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M.G.; LUKANA, A.F.; ROGONYAN, A.A.; SMYR, Z.E.; ANTEIAVA, G.K. Combined treatment of bone fractures of the extremities with plaster and adhesive cloth bandages. Sbor. trud. Mbd. nauch. ob-vo Ahkb, 2:243-246 159,. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Iz otdelenin travmatologii i voestanoVitellnoy khirurgii Respublikan- s~oy bollnitay imeni.A.A.Ostroumova Ministerstva zdravoolkJa-aneniya Abkhazakoy ASSR (zav. otdeleniyem - laureat Stalinskoy premii M.G. Akhalaya, g4vnyy vrach G.N.Nadareyahvili) .(FRACTURES) (BANDAGES AND LOAGING) (PLAST-tR CASTS, SURGICAL) USSR/Farm Sillcwonm hli6 Jour Rei' 7,hur Biol., Na lun, 1950, 83477 Author .'d;ha List University of Tbilisi. Title 13,f facts . of RhyUmic - Teyipcimturc Charges- in IncubatorE; upolvclvwth~ DQV4oPmQIII%-o) mle, rroductivity pfsillworms.- OriG Pub Tr. Tbi1Issk.*.in.&ja) 1956, 0"0, 213-224.. Abstract .%~.s sil1worm eggs -Wken from three species, =.ioly) Uie Japanese bivoltine No 110, Oro mid Tbil HIISh f-voilisi SciantiCic Research Ins"it-ato for the Raisin- of vorms _7, vere incubated ~~y being exposed to da i 1y t c a - C ture 'fluctuations (150 / c 7durinZ,, 8 niGht hour-~, 27J 4~~, durtir; 8 day hours., anC, 2116 LC 7 durinG, the hours), 'die percentaC;o of Ceveloped increased about 5 percent and 'die tine iiecessary for eWs, card 1/9 TIE Ri -o I a i -1 ;c I 0.9 A Z 4 4 Z I i V 4 AKHALBEDASHVILI, A.M.; SIKHARULIDZE) D.I. I- Some results of the operation of a long-period seiemograph at Tbilisi. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 36 no.1:55-60 0 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Institut geofiziki AN Gruzinskoy SSR, Tbilisi. Submitted February 28, 1964. TSXHAUTA,. A,D,I-.T.3mxPZVA,, ToM,,.I: AMUMDASKVIII, -A.M,,-, The Naclatapa earthquake of.'Dooember 1959,, Trudy Inst. goofizo Gras. SSR 2~177-U 163, (MIRA 18s12) ------------ TULUIWSFII-, YU.N., DDBROKHOTOVt A.Lj AMAHUAUV S.I.j CHISMVAy R.P. Combustion! control in Open-hearth, ftfta6wl bl'the oxygen content.- lzv~vyv; ~uaeb. zav.1 CbOXM*:=6t. no.3rI84Z-291 162. (MIRA 140) 1, Cbelyabinakil nauchno-issledoviLtblIbUy institut metaX"irgii. (OP=-hearth furnknces~-4ombuotlon) (Oxygen-IndustriKl applications) 8/058/61/000/010/'02B/100 70 AOOI/A.101 AUTHORSt Akhamovi, S.A.,-Konstantinov,,Yu.S., Volkov, V.A. TIMZ: On sensitivity of-autodyne*cirouits fot observation of nuclear mag- netic resonance. PERIODICALt' Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, nq. 10, 1961-, 154-155, abstract 10V28.3 (V,sb. "Faramagnttn, -rezonanW', Kazan, Kazansk.- un-t, 1960, t45) TEXTi The sensitivity-of autodyne circuits for observations of.nualear, magnetic resonance was Investigated experimentally-and theoretically. It is es- tablished that main.noise-souroes,in.these,oiraults are-amplitude fluctuation of auto4yne and flue-tuations,in the gain factor ofA4e high-frequeney.amPLU1. amplitude fluctuations of-oscillations were.-measured In several-,al4to- dynes in the frequency range front 100 -cps -to _5 ke by the demodulation method. The measurements were aQnducted for different m6&d of operation of autodynes, includ- ing -the mode of synchronization by an external harmonic force. 'It was discovered that the main source of fluctuations are fluctuations of the tube.transconduot- anoe. -A calibration device analogoys to taund's device was employed for measur- Ipg the signal-to-noise ratio, parameters of autodyne as functions of their mode Card 1A -9/058/61/000/010/026/lPU -On sensitivity of autodyne circuits ... A001/A101 of operation. Spectral measurements of signal-to-noise ratios were made'for dif- ferent operation modes of autodynes. It is shown that at transition to.the lelf-~ excitation threshold, the signal-to-noise ratio gTows. are presented which characterize the circuits investigated. An attempt is made to VZ formulate the quantitative criterion for estimating sensitivity of autodyne radio- spectroscopes for observations of nuclear magnetic resonance. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 AKWAUMVA V.D. Pathological changes in adrenal glands in diphtherial in- toxiention during drug induced sleep* Trudy Inst norm* i Pat. fiziol. AMN SSSR no.lt82-90 t59 NM 16:12) Changes in themedullar substance of the adrenal glands in diphtheriO intoxication. Ibid. a 91-99 1. iz,laboratorii patomorfologii (zav. - chlen- korrespondent AM SSSR prof. A.A.Soloviyevz) Instituta normallnoy i patolo- gicheskoy fiziologii ANN SSM GOLUBRV, S.G.; AELANCH3MK, A.I., redaktor: PSTROVSLkYA, Ye.S.. tekhnic~-esTry*Se *M(Y~Wwo [Aanual for members of fire brigades] Posobie dlia riadovogo I I sostava. potharnoi okhrary. Izd.3-0, perer. Moskva, Ministerstva kommunallnogo khoziaistva RSFSR, 1948. 194 p. (Microfi W (Firemenle manuals) (MIRLA 8:9) -- -------- CAIM CENNOK, A.G.; FILATCV. I.G., redaktor; IM72, M.L., redaktor; AWN29"NOTSID&A, T. . tsjcbnichePkiy redaktor [Principles of the methodology of teaching tactical fire.prevention] 08novy metodiki pozharno-taktichookoi podgot6vkI. Moskva, Izd-vo Ministerstva kommunallnogo khostaistva RSFSR, 1954. 99 pe (MMA 7:9) (Firs prevention-*Study and teaching) I AKHA CHNNOX, A. ~.- ~ - Cooperation with militia workers. Pozh.delo 3 no.3:9 Mr 157* (mm io: 4). Ofire prevention) I AMNGHENOK, A. ft In 'lowland district. Pozh.delo 3 no.8:4-6 Ag '57. (K= 10:8) (Rostov Pftvince-Fire prevention) AMMOHEROK, A. -'I.-.- - , Magnetic tapes used In fire prevention campnigns. Po2h.dslo 3 no.9-6-7 S '57. (MLRA 10:9) (Fire prevention) (gagnetic recorders and recordingi AKHaORWOK, A. Regulations on Youth Volunteer Mrigadee of the R.S.F.S.R. Fb2h. delo 4 n0.201 7 '58. (Km 11:1) (Fire prevention-Iawa and regulations) -~ ANHANCHENOK, A. Satiric posters for fire-prevention campaigns. Pozh.delo 5 no.49.8-9 Ap 159 iFire prevention) OGRA 12:5), ~ AMANCEMK, A. 4actor7 in process of.reconstruction. Pozh.delo 5 no-11:5-6 N '59. (MRA 13:4) (yProslavi-Ahemical plants--Fires and fire prevention) AKHAMV, N.P.; ILOIN, G.A. Experimental mining with over-all mechanization and automatization in the "Prolatersksia-Glubokaia" mine of the Donets Basin; over-all mechanization and automatization are mineral main objectives. Ugoll 34 no.8:45 Ag 159. (MM 12:12) l.Glavuyy inshener shakhty "Proletarskaya-Glubokaya" tresta Makeyevugoll (for Akhanov). 2.Pomoshchnik glavnoro mokhanika po avtomatizateil shakhtr "Proletarskara-Glubokaya" treata Mak-~yavugoll (for Illin). (Donets Basin-Coal mines and mining) (Automatic control) HUYAWMW, G.N., redaktar; DMISM, N.1,;'redaktor~-,---BffANTUlW.,.,,~., redaKbr; XWOT, T-4~-r6daktor;'BAZUXOT' I.M., redaktor; MADALOV. Pol., redaktor; SHNIM, R.I*-, redaktor; AIMCIF, TSiB.,tekhzicheskly radaktor. [Studies on the production forces of the Buryat-Mongolian AsSeS.R.] Materialy po Isucheniin. proisvoditellnykh 911 Builat.mongollskol ASSR. Ulan-Uds. Bariat-Mongollskoe kn-vo. VL6;18. 1954. 425 P. Om 90-5) Wat-Mongolls-31conomic geography) .AUIAMV, Vik-tor Stepawvich; VASIL'YEV. N.M., inzhener, redaktor; Umn, MR., redaktor; MXDTXM, L.Ta., tekhnichosidy redaktor. [Carpenterle amd Joinerls work in the agricultural constructioni PlotrAchrVe A atollarmye raboty v sollskon stroitelletve. Moskva, GosAzd-vo lit-ry po stroit. I. arkhitekture, 1955. 101PP (Carpentry) 17a= buildings) (KI-'RA 8:11) AXHANOV, T.S., inzheneri UNGIAM, A.D. Using mortar pumping machinery in repairing building fagades in low temperatures. Gor.khoz. Mosk. 30 no.2:36-37 F 156. OmA 9:6) I.&I-demiya, kommunallnogo khosyzqstva imeni Pamfilovs, (for Akfianov).2.Upravlyayushchir remontno-stroitellnym Komintornovskogo rayons, g.Mookvr (for Ungiadze). (Plastering--Gold weather conditions) ftansperting plAnteriag nortars ia pipe limo vxdor colA weather condi ionsi khos. Nooke-.31 ne.2:26-28 7 157. (KERA 10:4) A 1. lauchn" sottudalk Ak;ademll kownwallnege khoxy&yatvA ijwzl~X.D. P&Nfilov&. (Mortar-Trausportati9s) maohimety-Gold weatho-reporatiox) AKRANOV, V.S., kand.tekhn.nauk. Changes brought about In the properties of plasters when they are pumped through pipes In winter. Stroi.prom. 35 no-9:10-13 S '57. l.Akademiya kommunallnogo khozyaystva'im. X.D. Pamfilova. (Plastering--Cold weather conditions) SHAPOSHN111M, 'rando ::,o,!'skcl..hoz,nau~; MOL11,110V V 8kand, teklin.nauk resulta, of the 25.