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AURLbKIN) A. A., pror., VNIlpodsemgaz inst. kMoscow) "Die-AncierunE d-es-Ele rischen Wider-
standes von Kohle beim izhitzen."
SO:.Bergakademie Zeitschrift funr bergbau, HUttenwesen, und 'erwandte #%'issenscaften, No. 6,
June 1957.
AUTHOR: Agroskin, A.A. 65-12-8/9
TITLE: ---~hanj-e-s- Heat Conductivity and Thermal Diffusivity
~,n Heating of Coals (Izmeneniye teploprovodnosti i
temperaturoprovodnosti pri nagrevanii ugley)
PERIODICAL: Khimiya i Teklinologiya Topliva i Masel, 1957, No.12,
Pp. 5? - 64 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: An investigation of thermal conductivity and thermal
diffusivity of samples of Moscow brown and Lisichanskiy long
flame coals as well as samples of the blend used in the
Moscow Coke Oven Works was carried out. On the basis of the
results obtained and literature data, a general relationship
of the dependence of coefficients of heat conductivity and
heat diffusivity on temperature was obtained (Figs. 7 and 8,
respectively). Mean change of 4'he temperature coefficient of
heat conductivity fo6 the temperature range 0-100, 100-300)
300-1000 and 0-1000 0 for crushed and uncrushed specimens of
coal is given in Table 2. There are 8 figures, 2 tables and
10 references, ? of which are S'lavic.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
Card 1/1
AGROSKIN, A.A. doktor tekhn.nauk; SUKHMINSKATA, T.M.: FEDOROV, N.A.
MoiRtura balance in the proceov of underground gAl3ificAtion. Podzem.
gR2.Ugl. no.1:25-28 158. (MIRA 11:4)
1. Voesoyuznyy nnuchno-isaledo,.latel'skiy i proyektryy inatitut
podzemnoy gazifikntaii ugley.
(Coal gasification, Un,lerground)
AGROSKIN, A.A., doktor tekbn. nauk-, p.,of.
---3rf-eCt of moisture on calorifle value and electric properties of
coals. Podzem. gaz. ugl. no. 2:43-49 158. (MIRA 11:7)
1. Vaesoyuznyy mauchno-iosleiovatellskiy institut Podzemgaz.
(Coal. .-Testing)
A,,-,doktor takhn.nauk, Prof.
~ lr~"f'
Heat balance In the procesR of unierground gasification.
Podzem. gaz. url. nn.3:41-43 158. (MIRA 11:10)
1. Vmesoyuznyy nauchno-isel"dovatmIliskiy institut Podzer3gaz.
(Coal gasification, Underground)
AGRDSKIN, A.A., doktor takhn. nauk prof.; MIRIRGOF, N.S.
Dynamics of liberation of volatile substances an heating solid
fuels. Podzam. gaz. ugl. no.4:9-15 158. (MIRA 11:12)
l,Vee9oyuznyy nauchno-iseledevatellski7 institut Podzemgaz.
(Coal gasification--Testing) (Volatility)
AGROSM, Jastoliy Abramovich; UNGER, SoL., red.izd-va; KARASN, A.I.p
il 8, ~.-
EWays of expanding the oupply of coking cool] Puti reashireniia
ugollnoi bazy koksoveniia. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry
po chernoi i tovetnoi metallurgii, 1959. 130 P. (MIRA l2t2)
AGIROSKIN, Anatoliy Abramov~chg rof.; CHKRNYSM, D.M., red.; PBMSHA,
~, -
- 1: , - -- -ac 0,
(Thermal and electric properties of coals] Teplovye i alektri-
cheskie evoistva uglei. Moskva, Gos.nauahno-tekhn,izd-vo lit-ry
po chernoi i tavetnoi metallurgii. 1959. 265 p. (MMA 12:10)
AGROSKIN, A.A., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; KAZAK, V.N.
Participation of enclosing rocks In the process of underground
coal gasification. Podzem. gaz. ugl. no.1:42-" '59.
(MIRA 12:6)
(Coal gasification, Underground)
(Ga9es in rocks)
AGROSKIN, A.A., doktor takhn. nauk, prof.; RFZNIEDV, A.D.
Effect of certain factors on the electrical resistance of coal.
Pod.zem. gaz. ugl. no.1:53-57 '59. (miRA 12:6)
(Coal--Electric properties) (Coal geolog7)
AGROSKIN, A.A., prof., doktor tekbn.nauk; KAZAK, V.N.
Heating In depth of the coal seam arid the enclosing rocks in the
process of undergrouM gasification. Podze?.q.gaz.ugl. no.2:10-15
'5 9. (MIRA 12:9)
1. VaesoyuzWy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy I proyektW institut
podzemnoy gazifikateii ugley.
(Coal gasification, UrAerground) (Heat--Transmission)
AUTHOR: AgKos1&1p,,,, SOV/65-59-7-,-4/12
TITLE: Change of Electrical Resistance during the Heating of
Coal (Izmeneniye elektricheskogo soprotivleniya, pri
nagrevanii ugley)
PERIODICAL: Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, 1959,, Nr 7,
Pp 7-14 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The object of the work described was the development of
methods for measuring the electrical resistance of coal
during its heating and their use for the study of the
dependence of resistance on temperature2 heating rate and
degree of metamorphism. The method adopted was a develop-
ment of earlier work by Agroskin (with I.G. Petrenko
(Ref 7) and with A.G. Gesse). The apparatus (Fig 1)
enables a pressure of 2. kg/cm2 to be applied of a 30 g
coal charge in a 50 mm diameter quartz tube. Heat-
resisting steel electrodes with suitable leadsand
insulation are used to make electrical contact. The quartz
tube is enclosed in another 60 mm diameter quartz tube
with an external heater for heating up to 1000 OC.
