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AKOM.IN, B. S. 177T70 0 USSR Zooparasito gy. Ticks and inseot-vectors of disease G-3 pathogens Abs Jour z Referat.Zh.Biol., No Z, 1958, 5430 Author i Akehurin, B.S., Ayupov, Kh. V. Inst t Not given Title Biology of sheep gadfly Oestru3 ovis in the Bashkir ASSR. Orig Pub Byul. nauchno-teklin. infom. Kazansk. n.-i. vet. in-ta, 1957, No. 1, 33-34 Abstract i No abstract. Card 1/1 X&LILOV,, A.Kh.j PARFFJjlXEV, I.; KCHURIN B.S kand.voterinarnykh nauk; ALPAROV; D.A., kand.bioioFCC-hT--k-=-J- GAIMUVI H.S.0 mladebly, nauobnyy sotrudnikj SH US TOV, S.V. Use of tissue preparations. Veterinarlia. 38 no.1:25~-26 Ja 161. (Km 15:4) 1. Sek-retarl Chazvdinskogo rayonnogo Immiteta, Kommnisticbeskoy partil, 36votakogo Soyuza, Dagestanskoy $SSR (for KhmMov). 2. Glavrqy veterinarW vrach OrzMtsk6go rayona,, Foltavskoy oblasti (for Parfenlyev)e 3. Basbkirskaya nauchno-t-isoledovatellskaya votbaklaboratoriya (for Akchurin,, Alparov.. Gareyev). 4. Glavnyy voterinarmyy vraeb Upravleniya, nywo-molochnoy i rybnoy pronyahlon- nosti Zaporozhskogo sormarkhoza. (for Sherstov). (Tissue extracts) (Stock and stockbreeding) AKCHURIN. B.$.-p kand. vet. nauk,; AYUPOV, Kh.V., zam. red.; ALARM, D.A.; '. kand. biol, nauk, red.; BOIMYREV, V.M., naushn. sotr., red.;.SATTAF(OV, A.S., nauchn. sotr., rea.; BUTIKOVA, S.N., nauchn. sotr., red.; TRASUNOVA, Ye.T., tekhn. red. (Papers of the Bashkir Scientific Research Institute of Agri- culture] Uchanye zapiski Bashkirskogo nauchno-issledovatell- skogo institute. sel'skogo khoziaietva. Ufa, 1963. 312 p. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Bashkirskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut sel'skogo khozyaystva. 2. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom ir-f'ektsionnykh bo- lezney Bashkirskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta sell- skogo khozyaystva (for Sattarov). (Bashkiria-Veterinary medicine) L 17018-63 ACCESSION NR: AP30049 S/0108/63/018/008/0031/0035 4 AUTHOR: hkchurini S, A.; Ber~atnev. P. D. TITLi: Tunnel-diode'sopowre ener-athia, t Wer 4E adiotekbnika 8' 1963s 31~-357~___ O-OR S T ifier- -superregenera ve~& uevc g fj~ freqi~ency oscillator to ransisto s per- --alin) :KIB6TRACT: Using;tunnel dW6663ni iid-of't r 3 oper _4' hi - MallwBize-high-g Ifie'rat -temperatures up to 3QO C, A quenc ng- it im i oil c"Ulvted pararneteis, including qudnching,,vo tage, A -c r h od~ agreeraent-witl-_- - B Voltage j OBCjUiValeAtzapacitance, B ow-go, res supplied).,: Orig. art. has: 4 figures ZZ-formulas and I table, Aam- Jv_ A AXOHURIN, E.A.; STYBLIK, V.A. Pligh-power czaillators on tunnel diodes. Rad-4otekbnika 18 no.11: 45-49 N 163. (MIRA.l6sl2) 1. Daystvitellnyye chleny Nauchno-tc-khnicheskogo obshchestya radiotekhniki i elektronyazi imeni Popova. ACCESSION:NR: AP40292z6 S/0106/64/000/004/0077/0079 A UTHOR: Akchurin, Z..A.; Sty*blik, V. A. TITLE: Frequency stability of a germanium tunnel-diode oscillator SOURCE: Elektroavyazi, no.'4. 1964, 77-79 TOPIC TAGS: tunnel diode, tuhnel diode oscillator, oscillator, oscillator stability, frequency stability, germanium tunnel diode AB~S G'T-. The results of an experimental investigatio'n of the effect of -diode oscMator freq~uen~ (6 me) are briefly temperature (0+ 140C) an tunnel reported. These conclusions are drawn: (1) increasing the oscillator -frequency stabUity by 4ecreasing the diode/dircuit coupling results in a narrower tempera- ture range~~'bf oscillator operation; (2). a. wide temperature range of operation is possible only with a stronger coupling between the tunnel diode and the circuit,* the frequency. can. be stabilized in this caod'by thermistors in the divider.* (3) iu.. ~V, Card 11Z ACCESSION NR: AP4029226 narrow temperature range, capacitors with a low positive temperature factor can compensate for temperature variations of the diode parameters; (4) stabillzat:L an of the divider current is more effective than stabilization of the turxnel-diode bias; (5):Lu the case of high-temperature (over 100C) operation, steps should be taken to prevent oscillation crU.-.-3e as a result of en'inoreas'a.ln. the,ixegat:Lve resistance of the diode. Orig..' -.zt. has: 5 figures and 2 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none 7:,__ _q SUBMITTED: 18May63 DATE AGO: 28Apr64 ENCL: 00 Z SUB CODE: FZ 'NO REF SOY: 000:~- OTHER: 00 1 "i AITD P=6 t 3044 Card Z/Z .4 cc! A . - " '- - - 'A - - - _/ 1- 1 AGUESSION NR: A-P4041609 A r-7 k-1 V -,Ik_. f A E A E t TITLE- Tunnel-diode freSLuencj converter .Z() p TOPIC TAGS: frequenc,,; Conver'_er. ttirmel iniei diode 'ireq1jencv c v t e C. c-) Ti v e r , e r ABSTRACT: A theoxatical-and expez a mental investigatiDn is zoported cd a bxoa.d--, band SRF converter which uses a tunnel diode operating in the n-axiinum-o current one ~o ~-i s - bEL I t C of the heter6dj~~61-:-6~~_ a txanriiex G0115talA > I xerulta. Two dealga inuthodus are proppoed. In the analpic-r-1 method, formula,3 for the voltage transfer constant ard passban-1 width are cleveloned. also, an optirn,.im volt;avp jl~~!r~j Pnf:,rr-S th~ ca, 6 1 ! z ACCE8SIbli;'NA: AP4047ED9; t1c. VaTifyimp expr-Timents we-fe staged at 20 Mc, 100 Mc, and O.j tic; tne vbLcaa- :;qT-epmpnt with curves from Ar, ON! 1~'auchnr--tekbmlcheskove obs0cnt-i:iL-v,, ra-~ k! rIT F iz Card 2/2 q3 lit -UQ3 al DTWVSA,--l oq3 201391al U01jaus.1 1; 30 znnm7u7w sq3 V'T --!-97W -wo:) pagz3IA? eav al ojoqft 931nza7z u1 *pzjvvj3qqAU7 gas suoJIVI 'a 7 Z P C~ t1 I A VU 39 1 -1 r. - :1 -1 -7 -0 v op o I p 1 a ULM I f; tj u 15961 49 IOL d a 31 4 D Q. s 34 1~ i 1~ -T 9LC910SAV VEN NOIS~fibr:Aj At"CESSION XR; AP5L-16076 :i~c,lr! .- : tho superrngfnerative 3TPpl i fier must satisfy tt~a following icri terion C -Imprr,vement in performance Is tTSde6 Off for higher noises hovever~ The beat method for achieving the smooth oacill3tion buildup and dam-Ing necessary for the superregenerative amplifiers in to switch n I This mathod also reducej the TM RKY SMS UD1.% Ij- ,r-C" 212 card A: 'P7--S S i: AKCHURINf EeA, Use of a tunnel diode In a viperregenerative amplifier. Radlotekhniks. 20 no*6:41-47 Je 165. (WRILA 18. 17) 1. Daystvitellnyy chlen Nauchno-tekbnlcheskogo obshchastva radio- tekhniki I elektrosvyazi imeni Popova. 1ACC NR: .AT70043 .4*3 NO UR/z657/66/000/015/0034/0057 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Akchurin, Eo A* ORG: none TITLE: Supe rre gone rative amplification and detection with tunnel diodes SOURCE: Poluprovodnikovyye pribory i ikh primeneniye; sbornik statey, no. 15, 1966, 34-57 TOPIC TAGS: electronic amplifier, signal detection, tunnel diode "s -EEE, no.. 11, 1~ ABSTRACT: Only qualitative,% uchas J. Reindel's, Proc. 1 063) and simplified (A. G. Jordaji:et al., J. El. and- Control, no. 1,. 