-Vear a:~tlvity ct the Rcst,xv Scientific Ressarch Tnatituts of the Acadar.7 of Municilal Serviedn. Sbo.-.nauch, trud,RNII AMII no.2-13-21 163, (IIIELPA 18:10) 1, Direktor Rostovel-ogo tauchno-issladovatellakogo insti-tuta A!,.adomli kommunallpogo khozyzy6tva (for Shaposhnikov). 2, Ztnastltell I'Ll-cAftora po naii0inny rabot;~, RoAtovskogo miuchinc.- isaloclovatallskugv ir.!itltuta AtaflemU kommurallnogo khazyzystva (fer Ahanov)s ~AKHANOV, V.S., Products and building matpriala for the industrialization of tho general repuir and main%nanoe of rosieential houses. Sbor.nauch. trud.Ml !.KKP no.2:130'454 163. (!-Tipu 3.8:10) 1. ZamrdstiteLl d1relctora -po nauchnoy rabote Rc-stovskogo naucluio- issledovatel'skago instituta Akademil kommunallnogo khozIraysti%. kw Aov 7.1 ~-Q - ::~~ -1 'r Carl)onate accumdation In the voila of the Oftm V*11W- - lZT-- AN Kazakh. SSRo Ser. biolo nauk 3 no,3tll-21 M:~* IA4. (mm 1839) 37635 S/076/62/036/005/010/013 B1O1/B11O AUTHORS: Talakin, 0. G., Akhanshchikova. L. A.,,Sosnovskiy, Ye. N.1 Pankratov, A. V.;-a-n-ff-Z-er~cheninovj A. N. TITLE: Heat of formation of fluonitrate PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 30', no- 5, 1962, 1065-1067 TEXT: The heat of formation of NO F was calorimetrically determined on 3 the basis of the reaction NO F + 2KOH - KNO + KF + 0.5 0 + H 0, the NO P 3 3 2 2 3 being synthesized by bubbling F through HNO thus: HNO +-P = HF + NO F. 2 . 3 3 2 3 The HF was absorbed by KF, and NO 3F was condensed at -18300. The heats (kcal/mole) of reaction between NO 3P and KOH (Q1 - 93-5 T 0.8), between KF and KOH 3.35 F 0.011 and between KNO 3 =d KOH (Q4 - -5-933~0-00 were measured with a calorimeter calibrated with KCI. From the syst6m of equations which allows for this ana the other side reactions of the process the heats of formation of gaseous and liquid NO 3F were a ale-alated Card 1/2 S/076/62/036/005/010/013 Heat of formation of fluonitrate B101[B110, and found to be -4.2 :F 0.9 kcal/mole at 21*C and -4.2 7 1.2 kcal/mole at -45.90C, respectively-. There are 2 figures and 4 tabl'e-a. SUBIMITTED: May 17, 1961, Card 2/2 . -m FANKRATOVI A.V.; AKHAIISHGHlXOVA, L.".: SHALAYEEVA, OZ.; RIMEETSOVA, T.V. Roaction of tetrafluorohydrazine with potassium iodIde aqueous solution. Zlhur. neorg. khim. 9 no.6.-1517-1519 Je t63 MRA V o.8) AEUMM, A. Belp from parents. Prof.tekb. obr. 11 no.5:24-25 Ag 154. (KM 7:9) 1. zamestitell nachallu*a Moskovskogo gorodskogo upravleniya trudo- vfth reservov. (Plarentol and teachers' associations) (Technical education) AMUMIN, A. Mucational work of trade schools. Prof.-takh.obr. 12 no.lt25-26 1 155. (MLIRA 8:3) 1. Zamestitell nachalluilm Mookovskogo gorodskogo upravleniya trudovykh rezervor. (Technical education) 22(l) SOV/27-59-4-4/28 AUTHORS: Kochetov, S.0 and Akhapkin, A TITLEs In Accordance With the Plans of the Seven-Year Plan PERIODICAL: Professionallno-tekhnicheskoye obrazovaniye, 1959, Nr 4, PP 3-5 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Moskovskoye gorodskoye upravleniye trudovykh rezervov (Moscow Municipal Administration of Labor Reserves) and its educational institutions are at this time engaged in solv- ing problems in-the training of young workman so as to be able to satisfy more fully the requirements of base enter- prises. These problems include a radical improvement in the quality of training and education of young workersp the necessity of re-organizing the training process, etc. They were placed before the vocational schools of Moscow by the 21st CPSU Congress-and the School Law passed by the USSR Supreme Council. In this article the authors tell of the first measures accomplished to this end by the education- al institutions of Moscow. The basic trend is to get in Card 1/5 closer touch with industry, to learn its needs, lower the SOV/27-59-4-4/28 In Accordance With the Plans