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Country : USSR Category: Forestry. Forust Cultures. Abs JOur: RZhDiol., No 11, 1958, No 48797 P.uthor Agurcygy,,ye. s. Inst Title Mountain Affomstation Work in the 11,asiis of Zemvshan and Kashka-Dar'ya- Orig Pub: Sots. S. M. Uzbekistana, 1957, No 7, 054-65 Abstmact: This article succintly describes the principal stages in the experimentation in the mountain affor- estation work cn the northern spurs of the Zeravshanskiy range, startin6 wit?; 1879. Successful results of the forest cultures on the terraces until 1915 are noted. The failure in Vic atterapts to create forest planta- Card 1/2 Country : USSR CatcGory: Forestry, Firc-st- Cultures. ,,~bs Jour: RZhDiol-, No Ili 1958, No 48797 tions on sl.o,.,)cE; in subscquent yQnrs (192'(-1953) is emphasized. T' u clAef agroteelmical .,.nd bioloGical causes t1c failure of thu cul."6ures are analyzed. Vic article points out the )QrLls of Growing forusts by the planting-holu i-.:et:iod on the cultivated and by sections on Vic tuiturraced slopes. ,-Ltt;ntf.on is also called to thu noc~ssity of rigid spcc-.1.c-s brLcdinf,. Agrotechnical recormen- dations are Glv,:~n. -- L.V. Nesmclov Card 2/2 SHEVCHENKO, V.B.; ~TMROVy I.A.; AGUR=---'V,-Yu.P. [Temperature effect on the extraction of the nitrates of uranyl, plutonium, and nitric acid with tributyl phosphate3 Viiianie terperatury na ekstraktsiiu tributil- fosfatom nitratov uranila, plutoniia i I,zotnoi kisloty. Moskvaj Glav. upr. po ispollzovaniiu atormoi energii, 1960. 3.9 p. (I.' IRA 17: 1) (Uranyl nitrate) (Plutonim nitrates) (Butyl phosphates) A U351 5/l95/62/OO3/oo6/oG6/ou AUTHORS. Koltunov, V.S., Nikollskiyj V.A., A.gureyev.1'Yu.P. TITLE., The kinetics of oxidation of hydrazine with nitric acid in aqueous solution PERIODICAL: Kinctika i kataliz, V.3, no.6,*1962, 877-881 TEXT: The oxidation of hydraz.ine was investigated to establish its stechiometry and kinetics. The rate of the reaction was measured by the decreasing concentration of hydrazine. Nitric acid was used in concentrations ranging from 2.2 to 8.2 mole/litre. Analysis of the oxidation products indicated that the reaction is' 17N214 + 16HN03 = 4NH4NO3 + OW3 + 4N20 +- IIN2 + 32H20 'Since log [N2H4] decreases linearly with 'the time of oxidation, the reaction 'ii; of the first orler, The reaction is however of ,the-third order in respect of 11 and NOj ions and the. experimental data are satisfactorily described by the-equation d(N2H4) - k- [N,'H4j[HNO3]3 3 dt Y; Card 1/2 The kinetics of oxidation ... S/195/62/003/006/oo6/oli E075/E436 where y - activity coefficient of HNO The dependence of the reaction rate on temperature was investigated in 8M HNO i between 59 and 100.20C and found to be 27.2 + 0.8 kcal/mole. ndividual reaction stages are as follows: 12 3liNO,-:;~NO,++H,0'-+2NO-,, MicTpas cr-clc 12. N,FI,+NO+~NO++N,H,+HsO, MeARCH Han &l~ 12 N,H,+NO N,Hj+HN0+H I-, OUCTPOR 4 2NH,-*HN-N-NH-NH,-4HNj+NH3, 6MCTPaR %%kWK OV) 7 2,V,H,~H,N-N=,14-NH,--,;N,4-N,H,.- 'dUCTpAjI A.L%AA. (V) V 2 14,H3+2HNO -.* 2N,+2HIO ( O i - 4 2HNO "HsNIO$-NO+HsO (VII), 4 NH,+HN08 - NHNO, (Vill) 17N.114+i6HNOj-4NH4NOS+4HNS+4NSO+iiNS+32HIO, There are 3'~figures and 2 tables. SUBMITTED: November 23, 1961 Card 2/2 peripheral nerr&=krsltmcJbumanj&i4,Wd I =Y5 A xureuc!ns. r to atetone Witations.-S, AA-1141a 'Uhijas PSR Zinfitan Akad. Vt*ji 11933, W.-4(WNMrN RI), 127,3,Win Russlan).