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USSR/Forestry - Forest Cultivation. K.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur- Biolo, i1o 4~ 1958, 15378
Author F.I. Akakiyev
Title The Effect of the Technological Processes of Lot;ging
on the Maintainability of Preliminary Reneial Under-
(Vliyaniye tekhnologicheskogo protsessa leeozagotovok
na sokhranyayemat' podrosta, predvaritellnogo vozobnov-
Orig Pub Tre Karellsk. fil. All SSSR) 19571 VYP- 7) 15-25
Abstract The various instructional positions are critically
examined which were taken ill 1954 in "The Order of pro-
cessing the wood to be foIled. by complex mechanized
logging with a consideration of the necessity of leav-
ing undergrowth and wood opringinS up in the cut clear-
ings of both coniferous and hard leaved species,"
Card 1/2
USSR/Forestry - Foreat Cultivation,
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., i1o 4, 1958, 15378
in March, July, August and October 1954 on the grounda
of the Petrozavodskiy timberland (In the Karelian-
Finish SSR) in the spruce wood growing whortleberry,
the effects of each phase of technological lumbering
with a logging tractor on maintaining spruce underwood
were studied, Extensive quantitative data is presented.
It was established that during summer logging one main-
tained 50%, and during winter logging 70% of the under-
growth, 30% of the underbrush still kept was damaged,
The new "Long beehive" method of working forest clear-
ings was not efficient in keeping up undergrowth in com-
parison with the cross-cut strip method. Clearing out
the fallings by fire) particularly the spring "extra
clean up" is a fundamental cause of destructlon of the
underwood maintained after log hauling.
Card 2/2
Importance of phonological forms of spruce in mass breeding work
in southern Karelia. Izv. Knr. J L'oll. fil. AN SSSR no.1:110-138
159. (MIU 12.-9)
1. Inatitut lesa Karellskogo filiala AIN SSSR.
Physical and mechanical properties of wood from early and late spruce.
Izv.Kar. J Koll.fil. AN SSSR no.2:108-110 159. (KIRA 12:11)
1. Institut lesa Karellskogo filials, AN SSSR.
Seed production and the quality of seeds of various phonological
types of spruce. Trudy Kar.fil. AN SSSR no.16%19-29 '59.
(Spruce) 04IRA 13:4)
LIHLI, i if-,' ,, , -'Lo - (,~~ s) i! I , A " :: ~ ~ 'i " " I'-
.1 . 1 1, . I- I
%t L ~ ; :, -
; I ,. ~ ; ", ~ ! ~ _ .-
- "; f.:S L IaO ! C, V".1; I,-. , 1 ~_. - : .. - ~ - - . - - - -7
ln,6o) 16 pp Institut" il- V. L. i,cm-arx;) J'..13) 01,:L, 3-14)
238 240
Low-energy r-transitions in Pu and Pu , Atom.energ.
16 no. 5:452-453 MY 164. (MIRA -17:5)
ALAYEV., U. G.,- BARTAIUV, 14. .; bAnj,Luv --a-
A , r.
"Results on Fluorescent Yields for the L Shell of Np and Fu."
report submitted for All-Union Coaf on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Thi-lisi, 14-22
Feb 64.
ACCESSIIW"~R: AP40)6532 S/0089/64/016/005/0452/0453
AUTHORS:--Akalayev, G.G.; Vartanov, N.A.; Samoylov, P.S.
TITLE: Low-energy gamma transitions in Pu sup 238 and Pu sup 240
.;,SOU4,CF,;,Atomnaya energiya, V. 16, no. 5, 1964, 452-453
TOPIC TAGS: plutonium gamma transition, curium admixture, gamma trans-
ition, low energy transition, Pu sup 2)8, Pu sup 240
ABSTRACT: This work has been promptea 8y the fact that data con-
perning the radiation of pu238 and pU24 does not contain a compari-
,son of internal conversion coefficients (ICC) of gamma transition
with the newly derived theoretical ICC values for the L and M con-
,versions. Such a comparison is important to eatablish possible ICC
:anomalies of accelerated E2 electrons of.sM~gly deformed nuclei.