of the Seven-Year Plan cost of training, give a greater output, and to better train md .educate young workmen 0 Thus, the Tekhaicheskoye uchilish6he Nr 22 (Technical School Nr 22), the base of which is the Stankostroitellnyy zavod imeni Ordzhonikidze (machine Tool Plant imeni Ordzhonikidze), has started to train foremen' for automatRd production-lines. Technical School Nr 12 (base: Sharikopodshipnikovyy zavod - Ball Bearing Plant) im training lail-he and semi-automatic machine operators, opera- tor-adjusters for polishing machines and semi-automatic de- vices. Technical School NZ 14 is training mechanics for computing analytical machines. Technical School Nr 15 has begun training press operators and specialists for the watch industry. The Remeslennoye uchilishche Nr 1 is planning to train automati,?".'produotion line adjusters. In accordance with the new-Sch!ool Lawlthe Moscow Municipal Administration of Labor Reserves'intends to reorganize in the 4-year courseq 70 educational institutions into vocational-tech- nical schools, 20 of them by 4~ 1961. In order to ensure Card 2/5 the yearly enrollment of young people who have graduated SOV/27-59-4-4/28 In Accordance With the Plans of the Seven-Year Plan from the 8-year-schoolt 48 buildings for new vocational- technical schools will be built in Moscow. The Moskovskiy sovet deputatov trudyashchikhaya (Moscow Council of De- puties of the Working People) has passed a decision to construct 20 buildingsp to be ready in 1961-1962. They will provide schools for training construction and sewing industry workers, and others. Technical School Nr 5 is already manufacturing pneumatic and hydraulic vises and winches for its plant. Remeslennoye uchilishche Nr 1 (Trade School TIr 1) will make 400 different items for the zavod imeni Likhacheva (Plant imeni Likhachev). By order of the Chief of Glavmosstroy, the construction of several 5-story apartment houses has been transferrea to education- al institutions. The technical supervisiong supply of ma- terials, machines, cranes, etoo, is the concern of Glav- mosstroy. In order to satisfy the labor force requirements of installations, schools will turn out graduates 8 to 9 times annually as compared to twice a year previously, The Card 3/5 School Law provides that the vocational-technical schools SOV/27-59-4-4/28 In Accordance With the Plans of the Seven-Year Plan be gradually placed on a self-supporting basis. In this connection, it is intended to double the productional plan of the schools in 1959 and to inarease assignments to the State budget to the same extent. This is to be regarded as a means for improving training-educational work. The authors also mention other ways to lower the cost of train- ing, and quote in this connection the Moskovokoye gorode- koye upravleniye (Moscow Municipal Administration) which, for training workmen, spent 2,500,000 rubles less in 1958 than in 1957. The authors also speak of assigning students to paid jobs which made it possible to considorably increase the State budget income in 1959- In this connection the Remeslennoye uchilishche Nr 6 (Trade School Nr 6) is men- tioned. For some vocations, the solving of the problem of self-oupport meets with difficulties, This is the cane with Technical Schools Nr 18 and 19, where tailors are be- ing trained. The difficulty was overcome by opening a tailor shop for making outdoor clothes for the public. Card 4/5 This increased income and made it possible to better SOV/27-59-4-4/28 In Accordance With the Plans of the Seven-Year Plan organize training. The authors ment-ion. the organization of practical training of foremen of all basic professions in Moscow and a. pedagogical conference of foremen and instruct- ors which was held in Moscow recently. Many directors of educational Institutions were unable to cope with the pro- blems arising from the transfer of schools *to a self- supporting basis and the training of students at base en- terprises. Special short-term courses on economics of production have, thereforep been organized