Suitable circuits (Fig 2) are provided for temperature
Card 1/3 measurement and control. The coal sample is ground to
Change of Electrical Resistance during the Heating of Coal
1 mm and dried to constant weight at 105 OC. It was
found that resistantle vallues with A.C. and D.C. were
practically identical; but'the author considers that
the values of resistivity obtained give only the order
of magnitude. From 0 to 200 OG coals show a constant
fall in resistance, while brown coals and shales show a
sharp fall from 0 to 50-100 OC, followed by a rise to
200 OC (Fig 4). In the range 200-800 OC the logarithm
of the resi.stivity of coals and shales changes almcst
I nearly. The higher the temperature ~o which a coal
has been heated., the less the rel,lovery of resistance on
cooling. With both coals and shales the resistance
increases with in~!,-re-asing heating ratos; the values
with slow rates approx-2mate more closely to the "true"
resistance at the given temperatare. Least
conductivity was shown by coals in an intermediate state
of carbonization: it increases somewhat on going over
Card 2/3 1
to weakly metamorphized coal, and --',s -,.-Li.-h higher for
Change of Electrical Res.-Lstance during the Heating of Coal
lean coals and anthracite; differences for coals tend
to disappear with increasing heating temperature.
There are 5 figures and 11 references, 7 of which are
Soviet, 2 English and 1 French, 1 German.
Card 3/3
KANTOROVICH, Boris Veniaminovich, Prinimal uchastiye IVAHOV, V.K., hand.
tekhn.nauk. prof.. dol-tor takhn.wuk. retsenzent:
PITIN. R.N., kand.takhn.nauk, nauchnyy red.; LANOVSKATA, M.R.,
red.izd-va-..KARASIV, A.I.,
"'~'[Introduction to the theory of coal combustion and gasification]
Vvedenia v teoriiu goreniia i gazifikstaii tverdogo topliva.
Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekh.z.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tvVetW-oi -
metallurgii, 1960. 355 ~. (MIRA 13:10)
(Combustion) (Coal g9aification)
AGROS~XOZA-A-, doktor tskbn.uauk; XIRINGCF, N-S,, inzh.
Dynamics of the evolution of volatile products of peat during
Torf *prom, 37 no* 7: 22-24 160. (MMA 13:11;
1, Veesoyuznyy nauchno-looledovatellakly i proyektq7 inatitut
podzemnoy gazifikatail ugleyo
(Peat gasification)
AGROSKIN, Anatoliy Abramovich~ prof#; MINGER, I.L., otv. red.; GMER,
Z.A.9 tekhn. red.
[Coal chemistry and technology) Khimiia i tekhnologiia uglia, Mo--
akva) Gos, nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu 1961.
251 P. (Coal) WRA 14:10
Agroskin, Anatoliy Abramovich
Fizicheskiye svoystva uglya (Physical Properties of Coal) Moscow, Metallurgizdat,
1961. 308 p. 2,150 copies printed.
Ed.: V.S. Zagrebellnaya. Ed. of Publishing House: S.L. Zinger.
Tech. Ed.: P.G. Islentlyeva
PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineering and scientific-technical workers
of the by-product coke and coal industries. It may also be used by students
in related schools of higher education.
COVERAGE: The book, which discusses present-day concepts of the structure and
petrographic composition of coals, provides a comprehensive study, of reaearch
to date on the physical properties of coals. The effect of a number of factors
on the specific gravity and bulk weight of coals is studied, and methods for
increasing the bulk weight of coals with a view to coking are evaluated.
Card 1A
Physical Properties of Coal SOV/5219
The mecba-iical properties of coals are d-iscussed, and data are given on their
thermal and temperature conductivity and heat capacity, electrical resistance,
as well as their dielectric, optical and magnetic properties, Special atten-
tion is given to the physical properties of heat-treated coals. The following
personalities are mentioned: S.M. Grigorlyev, Doctor of Technical Sciences,
V.S. Zagrebellnayaj, Candidate of Technical Sciences., R.N. Pitin, Candidate of
Technical Sciences, and I.G. Petrenko, Candidate of Chemical Sciences (bulk
weight of coals); N.S. Miringof (thermal properties of coals); S.N. Lyandres.,
Candidate of Technical Sciences and A,D. Reznikov (electrical properties of
coals); S.G. Aronov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V.I. Kosatochkin,
Doctor of Chemical Sciences,, Ye. M. Tayts, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and
D.M. Chernushev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and G.M. Denisova. References
accompany each chapter.
Ch. I. Structure of Coal
1. Molecular structure
2. Petrographic composition
AGROSKIN, Anatoliy Abramovich; PANINA, Yovdokiya Fedorovna;
red.; GOROIMOVA, S.S., tekhn. red.
(Laboratory work on the chemistry and technology of coal)
LaboratorrVe raboty po khimii i tekhnologii uglia. Dloskvaj
Gos. izd-vo "Vysshaia shkolax" 1961. 131 p. (MIRA 15:2)
posoibility of widening the ~iokable coal basis, Rev min
12 no.7023-325 JI 361o
AGROSKIN,, Anatoliy Abra=m ; SHELKOV) Aleksandr Konstantinovich;
IT ~N ) ~V,101 red* izd-va; ATTOPOVIGH, M.K., tekhn. red.
[Increasing the supply of coking coal]Rasshirenie ugollnoi
bazy koksovaniia. Moskva, Metallurgizdat, 1962. 303 P.
(Coke industry) (KIRA 15:10)
Heat cupacity of coal. Ko~r i ki-Am. no.70-13 165. (MI RA 18: 8)
1. Vsesoyuznyy zaocl-inyy institut pishchevoy promyshiennosti.
AGft('GKjN, A.A., prof.; I~I-NIGII, k~--nrl. teklin. nnlik~, ANjA1J--.YFVA$ i.A.~ inzh.
Wayq o' prep!znng e~okf~ from (,oAl of the Vorpa-Shor deposit
try preliminary brlqiiiAtang. J-,,v, vys. acheb. zav.; gor. zhur.
8 fio.7.~,194-196 1650 (WRA 18:9)
1. Vsfisoyuznyv zaochnyy ~nstltnt pishcY.-voy promyshlennosti (for
Agro,qkinj. 2, Moskovrflk~y Im.-ititut --idinviAlroniki 1 pornoy
elektromokliarliki. (foi, Ravach, Ardrt~,Yava,, Itokomendovana ktifMroy-
energetiki Vsesoyuznogo zaonhnogo Am;'.Itutti ilinlichevoy
AGROSKIN, Anatoliy Abramovich. Frinimali uchastiye: GRIGOHIYEV,
aoy.-Lor auk; FITIN, dok4---.r -ek-hn,,
I -
nauk; PETRENKO, I.G., kand. khim. nauk; WLIEERIG, I,1.1.
karid. fiz.-materi. nauki ZAGRFEELINAYA, V.S., kand.