The gamm gadiation yectra of Cm242 and Cm (whose alpha decay
'forms Pub and pu248 has not been studied as yet. In addition, i~
was interesting to distinguish the degree of purity of curium, from
other products. The results of this study are consolidated in two
tables according to measurements made with a magnetic spectrometer
dard 1/2
-i;ACCESSION NR: AP4036532
with double focusing at wir angle and a gamma-scintillator spectro-
;meter with one NaI(Tl) crystal, 40x4O mm. It was found that the
iexperimental ICC values for L :L and MIi :M III coincide with the
:theoretical 5-10%I1. III accuracy. Admix-
~tures of EUlRlues wi%
and Eu were found. No interpretation of the Auger
:electrons was made. Orig. art. has: 2 tables.
SUBMITTED: 193op63
SNCL3 00
OTHER: 001
Accimicu im: AP042974 8/64/028/OCr7/1259/1263
AMOR: Akalayev, G.Ge; Vartanov, NeAs; Samoylov~ P-Se
TITW: L-fluorescence yields from Np and Pu (Report, Fourteenth Annual
Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy heldin Tibilisi 14-22 Fab 1964)
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Ity. Seriya fizicheakaya, v. 28, no. 7, 1964p 1259-1263
TOPIC TAGS: fluorescence yield, Auger electrm yield., gamma ray spectrumj,
internal conversion,, Coster Kronig radiation, neptunium, plutonilim, nuclear
ABSTRAM The emission of x-rays and electrons frcm nuclei at Z ~.-75, where
there is a sharp increase in L-fluoreacepce yields, is of interest because in
this region both the Auger effect and Coster-Kronig transitions can occurs The
cesay at band determines from the radioactive decay of Am241 and Cm,242)2114 the
mean L-fluoreacence yields at Z a 93 and 94., as well as the fluorescence, Auger,
mid Coster-Kronig clectron_yields for the 1. L2,cnd Lj oubohellp at Z = 93o
The electron.spectra of Am~111 and Cm , ~ in mixture'vith Eal54 were measured
by means of a'double focusing magnetic 0-spectrcmeter; the ray opectr= of
Card 1/2
Cm was recorded on a scintillation spectrometer vith an NaI(Tl) erystal.coupled
to an AI-100 100-channel pulse-beight analyzer. The data an the )' -radiation
I frm Am~41 were taken from the vork of P.P. Dq (Phys. Rev. 97, 689, 1955),
Sane of the,experimental spectra obtained in the prei;ent vork are reproduced
in figures.. The values of the fluorescence., AugerY and Coster-Kronig yieldo
arrived at on the basic df the experimental results are tabulated and compared
with the results of theoretical calculations'by M.A. Listengarten (Izir. AN SSS'RP
Ber. Fiz., 24, 1041, 1960). 7he agreement is generally good, The mean L-
fluorescence yield for Z 93 is about 0.66. orig. art. has 4 formulas,
4 figureaand 1 tablea
Ifo 1w SOVI: '004 owRt oo4
ca 11. IlAot,w,
26 55 'll-luv L)J: C' --14
D.-fen'led al,
AIXUTZT9 Nokho, kandomedonank
Case of Impassable obstruction canoed by intestinal calculi.
Med.zhimr.Uzb, no.8-9:=-123 4-S 158. (MM 13:6)
1. 1z fakulltetskor kbirargicbeekoy kliniki (sav. - prof, Vol.
Tasevich) Tashkentakogo goondaratvannogo meditsinokogo inatituta.
BORZENKO, A.A. , ordinator; ALD-MV, R.A.; UBINOVICH, S.A.;
Angiocardiography in the diagnosis of congenital vitia cordla.
Med. zhw. Uzb. no.10:10-16 161. (MIPA 1/,: 10)
1. Iz falculltetskoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki sanitarnogo i pediatri-
cheskogo fakulltetov (zav. - prof. V.K.Yasevich) TasILkentskogo
gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta.
