief description is given of a betatron which was brought into operation towards the end of 1957. Details are given of the electromagnet, the electromagnet supplies, the control circuitry, the vacuum system and some preliminary results obtained with the machine. A photograph of the stereobetatron is.shown in Fig 1. The magnetic characteristics.have been described in an earlier paper (Ref 2). The radius of the equilibrium orbit in both of the accelerating systems is.13 cm and the maxinum induction on the orbit is 2700 gauss. The accelerator control circuitry is shown in Fig 3. The vacuum system consists of two independent chambers made of molybde glass. The pressure is(2 to,5) x 1o-6 mm Hg. The Card angular distribution of the intensity in the horizontal 1/2 plane is shown in Fig 4. The dose rate at the distan of 1 m is 3-3.5 r/min for each of the accelerating r0 68868 B/139/59/000/05/006/026 E032/9111+ AUTHORS: Akimovj YL M _Xononov, B.A.; and Sokolov) L.S. TITLE: On the Extraction of the Electron Beam from a Betatron Chamber ~q A/ PERIODICAM Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykli zavedeniyj Fizika, 1959, Nr 51 PP 31-31+ (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Tomsk Polytechnical Irotitute has been studying electron beam from methods for the extraction of the the betatron chamber. Three of these methodst which have been found to be the most satisfactory, are described in the present paper. 1) The electrostatic method is based on the extraction with the aid of a special capacitor. The construction of the capacitor) the vacuum chamber etc. have been described in the literature (Refs 1 and 2). In this method it is possible to obtain the following beam parameters (15 MeV betatron) t beam current 4 x 10-9 amp, cross-section of the beam at a distance of 2 cm from the exit windoy 6 x 10 mm, divergence in air 5'0 in the Card vertical plane and 80 in the horizontal plane. The 1/3 electron beam extracted into the atmosphere contains up to 60% of electrons which have reached the and of the ~11/ 68868 S/139/59/000/05/006/026 B032/1114 On the Extraction of the Electron Beam from a' Betatron Chamber extractor gives a well-focussed beam and a good extraction efficiency. Its properties are still being investigated. There are 5 figures and 3 references, of which 2 are Soviet and 1 is English. ASSOCIATION; Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy institut Imeni S.M. Kirova (Tomsk Polytechnical Institute imeni S.M. Kirov) SUBMITTED: December 27, 109 (19582) Vr Card 3/3 69145 S1139159100010610011034 19032/Elll+ AUTHOR: Akimov, Yu.m,--- TITLE: On the Extraction of Electrons from the Betatron Chamber by the Nonsymmetric Displacement Method PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchobnykh zavedeniyj Fizika7 1959, Nr 6, PP 3-1+ (USSR) ABSTRACT: A description is given of a vacuum chamber for the extraction of 100% of electrons accelerated in a betatron. The vacuum chamber is shown in Fig 1, in which 1 is the wall of the chamber, 2 is the injector, 3 is the displacing coil, 4 is the electron beam extracted from the chambers 5 is,the exit windows and 6 is an attachment for setting up a torroidal extractor. The nonsymmetric displacement of the electron orbit at the end of the accelerating cycle is carried out with the aid of a special coil consisting of four turns. A current of 400 amps is passed through this coil and the azimuthal dimension of it is 1000. It was found that in all Card cases the azimuthal position of the deflecting coil is 1/2 not critical. The author considers,that this method ma be used to obtain 100% extraction, provided the form of Y411 69145 S/139/59/000/06/001/031+ E032/R114 On the Extraction of Electrons from the Betatron Chamber by the Nonsymmetric displacement method. the beam is not a primary consideration. The beam is in fact very divergent in the horizontal plane. This paper was presented at the Inter-Collegiate Conference on Accelerators) held in Tomsk kFebruary, 1958).- There are 2 figures and 1 Soviet reference. Card 2/2 ASSOCIATION: Tomskiy politeky-nicheskiy institut imeni S.M. Kirova (Tomsk Polytechnical Ins titu ;2_jmgnj-2A.