., GONCIUj-"OV, Ye.I.
tekim. nauk, dots.;
[Physics of coal) FizJka uglia. Mo.-,kva, Nedra, 190.
351 P. (MIRA 19:1)
AGR():A'T,N1) A.A.P daktor Wkhri.nauk; BPJ,SMYP YU.P.? I-ii,d.
Ocll,ln~ -)V, Ye.1 . P I nzb. ; KANAIFEI~J, P.I. I kanc. te~hn.mji)!:
Moasurement of tho heat cai:,acillance of fuels hentink
to temperatures up to 10001C. Izv.vys.ucheh.zav.; energ.
8 no.a2:51-57 D 165. (MIRA 19:1)
1. V~;asoyum~yy zaochnTy instit-at pi'slic"newy
Institut g i
_lo--yuchikh iskoFayemykh, Mloskwl
natichno-issledovatellskiy institut, i
railotakhnicheskikh i:nerenly. Predstaviona kafledrcy
enprgetiRl. Suhmitted December 1231 19b,".0
A310 litllp :I.I.
Agroskin, A.I. "On 'Lhe question of Lhe miost favorable distrl')ution of direction
wei,;hts in simple i_,asic !,-rids", Trnudy Novosib. in-ta inz-henerov eodezil, aerofotosll
yemki i kartoraffi. VolII, 1948) p. 21-32
SO: U-3042i 11 i-liarch )'3, (Letopis Inykh Statey, No. "~,
AUTHOR:, None Given 6-55-4-14118
TITLE: Chronicle (Khronika)
PERIODXCAL: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, 1958, Nr 4, '~OP- 79-W (USSR)
ABSTRAG T: From February15, to February 22, 1958 the XII. Soientifio:~.! ana
Technical Conference took place at the Novosibirsk Institute of'
Engineers of Geodesy, Aerial Photography, and Cartography. The re-
sults obtained by the work performed by the Institute in 1957
were made known. The conference was attended by about 200 geo-
aesists and cartographers of 20 scientific- and production-organ-
izations of Novosibirsk, Stalingrad, Kuvbyshev, Sverdlovsk, Omsk,
Tomsk, Abakan, Krasnoyarsk. Among them were the geodesists occu-
pied with building the hydraulic power plants of Kuybyshev, Novo-
sibirsk and Krasnoyarsk. Lectures delivered at the plenary session:
S.A.Kapustin on "Critique of Yodern -Rofdrmiat., Theories of State
Monopoly Capitalisid', R.G.Bannova on "The Penetration of Marxist
Ideas into Russia between the Fourties and Seventies of the 19th
Century" , N.V.Shubin on "Soviet Geodesy and Cartography on the
Occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Great Socialist October
Card 1/3 Revolution" , M.N.Kolobkov on the ~"Unified Power.. Systexcof c Central
Siberia and its Importance for the Economic Development of this
Regionft . The following 15 lectures were delivered at the
sessions of the department for geodesy: Docent A.I.Agroskin
"On the Problem of Angle-Observation in TriangU*1iti_&P_('5Twhich
the opinion expressed by Yu.A.Aladzhalov is refuted). Docent
V. N. Gan's hin "Ifficient Methods of Solving Major Geodetical
Problems". Docent A.V.Butkevich "On the Elimination of Succes-
sive Approximation in Some Geodetical Calculations". Docent
A.A.Vizgin and V.P.Napalkov "The Analysis of the Accuracy of
Geodetic Leveling'. Chief Engineer I.Ye.Donskik~,6fthe geodetical
sector of the Orgenergostroy on "Experience Gathered in Connection
with the Detemination of Coordinates in the Dam-Tunnel of the
Kuybyshev Hydraulic Power Plant". A.A.Meshcheryakov, Candidate of
Technical Sciences on "The General Theory of Euler Projectiod'.
Chief Geodesist V.P.Utin of the Lengidep Expedition on "Geodetical
Work Cirried out on the Building Site of the Krasnoyarsk Hydraulic-
Power Plant". Docent G.I.Znamenshchikov "On the Reducing of the
Length of Curved Lines Measured on Maps to the Scale of I : V -
(Here it is shown that the method developed by Professor N.N.Volkov
has some basic faults). Chief of the Geological Research Expedition
of Omsk, Candidate of Technical Sciences D.N.Fialkov on "The
Card 213 Qualitative Characteristic of Vertical Motions of the Earth' s
Crust in the Steppe Region on the River Irtysh!'. Docent
V.V.Yegorov "Modern Large-Scale Topographical Maps and Ways and
Means of Attaining their Further Improvement". I.I.Yarkson
"The Demands made with Respect to the Representation of Soil
Vegetation on Large-Scale Topographical Maps".
