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S/056/61/040/003/027/031 Stability conditions of ... 3113/B202 is obtained. The neoe 8sary and sufficient Condition of stability of the distribution fuhotion f (u) is given by the-faot that the roois of (13) 0 must not lie in the upper semiplane. If s is real, the real and the imeginary part of the funotion G,(s) is given by (u).. -d-u' -Re on (s), + r0 (u) Inu s'+ "q Coe U-S :U-S- du.. . SH IM OM (s) It Coe or (u) du. O(d'. -YH- In this case the distribution funotion is stable if for all values a for which Im G H(a) - 0 the real part GH(s) is negative. An even distribution function is stable if it has a single maximum (for n-0). 00 t. (u) du + I.-S. Cos 000 du d [ ~~] =.t (17) S -7--s MA ~ ~--Suu U-S O)t -00 -00 10 is obtained for the dis ersion equati on for high-frequency plasma oscillations where fo(u~ is the initial function of the electron distribu- Card 54 22147 S/056J61/040/003/027/031 Stability conditions of... B113/B202 tion and 0 the angle between,it and 100 The stability o6ndition of the distribution function f*(U) is obtained in the form 0 (a) du neE, Cos (11,) < 0, io where u are the roote of equation 0 112-) da 0; 10 (U)+ in~E-mk U - U1 The authors thank X N. Stepanov and A. B. Kitsenko for valuable advice and assistanc'e, L. L. Landau and M. A. Leontovioh for discussion. Ya. Faynberg and B. Ya. Levin are-mentioried. There are 10 references: 6 Soviet-bl6o and 4 non-Soviet-bloo. *The four references to English- language publications read as followas F;Berz.Proc.PhyB.Soc,,B69, 9391 1956; P. D. Noerdl-'.nger. Phys.Rev.,118,879,1960; O.Penrose.Phys.Fluids, 3,258,1960; P.L.Auer.Phys.Rev.Lett.,.1,411,1958- Card 6/~ 25206 S/056/61/O4o/oo6/o27/O31 i 7/ 3125/B~02 il 4UTHORS: Akbiyezer, A. I., Kiteenkol A. B.t..Ptepanov, K. N. TITLE - Interaction between charged particle currents and osoillations low-frequency plasma , PERIODICAL: Zhurnal, eksperimontallnoy i teoreticheskoy f12iki, V. 46 n 6, 1961, 1866-1870 o. TEXT. The a uthors deal with the interaction between a.compensated beam of charged p articles and the low-frequency oscillations of a plasma (mainly with the magneto-acoustic waves and the Alfven waves) in A constant fie ld in parallel direction to the beam and in the absence of collisions. If the plasma is rarefied to such an-extent that the frequency Q of the oscillations is much higher tha~.the frequency I ft of the collisio ns,the plasma oscillations must be desc~~ibed on the baste of the kinetic e ro- .quation. With W*r the plasma can be* described hyd: l dynamically. The authors-studied the case (j'r>> 1. The general dis~ersiozi equation for plasma oscillations in an external magnetic field with random, distribution function of the particles with respect to the velocities Card V7 8P "~ 25206 - S/05 61/040/006/027/031 -charged interaction between B125,B202 4'~ Bn2 0 reads an follows: An 0 (1) where n - ko/W The wive vector It and the quantities A# B , and 0 are determined by the com~onente,, of' th;. tensor of the dielectric constant S Furthermore, it is assumed ij- i that W 0 and k wer signs i th6 electrons I,< 0, respectivel n w( a) hold with. particles Of the pl z Y; the index a denotes the types Of all asma and the beam. w ==k, With the aid of (6) expression Card 31~ (7) 4. 