-Menc fibers of the pulph nervous systtm of skin of human and cats wen sWifically affected by acelcme applications; other tissues were n0kied only slightly. The axons were attacked n"t, while the arm ends and the epithelium nerve fibers were wore m- sistant. The timnerntion of the uerve cells spread srlec- tively along cem-An fiberfi. No cvmulative tffmt was ob- served with applicntimi.%'-11 hts. apart. A. Draynicks- USSR/Plr,rmacology.. Tbxicology. Abs Jour : Ref Zh-!:x - Biol.) No 51 195.0y 2A?9 Author : Agaraikii-- S.A~ -:R,-` - - Iw,t 74 *C. G iven Title of the Peripheral Syst,m of 4v-qe S.Un to ar. I='.raclemal Injection of ke--ton-s. Orig Pub lis-,tv. PSR zinatau Almd. vestis, Izv. AN IatvssR, i956, N:i 10, 77-84 Abstract I%e morpohological changes in! t'!ae peripheral ne-nious system in. the area of the injection cf C..' :ml acetone into ;-qe skin of a cat's auricle are described. Card 1/1 AGUREYKIN, S.A. Concerning Professor G.A. Koblov's article, "Characteristic di-- vision of the nerve cells of some vegetative ganglia in cats" published in the periodical,, "Arhiv anatomii,, gistologii i embriologii". no.2,, 1962. Arkh.anat...gist.i embr. 4.4 no.1:128 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Naunasskiy meditsinakiy institut., kafedra gistologii i embftologii., Kaunas, Mitskepichiaua# 9, (CELL DIVISION (BIOLOGY) (NERVOUS SYSTEM, AUTONOMIC) (KOBLOV, G.A.) AT6023752 SOURCE CODE: UR/3149/66/ob [U-THOR: Spodyryskt_N, T.; Agureykib, S.-S. V3 RG: none 'r-~ / ITLE: Heat tkonsfer and resistance in a curvilinear channel witb a ediation absorbing surface OURCE: Alma-Ata. Kezakbskiy nauchno-isslodovatellskiy institut nergetiki. Problemy teploenergetiki I prikladnoy taploflzilc ~,no. 31 C TAGS: radiative heat transfer, hydraulic resistance ABSTRACT: With specific beat loads of 50,000 to 80,000 keel/m2-br, reliable cooling of the wells of a radiation type air beater can be achieved only if the beat2transfer coefficient from the wall to the air is from 150 to 200 kcal/m -br-OC. It is possible to attain tbese.bigb beat transfer coefficients only by increasing the flow rate substantiall andp consequentlyx also the hydraulic resistance in the air loop. In some cases, this is not economic. The article gives the results of 100 experiments at an average wall temperature of 600-9400C. The flow rate was varied from 15 to 61 meters/sea. The temperature of the heated air AGURIL."Alkir Petrovich, Inzhener; ISMIW, N.Na, inzhener, naachrq7 redaYt-or-,*-UDOV, Yjae, redaktor; KNINEDRY, L.Ta., tekhnlcheBki.V redaktor [Blectrical equipment on excavators] Blaktrooboradorania eknskavatorov. Moskva, Goo. lzd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhtt., 1954. 103 P, (lizeavating machinery) (MLRA, 8:3) AVRIN mdr Petrovich; UDOD, Y. Ya., rodaktor; VOLKOV, Y.S., ta)rh- LAIskai - -.- ni - -or, [Operation of building machinery, diesel engines] RkspluatateiiiL dizelInykh dvigatelei stroitelInykh mashin. Moskva, GosA%d-vo lit-ry po strottelletv-u o arkhitekturs, 1955. 46 p. (HLRA 9:4) (Diesel engines) (Building mAchinery) DEUTYAREY, Aleksey Petrovich, inzh.; Prinimal uchastiye:: inzh.. REYSH, A.K., glevnyy inzh., mauchny-y red.; PAIEHOMOU, M.A., red.izd-ve; STXPANOTA, B.S., (Engineer of excavating and hauling inachinery] Mashinist zenle- roino-transportnykh mashin. Koskva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1959. 