Professor K.L. Provorov, director of the NIIGAiK, in closing the
conference, gave a summry of the results obtained,
Library of Congress
1. Geodetios--Conference 2. kerial. photography--Conference
3. Cartography-4onforence
Card 313
AUTHOR: J�,ro-ekin,-,A*I., Docent, Candidate SOV/154-59-6-1/19
of Technical Sciences
TITLE: On the Problem of Combining Classical Methods of Angular
Izvestiya Yysehikh uohobnykh zavedeniy.%~ zi a i aerofotoslly~
1959, Nr 6, pp 3 - 9 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: It is stated in the beginning that the application of any
classical observation method in the "pure" form is undesirable
if there are more than six directions. It is proven that the
joint use of the method of measuring angles in sets with
the sangillar measurement in all combinations yields better
results. This procedure is based on the interchangeability
of the two classical methods. The "method of the 3 directions"
suggested by Yu. A. Aladzhalov (Ref 1) is evaluated on the
strength of these statements. Aladzhalov's conception is
proven wrong. Aladzhalov holds the opinion that the two
methods (measuring angles in sets and in all combinations)
are merely special limit cases of a general rule. Based on
the interchangeability principle, formulas are given for the
Card 1/2 estimation of the accuracy of observation results (which are
On the Problem of Combining Classical Methods SOV/154-59-6-1/19
of Angular Measurements
obtained in the combination of the classical methods). in
such cases where the series consists of 3 directional these
formulas are identical with those by Alaazhalov. It is
finally pointed out that the denomination of "incomplete sets"
used in the "Instruktaiya po triangulyataii 1, 2, 3 1 4 klasso,r"
(Instructions for the Triangulation of the Ist, 2nd, 3rd, and
4th Order) from 1956 for the method of the 3 directions, does /
not satisfy the essence of the observation method. The formula
by N.A. Urmayev (Ref 3) is used for the proof mentioned at the
beginning. There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 4 Soviet
ASSOCIATION: Novosibirskiy institut inzhenerov geodezii, aerofotos"yemki i
kartografii (Novosibirsk Institute of Geodetic, Aerial Survey,/
and Cartographic Bnginee-r-B-~-
SUBMITTED: September 1, 1958
Ca-r-C 2/2
AUTHOR: kgroskint A. I Docent, Candidate of S/154/60/000/01/008/017
0/ B007/B123
TITLE: On the Adjustment of Extensive Triaz~ula ion &1A__
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Geodeziya i aerofotoslyemka,
1960, Nr 1, pp 75-78 (USSR)
TEXT: The method used at present to adjust triangulation nets of the second
order demands extensive calculations. For adjusting extensive geodetic construc-
tions a method of dividing the net into blocks, which was worked out by the
author, is recommended. By this method high efficiency is achieved while the
accuracy of calculations is maintained. This procedure is based on the following
principle: First, a plan for dividing the net into blocks is worked out. The
shape and dimensions of the blocks are determined according to their practical
usability. The blocks do not touch at all common points but only at inter-
sections situated at certain intervals (Figs 1 and 2). Along the edges of
neighboring blockey in the intervals between the intersections - as seen from
the mathematical point of view - "gaps" occur in the net. The divided net is
adjusted by the method of least squares. This can be done for each single block,
which is easier and simpler. If the block dimensions are limited, computers and
small calculating machines can be used. The method described here also has
Card 1/2
On the Adjustment of Extensive Triangulation Nets S/154/60/000/01/008/017
BOO 7/B 12 3
considerable advantages over the method of"calculating triangles" suggested by
Hungarian geodesists. There are 2 figures,
ASSOCIATION: Novosibirski institut inzhenerov geodezii, aerofotos"yemki i
kartografii ~Novosibirsk Institute of Geodetic, Aerial Survey, and
Cartographic Engineers)
Card 2/2
P'OO I/,' . 0
Ur 0 R3 Aj;rozkin,A._I., Golovats'l-liy, B. A.
TITLE: Scale range finder
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I Geode,ziya, no. 2, '1%2, 34,
abstract 2G226 ("Tr. Novosib. in-ta inzh. geod., acrofotos"ycmki _J
kartografii", !C96!, v. 14, 95 - 103)
TZKT: The authors d6scribe a scale range finder with a rod of constant
length. The range finder Is intended for linear measurements in theodolite tra-
verses and analytic networks constructed by the principle of linear trirz1;'-U1atiDr..
specific feet re in the design of this range finder consists in that a uniform
scale is mounted in the vertical plane of the telescope -,%it-h finner focusinz; thE
scale is moved by means of a precision micrometric scrow. The I.Tov,-sibirs'~ insti-
tute of Engineers of Geodesy, Aerial Photosurvey and Cartogr-a-,hy, has constz-acted
6 11 -he folloi,,JnZ parts: the stand of Z.
ile n, odel of " ie scale range finder by usiz,.-,- 4.
7T-50 theodolite, the telescope of a 0%-1) level, scale of -a -7-
(D'NB-2) range finder headpiece, and the micrometer of the cortrol of a
5"-universal instrument. A vertical circle is fastened to the ran8e finder
Caid I/P
Dewaxing filter stock of the refined Surakhany oil in a naphta solu-
tion with an aluminum stearate additive. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.;
neft' i gaz 4 no.6:73-80 '61. (MIRA 15:1)
1. Llvovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut.
(ADsheron Peninsul.a--Paraffins)
Tables for Rydraulic Calculations. State Power Press, Iloscow-Loningrad: 194b. 197 pp.
(yeteorologiya i GidroloGiya, No b Nav/Dec 190)
So.- U-'1218
..j , 3 Apr 1953
1. and Dr.1triyev, G. T. "Sti0y of ths of
waI-f,.r-wtr, c,ir-v-.nt. -~r, f)owirir, a-ciund a vo~rtjcal cyI2M,,r-,"
(Mosk. Fi~roreliorat. in-t Vol. TV!!, 1 '4', 47-.7()
BP-.1io,-: Tj. 70
SO: U-3?64 10 Anril q1, (L(-torAs 'Zhurnal Statey, No. 4p 1949).
Av~i [al
I L'7j 'T
The Comittee on Stalin Prizes (of the Counall of Hinioters UBM) In the fields of.
solonc* and inventions announces that tho following ocientific vorks, popular scien-
tific books, &nd textbooks have been submitted ror ecqpetition for Stalin llrtzaa for
t1w Years 1952 and 1933- (Ocrvetwagaa ~tunp Moscow, No. 22-W., 20 reb - 3 Apr 1954)
Arroskin,. I.I.
DrAtriyev, G.T.
Pikalov, '1". 1.
Title of 'Work
"Eydraillics" (textbook,
2d edition)
Nominated by
Kosoc,w Institute of WrAer
Econony !~n-iroern ironi
V. R. V i11 ywns
SO.' U-30604o 7 JUlY 1954
USSA/Engineering - Hydraulics, Canals Sep 52
"Calculation of the Critical Depths in Trapezoidal
Canals," Prof 1. 1. Agroskin
Gidrotekh i Meliorats, No 9, pp 21-24
Develops calculation method which is, in author's
opinion, more convenient than method suggested in
his previous work, "Tables for Hydraulic Calcula-
tions," published in 1946. According to new method
crit depth of trapezoidal canal is detd from crit
depth of rectangular canal of same width and with
similar discharge. Values of coeff req#red for
such detn are given in table.
AGROSKIN. I.I., professor, doktor takhnichaskikh nauk.
Calculation of the vejQcity factor C. Gidr.stroi. 22 no.10:44-45 0 133.