25206 S/056/61/040/006/027/031 Interaction between,bbarged*ooo 3125/B202 f or, the frequency of the Alfvle"n wave modified by theexistence of.the beam is obtained from (3). Due to the excitation of the Alfvle~n raves thet, st~ate of the system,plasma beam is-unstable if condition V02 > OA + VX, rAe VA .0 V, H 11~Ta nOM, A = H. / ]/'4n n,Al is fulfilled. With sufficiently low densities of the beam tbo'exoila-eion of the AlfV'en waves is impossible as long as thecoupling between the ,Alfv'en.waves and the magneto-acoustic waves is neglected. -When consider- ing this coupling an instability is observed alsd with those densities at which (8) is not valid. In the following study of the beam by means of. the magneto-acoustic waves the density of the beam is assumed to be small '5 0 as compared to the plasma density. With'kv k?Ao Hi H )k 27) (A j Ip k k 4410 % TL (ln(T /T and 6WvW e(1 + 0062'91 e d (6to- ti (q)) + 6 (Aw+ (33). 2 2 2 2 R-(mo 16 (k )- ) ~J Card 8/9 Contribution to the theory of... 1=4 B/056/61/041/002/026/028 B125/B138 For wo~>> W+ and T0 ,Tiand (A Lj) eff "C'jo sinG, the integral scattering coefficient reads 2 n0 ( a2 Wo 4 2 1 +2(ag 2 dZ - - (Rill )Wtjo ~ do (35). 4 me2 ~729 1 + (aq)z There are 25 references: 19 Soviet and 6 non-Soviet. The two most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: E. E. Salpeter. Phys. Rev.9 120, 1528, 196o; J. P. Dougherty, D. T. Farley. Proc. Roy. Soc.9 A2 1 Mo 7 9 9 9r0 - ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Physicotechnical Institute of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainskaya SSR),,Khartkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Khartkov State University) SUBMITTED: March 30, 1961 Card 9/9 4z -,1/861/62/000/006/001/029F, B125/BI'02 AUTHORS a, Akhiyezer, A Pa'nberg, Ya. B., V y TITLEs Lin'sar-acoelerition.of-bhtrged partioles..(itilroductory jrii'016 ;-SOURCES, Teoriya i4lranchot lineynykh usloriteley is j abornik..otatey. tekhn. init. AN USSR. 460 by T.'V*. Kukolefa. Moed6wj. Goedtomisd6to 1962# 5 Z TEXTs The development of linear accelerators since 1946 has been promoted- 4 ~I by.the-dioadvantages of'oyclic accoleratorep vize j'; -large magnetep large - k. radiative losses 'in 'high-energy electron acceleration$ low amperage of the particle beam. The magnetic systems of linear ace 'olirators need not be large. Such accelerators ensure bontinuous.opeiation and high"phase stabilityj also they furnish much heavier currents than cyclic acoelerator4j"- They produde almost. no radiation''and can'be extended' n ections~.: by adding o 9 Hitherto it-hae not-bee.n possible to combine. radial stability with-pheiie stability, but even without special focusing this will bexendered,possible' in plasma wave guide#* The highost.olectron oftargies achieved using linear accelerators a o N 660 Nov. Linear. proton aaceleratori 6f r4 to'..jl 00 May Card 1/2 6/86/62/600/000/001/0~2-'; Lin'ear acceleration of... B125/BlO2 and linear ion accelerators ser4* as injectors 'for'oyclic aooeliritors, Linear aooelerati.on se4eral-Bey is thought possible. Self-stabiiiza tion of phase allows of accelerating many injecte&partioles. The follow Ili's types of linear accelerators now existi (I ) Periodic structures of. wav.e- guide aocelerators with perforated metal discs aTe at present the most effeotive.accelerator4 where phase velocities are extremely high (V a p /o~jO- These are-ineff-activi for low phase velocities (v 3 'to 0-5)- (2) . ph When filled with anisotro ic dielectrics, waveguide's can also be used for~.'- (33 Periodic structures with drive tubes-spao d.:. low phase velooitieee . along the axis are very efficient for v rJO-3 to 0-4. Disadvantages-boo ph manifest if'the length of these accelerators or the phase velooity'is,.A creased. Small local changes in the parameters.of an individual element affect the field strength considerablyo because of the itrong,coupling,'.' -waves can b using.,.