1961) analyses :have been known to the author. Filling the gap, this paper offers a close approid- imation of the I-V characteristic of a tunnel diode obtained by a polynomial of the I I th degree and by a quasilinear method Formulas for the correction factors Card 1/2 UD-C-.62l..396:-621..323:~6zi.382.233 ACC NR: AT7004343 that take into account the nonlinearity of I-V characteristic of tunne' diodes operating as amplifiers and detectors are derived. An experimental verification of the formulas was achieved with a single -tunnel -diode amplifier (or detector) l operating at 5 Mc under linear and nonlinear conditions. It is found that: (1) Nonlinear phenomena begin to occur at fairly low oscillation am Utudes; to p stabilize the linear conditions, the supply source, auxiliary-voltage source, and circuit -component parameters must be stabilized, (2) Thelinear conditions are suitable for the cases which require the linear amplitude characteristic with a relatively wide dynamic range of input signals; (3) Under nonlinear cases, the I gain is little affected by bias-voltage variation; the detector differs from the amplifier largely by the gain used. "In conclusion, the author wishes to thank Fr. of Techn. Sc., Prof. N. I. Chistyakov for his valuable comments. Orig. art.!, shas: 20 figures and 38 formulas. SUB CODE: 0.9 SUBM DATE: -none ORIG REP: 003 OTH REF: 002 Card N 1k.x Aw~r Off(d VA.11- -. --- 1- ip(c)- 44 r ~002~563 SOURCE CODEt UR/bO31 AUTHOR: Akch ~: 7:-oRl ORGs n or*,. j, ~.TITIE: Math' Hoelcow ematical modeling of lifig procassses (All-Union conference in Y SOURCE: AN SSSR. -,,~6stnik, noo 7,, 1966o 93-93 TOPIC TAGS: mathematical modeling, biological process modeling, Al~,Union on Oftiidsp lbiolog,,c confer6nde ABSTRAM. ThIkAL-Union*Conference on the Problems of Modelin& Life~ Processes cal -.organized by the'Scientific Council on the mp ex rollem "Fniosopul 4roblems of Contemporary Natural Sciences", the Central Buteau of 1 '.Philosophical'Seminars, and the Institute Of rhilosophy of the AcadiimW of 'Sciefices USSR azid held in Moscow from 17- to IS March - 1966 was atteaded ,-by some 450 Soviet scieniists from Noscow, Leningrad, Novdsibir~k" Soot ,w Tand other cities. In his Introductory remarks, Be-Yeo Bykhovskiy stressed the import~ncs of the matbematlzation of biolo I cal jKqcessei-tq the progress of biplogi ,cal scienceit- He WUv-t-Tn-gu:tvbed-7three basic,btalres of mathematizati j). Aetermination of the quantitative characteristics o biolo glqal pro7,-,.. I Card L 04465-67 cesses; ~)'_Cboice 6t'biological systems to be considered as elementary; land 3) development of'mathematical theory (the mathematical-models) to explain the nature of other biological processes,in terms of elementary ,ones. L A-jyARuagy_.Rpinted out the enormous power*of mathematical .methods in solving the'uroblem of the~multilevel structure of living or- :ganisms. He gave a detailed account of studies carried out-in that direc- tion in the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences USSR. in particular, a logical model of "'Operonst'. which is considered as a certain kind of "atoms" df biological system activity (V. A. A&Lu=)_&nd of simplified "machine" models of life processes for populaiion genetics (0, S..Kulagina). The problem of choosing the simplest objects for mathematical modeling was .analyzed at the coriference. M_ T__ 3:_qPt3in nnd A.-A. Malin~yskiy pointed out embry'ogeneais as a particularly favorable object in this respect,. I Akrhurin pmposed application of the general mathematical theory of cate- gories and functors to the study of multilevel structures of life processes. The paper by the recently deceased N. A. Bernshteyn--stressed the necessity of developing entirely new chapters of-biomathimatics for describing parti- The theory of well organized functions (LA-U cular biological processes. -Gellfand and co-workers are working on this theory) is indicated as one of chapters.. V. L. ]Ryzhkoy reported on spiralization and despiralizarr tion in protein and nuclein acid molecules in processes of the embryogenesi.s I '-.and neural activity and stressed 'the need of introducing new and profound theoretical concepts based-on such chapters of modern mathematics do liopology and the theory of-random processes into biology. C.N. GershMi_ Card 2 3 A 0446%67~ ACC NR: A 0265 and G. B. Nikolshly pointed out-that development of the mathematical theory V, ,of biological processes requires modification of the established concepts :..of biology; however, they advise that this be done very carefully. Panel i In particular,- the applicaullity: -,discussions were held on presented problemse .A of th6 second law of thermody-Liamics to biological systems was the',-subject .-of heat " aj _- Sion* (ML ed- scus a ffffM: 5055-F) SIM CODE: 06, 12 SUBM DATE: none JI 10M AUTHORSs Fastovskiy, V., G., Petrovskiy, Yu. V., SOV/64-59-2-15/23 Akchurinj R. A. TITLE: Inveatigations of the Resistance and Efficiency of a Contact-plate Utilizing the Kinetic Energy of the Light Phase (Issledovaniye soprotivleniya i effektivnosti deydtviya kontaktnoy tarelkil ispollzu7ushchey kineticheskuyu energiyu legkoy fazy) PERIODICALt KhimicheBkaya promyshlennost', 1959, Nr 2, pp 169-174 (USSR) ABSTRACT: No constructional and individual data are available on the contact-plates devised by V. Kittel (Ref 1) which operate according to the principle of the utilization of kinetic energy of the rising light phace for a more intense mixing. in the present case contact-plates were constructed by employing the same principle. The plates were made of 0-5 mm steel plates with a certain arrangement of elliptic openings (Pigs 1, 2). The total surface of the openings is 27% of the surface of the plate. Two types of plates were produced whioh are used in pairs. In one pl&te the Card 1/2 liquid flows from the middle to the periphery, in the second investigations of the Resistance and Efficiency of a SOV/64-59-2-15/23 Contact-plate Utilizing the Kinetic Energy of the Light Phase it flows reversely. Two pairs of plates were tested on a test plan.t (Fig 3)- Oxygen was deBorbed from water (at an air current velocity of 1710-5000 kq/m2/hour, wetting density of 18800-40300 kg/m2/hour, and water temperature of 100) and carbon d-ioxide from water (1855-4950 kg/m2/hour, 25500-42250 kg/m2/hour and 110). The resistance of the plates described is lower by 2-3 times than that of perforated or bubble plates. The optimum velocity of the gas flow (at the above-mentioned wetting densities) is 0.9-1.0 m/sec. Under thei afore-mentioned conditions a value RML - 0.82-0.88 for the degree of efficiency according to Merfri with respect to the change in the liquid composition was found. Compared to the perforated and bubble plates the efficiency of the contact- plates described is higherf the resistance is lower sAd the degree of efficiency under optimum condition is equal. There are 9 figures and 13 references, 3 of which are Soviet. Card 2/2 L 30079-66 EW (1) ALT NNo - AM20630 SOURCE CODE: UR/()377/63/000/005/0005/0010 AUTHOR: Akchurin, Re Kh,!VApar1,sik Re Re 9, Kolos, G.; Toplyakov,_D. 1-a- C3 0 Shatov,' N. I p_ncnego.Lev, 1j. M.1 Wecensed) ORG: State Scientific-Research Power Engineerk& Institute im. GO-M. Krzhiznanovskiy (Gosuda-rstvennyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy cinergeticheskiy institut). TITLE: 'Two-mirror solar stand of the ENIN SOURCE: Geliotekhnika, no- 5, 1965o 5-10 TOPIC TAGS: phot oelectrid detection equipment, actinomstry ABSTRACT: )r fieliostat-cont i combinbd two-mirr:~ solar stand was.constructed in .1961-1962 at the'tesiting area of,the ENIN.