206 p. (MIRA 12z9) 1. Proyekt Gosudarstvennogo proyektnogo instituta Spetsstroy- proyakt (for Reysh). (Excavating mchinery) (Earthmoving machinery) AGURIN, A.P.; BORISOV, P.V., inzh.; VOLYNTSEV, inzh.; GOY-KOLOV, YeJ., GROMAKOV. G.P.; SSMRINNIKOV, S.S., Inzh.; TOLKACHEY, F.I., inzh.; TT=IiXVA, L.M., red.iza-va; KOVEDEV, I.Ya., tekhn. red.; BLIKINA, N.M., [Handbook on refractory linings of industrial furnaces] Sp,7a- vochnAk po ognsupornol kladke promyshlennykh pechei. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. L stro'Lt.materialamp 1960. 349 p. (MIR.A 13:5) 1. SOYUZTFYMSTROT, trust, Moscow. 2. Ordena Trudovogo Kranogo Znameni treat Boyuzteplostroy (for all except Tyuleneva, Medvadev, ElIkina). (Furnaces) (Refractory materials) j ' " ' 3: MISKIT. V.I.; BORISOVg *.V.; TOLYNTSET, V.A.; GOTIOLOY, N.Y.; ZHO'INI- ROVSKIT, Me; ISSM, AoYe*; KAKAROV, N.S.; ROTSITSKIT, M.L.,; TIBINIKOV, D.P.; TROITSKIT, V.A.; CHIMOV, A.T.. insh.; AGWUj#-- A.P., nauchnyy red.; SOLODMIKOV, L.D.. nauchAyy red.; TOLLWEIRV, Kr-.~ naucbMy red.; Kn=TXVA, Ye.O., red.izd-va; RLIKINA, X.M.9 (Handbook on special operations; construction of industrial furnaces] Spravochnik po spetsialinym rabotam; sooruzhenle pro- myshlonn.vkh pachei. Pod red. A.Y.Chernova, lzd.3., ispr, i dope Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i atroit.materialam, 1960. 694 p. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Vaesoyaznyy mauchno-iseledovatellskiy i proyektW inatitut *Teploproyekt. 0. (Yarnaces-Construction) ------ AGURIN, A.T.,inzh. Machinery and devices for construction industrial furnaces and flues. Mont. i spots rab. v stroi. 22 no.5:18-21 My'60. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Treat Soyutteplostroy. (Flues) (Furnaces) (Building machinery) AGURIP A P inzh.; K010DITSKIY, B.L., inzh. Machines for cutting refr.Q,tory materials. Mont. i spets. rab, v'stroi. 23 no.7:27-28 JI 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Treat Soyu2te 10"troye ~Cutting machines) (Refractory materials) AGURIN GCYKOLOV Yovgeniy Fedorovich; GROMAKOV, Gavriil Petrovich; Z11OVNI1!OVSKrY, Nikolsy Valentinovich; MOSWENKOV, Andrey Abramovich; S= PINNIKOV, S.S., nauchrVy red,; RYAWTSEVA, L.L, red,, i-A-va; NAU110VA, G.D., tekbn. red. (Safety measures in the construction and repair of industrial furnaces]Tekhnika bezopasnosti na stroiteVstve i remonte pronyshlenrqkh pechei. [By]A.P.Agurin i dr, Moskva Gosstroi- izdat 1962. 187 p. tMIRA 15:8) Nrnaces-Construction) (Industrial safety) AGURIN. A.P.. inzh. New technique for liamg eement ki1na. ~bnt. i spots. rab. v stroio 25 noJa6-18 Mr 163* (MIRA 16:2) 1, Vaeooyuznyy proyektno-montazhnyy stroitelinyy trest ognevoy teplotelrhni Iri . (Cement kilns) (Firebrick) .1 AGURIN, A.P.; GOYKOLOV, Ye.F.; GROMAKOV, G.P.; ZHOVIIIROVSKIY, N.V.; ---1/,OSEY121KOVj A.A.; SLEBRENNIKOV, S.S., nauchn. red. [Instructions tai safety measures in the construction and repair of industrial furnaces and smokestacks] Inst-uktiv- nye ukazaniia po tekhnike bezopasnosti pri stroitel'stve i reirionte proTWahlenriykh pechei i trub. Moskva, Str6iizdat, 1964. 126 p. (MIU 17: 6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavmye upravleniye teplotekh- nicheskikh i termoizoliatsionnykh rabot. 