- between the individual elements#- (4) Slow* e produced. i helical waveguideso W73, 'S/864/62/000/000/003/02 B125/3102 AUTHORS t --Aihiyesert,A. I., Lyubarskiyt G. Y& o', Pargazanniki L. E 'TITLEi Dynamics and stability of chargoo partAcle: notion- in'a.lineir.t. accelerator BOURGEI; Teoriya I raschet lineynykh uskoritbitey; ebornik'stateyd:'Piz.- tekhn. inst. AN USSR. Ed. by-T. V. Kukolevao, Moscow, Gosatomi'dat, 1962,, 38'- 80 T~XT`i- The motions of a particle bunch in standing- or traveling-wave linear', accelerators are considered. The theory is based on the,following assump. tions i A certain 'If undamerital - particle" the velocity op: through all sections of the accelerator at strictly: predetermined phsees.,9, designated as synchronous.phase of the section. The initial-conditions on injection can differ from the initial'conditions of the fundamental-particle, iwphaseq radius, -magnitude or direction of velodity. Studying the:. stabilities of the longitudinal and traneverne'motions of the acoolevate& particle leads to differential equations of the forii q + 92(t)q Is 0 (2.:1)9 withQ2('t) positive or negatim, From (2.1) ~the*approximate'equiitioni Card 1/4 j -$/86ij62/OOQ/000 Dy'nomios' and, stability of. .4 A125/B102 2 AkcO% (q), + 0) x 7 x COS filT, + 0 (2.16),, w1here2 is the frequeAcy of the oscillations The longitudinail wave.~'-is' a able in the synchronous phase rang3 0 -~T 4-W126' In this range th -e scattered particle does not eacape from the acceleration process. The stability of the longitudinal oscillations decreases as the.synchronous phase increasesw The capture width A(p M + ?a 2RK; if ?,0j -a Q ohanges by 2R. u (1 + az a - 2eEcosy nd v is the, a 0 0 2 injection velocity of the protons. When E - 18 kv/ OMP V at 0 200 and A, 150 am, H inoreAses nearly. linearly with Roo The larger- Ts -2 the larger Hi AIR /H 10 holds in the initial stage of the motion of the electron. The greater the velocity of the electrons in the bunch,, the greater must be the density of.the electron bunch needed for focusing. The 2 total amperages under'the present conditions at injection energies -~Ma. of It 10, 50P 70andg0kev are 3-51 1.9, 1.2, i.06&ndO-7 a. S. Chandrasekhar's methods give L_Card 2/3 S186 V6210001000100'8102'' 2 Electron oounterflow focusing.** B12-5/BI02 A 4.1AVel dv- (3-13) Ax, for the mean square deviation of the eleotrons irom the accelerator axis.~; is the number of gas atoms per cm Z he nuclear charge and t IjFg'rl heff, rt I C~- r P,% ~X, ~wt -110 --Ittiv-- MUP11,11r.11V p t -:-~n Ft:, I r Fn s ~0 the t1lervm'. tftn~ cbe F. & #-Lf-I D'd ew v F lv&k: $r IIR OF POV 007 OTM Cord 3/3 L 07407--i67 W(1) DPW GD UR/0000/65/000/00076-133/0139 ACC NRt -AT6020575 SOURCE CODE: Q11) 'AUTHOR: Akh! L; Akhiyezers 1. A.; Polovint R. V. _X ozer, A. ORG: none 'TITLEt On the dmpiug of initial excitations and stop of growth of,fluctuations in a .collision-free plassa _i~/ SOURCE-. AN UkrSSR. Vysokochastotnyye svoystva plazmy (High frequency properties of -s lasma). Kiev, Naukovo dumka, 1965, 133-139 ~ ITOPIC TAGS: plasma oscillation, plasma wave ABSTRACT: The mechanism of the stopping of the growth of initial fluctuations of Mac- roscopic quantities in nonequilibrium plasma is investigated for the case of an unbound ed plasma. Following Landau's theory METF, 1945, 16, 574) a general Fourier compo- nent time development is obtained. The undisturbed equilibrium distribution functions which can be analytically continued into complex domain are chosen for this study. Two examples, where frequencies and damping coefficients are given by the initial excita- tion and do not depend on plasma