(MLRA 6:10)
(Fqdrsulic engineering)
AGROSKIN, losif Illich, professor, d-r tAhn. nauk, red&ktor; DMITUTIV,
- -6g6ftty- Tftofi*svich, dotsent -, PUAIOT, Yedor Illartonortch,
professor; YRRMLI, N.Z., rodakt,Dr,- SVMSOT, I.N., tekhn.
[Hydraulics] Gidrarlika. Pod obs:~chsi red. I.I.Agroakina. Moskva,
Goa. ranargetichaskos isd-vo, 1954. 494 p. (MIRA 8:1)
AGROSKIN, I.I., profeesor.
Calculating interconnected depths in parabolic canals. Gidr.
i mel. 6:62-64 N 154. (XLRA 7:11)
AORWXIN. I.I. (Moskva)
-.- --- MOOMMIMMaw- I
Remarks on A.D. Al'tehul's Paper. Izv.AN S&M.Otd.tekh.nauk
no-5:99-102 Mv '56. (MM 9:8)
(Hydrodynamics) (Lit'shul, A.D.)
AUTHOR- Agrosking I.I., Professor 99-8-4-12
TITLE: "Hydraulic Calculations of Conaln rith "ross ",ections"
(Oldravlicheskiy raschet kanalov 1~rugovo(;o orhertaniya)
PERIODICAL: "Gidrotekhni~a i Yelioratsiyn", 1957, Nr 8, PT) 18-26 (V
ABSTRACT: Industrialization of irrigation structures calls for replace-
ment of earth canals by thin-walled concrete troughs with
round cross sections. Thereby the problem of losses through
seepage is completely solved. The introduction of through-
shaped canals demands the application of simple methods for
hydraulic calculations. The author lists several formulas
pertaining to hydraulic movement in trouch - shaped concrete
canals with different profiles and various coefficients (del-recs
of roughness etc., with the aid of .Y~ich hydraulic calculations
of trough-shaped canals can be nccomplished. The nrticle
contains 14 formulns and 2 tnbles.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
AGROSKIN, Iosif Illich; IAARITAPSKIY. L.P., red.; BORUVOT, II.I., tekhn.rodo
calculation of canals] Gidravlicheakii raschat kanalov.
Moskva, Goo. energ. izd-vo, 1958. 79 P. (MIRk 11:12)
(Canals) (Hydraulics)
Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal... Khimiya, 1959, Nr 16, p 412 (USSR)
AUTHORS:: Agroskin, I.I., Popov, 8.14.
TITLE: The Development of a Process of Crystallizing Solid Hydrocarbons From
Ozocerite and Petrolatum in the Deoiled State
PERIODICAL: Nauchn. zap. Vvovsk. politekhn. in-ta, 1958, Nr 50, pp, 181-186
ABSTRACT3 It has been established that the separation of high-molecular solid hydro-
carbons from solutions of ozocerite and petrolatum in the form of an easy
filtering deoiled powder depends on the content of resinous-asphaltic sub-
stances (RAS) in them, principally asphaltenes. Strongly resinified as
well as light ozocerite which has been sufficiently purified by silicagal
gives at filtration a pasty, difficultly filteving precipitate. At a con-
tent in Borislav ozocerite of ^.,o6% RAS the latter precipitates at room
temperature from 5 and 20%-solutions in the form. of a quickly filtering
dry powder (high-melting fraction of ozocerite). The same effect is,ob-
tained by adding 1.5% RAS to petrolatum.,*For this purpose A! stearate M
can also be used instead of RAS. Its o~,timum quantity is 0' '025% of the
Card 1/2 amount of ozocerite or petrolatum. Thu6 on adding 0.025% 1 to a 20%-solu-
The Development of a Process of Crystallizing Solid Hydrocarbons From Ozocerite and
Petrolatum in the Deoiled State
tion of petrolatum from Surakhany oil in gasoline the time for filtering the precipitate
varied in the interval 88 - 290 see at 200 mm Hg; in this case the yield of ceresin in
the form of a powder with a pour point of 79 - 760c was 4.8 - 7.5%. A technological
diagram fcr the processing of petrolatum with the application of I is given.
B. Englin.
Card 2/2
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 10, p 258 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Agroskin, Ij,
T.ITLE: The Study of the Efficiency of the Process of Extraction From Porous Bodie,3
PERIODICAL: Nauchn. zap. Lfvovsk. politekhn. in-ta, 1958, Nr 50, pp 190-194
ABSTRACT: Equations have been derived showing the dependence of the average difference
of concentrations on the coefficient of extraction, the ratio of the con-
centrations of the solvent in the surrounding medium and in the pores, and
the physical proper-ties of the phases. The concept of the efficiency fac-
tor has been considered, as well as its dependence on the coefficient of ex-
traction and the above-mentioned ratio of concentrations at direct-flow and
counter-flow. From the authorls summary
ROZANOTO Nikolay Favlovich, doteent, kand.tekhn.nauk; doktor
tekhnonaukp profsp reteenzent; AKHMIN, A.N., doktor tekhn.nauk,
prof,, retsenzent; TAKHRANNUT, A.K., red.; NATUM, G~Iog takhn*redo
[11roblemo in designing hydraulic conduits operating under vacuum or
in. swiftly flowing current] Voprosy pr6ektirovaniia vodopropusknykh
ooorushanii, rabotaiushohikh v ualoviiakh vakuuma i pri bol'shikh
skorostiakh potoka. Moskva, Goo.energ.izd-vo, 1959. 206 p.
(MIRA 12:6)
(Ellydr'aulic engineering)
AGROSKIN# IsIv, prof,
Wd,raulic calculations for trapezoid-segmental canals. Mr. I wel.
12 no.4:25-34 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:9)
1. MoBki)vsldy institut inzbenerov vodnogo khozyaystva im. Villyamm,
(Nnikls) (Hydraulice-Thbles, calculations, etc.)
. . te 'I"?
AGROSKIIi7 lot3if 11,1011 do~ LO. '111'. II:.oIj!',p
y 21. eyev 'K--'--
IllarionrIvich, prof .1deceased'I.; FR'
[Hydraulics) Gidravlika. 1,.d.4.,, perer. Fnerg-'- 1 a,
1964. 351 F.