2. Inzhenerno- tekhnicheskiye rabotniki tresta nSoyuzteplostroy" (for a-11 except Serebrennikov). AGURSKAYA, T.j red. (Drying of blological preparations; transactions] Vysu-. shivanie biologichaskikh preparatov; trudy Vsesoiuznoi mezhinstitutakoi nauchnoi konferentsil. Vloskva, Biuro nauchnol infomatsii, 1963. 139 P. (MIRA -17:9) 1.1,loscow. Moskovskii nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut vaktsin i syvorotok im. 1.1.1lechnikova, '%, .-,.AGTJR.IWOVA_~A~~Inzh.; KONDRASHOV, A.G.. inzI1. Chungas in the design of vertical core prints. Lit. proizv,, no.9: 35-36 3 165. (KIRA 181lo) AGUSHXV, At,3.),podVolkovuik mod. sluzhb7; BURUDI, V.P., mayor med. sluthby T.-ransfusion cif preserved blood prepared by a tvo-stage method. Voen. med. shur. nct.3:69-70 Mr 158. (NIRA, 12:7) ' (RIA)OD, PRMIMV3U) two-stage method of prep. (Rae)) AaUSHEV, V.A., inzh.-konatruktor; GLADYSHIV, I.R., inzh.-konstruktor Now heavy-duty conveyerB with flexible rollers for open-pit coal mining. Ugol' 34 no.4:30-32 Ap '59- (MM 12.'7) 1. Spetsiallnoye konstruktorskoye byuro Artemovskogo mashinostroltell- nogo zavoaa. (Conveying rachinory) (Strip mining) AGUSMV, V.A.; inzb.; GLbjJYSIMV, I.R., inzh. .. L,~~ New designs for the central Tart of belt conveyers, Ugoll 35 no-3:3-7 Mr '60. (MIRA 1'3:6) 1. ArtemovsIdy mashinostroitellnyy zavod. (Conveying nuchinery) AGUSIEIX, V.A., inzli.; U'IADYSI-..-r.V, i'lzll. ("'L:m 1,01., Ur?oll 16 no.2:7---3., ? 161. %- L c I 1. y - . chinoctroi t,1 ',,Iylf zavode i -- . (Coal mi-.iaL: -,lachinery) ,AGUSHEV V A - GLADYSHV-V I. R. Y I New designs for belt conveyors. Ugol' 38 no 4:44-45 Ap 163. NIRA 16:4 1. Artemovski7 mashinostroiteliny-y zavod. (Conveying machinery) BOGOSLOVSKIY, A.M.; KASHINSXIY, D.E.; AGUSHIT, Tu.F.; BLAZHEVICH, P.Y.,; PBVZNER, A.S., zav.-red.Izd-va-,'05NHKO, L.M., tekhn,red, (Uniform time and pay standards for construction, assembly, and repair operations in 19601 Edinye normy i rastsenki na stroi- telloye, montazhnve i remontuo-stroitalinyo rabot7, 1960 g. Mosk-ra, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialame Sbornik 22. [Welding] Svarochuye raboty. 1960. 79 P. (xiRA 13..6) 1. Fbaeaia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Goeudarstvennyy komitat po delam stroi- telletva. 2. Normativno-iseledovateliskaya stanteiya No.5 (NL,-3) Ministerstva stroitallstva RSPSR (for BogoslovBkiy). 3. TSentrall- nay& normativno-issladovatellskaye stantsiya po 3troltel'stvu magistrallufth traboprovodov Glavgaza SSSR OfsNISStroygaz" (for Hashinskiy). 4. TSentrallnoys normativno-issledovatellskoys byuro Kinisterstva stroitel'stva alektrostantsiy (for Agushav). (Wages) (Electric welding) (Gas welding and cutting) AUTHOR; Seppar, A.M.' and Agushevich I.Z. 68-1-6/21 ................ TITLE: Control of Heating Coke Ovens Along Their Height. (Regul- irovk:a obogreva koksovykh pecliey po vysote) PERIODICAL: Koks i Khimiya, 195?, vo-Is pp. 19 - 2'2 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Factors influencing the height and dimension of flame in heating flues and therefore directly influencing the uni.