-.~The paper gives a detailed bngineerinv"..'. description of the stand as; 7a whole and of its various components (the mirrors, h6liostat~ reducing gear6p photoelectric tracking sensors, vacuum systemp and actinometric mechanism). The stand.18L presently in satisfactory operatione (The specific.uses and.r Iesulf-si 'are not given.] Orig. art. had :L 7. figuros.* [JPM] L_ ML ORIG FMF: 003 SUB CODE: SUBWDATE: 13Jan65 17 7 ca AOBMIN,, R. K.: Mater Agric Sci (diss) -- "Irrigation of grapes in connec- - -W ..... . tion with certain biological features". Odessa, 1958. 15 pp (Min Agric TISSR, Odessa Agric Tnst), 120 copies (KL, No 5, 1959, 152) AKCHURIN RjM.;-A-FARISI, R.R.; KOLOS, Ya.G.; TEPLYAKOV, D.I.; SHATOV), N.I.; SHCHEGOLEV, D.M. [deceased] Two-mirror solar stand of the Power Engineering Institute. Geliotekhnika no.5:5-10 165. (KIRA 19:1) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy energeticheskiy institut imeni, G.M. Krzhizhanovskogo. Submitted December 1, 1965. 37812 S/120/62/000/002/044/047.- _q,500 E194/E435 AUTHORS: Karasik, V.R., Akchurin, R.Sh., Akhmedov, S.Sh. TITLE: 'An inductively excited super-conducting magnet PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no_.2, 1962, 179-180 TEXT: The magnet has-a solid Armco iron core 6 cm long, .4.5'cm wide and I X I cm cross-section. The pole tip diameter is 5 mm and the gap length 3 mm., The two 6 cm outer diameter spools for the magnetizing coils of brass, each contains an inner niobium ring of 16 mm inner dia and 22 mm outer dia, 3mm wid6, over which is wound a copper coil of 8000 turns of 8 micron dia ifire which, at a temperature of 4.2*K has a resistance of about 30 ohms. The magnet hangs in a cryostat on a stainless steel tube. At the temperature of liquid nitrogen the magnetization curve is linear up to a current of 300 mA at which the magnetic field is 20 kilo-oersted (as measured by a test coil in-the-gap) The niobium is magnetized by applying current to the copper coil at a temperature slightly above 90K, the magnet is then �mmersed.. in liquid helium and after about 90 see it becomes superconducting; and the current is switched'off. With a magnetizing current of Card 1/2 S/120/62/000/002/044/047 An inductively excited E194/F,435 350 to 370 mA, the remarient field' is 20 kilo-oersted. It requires. about I 11tre of liquid helium to cool the magnet. There is I figure. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR (Physics Institute AS USSR) SUBMITTU., July 1. 1961 Card 2/2 GHERKF_sov~ (s.s'.; AL.Kk,', I 10"ii OVA, A.S. Use, of g!~.'l ,I _2 ~ _ , t, i ) ~' tif jo pho f_ -1 11, - ~ ta - i . - o 6' be -, ; 1 - "m ") a ~ i, ~n 1. - C b J - C-. M V ~~) " 0 - I . 161~ yo. prr~,m. ~ ~-h -, Trudy. Az;tr. "~*Jrl- I- cv 1:~ _:~ .- v . .1 1 - .1. (~f [ It k ) 7; ;) TAUBE, Fetr Rayngolidovich; A&QEPINA-~-.-,QyuI-J-ftdem Sagrfetdinovna; GAVRILOVSKIY, Alekdandr Niko:ia-y-e-v-i-cg,-S-TgXOVIIII-I, N.D.2 red. izd-va; YEZROVA,, L.L... tekhn. red. (Practical work in general chemistry]Praktikum po obshchei khimii. Izd.2., perer. Moskva, Vysshaia sbkola, 1962. 262 p. I kMIRA 15: 11) (Chemistry--Laboratory manuals) T.AUBEI, Petr Reyngolldovich; AKCHIUgR~~Jt-~ndem Sayfetdjnovna; GAVRILOVSKIY) Alekamfr-M-kolayevich- (Labora:6ory work in general chemistry] Prakt--'kum po obshchei khimii. lzd.2,, perer. Moskvap Vysshaia shkolap 1962. 2A5 P. (MIT RA 3,8.- r * GOLIKOVA, T.M.,,tauk; AKCHMINA, GA, Two cases of ahlorolaukemia In children 9 and 7 7ears of age. PediatrHa 37 no-12-'28-31 D "59. (MIRA 13'.5) 1. 1z Itafedry detekikh I g'laznvkh boleney (sav. - prof. A.I. Titova) Yaroolavokogo maditainskego inatituta (dir. --~ prof. S.M. Khayu-bim). (LTJKWA nKWGYTIC in iuf. & obild,) IV C I .4-Vated "Izxats Comilareial. Olaiforouse `iZ. JOUR lk-?f Zhur -biol -0392 o gi L V r-M71110A Skryanin, F.A. ; i~kuhurina, N.-"-. ;Allmov *V*24D INST. AS UzbeR SSR TITLE Several Proportftes of Ammoniate and Its Effectiveness. ORIG. PUB.: V. ab. Ref. nauohno-iialod. rabot po khlop- kovodstvu. Tashkent, AN UzSSRI 1957t 193-198 1:d3STR`NCT Experiments cop-0,ucted by the Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR in Taslikentskaya Oblast in 1956 have shown that ammoniate (A) was niir if, ed under laboratory conditions by 70% In 13 days,,,x~nder field conditlons by nearly totally-within less than 12 days. There is thus no cause to opply A fractional-! ly under the fall plowing. When placing the entire annual rate of A during vegetation of the cotton, its afroctiveneas either equalled!"' J,.;! D 1/2 Country USSR Category: Soil Science. Ki.neml,Fertilizers- Abs iour~:-MB.iol, No 13, 1958, No 82114 Author churi,*nA*A.; Alimov, ..V. Z.; Skryabin, F.A. :_ rj8Wl . . _ - Inst, 8r1 td*- UzMk _QSR Title Characterlst~_cs and Effectiveness 6f Liq7aid Amoniate Fertilizer. Orig Pub: -sots". s M" Vzbdkisiiiial~ 19571"" NO 3J% `21-~25- Abstract: 'Ia'-1956 --V-i6.':jnstitUt*e AgriculLu'r6 of the Academy of Sciences Uzbei SSA established by laboratory, vegetative, f e a fi6itrial experiments the expediency of the i id, an in Etpplication of aumoniate, the preparation of which is 25-405a' chewper than the preparation of solid fertilizer. By placing full rates of N in the vegetation period, the a=oniate increased the harvest of cotton wool Card 1/2 YULDASHEVv S.Kh.; AKCHIJRINAX,~.A. Role of carbohydrates in the lodging of cotton plants. Uzb. biol. zhur. 7 noz6s67-73 163. (MIRk 17t6) 1. Inatitut genetiki i fiziologii rastaniy AN UzSSR. AKCHURINA, R.M.; ISHERSKAYA, Ye.V., red.; KUZI-.IK, I.A., red. (The climate and waters of the land portion of the southwestern European part of U.S.S.R.; a bibliographical index] Klimat i vody sushi iugo-vostokn evropeiskoi chasti SSSR; bibliograficheskii ukazatell. Saratov., Izd-vo Sara- tovskogo univ,, 1961. 