A.004~140 Ll n)f. (Moskva); SHTMENLIKHT, D.V., kand. tekhn, nauk
More acewate formula for the coefficient C of Chazy. Gidr.
i mal. 17 no.9:32-35 S 165. (MIRA 18:10)
L'Yov. UnIveraytet
Platerialy I Vsescyu_-,:,go Pave5lichwdya po spektroskopil. t. It
Holakulyarnaya spekt.Ns)-,pIy& (Papers of the 10th All-Union
Conference on Spectr,:tscQP7, Vol. It Molecular spectroscopy)
IL-vov) lid-vo L-vovakogo *AM-.-ta, 1957. k99 P. 4,000 copies
-qk# v7p, 3/8/)
printed (Sarless Itas Fitychnyy zbIr.
Additional Sponsoring Agenoyt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Koodemlya ro
apektrookopii. Z4.i Oater, S.L.1 Tech. Ed.i Sararyuk, T.V.;
Editorial Boardt La,-Astergp 0.3,, Acadozician (Reap. Ed., Deceased).
N-porent, B.S., Doctor of Phjsl~ma and FlatherAtical Sciences,
Fabelinakiyt I,L,~ Do2tor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Y&UvAkents V,A,t Doctor of Phyaloal and Kathez%atioal Sciences.
Koraltaku Q., Candidate or Tvo.Woal Sciences. Rayakly. S.X.,
P.1qsiomCL anJ Math~=&tlcal Solitue Klimovskiy, L.K.,
Candidate 0.
Candidate or Phyatoal arl RLthavAtical S4iena::: Kiliyanchuk, V.3..
Candidate or P loal and MatherAtical Sciences and Glaubanunt
A. Yo., and of Physical avid Kathematical balance&.
CAM 1/30
Shatzlov, A.A. Speatral Study or the Colloidal
Co*VA&tion of ?-centers in Alkali Wide Crystals 148
ftalkovskaya, O.V. Infrared Absorption Spectra of
Anthracona 151
Tartmyan, AeT, Absorption Spoctra of 3ublImated Dye
XAyers 154
Pelankholin, N.M. Ajeorptlon Spectra of ThIssinit-dys,
Crystals 15T
Fribrtkova, M.N.. and L of the
Optiola Prop*rtlealt Som Dive In Xan* Swiss
by the Ksthod of Kirr3r Refleatloa 158
ZhLdkova, Z.V., and Yu. X. Sues. Study or the Effect
of the Degree of Dispersion and Nature of the Ad-
SOrbant on the Spectral Absorption Curve of Absorbad
Sensitized Dyes 161
Card 11/30
- -
Apparatus for cytospectrophotometry. BjofjzikEk 2 no.4;513-517 157.
0040 Comparing the brightness of 96me sources of light for ultraviolet
microscopy. Blofisika 2 no.4.518-519 '57- (MLRA 10:9)
AiTTIORS: Pribytkova, N*.N. and Agroskin, L.S. 51-5-12/26
TITLE: Study of the Optical Properties of Certain Dyes in "Bulk"
State by the Method of SpeCular Reflection. (Issledovaniye
optichesl7tkh svoystv neXotorfich v llmassivnom"
sostcyanii metodom zerkal-Inogo otrazlieniya)
PERIODICAL: Optika i Spektroskopiya,1957, Vol,9-, Nr 5, pp~628-632
ABSTRACT: The specular reflection method of T',P. Kravets described
in the previous article was used. The following dyes were
studied: cyanine (quinoline blue), x-hodamin B, brilliant
green, crystalline violet and malachite green. Cyanine
was prepared by melting on a glass plate. The reflection
coefficients 15 minutes after preparation are given in Fig.l.
Fig.2 shows the dependence of a reflection coefficient of
cyanine on the dization of illumination, This figure clearly
shows that the reflection pro -rt ies o-r* oyaninp lForerg are
light sensitive. Curves ab in ;ieg.2 show Vie eftect of ill-m-
ination by artificial light for 60 uays. Tften The samples
were melted and curves cd show the effect of subsequent
illumination in artificial light. Curves de show the
effects of daylight. A control sample of cyanine kept in.
Card 1/3
Study of the Optical Properties of Certain Dyes in "Bulk- State
by the Method of Specular Reflection.
darkness did not exhibit such changes. The light-sensitive
effects were not due to the action of the glass base since
cyanine layers on fluorite behaved similarly. It is sugges-
ted'that the action of light is photochemical in nature. Xn
Fig-3, curves 1 and 2 represent results for oyanine samples
kept in darkness and curves 3 and 4 represent the results for
samples illuminated for a long time'. The errors for n in
Fig-3 do not exceed 5% and for )( about 10%. Rhodamin B was
prepared by vacuum sublimatioY. Dependence of 'its spectral
coefficients on the wavelength is given in F~g 4. Again, the
layers were found to be light-sensitive (Fig1.5~. The optical
constants which are means of results for 7 pairs of samples of
rhodamin B are shown in Fig.6'. Brilliant green layers were
obtained by melting. The reflection coefficients of brilliant
green in the 360-750 mu region are shown in Fig'.7 and the
optical constants in Ag'.8. Crystal violet layers were depo-
sited from a warm solution in alcoholi. They were not affect-
ed by light. Their reflection coefficients are shown in
Fig'9 and the optical constants in Fig'.10. Malachite green
lay;rs were obtained by evaporation of a concentrated alcohol
solution. They were strongly light-sensitive. All the measure-
Card ?/3
Study of the Optical Properties of Certain Dyes in "Bulk" State
by.the Method of Specular Reflection.
ments were made within 20 minutes from the preparation of the
layers. Their reflection coefficients are shown in Fig .11
and the optical constants in.Fig'.12, All the studied dyes
exhibit anomalous dispersion. Their curves for the coeffic-
ient of absorption W possess two maxima'. The relative
intensities of these maxima for cyanine and rhodamin B change
on illumination of the layers, which indicates presence! of
absorption centres of various kinds. This work was directed
by T',,P',Kravets*. The authors thank M'.V",Savostlyanova for ad-
vice. There~ are 12 figures and 5 references, 1 of which is
SUBMITTED: August 29, 1956.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
Card 3/3
Modern apparatus for cytospectropbotometry. Biofizika 3 nci.3:343-354
158 (MIRA 11:6)
RUM:,NI;,/Opties - Optical Technology K-4
,',bs Jour : Rof Zhur - FIzika, No 4; ig5g, No 6637
_,athor : ;,groskin L.S.