property are closely examined. It is shown that Dirac 6-singulari:~ies lead to undamped excitations, in contradistinction to Landau's results. This result is generalized to singularities in higher derivatives and the asymptotic form of the potential components is derived. The behavior of t1,.! fluctuations is simi- Card 1/2 L 074071-161", ACC NR% AT6020575 lar to that given by Rostoker (Yadernyy aintez, 1961, 1, 101) and provides an estimate of time when the growth of fluctuations in nonequilibrium plasmas stops, Orig* art. has: 12 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 19Nov65/ ORIG REr: 003/ OTH REr: ool Card 2/2 ARHIYEZER.~ A.T.., akademik; REW10, M.P. Photoproduction of mesons on nucleons, and 5U(6)-symmetr7. Dokl. AN SSSOR 166 no.1:60-62 Ja 166. (MiRk -Lgt:L) 1, Fizikc-tekhnicheakiy institut AN UkrSSR. SubmItted September 69 1965. I ~74%-67_wr up (c) 'ACC MRs - AT6020577. SOWCE ODDE: ER/0000/65/000/000/0142/0148 4-7 A.- MMOR: Akhiyezer, I's )RG: lux/ ITLE: On a theory of the.lionlinear motion ofa nonequili rium plasma MURCE: AN UkrSSR.-VysokochastOtnyyQ .svoystva plazmy (High frequency properties of )lasma).'Xiev, Naukovo dumka' -1965 142-148.1, 7OPIC TAGS-i plasma'oncillatio'n:,'pias*ma'.wive px!opagatIon,, Ion noise WSTRACT: The kinetic equatibnJor a'nonequilibrium plasma is used to study wave dis- Mrsion in the collisionle~ss:rekime.*,-'.The.equation Is rewritten using distribution -unction mom'ents; small chairge-.'separatiqfi~in the.sound waves considered here is assui~- -d. : . This system of equi4ttons is used'.to,f6llow the evolution of finite amplitude wav-' -s dbaractirized b~ the density*'pbase velocity and distribution moments. The initial laxwell distribution is detail, where sound velocity and distribu- ;ion momenta per unit density " density-independentg allowing use of isothermal by- irodynamics. I *n.a two-temperature plasma which has a compressing boundary,.a self- .similarwave exists in:tbe absence o~.*ny shook processes. This allows one to write: t set.6f equationsubich connect alj~'quapt#iea characterizing the plasma-behavior in 'ems of the compressing ve in the hydro- loofty-iihich"Le.An"ous to piston velocity lynamic casee Origo ai e. fbxwlulas~* DUB CO DEs .20/ SUBWDAtV CIORWREFs 006/ OTH REF: 001 card AP700 956 AIN) SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/024/0005/0005 INVENTOR: zer, A. I.; Peletainakiy, S. V.; BWyakhtarj G* ORG: none TITLE: Certificate of discovery. Class 00, No. 46 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obrazt9y; tovarnyye znaki, no. 24, 1966, 5 TOPIC TAGS; supersonic wave, magnetic wave, magnetoscoustic resonance, ferromagnetic material, antiferromagnetic material ABSTRACT: This Certificate registers the discovery of an Int eraction between supersonic and magnetic (spin frequency) waves in ferro-, ferri-, and antiferromagnetic materials, which are especially strongly exhibited as the excitation of magnetic waves by supersonic waves's ad hupersonic waves by magnetic waves when the .ftaquenciesof their'i4ib'ration coincide (miagneto -acoustic resonance)" JTDjj AXHIYXM A.N. I.Aterference power attenuator. Ism.takh. no.1:24-28 Ja-F 156. (XIBA 9:5) (Wave guides) (Electric waves) I I AM YRM, A.N. Nsasuring emll attenuations by use of double T-plaoss. Ism.tekh. no.4:34-37 R-Ag 156. (XLVA 9:11) (Wave guides) AXHIIT6ZMR A POODSKIT, A. I. r Thermistor bridge circuits with coupled resistance boxes.,Izm.takh. no.5*-44-45 3-0 156. UM 10:2) A (ThermistakXs) A K %A Y FELS SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1465 AUTHOR ACHIEZER,N.I., ACHIEZER.A.N. TITLE On tle Problem of the Diffraction of Electromagnetic Wayes at a Circv.lar Opening in a Plane Screen. PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Naukt 109, fasc. 1, 53-56 (1956) Issued: 9 / 195-9"- reviewed: 11 / 1956 The present work applies the results obtained by W.I.ACHIS"ER, Dokl.Akad.Nauk, z' 2-8, No 3 (1954) to a diffraction problem. One of these results relates to the integral equations: C(A)jm (Ar),r+l dA -0(.r.