-AKov) SUBMITTED: December 27, 1958 0/ 1 AUTHOR: Akimov, YU.M. TITLE; Fn-6-i-e-Wssr lh6- ifficiency the Acceleration Plocess 69-47 b/J-39/59/ooo/o6/oO3/034 1032/E114 of Capture of Electrons into in a Betatron 19 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, 1959, Nr 6, pp 10-13 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The efficiency can be increased with the aid of a contractor and the problem has been considered by a number of workers (Refs 19 2 and 3). Experiments were begun in 1956 in order to increase the intensity with the aid of a magnetic contractor. The method is based on the expansion and subsequent rapid contraction of the equilibrium orbit in the betatron at the instant when the electrons are captured into the acceleration process. The orbit was expanded by passing a current pulse through a coil placed at the centre of the betatron pole pieces as shown in Fig 1. The experiments confirmed the results reported by Logunov et al (Ref 3). For low emission currents the intensity increases by a factor of Card 20 or more, while for large emission currents the factor 1/2 is 2-3. Using this contractor, an intensity of 32-36 roentgen/min at one meter from the target has been 69147 S/139/59/000/06/003/034 B03 2/9114 Increasing the Efficiency of Capture of Electrons into the Acceleration Process in a Betatron obtained with the 15 MeV betatron of the Tomsk Polytechnical Institute. Without the contractort the intensity was 12-15 roentgen/min at one meter from the target. Fig 5 shows the dependence of the intensity on the time of injection. In this figure the intensity (vertical axis) is plotted as a function of time in microseconds (horizontal axis). Curve 1 was obtained with a contractor, and curve 2 without it. This paper was presented at the Inter-Collegiate Card Conference on Accelerators (Tomsk, February 1958). 2/2 There are--7--f1g`u-r-e-s-a-n-d7 references I of which 2 are English and 1 is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S.M. Kiro (Tomsk Polytechnical Institute imeni S.M. Kirov) SUBMITTED: December 27, 1958 g 7~ I-A -4104 97 415~ 06q/Ad6bjA_) 4M0/ 621.384.6 SOURCE: Ri~f. zh. Elektronika I yeye primennniye. Svc)dnyv tam, Abs. qA407 A J ~' H A jaov, Yu. M. 1 &3rbunov, V.- 1. TTTLE: W-or trends in the development of Induction accelerators CITED SGU`CE: Sb. Elektron. uskorit-eli. M., Vyssh. strikola, 1964, 166-171 TOP'C acce2erator, induction accelerator, betat:-:~n T~_ SLA-. -~N T' -,- -e-,-.rted. ~.hat the Tnmsk F,c'vf echn,_c a _C* "cc~ S. Inj a:: cl~ 7 rl.: C f? e r a:),, i' t' ander ndus tr I a' operatLor, con~_-11-7-,-, 2,.a _-i enanc e ~nl additirr., there a-re specific requirements wh1ch de:-:--' n a .--a-r*_~_c~LM.- a7,-pi'catlon c-f the accele lectron beam Is ~:f-en -eenio-' f_~.- modical rator (an el kccrdlng to the above requirenents, -he n - f ._Jeqi~r. and the Cord 1/ 2 AR4049416 of some fundamental parameters ctf the )belatron Darts are consideredt --.n ec- rla imf~ c On tool c i e.:! r, qm vac,-.,~n sis *-err- a a he "e'. a' - -n- is tatulated. SUB CODE i yp ENCL Or-' '/2 .Card 2 AKIMOV, Yu.0. Are welders must have special installation belts. Bezop. trade v prom. 2 no. 6:37 Je '58. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Glavnyy inzhen'er stroitellno-niontazhnogo upravlaniya No.'l treats Karegandashakhtostroymontath. (Electric welding-Safaty maaBures) 4z~~Yo ~' 1b - Erecting rape-baulage aupporta by, adding bottom nections. Novo talth.,innt.i spetsorab.v stroi. 21 no.7:9-11 JI '59. (MIRA 12110) 1. Treat K&rnganda9~k1htostrqyjaont&zh. (Mine haulage) (Building, Iron and steel) AKDIOVI Z. V. "140ch&n6im of Usorption Of Silver Sulphate u on Soles of Ferric ffyctroxide.v Krestinsk-aya., V., N. and 11akimv, z. V. (P. 705 SO: Journal of General Chemistry (Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii) 19440 Vollulae 14,t no. 1-2. )kMOV, Z. V. "The Mechanism of the Adsorption of Silver Sulphate on Sols of Silicia and Acid of Aluminium. krdroxide." Krestinskaya, V, N., and Hakimov, Z. V. (P. 122) SO: Journal of General Lh2!ftatry (Zhurnal Obshchei MiimU) 1944, Volume 14, no. 3- , AKD40VA, A.A. Structure of silk ribroil. Zhur.VKHO 10 n0-41471-472 165. (WRA 18:n) 1. MoalcovsXiy gosudaretvennyy univeraitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova. AKTM-MTA, A.A. AITTMOVA, A.A.: "The hydrophilization of rubber for uf-.e in the production of artieicial leather". Mosemy, 1955- Min Higher Education USSR. Mosapw Technological Inst of Light Industry imenj L.M. Kaganovicb. (Dissertations for the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences). SO: jj~bnay;q_letopis, No 43, 3 November 3935. Moscow. /V/0 y AKIMOVA, L.N.; GAVRIWV. N.I.; AKIMOVA, A.A. On some propertlin or W-bensylated peptides. Part 2. Zhur. ob. khim. 27 no.8:2268-2173 Ag '57. (K.m lorg) 1. Koskovskiy gosuday!,stvenun pniversitat. (Pptides) i k/ 0-1 -, .1"5 /~ , q - AUTHORS: Kuznetsov, V. I., Akimova, A. A. 7r,,-,-12/26 TITLE: Organic Coprecipitants Mrj;anicheskiye soosadItell) Communication 6. Th, Cop-cecipitation of UrLnivn during its Determination in Sea Water (Socbshcheniye 0. Soou~_~;hdoniye urana pri ye.