267 P. (Bibliografiia Saratovskoi oblasti, no.5 (MIRA 17:1-1) -_ - ___ '' ____ _. - ___ ____ -_.- ___ - - _. ~ - I ~ __ - .- ___ - -__M AKCHURINA, R.M.; CREPENKO, N.K. Advanced method for painting and drying metal containers In lacquer and paint-factories. Lakokras. mat. I ikh prim. no.6: 64-66 161. (MM 15-3) (Faintingp Induetrial-Equipment and supplies) I . I BORISEVKO,~8.1.; AK R-M Mechanized painting of tubular tanks, Lakokrao.mat.i ikh no.1:67-69 163. (MIRA 16:2 (Paintingp Industrial) -L - - U ~19--5-0 4zvj j k a )lip(e), ACC NR, AP700-0750 SOURCE CODE;' Uil/0140/66/000/003/0073/0083 KUKLES,--1.*S.-, anid AKCHURINA, R. Yu., Pamarkand) ."Discrimination Problems for Characteristics in a.,Three-Dimensional Space" Moscow, Izvestlya-VUZ -.- Matematikav No. 3 (52), 1966, pp'73-83 ~ABSTRAC-Tt'-The article'considers the'thrte differential equationv dx f*,(.v, Y. Z) + F, (x, Y, Z), Cry -'C, Y, Z), dt Th(xl Y, 2) + its Tt = ~k (X; Y, Z).,+ r-3 (X, Y, 41 where fk(xl Y, t), k(x, 7, z), ~k(xl y, 'z) are homogeneous polynomials of, CP degree k; Fl(XIYIZ)s F2(x,y,z), F3(x,y,z) are functions defiaable by the ,conditions: t)F, I ar., (M 2, -3) ax rk r' 2 tend to 0, In a similar manner as wa4 _~qgether with-r_~- Card 112 ACC NR: Ar7OOU]5U 0 -d-on-e --- on-a plane, tne authlois establish norinal re~lons of the lst, 2nd, ,nd'3rd' I kind and In accordance therewith consider the first, second, and thi.rd discri- mination problems, as well as a fourth discr$tnination problem which occurs rn a space. It is %nown that all characteristics that have entered a normal region - Pf the Ist kind will enter the origin In the direction of the z-axis. In a normal region of the 2nd kind there is either one or an Infinite set of charac-. t,eristics which enters the origin, and the question of distinguishing these twol possibilities constitutes the first discrimination problem. In a normal region, of the 3rd kind there is either no characteristic which asymptotically approxi-~ m.ates the plane or an Infinite set thereof, and herein lies the second dlscrl~- mination problem. If for a normal regionof the 3rd kind an infinite set*of chara'cteristics enters the origin, they enter the origin either along a certain 6urface or by forming a spatialbody, and the distinguishing of these two possibilities'is the fourth discrimination problem. In the case of the so. called "singular type" of region, characteristics either do or do not enter the- origin in all directions, and this the third discrimination problem. The authors note that such problems were considered by L, E~ REYZINI, R. M. MINTS,-and others, who, however, assumed the asymptotic stability of soltLtiohs (alq assumption which makes a solution ineffective) or_assumed. analyticity of the right-hand sides of equations (1). The authors of the present a."ticle make more general assumptions for these problems. Orig. art. has: 25 -oz-,iulas. CJPRS: 37,33S7, q,62!C ZIGGS: asymptotic solution, polyno:-Iiial SUB COD3: 11 / SUBf.1 DATr..: OBJun65 / ORIG REF: 004 Card 2/2 vM UDC: 517.917 'USSR / Cultivated Plants. Fruits, Berries, Nutbearing, M-6 Teaa. Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - BioloSiya, No 2, 1959, No. 6450 Author :AkchuryT, -n Res. Institut Inst A --Uhl- Aci e of Vini- and Vitioulture Title Irrigation or VIneyardB in the Southern Ukraine Orig Pub :Byul. nauohno-tekhn. Inform. Vaes. n.-i. in-t vinodeliya I vinogradarstval 1957, No 2, 21-28 Abstract :Experiments, carried out in the Zaporozh'ye Oblast' on light argillaceous chernozem, and in the Odessa Oblast' on heavy argillaceous chernozem, showed that the moisture of the soil at a depth of 2 meters, created by Card 1/3 144 USSR / Cultivated Plants. Fruits, Berries, Nutbearing, m-6 Teas. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 2, 1959, No. 6450 watering 1500 - 2000 m3/ha persisted during dry years until the first half of July. It provides for a relatively secure weather- ing of the first three phases of development of the grape buL.-. The increment of yield caused by the watering was 11 - 12%. The increment of yield In experiments with irri- gation was 60%, when the load was unchanged# when the load was increased by 61- 67%, the increment was 138% and when the load was Increased more than twice, the Increment was -w700%. Optimal watering doses for light argillaceous chernozems are 1500 M3/ hai For heavy argillaceous chernozems'the,beBt dose was 20OOM3/ha. The moisture of the layer whore the roots.are should be maintained during Card 2/3 USSR / Cultivated Plants. Teas. Fruits, Berries, Nutbearing, M-6 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - BioloSiya, No 2, 1959, No. 6450 the vegetation period at the level of 70 - 75% of capacity for the table grape varieties. During the period of full ripeness, the moisture level should be at 60% of capacity. It Is necessary to increase the load of shrubs during irrigation. -- I. K. Fortunatov Card 3/3 145 ISAKOVI A.A. (Kamerovskaya oblast); ZHURGARAYE;V, Amangelldy, (DzhamwIt- skVa obl., KazSSR); VLADIKMOV, A. (Aebest); FRIM&N.. L.J. (Yaroslavl'); XILIWIX, Ya.Ye. (Vinnitsa); TEREKKOV.. 1.A. (Skopin); AKDAULETOV. N.A. (pos.Mertuk. KazSSR); ZAKHARKIN.. V.Ye. ( os.Rudtoev,, Tullskaya, oblast'); SHESTOPAL, G.A. ftskva,5; TQOTIrp O.A. (Yaroslavlf); GAUKMN, V.A. (Moskva),- LOPSHITS,.A.M. (Yaroslavlf); SERGUSHOV,, S.A. (Yaroslarl'); p E0 TROVI, K.V. (Putintsevo, Vostochno- GOTMAM G. (Fachora)t VE Kazakhatanakoy obl.); MIMLMCH4 Sh.Kh. (Daugavpile); SKOPWSq Z.A. (Y&TosIA-vl-I.);-RY3tKOV., L.M. (Yaroslavl'); CRGODATVI A.I. (Oavrilov-Yam) Problems. Nat.v shkole no.W5-921 N-D 162. (MIRA 16:1) tl~~hewatics-Problem , exercises, etc.) AKRIA I ITM, A. V. Neurons of the athmold labyrinth. Vest.oto-rin.18 no.5:125-126 S-0 156. (MLFA gal) 1. Iz kliniki bolezney ukha gorla i nosa (zav. - zaelu2beuM deyatell nauki prof*,. X.L.Xhilov) Leningradskogo sanitarao-gigiyanichookogo meditainakago inatituta. (ITHKOID BONN, neoplasms neuroma of ethinoid labyrinth) OEMOKA. case reports ethaoid labiriath) '4 A P AXELAYTITE, A.V. (Leningrad) "~"O%Gte:n!s=1aof morphological changes in the inner ear cqused by acoustic Injury; an experimental study. Vest. oto-rin. 20 no.1:59-64 Js-F 158. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Iz kafedz7 balezney ukha, gorla I nosa (zav.-zaslur1-.eni1vy dayatell nauki prof. K.L.1hilov) Leningradekogo saniterno-gigiyeniaheskogo maditainakogo institute. (LABYRINTH, die. exper. acoustic trauma, role of ONS in genesis of pathol. changes in rate (Rue) (011TRAL MMVOTJS SYSTEM, physiol. regulation of genesis of pathol. changes of labyrinth in exper. acoustic trauma in rats'(Rus) Aj-A- AXEIAYTITE, A. V., Oand Mod Sci --- (dies) "On the problem of f~ enesis of morphological al n es, f the inner ear under4L of acoustic trauma/' Orp 01, Lon, 19 1 pp (Min of Health RSFSR, Len 5anitary-Hygianic NLed Inat), 200 copies (KL, 16-58, 122) KUZiMENKO, M.V.; AxELIN, 14,A' - SERDYUCHENKO, D.P.