>a), ~o C(A)jm (A,)Am+ld F(r)rm(O < r C, a) Here m( >,,, 0) is a whole number, k~ 0, the radicarlf - ]/~'-k' is positive at ~2 > k2 and at 0< 'A2 < k2it has a negative imaginary part, F(r)(O,/,- r-, 0 can be expressed by the magnetic HERTZ vector. The equation for this HERTZ vector is then solved step by step. The computation of the construction of the approximation is here explained, but the problem of the convergence of the process is not mentioned. In conclusion the expression for HZ(XIYIO) in the opening r < a is given. INSTITUTION: Charkov State University A.M.GORtKIJ. AUTHOR AKHIYKZERO A., AKHIYEZERs N.j LYWASK111 G., P~ - 28le TITLE Trf-eatly-a-R-oundary Condition on the Sueface of Multiplying and Slowing down Medium. (Nffektivaoye gramicknoys usloviye a& poverkhnosti razdala mulltiplitsituyuskehey i zanedlyayushokey ared - Russian) MIODICAL Zkurnal Tokha. Fiz.., 1957, Vol 27, Nr 4, pp 822-829, (U.S.S.R.) Roceived 5X1957 Reviewed 6/1957 ABSTRACT The effectiv boundary condition at the boundary of the sultiplicatory- and the slowing down medium are obtained for the case in which the slowing dovm characteristics of both media are tke same. It is assumed that the multiplicatory medium fills the right half-spaco (x>0) whilst the left kalf-space is filled by the slower-dowa (x-great distaRces from the flat boundary). As the dimensions of the multiplicatery medium are infinite, whilst a ateady problem is present, the multiplicat*ry factor of the neutrons is assumed to be equal to one in the came of the determination of tke effective boundary conditions, Tke#quatioa for tko slowing-down process of the fast seutens is set up and is them taken as a diffusion equation and reduced to the fern of an integral-differeatial equation with a difference is kernel. The problem ionsists in finding an asymptotie representation of f( with where L+ is tXe diffusion length of the mentromi with x):0. T a prWlex is solved by applying a method resembling that of Vixer-Gopf. 1A am appendix the Card 1/2 exact -exputation in carried out.(With 3 eitations from Slav publications) El Effeetive Boundary Condition on the Surface of Multiplying ?A- 2819 and Slowing Di"m Medium. ASSOCIATION FTI of tke Asadeny of Science of the Ukrainian SSR~ Ckarkow, (Fri AN U M . Kharkov) PREsLIM BY sUBMITTO 1.19-1956 AVAILABrz Library of Congrex-s Card 2/2 A K ti ix c- z-el? A, AUTMR-. 1xktrmR.K.N. 57-6-22/tI6~ TITLE: _fRe-ITte-oT-5-Me Screen Finite Thickness in Some Diffraction Problems. (0b uchs-te tolshchiU ekram v nekotorykh zadachakh f diffraktsii, Russian) P&IODICA14 Zhurnal Tokbn.Piz. 19571 Vol 27, Nr 6, pp 1294-1300 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACTt Here the quasistatio theory developed by BITHE (Phya.Rev. 66, 163* 1944) an ilie diffraction on small holes in & flat ideally conducting screen is generalized for the case in which the screen is of finite thickness. For this purpose it was neoessaxy first to solve a certain boundary problem of the potential theory. This problem may be raised both for electrostatic and for M&gnetO3t&tiC O&SeB. Here the magnetostatio one, Which corresponds to the "magnetic oonnect-ioW , i.e. for the case in which the component of the ,electric