-o opredelenii v mo.,:skoy vode) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Analitielictikoy Khimii, 195C, Vol. 13, jIr 1, PP- 79-82 0! ~Jslz) ABSTRACT: The present paper describes the elimination of uranitua from sea water with simultaneous separation frona the salts dissolved in sea water. A number of elements which are present in sea water in very low concentrations is precipitated to- gether with uranium. The uranium content of sea water in so low that determination is neither possible in water nor in a dry state after the evaporation of the water. There are different methods for previously enriching uranium. Desides several anorganic precipitants (references 1-4) organic co-precipitants are especially suitable for the an- richirent of uranium. At an excess of thiocyanate ions uranium Card 1/4 in acid solutions forms a weakly dissociated complex anion Organic Coprecipitants. 75-1-12/26 Communication 6. Th Ccprocipitation of Uranium during its Determination in Sei UO (SCN) and can therefore be precipitated together with 2 3 the precipitates of not easily soluble thiocyanates of heavy organic cations. Such organic cations are, for example, the dyes methyl violet, crystal violet, methylene blue, rhodamines, saffranines and many others (refs. 5-8). The precipitation of uranium as a complex thiocyanate anion even takes glace quantitatively from very much diluted uranium solutions. Thio fact was proved by radiometric measurements with the aid of the ur4nium isotope U233 (a-emitter, half-life period 1,6.1o-~ years). The a-counter used permitted the investigation of the precipitation of uranium up to uranium solutions with a dilution of 1:1010. In the case of this dilution the pre- cipitation was still quantitative. The decomposition of the organic precipitates took: place in a muffle furnace at 500- -6oo0c. The uranium is then determined in the residues. The precipitate of methyl-violet thiocyanate so effectively co- -precipitates uranium that this method was employed for the purification of the reagents used for determination from Card 2/4 uranium-traces. In sea water which usually has a p:7-value of Or,Ganic Copvecipitanta. 75-1-12/26 Communicati,n 8. Thr Coprecipitation of Uraniu:.. during its Determination in Sea 7 to 8 uranium mainly occurs in form of colloidal solutions. However, for the elimination as co.-nplex thiocyanate anion it must be ionized. The formation of a true solution car simply be attained by acidification with hydrochloric acid. The determination of the enriched uranium takes place radio- metrically or by means of the fluorescence ;,icthod in a sodium- -fluorido pearl. Together with uranium all elements are eliminated which can form complex thiocyonate-anions or in- soluble thiocyanates, as for exampIc mercury, silver, bismuth, zinc, cadmium, molybdenum, iron(III) and some other elements. As the content of sea water in these elements is eztrcrely low, their co-precipitatior( doon not render the subsequent uranium determination difficult. The co-precipitation of a nilmber of other elements can be effectively prevented by per- forminC the precipitation in the presence of conplexone III. Pollutions by iron can be prevented by the use of purer methyl violet or by conversion of iron into the second sta.r-e (o. by means of ascorbic acid). The experimental conditions Card 3/4 of the elaborated method are described in detail. There are Organic Coprecipitants. Communication 8. Tho oDpeecipitation of Urarium during its Determination in Sea Water 75-1-12/26 2 tables and lo references, 3 of which are Slavio. ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: Card 4/4 Moscow Institute for Goochemistry and Analytical ChcTistr,- imeni V.I. Vernaaskiy AS USSR Moscow (Institut Geol'thimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V. 1. Vernadcko~;o All SSSR, Moskva) January 2, 1957 Library of Congress 1. Uranium - Determination 2. Uraniix-a - Precipitation