for leading per- sonnel. As an example of zealous participation, the authors mention the Stroitallnoye uohilishche Nr 3 (Construction School Nr 3) and Remeslennoye -achilishche Nr I and 6 (Trade School Nr 1 and 6) which have manufactured 50 screw-cutting lathes 1116151V over the plan. In the Moskovskoye Tekhniches- koye uchilishche Nr 3 and 6 and the Zheleznodorozhnoye uchi- lishche Hr 3 (Moscow Technical School Hr 3 and 6 and Rail- road School Nr 3) the students themselves are displacing initiative in supplying the workshops with tools or suggest- Card 5/5 ing rationalizing methods. (Moscow-Vocational education) -(Socialist competition) I I GUKIN, V.; KUZNETSOVA, M., starshiy nauchnyy dotrudnik; KHLEBNIKOV, I., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; AKHAPKIN, A., tekhnolog Mechanized swine-fattening farm. Sell, strol. no.7:12-13 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Glavnyy zootekhnik sovkhoza "Moshkovskiy" Novosibirskoy oblasti (for Gukin). 2. Zapadno-Sibirskiy filial Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Kuznetsova). (Swine houses and equipment) AKHAPKIN., A. With the help of party.organizationso Prof.-tekh.obr. 19 no.2: 11-32 F 162,. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Zamestitell naoballniia Moskovskogo gorodskogo upravleniya professionallno.-takhnichoskogo-obrazovaniya. (Moscow-Vocational education) AMAPKIN,-JL For croativened# in educational work. Prof.-tekh. ob.-. 20 no.6: 3-5 Je- 163. (HIRk 160) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika Moskovskogo gorodskogo upravleniya professionallno-tekhaicheakogo obrasovaniya. (Moscow-Vocational education) (Moscow-Community and school) AKHAPKIN A. Letis teach them to obr. 21 no.10:11-23 0 164. (MIM 17:11) 1. ZaMAOtitOll nachallnika Moskovskogo gorodskiogo upravleniya professionallno-tekhnichesk.ogo obrazovaniya. AKF-APKIN, Mikhail Vasil-'YeVichl- ~ - -- -- - AKIIAFKIN. S.M. GEIE-SKM., M. IT. Kashpirskly Rudnik V Pervoy Troti 1935 G, Gory-uchiye Slantsy, 1935 Vo 1+, 21 1 SO: Goryuchiye Slantsy, 1934-35, TN ."71 G .71+ AIKAPnX,V.N., kandidat teMmicheskikh nank Basin for the selection of the coefficient of marginal adhesion In tractor clutches. Ayt. trakt. prom. uo.?-.16-20 J1 '55. (an 8:9) 1. Novosibirskly sel'skokhozynyetwennyy iustitut (Tractors-Clutches) nauehMy sotr.; GOYffACHEVA, L.M... nauchriyy sotr.; ISTOMINA, .--LV*j,,nauabW sotr.j KASHIMM) L.S., nauchnyy gotr.; ROZHKOVA, T.D.1 nauebmyy sotr.j KOFYIDV) D.I., kand, istoilcheskikh nauk,, red. VOROB ITEV,, -MA.., red. I - OVECHM I L.T.., tekhn. red. (Thirty -years of the Yamal-Nenets National Area] 30 let IAmalo-' Nenetakogo okrupj istmiko-ekonomicheakii ocherk. TiumenI,, 19606 87 p, (MIRA 3AzlO) 1. Tyumen' (Province) Upravlen#e vmtrervolkh del. Arkhimv_y otdel. 2.Tyumenol4y oblastnoy Goou&rstvenMy arkhiv., Tobollsk (for Akhap- I kinap Goryacbevap Istomina, Kashikhinj Rozhkova), I Cramal-Nenets National Area-Ecouomic conditions) AKHABOY, Ta.; BORISOV, B.S* JIffect of alloying elements ofn the heat resistance of alloys and bonding force .a in the oxidation phase lattices in the scale. Part 1. ;ffect of chromium on bonding forces in hematite. Fiz* met. i metblloved- 3 no-3.-471-476 156. (KIRA 10:3) 1. lnstitut~.fiziki metallov Urallskogo filiala AN S -SSR. (Iron-chromium alloys-Notallography) (Heat-resistant alloys) MWv ON,- AI;RMVAl, V.V.; PRMVI, A.A. Antivear and antiftiction p2vparties of bydrocarbons. Milm.1 tekh. topl.i masel Mr "61.. (MIM 3.40) &~rocarbons) BULGARIA / Cultivated Plants. Medicinal. Essential M-7 ,Oils... Toxins. Abs Jour: Rei'- Zhur---Bibl No 6, 1958, 25226 k4thoIr ~khatarov__;" B. BIoychlndv,, A., Mathdrakov, P. Inst No-t7gTvrn- Title Experiments on the Influence of Artificial,Fertil iters.:on"' the". Alkaloid Content in Plants Orig Pub:,,Farmat61y6-(B'ig), 1957, 7, No 1, 37-39 (Bulg.; res. Russ.) Abstract., Investigations were made of the effect of fertil- izers on the alkaloid content in the plants Atropa belladonna L., Datura stramonium L., and Hyoscya- mus niger L. Nitrogen