$ doktor geol.-MizTe-r. nauk, prof., otv. red. [Genesis of subalkaline granitoids wia albitites con- nected vi~h them and the distribution of tantalum and niabium in tbem] Genezjs subshchelocbrWkh granitoidov i sviazanr7kh s nimi allbitov i zakonomernosti rasprede- leniia v nikh tantala i niobiia. Moskva Vaika, 1965. 119 P. ~MIRA 18.6) ACC NR- -ARGO SOURCE CODE: UR/0372/66/000/008/GO28/GO28 35237 -AUTHOR: Gudyalis, L.; Lashas, A.; Akelis, A. 'MIX : Estimate of tests in the code recognition method SOURCE: Ref. zh. Kibernetika, Abs. BG177 REF SOURCE: Sb. Avtomatika i vychisl. tekhn. Villnyus, 1965, 15-19 TOPIC TAGS: coding evaluation, pattern recognition, code recognition method ABSTRACT: In scanning recognition patterns, a code is assigned to each verticall line. The sequence of codes is compared with the reference ii"equences of an J classes of patterns. A block-diagram of the device used with the code recogni- I tion method is given. An objective estimate of tests can be expressed in weights I for each code xi. The criterion of evaluation is th'e amount of information on the presence of pattern yi as it appears in line k of code xi log (P (MI/11)[P (MM-1) ACC N" AR6035237, If Ixi --'0 y - > 0, i. e. if the test increases the a priori probability of a specific j class of patterns, the weight + 1 is assigned to this pattern. If Ixi --> yj '~~ 0, thE.- assigned weight is -1, if IX, --> Y- ;~ 0, the weight is 0. The information e n k" JA classes of patterns y makes it possible capacity of code xi in th 1i e for a to reveal the lines in which the code is most effective. Expressions are given for the information. capacity of each code, the information capacity of individual lines and the information capacity of the entire recognition system. Experimenta investigations have shown that the middle lines of the left, central and right parts of the pattern possess the greatest information capacity. There are two illustrations and a bibliography of 4 titles. [Translation of abstract] JDW] SUB CODE: 091 AKIW'YV9 B,- ZUBMS, V.;.KARABIKOV, V.; TOLOKONTSUA, Go; YASTRODY, No ~m "Resources of the enterprise and the tasks of "fro-tlhmni"P control through the ruble." Reviewed by B. Akent'ev and others, Fin. SSSR 17 no.9:88-91 S 156. (MMA 9: 10) (Finance) AKENTIYEVA, L. 1. "Combinations of Silicate and Phosphorus and Their Role in the Feeding of Plants in Irvigated Chestnut Soils. 11 Cand Biol Sci, Voronezh State U, Saratov, 1953. (RZhBiol, No 1, Sep 54) SO: Swm 432, 29 Mar 55 c-l"2GORY Soil Science. Physical and Chemical Properties r of Soil ABS. JOUR Rnf* Zh,,ir -Biologiyv., 11ilo. .5 , 195,), -so. 20075 Akentlyev L T -7o- -_igric. Inst, rozzkkilovgrai TITLE Certain Regularities in PhorpUoric Acia Absorption by Ordinary Chornozems,, On I G. puj.; Nauchn, zap. Vora xh D. a ggrad sk-. lit-to, 19,57, No.2, 50-54 Iii a study of phospiaoric acid absorPtion by a heavy clay Chernozem on tile exp'erimcntal field of Varozhilovograd Agricultural InDti- tute it -was noted theit the phoaphoric acid uptake is of a physicto-chowical mature where adsorption processes play a large part. M..L. Yaroshenko 17 A/ SUPRMI. P.S., kandidat eel' AM.'T'*i7,VA. L.1., kandidat bivlogichoshlkh nm:k. Control of &oil eroalon in tne Donets Basi-a. Zemledelio 5 no.9.-56-53 3 '37. (MLRA 10:9) 1. VoroahilovgradsIdy eel ':Zkukhoa:rayetvenvvy Inetitut. (Donets 3ssin--:Eroaion) AITIURN,, Karol I'Mathoda of Obtaining Sulfuric Acid from Calcium Sulfate," by R.. A?MUN. Wars! Pr--e.Vsl Chemiczny., No. 1. Jan 52, W., PoL;nd. I W~~ IV 0- -.,L- - I -' ~-,A qLak~tlf. in aie starldarA rn'th 4 if* I , ~ 1 1* , , ~, - - , r I . .., , - . Cooling ."Uj'I ted "rod W :-B UCI JS Oblahed.-,Ij, 'leg C of the alloy With , tj, tlrok~~.h j. V"trr -7, 7--7-A -"C. Hbl)7g by AKERVAN K.. Ake Hoffmmm 0 P. "Results of Soviet aid in the sulfuric acid and phosphate fertilizer industry". P. 556 (Przemysl Chemiemy. Vol. go no. no Nov. 1953, Warszawa) Vol. 3, RD. 3 SO: Von= ki_st of Eagt Eumpeen Accessions., Aibrar7 of CongrespoVarch 1954# Uncl. AKERVIAN, K.; HOFFMAN, P. Actual technological and research problems In the sulfuric acid and phosphoric fertilizers industries. p. 433. (PRZ-EYYSL CH--,14TCZ\TY, Vol. 10, No. 9, Sept. 11054, Warszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly Ust of East European Accessions, (BSEAL), LC, Vol. 31 Wo. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. AKM,4AN, K. HOFFMV, P. World production and consumption of gulfur. p. 438. (PRZEYYSL CHEm.TCZMY, Vol. 10, No. 9, Se-ut. 195h, Warszawa, Poland) SO: Yonthl_v of East I\iropeRn Accessions, (YERAL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. AKERMAN, K., and others. Exploitation of local phosphorites An the manuPact-uring of thermophosphates. p. 460. (PRZWSL CHTI-ICZNY, Vol. 10, No. 9, SeDt. 1954, Warszawa. Poland) SO: Monthly List of ER-.t European Accessions, LC, Vol.. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. AXLRI-M.I. X.; LASIEWICZ, K.; MIADMA, H. Remarks on solubility of.magnesixun thermophosphate in solutions of citric acid and ammoniiri citrate. p. 465. (PRZ"a'YSL CM-1-1=14Y, Vol. 10, 1,,o. 9, Sept. 1954, Ufarszwwa, Poland) SO: Ionthly List of East European Accessions, (EE.AL), LC, Vol. 1, Vo. 12, Dec. 19541, Uncl. -V f :.4-- 7* 661.213(438) Alterman K, Hoffmann P., Levrzyftka H. ReOnIvIr Sulphur Camcentra T-M a riam allsh Deposit. by l Aallnucla h-onmritral6w. s_t_mrko!-y.;h x z 6i -kich ffl-w e A put.. Przez elplany 955, pp~110"613, 4 -figi., 4111abs~ the oultiors, describi- the usic of itarlous labormtory filters for -puri- I sulpiur con-rentrates. Optimum results were obtained when using an,' 0 ng Installation consisOng of a ccritrifuge with a perforated basket. The rei sulling product contained 99.9 per cent of pure sulphui. The purity of the 111traWis not dependent (in thr sulphur contp:it of the miceritrIte 1within limits of 10-80 and more :)-~r re.1, of Si. The waste products contain up to,2Q ur cent of S_ There is, -a Y-7 JQUL _p --- _of gomm~ glose ITIVO y tweem 1he_y WO~and the-~;ulptiu -,iiiintent-of -1h t ' contratv~;.~ I 'fvw; r e art A can of III) per cent concrnlrio,es, the yield exceedi; 90 per cent. Poorer conientrates yield c:=e5pond!ngly smaller umounIq of sulphur. The rate DI filtration calculated per over-till surface of the basket Is 4.3 4.8 lons/l sq.tnihour. f: A.KERWI, K; OM40, M. k------- Preparation of high purity calcium. In German. p. 179. (ACTA TECHNICA. Vol. 15, no. 1/2, 1956. Hungar-j) SO: Monthly List of Fast European Accessions (EEAL) LC, VcI. 6, no. 6, June 1957. Uncl. & S* a, Elam im M j 1 - r, n Mar &S.