VILINER, Yakov Molseynvi2h, dots., losif
dots.; KOVALFV, Ynkoir TiroffIyo-,-A4cb,, dots.,-
VAaIJIy Ivanovich, LAZAREVICH, Ivan Gi-II ,r,;vQvICII
I en . P
dots.; SHULTIN, Igrr' AieksaricirovIrI).. doto.; AMOVICII,
NX~ , red.
(Laboratory practice In hydralilics: Manval and methodologic;01
instructIons on laboraton, ~r, hyvrnuhc.-,; for cor-
respondence and part-tlme mudenl.,~,,j Iaboratorny! pr,,'~Ktikmrn Po
gidravlike: Rukovodstvo i metodicheski~ -Irazanlia po provede-
niiii Inboratornvkh rabot TO gidrF~Vjlk dlia studpmtov za,)ch-
riogo i vechernego obucholilla. IBA i dr. Xlmik,
Izd-vo M-va vysshego,, s.-ednego srptsialtncgo i Frafessionall-
no.-o obrazovaiiiia BSSR, 1961. 131 p. (FilRA ISL~,)
-L. Kafedra gidravlikl Belorusskogn
tuLa (for all except AkaloviQh).
LYAKROVICH, L.S.; BELYAYEV, V.I.; ROW,O-V-p kand.tekhn.naakpdots~.p
retsenzent; AYAWVICH, red.; KOTICHITS, Ye.P., tekhn.
[Nitriding stool k, boating with high froquoncy currontD1 Azo-
tirovanie stali nagrevom tokami vygokoi chastoty. Minsk,, :E7,d-
vo M-ya vysshegop srednego spetsiallnogo i professionallnogo
obrazovaniia BSSR, 1961. U, p. (MRA 15-7)
(Case hardening) (Induotion heating)
AREKHOV, Viktor Zakharlyevich; SHINKEVICH, N.I., dots., red.;
AKALOVICH, N.M., red.; j',.'ORGM;CVA, G.N.) tekhn. red.
[Manual on mechanical drawing; georetrical, draving md collec-
tion of problems]Posobie po tekhnicheskomu chercheniiu; geomet-
richeskoe cherchenie i sbornik zadach. Izd.2., perer. i dop.
Pod obshchei red. N.I.Shinkovicha. Minsk, Izd-vo M-va vysshego
srednego spetsiallnogo i professionallnogo obrazovaniia IGSR,
1962. 105 P. (MMA 15;11)
(Mechanical drawing-Study and teaching)
N.M.; red.; DUBOVIK A.P., tekhn, red,
[Thenml properties of glass] Termicheskle rvoistva stakla.
Minsk, lzd,-vo M-va vysshogo, orednogo spetsial"nogo i prof-3s..
sionallnogo obrazovaniia BSSR, 1962. 139 P. (MW 15:7)
(Glass-Thex-nal properties)
NEVZOAOVA, N.N., kand. teklm. nauk, nauchn. red.;
N.M., red.
(Studying the strwigth of the runningt gear of a mir]
Issledovanie prochnosti. khodovykh chastei vagona; sbo-.-
nik statei. Min.9kp Izd-vo M-va vyoshego, srednego spe-
tsiallnogo i profesBional'Logo obrazovaniia BSM , 10,611.
45 P. (EIRA 18:1)
1. G0111011. boloru"Iskly fil'st'it'llt 111zhomll-ov Jjelf,~mmdo-
rozhnogo transporta.
TATURp Gennadiy Kuzlmich; KONTSEVAYA, T.V., red.; Ay"VICH, 11.11.)
red.; PESINA, S.A., tekhn. red.
(Course in the strength of materials]Kurs soprotivleniis ma-
terialov. Minsk, Izd-vo H-va vysshego, srednego spetsiallnogo
i professionallnogo obrazovaniia BSSR. Pt.l. 1962. 23D D-
(MIRA 15:0
(Strength of materials)
KRECHETOVICIly Nikolxy Niko2ayevich; DUBOVIKj,
A.P., tekhn. red.
(Automatic and remote control]Avtomatika i telemekhanika.
Minsk, Izd-vo M--va vysshego, arednego spetsiallnogo i pro-
fessionalinogo obrazovaniia BSSR, 1962. 233 P.