fertilizer increased the alkaloid content in belladonna and the thorn apple by up to 25%; nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers increased the alkaloid content in the henbane by Card 1/2 140 AKHATKIN., L.S., inzh, Requirements for the instructions for the repair of construction machinery,. Stroi. i dor. mash. 9 no.6: 23-25 Je 164. (MIRA 18:11) COMAYEV, D.A.; ALUTOV, Sh.N. Some prbblems in designing petroleum pipelines and twming them over to industrial exploitations Neft, khowe 46' no.5:54-59 14Y 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Petrolowt~-)?ipe3.ines-General) AKHCHIEV, M. TECHNOIDGY Periodicals: LE-KA PROMISHUNOST. Vol. 8, no. 1p 1959. AKHCHIEV, M. Allowances for the puncheon and matrix in the blanking die. p. 19. Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAT) LC Vol. 8) No. 4j April 19510 Unclass. AY14CHIEV , M. "Trentment of thermoplastics by the extrusion process." LEKA PROT ff-SHM, NOST, Sofiia, Bulgaria, Vol. 8, No. 3, p. 18, 1959 Monthly list of EAST EUROPEAN ACCLSSIONS INDEX (BEAI), Litrary of Congress, Vol. Sj, No. 8p Auanst., 1959, Unclassified ffHature and signific&nce of the carrying parts of the broaching machines." LIXA PROETSIUMIOST, Sofiia, BulGaria, Vol. 8, No. 5, Monthly list of MST EUROPEAN ACCESS101130 IMBa (IMNAI), Library of Congress, Vol. 8, 110. 8, Alkguat, 19f)9. Unclassified. AMM - AMD40-VTtH I P. M. 5844. Klinika, Lachenlyel Profilaktika Opistorkhoza. Omsk, Obl. Kn. Izd., 1954, 95s. s Ill; 2 111. 20sm. 3,000 ekz. 2r. 50k. gbi Biblicgr. s. 91 - 93. (55-1470)P 616,9624(o16.3) SO: Knizhraya Letopis, Vol. 1, 1955 AKREUDLIp M.K.; ABBASOVp G.A. Amo0a method'of uiWindibg oilWcTm-cocoone, Uoh. s4p. AGU# Plz*-=to i khimo ser, Ad-3.-6746"5qo O(IRA 34--3) (.sericulture) AEMEDZRANOI 'M A. Copoernipg 1. L_. Abramovich's article *Genesis of the foliated 6041= -an formation in dolomites of Kalkanata Mountain.", U*sb.geol. shur. to., X-.7~48 161. (Nulkanata Mouutains-Ore deposito) Abramovibht E.L.) A - 2B!BAAKLIHIA~S. ; OVGHIMIIKOV, G.R. ; NDN&STYRSKATA, M.S.: PLUM, LA. Simplified method for salt removal in the manufacture of porous artificial leather. Kozh,-obuv.prom. no.10:20-24 0 '59. (MIRA 13:2) (Leather, Artificial) 1. GETZER, I.; HAIaSM[EMCH, X.; MOSHCIMMIKOV,N.; SBPILEVDY, V.; AXWO, A.: GOWVAMWO, V.V. 2. USSR (600) 4. Radio' - ExUbition"s 70 Radio,amateurs are getting ready for the Eleventh All-Union Radio Exhibition. Radio. No. 10, 3.952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953. Unclassified-. i AKHMHTEYN Technical and economic coefficients and the crawl space. Zhil. stioi. no,'12:12 162. (MM& 16:1) (Hotelso taverns, etc.-Cost of construction) EERLINp A.p insh.; MOROZOV, V., lnsh-; AKHE 3 y AZ6VMpCftwinXh From materidl sent to the editor. Na stroi. Ros. 4 ng.3t25 YV 163. (Construotion iMustry) (MIRA 16:5 A M NSHTEYN, G.L (Kazan') Froblem.of -the depth for laying foundations of buildings and structures. Oun., fund. i mekh. grun. 3 no.5:26-27 161.(YIRA 14:11) (Foundations) `-~NSHTZYNp G.I.v inzh. Setting up norms for the anticorrosion protection of construction elo:aents. From. atroi, 39 no. 1:48-50 161. (MIRA 14:1) (Concreto--Corropion) AMNSHTEYN, G., inzh. ------------- Cease the intolerab3,v frequent changes in state standards and instructions. Prom. atroi. 39 no*5:62-63 161. (14MA 14t7) (Staidards-bagineering) I . 0 - .- J1 , /I _0 Ve AKHANOV, 0.1. (solo Koteltnikovo Stalingradekoy oblasti). Stoa;7work on practival exercises in geometry in grades 10 and 11. Mat. v shkole, no.2:40-42'Rr-Ap 158. (MIRA 11:2) (Geometry-Study and toaabirg) 17 e? AXHANOV, Ivan fvanovich; KMIMSOVA, N.I., red.; RAXOV, S.I., tekhn.recl. [Gelendzhik and its environs] Gelendzhik i ego okrestnosti. [MoBkval Izd-vo VTsS?S Profizdat, 1957. 