field near the hole of the oonneotion, vAdoh is vertical to the screen, is investigated. This boundary problem is reduced here to two independent integral equations which permit an approximated solution. Card 1/2 j 15716-22/36 The Effect of the Screen Finite Thicimess in Some Diffraction Problems. ASSOCIATION: TIM br; 1 AVAILABLE: The first approximtion is found and used for the coWutation of the connection of two wave conductors. The correction with respect to thickness, which it; based upon this approxinations corresponds to the experimental data obtained. Qjith I Tablet 4. Illustrations, sLul 3 Slavic References) . Institute for Measures qnd Measuring Devices, Chsatow. (Institut mer i i=eritellnykh priborov, Kharlkov) 29.12.1956 Library of Congress Card 2/2 A7- K A. IL 4wnk A. IL An..* k a nwmL X & IL C- EL L F-W~ A. JL L L 00" V, A. mrok L IL AL IL n~ IL We- caq. L IL 6-V- A. IL NL-m it & IL gp--~ IL S. VAUUM Kcs" 0 =- - ; 5-3 x". L t gr~ It 10 mo Is Rac") M-A ---4~ 0 "r we 1"M 0"10104 M ~lft ombmw 16,01.4 w U. "llwAlm t"bwbglftl @mist, at Palo Nowar" me l3wills" callubleatum an. A. a. how (vo"), mmw, 11-M am. 24(3) SOV/20-125-2-15/64 AUTHOR: Akhiyezerv A. N. TITLE: On the Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves by a Turnstile- junction (0b otrazhenii elektromagnitnykh voln turniketnym soyedineniyem) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 2, pp 300-303 (Tissn) ABSTRACT: The author investigates an adjusted turnstile-junction, to arms I and 3 of which(there are altogether 4 arms) reflect- ing pistons are connected. In the waveguides I to 4 waves of the type TE10, and in the cylindrical waveguide, waves of the type TE 11 are propagated. Also the two basis-polarizations are shown in the drawing. The scattering matrix for such a system may easily be determined from the scattering matrix of a turnstile-junction by introducing additional relations between the amplitudes a i of the inciding waves and the amplitudes b. of the reflected waves in arms 1 and 3: Card 1,4 SOV/20-125-2-15/64 On the Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves by a Turnstile-junction ai..'Mbi-ri, i - 1-3. Here _P. - e'Yi denotes the reflection coefficient of the piston in the corresponding arm; a 1 and a2 - the eigenvalues of the scattering matrix, and it holds that 11311 ' 1821 - 11. After several steps 4 equations are obtained which may be written down also in matrix form. The two special cases 7 = 1 and 7 = j correspond to the application of turnstile-junctions described in publications (Ref 2) for the emission and for the reception of waves with linear and circular polarization. Next, th- investigated in which reflecting pistons with the reflection coefficients T 2 . eiT2 and P4 = eJT4 are connected also to arms 2 and 4 of the turnstile-junction. As before, the position of the pistons 1 and 3 is to satisfy the condition T 1 + 'r 3 '0. Also for this case a matrix Card 2/4 equation is written down. This connection has no losses, BOV/20-125-2-15/64 On the Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves by a Turnstile-junction and therefore the scattering matrix is unitary, The polari- zations p and q of the inciding and of the reflected waves respectively are connected by means of a broken-linear con- nection. Because of the unitarity of the scattering matrix, this transformation may be represented by the rotation of a Riemann sphere round an axis passing through its center. The points of the equator of this sphere correspond to pure- ly linear polarizations, whereas the north- and the south- poles correspond to the right-circular and left-circular polarization respectively. By the difference in phase of the waves reflected on the pistons 2 and 4 it is possible to influence jqj . In conclusion, it is shown that in the case of an arbitrary polarization p 1 of the inciding wave it is possible to obtain an arbitrary given polarization q 1 of the reflected wave. There are 4 figures and 3 references? 