Title : Comparison of Brightnesses of Certain Sources of Light for
Ultraviolet Microscopy
Orig Pub : '..n. Rom.-Gov. Ser. biol., 1958) 12, 172-174
Abstract No abstract
Card 1/1
. .....
Installation for determining the reflectivity of minerals. Geol.
rud. mestoroxh. no.4:137-140 Jl-Ag '59. (MIBA 13:1)
1.Goeudarstvennyy opticheakiy inBtitut, Ieningrad.
(Reflectometer) (Mineralogy)
Coacervates containing purine and pyrimidine compoundis [with an ary
in Nnglishl. Biofizika 4 no.1:27-51 Ja 150. (mrRA 12:1)
1. ]3iologo-pochvennvy fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo univer-
siteta, MoV, Lomonosova.
coacervates containing purine & pyrimidine cpds.
Television microscope as an example of the use
research methods in biology. Biofizika 4 no.
of physical
4;476-482 '59.
(MIRA 14:4)
24(,~-.) 24(7) SOV/51-6-6-33/.34
AUTHORS Agroskin, L.S. and Korolev, N.V.
TI TLE s Microscope-Spectrophotmeters (Mikroskopy-spektrof0tometry)
M RIODi CAL: Optika I spoictroskoplya, 1959, Vol 6. Nr 6, pp 832-833 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The authors describe two variants of a microscope spectrophotometer.
The first variant Is called the light-probe method (Fig a). In this variant
the exit slit of a monochromator is replaced by a small aperture 1. This
aperture is projected onto the object plane 4 by means of a semi-
aluminized prism 2 and a micro-objective 3. Light collected by the
objective at the required point on the object (the light-probe) passes
then through a condens6r 5 to a receiver 6. The microscope part is
used to observe and position the object; for this purpose additional
illumination via prism 7 is employed. The lig)it-probe principle vas
used to construct an instrument for measurement of optical densities
of small objects (dimensions up to 1 ji2) at visible and ultraviolet
wavelengths of the mercury spectram. If a hydrogen lazap is used the
light-probe area is greater than 100 ~L2. In the, second variant (Fig 6)
a monochromatic miarc-Image is projected onto an opaque screen 2 which
Card 1/2 is a concave mirror with an aperture in the centre. Light which haR
passed through this aperture and through the appropriate point of the
object 1 reaches a photomultiplier 3. For visual observation an optical
system 4 focused ou the mirror surface was used. This arrangement
makes it possible to observe the object continuously during the procesR
of measurement. The first and setond variants may be used simultaneously
in a unified manner as it viae done in a prototype of an InduitrIal
ultraviolet micros c ops-8 pectro photometer MUF-1. The following types of
work can be carried out with the microscope-spectrciphotometers describei
abovel(l) recording of the absorption spectra in the visible and ultra-
violet regiarA cf biological vt~iects, dye films, solution3 in mi-,!rooella ,
organic and Inorganic microcrystais, ate; (2) recording of the fluoreEcs~a~-~%
spectra of organic micrecrystals and live water plants; (3) recording of
the ultraviolet absorpticn, spectra of spots on paper, chromatograms,
(4) recording of the reflection spectra of individual phases In metals
and minerals. There is 1 figure.
Card 2/2
LGRO-SKIN, I, S.) DAVYDOVA, 7., 7AHUSI"A$ I. L., K-01-10, N. V.
lq,iicroscop---C,-,rtophotorr,eters for Analysi.E:. (.;~.eport 1,ot ",
report submitted for the F-Irst Conference on the problems of Cyto and Histochemilstry,
Moscow) 19-21 Dec 1960.
PbotometrIc attacbments to microscopes, Prib,i tekh.eksp,
uo.1:140-141 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 13:6)
Absorption Bpectra of purine and pyrimidine bai~es on, paper chro-
matograTm. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biols naaki no-3;170-174'60.
(MIRA 130)
1. Rekomendovana kafedroy biokhimii rasteniy Moskovskogo gosu-
darstvennogo universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova.
(Pdrines) (PYrimidines) (Paper chromatograpby)
Some problems in the quantitative spectrophotometric analysis
of the cell. TSitologlia 2 no-3:337-352 Y17-Je 160.
P (KIPA 13t7)
1. rustitut morfologi:L zhivotuykh AN SSSR, HookTa i rustitut
tsitologii i genetii! Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Novo-
Ultraviolet fluorescence of some animal organs and its change after
irradiation, Biofizika 5 no- 4:446-:449 160. (MIRA 13.-12)
1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSRp Moskva.
Hicroscope with televisiont an example of application of
. physical mothods,of research in biology,, Analele biol 14
no,lil8l-191 Ja-& 160,
Ultraviolet fluorosconco oxcitation spo.1tra of irradiated yeast and
tleir brightness. Hadiobiologiia I no.5:838-8/,2 161. (I-MiA 15:2)
1. Institut mikrobiolo~ii AN S66h, N
Microscope-spectrofluorime'er for the ultraviolet region Biofizika
6 no-4:,478-485 161. U 'I' iMIU .14:7)
Fluoresconce of nucleic acids in solution. DokI.,UT SM 136 no.l-.
226-229 A 161. (KMA 14:5)
1, Predstavleno akademikom N.M.Sisakyanome
(Nucleic acids) (Fluorescence)
Excitation spectra ahd intensity of natural fluorescene of cells.
Dokl. AN SSSR 139 no.4:987-990 Av. '61. (Kffi~ 14-- 7)
1. Predstavleno akademikom A.M. Tereninym.
(Fluorescene) (cells)
Errors. in cytophotcinctr~r. TS"Itologila 5 no.5-585-595 S-0 162,
(MIRA 16-*5)
1. Cosudarstvennry opticheskiy Institut) Leningrad.
Study of the excitation spectra of natural fluorescence in
micro-organisms. Biofizika 7 no.3:292-297 162. (MIRA 15:8)
1, Instiut mikrobiologii AN SSSR, Moskva.