133 P. (MIRA 11:1) (Gelendzhik-Deacription) AUUMV, X.P. Coal mine and la~oratorjrq Bezop. truda v Prom. 3 no.11:4-5 N 159. (KMA 13:3) l.Glavn.vy Inzhener shakhty *Proletarskava-Glubokaya" treat& Makeyev- ugoll. (Makerefta-Coal, mines and mining--Technological innovations) SIOU91 14LecEssiox NRi AP4022903 Akh I;AUTHCRj Ahestkov. V. A. (Docent) Polarized neutral time rel;v TITLEs `SCURCS3 PriborostrWerdye. no. 3l 1964p 13-14 TOP7 LC TAGS: reU71, time relayq directional reW# polarized relays directional ,time reIWIp polarized time relay 'JABSMCTs 'The article is a discussion of a time relay which'consists of a type BA-214 relay and an electromagnetic single stop voltaffa regulator. The EIL-214 irelay contains an electromagnet with disc armature I Zenclosure 01), a time, do liclock mechanism, fixed plates 2 and 3 with contacts KI and Y.2 for instantaneous switching,, fixed contact X, with a pointer and a scale of tM delay time. Tba, device in limited to tizes'frox 0.1-1.3 seconds ty tent's of a second. The relay work3 reliably at an ambient temperature of 40 to -30 C and is supplied IV U? VRC6~i The voltage regulator bas a core 4 with magnetized winding and contact Which ,'consists of mavable, arA ftud 6 plates. Tba gap betwisen Us- =vable &rA the core &)ipuld-be The regulator zupp4 in 22 Yda. Both parts of the C__ (deceased], dot*s,, Imnd, ekon. nauk; MAMT, Nor., "do'; V010110K, K-M-, takhn. "d. - ETTanimortation of.coal] Pere'vozka uglig. leningrad, lzd-vo "Ra6noi transport,l Leulugr, otd-nie, 1958a 61 ps (NIRA litio) (Coalm-Transportation) TUBYAIMKIY, FRIMMI. I.D.; AERINOT, P.P., redaktor; VOROMSKAYA, L.V., tekh-aicheskiy (High-pressure steam turbines from the Stalin Metalworks in Lenin- grad] Parovye turbiny vysokogo dayleniia LKZ imeni Stalina. Moskva, Goa. energ. i2d-vo, 1953. 325 P. (MiRA 8:1) (Steam turbines) Gavrilov, N. Akhl~,ova, L. "Systems of association and ways of synthatizip-_ models of protoin ~ucrcstructuros. Tr. from the 11,ansian." p. 70 (Analele Roniiaro-Sovictice, Soria Chiaie, Series a III-a, v. 5, No. 1, 1953, Bucuresti) 9, LibraGy of Congress, SepteMber. SO: Monthl-7 List of East European Accesziions, Vol. 2, 11o. 1953, ncl. AKHINYAN, G.M. Effect of gibberellin..on.seed gemination and ther growth of trees and shrubs an the drjr slopes of.Amenia. Izv. 21 ATM. SSR biol. nauki 16 no.801-98 Ag163 (MR& 17:4) 1. Amyanskayn, naxiobno-iosledavatel'skays, oprytnaya siantaiya subtropicheakogo lesnogo i losaparkovogo khozyaystva. 2. tissm (6oo) 4. Toast 7. Some morpbologima abaracteristics of yeasts from the Plakhatm grape fA'n Armenian Mikrobiol.sbor., no. 6, 1951. vith Russian ;ummar *nthIX Uak.qf-Rus ''Ian Accession q Library of Congress, Mareb 1933, Unclassifiedo Aragi S S R A V. Kirul.spai, R. S. Karim)-an, and R Akhi an. I-ivjl~ Akad. Xauk Armyan. S.S.R,AG' FiAl .1 lriai. Napsh S. No. 7, 85-420955Kit: Rumian Armenkm summary, 42-3).-N'o Asotob4aff is found in mountain~xnmdow and cherno--cm soilp, but when CaCO, is dd d tb ". F la :ze it sod-Meadow sons, 11) the .0 b ind with thvir high $I11 vOUs Azolobacler thrives well, I. S- lotle- PASOSYAN. A. K. -. AK-HINYAN. R.N.; HAIZANDYAN, A.Dz. I WAOWWWOM"W Affeat of fartilizero on the activity of asotobacterin. Isv.AN Arm. M. Biol. i mallkhos. nauki 9 no-9:51-55 S 156. (MIBA 9:11) 1. Sektor mikrobiologii Akademil nauk Arm;yauskoy SSR. (AZOTOBACTER) (MTILIMS AND MANUESS) A .JMINYYAN, R.M. Effect of alcnahol concentration or, the. vlta-i a---;--' Ity of pas' .i ~ -7, . ~ a Vop.mikrobiol. no.10.39-11+7 161. (M: RA 17 r 10) I I 0 , ; Mill M-d", . R M.; !'U~~7, i: :,,~ -1.-. 1. , 11 . ; " %'-, " ~ - `.' ,, . 1, Effect of on the viizl--,t,)r cf* yeanst. Vop. mi-krai-dci MA I -; no.2:161-169 164. 8:3 - - . -- I - 11 - ~- - - - - I - M SARUKHANYAN, F.G.; KARI14YAN, R.S.;. -- Preservation of the activity of pure yeast cultures capable of fermenting high sugar concentrations. Vop. mikrobiol. no.:)-1'7-1- 182 .164. Mo-nhoDh- 'InIoMpal nrnDerties of some yeast species. Ibid.: - 183 -194 -. 1. - "' (MIRA 180) SARUIKHANYAN, F.G.; APIkAN, ROM.; KARIMYAN, R.S. -Selecting yeast~capaible of synthesizing group-P vitamins. Izv. AN Arm. SSR.O Biol. nauki 17 no.6t23-28 Je 164. (MIRA-17tl2) 1. Institut mikrobiologii AN ArmSSR. radaktor; UHHSTOY. Z., reda"r; BBXKHOZHIN. Xh,, redhkto'r-,' SATXIUT,Ih#,-r9daktor; BILICHIM, M., redaktor-, SMIRNOVA, N., redaktor; RUNSM2YN. S.A., redaktor; IDRISOV, X., redaktor; ROROXINAI 2.P.. takhnicheskiy redaktor [Life and works of Abet; a collection of articles] Abaidyn omiri mn tvorchostvosys Zhizut I tvorchostvo Abais; obornik statei. Pod red. MAkhinzhamova i. Z.Akbmfjtova.,Alma-Ata, 1954. 