- formity of heating along the height of ovens were investigated. These factors are: a) the velocity of gas flow at the entr- ance to heating flues; b) coefficient of air excess, and c) calorific value of gas used for heating. When investigating one of the above factors the remaining factors were kept con-. stant. The uniformity of heating along the height of ovens was determined by measuring temperatures in the tar line at three levels (0.6, 2.1 and 3 m from the oven sole), temperatures of bottom, top and along the height of heating flues. The latter was done by measuring thetamperature of a nickel plate immersed to various depths in the flue. From final temperatures in the tar line the weighted mean coke temperatures were calculated by planimetering respective diagrams. Ovens of the type r%K-42 and'11K-49 on the Magnitogorsk Combine (Magriitogorskiy Kombinat) were the object of investigation. The influence of the gas-air stream velocity at the entrance to heating flues was studied on Oard 1/30vens of thelIK-49 type, fired with blast furnace gas with 3% Control of Heating Coke Ovens Along Their Height. 68-1-6/21 of coke oven gas. The amount of gas and air supplied for heating was kept constant and their velocity controlled by-bottom dumpers. The results obtained indicated a considerable increase in the temperature of the upper part of heating flues with increasing velocity of the air-gas stream (PiSB. 1 and 2). The influence of the coofficient of air excess on the uniformity of heatin was investigated on VM-49 (on a sector of 10 ovens) and M-U ovens (on the whole battery). The following air excess coeffici- ents were tested! 1.1 1.2 and 1-3. With the variation in the excess air, the velodi;y of gas stream and the length of the flame vary, so that changes in the tmperature distribution are the results of the above three factors. It was found that with increasing excess of air, the length of the flame decreases, moreover, the influence of this factor is more pronounced on' U-49 ovens than onlIK-42ovens. With increasing excess of air he temperature of the top part of coke and heatin flue decreases and the temperature of the bottom part increases (Lbles 1 and 2). The influence of calorific value of gas on uniformity of heating was carried out by varying the percentage of coke oven gas added to blast furnace gas from 1.5 to 11.5%. Changes in the mlorific value of the heating gas also affect two other factors previously discussed Experiments indicated that on Oard 2/3inereasing thecalorific valu; of the heating gas (at a constant Control-,.of Heating Voice Ovens Along Their Height. 68-1-6/21 consumption of heat) the temperature of the lower zones of heating flues increases (Fig. 3). A large number of experimental. results obtained curing the investigation permitted the deriv' of statistioal re ationship between the'temperature of'control heating flues and the temperature~of the coke (Fig.4). In the temperature range: 1 300 to 1 34-0 OC on the pusher side and 1 340 to 1 380 IC on the coke side, the relationship is linear. An increase of temperature of a control heating flue by 10 0c increases the mean temBerature in the tar line bY 36 00 on the pusher side and bY 32 C on the coke side. It is pointed out that increase in teMDerature is non-uniform; the temperat%jure of the bottom part Of -the coke-, increases most. There are 4 figures and 2 iu-ableEs. ASSOCIATION: Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine. (Magnitogorskiy Netallurgicheskiy ElPmSinat) AVAILABIS.