# NM%= 7j V,-= A'Al Fit wazip Av- age Xftq The, Aix r ter !ifitnt 6PM w. - L On r#7 POLAND H 0ATEGORY ;7Ch&M1c%1 Technology. Chemical Products and Their Avoli cations. Elements. Oxides. Mineral* ASS. JOUR. so R=iM& 1~0.. 23~ 1.0,59, io.,821196 AUTH 1A T IT U~, Derivation of Aluminum Oxide hy the Contimous Leaching of Aluminum. Conta.ining. Crushable Slags with Soda Solution ~ORI4. PUB. Arch. hutn., 1958, 31 No 4t 287-304 -ABSTRACT Developed were lbe methea and pilp , biv,friff, co-m- ob..itipm6k tot ltanhing_zof slags. ' , nositi6n indfc&ied ~In the preceodi-ag I artic, e.:. agS:, contained; lesebable Ca .. t%luminates of.'tbe_'12'-C&0*i,-7,Uj,03 tine. -. The I leaching ope- , _ 0 *a-;- 66,~ducted coz%tinuouoly in:,c ration stag~%s.~ - - 1 , ' " - 1 .'. M ' ',_Acheaired wi,tb -ist sUge eac Ing,was bi 'the 11 ' _ o-iuu()n..Teevi-ng'the ~secbh;d -c on- and, ti - ~ tai ing-1 0 im,purx n NeWr 3 ~aA 10 Sn es, doiTio .q hty,of as a ertain usn 1i0, *Acidst B&sasi Salts. CARD: COUNTRY 'CATEGORY ABS. JOUR. Mhimij No. 23 1959) I`io, 82795 A U T HI, OR T 111 FE ORIG. PUB. : ABSTRACT : of-90-100 and were-suitable for the direct corild manufactiire of cement. The bibliograrby in- cludes 5 titles. CAM: 3/3 A, iR Sands" eoal~ S,V - g on the Polial LAO n.. Tmi ILI --U 4, omens Ila elarite sl summary).-Byary f dsieving and electrostatic and electromagnetic sepn. n wet tmtes of Arcon, magnetite, ilmenite, garnet (almen. 15 'dite). and staurolite. were obtained . from MM sands. -7%e minerw ical comim. of these =nds is, gravel (>21 trim.) 2.3. 1111t fractiou 00.2, and heavy baction 37 5% a latter fractlon contain magnetite 1.2, ilmud te 11.4, ith %1S, rutile O.S. t6irrnallne 0.3, g%rnet 10.4. stnutolite .Rum ip r. . _(kyqn1t*)A.7, amphibole L8 .9 epidote 0.7, d1sthene Usith In tracts, augite 0.1~ hypers0enc 03, olivine In' *AUW n ces.,fits Ite WAnices. and apatite 0.1%. From 10 pu Irave sand, aft al I Licles larger tha. 2 mm. and, Mot the h.vy.fraction. the', fter wet dasswentiou to a ec6os" sepa. of the laiter (27 kv.) prod aced 2 fractionw: iiducting fraction.,L The cond tin conducting and cc Ition 0 4ed to electromagneEk aepn. tiou was suhlm p h yielded the ilmenite fraction (nountagnetk) t:d th in, Jge, Wte fracti Inite-mas on., The nonconducting suhlected to 44tage electmusnetle sepri. (O.S. OS, 1.5. 4 d LO amp.) which yielded 3 fractions: magnetic hudon pure garnet-(4twendlte), middle fraction entg. staurolite d epidote and lmmagnetk fraction, which si 1 Mve x1rcon concentiate (particks below 0.10 .)a dis-~ 0.15 nun.). The san the wl6c dishict VAve-1.34%, zircon concentrate which f am utained over 60% -wgo nt, din approx. 95%; It Mew= 9 to d,~ This. fractior* contalurA M39 Utnevite 2.6, rutge C.. all 6 distheat 6.9, st-Numlite 8.1, and light fraction 14.4%. ihnenite. Urdenito fraction ~,ontained over 89% 1 The ~Th 14ote =te sh, wed fat Increase to radioactivity over j ew fit -kic'mo, K. Germanium. y-,. 7. PRZ'EGL',,DTI7,CM1,TICZI1Y. (li'aczelna0i~f;atiizacjaTechni.czna) !-~arszava, Poland. Vol. 80, no- 1103 KaY 1959. Yonthly List of Last European Accez~sions (MAI) LC. Vol. 8, no. 7, JUlY 1959. Uncl. , 8-C&O9 P/014/60/039/005/002/004 A221/AO26 AUTHORS: Akerman, Karol; Salawaj, Jacek TITLE-, 07talwn~ingZrO *from Zirconium Concentrates PERIODICAL.* Przenysl Chemiozny 1960, Vol. 39, No. 5, pp. 292 - 295 TIMI: In this article the authors describe in deta 'il the method of obtain- Ing pure'zirconium oxide from concentrates of zircon (mineral), containing about 10% of TJ.02, The concentrate was prepared fr.'om Baltic Sea beach sands. The com- position. war. as-follows: Zro2 46 - 44%, Ti.02 13 - 8%, =2 37 - 35%, FeO3 2%, A1,03.3%. The technological process of extracting pure zirconium oxide was as fo lows: 2 kg of caustic soda was placed In a aLckel crucible with 6-I.capacity and heated to 8000C in a gas oven. One kg of zirconium concentrate was added in small portions under constant stirring. Melting temperature was increased for 30 minutes to 9000C and then the semi-fluid mass was poured out into a nickel contain- er and was cooled. The cold mass was crushed and lixiviated for 8 hours with 10-1 of hot distilled water at boiling temperature and then filtered. The collected sediment was dissolved -in 5-1 of concentrated hydrochloric acid. The solution was heated up to boiling temperature and SiQ2 precipitated by- addition of a few ml of Card 1/3 85hO9 P/014/60/039/005/002/004 Obtaining ZrO2 From Zirconium Concentrates A221/AO26 4% gelatiae solution. The 4102 sediment was collected by filtering and was washed, 0 dried., weighed and analysed. The filtrate, 11-35 1 of It, was eiaporated to about 4*1,- after cooling a white sediment of ZrOC1 Yself. This was 2 precipitated by I-- again filtered, washed with cold 28% hydrochloric acid and dissolved in distilled Yater and diluted to 15 liters. From this solution zirconium hyd-r-oxide was preci- pitated withamwpia, was filtered, dried and heated to 1,000 0C. As a result a snow-white zirconium oxide was obtained. The filtratBleft over after the'first separation of ZrOC12 was evaporated to about 1.5 1- volume and after cooling it, some more of ZrOCl2 was obtained. It was treated in exactly the same way as the, first portion, but the resulting ZrO2 powder was grayish white. In toto, 219.5 g~ of grade I and 74.4 g of, grade II ZrO2 was obtained, a total of 293.9 g2i.e., 8D.9% of ZrO2 which was present In I kg of zirconium concentrate. Analyses and detailed balance sheet of zirconium and titanium oxides are produced in Tables 1 - 5. At the Instytut MaterJa?6w Ogniotrwalych (Refractory Materials Institute), zirconium oxide obtained by the method describbd above was tried out. as material- for high-, grade refractories. Test blocks made of ZrO fixed with water and 1.5% sulphite solution 0) and moulded under about 100 kom pressure, disintegrated entirely after being fired at 1,6oo - 1,7000C. After more research the following stabili- zation method was worked out: grind a mixture of 95% ZrO2 and 5% Mg02 for 20 Card 2/3 854og P/014/60/039/005/002/004 Obtaining Zr02 From Zirconium Concentrates A221/AO26 hours in a ball mill. Having it moistened to 7% with addition of 1.5% sulphite solution (of 28OB6 concentration), the forms have to be shaped at a pressure of about 100 kg,/cm2 and at 1,500 - 1,6000C, bu t the temperature must be increased slowly at only about 1000/h. Properties of sample blocks prepared as described above, are listed in Table 6. The authors arrived at the following conclusions; 1) Titanium,oxy-chloride is relatively easy soluble in presence of zirconium oxy- chloride; 2) because of the difference in solubility of oxy-chlorides, zirconium oxide practically free of titanium can be obtained from concentrates containing about 10% of TI.02; 3) by following above described method, good-quality zirconium oxide.with good yield can be obtained. There are 1 figure, 2 photos, 6 tables and 6 references: 2 Soviet, 1 English and 3 Polish. ASSOCIATION: Instytut Metali Lekkich I. Rzadkich (Light and Rare Metals Institute) In SRawina. SUBMrrTED. February 19, 1960 V, Card 3/3 AXERMAN Karol- 110FRM414, Przomyslaw; ?CCZYIUJLc;,_Andrzqj; OGIAZA) Jan; Eugenius z PLETTI, Zdzisla~!) MMKII Jerzy Marking-out of material streims rotary kilzi for super- Thomas produetion in the BOURKA 'Works in,Krakow, Przem chem. 40 no,,,7.