269 p. [In Kazakh and Nuesian) (MLRk 9:12) 1. kkademlya nauk Xazakhokoy SSR, A-lma-Ata. Institut yasyka i literaturys (Xunanbaev, Abai, 1845-1904) -IT 7 T 4- S3 I rx"w'bi Nodd. A. AtMnw , 06 c mlle'of the Jo tboorlLw hili; Itip k : - . " so **I bi by avc-14 6.4m a Vottor rAAtflx TAOW. rue F-W from ow Duft owry. of Pw. " 1 A f I " t .00 fl aftump n erns o t0 MOO ItAt" f(W. the VICCUMI 16 = 694--V~t of the &Mmmt, TwopartkWarcamarvc~lk. that of lair b" uencks (Aw ~s- WS) Imin t the fm .*4 o . lucmy A g wbut. the o"m synitic" 6ve,owif usual raftnings. In this caw 8=11 gp me* 004 WAt=WWW%,Mj JOTWT.i3UPWUWO.; ~ T~D, 41149MAW WAItflifig ' - tra"111,1011C III Alaciii I to ibe squareof tba matteii4s l T ie W od to have the fann a - aa4Z4 9 kif~ulo mumWi. a ft fine Structurti r too wbm o"I"Ont, 6 vrfy dilfwAlt. The , , ' ~ia ii"4 i th f iw i t i k use m l -04 ft e " or Inma h 4ilro w% i h c. 4w < PO. where see given by a -w bZ4(oWWjj4 wbm c I, Um dtorp'on 04 electron und " b " an undetennined tiumarkal apvMqjcnt, Th f h goo o e n ifliki CV010-MOSOPP t**i& WAXiU%UM lit AW MO. G. 0. 11. s use 00 we 1 folood map 4wV cot A lie 0 10 1`11;* I,. A , 1 r T 0 o 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 04 o 4 * * 0 o'. 0 0 *- 0 e 4 000 1 o 1 ' 0 s Iv 0 [ A a r a a 9 . . i _ - - , 1=4 WID;1 474 0 wit 00 A 00,0 go It 000. 1 1 1. go S ni .1 tv ii. it %1,,, 1.411. 1 1, 1.10., Wit ..t I.n. I t I # i 0 , I V t till "All I. , I I,,, 1", 114 v ilk I.sf It I a w . ..... W. t , 00 4 00 k) 00 6 t sow _riCCJA IVI It l -&*nos* -A 11111311) "40, d"T Gat all Welf, Or"i _r w III I v 11, 1 t i u a at to to to0 111 -14 R IS 4 it h" 000909604040s * 0 * 0 0.0 so 0 000 0 . : GO to go 111 0 0 0 of*** 006660 Is -00 -00 1-00 goo coo Soo us Us 0 nos boo 1) 14 If M it 4 _L ,Ljj S a ) L 00 Af _ ~ _ -- I- -- 15, --p top A%L, . i 6 00 r trte" ! TO 0119ly of elecbic Weakdown of Ionic crptabs. -00 00 A. AWOzer, suit 1. Lifiihits. raw Mild. Md. Sfi. - .0411 F R. S. S. 27, TPUN-60941110% c(. V. A. 33. 411kil - i'lli, Ilmnirk 111,4.1,4.11 ily FINIIII-11 1410 fly 14crarr .00 411-1 Oct (4-4. 111 1 vlt~ 1.4w.1 (.11 %mu I'l'. fl#.t l, ee IsledUlosru ecf. in of IN, tin fiout. por-m fit ifir rmill 111t, f il h iri I M f 1 ll 1 s on. Jose litiv al r UCI 012 ly VI VNIC 4fkl filM y firld 10 such 'Lit resent A, 1-1 terColue stile tit ImKinev tit ' roe FrIlet jx%tulatr that theil turn ionintliou; ~%-rxvr rud 00 for titftkduwn all elortrons must be Mvietord by the 00 W fwhl and that the CbCtf0n*j JjaukM JS WtililWAt, Without lanch Wom" ti av h d f F i oo 1 90 a 0 P on o an a or t uc . erattirt e irmo e l nc. ' i , ~ ' t of kL A. upAl L. cimidrsr it m*voiary that the t =y Id b ci l i 00 , 00 4 0 r 1 e r era tion for acer itou% pgotlumil toy fatdil irt, of Itir Onall rovi s th itiall t l t j 00 0 1 M o e n tigh f uil. ow ng ss y A t 4 ! wk tility . l"lluaty *%III 14noutbily eirciltms, she pIk 400 0 . lmuldli,ul sty the Oret".11. tequile Oita istul Ii.,,414uptly i kd ih b A rea own n. must van at down, the stat"ury %. iielik Rn4l the micris of liesittecing of clecttonti must be takeu, isito arvitunt. Qxxsc At-era ii~ .4 : - u t t9 et A 611ALLUVIC-1cat i . sdaitiviii Z ie e It all, i W In It 0 44 K It 19 9 is U ti it at KLo Is I a ad 0 st.2 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0,410 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , * * 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 9 0 0 & o 0 0o 00 es 9 o * 0 o 0 0; 0 #top., OOA 0041 ISO -(U - op OA . . . . . . f# 00 O*W JL= ASO, L 4k NVALL"twa i1room %law 40"Ifiv 40"1 t m &V Ali ad a 0 N I-ff_.VtTl~q 41 4W, -0-0 01 Alk, 10 0 -00 go* x6i .06 Woo. MB~A* ftep"ll" NMI 00 of lie" in tm gas"* soolft ponwascliuk. J. PAYS. 19 m ten M)~Tbmtfffdw. hist the boas 00 r