Monochromators for microspectrophotometers. Prib, i tekh. eksp,
8 no.4.-135-138 Jl-Ag 163. (MIRA 16:12)
1. Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy institut.
Cytospectrophotometry of cells in the visible spectral region.
Biofizika 9 no.4s456-462 164. (MM 1823)
1. Gosudarstvenny-jr opticheskiy institut,
AaRmm, L.S.
Effect oi' irregular lighting on the results of two-wavelength
cytophotometry. TSitologiia 7 no.2s265-269 W-Ap 165. (KRA 180)
1. GosudarstyeMy opticheakiy inatitut, Leningrad.
IN, 11. A.
Agn-)skin, M. A. - "Observations of a therapoutist on e,3rly sepsis," TrL:dy Medinsti-
tuta (Izhev. gos. red. in-t), Vol. V11, 1949, P. 131-36
SO: U-3950F 16 June 53, (Let-:~pis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 5, 1949).
36847. K voprosu o naryshenin sekretornoy i ekskrat-ornoy funkt9ii zheludka pri
krupoznoy pnevmonii. Trudy Mect. In-ta (Izhev. gos. med. In-t), t. ix, 1949, c. 47-49
SO: Letopis' Zhurnallynkh Statey, Vol. 50, Moskva, 1949
"Cases of Mucocele of the Maxillary Sinus," Vest. oto-rin., 1/4,, No.5, 1952
Clinical and histopathological considerations on tuberculosis mastoiditia in children.
Vest.oto-rin 15, no@ 1, 1953.
Monthly List of Russian Accessiona, Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified.
Diagnosis of primary sarcomas of the temporal bone in children.
Vest.oto-rin. 16 no.1!75-76 Ja-F 154. (MLRA 7:3)
1. Iz oto-laringologicheekogo otdoleniya (zaveduyushchiy - dotsent
F.F.Malomuzh) detakoy bollnitay im. Dzer2hinakogo, Moscow.
(Temporal bone--Tumors)
AGROSKIN, S.I., zasluzhennyy vrech RSFSR; DAYDOVICH, Ye.F.
Tuberculosis of the upper respiratory tract in children [with
summary in English]. -Pediatriia 36 no.1:43-48 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:2)
1. Iz IAMotdelentya (zav. - dotsent F.P.Malomuzh) Detskoy bollnitsy
imeni F.I;.Dzerzhinskogo (glavnyy vrach A.H.Xudryasheva)
AGROSKIN, S. I.V kand. med. nauk; LYALINA, N. A.
Influenzal laryngotracbeitis in children. Vest. otorin. no.l:
67-72 162. (MIRA 15:7)
1. Iz Otorinolaringologicheokogo otdeleniya detakoy gorodskoy
klinichaskoy bollnitsy, No. 1, Moskva.
AGROSKIN S. I., kand. mad. nauk, zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR; BYKOVA, G. P.JV
stars y inzhener; SHUSTROVA) A. Ya., inzhener
Now laryngological instruments for children. Vast. otorin. no.2:
87-88 162. (MIRA 15:2)
1. Is detakoy klinicheskoy bollnit-S7 No. I i is Nauchno-issledavatell-
skogo instituta eksperimentallnoy khirargicheakoy apparatury i
instrumentov, Moskva.
The proddetion of aromatic compounds in coke ovens. Stall 7 zo.l:
77 47- (MW 9:1)
(Coke evens) (Aromatic compouide)
LOMANI'll, A.K. y inzh.; FOGOSTIN., inzh.; Tr~--n--,li ~l
L.M.. laborant; 1.1-., In-,li.
I .
Ca"'.(-ulation of the cap,acltaree of hi~.-.1-i-voltage t-ari.-,,I.)rmcrs windings.
n0.7:36-36 '64.
Elektrotekhnika 35 (MIRA 17;11)
Assortment of woolens. TekBt.prom.14 no.1:11-12 Ja '54.
(MLRA 7!2)
(Woolen and worsted manufacture)
New fabrics manufactured by the Pavlovo-Posad Vlool and Worsted
Combine. Tekst.prom. 23 no.8:23-25 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9)
1. Starshly dessinator Pavlovo-Posadskogo kamvollnogo kombinata.
(Favlovskiy Posad-Textile industry)
I~k4m kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk-, OBREZKOV, S.S., redaktor;
LUUOkOV, G.Ye., tekhnicheskly redaktor.
[Gunits work in the building of hydroelectric power stations] Torkretuye
raboty na stroitelletye gidroolektrostantaii. Moskva, Goo. energ ixd-ro.
1953. 118 P. (NLRA 7:7)
(Gunite) (Hydroelectric power stations)
AGRYZKOV, Nikolay Aleksandrovich; TXST. M.I., redriktor; C&TNOV, V.J.,
-- - - "Mier
(Manual for gunite workers] Pamiatka torkratchike. Moskva, Gos.
energ.izd-vo, 1957- 54 p. (V pomoshch' gidroonergaticheakim
strothm, no.22) (YLLU 10. 10)
8(6), 14(10)
Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 3, p 55 (USSR)
AUTHOR: ,Agryzkov, N. A., and Shipilov, A. P.
TITLE: Properties of unite Xpplied to the Materials of Orto-Tokoy Hydroelectric
Development (Svoystva torkreta na materialakh Orto-Tokoyskogo gidrouzla)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Sredneaz, n,-i. in-ta irrigatsii, 1957, Nr 90, pp 35-47
ABSTRACT: Methods and quality of materials used in testing gunite for strength,
impermeability, tension and bond to rock materials are described. The
investigations show that gunite exhibits a strong bond with concrete, iron, and
rock; the shearing strength of gunite with respect to the base material is 2. 5
times as high as the tearing-off strength, and the latter constitutes about 50%
of the tensile strength. Bibliography: 7 Items.
0. S. G.
Card 111
AGRYZKOV, Hikolay Aloksandrovich; T14VROVA, O.V., red.; PAVLOYA, T.I.,
- -rod.
UnJecting grouting into the gap behind the lining of hydraulic
engineering tunnels) Nagnetenie za obdelku gidrotekhnichookikh
tunnelei. Moskva, Gos.energ,izd-vo, 196o. 45 p. (MIRA 13:4)
(Tunnels) (Hydraulic engineering)