- IAbrary of Congress Uard 3/3 MOLOKANOV, Yu.K.; AGUS a, " --~MYUAI-I Aralyzing the resistance of plates made f-om S-ahap,,~d eleererjiz. Xhim. i tekb. topl. i masel 9 no.3tA,9-52 Mrt(41, (M-IRA 117x7) LUNDSHEVICHYUS, V.Yu. [Lukosevicius, V.]; AGUSTAY'llS, A.P. Adjusting leveling and polygonometric nets on static d.c, models. Ge)d. i ~;art. no.12tl4-20 D 164. (MIRA 1&,;2) 32746 S120 '61/001/006/006/022 21 llzo r,(4,, 2209 D268YI)305 AUTHORS: Ku3in, A.M., Agustjmi,__Ch,, Kopylov, V,A~t and Budilova~ Ye.V. TITLE: On the effect of extracts from irradiated Vicia faba leaves on the p32 incorporation in isolated thymus cell nuclei PERIODICAL: Radiobiologiya, v. 1, no. 6, 1961, 856 - 857 T'11'XT! In further studies on the effect of biologically active com.- pounds accumulating in irradiated plants on nucleic acid synthesis in the cell nucleusp the action of extracts from irradiated and non-irradiated V. faba leaves on the phosphorylization prooesses in the isolated cell nucleus was studied, using the same irradiation and method for preparing the extracts as previously described by A.M~ Kuzin et al. (Ref. 7: Tr. konf. po mekhanizmam, pervichnogo deystviya ioniziruyushchey radiatsiiq Xiyev (Transactions of the Conference on the Mechanisms of the Initial Ac'clon of Ionizing Ra- diation~ Kiyev) 1961, in the press). Cell nun'lei viere isolated from the thymus of young rats by the Allfrey and Mirskiy method (Ref, 0: Card 1/3 32746 S/205/61/001/006/006/022 On the effect of extracts from ... D268/D305 Proc,. Nat. Acad. Sci., 40, 881, 1954) and were then suspended in an 0.25 M saccharose solution with 0.0018 M CaC12. After incubation at 2000 for 3 hoursp the suspension was centrifuged, and the nuclei finally extracted. The resulting alkali extract was used to deter- mine radioactivity and the quantity of DNA according to the method of Burton (Ref,, 10: Biochem~ J., 62P 315, 1956)~ Preliminary expe- riments showed chat when the boiled nuclear suspension was incuba- ted with Na2HP3 04 radioactive P was not included in the fraction studied~ indicating that the alkali hydrolyzate was completeiy free from inorganic radioactive P. Results showed that nuclei incubat-ed with extract from irradiated plants were less likely to incorpora- te p32 than was the case with non-irradiated; the average differen- ce being 40 %. Extracts from irradiated plants as compared with non-irradiated, therefore .. gave greater inhibition of the phospho- rylization pro cesses. There are 1 table and 10 references. 8 So- viet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-lan- guage publications read as follows: V,,G. Allfrey, Proc. Nat. Acado S-Ii-p 40, 881, 1954; K~ Burton, Biochem~ J., 62a 315~ 1956, Card 2/3 AGUIZARLWA M hji,brea~- of lent-OST ros s S F FtrIct of the ssf. ian (Illf1j, 18-2) --;Tl ~;J ya TONKONOMENIKO, A.P., (..TJRBANOVA) Ye.I.; AGUZAROVAy M.Kh. Role of geme shimals In the formation of natural foci of 1~pto- spirosis In the North Ossetian A.3*3.R. Zhur. mikrobiol., ppid. i ijmmn. 42,no.248-49 F 165. (MIRA 18s6) 1. Spvpro-Osetinskaya rpapublikenskays sanitarno-epidemiologiche- skays stantsiya. KARASEVA, Ye.V.; ANAINIIN, V.V.; AGUZAROVA, M.Kha Experience in reducing the activity of n natural focus of lepto- spirosis. Zhur.mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 42 no-4:65-69 Ap 165- (YI1 RA 18-5) 1. Institut epidemioligii i mi.krobiologii imen! Gamalei AMN SSSR i Respublikanskaya, sanitarno-apidemiologicheskiil!n stantsiya Severo-Osetinskoy ASSR. iVIr'0z-LliA, ~, . V . 