(Automatic control) (Remote control) KIRA 15:9)
IVANOV, Konstantin VIndimirovich; ANEYCHIK, A.P., red.; ARALOVICH,N.M.,
red.; 116RGUNOVA, GY., tekhn. red.
[Technological and hydraulic calculations in water-supply
systems) Tekhnologicheskie i gidravlicheskie raschety po vo-
dosnabzheniiu. Minsk, Izd-vo 11-va vysshego sredn. spets. i
profes. obrazovaniia BSSR. Pt.l.[Water-supply network and its
structures] Vodoprovodnaia set' i soonizheniia na. seti. 1963.
300 P. (?-'.IRA 16:11)
(Water supply engineering)
KRUPITSKIY, Emmanuil Iosifovich; AKALOVICH, N.M., red.; KISLYAKOVA,
M.N., tekhn. red.
[Manual for bench work] Posoble po slesamomu delu. Izd.2.
Minsk, Izd-vo M-va vysshego, srednego spetsiallnogo i pro-
fessionallnogo obrazovaniia BSSR, 1963. 248 p.
(MIRA 16s8)
(Machine-shop practice)
ODELISKIYI E.B., zasl. deyetell nauki i tekhniki, doktor
tekhn. nauk, pro'., red.;
I _AALOVICH, red.;
LITVINSKAYA, T.S., red.; T91"ERBA, L.N.,, red.
[Problems of construction thermophysics; transactions of
the Interuniversity Sc~,entific Conference held jointly
with workers from indus,Zry, research and design institutes
and the Scientific Technological Society of the building
industry of the U.S.S.R.., February 1-4, 1964 in Minsk]
Problew stroittellnoi teplofizki; trudy Mezhvuzovskoi
nauchnoi konferentsii so-vmestno s rabotnikami promyshlen-
nostit nauchno-issledovatellskikh i proektnykh institutov
i NTO stroiindustrii SSSR 1-4 fevralia 1964. 9-.- g. Minsk.
Minsk, Vysshaia shkola, 1965. 526 p. (MIRA 18:7)
1. Mezhvuzovskaya nauchnaya konferentsiva po problemam
stroitellnoy teplofizikip Minsk, 1964. 2. Belorusskiy
politekhnicheskiy institut, Minsk (for Odellskiy).
LEONOVICII, IvwA lo,,-, , f,~
nauk~ retsey~zen*. r.F~ lk'.
re -L sen zeri-
[Aut omot ve 1 -.-~gp~ c and ~,pera-
tion of ~E ~Z,~ hv' b i 1
nye lesovomye i eks-
pluatatsi-,a le-,;,--vO-~ ~-ri-17hami,
Minsk' vysslia.'a .Bilk
SUROV) 13.V., kand.medknauk; VOROKOV) G.L.; AKALOVSKAYA, L.F.; BLEMER,
'V.M.; FRUMKIN) Ya.F.J. prof.
Electrooncephalographic studies of some psychical diseases. Vop.
klin. nevr. i psikh. no.2t235-267 158. (MIRA 14:10)
33288. Besprovodmya peredacha energii Po volnovomu Icanalu S zorkolom U
priemnoy antenny. V. SB: 50 Let Kievsk. Pol-neldii. In-Ta. Kiev. 1948
5- 535-420547-54)
SO: Letopis' Zhurnal'Twkh Statey, Vol. 34, 1949 Iloskva
Akalovs!,,iy, I. V. - "A method for detcrmliln.- trip- )hnFe ,od am,ditude z-,IntlonsMT-) r,
between the oscill.ationq in two vil--ratorq," Sborni~. nrw-h.-tr-!:hn.
nauk Ukf. SSR In-t elektrotekhtilki), Issue 22, 1918, ?. 09-1cq
SO: U-4355, 14 August 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnil 'n-,kh St-tey, J,~o. 1-5, 1949)
"Stud~r of the ,.'UtUal Synchronization of T'Y'o Self-Ercited Oscillal-ore b1- the ".,3t,.od
of ",eneralized F,ase-Frequency Diagmas", Radio, No. 3, 1, 15, 1950-
VOLUMAR, Naum Filippovich, doktor tekhn.nauk; AK4WVsxIY. I.V.