-380-383 J1 ;61. 1,r Instytut Badan Zadrowychs, Polska AkELdemia Naukj, Warazava i Fabryka Supertomasyny BONARU., Krakow. S/08 62/000/023/057./120 B160YB186 Karoll, Bxafman, Marek, Krushevskaya, Ollga, AUTHORS: Akerman, _-KTuzftv-.ki7-,-4Uemen1s TITLE:- Production of high-purity synthetic silicon dioxide for use in semioonduoto,r technology 'abstract PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 23, 19~2, 457, 23K1-22 (R.ept. Inst. badafi JkLdrow. PAN, no. 294, 1961,, 16 pp. Must. [Summaries in Pol. and Ger,l) TEXT- A review is given of known methods of-producing high-purity Si02- P32 and Fe59 Were used to check experimental Ily-the effectiveness of purifying-SiCl and SiHCl by extraction with inorganic acids (95~,H ;0 V 4 4 3, 2 and 85,4 H PO ), by complex'formation using CH CK and (C H ) M, fractional - 3 . 4 3 6 5 3 distillation and absorption on silica gel. The results are the basis of a suggested floveheet for'producing SiO which reduces to mixing the initial 21 silicon tetrachloride with 1-5%- of CH CN for 3.hours, frac-tional distills- 3 Card 1/2 S/08 62/000/023/057/120 Production of high-purity synthetic... B160YB186 -tion of the mixture obtained, mixing of the intermediate product with 1~ of ~(C H )CC1'for 3 hours, fractional distillation of the mixture again, 6 5 ~purification in a column filled with silica gel, hydrolysis of the 'purified.SiGI filtration, washing and of the revulting Sio 41 2* '3treferences. [Abstracter's note:. Complete translation.], Card 2/2, 5UieijU'2-, Given Narles Country: Poland Academic Degreesi Affil-iations DeptF~me~t for Application of Radio-loot Wep- b)-_OhemL&ry and Chemical Tqqhnology of the Institute for Nuclear Researchs, Warsaw fis'n 17no --oAgLial -langLi~ge version given.7 Sources N Leipzigp lactopentso k# No 5-6. may:iq6i, pp 16~.-iM. Data: Determination of the rial Movementi4n Rotary Kilns for the Production of Gypsum Sulphuric. Acid in the Chamical Works 'Wizow.8 Authors& V A Karol, Professor HOFFMANN, P. H. OCZYNAJLO, A. YMCHRO11SX11, J. I/GLONULSKI, J. /OGIAZAI J. 8/081/62/000/022/043/088 B150101 AUTHORS., Akerman, Karol, Brafman, Marek, Kruszews.ka, Olga, 7o-c z-y-n a_~ -Io r z e j TITLEs Purification of metals used in semiconductors, and investiga- tion of the anisotropy of distributionof impurities in their single crystals using radioisotopes PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya,-no. 22, 1962, 329, abstract 22K54 (Pierwaze krajowe sympoz. zastosowifi izbtop6w techn., Rog6w, 8 - 12 czer., 1960. Warszawa, no. 42, 1961, 1 - 14 (Pol.; summaries in Russ. and Eng.)) TEXT. A, procedure for the production of single Si cystals is described as well as an investigation of the effect*exerted by orientation of the single crystals, their structural defects, and by the time and direction of diffusion of alloy additives on the anisotropy-Df distribution of the '-impurities in the single crystals. [Abstracter's note: Complete trans- lation.) Card 1/1 P/014/61/040/008/004/008 D233/D305 AUTHORS: Akermanp Karolp Kozakp Zdziskaw, and Lipin'ski, Krzysztof TITLE: Separating germanium from carborundum in heavy liquids PERIODICAL: Przemysl chemicznyq vo 40, no.~8, 1961, 447 - 448 TEXTt An attempt to separate germanium from the fine carborundum wastes resulting from cutting germanium monocrystals is d6scribed. initial investigations were carried out at the Katedra zespolawa chemii,fizycznej i technologii chemicznej universyt'etu im. MWti Curie-Sklodowskie 9 Lublin (Joint Departments of Physical Chemis- try and Chemical hchnology of the University im. Maria Curie- SkZodowska, Lublin) and further work was conducted at the Labora- torium, badawcze siarki i surowebw chemicznych (Sulphur and Chemi- cal raw Materials Research Laboratory)p in Warsaw. Separation may be attained on the basis of' different specific gravities of ihe 2 components, in heavy liquillds which (a) have a specific gravity in- Card 1/3 P/014/611/040/008/004/008 Separating germanium from B233/D305 termedi~te between Ge and carborundum, (b) are mobile and (a) are inert towards G e These aonditions are beat fulf".1led by OR 2120 1n early experiments the wastes were passed through a OoO67 mm mesh and the:coarse fraction was broken up and received larger pievees of, extracted manually. The fine fraction (3-6 g) was-then mixed -with ICH I - 25 9). and the suspension wao centri Ifuged at 2 2- 3500 revs/min for'15 minutes9 afterremoving all air bubbles and ensuring complete wetting. The light fraction war, then decanted into a Schott crucible,-filtered and the filtrate was recentrifu- ged after remixing with the heavier material. A total of 3 such ex- tractions was considered sutficient and the separated ma,~erial was washed with chloroform. To assess the consumption of CH ,*12, the separations were repeatedo using 40 g of the wastes,, finding that 1900 ml of CH I could not be recovered out of the original 60 ml. 2 2 Identioal results were obtained with initial volumes of 58 and Card 2/3 i -A m fell Jt A;g lip' A ~Y - - 0a -d I,a AKERMAN Karol; BRAMAN. Marek; KRUSHEVSKA, Olga (Kruszewska, Olga); I EMSHEVSKI, Klemens,(Kruszewski,, Klemens) . I Isotopic investigation of the effectiveness of various methods of purifying trichlorosilane and silicium tetrachloride used to obtain silicon and silica of high degree of purity. Nukleonika 7 no.10:635-648 162. 1. Institut yadernykh issledovaniy PAN, Varshava, Otdel Primeneniya izotopov v khimii i khimicheekoy tekhnologii. AKERDWI, Karol; ZMLTDZINSKI, Bronislaw; MAKOWSKI, Stanislaw Malting of self-dispersing alumina bearing slags in a water jacket shaft furnace. Archiw hutn 7 no.1347-81 162. 0 RS: Tl*"LLZ: .10DICYI.: 1-1/046/62/007/010/,002/002 D256/D300 Ulm rvman__1;a~. Brafm an, 14arcl_-, Kruszev's1m, Oirra and Kruszcwski Klemens Isotopic investigantion of thp effectiveness V:Z var- and SiHC1-' ious methods of purification of L"014 for use in the production of-' high-purity si.licon and silica NuIciconika, v. 7, no. 10, 1962, 635-648 2 Lac 1Moxm t-,iethodss of produciliag high-purity SiC11, and SOC13 are reviewed consideriiC.