1 7' -xial f -- rill A-uzina . V. - ll~)n the problen of heino-lo1bin , L fc, ~, -~> U .1rudy 0,7z-ko,~o rod. in-ta- in, . &A i nina, "o. 10, 1211.3; p. 262-76 SO: U-I~Mj 10 July 5,3, (LAopis "hurnal Inyk-h Stuatuey, 11"o. 6, 1949) AGUPMTSrANq M*A* Maltiple scattering of ri-mosonz on nucleons in the uonlineary field theorye Uch, SaP, HOPI 75:145-153 159- (KIRA 13112) (Hasons-Scattering) (Field theory) S/058/6?-/OOO/OC)6/005/136 A061/A101 AUTHORS- Aguzumtsyan, M. A. TITLE: Single scattering of mesons by nucleons PHRIODICALt Reforativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 6, ISb-2, 38, abstraot 6A325 ("Uch. zap. Kabardino-Balkarsk. un-t", 19051, no. 13, 3 - 9) TEXT- Problems relating to scattering of scalar and pseudoscalar mesons by nucleons in nonlinear interaction are considered. LAbstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 AMMM: Aguzwtsyan, & A. E: Double scattering of'pions nucleons at low energies IM T C3MM SMCE: Uch. zap. Kabardino-Balkarsk. un-t, Wk. :L6.. 1962p 206-", TOPIC TAGS: pion ... nucleon , scattering,, double scattering, low energy TRUMATION: The proUbIlity of formation of an additional pion in -a colUsion I betveen -a leutral pion and a nucleon * (double pion scattering) ;Ls calculated. under the-assumption that .the-pion-mcleo n-- interaction -has -a: nonlin6ar ebanote r- -an -_ the- basis of the general formula derived by the author previously (RzbFiz, 19600 no- a oduction .,2M.88) for multiple pion production. The total cross section for the pr I of tle scalar meson is calculated In the lov-energy approximation. The revalts Of the calculation are com,=ed vitb experiment for double scattering of pions by bydrogen. V. Astaflyev. 63 60 CODE: PH ML: OD DATE ACQ: 15JUI L.Card-.1/1 AGYAGASI, Gyorgyne; YATTNER, Ferenene; KERI, Tamas Some variations of direct productivity measurement. Munka szemle 5 no.6: 9-12 Je 161. Rumu -u-m - - ------- iKTuv c Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957, No 24V Author : Agyrbichan~,_;. Title : =rd~~6-f-fx-tranoous Gases on the Ultraviolet Region of the Radiation Spectrvm of Water and Sulphur Vapors Orig Pub : Rev. math. et phys. (Ducbareati)) 1954) 2) 5-8 Abstract : See Abstract 2445 Card : 1/1 Jj_~k47V4-V7 --VI t ACCESSION NR: AP4047169 S/0051/64/017/004/0475/0482 AUTHORS - ;))ichanu, I Pqpesku, I.-M., Yukurezyanuj I. Vasiliu, V. TIT-". ~,A~eti~., resonancePof the level 73S1 of H9 -toun-Ei: - optikca-i~ -sPektFoskqpiya,,v. 17, no. 4, 1S64, 475-482 TOPIC TAGS: mactnetic resonance, mercury, energy level, magneto- mechanical ratic), polarization, resonance line shape ABSTRACT: The rnethod used in the investigation is the double radio- optical resonan(* method proposed by Brossel and Kastler (Compt. rend. v. 229, 1213, 41.~-49). The experimental set-up is similar to that previously desciibed by Brossel and Julienne (Compt. rend. v. 242, 2127, 1956). V.e magneto-mechrical ratio and the level lifetime of magnetic rescinance of the 7 SI H91 level were deterudned by in- vestigating the degree of polarization of the 4358 and 4047 lines, Card 1/3 ------ ---- L 12904-65 ACCESSION NR: AP-4047169 t'* fl-la of resonant freVency --- a g-7a ne -C ;Le -pplied to the system. The-resonance 13.1its of polarization of the 4358 A line at a nitrogen pressure G'= Eg have a Lorentzian shape, in agreement with the theoretical data of Brosr,el (Ann. de physique v. 7, 622, 1952). A variation of the mer- cury vapor pressure from 2 x 10-4 t'o 1.7 x 10-3 mm ng does not lead to a change in th(- half-width and the shape of the resonance line. A change in nitrc