[Akalovslkyi, I.V.1, kand.tekhn.rLauk, glavnn red.; M, A.Ya.,
[Preaent-day radio eleotronics] Suchasna radioelaktronika.
Kyiv, 1959. 43 P. (Tovarystvo dlia poshyrannia politychnykh
i naukovvkh znan' Ukrainslkoi RSR. Ser.5, no-17) (MIRA 13:1)
AUTHOR; Akalovskiy, I.V,,
TITLE: A Phasochronous Oscillator With Combined Interaction
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiotekhnika,
1959, Vol 2, Nr 4v pp 454-461 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Phasochronous oscillntors were suggested by S.T. Tetel~-
baum. They are based on 'Ube effective, multiple energy
exchange between an electron flow and a magnetic field,
The energy exchange takes place during equality of the
phase velocity of a sequence of charged particles and
the phase velocity of a wave ~R-ef 1. 2~ 17. One of the
simplest phasochronous oscillators is ihe one with
transverse interaction. Here, the electrons move in
crossed electrical and magnetic fields aloncr a non-de-
U L~l
laying waveguide system with approximately trochoidal
trajectories. Direct and inverse wave phasochronous
oscillators are principally possible and tile author
discusses botb types, Ile expla-ns the kinematics of
Card 1/4 electron motion without taking into consideration the
A Pbasochronous Oscillator With Combined Interaction
volume charge. He discusses ways of reducing the mag-
netic induction :h devices of this type. Direct Walre
phasochronous oscillators with combined interaction
permit a smaller clearance between the waveguide elec-
trodes with a corresponding selection of the degree of
wave delay, compared to analogous oscillators with pu-
rely transverse interaction (without delay of the wave).
The frequency range of the phasochronous oscillators
may be increased towards the higher frequencies with
permissible magnetic induction values. In inverse wave
phasochronous oscillators, the magnetic field induc-
tion may be reduced, using such an operating condition
that during one cyclotron frequency cycle the electrons
will interact with several cycles of the high-frequen-
cy field. The efficiency of the energy exchange is
higher in an oscillator with combined interaction, com-
pared to analogous oscillators with transverse J 'nter-
action working under the same operating conditions. A
Card 2/4 sorting of the electrons is observed in direct and in-
A Phasochronous Oscillator With Combined Interaction
verse wave phasochronous oscillators with combined in-
teraction, since electrons are drained to the cathode.
The electrons obtain energy in the high-frequency field
which is conventional for analogous oscillators with
transverse interaction. However, contrary to the latter,
in oscillators with combined interaction, there is a me-
chanism for longitudinal grouping of electrons to clus-
ters. Further, a mechanism is provided, which facilita-
tes a faster draining of electrons towards the cathode
electrode, which are not in a correct phase. In case
the -phase is correct, a slower departure of the elec-
trons is provided from the zone of the intensive high-
frequency field which is adjacent to the anode electro-,
de. These phenomena increase the effectiveness of ener-
gy exchange in oscillators with combined interaction.
The publication of th~ia Daper was recommended by the In-
stitut elektrotekhniki Ail USSR (Institute of Electri-
cal Engineering of the AS UkrSSR). There are 2 diagrams
Card 3/4 3 graphs and 3 Soviet references.
A Phasochronous Oscillator With Combined Interaction
SUBMITTED: February 11, 1959
Card 4/4
AXALOVSKIY, Ij. (Akalovalkyi, I.V.], kand.teldin.nauk
Prom Popov to the present. Nauka i zhyttia 9 no-3:16-21 Mr '59-
(MIRA 12:4)
(Radio) (TeleviBion)
AKALOVSKIY, 1. [Akalovalkyi, 1.1
Omnipresent waves. Znan. ta pratusia no. 3:6-8 Mr 161. (MIFLA 14:5)
1. Direktor InBtituta radiotekhnicbeskikh problem AN USSR.
(Radio waves)
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