-.l) partial hydrolysis; 2) extraction L, Oj- -he impurities with inorganit; acids;- 3) conplcxing the im-puri- ties wil-th CH3C!T and (061-1.5).3CCI; 4) 'tractional distill-ation; 5) Adsorp- tLon of impurities on, activated silica gal. !;ffectiveness of the methods was cxamned by the author- usinT the follbi-iring techniques: radioactive tracer analysis enployingr 1?3'~.and Fe-"'9, neutron aciiva- tioa of 'inpuritics and G-pectral analysis; the sensitivity of the latter was found inadcquate. The -fractional distillation -pro- card 1/2 2/00 P/046,/62/007/010/002 2 !Soto,..)ic investig' tion D256/D308 Coss stands out as the most ~ollfcctivc one; thc cle-rce of purity achi,cwd was better than by weight, exceeding tho sensitivit I'> y of the employed 13 -ray detection system. HiCh-cf-ficiency tccL-L-,Iol- orr' Cal Sciiemes for puri..IUC and SiMil. I ,.rCDIL atiO--' Of SiC14 .3 arc proposed. here are 3 table s and 2 figurcs. -iM,--,CCIYrj.10.N.: Iiistytut 3adafi Jgdrowych Dzial 2j'astosowania Izotopow x-7 Chemii i Technolol-Iti-i Chcnicz-nej, Uarsaw Institute of Nuclear Xcsearch, 1121.3, Department. of 1soto?c ~',.Mplications in Chemistry and Chemical Tec'L-Lnolog 'Harsaw) Zy t, SUDIIITTM-): june, 1962 Card 2/2 P/014/62/041/010/001/001. D214/D30P AU'111ORS A Aaj~. ' ~,o I'Brafman, Narek ,KxiAszewska, Olga and Zmije%,,-ska, Sianda. TITLE: The-purification.of trichlorobilane and sil"d n-- tetrachloride-and the preparation of sy'athetic quartz glass PERIODICAL: Przemysy chemiczny-, v. 41,'no. 10, 1962f 574-577 TEXT: Methods of determining small quantities of impuri- ties -in SiHC13 and SiC14 were developed to.eptimate the efficiency of methods-of purification of these'compounds'. The most efficient purification was achieved. by.complexing tWe impurities with CH-CH and (C C03. and removing them by fractional distillation. 6H.5)3 estimate the P and Fe contents* present as the trichlorides, isotope tracer techniques were used. Other impuritiesvere determined by 'neutron activation of the samples in the MhVreaictor and by meaaure-11 Mont of-their J3 -absorption and the decay of their A -activ! ty. The major impurity was,found to be Fe (1,6 x 10-2%). The purity of dard 1/2 P/014/62/041/010/001/001 The -Puri--ication ... D214/D308 S102 and that of quartz glass, obtained from SiC14 by a method developed by the authors, was studied by -t-sgectroscopy. All I -emitters of half-life shorter' than that of I-Si could not b6 determined by this method. high purity Quartz glass,obtained from SiC14, contained only traces of As and Na but up to 10 _276 Ta, which 1 ~was introduced into the glass during the vacuum melting Of S102- This compares favorably with quartz glass producedoutside Poland. Boron cannot be estimated by the above' methods Wt other methods (5 are given) can be employed. The B content in the produced S102 or tIje subsequent quartz glass was > 3 x 10"No. There are I figured and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Inatytut BadaA Jqdrowyc'h PAN (Inatitute.of Nuclear Research PAS) SUBMITTM-t June 26, L962 qard-2/2 AKERMAN, Karol; FAIXOWSKA, Maria; SZPONDER, Wladyslaw Recovery of germanixun from grinding pastes. Przem chem 41 no.12: 723-726 D 162. 1i Insty-tut Baden Jadrowych, Warszawa, i Oddzial Metali Rzadkich, Huts. Aluminium, Rawina. P/01-Ii/63/042/001/004/004 .1)204/1)307 i~%IcIer man, 1(twol.,- Nozak, Mi9yaw and Witece'r,: Donut& -TITLE:.. Sorp'tion of uratiW6 on carbon and si4ca gel ~mp"g- nAted with amines* 1,~ 1963t 26-28 heinicznyl V. 42, no. ix-e.. !elie-sorption of: uir'anjum was -;Ei:om- urmWl Audie4, ra'impre sulfatia :b6lutlons i .6z% -Aotivz&ed'earbon Garbopol 11-ekst atild with _:t A lain~laiafne'_ and iri-U_-octYLamine,'mV,QU Comuercial =lab- oratory -pre- a ba..::ir6Is fmpre~rnated' ivith p-6cfylamine ja - lit~l- pared ili Al _UO m6ine-? and di-ia6-propyl-a-butylsmine. h16 1,2,00lutio'ns were Used df_ -1.0, and7coriizaned -0. 5 13..6,6 r~g U/ral; :"tfte~r-t re th!mn efukkeft . PH . .. ?a ifith.; the-.- sorbenta.:, and * the Ucmtients ~-jere-.-detexitim-d,:Oliotometrically a .fter 24':hours', -it Vas -found ..'t.hiit adsorption of U, *on carbon- could 66 P* te gnat ing - t lie - carboh'.wi im'rov'ed`b~ -a- factor of - 1. 5 by iva;-) th.50% h- e Itrilau'rylbmine.t: I cas`oi silica gel -adsorption was enhanc- ed bfily Vhen the ge'l - %.ias-. wette'd vl~h - a 34% sojuti-on. of 'the amine in' Therq =e 1 f ig- toluen*e:'a~A the tolllefi6lms ixidompietely -removed 10 ard 0 -AKERMAN, Karol; KOZAK, Zdzislaw,- WATER, Danuta Sorption of uranium on activated carbon and silica gel imprpg- nated w,ith amines. Przem chem 42 no.1126-28 Ja 163. 1. Zespolowa Katedra Chemii Fizycznej i Technologii Chemicznej, UniwersyUt im. Marii Curie-Sclodowskiej, Lublin.; ADO 026, ;AUTHORS x AkerM= afosin -Marek KrashevskiL 01 ga- - AIr TITLE: Production of high-purity synthetic silicon oxide with the purpose of using it in semiconductor engineering- :PERIODICALs Referativ-W zhurnall Blektronika i yeye primeneniyeg not 3s 1963, 10, abstract 3B70 (Rept. Inst. badfin jadrow. PAN, no.294,. 17.,W1, 16 pp, ill.) (Summaries in Polish and German) ~~_'~T=Ts'L -A ng_xtO:_'51di--~--;' duction by means ro Of silicon tetrachloride hydrolysis, and the methods of p Purifying SiC14 and S'HC13 from admixtures. Experiments are deecribed in which radioactive isotopes P32 and Fe59 were applied to determining the effectiveness of individual prooesses Of SiC14 and 30012 purification. Further, based on experimental dataq the authors developed a technological scheme of multistage process,,bf SiC14 purification and of high-purity _Card 1/2 /275J63/000/003/M)OW roducticu~ cif*bv!yur A052/A126- 7&otj oon.*o On' n n us ry-il re-Ars I A, BOG* ... trwalatioi.1 -Walk i~~ - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 i: Card 2/2 -2-7 D D 413 308 RS MITHO -Akerman," YLArol. Brafman, Marek, Kruezewska, Olga.9 j --~,~,Pocz naj-ro,'Andrzej TITLE: The: purification of semiconductors and investigation'. of aiiisotropy of impurity distribution in monocrystal by mea-iia of radioactive isotopes nRIODICAL-' Refeiativnyy~zhurnal, Elektronika i yeye primeneniyet not I, 1963i 7 abstract 1B 46 (Pierwaze krajowe sym- - 1 B b 6 A - w 2 czere, poz. zastoso izotop w tech., Rog w, 1960, Warszawa, no. 42, 1961 (POI.; summaries in Ru and, ~k To in--pure~ -6 m sed in which AeChAfe'al-1.54 ~:df- :2 ethod'was u - - -58~ purity served~a-b.the starting material. Siual is obtained- 96 - 3 from thi a urifiid --b trtament ~,with HO 1 at 300 - 3200( by it iwp repeated. distillation' and then decomposed in an atmosphere of. hy-".. ' i drogen.,~%V om.-t-he .92000* Single- -crystals are obtained by drawing fr _Lnplt in v acuo. A ra' iochemical technique was used for