1 of which is Soviet. Card 3/4 SOV/20-125-2-15/64 On the Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves by a Turnstile-junotion ASSOCIATION: Khartkovskiy gosudarstvennyy institut mer i izmeritellnykh priborov (Khartkov State Institute of Measures and Measuring Devices) PRESENTED: December 3, 1958. by M. A. Leontovich, Academician SUBMITTED: December 3, 1958 1 Card 4/4 04 0 jai 4 ilk 29773 S/194/61,300/006/064/077 C1, 6ooo (10Y9 S-0 D201/D302 MTHORS: i3rodskiy, A.1.1 -Aldliyezer, A.1-41., Magda, V.I. and Sen1ko, A.P. TITLE: Staudard calorimetric o(juipment icox, cliecjtjjj~r, rvial.1 power matero PE11IODICAL: ReEcrativnyy zhurnal. Avtoinatika i radioelektronika, no. 6. 1961, 18-19, nbstract 6 1107 (V sb. '100 let so dnya rozlid. A.S. Popoval I M. I ~di SSSR, 19G0, 188-193) TEAT: The arranpment is based on the division of the power mea- sured by the calorimeter by means of a starAard dirn-ctional coupler. It consists of power source, wovemeter, S11F power lcvc1-s~.:bilizer, attenuator, standard directional coupler a staudar6 calorimeter. tx The SHF power sources are typical, oil immersed lclystroiis. The use of an oil bath and a good supply stabilizatio-a makcs t'&-Lc- 11" min. frequency drift better than 1-2 x 10-5. The power level stabilizcr Card 1/2 29773 S/194/61/000/)06/064/077 Standard calorimetric equipment ... D201/D302 consists of a directional coupler, a refere-tice detnctor, d.c. ampli_- fier and magnetically controlled attemiator with an irreversible ro- tation of the plane of TEll wave i-a a circular waveguide with a 'Jcr- rite in a longitudinal magitetic field. The power levcl t;t;~bilizer keeps the output power level within - tO..%~ NAth clizi-ages of �2076 of the input power. The standard direction.-A coupler hao the -traight-throuah attenuation of about 10 db vnd directivity >, 25 db ~WR < 1.07. Th-e standard microcalorimeters permit measurement of power levels of 2-100 milliwatts with an error -- �1.%. The SIM V of the calorimeters in better than 1.16. The proces.- of -,icasure- ment is semi-autonatic alld takes 2-3 minutes. TL'-.e calorimeter vorks on the principle of a cooled thernoco-,i,')Ic which i-,iLlkes it possible to replace the SIIF power by that of d.c. at a consta,.'it temperature of the calorimetric systeri. Tile sourccL; of circrshavc becii analy- zed. CAbstreetcr's note: Complete traxislatioil-/ Car(', 2/,-, 80299 S/115/60/000/04/025/041 D002/DO06 ,AUTHOR: AkhiYezer..A.N. ' tTITLE:' VOW A Waveguide Power-Divider With Elliptical Polarization .PERIODICAL: Izmeritellaaya.tekhnika, 1960, Nr 4, pp 50-52 (USSR) 'ABSTRACT: given on the design and operation of a waveguidepower-divider based on a new principle: viz.-.the-.conversion of the initial wave into an ellip- tically polarized N wave in a round waveguide, and i1 e conversion into an N wave in the subsequent reve 01 Ci the rect -angular waveguide. The power division is de- termined by.means of the relation between the pola- rization coefficients. The single-amplitude wave is divided by the method described previously by Meyer ,Card 1/2 and Goldberg ZRef. 2, English7. For analyzis of the, S/194/61/000/009/046/053 (:~/73'96 D271/D302 AUTHOR: AkhiyeLor, A-N,._ TITLE: Measurement of small attenuations in waveguides PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 9, 1961, 35-36, abstract 9 1314 (Tr. in-tov Kom-ta standartov, mer i izmerit,_priborov,pri Sov. Min. SSSR, 1960, no. 48 (108), 6 85) TEXT: - Most widely used methods are considered for measur- ing small attenuations in waveguides, with modifications and supp- lements introduced as a result of experimental work in KhGIMIP. An analytical expression for attenuating an element-of waveguide line is considered. Methods described are: Substitution of a calibrated attenuator by the use of balance method, thermistor bridge, circle diagram, double three-port junction. Resonance methods are,consid- ered which are based on measurement of resonance resistance, Q-fac- tor and propagation coefficient of the investigated waveguide used % Card 1/2 S/194/61/000/009/046/053 Measurement of small attenuations D271/D302 as a resonator: 1) Method of equivalent transformer, 2) method of Q-measurement of waveguide resonator, 3) measurement of the trans- fer coefficient of waveguide resonator. Results are shown of atten uation measurements in waveguides by applying the first four of the above methods. The errors of the method of circle diagr&n and of the method of equivalent transformer are considered in the appendix; also, the influence is considered of lumped losses inside the meW sured waveguide when methods involving standing waves are used; fundamental data are given of the apparatus used for measuring attenuation. 25 references. fAbstracter's note: Complete trans- lation-7 Card 2/2 -t'- AKHIYZZ3R. A. N. Connection of rectangular wave guides by mans of an opening in a wide wall. Zhw. tekh. fiz- 30 no~-7:831-854 JI 160a (MIRA 13:8) 1. Xharikovskly gosularatveMV7 Institut mer i irmeritellrqkh priborov. (Wave gaides) I . m . AKH=SRO AN6 Widening the range of the balancing conmetion in resonators having Hoj:-~ape oscillations. lzm.tekh. noel-.50-51 A 162. (14IRA 14:12) (Resonators) 'S/11 5/63 IOPO/OOL/0171017 0.240,382 AUTIIOR:. a ~M,eAslti Alk'S of',wavejuide TITLEt r r y 0. era,-- Alm. 1-~ERIODIC, L.; it 30, Aay6..J`imkhAika- I~q 4 963.,, zMar e ed "I' dins s,A~avj dv:-,aPiA:L load and e 'VIC own, -Rteth6ds - i4 ..tha it dobtl~mbt_ I--- -- _ 13kat,ed- -'a re clu :k r yst .. t" , -h -, w, v ISI'l iftg'th6: load:4.n t, 'e... a,e-.,- -'.r",'d wF 77 d in 'the express.( y;: iw 2(f.. 0& M, ps Card, VU5/6-3/60/00/017/017 11 ethod df'.t oa-suej: A Wher. ilk. -16Ad 0, And - (Z;o )i 7X: 2 in o rdbr~,, t o'.. d6t 6i4hUil "Ah Is' n,.. va-suiemenil.,orl- 4%1-4i.) -.c (3)'0 ca rri'od~-~out y-3110ana--p Ah-p tac.t6x~:-hda 'Arhaw'.Aifting th '~]Li d din ad's' 'T' e :d ~t eo. .0i sign- 1:~ '0 can'.b *r, y-, eta lo he aux:Ll '-roey or rvitio Wr u s m. ....... or.-,and a a OUP .he iiit tis*t o4 ~n': ' ch s~ '"y .:is t su d e' on -pn- i on:,df *the -.1o" I,- " .` , .err dthod a due' ;6.--th;&..ekrorw- measureme tit- b 9' are`tI6q~s-ea-'_'_`. deviatiosi".~-,Qf,-tke by_* detecto'_,r rue squai~-.A~w;,~ er*ro'r.'-'of; th e indic''a~'tin*g "iiW'i tjF t, ip 6 reflection-4 qmo;x J~ and th6'_sUd!4.`1o_a'd.- of th%oVLAd due._t46J1-*'-.pkObsj- 7. 'V chan -mp6r'fe& -ticiAbl dril. .6f: th, I, - -11 . - :, ~ .. 'hod- ~ w-a~- a'.'v orsfif in pq for. evel' dt*1im-s:.-vie ,iisturlement i ex _4t~r: f ound thAt for: n.=.-O.,277-':~6~id-'-".-1 a 3 S/JL15/63/000/001/017/Oi7 Dloth-6d ~of 4r3L'ilgl:--'*.*"* v_-:- t T 'he, directivity. .6. i ",Iii e dby-the, attenuiitojr:m` et,fiod o the sarAo cotipl, ifets D 29.. "--9~h iir'd 2.fstur es ord e Fig., Card '3/3. A-KHMZER., AON. Measuring the directivity of,vAve guide coupler. Ismtekh, no.148-504a 163'. .(WA 16s2) Rave guides-Measurement) C